path: root/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc
diff options
authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2019-02-02 12:03:44 +0100
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2019-02-02 12:03:44 +0100
commitdc25573ed79a0d55c5a24b20474aa8504a758a2c (patch)
tree894a85209cb933b89b3d0fdb9c2320b43412424e /test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc
parent44b2d04414b13811868a134f1eae9eaece506b69 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc')
13 files changed, 14874 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl.h b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f4797cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Thomas Pornin <pornin@bolet.org>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef BR_BEARSSL_H__
+#define BR_BEARSSL_H__
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+/** \mainpage BearSSL API
+ *
+ * # API Layout
+ *
+ * The functions and structures defined by the BearSSL API are located
+ * in various header files:
+ *
+ * | Header file | Elements |
+ * | :-------------- | :------------------------------------------------ |
+ * | bearssl_hash.h | Hash functions |
+ * | bearssl_hmac.h | HMAC |
+ * | bearssl_kdf.h | Key Derivation Functions |
+ * | bearssl_rand.h | Pseudorandom byte generators |
+ * | bearssl_prf.h | PRF implementations (for SSL/TLS) |
+ * | bearssl_block.h | Symmetric encryption |
+ * | bearssl_aead.h | AEAD algorithms (combined encryption + MAC) |
+ * | bearssl_rsa.h | RSA encryption and signatures |
+ * | bearssl_ec.h | Elliptic curves support (including ECDSA) |
+ * | bearssl_ssl.h | SSL/TLS engine interface |
+ * | bearssl_x509.h | X.509 certificate decoding and validation |
+ * | bearssl_pem.h | Base64/PEM decoding support functions |
+ *
+ * Applications using BearSSL are supposed to simply include `bearssl.h`
+ * as follows:
+ *
+ * #include <bearssl.h>
+ *
+ * The `bearssl.h` file itself includes all the other header files. It is
+ * possible to include specific header files, but it has no practical
+ * advantage for the application. The API is separated into separate
+ * header files only for documentation convenience.
+ *
+ *
+ * # Conventions
+ *
+ * ## MUST and SHALL
+ *
+ * In all descriptions, the usual "MUST", "SHALL", "MAY",... terminology
+ * is used. Failure to meet requirements expressed with a "MUST" or
+ * "SHALL" implies undefined behaviour, which means that segmentation
+ * faults, buffer overflows, and other similar adverse events, may occur.
+ *
+ * In general, BearSSL is not very forgiving of programming errors, and
+ * does not include much failsafes or error reporting when the problem
+ * does not arise from external transient conditions, and can be fixed
+ * only in the application code. This is done so in order to make the
+ * total code footprint lighter.
+ *
+ *
+ * ## `NULL` values
+ *
+ * Function parameters with a pointer type shall not be `NULL` unless
+ * explicitly authorised by the documentation. As an exception, when
+ * the pointer aims at a sequence of bytes and is accompanied with
+ * a length parameter, and the length is zero (meaning that there is
+ * no byte at all to retrieve), then the pointer may be `NULL` even if
+ * not explicitly allowed.
+ *
+ *
+ * ## Memory Allocation
+ *
+ * BearSSL does not perform dynamic memory allocation. This implies that
+ * for any functionality that requires a non-transient state, the caller
+ * is responsible for allocating the relevant context structure. Such
+ * allocation can be done in any appropriate area, including static data
+ * segments, the heap, and the stack, provided that proper alignment is
+ * respected. The header files define these context structures
+ * (including size and contents), so the C compiler should handle
+ * alignment automatically.
+ *
+ * Since there is no dynamic resource allocation, there is also nothing to
+ * release. When the calling code is done with a BearSSL feature, it
+ * may simple release the context structures it allocated itself, with
+ * no "close function" to call. If the context structures were allocated
+ * on the stack (as local variables), then even that release operation is
+ * implicit.
+ *
+ *
+ * ## Structure Contents
+ *
+ * Except when explicitly indicated, structure contents are opaque: they
+ * are included in the header files so that calling code may know the
+ * structure sizes and alignment requirements, but callers SHALL NOT
+ * access individual fields directly. For fields that are supposed to
+ * be read from or written to, the API defines accessor functions (the
+ * simplest of these accessor functions are defined as `static inline`
+ * functions, and the C compiler will optimise them away).
+ *
+ *
+ * # API Usage
+ *
+ * BearSSL usage for running a SSL/TLS client or server is described
+ * on the [BearSSL Web site](https://www.bearssl.org/api1.html). The
+ * BearSSL source archive also comes with sample code.
+ */
+#include "bearssl_hash.h"
+#include "bearssl_hmac.h"
+#include "bearssl_kdf.h"
+#include "bearssl_rand.h"
+#include "bearssl_prf.h"
+#include "bearssl_block.h"
+#include "bearssl_aead.h"
+#include "bearssl_rsa.h"
+#include "bearssl_ec.h"
+#include "bearssl_ssl.h"
+#include "bearssl_x509.h"
+#include "bearssl_pem.h"
+/** \brief Type for a configuration option.
+ *
+ * A "configuration option" is a value that is selected when the BearSSL
+ * library itself is compiled. Most options are boolean; their value is
+ * then either 1 (option is enabled) or 0 (option is disabled). Some
+ * values have other integer values. Option names correspond to macro
+ * names. Some of the options can be explicitly set in the internal
+ * `"config.h"` file.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Configurable option name. */
+ const char *name;
+ /** \brief Configurable option value. */
+ long value;
+} br_config_option;
+/** \brief Get configuration report.
+ *
+ * This function returns compiled configuration options, each as a
+ * 'long' value. Names match internal macro names, in particular those
+ * that can be set in the `"config.h"` inner file. For boolean options,
+ * the numerical value is 1 if enabled, 0 if disabled. For maximum
+ * key sizes, values are expressed in bits.
+ *
+ * The returned array is terminated by an entry whose `name` is `NULL`.
+ *
+ * \return the configuration report.
+ */
+const br_config_option *br_get_config(void);
diff --git a/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_aead.h b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_aead.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e35a1fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_aead.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1059 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 Thomas Pornin <pornin@bolet.org>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef BR_BEARSSL_AEAD_H__
+#define BR_BEARSSL_AEAD_H__
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "bearssl_block.h"
+#include "bearssl_hash.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** \file bearssl_aead.h
+ *
+ * # Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data
+ *
+ * This file documents the API for AEAD encryption.
+ *
+ *
+ * ## Procedural API
+ *
+ * An AEAD algorithm processes messages and provides confidentiality
+ * (encryption) and checked integrity (MAC). It uses the following
+ * parameters:
+ *
+ * - A symmetric key. Exact size depends on the AEAD algorithm.
+ *
+ * - A nonce (IV). Size depends on the AEAD algorithm; for most
+ * algorithms, it is crucial for security that any given nonce
+ * value is never used twice for the same key and distinct
+ * messages.
+ *
+ * - Data to encrypt and protect.
+ *
+ * - Additional authenticated data, which is covered by the MAC but
+ * otherwise left untouched (i.e. not encrypted).
+ *
+ * The AEAD algorithm encrypts the data, and produces an authentication
+ * tag. It is assumed that the encrypted data, the tag, the additional
+ * authenticated data and the nonce are sent to the receiver; the
+ * additional data and the nonce may be implicit (e.g. using elements of
+ * the underlying transport protocol, such as record sequence numbers).
+ * The receiver will recompute the tag value and compare it with the one
+ * received; if they match, then the data is correct, and can be
+ * decrypted and used; otherwise, at least one of the elements was
+ * altered in transit, normally leading to wholesale rejection of the
+ * complete message.
+ *
+ * For each AEAD algorithm, identified by a symbolic name (hereafter
+ * denoted as "`xxx`"), the following functions are defined:
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_init()`
+ *
+ * Initialise the AEAD algorithm, on a provided context structure.
+ * Exact parameters depend on the algorithm, and may include
+ * pointers to extra implementations and context structures. The
+ * secret key is provided at this point, either directly or
+ * indirectly.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_reset()`
+ *
+ * Start a new AEAD computation. The nonce value is provided as
+ * parameter to this function.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_aad_inject()`
+ *
+ * Inject some additional authenticated data. Additional data may
+ * be provided in several chunks of arbitrary length.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_flip()`
+ *
+ * This function MUST be called after injecting all additional
+ * authenticated data, and before beginning to encrypt the plaintext
+ * (or decrypt the ciphertext).
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_run()`
+ *
+ * Process some plaintext (to encrypt) or ciphertext (to decrypt).
+ * Encryption/decryption is done in place. Data may be provided in
+ * several chunks of arbitrary length.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_get_tag()`
+ *
+ * Compute the authentication tag. All message data (encrypted or
+ * decrypted) must have been injected at that point. Also, this
+ * call may modify internal context elements, so it may be called
+ * only once for a given AEAD computation.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_check_tag()`
+ *
+ * An alternative to `br_xxx_get_tag()`, meant to be used by the
+ * receiver: the authentication tag is internally recomputed, and
+ * compared with the one provided as parameter.
+ *
+ * This API makes the following assumptions on the AEAD algorithm:
+ *
+ * - Encryption does not expand the size of the ciphertext; there is
+ * no padding. This is true of most modern AEAD modes such as GCM.
+ *
+ * - The additional authenticated data must be processed first,
+ * before the encrypted/decrypted data.
+ *
+ * - Nonce, plaintext and additional authenticated data all consist
+ * in an integral number of bytes. There is no provision to use
+ * elements whose length in bits is not a multiple of 8.
+ *
+ * Each AEAD algorithm has its own requirements and limits on the sizes
+ * of additional data and plaintext. This API does not provide any
+ * way to report invalid usage; it is up to the caller to ensure that
+ * the provided key, nonce, and data elements all fit the algorithm's
+ * requirements.
+ *
+ *
+ * ## Object-Oriented API
+ *
+ * Each context structure begins with a field (called `vtable`) that
+ * points to an instance of a structure that references the relevant
+ * functions through pointers. Each such structure contains the
+ * following:
+ *
+ * - `reset`
+ *
+ * Pointer to the reset function, that allows starting a new
+ * computation.
+ *
+ * - `aad_inject`
+ *
+ * Pointer to the additional authenticated data injection function.
+ *
+ * - `flip`
+ *
+ * Pointer to the function that transitions from additional data
+ * to main message data processing.
+ *
+ * - `get_tag`
+ *
+ * Pointer to the function that computes and returns the tag.
+ *
+ * - `check_tag`
+ *
+ * Pointer to the function that computes and verifies the tag against
+ * a received value.
+ *
+ * Note that there is no OOP method for context initialisation: the
+ * various AEAD algorithms have different requirements that would not
+ * map well to a single initialisation API.
+ *
+ * The OOP API is not provided for CCM, due to its specific requirements
+ * (length of plaintext must be known in advance).
+ */
+ * \brief Class type of an AEAD algorithm.
+ */
+typedef struct br_aead_class_ br_aead_class;
+struct br_aead_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Size (in bytes) of authentication tags created by
+ * this AEAD algorithm.
+ */
+ size_t tag_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Reset an AEAD context.
+ *
+ * This function resets an already initialised AEAD context for
+ * a new computation run. Implementations and keys are
+ * conserved. This function can be called at any time; it
+ * cancels any ongoing AEAD computation that uses the provided
+ * context structure.
+ * The provided IV is a _nonce_. Each AEAD algorithm has its
+ * own requirements on IV size and contents; for most of them,
+ * it is crucial to security that each nonce value is used
+ * only once for a given secret key.
+ *
+ * \param cc AEAD context structure.
+ * \param iv AEAD nonce to use.
+ * \param len AEAD nonce length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*reset)(const br_aead_class **cc, const void *iv, size_t len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Inject additional authenticated data.
+ *
+ * The provided data is injected into a running AEAD
+ * computation. Additional data must be injected _before_ the
+ * call to `flip()`. Additional data can be injected in several
+ * chunks of arbitrary length.
+ *
+ * \param cc AEAD context structure.
+ * \param data pointer to additional authenticated data.
+ * \param len length of additional authenticated data (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*aad_inject)(const br_aead_class **cc,
+ const void *data, size_t len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Finish injection of additional authenticated data.
+ *
+ * This function MUST be called before beginning the actual
+ * encryption or decryption (with `run()`), even if no
+ * additional authenticated data was injected. No additional
+ * authenticated data may be injected after this function call.
+ *
+ * \param cc AEAD context structure.
+ */
+ void (*flip)(const br_aead_class **cc);
+ /**
+ * \brief Encrypt or decrypt some data.
+ *
+ * Data encryption or decryption can be done after `flip()` has
+ * been called on the context. If `encrypt` is non-zero, then
+ * the provided data shall be plaintext, and it is encrypted in
+ * place. Otherwise, the data shall be ciphertext, and it is
+ * decrypted in place.
+ *
+ * Data may be provided in several chunks of arbitrary length.
+ *
+ * \param cc AEAD context structure.
+ * \param encrypt non-zero for encryption, zero for decryption.
+ * \param data data to encrypt or decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*run)(const br_aead_class **cc, int encrypt,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Compute authentication tag.
+ *
+ * Compute the AEAD authentication tag. The tag length depends
+ * on the AEAD algorithm; it is written in the provided `tag`
+ * buffer. This call terminates the AEAD run: no data may be
+ * processed with that AEAD context afterwards, until `reset()`
+ * is called to initiate a new AEAD run.
+ *
+ * The tag value must normally be sent along with the encrypted
+ * data. When decrypting, the tag value must be recomputed and
+ * compared with the received tag: if the two tag values differ,
+ * then either the tag or the encrypted data was altered in
+ * transit. As an alternative to this function, the
+ * `check_tag()` function may be used to compute and check the
+ * tag value.
+ *
+ * Tag length depends on the AEAD algorithm.
+ *
+ * \param cc AEAD context structure.
+ * \param tag destination buffer for the tag.
+ */
+ void (*get_tag)(const br_aead_class **cc, void *tag);
+ /**
+ * \brief Compute and check authentication tag.
+ *
+ * This function is an alternative to `get_tag()`, and is
+ * normally used on the receiving end (i.e. when decrypting
+ * messages). The tag value is recomputed and compared with the
+ * provided tag value. If they match, 1 is returned; on
+ * mismatch, 0 is returned. A returned value of 0 means that the
+ * data or the tag was altered in transit, normally leading to
+ * wholesale rejection of the complete message.
+ *
+ * Tag length depends on the AEAD algorithm.
+ *
+ * \param cc AEAD context structure.
+ * \param tag tag value to compare with.
+ * \return 1 on success (exact match of tag value), 0 otherwise.
+ */
+ uint32_t (*check_tag)(const br_aead_class **cc, const void *tag);
+ /**
+ * \brief Compute authentication tag (with truncation).
+ *
+ * This function is similar to `get_tag()`, except that the tag
+ * length is provided. Some AEAD algorithms allow several tag
+ * lengths, usually by truncating the normal tag. Shorter tags
+ * mechanically increase success probability of forgeries.
+ * The range of allowed tag lengths depends on the algorithm.
+ *
+ * \param cc AEAD context structure.
+ * \param tag destination buffer for the tag.
+ * \param len tag length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*get_tag_trunc)(const br_aead_class **cc, void *tag, size_t len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Compute and check authentication tag (with truncation).
+ *
+ * This function is similar to `check_tag()` except that it
+ * works over an explicit tag length. See `get_tag()` for a
+ * discussion of explicit tag lengths; the range of allowed tag
+ * lengths depends on the algorithm.
+ *
+ * \param cc AEAD context structure.
+ * \param tag tag value to compare with.
+ * \param len tag length (in bytes).
+ * \return 1 on success (exact match of tag value), 0 otherwise.
+ */
+ uint32_t (*check_tag_trunc)(const br_aead_class **cc,
+ const void *tag, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context structure for GCM.
+ *
+ * GCM is an AEAD mode that combines a block cipher in CTR mode with a
+ * MAC based on GHASH, to provide authenticated encryption:
+ *
+ * - Any block cipher with 16-byte blocks can be used with GCM.
+ *
+ * - The nonce can have any length, from 0 up to 2^64-1 bits; however,
+ * 96-bit nonces (12 bytes) are recommended (nonces with a length
+ * distinct from 12 bytes are internally hashed, which risks reusing
+ * nonce value with a small but not always negligible probability).
+ *
+ * - Additional authenticated data may have length up to 2^64-1 bits.
+ *
+ * - Message length may range up to 2^39-256 bits at most.
+ *
+ * - The authentication tag has length 16 bytes.
+ *
+ * The GCM initialisation function receives as parameter an
+ * _initialised_ block cipher implementation context, with the secret
+ * key already set. A pointer to that context will be kept within the
+ * GCM context structure. It is up to the caller to allocate and
+ * initialise that block cipher context.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_aead_class *vtable;
+ const br_block_ctr_class **bctx;
+ br_ghash gh;
+ unsigned char h[16];
+ unsigned char j0_1[12];
+ unsigned char buf[16];
+ unsigned char y[16];
+ uint32_t j0_2, jc;
+ uint64_t count_aad, count_ctr;
+} br_gcm_context;
+ * \brief Initialize a GCM context.
+ *
+ * A block cipher implementation, with its initialised context structure,
+ * is provided. The block cipher MUST use 16-byte blocks in CTR mode,
+ * and its secret key MUST have been already set in the provided context.
+ * A GHASH implementation must also be provided. The parameters are linked
+ * in the GCM context.
+ *
+ * After this function has been called, the `br_gcm_reset()` function must
+ * be called, to provide the IV for GCM computation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx GCM context structure.
+ * \param bctx block cipher context (already initialised with secret key).
+ * \param gh GHASH implementation.
+ */
+void br_gcm_init(br_gcm_context *ctx,
+ const br_block_ctr_class **bctx, br_ghash gh);
+ * \brief Reset a GCM context.
+ *
+ * This function resets an already initialised GCM context for a new
+ * computation run. Implementations and keys are conserved. This function
+ * can be called at any time; it cancels any ongoing GCM computation that
+ * uses the provided context structure.
+ *
+ * The provided IV is a _nonce_. It is critical to GCM security that IV
+ * values are not repeated for the same encryption key. IV can have
+ * arbitrary length (up to 2^64-1 bits), but the "normal" length is
+ * 96 bits (12 bytes).
+ *
+ * \param ctx GCM context structure.
+ * \param iv GCM nonce to use.
+ * \param len GCM nonce length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_gcm_reset(br_gcm_context *ctx, const void *iv, size_t len);
+ * \brief Inject additional authenticated data into GCM.
+ *
+ * The provided data is injected into a running GCM computation. Additional
+ * data must be injected _before_ the call to `br_gcm_flip()`.
+ * Additional data can be injected in several chunks of arbitrary length;
+ * the maximum total size of additional authenticated data is 2^64-1
+ * bits.
+ *
+ * \param ctx GCM context structure.
+ * \param data pointer to additional authenticated data.
+ * \param len length of additional authenticated data (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_gcm_aad_inject(br_gcm_context *ctx, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Finish injection of additional authenticated data into GCM.
+ *
+ * This function MUST be called before beginning the actual encryption
+ * or decryption (with `br_gcm_run()`), even if no additional authenticated
+ * data was injected. No additional authenticated data may be injected
+ * after this function call.
+ *
+ * \param ctx GCM context structure.
+ */
+void br_gcm_flip(br_gcm_context *ctx);
+ * \brief Encrypt or decrypt some data with GCM.
+ *
+ * Data encryption or decryption can be done after `br_gcm_flip()`
+ * has been called on the context. If `encrypt` is non-zero, then the
+ * provided data shall be plaintext, and it is encrypted in place.
+ * Otherwise, the data shall be ciphertext, and it is decrypted in place.
+ *
+ * Data may be provided in several chunks of arbitrary length. The maximum
+ * total length for data is 2^39-256 bits, i.e. about 65 gigabytes.
+ *
+ * \param ctx GCM context structure.
+ * \param encrypt non-zero for encryption, zero for decryption.
+ * \param data data to encrypt or decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_gcm_run(br_gcm_context *ctx, int encrypt, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Compute GCM authentication tag.
+ *
+ * Compute the GCM authentication tag. The tag is a 16-byte value which
+ * is written in the provided `tag` buffer. This call terminates the
+ * GCM run: no data may be processed with that GCM context afterwards,
+ * until `br_gcm_reset()` is called to initiate a new GCM run.
+ *
+ * The tag value must normally be sent along with the encrypted data.
+ * When decrypting, the tag value must be recomputed and compared with
+ * the received tag: if the two tag values differ, then either the tag
+ * or the encrypted data was altered in transit. As an alternative to
+ * this function, the `br_gcm_check_tag()` function can be used to
+ * compute and check the tag value.
+ *
+ * \param ctx GCM context structure.
+ * \param tag destination buffer for the tag (16 bytes).
+ */
+void br_gcm_get_tag(br_gcm_context *ctx, void *tag);
+ * \brief Compute and check GCM authentication tag.
+ *
+ * This function is an alternative to `br_gcm_get_tag()`, normally used
+ * on the receiving end (i.e. when decrypting value). The tag value is
+ * recomputed and compared with the provided tag value. If they match, 1
+ * is returned; on mismatch, 0 is returned. A returned value of 0 means
+ * that the data or the tag was altered in transit, normally leading to
+ * wholesale rejection of the complete message.
+ *
+ * \param ctx GCM context structure.
+ * \param tag tag value to compare with (16 bytes).
+ * \return 1 on success (exact match of tag value), 0 otherwise.
+ */
+uint32_t br_gcm_check_tag(br_gcm_context *ctx, const void *tag);
+ * \brief Compute GCM authentication tag (with truncation).
+ *
+ * This function is similar to `br_gcm_get_tag()`, except that it allows
+ * the tag to be truncated to a smaller length. The intended tag length
+ * is provided as `len` (in bytes); it MUST be no more than 16, but
+ * it may be smaller. Note that decreasing tag length mechanically makes
+ * forgeries easier; NIST SP 800-38D specifies that the tag length shall
+ * lie between 12 and 16 bytes (inclusive), but may be truncated down to
+ * 4 or 8 bytes, for specific applications that can tolerate it. It must
+ * also be noted that successful forgeries leak information on the
+ * authentication key, making subsequent forgeries easier. Therefore,
+ * tag truncation, and in particular truncation to sizes lower than 12
+ * bytes, shall be envisioned only with great care.
+ *
+ * The tag is written in the provided `tag` buffer. This call terminates
+ * the GCM run: no data may be processed with that GCM context
+ * afterwards, until `br_gcm_reset()` is called to initiate a new GCM
+ * run.
+ *
+ * The tag value must normally be sent along with the encrypted data.
+ * When decrypting, the tag value must be recomputed and compared with
+ * the received tag: if the two tag values differ, then either the tag
+ * or the encrypted data was altered in transit. As an alternative to
+ * this function, the `br_gcm_check_tag_trunc()` function can be used to
+ * compute and check the tag value.
+ *
+ * \param ctx GCM context structure.
+ * \param tag destination buffer for the tag.
+ * \param len tag length (16 bytes or less).
+ */
+void br_gcm_get_tag_trunc(br_gcm_context *ctx, void *tag, size_t len);
+ * \brief Compute and check GCM authentication tag (with truncation).
+ *
+ * This function is an alternative to `br_gcm_get_tag_trunc()`, normally used
+ * on the receiving end (i.e. when decrypting value). The tag value is
+ * recomputed and compared with the provided tag value. If they match, 1
+ * is returned; on mismatch, 0 is returned. A returned value of 0 means
+ * that the data or the tag was altered in transit, normally leading to
+ * wholesale rejection of the complete message.
+ *
+ * Tag length MUST be 16 bytes or less. The normal GCM tag length is 16
+ * bytes. See `br_check_tag_trunc()` for some discussion on the potential
+ * perils of truncating authentication tags.
+ *
+ * \param ctx GCM context structure.
+ * \param tag tag value to compare with.
+ * \param len tag length (in bytes).
+ * \return 1 on success (exact match of tag value), 0 otherwise.
+ */
+uint32_t br_gcm_check_tag_trunc(br_gcm_context *ctx,
+ const void *tag, size_t len);
+ * \brief Class instance for GCM.
+ */
+extern const br_aead_class br_gcm_vtable;
+ * \brief Context structure for EAX.
+ *
+ * EAX is an AEAD mode that combines a block cipher in CTR mode with
+ * CBC-MAC using the same block cipher and the same key, to provide
+ * authenticated encryption:
+ *
+ * - Any block cipher with 16-byte blocks can be used with EAX
+ * (technically, other block sizes are defined as well, but this
+ * is not implemented by these functions; shorter blocks also
+ * imply numerous security issues).
+ *
+ * - The nonce can have any length, as long as nonce values are
+ * not reused (thus, if nonces are randomly selected, the nonce
+ * size should be such that reuse probability is negligible).
+ *
+ * - Additional authenticated data length is unlimited.
+ *
+ * - Message length is unlimited.
+ *
+ * - The authentication tag has length 16 bytes.
+ *
+ * The EAX initialisation function receives as parameter an
+ * _initialised_ block cipher implementation context, with the secret
+ * key already set. A pointer to that context will be kept within the
+ * EAX context structure. It is up to the caller to allocate and
+ * initialise that block cipher context.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_aead_class *vtable;
+ const br_block_ctrcbc_class **bctx;
+ unsigned char L2[16];
+ unsigned char L4[16];
+ unsigned char nonce[16];
+ unsigned char head[16];
+ unsigned char ctr[16];
+ unsigned char cbcmac[16];
+ unsigned char buf[16];
+ size_t ptr;
+} br_eax_context;
+ * \brief EAX captured state.
+ *
+ * Some internal values computed by EAX may be captured at various
+ * points, and reused for another EAX run with the same secret key,
+ * for lower per-message overhead. Captured values do not depend on
+ * the nonce.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned char st[3][16];
+} br_eax_state;
+ * \brief Initialize an EAX context.
+ *
+ * A block cipher implementation, with its initialised context
+ * structure, is provided. The block cipher MUST use 16-byte blocks in
+ * CTR + CBC-MAC mode, and its secret key MUST have been already set in
+ * the provided context. The parameters are linked in the EAX context.
+ *
+ * After this function has been called, the `br_eax_reset()` function must
+ * be called, to provide the nonce for EAX computation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx EAX context structure.
+ * \param bctx block cipher context (already initialised with secret key).
+ */
+void br_eax_init(br_eax_context *ctx, const br_block_ctrcbc_class **bctx);
+ * \brief Capture pre-AAD state.
+ *
+ * This function precomputes key-dependent data, and stores it in the
+ * provided `st` structure. This structure should then be used with
+ * `br_eax_reset_pre_aad()`, or updated with `br_eax_get_aad_mac()`
+ * and then used with `br_eax_reset_post_aad()`.
+ *
+ * The EAX context structure is unmodified by this call.
+ *
+ * \param ctx EAX context structure.
+ * \param st recipient for captured state.
+ */
+void br_eax_capture(const br_eax_context *ctx, br_eax_state *st);
+ * \brief Reset an EAX context.
+ *
+ * This function resets an already initialised EAX context for a new
+ * computation run. Implementations and keys are conserved. This function
+ * can be called at any time; it cancels any ongoing EAX computation that
+ * uses the provided context structure.
+ *
+ * It is critical to EAX security that nonce values are not repeated for
+ * the same encryption key. Nonces can have arbitrary length. If nonces
+ * are randomly generated, then a nonce length of at least 128 bits (16
+ * bytes) is recommended, to make nonce reuse probability sufficiently
+ * low.
+ *
+ * \param ctx EAX context structure.
+ * \param nonce EAX nonce to use.
+ * \param len EAX nonce length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_eax_reset(br_eax_context *ctx, const void *nonce, size_t len);
+ * \brief Reset an EAX context with a pre-AAD captured state.
+ *
+ * This function is an alternative to `br_eax_reset()`, that reuses a
+ * previously captured state structure for lower per-message overhead.
+ * The state should have been populated with `br_eax_capture_state()`
+ * but not updated with `br_eax_get_aad_mac()`.
+ *
+ * After this function is called, additional authenticated data MUST
+ * be injected. At least one byte of additional authenticated data
+ * MUST be provided with `br_eax_aad_inject()`; computation result will
+ * be incorrect if `br_eax_flip()` is called right away.
+ *
+ * After injection of the AAD and call to `br_eax_flip()`, at least
+ * one message byte must be provided. Empty messages are not supported
+ * with this reset mode.
+ *
+ * \param ctx EAX context structure.
+ * \param st pre-AAD captured state.
+ * \param nonce EAX nonce to use.
+ * \param len EAX nonce length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_eax_reset_pre_aad(br_eax_context *ctx, const br_eax_state *st,
+ const void *nonce, size_t len);
+ * \brief Reset an EAX context with a post-AAD captured state.
+ *
+ * This function is an alternative to `br_eax_reset()`, that reuses a
+ * previously captured state structure for lower per-message overhead.
+ * The state should have been populated with `br_eax_capture_state()`
+ * and then updated with `br_eax_get_aad_mac()`.
+ *
+ * After this function is called, message data MUST be injected. The
+ * `br_eax_flip()` function MUST NOT be called. At least one byte of
+ * message data MUST be provided with `br_eax_run()`; empty messages
+ * are not supported with this reset mode.
+ *
+ * \param ctx EAX context structure.
+ * \param st post-AAD captured state.
+ * \param nonce EAX nonce to use.
+ * \param len EAX nonce length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_eax_reset_post_aad(br_eax_context *ctx, const br_eax_state *st,
+ const void *nonce, size_t len);
+ * \brief Inject additional authenticated data into EAX.
+ *
+ * The provided data is injected into a running EAX computation. Additional
+ * data must be injected _before_ the call to `br_eax_flip()`.
+ * Additional data can be injected in several chunks of arbitrary length;
+ * the total amount of additional authenticated data is unlimited.
+ *
+ * \param ctx EAX context structure.
+ * \param data pointer to additional authenticated data.
+ * \param len length of additional authenticated data (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_eax_aad_inject(br_eax_context *ctx, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Finish injection of additional authenticated data into EAX.
+ *
+ * This function MUST be called before beginning the actual encryption
+ * or decryption (with `br_eax_run()`), even if no additional authenticated
+ * data was injected. No additional authenticated data may be injected
+ * after this function call.
+ *
+ * \param ctx EAX context structure.
+ */
+void br_eax_flip(br_eax_context *ctx);
+ * \brief Obtain a copy of the MAC on additional authenticated data.
+ *
+ * This function may be called only after `br_eax_flip()`; it copies the
+ * AAD-specific MAC value into the provided state. The MAC value depends
+ * on the secret key and the additional data itself, but not on the
+ * nonce. The updated state `st` is meant to be used as parameter for a
+ * further `br_eax_reset_post_aad()` call.
+ *
+ * \param ctx EAX context structure.
+ * \param st captured state to update.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_eax_get_aad_mac(const br_eax_context *ctx, br_eax_state *st)
+ memcpy(st->st[1], ctx->head, sizeof ctx->head);
+ * \brief Encrypt or decrypt some data with EAX.
+ *
+ * Data encryption or decryption can be done after `br_eax_flip()`
+ * has been called on the context. If `encrypt` is non-zero, then the
+ * provided data shall be plaintext, and it is encrypted in place.
+ * Otherwise, the data shall be ciphertext, and it is decrypted in place.
+ *
+ * Data may be provided in several chunks of arbitrary length.
+ *
+ * \param ctx EAX context structure.
+ * \param encrypt non-zero for encryption, zero for decryption.
+ * \param data data to encrypt or decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_eax_run(br_eax_context *ctx, int encrypt, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Compute EAX authentication tag.
+ *
+ * Compute the EAX authentication tag. The tag is a 16-byte value which
+ * is written in the provided `tag` buffer. This call terminates the
+ * EAX run: no data may be processed with that EAX context afterwards,
+ * until `br_eax_reset()` is called to initiate a new EAX run.
+ *
+ * The tag value must normally be sent along with the encrypted data.
+ * When decrypting, the tag value must be recomputed and compared with
+ * the received tag: if the two tag values differ, then either the tag
+ * or the encrypted data was altered in transit. As an alternative to
+ * this function, the `br_eax_check_tag()` function can be used to
+ * compute and check the tag value.
+ *
+ * \param ctx EAX context structure.
+ * \param tag destination buffer for the tag (16 bytes).
+ */
+void br_eax_get_tag(br_eax_context *ctx, void *tag);
+ * \brief Compute and check EAX authentication tag.
+ *
+ * This function is an alternative to `br_eax_get_tag()`, normally used
+ * on the receiving end (i.e. when decrypting value). The tag value is
+ * recomputed and compared with the provided tag value. If they match, 1
+ * is returned; on mismatch, 0 is returned. A returned value of 0 means
+ * that the data or the tag was altered in transit, normally leading to
+ * wholesale rejection of the complete message.
+ *
+ * \param ctx EAX context structure.
+ * \param tag tag value to compare with (16 bytes).
+ * \return 1 on success (exact match of tag value), 0 otherwise.
+ */
+uint32_t br_eax_check_tag(br_eax_context *ctx, const void *tag);
+ * \brief Compute EAX authentication tag (with truncation).
+ *
+ * This function is similar to `br_eax_get_tag()`, except that it allows
+ * the tag to be truncated to a smaller length. The intended tag length
+ * is provided as `len` (in bytes); it MUST be no more than 16, but
+ * it may be smaller. Note that decreasing tag length mechanically makes
+ * forgeries easier; NIST SP 800-38D specifies that the tag length shall
+ * lie between 12 and 16 bytes (inclusive), but may be truncated down to
+ * 4 or 8 bytes, for specific applications that can tolerate it. It must
+ * also be noted that successful forgeries leak information on the
+ * authentication key, making subsequent forgeries easier. Therefore,
+ * tag truncation, and in particular truncation to sizes lower than 12
+ * bytes, shall be envisioned only with great care.
+ *
+ * The tag is written in the provided `tag` buffer. This call terminates
+ * the EAX run: no data may be processed with that EAX context
+ * afterwards, until `br_eax_reset()` is called to initiate a new EAX
+ * run.
+ *
+ * The tag value must normally be sent along with the encrypted data.
+ * When decrypting, the tag value must be recomputed and compared with
+ * the received tag: if the two tag values differ, then either the tag
+ * or the encrypted data was altered in transit. As an alternative to
+ * this function, the `br_eax_check_tag_trunc()` function can be used to
+ * compute and check the tag value.
+ *
+ * \param ctx EAX context structure.
+ * \param tag destination buffer for the tag.
+ * \param len tag length (16 bytes or less).
+ */
+void br_eax_get_tag_trunc(br_eax_context *ctx, void *tag, size_t len);
+ * \brief Compute and check EAX authentication tag (with truncation).
+ *
+ * This function is an alternative to `br_eax_get_tag_trunc()`, normally used
+ * on the receiving end (i.e. when decrypting value). The tag value is
+ * recomputed and compared with the provided tag value. If they match, 1
+ * is returned; on mismatch, 0 is returned. A returned value of 0 means
+ * that the data or the tag was altered in transit, normally leading to
+ * wholesale rejection of the complete message.
+ *
+ * Tag length MUST be 16 bytes or less. The normal EAX tag length is 16
+ * bytes. See `br_check_tag_trunc()` for some discussion on the potential
+ * perils of truncating authentication tags.
+ *
+ * \param ctx EAX context structure.
+ * \param tag tag value to compare with.
+ * \param len tag length (in bytes).
+ * \return 1 on success (exact match of tag value), 0 otherwise.
+ */
+uint32_t br_eax_check_tag_trunc(br_eax_context *ctx,
+ const void *tag, size_t len);
+ * \brief Class instance for EAX.
+ */
+extern const br_aead_class br_eax_vtable;
+ * \brief Context structure for CCM.
+ *
+ * CCM is an AEAD mode that combines a block cipher in CTR mode with
+ * CBC-MAC using the same block cipher and the same key, to provide
+ * authenticated encryption:
+ *
+ * - Any block cipher with 16-byte blocks can be used with CCM
+ * (technically, other block sizes are defined as well, but this
+ * is not implemented by these functions; shorter blocks also
+ * imply numerous security issues).
+ *
+ * - The authentication tag length, and plaintext length, MUST be
+ * known when starting processing data. Plaintext and ciphertext
+ * can still be provided by chunks, but the total size must match
+ * the value provided upon initialisation.
+ *
+ * - The nonce length is constrained between 7 and 13 bytes (inclusive).
+ * Furthermore, the plaintext length, when encoded, must fit over
+ * 15-nonceLen bytes; thus, if the nonce has length 13 bytes, then
+ * the plaintext length cannot exceed 65535 bytes.
+ *
+ * - Additional authenticated data length is practically unlimited
+ * (formal limit is at 2^64 bytes).
+ *
+ * - The authentication tag has length 4 to 16 bytes (even values only).
+ *
+ * The CCM initialisation function receives as parameter an
+ * _initialised_ block cipher implementation context, with the secret
+ * key already set. A pointer to that context will be kept within the
+ * CCM context structure. It is up to the caller to allocate and
+ * initialise that block cipher context.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ const br_block_ctrcbc_class **bctx;
+ unsigned char ctr[16];
+ unsigned char cbcmac[16];
+ unsigned char tagmask[16];
+ unsigned char buf[16];
+ size_t ptr;
+ size_t tag_len;
+} br_ccm_context;
+ * \brief Initialize a CCM context.
+ *
+ * A block cipher implementation, with its initialised context
+ * structure, is provided. The block cipher MUST use 16-byte blocks in
+ * CTR + CBC-MAC mode, and its secret key MUST have been already set in
+ * the provided context. The parameters are linked in the CCM context.
+ *
+ * After this function has been called, the `br_ccm_reset()` function must
+ * be called, to provide the nonce for CCM computation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx CCM context structure.
+ * \param bctx block cipher context (already initialised with secret key).
+ */
+void br_ccm_init(br_ccm_context *ctx, const br_block_ctrcbc_class **bctx);
+ * \brief Reset a CCM context.
+ *
+ * This function resets an already initialised CCM context for a new
+ * computation run. Implementations and keys are conserved. This function
+ * can be called at any time; it cancels any ongoing CCM computation that
+ * uses the provided context structure.
+ *
+ * The `aad_len` parameter contains the total length, in bytes, of the
+ * additional authenticated data. It may be zero. That length MUST be
+ * exact.
+ *
+ * The `data_len` parameter contains the total length, in bytes, of the
+ * data that will be injected (plaintext or ciphertext). That length MUST
+ * be exact. Moreover, that length MUST be less than 2^(8*(15-nonce_len)).
+ *
+ * The nonce length (`nonce_len`), in bytes, must be in the 7..13 range
+ * (inclusive).
+ *
+ * The tag length (`tag_len`), in bytes, must be in the 4..16 range, and
+ * be an even integer. Short tags mechanically allow for higher forgery
+ * probabilities; hence, tag sizes smaller than 12 bytes shall be used only
+ * with care.
+ *
+ * It is critical to CCM security that nonce values are not repeated for
+ * the same encryption key. Random generation of nonces is not generally
+ * recommended, due to the relatively small maximum nonce value.
+ *
+ * Returned value is 1 on success, 0 on error. An error is reported if
+ * the tag or nonce length is out of range, or if the
+ * plaintext/ciphertext length cannot be encoded with the specified
+ * nonce length.
+ *
+ * \param ctx CCM context structure.
+ * \param nonce CCM nonce to use.
+ * \param nonce_len CCM nonce length (in bytes, 7 to 13).
+ * \param aad_len additional authenticated data length (in bytes).
+ * \param data_len plaintext/ciphertext length (in bytes).
+ * \param tag_len tag length (in bytes).
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+int br_ccm_reset(br_ccm_context *ctx, const void *nonce, size_t nonce_len,
+ uint64_t aad_len, uint64_t data_len, size_t tag_len);
+ * \brief Inject additional authenticated data into CCM.
+ *
+ * The provided data is injected into a running CCM computation. Additional
+ * data must be injected _before_ the call to `br_ccm_flip()`.
+ * Additional data can be injected in several chunks of arbitrary length,
+ * but the total amount MUST exactly match the value which was provided
+ * to `br_ccm_reset()`.
+ *
+ * \param ctx CCM context structure.
+ * \param data pointer to additional authenticated data.
+ * \param len length of additional authenticated data (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_ccm_aad_inject(br_ccm_context *ctx, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Finish injection of additional authenticated data into CCM.
+ *
+ * This function MUST be called before beginning the actual encryption
+ * or decryption (with `br_ccm_run()`), even if no additional authenticated
+ * data was injected. No additional authenticated data may be injected
+ * after this function call.
+ *
+ * \param ctx CCM context structure.
+ */
+void br_ccm_flip(br_ccm_context *ctx);
+ * \brief Encrypt or decrypt some data with CCM.
+ *
+ * Data encryption or decryption can be done after `br_ccm_flip()`
+ * has been called on the context. If `encrypt` is non-zero, then the
+ * provided data shall be plaintext, and it is encrypted in place.
+ * Otherwise, the data shall be ciphertext, and it is decrypted in place.
+ *
+ * Data may be provided in several chunks of arbitrary length, provided
+ * that the total length exactly matches the length provided to the
+ * `br_ccm_reset()` call.
+ *
+ * \param ctx CCM context structure.
+ * \param encrypt non-zero for encryption, zero for decryption.
+ * \param data data to encrypt or decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_ccm_run(br_ccm_context *ctx, int encrypt, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Compute CCM authentication tag.
+ *
+ * Compute the CCM authentication tag. This call terminates the CCM
+ * run: all data must have been injected with `br_ccm_run()` (in zero,
+ * one or more successive calls). After this function has been called,
+ * no more data can br processed; a `br_ccm_reset()` call is required
+ * to start a new message.
+ *
+ * The tag length was provided upon context initialisation (last call
+ * to `br_ccm_reset()`); it is returned by this function.
+ *
+ * The tag value must normally be sent along with the encrypted data.
+ * When decrypting, the tag value must be recomputed and compared with
+ * the received tag: if the two tag values differ, then either the tag
+ * or the encrypted data was altered in transit. As an alternative to
+ * this function, the `br_ccm_check_tag()` function can be used to
+ * compute and check the tag value.
+ *
+ * \param ctx CCM context structure.
+ * \param tag destination buffer for the tag (up to 16 bytes).
+ * \return the tag length (in bytes).
+ */
+size_t br_ccm_get_tag(br_ccm_context *ctx, void *tag);
+ * \brief Compute and check CCM authentication tag.
+ *
+ * This function is an alternative to `br_ccm_get_tag()`, normally used
+ * on the receiving end (i.e. when decrypting value). The tag value is
+ * recomputed and compared with the provided tag value. If they match, 1
+ * is returned; on mismatch, 0 is returned. A returned value of 0 means
+ * that the data or the tag was altered in transit, normally leading to
+ * wholesale rejection of the complete message.
+ *
+ * \param ctx CCM context structure.
+ * \param tag tag value to compare with (up to 16 bytes).
+ * \return 1 on success (exact match of tag value), 0 otherwise.
+ */
+uint32_t br_ccm_check_tag(br_ccm_context *ctx, const void *tag);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_block.h b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_block.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..683a4906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_block.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2618 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Thomas Pornin <pornin@bolet.org>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** \file bearssl_block.h
+ *
+ * # Block Ciphers and Symmetric Ciphers
+ *
+ * This file documents the API for block ciphers and other symmetric
+ * ciphers.
+ *
+ *
+ * ## Procedural API
+ *
+ * For a block cipher implementation, up to three separate sets of
+ * functions are provided, for CBC encryption, CBC decryption, and CTR
+ * encryption/decryption. Each set has its own context structure,
+ * initialised with the encryption key.
+ *
+ * For CBC encryption and decryption, the data to encrypt or decrypt is
+ * referenced as a sequence of blocks. The implementations assume that
+ * there is no partial block; no padding is applied or removed. The
+ * caller is responsible for handling any kind of padding.
+ *
+ * Function for CTR encryption are defined only for block ciphers with
+ * blocks of 16 bytes or more (i.e. AES, but not DES/3DES).
+ *
+ * Each implemented block cipher is identified by an "internal name"
+ * from which are derived the names of structures and functions that
+ * implement the cipher. For the block cipher of internal name "`xxx`",
+ * the following are defined:
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_BLOCK_SIZE`
+ *
+ * A macro that evaluates to the block size (in bytes) of the
+ * cipher. For all implemented block ciphers, this value is a
+ * power of two.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_cbcenc_keys`
+ *
+ * Context structure that contains the subkeys resulting from the key
+ * expansion. These subkeys are appropriate for CBC encryption. The
+ * structure first field is called `vtable` and points to the
+ * appropriate OOP structure.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_cbcenc_init(br_xxx_cbcenc_keys *ctx, const void *key, size_t len)`
+ *
+ * Perform key expansion: subkeys for CBC encryption are computed and
+ * written in the provided context structure. The key length MUST be
+ * adequate for the implemented block cipher. This function also sets
+ * the `vtable` field.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_cbcenc_run(const br_xxx_cbcenc_keys *ctx, void *iv, void *data, size_t len)`
+ *
+ * Perform CBC encryption of `len` bytes, in place. The encrypted data
+ * replaces the cleartext. `len` MUST be a multiple of the block length
+ * (if it is not, the function may loop forever or overflow a buffer).
+ * The IV is provided with the `iv` pointer; it is also updated with
+ * a copy of the last encrypted block.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_cbcdec_keys`
+ *
+ * Context structure that contains the subkeys resulting from the key
+ * expansion. These subkeys are appropriate for CBC decryption. The
+ * structure first field is called `vtable` and points to the
+ * appropriate OOP structure.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_cbcdec_init(br_xxx_cbcenc_keys *ctx, const void *key, size_t len)`
+ *
+ * Perform key expansion: subkeys for CBC decryption are computed and
+ * written in the provided context structure. The key length MUST be
+ * adequate for the implemented block cipher. This function also sets
+ * the `vtable` field.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_cbcdec_run(const br_xxx_cbcdec_keys *ctx, void *iv, void *data, size_t num_blocks)`
+ *
+ * Perform CBC decryption of `len` bytes, in place. The decrypted data
+ * replaces the ciphertext. `len` MUST be a multiple of the block length
+ * (if it is not, the function may loop forever or overflow a buffer).
+ * The IV is provided with the `iv` pointer; it is also updated with
+ * a copy of the last _encrypted_ block.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_ctr_keys`
+ *
+ * Context structure that contains the subkeys resulting from the key
+ * expansion. These subkeys are appropriate for CTR encryption and
+ * decryption. The structure first field is called `vtable` and
+ * points to the appropriate OOP structure.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_ctr_init(br_xxx_ctr_keys *ctx, const void *key, size_t len)`
+ *
+ * Perform key expansion: subkeys for CTR encryption and decryption
+ * are computed and written in the provided context structure. The
+ * key length MUST be adequate for the implemented block cipher. This
+ * function also sets the `vtable` field.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_ctr_run(const br_xxx_ctr_keys *ctx, const void *iv, uint32_t cc, void *data, size_t len)` (returns `uint32_t`)
+ *
+ * Perform CTR encryption/decryption of some data. Processing is done
+ * "in place" (the output data replaces the input data). This function
+ * implements the "standard incrementing function" from NIST SP800-38A,
+ * annex B: the IV length shall be 4 bytes less than the block size
+ * (i.e. 12 bytes for AES) and the counter is the 32-bit value starting
+ * with `cc`. The data length (`len`) is not necessarily a multiple of
+ * the block size. The new counter value is returned, which supports
+ * chunked processing, provided that each chunk length (except possibly
+ * the last one) is a multiple of the block size.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_ctrcbc_keys`
+ *
+ * Context structure that contains the subkeys resulting from the
+ * key expansion. These subkeys are appropriate for doing combined
+ * CTR encryption/decryption and CBC-MAC, as used in the CCM and EAX
+ * authenticated encryption modes. The structure first field is
+ * called `vtable` and points to the appropriate OOP structure.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_ctrcbc_init(br_xxx_ctr_keys *ctx, const void *key, size_t len)`
+ *
+ * Perform key expansion: subkeys for combined CTR
+ * encryption/decryption and CBC-MAC are computed and written in the
+ * provided context structure. The key length MUST be adequate for
+ * the implemented block cipher. This function also sets the
+ * `vtable` field.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_ctrcbc_encrypt(const br_xxx_ctrcbc_keys *ctx, void *ctr, void *cbcmac, void *data, size_t len)`
+ *
+ * Perform CTR encryption of some data, and CBC-MAC. Processing is
+ * done "in place" (the output data replaces the input data). This
+ * function applies CTR encryption on the data, using a full
+ * block-size counter (i.e. for 128-bit blocks, the counter is
+ * incremented as a 128-bit value). The 'ctr' array contains the
+ * initial value for the counter (used in the first block) and it is
+ * updated with the new value after data processing. The 'cbcmac'
+ * value shall point to a block-sized value which is used as IV for
+ * CBC-MAC, computed over the encrypted data (output of CTR
+ * encryption); the resulting CBC-MAC is written over 'cbcmac' on
+ * output.
+ *
+ * The data length MUST be a multiple of the block size.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_ctrcbc_decrypt(const br_xxx_ctrcbc_keys *ctx, void *ctr, void *cbcmac, void *data, size_t len)`
+ *
+ * Perform CTR decryption of some data, and CBC-MAC. Processing is
+ * done "in place" (the output data replaces the input data). This
+ * function applies CTR decryption on the data, using a full
+ * block-size counter (i.e. for 128-bit blocks, the counter is
+ * incremented as a 128-bit value). The 'ctr' array contains the
+ * initial value for the counter (used in the first block) and it is
+ * updated with the new value after data processing. The 'cbcmac'
+ * value shall point to a block-sized value which is used as IV for
+ * CBC-MAC, computed over the encrypted data (input of CTR
+ * encryption); the resulting CBC-MAC is written over 'cbcmac' on
+ * output.
+ *
+ * The data length MUST be a multiple of the block size.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_ctrcbc_ctr(const br_xxx_ctrcbc_keys *ctx, void *ctr, void *data, size_t len)`
+ *
+ * Perform CTR encryption or decryption of the provided data. The
+ * data is processed "in place" (the output data replaces the input
+ * data). A full block-sized counter is applied (i.e. for 128-bit
+ * blocks, the counter is incremented as a 128-bit value). The 'ctr'
+ * array contains the initial value for the counter (used in the
+ * first block), and it is updated with the new value after data
+ * processing.
+ *
+ * The data length MUST be a multiple of the block size.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_ctrcbc_mac(const br_xxx_ctrcbc_keys *ctx, void *cbcmac, const void *data, size_t len)`
+ *
+ * Compute CBC-MAC over the provided data. The IV for CBC-MAC is
+ * provided as 'cbcmac'; the output is written over the same array.
+ * The data itself is untouched. The data length MUST be a multiple
+ * of the block size.
+ *
+ *
+ * It shall be noted that the key expansion functions return `void`. If
+ * the provided key length is not allowed, then there will be no error
+ * reporting; implementations need not validate the key length, thus an
+ * invalid key length may result in undefined behaviour (e.g. buffer
+ * overflow).
+ *
+ * Subkey structures contain no interior pointer, and no external
+ * resources are allocated upon key expansion. They can thus be
+ * discarded without any explicit deallocation.
+ *
+ *
+ * ## Object-Oriented API
+ *
+ * Each context structure begins with a field (called `vtable`) that
+ * points to an instance of a structure that references the relevant
+ * functions through pointers. Each such structure contains the
+ * following:
+ *
+ * - `context_size`
+ *
+ * The size (in bytes) of the context structure for subkeys.
+ *
+ * - `block_size`
+ *
+ * The cipher block size (in bytes).
+ *
+ * - `log_block_size`
+ *
+ * The base-2 logarithm of cipher block size (e.g. 4 for blocks
+ * of 16 bytes).
+ *
+ * - `init`
+ *
+ * Pointer to the key expansion function.
+ *
+ * - `run`
+ *
+ * Pointer to the encryption/decryption function.
+ *
+ * For combined CTR/CBC-MAC encryption, the `vtable` has a slightly
+ * different structure:
+ *
+ * - `context_size`
+ *
+ * The size (in bytes) of the context structure for subkeys.
+ *
+ * - `block_size`
+ *
+ * The cipher block size (in bytes).
+ *
+ * - `log_block_size`
+ *
+ * The base-2 logarithm of cipher block size (e.g. 4 for blocks
+ * of 16 bytes).
+ *
+ * - `init`
+ *
+ * Pointer to the key expansion function.
+ *
+ * - `encrypt`
+ *
+ * Pointer to the CTR encryption + CBC-MAC function.
+ *
+ * - `decrypt`
+ *
+ * Pointer to the CTR decryption + CBC-MAC function.
+ *
+ * - `ctr`
+ *
+ * Pointer to the CTR encryption/decryption function.
+ *
+ * - `mac`
+ *
+ * Pointer to the CBC-MAC function.
+ *
+ * For block cipher "`xxx`", static, constant instances of these
+ * structures are defined, under the names:
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_cbcenc_vtable`
+ * - `br_xxx_cbcdec_vtable`
+ * - `br_xxx_ctr_vtable`
+ * - `br_xxx_ctrcbc_vtable`
+ *
+ *
+ * ## Implemented Block Ciphers
+ *
+ * Provided implementations are:
+ *
+ * | Name | Function | Block Size (bytes) | Key lengths (bytes) |
+ * | :-------- | :------- | :----------------: | :-----------------: |
+ * | aes_big | AES | 16 | 16, 24 and 32 |
+ * | aes_small | AES | 16 | 16, 24 and 32 |
+ * | aes_ct | AES | 16 | 16, 24 and 32 |
+ * | aes_ct64 | AES | 16 | 16, 24 and 32 |
+ * | aes_x86ni | AES | 16 | 16, 24 and 32 |
+ * | aes_pwr8 | AES | 16 | 16, 24 and 32 |
+ * | des_ct | DES/3DES | 8 | 8, 16 and 24 |
+ * | des_tab | DES/3DES | 8 | 8, 16 and 24 |
+ *
+ * **Note:** DES/3DES nominally uses keys of 64, 128 and 192 bits (i.e. 8,
+ * 16 and 24 bytes), but some of the bits are ignored by the algorithm, so
+ * the _effective_ key lengths, from a security point of view, are 56,
+ * 112 and 168 bits, respectively.
+ *
+ * `aes_big` is a "classical" AES implementation, using tables. It
+ * is fast but not constant-time, since it makes data-dependent array
+ * accesses.
+ *
+ * `aes_small` is an AES implementation optimized for code size. It
+ * is substantially slower than `aes_big`; it is not constant-time
+ * either.
+ *
+ * `aes_ct` is a constant-time implementation of AES; its code is about
+ * as big as that of `aes_big`, while its performance is comparable to
+ * that of `aes_small`. However, it is constant-time. This
+ * implementation should thus be considered to be the "default" AES in
+ * BearSSL, to be used unless the operational context guarantees that a
+ * non-constant-time implementation is safe, or an architecture-specific
+ * constant-time implementation can be used (e.g. using dedicated
+ * hardware opcodes).
+ *
+ * `aes_ct64` is another constant-time implementation of AES. It is
+ * similar to `aes_ct` but uses 64-bit values. On 32-bit machines,
+ * `aes_ct64` is not faster than `aes_ct`, often a bit slower, and has
+ * a larger footprint; however, on 64-bit architectures, `aes_ct64`
+ * is typically twice faster than `aes_ct` for modes that allow parallel
+ * operations (i.e. CTR, and CBC decryption, but not CBC encryption).
+ *
+ * `aes_x86ni` exists only on x86 architectures (32-bit and 64-bit). It
+ * uses the AES-NI opcodes when available.
