path: root/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/draft/glpssx.h
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authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2019-06-06 20:09:32 +0200
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2019-06-06 20:09:32 +0200
commitfeb8ebaeb76fa1c94de2dd7c4e5a0999b313f8c6 (patch)
tree273140847406f67c338677fcd1a8a1bed79579ce /test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/draft/glpssx.h
parentf3a13e7cb3d2f0758eb418050d48a240798f2f86 (diff)
GLPK 4.65
Diffstat (limited to 'test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/draft/glpssx.h')
1 files changed, 437 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/draft/glpssx.h b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/draft/glpssx.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b52b3cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/draft/glpssx.h
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+/* glpssx.h (simplex method, rational arithmetic) */
+* This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).
+* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,
+* 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2017 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied
+* Informatics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights
+* reserved. E-mail: <mao@gnu.org>.
+* GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+* License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with GLPK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#ifndef GLPSSX_H
+#define GLPSSX_H
+#include "bfx.h"
+#include "env.h"
+#if 1 /* 25/XI-2017 */
+#include "glpk.h"
+typedef struct SSX SSX;
+struct SSX
+{ /* simplex solver workspace */
+// It is assumed that LP problem has the following statement:
+// minimize (or maximize)
+// z = c[1]*x[1] + ... + c[m+n]*x[m+n] + c[0] (1)
+// subject to equality constraints
+// x[1] - a[1,1]*x[m+1] - ... - a[1,n]*x[m+n] = 0
+// . . . . . . . (2)
+// x[m] - a[m,1]*x[m+1] + ... - a[m,n]*x[m+n] = 0
+// and bounds of variables
+// l[1] <= x[1] <= u[1]
+// . . . . . . . (3)
+// l[m+n] <= x[m+n] <= u[m+n]
+// where:
+// x[1], ..., x[m] - auxiliary variables;
+// x[m+1], ..., x[m+n] - structural variables;
+// z - objective function;
+// c[1], ..., c[m+n] - coefficients of the objective function;
+// c[0] - constant term of the objective function;
+// a[1,1], ..., a[m,n] - constraint coefficients;
+// l[1], ..., l[m+n] - lower bounds of variables;
+// u[1], ..., u[m+n] - upper bounds of variables.
+// Bounds of variables can be finite as well as inifinite. Besides,
+// lower and upper bounds can be equal to each other. So the following
+// five types of variables are possible:
+// Bounds of variable Type of variable
+// -------------------------------------------------
+// -inf < x[k] < +inf Free (unbounded) variable
+// l[k] <= x[k] < +inf Variable with lower bound
+// -inf < x[k] <= u[k] Variable with upper bound
+// l[k] <= x[k] <= u[k] Double-bounded variable
+// l[k] = x[k] = u[k] Fixed variable
+// Using vector-matrix notations the LP problem (1)-(3) can be written
+// as follows:
+// minimize (or maximize)
+// z = c * x + c[0] (4)
+// subject to equality constraints
+// xR - A * xS = 0 (5)
+// and bounds of variables
+// l <= x <= u (6)
+// where:
+// xR - vector of auxiliary variables;
+// xS - vector of structural variables;
+// x = (xR, xS) - vector of all variables;
+// z - objective function;
+// c - vector of objective coefficients;
+// c[0] - constant term of the objective function;
+// A - matrix of constraint coefficients (has m rows
+// and n columns);
+// l - vector of lower bounds of variables;
+// u - vector of upper bounds of variables.
+// The simplex method makes no difference between auxiliary and
+// structural variables, so it is convenient to think the system of
+// equality constraints (5) written in a homogeneous form:
+// (I | -A) * x = 0, (7)
+// where (I | -A) is an augmented (m+n)xm constraint matrix, I is mxm
+// unity matrix whose columns correspond to auxiliary variables, and A
+// is the original mxn constraint matrix whose columns correspond to
+// structural variables. Note that only the matrix A is stored.
