path: root/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/amd/amd_2.c
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authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-03-03 08:17:40 +0100
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-03-03 08:17:40 +0100
commit1ab7b51c30e1b10ac45b0bd64cefdc01da0f7f68 (patch)
tree210ffc156c83f04fb0c61a40b4f9037d7ba8a7e1 /test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/amd/amd_2.c
parent222c9047d61961db9c6b19fed5ca49829223fd33 (diff)
parent12be46d59a2483a10d77fa8ee67f7e0ca1bd702f (diff)
Merge branch 'mppa-cse2' of gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr:sixcy/CompCert into mppa-work
Diffstat (limited to 'test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/amd/amd_2.c')
1 files changed, 1842 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/amd/amd_2.c b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/amd/amd_2.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36ae828a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/amd/amd_2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1842 @@
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* === AMD_2 =============================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* AMD, Copyright (c) Timothy A. Davis, */
+/* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff. See ../README.txt for License. */
+/* email: davis at cise.ufl.edu CISE Department, Univ. of Florida. */
+/* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/amd */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* AMD_2: performs the AMD ordering on a symmetric sparse matrix A, followed
+ * by a postordering (via depth-first search) of the assembly tree using the
+ * AMD_postorder routine.
+ */
+#include "amd_internal.h"
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* === clear_flag ========================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+static Int clear_flag (Int wflg, Int wbig, Int W [ ], Int n)
+ Int x ;
+ if (wflg < 2 || wflg >= wbig)
+ {
+ for (x = 0 ; x < n ; x++)
+ {
+ if (W [x] != 0) W [x] = 1 ;
+ }
+ wflg = 2 ;
+ }
+ /* at this point, W [0..n-1] < wflg holds */
+ return (wflg) ;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* === AMD_2 =============================================================== */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+GLOBAL void AMD_2
+ Int n, /* A is n-by-n, where n > 0 */
+ Int Pe [ ], /* Pe [0..n-1]: index in Iw of row i on input */
+ Int Iw [ ], /* workspace of size iwlen. Iw [0..pfree-1]
+ * holds the matrix on input */
+ Int Len [ ], /* Len [0..n-1]: length for row/column i on input */
+ Int iwlen, /* length of Iw. iwlen >= pfree + n */
+ Int pfree, /* Iw [pfree ... iwlen-1] is empty on input */
+ /* 7 size-n workspaces, not defined on input: */
+ Int Nv [ ], /* the size of each supernode on output */
+ Int Next [ ], /* the output inverse permutation */
+ Int Last [ ], /* the output permutation */
+ Int Head [ ],
+ Int Elen [ ], /* the size columns of L for each supernode */
+ Int Degree [ ],
+ Int W [ ],
+ /* control parameters and output statistics */
+ double Control [ ], /* array of size AMD_CONTROL */
+ double Info [ ] /* array of size AMD_INFO */
+ * Given a representation of the nonzero pattern of a symmetric matrix, A,
+ * (excluding the diagonal) perform an approximate minimum (UMFPACK/MA38-style)
+ * degree ordering to compute a pivot order such that the introduction of
+ * nonzeros (fill-in) in the Cholesky factors A = LL' is kept low. At each
+ * step, the pivot selected is the one with the minimum UMFAPACK/MA38-style
+ * upper-bound on the external degree. This routine can optionally perform
+ * aggresive absorption (as done by MC47B in the Harwell Subroutine
+ * Library).
+ *
+ * The approximate degree algorithm implemented here is the symmetric analog of
+ * the degree update algorithm in MA38 and UMFPACK (the Unsymmetric-pattern
+ * MultiFrontal PACKage, both by Davis and Duff). The routine is based on the
+ * MA27 minimum degree ordering algorithm by Iain Duff and John Reid.
+ *
+ * This routine is a translation of the original AMDBAR and MC47B routines,
+ * in Fortran, with the following modifications:
+ *
+ * (1) dense rows/columns are removed prior to ordering the matrix, and placed
+ * last in the output order. The presence of a dense row/column can
+ * increase the ordering time by up to O(n^2), unless they are removed
+ * prior to ordering.
+ *
+ * (2) the minimum degree ordering is followed by a postordering (depth-first
+ * search) of the assembly tree. Note that mass elimination (discussed
+ * below) combined with the approximate degree update can lead to the mass
+ * elimination of nodes with lower exact degree than the current pivot
+ * element. No additional fill-in is caused in the representation of the
+ * Schur complement. The mass-eliminated nodes merge with the current
+ * pivot element. They are ordered prior to the current pivot element.
+ * Because they can have lower exact degree than the current element, the
+ * merger of two or more of these nodes in the current pivot element can
+ * lead to a single element that is not a "fundamental supernode". The
+ * diagonal block can have zeros in it. Thus, the assembly tree used here
+ * is not guaranteed to be the precise supernodal elemination tree (with
+ * "funadmental" supernodes), and the postordering performed by this
+ * routine is not guaranteed to be a precise postordering of the
+ * elimination tree.
+ *
+ * (3) input parameters are added, to control aggressive absorption and the
+ * detection of "dense" rows/columns of A.
+ *
+ * (4) additional statistical information is returned, such as the number of
+ * nonzeros in L, and the flop counts for subsequent LDL' and LU
+ * factorizations. These are slight upper bounds, because of the mass
+ * elimination issue discussed above.
+ *
+ * (5) additional routines are added to interface this routine to MATLAB
+ * to provide a simple C-callable user-interface, to check inputs for
+ * errors, compute the symmetry of the pattern of A and the number of
+ * nonzeros in each row/column of A+A', to compute the pattern of A+A',
+ * to perform the assembly tree postordering, and to provide debugging
+ * ouput. Many of these functions are also provided by the Fortran
+ * Harwell Subroutine Library routine MC47A.
+ *
+ * (6) both int and UF_long versions are provided. In the descriptions below
+ * and integer is and int or UF_long depending on which version is
+ * being used.
+ **********************************************************************
+ **********************************************************************
+ ** If you want error checking, a more versatile input format, and a **
+ ** simpler user interface, use amd_order or amd_l_order instead. **
+ ** This routine is not meant to be user-callable. **
+ **********************************************************************
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * References:
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * [1] Timothy A. Davis and Iain Duff, "An unsymmetric-pattern multifrontal
+ * method for sparse LU factorization", SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and
+ * Applications, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 140-158. Discusses UMFPACK / MA38,
+ * which first introduced the approximate minimum degree used by this
+ * routine.
+ *
+ * [2] Patrick Amestoy, Timothy A. Davis, and Iain S. Duff, "An approximate
+ * minimum degree ordering algorithm," SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and
+ * Applications, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 886-905, 1996. Discusses AMDBAR and
+ * MC47B, which are the Fortran versions of this routine.
+ *
+ * [3] Alan George and Joseph Liu, "The evolution of the minimum degree
+ * ordering algorithm," SIAM Review, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 1-19, 1989.
+ * We list below the features mentioned in that paper that this code
+ * includes:
+ *
+ * mass elimination:
+ * Yes. MA27 relied on supervariable detection for mass elimination.
+ *
+ * indistinguishable nodes:
+ * Yes (we call these "supervariables"). This was also in the MA27
+ * code - although we modified the method of detecting them (the
+ * previous hash was the true degree, which we no longer keep track
+ * of). A supervariable is a set of rows with identical nonzero
+ * pattern. All variables in a supervariable are eliminated together.
+ * Each supervariable has as its numerical name that of one of its
+ * variables (its principal variable).
+ *
+ * quotient graph representation:
+ * Yes. We use the term "element" for the cliques formed during
+ * elimination. This was also in the MA27 code. The algorithm can
+ * operate in place, but it will work more efficiently if given some
+ * "elbow room."
+ *
+ * element absorption:
+ * Yes. This was also in the MA27 code.