+ *
+ * `aes_pwr8` exists only on PowerPC / POWER architectures (32-bit and
+ * 64-bit, both little-endian and big-endian). It uses the AES opcodes
+ * present in POWER8 and later.
+ *
+ * `des_tab` is a classic, table-based implementation of DES/3DES. It
+ * is not constant-time.
+ *
+ * `des_ct` is an constant-time implementation of DES/3DES. It is
+ * substantially slower than `des_tab`.
+ *
+ * ## ChaCha20 and Poly1305
+ *
+ * ChaCha20 is a stream cipher. Poly1305 is a MAC algorithm. They
+ * are described in [RFC 7539](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7539).
+ *
+ * Two function pointer types are defined:
+ *
+ * - `br_chacha20_run` describes a function that implements ChaCha20
+ * only.
+ *
+ * - `br_poly1305_run` describes an implementation of Poly1305,
+ * in the AEAD combination with ChaCha20 specified in RFC 7539
+ * (the ChaCha20 implementation is provided as a function pointer).
+ *
+ * `chacha20_ct` is a straightforward implementation of ChaCha20 in
+ * plain C; it is constant-time, small, and reasonably fast.
+ *
+ * `chacha20_sse2` leverages SSE2 opcodes (on x86 architectures that
+ * support these opcodes). It is faster than `chacha20_ct`.
+ *
+ * `poly1305_ctmul` is an implementation of the ChaCha20+Poly1305 AEAD
+ * construction, where the Poly1305 part is performed with mixed 32-bit
+ * multiplications (operands are 32-bit, result is 64-bit).
+ *
+ * `poly1305_ctmul32` implements ChaCha20+Poly1305 using pure 32-bit
+ * multiplications (32-bit operands, 32-bit result). It is slower than
+ * `poly1305_ctmul`, except on some specific architectures such as
+ * the ARM Cortex M0+.
+ *
+ * `poly1305_ctmulq` implements ChaCha20+Poly1305 with mixed 64-bit
+ * multiplications (operands are 64-bit, result is 128-bit) on 64-bit
+ * platforms that support such operations.
+ *
+ * `poly1305_i15` implements ChaCha20+Poly1305 with the generic "i15"
+ * big integer implementation. It is meant mostly for testing purposes,
+ * although it can help with saving a few hundred bytes of code footprint
+ * on systems where code size is scarce.
+ */
+ * \brief Class type for CBC encryption implementations.
+ *
+ * A `br_block_cbcenc_class` instance points to the functions implementing
+ * a specific block cipher, when used in CBC mode for encrypting data.
+ */
+typedef struct br_block_cbcenc_class_ br_block_cbcenc_class;
+struct br_block_cbcenc_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Size (in bytes) of the context structure appropriate
+ * for containing subkeys.
+ */
+ size_t context_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Size of individual blocks (in bytes).
+ */
+ unsigned block_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Base-2 logarithm of the size of individual blocks,
+ * expressed in bytes.
+ */
+ unsigned log_block_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Initialisation function.
+ *
+ * This function sets the `vtable` field in the context structure.
+ * The key length MUST be one of the key lengths supported by
+ * the implementation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context structure to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param key_len key length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*init)(const br_block_cbcenc_class **ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t key_len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Run the CBC encryption.
+ *
+ * The `iv` parameter points to the IV for this run; it is
+ * updated with a copy of the last encrypted block. The data
+ * is encrypted "in place"; its length (`len`) MUST be a
+ * multiple of the block size.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context structure (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV for CBC encryption (updated).
+ * \param data data to encrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, multiple of block size).
+ */
+ void (*run)(const br_block_cbcenc_class *const *ctx,
+ void *iv, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Class type for CBC decryption implementations.
+ *
+ * A `br_block_cbcdec_class` instance points to the functions implementing
+ * a specific block cipher, when used in CBC mode for decrypting data.
+ */
+typedef struct br_block_cbcdec_class_ br_block_cbcdec_class;
+struct br_block_cbcdec_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Size (in bytes) of the context structure appropriate
+ * for containing subkeys.
+ */
+ size_t context_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Size of individual blocks (in bytes).
+ */
+ unsigned block_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Base-2 logarithm of the size of individual blocks,
+ * expressed in bytes.
+ */
+ unsigned log_block_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Initialisation function.
+ *
+ * This function sets the `vtable` field in the context structure.
+ * The key length MUST be one of the key lengths supported by
+ * the implementation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context structure to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param key_len key length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*init)(const br_block_cbcdec_class **ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t key_len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Run the CBC decryption.
+ *
+ * The `iv` parameter points to the IV for this run; it is
+ * updated with a copy of the last encrypted block. The data
+ * is decrypted "in place"; its length (`len`) MUST be a
+ * multiple of the block size.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context structure (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV for CBC decryption (updated).
+ * \param data data to decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, multiple of block size).
+ */
+ void (*run)(const br_block_cbcdec_class *const *ctx,
+ void *iv, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Class type for CTR encryption/decryption implementations.
+ *
+ * A `br_block_ctr_class` instance points to the functions implementing
+ * a specific block cipher, when used in CTR mode for encrypting or
+ * decrypting data.
+ */
+typedef struct br_block_ctr_class_ br_block_ctr_class;
+struct br_block_ctr_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Size (in bytes) of the context structure appropriate
+ * for containing subkeys.
+ */
+ size_t context_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Size of individual blocks (in bytes).
+ */
+ unsigned block_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Base-2 logarithm of the size of individual blocks,
+ * expressed in bytes.
+ */
+ unsigned log_block_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Initialisation function.
+ *
+ * This function sets the `vtable` field in the context structure.
+ * The key length MUST be one of the key lengths supported by
+ * the implementation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context structure to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param key_len key length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*init)(const br_block_ctr_class **ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t key_len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Run the CTR encryption or decryption.
+ *
+ * The `iv` parameter points to the IV for this run; its
+ * length is exactly 4 bytes less than the block size (e.g.
+ * 12 bytes for AES/CTR). The IV is combined with a 32-bit
+ * block counter to produce the block value which is processed
+ * with the block cipher.
+ *
+ * The data to encrypt or decrypt is updated "in place". Its
+ * length (`len` bytes) is not required to be a multiple of
+ * the block size; if the final block is partial, then the
+ * corresponding key stream bits are dropped.
+ *
+ * The resulting counter value is returned.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context structure (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV for CTR encryption/decryption.
+ * \param cc initial value for the block counter.
+ * \param data data to encrypt or decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ * \return the new block counter value.
+ */
+ uint32_t (*run)(const br_block_ctr_class *const *ctx,
+ const void *iv, uint32_t cc, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Class type for combined CTR and CBC-MAC implementations.
+ *
+ * A `br_block_ctrcbc_class` instance points to the functions implementing
+ * a specific block cipher, when used in CTR mode for encrypting or
+ * decrypting data, along with CBC-MAC.
+ */
+typedef struct br_block_ctrcbc_class_ br_block_ctrcbc_class;
+struct br_block_ctrcbc_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Size (in bytes) of the context structure appropriate
+ * for containing subkeys.
+ */
+ size_t context_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Size of individual blocks (in bytes).
+ */
+ unsigned block_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Base-2 logarithm of the size of individual blocks,
+ * expressed in bytes.
+ */
+ unsigned log_block_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Initialisation function.
+ *
+ * This function sets the `vtable` field in the context structure.
+ * The key length MUST be one of the key lengths supported by
+ * the implementation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context structure to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param key_len key length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*init)(const br_block_ctrcbc_class **ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t key_len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Run the CTR encryption + CBC-MAC.
+ *
+ * The `ctr` parameter points to the counter; its length shall
+ * be equal to the block size. It is updated by this function
+ * as encryption proceeds.
+ *
+ * The `cbcmac` parameter points to the IV for CBC-MAC. The MAC
+ * is computed over the encrypted data (output of CTR
+ * encryption). Its length shall be equal to the block size. The
+ * computed CBC-MAC value is written over the `cbcmac` array.
+ *
+ * The data to encrypt is updated "in place". Its length (`len`
+ * bytes) MUST be a multiple of the block size.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context structure (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR encryption (initial and final).
+ * \param cbcmac IV and output buffer for CBC-MAC.
+ * \param data data to encrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*encrypt)(const br_block_ctrcbc_class *const *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *cbcmac, void *data, size_t len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Run the CTR decryption + CBC-MAC.
+ *
+ * The `ctr` parameter points to the counter; its length shall
+ * be equal to the block size. It is updated by this function
+ * as decryption proceeds.
+ *
+ * The `cbcmac` parameter points to the IV for CBC-MAC. The MAC
+ * is computed over the encrypted data (i.e. before CTR
+ * decryption). Its length shall be equal to the block size. The
+ * computed CBC-MAC value is written over the `cbcmac` array.
+ *
+ * The data to decrypt is updated "in place". Its length (`len`
+ * bytes) MUST be a multiple of the block size.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context structure (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR encryption (initial and final).
+ * \param cbcmac IV and output buffer for CBC-MAC.
+ * \param data data to decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*decrypt)(const br_block_ctrcbc_class *const *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *cbcmac, void *data, size_t len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Run the CTR encryption/decryption only.
+ *
+ * The `ctr` parameter points to the counter; its length shall
+ * be equal to the block size. It is updated by this function
+ * as decryption proceeds.
+ *
+ * The data to decrypt is updated "in place". Its length (`len`
+ * bytes) MUST be a multiple of the block size.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context structure (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR encryption (initial and final).
+ * \param data data to decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*ctr)(const br_block_ctrcbc_class *const *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *data, size_t len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Run the CBC-MAC only.
+ *
+ * The `cbcmac` parameter points to the IV for CBC-MAC. The MAC
+ * is computed over the encrypted data (i.e. before CTR
+ * decryption). Its length shall be equal to the block size. The
+ * computed CBC-MAC value is written over the `cbcmac` array.
+ *
+ * The data is unmodified. Its length (`len` bytes) MUST be a
+ * multiple of the block size.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context structure (already initialised).
+ * \param cbcmac IV and output buffer for CBC-MAC.
+ * \param data data to decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*mac)(const br_block_ctrcbc_class *const *ctx,
+ void *cbcmac, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * Traditional, table-based AES implementation. It is fast, but uses
+ * internal tables (in particular a 1 kB table for encryption, another
+ * 1 kB table for decryption, and a 256-byte table for key schedule),
+ * and it is not constant-time. In contexts where cache-timing attacks
+ * apply, this implementation may leak the secret key.
+ */
+/** \brief AES block size (16 bytes). */
+#define br_aes_big_BLOCK_SIZE 16
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_big` implementation, CBC encryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_cbcenc_class *vtable;
+ uint32_t skey[60];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_big_cbcenc_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_big` implementation, CBC decryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_cbcdec_class *vtable;
+ uint32_t skey[60];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_big_cbcdec_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_big` implementation, CTR encryption
+ * and decryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_ctr_class *vtable;
+ uint32_t skey[60];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_big_ctr_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_big` implementation, CTR encryption
+ * and decryption + CBC-MAC).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_ctrcbc_class *vtable;
+ uint32_t skey[60];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_big_ctrcbc_keys;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CBC encryption (`aes_big` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_cbcenc_class br_aes_big_cbcenc_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CBC decryption (`aes_big` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_cbcdec_class br_aes_big_cbcdec_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CTR encryption and decryption
+ * (`aes_big` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_ctr_class br_aes_big_ctr_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CTR encryption/decryption + CBC-MAC
+ * (`aes_big` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_ctrcbc_class br_aes_big_ctrcbc_vtable;
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CBC encryption
+ * (`aes_big` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_big_cbcenc_init(br_aes_big_cbcenc_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CBC decryption
+ * (`aes_big` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_big_cbcdec_init(br_aes_big_cbcdec_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CTR encryption
+ * and decryption (`aes_big` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_big_ctr_init(br_aes_big_ctr_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CTR + CBC-MAC
+ * (`aes_big` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_big_ctrcbc_init(br_aes_big_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC encryption with AES (`aes_big` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (updated).
+ * \param data data to encrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_big_cbcenc_run(const br_aes_big_cbcenc_keys *ctx, void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC decryption with AES (`aes_big` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (updated).
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_big_cbcdec_run(const br_aes_big_cbcdec_keys *ctx, void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption and decryption with AES (`aes_big` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (constant, 12 bytes).
+ * \param cc initial block counter value.
+ * \param data data to encrypt or decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ * \return new block counter value.
+ */
+uint32_t br_aes_big_ctr_run(const br_aes_big_ctr_keys *ctx,
+ const void *iv, uint32_t cc, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption + CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_big` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to encrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_big_ctrcbc_encrypt(const br_aes_big_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *cbcmac, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR decryption + CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_big` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_big_ctrcbc_decrypt(const br_aes_big_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *cbcmac, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption/decryption with AES (`aes_big` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param data data to MAC (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_big_ctrcbc_ctr(const br_aes_big_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_big` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to MAC (unmodified).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_big_ctrcbc_mac(const br_aes_big_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *cbcmac, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * AES implementation optimized for size. It is slower than the
+ * traditional table-based AES implementation, but requires much less
+ * code. It still uses data-dependent table accesses (albeit within a
+ * much smaller 256-byte table), which makes it conceptually vulnerable
+ * to cache-timing attacks.
+ */
+/** \brief AES block size (16 bytes). */
+#define br_aes_small_BLOCK_SIZE 16
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_small` implementation, CBC encryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_cbcenc_class *vtable;
+ uint32_t skey[60];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_small_cbcenc_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_small` implementation, CBC decryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_cbcdec_class *vtable;
+ uint32_t skey[60];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_small_cbcdec_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_small` implementation, CTR encryption
+ * and decryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_ctr_class *vtable;
+ uint32_t skey[60];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_small_ctr_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_small` implementation, CTR encryption
+ * and decryption + CBC-MAC).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_ctrcbc_class *vtable;
+ uint32_t skey[60];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_small_ctrcbc_keys;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CBC encryption (`aes_small` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_cbcenc_class br_aes_small_cbcenc_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CBC decryption (`aes_small` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_cbcdec_class br_aes_small_cbcdec_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CTR encryption and decryption
+ * (`aes_small` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_ctr_class br_aes_small_ctr_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CTR encryption/decryption + CBC-MAC
+ * (`aes_small` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_ctrcbc_class br_aes_small_ctrcbc_vtable;
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CBC encryption
+ * (`aes_small` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_small_cbcenc_init(br_aes_small_cbcenc_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CBC decryption
+ * (`aes_small` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_small_cbcdec_init(br_aes_small_cbcdec_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CTR encryption
+ * and decryption (`aes_small` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_small_ctr_init(br_aes_small_ctr_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CTR + CBC-MAC
+ * (`aes_small` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_small_ctrcbc_init(br_aes_small_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC encryption with AES (`aes_small` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (updated).
+ * \param data data to encrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_small_cbcenc_run(const br_aes_small_cbcenc_keys *ctx, void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC decryption with AES (`aes_small` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (updated).
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_small_cbcdec_run(const br_aes_small_cbcdec_keys *ctx, void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption and decryption with AES (`aes_small` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (constant, 12 bytes).
+ * \param cc initial block counter value.
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ * \return new block counter value.
+ */
+uint32_t br_aes_small_ctr_run(const br_aes_small_ctr_keys *ctx,
+ const void *iv, uint32_t cc, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption + CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_small` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to encrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_small_ctrcbc_encrypt(const br_aes_small_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *cbcmac, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR decryption + CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_small` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_small_ctrcbc_decrypt(const br_aes_small_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *cbcmac, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption/decryption with AES (`aes_small` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param data data to MAC (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_small_ctrcbc_ctr(const br_aes_small_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_small` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to MAC (unmodified).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_small_ctrcbc_mac(const br_aes_small_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *cbcmac, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * Constant-time AES implementation. Its size is similar to that of
+ * 'aes_big', and its performance is similar to that of 'aes_small' (faster
+ * decryption, slower encryption). However, it is constant-time, i.e.
+ * immune to cache-timing and similar attacks.
+ */
+/** \brief AES block size (16 bytes). */
+#define br_aes_ct_BLOCK_SIZE 16
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_ct` implementation, CBC encryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_cbcenc_class *vtable;
+ uint32_t skey[60];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_ct_cbcenc_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_ct` implementation, CBC decryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_cbcdec_class *vtable;
+ uint32_t skey[60];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_ct_cbcdec_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_ct` implementation, CTR encryption
+ * and decryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_ctr_class *vtable;
+ uint32_t skey[60];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_ct_ctr_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_ct` implementation, CTR encryption
+ * and decryption + CBC-MAC).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_ctrcbc_class *vtable;
+ uint32_t skey[60];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_ct_ctrcbc_keys;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CBC encryption (`aes_ct` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_cbcenc_class br_aes_ct_cbcenc_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CBC decryption (`aes_ct` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_cbcdec_class br_aes_ct_cbcdec_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CTR encryption and decryption
+ * (`aes_ct` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_ctr_class br_aes_ct_ctr_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CTR encryption/decryption + CBC-MAC
+ * (`aes_ct` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_ctrcbc_class br_aes_ct_ctrcbc_vtable;
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CBC encryption
+ * (`aes_ct` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct_cbcenc_init(br_aes_ct_cbcenc_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CBC decryption
+ * (`aes_ct` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct_cbcdec_init(br_aes_ct_cbcdec_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CTR encryption
+ * and decryption (`aes_ct` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct_ctr_init(br_aes_ct_ctr_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CTR + CBC-MAC
+ * (`aes_ct` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct_ctrcbc_init(br_aes_ct_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC encryption with AES (`aes_ct` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (updated).
+ * \param data data to encrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct_cbcenc_run(const br_aes_ct_cbcenc_keys *ctx, void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC decryption with AES (`aes_ct` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (updated).
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct_cbcdec_run(const br_aes_ct_cbcdec_keys *ctx, void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption and decryption with AES (`aes_ct` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (constant, 12 bytes).
+ * \param cc initial block counter value.
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ * \return new block counter value.
+ */
+uint32_t br_aes_ct_ctr_run(const br_aes_ct_ctr_keys *ctx,
+ const void *iv, uint32_t cc, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption + CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_ct` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to encrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct_ctrcbc_encrypt(const br_aes_ct_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *cbcmac, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR decryption + CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_ct` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct_ctrcbc_decrypt(const br_aes_ct_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *cbcmac, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption/decryption with AES (`aes_ct` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param data data to MAC (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct_ctrcbc_ctr(const br_aes_ct_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_ct` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to MAC (unmodified).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct_ctrcbc_mac(const br_aes_ct_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *cbcmac, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * 64-bit constant-time AES implementation. It is similar to 'aes_ct'
+ * but uses 64-bit registers, making it about twice faster than 'aes_ct'
+ * on 64-bit platforms, while remaining constant-time and with a similar
+ * code size. (The doubling in performance is only for CBC decryption
+ * and CTR mode; CBC encryption is non-parallel and cannot benefit from
+ * the larger registers.)
+ */
+/** \brief AES block size (16 bytes). */
+#define br_aes_ct64_BLOCK_SIZE 16
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_ct64` implementation, CBC encryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_cbcenc_class *vtable;
+ uint64_t skey[30];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_ct64_cbcenc_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_ct64` implementation, CBC decryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_cbcdec_class *vtable;
+ uint64_t skey[30];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_ct64_cbcdec_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_ct64` implementation, CTR encryption
+ * and decryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_ctr_class *vtable;
+ uint64_t skey[30];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_ct64_ctr_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_ct64` implementation, CTR encryption
+ * and decryption + CBC-MAC).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_ctrcbc_class *vtable;
+ uint64_t skey[30];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_ct64_ctrcbc_keys;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CBC encryption (`aes_ct64` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_cbcenc_class br_aes_ct64_cbcenc_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CBC decryption (`aes_ct64` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_cbcdec_class br_aes_ct64_cbcdec_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CTR encryption and decryption
+ * (`aes_ct64` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_ctr_class br_aes_ct64_ctr_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CTR encryption/decryption + CBC-MAC
+ * (`aes_ct64` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_ctrcbc_class br_aes_ct64_ctrcbc_vtable;
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CBC encryption
+ * (`aes_ct64` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct64_cbcenc_init(br_aes_ct64_cbcenc_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CBC decryption
+ * (`aes_ct64` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct64_cbcdec_init(br_aes_ct64_cbcdec_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CTR encryption
+ * and decryption (`aes_ct64` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct64_ctr_init(br_aes_ct64_ctr_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CTR + CBC-MAC
+ * (`aes_ct64` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct64_ctrcbc_init(br_aes_ct64_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC encryption with AES (`aes_ct64` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (updated).
+ * \param data data to encrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct64_cbcenc_run(const br_aes_ct64_cbcenc_keys *ctx, void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC decryption with AES (`aes_ct64` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (updated).
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct64_cbcdec_run(const br_aes_ct64_cbcdec_keys *ctx, void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption and decryption with AES (`aes_ct64` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (constant, 12 bytes).
+ * \param cc initial block counter value.
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ * \return new block counter value.
+ */
+uint32_t br_aes_ct64_ctr_run(const br_aes_ct64_ctr_keys *ctx,
+ const void *iv, uint32_t cc, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption + CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_ct64` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to encrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct64_ctrcbc_encrypt(const br_aes_ct64_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *cbcmac, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR decryption + CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_ct64` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct64_ctrcbc_decrypt(const br_aes_ct64_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *cbcmac, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption/decryption with AES (`aes_ct64` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param data data to MAC (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct64_ctrcbc_ctr(const br_aes_ct64_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_ct64` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to MAC (unmodified).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_ct64_ctrcbc_mac(const br_aes_ct64_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *cbcmac, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * AES implementation using AES-NI opcodes (x86 platform).
+ */
+/** \brief AES block size (16 bytes). */
+#define br_aes_x86ni_BLOCK_SIZE 16
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_x86ni` implementation, CBC encryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_cbcenc_class *vtable;
+ union {
+ unsigned char skni[16 * 15];
+ } skey;
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_x86ni_cbcenc_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_x86ni` implementation, CBC decryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_cbcdec_class *vtable;
+ union {
+ unsigned char skni[16 * 15];
+ } skey;
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_x86ni_cbcdec_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_x86ni` implementation, CTR encryption
+ * and decryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_ctr_class *vtable;
+ union {
+ unsigned char skni[16 * 15];
+ } skey;
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_x86ni_ctr_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_x86ni` implementation, CTR encryption
+ * and decryption + CBC-MAC).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_ctrcbc_class *vtable;
+ union {
+ unsigned char skni[16 * 15];
+ } skey;
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_keys;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CBC encryption (`aes_x86ni` implementation).
+ *
+ * Since this implementation might be omitted from the library, or the
+ * AES opcode unavailable on the current CPU, a pointer to this class
+ * instance should be obtained through `br_aes_x86ni_cbcenc_get_vtable()`.
+ */
+extern const br_block_cbcenc_class br_aes_x86ni_cbcenc_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CBC decryption (`aes_x86ni` implementation).
+ *
+ * Since this implementation might be omitted from the library, or the
+ * AES opcode unavailable on the current CPU, a pointer to this class
+ * instance should be obtained through `br_aes_x86ni_cbcdec_get_vtable()`.
+ */
+extern const br_block_cbcdec_class br_aes_x86ni_cbcdec_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CTR encryption and decryption
+ * (`aes_x86ni` implementation).
+ *
+ * Since this implementation might be omitted from the library, or the
+ * AES opcode unavailable on the current CPU, a pointer to this class
+ * instance should be obtained through `br_aes_x86ni_ctr_get_vtable()`.
+ */
+extern const br_block_ctr_class br_aes_x86ni_ctr_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CTR encryption/decryption + CBC-MAC
+ * (`aes_x86ni` implementation).
+ *
+ * Since this implementation might be omitted from the library, or the
+ * AES opcode unavailable on the current CPU, a pointer to this class
+ * instance should be obtained through `br_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_get_vtable()`.
+ */
+extern const br_block_ctrcbc_class br_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_vtable;
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CBC encryption
+ * (`aes_x86ni` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_x86ni_cbcenc_init(br_aes_x86ni_cbcenc_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CBC decryption
+ * (`aes_x86ni` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_x86ni_cbcdec_init(br_aes_x86ni_cbcdec_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CTR encryption
+ * and decryption (`aes_x86ni` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_x86ni_ctr_init(br_aes_x86ni_ctr_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CTR + CBC-MAC
+ * (`aes_x86ni` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_init(br_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC encryption with AES (`aes_x86ni` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (updated).
+ * \param data data to encrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_x86ni_cbcenc_run(const br_aes_x86ni_cbcenc_keys *ctx, void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC decryption with AES (`aes_x86ni` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (updated).
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_x86ni_cbcdec_run(const br_aes_x86ni_cbcdec_keys *ctx, void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption and decryption with AES (`aes_x86ni` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (constant, 12 bytes).
+ * \param cc initial block counter value.
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ * \return new block counter value.
+ */
+uint32_t br_aes_x86ni_ctr_run(const br_aes_x86ni_ctr_keys *ctx,
+ const void *iv, uint32_t cc, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption + CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_x86ni` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to encrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_encrypt(const br_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *cbcmac, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR decryption + CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_x86ni` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_decrypt(const br_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *cbcmac, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption/decryption with AES (`aes_x86ni` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param data data to MAC (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_ctr(const br_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_x86ni` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to MAC (unmodified).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_mac(const br_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *cbcmac, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Obtain the `aes_x86ni` AES-CBC (encryption) implementation, if
+ * available.
+ *
+ * This function returns a pointer to `br_aes_x86ni_cbcenc_vtable`, if
+ * that implementation was compiled in the library _and_ the x86 AES
+ * opcodes are available on the currently running CPU. If either of
+ * these conditions is not met, then this function returns `NULL`.
+ *
+ * \return the `aes_x86ni` AES-CBC (encryption) implementation, or `NULL`.
+ */
+const br_block_cbcenc_class *br_aes_x86ni_cbcenc_get_vtable(void);
+ * \brief Obtain the `aes_x86ni` AES-CBC (decryption) implementation, if
+ * available.
+ *
+ * This function returns a pointer to `br_aes_x86ni_cbcdec_vtable`, if
+ * that implementation was compiled in the library _and_ the x86 AES
+ * opcodes are available on the currently running CPU. If either of
+ * these conditions is not met, then this function returns `NULL`.
+ *
+ * \return the `aes_x86ni` AES-CBC (decryption) implementation, or `NULL`.
+ */
+const br_block_cbcdec_class *br_aes_x86ni_cbcdec_get_vtable(void);
+ * \brief Obtain the `aes_x86ni` AES-CTR implementation, if available.
+ *
+ * This function returns a pointer to `br_aes_x86ni_ctr_vtable`, if
+ * that implementation was compiled in the library _and_ the x86 AES
+ * opcodes are available on the currently running CPU. If either of
+ * these conditions is not met, then this function returns `NULL`.
+ *
+ * \return the `aes_x86ni` AES-CTR implementation, or `NULL`.
+ */
+const br_block_ctr_class *br_aes_x86ni_ctr_get_vtable(void);
+ * \brief Obtain the `aes_x86ni` AES-CTR + CBC-MAC implementation, if
+ * available.
+ *
+ * This function returns a pointer to `br_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_vtable`, if
+ * that implementation was compiled in the library _and_ the x86 AES
+ * opcodes are available on the currently running CPU. If either of
+ * these conditions is not met, then this function returns `NULL`.
+ *
+ * \return the `aes_x86ni` AES-CTR implementation, or `NULL`.
+ */
+const br_block_ctrcbc_class *br_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_get_vtable(void);
+ * AES implementation using POWER8 opcodes.
+ */
+/** \brief AES block size (16 bytes). */
+#define br_aes_pwr8_BLOCK_SIZE 16
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_pwr8` implementation, CBC encryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_cbcenc_class *vtable;
+ union {
+ unsigned char skni[16 * 15];
+ } skey;
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_pwr8_cbcenc_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_pwr8` implementation, CBC decryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_cbcdec_class *vtable;
+ union {
+ unsigned char skni[16 * 15];
+ } skey;
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_pwr8_cbcdec_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_pwr8` implementation, CTR encryption
+ * and decryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_ctr_class *vtable;
+ union {
+ unsigned char skni[16 * 15];
+ } skey;
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_pwr8_ctr_keys;
+ * \brief Context for AES subkeys (`aes_pwr8` implementation, CTR encryption
+ * and decryption + CBC-MAC).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_ctrcbc_class *vtable;
+ union {
+ unsigned char skni[16 * 15];
+ } skey;
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_keys;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CBC encryption (`aes_pwr8` implementation).
+ *
+ * Since this implementation might be omitted from the library, or the
+ * AES opcode unavailable on the current CPU, a pointer to this class
+ * instance should be obtained through `br_aes_pwr8_cbcenc_get_vtable()`.
+ */
+extern const br_block_cbcenc_class br_aes_pwr8_cbcenc_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CBC decryption (`aes_pwr8` implementation).
+ *
+ * Since this implementation might be omitted from the library, or the
+ * AES opcode unavailable on the current CPU, a pointer to this class
+ * instance should be obtained through `br_aes_pwr8_cbcdec_get_vtable()`.
+ */
+extern const br_block_cbcdec_class br_aes_pwr8_cbcdec_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CTR encryption and decryption
+ * (`aes_pwr8` implementation).
+ *
+ * Since this implementation might be omitted from the library, or the
+ * AES opcode unavailable on the current CPU, a pointer to this class
+ * instance should be obtained through `br_aes_pwr8_ctr_get_vtable()`.
+ */
+extern const br_block_ctr_class br_aes_pwr8_ctr_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for AES CTR encryption/decryption + CBC-MAC
+ * (`aes_pwr8` implementation).
+ *
+ * Since this implementation might be omitted from the library, or the
+ * AES opcode unavailable on the current CPU, a pointer to this class
+ * instance should be obtained through `br_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_get_vtable()`.
+ */
+extern const br_block_ctrcbc_class br_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_vtable;
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CBC encryption
+ * (`aes_pwr8` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_pwr8_cbcenc_init(br_aes_pwr8_cbcenc_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CBC decryption
+ * (`aes_pwr8` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_pwr8_cbcdec_init(br_aes_pwr8_cbcdec_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CTR encryption
+ * and decryption (`aes_pwr8` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_pwr8_ctr_init(br_aes_pwr8_ctr_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for AES CTR + CBC-MAC
+ * (`aes_pwr8` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_init(br_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC encryption with AES (`aes_pwr8` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (updated).
+ * \param data data to encrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_pwr8_cbcenc_run(const br_aes_pwr8_cbcenc_keys *ctx, void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC decryption with AES (`aes_pwr8` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (updated).
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_pwr8_cbcdec_run(const br_aes_pwr8_cbcdec_keys *ctx, void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption and decryption with AES (`aes_pwr8` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (constant, 12 bytes).
+ * \param cc initial block counter value.
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ * \return new block counter value.
+ */
+uint32_t br_aes_pwr8_ctr_run(const br_aes_pwr8_ctr_keys *ctx,
+ const void *iv, uint32_t cc, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption + CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_pwr8` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to encrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_encrypt(const br_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *cbcmac, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR decryption + CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_pwr8` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_decrypt(const br_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *cbcmac, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CTR encryption/decryption with AES (`aes_pwr8` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param ctr counter for CTR (16 bytes, updated).
+ * \param data data to MAC (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_ctr(const br_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *ctr, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC-MAC with AES (`aes_pwr8` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param cbcmac IV for CBC-MAC (updated).
+ * \param data data to MAC (unmodified).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be a multiple of 16).
+ */
+void br_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_mac(const br_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_keys *ctx,
+ void *cbcmac, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Obtain the `aes_pwr8` AES-CBC (encryption) implementation, if
+ * available.
+ *
+ * This function returns a pointer to `br_aes_pwr8_cbcenc_vtable`, if
+ * that implementation was compiled in the library _and_ the POWER8
+ * crypto opcodes are available on the currently running CPU. If either
+ * of these conditions is not met, then this function returns `NULL`.
+ *
+ * \return the `aes_pwr8` AES-CBC (encryption) implementation, or `NULL`.
+ */
+const br_block_cbcenc_class *br_aes_pwr8_cbcenc_get_vtable(void);
+ * \brief Obtain the `aes_pwr8` AES-CBC (decryption) implementation, if
+ * available.
+ *
+ * This function returns a pointer to `br_aes_pwr8_cbcdec_vtable`, if
+ * that implementation was compiled in the library _and_ the POWER8
+ * crypto opcodes are available on the currently running CPU. If either
+ * of these conditions is not met, then this function returns `NULL`.
+ *
+ * \return the `aes_pwr8` AES-CBC (decryption) implementation, or `NULL`.
+ */
+const br_block_cbcdec_class *br_aes_pwr8_cbcdec_get_vtable(void);
+ * \brief Obtain the `aes_pwr8` AES-CTR implementation, if available.
+ *
+ * This function returns a pointer to `br_aes_pwr8_ctr_vtable`, if that
+ * implementation was compiled in the library _and_ the POWER8 crypto
+ * opcodes are available on the currently running CPU. If either of
+ * these conditions is not met, then this function returns `NULL`.
+ *
+ * \return the `aes_pwr8` AES-CTR implementation, or `NULL`.
+ */
+const br_block_ctr_class *br_aes_pwr8_ctr_get_vtable(void);
+ * \brief Obtain the `aes_pwr8` AES-CTR + CBC-MAC implementation, if
+ * available.
+ *
+ * This function returns a pointer to `br_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_vtable`, if
+ * that implementation was compiled in the library _and_ the POWER8 AES
+ * opcodes are available on the currently running CPU. If either of
+ * these conditions is not met, then this function returns `NULL`.
+ *
+ * \return the `aes_pwr8` AES-CTR implementation, or `NULL`.
+ */
+const br_block_ctrcbc_class *br_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_get_vtable(void);
+ * \brief Aggregate structure large enough to be used as context for
+ * subkeys (CBC encryption) for all AES implementations.
+ */
+typedef union {
+ const br_block_cbcenc_class *vtable;
+ br_aes_big_cbcenc_keys c_big;
+ br_aes_small_cbcenc_keys c_small;
+ br_aes_ct_cbcenc_keys c_ct;
+ br_aes_ct64_cbcenc_keys c_ct64;
+ br_aes_x86ni_cbcenc_keys c_x86ni;
+ br_aes_pwr8_cbcenc_keys c_pwr8;
+} br_aes_gen_cbcenc_keys;
+ * \brief Aggregate structure large enough to be used as context for
+ * subkeys (CBC decryption) for all AES implementations.
+ */
+typedef union {
+ const br_block_cbcdec_class *vtable;
+ br_aes_big_cbcdec_keys c_big;
+ br_aes_small_cbcdec_keys c_small;
+ br_aes_ct_cbcdec_keys c_ct;
+ br_aes_ct64_cbcdec_keys c_ct64;
+ br_aes_x86ni_cbcdec_keys c_x86ni;
+ br_aes_pwr8_cbcdec_keys c_pwr8;
+} br_aes_gen_cbcdec_keys;
+ * \brief Aggregate structure large enough to be used as context for
+ * subkeys (CTR encryption and decryption) for all AES implementations.
+ */
+typedef union {
+ const br_block_ctr_class *vtable;
+ br_aes_big_ctr_keys c_big;
+ br_aes_small_ctr_keys c_small;
+ br_aes_ct_ctr_keys c_ct;
+ br_aes_ct64_ctr_keys c_ct64;
+ br_aes_x86ni_ctr_keys c_x86ni;
+ br_aes_pwr8_ctr_keys c_pwr8;
+} br_aes_gen_ctr_keys;
+ * \brief Aggregate structure large enough to be used as context for
+ * subkeys (CTR encryption/decryption + CBC-MAC) for all AES implementations.
+ */
+typedef union {
+ const br_block_ctrcbc_class *vtable;
+ br_aes_big_ctrcbc_keys c_big;
+ br_aes_small_ctrcbc_keys c_small;
+ br_aes_ct_ctrcbc_keys c_ct;
+ br_aes_ct64_ctrcbc_keys c_ct64;
+ br_aes_x86ni_ctrcbc_keys c_x86ni;
+ br_aes_pwr8_ctrcbc_keys c_pwr8;
+} br_aes_gen_ctrcbc_keys;
+ * Traditional, table-based implementation for DES/3DES. Since tables are
+ * used, cache-timing attacks are conceptually possible.
+ */
+/** \brief DES/3DES block size (8 bytes). */
+#define br_des_tab_BLOCK_SIZE 8
+ * \brief Context for DES subkeys (`des_tab` implementation, CBC encryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_cbcenc_class *vtable;
+ uint32_t skey[96];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_des_tab_cbcenc_keys;
+ * \brief Context for DES subkeys (`des_tab` implementation, CBC decryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_cbcdec_class *vtable;
+ uint32_t skey[96];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_des_tab_cbcdec_keys;
+ * \brief Class instance for DES CBC encryption (`des_tab` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_cbcenc_class br_des_tab_cbcenc_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for DES CBC decryption (`des_tab` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_cbcdec_class br_des_tab_cbcdec_vtable;
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for DES CBC encryption
+ * (`des_tab` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_des_tab_cbcenc_init(br_des_tab_cbcenc_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for DES CBC decryption
+ * (`des_tab` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_des_tab_cbcdec_init(br_des_tab_cbcdec_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC encryption with DES (`des_tab` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (updated).
+ * \param data data to encrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be multiple of 8).
+ */
+void br_des_tab_cbcenc_run(const br_des_tab_cbcenc_keys *ctx, void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC decryption with DES (`des_tab` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (updated).
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be multiple of 8).
+ */
+void br_des_tab_cbcdec_run(const br_des_tab_cbcdec_keys *ctx, void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ * Constant-time implementation for DES/3DES. It is substantially slower
+ * (by a factor of about 4x), but also immune to cache-timing attacks.
+ */
+/** \brief DES/3DES block size (8 bytes). */
+#define br_des_ct_BLOCK_SIZE 8
+ * \brief Context for DES subkeys (`des_ct` implementation, CBC encryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_cbcenc_class *vtable;
+ uint32_t skey[96];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_des_ct_cbcenc_keys;
+ * \brief Context for DES subkeys (`des_ct` implementation, CBC decryption).
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable for this context. */
+ const br_block_cbcdec_class *vtable;
+ uint32_t skey[96];
+ unsigned num_rounds;
+} br_des_ct_cbcdec_keys;
+ * \brief Class instance for DES CBC encryption (`des_ct` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_cbcenc_class br_des_ct_cbcenc_vtable;
+ * \brief Class instance for DES CBC decryption (`des_ct` implementation).
+ */
+extern const br_block_cbcdec_class br_des_ct_cbcdec_vtable;
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for DES CBC encryption
+ * (`des_ct` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_des_ct_cbcenc_init(br_des_ct_cbcenc_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief Context initialisation (key schedule) for DES CBC decryption
+ * (`des_ct` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param key secret key.
+ * \param len secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_des_ct_cbcdec_init(br_des_ct_cbcdec_keys *ctx,
+ const void *key, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC encryption with DES (`des_ct` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (updated).
+ * \param data data to encrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be multiple of 8).
+ */
+void br_des_ct_cbcenc_run(const br_des_ct_cbcenc_keys *ctx, void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief CBC decryption with DES (`des_ct` implementation).
+ *
+ * \param ctx context (already initialised).
+ * \param iv IV (updated).
+ * \param data data to decrypt (updated).
+ * \param len data length (in bytes, MUST be multiple of 8).
+ */
+void br_des_ct_cbcdec_run(const br_des_ct_cbcdec_keys *ctx, void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len);
+ * These structures are large enough to accommodate subkeys for all
+ * DES/3DES implementations.
+ */
+ * \brief Aggregate structure large enough to be used as context for
+ * subkeys (CBC encryption) for all DES implementations.
+ */
+typedef union {
+ const br_block_cbcenc_class *vtable;
+ br_des_tab_cbcenc_keys tab;
+ br_des_ct_cbcenc_keys ct;
+} br_des_gen_cbcenc_keys;
+ * \brief Aggregate structure large enough to be used as context for
+ * subkeys (CBC decryption) for all DES implementations.
+ */
+typedef union {
+ const br_block_cbcdec_class *vtable;
+ br_des_tab_cbcdec_keys c_tab;
+ br_des_ct_cbcdec_keys c_ct;
+} br_des_gen_cbcdec_keys;
+ * \brief Type for a ChaCha20 implementation.
+ *
+ * An implementation follows the description in RFC 7539:
+ *
+ * - Key is 256 bits (`key` points to exactly 32 bytes).
+ *
+ * - IV is 96 bits (`iv` points to exactly 12 bytes).
+ *
+ * - Block counter is over 32 bits and starts at value `cc`; the
+ * resulting value is returned.
+ *
+ * Data (pointed to by `data`, of length `len`) is encrypted/decrypted
+ * in place. If `len` is not a multiple of 64, then the excess bytes from
+ * the last block processing are dropped (therefore, "chunked" processing
+ * works only as long as each non-final chunk has a length multiple of 64).
+ *
+ * \param key secret key (32 bytes).
+ * \param iv IV (12 bytes).
+ * \param cc initial counter value.
+ * \param data data to encrypt or decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ */
+typedef uint32_t (*br_chacha20_run)(const void *key,
+ const void *iv, uint32_t cc, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief ChaCha20 implementation (straightforward C code, constant-time).
+ *
+ * \see br_chacha20_run
+ *
+ * \param key secret key (32 bytes).
+ * \param iv IV (12 bytes).
+ * \param cc initial counter value.
+ * \param data data to encrypt or decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ */
+uint32_t br_chacha20_ct_run(const void *key,
+ const void *iv, uint32_t cc, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief ChaCha20 implementation (SSE2 code, constant-time).
+ *
+ * This implementation is available only on x86 platforms, depending on
+ * compiler support. Moreover, in 32-bit mode, it might not actually run,
+ * if the underlying hardware does not implement the SSE2 opcode (in
+ * 64-bit mode, SSE2 is part of the ABI, so if the code could be compiled
+ * at all, then it can run). Use `br_chacha20_sse2_get()` to safely obtain
+ * a pointer to that function.
+ *
+ * \see br_chacha20_run
+ *
+ * \param key secret key (32 bytes).
+ * \param iv IV (12 bytes).
+ * \param cc initial counter value.
+ * \param data data to encrypt or decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ */
+uint32_t br_chacha20_sse2_run(const void *key,
+ const void *iv, uint32_t cc, void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Obtain the `sse2` ChaCha20 implementation, if available.
+ *
+ * This function returns a pointer to `br_chacha20_sse2_run`, if
+ * that implementation was compiled in the library _and_ the SSE2
+ * opcodes are available on the currently running CPU. If either of
+ * these conditions is not met, then this function returns `0`.
+ *
+ * \return the `sse2` ChaCha20 implementation, or `0`.
+ */
+br_chacha20_run br_chacha20_sse2_get(void);
+ * \brief Type for a ChaCha20+Poly1305 AEAD implementation.
+ *
+ * The provided data is encrypted or decrypted with ChaCha20. The
+ * authentication tag is computed on the concatenation of the
+ * additional data and the ciphertext, with the padding and lengths
+ * as described in RFC 7539 (section 2.8).
+ *
+ * After decryption, the caller is responsible for checking that the
+ * computed tag matches the expected value.
+ *
+ * \param key secret key (32 bytes).
+ * \param iv nonce (12 bytes).
+ * \param data data to encrypt or decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ * \param aad additional authenticated data.
+ * \param aad_len length of additional authenticated data (in bytes).
+ * \param tag output buffer for the authentication tag.
+ * \param ichacha implementation of ChaCha20.
+ * \param encrypt non-zero for encryption, zero for decryption.
+ */
+typedef void (*br_poly1305_run)(const void *key, const void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len, const void *aad, size_t aad_len,
+ void *tag, br_chacha20_run ichacha, int encrypt);
+ * \brief ChaCha20+Poly1305 AEAD implementation (mixed 32-bit multiplications).
+ *
+ * \see br_poly1305_run
+ *
+ * \param key secret key (32 bytes).
+ * \param iv nonce (12 bytes).
+ * \param data data to encrypt or decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ * \param aad additional authenticated data.
+ * \param aad_len length of additional authenticated data (in bytes).
+ * \param tag output buffer for the authentication tag.
+ * \param ichacha implementation of ChaCha20.
+ * \param encrypt non-zero for encryption, zero for decryption.
+ */
+void br_poly1305_ctmul_run(const void *key, const void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len, const void *aad, size_t aad_len,
+ void *tag, br_chacha20_run ichacha, int encrypt);
+ * \brief ChaCha20+Poly1305 AEAD implementation (pure 32-bit multiplications).
+ *
+ * \see br_poly1305_run
+ *
+ * \param key secret key (32 bytes).
+ * \param iv nonce (12 bytes).
+ * \param data data to encrypt or decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ * \param aad additional authenticated data.
+ * \param aad_len length of additional authenticated data (in bytes).
+ * \param tag output buffer for the authentication tag.
+ * \param ichacha implementation of ChaCha20.
+ * \param encrypt non-zero for encryption, zero for decryption.
+ */
+void br_poly1305_ctmul32_run(const void *key, const void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len, const void *aad, size_t aad_len,
+ void *tag, br_chacha20_run ichacha, int encrypt);
+ * \brief ChaCha20+Poly1305 AEAD implementation (i15).
+ *
+ * This implementation relies on the generic big integer code "i15"
+ * (which uses pure 32-bit multiplications). As such, it may save a
+ * little code footprint in a context where "i15" is already included
+ * (e.g. for elliptic curves or for RSA); however, it is also
+ * substantially slower than the ctmul and ctmul32 implementations.
+ *
+ * \see br_poly1305_run
+ *
+ * \param key secret key (32 bytes).
+ * \param iv nonce (12 bytes).
+ * \param data data to encrypt or decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ * \param aad additional authenticated data.
+ * \param aad_len length of additional authenticated data (in bytes).
+ * \param tag output buffer for the authentication tag.
+ * \param ichacha implementation of ChaCha20.
+ * \param encrypt non-zero for encryption, zero for decryption.
+ */
+void br_poly1305_i15_run(const void *key, const void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len, const void *aad, size_t aad_len,
+ void *tag, br_chacha20_run ichacha, int encrypt);
+ * \brief ChaCha20+Poly1305 AEAD implementation (ctmulq).
+ *
+ * This implementation uses 64-bit multiplications (result over 128 bits).
+ * It is available only on platforms that offer such a primitive (in
+ * practice, 64-bit architectures). Use `br_poly1305_ctmulq_get()` to
+ * dynamically obtain a pointer to that function, or 0 if not supported.
+ *
+ * \see br_poly1305_run
+ *
+ * \param key secret key (32 bytes).
+ * \param iv nonce (12 bytes).
+ * \param data data to encrypt or decrypt.
+ * \param len data length (in bytes).
+ * \param aad additional authenticated data.
+ * \param aad_len length of additional authenticated data (in bytes).
+ * \param tag output buffer for the authentication tag.
+ * \param ichacha implementation of ChaCha20.
+ * \param encrypt non-zero for encryption, zero for decryption.
+ */
+void br_poly1305_ctmulq_run(const void *key, const void *iv,
+ void *data, size_t len, const void *aad, size_t aad_len,
+ void *tag, br_chacha20_run ichacha, int encrypt);
+ * \brief Get the ChaCha20+Poly1305 "ctmulq" implementation, if available.
+ *
+ * This function returns a pointer to the `br_poly1305_ctmulq_run()`
+ * function if supported on the current platform; otherwise, it returns 0.
+ *
+ * \return the ctmulq ChaCha20+Poly1305 implementation, or 0.
+ */
+br_poly1305_run br_poly1305_ctmulq_get(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_ec.h b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_ec.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f954309e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_ec.h
@@ -0,0 +1,967 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Thomas Pornin <pornin@bolet.org>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef BR_BEARSSL_EC_H__
+#define BR_BEARSSL_EC_H__
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "bearssl_rand.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** \file bearssl_ec.h
+ *
+ * # Elliptic Curves
+ *
+ * This file documents the EC implementations provided with BearSSL, and
+ * ECDSA.
+ *
+ * ## Elliptic Curve API
+ *
+ * Only "named curves" are supported. Each EC implementation supports
+ * one or several named curves, identified by symbolic identifiers.
+ * These identifiers are small integers, that correspond to the values
+ * registered by the
+ * [IANA](http://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-parameters/tls-parameters.xhtml#tls-parameters-8).
+ *
+ * Since all currently defined elliptic curve identifiers are in the 0..31
+ * range, it is convenient to encode support of some curves in a 32-bit
+ * word, such that bit x corresponds to curve of identifier x.
+ *
+ * An EC implementation is incarnated by a `br_ec_impl` instance, that
+ * offers the following fields:
+ *
+ * - `supported_curves`
+ *
+ * A 32-bit word that documents the identifiers of the curves supported
+ * by this implementation.
+ *
+ * - `generator()`
+ *
+ * Callback method that returns a pointer to the conventional generator
+ * point for that curve.
+ *
+ * - `order()`
+ *
+ * Callback method that returns a pointer to the subgroup order for
+ * that curve. That value uses unsigned big-endian encoding.
+ *
+ * - `xoff()`
+ *
+ * Callback method that returns the offset and length of the X
+ * coordinate in an encoded point.
+ *
+ * - `mul()`
+ *
+ * Multiply a curve point with an integer.
+ *
+ * - `mulgen()`
+ *
+ * Multiply the curve generator with an integer. This may be faster
+ * than the generic `mul()`.
+ *
+ * - `muladd()`
+ *
+ * Multiply two curve points by two integers, and return the sum of
+ * the two products.
+ *
+ * All curve points are represented in uncompressed format. The `mul()`
+ * and `muladd()` methods take care to validate that the provided points
+ * are really part of the relevant curve subgroup.
+ *
+ * For all point multiplication functions, the following holds:
+ *
+ * - Functions validate that the provided points are valid members
+ * of the relevant curve subgroup. An error is reported if that is
+ * not the case.
+ *
+ * - Processing is constant-time, even if the point operands are not
+ * valid. This holds for both the source and resulting points, and
+ * the multipliers (integers). Only the byte length of the provided
+ * multiplier arrays (not their actual value length in bits) may
+ * leak through timing-based side channels.
+ *
+ * - The multipliers (integers) MUST be lower than the subgroup order.
+ * If this property is not met, then the result is indeterminate,
+ * but an error value is not ncessearily returned.
+ *
+ *
+ * ## ECDSA
+ *
+ * ECDSA signatures have two standard formats, called "raw" and "asn1".
+ * Internally, such a signature is a pair of modular integers `(r,s)`.
+ * The "raw" format is the concatenation of the unsigned big-endian
+ * encodings of these two integers, possibly left-padded with zeros so
+ * that they have the same encoded length. The "asn1" format is the
+ * DER encoding of an ASN.1 structure that contains the two integer
+ * values:
+ *
+ * ECDSASignature ::= SEQUENCE {
+ * r INTEGER,
+ * }
+ *
+ * In general, in all of X.509 and SSL/TLS, the "asn1" format is used.
+ * BearSSL offers ECDSA implementations for both formats; conversion
+ * functions between the two formats are also provided. Conversion of a
+ * "raw" format signature into "asn1" may enlarge a signature by no more
+ * than 9 bytes for all supported curves; conversely, conversion of an
+ * "asn1" signature to "raw" may expand the signature but the "raw"
+ * length will never be more than twice the length of the "asn1" length
+ * (and usually it will be shorter).
+ *
+ * Note that for a given signature, the "raw" format is not fully
+ * deterministic, in that it does not enforce a minimal common length.
+ */
+ * Standard curve ID. These ID are equal to the assigned numerical
+ * identifiers assigned to these curves for TLS:
+ * http://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-parameters/tls-parameters.xhtml#tls-parameters-8
+ */
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve sect163k1. */
+#define BR_EC_sect163k1 1
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve sect163r1. */
+#define BR_EC_sect163r1 2
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve sect163r2. */
+#define BR_EC_sect163r2 3
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve sect193r1. */
+#define BR_EC_sect193r1 4
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve sect193r2. */
+#define BR_EC_sect193r2 5
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve sect233k1. */
+#define BR_EC_sect233k1 6
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve sect233r1. */
+#define BR_EC_sect233r1 7
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve sect239k1. */
+#define BR_EC_sect239k1 8
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve sect283k1. */
+#define BR_EC_sect283k1 9
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve sect283r1. */
+#define BR_EC_sect283r1 10
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve sect409k1. */
+#define BR_EC_sect409k1 11
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve sect409r1. */
+#define BR_EC_sect409r1 12
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve sect571k1. */
+#define BR_EC_sect571k1 13
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve sect571r1. */
+#define BR_EC_sect571r1 14
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve secp160k1. */
+#define BR_EC_secp160k1 15
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve secp160r1. */
+#define BR_EC_secp160r1 16
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve secp160r2. */
+#define BR_EC_secp160r2 17
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve secp192k1. */
+#define BR_EC_secp192k1 18
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve secp192r1. */
+#define BR_EC_secp192r1 19
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve secp224k1. */
+#define BR_EC_secp224k1 20
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve secp224r1. */
+#define BR_EC_secp224r1 21
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve secp256k1. */
+#define BR_EC_secp256k1 22
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve secp256r1. */
+#define BR_EC_secp256r1 23
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve secp384r1. */
+#define BR_EC_secp384r1 24
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve secp521r1. */
+#define BR_EC_secp521r1 25
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve brainpoolP256r1. */
+#define BR_EC_brainpoolP256r1 26
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve brainpoolP384r1. */
+#define BR_EC_brainpoolP384r1 27
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve brainpoolP512r1. */
+#define BR_EC_brainpoolP512r1 28
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve Curve25519. */
+#define BR_EC_curve25519 29
+/** \brief Identifier for named curve Curve448. */
+#define BR_EC_curve448 30
+ * \brief Structure for an EC public key.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Identifier for the curve used by this key. */
+ int curve;
+ /** \brief Public curve point (uncompressed format). */
+ unsigned char *q;
+ /** \brief Length of public curve point (in bytes). */
+ size_t qlen;
+} br_ec_public_key;
+ * \brief Structure for an EC private key.
+ *
+ * The private key is an integer modulo the curve subgroup order. The
+ * encoding below tolerates extra leading zeros. In general, it is
+ * recommended that the private key has the same length as the curve
+ * subgroup order.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Identifier for the curve used by this key. */
+ int curve;
+ /** \brief Private key (integer, unsigned big-endian encoding). */
+ unsigned char *x;
+ /** \brief Private key length (in bytes). */
+ size_t xlen;
+} br_ec_private_key;
+ * \brief Type for an EC implementation.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * \brief Supported curves.
+ *
+ * This word is a bitfield: bit `x` is set if the curve of ID `x`
+ * is supported. E.g. an implementation supporting both NIST P-256
+ * (secp256r1, ID 23) and NIST P-384 (secp384r1, ID 24) will have
+ * value `0x01800000` in this field.
+ */
+ uint32_t supported_curves;
+ /**
+ * \brief Get the conventional generator.
+ *
+ * This function returns the conventional generator (encoded
+ * curve point) for the specified curve. This function MUST NOT
+ * be called if the curve is not supported.
+ *
+ * \param curve curve identifier.
+ * \param len receiver for the encoded generator length (in bytes).
+ * \return the encoded generator.
+ */
+ const unsigned char *(*generator)(int curve, size_t *len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Get the subgroup order.