+ int m;
+ /* number of rows (auxiliary variables), m > 0 */
+ int n;
+ /* number of columns (structural variables), n > 0 */
+ int *type; /* int type[1+m+n]; */
+ /* type[0] is not used;
+ type[k], 1 <= k <= m+n, is the type of variable x[k]: */
+#define SSX_FR 0 /* free (unbounded) variable */
+#define SSX_LO 1 /* variable with lower bound */
+#define SSX_UP 2 /* variable with upper bound */
+#define SSX_DB 3 /* double-bounded variable */
+#define SSX_FX 4 /* fixed variable */
+ mpq_t *lb; /* mpq_t lb[1+m+n]; alias: l */
+ /* lb[0] is not used;
+ lb[k], 1 <= k <= m+n, is an lower bound of variable x[k];
+ if x[k] has no lower bound, lb[k] is zero */
+ mpq_t *ub; /* mpq_t ub[1+m+n]; alias: u */
+ /* ub[0] is not used;
+ ub[k], 1 <= k <= m+n, is an upper bound of variable x[k];
+ if x[k] has no upper bound, ub[k] is zero;
+ if x[k] is of fixed type, ub[k] is equal to lb[k] */
+ int dir;
+ /* optimization direction (sense of the objective function): */
+#define SSX_MIN 0 /* minimization */
+#define SSX_MAX 1 /* maximization */
+ mpq_t *coef; /* mpq_t coef[1+m+n]; alias: c */
+ /* coef[0] is a constant term of the objective function;
+ coef[k], 1 <= k <= m+n, is a coefficient of the objective
+ function at variable x[k];
+ note that auxiliary variables also may have non-zero objective
+ coefficients */
+ int *A_ptr; /* int A_ptr[1+n+1]; */
+ int *A_ind; /* int A_ind[A_ptr[n+1]]; */
+ mpq_t *A_val; /* mpq_t A_val[A_ptr[n+1]]; */
+ /* constraint matrix A (see (5)) in storage-by-columns format */
+// The LP basis is defined by the following partition of the augmented
+// constraint matrix (7):
+// (B | N) = (I | -A) * Q, (8)
+// where B is a mxm non-singular basis matrix whose columns correspond
+// to basic variables xB, N is a mxn matrix whose columns correspond to
+// non-basic variables xN, and Q is a permutation (m+n)x(m+n) matrix.
+// From (7) and (8) it follows that
+// (I | -A) * x = (I | -A) * Q * Q' * x = (B | N) * (xB, xN),
+// therefore
+// (xB, xN) = Q' * x, (9)
+// where x is the vector of all variables in the original order, xB is
+// a vector of basic variables, xN is a vector of non-basic variables,
+// Q' = inv(Q) is a matrix transposed to Q.
+// Current values of non-basic variables xN[j], j = 1, ..., n, are not
+// stored; they are defined implicitly by their statuses as follows:
+// 0, if xN[j] is free variable
+// lN[j], if xN[j] is on its lower bound (10)
+// uN[j], if xN[j] is on its upper bound
+// lN[j] = uN[j], if xN[j] is fixed variable
+// where lN[j] and uN[j] are lower and upper bounds of xN[j].
+// Current values of basic variables xB[i], i = 1, ..., m, are computed
+// as follows:
+// beta = - inv(B) * N * xN, (11)
+// where current values of xN are defined by (10).
+// Current values of simplex multipliers pi[i], i = 1, ..., m (which
+// are values of Lagrange multipliers for equality constraints (7) also
+// called shadow prices) are computed as follows:
+// pi = inv(B') * cB, (12)
+// where B' is a matrix transposed to B, cB is a vector of objective
+// coefficients at basic variables xB.
+// Current values of reduced costs d[j], j = 1, ..., n, (which are
+// values of Langrange multipliers for active inequality constraints
+// corresponding to non-basic variables) are computed as follows:
+// d = cN - N' * pi, (13)
+// where N' is a matrix transposed to N, cN is a vector of objective
+// coefficients at non-basic variables xN.