+ *
+ * external degree:
+ * Yes. The MA27 code was based on the true degree.
+ *
+ * incomplete degree update and multiple elimination:
+ * No. This was not in MA27, either. Our method of degree update
+ * within MC47B is element-based, not variable-based. It is thus
+ * not well-suited for use with incomplete degree update or multiple
+ * elimination.
+ *
+ * Authors, and Copyright (C) 2004 by:
+ * Timothy A. Davis, Patrick Amestoy, Iain S. Duff, John K. Reid.
+ *
+ * Acknowledgements: This work (and the UMFPACK package) was supported by the
+ * National Science Foundation (ASC-9111263, DMS-9223088, and CCR-0203270).
+ * The UMFPACK/MA38 approximate degree update algorithm, the unsymmetric analog
+ * which forms the basis of AMD, was developed while Tim Davis was supported by
+ * CERFACS (Toulouse, France) in a post-doctoral position. This C version, and
+ * the etree postorder, were written while Tim Davis was on sabbatical at
+ * Stanford University and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * INPUT ARGUMENTS (unaltered):
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * n: The matrix order. Restriction: n >= 1.
+ *
+ * iwlen: The size of the Iw array. On input, the matrix is stored in
+ * Iw [0..pfree-1]. However, Iw [0..iwlen-1] should be slightly larger
+ * than what is required to hold the matrix, at least iwlen >= pfree + n.
+ * Otherwise, excessive compressions will take place. The recommended
+ * value of iwlen is 1.2 * pfree + n, which is the value used in the
+ * user-callable interface to this routine (amd_order.c). The algorithm
+ * will not run at all if iwlen < pfree. Restriction: iwlen >= pfree + n.
+ * Note that this is slightly more restrictive than the actual minimum
+ * (iwlen >= pfree), but AMD_2 will be very slow with no elbow room.
+ * Thus, this routine enforces a bare minimum elbow room of size n.
+ *
+ * pfree: On input the tail end of the array, Iw [pfree..iwlen-1], is empty,
+ * and the matrix is stored in Iw [0..pfree-1]. During execution,
+ * additional data is placed in Iw, and pfree is modified so that
+ * Iw [pfree..iwlen-1] is always the unused part of Iw.
+ *
+ * Control: A double array of size AMD_CONTROL containing input parameters
+ * that affect how the ordering is computed. If NULL, then default
+ * settings are used.
+ *
+ * Control [AMD_DENSE] is used to determine whether or not a given input
+ * row is "dense". A row is "dense" if the number of entries in the row
+ * exceeds Control [AMD_DENSE] times sqrt (n), except that rows with 16 or
+ * fewer entries are never considered "dense". To turn off the detection
+ * of dense rows, set Control [AMD_DENSE] to a negative number, or to a
+ * number larger than sqrt (n). The default value of Control [AMD_DENSE]
+ * is AMD_DEFAULT_DENSE, which is defined in amd.h as 10.
+ *
+ * Control [AMD_AGGRESSIVE] is used to determine whether or not aggressive
+ * absorption is to be performed. If nonzero, then aggressive absorption
+ * is performed (this is the default).
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Pe: An integer array of size n. On input, Pe [i] is the index in Iw of
+ * the start of row i. Pe [i] is ignored if row i has no off-diagonal
+ * entries. Thus Pe [i] must be in the range 0 to pfree-1 for non-empty
+ * rows.
+ *
+ * During execution, it is used for both supervariables and elements:
+ *
+ * Principal supervariable i: index into Iw of the description of
+ * supervariable i. A supervariable represents one or more rows of
+ * the matrix with identical nonzero pattern. In this case,
+ * Pe [i] >= 0.
+ *
+ * Non-principal supervariable i: if i has been absorbed into another
+ * supervariable j, then Pe [i] = FLIP (j), where FLIP (j) is defined
+ * as (-(j)-2). Row j has the same pattern as row i. Note that j
+ * might later be absorbed into another supervariable j2, in which
+ * case Pe [i] is still FLIP (j), and Pe [j] = FLIP (j2) which is
+ * < EMPTY, where EMPTY is defined as (-1) in amd_internal.h.
+ *
+ * Unabsorbed element e: the index into Iw of the description of element
+ * e, if e has not yet been absorbed by a subsequent element. Element
+ * e is created when the supervariable of the same name is selected as
+ * the pivot. In this case, Pe [i] >= 0.
+ *
+ * Absorbed element e: if element e is absorbed into element e2, then
+ * Pe [e] = FLIP (e2). This occurs when the pattern of e (which we
+ * refer to as Le) is found to be a subset of the pattern of e2 (that
+ * is, Le2). In this case, Pe [i] < EMPTY. If element e is "null"
+ * (it has no nonzeros outside its pivot block), then Pe [e] = EMPTY,
+ * and e is the root of an assembly subtree (or the whole tree if
+ * there is just one such root).
+ *
+ * Dense variable i: if i is "dense", then Pe [i] = EMPTY.
+ *
+ * On output, Pe holds the assembly tree/forest, which implicitly
+ * represents a pivot order with identical fill-in as the actual order
+ * (via a depth-first search of the tree), as follows. If Nv [i] > 0,
+ * then i represents a node in the assembly tree, and the parent of i is
+ * Pe [i], or EMPTY if i is a root. If Nv [i] = 0, then (i, Pe [i])
+ * represents an edge in a subtree, the root of which is a node in the
+ * assembly tree. Note that i refers to a row/column in the original
+ * matrix, not the permuted matrix.
+ *
+ * Info: A double array of size AMD_INFO. If present, (that is, not NULL),
+ * then statistics about the ordering are returned in the Info array.
+ * See amd.h for a description.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * INPUT/MODIFIED (undefined on output):
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Len: An integer array of size n. On input, Len [i] holds the number of
+ * entries in row i of the matrix, excluding the diagonal. The contents
+ * of Len are undefined on output.
+ *
+ * Iw: An integer array of size iwlen. On input, Iw [0..pfree-1] holds the
+ * description of each row i in the matrix. The matrix must be symmetric,
+ * and both upper and lower triangular parts must be present. The
+ * diagonal must not be present. Row i is held as follows:
+ *
+ * Len [i]: the length of the row i data structure in the Iw array.
+ * Iw [Pe [i] ... Pe [i] + Len [i] - 1]:
+ * the list of column indices for nonzeros in row i (simple
+ * supervariables), excluding the diagonal. All supervariables
+ * start with one row/column each (supervariable i is just row i).
+ * If Len [i] is zero on input, then Pe [i] is ignored on input.
+ *
+ * Note that the rows need not be in any particular order, and there
+ * may be empty space between the rows.
+ *
+ * During execution, the supervariable i experiences fill-in. This is
+ * represented by placing in i a list of the elements that cause fill-in
+ * in supervariable i:
+ *
+ * Len [i]: the length of supervariable i in the Iw array.
+ * Iw [Pe [i] ... Pe [i] + Elen [i] - 1]:
+ * the list of elements that contain i. This list is kept short
+ * by removing absorbed elements.
+ * Iw [Pe [i] + Elen [i] ... Pe [i] + Len [i] - 1]:
+ * the list of supervariables in i. This list is kept short by
+ * removing nonprincipal variables, and any entry j that is also
+ * contained in at least one of the elements (j in Le) in the list
+ * for i (e in row i).
+ *
+ * When supervariable i is selected as pivot, we create an element e of
+ * the same name (e=i):
+ *
+ * Len [e]: the length of element e in the Iw array.
+ * Iw [Pe [e] ... Pe [e] + Len [e] - 1]:
+ * the list of supervariables in element e.