+ *
+ * This function returns the order of the subgroup generated by
+ * the conventional generator, for the specified curve. Unsigned
+ * big-endian encoding is used. This function MUST NOT be called
+ * if the curve is not supported.
+ *
+ * \param curve curve identifier.
+ * \param len receiver for the encoded order length (in bytes).
+ * \return the encoded order.
+ */
+ const unsigned char *(*order)(int curve, size_t *len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Get the offset and length for the X coordinate.
+ *
+ * This function returns the offset and length (in bytes) of
+ * the X coordinate in an encoded non-zero point.
+ *
+ * \param curve curve identifier.
+ * \param len receiver for the X coordinate length (in bytes).
+ * \return the offset for the X coordinate (in bytes).
+ */
+ size_t (*xoff)(int curve, size_t *len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Multiply a curve point by an integer.
+ *
+ * The source point is provided in array `G` (of size `Glen` bytes);
+ * the multiplication result is written over it. The multiplier
+ * `x` (of size `xlen` bytes) uses unsigned big-endian encoding.
+ *
+ * Rules:
+ *
+ * - The specified curve MUST be supported.
+ *
+ * - The source point must be a valid point on the relevant curve
+ * subgroup (and not the "point at infinity" either). If this is
+ * not the case, then this function returns an error (0).
+ *
+ * - The multiplier integer MUST be non-zero and less than the
+ * curve subgroup order. If this property does not hold, then
+ * the result is indeterminate and an error code is not
+ * guaranteed.
+ *
+ * Returned value is 1 on success, 0 on error. On error, the
+ * contents of `G` are indeterminate.
+ *
+ * \param G point to multiply.
+ * \param Glen length of the encoded point (in bytes).
+ * \param x multiplier (unsigned big-endian).
+ * \param xlen multiplier length (in bytes).
+ * \param curve curve identifier.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+ uint32_t (*mul)(unsigned char *G, size_t Glen,
+ const unsigned char *x, size_t xlen, int curve);
+ /**
+ * \brief Multiply the generator by an integer.
+ *
+ * The multiplier MUST be non-zero and less than the curve
+ * subgroup order. Results are indeterminate if this property
+ * does not hold.
+ *
+ * \param R output buffer for the point.
+ * \param x multiplier (unsigned big-endian).
+ * \param xlen multiplier length (in bytes).
+ * \param curve curve identifier.
+ * \return encoded result point length (in bytes).
+ */
+ size_t (*mulgen)(unsigned char *R,
+ const unsigned char *x, size_t xlen, int curve);
+ /**
+ * \brief Multiply two points by two integers and add the
+ * results.
+ *
+ * The point `x*A + y*B` is computed and written back in the `A`
+ * array.
+ *
+ * Rules:
+ *
+ * - The specified curve MUST be supported.
+ *
+ * - The source points (`A` and `B`) must be valid points on
+ * the relevant curve subgroup (and not the "point at
+ * infinity" either). If this is not the case, then this
+ * function returns an error (0).
+ *
+ * - If the `B` pointer is `NULL`, then the conventional
+ * subgroup generator is used. With some implementations,
+ * this may be faster than providing a pointer to the
+ * generator.
+ *
+ * - The multiplier integers (`x` and `y`) MUST be non-zero
+ * and less than the curve subgroup order. If either integer
+ * is zero, then an error is reported, but if one of them is
+ * not lower than the subgroup order, then the result is
+ * indeterminate and an error code is not guaranteed.
+ *
+ * - If the final result is the point at infinity, then an
+ * error is returned.
+ *
+ * Returned value is 1 on success, 0 on error. On error, the
+ * contents of `A` are indeterminate.
+ *
+ * \param A first point to multiply.
+ * \param B second point to multiply (`NULL` for the generator).
+ * \param len common length of the encoded points (in bytes).
+ * \param x multiplier for `A` (unsigned big-endian).
+ * \param xlen length of multiplier for `A` (in bytes).
+ * \param y multiplier for `A` (unsigned big-endian).
+ * \param ylen length of multiplier for `A` (in bytes).
+ * \param curve curve identifier.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+ uint32_t (*muladd)(unsigned char *A, const unsigned char *B, size_t len,
+ const unsigned char *x, size_t xlen,
+ const unsigned char *y, size_t ylen, int curve);
+} br_ec_impl;
+ * \brief EC implementation "i31".
+ *
+ * This implementation internally uses generic code for modular integers,
+ * with a representation as sequences of 31-bit words. It supports secp256r1,
+ * secp384r1 and secp521r1 (aka NIST curves P-256, P-384 and P-521).
+ */
+extern const br_ec_impl br_ec_prime_i31;
+ * \brief EC implementation "i15".
+ *
+ * This implementation internally uses generic code for modular integers,
+ * with a representation as sequences of 15-bit words. It supports secp256r1,
+ * secp384r1 and secp521r1 (aka NIST curves P-256, P-384 and P-521).
+ */
+extern const br_ec_impl br_ec_prime_i15;
+ * \brief EC implementation "m15" for P-256.
+ *
+ * This implementation uses specialised code for curve secp256r1 (also
+ * known as NIST P-256), with optional Karatsuba decomposition, and fast
+ * modular reduction thanks to the field modulus special format. Only
+ * 32-bit multiplications are used (with 32-bit results, not 64-bit).
+ */
+extern const br_ec_impl br_ec_p256_m15;
+ * \brief EC implementation "m31" for P-256.
+ *
+ * This implementation uses specialised code for curve secp256r1 (also
+ * known as NIST P-256), relying on multiplications of 31-bit values
+ * (MUL31).
+ */
+extern const br_ec_impl br_ec_p256_m31;
+ * \brief EC implementation "m62" (specialised code) for P-256.
+ *
+ * This implementation uses custom code relying on multiplication of
+ * integers up to 64 bits, with a 128-bit result. This implementation is
+ * defined only on platforms that offer the 64x64->128 multiplication
+ * support; use `br_ec_p256_m62_get()` to dynamically obtain a pointer
+ * to that implementation.
+ */
+extern const br_ec_impl br_ec_p256_m62;
+ * \brief Get the "m62" implementation of P-256, if available.
+ *
+ * \return the implementation, or 0.
+ */
+const br_ec_impl *br_ec_p256_m62_get(void);
+ * \brief EC implementation "m64" (specialised code) for P-256.
+ *
+ * This implementation uses custom code relying on multiplication of
+ * integers up to 64 bits, with a 128-bit result. This implementation is
+ * defined only on platforms that offer the 64x64->128 multiplication
+ * support; use `br_ec_p256_m64_get()` to dynamically obtain a pointer
+ * to that implementation.
+ */
+extern const br_ec_impl br_ec_p256_m64;
+ * \brief Get the "m64" implementation of P-256, if available.
+ *
+ * \return the implementation, or 0.
+ */
+const br_ec_impl *br_ec_p256_m64_get(void);
+ * \brief EC implementation "i15" (generic code) for Curve25519.
+ *
+ * This implementation uses the generic code for modular integers (with
+ * 15-bit words) to support Curve25519. Due to the specificities of the
+ * curve definition, the following applies:
+ *
+ * - `muladd()` is not implemented (the function returns 0 systematically).
+ * - `order()` returns 2^255-1, since the point multiplication algorithm
+ * accepts any 32-bit integer as input (it clears the top bit and low
+ * three bits systematically).
+ */
+extern const br_ec_impl br_ec_c25519_i15;
+ * \brief EC implementation "i31" (generic code) for Curve25519.
+ *
+ * This implementation uses the generic code for modular integers (with
+ * 31-bit words) to support Curve25519. Due to the specificities of the
+ * curve definition, the following applies:
+ *
+ * - `muladd()` is not implemented (the function returns 0 systematically).
+ * - `order()` returns 2^255-1, since the point multiplication algorithm
+ * accepts any 32-bit integer as input (it clears the top bit and low
+ * three bits systematically).
+ */
+extern const br_ec_impl br_ec_c25519_i31;
+ * \brief EC implementation "m15" (specialised code) for Curve25519.
+ *
+ * This implementation uses custom code relying on multiplication of
+ * integers up to 15 bits. Due to the specificities of the curve
+ * definition, the following applies:
+ *
+ * - `muladd()` is not implemented (the function returns 0 systematically).
+ * - `order()` returns 2^255-1, since the point multiplication algorithm
+ * accepts any 32-bit integer as input (it clears the top bit and low
+ * three bits systematically).
+ */
+extern const br_ec_impl br_ec_c25519_m15;
+ * \brief EC implementation "m31" (specialised code) for Curve25519.
+ *
+ * This implementation uses custom code relying on multiplication of
+ * integers up to 31 bits. Due to the specificities of the curve
+ * definition, the following applies:
+ *
+ * - `muladd()` is not implemented (the function returns 0 systematically).
+ * - `order()` returns 2^255-1, since the point multiplication algorithm
+ * accepts any 32-bit integer as input (it clears the top bit and low
+ * three bits systematically).
+ */
+extern const br_ec_impl br_ec_c25519_m31;
+ * \brief EC implementation "m62" (specialised code) for Curve25519.
+ *
+ * This implementation uses custom code relying on multiplication of
+ * integers up to 62 bits, with a 124-bit result. This implementation is
+ * defined only on platforms that offer the 64x64->128 multiplication
+ * support; use `br_ec_c25519_m62_get()` to dynamically obtain a pointer
+ * to that implementation. Due to the specificities of the curve
+ * definition, the following applies:
+ *
+ * - `muladd()` is not implemented (the function returns 0 systematically).
+ * - `order()` returns 2^255-1, since the point multiplication algorithm
+ * accepts any 32-bit integer as input (it clears the top bit and low
+ * three bits systematically).
+ */
+extern const br_ec_impl br_ec_c25519_m62;
+ * \brief Get the "m62" implementation of Curve25519, if available.
+ *
+ * \return the implementation, or 0.
+ */
+const br_ec_impl *br_ec_c25519_m62_get(void);
+ * \brief EC implementation "m64" (specialised code) for Curve25519.
+ *
+ * This implementation uses custom code relying on multiplication of
+ * integers up to 64 bits, with a 128-bit result. This implementation is
+ * defined only on platforms that offer the 64x64->128 multiplication
+ * support; use `br_ec_c25519_m64_get()` to dynamically obtain a pointer
+ * to that implementation. Due to the specificities of the curve
+ * definition, the following applies:
+ *
+ * - `muladd()` is not implemented (the function returns 0 systematically).
+ * - `order()` returns 2^255-1, since the point multiplication algorithm
+ * accepts any 32-bit integer as input (it clears the top bit and low
+ * three bits systematically).
+ */
+extern const br_ec_impl br_ec_c25519_m64;
+ * \brief Get the "m64" implementation of Curve25519, if available.
+ *
+ * \return the implementation, or 0.
+ */
+const br_ec_impl *br_ec_c25519_m64_get(void);
+ * \brief Aggregate EC implementation "m15".
+ *
+ * This implementation is a wrapper for:
+ *
+ * - `br_ec_c25519_m15` for Curve25519
+ * - `br_ec_p256_m15` for NIST P-256
+ * - `br_ec_prime_i15` for other curves (NIST P-384 and NIST-P512)
+ */
+extern const br_ec_impl br_ec_all_m15;
+ * \brief Aggregate EC implementation "m31".
+ *
+ * This implementation is a wrapper for:
+ *
+ * - `br_ec_c25519_m31` for Curve25519
+ * - `br_ec_p256_m31` for NIST P-256
+ * - `br_ec_prime_i31` for other curves (NIST P-384 and NIST-P512)
+ */
+extern const br_ec_impl br_ec_all_m31;
+ * \brief Get the "default" EC implementation for the current system.
+ *
+ * This returns a pointer to the preferred implementation on the
+ * current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default EC implementation.
+ */
+const br_ec_impl *br_ec_get_default(void);
+ * \brief Convert a signature from "raw" to "asn1".
+ *
+ * Conversion is done "in place" and the new length is returned.
+ * Conversion may enlarge the signature, but by no more than 9 bytes at
+ * most. On error, 0 is returned (error conditions include an odd raw
+ * signature length, or an oversized integer).
+ *
+ * \param sig signature to convert.
+ * \param sig_len signature length (in bytes).
+ * \return the new signature length, or 0 on error.
+ */
+size_t br_ecdsa_raw_to_asn1(void *sig, size_t sig_len);
+ * \brief Convert a signature from "asn1" to "raw".
+ *
+ * Conversion is done "in place" and the new length is returned.
+ * Conversion may enlarge the signature, but the new signature length
+ * will be less than twice the source length at most. On error, 0 is
+ * returned (error conditions include an invalid ASN.1 structure or an
+ * oversized integer).
+ *
+ * \param sig signature to convert.
+ * \param sig_len signature length (in bytes).
+ * \return the new signature length, or 0 on error.
+ */
+size_t br_ecdsa_asn1_to_raw(void *sig, size_t sig_len);
+ * \brief Type for an ECDSA signer function.
+ *
+ * A pointer to the EC implementation is provided. The hash value is
+ * assumed to have the length inferred from the designated hash function
+ * class.
+ *
+ * Signature is written in the buffer pointed to by `sig`, and the length
+ * (in bytes) is returned. On error, nothing is written in the buffer,
+ * and 0 is returned. This function returns 0 if the specified curve is
+ * not supported by the provided EC implementation.
+ *
+ * The signature format is either "raw" or "asn1", depending on the
+ * implementation; maximum length is predictable from the implemented
+ * curve:
+ *
+ * | curve | raw | asn1 |
+ * | :--------- | --: | ---: |
+ * | NIST P-256 | 64 | 72 |
+ * | NIST P-384 | 96 | 104 |
+ * | NIST P-521 | 132 | 139 |
+ *
+ * \param impl EC implementation to use.
+ * \param hf hash function used to process the data.
+ * \param hash_value signed data (hashed).
+ * \param sk EC private key.
+ * \param sig destination buffer.
+ * \return the signature length (in bytes), or 0 on error.
+ */
+typedef size_t (*br_ecdsa_sign)(const br_ec_impl *impl,
+ const br_hash_class *hf, const void *hash_value,
+ const br_ec_private_key *sk, void *sig);
+ * \brief Type for an ECDSA signature verification function.
+ *
+ * A pointer to the EC implementation is provided. The hashed value,
+ * computed over the purportedly signed data, is also provided with
+ * its length.
+ *
+ * The signature format is either "raw" or "asn1", depending on the
+ * implementation.
+ *
+ * Returned value is 1 on success (valid signature), 0 on error. This
+ * function returns 0 if the specified curve is not supported by the
+ * provided EC implementation.
+ *
+ * \param impl EC implementation to use.
+ * \param hash signed data (hashed).
+ * \param hash_len hash value length (in bytes).
+ * \param pk EC public key.
+ * \param sig signature.
+ * \param sig_len signature length (in bytes).
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+typedef uint32_t (*br_ecdsa_vrfy)(const br_ec_impl *impl,
+ const void *hash, size_t hash_len,
+ const br_ec_public_key *pk, const void *sig, size_t sig_len);
+ * \brief ECDSA signature generator, "i31" implementation, "asn1" format.
+ *
+ * \see br_ecdsa_sign()
+ *
+ * \param impl EC implementation to use.
+ * \param hf hash function used to process the data.
+ * \param hash_value signed data (hashed).
+ * \param sk EC private key.
+ * \param sig destination buffer.
+ * \return the signature length (in bytes), or 0 on error.
+ */
+size_t br_ecdsa_i31_sign_asn1(const br_ec_impl *impl,
+ const br_hash_class *hf, const void *hash_value,
+ const br_ec_private_key *sk, void *sig);
+ * \brief ECDSA signature generator, "i31" implementation, "raw" format.
+ *
+ * \see br_ecdsa_sign()
+ *
+ * \param impl EC implementation to use.
+ * \param hf hash function used to process the data.
+ * \param hash_value signed data (hashed).
+ * \param sk EC private key.
+ * \param sig destination buffer.
+ * \return the signature length (in bytes), or 0 on error.
+ */
+size_t br_ecdsa_i31_sign_raw(const br_ec_impl *impl,
+ const br_hash_class *hf, const void *hash_value,
+ const br_ec_private_key *sk, void *sig);
+ * \brief ECDSA signature verifier, "i31" implementation, "asn1" format.
+ *
+ * \see br_ecdsa_vrfy()
+ *
+ * \param impl EC implementation to use.
+ * \param hash signed data (hashed).
+ * \param hash_len hash value length (in bytes).
+ * \param pk EC public key.
+ * \param sig signature.
+ * \param sig_len signature length (in bytes).
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_ecdsa_i31_vrfy_asn1(const br_ec_impl *impl,
+ const void *hash, size_t hash_len,
+ const br_ec_public_key *pk, const void *sig, size_t sig_len);
+ * \brief ECDSA signature verifier, "i31" implementation, "raw" format.
+ *
+ * \see br_ecdsa_vrfy()
+ *
+ * \param impl EC implementation to use.
+ * \param hash signed data (hashed).
+ * \param hash_len hash value length (in bytes).
+ * \param pk EC public key.
+ * \param sig signature.
+ * \param sig_len signature length (in bytes).
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_ecdsa_i31_vrfy_raw(const br_ec_impl *impl,
+ const void *hash, size_t hash_len,
+ const br_ec_public_key *pk, const void *sig, size_t sig_len);
+ * \brief ECDSA signature generator, "i15" implementation, "asn1" format.
+ *
+ * \see br_ecdsa_sign()
+ *
+ * \param impl EC implementation to use.
+ * \param hf hash function used to process the data.
+ * \param hash_value signed data (hashed).
+ * \param sk EC private key.
+ * \param sig destination buffer.
+ * \return the signature length (in bytes), or 0 on error.
+ */
+size_t br_ecdsa_i15_sign_asn1(const br_ec_impl *impl,
+ const br_hash_class *hf, const void *hash_value,
+ const br_ec_private_key *sk, void *sig);
+ * \brief ECDSA signature generator, "i15" implementation, "raw" format.
+ *
+ * \see br_ecdsa_sign()
+ *
+ * \param impl EC implementation to use.
+ * \param hf hash function used to process the data.
+ * \param hash_value signed data (hashed).
+ * \param sk EC private key.
+ * \param sig destination buffer.
+ * \return the signature length (in bytes), or 0 on error.
+ */
+size_t br_ecdsa_i15_sign_raw(const br_ec_impl *impl,
+ const br_hash_class *hf, const void *hash_value,
+ const br_ec_private_key *sk, void *sig);
+ * \brief ECDSA signature verifier, "i15" implementation, "asn1" format.
+ *
+ * \see br_ecdsa_vrfy()
+ *
+ * \param impl EC implementation to use.
+ * \param hash signed data (hashed).
+ * \param hash_len hash value length (in bytes).
+ * \param pk EC public key.
+ * \param sig signature.
+ * \param sig_len signature length (in bytes).
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_ecdsa_i15_vrfy_asn1(const br_ec_impl *impl,
+ const void *hash, size_t hash_len,
+ const br_ec_public_key *pk, const void *sig, size_t sig_len);
+ * \brief ECDSA signature verifier, "i15" implementation, "raw" format.
+ *
+ * \see br_ecdsa_vrfy()
+ *
+ * \param impl EC implementation to use.
+ * \param hash signed data (hashed).
+ * \param hash_len hash value length (in bytes).
+ * \param pk EC public key.
+ * \param sig signature.
+ * \param sig_len signature length (in bytes).
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_ecdsa_i15_vrfy_raw(const br_ec_impl *impl,
+ const void *hash, size_t hash_len,
+ const br_ec_public_key *pk, const void *sig, size_t sig_len);
+ * \brief Get "default" ECDSA implementation (signer, asn1 format).
+ *
+ * This returns the preferred implementation of ECDSA signature generation
+ * ("asn1" output format) on the current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default implementation.
+ */
+br_ecdsa_sign br_ecdsa_sign_asn1_get_default(void);
+ * \brief Get "default" ECDSA implementation (signer, raw format).
+ *
+ * This returns the preferred implementation of ECDSA signature generation
+ * ("raw" output format) on the current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default implementation.
+ */
+br_ecdsa_sign br_ecdsa_sign_raw_get_default(void);
+ * \brief Get "default" ECDSA implementation (verifier, asn1 format).
+ *
+ * This returns the preferred implementation of ECDSA signature verification
+ * ("asn1" output format) on the current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default implementation.
+ */
+br_ecdsa_vrfy br_ecdsa_vrfy_asn1_get_default(void);
+ * \brief Get "default" ECDSA implementation (verifier, raw format).
+ *
+ * This returns the preferred implementation of ECDSA signature verification
+ * ("raw" output format) on the current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default implementation.
+ */
+br_ecdsa_vrfy br_ecdsa_vrfy_raw_get_default(void);
+ * \brief Maximum size for EC private key element buffer.
+ *
+ * This is the largest number of bytes that `br_ec_keygen()` may need or
+ * ever return.
+ */
+ * \brief Maximum size for EC public key element buffer.
+ *
+ * This is the largest number of bytes that `br_ec_compute_public()` may
+ * need or ever return.
+ */
+#define BR_EC_KBUF_PUB_MAX_SIZE 145
+ * \brief Generate a new EC private key.
+ *
+ * If the specified `curve` is not supported by the elliptic curve
+ * implementation (`impl`), then this function returns zero.
+ *
+ * The `sk` structure fields are set to the new private key data. In
+ * particular, `sk.x` is made to point to the provided key buffer (`kbuf`),
+ * in which the actual private key data is written. That buffer is assumed
+ * to be large enough. The `BR_EC_KBUF_PRIV_MAX_SIZE` defines the maximum
+ * size for all supported curves.
+ *
+ * The number of bytes used in `kbuf` is returned. If `kbuf` is `NULL`, then
+ * the private key is not actually generated, and `sk` may also be `NULL`;
+ * the minimum length for `kbuf` is still computed and returned.
+ *
+ * If `sk` is `NULL` but `kbuf` is not `NULL`, then the private key is
+ * still generated and stored in `kbuf`.
+ *
+ * \param rng_ctx source PRNG context (already initialized).
+ * \param impl the elliptic curve implementation.
+ * \param sk the private key structure to fill, or `NULL`.
+ * \param kbuf the key element buffer, or `NULL`.
+ * \param curve the curve identifier.
+ * \return the key data length (in bytes), or zero.
+ */
+size_t br_ec_keygen(const br_prng_class **rng_ctx,
+ const br_ec_impl *impl, br_ec_private_key *sk,
+ void *kbuf, int curve);
+ * \brief Compute EC public key from EC private key.
+ *
+ * This function uses the provided elliptic curve implementation (`impl`)
+ * to compute the public key corresponding to the private key held in `sk`.
+ * The public key point is written into `kbuf`, which is then linked from
+ * the `*pk` structure. The size of the public key point, i.e. the number
+ * of bytes used in `kbuf`, is returned.
+ *
+ * If `kbuf` is `NULL`, then the public key point is NOT computed, and
+ * the public key structure `*pk` is unmodified (`pk` may be `NULL` in
+ * that case). The size of the public key point is still returned.
+ *
+ * If `pk` is `NULL` but `kbuf` is not `NULL`, then the public key
+ * point is computed and stored in `kbuf`, and its size is returned.
+ *
+ * If the curve used by the private key is not supported by the curve
+ * implementation, then this function returns zero.
+ *
+ * The private key MUST be valid. An off-range private key value is not
+ * necessarily detected, and leads to unpredictable results.
+ *
+ * \param impl the elliptic curve implementation.
+ * \param pk the public key structure to fill (or `NULL`).
+ * \param kbuf the public key point buffer (or `NULL`).
+ * \param sk the source private key.
+ * \return the public key point length (in bytes), or zero.
+ */
+size_t br_ec_compute_pub(const br_ec_impl *impl, br_ec_public_key *pk,
+ void *kbuf, const br_ec_private_key *sk);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_hash.h b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_hash.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b15ba7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_hash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1346 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Thomas Pornin <pornin@bolet.org>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef BR_BEARSSL_HASH_H__
+#define BR_BEARSSL_HASH_H__
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** \file bearssl_hash.h
+ *
+ * # Hash Functions
+ *
+ * This file documents the API for hash functions.
+ *
+ *
+ * ## Procedural API
+ *
+ * For each implemented hash function, of name "`xxx`", the following
+ * elements are defined:
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_vtable`
+ *
+ * An externally defined instance of `br_hash_class`.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_SIZE`
+ *
+ * A macro that evaluates to the output size (in bytes) of the
+ * hash function.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_ID`
+ *
+ * A macro that evaluates to a symbolic identifier for the hash
+ * function. Such identifiers are used with HMAC and signature
+ * algorithm implementations.
+ *
+ * NOTE: for the "standard" hash functions defined in [the TLS
+ * standard](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5246#section-,
+ * the symbolic identifiers match the constants used in TLS, i.e.
+ * 1 to 6 for MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512,
+ * respectively.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_context`
+ *
+ * Context for an ongoing computation. It is allocated by the
+ * caller, and a pointer to it is passed to all functions. A
+ * context contains no interior pointer, so it can be moved around
+ * and cloned (with a simple `memcpy()` or equivalent) in order to
+ * capture the function state at some point. Computations that use
+ * distinct context structures are independent of each other. The
+ * first field of `br_xxx_context` is always a pointer to the
+ * `br_xxx_vtable` structure; `br_xxx_init()` sets that pointer.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_init(br_xxx_context *ctx)`
+ *
+ * Initialise the provided context. Previous contents of the structure
+ * are ignored. This calls resets the context to the start of a new
+ * hash computation; it also sets the first field of the context
+ * structure (called `vtable`) to a pointer to the statically
+ * allocated constant `br_xxx_vtable` structure.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_update(br_xxx_context *ctx, const void *data, size_t len)`
+ *
+ * Add some more bytes to the hash computation represented by the
+ * provided context.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_out(const br_xxx_context *ctx, void *out)`
+ *
+ * Complete the hash computation and write the result in the provided
+ * buffer. The output buffer MUST be large enough to accommodate the
+ * result. The context is NOT modified by this operation, so this
+ * function can be used to get a "partial hash" while still keeping
+ * the possibility of adding more bytes to the input.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_state(const br_xxx_context *ctx, void *out)`
+ *
+ * Get a copy of the "current state" for the computation so far. For
+ * MD functions (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2 family), this is the running state
+ * resulting from the processing of the last complete input block.
+ * Returned value is the current input length (in bytes).
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_set_state(br_xxx_context *ctx, const void *stb, uint64_t count)`
+ *
+ * Set the internal state to the provided values. The 'stb' and
+ * 'count' values shall match that which was obtained from
+ * `br_xxx_state()`. This restores the hash state only if the state
+ * values were at an appropriate block boundary. This does NOT set
+ * the `vtable` pointer in the context.
+ *
+ * Context structures can be discarded without any explicit deallocation.
+ * Hash function implementations are purely software and don't reserve
+ * any resources outside of the context structure itself.
+ *
+ *
+ * ## Object-Oriented API
+ *
+ * For each hash function that follows the procedural API described
+ * above, an object-oriented API is also provided. In that API, function
+ * pointers from the vtable (`br_xxx_vtable`) are used. The vtable
+ * incarnates object-oriented programming. An introduction on the OOP
+ * concept used here can be read on the BearSSL Web site:<br />
+ * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[https://www.bearssl.org/oop.html](https://www.bearssl.org/oop.html)
+ *
+ * The vtable offers functions called `init()`, `update()`, `out()`,
+ * `set()` and `set_state()`, which are in fact the functions from
+ * the procedural API. That vtable also contains two informative fields:
+ *
+ * - `context_size`
+ *
+ * The size of the context structure (`br_xxx_context`), in bytes.
+ * This can be used by generic implementations to perform dynamic
+ * context allocation.
+ *
+ * - `desc`
+ *
+ * A "descriptor" field that encodes some information on the hash
+ * function: symbolic identifier, output size, state size,
+ * internal block size, details on the padding.
+ *
+ * Users of this object-oriented API (in particular generic HMAC
+ * implementations) may make the following assumptions:
+ *
+ * - Hash output size is no more than 64 bytes.
+ * - Hash internal state size is no more than 64 bytes.
+ * - Internal block size is a power of two, no less than 16 and no more
+ * than 256.
+ *
+ *
+ * ## Implemented Hash Functions
+ *
+ * Implemented hash functions are:
+ *
+ * | Function | Name | Output length | State length |
+ * | :-------- | :------ | :-----------: | :----------: |
+ * | MD5 | md5 | 16 | 16 |
+ * | SHA-1 | sha1 | 20 | 20 |
+ * | SHA-224 | sha224 | 28 | 32 |
+ * | SHA-256 | sha256 | 32 | 32 |
+ * | SHA-384 | sha384 | 48 | 64 |
+ * | SHA-512 | sha512 | 64 | 64 |
+ * | MD5+SHA-1 | md5sha1 | 36 | 36 |
+ *
+ * (MD5+SHA-1 is the concatenation of MD5 and SHA-1 computed over the
+ * same input; in the implementation, the internal data buffer is
+ * shared, thus making it more memory-efficient than separate MD5 and
+ * SHA-1. It can be useful in implementing SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0 and TLS
+ * 1.1.)
+ *
+ *
+ * ## Multi-Hasher
+ *
+ * An aggregate hasher is provided, that can compute several standard
+ * hash functions in parallel. It uses `br_multihash_context` and a
+ * procedural API. It is configured with the implementations (the vtables)
+ * that it should use; it will then compute all these hash functions in
+ * parallel, on the same input. It is meant to be used in cases when the
+ * hash of an object will be used, but the exact hash function is not
+ * known yet (typically, streamed processing on X.509 certificates).
+ *
+ * Only the standard hash functions (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384
+ * and SHA-512) are supported by the multi-hasher.
+ *
+ *
+ * ## GHASH
+ *
+ * GHASH is not a generic hash function; it is a _universal_ hash function,
+ * which, as the name does not say, means that it CANNOT be used in most
+ * places where a hash function is needed. GHASH is used within the GCM
+ * encryption mode, to provide the checked integrity functionality.
+ *
+ * A GHASH implementation is basically a function that uses the type defined
+ * in this file under the name `br_ghash`:
+ *
+ * typedef void (*br_ghash)(void *y, const void *h, const void *data, size_t len);
+ *
+ * The `y` pointer refers to a 16-byte value which is used as input, and
+ * receives the output of the GHASH invocation. `h` is a 16-byte secret
+ * value (that serves as key). `data` and `len` define the input data.
+ *
+ * Three GHASH implementations are provided, all constant-time, based on
+ * the use of integer multiplications with appropriate masking to cancel
+ * carry propagation.
+ */
+ * \brief Class type for hash function implementations.
+ *
+ * A `br_hash_class` instance references the methods implementing a hash
+ * function. Constant instances of this structure are defined for each
+ * implemented hash function. Such instances are also called "vtables".
+ *
+ * Vtables are used to support object-oriented programming, as
+ * described on [the BearSSL Web site](https://www.bearssl.org/oop.html).
+ */
+typedef struct br_hash_class_ br_hash_class;
+struct br_hash_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Size (in bytes) of the context structure appropriate for
+ * computing this hash function.
+ */
+ size_t context_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Descriptor word that contains information about the hash
+ * function.
+ *
+ * For each word `xxx` described below, use `BR_HASHDESC_xxx_OFF`
+ * and `BR_HASHDESC_xxx_MASK` to access the specific value, as
+ * follows:
+ *
+ * (hf->desc >> BR_HASHDESC_xxx_OFF) & BR_HASHDESC_xxx_MASK
+ *
+ * The defined elements are:
+ *
+ * - `ID`: the symbolic identifier for the function, as defined
+ * in [TLS](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5246#section-
+ * (MD5 = 1, SHA-1 = 2,...).
+ *
+ * - `OUT`: hash output size, in bytes.
+ *
+ * - `STATE`: internal running state size, in bytes.
+ *
+ * - `LBLEN`: base-2 logarithm for the internal block size, as
+ * defined for HMAC processing (this is 6 for MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224
+ * and SHA-256, since these functions use 64-byte blocks; for
+ * SHA-384 and SHA-512, this is 7, corresponding to their
+ * 128-byte blocks).
+ *
+ * The descriptor may contain a few other flags.
+ */
+ uint32_t desc;
+ /**
+ * \brief Initialisation method.
+ *
+ * This method takes as parameter a pointer to a context area,
+ * that it initialises. The first field of the context is set
+ * to this vtable; other elements are initialised for a new hash
+ * computation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to (the first field of) the context.
+ */
+ void (*init)(const br_hash_class **ctx);
+ /**
+ * \brief Data injection method.
+ *
+ * The `len` bytes starting at address `data` are injected into
+ * the running hash computation incarnated by the specified
+ * context. The context is updated accordingly. It is allowed
+ * to have `len == 0`, in which case `data` is ignored (and could
+ * be `NULL`), and nothing happens.
+ * on the input data.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to (the first field of) the context.
+ * \param data pointer to the first data byte to inject.
+ * \param len number of bytes to inject.
+ */
+ void (*update)(const br_hash_class **ctx, const void *data, size_t len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Produce hash output.
+ *
+ * The hash output corresponding to all data bytes injected in the
+ * context since the last `init()` call is computed, and written
+ * in the buffer pointed to by `dst`. The hash output size depends
+ * on the implemented hash function (e.g. 16 bytes for MD5).
+ * The context is _not_ modified by this call, so further bytes
+ * may be afterwards injected to continue the current computation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to (the first field of) the context.
+ * \param dst destination buffer for the hash output.
+ */
+ void (*out)(const br_hash_class *const *ctx, void *dst);
+ /**
+ * \brief Get running state.
+ *
+ * This method saves the current running state into the `dst`
+ * buffer. What constitutes the "running state" depends on the
+ * hash function; for Merkle-Damgård hash functions (like
+ * MD5 or SHA-1), this is the output obtained after processing
+ * each block. The number of bytes injected so far is returned.
+ * The context is not modified by this call.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to (the first field of) the context.
+ * \param dst destination buffer for the state.
+ * \return the injected total byte length.
+ */
+ uint64_t (*state)(const br_hash_class *const *ctx, void *dst);
+ /**
+ * \brief Set running state.
+ *
+ * This methods replaces the running state for the function.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to (the first field of) the context.
+ * \param stb source buffer for the state.
+ * \param count injected total byte length.
+ */
+ void (*set_state)(const br_hash_class **ctx,
+ const void *stb, uint64_t count);
+#define BR_HASHDESC_ID(id) ((uint32_t)(id) << BR_HASHDESC_ID_OFF)
+#define BR_HASHDESC_OUT(size) ((uint32_t)(size) << BR_HASHDESC_OUT_OFF)
+#define BR_HASHDESC_STATE(size) ((uint32_t)(size) << BR_HASHDESC_STATE_OFF)
+#define BR_HASHDESC_LBLEN(ls) ((uint32_t)(ls) << BR_HASHDESC_LBLEN_OFF)
+#define BR_HASHDESC_MD_PADDING ((uint32_t)1 << 28)
+#define BR_HASHDESC_MD_PADDING_128 ((uint32_t)1 << 29)
+#define BR_HASHDESC_MD_PADDING_BE ((uint32_t)1 << 30)
+ * Specific hash functions.
+ *
+ * Rules for contexts:
+ * -- No interior pointer.
+ * -- No pointer to external dynamically allocated resources.
+ * -- First field is called 'vtable' and is a pointer to a
+ * const-qualified br_hash_class instance (pointer is set by init()).
+ * -- SHA-224 and SHA-256 contexts are identical.
+ * -- SHA-384 and SHA-512 contexts are identical.
+ *
+ * Thus, contexts can be moved and cloned to capture the hash function
+ * current state; and there is no need for any explicit "release" function.
+ */
+ * \brief Symbolic identifier for MD5.
+ */
+#define br_md5_ID 1
+ * \brief MD5 output size (in bytes).
+ */
+#define br_md5_SIZE 16
+ * \brief Constant vtable for MD5.
+ */
+extern const br_hash_class br_md5_vtable;
+ * \brief MD5 context.
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * \brief Pointer to vtable for this context.
+ */
+ const br_hash_class *vtable;
+ unsigned char buf[64];
+ uint64_t count;
+ uint32_t val[4];
+} br_md5_context;
+ * \brief MD5 context initialisation.
+ *
+ * This function initialises or resets a context for a new MD5
+ * computation. It also sets the vtable pointer.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ */
+void br_md5_init(br_md5_context *ctx);
+ * \brief Inject some data bytes in a running MD5 computation.
+ *
+ * The provided context is updated with some data bytes. If the number
+ * of bytes (`len`) is zero, then the data pointer (`data`) is ignored
+ * and may be `NULL`, and this function does nothing.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param data pointer to the injected data.
+ * \param len injected data length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_md5_update(br_md5_context *ctx, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Compute MD5 output.
+ *
+ * The MD5 output for the concatenation of all bytes injected in the
+ * provided context since the last initialisation or reset call, is
+ * computed and written in the buffer pointed to by `out`. The context
+ * itself is not modified, so extra bytes may be injected afterwards
+ * to continue that computation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param out destination buffer for the hash output.
+ */
+void br_md5_out(const br_md5_context *ctx, void *out);
+ * \brief Save MD5 running state.
+ *
+ * The running state for MD5 (output of the last internal block
+ * processing) is written in the buffer pointed to by `out`. The
+ * number of bytes injected since the last initialisation or reset
+ * call is returned. The context is not modified.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param out destination buffer for the running state.
+ * \return the injected total byte length.
+ */
+uint64_t br_md5_state(const br_md5_context *ctx, void *out);
+ * \brief Restore MD5 running state.
+ *
+ * The running state for MD5 is set to the provided values.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param stb source buffer for the running state.
+ * \param count the injected total byte length.
+ */
+void br_md5_set_state(br_md5_context *ctx, const void *stb, uint64_t count);
+ * \brief Symbolic identifier for SHA-1.
+ */
+#define br_sha1_ID 2
+ * \brief SHA-1 output size (in bytes).
+ */
+#define br_sha1_SIZE 20
+ * \brief Constant vtable for SHA-1.
+ */
+extern const br_hash_class br_sha1_vtable;
+ * \brief SHA-1 context.
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * \brief Pointer to vtable for this context.
+ */
+ const br_hash_class *vtable;
+ unsigned char buf[64];
+ uint64_t count;
+ uint32_t val[5];
+} br_sha1_context;
+ * \brief SHA-1 context initialisation.
+ *
+ * This function initialises or resets a context for a new SHA-1
+ * computation. It also sets the vtable pointer.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ */
+void br_sha1_init(br_sha1_context *ctx);
+ * \brief Inject some data bytes in a running SHA-1 computation.
+ *
+ * The provided context is updated with some data bytes. If the number
+ * of bytes (`len`) is zero, then the data pointer (`data`) is ignored
+ * and may be `NULL`, and this function does nothing.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param data pointer to the injected data.
+ * \param len injected data length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_sha1_update(br_sha1_context *ctx, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Compute SHA-1 output.
+ *
+ * The SHA-1 output for the concatenation of all bytes injected in the
+ * provided context since the last initialisation or reset call, is
+ * computed and written in the buffer pointed to by `out`. The context
+ * itself is not modified, so extra bytes may be injected afterwards
+ * to continue that computation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param out destination buffer for the hash output.
+ */
+void br_sha1_out(const br_sha1_context *ctx, void *out);
+ * \brief Save SHA-1 running state.
+ *
+ * The running state for SHA-1 (output of the last internal block
+ * processing) is written in the buffer pointed to by `out`. The
+ * number of bytes injected since the last initialisation or reset
+ * call is returned. The context is not modified.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param out destination buffer for the running state.
+ * \return the injected total byte length.
+ */
+uint64_t br_sha1_state(const br_sha1_context *ctx, void *out);
+ * \brief Restore SHA-1 running state.
+ *
+ * The running state for SHA-1 is set to the provided values.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param stb source buffer for the running state.
+ * \param count the injected total byte length.
+ */
+void br_sha1_set_state(br_sha1_context *ctx, const void *stb, uint64_t count);
+ * \brief Symbolic identifier for SHA-224.
+ */
+#define br_sha224_ID 3
+ * \brief SHA-224 output size (in bytes).
+ */
+#define br_sha224_SIZE 28
+ * \brief Constant vtable for SHA-224.
+ */
+extern const br_hash_class br_sha224_vtable;
+ * \brief SHA-224 context.
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * \brief Pointer to vtable for this context.
+ */
+ const br_hash_class *vtable;
+ unsigned char buf[64];
+ uint64_t count;
+ uint32_t val[8];
+} br_sha224_context;
+ * \brief SHA-224 context initialisation.
+ *
+ * This function initialises or resets a context for a new SHA-224
+ * computation. It also sets the vtable pointer.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ */
+void br_sha224_init(br_sha224_context *ctx);
+ * \brief Inject some data bytes in a running SHA-224 computation.
+ *
+ * The provided context is updated with some data bytes. If the number
+ * of bytes (`len`) is zero, then the data pointer (`data`) is ignored
+ * and may be `NULL`, and this function does nothing.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param data pointer to the injected data.
+ * \param len injected data length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_sha224_update(br_sha224_context *ctx, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Compute SHA-224 output.
+ *
+ * The SHA-224 output for the concatenation of all bytes injected in the
+ * provided context since the last initialisation or reset call, is
+ * computed and written in the buffer pointed to by `out`. The context
+ * itself is not modified, so extra bytes may be injected afterwards
+ * to continue that computation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param out destination buffer for the hash output.
+ */
+void br_sha224_out(const br_sha224_context *ctx, void *out);
+ * \brief Save SHA-224 running state.
+ *
+ * The running state for SHA-224 (output of the last internal block
+ * processing) is written in the buffer pointed to by `out`. The
+ * number of bytes injected since the last initialisation or reset
+ * call is returned. The context is not modified.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param out destination buffer for the running state.
+ * \return the injected total byte length.
+ */
+uint64_t br_sha224_state(const br_sha224_context *ctx, void *out);
+ * \brief Restore SHA-224 running state.
+ *
+ * The running state for SHA-224 is set to the provided values.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param stb source buffer for the running state.
+ * \param count the injected total byte length.
+ */
+void br_sha224_set_state(br_sha224_context *ctx,
+ const void *stb, uint64_t count);
+ * \brief Symbolic identifier for SHA-256.
+ */
+#define br_sha256_ID 4
+ * \brief SHA-256 output size (in bytes).
+ */
+#define br_sha256_SIZE 32
+ * \brief Constant vtable for SHA-256.
+ */
+extern const br_hash_class br_sha256_vtable;
+ * \brief SHA-256 context.
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * \brief Pointer to vtable for this context.
+ */
+ const br_hash_class *vtable;
+} br_sha256_context;
+typedef br_sha224_context br_sha256_context;
+ * \brief SHA-256 context initialisation.
+ *
+ * This function initialises or resets a context for a new SHA-256
+ * computation. It also sets the vtable pointer.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ */
+void br_sha256_init(br_sha256_context *ctx);
+ * \brief Inject some data bytes in a running SHA-256 computation.
+ *
+ * The provided context is updated with some data bytes. If the number
+ * of bytes (`len`) is zero, then the data pointer (`data`) is ignored
+ * and may be `NULL`, and this function does nothing.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param data pointer to the injected data.
+ * \param len injected data length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_sha256_update(br_sha256_context *ctx, const void *data, size_t len);
+#define br_sha256_update br_sha224_update
+ * \brief Compute SHA-256 output.
+ *
+ * The SHA-256 output for the concatenation of all bytes injected in the
+ * provided context since the last initialisation or reset call, is
+ * computed and written in the buffer pointed to by `out`. The context
+ * itself is not modified, so extra bytes may be injected afterwards
+ * to continue that computation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param out destination buffer for the hash output.
+ */
+void br_sha256_out(const br_sha256_context *ctx, void *out);
+ * \brief Save SHA-256 running state.
+ *
+ * The running state for SHA-256 (output of the last internal block
+ * processing) is written in the buffer pointed to by `out`. The
+ * number of bytes injected since the last initialisation or reset
+ * call is returned. The context is not modified.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param out destination buffer for the running state.
+ * \return the injected total byte length.
+ */
+uint64_t br_sha256_state(const br_sha256_context *ctx, void *out);
+#define br_sha256_state br_sha224_state
+ * \brief Restore SHA-256 running state.
+ *
+ * The running state for SHA-256 is set to the provided values.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param stb source buffer for the running state.
+ * \param count the injected total byte length.
+ */
+void br_sha256_set_state(br_sha256_context *ctx,
+ const void *stb, uint64_t count);
+#define br_sha256_set_state br_sha224_set_state
+ * \brief Symbolic identifier for SHA-384.
+ */
+#define br_sha384_ID 5
+ * \brief SHA-384 output size (in bytes).
+ */
+#define br_sha384_SIZE 48
+ * \brief Constant vtable for SHA-384.
+ */
+extern const br_hash_class br_sha384_vtable;
+ * \brief SHA-384 context.
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * \brief Pointer to vtable for this context.
+ */
+ const br_hash_class *vtable;
+ unsigned char buf[128];
+ uint64_t count;
+ uint64_t val[8];
+} br_sha384_context;
+ * \brief SHA-384 context initialisation.
+ *
+ * This function initialises or resets a context for a new SHA-384
+ * computation. It also sets the vtable pointer.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ */
+void br_sha384_init(br_sha384_context *ctx);
+ * \brief Inject some data bytes in a running SHA-384 computation.
+ *
+ * The provided context is updated with some data bytes. If the number
+ * of bytes (`len`) is zero, then the data pointer (`data`) is ignored
+ * and may be `NULL`, and this function does nothing.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param data pointer to the injected data.
+ * \param len injected data length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_sha384_update(br_sha384_context *ctx, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Compute SHA-384 output.
+ *
+ * The SHA-384 output for the concatenation of all bytes injected in the
+ * provided context since the last initialisation or reset call, is
+ * computed and written in the buffer pointed to by `out`. The context
+ * itself is not modified, so extra bytes may be injected afterwards
+ * to continue that computation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param out destination buffer for the hash output.
+ */
+void br_sha384_out(const br_sha384_context *ctx, void *out);
+ * \brief Save SHA-384 running state.
+ *
+ * The running state for SHA-384 (output of the last internal block
+ * processing) is written in the buffer pointed to by `out`. The
+ * number of bytes injected since the last initialisation or reset
+ * call is returned. The context is not modified.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param out destination buffer for the running state.
+ * \return the injected total byte length.
+ */
+uint64_t br_sha384_state(const br_sha384_context *ctx, void *out);
+ * \brief Restore SHA-384 running state.
+ *
+ * The running state for SHA-384 is set to the provided values.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param stb source buffer for the running state.
+ * \param count the injected total byte length.
+ */
+void br_sha384_set_state(br_sha384_context *ctx,
+ const void *stb, uint64_t count);
+ * \brief Symbolic identifier for SHA-512.
+ */
+#define br_sha512_ID 6
+ * \brief SHA-512 output size (in bytes).
+ */
+#define br_sha512_SIZE 64
+ * \brief Constant vtable for SHA-512.
+ */
+extern const br_hash_class br_sha512_vtable;
+ * \brief SHA-512 context.
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * \brief Pointer to vtable for this context.
+ */
+ const br_hash_class *vtable;
+} br_sha512_context;
+typedef br_sha384_context br_sha512_context;
+ * \brief SHA-512 context initialisation.
+ *
+ * This function initialises or resets a context for a new SHA-512
+ * computation. It also sets the vtable pointer.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ */
+void br_sha512_init(br_sha512_context *ctx);
+ * \brief Inject some data bytes in a running SHA-512 computation.
+ *
+ * The provided context is updated with some data bytes. If the number
+ * of bytes (`len`) is zero, then the data pointer (`data`) is ignored
+ * and may be `NULL`, and this function does nothing.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param data pointer to the injected data.
+ * \param len injected data length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_sha512_update(br_sha512_context *ctx, const void *data, size_t len);
+#define br_sha512_update br_sha384_update
+ * \brief Compute SHA-512 output.
+ *
+ * The SHA-512 output for the concatenation of all bytes injected in the
+ * provided context since the last initialisation or reset call, is
+ * computed and written in the buffer pointed to by `out`. The context
+ * itself is not modified, so extra bytes may be injected afterwards
+ * to continue that computation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param out destination buffer for the hash output.
+ */
+void br_sha512_out(const br_sha512_context *ctx, void *out);
+ * \brief Save SHA-512 running state.
+ *
+ * The running state for SHA-512 (output of the last internal block
+ * processing) is written in the buffer pointed to by `out`. The
+ * number of bytes injected since the last initialisation or reset
+ * call is returned. The context is not modified.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param out destination buffer for the running state.
+ * \return the injected total byte length.
+ */
+uint64_t br_sha512_state(const br_sha512_context *ctx, void *out);
+#define br_sha512_state br_sha384_state
+ * \brief Restore SHA-512 running state.
+ *
+ * The running state for SHA-512 is set to the provided values.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param stb source buffer for the running state.
+ * \param count the injected total byte length.
+ */
+void br_sha512_set_state(br_sha512_context *ctx,
+ const void *stb, uint64_t count);
+#define br_sha512_set_state br_sha384_set_state
+ * "md5sha1" is a special hash function that computes both MD5 and SHA-1
+ * on the same input, and produces a 36-byte output (MD5 and SHA-1
+ * concatenation, in that order). State size is also 36 bytes.
+ */
+ * \brief Symbolic identifier for MD5+SHA-1.
+ *
+ * MD5+SHA-1 is the concatenation of MD5 and SHA-1, computed over the
+ * same input. It is not one of the functions identified in TLS, so
+ * we give it a symbolic identifier of value 0.
+ */
+#define br_md5sha1_ID 0
+ * \brief MD5+SHA-1 output size (in bytes).
+ */
+#define br_md5sha1_SIZE 36
+ * \brief Constant vtable for MD5+SHA-1.
+ */
+extern const br_hash_class br_md5sha1_vtable;
+ * \brief MD5+SHA-1 context.
+ *
+ * First field is a pointer to the vtable; it is set by the initialisation
+ * function. Other fields are not supposed to be accessed by user code.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * \brief Pointer to vtable for this context.
+ */
+ const br_hash_class *vtable;
+ unsigned char buf[64];
+ uint64_t count;
+ uint32_t val_md5[4];
+ uint32_t val_sha1[5];
+} br_md5sha1_context;
+ * \brief MD5+SHA-1 context initialisation.
+ *
+ * This function initialises or resets a context for a new SHA-512
+ * computation. It also sets the vtable pointer.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ */
+void br_md5sha1_init(br_md5sha1_context *ctx);
+ * \brief Inject some data bytes in a running MD5+SHA-1 computation.
+ *
+ * The provided context is updated with some data bytes. If the number
+ * of bytes (`len`) is zero, then the data pointer (`data`) is ignored
+ * and may be `NULL`, and this function does nothing.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param data pointer to the injected data.
+ * \param len injected data length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_md5sha1_update(br_md5sha1_context *ctx, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Compute MD5+SHA-1 output.
+ *
+ * The MD5+SHA-1 output for the concatenation of all bytes injected in the
+ * provided context since the last initialisation or reset call, is
+ * computed and written in the buffer pointed to by `out`. The context
+ * itself is not modified, so extra bytes may be injected afterwards
+ * to continue that computation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param out destination buffer for the hash output.
+ */
+void br_md5sha1_out(const br_md5sha1_context *ctx, void *out);
+ * \brief Save MD5+SHA-1 running state.
+ *
+ * The running state for MD5+SHA-1 (output of the last internal block
+ * processing) is written in the buffer pointed to by `out`. The
+ * number of bytes injected since the last initialisation or reset
+ * call is returned. The context is not modified.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param out destination buffer for the running state.
+ * \return the injected total byte length.
+ */
+uint64_t br_md5sha1_state(const br_md5sha1_context *ctx, void *out);
+ * \brief Restore MD5+SHA-1 running state.
+ *
+ * The running state for MD5+SHA-1 is set to the provided values.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param stb source buffer for the running state.
+ * \param count the injected total byte length.
+ */
+void br_md5sha1_set_state(br_md5sha1_context *ctx,
+ const void *stb, uint64_t count);
+ * \brief Aggregate context for configurable hash function support.
+ *
+ * The `br_hash_compat_context` type is a type which is large enough to
+ * serve as context for all standard hash functions defined above.
+ */
+typedef union {
+ const br_hash_class *vtable;
+ br_md5_context md5;
+ br_sha1_context sha1;
+ br_sha224_context sha224;
+ br_sha256_context sha256;
+ br_sha384_context sha384;
+ br_sha512_context sha512;
+ br_md5sha1_context md5sha1;
+} br_hash_compat_context;
+ * The multi-hasher is a construct that handles hashing of the same input
+ * data with several hash functions, with a single shared input buffer.
+ * It can handle MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512
+ * simultaneously, though which functions are activated depends on
+ * the set implementation pointers.
+ */
+ * \brief Multi-hasher context structure.
+ *
+ * The multi-hasher runs up to six hash functions in the standard TLS list
+ * (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512) in parallel, over
+ * the same input.
+ *
+ * The multi-hasher does _not_ follow the OOP structure with a vtable.
+ * Instead, it is configured with the vtables of the hash functions it
+ * should run. Structure fields are not supposed to be accessed directly.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned char buf[128];
+ uint64_t count;
+ uint32_t val_32[25];
+ uint64_t val_64[16];
+ const br_hash_class *impl[6];
+} br_multihash_context;
+ * \brief Clear a multi-hasher context.
+ *
+ * This should always be called once on a given context, _before_ setting
+ * the implementation pointers.
+ *
+ * \param ctx the multi-hasher context.
+ */
+void br_multihash_zero(br_multihash_context *ctx);
+ * \brief Set a hash function implementation.
+ *
+ * Implementations shall be set _after_ clearing the context (with
+ * `br_multihash_zero()`) but _before_ initialising the computation
+ * (with `br_multihash_init()`). The hash function implementation
+ * MUST be one of the standard hash functions (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224,
+ * SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512); it may also be `NULL` to remove
+ * an implementation from the multi-hasher.
+ *
+ * \param ctx the multi-hasher context.
+ * \param id the hash function symbolic identifier.
+ * \param impl the hash function vtable, or `NULL`.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_multihash_setimpl(br_multihash_context *ctx,
+ int id, const br_hash_class *impl)
+ /*
+ * This code relies on hash functions ID being values 1 to 6,
+ * in the MD5 to SHA-512 order.
+ */
+ ctx->impl[id - 1] = impl;
+ * \brief Get a hash function implementation.
+ *
+ * This function returns the currently configured vtable for a given
+ * hash function (by symbolic ID). If no such function was configured in
+ * the provided multi-hasher context, then this function returns `NULL`.
+ *
+ * \param ctx the multi-hasher context.
+ * \param id the hash function symbolic identifier.
+ * \return the hash function vtable, or `NULL`.
+ */
+static inline const br_hash_class *
+br_multihash_getimpl(const br_multihash_context *ctx, int id)
+ return ctx->impl[id - 1];
+ * \brief Reset a multi-hasher context.
+ *
+ * This function prepares the context for a new hashing computation,
+ * for all implementations configured at that point.
+ *
+ * \param ctx the multi-hasher context.
+ */
+void br_multihash_init(br_multihash_context *ctx);
+ * \brief Inject some data bytes in a running multi-hashing computation.
+ *
+ * The provided context is updated with some data bytes. If the number
+ * of bytes (`len`) is zero, then the data pointer (`data`) is ignored
+ * and may be `NULL`, and this function does nothing.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param data pointer to the injected data.
+ * \param len injected data length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_multihash_update(br_multihash_context *ctx,
+ const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Compute a hash output from a multi-hasher.