+ int *stat; /* int stat[1+m+n]; */
+ /* stat[0] is not used;
+ stat[k], 1 <= k <= m+n, is the status of variable x[k]: */
+#define SSX_BS 0 /* basic variable */
+#define SSX_NL 1 /* non-basic variable on lower bound */
+#define SSX_NU 2 /* non-basic variable on upper bound */
+#define SSX_NF 3 /* non-basic free variable */
+#define SSX_NS 4 /* non-basic fixed variable */
+ int *Q_row; /* int Q_row[1+m+n]; */
+ /* matrix Q in row-like format;
+ Q_row[0] is not used;
+ Q_row[i] = j means that q[i,j] = 1 */
+ int *Q_col; /* int Q_col[1+m+n]; */
+ /* matrix Q in column-like format;
+ Q_col[0] is not used;
+ Q_col[j] = i means that q[i,j] = 1 */
+ /* if k-th column of the matrix (I | A) is k'-th column of the
+ matrix (B | N), then Q_row[k] = k' and Q_col[k'] = k;
+ if x[k] is xB[i], then Q_row[k] = i and Q_col[i] = k;
+ if x[k] is xN[j], then Q_row[k] = m+j and Q_col[m+j] = k */
+ BFX *binv;
+ /* invertable form of the basis matrix B */
+ mpq_t *bbar; /* mpq_t bbar[1+m]; alias: beta */
+ /* bbar[0] is a value of the objective function;
+ bbar[i], 1 <= i <= m, is a value of basic variable xB[i] */
+ mpq_t *pi; /* mpq_t pi[1+m]; */
+ /* pi[0] is not used;
+ pi[i], 1 <= i <= m, is a simplex multiplier corresponding to
+ i-th row (equality constraint) */
+ mpq_t *cbar; /* mpq_t cbar[1+n]; alias: d */
+ /* cbar[0] is not used;
+ cbar[j], 1 <= j <= n, is a reduced cost of non-basic variable
+ xN[j] */
+// Due to (8) and (9) the system of equality constraints (7) for the
+// current basis can be written as follows:
+// xB = A~ * xN, (14)
+// where
+// A~ = - inv(B) * N (15)
+// is a mxn matrix called the simplex table.
+// The revised simplex method uses only two components of A~, namely,
+// pivot column corresponding to non-basic variable xN[q] chosen to
+// enter the basis, and pivot row corresponding to basic variable xB[p]
+// chosen to leave the basis.
+// Pivot column alfa_q is q-th column of A~, so
+// alfa_q = A~ * e[q] = - inv(B) * N * e[q] = - inv(B) * N[q], (16)
+// where N[q] is q-th column of the matrix N.
+// Pivot row alfa_p is p-th row of A~ or, equivalently, p-th column of
+// A~', a matrix transposed to A~, so
+// alfa_p = A~' * e[p] = - N' * inv(B') * e[p] = - N' * rho_p, (17)
+// where (*)' means transposition, and
+// rho_p = inv(B') * e[p], (18)
+// is p-th column of inv(B') or, that is the same, p-th row of inv(B).
+ int p;
+ /* number of basic variable xB[p], 1 <= p <= m, chosen to leave
+ the basis */
+ mpq_t *rho; /* mpq_t rho[1+m]; */
+ /* p-th row of the inverse inv(B); see (18) */
+ mpq_t *ap; /* mpq_t ap[1+n]; */
+ /* p-th row of the simplex table; see (17) */
+ int q;
+ /* number of non-basic variable xN[q], 1 <= q <= n, chosen to
+ enter the basis */
+ mpq_t *aq; /* mpq_t aq[1+m]; */
+ /* q-th column of the simplex table; see (16) */
+ int q_dir;
+ /* direction in which non-basic variable xN[q] should change on
+ moving to the adjacent vertex of the polyhedron:
+ +1 means that xN[q] increases
+ -1 means that xN[q] decreases */
+ int p_stat;
+ /* non-basic status which should be assigned to basic variable
+ xB[p] when it has left the basis and become xN[q] */
+ mpq_t delta;
+ /* actual change of xN[q] in the adjacent basis (it has the same
+ sign as q_dir) */
+#if 1 /* 25/XI-2017 */
+ int msg_lev;
+ /* verbosity level:
+ GLP_MSG_OFF no output
+ GLP_MSG_ERR report errors and warnings
+ GLP_MSG_ON normal output
+ GLP_MSG_ALL highest verbosity */
+ int it_lim;