+ *
+ * An element represents the fill-in that occurs when supervariable i is
+ * selected as pivot (which represents the selection of row i and all
+ * non-principal variables whose principal variable is i). We use the
+ * term Le to denote the set of all supervariables in element e. Absorbed
+ * supervariables and elements are pruned from these lists when
+ * computationally convenient.
+ *
+ * The contents of Iw are undefined on output.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * OUTPUT (need not be set on input):
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Nv: An integer array of size n. During execution, ABS (Nv [i]) is equal to
+ * the number of rows that are represented by the principal supervariable
+ * i. If i is a nonprincipal or dense variable, then Nv [i] = 0.
+ * Initially, Nv [i] = 1 for all i. Nv [i] < 0 signifies that i is a
+ * principal variable in the pattern Lme of the current pivot element me.
+ * After element me is constructed, Nv [i] is set back to a positive
+ * value.
+ *
+ * On output, Nv [i] holds the number of pivots represented by super
+ * row/column i of the original matrix, or Nv [i] = 0 for non-principal
+ * rows/columns. Note that i refers to a row/column in the original
+ * matrix, not the permuted matrix.
+ *
+ * Elen: An integer array of size n. See the description of Iw above. At the
+ * start of execution, Elen [i] is set to zero for all rows i. During
+ * execution, Elen [i] is the number of elements in the list for
+ * supervariable i. When e becomes an element, Elen [e] = FLIP (esize) is
+ * set, where esize is the size of the element (the number of pivots, plus
+ * the number of nonpivotal entries). Thus Elen [e] < EMPTY.
+ * Elen (i) = EMPTY set when variable i becomes nonprincipal.
+ *
+ * For variables, Elen (i) >= EMPTY holds until just before the
+ * postordering and permutation vectors are computed. For elements,
+ * Elen [e] < EMPTY holds.
+ *
+ * On output, Elen [i] is the degree of the row/column in the Cholesky
+ * factorization of the permuted matrix, corresponding to the original row
+ * i, if i is a super row/column. It is equal to EMPTY if i is
+ * non-principal. Note that i refers to a row/column in the original
+ * matrix, not the permuted matrix.
+ *
+ * Note that the contents of Elen on output differ from the Fortran
+ * version (Elen holds the inverse permutation in the Fortran version,
+ * which is instead returned in the Next array in this C version,
+ * described below).
+ *
+ * Last: In a degree list, Last [i] is the supervariable preceding i, or EMPTY
+ * if i is the head of the list. In a hash bucket, Last [i] is the hash
+ * key for i.
+ *
+ * Last [Head [hash]] is also used as the head of a hash bucket if
+ * Head [hash] contains a degree list (see the description of Head,
+ * below).
+ *
+ * On output, Last [0..n-1] holds the permutation. That is, if
+ * i = Last [k], then row i is the kth pivot row (where k ranges from 0 to
+ * n-1). Row Last [k] of A is the kth row in the permuted matrix, PAP'.
+ *
+ * Next: Next [i] is the supervariable following i in a link list, or EMPTY if
+ * i is the last in the list. Used for two kinds of lists: degree lists
+ * and hash buckets (a supervariable can be in only one kind of list at a
+ * time).
+ *
+ * On output Next [0..n-1] holds the inverse permutation. That is, if
+ * k = Next [i], then row i is the kth pivot row. Row i of A appears as
+ * the (Next[i])-th row in the permuted matrix, PAP'.
+ *
+ * Note that the contents of Next on output differ from the Fortran
+ * version (Next is undefined on output in the Fortran version).
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * LOCAL WORKSPACE (not input or output - used only during execution):
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Degree: An integer array of size n. If i is a supervariable, then
+ * Degree [i] holds the current approximation of the external degree of
+ * row i (an upper bound). The external degree is the number of nonzeros
+ * in row i, minus ABS (Nv [i]), the diagonal part. The bound is equal to
+ * the exact external degree if Elen [i] is less than or equal to two.
+ *
+ * We also use the term "external degree" for elements e to refer to
+ * |Le \ Lme|. If e is an element, then Degree [e] is |Le|, which is the
+ * degree of the off-diagonal part of the element e (not including the
+ * diagonal part).
+ *
+ * Head: An integer array of size n. Head is used for degree lists.
+ * Head [deg] is the first supervariable in a degree list. All
+ * supervariables i in a degree list Head [deg] have the same approximate
+ * degree, namely, deg = Degree [i]. If the list Head [deg] is empty then
+ * Head [deg] = EMPTY.
+ *
+ * During supervariable detection Head [hash] also serves as a pointer to
+ * a hash bucket. If Head [hash] >= 0, there is a degree list of degree
+ * hash. The hash bucket head pointer is Last [Head [hash]]. If
+ * Head [hash] = EMPTY, then the degree list and hash bucket are both
+ * empty. If Head [hash] < EMPTY, then the degree list is empty, and
+ * FLIP (Head [hash]) is the head of the hash bucket. After supervariable
+ * detection is complete, all hash buckets are empty, and the
+ * (Last [Head [hash]] = EMPTY) condition is restored for the non-empty
+ * degree lists.
+ *
+ * W: An integer array of size n. The flag array W determines the status of
+ * elements and variables, and the external degree of elements.
+ *
+ * for elements:
+ * if W [e] = 0, then the element e is absorbed.
+ * if W [e] >= wflg, then W [e] - wflg is the size of the set
+ * |Le \ Lme|, in terms of nonzeros (the sum of ABS (Nv [i]) for
+ * each principal variable i that is both in the pattern of
+ * element e and NOT in the pattern of the current pivot element,
+ * me).
+ * if wflg > W [e] > 0, then e is not absorbed and has not yet been
+ * seen in the scan of the element lists in the computation of
+ * |Le\Lme| in Scan 1 below.
+ *
+ * for variables:
+ * during supervariable detection, if W [j] != wflg then j is
+ * not in the pattern of variable i.
+ *
+ * The W array is initialized by setting W [i] = 1 for all i, and by
+ * setting wflg = 2. It is reinitialized if wflg becomes too large (to
+ * ensure that wflg+n does not cause integer overflow).
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ Int deg, degme, dext, lemax, e, elenme, eln, i, ilast, inext, j,
+ jlast, jnext, k, knt1, knt2, knt3, lenj, ln, me, mindeg, nel, nleft,
+ nvi, nvj, nvpiv, slenme, wbig, we, wflg, wnvi, ok, ndense, ncmpa,
+ dense, aggressive ;
+ unsigned Int hash ; /* unsigned, so that hash % n is well defined.*/
+ * deg: the degree of a variable or element
+ * degme: size, |Lme|, of the current element, me (= Degree [me])
+ * dext: external degree, |Le \ Lme|, of some element e
+ * lemax: largest |Le| seen so far (called dmax in Fortran version)
+ * e: an element
+ * elenme: the length, Elen [me], of element list of pivotal variable
+ * eln: the length, Elen [...], of an element list
+ * hash: the computed value of the hash function
+ * i: a supervariable
+ * ilast: the entry in a link list preceding i
+ * inext: the entry in a link list following i
+ * j: a supervariable
+ * jlast: the entry in a link list preceding j
+ * jnext: the entry in a link list, or path, following j
+ * k: the pivot order of an element or variable
+ * knt1: loop counter used during element construction
+ * knt2: loop counter used during element construction
+ * knt3: loop counter used during compression
+ * lenj: Len [j]
+ * ln: length of a supervariable list
+ * me: current supervariable being eliminated, and the current
+ * element created by eliminating that supervariable
+ * mindeg: current minimum degree
+ * nel: number of pivots selected so far
+ * nleft: n - nel, the number of nonpivotal rows/columns remaining
+ * nvi: the number of variables in a supervariable i (= Nv [i])
+ * nvj: the number of variables in a supervariable j (= Nv [j])
+ * nvpiv: number of pivots in current element
+ * slenme: number of variables in variable list of pivotal variable
+ * wbig: = INT_MAX - n for the int version, UF_long_max - n for the
+ * UF_long version. wflg is not allowed to be >= wbig.