+ *
+ * The hash output for the concatenation of all bytes injected in the
+ * provided context since the last initialisation or reset call, is
+ * computed and written in the buffer pointed to by `dst`. The hash
+ * function to use is identified by `id` and must be one of the standard
+ * hash functions. If that hash function was indeed configured in the
+ * multi-hasher context, the corresponding hash value is written in
+ * `dst` and its length (in bytes) is returned. If the hash function
+ * was _not_ configured, then nothing is written in `dst` and 0 is
+ * returned.
+ *
+ * The context itself is not modified, so extra bytes may be injected
+ * afterwards to continue the hash computations.
+ *
+ * \param ctx pointer to the context structure.
+ * \param id the hash function symbolic identifier.
+ * \param dst destination buffer for the hash output.
+ * \return the hash output length (in bytes), or 0.
+ */
+size_t br_multihash_out(const br_multihash_context *ctx, int id, void *dst);
+ * \brief Type for a GHASH implementation.
+ *
+ * GHASH is a sort of keyed hash meant to be used to implement GCM in
+ * combination with a block cipher (with 16-byte blocks).
+ *
+ * The `y` array has length 16 bytes and is used for input and output; in
+ * a complete GHASH run, it starts with an all-zero value. `h` is a 16-byte
+ * value that serves as key (it is derived from the encryption key in GCM,
+ * using the block cipher). The data length (`len`) is expressed in bytes.
+ * The `y` array is updated.
+ *
+ * If the data length is not a multiple of 16, then the data is implicitly
+ * padded with zeros up to the next multiple of 16. Thus, when using GHASH
+ * in GCM, this method may be called twice, for the associated data and
+ * for the ciphertext, respectively; the zero-padding implements exactly
+ * the GCM rules.
+ *
+ * \param y the array to update.
+ * \param h the GHASH key.
+ * \param data the input data (may be `NULL` if `len` is zero).
+ * \param len the input data length (in bytes).
+ */
+typedef void (*br_ghash)(void *y, const void *h, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief GHASH implementation using multiplications (mixed 32-bit).
+ *
+ * This implementation uses multiplications of 32-bit values, with a
+ * 64-bit result. It is constant-time (if multiplications are
+ * constant-time).
+ *
+ * \param y the array to update.
+ * \param h the GHASH key.
+ * \param data the input data (may be `NULL` if `len` is zero).
+ * \param len the input data length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_ghash_ctmul(void *y, const void *h, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief GHASH implementation using multiplications (strict 32-bit).
+ *
+ * This implementation uses multiplications of 32-bit values, with a
+ * 32-bit result. It is usually somewhat slower than `br_ghash_ctmul()`,
+ * but it is expected to be faster on architectures for which the
+ * 32-bit multiplication opcode does not yield the upper 32 bits of the
+ * product. It is constant-time (if multiplications are constant-time).
+ *
+ * \param y the array to update.
+ * \param h the GHASH key.
+ * \param data the input data (may be `NULL` if `len` is zero).
+ * \param len the input data length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_ghash_ctmul32(void *y, const void *h, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief GHASH implementation using multiplications (64-bit).
+ *
+ * This implementation uses multiplications of 64-bit values, with a
+ * 64-bit result. It is constant-time (if multiplications are
+ * constant-time). It is substantially faster than `br_ghash_ctmul()`
+ * and `br_ghash_ctmul32()` on most 64-bit architectures.
+ *
+ * \param y the array to update.
+ * \param h the GHASH key.
+ * \param data the input data (may be `NULL` if `len` is zero).
+ * \param len the input data length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_ghash_ctmul64(void *y, const void *h, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief GHASH implementation using the `pclmulqdq` opcode (part of the
+ * AES-NI instructions).
+ *
+ * This implementation is available only on x86 platforms where the
+ * compiler supports the relevant intrinsic functions. Even if the
+ * compiler supports these functions, the local CPU might not support
+ * the `pclmulqdq` opcode, meaning that a call will fail with an
+ * illegal instruction exception. To safely obtain a pointer to this
+ * function when supported (or 0 otherwise), use `br_ghash_pclmul_get()`.
+ *
+ * \param y the array to update.
+ * \param h the GHASH key.
+ * \param data the input data (may be `NULL` if `len` is zero).
+ * \param len the input data length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_ghash_pclmul(void *y, const void *h, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Obtain the `pclmul` GHASH implementation, if available.
+ *
+ * If the `pclmul` implementation was compiled in the library (depending
+ * on the compiler abilities) _and_ the local CPU appears to support the
+ * opcode, then this function will return a pointer to the
+ * `br_ghash_pclmul()` function. Otherwise, it will return `0`.
+ *
+ * \return the `pclmul` GHASH implementation, or `0`.
+ */
+br_ghash br_ghash_pclmul_get(void);
+ * \brief GHASH implementation using the POWER8 opcodes.
+ *
+ * This implementation is available only on POWER8 platforms (and later).
+ * To safely obtain a pointer to this function when supported (or 0
+ * otherwise), use `br_ghash_pwr8_get()`.
+ *
+ * \param y the array to update.
+ * \param h the GHASH key.
+ * \param data the input data (may be `NULL` if `len` is zero).
+ * \param len the input data length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_ghash_pwr8(void *y, const void *h, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Obtain the `pwr8` GHASH implementation, if available.
+ *
+ * If the `pwr8` implementation was compiled in the library (depending
+ * on the compiler abilities) _and_ the local CPU appears to support the
+ * opcode, then this function will return a pointer to the
+ * `br_ghash_pwr8()` function. Otherwise, it will return `0`.
+ *
+ * \return the `pwr8` GHASH implementation, or `0`.
+ */
+br_ghash br_ghash_pwr8_get(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_hmac.h b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_hmac.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4dc01ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_hmac.h
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Thomas Pornin <pornin@bolet.org>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef BR_BEARSSL_HMAC_H__
+#define BR_BEARSSL_HMAC_H__
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "bearssl_hash.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** \file bearssl_hmac.h
+ *
+ * # HMAC
+ *
+ * HMAC is initialized with a key and an underlying hash function; it
+ * then fills a "key context". That context contains the processed
+ * key.
+ *
+ * With the key context, a HMAC context can be initialized to process
+ * the input bytes and obtain the MAC output. The key context is not
+ * modified during that process, and can be reused.
+ *
+ * IMPORTANT: HMAC shall be used only with functions that have the
+ * following properties:
+ *
+ * - hash output size does not exceed 64 bytes;
+ * - hash internal state size does not exceed 64 bytes;
+ * - internal block length is a power of 2 between 16 and 256 bytes.
+ */
+ * \brief HMAC key context.
+ *
+ * The HMAC key context is initialised with a hash function implementation
+ * and a secret key. Contents are opaque (callers should not access them
+ * directly). The caller is responsible for allocating the context where
+ * appropriate. Context initialisation and usage incurs no dynamic
+ * allocation, so there is no release function.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ const br_hash_class *dig_vtable;
+ unsigned char ksi[64], kso[64];
+} br_hmac_key_context;
+ * \brief HMAC key context initialisation.
+ *
+ * Initialise the key context with the provided key, using the hash function
+ * identified by `digest_vtable`. This supports arbitrary key lengths.
+ *
+ * \param kc HMAC key context to initialise.
+ * \param digest_vtable pointer to the hash function implementation vtable.
+ * \param key pointer to the HMAC secret key.
+ * \param key_len HMAC secret key length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_hmac_key_init(br_hmac_key_context *kc,
+ const br_hash_class *digest_vtable, const void *key, size_t key_len);
+ * \brief Get the underlying hash function.
+ *
+ * This function returns a pointer to the implementation vtable of the
+ * hash function used for this HMAC key context.
+ *
+ * \param kc HMAC key context.
+ * \return the hash function implementation.
+ */
+static inline const br_hash_class *br_hmac_key_get_digest(
+ const br_hmac_key_context *kc)
+ return kc->dig_vtable;
+ * \brief HMAC computation context.
+ *
+ * The HMAC computation context maintains the state for a single HMAC
+ * computation. It is modified as input bytes are injected. The context
+ * is caller-allocated and has no release function since it does not
+ * dynamically allocate external resources. Its contents are opaque.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ br_hash_compat_context dig;
+ unsigned char kso[64];
+ size_t out_len;
+} br_hmac_context;
+ * \brief HMAC computation initialisation.
+ *
+ * Initialise a HMAC context with a key context. The key context is
+ * unmodified. Relevant data from the key context is immediately copied;
+ * the key context can thus be independently reused, modified or released
+ * without impacting this HMAC computation.
+ *
+ * An explicit output length can be specified; the actual output length
+ * will be the minimum of that value and the natural HMAC output length.
+ * If `out_len` is 0, then the natural HMAC output length is selected. The
+ * "natural output length" is the output length of the underlying hash
+ * function.
+ *
+ * \param ctx HMAC context to initialise.
+ * \param kc HMAC key context (already initialised with the key).
+ * \param out_len HMAC output length (0 to select "natural length").
+ */
+void br_hmac_init(br_hmac_context *ctx,
+ const br_hmac_key_context *kc, size_t out_len);
+ * \brief Get the HMAC output size.
+ *
+ * The HMAC output size is the number of bytes that will actually be
+ * produced with `br_hmac_out()` with the provided context. This function
+ * MUST NOT be called on a non-initialised HMAC computation context.
+ * The returned value is the minimum of the HMAC natural length (output
+ * size of the underlying hash function) and the `out_len` parameter which
+ * was used with the last `br_hmac_init()` call on that context (if the
+ * initialisation `out_len` parameter was 0, then this function will
+ * return the HMAC natural length).
+ *
+ * \param ctx the (already initialised) HMAC computation context.
+ * \return the HMAC actual output size.
+ */
+static inline size_t
+br_hmac_size(br_hmac_context *ctx)
+ return ctx->out_len;
+ * \brief Get the underlying hash function.
+ *
+ * This function returns a pointer to the implementation vtable of the
+ * hash function used for this HMAC context.
+ *
+ * \param hc HMAC context.
+ * \return the hash function implementation.
+ */
+static inline const br_hash_class *br_hmac_get_digest(
+ const br_hmac_context *hc)
+ return hc->dig.vtable;
+ * \brief Inject some bytes in HMAC.
+ *
+ * The provided `len` bytes are injected as extra input in the HMAC
+ * computation incarnated by the `ctx` HMAC context. It is acceptable
+ * that `len` is zero, in which case `data` is ignored (and may be
+ * `NULL`) and this function does nothing.
+ */
+void br_hmac_update(br_hmac_context *ctx, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Compute the HMAC output.
+ *
+ * The destination buffer MUST be large enough to accommodate the result;
+ * its length is at most the "natural length" of HMAC (i.e. the output
+ * length of the underlying hash function). The context is NOT modified;
+ * further bytes may be processed. Thus, "partial HMAC" values can be
+ * efficiently obtained.
+ *
+ * Returned value is the output length (in bytes).
+ *
+ * \param ctx HMAC computation context.
+ * \param out destination buffer for the HMAC output.
+ * \return the produced value length (in bytes).
+ */
+size_t br_hmac_out(const br_hmac_context *ctx, void *out);
+ * \brief Constant-time HMAC computation.
+ *
+ * This function compute the HMAC output in constant time. Some extra
+ * input bytes are processed, then the output is computed. The extra
+ * input consists in the `len` bytes pointed to by `data`. The `len`
+ * parameter must lie between `min_len` and `max_len` (inclusive);
+ * `max_len` bytes are actually read from `data`. Computing time (and
+ * memory access pattern) will not depend upon the data byte contents or
+ * the value of `len`.
+ *
+ * The output is written in the `out` buffer, that MUST be large enough
+ * to receive it.
+ *
+ * The difference `max_len - min_len` MUST be less than 2<sup>30</sup>
+ * (i.e. about one gigabyte).
+ *
+ * This function computes the output properly only if the underlying
+ * hash function uses MD padding (i.e. MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256,
+ * SHA-384 or SHA-512).
+ *
+ * The provided context is NOT modified.
+ *
+ * \param ctx the (already initialised) HMAC computation context.
+ * \param data the extra input bytes.
+ * \param len the extra input length (in bytes).
+ * \param min_len minimum extra input length (in bytes).
+ * \param max_len maximum extra input length (in bytes).
+ * \param out destination buffer for the HMAC output.
+ * \return the produced value length (in bytes).
+ */
+size_t br_hmac_outCT(const br_hmac_context *ctx,
+ const void *data, size_t len, size_t min_len, size_t max_len,
+ void *out);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_kdf.h b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_kdf.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..955b8436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_kdf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 Thomas Pornin <pornin@bolet.org>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef BR_BEARSSL_KDF_H__
+#define BR_BEARSSL_KDF_H__
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "bearssl_hash.h"
+#include "bearssl_hmac.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** \file bearssl_kdf.h
+ *
+ * # Key Derivation Functions
+ *
+ * KDF are functions that takes a variable length input, and provide a
+ * variable length output, meant to be used to derive subkeys from a
+ * master key.
+ *
+ * ## HKDF
+ *
+ * HKDF is a KDF defined by [RFC 5869](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5869).
+ * It is based on HMAC, itself using an underlying hash function. Any
+ * hash function can be used, as long as it is compatible with the rules
+ * for the HMAC implementation (i.e. output size is 64 bytes or less, hash
+ * internal state size is 64 bytes or less, and the internal block length is
+ * a power of 2 between 16 and 256 bytes). HKDF has two phases:
+ *
+ * - HKDF-Extract: the input data in ingested, along with a "salt" value.
+ *
+ * - HKDF-Expand: the output is produced, from the result of processing
+ * the input and salt, and using an extra non-secret parameter called
+ * "info".
+ *
+ * The "salt" and "info" strings are non-secret and can be empty. Their role
+ * is normally to bind the input and output, respectively, to conventional
+ * identifiers that qualifu them within the used protocol or application.
+ *
+ * The implementation defined in this file uses the following functions:
+ *
+ * - `br_hkdf_init()`: initialize an HKDF context, with a hash function,
+ * and the salt. This starts the HKDF-Extract process.
+ *
+ * - `br_hkdf_inject()`: inject more input bytes. This function may be
+ * called repeatedly if the input data is provided by chunks.
+ *
+ * - `br_hkdf_flip()`: end the HKDF-Extract process, and start the
+ * HKDF-Expand process.
+ *
+ * - `br_hkdf_produce()`: get the next bytes of output. This function
+ * may be called several times to obtain the full output by chunks.
+ * For correct HKDF processing, the same "info" string must be
+ * provided for each call.
+ *
+ * Note that the HKDF total output size (the number of bytes that
+ * HKDF-Expand is willing to produce) is limited: if the hash output size
+ * is _n_ bytes, then the maximum output size is _255*n_.
+ *
+ * ## SHAKE
+ *
+ * SHAKE is defined in
+ * [FIPS 202](https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/fips/202/final)
+ * under two versions: SHAKE128 and SHAKE256, offering an alleged
+ * "security level" of 128 and 256 bits, respectively (SHAKE128 is
+ * about 20 to 25% faster than SHAKE256). SHAKE internally relies on
+ * the Keccak family of sponge functions, not on any externally provided
+ * hash function. Contrary to HKDF, SHAKE does not have a concept of
+ * either a "salt" or an "info" string. The API consists in four
+ * functions:
+ *
+ * - `br_shake_init()`: initialize a SHAKE context for a given
+ * security level.
+ *
+ * - `br_shake_inject()`: inject more input bytes. This function may be
+ * called repeatedly if the input data is provided by chunks.
+ *
+ * - `br_shake_flip()`: end the data injection process, and start the
+ * data production process.
+ *
+ * - `br_shake_produce()`: get the next bytes of output. This function
+ * may be called several times to obtain the full output by chunks.
+ */
+ * \brief HKDF context.
+ *
+ * The HKDF context is initialized with a hash function implementation
+ * and a salt value. Contents are opaque (callers should not access them
+ * directly). The caller is responsible for allocating the context where
+ * appropriate. Context initialisation and usage incurs no dynamic
+ * allocation, so there is no release function.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ union {
+ br_hmac_context hmac_ctx;
+ br_hmac_key_context prk_ctx;
+ } u;
+ unsigned char buf[64];
+ size_t ptr;
+ size_t dig_len;
+ unsigned chunk_num;
+} br_hkdf_context;
+ * \brief HKDF context initialization.
+ *
+ * The underlying hash function and salt value are provided. Arbitrary
+ * salt lengths can be used.
+ *
+ * HKDF makes a difference between a salt of length zero, and an
+ * absent salt (the latter being equivalent to a salt consisting of
+ * bytes of value zero, of the same length as the hash function output).
+ * If `salt_len` is zero, then this function assumes that the salt is
+ * present but of length zero. To specify an _absent_ salt, use
+ * `BR_HKDF_NO_SALT` as `salt` parameter (`salt_len` is then ignored).
+ *
+ * \param hc HKDF context to initialise.
+ * \param digest_vtable pointer to the hash function implementation vtable.
+ * \param salt HKDF-Extract salt.
+ * \param salt_len HKDF-Extract salt length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_hkdf_init(br_hkdf_context *hc, const br_hash_class *digest_vtable,
+ const void *salt, size_t salt_len);
+ * \brief The special "absent salt" value for HKDF.
+ */
+#define BR_HKDF_NO_SALT (&br_hkdf_no_salt)
+extern const unsigned char br_hkdf_no_salt;
+ * \brief HKDF input injection (HKDF-Extract).
+ *
+ * This function injects some more input bytes ("key material") into
+ * HKDF. This function may be called several times, after `br_hkdf_init()`
+ * but before `br_hkdf_flip()`.
+ *
+ * \param hc HKDF context.
+ * \param ikm extra input bytes.
+ * \param ikm_len number of extra input bytes.
+ */
+void br_hkdf_inject(br_hkdf_context *hc, const void *ikm, size_t ikm_len);
+ * \brief HKDF switch to the HKDF-Expand phase.
+ *
+ * This call terminates the HKDF-Extract process (input injection), and
+ * starts the HKDF-Expand process (output production).
+ *
+ * \param hc HKDF context.
+ */
+void br_hkdf_flip(br_hkdf_context *hc);
+ * \brief HKDF output production (HKDF-Expand).
+ *
+ * Produce more output bytes from the current state. This function may be
+ * called several times, but only after `br_hkdf_flip()`.
+ *
+ * Returned value is the number of actually produced bytes. The total
+ * output length is limited to 255 times the output length of the
+ * underlying hash function.
+ *
+ * \param hc HKDF context.
+ * \param info application specific information string.
+ * \param info_len application specific information string length (in bytes).
+ * \param out destination buffer for the HKDF output.
+ * \param out_len the length of the requested output (in bytes).
+ * \return the produced output length (in bytes).
+ */
+size_t br_hkdf_produce(br_hkdf_context *hc,
+ const void *info, size_t info_len, void *out, size_t out_len);
+ * \brief SHAKE context.
+ *
+ * The HKDF context is initialized with a "security level". The internal
+ * notion is called "capacity"; the capacity is twice the security level
+ * (for instance, SHAKE128 has capacity 256).
+ *
+ * The caller is responsible for allocating the context where
+ * appropriate. Context initialisation and usage incurs no dynamic
+ * allocation, so there is no release function.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned char dbuf[200];
+ size_t dptr;
+ size_t rate;
+ uint64_t A[25];
+} br_shake_context;
+ * \brief SHAKE context initialization.
+ *
+ * The context is initialized for the provided "security level".
+ * Internally, this sets the "capacity" to twice the security level;
+ * thus, for SHAKE128, the `security_level` parameter should be 128,
+ * which corresponds to a 256-bit capacity.
+ *
+ * Allowed security levels are all multiples of 32, from 32 to 768,
+ * inclusive. Larger security levels imply lower performance; levels
+ * beyond 256 bits don't make much sense. Standard levels are 128
+ * and 256 bits (for SHAKE128 and SHAKE256, respectively).
+ *
+ * \param sc SHAKE context to initialise.
+ * \param security_level security level (in bits).
+ */
+void br_shake_init(br_shake_context *sc, int security_level);
+ * \brief SHAKE input injection.
+ *
+ * This function injects some more input bytes ("key material") into
+ * SHAKE. This function may be called several times, after `br_shake_init()`
+ * but before `br_shake_flip()`.
+ *
+ * \param sc SHAKE context.
+ * \param data extra input bytes.
+ * \param len number of extra input bytes.
+ */
+void br_shake_inject(br_shake_context *sc, const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief SHAKE switch to production phase.
+ *
+ * This call terminates the input injection process, and starts the
+ * output production process.
+ *
+ * \param sc SHAKE context.
+ */
+void br_shake_flip(br_shake_context *hc);
+ * \brief SHAKE output production.
+ *
+ * Produce more output bytes from the current state. This function may be
+ * called several times, but only after `br_shake_flip()`.
+ *
+ * There is no practical limit to the number of bytes that may be produced.
+ *
+ * \param sc SHAKE context.
+ * \param out destination buffer for the SHAKE output.
+ * \param len the length of the requested output (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_shake_produce(br_shake_context *sc, void *out, size_t len);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_pem.h b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_pem.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8dba5827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_pem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Thomas Pornin <pornin@bolet.org>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef BR_BEARSSL_PEM_H__
+#define BR_BEARSSL_PEM_H__
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** \file bearssl_pem.h
+ *
+ * # PEM Support
+ *
+ * PEM is a traditional encoding layer use to store binary objects (in
+ * particular X.509 certificates, and private keys) in text files. While
+ * the acronym comes from an old, defunct standard ("Privacy Enhanced
+ * Mail"), the format has been reused, with some variations, by many
+ * systems, and is a _de facto_ standard, even though it is not, actually,
+ * specified in all clarity anywhere.
+ *
+ * ## Format Details
+ *
+ * BearSSL contains a generic, streamed PEM decoder, which handles the
+ * following format:
+ *
+ * - The input source (a sequence of bytes) is assumed to be the
+ * encoding of a text file in an ASCII-compatible charset. This
+ * includes ISO-8859-1, Windows-1252, and UTF-8 encodings. Each
+ * line ends on a newline character (U+000A LINE FEED). The
+ * U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN characters are ignored, so the code
+ * accepts both Windows-style and Unix-style line endings.
+ *
+ * - Each object begins with a banner that occurs at the start of
+ * a line; the first banner characters are "`-----BEGIN `" (five
+ * dashes, the word "BEGIN", and a space). The banner matching is
+ * not case-sensitive.
+ *
+ * - The _object name_ consists in the characters that follow the
+ * banner start sequence, up to the end of the line, but without
+ * trailing dashes (in "normal" PEM, there are five trailing
+ * dashes, but this implementation is not picky about these dashes).
+ * The BearSSL decoder normalises the name characters to uppercase
+ * (for ASCII letters only) and accepts names up to 127 characters.
+ *
+ * - The object ends with a banner that again occurs at the start of
+ * a line, and starts with "`-----END `" (again case-insensitive).
+ *
+ * - Between that start and end banner, only Base64 data shall occur.
+ * Base64 converts each sequence of three bytes into four
+ * characters; the four characters are ASCII letters, digits, "`+`"
+ * or "`-`" signs, and one or two "`=`" signs may occur in the last
+ * quartet. Whitespace is ignored (whitespace is any ASCII character
+ * of code 32 or less, so control characters are whitespace) and
+ * lines may have arbitrary length; the only restriction is that the
+ * four characters of a quartet must appear on the same line (no
+ * line break inside a quartet).
+ *
+ * - A single file may contain more than one PEM object. Bytes that
+ * occur between objects are ignored.
+ *
+ *
+ * ## PEM Decoder API
+ *
+ * The PEM decoder offers a state-machine API. The caller allocates a
+ * decoder context, then injects source bytes. Source bytes are pushed
+ * with `br_pem_decoder_push()`. The decoder stops accepting bytes when
+ * it reaches an "event", which is either the start of an object, the
+ * end of an object, or a decoding error within an object.
+ *
+ * The `br_pem_decoder_event()` function is used to obtain the current
+ * event; it also clears it, thus allowing the decoder to accept more
+ * bytes. When a object start event is raised, the decoder context
+ * offers the found object name (normalised to ASCII uppercase).
+ *
+ * When an object is reached, the caller must set an appropriate callback
+ * function, which will receive (by chunks) the decoded object data.
+ *
+ * Since the decoder context makes no dynamic allocation, it requires
+ * no explicit deallocation.
+ */
+ * \brief PEM decoder context.
+ *
+ * Contents are opaque (they should not be accessed directly).
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /* CPU for the T0 virtual machine. */
+ struct {
+ uint32_t *dp;
+ uint32_t *rp;
+ const unsigned char *ip;
+ } cpu;
+ uint32_t dp_stack[32];
+ uint32_t rp_stack[32];
+ int err;
+ const unsigned char *hbuf;
+ size_t hlen;
+ void (*dest)(void *dest_ctx, const void *src, size_t len);
+ void *dest_ctx;
+ unsigned char event;
+ char name[128];
+ unsigned char buf[255];
+ size_t ptr;
+} br_pem_decoder_context;
+ * \brief Initialise a PEM decoder structure.
+ *
+ * \param ctx decoder context to initialise.
+ */
+void br_pem_decoder_init(br_pem_decoder_context *ctx);
+ * \brief Push some bytes into the decoder.
+ *
+ * Returned value is the number of bytes actually consumed; this may be
+ * less than the number of provided bytes if an event is raised. When an
+ * event is raised, it must be read (with `br_pem_decoder_event()`);
+ * until the event is read, this function will return 0.
+ *
+ * \param ctx decoder context.
+ * \param data new data bytes.
+ * \param len number of new data bytes.
+ * \return the number of bytes actually received (may be less than `len`).
+ */
+size_t br_pem_decoder_push(br_pem_decoder_context *ctx,
+ const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Set the receiver for decoded data.
+ *
+ * When an object is entered, the provided function (with opaque context
+ * pointer) will be called repeatedly with successive chunks of decoded
+ * data for that object. If `dest` is set to 0, then decoded data is
+ * simply ignored. The receiver can be set at any time, but, in practice,
+ * it should be called immediately after receiving a "start of object"
+ * event.
+ *
+ * \param ctx decoder context.
+ * \param dest callback for receiving decoded data.
+ * \param dest_ctx opaque context pointer for the `dest` callback.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_pem_decoder_setdest(br_pem_decoder_context *ctx,
+ void (*dest)(void *dest_ctx, const void *src, size_t len),
+ void *dest_ctx)
+ ctx->dest = dest;
+ ctx->dest_ctx = dest_ctx;
+ * \brief Get the last event.
+ *
+ * If an event was raised, then this function returns the event value, and
+ * also clears it, thereby allowing the decoder to proceed. If no event
+ * was raised since the last call to `br_pem_decoder_event()`, then this
+ * function returns 0.
+ *
+ * \param ctx decoder context.
+ * \return the raised event, or 0.
+ */
+int br_pem_decoder_event(br_pem_decoder_context *ctx);
+ * \brief Event: start of object.
+ *
+ * This event is raised when the start of a new object has been detected.
+ * The object name (normalised to uppercase) can be accessed with
+ * `br_pem_decoder_name()`.
+ */
+#define BR_PEM_BEGIN_OBJ 1
+ * \brief Event: end of object.
+ *
+ * This event is raised when the end of the current object is reached
+ * (normally, i.e. with no decoding error).
+ */
+#define BR_PEM_END_OBJ 2
+ * \brief Event: decoding error.
+ *
+ * This event is raised when decoding fails within an object.
+ * This formally closes the current object and brings the decoder back
+ * to the "out of any object" state. The offending line in the source
+ * is consumed.
+ */
+#define BR_PEM_ERROR 3
+ * \brief Get the name of the encountered object.
+ *
+ * The encountered object name is defined only when the "start of object"
+ * event is raised. That name is normalised to uppercase (for ASCII letters
+ * only) and does not include trailing dashes.
+ *
+ * \param ctx decoder context.
+ * \return the current object name.
+ */
+static inline const char *
+br_pem_decoder_name(br_pem_decoder_context *ctx)
+ return ctx->name;
+ * \brief Encode an object in PEM.
+ *
+ * This function encodes the provided binary object (`data`, of length `len`
+ * bytes) into PEM. The `banner` text will be included in the header and
+ * footer (e.g. use `"CERTIFICATE"` to get a `"BEGIN CERTIFICATE"` header).
+ *
+ * The length (in characters) of the PEM output is returned; that length
+ * does NOT include the terminating zero, that this function nevertheless
+ * adds. If using the returned value for allocation purposes, the allocated
+ * buffer size MUST be at least one byte larger than the returned size.
+ *
+ * If `dest` is `NULL`, then the encoding does not happen; however, the
+ * length of the encoded object is still computed and returned.
+ *
+ * The `data` pointer may be `NULL` only if `len` is zero (when encoding
+ * an object of length zero, which is not very useful), or when `dest`
+ * is `NULL` (in that case, source data bytes are ignored).
+ *
+ * Some `flags` can be specified to alter the encoding behaviour:
+ *
+ * - If `BR_PEM_LINE64` is set, then line-breaking will occur after
+ * every 64 characters of output, instead of the default of 76.
+ *
+ * - If `BR_PEM_CRLF` is set, then end-of-line sequence will use
+ * CR+LF instead of a single LF.
+ *
+ * The `data` and `dest` buffers may overlap, in which case the source
+ * binary data is destroyed in the process. Note that the PEM-encoded output
+ * is always larger than the source binary.
+ *
+ * \param dest the destination buffer (or `NULL`).
+ * \param data the source buffer (can be `NULL` in some cases).
+ * \param len the source length (in bytes).
+ * \param banner the PEM banner expression.
+ * \param flags the behavioural flags.
+ * \return the PEM object length (in characters), EXCLUDING the final zero.
+ */
+size_t br_pem_encode(void *dest, const void *data, size_t len,
+ const char *banner, unsigned flags);
+ * \brief PEM encoding flag: split lines at 64 characters.
+ */
+#define BR_PEM_LINE64 0x0001
+ * \brief PEM encoding flag: use CR+LF line endings.
+ */
+#define BR_PEM_CRLF 0x0002
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_prf.h b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_prf.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdf608c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_prf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Thomas Pornin <pornin@bolet.org>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef BR_BEARSSL_PRF_H__
+#define BR_BEARSSL_PRF_H__
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** \file bearssl_prf.h
+ *
+ * # The TLS PRF
+ *
+ * The "PRF" is the pseudorandom function used internally during the
+ * SSL/TLS handshake, notably to expand negotiated shared secrets into
+ * the symmetric encryption keys that will be used to process the
+ * application data.
+ *
+ * TLS 1.0 and 1.1 define a PRF that is based on both MD5 and SHA-1. This
+ * is implemented by the `br_tls10_prf()` function.
+ *
+ * TLS 1.2 redefines the PRF, using an explicit hash function. The
+ * `br_tls12_sha256_prf()` and `br_tls12_sha384_prf()` functions apply that
+ * PRF with, respectively, SHA-256 and SHA-384. Most standard cipher suites
+ * rely on the SHA-256 based PRF, but some use SHA-384.
+ *
+ * The PRF always uses as input three parameters: a "secret" (some
+ * bytes), a "label" (ASCII string), and a "seed" (again some bytes). An
+ * arbitrary output length can be produced. The "seed" is provided as an
+ * arbitrary number of binary chunks, that gets internally concatenated.
+ */
+ * \brief Type for a seed chunk.
+ *
+ * Each chunk may have an arbitrary length, and may be empty (no byte at
+ * all). If the chunk length is zero, then the pointer to the chunk data
+ * may be `NULL`.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * \brief Pointer to the chunk data.
+ */
+ const void *data;
+ /**
+ * \brief Chunk length (in bytes).
+ */
+ size_t len;
+} br_tls_prf_seed_chunk;
+ * \brief PRF implementation for TLS 1.0 and 1.1.
+ *
+ * This PRF is the one specified by TLS 1.0 and 1.1. It internally uses
+ * MD5 and SHA-1.
+ *
+ * \param dst destination buffer.
+ * \param len output length (in bytes).
+ * \param secret secret value (key) for this computation.
+ * \param secret_len length of "secret" (in bytes).
+ * \param label PRF label (zero-terminated ASCII string).
+ * \param seed_num number of seed chunks.
+ * \param seed seed chnks for this computation (usually non-secret).
+ */
+void br_tls10_prf(void *dst, size_t len,
+ const void *secret, size_t secret_len, const char *label,
+ size_t seed_num, const br_tls_prf_seed_chunk *seed);
+ * \brief PRF implementation for TLS 1.2, with SHA-256.
+ *
+ * This PRF is the one specified by TLS 1.2, when the underlying hash
+ * function is SHA-256.
+ *
+ * \param dst destination buffer.
+ * \param len output length (in bytes).
+ * \param secret secret value (key) for this computation.
+ * \param secret_len length of "secret" (in bytes).
+ * \param label PRF label (zero-terminated ASCII string).
+ * \param seed_num number of seed chunks.
+ * \param seed seed chnks for this computation (usually non-secret).
+ */
+void br_tls12_sha256_prf(void *dst, size_t len,
+ const void *secret, size_t secret_len, const char *label,
+ size_t seed_num, const br_tls_prf_seed_chunk *seed);
+ * \brief PRF implementation for TLS 1.2, with SHA-384.
+ *
+ * This PRF is the one specified by TLS 1.2, when the underlying hash
+ * function is SHA-384.
+ *
+ * \param dst destination buffer.
+ * \param len output length (in bytes).
+ * \param secret secret value (key) for this computation.
+ * \param secret_len length of "secret" (in bytes).
+ * \param label PRF label (zero-terminated ASCII string).
+ * \param seed_num number of seed chunks.
+ * \param seed seed chnks for this computation (usually non-secret).
+ */
+void br_tls12_sha384_prf(void *dst, size_t len,
+ const void *secret, size_t secret_len, const char *label,
+ size_t seed_num, const br_tls_prf_seed_chunk *seed);
+ * brief A convenient type name for a PRF implementation.
+ *
+ * \param dst destination buffer.
+ * \param len output length (in bytes).
+ * \param secret secret value (key) for this computation.
+ * \param secret_len length of "secret" (in bytes).
+ * \param label PRF label (zero-terminated ASCII string).
+ * \param seed_num number of seed chunks.
+ * \param seed seed chnks for this computation (usually non-secret).
+ */
+typedef void (*br_tls_prf_impl)(void *dst, size_t len,
+ const void *secret, size_t secret_len, const char *label,
+ size_t seed_num, const br_tls_prf_seed_chunk *seed);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_rand.h b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_rand.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a9f544f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_rand.h
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Thomas Pornin <pornin@bolet.org>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef BR_BEARSSL_RAND_H__
+#define BR_BEARSSL_RAND_H__
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "bearssl_block.h"
+#include "bearssl_hash.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** \file bearssl_rand.h
+ *
+ * # Pseudo-Random Generators
+ *
+ * A PRNG is a state-based engine that outputs pseudo-random bytes on
+ * demand. It is initialized with an initial seed, and additional seed
+ * bytes can be added afterwards. Bytes produced depend on the seeds and
+ * also on the exact sequence of calls (including sizes requested for
+ * each call).
+ *
+ *
+ * ## Procedural and OOP API
+ *
+ * For the PRNG of name "`xxx`", two API are provided. The _procedural_
+ * API defined a context structure `br_xxx_context` and three functions:
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_init()`
+ *
+ * Initialise the context with an initial seed.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_generate()`
+ *
+ * Produce some pseudo-random bytes.
+ *
+ * - `br_xxx_update()`
+ *
+ * Inject some additional seed.
+ *
+ * The initialisation function sets the first context field (`vtable`)
+ * to a pointer to the vtable that supports the OOP API. The OOP API
+ * provides access to the same functions through function pointers,
+ * named `init()`, `generate()` and `update()`.
+ *
+ * Note that the context initialisation method may accept additional
+ * parameters, provided as a 'const void *' pointer at API level. These
+ * additional parameters depend on the implemented PRNG.
+ *
+ *
+ * ## HMAC_DRBG
+ *
+ * HMAC_DRBG is defined in [NIST SP 800-90A Revision
+ * 1](http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-90Ar1.pdf).
+ * It uses HMAC repeatedly, over some configurable underlying hash
+ * function. In BearSSL, it is implemented under the "`hmac_drbg`" name.
+ * The "extra parameters" pointer for context initialisation should be
+ * set to a pointer to the vtable for the underlying hash function (e.g.
+ * pointer to `br_sha256_vtable` to use HMAC_DRBG with SHA-256).
+ *
+ * According to the NIST standard, each request shall produce up to
+ * 2<sup>19</sup> bits (i.e. 64 kB of data); moreover, the context shall
+ * be reseeded at least once every 2<sup>48</sup> requests. This
+ * implementation does not maintain the reseed counter (the threshold is
+ * too high to be reached in practice) and does not object to producing
+ * more than 64 kB in a single request; thus, the code cannot fail,
+ * which corresponds to the fact that the API has no room for error
+ * codes. However, this implies that requesting more than 64 kB in one
+ * `generate()` request, or making more than 2<sup>48</sup> requests
+ * without reseeding, is formally out of NIST specification. There is
+ * no currently known security penalty for exceeding the NIST limits,
+ * and, in any case, HMAC_DRBG usage in implementing SSL/TLS always
+ * stays much below these thresholds.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * AESCTR_DRBG is a custom PRNG based on AES-128 in CTR mode. This is
+ * meant to be used only in situations where you are desperate for
+ * speed, and have an hardware-optimized AES/CTR implementation. Whether
+ * this will yield perceptible improvements depends on what you use the
+ * pseudorandom bytes for, and how many you want; for instance, RSA key
+ * pair generation uses a substantial amount of randomness, and using
+ * AESCTR_DRBG instead of HMAC_DRBG yields a 15 to 20% increase in key
+ * generation speed on a recent x86 CPU (Intel Core i7-6567U at 3.30 GHz).
+ *
+ * Internally, it uses CTR mode with successive counter values, starting
+ * at zero (counter value expressed over 128 bits, big-endian convention).
+ * The counter is not allowed to reach 32768; thus, every 32768*16 bytes
+ * at most, the `update()` function is run (on an empty seed, if none is
+ * provided). The `update()` function computes the new AES-128 key by
+ * applying a custom hash function to the concatenation of a state-dependent
+ * word (encryption of an all-one block with the current key) and the new
+ * seed. The custom hash function uses Hirose's construction over AES-256;
+ * see the comments in `aesctr_drbg.c` for details.
+ *
+ * This DRBG does not follow an existing standard, and thus should be
+ * considered as inadequate for production use until it has been properly
+ * analysed.
+ */
+ * \brief Class type for PRNG implementations.
+ *
+ * A `br_prng_class` instance references the methods implementing a PRNG.
+ * Constant instances of this structure are defined for each implemented
+ * PRNG. Such instances are also called "vtables".
+ */
+typedef struct br_prng_class_ br_prng_class;
+struct br_prng_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Size (in bytes) of the context structure appropriate for
+ * running this PRNG.
+ */
+ size_t context_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Initialisation method.
+ *
+ * The context to initialise is provided as a pointer to its
+ * first field (the vtable pointer); this function sets that
+ * first field to a pointer to the vtable.
+ *
+ * The extra parameters depend on the implementation; each
+ * implementation defines what kind of extra parameters it
+ * expects (if any).
+ *
+ * Requirements on the initial seed depend on the implemented
+ * PRNG.
+ *
+ * \param ctx PRNG context to initialise.
+ * \param params extra parameters for the PRNG.
+ * \param seed initial seed.
+ * \param seed_len initial seed length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*init)(const br_prng_class **ctx, const void *params,
+ const void *seed, size_t seed_len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Random bytes generation.
+ *
+ * This method produces `len` pseudorandom bytes, in the `out`
+ * buffer. The context is updated accordingly.
+ *
+ * \param ctx PRNG context.
+ * \param out output buffer.
+ * \param len number of pseudorandom bytes to produce.
+ */
+ void (*generate)(const br_prng_class **ctx, void *out, size_t len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Inject additional seed bytes.
+ *
+ * The provided seed bytes are added into the PRNG internal
+ * entropy pool.
+ *
+ * \param ctx PRNG context.
+ * \param seed additional seed.
+ * \param seed_len additional seed length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*update)(const br_prng_class **ctx,
+ const void *seed, size_t seed_len);
+ * \brief Context for HMAC_DRBG.
+ *
+ * The context contents are opaque, except the first field, which
+ * supports OOP.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * \brief Pointer to the vtable.
+ *
+ * This field is set with the initialisation method/function.
+ */
+ const br_prng_class *vtable;
+ unsigned char K[64];
+ unsigned char V[64];
+ const br_hash_class *digest_class;
+} br_hmac_drbg_context;
+ * \brief Statically allocated, constant vtable for HMAC_DRBG.
+ */
+extern const br_prng_class br_hmac_drbg_vtable;
+ * \brief HMAC_DRBG initialisation.
+ *
+ * The context to initialise is provided as a pointer to its first field
+ * (the vtable pointer); this function sets that first field to a
+ * pointer to the vtable.
+ *
+ * The `seed` value is what is called, in NIST terminology, the
+ * concatenation of the "seed", "nonce" and "personalization string", in
+ * that order.
+ *
+ * The `digest_class` parameter defines the underlying hash function.
+ * Formally, the NIST standard specifies that the hash function shall
+ * be only SHA-1 or one of the SHA-2 functions. This implementation also
+ * works with any other implemented hash function (such as MD5), but
+ * this is non-standard and therefore not recommended.
+ *
+ * \param ctx HMAC_DRBG context to initialise.
+ * \param digest_class vtable for the underlying hash function.
+ * \param seed initial seed.
+ * \param seed_len initial seed length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_hmac_drbg_init(br_hmac_drbg_context *ctx,
+ const br_hash_class *digest_class, const void *seed, size_t seed_len);
+ * \brief Random bytes generation with HMAC_DRBG.
+ *
+ * This method produces `len` pseudorandom bytes, in the `out`
+ * buffer. The context is updated accordingly. Formally, requesting
+ * more than 65536 bytes in one request falls out of specification
+ * limits (but it won't fail).
+ *
+ * \param ctx HMAC_DRBG context.
+ * \param out output buffer.
+ * \param len number of pseudorandom bytes to produce.
+ */
+void br_hmac_drbg_generate(br_hmac_drbg_context *ctx, void *out, size_t len);
+ * \brief Inject additional seed bytes in HMAC_DRBG.
+ *
+ * The provided seed bytes are added into the HMAC_DRBG internal
+ * entropy pool. The process does not _replace_ existing entropy,
+ * thus pushing non-random bytes (i.e. bytes which are known to the
+ * attackers) does not degrade the overall quality of generated bytes.
+ *
+ * \param ctx HMAC_DRBG context.
+ * \param seed additional seed.
+ * \param seed_len additional seed length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_hmac_drbg_update(br_hmac_drbg_context *ctx,
+ const void *seed, size_t seed_len);
+ * \brief Get the hash function implementation used by a given instance of
+ *
+ * This calls MUST NOT be performed on a context which was not
+ * previously initialised.
+ *
+ * \param ctx HMAC_DRBG context.
+ * \return the hash function vtable.
+ */
+static inline const br_hash_class *
+br_hmac_drbg_get_hash(const br_hmac_drbg_context *ctx)
+ return ctx->digest_class;
+ * \brief Type for a provider of entropy seeds.
+ *
+ * A "seeder" is a function that is able to obtain random values from
+ * some source and inject them as entropy seed in a PRNG. A seeder
+ * shall guarantee that the total entropy of the injected seed is large
+ * enough to seed a PRNG for purposes of cryptographic key generation
+ * (i.e. at least 128 bits).
+ *
+ * A seeder may report a failure to obtain adequate entropy. Seeders
+ * shall endeavour to fix themselves transient errors by trying again;
+ * thus, callers may consider reported errors as permanent.
+ *
+ * \param ctx PRNG context to seed.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+typedef int (*br_prng_seeder)(const br_prng_class **ctx);
+ * \brief Get a seeder backed by the operating system or hardware.
+ *
+ * Get a seeder that feeds on RNG facilities provided by the current
+ * operating system or hardware. If no such facility is known, then 0
+ * is returned.
+ *
+ * If `name` is not `NULL`, then `*name` is set to a symbolic string
+ * that identifies the seeder implementation. If no seeder is returned
+ * and `name` is not `NULL`, then `*name` is set to a pointer to the
+ * constant string `"none"`.
+ *
+ * \param name receiver for seeder name, or `NULL`.
+ * \return the system seeder, if available, or 0.
+ */
+br_prng_seeder br_prng_seeder_system(const char **name);
+ * \brief Context for AESCTR_DRBG.
+ *
+ * The context contents are opaque, except the first field, which
+ * supports OOP.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * \brief Pointer to the vtable.
+ *
+ * This field is set with the initialisation method/function.
+ */
+ const br_prng_class *vtable;
+ br_aes_gen_ctr_keys sk;
+ uint32_t cc;
+} br_aesctr_drbg_context;
+ * \brief Statically allocated, constant vtable for AESCTR_DRBG.
+ */
+extern const br_prng_class br_aesctr_drbg_vtable;
+ * \brief AESCTR_DRBG initialisation.
+ *
+ * The context to initialise is provided as a pointer to its first field
+ * (the vtable pointer); this function sets that first field to a
+ * pointer to the vtable.
+ *
+ * The internal AES key is first set to the all-zero key; then, the
+ * `br_aesctr_drbg_update()` function is called with the provided `seed`.
+ * The call is performed even if the seed length (`seed_len`) is zero.
+ *
+ * The `aesctr` parameter defines the underlying AES/CTR implementation.
+ *
+ * \param ctx AESCTR_DRBG context to initialise.
+ * \param aesctr vtable for the AES/CTR implementation.
+ * \param seed initial seed (can be `NULL` if `seed_len` is zero).
+ * \param seed_len initial seed length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aesctr_drbg_init(br_aesctr_drbg_context *ctx,
+ const br_block_ctr_class *aesctr, const void *seed, size_t seed_len);
+ * \brief Random bytes generation with AESCTR_DRBG.
+ *
+ * This method produces `len` pseudorandom bytes, in the `out`
+ * buffer. The context is updated accordingly.
+ *
+ * \param ctx AESCTR_DRBG context.
+ * \param out output buffer.
+ * \param len number of pseudorandom bytes to produce.
+ */
+void br_aesctr_drbg_generate(br_aesctr_drbg_context *ctx,
+ void *out, size_t len);
+ * \brief Inject additional seed bytes in AESCTR_DRBG.
+ *
+ * The provided seed bytes are added into the AESCTR_DRBG internal
+ * entropy pool. The process does not _replace_ existing entropy,
+ * thus pushing non-random bytes (i.e. bytes which are known to the
+ * attackers) does not degrade the overall quality of generated bytes.
+ *
+ * \param ctx AESCTR_DRBG context.
+ * \param seed additional seed.
+ * \param seed_len additional seed length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_aesctr_drbg_update(br_aesctr_drbg_context *ctx,
+ const void *seed, size_t seed_len);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_rsa.h b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_rsa.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a069fd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_rsa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1655 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Thomas Pornin <pornin@bolet.org>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef BR_BEARSSL_RSA_H__
+#define BR_BEARSSL_RSA_H__
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "bearssl_hash.h"
+#include "bearssl_rand.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** \file bearssl_rsa.h
+ *
+ * # RSA
+ *
+ * This file documents the RSA implementations provided with BearSSL.
+ * Note that the SSL engine accesses these implementations through a
+ * configurable API, so it is possible to, for instance, run a SSL
+ * server which uses a RSA engine which is not based on this code.
+ *
+ * ## Key Elements
+ *
+ * RSA public and private keys consist in lists of big integers. All
+ * such integers are represented with big-endian unsigned notation:
+ * first byte is the most significant, and the value is positive (so
+ * there is no dedicated "sign bit"). Public and private key structures
+ * thus contain, for each such integer, a pointer to the first value byte
+ * (`unsigned char *`), and a length (`size_t`) which is the number of
+ * relevant bytes. As a general rule, minimal-length encoding is not
+ * enforced: values may have extra leading bytes of value 0.
+ *
+ * RSA public keys consist in two integers:
+ *
+ * - the modulus (`n`);
+ * - the public exponent (`e`).
+ *
+ * RSA private keys, as defined in
+ * [PKCS#1](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447), contain eight integers:
+ *
+ * - the modulus (`n`);
+ * - the public exponent (`e`);
+ * - the private exponent (`d`);
+ * - the first prime factor (`p`);
+ * - the second prime factor (`q`);
+ * - the first reduced exponent (`dp`, which is `d` modulo `p-1`);
+ * - the second reduced exponent (`dq`, which is `d` modulo `q-1`);
+ * - the CRT coefficient (`iq`, the inverse of `q` modulo `p`).
+ *
+ * However, the implementations defined in BearSSL use only five of
+ * these integers: `p`, `q`, `dp`, `dq` and `iq`.
+ *
+ * ## Security Features and Limitations
+ *
+ * The implementations contained in BearSSL have the following limitations
+ * and features:
+ *
+ * - They are constant-time. This means that the execution time and
+ * memory access pattern may depend on the _lengths_ of the private
+ * key components, but not on their value, nor on the value of
+ * the operand. Note that this property is not achieved through
+ * random masking, but "true" constant-time code.
+ *
+ * - They support only private keys with two prime factors. RSA private
+ * keys with three or more prime factors are nominally supported, but
+ * rarely used; they may offer faster operations, at the expense of
+ * more code and potentially a reduction in security if there are
+ * "too many" prime factors.
+ *
+ * - The public exponent may have arbitrary length. Of course, it is
+ * a good idea to keep public exponents small, so that public key
+ * operations are fast; but, contrary to some widely deployed
+ * implementations, BearSSL has no problem with public exponents
+ * longer than 32 bits.
+ *
+ * - The two prime factors of the modulus need not have the same length
+ * (but severely imbalanced factor lengths might reduce security).
+ * Similarly, there is no requirement that the first factor (`p`)
+ * be greater than the second factor (`q`).
+ *
+ * - Prime factors and modulus must be smaller than a compile-time limit.
+ * This is made necessary by the use of fixed-size stack buffers, and
+ * the limit has been adjusted to keep stack usage under 2 kB for the
+ * RSA operations. Currently, the maximum modulus size is 4096 bits,
+ * and the maximum prime factor size is 2080 bits.
+ *
+ * - The RSA functions themselves do not enforce lower size limits,
+ * except that which is absolutely necessary for the operation to
+ * mathematically make sense (e.g. a PKCS#1 v1.5 signature with
+ * SHA-1 requires a modulus of at least 361 bits). It is up to users
+ * of this code to enforce size limitations when appropriate (e.g.
+ * the X.509 validation engine, by default, rejects RSA keys of
+ * less than 1017 bits).
+ *
+ * - Within the size constraints expressed above, arbitrary bit lengths
+ * are supported. There is no requirement that prime factors or
+ * modulus have a size multiple of 8 or 16.
+ *
+ * - When verifying PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures, both variants of the hash
+ * function identifying header (with and without the ASN.1 NULL) are
+ * supported. When producing such signatures, the variant with the
+ * ASN.1 NULL is used.
+ *
+ * ## Implementations
+ *
+ * Three RSA implementations are included:
+ *
+ * - The **i32** implementation internally represents big integers
+ * as arrays of 32-bit integers. It is perfunctory and portable,
+ * but not very efficient.
+ *
+ * - The **i31** implementation uses 32-bit integers, each containing
+ * 31 bits worth of integer data. The i31 implementation is somewhat
+ * faster than the i32 implementation (the reduced integer size makes
+ * carry propagation easier) for a similar code footprint, but uses
+ * very slightly larger stack buffers (about 4% bigger).
+ *
+ * - The **i62** implementation is similar to the i31 implementation,
+ * except that it internally leverages the 64x64->128 multiplication
+ * opcode. This implementation is available only on architectures
+ * where such an opcode exists. It is much faster than i31.
+ *
+ * - The **i15** implementation uses 16-bit integers, each containing
+ * 15 bits worth of integer data. Multiplication results fit on
+ * 32 bits, so this won't use the "widening" multiplication routine
+ * on ARM Cortex M0/M0+, for much better performance and constant-time
+ * execution.
+ */
+ * \brief RSA public key.
+ *
+ * The structure references the modulus and the public exponent. Both
+ * integers use unsigned big-endian representation; extra leading bytes
+ * of value 0 are allowed.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Modulus. */
+ unsigned char *n;
+ /** \brief Modulus length (in bytes). */
+ size_t nlen;
+ /** \brief Public exponent. */
+ unsigned char *e;
+ /** \brief Public exponent length (in bytes). */
+ size_t elen;
+} br_rsa_public_key;
+ * \brief RSA private key.
+ *
+ * The structure references the private factors, reduced private
+ * exponents, and CRT coefficient. It also contains the bit length of
+ * the modulus. The big integers use unsigned big-endian representation;
+ * extra leading bytes of value 0 are allowed. However, the modulus bit
+ * length (`n_bitlen`) MUST be exact.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Modulus bit length (in bits, exact value). */
+ uint32_t n_bitlen;
+ /** \brief First prime factor. */
+ unsigned char *p;
+ /** \brief First prime factor length (in bytes). */
+ size_t plen;
+ /** \brief Second prime factor. */
+ unsigned char *q;
+ /** \brief Second prime factor length (in bytes). */
+ size_t qlen;
+ /** \brief First reduced private exponent. */
+ unsigned char *dp;
+ /** \brief First reduced private exponent length (in bytes). */
+ size_t dplen;
+ /** \brief Second reduced private exponent. */
+ unsigned char *dq;
+ /** \brief Second reduced private exponent length (in bytes). */
+ size_t dqlen;
+ /** \brief CRT coefficient. */
+ unsigned char *iq;
+ /** \brief CRT coefficient length (in bytes). */
+ size_t iqlen;
+} br_rsa_private_key;
+ * \brief Type for a RSA public key engine.
+ *
+ * The public key engine performs the modular exponentiation of the
+ * provided value with the public exponent. The value is modified in
+ * place.
+ *
+ * The value length (`xlen`) is verified to have _exactly_ the same
+ * length as the modulus (actual modulus length, without extra leading
+ * zeros in the modulus representation in memory). If the length does
+ * not match, then this function returns 0 and `x[]` is unmodified.
+ *
+ * It `xlen` is correct, then `x[]` is modified. Returned value is 1
+ * on success, 0 on error. Error conditions include an oversized `x[]`
+ * (the array has the same length as the modulus, but the numerical value
+ * is not lower than the modulus) and an invalid modulus (e.g. an even
+ * integer). If an error is reported, then the new contents of `x[]` are
+ * unspecified.
+ *
+ * \param x operand to exponentiate.
+ * \param xlen length of the operand (in bytes).
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+typedef uint32_t (*br_rsa_public)(unsigned char *x, size_t xlen,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk);
+ * \brief Type for a RSA signature verification engine (PKCS#1 v1.5).
+ *
+ * Parameters are:
+ *
+ * - The signature itself. The provided array is NOT modified.
+ *
+ * - The encoded OID for the hash function. The provided array must begin
+ * with a single byte that contains the length of the OID value (in
+ * bytes), followed by exactly that many bytes. This parameter may
+ * also be `NULL`, in which case the raw hash value should be used
+ * with the PKCS#1 v1.5 "type 1" padding (as used in SSL/TLS up
+ * to TLS-1.1, with a 36-byte hash value).
+ *
+ * - The hash output length, in bytes.
+ *
+ * - The public key.
+ *
+ * - An output buffer for the hash value. The caller must still compare
+ * it with the hash of the data over which the signature is computed.
+ *
+ * **Constraints:**
+ *
+ * - Hash length MUST be no more than 64 bytes.
