path: root/scheduling
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authornicolas.nardino <nicolas.nardino@ens-lyon.fr>2021-06-12 10:52:59 +0200
committernicolas.nardino <nicolas.nardino@ens-lyon.fr>2021-06-12 10:52:59 +0200
commit2b814b1f9bb30d9c8b59a713f69bced808bca7c7 (patch)
treee558872ae04c25e6e4bd5c7d264c53eb9616ff5c /scheduling
parent1701e43316ee8e69e794a025a8c9979af6bb8c93 (diff)
work on the scheduler
Diffstat (limited to 'scheduling')
2 files changed, 110 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/scheduling/InstructionScheduler.ml b/scheduling/InstructionScheduler.ml
index 08164293..8d8c4267 100644
--- a/scheduling/InstructionScheduler.ml
+++ b/scheduling/InstructionScheduler.ml
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ type problem = {
resource_bounds : int array;
live_regs_entry : Registers.Regset.t;
typing : RTLtyping.regenv;
+ pressure_deltas : int array array;
instruction_usages : int array array;
latency_constraints : latency_constraint list;
@@ -348,60 +349,124 @@ let reg_pres_scheduler (problem : problem) : solution option =
let available_regs = Array.copy Machregsaux.nr_regs in
+ let nr_types_regs = Array.length available_regs in
+ let regs_thresholds = Array.init nr_types_regs
+ (fun i -> 5) in
+ (* placeholder value *)
List.iter (fun r -> let classe = Machregsaux.class_of_type
(problem.typing r) in
<- available_regs.(classe) - 1)
(Registers.Regset.elements live_regs_entry);
- let nr_types_regs = Array.length available_regs in
- (* wait di we have access to instructions here? No, we have to add
- al this to constraints *)
- (* let pressures =
- * Array.init (nr_instructions) (fun i ->
- * Array.init (nr_types_regs) (fun t ->
- * match i with
- * | Inop -> 0
- * | Iop (_, args, dest, _)
- * | Iload(_, _, _, args, dest, _) ->
- * if
- * )) *)
+ let pressures = problem.pressure_deltas in
let priorities = critical_paths successors in
+ let current_resources = Array.copy problem.resource_bounds in
- let module InstrSetCSP =
- Set.Make (struct
- type t=int
- let compare x y =
- match priorities.(y) - priorities.(x) with
- | 0 -> x - y
- | z -> z
- end) in
- (* TODO: find a way to efficiently find an instruction which
- decreases register pressure *)
- (* idea: *)
- (* let module InstrSetCSR =
- * Set.Make (struct
- * type t = int
- * let compare x y =
- * match pressures.(y) - pressures.(x) with
- * | 0 -> (match priorities.(y) - priorities.(x) with
- * | 0 -> x - y
- * | z -> z)
- * | z -> z
- * end) in *)
- (* where pressure.(x) is the delta of register pressure for
- instruction x. Pb: different register types. Need to think about
- it. Have one module for each register type, that's used when this
- particular type reach a high pressure? *)
+ let module InstrSet =
+ struct
+ module MSet =
+ Set.Make (struct
+ type t=int
+ let compare x y =
+ match priorities.(y) - priorities.(x) with
+ | 0 -> x - y
+ | z -> z
+ end)
+ let empty = MSet.empty
+ let is_empty = MSet.is_empty
+ let mem = MSet.mem
+ let add = MSet.add
+ let remove = MSet.remove
+ let union = MSet.union
+ let inter = MSet.inter
+ let iter = MSet.iter
+ let compare_regs i x y =
+ match pressures.(y).(i) - pressures.(x).(i) with
+ | 0 -> (match priorities.(y) - priorities.(x) with
+ | 0 -> x - y
+ | z -> z)
+ | z -> z
+ (** t is the register class *)
+ let sched_CSR t ready usages =
+ let result = ref (-1) in
+ iter (fun i ->
+ if vector_less_equal usages.(i) current_resources
+ then if !result = -1 || (compare_regs t !result i < 0)
+ then result := i) ready;
+ !result
+ end
+ in
+ (* [compare i] is comp function for finding instruction with
+ lowest reg pres delta for reg class i *)
let max_time = bound_max_time problem in
- let ready = Array.make max_time InstrSetCSP.empty in
+ let ready = Array.make max_time InstrSet.empty in
+ Array.iteri (fun i preds ->
+ if i < nr_instructions && preds = []
+ then ready.(0) <- InstrSet.add i ready.(0)) predecessors;
+ let current_time = ref 0
+ and earliest_time i =
+ try
+ let time = ref (-1) in
+ List.iter (fun (j, latency) ->
+ if times.(j) < 0
+ then raise Exit
+ else let t = times.(j) + latency in
+ if t > !time
+ then time := t) predecessors.(i);
+ assert (!time >= 0);
+ !time
+ with Exit -> -1
+ in
+ let advance_time () =
+ (if !current_time < max_time-1
+ then (
+ Array.blit problem.resource_bounds 0 current_resources 0
+ (Array.length current_resources);
+ ready.(!current_time + 1) <-
+ InstrSet.union (ready.(!current_time))
+ (ready.(!current_time +1));
+ ready.(!current_time) <- InstrSet.empty));
+ incr current_time
+ in
+ let attempt_scheduling ready usages =
+ let result = ref (-1) in
+ try
+ Array.iteri (fun i avlregs ->
+ if avlregs <= regs_thresholds.(i)
+ then (
+ let maybe = InstrSet.sched_CSR i ready usages in
+ (if pressures.(maybe).(i) < 0 then
+ (vector_subtract usages.(maybe) current_resources;
+ result := maybe));
+ raise Exit)
+ ) available_regs;
+ InstrSet.iter (fun i ->
+ if vector_less_equal usages.(i) current_resources
+ then (
+ vector_subtract usages.(i) current_resources;
+ result := i;
+ raise Exit));
+ -1
+ with Exit -> !result in
(* silence warning, enable compilation while working *)
- let _ = successors, predecessors, times, ready, nr_types_regs in
+ let _ = successors, predecessors, times, ready, compare,
+ earliest_time, advance_time, nr_types_regs in
@@ -515,6 +580,7 @@ let reverse_problem problem =
with creating a reverse scheduler aware of reg press *)
typing = problem.typing;
+ pressure_deltas = [| [| |] |] ;
instruction_usages = Array.init (nr_instructions + 1)
(fun i ->
if i=0
diff --git a/scheduling/InstructionScheduler.mli b/scheduling/InstructionScheduler.mli
index 8dcc4ef5..e7f9e7db 100644
--- a/scheduling/InstructionScheduler.mli
+++ b/scheduling/InstructionScheduler.mli
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ type problem = {
typing : RTLtyping.regenv;
(** Register type map. *)
+ pressure_deltas : int array array;
+ (** At index (i, j), the pressure delta for instruction i, for
+ register class j. *)
instruction_usages: int array array;
(** At index {i i} the vector of resources used by instruction number {i i}. It must be the same length as [resource_bounds] *)