+ * we: W [e]
+ * wflg: used for flagging the W array. See description of Iw.
+ * wnvi: wflg - Nv [i]
+ * x: either a supervariable or an element
+ *
+ * ok: true if supervariable j can be absorbed into i
+ * ndense: number of "dense" rows/columns
+ * dense: rows/columns with initial degree > dense are considered "dense"
+ * aggressive: true if aggressive absorption is being performed
+ * ncmpa: number of garbage collections
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * LOCAL DOUBLES, used for statistical output only (except for alpha):
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ double f, r, ndiv, s, nms_lu, nms_ldl, dmax, alpha, lnz, lnzme ;
+ * f: nvpiv
+ * r: degme + nvpiv
+ * ndiv: number of divisions for LU or LDL' factorizations
+ * s: number of multiply-subtract pairs for LU factorization, for the
+ * current element me
+ * nms_lu number of multiply-subtract pairs for LU factorization
+ * nms_ldl number of multiply-subtract pairs for LDL' factorization
+ * dmax: the largest number of entries in any column of L, including the
+ * diagonal
+ * alpha: "dense" degree ratio
+ * lnz: the number of nonzeros in L (excluding the diagonal)
+ * lnzme: the number of nonzeros in L (excl. the diagonal) for the
+ * current element me
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * LOCAL "POINTERS" (indices into the Iw array)
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Int p, p1, p2, p3, p4, pdst, pend, pj, pme, pme1, pme2, pn, psrc ;
+ * Any parameter (Pe [...] or pfree) or local variable starting with "p" (for
+ * Pointer) is an index into Iw, and all indices into Iw use variables starting
+ * with "p." The only exception to this rule is the iwlen input argument.
+ *
+ * p: pointer into lots of things
+ * p1: Pe [i] for some variable i (start of element list)
+ * p2: Pe [i] + Elen [i] - 1 for some variable i
+ * p3: index of first supervariable in clean list
+ * p4:
+ * pdst: destination pointer, for compression
+ * pend: end of memory to compress
+ * pj: pointer into an element or variable
+ * pme: pointer into the current element (pme1...pme2)
+ * pme1: the current element, me, is stored in Iw [pme1...pme2]
+ * pme2: the end of the current element
+ * pn: pointer into a "clean" variable, also used to compress
+ * psrc: source pointer, for compression
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+ /* Note that this restriction on iwlen is slightly more restrictive than
+ * what is actually required in AMD_2. AMD_2 can operate with no elbow
+ * room at all, but it will be slow. For better performance, at least
+ * size-n elbow room is enforced. */
+ ASSERT (iwlen >= pfree + n) ;
+ ASSERT (n > 0) ;
+ /* initialize output statistics */
+ lnz = 0 ;
+ ndiv = 0 ;
+ nms_lu = 0 ;
+ nms_ldl = 0 ;
+ dmax = 1 ;
+ me = EMPTY ;
+ mindeg = 0 ;
+ ncmpa = 0 ;
+ nel = 0 ;
+ lemax = 0 ;
+ /* get control parameters */
+ if (Control != (double *) NULL)
+ {
+ alpha = Control [AMD_DENSE] ;
+ aggressive = (Control [AMD_AGGRESSIVE] != 0) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ /* Note: if alpha is NaN, this is undefined: */
+ if (alpha < 0)
+ {
+ /* only remove completely dense rows/columns */
+ dense = n-2 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dense = alpha * sqrt ((double) n) ;
+ }
+ dense = MAX (16, dense) ;
+ dense = MIN (n, dense) ;
+ AMD_DEBUG1 (("\n\nAMD (debug), alpha %g, aggr. "ID"\n",
+ alpha, aggressive)) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ Last [i] = EMPTY ;
+ Head [i] = EMPTY ;
+ Next [i] = EMPTY ;
+ /* if separate Hhead array is used for hash buckets: *
+ Hhead [i] = EMPTY ;
+ */
+ Nv [i] = 1 ;
+ W [i] = 1 ;
+ Elen [i] = 0 ;
+ Degree [i] = Len [i] ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ AMD_DEBUG1 (("\n======Nel "ID" initial\n", nel)) ;
+ AMD_dump (n, Pe, Iw, Len, iwlen, pfree, Nv, Next, Last,
+ Head, Elen, Degree, W, -1) ;
+ /* initialize wflg */
+ wbig = Int_MAX - n ;
+ wflg = clear_flag (0, wbig, W, n) ;
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* initialize degree lists and eliminate dense and empty rows */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ ndense = 0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ deg = Degree [i] ;
+ ASSERT (deg >= 0 && deg < n) ;
+ if (deg == 0)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * we have a variable that can be eliminated at once because
+ * there is no off-diagonal non-zero in its row. Note that
+ * Nv [i] = 1 for an empty variable i. It is treated just
+ * the same as an eliminated element i.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Elen [i] = FLIP (1) ;
+ nel++ ;
+ Pe [i] = EMPTY ;
+ W [i] = 0 ;
+ }
+ else if (deg > dense)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Dense variables are not treated as elements, but as unordered,
+ * non-principal variables that have no parent. They do not take
+ * part in the postorder, since Nv [i] = 0. Note that the Fortran
+ * version does not have this option.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ AMD_DEBUG1 (("Dense node "ID" degree "ID"\n", i, deg)) ;
+ ndense++ ;
+ Nv [i] = 0 ; /* do not postorder this node */
+ Elen [i] = EMPTY ;
+ nel++ ;
+ Pe [i] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * place i in the degree list corresponding to its degree
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ inext = Head [deg] ;
+ ASSERT (inext >= EMPTY && inext < n) ;
+ if (inext != EMPTY) Last [inext] = i ;
+ Next [i] = inext ;
+ Head [deg] = i ;
+ }
+ }
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* WHILE (selecting pivots) DO */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+ while (nel < n)
+ {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ AMD_DEBUG1 (("\n======Nel "ID"\n", nel)) ;
+ if (AMD_debug >= 2)
+ {
+ AMD_dump (n, Pe, Iw, Len, iwlen, pfree, Nv, Next,
+ Last, Head, Elen, Degree, W, nel) ;
+ }
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* find next supervariable for elimination */
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ ASSERT (mindeg >= 0 && mindeg < n) ;
+ for (deg = mindeg ; deg < n ; deg++)
+ {
+ me = Head [deg] ;
+ if (me != EMPTY) break ;
+ }
+ mindeg = deg ;
+ ASSERT (me >= 0 && me < n) ;
+ AMD_DEBUG1 (("=================me: "ID"\n", me)) ;
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* remove chosen variable from link list */
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ inext = Next [me] ;
+ ASSERT (inext >= EMPTY && inext < n) ;
+ if (inext != EMPTY) Last [inext] = EMPTY ;
+ Head [deg] = inext ;
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* me represents the elimination of pivots nel to nel+Nv[me]-1. */
+ /* place me itself as the first in this set. */
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ elenme = Elen [me] ;
+ nvpiv = Nv [me] ;
+ ASSERT (nvpiv > 0) ;
+ nel += nvpiv ;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * At this point, me is the pivotal supervariable. It will be
+ * converted into the current element. Scan list of the pivotal
+ * supervariable, me, setting tree pointers and constructing new list
+ * of supervariables for the new element, me. p is a pointer to the
+ * current position in the old list.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* flag the variable "me" as being in Lme by negating Nv [me] */
+ Nv [me] = -nvpiv ;
+ degme = 0 ;
+ ASSERT (Pe [me] >= 0 && Pe [me] < iwlen) ;
+ if (elenme == 0)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct the new element in place */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ pme1 = Pe [me] ;
+ pme2 = pme1 - 1 ;
+ for (p = pme1 ; p <= pme1 + Len [me] - 1 ; p++)
+ {
+ i = Iw [p] ;
+ ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n && Nv [i] >= 0) ;
+ nvi = Nv [i] ;
+ if (nvi > 0)
+ {
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* i is a principal variable not yet placed in Lme. */
+ /* store i in new list */
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* flag i as being in Lme by negating Nv [i] */
+ degme += nvi ;
+ Nv [i] = -nvi ;
+ Iw [++pme2] = i ;
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* remove variable i from degree list. */
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
+ ilast = Last [i] ;
+ inext = Next [i] ;
+ ASSERT (ilast >= EMPTY && ilast < n) ;
+ ASSERT (inext >= EMPTY && inext < n) ;
+ if (inext != EMPTY) Last [inext] = ilast ;
+ if (ilast != EMPTY)
+ {
+ Next [ilast] = inext ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* i is at the head of the degree list */
+ ASSERT (Degree [i] >= 0 && Degree [i] < n) ;
+ Head [Degree [i]] = inext ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* construct the new element in empty space, Iw [pfree ...] */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ p = Pe [me] ;
+ pme1 = pfree ;
+ slenme = Len [me] - elenme ;
+ for (knt1 = 1 ; knt1 <= elenme + 1 ; knt1++)
+ {
+ if (knt1 > elenme)
+ {
+ /* search the supervariables in me. */
+ e = me ;
+ pj = p ;
+ ln = slenme ;
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("Search sv: "ID" "ID" "ID"\n", me,pj,ln)) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* search the elements in me. */
+ e = Iw [p++] ;
+ ASSERT (e >= 0 && e < n) ;
+ pj = Pe [e] ;
+ ln = Len [e] ;
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("Search element e "ID" in me "ID"\n", e,me)) ;
+ ASSERT (Elen [e] < EMPTY && W [e] > 0 && pj >= 0) ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (ln >= 0 && (ln == 0 || (pj >= 0 && pj < iwlen))) ;
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * search for different supervariables and add them to the
+ * new list, compressing when necessary. this loop is
+ * executed once for each element in the list and once for
+ * all the supervariables in the list.