+ *
+ * - OID value length MUST be no more than 32 bytes (i.e. `hash_oid[0]`
+ * must have a value in the 0..32 range, inclusive).
+ *
+ * This function verifies that the signature length (`xlen`) matches the
+ * modulus length (this function returns 0 on mismatch). If the modulus
+ * size exceeds the maximum supported RSA size, then the function also
+ * returns 0.
+ *
+ * Returned value is 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ *
+ * Implementations of this type need not be constant-time.
+ *
+ * \param x signature buffer.
+ * \param xlen signature length (in bytes).
+ * \param hash_oid encoded hash algorithm OID (or `NULL`).
+ * \param hash_len expected hash value length (in bytes).
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \param hash_out output buffer for the hash value.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+typedef uint32_t (*br_rsa_pkcs1_vrfy)(const unsigned char *x, size_t xlen,
+ const unsigned char *hash_oid, size_t hash_len,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk, unsigned char *hash_out);
+ * \brief Type for a RSA signature verification engine (PSS).
+ *
+ * Parameters are:
+ *
+ * - The signature itself. The provided array is NOT modified.
+ *
+ * - The hash function which was used to hash the message.
+ *
+ * - The hash function to use with MGF1 within the PSS padding. This
+ * is not necessarily the same hash function as the one which was
+ * used to hash the signed message.
+ *
+ * - The hashed message (as an array of bytes).
+ *
+ * - The PSS salt length (in bytes).
+ *
+ * - The public key.
+ *
+ * **Constraints:**
+ *
+ * - Hash message length MUST be no more than 64 bytes.
+ *
+ * Note that, contrary to PKCS#1 v1.5 signature, the hash value of the
+ * signed data cannot be extracted from the signature; it must be
+ * provided to the verification function.
+ *
+ * This function verifies that the signature length (`xlen`) matches the
+ * modulus length (this function returns 0 on mismatch). If the modulus
+ * size exceeds the maximum supported RSA size, then the function also
+ * returns 0.
+ *
+ * Returned value is 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ *
+ * Implementations of this type need not be constant-time.
+ *
+ * \param x signature buffer.
+ * \param xlen signature length (in bytes).
+ * \param hf_data hash function applied on the message.
+ * \param hf_mgf1 hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param hash hash value of the signed message.
+ * \param salt_len PSS salt length (in bytes).
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+typedef uint32_t (*br_rsa_pss_vrfy)(const unsigned char *x, size_t xlen,
+ const br_hash_class *hf_data, const br_hash_class *hf_mgf1,
+ const void *hash, size_t salt_len, const br_rsa_public_key *pk);
+ * \brief Type for a RSA encryption engine (OAEP).
+ *
+ * Parameters are:
+ *
+ * - A source of random bytes. The source must be already initialized.
+ *
+ * - A hash function, used internally with the mask generation function
+ * (MGF1).
+ *
+ * - A label. The `label` pointer may be `NULL` if `label_len` is zero
+ * (an empty label, which is the default in PKCS#1 v2.2).
+ *
+ * - The public key.
+ *
+ * - The destination buffer. Its maximum length (in bytes) is provided;
+ * if that length is lower than the public key length, then an error
+ * is reported.
+ *
+ * - The source message.
+ *
+ * The encrypted message output has exactly the same length as the modulus
+ * (mathematical length, in bytes, not counting extra leading zeros in the
+ * modulus representation in the public key).
+ *
+ * The source message (`src`, length `src_len`) may overlap with the
+ * destination buffer (`dst`, length `dst_max_len`).
+ *
+ * This function returns the actual encrypted message length, in bytes;
+ * on error, zero is returned. An error is reported if the output buffer
+ * is not large enough, or the public is invalid, or the public key
+ * modulus exceeds the maximum supported RSA size.
+ *
+ * \param rnd source of random bytes.
+ * \param dig hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param label label value (may be `NULL` if `label_len` is zero).
+ * \param label_len label length, in bytes.
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \param dst destination buffer.
+ * \param dst_max_len destination buffer length (maximum encrypted data size).
+ * \param src message to encrypt.
+ * \param src_len source message length (in bytes).
+ * \return encrypted message length (in bytes), or 0 on error.
+ */
+typedef size_t (*br_rsa_oaep_encrypt)(
+ const br_prng_class **rnd, const br_hash_class *dig,
+ const void *label, size_t label_len,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk,
+ void *dst, size_t dst_max_len,
+ const void *src, size_t src_len);
+ * \brief Type for a RSA private key engine.
+ *
+ * The `x[]` buffer is modified in place, and its length is inferred from
+ * the modulus length (`x[]` is assumed to have a length of
+ * `(sk->n_bitlen+7)/8` bytes).
+ *
+ * Returned value is 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ *
+ * \param x operand to exponentiate.
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+typedef uint32_t (*br_rsa_private)(unsigned char *x,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief Type for a RSA signature generation engine (PKCS#1 v1.5).
+ *
+ * Parameters are:
+ *
+ * - The encoded OID for the hash function. The provided array must begin
+ * with a single byte that contains the length of the OID value (in
+ * bytes), followed by exactly that many bytes. This parameter may
+ * also be `NULL`, in which case the raw hash value should be used
+ * with the PKCS#1 v1.5 "type 1" padding (as used in SSL/TLS up
+ * to TLS-1.1, with a 36-byte hash value).
+ *
+ * - The hash value computes over the data to sign (its length is
+ * expressed in bytes).
+ *
+ * - The RSA private key.
+ *
+ * - The output buffer, that receives the signature.
+ *
+ * Returned value is 1 on success, 0 on error. Error conditions include
+ * a too small modulus for the provided hash OID and value, or some
+ * invalid key parameters. The signature length is exactly
+ * `(sk->n_bitlen+7)/8` bytes.
+ *
+ * This function is expected to be constant-time with regards to the
+ * private key bytes (lengths of the modulus and the individual factors
+ * may leak, though) and to the hashed data.
+ *
+ * \param hash_oid encoded hash algorithm OID (or `NULL`).
+ * \param hash hash value.
+ * \param hash_len hash value length (in bytes).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param x output buffer for the signature value.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+typedef uint32_t (*br_rsa_pkcs1_sign)(const unsigned char *hash_oid,
+ const unsigned char *hash, size_t hash_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, unsigned char *x);
+ * \brief Type for a RSA signature generation engine (PSS).
+ *
+ * Parameters are:
+ *
+ * - An initialized PRNG for salt generation. If the salt length is
+ * zero (`salt_len` parameter), then the PRNG is optional (this is
+ * not the typical case, as the security proof of RSA/PSS is
+ * tighter when a non-empty salt is used).
+ *
+ * - The hash function which was used to hash the message.
+ *
+ * - The hash function to use with MGF1 within the PSS padding. This
+ * is not necessarily the same function as the one used to hash the
+ * message.
+ *
+ * - The hashed message.
+ *
+ * - The salt length, in bytes.
+ *
+ * - The RSA private key.
+ *
+ * - The output buffer, that receives the signature.
+ *
+ * Returned value is 1 on success, 0 on error. Error conditions include
+ * a too small modulus for the provided hash and salt lengths, or some
+ * invalid key parameters. The signature length is exactly
+ * `(sk->n_bitlen+7)/8` bytes.
+ *
+ * This function is expected to be constant-time with regards to the
+ * private key bytes (lengths of the modulus and the individual factors
+ * may leak, though) and to the hashed data.
+ *
+ * \param rng PRNG for salt generation (`NULL` if `salt_len` is zero).
+ * \param hf_data hash function used to hash the signed data.
+ * \param hf_mgf1 hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param hash hashed message.
+ * \param salt_len salt length (in bytes).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param x output buffer for the signature value.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+typedef uint32_t (*br_rsa_pss_sign)(const br_prng_class **rng,
+ const br_hash_class *hf_data, const br_hash_class *hf_mgf1,
+ const unsigned char *hash_value, size_t salt_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, unsigned char *x);
+ * \brief Encoded OID for SHA-1 (in RSA PKCS#1 signatures).
+ */
+#define BR_HASH_OID_SHA1 \
+ ((const unsigned char *)"\x05\x2B\x0E\x03\x02\x1A")
+ * \brief Encoded OID for SHA-224 (in RSA PKCS#1 signatures).
+ */
+#define BR_HASH_OID_SHA224 \
+ ((const unsigned char *)"\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x04")
+ * \brief Encoded OID for SHA-256 (in RSA PKCS#1 signatures).
+ */
+#define BR_HASH_OID_SHA256 \
+ ((const unsigned char *)"\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x01")
+ * \brief Encoded OID for SHA-384 (in RSA PKCS#1 signatures).
+ */
+#define BR_HASH_OID_SHA384 \
+ ((const unsigned char *)"\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x02")
+ * \brief Encoded OID for SHA-512 (in RSA PKCS#1 signatures).
+ */
+#define BR_HASH_OID_SHA512 \
+ ((const unsigned char *)"\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x03")
+ * \brief Type for a RSA decryption engine (OAEP).
+ *
+ * Parameters are:
+ *
+ * - A hash function, used internally with the mask generation function
+ * (MGF1).
+ *
+ * - A label. The `label` pointer may be `NULL` if `label_len` is zero
+ * (an empty label, which is the default in PKCS#1 v2.2).
+ *
+ * - The private key.
+ *
+ * - The source and destination buffer. The buffer initially contains
+ * the encrypted message; the buffer contents are altered, and the
+ * decrypted message is written at the start of that buffer
+ * (decrypted message is always shorter than the encrypted message).
+ *
+ * If decryption fails in any way, then `*len` is unmodified, and the
+ * function returns 0. Otherwise, `*len` is set to the decrypted message
+ * length, and 1 is returned. The implementation is responsible for
+ * checking that the input message length matches the key modulus length,
+ * and that the padding is correct.
+ *
+ * Implementations MUST use constant-time check of the validity of the
+ * OAEP padding, at least until the leading byte and hash value have
+ * been checked. Whether overall decryption worked, and the length of
+ * the decrypted message, may leak.
+ *
+ * \param dig hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param label label value (may be `NULL` if `label_len` is zero).
+ * \param label_len label length, in bytes.
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param data input/output buffer.
+ * \param len encrypted/decrypted message length.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+typedef uint32_t (*br_rsa_oaep_decrypt)(
+ const br_hash_class *dig, const void *label, size_t label_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, void *data, size_t *len);
+ * RSA "i32" engine. Integers are internally represented as arrays of
+ * 32-bit integers, and the core multiplication primitive is the
+ * 32x32->64 multiplication.
+ */
+ * \brief RSA public key engine "i32".
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_public
+ *
+ * \param x operand to exponentiate.
+ * \param xlen length of the operand (in bytes).
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i32_public(unsigned char *x, size_t xlen,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk);
+ * \brief RSA signature verification engine "i32" (PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_pkcs1_vrfy
+ *
+ * \param x signature buffer.
+ * \param xlen signature length (in bytes).
+ * \param hash_oid encoded hash algorithm OID (or `NULL`).
+ * \param hash_len expected hash value length (in bytes).
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \param hash_out output buffer for the hash value.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i32_pkcs1_vrfy(const unsigned char *x, size_t xlen,
+ const unsigned char *hash_oid, size_t hash_len,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk, unsigned char *hash_out);
+ * \brief RSA signature verification engine "i32" (PSS signatures).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_pss_vrfy
+ *
+ * \param x signature buffer.
+ * \param xlen signature length (in bytes).
+ * \param hf_data hash function applied on the message.
+ * \param hf_mgf1 hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param hash hash value of the signed message.
+ * \param salt_len PSS salt length (in bytes).
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i32_pss_vrfy(const unsigned char *x, size_t xlen,
+ const br_hash_class *hf_data, const br_hash_class *hf_mgf1,
+ const void *hash, size_t salt_len, const br_rsa_public_key *pk);
+ * \brief RSA private key engine "i32".
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_private
+ *
+ * \param x operand to exponentiate.
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i32_private(unsigned char *x,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief RSA signature generation engine "i32" (PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_pkcs1_sign
+ *
+ * \param hash_oid encoded hash algorithm OID (or `NULL`).
+ * \param hash hash value.
+ * \param hash_len hash value length (in bytes).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param x output buffer for the hash value.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i32_pkcs1_sign(const unsigned char *hash_oid,
+ const unsigned char *hash, size_t hash_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, unsigned char *x);
+ * \brief RSA signature generation engine "i32" (PSS signatures).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_pss_sign
+ *
+ * \param rng PRNG for salt generation (`NULL` if `salt_len` is zero).
+ * \param hf_data hash function used to hash the signed data.
+ * \param hf_mgf1 hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param hash hashed message.
+ * \param salt_len salt length (in bytes).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param x output buffer for the signature value.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i32_pss_sign(const br_prng_class **rng,
+ const br_hash_class *hf_data, const br_hash_class *hf_mgf1,
+ const unsigned char *hash_value, size_t salt_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, unsigned char *x);
+ * RSA "i31" engine. Similar to i32, but only 31 bits are used per 32-bit
+ * word. This uses slightly more stack space (about 4% more) and code
+ * space, but it quite faster.
+ */
+ * \brief RSA public key engine "i31".
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_public
+ *
+ * \param x operand to exponentiate.
+ * \param xlen length of the operand (in bytes).
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i31_public(unsigned char *x, size_t xlen,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk);
+ * \brief RSA signature verification engine "i31" (PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_pkcs1_vrfy
+ *
+ * \param x signature buffer.
+ * \param xlen signature length (in bytes).
+ * \param hash_oid encoded hash algorithm OID (or `NULL`).
+ * \param hash_len expected hash value length (in bytes).
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \param hash_out output buffer for the hash value.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i31_pkcs1_vrfy(const unsigned char *x, size_t xlen,
+ const unsigned char *hash_oid, size_t hash_len,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk, unsigned char *hash_out);
+ * \brief RSA signature verification engine "i31" (PSS signatures).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_pss_vrfy
+ *
+ * \param x signature buffer.
+ * \param xlen signature length (in bytes).
+ * \param hf_data hash function applied on the message.
+ * \param hf_mgf1 hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param hash hash value of the signed message.
+ * \param salt_len PSS salt length (in bytes).
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i31_pss_vrfy(const unsigned char *x, size_t xlen,
+ const br_hash_class *hf_data, const br_hash_class *hf_mgf1,
+ const void *hash, size_t salt_len, const br_rsa_public_key *pk);
+ * \brief RSA private key engine "i31".
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_private
+ *
+ * \param x operand to exponentiate.
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i31_private(unsigned char *x,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief RSA signature generation engine "i31" (PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_pkcs1_sign
+ *
+ * \param hash_oid encoded hash algorithm OID (or `NULL`).
+ * \param hash hash value.
+ * \param hash_len hash value length (in bytes).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param x output buffer for the hash value.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i31_pkcs1_sign(const unsigned char *hash_oid,
+ const unsigned char *hash, size_t hash_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, unsigned char *x);
+ * \brief RSA signature generation engine "i31" (PSS signatures).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_pss_sign
+ *
+ * \param rng PRNG for salt generation (`NULL` if `salt_len` is zero).
+ * \param hf_data hash function used to hash the signed data.
+ * \param hf_mgf1 hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param hash hashed message.
+ * \param salt_len salt length (in bytes).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param x output buffer for the signature value.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i31_pss_sign(const br_prng_class **rng,
+ const br_hash_class *hf_data, const br_hash_class *hf_mgf1,
+ const unsigned char *hash_value, size_t salt_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, unsigned char *x);
+ * RSA "i62" engine. Similar to i31, but internal multiplication use
+ * 64x64->128 multiplications. This is available only on architecture
+ * that offer such an opcode.
+ */
+ * \brief RSA public key engine "i62".
+ *
+ * This function is defined only on architecture that offer a 64x64->128
+ * opcode. Use `br_rsa_i62_public_get()` to dynamically obtain a pointer
+ * to that function.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_public
+ *
+ * \param x operand to exponentiate.
+ * \param xlen length of the operand (in bytes).
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i62_public(unsigned char *x, size_t xlen,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk);
+ * \brief RSA signature verification engine "i62" (PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures).
+ *
+ * This function is defined only on architecture that offer a 64x64->128
+ * opcode. Use `br_rsa_i62_pkcs1_vrfy_get()` to dynamically obtain a pointer
+ * to that function.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_pkcs1_vrfy
+ *
+ * \param x signature buffer.
+ * \param xlen signature length (in bytes).
+ * \param hash_oid encoded hash algorithm OID (or `NULL`).
+ * \param hash_len expected hash value length (in bytes).
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \param hash_out output buffer for the hash value.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i62_pkcs1_vrfy(const unsigned char *x, size_t xlen,
+ const unsigned char *hash_oid, size_t hash_len,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk, unsigned char *hash_out);
+ * \brief RSA signature verification engine "i62" (PSS signatures).
+ *
+ * This function is defined only on architecture that offer a 64x64->128
+ * opcode. Use `br_rsa_i62_pss_vrfy_get()` to dynamically obtain a pointer
+ * to that function.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_pss_vrfy
+ *
+ * \param x signature buffer.
+ * \param xlen signature length (in bytes).
+ * \param hf_data hash function applied on the message.
+ * \param hf_mgf1 hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param hash hash value of the signed message.
+ * \param salt_len PSS salt length (in bytes).
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i62_pss_vrfy(const unsigned char *x, size_t xlen,
+ const br_hash_class *hf_data, const br_hash_class *hf_mgf1,
+ const void *hash, size_t salt_len, const br_rsa_public_key *pk);
+ * \brief RSA private key engine "i62".
+ *
+ * This function is defined only on architecture that offer a 64x64->128
+ * opcode. Use `br_rsa_i62_private_get()` to dynamically obtain a pointer
+ * to that function.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_private
+ *
+ * \param x operand to exponentiate.
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i62_private(unsigned char *x,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief RSA signature generation engine "i62" (PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures).
+ *
+ * This function is defined only on architecture that offer a 64x64->128
+ * opcode. Use `br_rsa_i62_pkcs1_sign_get()` to dynamically obtain a pointer
+ * to that function.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_pkcs1_sign
+ *
+ * \param hash_oid encoded hash algorithm OID (or `NULL`).
+ * \param hash hash value.
+ * \param hash_len hash value length (in bytes).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param x output buffer for the hash value.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i62_pkcs1_sign(const unsigned char *hash_oid,
+ const unsigned char *hash, size_t hash_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, unsigned char *x);
+ * \brief RSA signature generation engine "i62" (PSS signatures).
+ *
+ * This function is defined only on architecture that offer a 64x64->128
+ * opcode. Use `br_rsa_i62_pss_sign_get()` to dynamically obtain a pointer
+ * to that function.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_pss_sign
+ *
+ * \param rng PRNG for salt generation (`NULL` if `salt_len` is zero).
+ * \param hf_data hash function used to hash the signed data.
+ * \param hf_mgf1 hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param hash hashed message.
+ * \param salt_len salt length (in bytes).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param x output buffer for the signature value.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i62_pss_sign(const br_prng_class **rng,
+ const br_hash_class *hf_data, const br_hash_class *hf_mgf1,
+ const unsigned char *hash_value, size_t salt_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, unsigned char *x);
+ * \brief Get the RSA "i62" implementation (public key operations),
+ * if available.
+ *
+ * \return the implementation, or 0.
+ */
+br_rsa_public br_rsa_i62_public_get(void);
+ * \brief Get the RSA "i62" implementation (PKCS#1 v1.5 signature verification),
+ * if available.
+ *
+ * \return the implementation, or 0.
+ */
+br_rsa_pkcs1_vrfy br_rsa_i62_pkcs1_vrfy_get(void);
+ * \brief Get the RSA "i62" implementation (PSS signature verification),
+ * if available.
+ *
+ * \return the implementation, or 0.
+ */
+br_rsa_pss_vrfy br_rsa_i62_pss_vrfy_get(void);
+ * \brief Get the RSA "i62" implementation (private key operations),
+ * if available.
+ *
+ * \return the implementation, or 0.
+ */
+br_rsa_private br_rsa_i62_private_get(void);
+ * \brief Get the RSA "i62" implementation (PKCS#1 v1.5 signature generation),
+ * if available.
+ *
+ * \return the implementation, or 0.
+ */
+br_rsa_pkcs1_sign br_rsa_i62_pkcs1_sign_get(void);
+ * \brief Get the RSA "i62" implementation (PSS signature generation),
+ * if available.
+ *
+ * \return the implementation, or 0.
+ */
+br_rsa_pss_sign br_rsa_i62_pss_sign_get(void);
+ * \brief Get the RSA "i62" implementation (OAEP encryption),
+ * if available.
+ *
+ * \return the implementation, or 0.
+ */
+br_rsa_oaep_encrypt br_rsa_i62_oaep_encrypt_get(void);
+ * \brief Get the RSA "i62" implementation (OAEP decryption),
+ * if available.
+ *
+ * \return the implementation, or 0.
+ */
+br_rsa_oaep_decrypt br_rsa_i62_oaep_decrypt_get(void);
+ * RSA "i15" engine. Integers are represented as 15-bit integers, so
+ * the code uses only 32-bit multiplication (no 64-bit result), which
+ * is vastly faster (and constant-time) on the ARM Cortex M0/M0+.
+ */
+ * \brief RSA public key engine "i15".
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_public
+ *
+ * \param x operand to exponentiate.
+ * \param xlen length of the operand (in bytes).
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i15_public(unsigned char *x, size_t xlen,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk);
+ * \brief RSA signature verification engine "i15" (PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_pkcs1_vrfy
+ *
+ * \param x signature buffer.
+ * \param xlen signature length (in bytes).
+ * \param hash_oid encoded hash algorithm OID (or `NULL`).
+ * \param hash_len expected hash value length (in bytes).
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \param hash_out output buffer for the hash value.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i15_pkcs1_vrfy(const unsigned char *x, size_t xlen,
+ const unsigned char *hash_oid, size_t hash_len,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk, unsigned char *hash_out);
+ * \brief RSA signature verification engine "i15" (PSS signatures).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_pss_vrfy
+ *
+ * \param x signature buffer.
+ * \param xlen signature length (in bytes).
+ * \param hf_data hash function applied on the message.
+ * \param hf_mgf1 hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param hash hash value of the signed message.
+ * \param salt_len PSS salt length (in bytes).
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i15_pss_vrfy(const unsigned char *x, size_t xlen,
+ const br_hash_class *hf_data, const br_hash_class *hf_mgf1,
+ const void *hash, size_t salt_len, const br_rsa_public_key *pk);
+ * \brief RSA private key engine "i15".
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_private
+ *
+ * \param x operand to exponentiate.
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i15_private(unsigned char *x,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief RSA signature generation engine "i15" (PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_pkcs1_sign
+ *
+ * \param hash_oid encoded hash algorithm OID (or `NULL`).
+ * \param hash hash value.
+ * \param hash_len hash value length (in bytes).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param x output buffer for the hash value.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i15_pkcs1_sign(const unsigned char *hash_oid,
+ const unsigned char *hash, size_t hash_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, unsigned char *x);
+ * \brief RSA signature generation engine "i15" (PSS signatures).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_pss_sign
+ *
+ * \param rng PRNG for salt generation (`NULL` if `salt_len` is zero).
+ * \param hf_data hash function used to hash the signed data.
+ * \param hf_mgf1 hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param hash hashed message.
+ * \param salt_len salt length (in bytes).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param x output buffer for the signature value.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i15_pss_sign(const br_prng_class **rng,
+ const br_hash_class *hf_data, const br_hash_class *hf_mgf1,
+ const unsigned char *hash_value, size_t salt_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, unsigned char *x);
+ * \brief Get "default" RSA implementation (public-key operations).
+ *
+ * This returns the preferred implementation of RSA (public-key operations)
+ * on the current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default implementation.
+ */
+br_rsa_public br_rsa_public_get_default(void);
+ * \brief Get "default" RSA implementation (private-key operations).
+ *
+ * This returns the preferred implementation of RSA (private-key operations)
+ * on the current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default implementation.
+ */
+br_rsa_private br_rsa_private_get_default(void);
+ * \brief Get "default" RSA implementation (PKCS#1 v1.5 signature verification).
+ *
+ * This returns the preferred implementation of RSA (signature verification)
+ * on the current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default implementation.
+ */
+br_rsa_pkcs1_vrfy br_rsa_pkcs1_vrfy_get_default(void);
+ * \brief Get "default" RSA implementation (PSS signature verification).
+ *
+ * This returns the preferred implementation of RSA (signature verification)
+ * on the current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default implementation.
+ */
+br_rsa_pss_vrfy br_rsa_pss_vrfy_get_default(void);
+ * \brief Get "default" RSA implementation (PKCS#1 v1.5 signature generation).
+ *
+ * This returns the preferred implementation of RSA (signature generation)
+ * on the current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default implementation.
+ */
+br_rsa_pkcs1_sign br_rsa_pkcs1_sign_get_default(void);
+ * \brief Get "default" RSA implementation (PSS signature generation).
+ *
+ * This returns the preferred implementation of RSA (signature generation)
+ * on the current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default implementation.
+ */
+br_rsa_pss_sign br_rsa_pss_sign_get_default(void);
+ * \brief Get "default" RSA implementation (OAEP encryption).
+ *
+ * This returns the preferred implementation of RSA (OAEP encryption)
+ * on the current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default implementation.
+ */
+br_rsa_oaep_encrypt br_rsa_oaep_encrypt_get_default(void);
+ * \brief Get "default" RSA implementation (OAEP decryption).
+ *
+ * This returns the preferred implementation of RSA (OAEP decryption)
+ * on the current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default implementation.
+ */
+br_rsa_oaep_decrypt br_rsa_oaep_decrypt_get_default(void);
+ * \brief RSA decryption helper, for SSL/TLS.
+ *
+ * This function performs the RSA decryption for a RSA-based key exchange
+ * in a SSL/TLS server. The provided RSA engine is used. The `data`
+ * parameter points to the value to decrypt, of length `len` bytes. On
+ * success, the 48-byte pre-master secret is copied into `data`, starting
+ * at the first byte of that buffer; on error, the contents of `data`
+ * become indeterminate.
+ *
+ * This function first checks that the provided value length (`len`) is
+ * not lower than 59 bytes, and matches the RSA modulus length; if neither
+ * of this property is met, then this function returns 0 and the buffer
+ * is unmodified.
+ *
+ * Otherwise, decryption and then padding verification are performed, both
+ * in constant-time. A decryption error, or a bad padding, or an
+ * incorrect decrypted value length are reported with a returned value of
+ * 0; on success, 1 is returned. The caller (SSL server engine) is supposed
+ * to proceed with a random pre-master secret in case of error.
+ *
+ * \param core RSA private key engine.
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param data input/output buffer.
+ * \param len length (in bytes) of the data to decrypt.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_ssl_decrypt(br_rsa_private core, const br_rsa_private_key *sk,
+ unsigned char *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief RSA encryption (OAEP) with the "i15" engine.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_oaep_encrypt
+ *
+ * \param rnd source of random bytes.
+ * \param dig hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param label label value (may be `NULL` if `label_len` is zero).
+ * \param label_len label length, in bytes.
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \param dst destination buffer.
+ * \param dst_max_len destination buffer length (maximum encrypted data size).
+ * \param src message to encrypt.
+ * \param src_len source message length (in bytes).
+ * \return encrypted message length (in bytes), or 0 on error.
+ */
+size_t br_rsa_i15_oaep_encrypt(
+ const br_prng_class **rnd, const br_hash_class *dig,
+ const void *label, size_t label_len,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk,
+ void *dst, size_t dst_max_len,
+ const void *src, size_t src_len);
+ * \brief RSA decryption (OAEP) with the "i15" engine.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_oaep_decrypt
+ *
+ * \param dig hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param label label value (may be `NULL` if `label_len` is zero).
+ * \param label_len label length, in bytes.
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param data input/output buffer.
+ * \param len encrypted/decrypted message length.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i15_oaep_decrypt(
+ const br_hash_class *dig, const void *label, size_t label_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, void *data, size_t *len);
+ * \brief RSA encryption (OAEP) with the "i31" engine.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_oaep_encrypt
+ *
+ * \param rnd source of random bytes.
+ * \param dig hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param label label value (may be `NULL` if `label_len` is zero).
+ * \param label_len label length, in bytes.
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \param dst destination buffer.
+ * \param dst_max_len destination buffer length (maximum encrypted data size).
+ * \param src message to encrypt.
+ * \param src_len source message length (in bytes).
+ * \return encrypted message length (in bytes), or 0 on error.
+ */
+size_t br_rsa_i31_oaep_encrypt(
+ const br_prng_class **rnd, const br_hash_class *dig,
+ const void *label, size_t label_len,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk,
+ void *dst, size_t dst_max_len,
+ const void *src, size_t src_len);
+ * \brief RSA decryption (OAEP) with the "i31" engine.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_oaep_decrypt
+ *
+ * \param dig hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param label label value (may be `NULL` if `label_len` is zero).
+ * \param label_len label length, in bytes.
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param data input/output buffer.
+ * \param len encrypted/decrypted message length.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i31_oaep_decrypt(
+ const br_hash_class *dig, const void *label, size_t label_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, void *data, size_t *len);
+ * \brief RSA encryption (OAEP) with the "i32" engine.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_oaep_encrypt
+ *
+ * \param rnd source of random bytes.
+ * \param dig hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param label label value (may be `NULL` if `label_len` is zero).
+ * \param label_len label length, in bytes.
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \param dst destination buffer.
+ * \param dst_max_len destination buffer length (maximum encrypted data size).
+ * \param src message to encrypt.
+ * \param src_len source message length (in bytes).
+ * \return encrypted message length (in bytes), or 0 on error.
+ */
+size_t br_rsa_i32_oaep_encrypt(
+ const br_prng_class **rnd, const br_hash_class *dig,
+ const void *label, size_t label_len,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk,
+ void *dst, size_t dst_max_len,
+ const void *src, size_t src_len);
+ * \brief RSA decryption (OAEP) with the "i32" engine.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_oaep_decrypt
+ *
+ * \param dig hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param label label value (may be `NULL` if `label_len` is zero).
+ * \param label_len label length, in bytes.
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param data input/output buffer.
+ * \param len encrypted/decrypted message length.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i32_oaep_decrypt(
+ const br_hash_class *dig, const void *label, size_t label_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, void *data, size_t *len);
+ * \brief RSA encryption (OAEP) with the "i62" engine.
+ *
+ * This function is defined only on architecture that offer a 64x64->128
+ * opcode. Use `br_rsa_i62_oaep_encrypt_get()` to dynamically obtain a pointer
+ * to that function.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_oaep_encrypt
+ *
+ * \param rnd source of random bytes.
+ * \param dig hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param label label value (may be `NULL` if `label_len` is zero).
+ * \param label_len label length, in bytes.
+ * \param pk RSA public key.
+ * \param dst destination buffer.
+ * \param dst_max_len destination buffer length (maximum encrypted data size).
+ * \param src message to encrypt.
+ * \param src_len source message length (in bytes).
+ * \return encrypted message length (in bytes), or 0 on error.
+ */
+size_t br_rsa_i62_oaep_encrypt(
+ const br_prng_class **rnd, const br_hash_class *dig,
+ const void *label, size_t label_len,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk,
+ void *dst, size_t dst_max_len,
+ const void *src, size_t src_len);
+ * \brief RSA decryption (OAEP) with the "i62" engine.
+ *
+ * This function is defined only on architecture that offer a 64x64->128
+ * opcode. Use `br_rsa_i62_oaep_decrypt_get()` to dynamically obtain a pointer
+ * to that function.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_oaep_decrypt
+ *
+ * \param dig hash function to use with MGF1.
+ * \param label label value (may be `NULL` if `label_len` is zero).
+ * \param label_len label length, in bytes.
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param data input/output buffer.
+ * \param len encrypted/decrypted message length.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i62_oaep_decrypt(
+ const br_hash_class *dig, const void *label, size_t label_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, void *data, size_t *len);
+ * \brief Get buffer size to hold RSA private key elements.
+ *
+ * This macro returns the length (in bytes) of the buffer needed to
+ * receive the elements of a RSA private key, as generated by one of
+ * the `br_rsa_*_keygen()` functions. If the provided size is a constant
+ * expression, then the whole macro evaluates to a constant expression.
+ *
+ * \param size target key size (modulus size, in bits)
+ * \return the length of the private key buffer, in bytes.
+ */
+#define BR_RSA_KBUF_PRIV_SIZE(size) (5 * (((size) + 15) >> 4))
+ * \brief Get buffer size to hold RSA public key elements.
+ *
+ * This macro returns the length (in bytes) of the buffer needed to
+ * receive the elements of a RSA public key, as generated by one of
+ * the `br_rsa_*_keygen()` functions. If the provided size is a constant
+ * expression, then the whole macro evaluates to a constant expression.
+ *
+ * \param size target key size (modulus size, in bits)
+ * \return the length of the public key buffer, in bytes.
+ */
+#define BR_RSA_KBUF_PUB_SIZE(size) (4 + (((size) + 7) >> 3))
+ * \brief Type for RSA key pair generator implementation.
+ *
+ * This function generates a new RSA key pair whose modulus has bit
+ * length `size` bits. The private key elements are written in the
+ * `kbuf_priv` buffer, and pointer values and length fields to these
+ * elements are populated in the provided private key structure `sk`.
+ * Similarly, the public key elements are written in `kbuf_pub`, with
+ * pointers and lengths set in `pk`.
+ *
+ * If `pk` is `NULL`, then `kbuf_pub` may be `NULL`, and only the
+ * private key is set.
+ *
+ * If `pubexp` is not zero, then its value will be used as public
+ * exponent. Valid RSA public exponent values are odd integers
+ * greater than 1. If `pubexp` is zero, then the public exponent will
+ * have value 3.
+ *
+ * The provided PRNG (`rng_ctx`) must have already been initialized
+ * and seeded.
+ *
+ * Returned value is 1 on success, 0 on error. An error is reported
+ * if the requested range is outside of the supported key sizes, or
+ * if an invalid non-zero public exponent value is provided. Supported
+ * range starts at 512 bits, and up to an implementation-defined
+ * maximum (by default 4096 bits). Note that key sizes up to 768 bits
+ * have been broken in practice, and sizes lower than 2048 bits are
+ * usually considered to be weak and should not be used.
+ *
+ * \param rng_ctx source PRNG context (already initialized)
+ * \param sk RSA private key structure (destination)
+ * \param kbuf_priv buffer for private key elements
+ * \param pk RSA public key structure (destination), or `NULL`
+ * \param kbuf_pub buffer for public key elements, or `NULL`
+ * \param size target RSA modulus size (in bits)
+ * \param pubexp public exponent to use, or zero
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error (invalid parameters)
+ */
+typedef uint32_t (*br_rsa_keygen)(
+ const br_prng_class **rng_ctx,
+ br_rsa_private_key *sk, void *kbuf_priv,
+ br_rsa_public_key *pk, void *kbuf_pub,
+ unsigned size, uint32_t pubexp);
+ * \brief RSA key pair generation with the "i15" engine.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_keygen
+ *
+ * \param rng_ctx source PRNG context (already initialized)
+ * \param sk RSA private key structure (destination)
+ * \param kbuf_priv buffer for private key elements
+ * \param pk RSA public key structure (destination), or `NULL`
+ * \param kbuf_pub buffer for public key elements, or `NULL`
+ * \param size target RSA modulus size (in bits)
+ * \param pubexp public exponent to use, or zero
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error (invalid parameters)
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i15_keygen(
+ const br_prng_class **rng_ctx,
+ br_rsa_private_key *sk, void *kbuf_priv,
+ br_rsa_public_key *pk, void *kbuf_pub,
+ unsigned size, uint32_t pubexp);
+ * \brief RSA key pair generation with the "i31" engine.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_keygen
+ *
+ * \param rng_ctx source PRNG context (already initialized)
+ * \param sk RSA private key structure (destination)
+ * \param kbuf_priv buffer for private key elements
+ * \param pk RSA public key structure (destination), or `NULL`
+ * \param kbuf_pub buffer for public key elements, or `NULL`
+ * \param size target RSA modulus size (in bits)
+ * \param pubexp public exponent to use, or zero
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error (invalid parameters)
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i31_keygen(
+ const br_prng_class **rng_ctx,
+ br_rsa_private_key *sk, void *kbuf_priv,
+ br_rsa_public_key *pk, void *kbuf_pub,
+ unsigned size, uint32_t pubexp);
+ * \brief RSA key pair generation with the "i62" engine.
+ *
+ * This function is defined only on architecture that offer a 64x64->128
+ * opcode. Use `br_rsa_i62_keygen_get()` to dynamically obtain a pointer
+ * to that function.
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_keygen
+ *
+ * \param rng_ctx source PRNG context (already initialized)
+ * \param sk RSA private key structure (destination)
+ * \param kbuf_priv buffer for private key elements
+ * \param pk RSA public key structure (destination), or `NULL`
+ * \param kbuf_pub buffer for public key elements, or `NULL`
+ * \param size target RSA modulus size (in bits)
+ * \param pubexp public exponent to use, or zero
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error (invalid parameters)
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i62_keygen(
+ const br_prng_class **rng_ctx,
+ br_rsa_private_key *sk, void *kbuf_priv,
+ br_rsa_public_key *pk, void *kbuf_pub,
+ unsigned size, uint32_t pubexp);
+ * \brief Get the RSA "i62" implementation (key pair generation),
+ * if available.
+ *
+ * \return the implementation, or 0.
+ */
+br_rsa_keygen br_rsa_i62_keygen_get(void);
+ * \brief Get "default" RSA implementation (key pair generation).
+ *
+ * This returns the preferred implementation of RSA (key pair generation)
+ * on the current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default implementation.
+ */
+br_rsa_keygen br_rsa_keygen_get_default(void);
+ * \brief Type for a modulus computing function.
+ *
+ * Such a function computes the public modulus from the private key. The
+ * encoded modulus (unsigned big-endian) is written on `n`, and the size
+ * (in bytes) is returned. If `n` is `NULL`, then the size is returned but
+ * the modulus itself is not computed.
+ *
+ * If the key size exceeds an internal limit, 0 is returned.
+ *
+ * \param n destination buffer (or `NULL`).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \return the modulus length (in bytes), or 0.
+ */
+typedef size_t (*br_rsa_compute_modulus)(void *n, const br_rsa_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief Recompute RSA modulus ("i15" engine).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_compute_modulus
+ *
+ * \param n destination buffer (or `NULL`).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \return the modulus length (in bytes), or 0.
+ */
+size_t br_rsa_i15_compute_modulus(void *n, const br_rsa_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief Recompute RSA modulus ("i31" engine).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_compute_modulus
+ *
+ * \param n destination buffer (or `NULL`).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \return the modulus length (in bytes), or 0.
+ */
+size_t br_rsa_i31_compute_modulus(void *n, const br_rsa_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief Get "default" RSA implementation (recompute modulus).
+ *
+ * This returns the preferred implementation of RSA (recompute modulus)
+ * on the current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default implementation.
+ */
+br_rsa_compute_modulus br_rsa_compute_modulus_get_default(void);
+ * \brief Type for a public exponent computing function.
+ *
+ * Such a function recomputes the public exponent from the private key.
+ * 0 is returned if any of the following occurs:
+ *
+ * - Either `p` or `q` is not equal to 3 modulo 4.
+ *
+ * - The public exponent does not fit on 32 bits.
+ *
+ * - An internal limit is exceeded.
+ *
+ * - The private key is invalid in some way.
+ *
+ * For all private keys produced by the key generator functions
+ * (`br_rsa_keygen` type), this function succeeds and returns the true
+ * public exponent. The public exponent is always an odd integer greater
+ * than 1.
+ *
+ * \return the public exponent, or 0.
+ */
+typedef uint32_t (*br_rsa_compute_pubexp)(const br_rsa_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief Recompute RSA public exponent ("i15" engine).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_compute_pubexp
+ *
+ * \return the public exponent, or 0.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i15_compute_pubexp(const br_rsa_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief Recompute RSA public exponent ("i31" engine).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_compute_pubexp
+ *
+ * \return the public exponent, or 0.
+ */
+uint32_t br_rsa_i31_compute_pubexp(const br_rsa_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief Get "default" RSA implementation (recompute public exponent).
+ *
+ * This returns the preferred implementation of RSA (recompute public
+ * exponent) on the current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default implementation.
+ */
+br_rsa_compute_pubexp br_rsa_compute_pubexp_get_default(void);
+ * \brief Type for a private exponent computing function.
+ *
+ * An RSA private key (`br_rsa_private_key`) contains two reduced
+ * private exponents, which are sufficient to perform private key
+ * operations. However, standard encoding formats for RSA private keys
+ * require also a copy of the complete private exponent (non-reduced),
+ * which this function recomputes.
+ *
+ * This function suceeds if all the following conditions hold:
+ *
+ * - Both private factors `p` and `q` are equal to 3 modulo 4.
+ *
+ * - The provided public exponent `pubexp` is correct, and, in particular,
+ * is odd, relatively prime to `p-1` and `q-1`, and greater than 1.
+ *
+ * - No internal storage limit is exceeded.
+ *
+ * For all private keys produced by the key generator functions
+ * (`br_rsa_keygen` type), this function succeeds. Note that the API
+ * restricts the public exponent to a maximum size of 32 bits.
+ *
+ * The encoded private exponent is written in `d` (unsigned big-endian
+ * convention), and the length (in bytes) is returned. If `d` is `NULL`,
+ * then the exponent is not written anywhere, but the length is still
+ * returned. On error, 0 is returned.
+ *
+ * Not all error conditions are detected when `d` is `NULL`; therefore, the
+ * returned value shall be checked also when actually producing the value.
+ *
+ * \param d destination buffer (or `NULL`).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param pubexp the public exponent.
+ * \return the private exponent length (in bytes), or 0.
+ */
+typedef size_t (*br_rsa_compute_privexp)(void *d,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, uint32_t pubexp);
+ * \brief Recompute RSA private exponent ("i15" engine).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_compute_privexp
+ *
+ * \param d destination buffer (or `NULL`).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param pubexp the public exponent.
+ * \return the private exponent length (in bytes), or 0.
+ */
+size_t br_rsa_i15_compute_privexp(void *d,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, uint32_t pubexp);
+ * \brief Recompute RSA private exponent ("i31" engine).
+ *
+ * \see br_rsa_compute_privexp
+ *
+ * \param d destination buffer (or `NULL`).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ * \param pubexp the public exponent.
+ * \return the private exponent length (in bytes), or 0.
+ */
+size_t br_rsa_i31_compute_privexp(void *d,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, uint32_t pubexp);
+ * \brief Get "default" RSA implementation (recompute private exponent).
+ *
+ * This returns the preferred implementation of RSA (recompute private
+ * exponent) on the current system.
+ *
+ * \return the default implementation.
+ */
+br_rsa_compute_privexp br_rsa_compute_privexp_get_default(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_ssl.h b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_ssl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c8c86bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_ssl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,4296 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Thomas Pornin <pornin@bolet.org>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef BR_BEARSSL_SSL_H__
+#define BR_BEARSSL_SSL_H__
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "bearssl_block.h"
+#include "bearssl_hash.h"
+#include "bearssl_hmac.h"
+#include "bearssl_prf.h"
+#include "bearssl_rand.h"
+#include "bearssl_x509.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** \file bearssl_ssl.h
+ *
+ * # SSL
+ *
+ * For an overview of the SSL/TLS API, see [the BearSSL Web
+ * site](https://www.bearssl.org/api1.html).
+ *
+ * The `BR_TLS_*` constants correspond to the standard cipher suites and
+ * their values in the [IANA
+ * registry](http://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-parameters/tls-parameters.xhtml#tls-parameters-4).
+ *
+ * The `BR_ALERT_*` constants are for standard TLS alert messages. When
+ * a fatal alert message is sent of received, then the SSL engine context
+ * status is set to the sum of that alert value (an integer in the 0..255
+ * range) and a fixed offset (`BR_ERR_SEND_FATAL_ALERT` for a sent alert,
+ * `BR_ERR_RECV_FATAL_ALERT` for a received alert).
+ */
+/** \brief Optimal input buffer size. */
+#define BR_SSL_BUFSIZE_INPUT (16384 + 325)
+/** \brief Optimal output buffer size. */
+#define BR_SSL_BUFSIZE_OUTPUT (16384 + 85)
+/** \brief Optimal buffer size for monodirectional engine
+ (shared input/output buffer). */
+/** \brief Optimal buffer size for bidirectional engine
+ (single buffer split into two separate input/output buffers). */
+ * Constants for known SSL/TLS protocol versions (SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1
+ * and TLS 1.2). Note that though there is a constant for SSL 3.0, that
+ * protocol version is not actually supported.
+ */
+/** \brief Protocol version: SSL 3.0 (unsupported). */
+#define BR_SSL30 0x0300
+/** \brief Protocol version: TLS 1.0. */
+#define BR_TLS10 0x0301
+/** \brief Protocol version: TLS 1.1. */
+#define BR_TLS11 0x0302
+/** \brief Protocol version: TLS 1.2. */
+#define BR_TLS12 0x0303
+ * Error constants. They are used to report the reason why a context has
+ * been marked as failed.
+ *
+ * Implementation note: SSL-level error codes should be in the 1..31
+ * range. The 32..63 range is for certificate decoding and validation
+ * errors. Received fatal alerts imply an error code in the 256..511 range.
+ */
+/** \brief SSL status: no error so far (0). */
+#define BR_ERR_OK 0
+/** \brief SSL status: caller-provided parameter is incorrect. */
+#define BR_ERR_BAD_PARAM 1
+/** \brief SSL status: operation requested by the caller cannot be applied
+ with the current context state (e.g. reading data while outgoing data
+ is waiting to be sent). */
+#define BR_ERR_BAD_STATE 2
+/** \brief SSL status: incoming protocol or record version is unsupported. */
+/** \brief SSL status: incoming record version does not match the expected
+ version. */
+/** \brief SSL status: incoming record length is invalid. */
+#define BR_ERR_BAD_LENGTH 5
+/** \brief SSL status: incoming record is too large to be processed, or
+ buffer is too small for the handshake message to send. */
+#define BR_ERR_TOO_LARGE 6
+/** \brief SSL status: decryption found an invalid padding, or the record
+ MAC is not correct. */
+#define BR_ERR_BAD_MAC 7
+/** \brief SSL status: no initial entropy was provided, and none can be
+ obtained from the OS. */
+#define BR_ERR_NO_RANDOM 8
+/** \brief SSL status: incoming record type is unknown. */
+/** \brief SSL status: incoming record or message has wrong type with
+ regards to the current engine state. */
+/** \brief SSL status: ChangeCipherSpec message from the peer has invalid
+ contents. */
+#define BR_ERR_BAD_CCS 12
+/** \brief SSL status: alert message from the peer has invalid contents
+ (odd length). */
+#define BR_ERR_BAD_ALERT 13
+/** \brief SSL status: incoming handshake message decoding failed. */
+/** \brief SSL status: ServerHello contains a session ID which is larger
+ than 32 bytes. */
+/** \brief SSL status: server wants to use a cipher suite that we did
+ not claim to support. This is also reported if we tried to advertise
+ a cipher suite that we do not support. */
+/** \brief SSL status: server wants to use a compression that we did not
+ claim to support. */
+/** \brief SSL status: server's max fragment length does not match
+ client's. */
+#define BR_ERR_BAD_FRAGLEN 18
+/** \brief SSL status: secure renegotiation failed. */
+/** \brief SSL status: server sent an extension type that we did not
+ announce, or used the same extension type several times in a single
+ ServerHello. */
+/** \brief SSL status: invalid Server Name Indication contents (when
+ used by the server, this extension shall be empty). */
+#define BR_ERR_BAD_SNI 21
+/** \brief SSL status: invalid ServerHelloDone from the server (length
+ is not 0). */
+/** \brief SSL status: internal limit exceeded (e.g. server's public key
+ is too large). */
+/** \brief SSL status: Finished message from peer does not match the
+ expected value. */
+/** \brief SSL status: session resumption attempt with distinct version
+ or cipher suite. */
+/** \brief SSL status: unsupported or invalid algorithm (ECDHE curve,
+ signature algorithm, hash function). */
+/** \brief SSL status: invalid signature (on ServerKeyExchange from
+ server, or in CertificateVerify from client). */
+/** \brief SSL status: peer's public key does not have the proper type
+ or is not allowed for requested operation. */
+/** \brief SSL status: client did not send a certificate upon request,
+ or the client certificate could not be validated. */
+/** \brief SSL status: I/O error or premature close on underlying
+ transport stream. This error code is set only by the simplified
+ I/O API ("br_sslio_*"). */
+#define BR_ERR_IO 31
+/** \brief SSL status: base value for a received fatal alert.
+ When a fatal alert is received from the peer, the alert value
+ is added to this constant. */
+/** \brief SSL status: base value for a sent fatal alert.
+ When a fatal alert is sent to the peer, the alert value is added
+ to this constant. */
+/* ===================================================================== */
+ * \brief Decryption engine for SSL.
+ *
+ * When processing incoming records, the SSL engine will use a decryption
+ * engine that uses a specific context structure, and has a set of
+ * methods (a vtable) that follows this template.
+ *
+ * The decryption engine is responsible for applying decryption, verifying
+ * MAC, and keeping track of the record sequence number.
+ */
+typedef struct br_sslrec_in_class_ br_sslrec_in_class;
+struct br_sslrec_in_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Context size (in bytes).
+ */
+ size_t context_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Test validity of the incoming record length.
+ *
+ * This function returns 1 if the announced length for an
+ * incoming record is valid, 0 otherwise,
+ *
+ * \param ctx decryption engine context.
+ * \param record_len incoming record length.
+ * \return 1 of a valid length, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+ int (*check_length)(const br_sslrec_in_class *const *ctx,
+ size_t record_len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Decrypt the incoming record.
+ *
+ * This function may assume that the record length is valid
+ * (it has been previously tested with `check_length()`).
+ * Decryption is done in place; `*len` is updated with the
+ * cleartext length, and the address of the first plaintext
+ * byte is returned. If the record is correct but empty, then
+ * `*len` is set to 0 and a non-`NULL` pointer is returned.
+ *
+ * On decryption/MAC error, `NULL` is returned.
+ *
+ * \param ctx decryption engine context.
+ * \param record_type record type (23 for application data, etc).
+ * \param version record version.
+ * \param payload address of encrypted payload.
+ * \param len pointer to payload length (updated).
+ * \return pointer to plaintext, or `NULL` on error.
+ */
+ unsigned char *(*decrypt)(const br_sslrec_in_class **ctx,
+ int record_type, unsigned version,
+ void *payload, size_t *len);
+ * \brief Encryption engine for SSL.
+ *
+ * When building outgoing records, the SSL engine will use an encryption
+ * engine that uses a specific context structure, and has a set of
+ * methods (a vtable) that follows this template.
+ *
+ * The encryption engine is responsible for applying encryption and MAC,
+ * and keeping track of the record sequence number.
+ */
+typedef struct br_sslrec_out_class_ br_sslrec_out_class;
+struct br_sslrec_out_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Context size (in bytes).
+ */
+ size_t context_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Compute maximum plaintext sizes and offsets.
+ *
+ * When this function is called, the `*start` and `*end`
+ * values contain offsets designating the free area in the
+ * outgoing buffer for plaintext data; that free area is
+ * preceded by a 5-byte space which will receive the record
+ * header.
+ *
+ * The `max_plaintext()` function is responsible for adjusting
+ * both `*start` and `*end` to make room for any record-specific
+ * header, MAC, padding, and possible split.
+ *
+ * \param ctx encryption engine context.
+ * \param start pointer to start of plaintext offset (updated).
+ * \param end pointer to start of plaintext offset (updated).
+ */
+ void (*max_plaintext)(const br_sslrec_out_class *const *ctx,
+ size_t *start, size_t *end);
+ /**
+ * \brief Perform record encryption.
+ *
+ * This function encrypts the record. The plaintext address and
+ * length are provided. Returned value is the start of the
+ * encrypted record (or sequence of records, if a split was
+ * performed), _including_ the 5-byte header, and `*len` is
+ * adjusted to the total size of the record(s), there again
+ * including the header(s).
+ *
+ * \param ctx decryption engine context.
+ * \param record_type record type (23 for application data, etc).
+ * \param version record version.
+ * \param plaintext address of plaintext.
+ * \param len pointer to plaintext length (updated).
+ * \return pointer to start of built record.
+ */
+ unsigned char *(*encrypt)(const br_sslrec_out_class **ctx,
+ int record_type, unsigned version,
+ void *plaintext, size_t *len);
+ * \brief Context for a no-encryption engine.
+ *
+ * The no-encryption engine processes outgoing records during the initial
+ * handshake, before encryption is applied.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief No-encryption engine vtable. */
+ const br_sslrec_out_class *vtable;
+} br_sslrec_out_clear_context;
+/** \brief Static, constant vtable for the no-encryption engine. */
+extern const br_sslrec_out_class br_sslrec_out_clear_vtable;
+/* ===================================================================== */
+ * \brief Record decryption engine class, for CBC mode.
+ *
+ * This class type extends the decryption engine class with an
+ * initialisation method that receives the parameters needed
+ * for CBC processing: block cipher implementation, block cipher key,
+ * HMAC parameters (hash function, key, MAC length), and IV. If the
+ * IV is `NULL`, then a per-record IV will be used (TLS 1.1+).
+ */
+typedef struct br_sslrec_in_cbc_class_ br_sslrec_in_cbc_class;
+struct br_sslrec_in_cbc_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Superclass, as first vtable field.
+ */
+ br_sslrec_in_class inner;
+ /**
+ * \brief Engine initialisation method.
+ *
+ * This method sets the vtable field in the context.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param bc_impl block cipher implementation (CBC decryption).
+ * \param bc_key block cipher key.
+ * \param bc_key_len block cipher key length (in bytes).
+ * \param dig_impl hash function for HMAC.
+ * \param mac_key HMAC key.
+ * \param mac_key_len HMAC key length (in bytes).
+ * \param mac_out_len HMAC output length (in bytes).
+ * \param iv initial IV (or `NULL`).
+ */
+ void (*init)(const br_sslrec_in_cbc_class **ctx,
+ const br_block_cbcdec_class *bc_impl,
+ const void *bc_key, size_t bc_key_len,
+ const br_hash_class *dig_impl,
+ const void *mac_key, size_t mac_key_len, size_t mac_out_len,
+ const void *iv);
+ * \brief Record encryption engine class, for CBC mode.
+ *
+ * This class type extends the encryption engine class with an
+ * initialisation method that receives the parameters needed
+ * for CBC processing: block cipher implementation, block cipher key,
+ * HMAC parameters (hash function, key, MAC length), and IV. If the
+ * IV is `NULL`, then a per-record IV will be used (TLS 1.1+).
+ */
+typedef struct br_sslrec_out_cbc_class_ br_sslrec_out_cbc_class;
+struct br_sslrec_out_cbc_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Superclass, as first vtable field.
+ */
+ br_sslrec_out_class inner;
+ /**
+ * \brief Engine initialisation method.
+ *
+ * This method sets the vtable field in the context.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param bc_impl block cipher implementation (CBC encryption).
+ * \param bc_key block cipher key.
+ * \param bc_key_len block cipher key length (in bytes).
+ * \param dig_impl hash function for HMAC.
+ * \param mac_key HMAC key.
+ * \param mac_key_len HMAC key length (in bytes).
+ * \param mac_out_len HMAC output length (in bytes).
+ * \param iv initial IV (or `NULL`).