+ /* simplex iterations limit; if this value is positive, it is
+ decreased by one each time when one simplex iteration has been
+ performed, and reaching zero value signals the solver to stop
+ the search; negative value means no iterations limit */
+ int it_cnt;
+ /* simplex iterations count; this count is increased by one each
+ time when one simplex iteration has been performed */
+ double tm_lim;
+ /* searching time limit, in seconds; if this value is positive,
+ it is decreased each time when one simplex iteration has been
+ performed by the amount of time spent for the iteration, and
+ reaching zero value signals the solver to stop the search;
+ negative value means no time limit */
+ double out_frq;
+ /* output frequency, in seconds; this parameter specifies how
+ frequently the solver sends information about the progress of
+ the search to the standard output */
+#if 0 /* 10/VI-2013 */
+ glp_long tm_beg;
+ double tm_beg;
+ /* starting time of the search, in seconds; the total time of the
+ search is the difference between xtime() and tm_beg */
+#if 0 /* 10/VI-2013 */
+ glp_long tm_lag;
+ double tm_lag;
+ /* the most recent time, in seconds, at which the progress of the
+ the search was displayed */
+#define ssx_create _glp_ssx_create
+#define ssx_factorize _glp_ssx_factorize
+#define ssx_get_xNj _glp_ssx_get_xNj
+#define ssx_eval_bbar _glp_ssx_eval_bbar
+#define ssx_eval_pi _glp_ssx_eval_pi
+#define ssx_eval_dj _glp_ssx_eval_dj
+#define ssx_eval_cbar _glp_ssx_eval_cbar
+#define ssx_eval_rho _glp_ssx_eval_rho
+#define ssx_eval_row _glp_ssx_eval_row
+#define ssx_eval_col _glp_ssx_eval_col
+#define ssx_chuzc _glp_ssx_chuzc
+#define ssx_chuzr _glp_ssx_chuzr
+#define ssx_update_bbar _glp_ssx_update_bbar
+#define ssx_update_pi _glp_ssx_update_pi
+#define ssx_update_cbar _glp_ssx_update_cbar
+#define ssx_change_basis _glp_ssx_change_basis
+#define ssx_delete _glp_ssx_delete
+#define ssx_phase_I _glp_ssx_phase_I
+#define ssx_phase_II _glp_ssx_phase_II
+#define ssx_driver _glp_ssx_driver
+SSX *ssx_create(int m, int n, int nnz);
+/* create simplex solver workspace */
+int ssx_factorize(SSX *ssx);
+/* factorize the current basis matrix */
+void ssx_get_xNj(SSX *ssx, int j, mpq_t x);
+/* determine value of non-basic variable */
+void ssx_eval_bbar(SSX *ssx);
+/* compute values of basic variables */
+void ssx_eval_pi(SSX *ssx);
+/* compute values of simplex multipliers */
+void ssx_eval_dj(SSX *ssx, int j, mpq_t dj);
+/* compute reduced cost of non-basic variable */
+void ssx_eval_cbar(SSX *ssx);
+/* compute reduced costs of all non-basic variables */
+void ssx_eval_rho(SSX *ssx);
+/* compute p-th row of the inverse */
+void ssx_eval_row(SSX *ssx);
+/* compute pivot row of the simplex table */
+void ssx_eval_col(SSX *ssx);
+/* compute pivot column of the simplex table */
+void ssx_chuzc(SSX *ssx);
+/* choose pivot column */
+void ssx_chuzr(SSX *ssx);
+/* choose pivot row */
+void ssx_update_bbar(SSX *ssx);
+/* update values of basic variables */
+void ssx_update_pi(SSX *ssx);
+/* update simplex multipliers */
+void ssx_update_cbar(SSX *ssx);
+/* update reduced costs of non-basic variables */
+void ssx_change_basis(SSX *ssx);
+/* change current basis to adjacent one */
+void ssx_delete(SSX *ssx);
+/* delete simplex solver workspace */
+int ssx_phase_I(SSX *ssx);
+/* find primal feasible solution */
+int ssx_phase_II(SSX *ssx);
+/* find optimal solution */
+int ssx_driver(SSX *ssx);
+/* base driver to exact simplex method */
+/* eof */