+ * --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (knt2 = 1 ; knt2 <= ln ; knt2++)
+ {
+ i = Iw [pj++] ;
+ ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n && (i == me || Elen [i] >= EMPTY));
+ nvi = Nv [i] ;
+ AMD_DEBUG2 ((": "ID" "ID" "ID" "ID"\n",
+ i, Elen [i], Nv [i], wflg)) ;
+ if (nvi > 0)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* compress Iw, if necessary */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------- */
+ if (pfree >= iwlen)
+ {
+ /* prepare for compressing Iw by adjusting pointers
+ * and lengths so that the lists being searched in
+ * the inner and outer loops contain only the
+ * remaining entries. */
+ Pe [me] = p ;
+ Len [me] -= knt1 ;
+ /* check if nothing left of supervariable me */
+ if (Len [me] == 0) Pe [me] = EMPTY ;
+ Pe [e] = pj ;
+ Len [e] = ln - knt2 ;
+ /* nothing left of element e */
+ if (Len [e] == 0) Pe [e] = EMPTY ;
+ ncmpa++ ; /* one more garbage collection */
+ /* store first entry of each object in Pe */
+ /* FLIP the first entry in each object */
+ for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
+ {
+ pn = Pe [j] ;
+ if (pn >= 0)
+ {
+ ASSERT (pn >= 0 && pn < iwlen) ;
+ Pe [j] = Iw [pn] ;
+ Iw [pn] = FLIP (j) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* psrc/pdst point to source/destination */
+ psrc = 0 ;
+ pdst = 0 ;
+ pend = pme1 - 1 ;
+ while (psrc <= pend)
+ {
+ /* search for next FLIP'd entry */
+ j = FLIP (Iw [psrc++]) ;
+ if (j >= 0)
+ {
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("Got object j: "ID"\n", j)) ;
+ Iw [pdst] = Pe [j] ;
+ Pe [j] = pdst++ ;
+ lenj = Len [j] ;
+ /* copy from source to destination */
+ for (knt3 = 0 ; knt3 <= lenj - 2 ; knt3++)
+ {
+ Iw [pdst++] = Iw [psrc++] ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* move the new partially-constructed element */
+ p1 = pdst ;
+ for (psrc = pme1 ; psrc <= pfree-1 ; psrc++)
+ {
+ Iw [pdst++] = Iw [psrc] ;
+ }
+ pme1 = p1 ;
+ pfree = pdst ;
+ pj = Pe [e] ;
+ p = Pe [me] ;
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* i is a principal variable not yet placed in Lme */
+ /* store i in new list */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* flag i as being in Lme by negating Nv [i] */
+ degme += nvi ;
+ Nv [i] = -nvi ;
+ Iw [pfree++] = i ;
+ AMD_DEBUG2 ((" s: "ID" nv "ID"\n", i, Nv [i]));
+ /* ------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* remove variable i from degree link list */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------- */
+ ilast = Last [i] ;
+ inext = Next [i] ;
+ ASSERT (ilast >= EMPTY && ilast < n) ;
+ ASSERT (inext >= EMPTY && inext < n) ;
+ if (inext != EMPTY) Last [inext] = ilast ;
+ if (ilast != EMPTY)
+ {
+ Next [ilast] = inext ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* i is at the head of the degree list */
+ ASSERT (Degree [i] >= 0 && Degree [i] < n) ;
+ Head [Degree [i]] = inext ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (e != me)
+ {
+ /* set tree pointer and flag to indicate element e is
+ * absorbed into new element me (the parent of e is me) */
+ AMD_DEBUG1 ((" Element "ID" => "ID"\n", e, me)) ;
+ Pe [e] = FLIP (me) ;
+ W [e] = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ pme2 = pfree - 1 ;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* me has now been converted into an element in Iw [pme1..pme2] */
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* degme holds the external degree of new element */
+ Degree [me] = degme ;
+ Pe [me] = pme1 ;
+ Len [me] = pme2 - pme1 + 1 ;
+ ASSERT (Pe [me] >= 0 && Pe [me] < iwlen) ;
+ Elen [me] = FLIP (nvpiv + degme) ;
+ /* FLIP (Elen (me)) is now the degree of pivot (including
+ * diagonal part). */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("New element structure: length= "ID"\n", pme2-pme1+1)) ;
+ for (pme = pme1 ; pme <= pme2 ; pme++) AMD_DEBUG3 ((" "ID"", Iw[pme]));
+ AMD_DEBUG3 (("\n")) ;
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* make sure that wflg is not too large. */
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* With the current value of wflg, wflg+n must not cause integer
+ * overflow */
+ wflg = clear_flag (wflg, wbig, W, n) ;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* COMPUTE (W [e] - wflg) = |Le\Lme| FOR ALL ELEMENTS */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Scan 1: compute the external degrees of previous elements with
+ * respect to the current element. That is:
+ * (W [e] - wflg) = |Le \ Lme|
+ * for each element e that appears in any supervariable in Lme. The
+ * notation Le refers to the pattern (list of supervariables) of a
+ * previous element e, where e is not yet absorbed, stored in
+ * Iw [Pe [e] + 1 ... Pe [e] + Len [e]]. The notation Lme
+ * refers to the pattern of the current element (stored in
+ * Iw [pme1..pme2]). If aggressive absorption is enabled, and
+ * (W [e] - wflg) becomes zero, then the element e will be absorbed
+ * in Scan 2.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("me: ")) ;
+ for (pme = pme1 ; pme <= pme2 ; pme++)
+ {
+ i = Iw [pme] ;
+ ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n) ;
+ eln = Elen [i] ;
+ AMD_DEBUG3 ((""ID" Elen "ID": \n", i, eln)) ;
+ if (eln > 0)
+ {
+ /* note that Nv [i] has been negated to denote i in Lme: */
+ nvi = -Nv [i] ;
+ ASSERT (nvi > 0 && Pe [i] >= 0 && Pe [i] < iwlen) ;
+ wnvi = wflg - nvi ;
+ for (p = Pe [i] ; p <= Pe [i] + eln - 1 ; p++)
+ {
+ e = Iw [p] ;
+ ASSERT (e >= 0 && e < n) ;
+ we = W [e] ;
+ AMD_DEBUG4 ((" e "ID" we "ID" ", e, we)) ;
+ if (we >= wflg)
+ {
+ /* unabsorbed element e has been seen in this loop */
+ AMD_DEBUG4 ((" unabsorbed, first time seen")) ;
+ we -= nvi ;
+ }
+ else if (we != 0)
+ {
+ /* e is an unabsorbed element */
+ /* this is the first we have seen e in all of Scan 1 */
+ AMD_DEBUG4 ((" unabsorbed")) ;
+ we = Degree [e] + wnvi ;
+ }
+ AMD_DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
+ W [e] = we ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Scan 2: for each i in Lme, sum up the degree of Lme (which is
+ * degme), plus the sum of the external degrees of each Le for the
+ * elements e appearing within i, plus the supervariables in i.