+ */
+ void (*init)(const br_sslrec_out_cbc_class **ctx,
+ const br_block_cbcenc_class *bc_impl,
+ const void *bc_key, size_t bc_key_len,
+ const br_hash_class *dig_impl,
+ const void *mac_key, size_t mac_key_len, size_t mac_out_len,
+ const void *iv);
+ * \brief Context structure for decrypting incoming records with
+ * CBC + HMAC.
+ *
+ * The first field points to the vtable. The other fields are opaque
+ * and shall not be accessed directly.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable. */
+ const br_sslrec_in_cbc_class *vtable;
+ uint64_t seq;
+ union {
+ const br_block_cbcdec_class *vtable;
+ br_aes_gen_cbcdec_keys aes;
+ br_des_gen_cbcdec_keys des;
+ } bc;
+ br_hmac_key_context mac;
+ size_t mac_len;
+ unsigned char iv[16];
+ int explicit_IV;
+} br_sslrec_in_cbc_context;
+ * \brief Static, constant vtable for record decryption with CBC.
+ */
+extern const br_sslrec_in_cbc_class br_sslrec_in_cbc_vtable;
+ * \brief Context structure for encrypting outgoing records with
+ * CBC + HMAC.
+ *
+ * The first field points to the vtable. The other fields are opaque
+ * and shall not be accessed directly.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable. */
+ const br_sslrec_out_cbc_class *vtable;
+ uint64_t seq;
+ union {
+ const br_block_cbcenc_class *vtable;
+ br_aes_gen_cbcenc_keys aes;
+ br_des_gen_cbcenc_keys des;
+ } bc;
+ br_hmac_key_context mac;
+ size_t mac_len;
+ unsigned char iv[16];
+ int explicit_IV;
+} br_sslrec_out_cbc_context;
+ * \brief Static, constant vtable for record encryption with CBC.
+ */
+extern const br_sslrec_out_cbc_class br_sslrec_out_cbc_vtable;
+/* ===================================================================== */
+ * \brief Record decryption engine class, for GCM mode.
+ *
+ * This class type extends the decryption engine class with an
+ * initialisation method that receives the parameters needed
+ * for GCM processing: block cipher implementation, block cipher key,
+ * GHASH implementation, and 4-byte IV.
+ */
+typedef struct br_sslrec_in_gcm_class_ br_sslrec_in_gcm_class;
+struct br_sslrec_in_gcm_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Superclass, as first vtable field.
+ */
+ br_sslrec_in_class inner;
+ /**
+ * \brief Engine initialisation method.
+ *
+ * This method sets the vtable field in the context.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param bc_impl block cipher implementation (CTR).
+ * \param key block cipher key.
+ * \param key_len block cipher key length (in bytes).
+ * \param gh_impl GHASH implementation.
+ * \param iv static IV (4 bytes).
+ */
+ void (*init)(const br_sslrec_in_gcm_class **ctx,
+ const br_block_ctr_class *bc_impl,
+ const void *key, size_t key_len,
+ br_ghash gh_impl,
+ const void *iv);
+ * \brief Record encryption engine class, for GCM mode.
+ *
+ * This class type extends the encryption engine class with an
+ * initialisation method that receives the parameters needed
+ * for GCM processing: block cipher implementation, block cipher key,
+ * GHASH implementation, and 4-byte IV.
+ */
+typedef struct br_sslrec_out_gcm_class_ br_sslrec_out_gcm_class;
+struct br_sslrec_out_gcm_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Superclass, as first vtable field.
+ */
+ br_sslrec_out_class inner;
+ /**
+ * \brief Engine initialisation method.
+ *
+ * This method sets the vtable field in the context.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param bc_impl block cipher implementation (CTR).
+ * \param key block cipher key.
+ * \param key_len block cipher key length (in bytes).
+ * \param gh_impl GHASH implementation.
+ * \param iv static IV (4 bytes).
+ */
+ void (*init)(const br_sslrec_out_gcm_class **ctx,
+ const br_block_ctr_class *bc_impl,
+ const void *key, size_t key_len,
+ br_ghash gh_impl,
+ const void *iv);
+ * \brief Context structure for processing records with GCM.
+ *
+ * The same context structure is used for encrypting and decrypting.
+ *
+ * The first field points to the vtable. The other fields are opaque
+ * and shall not be accessed directly.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable. */
+ union {
+ const void *gen;
+ const br_sslrec_in_gcm_class *in;
+ const br_sslrec_out_gcm_class *out;
+ } vtable;
+ uint64_t seq;
+ union {
+ const br_block_ctr_class *vtable;
+ br_aes_gen_ctr_keys aes;
+ } bc;
+ br_ghash gh;
+ unsigned char iv[4];
+ unsigned char h[16];
+} br_sslrec_gcm_context;
+ * \brief Static, constant vtable for record decryption with GCM.
+ */
+extern const br_sslrec_in_gcm_class br_sslrec_in_gcm_vtable;
+ * \brief Static, constant vtable for record encryption with GCM.
+ */
+extern const br_sslrec_out_gcm_class br_sslrec_out_gcm_vtable;
+/* ===================================================================== */
+ * \brief Record decryption engine class, for ChaCha20+Poly1305.
+ *
+ * This class type extends the decryption engine class with an
+ * initialisation method that receives the parameters needed
+ * for ChaCha20+Poly1305 processing: ChaCha20 implementation,
+ * Poly1305 implementation, key, and 12-byte IV.
+ */
+typedef struct br_sslrec_in_chapol_class_ br_sslrec_in_chapol_class;
+struct br_sslrec_in_chapol_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Superclass, as first vtable field.
+ */
+ br_sslrec_in_class inner;
+ /**
+ * \brief Engine initialisation method.
+ *
+ * This method sets the vtable field in the context.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param ichacha ChaCha20 implementation.
+ * \param ipoly Poly1305 implementation.
+ * \param key secret key (32 bytes).
+ * \param iv static IV (12 bytes).
+ */
+ void (*init)(const br_sslrec_in_chapol_class **ctx,
+ br_chacha20_run ichacha,
+ br_poly1305_run ipoly,
+ const void *key, const void *iv);
+ * \brief Record encryption engine class, for ChaCha20+Poly1305.
+ *
+ * This class type extends the encryption engine class with an
+ * initialisation method that receives the parameters needed
+ * for ChaCha20+Poly1305 processing: ChaCha20 implementation,
+ * Poly1305 implementation, key, and 12-byte IV.
+ */
+typedef struct br_sslrec_out_chapol_class_ br_sslrec_out_chapol_class;
+struct br_sslrec_out_chapol_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Superclass, as first vtable field.
+ */
+ br_sslrec_out_class inner;
+ /**
+ * \brief Engine initialisation method.
+ *
+ * This method sets the vtable field in the context.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param ichacha ChaCha20 implementation.
+ * \param ipoly Poly1305 implementation.
+ * \param key secret key (32 bytes).
+ * \param iv static IV (12 bytes).
+ */
+ void (*init)(const br_sslrec_out_chapol_class **ctx,
+ br_chacha20_run ichacha,
+ br_poly1305_run ipoly,
+ const void *key, const void *iv);
+ * \brief Context structure for processing records with ChaCha20+Poly1305.
+ *
+ * The same context structure is used for encrypting and decrypting.
+ *
+ * The first field points to the vtable. The other fields are opaque
+ * and shall not be accessed directly.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable. */
+ union {
+ const void *gen;
+ const br_sslrec_in_chapol_class *in;
+ const br_sslrec_out_chapol_class *out;
+ } vtable;
+ uint64_t seq;
+ unsigned char key[32];
+ unsigned char iv[12];
+ br_chacha20_run ichacha;
+ br_poly1305_run ipoly;
+} br_sslrec_chapol_context;
+ * \brief Static, constant vtable for record decryption with ChaCha20+Poly1305.
+ */
+extern const br_sslrec_in_chapol_class br_sslrec_in_chapol_vtable;
+ * \brief Static, constant vtable for record encryption with ChaCha20+Poly1305.
+ */
+extern const br_sslrec_out_chapol_class br_sslrec_out_chapol_vtable;
+/* ===================================================================== */
+ * \brief Record decryption engine class, for CCM mode.
+ *
+ * This class type extends the decryption engine class with an
+ * initialisation method that receives the parameters needed
+ * for CCM processing: block cipher implementation, block cipher key,
+ * and 4-byte IV.
+ */
+typedef struct br_sslrec_in_ccm_class_ br_sslrec_in_ccm_class;
+struct br_sslrec_in_ccm_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Superclass, as first vtable field.
+ */
+ br_sslrec_in_class inner;
+ /**
+ * \brief Engine initialisation method.
+ *
+ * This method sets the vtable field in the context.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param bc_impl block cipher implementation (CTR+CBC).
+ * \param key block cipher key.
+ * \param key_len block cipher key length (in bytes).
+ * \param iv static IV (4 bytes).
+ * \param tag_len tag length (in bytes)
+ */
+ void (*init)(const br_sslrec_in_ccm_class **ctx,
+ const br_block_ctrcbc_class *bc_impl,
+ const void *key, size_t key_len,
+ const void *iv, size_t tag_len);
+ * \brief Record encryption engine class, for CCM mode.
+ *
+ * This class type extends the encryption engine class with an
+ * initialisation method that receives the parameters needed
+ * for CCM processing: block cipher implementation, block cipher key,
+ * and 4-byte IV.
+ */
+typedef struct br_sslrec_out_ccm_class_ br_sslrec_out_ccm_class;
+struct br_sslrec_out_ccm_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Superclass, as first vtable field.
+ */
+ br_sslrec_out_class inner;
+ /**
+ * \brief Engine initialisation method.
+ *
+ * This method sets the vtable field in the context.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param bc_impl block cipher implementation (CTR+CBC).
+ * \param key block cipher key.
+ * \param key_len block cipher key length (in bytes).
+ * \param iv static IV (4 bytes).
+ * \param tag_len tag length (in bytes)
+ */
+ void (*init)(const br_sslrec_out_ccm_class **ctx,
+ const br_block_ctrcbc_class *bc_impl,
+ const void *key, size_t key_len,
+ const void *iv, size_t tag_len);
+ * \brief Context structure for processing records with CCM.
+ *
+ * The same context structure is used for encrypting and decrypting.
+ *
+ * The first field points to the vtable. The other fields are opaque
+ * and shall not be accessed directly.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable. */
+ union {
+ const void *gen;
+ const br_sslrec_in_ccm_class *in;
+ const br_sslrec_out_ccm_class *out;
+ } vtable;
+ uint64_t seq;
+ union {
+ const br_block_ctrcbc_class *vtable;
+ br_aes_gen_ctrcbc_keys aes;
+ } bc;
+ unsigned char iv[4];
+ size_t tag_len;
+} br_sslrec_ccm_context;
+ * \brief Static, constant vtable for record decryption with CCM.
+ */
+extern const br_sslrec_in_ccm_class br_sslrec_in_ccm_vtable;
+ * \brief Static, constant vtable for record encryption with CCM.
+ */
+extern const br_sslrec_out_ccm_class br_sslrec_out_ccm_vtable;
+/* ===================================================================== */
+ * \brief Type for session parameters, to be saved for session resumption.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Session ID buffer. */
+ unsigned char session_id[32];
+ /** \brief Session ID length (in bytes, at most 32). */
+ unsigned char session_id_len;
+ /** \brief Protocol version. */
+ uint16_t version;
+ /** \brief Cipher suite. */
+ uint16_t cipher_suite;
+ /** \brief Master secret. */
+ unsigned char master_secret[48];
+} br_ssl_session_parameters;
+ * Maximum number of cipher suites supported by a client or server.
+ */
+ * \brief Context structure for SSL engine.
+ *
+ * This strucuture is common to the client and server; both the client
+ * context (`br_ssl_client_context`) and the server context
+ * (`br_ssl_server_context`) include a `br_ssl_engine_context` as their
+ * first field.
+ *
+ * The engine context manages records, including alerts, closures, and
+ * transitions to new encryption/MAC algorithms. Processing of handshake
+ * records is delegated to externally provided code. This structure
+ * should not be used directly.
+ *
+ * Structure contents are opaque and shall not be accessed directly.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /*
+ * The error code. When non-zero, then the state is "failed" and
+ * no I/O may occur until reset.
+ */
+ int err;
+ /*
+ * Configured I/O buffers. They are either disjoint, or identical.
+ */
+ unsigned char *ibuf, *obuf;
+ size_t ibuf_len, obuf_len;
+ /*
+ * Maximum fragment length applies to outgoing records; incoming
+ * records can be processed as long as they fit in the input
+ * buffer. It is guaranteed that incoming records at least as big
+ * as max_frag_len can be processed.
+ */
+ uint16_t max_frag_len;
+ unsigned char log_max_frag_len;
+ unsigned char peer_log_max_frag_len;
+ /*
+ * Buffering management registers.
+ */
+ size_t ixa, ixb, ixc;
+ size_t oxa, oxb, oxc;
+ unsigned char iomode;
+ unsigned char incrypt;
+ /*
+ * Shutdown flag: when set to non-zero, incoming record bytes
+ * will not be accepted anymore. This is used after a close_notify
+ * has been received: afterwards, the engine no longer claims that
+ * it could receive bytes from the transport medium.
+ */
+ unsigned char shutdown_recv;
+ /*
+ * 'record_type_in' is set to the incoming record type when the
+ * record header has been received.
+ * 'record_type_out' is used to make the next outgoing record
+ * header when it is ready to go.
+ */
+ unsigned char record_type_in, record_type_out;
+ /*
+ * When a record is received, its version is extracted:
+ * -- if 'version_in' is 0, then it is set to the received version;
+ * -- otherwise, if the received version is not identical to
+ * the 'version_in' contents, then a failure is reported.
+ *
+ * This implements the SSL requirement that all records shall
+ * use the negotiated protocol version, once decided (in the
+ * ServerHello). It is up to the handshake handler to adjust this
+ * field when necessary.
+ */
+ uint16_t version_in;
+ /*
+ * 'version_out' is used when the next outgoing record is ready
+ * to go.
+ */
+ uint16_t version_out;
+ /*
+ * Record handler contexts.
+ */
+ union {
+ const br_sslrec_in_class *vtable;
+ br_sslrec_in_cbc_context cbc;
+ br_sslrec_gcm_context gcm;
+ br_sslrec_chapol_context chapol;
+ br_sslrec_ccm_context ccm;
+ } in;
+ union {
+ const br_sslrec_out_class *vtable;
+ br_sslrec_out_clear_context clear;
+ br_sslrec_out_cbc_context cbc;
+ br_sslrec_gcm_context gcm;
+ br_sslrec_chapol_context chapol;
+ br_sslrec_ccm_context ccm;
+ } out;
+ /*
+ * The "application data" flag. Value:
+ * 0 handshake is in process, no application data acceptable
+ * 1 application data can be sent and received
+ * 2 closing, no application data can be sent, but some
+ * can still be received (and discarded)
+ */
+ unsigned char application_data;
+ /*
+ * Context RNG.
+ *
+ * rng_init_done is initially 0. It is set to 1 when the
+ * basic structure of the RNG is set, and 2 when some
+ * entropy has been pushed in. The value 2 marks the RNG
+ * as "properly seeded".
+ *
+ * rng_os_rand_done is initially 0. It is set to 1 when
+ * some seeding from the OS or hardware has been attempted.
+ */
+ br_hmac_drbg_context rng;
+ int rng_init_done;
+ int rng_os_rand_done;
+ /*
+ * Supported minimum and maximum versions, and cipher suites.
+ */
+ uint16_t version_min;
+ uint16_t version_max;
+ uint16_t suites_buf[BR_MAX_CIPHER_SUITES];
+ unsigned char suites_num;
+ /*
+ * For clients, the server name to send as a SNI extension. For
+ * servers, the name received in the SNI extension (if any).
+ */
+ char server_name[256];
+ /*
+ * "Security parameters". These are filled by the handshake
+ * handler, and used when switching encryption state.
+ */
+ unsigned char client_random[32];
+ unsigned char server_random[32];
+ br_ssl_session_parameters session;
+ /*
+ * ECDHE elements: curve and point from the peer. The server also
+ * uses that buffer for the point to send to the client.
+ */
+ unsigned char ecdhe_curve;
+ unsigned char ecdhe_point[133];
+ unsigned char ecdhe_point_len;
+ /*
+ * Secure renegotiation (RFC 5746): 'reneg' can be:
+ * 0 first handshake (server support is not known)
+ * 1 peer does not support secure renegotiation
+ * 2 peer supports secure renegotiation
+ *
+ * The saved_finished buffer contains the client and the
+ * server "Finished" values from the last handshake, in
+ * that order (12 bytes each).
+ */
+ unsigned char reneg;
+ unsigned char saved_finished[24];
+ /*
+ * Behavioural flags.
+ */
+ uint32_t flags;
+ /*
+ * Context variables for the handshake processor. The 'pad' must
+ * be large enough to accommodate an RSA-encrypted pre-master
+ * secret, or an RSA signature; since we want to support up to
+ * RSA-4096, this means at least 512 bytes. (Other pad usages
+ * require its length to be at least 256.)
+ */
+ struct {
+ uint32_t *dp;
+ uint32_t *rp;
+ const unsigned char *ip;
+ } cpu;
+ uint32_t dp_stack[32];
+ uint32_t rp_stack[32];
+ unsigned char pad[512];
+ unsigned char *hbuf_in, *hbuf_out, *saved_hbuf_out;
+ size_t hlen_in, hlen_out;
+ void (*hsrun)(void *ctx);
+ /*
+ * The 'action' value communicates OOB information between the
+ * engine and the handshake processor.
+ *
+ * From the engine:
+ * 0 invocation triggered by I/O
+ * 1 invocation triggered by explicit close
+ * 2 invocation triggered by explicit renegotiation
+ */
+ unsigned char action;
+ /*
+ * State for alert messages. Value is either 0, or the value of
+ * the alert level byte (level is either 1 for warning, or 2 for
+ * fatal; we convert all other values to 'fatal').
+ */
+ unsigned char alert;
+ /*
+ * Closure flags. This flag is set when a close_notify has been
+ * received from the peer.
+ */
+ unsigned char close_received;
+ /*
+ * Multi-hasher for the handshake messages. The handshake handler
+ * is responsible for resetting it when appropriate.
+ */
+ br_multihash_context mhash;
+ /*
+ * Pointer to the X.509 engine. The engine is supposed to be
+ * already initialized. It is used to validate the peer's
+ * certificate.
+ */
+ const br_x509_class **x509ctx;
+ /*
+ * Certificate chain to send. This is used by both client and
+ * server, when they send their respective Certificate messages.
+ * If chain_len is 0, then chain may be NULL.
+ */
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain;
+ size_t chain_len;
+ const unsigned char *cert_cur;
+ size_t cert_len;
+ /*
+ * List of supported protocol names (ALPN extension). If unset,
+ * (number of names is 0), then:
+ * - the client sends no ALPN extension;
+ * - the server ignores any incoming ALPN extension.
+ *
+ * Otherwise:
+ * - the client sends an ALPN extension with all the names;
+ * - the server selects the first protocol in its list that
+ * the client also supports, or fails (fatal alert 120)
+ * if the client sends an ALPN extension and there is no
+ * match.
+ *
+ * The 'selected_protocol' field contains 1+n if the matching
+ * name has index n in the list (the value is 0 if no match was
+ * performed, e.g. the peer did not send an ALPN extension).
+ */
+ const char **protocol_names;
+ uint16_t protocol_names_num;
+ uint16_t selected_protocol;
+ /*
+ * Pointers to implementations; left to NULL for unsupported
+ * functions. For the raw hash functions, implementations are
+ * referenced from the multihasher (mhash field).
+ */
+ br_tls_prf_impl prf10;
+ br_tls_prf_impl prf_sha256;
+ br_tls_prf_impl prf_sha384;
+ const br_block_cbcenc_class *iaes_cbcenc;
+ const br_block_cbcdec_class *iaes_cbcdec;
+ const br_block_ctr_class *iaes_ctr;
+ const br_block_ctrcbc_class *iaes_ctrcbc;
+ const br_block_cbcenc_class *ides_cbcenc;
+ const br_block_cbcdec_class *ides_cbcdec;
+ br_ghash ighash;
+ br_chacha20_run ichacha;
+ br_poly1305_run ipoly;
+ const br_sslrec_in_cbc_class *icbc_in;
+ const br_sslrec_out_cbc_class *icbc_out;
+ const br_sslrec_in_gcm_class *igcm_in;
+ const br_sslrec_out_gcm_class *igcm_out;
+ const br_sslrec_in_chapol_class *ichapol_in;
+ const br_sslrec_out_chapol_class *ichapol_out;
+ const br_sslrec_in_ccm_class *iccm_in;
+ const br_sslrec_out_ccm_class *iccm_out;
+ const br_ec_impl *iec;
+ br_rsa_pkcs1_vrfy irsavrfy;
+ br_ecdsa_vrfy iecdsa;
+} br_ssl_engine_context;
+ * \brief Get currently defined engine behavioural flags.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \return the flags.
+ */
+static inline uint32_t
+br_ssl_engine_get_flags(br_ssl_engine_context *cc)
+ return cc->flags;
+ * \brief Set all engine behavioural flags.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param flags new value for all flags.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_all_flags(br_ssl_engine_context *cc, uint32_t flags)
+ cc->flags = flags;
+ * \brief Set some engine behavioural flags.
+ *
+ * The flags set in the `flags` parameter are set in the context; other
+ * flags are untouched.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param flags additional set flags.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_add_flags(br_ssl_engine_context *cc, uint32_t flags)
+ cc->flags |= flags;
+ * \brief Clear some engine behavioural flags.
+ *
+ * The flags set in the `flags` parameter are cleared from the context; other
+ * flags are untouched.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param flags flags to remove.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_remove_flags(br_ssl_engine_context *cc, uint32_t flags)
+ cc->flags &= ~flags;
+ * \brief Behavioural flag: enforce server preferences.
+ *
+ * If this flag is set, then the server will enforce its own cipher suite
+ * preference order; otherwise, it follows the client preferences.
+ */
+#define BR_OPT_ENFORCE_SERVER_PREFERENCES ((uint32_t)1 << 0)
+ * \brief Behavioural flag: disable renegotiation.
+ *
+ * If this flag is set, then renegotiations are rejected unconditionally:
+ * they won't be honoured if asked for programmatically, and requests from
+ * the peer are rejected.
+ */
+#define BR_OPT_NO_RENEGOTIATION ((uint32_t)1 << 1)
+ * \brief Behavioural flag: tolerate lack of client authentication.
+ *
+ * If this flag is set in a server and the server requests a client
+ * certificate, but the authentication fails (the client does not send
+ * a certificate, or the client's certificate chain cannot be validated),
+ * then the connection keeps on. Without this flag, a failed client
+ * authentication terminates the connection.
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ *
+ * - If the client's certificate can be validated and its public key is
+ * supported, then a wrong signature value terminates the connection
+ * regardless of that flag.
+ *
+ * - If using full-static ECDH, then a failure to validate the client's
+ * certificate prevents the handshake from succeeding.
+ */
+#define BR_OPT_TOLERATE_NO_CLIENT_AUTH ((uint32_t)1 << 2)
+ * \brief Behavioural flag: fail on application protocol mismatch.
+ *
+ * The ALPN extension ([RFC 7301](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7301))
+ * allows the client to send a list of application protocol names, and
+ * the server to select one. A mismatch is one of the following occurrences:
+ *
+ * - On the client: the client sends a list of names, the server
+ * responds with a protocol name which is _not_ part of the list of
+ * names sent by the client.
+ *
+ * - On the server: the client sends a list of names, and the server
+ * is also configured with a list of names, but there is no common
+ * protocol name between the two lists.
+ *
+ * Normal behaviour in case of mismatch is to report no matching name
+ * (`br_ssl_engine_get_selected_protocol()` returns `NULL`) and carry on.
+ * If the flag is set, then a mismatch implies a protocol failure (if
+ * the mismatch is detected by the server, it will send a fatal alert).
+ *
+ * Note: even with this flag, `br_ssl_engine_get_selected_protocol()`
+ * may still return `NULL` if the client or the server does not send an
+ * ALPN extension at all.
+ */
+#define BR_OPT_FAIL_ON_ALPN_MISMATCH ((uint32_t)1 << 3)
+ * \brief Set the minimum and maximum supported protocol versions.
+ *
+ * The two provided versions MUST be supported by the implementation
+ * (i.e. TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2), and `version_max` MUST NOT be lower
+ * than `version_min`.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param version_min minimum supported TLS version.
+ * \param version_max maximum supported TLS version.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_versions(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ unsigned version_min, unsigned version_max)
+ cc->version_min = version_min;
+ cc->version_max = version_max;
+ * \brief Set the list of cipher suites advertised by this context.
+ *
+ * The provided array is copied into the context. It is the caller
+ * responsibility to ensure that all provided suites will be supported
+ * by the context. The engine context has enough room to receive _all_
+ * suites supported by the implementation. The provided array MUST NOT
+ * contain duplicates.
+ *
+ * If the engine is for a client, the "signaling" pseudo-cipher suite
+ * `TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV` can be added at the end of the list, if the
+ * calling application is performing a voluntary downgrade (voluntary
+ * downgrades are not recommended, but if such a downgrade is done, then
+ * adding the fallback pseudo-suite is a good idea).
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param suites cipher suites.
+ * \param suites_num number of cipher suites.
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_set_suites(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ const uint16_t *suites, size_t suites_num);
+ * \brief Set the X.509 engine.
+ *
+ * The caller shall ensure that the X.509 engine is properly initialised.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param x509ctx X.509 certificate validation context.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_x509(br_ssl_engine_context *cc, const br_x509_class **x509ctx)
+ cc->x509ctx = x509ctx;
+ * \brief Set the supported protocol names.
+ *
+ * Protocol names are part of the ALPN extension ([RFC
+ * 7301](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7301)). Each protocol name is a
+ * character string, containing no more than 255 characters (256 with the
+ * terminating zero). When names are set, then:
+ *
+ * - The client will send an ALPN extension, containing the names. If
+ * the server responds with an ALPN extension, the client will verify
+ * that the response contains one of its name, and report that name
+ * through `br_ssl_engine_get_selected_protocol()`.
+ *
+ * - The server will parse incoming ALPN extension (from clients), and
+ * try to find a common protocol; if none is found, the connection
+ * is aborted with a fatal alert. On match, a response ALPN extension
+ * is sent, and name is reported through
+ * `br_ssl_engine_get_selected_protocol()`.
+ *
+ * The provided array is linked in, and must remain valid while the
+ * connection is live.
+ *
+ * Names MUST NOT be empty. Names MUST NOT be longer than 255 characters
+ * (excluding the terminating 0).
+ *
+ * \param ctx SSL engine context.
+ * \param names list of protocol names (zero-terminated).
+ * \param num number of protocol names (MUST be 1 or more).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_protocol_names(br_ssl_engine_context *ctx,
+ const char **names, size_t num)
+ ctx->protocol_names = names;
+ ctx->protocol_names_num = num;
+ * \brief Get the selected protocol.
+ *
+ * If this context was initialised with a non-empty list of protocol
+ * names, and both client and server sent ALPN extensions during the
+ * handshake, and a common name was found, then that name is returned.
+ * Otherwise, `NULL` is returned.
+ *
+ * The returned pointer is one of the pointers provided to the context
+ * with `br_ssl_engine_set_protocol_names()`.
+ *
+ * \return the selected protocol, or `NULL`.
+ */
+static inline const char *
+br_ssl_engine_get_selected_protocol(br_ssl_engine_context *ctx)
+ unsigned k;
+ k = ctx->selected_protocol;
+ return (k == 0 || k == 0xFFFF) ? NULL : ctx->protocol_names[k - 1];
+ * \brief Set a hash function implementation (by ID).
+ *
+ * Hash functions set with this call will be used for SSL/TLS specific
+ * usages, not X.509 certificate validation. Only "standard" hash functions
+ * may be set (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512). If `impl`
+ * is `NULL`, then the hash function support is removed, not added.
+ *
+ * \param ctx SSL engine context.
+ * \param id hash function identifier.
+ * \param impl hash function implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_hash(br_ssl_engine_context *ctx,
+ int id, const br_hash_class *impl)
+ br_multihash_setimpl(&ctx->mhash, id, impl);
+ * \brief Get a hash function implementation (by ID).
+ *
+ * This function retrieves a hash function implementation which was
+ * set with `br_ssl_engine_set_hash()`.
+ *
+ * \param ctx SSL engine context.
+ * \param id hash function identifier.
+ * \return the hash function implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline const br_hash_class *
+br_ssl_engine_get_hash(br_ssl_engine_context *ctx, int id)
+ return br_multihash_getimpl(&ctx->mhash, id);
+ * \brief Set the PRF implementation (for TLS 1.0 and 1.1).
+ *
+ * This function sets (or removes, if `impl` is `NULL`) the implementation
+ * for the PRF used in TLS 1.0 and 1.1.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param impl PRF implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_prf10(br_ssl_engine_context *cc, br_tls_prf_impl impl)
+ cc->prf10 = impl;
+ * \brief Set the PRF implementation with SHA-256 (for TLS 1.2).
+ *
+ * This function sets (or removes, if `impl` is `NULL`) the implementation
+ * for the SHA-256 variant of the PRF used in TLS 1.2.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param impl PRF implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_prf_sha256(br_ssl_engine_context *cc, br_tls_prf_impl impl)
+ cc->prf_sha256 = impl;
+ * \brief Set the PRF implementation with SHA-384 (for TLS 1.2).
+ *
+ * This function sets (or removes, if `impl` is `NULL`) the implementation
+ * for the SHA-384 variant of the PRF used in TLS 1.2.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param impl PRF implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_prf_sha384(br_ssl_engine_context *cc, br_tls_prf_impl impl)
+ cc->prf_sha384 = impl;
+ * \brief Set the AES/CBC implementations.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param impl_enc AES/CBC encryption implementation (or `NULL`).
+ * \param impl_dec AES/CBC decryption implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_aes_cbc(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ const br_block_cbcenc_class *impl_enc,
+ const br_block_cbcdec_class *impl_dec)
+ cc->iaes_cbcenc = impl_enc;
+ cc->iaes_cbcdec = impl_dec;
+ * \brief Set the "default" AES/CBC implementations.
+ *
+ * This function configures in the engine the AES implementations that
+ * should provide best runtime performance on the local system, while
+ * still being safe (in particular, constant-time). It also sets the
+ * handlers for CBC records.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_set_default_aes_cbc(br_ssl_engine_context *cc);
+ * \brief Set the AES/CTR implementation.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param impl AES/CTR encryption/decryption implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_aes_ctr(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ const br_block_ctr_class *impl)
+ cc->iaes_ctr = impl;
+ * \brief Set the "default" implementations for AES/GCM (AES/CTR + GHASH).
+ *
+ * This function configures in the engine the AES/CTR and GHASH
+ * implementation that should provide best runtime performance on the local
+ * system, while still being safe (in particular, constant-time). It also
+ * sets the handlers for GCM records.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_set_default_aes_gcm(br_ssl_engine_context *cc);
+ * \brief Set the DES/CBC implementations.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param impl_enc DES/CBC encryption implementation (or `NULL`).
+ * \param impl_dec DES/CBC decryption implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_des_cbc(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ const br_block_cbcenc_class *impl_enc,
+ const br_block_cbcdec_class *impl_dec)
+ cc->ides_cbcenc = impl_enc;
+ cc->ides_cbcdec = impl_dec;
+ * \brief Set the "default" DES/CBC implementations.
+ *
+ * This function configures in the engine the DES implementations that
+ * should provide best runtime performance on the local system, while
+ * still being safe (in particular, constant-time). It also sets the
+ * handlers for CBC records.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_set_default_des_cbc(br_ssl_engine_context *cc);
+ * \brief Set the GHASH implementation (used in GCM mode).
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param impl GHASH implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_ghash(br_ssl_engine_context *cc, br_ghash impl)
+ cc->ighash = impl;
+ * \brief Set the ChaCha20 implementation.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param ichacha ChaCha20 implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_chacha20(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ br_chacha20_run ichacha)
+ cc->ichacha = ichacha;
+ * \brief Set the Poly1305 implementation.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param ipoly Poly1305 implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_poly1305(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ br_poly1305_run ipoly)
+ cc->ipoly = ipoly;
+ * \brief Set the "default" ChaCha20 and Poly1305 implementations.
+ *
+ * This function configures in the engine the ChaCha20 and Poly1305
+ * implementations that should provide best runtime performance on the
+ * local system, while still being safe (in particular, constant-time).
+ * It also sets the handlers for ChaCha20+Poly1305 records.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_set_default_chapol(br_ssl_engine_context *cc);
+ * \brief Set the AES/CTR+CBC implementation.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param impl AES/CTR+CBC encryption/decryption implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_aes_ctrcbc(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ const br_block_ctrcbc_class *impl)
+ cc->iaes_ctrcbc = impl;
+ * \brief Set the "default" implementations for AES/CCM.
+ *
+ * This function configures in the engine the AES/CTR+CBC
+ * implementation that should provide best runtime performance on the local
+ * system, while still being safe (in particular, constant-time). It also
+ * sets the handlers for CCM records.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_set_default_aes_ccm(br_ssl_engine_context *cc);
+ * \brief Set the record encryption and decryption engines for CBC + HMAC.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param impl_in record CBC decryption implementation (or `NULL`).
+ * \param impl_out record CBC encryption implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_cbc(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ const br_sslrec_in_cbc_class *impl_in,
+ const br_sslrec_out_cbc_class *impl_out)
+ cc->icbc_in = impl_in;
+ cc->icbc_out = impl_out;
+ * \brief Set the record encryption and decryption engines for GCM.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param impl_in record GCM decryption implementation (or `NULL`).
+ * \param impl_out record GCM encryption implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_gcm(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ const br_sslrec_in_gcm_class *impl_in,
+ const br_sslrec_out_gcm_class *impl_out)
+ cc->igcm_in = impl_in;
+ cc->igcm_out = impl_out;
+ * \brief Set the record encryption and decryption engines for CCM.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param impl_in record CCM decryption implementation (or `NULL`).
+ * \param impl_out record CCM encryption implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_ccm(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ const br_sslrec_in_ccm_class *impl_in,
+ const br_sslrec_out_ccm_class *impl_out)
+ cc->iccm_in = impl_in;
+ cc->iccm_out = impl_out;
+ * \brief Set the record encryption and decryption engines for
+ * ChaCha20+Poly1305.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param impl_in record ChaCha20 decryption implementation (or `NULL`).
+ * \param impl_out record ChaCha20 encryption implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_chapol(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ const br_sslrec_in_chapol_class *impl_in,
+ const br_sslrec_out_chapol_class *impl_out)
+ cc->ichapol_in = impl_in;
+ cc->ichapol_out = impl_out;
+ * \brief Set the EC implementation.
+ *
+ * The elliptic curve implementation will be used for ECDH and ECDHE
+ * cipher suites, and for ECDSA support.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param iec EC implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_ec(br_ssl_engine_context *cc, const br_ec_impl *iec)
+ cc->iec = iec;
+ * \brief Set the "default" EC implementation.
+ *
+ * This function sets the elliptic curve implementation for ECDH and
+ * ECDHE cipher suites, and for ECDSA support. It selects the fastest
+ * implementation on the current system.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_set_default_ec(br_ssl_engine_context *cc);
+ * \brief Get the EC implementation configured in the provided engine.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \return the EC implementation.
+ */
+static inline const br_ec_impl *
+br_ssl_engine_get_ec(br_ssl_engine_context *cc)
+ return cc->iec;
+ * \brief Set the RSA signature verification implementation.
+ *
+ * On the client, this is used to verify the server's signature on its
+ * ServerKeyExchange message (for ECDHE_RSA cipher suites). On the server,
+ * this is used to verify the client's CertificateVerify message (if a
+ * client certificate is requested, and that certificate contains a RSA key).
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param irsavrfy RSA signature verification implementation.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_rsavrfy(br_ssl_engine_context *cc, br_rsa_pkcs1_vrfy irsavrfy)
+ cc->irsavrfy = irsavrfy;
+ * \brief Set the "default" RSA implementation (signature verification).
+ *
+ * This function sets the RSA implementation (signature verification)
+ * to the fastest implementation available on the current platform.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_set_default_rsavrfy(br_ssl_engine_context *cc);
+ * \brief Get the RSA implementation (signature verification) configured
+ * in the provided engine.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \return the RSA signature verification implementation.
+ */
+static inline br_rsa_pkcs1_vrfy
+br_ssl_engine_get_rsavrfy(br_ssl_engine_context *cc)
+ return cc->irsavrfy;
+ * \brief Set the ECDSA implementation (signature verification).
+ *
+ * On the client, this is used to verify the server's signature on its
+ * ServerKeyExchange message (for ECDHE_ECDSA cipher suites). On the server,
+ * this is used to verify the client's CertificateVerify message (if a
+ * client certificate is requested, that certificate contains an EC key,
+ * and full-static ECDH is not used).
+ *
+ * The ECDSA implementation will use the EC core implementation configured
+ * in the engine context.
+ *
+ * \param cc client context.
+ * \param iecdsa ECDSA verification implementation.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_ecdsa(br_ssl_engine_context *cc, br_ecdsa_vrfy iecdsa)
+ cc->iecdsa = iecdsa;
+ * \brief Set the "default" ECDSA implementation (signature verification).
+ *
+ * This function sets the ECDSA implementation (signature verification)
+ * to the fastest implementation available on the current platform. This
+ * call also sets the elliptic curve implementation itself, there again
+ * to the fastest EC implementation available.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_set_default_ecdsa(br_ssl_engine_context *cc);
+ * \brief Get the ECDSA implementation (signature verification) configured
+ * in the provided engine.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \return the ECDSA signature verification implementation.
+ */
+static inline br_ecdsa_vrfy
+br_ssl_engine_get_ecdsa(br_ssl_engine_context *cc)
+ return cc->iecdsa;
+ * \brief Set the I/O buffer for the SSL engine.
+ *
+ * Once this call has been made, `br_ssl_client_reset()` or
+ * `br_ssl_server_reset()` MUST be called before using the context.
+ *
+ * The provided buffer will be used as long as the engine context is
+ * used. The caller is responsible for keeping it available.
+ *
+ * If `bidi` is 0, then the engine will operate in half-duplex mode
+ * (it won't be able to send data while there is unprocessed incoming
+ * data in the buffer, and it won't be able to receive data while there
+ * is unsent data in the buffer). The optimal buffer size in half-duplex
+ * mode is `BR_SSL_BUFSIZE_MONO`; if the buffer is larger, then extra
+ * bytes are ignored. If the buffer is smaller, then this limits the
+ * capacity of the engine to support all allowed record sizes.
+ *
+ * If `bidi` is 1, then the engine will split the buffer into two
+ * parts, for separate handling of outgoing and incoming data. This
+ * enables full-duplex processing, but requires more RAM. The optimal
+ * buffer size in full-duplex mode is `BR_SSL_BUFSIZE_BIDI`; if the
+ * buffer is larger, then extra bytes are ignored. If the buffer is
+ * smaller, then the split will favour the incoming part, so that
+ * interoperability is maximised.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context
+ * \param iobuf I/O buffer.
+ * \param iobuf_len I/O buffer length (in bytes).
+ * \param bidi non-zero for full-duplex mode.
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_set_buffer(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ void *iobuf, size_t iobuf_len, int bidi);
+ * \brief Set the I/O buffers for the SSL engine.
+ *
+ * Once this call has been made, `br_ssl_client_reset()` or
+ * `br_ssl_server_reset()` MUST be called before using the context.
+ *
+ * This function is similar to `br_ssl_engine_set_buffer()`, except
+ * that it enforces full-duplex mode, and the two I/O buffers are
+ * provided as separate chunks.
+ *
+ * evaluate to the optimal (maximum) sizes for the input and output
+ * buffer, respectively.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context
+ * \param ibuf input buffer.
+ * \param ibuf_len input buffer length (in bytes).
+ * \param obuf output buffer.
+ * \param obuf_len output buffer length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_set_buffers_bidi(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ void *ibuf, size_t ibuf_len, void *obuf, size_t obuf_len);
+ * \brief Inject some "initial entropy" in the context.
+ *
+ * This entropy will be added to what can be obtained from the
+ * underlying operating system, if that OS is supported.
+ *
+ * This function may be called several times; all injected entropy chunks
+ * are cumulatively mixed.
+ *
+ * If entropy gathering from the OS is supported and compiled in, then this
+ * step is optional. Otherwise, it is mandatory to inject randomness, and
+ * the caller MUST take care to push (as one or several successive calls)
+ * enough entropy to achieve cryptographic resistance (at least 80 bits,
+ * preferably 128 or more). The engine will report an error if no entropy
+ * was provided and none can be obtained from the OS.
+ *
+ * Take care that this function cannot assess the cryptographic quality of
+ * the provided bytes.
+ *
+ * In all generality, "entropy" must here be considered to mean "that
+ * which the attacker cannot predict". If your OS/architecture does not
+ * have a suitable source of randomness, then you can make do with the
+ * combination of a large enough secret value (possibly a copy of an
+ * asymmetric private key that you also store on the system) AND a
+ * non-repeating value (e.g. current time, provided that the local clock
+ * cannot be reset or altered by the attacker).
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param data extra entropy to inject.
+ * \param len length of the extra data (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_inject_entropy(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Get the "server name" in this engine.
+ *
+ * For clients, this is the name provided with `br_ssl_client_reset()`;
+ * for servers, this is the name received from the client as part of the
+ * ClientHello message. If there is no such name (e.g. the client did
+ * not send an SNI extension) then the returned string is empty
+ * (returned pointer points to a byte of value 0).
+ *
+ * The returned pointer refers to a buffer inside the context, which may
+ * be overwritten as part of normal SSL activity (even within the same
+ * connection, if a renegotiation occurs).
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \return the server name (possibly empty).
+ */
+static inline const char *
+br_ssl_engine_get_server_name(const br_ssl_engine_context *cc)
+ return cc->server_name;
+ * \brief Get the protocol version.
+ *
+ * This function returns the protocol version that is used by the
+ * engine. That value is set after sending (for a server) or receiving
+ * (for a client) the ServerHello message.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \return the protocol version.
+ */
+static inline unsigned
+br_ssl_engine_get_version(const br_ssl_engine_context *cc)
+ return cc->session.version;
+ * \brief Get a copy of the session parameters.
+ *
+ * The session parameters are filled during the handshake, so this
+ * function shall not be called before completion of the handshake.
+ * The initial handshake is completed when the context first allows
+ * application data to be injected.
+ *
+ * This function copies the current session parameters into the provided
+ * structure. Beware that the session parameters include the master
+ * secret, which is sensitive data, to handle with great care.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param pp destination structure for the session parameters.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_get_session_parameters(const br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ br_ssl_session_parameters *pp)
+ memcpy(pp, &cc->session, sizeof *pp);
+ * \brief Set the session parameters to the provided values.
+ *
+ * This function is meant to be used in the client, before doing a new
+ * handshake; a session resumption will be attempted with these
+ * parameters. In the server, this function has no effect.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param pp source structure for the session parameters.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_engine_set_session_parameters(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ const br_ssl_session_parameters *pp)
+ memcpy(&cc->session, pp, sizeof *pp);
+ * \brief Get identifier for the curve used for key exchange.
+ *
+ * If the cipher suite uses ECDHE, then this function returns the
+ * identifier for the curve used for transient parameters. This is
+ * defined during the course of the handshake, when the ServerKeyExchange
+ * is sent (on the server) or received (on the client). If the
+ * cipher suite does not use ECDHE (e.g. static ECDH, or RSA key
+ * exchange), then this value is indeterminate.
+ *
+ * @param cc SSL engine context.
+ * @return the ECDHE curve identifier.
+ */
+static inline int
+br_ssl_engine_get_ecdhe_curve(br_ssl_engine_context *cc)
+ return cc->ecdhe_curve;
+ * \brief Get the current engine state.
+ *
+ * An SSL engine (client or server) has, at any time, a state which is
+ * the combination of zero, one or more of these flags:
+ *
+ *
+ * Engine is finished, no more I/O (until next reset).
+ *
+ *
+ * Engine has some bytes to send to the peer.
+ *
+ *
+ * Engine expects some bytes from the peer.
+ *
+ *
+ * Engine may receive application data to send (or flush).
+ *
+ *
+ * Engine has obtained some application data from the peer,
+ * that should be read by the caller.
+ *
+ * If no flag at all is set (state value is 0), then the engine is not
+ * fully initialised yet.
+ *
+ * The `BR_SSL_CLOSED` flag is exclusive; when it is set, no other flag
+ * is set. To distinguish between a normal closure and an error, use
+ * `br_ssl_engine_last_error()`.
+ *
+ * Generally speaking, `BR_SSL_SENDREC` and `BR_SSL_SENDAPP` are mutually
+ * exclusive: the input buffer, at any point, either accumulates
+ * plaintext data, or contains an assembled record that is being sent.
+ * Similarly, `BR_SSL_RECVREC` and `BR_SSL_RECVAPP` are mutually exclusive.
+ * This may change in a future library version.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \return the current engine state.
+ */
+unsigned br_ssl_engine_current_state(const br_ssl_engine_context *cc);
+/** \brief SSL engine state: closed or failed. */
+#define BR_SSL_CLOSED 0x0001
+/** \brief SSL engine state: record data is ready to be sent to the peer. */
+#define BR_SSL_SENDREC 0x0002
+/** \brief SSL engine state: engine may receive records from the peer. */
+#define BR_SSL_RECVREC 0x0004
+/** \brief SSL engine state: engine may accept application data to send. */
+#define BR_SSL_SENDAPP 0x0008
+/** \brief SSL engine state: engine has received application data. */
+#define BR_SSL_RECVAPP 0x0010
+ * \brief Get the engine error indicator.
+ *
+ * The error indicator is `BR_ERR_OK` (0) if no error was encountered
+ * since the last call to `br_ssl_client_reset()` or
+ * `br_ssl_server_reset()`. Other status values are "sticky": they
+ * remain set, and prevent all I/O activity, until cleared. Only the
+ * reset calls clear the error indicator.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \return 0, or a non-zero error code.
+ */
+static inline int
+br_ssl_engine_last_error(const br_ssl_engine_context *cc)
+ return cc->err;
+ * There are four I/O operations, each identified by a symbolic name:
+ *
+ * sendapp inject application data in the engine
+ * recvapp retrieving application data from the engine
+ * sendrec sending records on the transport medium
+ * recvrec receiving records from the transport medium
+ *
+ * Terminology works thus: in a layered model where the SSL engine sits
+ * between the application and the network, "send" designates operations
+ * where bytes flow from application to network, and "recv" for the
+ * reverse operation. Application data (the plaintext that is to be
+ * conveyed through SSL) is "app", while encrypted records are "rec".
+ * Note that from the SSL engine point of view, "sendapp" and "recvrec"
+ * designate bytes that enter the engine ("inject" operation), while
+ * "recvapp" and "sendrec" designate bytes that exit the engine
+ * ("extract" operation).
+ *
+ * For the operation 'xxx', two functions are defined:
+ *
+ * br_ssl_engine_xxx_buf
+ * Returns a pointer and length to the buffer to use for that
+ * operation. '*len' is set to the number of bytes that may be read
+ * from the buffer (extract operation) or written to the buffer
+ * (inject operation). If no byte may be exchanged for that operation
+ * at that point, then '*len' is set to zero, and NULL is returned.
+ * The engine state is unmodified by this call.
+ *
+ * br_ssl_engine_xxx_ack
+ * Informs the engine that 'len' bytes have been read from the buffer
+ * (extract operation) or written to the buffer (inject operation).
+ * The 'len' value MUST NOT be zero. The 'len' value MUST NOT exceed
+ * that which was obtained from a preceding br_ssl_engine_xxx_buf()
+ * call.
+ */
+ * \brief Get buffer for application data to send.
+ *
+ * If the engine is ready to accept application data to send to the
+ * peer, then this call returns a pointer to the buffer where such
+ * data shall be written, and its length is written in `*len`.
+ * Otherwise, `*len` is set to 0 and `NULL` is returned.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param len receives the application data output buffer length, or 0.
+ * \return the application data output buffer, or `NULL`.
+ */
+unsigned char *br_ssl_engine_sendapp_buf(
+ const br_ssl_engine_context *cc, size_t *len);
+ * \brief Inform the engine of some new application data.
+ *
+ * After writing `len` bytes in the buffer returned by
+ * `br_ssl_engine_sendapp_buf()`, the application shall call this
+ * function to trigger any relevant processing. The `len` parameter
+ * MUST NOT be 0, and MUST NOT exceed the value obtained in the
+ * `br_ssl_engine_sendapp_buf()` call.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param len number of bytes pushed (not zero).
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_sendapp_ack(br_ssl_engine_context *cc, size_t len);
+ * \brief Get buffer for received application data.
+ *
+ * If the engine has received application data from the peer, hen this
+ * call returns a pointer to the buffer from where such data shall be
+ * read, and its length is written in `*len`. Otherwise, `*len` is set
+ * to 0 and `NULL` is returned.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param len receives the application data input buffer length, or 0.
+ * \return the application data input buffer, or `NULL`.
+ */
+unsigned char *br_ssl_engine_recvapp_buf(
+ const br_ssl_engine_context *cc, size_t *len);
+ * \brief Acknowledge some received application data.
+ *
+ * After reading `len` bytes from the buffer returned by
+ * `br_ssl_engine_recvapp_buf()`, the application shall call this
+ * function to trigger any relevant processing. The `len` parameter
+ * MUST NOT be 0, and MUST NOT exceed the value obtained in the
+ * `br_ssl_engine_recvapp_buf()` call.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param len number of bytes read (not zero).
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_recvapp_ack(br_ssl_engine_context *cc, size_t len);
+ * \brief Get buffer for record data to send.
+ *
+ * If the engine has prepared some records to send to the peer, then this
+ * call returns a pointer to the buffer from where such data shall be
+ * read, and its length is written in `*len`. Otherwise, `*len` is set
+ * to 0 and `NULL` is returned.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param len receives the record data output buffer length, or 0.
+ * \return the record data output buffer, or `NULL`.
+ */
+unsigned char *br_ssl_engine_sendrec_buf(
+ const br_ssl_engine_context *cc, size_t *len);
+ * \brief Acknowledge some sent record data.
+ *
+ * After reading `len` bytes from the buffer returned by
+ * `br_ssl_engine_sendrec_buf()`, the application shall call this
+ * function to trigger any relevant processing. The `len` parameter
+ * MUST NOT be 0, and MUST NOT exceed the value obtained in the
+ * `br_ssl_engine_sendrec_buf()` call.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param len number of bytes read (not zero).
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_sendrec_ack(br_ssl_engine_context *cc, size_t len);
+ * \brief Get buffer for incoming records.
+ *
+ * If the engine is ready to accept records from the peer, then this
+ * call returns a pointer to the buffer where such data shall be
+ * written, and its length is written in `*len`. Otherwise, `*len` is
+ * set to 0 and `NULL` is returned.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param len receives the record data input buffer length, or 0.
+ * \return the record data input buffer, or `NULL`.
+ */
+unsigned char *br_ssl_engine_recvrec_buf(
+ const br_ssl_engine_context *cc, size_t *len);
+ * \brief Inform the engine of some new record data.
+ *
+ * After writing `len` bytes in the buffer returned by
+ * `br_ssl_engine_recvrec_buf()`, the application shall call this
+ * function to trigger any relevant processing. The `len` parameter
+ * MUST NOT be 0, and MUST NOT exceed the value obtained in the
+ * `br_ssl_engine_recvrec_buf()` call.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param len number of bytes pushed (not zero).
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_recvrec_ack(br_ssl_engine_context *cc, size_t len);
+ * \brief Flush buffered application data.
+ *
+ * If some application data has been buffered in the engine, then wrap
+ * it into a record and mark it for sending. If no application data has
+ * been buffered but the engine would be ready to accept some, AND the
+ * `force` parameter is non-zero, then an empty record is assembled and
+ * marked for sending. In all other cases, this function does nothing.
+ *
+ * Empty records are technically legal, but not all existing SSL/TLS
+ * implementations support them. Empty records can be useful as a
+ * transparent "keep-alive" mechanism to maintain some low-level
+ * network activity.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param force non-zero to force sending an empty record.
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_flush(br_ssl_engine_context *cc, int force);
+ * \brief Initiate a closure.
+ *
+ * If, at that point, the context is open and in ready state, then a
+ * `close_notify` alert is assembled and marked for sending; this
+ * triggers the closure protocol. Otherwise, no such alert is assembled.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ */
+void br_ssl_engine_close(br_ssl_engine_context *cc);
+ * \brief Initiate a renegotiation.
+ *
+ * If the engine is failed or closed, or if the peer is known not to
+ * support secure renegotiation (RFC 5746), or if renegotiations have
+ * been disabled with the `BR_OPT_NO_RENEGOTIATION` flag, or if there
+ * is buffered incoming application data, then this function returns 0
+ * and nothing else happens.
+ *
+ * Otherwise, this function returns 1, and a renegotiation attempt is
+ * triggered (if a handshake is already ongoing at that point, then
+ * no new handshake is triggered).
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+int br_ssl_engine_renegotiate(br_ssl_engine_context *cc);
+ * \brief Export key material from a connected SSL engine (RFC 5705).
+ *
+ * This calls compute a secret key of arbitrary length from the master
+ * secret of a connected SSL engine. If the provided context is not
+ * currently in "application data" state (initial handshake is not
+ * finished, another handshake is ongoing, or the connection failed or
+ * was closed), then this function returns 0. Otherwise, a secret key of
+ * length `len` bytes is computed and written in the buffer pointed to
+ * by `dst`, and 1 is returned.
+ *
+ * The computed key follows the specification described in RFC 5705.
+ * That RFC includes two key computations, with and without a "context
+ * value". If `context` is `NULL`, then the variant without context is
+ * used; otherwise, the `context_len` bytes located at the address
+ * pointed to by `context` are used in the computation. Note that it
+ * is possible to have a "with context" key with a context length of
+ * zero bytes, by setting `context` to a non-`NULL` value but
+ * `context_len` to 0.
+ *
+ * When context bytes are used, the context length MUST NOT exceed
+ * 65535 bytes.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL engine context.
+ * \param dst destination buffer for exported key.
+ * \param len exported key length (in bytes).
+ * \param label disambiguation label.
+ * \param context context value (or `NULL`).
+ * \param context_len context length (in bytes).
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+int br_ssl_key_export(br_ssl_engine_context *cc,
+ void *dst, size_t len, const char *label,
+ const void *context, size_t context_len);
+ * Pre-declaration for the SSL client context.
+ */
+typedef struct br_ssl_client_context_ br_ssl_client_context;
+ * \brief Type for the client certificate, if requested by the server.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * \brief Authentication type.
+ *
+ * This is either `BR_AUTH_RSA` (RSA signature), `BR_AUTH_ECDSA`
+ * (ECDSA signature), or `BR_AUTH_ECDH` (static ECDH key exchange).
+ */
+ int auth_type;
+ /**
+ * \brief Hash function for computing the CertificateVerify.
+ *
+ * This is the symbolic identifier for the hash function that
+ * will be used to produce the hash of handshake messages, to
+ * be signed into the CertificateVerify. For full static ECDH
+ * (client and server certificates are both EC in the same
+ * curve, and static ECDH is used), this value is set to -1.
+ *
+ * Take care that with TLS 1.0 and 1.1, that value MUST match
+ * the protocol requirements: value must be 0 (MD5+SHA-1) for
+ * a RSA signature, or 2 (SHA-1) for an ECDSA signature. Only
+ * TLS 1.2 allows for other hash functions.