+ * Place i in hash list.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ for (pme = pme1 ; pme <= pme2 ; pme++)
+ {
+ i = Iw [pme] ;
+ ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n && Nv [i] < 0 && Elen [i] >= 0) ;
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("Updating: i "ID" "ID" "ID"\n", i, Elen[i], Len [i]));
+ p1 = Pe [i] ;
+ p2 = p1 + Elen [i] - 1 ;
+ pn = p1 ;
+ hash = 0 ;
+ deg = 0 ;
+ ASSERT (p1 >= 0 && p1 < iwlen && p2 >= -1 && p2 < iwlen) ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* scan the element list associated with supervariable i */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* UMFPACK/MA38-style approximate degree: */
+ if (aggressive)
+ {
+ for (p = p1 ; p <= p2 ; p++)
+ {
+ e = Iw [p] ;
+ ASSERT (e >= 0 && e < n) ;
+ we = W [e] ;
+ if (we != 0)
+ {
+ /* e is an unabsorbed element */
+ /* dext = | Le \ Lme | */
+ dext = we - wflg ;
+ if (dext > 0)
+ {
+ deg += dext ;
+ Iw [pn++] = e ;
+ hash += e ;
+ AMD_DEBUG4 ((" e: "ID" hash = "ID"\n",e,hash)) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* external degree of e is zero, absorb e into me*/
+ AMD_DEBUG1 ((" Element "ID" =>"ID" (aggressive)\n",
+ e, me)) ;
+ ASSERT (dext == 0) ;
+ Pe [e] = FLIP (me) ;
+ W [e] = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (p = p1 ; p <= p2 ; p++)
+ {
+ e = Iw [p] ;
+ ASSERT (e >= 0 && e < n) ;
+ we = W [e] ;
+ if (we != 0)
+ {
+ /* e is an unabsorbed element */
+ dext = we - wflg ;
+ ASSERT (dext >= 0) ;
+ deg += dext ;
+ Iw [pn++] = e ;
+ hash += e ;
+ AMD_DEBUG4 ((" e: "ID" hash = "ID"\n",e,hash)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* count the number of elements in i (including me): */
+ Elen [i] = pn - p1 + 1 ;
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* scan the supervariables in the list associated with i */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* The bulk of the AMD run time is typically spent in this loop,
+ * particularly if the matrix has many dense rows that are not
+ * removed prior to ordering. */
+ p3 = pn ;
+ p4 = p1 + Len [i] ;
+ for (p = p2 + 1 ; p < p4 ; p++)
+ {
+ j = Iw [p] ;
+ ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < n) ;
+ nvj = Nv [j] ;
+ if (nvj > 0)
+ {
+ /* j is unabsorbed, and not in Lme. */
+ /* add to degree and add to new list */
+ deg += nvj ;
+ Iw [pn++] = j ;
+ hash += j ;
+ AMD_DEBUG4 ((" s: "ID" hash "ID" Nv[j]= "ID"\n",
+ j, hash, nvj)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* update the degree and check for mass elimination */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* with aggressive absorption, deg==0 is identical to the
+ * Elen [i] == 1 && p3 == pn test, below. */
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (aggressive, (deg==0) == (Elen[i]==1 && p3==pn))) ;
+ if (Elen [i] == 1 && p3 == pn)
+ {
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* mass elimination */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* There is nothing left of this node except for an edge to
+ * the current pivot element. Elen [i] is 1, and there are
+ * no variables adjacent to node i. Absorb i into the
+ * current pivot element, me. Note that if there are two or
+ * more mass eliminations, fillin due to mass elimination is
+ * possible within the nvpiv-by-nvpiv pivot block. It is this
+ * step that causes AMD's analysis to be an upper bound.
+ *
+ * The reason is that the selected pivot has a lower
+ * approximate degree than the true degree of the two mass
+ * eliminated nodes. There is no edge between the two mass
+ * eliminated nodes. They are merged with the current pivot
+ * anyway.
+ *
+ * No fillin occurs in the Schur complement, in any case,
+ * and this effect does not decrease the quality of the
+ * ordering itself, just the quality of the nonzero and
+ * flop count analysis. It also means that the post-ordering
+ * is not an exact elimination tree post-ordering. */
+ AMD_DEBUG1 ((" MASS i "ID" => parent e "ID"\n", i, me)) ;
+ Pe [i] = FLIP (me) ;
+ nvi = -Nv [i] ;
+ degme -= nvi ;
+ nvpiv += nvi ;
+ nel += nvi ;
+ Nv [i] = 0 ;
+ Elen [i] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* update the upper-bound degree of i */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* the following degree does not yet include the size
+ * of the current element, which is added later: */
+ Degree [i] = MIN (Degree [i], deg) ;
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* add me to the list for i */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* move first supervariable to end of list */
+ Iw [pn] = Iw [p3] ;
+ /* move first element to end of element part of list */
+ Iw [p3] = Iw [p1] ;
+ /* add new element, me, to front of list. */
+ Iw [p1] = me ;
+ /* store the new length of the list in Len [i] */
+ Len [i] = pn - p1 + 1 ;
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* place in hash bucket. Save hash key of i in Last [i]. */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* NOTE: this can fail if hash is negative, because the ANSI C
+ * standard does not define a % b when a and/or b are negative.
+ * That's why hash is defined as an unsigned Int, to avoid this
+ * problem. */
+ hash = hash % n ;
+ ASSERT (((Int) hash) >= 0 && ((Int) hash) < n) ;
+ /* if the Hhead array is not used: */
+ j = Head [hash] ;
+ if (j <= EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* degree list is empty, hash head is FLIP (j) */
+ Next [i] = FLIP (j) ;
+ Head [hash] = FLIP (i) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* degree list is not empty, use Last [Head [hash]] as
+ * hash head. */
+ Next [i] = Last [j] ;
+ Last [j] = i ;
+ }
+ /* if a separate Hhead array is used: *
+ Next [i] = Hhead [hash] ;
+ Hhead [hash] = i ;
+ */
+ Last [i] = hash ;
+ }
+ }
+ Degree [me] = degme ;
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* Clear the counter array, W [...], by incrementing wflg. */
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* make sure that wflg+n does not cause integer overflow */
+ lemax = MAX (lemax, degme) ;
+ wflg += lemax ;
+ wflg = clear_flag (wflg, wbig, W, n) ;
+ /* at this point, W [0..n-1] < wflg holds */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+ AMD_DEBUG1 (("Detecting supervariables:\n")) ;
+ for (pme = pme1 ; pme <= pme2 ; pme++)
+ {
+ i = Iw [pme] ;
+ ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n) ;
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("Consider i "ID" nv "ID"\n", i, Nv [i])) ;
+ if (Nv [i] < 0)
+ {
+ /* i is a principal variable in Lme */
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------
+ * examine all hash buckets with 2 or more variables. We do
+ * this by examing all unique hash keys for supervariables in
+ * the pattern Lme of the current element, me
+ * --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* let i = head of hash bucket, and empty the hash bucket */
+ ASSERT (Last [i] >= 0 && Last [i] < n) ;
+ hash = Last [i] ;
+ /* if Hhead array is not used: */
+ j = Head [hash] ;
+ if (j == EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* hash bucket and degree list are both empty */
+ i = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ else if (j < EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* degree list is empty */
+ i = FLIP (j) ;
+ Head [hash] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* degree list is not empty, restore Last [j] of head j */
+ i = Last [j] ;
+ Last [j] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ /* if separate Hhead array is used: *
+ i = Hhead [hash] ;
+ Hhead [hash] = EMPTY ;
+ */
+ ASSERT (i >= EMPTY && i < n) ;
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("----i "ID" hash "ID"\n", i, hash)) ;
+ while (i != EMPTY && Next [i] != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------
+ * this bucket has one or more variables following i.
+ * scan all of them to see if i can absorb any entries
+ * that follow i in hash bucket. Scatter i into w.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------- */
+ ln = Len [i] ;
+ eln = Elen [i] ;
+ ASSERT (ln >= 0 && eln >= 0) ;
+ ASSERT (Pe [i] >= 0 && Pe [i] < iwlen) ;
+ /* do not flag the first element in the list (me) */
+ for (p = Pe [i] + 1 ; p <= Pe [i] + ln - 1 ; p++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Iw [p] >= 0 && Iw [p] < n) ;
+ W [Iw [p]] = wflg ;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* scan every other entry j following i in bucket */
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */
+ jlast = i ;
+ j = Next [i] ;
+ ASSERT (j >= EMPTY && j < n) ;
+ while (j != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* ------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* check if j and i have identical nonzero pattern */
+ /* ------------------------------------------------- */
+ AMD_DEBUG3 (("compare i "ID" and j "ID"\n", i,j)) ;
+ /* check if i and j have the same Len and Elen */
+ ASSERT (Len [j] >= 0 && Elen [j] >= 0) ;
+ ASSERT (Pe [j] >= 0 && Pe [j] < iwlen) ;
+ ok = (Len [j] == ln) && (Elen [j] == eln) ;
+ /* skip the first element in the list (me) */
+ for (p = Pe [j] + 1 ; ok && p <= Pe [j] + ln - 1 ; p++)
+ {
+ ASSERT (Iw [p] >= 0 && Iw [p] < n) ;
+ if (W [Iw [p]] != wflg) ok = 0 ;
+ }
+ if (ok)
+ {
+ /* --------------------------------------------- */
+ /* found it! j can be absorbed into i */
+ /* --------------------------------------------- */
+ AMD_DEBUG1 (("found it! j "ID" => i "ID"\n", j,i));
+ Pe [j] = FLIP (i) ;
+ /* both Nv [i] and Nv [j] are negated since they */
+ /* are in Lme, and the absolute values of each */
+ /* are the number of variables in i and j: */
+ Nv [i] += Nv [j] ;
+ Nv [j] = 0 ;
+ Elen [j] = EMPTY ;
+ /* delete j from hash bucket */
+ ASSERT (j != Next [j]) ;
+ j = Next [j] ;
+ Next [jlast] = j ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* j cannot be absorbed into i */
+ jlast = j ;
+ ASSERT (j != Next [j]) ;
+ j = Next [j] ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (j >= EMPTY && j < n) ;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------
+ * no more variables can be absorbed into i
+ * go to next i in bucket and clear flag array
+ * ----------------------------------------------------- */
+ wflg++ ;
+ i = Next [i] ;
+ ASSERT (i >= EMPTY && i < n) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("detect done\n")) ;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+ p = pme1 ;
+ nleft = n - nel ;
+ for (pme = pme1 ; pme <= pme2 ; pme++)
+ {
+ i = Iw [pme] ;
+ ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n) ;
+ nvi = -Nv [i] ;
+ AMD_DEBUG3 (("Restore i "ID" "ID"\n", i, nvi)) ;
+ if (nvi > 0)
+ {
+ /* i is a principal variable in Lme */
+ /* restore Nv [i] to signify that i is principal */
+ Nv [i] = nvi ;
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* compute the external degree (add size of current element) */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ deg = Degree [i] + degme - nvi ;
+ deg = MIN (deg, nleft - nvi) ;
+ ASSERT (IMPLIES (aggressive, deg > 0) && deg >= 0 && deg < n) ;
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* place the supervariable at the head of the degree list */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ inext = Head [deg] ;
+ ASSERT (inext >= EMPTY && inext < n) ;
+ if (inext != EMPTY) Last [inext] = i ;
+ Next [i] = inext ;
+ Last [i] = EMPTY ;
+ Head [deg] = i ;
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* save the new degree, and find the minimum degree */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ mindeg = MIN (mindeg, deg) ;
+ Degree [i] = deg ;
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* place the supervariable in the element pattern */
+ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ Iw [p++] = i ;
+ }
+ }
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("restore done\n")) ;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("ME = "ID" DONE\n", me)) ;
+ Nv [me] = nvpiv ;
+ /* save the length of the list for the new element me */
+ Len [me] = p - pme1 ;
+ if (Len [me] == 0)
+ {
+ /* there is nothing left of the current pivot element */
+ /* it is a root of the assembly tree */
+ Pe [me] = EMPTY ;
+ W [me] = 0 ;
+ }
+ if (elenme != 0)
+ {
+ /* element was not constructed in place: deallocate part of */
+ /* it since newly nonprincipal variables may have been removed */
+ pfree = p ;
+ }
+ /* The new element has nvpiv pivots and the size of the contribution
+ * block for a multifrontal method is degme-by-degme, not including
+ * the "dense" rows/columns. If the "dense" rows/columns are included,
+ * the frontal matrix is no larger than
+ * (degme+ndense)-by-(degme+ndense).
+ */
+ if (Info != (double *) NULL)
+ {
+ f = nvpiv ;
+ r = degme + ndense ;
+ dmax = MAX (dmax, f + r) ;
+ /* number of nonzeros in L (excluding the diagonal) */
+ lnzme = f*r + (f-1)*f/2 ;
+ lnz += lnzme ;
+ /* number of divide operations for LDL' and for LU */
+ ndiv += lnzme ;
+ /* number of multiply-subtract pairs for LU */
+ s = f*r*r + r*(f-1)*f + (f-1)*f*(2*f-1)/6 ;
+ nms_lu += s ;
+ /* number of multiply-subtract pairs for LDL' */
+ nms_ldl += (s + lnzme)/2 ;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("finalize done nel "ID" n "ID"\n ::::\n", nel, n)) ;
+ for (pme = Pe [me] ; pme <= Pe [me] + Len [me] - 1 ; pme++)
+ {
+ AMD_DEBUG3 ((" "ID"", Iw [pme])) ;
+ }
+ AMD_DEBUG3 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+ if (Info != (double *) NULL)
+ {
+ /* count the work to factorize the ndense-by-ndense submatrix */
+ f = ndense ;
+ dmax = MAX (dmax, (double) ndense) ;
+ /* number of nonzeros in L (excluding the diagonal) */
+ lnzme = (f-1)*f/2 ;
+ lnz += lnzme ;
+ /* number of divide operations for LDL' and for LU */
+ ndiv += lnzme ;
+ /* number of multiply-subtract pairs for LU */
+ s = (f-1)*f*(2*f-1)/6 ;
+ nms_lu += s ;
+ /* number of multiply-subtract pairs for LDL' */
+ nms_ldl += (s + lnzme)/2 ;
+ /* number of nz's in L (excl. diagonal) */
+ Info [AMD_LNZ] = lnz ;
+ /* number of divide ops for LU and LDL' */
+ Info [AMD_NDIV] = ndiv ;
+ /* number of multiply-subtract pairs for LDL' */
+ Info [AMD_NMULTSUBS_LDL] = nms_ldl ;
+ /* number of multiply-subtract pairs for LU */
+ Info [AMD_NMULTSUBS_LU] = nms_lu ;
+ /* number of "dense" rows/columns */
+ Info [AMD_NDENSE] = ndense ;
+ /* largest front is dmax-by-dmax */
+ Info [AMD_DMAX] = dmax ;
+ /* number of garbage collections in AMD */
+ Info [AMD_NCMPA] = ncmpa ;
+ /* successful ordering */
+ Info [AMD_STATUS] = AMD_OK ;
+ }
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Variables at this point:
+ *
+ * Pe: holds the elimination tree. The parent of j is FLIP (Pe [j]),
+ * or EMPTY if j is a root. The tree holds both elements and
+ * non-principal (unordered) variables absorbed into them.