+ */
+ int hash_id;
+ /**
+ * \brief Certificate chain to send to the server.
+ *
+ * This is an array of `br_x509_certificate` objects, each
+ * normally containing a DER-encoded certificate. The client
+ * code does not try to decode these elements. If there is no
+ * chain to send to the server, then this pointer shall be
+ * set to `NULL`.
+ */
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain;
+ /**
+ * \brief Certificate chain length (number of certificates).
+ *
+ * If there is no chain to send to the server, then this value
+ * shall be set to 0.
+ */
+ size_t chain_len;
+} br_ssl_client_certificate;
+ * Note: the constants below for signatures match the TLS constants.
+ */
+/** \brief Client authentication type: static ECDH. */
+#define BR_AUTH_ECDH 0
+/** \brief Client authentication type: RSA signature. */
+#define BR_AUTH_RSA 1
+/** \brief Client authentication type: ECDSA signature. */
+#define BR_AUTH_ECDSA 3
+ * \brief Class type for a certificate handler (client side).
+ *
+ * A certificate handler selects a client certificate chain to send to
+ * the server, upon explicit request from that server. It receives
+ * the list of trust anchor DN from the server, and supported types
+ * of certificates and signatures, and returns the chain to use. It
+ * is also invoked to perform the corresponding private key operation
+ * (a signature, or an ECDH computation).
+ *
+ * The SSL client engine will first push the trust anchor DN with
+ * `start_name_list()`, `start_name()`, `append_name()`, `end_name()`
+ * and `end_name_list()`. Then it will call `choose()`, to select the
+ * actual chain (and signature/hash algorithms). Finally, it will call
+ * either `do_sign()` or `do_keyx()`, depending on the algorithm choices.
+ */
+typedef struct br_ssl_client_certificate_class_ br_ssl_client_certificate_class;
+struct br_ssl_client_certificate_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Context size (in bytes).
+ */
+ size_t context_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Begin reception of a list of trust anchor names. This
+ * is called while parsing the incoming CertificateRequest.
+ *
+ * \param pctx certificate handler context.
+ */
+ void (*start_name_list)(const br_ssl_client_certificate_class **pctx);
+ /**
+ * \brief Begin reception of a new trust anchor name.
+ *
+ * The total encoded name length is provided; it is less than
+ * 65535 bytes.
+ *
+ * \param pctx certificate handler context.
+ * \param len encoded name length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*start_name)(const br_ssl_client_certificate_class **pctx,
+ size_t len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Receive some more bytes for the current trust anchor name.
+ *
+ * The provided reference (`data`) points to a transient buffer
+ * they may be reused as soon as this function returns. The chunk
+ * length (`len`) is never zero.
+ *
+ * \param pctx certificate handler context.
+ * \param data anchor name chunk.
+ * \param len anchor name chunk length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*append_name)(const br_ssl_client_certificate_class **pctx,
+ const unsigned char *data, size_t len);
+ /**
+ * \brief End current trust anchor name.
+ *
+ * This function is called when all the encoded anchor name data
+ * has been provided.
+ *
+ * \param pctx certificate handler context.
+ */
+ void (*end_name)(const br_ssl_client_certificate_class **pctx);
+ /**
+ * \brief End list of trust anchor names.
+ *
+ * This function is called when all the anchor names in the
+ * CertificateRequest message have been obtained.
+ *
+ * \param pctx certificate handler context.
+ */
+ void (*end_name_list)(const br_ssl_client_certificate_class **pctx);
+ /**
+ * \brief Select client certificate and algorithms.
+ *
+ * This callback function shall fill the provided `choices`
+ * structure with the selected algorithms and certificate chain.
+ * The `hash_id`, `chain` and `chain_len` fields must be set. If
+ * the client cannot or does not wish to send a certificate,
+ * then it shall set `chain` to `NULL` and `chain_len` to 0.
+ *
+ * The `auth_types` parameter describes the authentication types,
+ * signature algorithms and hash functions that are supported by
+ * both the client context and the server, and compatible with
+ * the current protocol version. This is a bit field with the
+ * following contents:
+ *
+ * - If RSA signatures with hash function x are supported, then
+ * bit x is set.
+ *
+ * - If ECDSA signatures with hash function x are supported,
+ * then bit 8+x is set.
+ *
+ * - If static ECDH is supported, with a RSA-signed certificate,
+ * then bit 16 is set.
+ *
+ * - If static ECDH is supported, with an ECDSA-signed certificate,
+ * then bit 17 is set.
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ *
+ * - When using TLS 1.0 or 1.1, the hash function for RSA
+ * signatures is always the special MD5+SHA-1 (id 0), and the
+ * hash function for ECDSA signatures is always SHA-1 (id 2).
+ *
+ * - When using TLS 1.2, the list of hash functions is trimmed
+ * down to include only hash functions that the client context
+ * can support. The actual server list can be obtained with
+ * `br_ssl_client_get_server_hashes()`; that list may be used
+ * to select the certificate chain to send to the server.
+ *
+ * \param pctx certificate handler context.
+ * \param cc SSL client context.
+ * \param auth_types supported authentication types and algorithms.
+ * \param choices destination structure for the policy choices.
+ */
+ void (*choose)(const br_ssl_client_certificate_class **pctx,
+ const br_ssl_client_context *cc, uint32_t auth_types,
+ br_ssl_client_certificate *choices);
+ /**
+ * \brief Perform key exchange (client part).
+ *
+ * This callback is invoked in case of a full static ECDH key
+ * exchange:
+ *
+ * - the cipher suite uses `ECDH_RSA` or `ECDH_ECDSA`;
+ *
+ * - the server requests a client certificate;
+ *
+ * - the client has, and sends, a client certificate that
+ * uses an EC key in the same curve as the server's key,
+ * and chooses static ECDH (the `hash_id` field in the choice
+ * structure was set to -1).
+ *
+ * In that situation, this callback is invoked to compute the
+ * client-side ECDH: the provided `data` (of length `*len` bytes)
+ * is the server's public key point (as decoded from its
+ * certificate), and the client shall multiply that point with
+ * its own private key, and write back the X coordinate of the
+ * resulting point in the same buffer, starting at offset 0.
+ * The `*len` value shall be modified to designate the actual
+ * length of the X coordinate.
+ *
+ * The callback must uphold the following:
+ *
+ * - If the input array does not have the proper length for
+ * an encoded curve point, then an error (0) shall be reported.
+ *
+ * - If the input array has the proper length, then processing
+ * MUST be constant-time, even if the data is not a valid
+ * encoded point.
+ *
+ * - This callback MUST check that the input point is valid.
+ *
+ * Returned value is 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ *
+ * \param pctx certificate handler context.
+ * \param data server public key point.
+ * \param len public key point length / X coordinate length.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+ uint32_t (*do_keyx)(const br_ssl_client_certificate_class **pctx,
+ unsigned char *data, size_t *len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Perform a signature (client authentication).
+ *
+ * This callback is invoked when a client certificate was sent,
+ * and static ECDH is not used. It shall compute a signature,
+ * using the client's private key, over the provided hash value
+ * (which is the hash of all previous handshake messages).
+ *
+ * On input, the hash value to sign is in `data`, of size
+ * `hv_len`; the involved hash function is identified by
+ * `hash_id`. The signature shall be computed and written
+ * back into `data`; the total size of that buffer is `len`
+ * bytes.
+ *
+ * This callback shall verify that the signature length does not
+ * exceed `len` bytes, and abstain from writing the signature if
+ * it does not fit.
+ *
+ * For RSA signatures, the `hash_id` may be 0, in which case
+ * this is the special header-less signature specified in TLS 1.0
+ * and 1.1, with a 36-byte hash value. Otherwise, normal PKCS#1
+ * v1.5 signatures shall be computed.
+ *
+ * For ECDSA signatures, the signature value shall use the ASN.1
+ * based encoding.
+ *
+ * Returned value is the signature length (in bytes), or 0 on error.
+ *
+ * \param pctx certificate handler context.
+ * \param hash_id hash function identifier.
+ * \param hv_len hash value length (in bytes).
+ * \param data input/output buffer (hash value, then signature).
+ * \param len total buffer length (in bytes).
+ * \return signature length (in bytes) on success, or 0 on error.
+ */
+ size_t (*do_sign)(const br_ssl_client_certificate_class **pctx,
+ int hash_id, size_t hv_len, unsigned char *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief A single-chain RSA client certificate handler.
+ *
+ * This handler uses a single certificate chain, with a RSA
+ * signature. The list of trust anchor DN is ignored.
+ *
+ * Apart from the first field (vtable pointer), its contents are
+ * opaque and shall not be accessed directly.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable. */
+ const br_ssl_client_certificate_class *vtable;
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain;
+ size_t chain_len;
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk;
+ br_rsa_pkcs1_sign irsasign;
+} br_ssl_client_certificate_rsa_context;
+ * \brief A single-chain EC client certificate handler.
+ *
+ * This handler uses a single certificate chain, with a RSA
+ * signature. The list of trust anchor DN is ignored.
+ *
+ * This handler may support both static ECDH, and ECDSA signatures
+ * (either usage may be selectively disabled).
+ *
+ * Apart from the first field (vtable pointer), its contents are
+ * opaque and shall not be accessed directly.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable. */
+ const br_ssl_client_certificate_class *vtable;
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain;
+ size_t chain_len;
+ const br_ec_private_key *sk;
+ unsigned allowed_usages;
+ unsigned issuer_key_type;
+ const br_multihash_context *mhash;
+ const br_ec_impl *iec;
+ br_ecdsa_sign iecdsa;
+} br_ssl_client_certificate_ec_context;
+ * \brief Context structure for a SSL client.
+ *
+ * The first field (called `eng`) is the SSL engine; all functions that
+ * work on a `br_ssl_engine_context` structure shall take as parameter
+ * a pointer to that field. The other structure fields are opaque and
+ * must not be accessed directly.
+ */
+struct br_ssl_client_context_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief The encapsulated engine context.
+ */
+ br_ssl_engine_context eng;
+ /*
+ * Minimum ClientHello length; padding with an extension (RFC
+ * 7685) is added if necessary to match at least that length.
+ * Such padding is nominally unnecessary, but it has been used
+ * to work around some server implementation bugs.
+ */
+ uint16_t min_clienthello_len;
+ /*
+ * Bit field for algoithms (hash + signature) supported by the
+ * server when requesting a client certificate.
+ */
+ uint32_t hashes;
+ /*
+ * Server's public key curve.
+ */
+ int server_curve;
+ /*
+ * Context for certificate handler.
+ */
+ const br_ssl_client_certificate_class **client_auth_vtable;
+ /*
+ * Client authentication type.
+ */
+ unsigned char auth_type;
+ /*
+ * Hash function to use for the client signature. This is 0xFF
+ * if static ECDH is used.
+ */
+ unsigned char hash_id;
+ /*
+ * For the core certificate handlers, thus avoiding (in most
+ * cases) the need for an externally provided policy context.
+ */
+ union {
+ const br_ssl_client_certificate_class *vtable;
+ br_ssl_client_certificate_rsa_context single_rsa;
+ br_ssl_client_certificate_ec_context single_ec;
+ } client_auth;
+ /*
+ * Implementations.
+ */
+ br_rsa_public irsapub;
+ * \brief Get the hash functions and signature algorithms supported by
+ * the server.
+ *
+ * This value is a bit field:
+ *
+ * - If RSA (PKCS#1 v1.5) is supported with hash function of ID `x`,
+ * then bit `x` is set (hash function ID is 0 for the special MD5+SHA-1,
+ * or 2 to 6 for the SHA family).
+ *
+ * - If ECDSA is supported with hash function of ID `x`, then bit `8+x`
+ * is set.
+ *
+ * - Newer algorithms are symbolic 16-bit identifiers that do not
+ * represent signature algorithm and hash function separately. If
+ * the TLS-level identifier is `0x0800+x` for a `x` in the 0..15
+ * range, then bit `16+x` is set.
+ *
+ * "New algorithms" are currently defined only in draft documents, so
+ * this support is subject to possible change. Right now (early 2017),
+ * this maps ed25519 (EdDSA on Curve25519) to bit 23, and ed448 (EdDSA
+ * on Curve448) to bit 24. If the identifiers on the wire change in
+ * future document, then the decoding mechanism in BearSSL will be
+ * amended to keep mapping ed25519 and ed448 on bits 23 and 24,
+ * respectively. Mapping of other new algorithms (e.g. RSA/PSS) is not
+ * guaranteed yet.
+ *
+ * \param cc client context.
+ * \return the server-supported hash functions and signature algorithms.
+ */
+static inline uint32_t
+br_ssl_client_get_server_hashes(const br_ssl_client_context *cc)
+ return cc->hashes;
+ * \brief Get the server key curve.
+ *
+ * This function returns the ID for the curve used by the server's public
+ * key. This is set when the server's certificate chain is processed;
+ * this value is 0 if the server's key is not an EC key.
+ *
+ * \return the server's public key curve ID, or 0.
+ */
+static inline int
+br_ssl_client_get_server_curve(const br_ssl_client_context *cc)
+ return cc->server_curve;
+ * Each br_ssl_client_init_xxx() function sets the list of supported
+ * cipher suites and used implementations, as specified by the profile
+ * name 'xxx'. Defined profile names are:
+ *
+ * full all supported versions and suites; constant-time implementations
+ * TODO: add other profiles
+ */
+ * \brief SSL client profile: full.
+ *
+ * This function initialises the provided SSL client context with
+ * all supported algorithms and cipher suites. It also initialises
+ * a companion X.509 validation engine with all supported algorithms,
+ * and the provided trust anchors; the X.509 engine will be used by
+ * the client context to validate the server's certificate.
+ *
+ * \param cc client context to initialise.
+ * \param xc X.509 validation context to initialise.
+ * \param trust_anchors trust anchors to use.
+ * \param trust_anchors_num number of trust anchors.
+ */
+void br_ssl_client_init_full(br_ssl_client_context *cc,
+ br_x509_minimal_context *xc,
+ const br_x509_trust_anchor *trust_anchors, size_t trust_anchors_num);
+ * \brief Clear the complete contents of a SSL client context.
+ *
+ * Everything is cleared, including the reference to the configured buffer,
+ * implementations, cipher suites and state. This is a preparatory step
+ * to assembling a custom profile.
+ *
+ * \param cc client context to clear.
+ */
+void br_ssl_client_zero(br_ssl_client_context *cc);
+ * \brief Set an externally provided client certificate handler context.
+ *
+ * The handler's methods are invoked when the server requests a client
+ * certificate.
+ *
+ * \param cc client context.
+ * \param pctx certificate handler context (pointer to its vtable field).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_client_set_client_certificate(br_ssl_client_context *cc,
+ const br_ssl_client_certificate_class **pctx)
+ cc->client_auth_vtable = pctx;
+ * \brief Set the RSA public-key operations implementation.
+ *
+ * This will be used to encrypt the pre-master secret with the server's
+ * RSA public key (RSA-encryption cipher suites only).
+ *
+ * \param cc client context.
+ * \param irsapub RSA public-key encryption implementation.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_client_set_rsapub(br_ssl_client_context *cc, br_rsa_public irsapub)
+ cc->irsapub = irsapub;
+ * \brief Set the "default" RSA implementation for public-key operations.
+ *
+ * This sets the RSA implementation in the client context (for encrypting
+ * the pre-master secret, in `TLS_RSA_*` cipher suites) to the fastest
+ * available on the current platform.
+ *
+ * \param cc client context.
+ */
+void br_ssl_client_set_default_rsapub(br_ssl_client_context *cc);
+ * \brief Set the minimum ClientHello length (RFC 7685 padding).
+ *
+ * If this value is set and the ClientHello would be shorter, then
+ * the Pad ClientHello extension will be added with enough padding bytes
+ * to reach the target size. Because of the extension header, the resulting
+ * size will sometimes be slightly more than `len` bytes if the target
+ * size cannot be exactly met.
+ *
+ * The target length relates to the _contents_ of the ClientHello, not
+ * counting its 4-byte header. For instance, if `len` is set to 512,
+ * then the padding will bring the ClientHello size to 516 bytes with its
+ * header, and 521 bytes when counting the 5-byte record header.
+ *
+ * \param cc client context.
+ * \param len minimum ClientHello length (in bytes).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_client_set_min_clienthello_len(br_ssl_client_context *cc, uint16_t len)
+ cc->min_clienthello_len = len;
+ * \brief Prepare or reset a client context for a new connection.
+ *
+ * The `server_name` parameter is used to fill the SNI extension; the
+ * X.509 "minimal" engine will also match that name against the server
+ * names included in the server's certificate. If the parameter is
+ * `NULL` then no SNI extension will be sent, and the X.509 "minimal"
+ * engine (if used for server certificate validation) will not check
+ * presence of any specific name in the received certificate.
+ *
+ * Therefore, setting the `server_name` to `NULL` shall be reserved
+ * to cases where alternate or additional methods are used to ascertain
+ * that the right server public key is used (e.g. a "known key" model).
+ *
+ * If `resume_session` is non-zero and the context was previously used
+ * then the session parameters may be reused (depending on whether the
+ * server previously sent a non-empty session ID, and accepts the session
+ * resumption). The session parameters for session resumption can also
+ * be set explicitly with `br_ssl_engine_set_session_parameters()`.
+ *
+ * On failure, the context is marked as failed, and this function
+ * returns 0. A possible failure condition is when no initial entropy
+ * was injected, and none could be obtained from the OS (either OS
+ * randomness gathering is not supported, or it failed).
+ *
+ * \param cc client context.
+ * \param server_name target server name, or `NULL`.
+ * \param resume_session non-zero to try session resumption.
+ * \return 0 on failure, 1 on success.
+ */
+int br_ssl_client_reset(br_ssl_client_context *cc,
+ const char *server_name, int resume_session);
+ * \brief Forget any session in the context.
+ *
+ * This means that the next handshake that uses this context will
+ * necessarily be a full handshake (this applies both to new connections
+ * and to renegotiations).
+ *
+ * \param cc client context.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_client_forget_session(br_ssl_client_context *cc)
+ cc->eng.session.session_id_len = 0;
+ * \brief Set client certificate chain and key (single RSA case).
+ *
+ * This function sets a client certificate chain, that the client will
+ * send to the server whenever a client certificate is requested. This
+ * certificate uses an RSA public key; the corresponding private key is
+ * invoked for authentication. Trust anchor names sent by the server are
+ * ignored.
+ *
+ * The provided chain and private key are linked in the client context;
+ * they must remain valid as long as they may be used, i.e. normally
+ * for the duration of the connection, since they might be invoked
+ * again upon renegotiations.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL client context.
+ * \param chain client certificate chain (SSL order: EE comes first).
+ * \param chain_len client chain length (number of certificates).
+ * \param sk client private key.
+ * \param irsasign RSA signature implementation (PKCS#1 v1.5).
+ */
+void br_ssl_client_set_single_rsa(br_ssl_client_context *cc,
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain, size_t chain_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, br_rsa_pkcs1_sign irsasign);
+ * \brief Set the client certificate chain and key (single EC case).
+ *
+ * This function sets a client certificate chain, that the client will
+ * send to the server whenever a client certificate is requested. This
+ * certificate uses an EC public key; the corresponding private key is
+ * invoked for authentication. Trust anchor names sent by the server are
+ * ignored.
+ *
+ * The provided chain and private key are linked in the client context;
+ * they must remain valid as long as they may be used, i.e. normally
+ * for the duration of the connection, since they might be invoked
+ * again upon renegotiations.
+ *
+ * The `allowed_usages` is a combination of usages, namely
+ * value allows full static ECDH, while the `BR_KEYTYPE_SIGN` value
+ * allows ECDSA signatures. If ECDSA signatures are used, then an ECDSA
+ * signature implementation must be provided; otherwise, the `iecdsa`
+ * parameter may be 0.
+ *
+ * The `cert_issuer_key_type` value is either `BR_KEYTYPE_RSA` or
+ * `BR_KEYTYPE_EC`; it is the type of the public key used the the CA
+ * that issued (signed) the client certificate. That value is used with
+ * full static ECDH: support of the certificate by the server depends
+ * on how the certificate was signed. (Note: when using TLS 1.2, this
+ * parameter is ignored; but its value matters for TLS 1.0 and 1.1.)
+ *
+ * \param cc server context.
+ * \param chain server certificate chain to send.
+ * \param chain_len chain length (number of certificates).
+ * \param sk server private key (EC).
+ * \param allowed_usages allowed private key usages.
+ * \param cert_issuer_key_type issuing CA's key type.
+ * \param iec EC core implementation.
+ * \param iecdsa ECDSA signature implementation ("asn1" format).
+ */
+void br_ssl_client_set_single_ec(br_ssl_client_context *cc,
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain, size_t chain_len,
+ const br_ec_private_key *sk, unsigned allowed_usages,
+ unsigned cert_issuer_key_type,
+ const br_ec_impl *iec, br_ecdsa_sign iecdsa);
+ * \brief Type for a "translated cipher suite", as an array of two
+ * 16-bit integers.
+ *
+ * The first element is the cipher suite identifier (as used on the wire).
+ * The second element is the concatenation of four 4-bit elements which
+ * characterise the cipher suite contents. In most to least significant
+ * order, these 4-bit elements are:
+ *
+ * - Bits 12 to 15: key exchange + server key type
+ *
+ * | val | symbolic constant | suite type | details |
+ * | :-- | :----------------------- | :---------- | :----------------------------------------------- |
+ * | 0 | `BR_SSLKEYX_RSA` | RSA | RSA key exchange, key is RSA (encryption) |
+ * | 1 | `BR_SSLKEYX_ECDHE_RSA` | ECDHE_RSA | ECDHE key exchange, key is RSA (signature) |
+ * | 2 | `BR_SSLKEYX_ECDHE_ECDSA` | ECDHE_ECDSA | ECDHE key exchange, key is EC (signature) |
+ * | 3 | `BR_SSLKEYX_ECDH_RSA` | ECDH_RSA | Key is EC (key exchange), cert signed with RSA |
+ * | 4 | `BR_SSLKEYX_ECDH_ECDSA` | ECDH_ECDSA | Key is EC (key exchange), cert signed with ECDSA |
+ *
+ * - Bits 8 to 11: symmetric encryption algorithm
+ *
+ * | val | symbolic constant | symmetric encryption | key strength (bits) |
+ * | :-- | :--------------------- | :------------------- | :------------------ |
+ * | 0 | `BR_SSLENC_3DES_CBC` | 3DES/CBC | 168 |
+ * | 1 | `BR_SSLENC_AES128_CBC` | AES-128/CBC | 128 |
+ * | 2 | `BR_SSLENC_AES256_CBC` | AES-256/CBC | 256 |
+ * | 3 | `BR_SSLENC_AES128_GCM` | AES-128/GCM | 128 |
+ * | 4 | `BR_SSLENC_AES256_GCM` | AES-256/GCM | 256 |
+ * | 5 | `BR_SSLENC_CHACHA20` | ChaCha20/Poly1305 | 256 |
+ *
+ * - Bits 4 to 7: MAC algorithm
+ *
+ * | val | symbolic constant | MAC type | details |
+ * | :-- | :----------------- | :----------- | :------------------------------------ |
+ * | 0 | `BR_SSLMAC_AEAD` | AEAD | No dedicated MAC (encryption is AEAD) |
+ * | 2 | `BR_SSLMAC_SHA1` | HMAC/SHA-1 | Value matches `br_sha1_ID` |
+ * | 4 | `BR_SSLMAC_SHA256` | HMAC/SHA-256 | Value matches `br_sha256_ID` |
+ * | 5 | `BR_SSLMAC_SHA384` | HMAC/SHA-384 | Value matches `br_sha384_ID` |
+ *
+ * - Bits 0 to 3: hash function for PRF when used with TLS-1.2
+ *
+ * | val | symbolic constant | hash function | details |
+ * | :-- | :----------------- | :------------ | :----------------------------------- |
+ * | 4 | `BR_SSLPRF_SHA256` | SHA-256 | Value matches `br_sha256_ID` |
+ * | 5 | `BR_SSLPRF_SHA384` | SHA-384 | Value matches `br_sha384_ID` |
+ *
+ * For instance, cipher suite `TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256` has
+ * standard identifier 0x009C, and is translated to 0x0304, for, in
+ * that order: RSA key exchange (0), AES-128/GCM (3), AEAD integrity (0),
+ * SHA-256 in the TLS PRF (4).
+ */
+typedef uint16_t br_suite_translated[2];
+ * Constants are already documented in the br_suite_translated type.
+ */
+#define BR_SSLKEYX_RSA 0
+#define BR_SSLENC_3DES_CBC 0
+#define BR_SSLENC_AES128_CBC 1
+#define BR_SSLENC_AES256_CBC 2
+#define BR_SSLENC_AES128_GCM 3
+#define BR_SSLENC_AES256_GCM 4
+#define BR_SSLENC_CHACHA20 5
+#define BR_SSLMAC_AEAD 0
+#define BR_SSLMAC_SHA1 br_sha1_ID
+#define BR_SSLMAC_SHA256 br_sha256_ID
+#define BR_SSLMAC_SHA384 br_sha384_ID
+#define BR_SSLPRF_SHA256 br_sha256_ID
+#define BR_SSLPRF_SHA384 br_sha384_ID
+ * Pre-declaration for the SSL server context.
+ */
+typedef struct br_ssl_server_context_ br_ssl_server_context;
+ * \brief Type for the server policy choices, taken after analysis of
+ * the client message (ClientHello).
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * \brief Cipher suite to use with that client.
+ */
+ uint16_t cipher_suite;
+ /**
+ * \brief Hash function or algorithm for signing the ServerKeyExchange.
+ *
+ * This parameter is ignored for `TLS_RSA_*` and `TLS_ECDH_*`
+ * cipher suites; it is used only for `TLS_ECDHE_*` suites, in
+ * which the server _signs_ the ephemeral EC Diffie-Hellman
+ * parameters sent to the client.
+ *
+ * This identifier must be one of the following values:
+ *
+ * - `0xFF00 + id`, where `id` is a hash function identifier
+ * (0 for MD5+SHA-1, or 2 to 6 for one of the SHA functions);
+ *
+ * - a full 16-bit identifier, lower than `0xFF00`.
+ *
+ * If the first option is used, then the SSL engine will
+ * compute the hash of the data that is to be signed, with the
+ * designated hash function. The `do_sign()` method will be
+ * invoked with that hash value provided in the the `data`
+ * buffer.
+ *
+ * If the second option is used, then the SSL engine will NOT
+ * compute a hash on the data; instead, it will provide the
+ * to-be-signed data itself in `data`, i.e. the concatenation of
+ * the client random, server random, and encoded ECDH
+ * parameters. Furthermore, with TLS-1.2 and later, the 16-bit
+ * identifier will be used "as is" in the protocol, in the
+ * SignatureAndHashAlgorithm; for instance, `0x0401` stands for
+ * RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature (the `01`) with SHA-256 as hash
+ * function (the `04`).
+ *
+ * Take care that with TLS 1.0 and 1.1, the hash function is
+ * constrainted by the protocol: RSA signature must use
+ * MD5+SHA-1 (so use `0xFF00`), while ECDSA must use SHA-1
+ * (`0xFF02`). Since TLS 1.0 and 1.1 don't include a
+ * SignatureAndHashAlgorithm field in their ServerKeyExchange
+ * messages, any value below `0xFF00` will be usable to send the
+ * raw ServerKeyExchange data to the `do_sign()` callback, but
+ * that callback must still follow the protocol requirements
+ * when generating the signature.
+ */
+ unsigned algo_id;
+ /**
+ * \brief Certificate chain to send to the client.
+ *
+ * This is an array of `br_x509_certificate` objects, each
+ * normally containing a DER-encoded certificate. The server
+ * code does not try to decode these elements.
+ */
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain;
+ /**
+ * \brief Certificate chain length (number of certificates).
+ */
+ size_t chain_len;
+} br_ssl_server_choices;
+ * \brief Class type for a policy handler (server side).
+ *
+ * A policy handler selects the policy parameters for a connection
+ * (cipher suite and other algorithms, and certificate chain to send to
+ * the client); it also performs the server-side computations involving
+ * its permanent private key.
+ *
+ * The SSL server engine will invoke first `choose()`, once the
+ * ClientHello message has been received, then either `do_keyx()`
+ * `do_sign()`, depending on the cipher suite.
+ */
+typedef struct br_ssl_server_policy_class_ br_ssl_server_policy_class;
+struct br_ssl_server_policy_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Context size (in bytes).
+ */
+ size_t context_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Select algorithms and certificates for this connection.
+ *
+ * This callback function shall fill the provided `choices`
+ * structure with the policy choices for this connection. This
+ * entails selecting the cipher suite, hash function for signing
+ * the ServerKeyExchange (applicable only to ECDHE cipher suites),
+ * and certificate chain to send.
+ *
+ * The callback receives a pointer to the server context that
+ * contains the relevant data. In particular, the functions
+ * `br_ssl_server_get_client_suites()`,
+ * `br_ssl_server_get_client_hashes()` and
+ * `br_ssl_server_get_client_curves()` can be used to obtain
+ * the cipher suites, hash functions and elliptic curves
+ * supported by both the client and server, respectively. The
+ * `br_ssl_engine_get_version()` and `br_ssl_engine_get_server_name()`
+ * functions yield the protocol version and requested server name
+ * (SNI), respectively.
+ *
+ * This function may modify its context structure (`pctx`) in
+ * arbitrary ways to keep track of its own choices.
+ *
+ * This function shall return 1 if appropriate policy choices
+ * could be made, or 0 if this connection cannot be pursued.
+ *
+ * \param pctx policy context.
+ * \param cc SSL server context.
+ * \param choices destination structure for the policy choices.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+ int (*choose)(const br_ssl_server_policy_class **pctx,
+ const br_ssl_server_context *cc,
+ br_ssl_server_choices *choices);
+ /**
+ * \brief Perform key exchange (server part).
+ *
+ * This callback is invoked to perform the server-side cryptographic
+ * operation for a key exchange that is not ECDHE. This callback
+ * uses the private key.
+ *
+ * **For RSA key exchange**, the provided `data` (of length `*len`
+ * bytes) shall be decrypted with the server's private key, and
+ * the 48-byte premaster secret copied back to the first 48 bytes
+ * of `data`.
+ *
+ * - The caller makes sure that `*len` is at least 59 bytes.
+ *
+ * - This callback MUST check that the provided length matches
+ * that of the key modulus; it shall report an error otherwise.
+ *
+ * - If the length matches that of the RSA key modulus, then
+ * processing MUST be constant-time, even if decryption fails,
+ * or the padding is incorrect, or the plaintext message length
+ * is not exactly 48 bytes.
+ *
+ * - This callback needs not check the two first bytes of the
+ * obtained pre-master secret (the caller will do that).
+ *
+ * - If an error is reported (0), then what the callback put
+ * in the first 48 bytes of `data` is unimportant (the caller
+ * will use random bytes instead).
+ *
+ * **For ECDH key exchange**, the provided `data` (of length `*len`
+ * bytes) is the elliptic curve point from the client. The
+ * callback shall multiply it with its private key, and store
+ * the resulting X coordinate in `data`, starting at offset 0,
+ * and set `*len` to the length of the X coordinate.
+ *
+ * - If the input array does not have the proper length for
+ * an encoded curve point, then an error (0) shall be reported.
+ *
+ * - If the input array has the proper length, then processing
+ * MUST be constant-time, even if the data is not a valid
+ * encoded point.
+ *
+ * - This callback MUST check that the input point is valid.
+ *
+ * Returned value is 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ *
+ * \param pctx policy context.
+ * \param data key exchange data from the client.
+ * \param len key exchange data length (in bytes).
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+ uint32_t (*do_keyx)(const br_ssl_server_policy_class **pctx,
+ unsigned char *data, size_t *len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Perform a signature (for a ServerKeyExchange message).
+ *
+ * This callback function is invoked for ECDHE cipher suites. On
+ * input, the hash value or message to sign is in `data`, of
+ * size `hv_len`; the involved hash function or algorithm is
+ * identified by `algo_id`. The signature shall be computed and
+ * written back into `data`; the total size of that buffer is
+ * `len` bytes.
+ *
+ * This callback shall verify that the signature length does not
+ * exceed `len` bytes, and abstain from writing the signature if
+ * it does not fit.
+ *
+ * The `algo_id` value matches that which was written in the
+ * `choices` structures by the `choose()` callback. This will be
+ * one of the following:
+ *
+ * - `0xFF00 + id` for a hash function identifier `id`. In
+ * that case, the `data` buffer contains a hash value
+ * already computed over the data that is to be signed,
+ * of length `hv_len`. The `id` may be 0 to designate the
+ * special MD5+SHA-1 concatenation (old-style RSA signing).
+ *
+ * - Another value, lower than `0xFF00`. The `data` buffer
+ * then contains the raw, non-hashed data to be signed
+ * (concatenation of the client and server randoms and
+ * ECDH parameters). The callback is responsible to apply
+ * any relevant hashing as part of the signing process.
+ *
+ * Returned value is the signature length (in bytes), or 0 on error.
+ *
+ * \param pctx policy context.
+ * \param algo_id hash function / algorithm identifier.
+ * \param data input/output buffer (message/hash, then signature).
+ * \param hv_len hash value or message length (in bytes).
+ * \param len total buffer length (in bytes).
+ * \return signature length (in bytes) on success, or 0 on error.
+ */
+ size_t (*do_sign)(const br_ssl_server_policy_class **pctx,
+ unsigned algo_id,
+ unsigned char *data, size_t hv_len, size_t len);
+ * \brief A single-chain RSA policy handler.
+ *
+ * This policy context uses a single certificate chain, and a RSA
+ * private key. The context can be restricted to only signatures or
+ * only key exchange.
+ *
+ * Apart from the first field (vtable pointer), its contents are
+ * opaque and shall not be accessed directly.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable. */
+ const br_ssl_server_policy_class *vtable;
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain;
+ size_t chain_len;
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk;
+ unsigned allowed_usages;
+ br_rsa_private irsacore;
+ br_rsa_pkcs1_sign irsasign;
+} br_ssl_server_policy_rsa_context;
+ * \brief A single-chain EC policy handler.
+ *
+ * This policy context uses a single certificate chain, and an EC
+ * private key. The context can be restricted to only signatures or
+ * only key exchange.
+ *
+ * Due to how TLS is defined, this context must be made aware whether
+ * the server certificate was itself signed with RSA or ECDSA. The code
+ * does not try to decode the certificate to obtain that information.
+ *
+ * Apart from the first field (vtable pointer), its contents are
+ * opaque and shall not be accessed directly.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable. */
+ const br_ssl_server_policy_class *vtable;
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain;
+ size_t chain_len;
+ const br_ec_private_key *sk;
+ unsigned allowed_usages;
+ unsigned cert_issuer_key_type;
+ const br_multihash_context *mhash;
+ const br_ec_impl *iec;
+ br_ecdsa_sign iecdsa;
+} br_ssl_server_policy_ec_context;
+ * \brief Class type for a session parameter cache.
+ *
+ * Session parameters are saved in the cache with `save()`, and
+ * retrieved with `load()`. The cache implementation can apply any
+ * storage and eviction strategy that it sees fit. The SSL server
+ * context that performs the request is provided, so that its
+ * functionalities may be used by the implementation (e.g. hash
+ * functions or random number generation).
+ */
+typedef struct br_ssl_session_cache_class_ br_ssl_session_cache_class;
+struct br_ssl_session_cache_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief Context size (in bytes).
+ */
+ size_t context_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Record a session.
+ *
+ * This callback should record the provided session parameters.
+ * The `params` structure is transient, so its contents shall
+ * be copied into the cache. The session ID has been randomly
+ * generated and always has length exactly 32 bytes.
+ *
+ * \param ctx session cache context.
+ * \param server_ctx SSL server context.
+ * \param params session parameters to save.
+ */
+ void (*save)(const br_ssl_session_cache_class **ctx,
+ br_ssl_server_context *server_ctx,
+ const br_ssl_session_parameters *params);
+ /**
+ * \brief Lookup a session in the cache.
+ *
+ * The session ID to lookup is in `params` and always has length
+ * exactly 32 bytes. If the session parameters are found in the
+ * cache, then the parameters shall be copied into the `params`
+ * structure. Returned value is 1 on successful lookup, 0
+ * otherwise.
+ *
+ * \param ctx session cache context.
+ * \param server_ctx SSL server context.
+ * \param params destination for session parameters.
+ * \return 1 if found, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+ int (*load)(const br_ssl_session_cache_class **ctx,
+ br_ssl_server_context *server_ctx,
+ br_ssl_session_parameters *params);
+ * \brief Context for a basic cache system.
+ *
+ * The system stores session parameters in a buffer provided at
+ * initialisation time. Each entry uses exactly 100 bytes, and
+ * buffer sizes up to 4294967295 bytes are supported.
+ *
+ * Entries are evicted with a LRU (Least Recently Used) policy. A
+ * search tree is maintained to keep lookups fast even with large
+ * caches.
+ *
+ * Apart from the first field (vtable pointer), the structure
+ * contents are opaque and shall not be accessed directly.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Pointer to vtable. */
+ const br_ssl_session_cache_class *vtable;
+ unsigned char *store;
+ size_t store_len, store_ptr;
+ unsigned char index_key[32];
+ const br_hash_class *hash;
+ int init_done;
+ uint32_t head, tail, root;
+} br_ssl_session_cache_lru;
+ * \brief Initialise a LRU session cache with the provided storage space.
+ *
+ * The provided storage space must remain valid as long as the cache
+ * is used. Arbitrary lengths are supported, up to 4294967295 bytes;
+ * each entry uses up exactly 100 bytes.
+ *
+ * \param cc session cache context.
+ * \param store storage space for cached entries.
+ * \param store_len storage space length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_ssl_session_cache_lru_init(br_ssl_session_cache_lru *cc,
+ unsigned char *store, size_t store_len);
+ * \brief Forget an entry in an LRU session cache.
+ *
+ * The session cache context must have been initialised. The entry
+ * with the provided session ID (of exactly 32 bytes) is looked for
+ * in the cache; if located, it is disabled.
+ *
+ * \param cc session cache context.
+ * \param id session ID to forget.
+ */
+void br_ssl_session_cache_lru_forget(
+ br_ssl_session_cache_lru *cc, const unsigned char *id);
+ * \brief Context structure for a SSL server.
+ *
+ * The first field (called `eng`) is the SSL engine; all functions that
+ * work on a `br_ssl_engine_context` structure shall take as parameter
+ * a pointer to that field. The other structure fields are opaque and
+ * must not be accessed directly.
+ */
+struct br_ssl_server_context_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief The encapsulated engine context.
+ */
+ br_ssl_engine_context eng;
+ /*
+ * Maximum version from the client.
+ */
+ uint16_t client_max_version;
+ /*
+ * Session cache.
+ */
+ const br_ssl_session_cache_class **cache_vtable;
+ /*
+ * Translated cipher suites supported by the client. The list
+ * is trimmed to include only the cipher suites that the
+ * server also supports; they are in the same order as in the
+ * client message.
+ */
+ br_suite_translated client_suites[BR_MAX_CIPHER_SUITES];
+ unsigned char client_suites_num;
+ /*
+ * Hash functions supported by the client, with ECDSA and RSA
+ * (bit mask). For hash function with id 'x', set bit index is
+ * x for RSA, x+8 for ECDSA. For newer algorithms, with ID
+ * 0x08**, bit 16+k is set for algorithm 0x0800+k.
+ */
+ uint32_t hashes;
+ /*
+ * Curves supported by the client (bit mask, for named curves).
+ */
+ uint32_t curves;
+ /*
+ * Context for chain handler.
+ */
+ const br_ssl_server_policy_class **policy_vtable;
+ uint16_t sign_hash_id;
+ /*
+ * For the core handlers, thus avoiding (in most cases) the
+ * need for an externally provided policy context.
+ */
+ union {
+ const br_ssl_server_policy_class *vtable;
+ br_ssl_server_policy_rsa_context single_rsa;
+ br_ssl_server_policy_ec_context single_ec;
+ } chain_handler;
+ /*
+ * Buffer for the ECDHE private key.
+ */
+ unsigned char ecdhe_key[70];
+ size_t ecdhe_key_len;
+ /*
+ * Trust anchor names for client authentication. "ta_names" and
+ * "tas" cannot be both non-NULL.
+ */
+ const br_x500_name *ta_names;
+ const br_x509_trust_anchor *tas;
+ size_t num_tas;
+ size_t cur_dn_index;
+ const unsigned char *cur_dn;
+ size_t cur_dn_len;
+ /*
+ * Buffer for the hash value computed over all handshake messages
+ * prior to CertificateVerify, and identifier for the hash function.
+ */
+ unsigned char hash_CV[64];
+ size_t hash_CV_len;
+ int hash_CV_id;
+ /*
+ * Server-specific implementations.
+ * (none for now)
+ */
+ * Each br_ssl_server_init_xxx() function sets the list of supported
+ * cipher suites and used implementations, as specified by the profile
+ * name 'xxx'. Defined profile names are:
+ *
+ * full_rsa all supported algorithm, server key type is RSA
+ * full_ec all supported algorithm, server key type is EC
+ * TODO: add other profiles
+ *
+ * Naming scheme for "minimal" profiles: min123
+ *
+ * -- character 1: key exchange
+ * r = RSA
+ * e = ECDHE_RSA
+ * u = ECDH_RSA
+ * v = ECDH_ECDSA
+ * -- character 2: version / PRF
+ * 0 = TLS 1.0 / 1.1 with MD5+SHA-1
+ * 2 = TLS 1.2 with SHA-256
+ * 3 = TLS 1.2 with SHA-384
+ * -- character 3: encryption
+ * a = AES/CBC
+ * d = 3DES/CBC
+ * g = AES/GCM
+ * c = ChaCha20+Poly1305
+ */
+ * \brief SSL server profile: full_rsa.
+ *
+ * This function initialises the provided SSL server context with
+ * all supported algorithms and cipher suites that rely on a RSA
+ * key pair.
+ *
+ * \param cc server context to initialise.
+ * \param chain server certificate chain.
+ * \param chain_len certificate chain length (number of certificate).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ */
+void br_ssl_server_init_full_rsa(br_ssl_server_context *cc,
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain, size_t chain_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief SSL server profile: full_ec.
+ *
+ * This function initialises the provided SSL server context with
+ * all supported algorithms and cipher suites that rely on an EC
+ * key pair.
+ *
+ * The key type of the CA that issued the server's certificate must
+ * be provided, since it matters for ECDH cipher suites (ECDH_RSA
+ * suites require a RSA-powered CA). The key type is either
+ *
+ * \param cc server context to initialise.
+ * \param chain server certificate chain.
+ * \param chain_len chain length (number of certificates).
+ * \param cert_issuer_key_type certificate issuer's key type.
+ * \param sk EC private key.
+ */
+void br_ssl_server_init_full_ec(br_ssl_server_context *cc,
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain, size_t chain_len,
+ unsigned cert_issuer_key_type, const br_ec_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief SSL server profile: minr2g.
+ *
+ * This profile uses only TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256. Server key is
+ * RSA, and RSA key exchange is used (not forward secure, but uses little
+ * CPU in the client).
+ *
+ * \param cc server context to initialise.
+ * \param chain server certificate chain.
+ * \param chain_len certificate chain length (number of certificate).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ */
+void br_ssl_server_init_minr2g(br_ssl_server_context *cc,
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain, size_t chain_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief SSL server profile: mine2g.
+ *
+ * This profile uses only TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256. Server key
+ * is RSA, and ECDHE key exchange is used. This suite provides forward
+ * security, with a higher CPU expense on the client, and a somewhat
+ * larger code footprint (compared to "minr2g").
+ *
+ * \param cc server context to initialise.
+ * \param chain server certificate chain.
+ * \param chain_len certificate chain length (number of certificate).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ */
+void br_ssl_server_init_mine2g(br_ssl_server_context *cc,
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain, size_t chain_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief SSL server profile: minf2g.
+ *
+ * This profile uses only TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256.
+ * Server key is EC, and ECDHE key exchange is used. This suite provides
+ * forward security, with a higher CPU expense on the client and server
+ * (by a factor of about 3 to 4), and a somewhat larger code footprint
+ * (compared to "minu2g" and "minv2g").
+ *
+ * \param cc server context to initialise.
+ * \param chain server certificate chain.
+ * \param chain_len certificate chain length (number of certificate).
+ * \param sk EC private key.
+ */
+void br_ssl_server_init_minf2g(br_ssl_server_context *cc,
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain, size_t chain_len,
+ const br_ec_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief SSL server profile: minu2g.
+ *
+ * This profile uses only TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256.
+ * Server key is EC, and ECDH key exchange is used; the issuing CA used
+ * a RSA key.
+ *
+ * The "minu2g" and "minv2g" profiles do not provide forward secrecy,
+ * but are the lightest on the server (for CPU usage), and are rather
+ * inexpensive on the client as well.
+ *
+ * \param cc server context to initialise.
+ * \param chain server certificate chain.
+ * \param chain_len certificate chain length (number of certificate).
+ * \param sk EC private key.
+ */
+void br_ssl_server_init_minu2g(br_ssl_server_context *cc,
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain, size_t chain_len,
+ const br_ec_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief SSL server profile: minv2g.
+ *
+ * This profile uses only TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256.
+ * Server key is EC, and ECDH key exchange is used; the issuing CA used
+ * an EC key.
+ *
+ * The "minu2g" and "minv2g" profiles do not provide forward secrecy,
+ * but are the lightest on the server (for CPU usage), and are rather
+ * inexpensive on the client as well.
+ *
+ * \param cc server context to initialise.
+ * \param chain server certificate chain.
+ * \param chain_len certificate chain length (number of certificate).
+ * \param sk EC private key.
+ */
+void br_ssl_server_init_minv2g(br_ssl_server_context *cc,
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain, size_t chain_len,
+ const br_ec_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief SSL server profile: mine2c.
+ *
+ * This profile uses only TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256.
+ * Server key is RSA, and ECDHE key exchange is used. This suite
+ * provides forward security.
+ *
+ * \param cc server context to initialise.
+ * \param chain server certificate chain.
+ * \param chain_len certificate chain length (number of certificate).
+ * \param sk RSA private key.
+ */
+void br_ssl_server_init_mine2c(br_ssl_server_context *cc,
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain, size_t chain_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief SSL server profile: minf2c.
+ *
+ * This profile uses only TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256.
+ * Server key is EC, and ECDHE key exchange is used. This suite provides
+ * forward security.
+ *
+ * \param cc server context to initialise.
+ * \param chain server certificate chain.
+ * \param chain_len certificate chain length (number of certificate).
+ * \param sk EC private key.
+ */
+void br_ssl_server_init_minf2c(br_ssl_server_context *cc,
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain, size_t chain_len,
+ const br_ec_private_key *sk);
+ * \brief Get the supported client suites.
+ *
+ * This function shall be called only after the ClientHello has been
+ * processed, typically from the policy engine. The returned array
+ * contains the cipher suites that are supported by both the client
+ * and the server; these suites are in client preference order, unless
+ * the `BR_OPT_ENFORCE_SERVER_PREFERENCES` flag was set, in which case
+ * they are in server preference order.
+ *
+ * The suites are _translated_, which means that each suite is given
+ * as two 16-bit integers: the standard suite identifier, and its
+ * translated version, broken down into its individual components,
+ * as explained with the `br_suite_translated` type.
+ *
+ * The returned array is allocated in the context and will be rewritten
+ * by each handshake.
+ *
+ * \param cc server context.
+ * \param num receives the array size (number of suites).
+ * \return the translated common cipher suites, in preference order.
+ */
+static inline const br_suite_translated *
+br_ssl_server_get_client_suites(const br_ssl_server_context *cc, size_t *num)
+ *num = cc->client_suites_num;
+ return cc->client_suites;
+ * \brief Get the hash functions and signature algorithms supported by
+ * the client.
+ *
+ * This value is a bit field:
+ *
+ * - If RSA (PKCS#1 v1.5) is supported with hash function of ID `x`,
+ * then bit `x` is set (hash function ID is 0 for the special MD5+SHA-1,
+ * or 2 to 6 for the SHA family).
+ *
+ * - If ECDSA is supported with hash function of ID `x`, then bit `8+x`
+ * is set.
+ *
+ * - Newer algorithms are symbolic 16-bit identifiers that do not
+ * represent signature algorithm and hash function separately. If
+ * the TLS-level identifier is `0x0800+x` for a `x` in the 0..15
+ * range, then bit `16+x` is set.
+ *
+ * "New algorithms" are currently defined only in draft documents, so
+ * this support is subject to possible change. Right now (early 2017),
+ * this maps ed25519 (EdDSA on Curve25519) to bit 23, and ed448 (EdDSA
+ * on Curve448) to bit 24. If the identifiers on the wire change in
+ * future document, then the decoding mechanism in BearSSL will be
+ * amended to keep mapping ed25519 and ed448 on bits 23 and 24,
+ * respectively. Mapping of other new algorithms (e.g. RSA/PSS) is not
+ * guaranteed yet.
+ *
+ * \param cc server context.
+ * \return the client-supported hash functions and signature algorithms.
+ */
+static inline uint32_t
+br_ssl_server_get_client_hashes(const br_ssl_server_context *cc)
+ return cc->hashes;
+ * \brief Get the elliptic curves supported by the client.
+ *
+ * This is a bit field (bit x is set if curve of ID x is supported).
+ *
+ * \param cc server context.
+ * \return the client-supported elliptic curves.
+ */
+static inline uint32_t
+br_ssl_server_get_client_curves(const br_ssl_server_context *cc)
+ return cc->curves;
+ * \brief Clear the complete contents of a SSL server context.
+ *
+ * Everything is cleared, including the reference to the configured buffer,
+ * implementations, cipher suites and state. This is a preparatory step
+ * to assembling a custom profile.
+ *
+ * \param cc server context to clear.
+ */
+void br_ssl_server_zero(br_ssl_server_context *cc);
+ * \brief Set an externally provided policy context.
+ *
+ * The policy context's methods are invoked to decide the cipher suite
+ * and certificate chain, and to perform operations involving the server's
+ * private key.
+ *
+ * \param cc server context.
+ * \param pctx policy context (pointer to its vtable field).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_server_set_policy(br_ssl_server_context *cc,
+ const br_ssl_server_policy_class **pctx)
+ cc->policy_vtable = pctx;
+ * \brief Set the server certificate chain and key (single RSA case).
+ *
+ * This function uses a policy context included in the server context.
+ * It configures use of a single server certificate chain with a RSA
+ * private key. The `allowed_usages` is a combination of usages, namely
+ * `BR_KEYTYPE_KEYX` and/or `BR_KEYTYPE_SIGN`; this enables or disables
+ * the corresponding cipher suites (i.e. `TLS_RSA_*` use the RSA key for
+ * key exchange, while `TLS_ECDHE_RSA_*` use the RSA key for signatures).
+ *
+ * \param cc server context.
+ * \param chain server certificate chain to send to the client.
+ * \param chain_len chain length (number of certificates).
+ * \param sk server private key (RSA).
+ * \param allowed_usages allowed private key usages.
+ * \param irsacore RSA core implementation.
+ * \param irsasign RSA signature implementation (PKCS#1 v1.5).
+ */
+void br_ssl_server_set_single_rsa(br_ssl_server_context *cc,
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain, size_t chain_len,
+ const br_rsa_private_key *sk, unsigned allowed_usages,
+ br_rsa_private irsacore, br_rsa_pkcs1_sign irsasign);
+ * \brief Set the server certificate chain and key (single EC case).
+ *
+ * This function uses a policy context included in the server context.
+ * It configures use of a single server certificate chain with an EC
+ * private key. The `allowed_usages` is a combination of usages, namely
+ * `BR_KEYTYPE_KEYX` and/or `BR_KEYTYPE_SIGN`; this enables or disables
+ * the corresponding cipher suites (i.e. `TLS_ECDH_*` use the EC key for
+ * key exchange, while `TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_*` use the EC key for signatures).
+ *
+ * In order to support `TLS_ECDH_*` cipher suites (non-ephemeral ECDH),
+ * the algorithm type of the key used by the issuing CA to sign the
+ * server's certificate must be provided, as `cert_issuer_key_type`
+ * parameter (this value is either `BR_KEYTYPE_RSA` or `BR_KEYTYPE_EC`).
+ *
+ * \param cc server context.
+ * \param chain server certificate chain to send.
+ * \param chain_len chain length (number of certificates).
+ * \param sk server private key (EC).
+ * \param allowed_usages allowed private key usages.
+ * \param cert_issuer_key_type issuing CA's key type.
+ * \param iec EC core implementation.
+ * \param iecdsa ECDSA signature implementation ("asn1" format).
+ */
+void br_ssl_server_set_single_ec(br_ssl_server_context *cc,
+ const br_x509_certificate *chain, size_t chain_len,
+ const br_ec_private_key *sk, unsigned allowed_usages,
+ unsigned cert_issuer_key_type,
+ const br_ec_impl *iec, br_ecdsa_sign iecdsa);
+ * \brief Activate client certificate authentication.
+ *
+ * The trust anchor encoded X.500 names (DN) to send to the client are
+ * provided. A client certificate will be requested and validated through
+ * the X.509 validator configured in the SSL engine. If `num` is 0, then
+ * client certificate authentication is disabled.
+ *
+ * If the client does not send a certificate, or on validation failure,
+ * the handshake aborts. Unauthenticated clients can be tolerated by
+ * setting the `BR_OPT_TOLERATE_NO_CLIENT_AUTH` flag.
+ *
+ * The provided array is linked in, not copied, so that pointer must
+ * remain valid as long as anchor names may be used.
+ *
+ * \param cc server context.
+ * \param ta_names encoded trust anchor names.
+ * \param num number of encoded trust anchor names.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_server_set_trust_anchor_names(br_ssl_server_context *cc,
+ const br_x500_name *ta_names, size_t num)
+ cc->ta_names = ta_names;
+ cc->tas = NULL;
+ cc->num_tas = num;
+ * \brief Activate client certificate authentication.
+ *
+ * This is a variant for `br_ssl_server_set_trust_anchor_names()`: the
+ * trust anchor names are provided not as an array of stand-alone names
+ * (`br_x500_name` structures), but as an array of trust anchors
+ * (`br_x509_trust_anchor` structures). The server engine itself will
+ * only use the `dn` field of each trust anchor. This is meant to allow
+ * defining a single array of trust anchors, to be used here and in the
+ * X.509 validation engine itself.
+ *
+ * The provided array is linked in, not copied, so that pointer must
+ * remain valid as long as anchor names may be used.
+ *
+ * \param cc server context.
+ * \param tas trust anchors (only names are used).
+ * \param num number of trust anchors.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_server_set_trust_anchor_names_alt(br_ssl_server_context *cc,
+ const br_x509_trust_anchor *tas, size_t num)
+ cc->ta_names = NULL;
+ cc->tas = tas;
+ cc->num_tas = num;
+ * \brief Configure the cache for session parameters.
+ *
+ * The cache context is provided as a pointer to its first field (vtable
+ * pointer).
+ *
+ * \param cc server context.
+ * \param vtable session cache context.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_ssl_server_set_cache(br_ssl_server_context *cc,
+ const br_ssl_session_cache_class **vtable)
+ cc->cache_vtable = vtable;
+ * \brief Prepare or reset a server context for handling an incoming client.
+ *
+ * \param cc server context.
+ * \return 1 on success, 0 on error.