+ * Dense variables are non-principal and unordered.
+ *
+ * Elen: holds the size of each element, including the diagonal part.
+ * FLIP (Elen [e]) > 0 if e is an element. For unordered
+ * variables i, Elen [i] is EMPTY.
+ *
+ * Nv: Nv [e] > 0 is the number of pivots represented by the element e.
+ * For unordered variables i, Nv [i] is zero.
+ *
+ * Contents no longer needed:
+ * W, Iw, Len, Degree, Head, Next, Last.
+ *
+ * The matrix itself has been destroyed.
+ *
+ * n: the size of the matrix.
+ * No other scalars needed (pfree, iwlen, etc.)
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /* restore Pe */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ Pe [i] = FLIP (Pe [i]) ;
+ }
+ /* restore Elen, for output information, and for postordering */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ Elen [i] = FLIP (Elen [i]) ;
+ }
+/* Now the parent of j is Pe [j], or EMPTY if j is a root. Elen [e] > 0
+ * is the size of element e. Elen [i] is EMPTY for unordered variable i. */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("\nTree:\n")) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ AMD_DEBUG2 ((" "ID" parent: "ID" ", i, Pe [i])) ;
+ ASSERT (Pe [i] >= EMPTY && Pe [i] < n) ;
+ if (Nv [i] > 0)
+ {
+ /* this is an element */
+ e = i ;
+ AMD_DEBUG2 ((" element, size is "ID"\n", Elen [i])) ;
+ ASSERT (Elen [e] > 0) ;
+ }
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
+ }
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("\nelements:\n")) ;
+ for (e = 0 ; e < n ; e++)
+ {
+ if (Nv [e] > 0)
+ {
+ AMD_DEBUG3 (("Element e= "ID" size "ID" nv "ID" \n", e,
+ Elen [e], Nv [e])) ;
+ }
+ }
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("\nvariables:\n")) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ Int cnt ;
+ if (Nv [i] == 0)
+ {
+ AMD_DEBUG3 (("i unordered: "ID"\n", i)) ;
+ j = Pe [i] ;
+ cnt = 0 ;
+ AMD_DEBUG3 ((" j: "ID"\n", j)) ;
+ if (j == EMPTY)
+ {
+ AMD_DEBUG3 ((" i is a dense variable\n")) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < n) ;
+ while (Nv [j] == 0)
+ {
+ AMD_DEBUG3 ((" j : "ID"\n", j)) ;
+ j = Pe [j] ;
+ AMD_DEBUG3 ((" j:: "ID"\n", j)) ;
+ cnt++ ;
+ if (cnt > n) break ;
+ }
+ e = j ;
+ AMD_DEBUG3 ((" got to e: "ID"\n", e)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* compress the paths of the variables */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ if (Nv [i] == 0)
+ {
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * i is an un-ordered row. Traverse the tree from i until
+ * reaching an element, e. The element, e, was the principal
+ * supervariable of i and all nodes in the path from i to when e
+ * was selected as pivot.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ AMD_DEBUG1 (("Path compression, i unordered: "ID"\n", i)) ;
+ j = Pe [i] ;
+ ASSERT (j >= EMPTY && j < n) ;
+ AMD_DEBUG3 ((" j: "ID"\n", j)) ;
+ if (j == EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* Skip a dense variable. It has no parent. */
+ AMD_DEBUG3 ((" i is a dense variable\n")) ;
+ continue ;
+ }
+ /* while (j is a variable) */
+ while (Nv [j] == 0)
+ {
+ AMD_DEBUG3 ((" j : "ID"\n", j)) ;
+ j = Pe [j] ;
+ AMD_DEBUG3 ((" j:: "ID"\n", j)) ;
+ ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < n) ;
+ }
+ /* got to an element e */
+ e = j ;
+ AMD_DEBUG3 (("got to e: "ID"\n", e)) ;
+ /* -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * traverse the path again from i to e, and compress the path
+ * (all nodes point to e). Path compression allows this code to
+ * compute in O(n) time.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ j = i ;
+ /* while (j is a variable) */
+ while (Nv [j] == 0)
+ {
+ jnext = Pe [j] ;
+ AMD_DEBUG3 (("j "ID" jnext "ID"\n", j, jnext)) ;
+ Pe [j] = e ;
+ j = jnext ;
+ ASSERT (j >= 0 && j < n) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* postorder the assembly tree */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+ AMD_postorder (n, Pe, Nv, Elen,
+ W, /* output order */
+ Head, Next, Last) ; /* workspace */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* compute output permutation and inverse permutation */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+ /* W [e] = k means that element e is the kth element in the new
+ * order. e is in the range 0 to n-1, and k is in the range 0 to
+ * the number of elements. Use Head for inverse order. */
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
+ {
+ Head [k] = EMPTY ;
+ Next [k] = EMPTY ;
+ }
+ for (e = 0 ; e < n ; e++)
+ {
+ k = W [e] ;
+ ASSERT ((k == EMPTY) == (Nv [e] == 0)) ;
+ if (k != EMPTY)
+ {
+ ASSERT (k >= 0 && k < n) ;
+ Head [k] = e ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* construct output inverse permutation in Next,
+ * and permutation in Last */
+ nel = 0 ;
+ for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
+ {
+ e = Head [k] ;
+ if (e == EMPTY) break ;
+ ASSERT (e >= 0 && e < n && Nv [e] > 0) ;
+ Next [e] = nel ;
+ nel += Nv [e] ;
+ }
+ ASSERT (nel == n - ndense) ;
+ /* order non-principal variables (dense, & those merged into supervar's) */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ if (Nv [i] == 0)
+ {
+ e = Pe [i] ;
+ ASSERT (e >= EMPTY && e < n) ;
+ if (e != EMPTY)
+ {
+ /* This is an unordered variable that was merged
+ * into element e via supernode detection or mass
+ * elimination of i when e became the pivot element.
+ * Place i in order just before e. */
+ ASSERT (Next [i] == EMPTY && Nv [e] > 0) ;
+ Next [i] = Next [e] ;
+ Next [e]++ ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* This is a dense unordered variable, with no parent.
+ * Place it last in the output order. */
+ Next [i] = nel++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT (nel == n) ;
+ AMD_DEBUG2 (("\n\nPerm:\n")) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
+ {
+ k = Next [i] ;
+ ASSERT (k >= 0 && k < n) ;
+ Last [k] = i ;
+ AMD_DEBUG2 ((" perm ["ID"] = "ID"\n", k, i)) ;
+ }