+ */
+int br_ssl_server_reset(br_ssl_server_context *cc);
+/* ===================================================================== */
+ * Context for the simplified I/O context. The transport medium is accessed
+ * through the low_read() and low_write() callback functions, each with
+ * its own opaque context pointer.
+ *
+ * low_read() read some bytes, at most 'len' bytes, into data[]. The
+ * returned value is the number of read bytes, or -1 on error.
+ * The 'len' parameter is guaranteed never to exceed 20000,
+ * so the length always fits in an 'int' on all platforms.
+ *
+ * low_write() write up to 'len' bytes, to be read from data[]. The
+ * returned value is the number of written bytes, or -1 on
+ * error. The 'len' parameter is guaranteed never to exceed
+ * 20000, so the length always fits in an 'int' on all
+ * parameters.
+ *
+ * A socket closure (if the transport medium is a socket) should be reported
+ * as an error (-1). The callbacks shall endeavour to block until at least
+ * one byte can be read or written; a callback returning 0 at times is
+ * acceptable, but this normally leads to the callback being immediately
+ * called again, so the callback should at least always try to block for
+ * some time if no I/O can take place.
+ *
+ * The SSL engine naturally applies some buffering, so the callbacks need
+ * not apply buffers of their own.
+ */
+ * \brief Context structure for the simplified SSL I/O wrapper.
+ *
+ * This structure is initialised with `br_sslio_init()`. Its contents
+ * are opaque and shall not be accessed directly.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ br_ssl_engine_context *engine;
+ int (*low_read)(void *read_context,
+ unsigned char *data, size_t len);
+ void *read_context;
+ int (*low_write)(void *write_context,
+ const unsigned char *data, size_t len);
+ void *write_context;
+} br_sslio_context;
+ * \brief Initialise a simplified I/O wrapper context.
+ *
+ * The simplified I/O wrapper offers a simpler read/write API for a SSL
+ * engine (client or server), using the provided callback functions for
+ * reading data from, or writing data to, the transport medium.
+ *
+ * The callback functions have the following semantics:
+ *
+ * - Each callback receives an opaque context value (of type `void *`)
+ * that the callback may use arbitrarily (or possibly ignore).
+ *
+ * - `low_read()` reads at least one byte, at most `len` bytes, from
+ * the transport medium. Read bytes shall be written in `data`.
+ *
+ * - `low_write()` writes at least one byte, at most `len` bytes, unto
+ * the transport medium. The bytes to write are read from `data`.
+ *
+ * - The `len` parameter is never zero, and is always lower than 20000.
+ *
+ * - The number of processed bytes (read or written) is returned. Since
+ * that number is less than 20000, it always fits on an `int`.
+ *
+ * - On error, the callbacks return -1. Reaching end-of-stream is an
+ * error. Errors are permanent: the SSL connection is terminated.
+ *
+ * - Callbacks SHOULD NOT return 0. This is tolerated, as long as
+ * callbacks endeavour to block for some non-negligible amount of
+ * time until at least one byte can be sent or received (if a
+ * callback returns 0, then the wrapper invokes it again
+ * immediately).
+ *
+ * - Callbacks MAY return as soon as at least one byte is processed;
+ * they MAY also insist on reading or writing _all_ requested bytes.
+ * Since SSL is a self-terminated protocol (each record has a length
+ * header), this does not change semantics.
+ *
+ * - Callbacks need not apply any buffering (for performance) since SSL
+ * itself uses buffers.
+ *
+ * \param ctx wrapper context to initialise.
+ * \param engine SSL engine to wrap.
+ * \param low_read callback for reading data from the transport.
+ * \param read_context context pointer for `low_read()`.
+ * \param low_write callback for writing data on the transport.
+ * \param write_context context pointer for `low_write()`.
+ */
+void br_sslio_init(br_sslio_context *ctx,
+ br_ssl_engine_context *engine,
+ int (*low_read)(void *read_context,
+ unsigned char *data, size_t len),
+ void *read_context,
+ int (*low_write)(void *write_context,
+ const unsigned char *data, size_t len),
+ void *write_context);
+ * \brief Read some application data from a SSL connection.
+ *
+ * If `len` is zero, then this function returns 0 immediately. In
+ * all other cases, it never returns 0.
+ *
+ * This call returns only when at least one byte has been obtained.
+ * Returned value is the number of bytes read, or -1 on error. The
+ * number of bytes always fits on an 'int' (data from a single SSL/TLS
+ * record is returned).
+ *
+ * On error or SSL closure, this function returns -1. The caller should
+ * inspect the error status on the SSL engine to distinguish between
+ * normal closure and error.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL wrapper context.
+ * \param dst destination buffer for application data.
+ * \param len maximum number of bytes to obtain.
+ * \return number of bytes obtained, or -1 on error.
+ */
+int br_sslio_read(br_sslio_context *cc, void *dst, size_t len);
+ * \brief Read application data from a SSL connection.
+ *
+ * This calls returns only when _all_ requested `len` bytes are read,
+ * or an error is reached. Returned value is 0 on success, -1 on error.
+ * A normal (verified) SSL closure before that many bytes are obtained
+ * is reported as an error by this function.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL wrapper context.
+ * \param dst destination buffer for application data.
+ * \param len number of bytes to obtain.
+ * \return 0 on success, or -1 on error.
+ */
+int br_sslio_read_all(br_sslio_context *cc, void *dst, size_t len);
+ * \brief Write some application data unto a SSL connection.
+ *
+ * If `len` is zero, then this function returns 0 immediately. In
+ * all other cases, it never returns 0.
+ *
+ * This call returns only when at least one byte has been written.
+ * Returned value is the number of bytes written, or -1 on error. The
+ * number of bytes always fits on an 'int' (less than 20000).
+ *
+ * On error or SSL closure, this function returns -1. The caller should
+ * inspect the error status on the SSL engine to distinguish between
+ * normal closure and error.
+ *
+ * **Important:** SSL is buffered; a "written" byte is a byte that was
+ * injected into the wrapped SSL engine, but this does not necessarily mean
+ * that it has been scheduled for sending. Use `br_sslio_flush()` to
+ * ensure that all pending data has been sent to the transport medium.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL wrapper context.
+ * \param src source buffer for application data.
+ * \param len maximum number of bytes to write.
+ * \return number of bytes written, or -1 on error.
+ */
+int br_sslio_write(br_sslio_context *cc, const void *src, size_t len);
+ * \brief Write application data unto a SSL connection.
+ *
+ * This calls returns only when _all_ requested `len` bytes have been
+ * written, or an error is reached. Returned value is 0 on success, -1
+ * on error. A normal (verified) SSL closure before that many bytes are
+ * written is reported as an error by this function.
+ *
+ * **Important:** SSL is buffered; a "written" byte is a byte that was
+ * injected into the wrapped SSL engine, but this does not necessarily mean
+ * that it has been scheduled for sending. Use `br_sslio_flush()` to
+ * ensure that all pending data has been sent to the transport medium.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL wrapper context.
+ * \param src source buffer for application data.
+ * \param len number of bytes to write.
+ * \return 0 on success, or -1 on error.
+ */
+int br_sslio_write_all(br_sslio_context *cc, const void *src, size_t len);
+ * \brief Flush pending data.
+ *
+ * This call makes sure that any buffered application data in the
+ * provided context (including the wrapped SSL engine) has been sent
+ * to the transport medium (i.e. accepted by the `low_write()` callback
+ * method). If there is no such pending data, then this function does
+ * nothing (and returns a success, i.e. 0).
+ *
+ * If the underlying transport medium has its own buffers, then it is
+ * up to the caller to ensure the corresponding flushing.
+ *
+ * Returned value is 0 on success, -1 on error.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL wrapper context.
+ * \return 0 on success, or -1 on error.
+ */
+int br_sslio_flush(br_sslio_context *cc);
+ * \brief Close the SSL connection.
+ *
+ * This call runs the SSL closure protocol (sending a `close_notify`,
+ * receiving the response `close_notify`). When it returns, the SSL
+ * connection is finished. It is still up to the caller to manage the
+ * possible transport-level termination, if applicable (alternatively,
+ * the underlying transport stream may be reused for non-SSL messages).
+ *
+ * Returned value is 0 on success, -1 on error. A failure by the peer
+ * to process the complete closure protocol (i.e. sending back the
+ * `close_notify`) is an error.
+ *
+ * \param cc SSL wrapper context.
+ * \return 0 on success, or -1 on error.
+ */
+int br_sslio_close(br_sslio_context *cc);
+/* ===================================================================== */
+ * Symbolic constants for cipher suites.
+ */
+/* From RFC 5246 */
+#define BR_TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL 0x0000
+#define BR_TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5 0x0001
+#define BR_TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA 0x0002
+#define BR_TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256 0x003B
+#define BR_TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 0x0004
+#define BR_TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA 0x0005
+#define BR_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 0x002F
+#define BR_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 0x0035
+#define BR_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 0x003C
+#define BR_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 0x003D
+#define BR_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 0x0030
+#define BR_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 0x0031
+#define BR_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 0x0032
+#define BR_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 0x0033
+#define BR_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 0x0036
+#define BR_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 0x0037
+#define BR_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 0x0038
+#define BR_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 0x0039
+#define BR_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 0x003E
+#define BR_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 0x003F
+#define BR_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 0x0040
+#define BR_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 0x0067
+#define BR_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 0x0068
+#define BR_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 0x0069
+#define BR_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 0x006A
+#define BR_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 0x006B
+#define BR_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 0x0018
+#define BR_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA 0x001B
+#define BR_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 0x0034
+#define BR_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 0x003A
+#define BR_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 0x006C
+#define BR_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 0x006D
+/* From RFC 4492 */
+#define BR_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA 0xC002
+#define BR_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA 0xC007
+#define BR_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA 0xC00C
+#define BR_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA 0xC011
+#define BR_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_NULL_SHA 0xC015
+#define BR_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_SHA 0xC016
+#define BR_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA 0xC017
+#define BR_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 0xC018
+#define BR_TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 0xC019
+/* From RFC 5288 */
+#define BR_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 0x009C
+#define BR_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 0x009D
+#define BR_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 0x009E
+#define BR_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 0x009F
+#define BR_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 0x00A0
+#define BR_TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 0x00A1
+#define BR_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 0x00A2
+#define BR_TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 0x00A3
+#define BR_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 0x00A4
+#define BR_TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 0x00A5
+#define BR_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 0x00A6
+#define BR_TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 0x00A7
+/* From RFC 5289 */
+#define BR_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 0xC023
+#define BR_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 0xC024
+#define BR_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 0xC025
+#define BR_TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 0xC026
+#define BR_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 0xC027
+#define BR_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 0xC028
+#define BR_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 0xC029
+#define BR_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 0xC02A
+#define BR_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 0xC02F
+#define BR_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 0xC030
+#define BR_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 0xC031
+#define BR_TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 0xC032
+/* From RFC 6655 and 7251 */
+#define BR_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM 0xC09C
+#define BR_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM 0xC09D
+#define BR_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8 0xC0A0
+#define BR_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8 0xC0A1
+/* From RFC 7905 */
+/* From RFC 7507 */
+#define BR_TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV 0x5600
+ * Symbolic constants for alerts.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_x509.h b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_x509.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49d2fba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/BearSSL/inc/bearssl_x509.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1397 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Thomas Pornin <pornin@bolet.org>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef BR_BEARSSL_X509_H__
+#define BR_BEARSSL_X509_H__
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "bearssl_ec.h"
+#include "bearssl_hash.h"
+#include "bearssl_rsa.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** \file bearssl_x509.h
+ *
+ * # X.509 Certificate Chain Processing
+ *
+ * An X.509 processing engine receives an X.509 chain, chunk by chunk,
+ * as received from a SSL/TLS client or server (the client receives the
+ * server's certificate chain, and the server receives the client's
+ * certificate chain if it requested a client certificate). The chain
+ * is thus injected in the engine in SSL order (end-entity first).
+ *
+ * The engine's job is to return the public key to use for SSL/TLS.
+ * How exactly that key is obtained and verified is entirely up to the
+ * engine.
+ *
+ * **The "known key" engine** returns a public key which is already known
+ * from out-of-band information (e.g. the client _remembers_ the key from
+ * a previous connection, as in the usual SSH model). This is the simplest
+ * engine since it simply ignores the chain, thereby avoiding the need
+ * for any decoding logic.
+ *
+ * **The "minimal" engine** implements minimal X.509 decoding and chain
+ * validation:
+ *
+ * - The provided chain should validate "as is". There is no attempt
+ * at reordering, skipping or downloading extra certificates.
+ *
+ * - X.509 v1, v2 and v3 certificates are supported.
+ *
+ * - Trust anchors are a DN and a public key. Each anchor is either a
+ * "CA" anchor, or a non-CA.
+ *
+ * - If the end-entity certificate matches a non-CA anchor (subject DN
+ * is equal to the non-CA name, and public key is also identical to
+ * the anchor key), then this is a _direct trust_ case and the
+ * remaining certificates are ignored.
+ *
+ * - Unless direct trust is applied, the chain must be verifiable up to
+ * a certificate whose issuer DN matches the DN from a "CA" trust anchor,
+ * and whose signature is verifiable against that anchor's public key.
+ * Subsequent certificates in the chain are ignored.
+ *
+ * - The engine verifies subject/issuer DN matching, and enforces
+ * processing of Basic Constraints and Key Usage extensions. The
+ * Authority Key Identifier, Subject Key Identifier, Issuer Alt Name,
+ * Subject Directory Attribute, CRL Distribution Points, Freshest CRL,
+ * Authority Info Access and Subject Info Access extensions are
+ * ignored. The Subject Alt Name is decoded for the end-entity
+ * certificate under some conditions (see below). Other extensions
+ * are ignored if non-critical, or imply chain rejection if critical.
+ *
+ * - The Subject Alt Name extension is parsed for names of type `dNSName`
+ * when decoding the end-entity certificate, and only if there is a
+ * server name to match. If there is no SAN extension, then the
+ * Common Name from the subjectDN is used. That name matching is
+ * case-insensitive and honours a single starting wildcard (i.e. if
+ * the name in the certificate starts with "`*.`" then this matches
+ * any word as first element). Note: this name matching is performed
+ * also in the "direct trust" model.
+ *
+ * - DN matching is byte-to-byte equality (a future version might
+ * include some limited processing for case-insensitive matching and
+ * whitespace normalisation).
+ *
+ * - Successful validation produces a public key type but also a set
+ * of allowed usages (`BR_KEYTYPE_KEYX` and/or `BR_KEYTYPE_SIGN`).
+ * The caller is responsible for checking that the key type and
+ * usages are compatible with the expected values (e.g. with the
+ * selected cipher suite, when the client validates the server's
+ * certificate).
+ *
+ * **Important caveats:**
+ *
+ * - The "minimal" engine does not check revocation status. The relevant
+ * extensions are ignored, and CRL or OCSP responses are not gathered
+ * or checked.
+ *
+ * - The "minimal" engine does not currently support Name Constraints
+ * (some basic functionality to handle sub-domains may be added in a
+ * later version).
+ *
+ * - The decoder is not "validating" in the sense that it won't reject
+ * some certificates with invalid field values when these fields are
+ * not actually processed.
+ */
+ * X.509 error codes are in the 32..63 range.
+ */
+/** \brief X.509 status: validation was successful; this is not actually
+ an error. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_OK 32
+/** \brief X.509 status: invalid value in an ASN.1 structure. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_INVALID_VALUE 33
+/** \brief X.509 status: truncated certificate. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_TRUNCATED 34
+/** \brief X.509 status: empty certificate chain (no certificate at all). */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_EMPTY_CHAIN 35
+/** \brief X.509 status: decoding error: inner element extends beyond
+ outer element size. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_INNER_TRUNC 36
+/** \brief X.509 status: decoding error: unsupported tag class (application
+ or private). */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_BAD_TAG_CLASS 37
+/** \brief X.509 status: decoding error: unsupported tag value. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_BAD_TAG_VALUE 38
+/** \brief X.509 status: decoding error: indefinite length. */
+/** \brief X.509 status: decoding error: extraneous element. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_EXTRA_ELEMENT 40
+/** \brief X.509 status: decoding error: unexpected element. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_UNEXPECTED 41
+/** \brief X.509 status: decoding error: expected constructed element, but
+ is primitive. */
+/** \brief X.509 status: decoding error: expected primitive element, but
+ is constructed. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_NOT_PRIMITIVE 43
+/** \brief X.509 status: decoding error: BIT STRING length is not multiple
+ of 8. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_PARTIAL_BYTE 44
+/** \brief X.509 status: decoding error: BOOLEAN value has invalid length. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_BAD_BOOLEAN 45
+/** \brief X.509 status: decoding error: value is off-limits. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_OVERFLOW 46
+/** \brief X.509 status: invalid distinguished name. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_BAD_DN 47
+/** \brief X.509 status: invalid date/time representation. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_BAD_TIME 48
+/** \brief X.509 status: certificate contains unsupported features that
+ cannot be ignored. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_UNSUPPORTED 49
+/** \brief X.509 status: key or signature size exceeds internal limits. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 50
+/** \brief X.509 status: key type does not match that which was expected. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_WRONG_KEY_TYPE 51
+/** \brief X.509 status: signature is invalid. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_BAD_SIGNATURE 52
+/** \brief X.509 status: validation time is unknown. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_TIME_UNKNOWN 53
+/** \brief X.509 status: certificate is expired or not yet valid. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_EXPIRED 54
+/** \brief X.509 status: issuer/subject DN mismatch in the chain. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_DN_MISMATCH 55
+/** \brief X.509 status: expected server name was not found in the chain. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_BAD_SERVER_NAME 56
+/** \brief X.509 status: unknown critical extension in certificate. */
+/** \brief X.509 status: not a CA, or path length constraint violation */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_NOT_CA 58
+/** \brief X.509 status: Key Usage extension prohibits intended usage. */
+/** \brief X.509 status: public key found in certificate is too small. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_WEAK_PUBLIC_KEY 60
+/** \brief X.509 status: chain could not be linked to a trust anchor. */
+#define BR_ERR_X509_NOT_TRUSTED 62
+ * \brief Aggregate structure for public keys.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Key type: `BR_KEYTYPE_RSA` or `BR_KEYTYPE_EC` */
+ unsigned char key_type;
+ /** \brief Actual public key. */
+ union {
+ /** \brief RSA public key. */
+ br_rsa_public_key rsa;
+ /** \brief EC public key. */
+ br_ec_public_key ec;
+ } key;
+} br_x509_pkey;
+ * \brief Distinguished Name (X.500) structure.
+ *
+ * The DN is DER-encoded.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Encoded DN data. */
+ unsigned char *data;
+ /** \brief Encoded DN length (in bytes). */
+ size_t len;
+} br_x500_name;
+ * \brief Trust anchor structure.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Encoded DN (X.500 name). */
+ br_x500_name dn;
+ /** \brief Anchor flags (e.g. `BR_X509_TA_CA`). */
+ unsigned flags;
+ /** \brief Anchor public key. */
+ br_x509_pkey pkey;
+} br_x509_trust_anchor;
+ * \brief Trust anchor flag: CA.
+ *
+ * A "CA" anchor is deemed fit to verify signatures on certificates.
+ * A "non-CA" anchor is accepted only for direct trust (server's
+ * certificate name and key match the anchor).
+ */
+#define BR_X509_TA_CA 0x0001
+ * Key type: combination of a basic key type (low 4 bits) and some
+ * optional flags.
+ *
+ * For a public key, the basic key type only is set.
+ *
+ * For an expected key type, the flags indicate the intended purpose(s)
+ * for the key; the basic key type may be set to 0 to indicate that any
+ * key type compatible with the indicated purpose is acceptable.
+ */
+/** \brief Key type: algorithm is RSA. */
+#define BR_KEYTYPE_RSA 1
+/** \brief Key type: algorithm is EC. */
+#define BR_KEYTYPE_EC 2
+ * \brief Key type: usage is "key exchange".
+ *
+ * This value is combined (with bitwise OR) with the algorithm
+ * (`BR_KEYTYPE_RSA` or `BR_KEYTYPE_EC`) when informing the X.509
+ * validation engine that it should find a public key of that type,
+ * fit for key exchanges (e.g. `TLS_RSA_*` and `TLS_ECDH_*` cipher
+ * suites).
+ */
+#define BR_KEYTYPE_KEYX 0x10
+ * \brief Key type: usage is "signature".
+ *
+ * This value is combined (with bitwise OR) with the algorithm
+ * (`BR_KEYTYPE_RSA` or `BR_KEYTYPE_EC`) when informing the X.509
+ * validation engine that it should find a public key of that type,
+ * fit for signatures (e.g. `TLS_ECDHE_*` cipher suites).
+ */
+#define BR_KEYTYPE_SIGN 0x20
+ * start_chain Called when a new chain is started. If 'server_name'
+ * is not NULL and non-empty, then it is a name that
+ * should be looked for in the EE certificate (in the
+ * SAN extension as dNSName, or in the subjectDN's CN
+ * if there is no SAN extension).
+ * The caller ensures that the provided 'server_name'
+ * pointer remains valid throughout validation.
+ *
+ * start_cert Begins a new certificate in the chain. The provided
+ * length is in bytes; this is the total certificate length.
+ *
+ * append Get some additional bytes for the current certificate.
+ *
+ * end_cert Ends the current certificate.
+ *
+ * end_chain Called at the end of the chain. Returned value is
+ * 0 on success, or a non-zero error code.
+ *
+ * get_pkey Returns the EE certificate public key.
+ *
+ * For a complete chain, start_chain() and end_chain() are always
+ * called. For each certificate, start_cert(), some append() calls, then
+ * end_cert() are called, in that order. There may be no append() call
+ * at all if the certificate is empty (which is not valid but may happen
+ * if the peer sends exactly that).
+ *
+ * get_pkey() shall return a pointer to a structure that is valid as
+ * long as a new chain is not started. This may be a sub-structure
+ * within the context for the engine. This function MAY return a valid
+ * pointer to a public key even in some cases of validation failure,
+ * depending on the validation engine.
+ */
+ * \brief Class type for an X.509 engine.
+ *
+ * A certificate chain validation uses a caller-allocated context, which
+ * contains the running state for that validation. Methods are called
+ * in due order:
+ *
+ * - `start_chain()` is called at the start of the validation.
+ * - Certificates are processed one by one, in SSL order (end-entity
+ * comes first). For each certificate, the following methods are
+ * called:
+ *
+ * - `start_cert()` at the beginning of the certificate.
+ * - `append()` is called zero, one or more times, to provide
+ * the certificate (possibly in chunks).
+ * - `end_cert()` at the end of the certificate.
+ *
+ * - `end_chain()` is called when the last certificate in the chain
+ * was processed.
+ * - `get_pkey()` is called after chain processing, if the chain
+ * validation was successful.
+ *
+ * A context structure may be reused; the `start_chain()` method shall
+ * ensure (re)initialisation.
+ */
+typedef struct br_x509_class_ br_x509_class;
+struct br_x509_class_ {
+ /**
+ * \brief X.509 context size, in bytes.
+ */
+ size_t context_size;
+ /**
+ * \brief Start a new chain.
+ *
+ * This method shall set the vtable (first field) of the context
+ * structure.
+ *
+ * The `server_name`, if not `NULL`, will be considered as a
+ * fully qualified domain name, to be matched against the `dNSName`
+ * elements of the end-entity certificate's SAN extension (if there
+ * is no SAN, then the Common Name from the subjectDN will be used).
+ * If `server_name` is `NULL` then no such matching is performed.
+ *
+ * \param ctx validation context.
+ * \param server_name server name to match (or `NULL`).
+ */
+ void (*start_chain)(const br_x509_class **ctx,
+ const char *server_name);
+ /**
+ * \brief Start a new certificate.
+ *
+ * \param ctx validation context.
+ * \param length new certificate length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*start_cert)(const br_x509_class **ctx, uint32_t length);
+ /**
+ * \brief Receive some bytes for the current certificate.
+ *
+ * This function may be called several times in succession for
+ * a given certificate. The caller guarantees that for each
+ * call, `len` is not zero, and the sum of all chunk lengths
+ * for a certificate matches the total certificate length which
+ * was provided in the previous `start_cert()` call.
+ *
+ * If the new certificate is empty (no byte at all) then this
+ * function won't be called at all.
+ *
+ * \param ctx validation context.
+ * \param buf certificate data chunk.
+ * \param len certificate data chunk length (in bytes).
+ */
+ void (*append)(const br_x509_class **ctx,
+ const unsigned char *buf, size_t len);
+ /**
+ * \brief Finish the current certificate.
+ *
+ * This function is called when the end of the current certificate
+ * is reached.
+ *
+ * \param ctx validation context.
+ */
+ void (*end_cert)(const br_x509_class **ctx);
+ /**
+ * \brief Finish the chain.
+ *
+ * This function is called at the end of the chain. It shall
+ * return either 0 if the validation was successful, or a
+ * non-zero error code. The `BR_ERR_X509_*` constants are
+ * error codes, though other values may be possible.
+ *
+ * \param ctx validation context.
+ * \return 0 on success, or a non-zero error code.
+ */
+ unsigned (*end_chain)(const br_x509_class **ctx);
+ /**
+ * \brief Get the resulting end-entity public key.
+ *
+ * The decoded public key is returned. The returned pointer
+ * may be valid only as long as the context structure is
+ * unmodified, i.e. it may cease to be valid if the context
+ * is released or reused.
+ *
+ * This function _may_ return `NULL` if the validation failed.
+ * However, returning a public key does not mean that the
+ * validation was wholly successful; some engines may return
+ * a decoded public key even if the chain did not end on a
+ * trusted anchor.
+ *
+ * If validation succeeded and `usage` is not `NULL`, then
+ * `*usage` is filled with a combination of `BR_KEYTYPE_SIGN`
+ * and/or `BR_KEYTYPE_KEYX` that specifies the validated key
+ * usage types. It is the caller's responsibility to check
+ * that value against the intended use of the public key.
+ *
+ * \param ctx validation context.
+ * \return the end-entity public key, or `NULL`.
+ */
+ const br_x509_pkey *(*get_pkey)(
+ const br_x509_class *const *ctx, unsigned *usages);
+ * \brief The "known key" X.509 engine structure.
+ *
+ * The structure contents are opaque (they shall not be accessed directly),
+ * except for the first field (the vtable).
+ *
+ * The "known key" engine returns an externally configured public key,
+ * and totally ignores the certificate contents.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief Reference to the context vtable. */
+ const br_x509_class *vtable;
+ br_x509_pkey pkey;
+ unsigned usages;
+} br_x509_knownkey_context;
+ * \brief Class instance for the "known key" X.509 engine.
+ */
+extern const br_x509_class br_x509_knownkey_vtable;
+ * \brief Initialize a "known key" X.509 engine with a known RSA public key.
+ *
+ * The `usages` parameter indicates the allowed key usages for that key
+ *
+ * The provided pointers are linked in, not copied, so they must remain
+ * valid while the public key may be in usage.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param pk known public key.
+ * \param usages allowed key usages.
+ */
+void br_x509_knownkey_init_rsa(br_x509_knownkey_context *ctx,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk, unsigned usages);
+ * \brief Initialize a "known key" X.509 engine with a known EC public key.
+ *
+ * The `usages` parameter indicates the allowed key usages for that key
+ *
+ * The provided pointers are linked in, not copied, so they must remain
+ * valid while the public key may be in usage.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param pk known public key.
+ * \param usages allowed key usages.
+ */
+void br_x509_knownkey_init_ec(br_x509_knownkey_context *ctx,
+ const br_ec_public_key *pk, unsigned usages);
+ * The minimal X.509 engine has some state buffers which must be large
+ * enough to simultaneously accommodate:
+ * -- the public key extracted from the current certificate;
+ * -- the signature on the current certificate or on the previous
+ * certificate;
+ * -- the public key extracted from the EE certificate.
+ *
+ * We store public key elements in their raw unsigned big-endian
+ * encoding. We want to support up to RSA-4096 with a short (up to 64
+ * bits) public exponent, thus a buffer for a public key must have
+ * length at least 520 bytes. Similarly, a RSA-4096 signature has length
+ * 512 bytes.
+ *
+ * Though RSA public exponents can formally be as large as the modulus
+ * (mathematically, even larger exponents would work, but PKCS#1 forbids
+ * them), exponents that do not fit on 32 bits are extremely rare,
+ * notably because some widespread implementations (e.g. Microsoft's
+ * CryptoAPI) don't support them. Moreover, large public exponent do not
+ * seem to imply any tangible security benefit, and they increase the
+ * cost of public key operations. The X.509 "minimal" engine will tolerate
+ * public exponents of arbitrary size as long as the modulus and the
+ * exponent can fit together in the dedicated buffer.
+ *
+ * EC public keys are shorter than RSA public keys; even with curve
+ * NIST P-521 (the largest curve we care to support), a public key is
+ * encoded over 133 bytes only.
+ */
+#define BR_X509_BUFSIZE_KEY 520
+#define BR_X509_BUFSIZE_SIG 512
+ * \brief Type for receiving a name element.
+ *
+ * An array of such structures can be provided to the X.509 decoding
+ * engines. If the specified elements are found in the certificate
+ * subject DN or the SAN extension, then the name contents are copied
+ * as zero-terminated strings into the buffer.
+ *
+ * The decoder converts TeletexString and BMPString to UTF8String, and
+ * ensures that the resulting string is zero-terminated. If the string
+ * does not fit in the provided buffer, then the copy is aborted and an
+ * error is reported.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * \brief Element OID.
+ *
+ * For X.500 name elements (to be extracted from the subject DN),
+ * this is the encoded OID for the requested name element; the
+ * first byte shall contain the length of the DER-encoded OID
+ * value, followed by the OID value (for instance, OID,
+ * for id-at-commonName, will be `03 55 04 03`). This is
+ * equivalent to full DER encoding with the length but without
+ * the tag.
+ *
+ * For SAN name elements, the first byte (`oid[0]`) has value 0,
+ * followed by another byte that matches the expected GeneralName
+ * tag. Allowed second byte values are then:
+ *
+ * - 1: `rfc822Name`
+ *
+ * - 2: `dNSName`
+ *
+ * - 6: `uniformResourceIdentifier`
+ *
+ * - 0: `otherName`
+ *
+ * If first and second byte are 0, then this is a SAN element of
+ * type `otherName`; the `oid[]` array should then contain, right
+ * after the two bytes of value 0, an encoded OID (with the same
+ * conventions as for X.500 name elements). If a match is found
+ * for that OID, then the corresponding name element will be
+ * extracted, as long as it is a supported string type.
+ */
+ const unsigned char *oid;
+ /**
+ * \brief Destination buffer.
+ */
+ char *buf;
+ /**
+ * \brief Length (in bytes) of the destination buffer.
+ *
+ * The buffer MUST NOT be smaller than 1 byte.
+ */
+ size_t len;
+ /**
+ * \brief Decoding status.
+ *
+ * Status is 0 if the name element was not found, 1 if it was
+ * found and decoded, or -1 on error. Error conditions include
+ * an unrecognised encoding, an invalid encoding, or a string
+ * too large for the destination buffer.
+ */
+ int status;
+} br_name_element;
+ * \brief The "minimal" X.509 engine structure.
+ *
+ * The structure contents are opaque (they shall not be accessed directly),
+ * except for the first field (the vtable).
+ *
+ * The "minimal" engine performs a rudimentary but serviceable X.509 path
+ * validation.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ const br_x509_class *vtable;
+ /* Structure for returning the EE public key. */
+ br_x509_pkey pkey;
+ /* CPU for the T0 virtual machine. */
+ struct {
+ uint32_t *dp;
+ uint32_t *rp;
+ const unsigned char *ip;
+ } cpu;
+ uint32_t dp_stack[32];
+ uint32_t rp_stack[32];
+ int err;
+ /* Server name to match with the SAN / CN of the EE certificate. */
+ const char *server_name;
+ /* Validated key usages. */
+ unsigned char key_usages;
+ /* Explicitly set date and time. */
+ uint32_t days, seconds;
+ /* Current certificate length (in bytes). Set to 0 when the
+ certificate has been fully processed. */
+ uint32_t cert_length;
+ /* Number of certificates processed so far in the current chain.
+ It is incremented at the end of the processing of a certificate,
+ so it is 0 for the EE. */
+ uint32_t num_certs;
+ /* Certificate data chunk. */
+ const unsigned char *hbuf;
+ size_t hlen;
+ /* The pad serves as destination for various operations. */
+ unsigned char pad[256];
+ /* Buffer for EE public key data. */
+ unsigned char ee_pkey_data[BR_X509_BUFSIZE_KEY];
+ /* Buffer for currently decoded public key. */
+ unsigned char pkey_data[BR_X509_BUFSIZE_KEY];
+ /* Signature type: signer key type, offset to the hash
+ function OID (in the T0 data block) and hash function
+ output length (TBS hash length). */
+ unsigned char cert_signer_key_type;
+ uint16_t cert_sig_hash_oid;
+ unsigned char cert_sig_hash_len;
+ /* Current/last certificate signature. */
+ unsigned char cert_sig[BR_X509_BUFSIZE_SIG];
+ uint16_t cert_sig_len;
+ /* Minimum RSA key length (difference in bytes from 128). */
+ int16_t min_rsa_size;
+ /* Configured trust anchors. */
+ const br_x509_trust_anchor *trust_anchors;
+ size_t trust_anchors_num;
+ /*
+ * Multi-hasher for the TBS.
+ */
+ unsigned char do_mhash;
+ br_multihash_context mhash;
+ unsigned char tbs_hash[64];
+ /*
+ * Simple hasher for the subject/issuer DN.
+ */
+ unsigned char do_dn_hash;
+ const br_hash_class *dn_hash_impl;
+ br_hash_compat_context dn_hash;
+ unsigned char current_dn_hash[64];
+ unsigned char next_dn_hash[64];
+ unsigned char saved_dn_hash[64];
+ /*
+ * Name elements to gather.
+ */
+ br_name_element *name_elts;
+ size_t num_name_elts;
+ /*
+ * Public key cryptography implementations (signature verification).
+ */
+ br_rsa_pkcs1_vrfy irsa;
+ br_ecdsa_vrfy iecdsa;
+ const br_ec_impl *iec;
+} br_x509_minimal_context;
+ * \brief Class instance for the "minimal" X.509 engine.
+ */
+extern const br_x509_class br_x509_minimal_vtable;
+ * \brief Initialise a "minimal" X.509 engine.
+ *
+ * The `dn_hash_impl` parameter shall be a hash function internally used
+ * to match X.500 names (subject/issuer DN, and anchor names). Any standard
+ * hash function may be used, but a collision-resistant hash function is
+ * advised.
+ *
+ * After initialization, some implementations for signature verification
+ * (hash functions and signature algorithms) MUST be added.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param dn_hash_impl hash function for DN comparisons.
+ * \param trust_anchors trust anchors.
+ * \param trust_anchors_num number of trust anchors.
+ */
+void br_x509_minimal_init(br_x509_minimal_context *ctx,
+ const br_hash_class *dn_hash_impl,
+ const br_x509_trust_anchor *trust_anchors, size_t trust_anchors_num);
+ * \brief Set a supported hash function in an X.509 "minimal" engine.
+ *
+ * Hash functions are used with signature verification algorithms.
+ * Once initialised (with `br_x509_minimal_init()`), the context must
+ * be configured with the hash functions it shall support for that
+ * purpose. The hash function identifier MUST be one of the standard
+ * hash function identifiers (1 to 6, for MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256,
+ * SHA-384 and SHA-512).
+ *
+ * If `impl` is `NULL`, this _removes_ support for the designated
+ * hash function.
+ *
+ * \param ctx validation context.
+ * \param id hash function identifier (from 1 to 6).
+ * \param impl hash function implementation (or `NULL`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_x509_minimal_set_hash(br_x509_minimal_context *ctx,
+ int id, const br_hash_class *impl)
+ br_multihash_setimpl(&ctx->mhash, id, impl);
+ * \brief Set a RSA signature verification implementation in the X.509
+ * "minimal" engine.
+ *
+ * Once initialised (with `br_x509_minimal_init()`), the context must
+ * be configured with the signature verification implementations that
+ * it is supposed to support. If `irsa` is `0`, then the RSA support
+ * is disabled.
+ *
+ * \param ctx validation context.
+ * \param irsa RSA signature verification implementation (or `0`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_x509_minimal_set_rsa(br_x509_minimal_context *ctx,
+ br_rsa_pkcs1_vrfy irsa)
+ ctx->irsa = irsa;
+ * \brief Set a ECDSA signature verification implementation in the X.509
+ * "minimal" engine.
+ *
+ * Once initialised (with `br_x509_minimal_init()`), the context must
+ * be configured with the signature verification implementations that
+ * it is supposed to support.
+ *
+ * If `iecdsa` is `0`, then this call disables ECDSA support; in that
+ * case, `iec` may be `NULL`. Otherwise, `iecdsa` MUST point to a function
+ * that verifies ECDSA signatures with format "asn1", and it will use
+ * `iec` as underlying elliptic curve support.
+ *
+ * \param ctx validation context.
+ * \param iec elliptic curve implementation (or `NULL`).
+ * \param iecdsa ECDSA implementation (or `0`).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_x509_minimal_set_ecdsa(br_x509_minimal_context *ctx,
+ const br_ec_impl *iec, br_ecdsa_vrfy iecdsa)
+ ctx->iecdsa = iecdsa;
+ ctx->iec = iec;
+ * \brief Initialise a "minimal" X.509 engine with default algorithms.
+ *
+ * This function performs the same job as `br_x509_minimal_init()`, but
+ * also sets implementations for RSA, ECDSA, and the standard hash
+ * functions.
+ *
+ * \param ctx context to initialise.
+ * \param trust_anchors trust anchors.
+ * \param trust_anchors_num number of trust anchors.
+ */
+void br_x509_minimal_init_full(br_x509_minimal_context *ctx,
+ const br_x509_trust_anchor *trust_anchors, size_t trust_anchors_num);
+ * \brief Set the validation time for the X.509 "minimal" engine.
+ *
+ * The validation time is set as two 32-bit integers, for days and
+ * seconds since a fixed epoch:
+ *
+ * - Days are counted in a proleptic Gregorian calendar since
+ * January 1st, 0 AD. Year "0 AD" is the one that preceded "1 AD";
+ * it is also traditionally known as "1 BC".
+ *
+ * - Seconds are counted since midnight, from 0 to 86400 (a count of
+ * 86400 is possible only if a leap second happened).
+ *
+ * The validation date and time is understood in the UTC time zone.
+ *
+ * If the validation date and time are not explicitly set, but BearSSL
+ * was compiled with support for the system clock on the underlying
+ * platform, then the current time will automatically be used. Otherwise,
+ * not setting the validation date and time implies a validation
+ * failure (except in case of direct trust of the EE key).
+ *
+ * \param ctx validation context.
+ * \param days days since January 1st, 0 AD (Gregorian calendar).
+ * \param seconds seconds since midnight (0 to 86400).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_x509_minimal_set_time(br_x509_minimal_context *ctx,
+ uint32_t days, uint32_t seconds)
+ ctx->days = days;
+ ctx->seconds = seconds;
+ * \brief Set the minimal acceptable length for RSA keys (X.509 "minimal"
+ * engine).
+ *
+ * The RSA key length is expressed in bytes. The default minimum key
+ * length is 128 bytes, corresponding to 1017 bits. RSA keys shorter
+ * than the configured length will be rejected, implying validation
+ * failure. This setting applies to keys extracted from certificates
+ * (both end-entity, and intermediate CA) but not to "CA" trust anchors.
+ *
+ * \param ctx validation context.
+ * \param byte_length minimum RSA key length, **in bytes** (not bits).
+ */
+static inline void
+br_x509_minimal_set_minrsa(br_x509_minimal_context *ctx, int byte_length)
+ ctx->min_rsa_size = (int16_t)(byte_length - 128);
+ * \brief Set the name elements to gather.
+ *
+ * The provided array is linked in the context. The elements are
+ * gathered from the EE certificate. If the same element type is
+ * requested several times, then the relevant structures will be filled
+ * in the order the matching values are encountered in the certificate.
+ *
+ * \param ctx validation context.
+ * \param elts array of name element structures to fill.
+ * \param num_elts number of name element structures to fill.
+ */
+static inline void
+br_x509_minimal_set_name_elements(br_x509_minimal_context *ctx,
+ br_name_element *elts, size_t num_elts)
+ ctx->name_elts = elts;
+ ctx->num_name_elts = num_elts;
+ * \brief X.509 decoder context.
+ *
+ * This structure is _not_ for X.509 validation, but for extracting
+ * names and public keys from encoded certificates. Intended usage is
+ * to use (self-signed) certificates as trust anchors.
+ *
+ * Contents are opaque and shall not be accessed directly.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /* Structure for returning the public key. */
+ br_x509_pkey pkey;
+ /* CPU for the T0 virtual machine. */
+ struct {
+ uint32_t *dp;
+ uint32_t *rp;
+ const unsigned char *ip;
+ } cpu;
+ uint32_t dp_stack[32];
+ uint32_t rp_stack[32];
+ int err;
+ /* The pad serves as destination for various operations. */
+ unsigned char pad[256];
+ /* Flag set when decoding succeeds. */
+ unsigned char decoded;
+ /* Validity dates. */
+ uint32_t notbefore_days, notbefore_seconds;
+ uint32_t notafter_days, notafter_seconds;
+ /* The "CA" flag. This is set to true if the certificate contains
+ a Basic Constraints extension that asserts CA status. */
+ unsigned char isCA;
+ /* DN processing: the subject DN is extracted and pushed to the
+ provided callback. */
+ unsigned char copy_dn;
+ void *append_dn_ctx;
+ void (*append_dn)(void *ctx, const void *buf, size_t len);
+ /* Certificate data chunk. */
+ const unsigned char *hbuf;
+ size_t hlen;
+ /* Buffer for decoded public key. */
+ unsigned char pkey_data[BR_X509_BUFSIZE_KEY];
+ /* Type of key and hash function used in the certificate signature. */
+ unsigned char signer_key_type;
+ unsigned char signer_hash_id;
+} br_x509_decoder_context;
+ * \brief Initialise an X.509 decoder context for processing a new
+ * certificate.
+ *
+ * The `append_dn()` callback (with opaque context `append_dn_ctx`)
+ * will be invoked to receive, chunk by chunk, the certificate's
+ * subject DN. If `append_dn` is `0` then the subject DN will be
+ * ignored.
+ *
+ * \param ctx X.509 decoder context to initialise.
+ * \param append_dn DN receiver callback (or `0`).
+ * \param append_dn_ctx context for the DN receiver callback.
+ */
+void br_x509_decoder_init(br_x509_decoder_context *ctx,
+ void (*append_dn)(void *ctx, const void *buf, size_t len),
+ void *append_dn_ctx);
+ * \brief Push some certificate bytes into a decoder context.
+ *
+ * If `len` is non-zero, then that many bytes are pushed, from address
+ * `data`, into the provided decoder context.
+ *
+ * \param ctx X.509 decoder context.
+ * \param data certificate data chunk.
+ * \param len certificate data chunk length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_x509_decoder_push(br_x509_decoder_context *ctx,
+ const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Obtain the decoded public key.
+ *
+ * Returned value is a pointer to a structure internal to the decoder
+ * context; releasing or reusing the decoder context invalidates that
+ * structure.
+ *
+ * If decoding was not finished, or failed, then `NULL` is returned.
+ *
+ * \param ctx X.509 decoder context.
+ * \return the public key, or `NULL` on unfinished/error.
+ */
+static inline br_x509_pkey *
+br_x509_decoder_get_pkey(br_x509_decoder_context *ctx)
+ if (ctx->decoded && ctx->err == 0) {
+ return &ctx->pkey;
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ * \brief Get decoder error status.
+ *
+ * If no error was reported yet but the certificate decoding is not
+ * finished, then the error code is `BR_ERR_X509_TRUNCATED`. If decoding
+ * was successful, then 0 is returned.
+ *
+ * \param ctx X.509 decoder context.
+ * \return 0 on successful decoding, or a non-zero error code.
+ */
+static inline int
+br_x509_decoder_last_error(br_x509_decoder_context *ctx)
+ if (ctx->err != 0) {
+ return ctx->err;
+ }
+ if (!ctx->decoded) {
+ return BR_ERR_X509_TRUNCATED;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * \brief Get the "isCA" flag from an X.509 decoder context.
+ *
+ * This flag is set if the decoded certificate claims to be a CA through
+ * a Basic Constraints extension. This flag should not be read before
+ * decoding completed successfully.
+ *
+ * \param ctx X.509 decoder context.
+ * \return the "isCA" flag.
+ */
+static inline int
+br_x509_decoder_isCA(br_x509_decoder_context *ctx)
+ return ctx->isCA;
+ * \brief Get the issuing CA key type (type of algorithm used to sign the
+ * decoded certificate).
+ *
+ * This is `BR_KEYTYPE_RSA` or `BR_KEYTYPE_EC`. The value 0 is returned
+ * if the signature type was not recognised.
+ *
+ * \param ctx X.509 decoder context.
+ * \return the issuing CA key type.
+ */
+static inline int
+br_x509_decoder_get_signer_key_type(br_x509_decoder_context *ctx)
+ return ctx->signer_key_type;
+ * \brief Get the identifier for the hash function used to sign the decoded
+ * certificate.
+ *
+ * This is 0 if the hash function was not recognised.
+ *
+ * \param ctx X.509 decoder context.
+ * \return the signature hash function identifier.
+ */
+static inline int
+br_x509_decoder_get_signer_hash_id(br_x509_decoder_context *ctx)
+ return ctx->signer_hash_id;
+ * \brief Type for an X.509 certificate (DER-encoded).
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /** \brief The DER-encoded certificate data. */
+ unsigned char *data;
+ /** \brief The DER-encoded certificate length (in bytes). */
+ size_t data_len;
+} br_x509_certificate;
+ * \brief Private key decoder context.
+ *
+ * The private key decoder recognises RSA and EC private keys, either in
+ * their raw, DER-encoded format, or wrapped in an unencrypted PKCS#8
+ * archive (again DER-encoded).
+ *
+ * Structure contents are opaque and shall not be accessed directly.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /* Structure for returning the private key. */
+ union {
+ br_rsa_private_key rsa;
+ br_ec_private_key ec;
+ } key;
+ /* CPU for the T0 virtual machine. */
+ struct {
+ uint32_t *dp;
+ uint32_t *rp;
+ const unsigned char *ip;
+ } cpu;
+ uint32_t dp_stack[32];
+ uint32_t rp_stack[32];
+ int err;
+ /* Private key data chunk. */
+ const unsigned char *hbuf;
+ size_t hlen;
+ /* The pad serves as destination for various operations. */
+ unsigned char pad[256];
+ /* Decoded key type; 0 until decoding is complete. */
+ unsigned char key_type;
+ /* Buffer for the private key elements. It shall be large enough
+ to accommodate all elements for a RSA-4096 private key (roughly
+ five 2048-bit integers, possibly a bit more). */
+ unsigned char key_data[3 * BR_X509_BUFSIZE_SIG];
+} br_skey_decoder_context;
+ * \brief Initialise a private key decoder context.
+ *
+ * \param ctx key decoder context to initialise.
+ */
+void br_skey_decoder_init(br_skey_decoder_context *ctx);
+ * \brief Push some data bytes into a private key decoder context.
+ *
+ * If `len` is non-zero, then that many data bytes, starting at address
+ * `data`, are pushed into the decoder.
+ *
+ * \param ctx key decoder context.
+ * \param data private key data chunk.
+ * \param len private key data chunk length (in bytes).
+ */
+void br_skey_decoder_push(br_skey_decoder_context *ctx,
+ const void *data, size_t len);
+ * \brief Get the decoding status for a private key.
+ *
+ * Decoding status is 0 on success, or a non-zero error code. If the
+ * decoding is unfinished when this function is called, then the
+ * status code `BR_ERR_X509_TRUNCATED` is returned.
+ *
+ * \param ctx key decoder context.
+ * \return 0 on successful decoding, or a non-zero error code.
+ */
+static inline int
+br_skey_decoder_last_error(const br_skey_decoder_context *ctx)
+ if (ctx->err != 0) {
+ return ctx->err;
+ }
+ if (ctx->key_type == 0) {
+ return BR_ERR_X509_TRUNCATED;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * \brief Get the decoded private key type.
+ *
+ * Private key type is `BR_KEYTYPE_RSA` or `BR_KEYTYPE_EC`. If decoding is
+ * not finished or failed, then 0 is returned.
+ *
+ * \param ctx key decoder context.
+ * \return decoded private key type, or 0.
+ */
+static inline int
+br_skey_decoder_key_type(const br_skey_decoder_context *ctx)
+ if (ctx->err == 0) {
+ return ctx->key_type;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ * \brief Get the decoded RSA private key.
+ *
+ * This function returns `NULL` if the decoding failed, or is not
+ * finished, or the key is not RSA. The returned pointer references
+ * structures within the context that can become invalid if the context
+ * is reused or released.
+ *
+ * \param ctx key decoder context.
+ * \return decoded RSA private key, or `NULL`.
+ */
+static inline const br_rsa_private_key *
+br_skey_decoder_get_rsa(const br_skey_decoder_context *ctx)
+ if (ctx->err == 0 && ctx->key_type == BR_KEYTYPE_RSA) {
+ return &ctx->key.rsa;
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ * \brief Get the decoded EC private key.
+ *
+ * This function returns `NULL` if the decoding failed, or is not
+ * finished, or the key is not EC. The returned pointer references
+ * structures within the context that can become invalid if the context
+ * is reused or released.
+ *
+ * \param ctx key decoder context.
+ * \return decoded EC private key, or `NULL`.
+ */
+static inline const br_ec_private_key *
+br_skey_decoder_get_ec(const br_skey_decoder_context *ctx)
+ if (ctx->err == 0 && ctx->key_type == BR_KEYTYPE_EC) {
+ return &ctx->key.ec;
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ * \brief Encode an RSA private key (raw DER format).
+ *
+ * This function encodes the provided key into the "raw" format specified
+ * in PKCS#1 (RFC 8017, Appendix C, type `RSAPrivateKey`), with DER
+ * encoding rules.
+ *
+ * The key elements are:
+ *
+ * - `sk`: the private key (`p`, `q`, `dp`, `dq` and `iq`)
+ *
+ * - `pk`: the public key (`n` and `e`)
+ *
+ * - `d` (size: `dlen` bytes): the private exponent
+ *
+ * The public key elements, and the private exponent `d`, can be
+ * recomputed from the private key (see `br_rsa_compute_modulus()`,
+ * `br_rsa_compute_pubexp()` and `br_rsa_compute_privexp()`).
+ *
+ * If `dest` is not `NULL`, then the encoded key is written at that
+ * address, and the encoded length (in bytes) is returned. If `dest` is
+ * `NULL`, then nothing is written, but the encoded length is still
+ * computed and returned.
+ *
+ * \param dest the destination buffer (or `NULL`).
+ * \param sk the RSA private key.
+ * \param pk the RSA public key.
+ * \param d the RSA private exponent.
+ * \param dlen the RSA private exponent length (in bytes).
+ * \return the encoded key length (in bytes).
+ */
+size_t br_encode_rsa_raw_der(void *dest, const br_rsa_private_key *sk,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk, const void *d, size_t dlen);
+ * \brief Encode an RSA private key (PKCS#8 DER format).
+ *
+ * This function encodes the provided key into the PKCS#8 format
+ * (RFC 5958, type `OneAsymmetricKey`). It wraps around the "raw DER"
+ * format for the RSA key, as implemented by `br_encode_rsa_raw_der()`.
+ *
+ * The key elements are:
+ *
+ * - `sk`: the private key (`p`, `q`, `dp`, `dq` and `iq`)
+ *
+ * - `pk`: the public key (`n` and `e`)
+ *
+ * - `d` (size: `dlen` bytes): the private exponent
+ *
+ * The public key elements, and the private exponent `d`, can be
+ * recomputed from the private key (see `br_rsa_compute_modulus()`,
+ * `br_rsa_compute_pubexp()` and `br_rsa_compute_privexp()`).
+ *
+ * If `dest` is not `NULL`, then the encoded key is written at that
+ * address, and the encoded length (in bytes) is returned. If `dest` is
+ * `NULL`, then nothing is written, but the encoded length is still
+ * computed and returned.
+ *
+ * \param dest the destination buffer (or `NULL`).
+ * \param sk the RSA private key.
+ * \param pk the RSA public key.
+ * \param d the RSA private exponent.
+ * \param dlen the RSA private exponent length (in bytes).
+ * \return the encoded key length (in bytes).
+ */
+size_t br_encode_rsa_pkcs8_der(void *dest, const br_rsa_private_key *sk,
+ const br_rsa_public_key *pk, const void *d, size_t dlen);
+ * \brief Encode an EC private key (raw DER format).
+ *
+ * This function encodes the provided key into the "raw" format specified
+ * in RFC 5915 (type `ECPrivateKey`), with DER encoding rules.
+ *
+ * The private key is provided in `sk`, the public key being `pk`. If
+ * `pk` is `NULL`, then the encoded key will not include the public key
+ * in its `publicKey` field (which is nominally optional).
+ *
+ * If `dest` is not `NULL`, then the encoded key is written at that
+ * address, and the encoded length (in bytes) is returned. If `dest` is
+ * `NULL`, then nothing is written, but the encoded length is still
+ * computed and returned.
+ *
+ * If the key cannot be encoded (e.g. because there is no known OBJECT
+ * IDENTIFIER for the used curve), then 0 is returned.
+ *
+ * \param dest the destination buffer (or `NULL`).
+ * \param sk the EC private key.
+ * \param pk the EC public key (or `NULL`).
+ * \return the encoded key length (in bytes), or 0.
+ */
+size_t br_encode_ec_raw_der(void *dest,
+ const br_ec_private_key *sk, const br_ec_public_key *pk);
+ * \brief Encode an EC private key (PKCS#8 DER format).
+ *
+ * This function encodes the provided key into the PKCS#8 format
+ * (RFC 5958, type `OneAsymmetricKey`). The curve is identified
+ * by an OID provided as parameters to the `privateKeyAlgorithm`
+ * field. The private key value (contents of the `privateKey` field)
+ * contains the DER encoding of the `ECPrivateKey` type defined in
+ * RFC 5915, without the `parameters` field (since they would be
+ * redundant with the information in `privateKeyAlgorithm`).
+ *
+ * The private key is provided in `sk`, the public key being `pk`. If
+ * `pk` is not `NULL`, then the encoded public key is included in the
+ * `publicKey` field of the private key value (but not in the `publicKey`
+ * field of the PKCS#8 `OneAsymmetricKey` wrapper).
+ *
+ * If `dest` is not `NULL`, then the encoded key is written at that
+ * address, and the encoded length (in bytes) is returned. If `dest` is
+ * `NULL`, then nothing is written, but the encoded length is still
+ * computed and returned.
+ *
+ * If the key cannot be encoded (e.g. because there is no known OBJECT
+ * IDENTIFIER for the used curve), then 0 is returned.
+ *
+ * \param dest the destination buffer (or `NULL`).
+ * \param sk the EC private key.
+ * \param pk the EC public key (or `NULL`).
+ * \return the encoded key length (in bytes), or 0.
+ */
+size_t br_encode_ec_pkcs8_der(void *dest,
+ const br_ec_private_key *sk, const br_ec_public_key *pk);
+ * \brief PEM banner for RSA private key (raw).
+ */
+ * \brief PEM banner for EC private key (raw).
+ */
+ * \brief PEM banner for an RSA or EC private key in PKCS#8 format.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus