path: root/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl.h
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authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-03-03 08:17:40 +0100
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-03-03 08:17:40 +0100
commit1ab7b51c30e1b10ac45b0bd64cefdc01da0f7f68 (patch)
tree210ffc156c83f04fb0c61a40b4f9037d7ba8a7e1 /test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl.h
parent222c9047d61961db9c6b19fed5ca49829223fd33 (diff)
parent12be46d59a2483a10d77fa8ee67f7e0ca1bd702f (diff)
Merge branch 'mppa-cse2' of gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr:sixcy/CompCert into mppa-work
Diffstat (limited to 'test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl.h')
1 files changed, 2598 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl.h b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ddd31543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2598 @@
+/* mpl.h (GNU MathProg translator) */
+* This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).
+* Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied
+* Informatics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights
+* reserved. E-mail: <mao@gnu.org>.
+* GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+* License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with GLPK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#ifndef MPL_H
+#define MPL_H
+#include "avl.h"
+#include "dmp.h"
+#include "env.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "rng.h"
+#if 0 /* 22/I-2013 */
+typedef struct MPL MPL;
+typedef struct glp_tran MPL;
+typedef char STRING;
+typedef struct SYMBOL SYMBOL;
+typedef struct TUPLE TUPLE;
+typedef struct ARRAY ELEMSET;
+typedef struct ELEMVAR ELEMVAR;
+typedef struct FORMULA FORMULA;
+typedef struct ELEMCON ELEMCON;
+typedef union VALUE VALUE;
+typedef struct ARRAY ARRAY;
+typedef struct MEMBER MEMBER;
+#if 1
+/* many C compilers have DOMAIN declared in <math.h> :( */
+#undef DOMAIN
+typedef struct DOMAIN DOMAIN;
+typedef struct DOMAIN_SLOT DOMAIN_SLOT;
+typedef struct SET SET;
+typedef struct WITHIN WITHIN;
+typedef struct GADGET GADGET;
+typedef struct PARAMETER PARAMETER;
+typedef struct CONDITION CONDITION;
+typedef struct VARIABLE VARIABLE;
+typedef struct TABLE TABLE;
+typedef struct TABARG TABARG;
+typedef struct TABFLD TABFLD;
+typedef struct TABIN TABIN;
+typedef struct TABOUT TABOUT;
+typedef struct TABDCA TABDCA;
+typedef union OPERANDS OPERANDS;
+typedef struct ARG_LIST ARG_LIST;
+typedef struct CODE CODE;
+typedef struct CHECK CHECK;
+typedef struct DISPLAY DISPLAY;
+typedef struct DISPLAY1 DISPLAY1;
+typedef struct PRINTF PRINTF;
+typedef struct PRINTF1 PRINTF1;
+typedef struct FOR FOR;
+typedef struct STATEMENT STATEMENT;
+typedef struct TUPLE SLICE;
+#define A_BINARY 101 /* something binary */
+#define A_CHECK 102 /* check statement */
+#define A_CONSTRAINT 103 /* model constraint */
+#define A_DISPLAY 104 /* display statement */
+#define A_ELEMCON 105 /* elemental constraint/objective */
+#define A_ELEMSET 106 /* elemental set */
+#define A_ELEMVAR 107 /* elemental variable */
+#define A_EXPRESSION 108 /* expression */
+#define A_FOR 109 /* for statement */
+#define A_FORMULA 110 /* formula */
+#define A_INDEX 111 /* dummy index */
+#define A_INPUT 112 /* input table */
+#define A_INTEGER 113 /* something integer */
+#define A_LOGICAL 114 /* something logical */
+#define A_MAXIMIZE 115 /* objective has to be maximized */
+#define A_MINIMIZE 116 /* objective has to be minimized */
+#define A_NONE 117 /* nothing */
+#define A_NUMERIC 118 /* something numeric */
+#define A_OUTPUT 119 /* output table */
+#define A_PARAMETER 120 /* model parameter */
+#define A_PRINTF 121 /* printf statement */
+#define A_SET 122 /* model set */
+#define A_SOLVE 123 /* solve statement */
+#define A_SYMBOLIC 124 /* something symbolic */
+#define A_TABLE 125 /* data table */
+#define A_TUPLE 126 /* n-tuple */
+#define A_VARIABLE 127 /* model variable */
+#define MAX_LENGTH 100
+/* maximal length of any symbolic value (this includes symbolic names,
+ numeric and string literals, and all symbolic values that may appear
+ during the evaluation phase) */
+#define CONTEXT_SIZE 60
+/* size of the context queue, in characters */
+#define OUTBUF_SIZE 1024
+/* size of the output buffer, in characters */
+#if 0 /* 22/I-2013 */
+struct MPL
+struct glp_tran
+{ /* translator database */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* scanning segment */
+ int line;
+ /* number of the current text line */
+ int c;
+ /* the current character or EOF */
+ int token;
+ /* the current token: */
+#define T_EOF 201 /* end of file */
+#define T_NAME 202 /* symbolic name (model section only) */
+#define T_SYMBOL 203 /* symbol (data section only) */
+#define T_NUMBER 204 /* numeric literal */
+#define T_STRING 205 /* string literal */
+#define T_AND 206 /* and && */
+#define T_BY 207 /* by */
+#define T_CROSS 208 /* cross */
+#define T_DIFF 209 /* diff */
+#define T_DIV 210 /* div */
+#define T_ELSE 211 /* else */
+#define T_IF 212 /* if */
+#define T_IN 213 /* in */
+#define T_INFINITY 214 /* Infinity */
+#define T_INTER 215 /* inter */
+#define T_LESS 216 /* less */
+#define T_MOD 217 /* mod */
+#define T_NOT 218 /* not ! */
+#define T_OR 219 /* or || */
+#define T_SPTP 220 /* s.t. */
+#define T_SYMDIFF 221 /* symdiff */
+#define T_THEN 222 /* then */
+#define T_UNION 223 /* union */
+#define T_WITHIN 224 /* within */
+#define T_PLUS 225 /* + */
+#define T_MINUS 226 /* - */
+#define T_ASTERISK 227 /* * */
+#define T_SLASH 228 /* / */
+#define T_POWER 229 /* ^ ** */
+#define T_LT 230 /* < */
+#define T_LE 231 /* <= */
+#define T_EQ 232 /* = == */
+#define T_GE 233 /* >= */
+#define T_GT 234 /* > */
+#define T_NE 235 /* <> != */
+#define T_CONCAT 236 /* & */
+#define T_BAR 237 /* | */
+#define T_POINT 238 /* . */
+#define T_COMMA 239 /* , */
+#define T_COLON 240 /* : */
+#define T_SEMICOLON 241 /* ; */
+#define T_ASSIGN 242 /* := */
+#define T_DOTS 243 /* .. */
+#define T_LEFT 244 /* ( */
+#define T_RIGHT 245 /* ) */
+#define T_LBRACKET 246 /* [ */
+#define T_RBRACKET 247 /* ] */
+#define T_LBRACE 248 /* { */
+#define T_RBRACE 249 /* } */
+#define T_APPEND 250 /* >> */
+#define T_TILDE 251 /* ~ */
+#define T_INPUT 252 /* <- */
+ int imlen;
+ /* length of the current token */
+ char *image; /* char image[MAX_LENGTH+1]; */
+ /* image of the current token */
+ double value;
+ /* value of the current token (for T_NUMBER only) */
+ int b_token;
+ /* the previous token */
+ int b_imlen;
+ /* length of the previous token */
+ char *b_image; /* char b_image[MAX_LENGTH+1]; */
+ /* image of the previous token */
+ double b_value;
+ /* value of the previous token (if token is T_NUMBER) */
+ int f_dots;
+ /* if this flag is set, the next token should be recognized as
+ T_DOTS, not as T_POINT */
+ int f_scan;
+ /* if this flag is set, the next token is already scanned */
+ int f_token;
+ /* the next token */
+ int f_imlen;
+ /* length of the next token */
+ char *f_image; /* char f_image[MAX_LENGTH+1]; */
+ /* image of the next token */
+ double f_value;
+ /* value of the next token (if token is T_NUMBER) */
+ char *context; /* char context[CONTEXT_SIZE]; */
+ /* context circular queue (not null-terminated!) */
+ int c_ptr;
+ /* pointer to the current position in the context queue */
+ int flag_d;
+ /* if this flag is set, the data section is being processed */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* translating segment */
+ DMP *pool;
+ /* memory pool used to allocate all data instances created during
+ the translation phase */
+ AVL *tree;
+ /* symbolic name table:
+ node.type = A_INDEX => node.link -> DOMAIN_SLOT
+ node.type = A_SET => node.link -> SET
+ node.type = A_PARAMETER => node.link -> PARAMETER
+ node.type = A_VARIABLE => node.link -> VARIABLE
+ node.type = A_CONSTRANT => node.link -> CONSTRAINT */
+ STATEMENT *model;
+ /* linked list of model statements in the original order */
+ int flag_x;
+ /* if this flag is set, the current token being left parenthesis
+ begins a slice that allows recognizing any undeclared symbolic
+ names as dummy indices; this flag is automatically reset once
+ the next token has been scanned */
+ int as_within;
+ /* the warning "in understood as within" has been issued */
+ int as_in;
+ /* the warning "within understood as in" has been issued */
+ int as_binary;
+ /* the warning "logical understood as binary" has been issued */
+ int flag_s;
+ /* if this flag is set, the solve statement has been parsed */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* common segment */
+ DMP *strings;
+ /* memory pool to allocate STRING data structures */
+ DMP *symbols;
+ /* memory pool to allocate SYMBOL data structures */
+ DMP *tuples;
+ /* memory pool to allocate TUPLE data structures */
+ DMP *arrays;
+ /* memory pool to allocate ARRAY data structures */
+ DMP *members;
+ /* memory pool to allocate MEMBER data structures */
+ DMP *elemvars;
+ /* memory pool to allocate ELEMVAR data structures */
+ DMP *formulae;
+ /* memory pool to allocate FORMULA data structures */
+ DMP *elemcons;
+ /* memory pool to allocate ELEMCON data structures */
+ ARRAY *a_list;
+ /* linked list of all arrays in the database */
+ char *sym_buf; /* char sym_buf[255+1]; */
+ /* working buffer used by the routine format_symbol */
+ char *tup_buf; /* char tup_buf[255+1]; */
+ /* working buffer used by the routine format_tuple */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* generating/postsolving segment */
+ RNG *rand;
+ /* pseudo-random number generator */
+ int flag_p;
+ /* if this flag is set, the postsolving phase is in effect */
+ STATEMENT *stmt;
+ /* model statement being currently executed */
+ TABDCA *dca;
+ /* pointer to table driver communication area for table statement
+ currently executed */
+ int m;
+ /* number of rows in the problem, m >= 0 */
+ int n;
+ /* number of columns in the problem, n >= 0 */
+ ELEMCON **row; /* ELEMCON *row[1+m]; */
+ /* row[0] is not used;
+ row[i] is elemental constraint or objective, which corresponds
+ to i-th row of the problem, 1 <= i <= m */
+ ELEMVAR **col; /* ELEMVAR *col[1+n]; */
+ /* col[0] is not used;
+ col[j] is elemental variable, which corresponds to j-th column
+ of the problem, 1 <= j <= n */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* input/output segment */
+ glp_file *in_fp;
+ /* stream assigned to the input text file */
+ char *in_file;
+ /* name of the input text file */
+ glp_file *out_fp;
+ /* stream assigned to the output text file used to write all data
+ produced by display and printf statements; NULL means the data
+ should be sent to stdout via the routine xprintf */
+ char *out_file;
+ /* name of the output text file */
+#if 0 /* 08/XI-2009 */
+ char *out_buf; /* char out_buf[OUTBUF_SIZE] */
+ /* buffer to accumulate output data */
+ int out_cnt;
+ /* count of data bytes stored in the output buffer */
+ glp_file *prt_fp;
+ /* stream assigned to the print text file; may be NULL */
+ char *prt_file;
+ /* name of the output print file */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* solver interface segment */
+ jmp_buf jump;
+ /* jump address for non-local go to in case of error */
+ int phase;
+ /* phase of processing:
+ 0 - database is being or has been initialized
+ 1 - model section is being or has been read
+ 2 - data section is being or has been read
+ 3 - model is being or has been generated/postsolved
+ 4 - model processing error has occurred */
+ char *mod_file;
+ /* name of the input text file, which contains model section */
+ char *mpl_buf; /* char mpl_buf[255+1]; */
+ /* working buffer used by some interface routines */
+#define alloc(type) ((type *)dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, sizeof(type)))
+/* allocate atom of given type */
+#define enter_context _glp_mpl_enter_context
+void enter_context(MPL *mpl);
+/* enter current token into context queue */
+#define print_context _glp_mpl_print_context
+void print_context(MPL *mpl);
+/* print current content of context queue */
+#define get_char _glp_mpl_get_char
+void get_char(MPL *mpl);
+/* scan next character from input text file */
+#define append_char _glp_mpl_append_char
+void append_char(MPL *mpl);
+/* append character to current token */
+#define get_token _glp_mpl_get_token
+void get_token(MPL *mpl);
+/* scan next token from input text file */
+#define unget_token _glp_mpl_unget_token
+void unget_token(MPL *mpl);
+/* return current token back to input stream */
+#define is_keyword _glp_mpl_is_keyword
+int is_keyword(MPL *mpl, char *keyword);
+/* check if current token is given non-reserved keyword */
+#define is_reserved _glp_mpl_is_reserved
+int is_reserved(MPL *mpl);
+/* check if current token is reserved keyword */
+#define make_code _glp_mpl_make_code
+CODE *make_code(MPL *mpl, int op, OPERANDS *arg, int type, int dim);
+/* generate pseudo-code (basic routine) */
+#define make_unary _glp_mpl_make_unary
+CODE *make_unary(MPL *mpl, int op, CODE *x, int type, int dim);
+/* generate pseudo-code for unary operation */
+#define make_binary _glp_mpl_make_binary
+CODE *make_binary(MPL *mpl, int op, CODE *x, CODE *y, int type,
+ int dim);
+/* generate pseudo-code for binary operation */
+#define make_ternary _glp_mpl_make_ternary
+CODE *make_ternary(MPL *mpl, int op, CODE *x, CODE *y, CODE *z,
+ int type, int dim);
+/* generate pseudo-code for ternary operation */
+#define numeric_literal _glp_mpl_numeric_literal
+CODE *numeric_literal(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse reference to numeric literal */
+#define string_literal _glp_mpl_string_literal
+CODE *string_literal(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse reference to string literal */
+#define create_arg_list _glp_mpl_create_arg_list
+ARG_LIST *create_arg_list(MPL *mpl);
+/* create empty operands list */
+#define expand_arg_list _glp_mpl_expand_arg_list
+ARG_LIST *expand_arg_list(MPL *mpl, ARG_LIST *list, CODE *x);
+/* append operand to operands list */
+#define arg_list_len _glp_mpl_arg_list_len
+int arg_list_len(MPL *mpl, ARG_LIST *list);
+/* determine length of operands list */
+#define subscript_list _glp_mpl_subscript_list
+ARG_LIST *subscript_list(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse subscript list */
+#define object_reference _glp_mpl_object_reference
+CODE *object_reference(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse reference to named object */
+#define numeric_argument _glp_mpl_numeric_argument
+CODE *numeric_argument(MPL *mpl, char *func);
+/* parse argument passed to built-in function */
+#define symbolic_argument _glp_mpl_symbolic_argument
+CODE *symbolic_argument(MPL *mpl, char *func);
+#define elemset_argument _glp_mpl_elemset_argument
+CODE *elemset_argument(MPL *mpl, char *func);
+#define function_reference _glp_mpl_function_reference
+CODE *function_reference(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse reference to built-in function */
+#define create_domain _glp_mpl_create_domain
+DOMAIN *create_domain(MPL *mpl);
+/* create empty domain */
+#define create_block _glp_mpl_create_block
+DOMAIN_BLOCK *create_block(MPL *mpl);
+/* create empty domain block */
+#define append_block _glp_mpl_append_block
+void append_block(MPL *mpl, DOMAIN *domain, DOMAIN_BLOCK *block);
+/* append domain block to specified domain */
+#define append_slot _glp_mpl_append_slot
+DOMAIN_SLOT *append_slot(MPL *mpl, DOMAIN_BLOCK *block, char *name,
+ CODE *code);
+/* create and append new slot to domain block */
+#define expression_list _glp_mpl_expression_list
+CODE *expression_list(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression list */
+#define literal_set _glp_mpl_literal_set
+CODE *literal_set(MPL *mpl, CODE *code);
+/* parse literal set */
+#define indexing_expression _glp_mpl_indexing_expression
+DOMAIN *indexing_expression(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse indexing expression */
+#define close_scope _glp_mpl_close_scope
+void close_scope(MPL *mpl, DOMAIN *domain);
+/* close scope of indexing expression */
+#define iterated_expression _glp_mpl_iterated_expression
+CODE *iterated_expression(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse iterated expression */
+#define domain_arity _glp_mpl_domain_arity
+int domain_arity(MPL *mpl, DOMAIN *domain);
+/* determine arity of domain */
+#define set_expression _glp_mpl_set_expression
+CODE *set_expression(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse set expression */
+#define branched_expression _glp_mpl_branched_expression
+CODE *branched_expression(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse conditional expression */
+#define primary_expression _glp_mpl_primary_expression
+CODE *primary_expression(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse primary expression */
+#define error_preceding _glp_mpl_error_preceding
+void error_preceding(MPL *mpl, char *opstr);
+/* raise error if preceding operand has wrong type */
+#define error_following _glp_mpl_error_following
+void error_following(MPL *mpl, char *opstr);
+/* raise error if following operand has wrong type */
+#define error_dimension _glp_mpl_error_dimension
+void error_dimension(MPL *mpl, char *opstr, int dim1, int dim2);
+/* raise error if operands have different dimension */
+#define expression_0 _glp_mpl_expression_0
+CODE *expression_0(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 0 */
+#define expression_1 _glp_mpl_expression_1
+CODE *expression_1(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 1 */
+#define expression_2 _glp_mpl_expression_2
+CODE *expression_2(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 2 */
+#define expression_3 _glp_mpl_expression_3
+CODE *expression_3(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 3 */
+#define expression_4 _glp_mpl_expression_4
+CODE *expression_4(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 4 */
+#define expression_5 _glp_mpl_expression_5
+CODE *expression_5(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 5 */
+#define expression_6 _glp_mpl_expression_6
+CODE *expression_6(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 6 */
+#define expression_7 _glp_mpl_expression_7
+CODE *expression_7(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 7 */
+#define expression_8 _glp_mpl_expression_8
+CODE *expression_8(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 8 */
+#define expression_9 _glp_mpl_expression_9
+CODE *expression_9(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 9 */
+#define expression_10 _glp_mpl_expression_10
+CODE *expression_10(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 10 */
+#define expression_11 _glp_mpl_expression_11
+CODE *expression_11(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 11 */
+#define expression_12 _glp_mpl_expression_12
+CODE *expression_12(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 12 */
+#define expression_13 _glp_mpl_expression_13
+CODE *expression_13(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 13 */
+#define set_statement _glp_mpl_set_statement
+SET *set_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse set statement */
+#define parameter_statement _glp_mpl_parameter_statement
+PARAMETER *parameter_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse parameter statement */
+#define variable_statement _glp_mpl_variable_statement
+VARIABLE *variable_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse variable statement */
+#define constraint_statement _glp_mpl_constraint_statement
+CONSTRAINT *constraint_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse constraint statement */
+#define objective_statement _glp_mpl_objective_statement
+CONSTRAINT *objective_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse objective statement */
+#define table_statement _glp_mpl_table_statement
+TABLE *table_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse table statement */
+#define solve_statement _glp_mpl_solve_statement
+void *solve_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse solve statement */
+#define check_statement _glp_mpl_check_statement
+CHECK *check_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse check statement */
+#define display_statement _glp_mpl_display_statement
+DISPLAY *display_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse display statement */
+#define printf_statement _glp_mpl_printf_statement
+PRINTF *printf_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse printf statement */
+#define for_statement _glp_mpl_for_statement
+FOR *for_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse for statement */
+#define end_statement _glp_mpl_end_statement
+void end_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse end statement */
+#define simple_statement _glp_mpl_simple_statement
+STATEMENT *simple_statement(MPL *mpl, int spec);
+/* parse simple statement */
+#define model_section _glp_mpl_model_section
+void model_section(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse model section */
+#if 2 + 2 == 5
+struct SLICE /* see TUPLE */
+{ /* component of slice; the slice itself is associated with its
+ first component; slices are similar to n-tuples with exception
+ that some slice components (which are indicated by asterisks)
+ don't refer to any symbols */
+ SYMBOL *sym;
+ /* symbol, which this component refers to; can be NULL */
+ SLICE *next;
+ /* the next component of slice */
+#define create_slice _glp_mpl_create_slice
+SLICE *create_slice(MPL *mpl);
+/* create slice */
+#define expand_slice _glp_mpl_expand_slice
+SLICE *expand_slice
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SLICE *slice, /* destroyed */
+ SYMBOL *sym /* destroyed */
+/* append new component to slice */
+#define slice_dimen _glp_mpl_slice_dimen
+int slice_dimen
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SLICE *slice /* not changed */
+/* determine dimension of slice */
+#define slice_arity _glp_mpl_slice_arity
+int slice_arity
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SLICE *slice /* not changed */
+/* determine arity of slice */
+#define fake_slice _glp_mpl_fake_slice
+SLICE *fake_slice(MPL *mpl, int dim);
+/* create fake slice of all asterisks */
+#define delete_slice _glp_mpl_delete_slice
+void delete_slice
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SLICE *slice /* destroyed */
+/* delete slice */
+#define is_number _glp_mpl_is_number
+int is_number(MPL *mpl);
+/* check if current token is number */
+#define is_symbol _glp_mpl_is_symbol
+int is_symbol(MPL *mpl);
+/* check if current token is symbol */
+#define is_literal _glp_mpl_is_literal
+int is_literal(MPL *mpl, char *literal);
+/* check if current token is given symbolic literal */
+#define read_number _glp_mpl_read_number
+double read_number(MPL *mpl);
+/* read number */
+#define read_symbol _glp_mpl_read_symbol
+SYMBOL *read_symbol(MPL *mpl);
+/* read symbol */
+#define read_slice _glp_mpl_read_slice
+SLICE *read_slice
+( MPL *mpl,
+ char *name, /* not changed */
+ int dim
+/* read slice */
+#define select_set _glp_mpl_select_set
+SET *select_set
+( MPL *mpl,
+ char *name /* not changed */
+/* select set to saturate it with elemental sets */
+#define simple_format _glp_mpl_simple_format
+void simple_format
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SET *set, /* not changed */
+ MEMBER *memb, /* modified */
+ SLICE *slice /* not changed */
+/* read set data block in simple format */
+#define matrix_format _glp_mpl_matrix_format
+void matrix_format
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SET *set, /* not changed */
+ MEMBER *memb, /* modified */
+ SLICE *slice, /* not changed */
+ int tr
+/* read set data block in matrix format */
+#define set_data _glp_mpl_set_data
+void set_data(MPL *mpl);
+/* read set data */
+#define select_parameter _glp_mpl_select_parameter
+PARAMETER *select_parameter
+( MPL *mpl,
+ char *name /* not changed */
+/* select parameter to saturate it with data */
+#define set_default _glp_mpl_set_default
+void set_default
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ SYMBOL *altval /* destroyed */
+/* set default parameter value */
+#define read_value _glp_mpl_read_value
+MEMBER *read_value
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* destroyed */
+/* read value and assign it to parameter member */
+#define plain_format _glp_mpl_plain_format
+void plain_format
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ SLICE *slice /* not changed */
+/* read parameter data block in plain format */
+#define tabular_format _glp_mpl_tabular_format
+void tabular_format
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ SLICE *slice, /* not changed */
+ int tr
+/* read parameter data block in tabular format */
+#define tabbing_format _glp_mpl_tabbing_format
+void tabbing_format
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *altval /* not changed */
+/* read parameter data block in tabbing format */
+#define parameter_data _glp_mpl_parameter_data
+void parameter_data(MPL *mpl);
+/* read parameter data */
+#define data_section _glp_mpl_data_section
+void data_section(MPL *mpl);
+/* read data section */
+#define fp_add _glp_mpl_fp_add
+double fp_add(MPL *mpl, double x, double y);
+/* floating-point addition */
+#define fp_sub _glp_mpl_fp_sub
+double fp_sub(MPL *mpl, double x, double y);
+/* floating-point subtraction */
+#define fp_less _glp_mpl_fp_less
+double fp_less(MPL *mpl, double x, double y);
+/* floating-point non-negative subtraction */
+#define fp_mul _glp_mpl_fp_mul
+double fp_mul(MPL *mpl, double x, double y);
+/* floating-point multiplication */
+#define fp_div _glp_mpl_fp_div
+double fp_div(MPL *mpl, double x, double y);
+/* floating-point division */
+#define fp_idiv _glp_mpl_fp_idiv
+double fp_idiv(MPL *mpl, double x, double y);
+/* floating-point quotient of exact division */
+#define fp_mod _glp_mpl_fp_mod
+double fp_mod(MPL *mpl, double x, double y);
+/* floating-point remainder of exact division */
+#define fp_power _glp_mpl_fp_power
+double fp_power(MPL *mpl, double x, double y);
+/* floating-point exponentiation (raise to power) */
+#define fp_exp _glp_mpl_fp_exp
+double fp_exp(MPL *mpl, double x);
+/* floating-point base-e exponential */
+#define fp_log _glp_mpl_fp_log
+double fp_log(MPL *mpl, double x);
+/* floating-point natural logarithm */
+#define fp_log10 _glp_mpl_fp_log10
+double fp_log10(MPL *mpl, double x);
+/* floating-point common (decimal) logarithm */
+#define fp_sqrt _glp_mpl_fp_sqrt
+double fp_sqrt(MPL *mpl, double x);
+/* floating-point square root */
+#define fp_sin _glp_mpl_fp_sin
+double fp_sin(MPL *mpl, double x);
+/* floating-point trigonometric sine */
+#define fp_cos _glp_mpl_fp_cos
+double fp_cos(MPL *mpl, double x);
+/* floating-point trigonometric cosine */
+#define fp_tan _glp_mpl_fp_tan
+double fp_tan(MPL *mpl, double x);
+/* floating-point trigonometric tangent */
+#define fp_atan _glp_mpl_fp_atan
+double fp_atan(MPL *mpl, double x);
+/* floating-point trigonometric arctangent */
+#define fp_atan2 _glp_mpl_fp_atan2
+double fp_atan2(MPL *mpl, double y, double x);
+/* floating-point trigonometric arctangent */
+#define fp_round _glp_mpl_fp_round
+double fp_round(MPL *mpl, double x, double n);
+/* round floating-point value to n fractional digits */
+#define fp_trunc _glp_mpl_fp_trunc
+double fp_trunc(MPL *mpl, double x, double n);
+/* truncate floating-point value to n fractional digits */
+#define fp_irand224 _glp_mpl_fp_irand224
+double fp_irand224(MPL *mpl);
+/* pseudo-random integer in the range [0, 2^24) */
+#define fp_uniform01 _glp_mpl_fp_uniform01
+double fp_uniform01(MPL *mpl);
+/* pseudo-random number in the range [0, 1) */
+#define fp_uniform _glp_mpl_uniform
+double fp_uniform(MPL *mpl, double a, double b);
+/* pseudo-random number in the range [a, b) */
+#define fp_normal01 _glp_mpl_fp_normal01
+double fp_normal01(MPL *mpl);
+/* Gaussian random variate with mu = 0 and sigma = 1 */
+#define fp_normal _glp_mpl_fp_normal
+double fp_normal(MPL *mpl, double mu, double sigma);
+/* Gaussian random variate with specified mu and sigma */
+/* * * DATE/TIME * * */
+#define fn_gmtime _glp_mpl_fn_gmtime
+double fn_gmtime(MPL *mpl);
+/* obtain the current calendar time (UTC) */
+#define fn_str2time _glp_mpl_fn_str2time
+double fn_str2time(MPL *mpl, const char *str, const char *fmt);
+/* convert character string to the calendar time */
+#define fn_time2str _glp_mpl_fn_time2str
+void fn_time2str(MPL *mpl, char *str, double t, const char *fmt);
+/* convert the calendar time to character string */
+/* * * CHARACTER STRINGS * * */
+#define create_string _glp_mpl_create_string
+STRING *create_string
+( MPL *mpl,
+ char buf[MAX_LENGTH+1] /* not changed */
+/* create character string */
+#define copy_string _glp_mpl_copy_string
+STRING *copy_string
+( MPL *mpl,
+ STRING *str /* not changed */
+/* make copy of character string */
+#define compare_strings _glp_mpl_compare_strings
+int compare_strings
+( MPL *mpl,
+ STRING *str1, /* not changed */
+ STRING *str2 /* not changed */
+/* compare one character string with another */
+#define fetch_string _glp_mpl_fetch_string
+char *fetch_string
+( MPL *mpl,
+ STRING *str, /* not changed */
+ char buf[MAX_LENGTH+1] /* modified */
+/* extract content of character string */
+#define delete_string _glp_mpl_delete_string
+void delete_string
+( MPL *mpl,
+ STRING *str /* destroyed */
+/* delete character string */
+/* * * SYMBOLS * * */
+struct SYMBOL
+{ /* symbol (numeric or abstract quantity) */
+ double num;
+ /* numeric value of symbol (used only if str == NULL) */
+ STRING *str;
+ /* abstract value of symbol (used only if str != NULL) */
+#define create_symbol_num _glp_mpl_create_symbol_num
+SYMBOL *create_symbol_num(MPL *mpl, double num);
+/* create symbol of numeric type */
+#define create_symbol_str _glp_mpl_create_symbol_str
+SYMBOL *create_symbol_str
+( MPL *mpl,
+ STRING *str /* destroyed */
+/* create symbol of abstract type */
+#define copy_symbol _glp_mpl_copy_symbol
+SYMBOL *copy_symbol
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *sym /* not changed */
+/* make copy of symbol */
+#define compare_symbols _glp_mpl_compare_symbols
+int compare_symbols
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *sym1, /* not changed */
+ SYMBOL *sym2 /* not changed */
+/* compare one symbol with another */
+#define delete_symbol _glp_mpl_delete_symbol
+void delete_symbol
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *sym /* destroyed */
+/* delete symbol */
+#define format_symbol _glp_mpl_format_symbol
+char *format_symbol
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *sym /* not changed */
+/* format symbol for displaying or printing */
+#define concat_symbols _glp_mpl_concat_symbols
+SYMBOL *concat_symbols
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *sym1, /* destroyed */
+ SYMBOL *sym2 /* destroyed */
+/* concatenate one symbol with another */
+/* * * N-TUPLES * * */
+struct TUPLE
+{ /* component of n-tuple; the n-tuple itself is associated with
+ its first component; (note that 0-tuple has no components) */
+ SYMBOL *sym;
+ /* symbol, which the component refers to; cannot be NULL */
+ TUPLE *next;
+ /* the next component of n-tuple */
+#define create_tuple _glp_mpl_create_tuple
+TUPLE *create_tuple(MPL *mpl);
+/* create n-tuple */
+#define expand_tuple _glp_mpl_expand_tuple
+TUPLE *expand_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* destroyed */
+ SYMBOL *sym /* destroyed */
+/* append symbol to n-tuple */
+#define tuple_dimen _glp_mpl_tuple_dimen
+int tuple_dimen
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* determine dimension of n-tuple */
+#define copy_tuple _glp_mpl_copy_tuple
+TUPLE *copy_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* make copy of n-tuple */
+#define compare_tuples _glp_mpl_compare_tuples
+int compare_tuples
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple1, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple2 /* not changed */
+/* compare one n-tuple with another */
+#define build_subtuple _glp_mpl_build_subtuple
+TUPLE *build_subtuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ int dim
+/* build subtuple of given n-tuple */
+#define delete_tuple _glp_mpl_delete_tuple
+void delete_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple /* destroyed */
+/* delete n-tuple */
+#define format_tuple _glp_mpl_format_tuple
+char *format_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ int c,
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* format n-tuple for displaying or printing */
+/* * * ELEMENTAL SETS * * */
+#if 2 + 2 == 5
+struct ELEMSET /* see ARRAY */
+{ /* elemental set of n-tuples; formally it is a "value" assigned
+ to members of model sets (like numbers and symbols, which are
+ values assigned to members of model parameters); note that a
+ simple model set is not an elemental set, it is 0-dimensional
+ array, the only member of which (if it exists) is assigned an
+ elemental set */
+#define create_elemset _glp_mpl_create_elemset
+ELEMSET *create_elemset(MPL *mpl, int dim);
+/* create elemental set */
+#define find_tuple _glp_mpl_find_tuple
+MEMBER *find_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *set, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* check if elemental set contains given n-tuple */
+#define add_tuple _glp_mpl_add_tuple
+MEMBER *add_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *set, /* modified */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* destroyed */
+/* add new n-tuple to elemental set */
+#define check_then_add _glp_mpl_check_then_add
+MEMBER *check_then_add
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *set, /* modified */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* destroyed */
+/* check and add new n-tuple to elemental set */
+#define copy_elemset _glp_mpl_copy_elemset
+ELEMSET *copy_elemset
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *set /* not changed */
+/* make copy of elemental set */
+#define delete_elemset _glp_mpl_delete_elemset
+void delete_elemset
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *set /* destroyed */
+/* delete elemental set */
+#define arelset_size _glp_mpl_arelset_size
+int arelset_size(MPL *mpl, double t0, double tf, double dt);
+/* compute size of "arithmetic" elemental set */
+#define arelset_member _glp_mpl_arelset_member
+double arelset_member(MPL *mpl, double t0, double tf, double dt, int j);
+/* compute member of "arithmetic" elemental set */
+#define create_arelset _glp_mpl_create_arelset
+ELEMSET *create_arelset(MPL *mpl, double t0, double tf, double dt);
+/* create "arithmetic" elemental set */
+#define set_union _glp_mpl_set_union
+ELEMSET *set_union
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *X, /* destroyed */
+ ELEMSET *Y /* destroyed */
+/* union of two elemental sets */
+#define set_diff _glp_mpl_set_diff
+ELEMSET *set_diff
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *X, /* destroyed */
+ ELEMSET *Y /* destroyed */
+/* difference between two elemental sets */
+#define set_symdiff _glp_mpl_set_symdiff
+ELEMSET *set_symdiff
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *X, /* destroyed */
+ ELEMSET *Y /* destroyed */
+/* symmetric difference between two elemental sets */
+#define set_inter _glp_mpl_set_inter
+ELEMSET *set_inter
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *X, /* destroyed */
+ ELEMSET *Y /* destroyed */
+/* intersection of two elemental sets */
+#define set_cross _glp_mpl_set_cross
+ELEMSET *set_cross
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *X, /* destroyed */
+ ELEMSET *Y /* destroyed */
+/* cross (Cartesian) product of two elemental sets */
+struct ELEMVAR
+{ /* elemental variable; formally it is a "value" assigned to
+ members of model variables (like numbers and symbols, which
+ are values assigned to members of model parameters) */
+ int j;
+ /* LP column number assigned to this elemental variable */
+ VARIABLE *var;
+ /* model variable, which contains this elemental variable */
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ /* array member, which is assigned this elemental variable */
+ double lbnd;
+ /* lower bound */
+ double ubnd;
+ /* upper bound */
+ double temp;
+ /* working quantity used in operations on linear forms; normally
+ it contains floating-point zero */
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ int stat;
+ double prim, dual;
+ /* solution components provided by the solver */
+/* * * LINEAR FORMS * * */
+struct FORMULA
+{ /* term of linear form c * x, where c is a coefficient, x is an
+ elemental variable; the linear form itself is the sum of terms
+ and is associated with its first term; (note that the linear
+ form may be empty that means the sum is equal to zero) */
+ double coef;
+ /* coefficient at elemental variable or constant term */
+ ELEMVAR *var;
+ /* reference to elemental variable; NULL means constant term */
+ FORMULA *next;
+ /* the next term of linear form */
+#define constant_term _glp_mpl_constant_term
+FORMULA *constant_term(MPL *mpl, double coef);
+/* create constant term */
+#define single_variable _glp_mpl_single_variable
+FORMULA *single_variable
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMVAR *var /* referenced */
+/* create single variable */
+#define copy_formula _glp_mpl_copy_formula
+FORMULA *copy_formula
+( MPL *mpl,
+ FORMULA *form /* not changed */
+/* make copy of linear form */
+#define delete_formula _glp_mpl_delete_formula
+void delete_formula
+( MPL *mpl,
+ FORMULA *form /* destroyed */
+/* delete linear form */
+#define linear_comb _glp_mpl_linear_comb
+FORMULA *linear_comb
+( MPL *mpl,
+ double a, FORMULA *fx, /* destroyed */
+ double b, FORMULA *fy /* destroyed */
+/* linear combination of two linear forms */
+#define remove_constant _glp_mpl_remove_constant
+FORMULA *remove_constant
+( MPL *mpl,
+ FORMULA *form, /* destroyed */
+ double *coef /* modified */
+/* remove constant term from linear form */
+#define reduce_terms _glp_mpl_reduce_terms
+FORMULA *reduce_terms
+( MPL *mpl,
+ FORMULA *form /* destroyed */
+/* reduce identical terms in linear form */
+struct ELEMCON
+{ /* elemental constraint; formally it is a "value" assigned to
+ members of model constraints (like numbers or symbols, which
+ are values assigned to members of model parameters) */
+ int i;
+ /* LP row number assigned to this elemental constraint */
+ /* model constraint, which contains this elemental constraint */
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ /* array member, which is assigned this elemental constraint */
+ FORMULA *form;
+ /* linear form */
+ double lbnd;
+ /* lower bound */
+ double ubnd;
+ /* upper bound */
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ int stat;
+ double prim, dual;
+ /* solution components provided by the solver */
+/* * * GENERIC VALUES * * */
+union VALUE
+{ /* generic value, which can be assigned to object member or be a
+ result of evaluation of expression */
+ /* indicator that specifies the particular type of generic value
+ is stored in the corresponding array or pseudo-code descriptor
+ and can be one of the following:
+ A_NONE - no value
+ A_NUMERIC - floating-point number
+ A_SYMBOLIC - symbol
+ A_LOGICAL - logical value
+ A_TUPLE - n-tuple
+ A_ELEMSET - elemental set
+ A_ELEMVAR - elemental variable
+ A_FORMULA - linear form
+ A_ELEMCON - elemental constraint */
+ void *none; /* null */
+ double num; /* value */
+ SYMBOL *sym; /* value */
+ int bit; /* value */
+ TUPLE *tuple; /* value */
+ ELEMSET *set; /* value */
+ ELEMVAR *var; /* reference */
+ FORMULA *form; /* value */
+ ELEMCON *con; /* reference */
+#define delete_value _glp_mpl_delete_value
+void delete_value
+( MPL *mpl,
+ int type,
+ VALUE *value /* content destroyed */
+/* delete generic value */
+struct ARRAY
+{ /* multi-dimensional array, a set of members indexed over simple
+ or compound sets of symbols; arrays are used to represent the
+ contents of model objects (i.e. sets, parameters, variables,
+ constraints, and objectives); arrays also are used as "values"
+ that are assigned to members of set objects, in which case the
+ array itself represents an elemental set */
+ int type;
+ /* type of generic values assigned to the array members:
+ A_NONE - none (members have no assigned values)
+ A_NUMERIC - floating-point numbers
+ A_SYMBOLIC - symbols
+ A_ELEMSET - elemental sets
+ A_ELEMVAR - elemental variables
+ A_ELEMCON - elemental constraints */
+ int dim;
+ /* dimension of the array that determines number of components in
+ n-tuples for all members of the array, dim >= 0; dim = 0 means
+ the array is 0-dimensional */
+ int size;
+ /* size of the array, i.e. number of its members */
+ MEMBER *head;
+ /* the first array member; NULL means the array is empty */
+ MEMBER *tail;
+ /* the last array member; NULL means the array is empty */
+ AVL *tree;
+ /* the search tree intended to find array members for logarithmic
+ time; NULL means the search tree doesn't exist */
+ ARRAY *prev;
+ /* the previous array in the translator database */
+ ARRAY *next;
+ /* the next array in the translator database */
+struct MEMBER
+{ /* array member */
+ TUPLE *tuple;
+ /* n-tuple, which identifies the member; number of its components
+ is the same for all members within the array and determined by
+ the array dimension; duplicate members are not allowed */
+ MEMBER *next;
+ /* the next array member */
+ VALUE value;
+ /* generic value assigned to the member */
+#define create_array _glp_mpl_create_array
+ARRAY *create_array(MPL *mpl, int type, int dim);
+/* create array */
+#define find_member _glp_mpl_find_member
+MEMBER *find_member
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ARRAY *array, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* find array member with given n-tuple */
+#define add_member _glp_mpl_add_member
+MEMBER *add_member
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ARRAY *array, /* modified */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* destroyed */
+/* add new member to array */
+#define delete_array _glp_mpl_delete_array
+void delete_array
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ARRAY *array /* destroyed */
+/* delete array */
+struct DOMAIN
+{ /* domain (a simple or compound set); syntactically domain looks
+ like '{ i in I, (j,k) in S, t in T : <predicate> }'; domains
+ are used to define sets, over which model objects are indexed,
+ and also as constituents of iterated operators */
+ /* linked list of domain blocks (in the example above such blocks
+ are 'i in I', '(j,k) in S', and 't in T'); this list cannot be
+ empty */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing the logical predicate, which follows
+ the colon; NULL means no predicate is specified */
+{ /* domain block; syntactically domain blocks look like 'i in I',
+ '(j,k) in S', and 't in T' in the example above (in the sequel
+ sets like I, S, and T are called basic sets) */
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *list;
+ /* linked list of domain slots (i.e. indexing positions); number
+ of slots in this list is the same as dimension of n-tuples in
+ the basic set; this list cannot be empty */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing basic set; cannot be NULL */
+ TUPLE *backup;
+ /* if this n-tuple is not empty, current values of dummy indices
+ in the domain block are the same as components of this n-tuple
+ (note that this n-tuple may have larger dimension than number
+ of dummy indices in this block, in which case extra components
+ are ignored); this n-tuple is used to restore former values of
+ dummy indices, if they were changed due to recursive calls to
+ the domain block */
+ /* the next block in the same domain */
+{ /* domain slot; it specifies an individual indexing position and
+ defines the corresponding dummy index */
+ char *name;
+ /* symbolic name of the dummy index; null pointer means the dummy
+ index is not explicitly specified */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing symbolic value, at which the dummy
+ index is bound; NULL means the dummy index is free within the
+ domain scope */
+ SYMBOL *value;
+ /* current value assigned to the dummy index; NULL means no value
+ is assigned at the moment */
+ CODE *list;
+ /* linked list of pseudo-codes with operation O_INDEX referring
+ to this slot; this linked list is used to invalidate resultant
+ values of the operation, which depend on this dummy index */
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *next;
+ /* the next slot in the same domain block */
+#define assign_dummy_index _glp_mpl_assign_dummy_index
+void assign_dummy_index
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *slot, /* modified */
+ SYMBOL *value /* not changed */
+/* assign new value to dummy index */
+#define update_dummy_indices _glp_mpl_update_dummy_indices
+void update_dummy_indices
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block /* not changed */
+/* update current values of dummy indices */
+#define enter_domain_block _glp_mpl_enter_domain_block
+int enter_domain_block
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ void *info, void (*func)(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+/* enter domain block */
+#define eval_within_domain _glp_mpl_eval_within_domain
+int eval_within_domain
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN *domain, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ void *info, void (*func)(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+/* perform evaluation within domain scope */
+#define loop_within_domain _glp_mpl_loop_within_domain
+void loop_within_domain
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN *domain, /* not changed */
+ void *info, int (*func)(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+/* perform iterations within domain scope */
+#define out_of_domain _glp_mpl_out_of_domain
+void out_of_domain
+( MPL *mpl,
+ char *name, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* raise domain exception */
+#define get_domain_tuple _glp_mpl_get_domain_tuple
+TUPLE *get_domain_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN *domain /* not changed */
+/* obtain current n-tuple from domain */
+#define clean_domain _glp_mpl_clean_domain
+void clean_domain(MPL *mpl, DOMAIN *domain);
+/* clean domain */
+/* * * MODEL SETS * * */
+struct SET
+{ /* model set */
+ char *name;
+ /* symbolic name; cannot be NULL */
+ char *alias;
+ /* alias; NULL means alias is not specified */
+ int dim; /* aka arity */
+ /* dimension (number of subscripts); dim = 0 means 0-dimensional
+ (unsubscripted) set, dim > 0 means set of sets */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; NULL for 0-dimensional set */
+ int dimen;
+ /* dimension of n-tuples, which members of this set consist of
+ (note that the model set itself is an array of elemental sets,
+ which are its members; so, don't confuse this dimension with
+ dimension of the model set); always non-zero */
+ WITHIN *within;
+ /* list of supersets, which restrict each member of the set to be
+ in every superset from this list; this list can be empty */
+ CODE *assign;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing assigned value; can be NULL */
+ CODE *option;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing default value; can be NULL */
+ GADGET *gadget;
+ /* plain set used to initialize the array of sets; can be NULL */
+ int data;
+ /* data status flag:
+ 0 - no data are provided in the data section
+ 1 - data are provided, but not checked yet
+ 2 - data are provided and have been checked */
+ ARRAY *array;
+ /* array of members, which are assigned elemental sets */
+struct WITHIN
+{ /* restricting superset list entry */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing the superset; cannot be NULL */
+ WITHIN *next;
+ /* the next entry for the same set or parameter */
+struct GADGET
+{ /* plain set used to initialize the array of sets with data */
+ SET *set;
+ /* pointer to plain set; cannot be NULL */
+ int ind[20]; /* ind[dim+dimen]; */
+ /* permutation of integers 1, 2, ..., dim+dimen */
+#define check_elem_set _glp_mpl_check_elem_set
+void check_elem_set
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SET *set, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ ELEMSET *refer /* not changed */
+/* check elemental set assigned to set member */
+#define take_member_set _glp_mpl_take_member_set
+ELEMSET *take_member_set /* returns reference, not value */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SET *set, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* obtain elemental set assigned to set member */
+#define eval_member_set _glp_mpl_eval_member_set
+ELEMSET *eval_member_set /* returns reference, not value */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SET *set, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* evaluate elemental set assigned to set member */
+#define eval_whole_set _glp_mpl_eval_whole_set
+void eval_whole_set(MPL *mpl, SET *set);
+/* evaluate model set over entire domain */
+#define clean_set _glp_mpl_clean_set
+void clean_set(MPL *mpl, SET *set);
+/* clean model set */
+/* * * MODEL PARAMETERS * * */
+{ /* model parameter */
+ char *name;
+ /* symbolic name; cannot be NULL */
+ char *alias;
+ /* alias; NULL means alias is not specified */
+ int dim; /* aka arity */
+ /* dimension (number of subscripts); dim = 0 means 0-dimensional
+ (unsubscripted) parameter */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; NULL for 0-dimensional parameter */
+ int type;
+ /* parameter type:
+ A_NUMERIC - numeric
+ A_INTEGER - integer
+ A_BINARY - binary
+ A_SYMBOLIC - symbolic */
+ CONDITION *cond;
+ /* list of conditions, which restrict each parameter member to
+ satisfy to every condition from this list; this list is used
+ only for numeric parameters and can be empty */
+ WITHIN *in;
+ /* list of supersets, which restrict each parameter member to be
+ in every superset from this list; this list is used only for
+ symbolic parameters and can be empty */
+ CODE *assign;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing assigned value; can be NULL */
+ CODE *option;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing default value; can be NULL */
+ int data;
+ /* data status flag:
+ 0 - no data are provided in the data section
+ 1 - data are provided, but not checked yet
+ 2 - data are provided and have been checked */
+ SYMBOL *defval;
+ /* default value provided in the data section; can be NULL */
+ ARRAY *array;
+ /* array of members, which are assigned numbers or symbols */
+{ /* restricting condition list entry */
+ int rho;
+ /* flag that specifies the form of the condition:
+ O_LT - less than
+ O_LE - less than or equal to
+ O_EQ - equal to
+ O_GE - greater than or equal to
+ O_GT - greater than
+ O_NE - not equal to */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing the reference value */
+ CONDITION *next;
+ /* the next entry for the same parameter */
+#define check_value_num _glp_mpl_check_value_num
+void check_value_num
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ double value
+/* check numeric value assigned to parameter member */
+#define take_member_num _glp_mpl_take_member_num
+double take_member_num
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* obtain numeric value assigned to parameter member */
+#define eval_member_num _glp_mpl_eval_member_num
+double eval_member_num
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* evaluate numeric value assigned to parameter member */
+#define check_value_sym _glp_mpl_check_value_sym
+void check_value_sym
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ SYMBOL *value /* not changed */
+/* check symbolic value assigned to parameter member */
+#define take_member_sym _glp_mpl_take_member_sym
+SYMBOL *take_member_sym /* returns value, not reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* obtain symbolic value assigned to parameter member */
+#define eval_member_sym _glp_mpl_eval_member_sym
+SYMBOL *eval_member_sym /* returns value, not reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* evaluate symbolic value assigned to parameter member */
+#define eval_whole_par _glp_mpl_eval_whole_par
+void eval_whole_par(MPL *mpl, PARAMETER *par);
+/* evaluate model parameter over entire domain */
+#define clean_parameter _glp_mpl_clean_parameter
+void clean_parameter(MPL *mpl, PARAMETER *par);
+/* clean model parameter */
+/* * * MODEL VARIABLES * * */
+struct VARIABLE
+{ /* model variable */
+ char *name;
+ /* symbolic name; cannot be NULL */
+ char *alias;
+ /* alias; NULL means alias is not specified */
+ int dim; /* aka arity */
+ /* dimension (number of subscripts); dim = 0 means 0-dimensional
+ (unsubscripted) variable */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; NULL for 0-dimensional variable */
+ int type;
+ /* variable type:
+ A_NUMERIC - continuous
+ A_INTEGER - integer
+ A_BINARY - binary */
+ CODE *lbnd;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing lower bound; NULL means lower bound
+ is not specified */
+ CODE *ubnd;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing upper bound; NULL means upper bound
+ is not specified */
+ /* if both the pointers lbnd and ubnd refer to the same code, the
+ variable is fixed at the corresponding value */
+ ARRAY *array;
+ /* array of members, which are assigned elemental variables */
+#define take_member_var _glp_mpl_take_member_var
+ELEMVAR *take_member_var /* returns reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ VARIABLE *var, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* obtain reference to elemental variable */
+#define eval_member_var _glp_mpl_eval_member_var
+ELEMVAR *eval_member_var /* returns reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ VARIABLE *var, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* evaluate reference to elemental variable */
+#define eval_whole_var _glp_mpl_eval_whole_var
+void eval_whole_var(MPL *mpl, VARIABLE *var);
+/* evaluate model variable over entire domain */
+#define clean_variable _glp_mpl_clean_variable
+void clean_variable(MPL *mpl, VARIABLE *var);
+/* clean model variable */
+{ /* model constraint or objective */
+ char *name;
+ /* symbolic name; cannot be NULL */
+ char *alias;
+ /* alias; NULL means alias is not specified */
+ int dim; /* aka arity */
+ /* dimension (number of subscripts); dim = 0 means 0-dimensional
+ (unsubscripted) constraint */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; NULL for 0-dimensional constraint */
+ int type;
+ /* constraint type:
+ A_CONSTRAINT - constraint
+ A_MINIMIZE - objective (minimization)
+ A_MAXIMIZE - objective (maximization) */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing main linear form; cannot be NULL */
+ CODE *lbnd;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing lower bound; NULL means lower bound
+ is not specified */
+ CODE *ubnd;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing upper bound; NULL means upper bound
+ is not specified */
+ /* if both the pointers lbnd and ubnd refer to the same code, the
+ constraint has the form of equation */
+ ARRAY *array;
+ /* array of members, which are assigned elemental constraints */
+#define take_member_con _glp_mpl_take_member_con
+ELEMCON *take_member_con /* returns reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ CONSTRAINT *con, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* obtain reference to elemental constraint */
+#define eval_member_con _glp_mpl_eval_member_con
+ELEMCON *eval_member_con /* returns reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ CONSTRAINT *con, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* evaluate reference to elemental constraint */
+#define eval_whole_con _glp_mpl_eval_whole_con
+void eval_whole_con(MPL *mpl, CONSTRAINT *con);
+/* evaluate model constraint over entire domain */
+#define clean_constraint _glp_mpl_clean_constraint
+void clean_constraint(MPL *mpl, CONSTRAINT *con);
+/* clean model constraint */
+/* * * DATA TABLES * * */
+struct TABLE
+{ /* data table */
+ char *name;
+ /* symbolic name; cannot be NULL */
+ char *alias;
+ /* alias; NULL means alias is not specified */
+ int type;
+ /* table type:
+ A_INPUT - input table
+ A_OUTPUT - output table */
+ TABARG *arg;
+ /* argument list; cannot be empty */
+ union
+ { struct
+ { SET *set;
+ /* input set; NULL means the set is not specified */
+ TABFLD *fld;
+ /* field list; cannot be empty */
+ TABIN *list;
+ /* input list; can be empty */
+ } in;
+ struct
+ { DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; cannot be NULL */
+ TABOUT *list;
+ /* output list; cannot be empty */
+ } out;
+ } u;
+struct TABARG
+{ /* table argument list entry */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing the argument */
+ TABARG *next;
+ /* next entry for the same table */
+struct TABFLD
+{ /* table field list entry */
+ char *name;
+ /* field name; cannot be NULL */
+ TABFLD *next;
+ /* next entry for the same table */
+struct TABIN
+{ /* table input list entry */
+ /* parameter to be read; cannot be NULL */
+ char *name;
+ /* column name; cannot be NULL */
+ TABIN *next;
+ /* next entry for the same table */
+struct TABOUT
+{ /* table output list entry */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing the value to be written */
+ char *name;
+ /* column name; cannot be NULL */
+ TABOUT *next;
+ /* next entry for the same table */
+struct TABDCA
+{ /* table driver communication area */
+ int id;
+ /* driver identifier (set by mpl_tab_drv_open) */
+ void *link;
+ /* driver link pointer (set by mpl_tab_drv_open) */
+ int na;
+ /* number of arguments */
+ char **arg; /* char *arg[1+ns]; */
+ /* arg[k], 1 <= k <= ns, is pointer to k-th argument */
+ int nf;
+ /* number of fields */
+ char **name; /* char *name[1+nc]; */
+ /* name[k], 1 <= k <= nc, is name of k-th field */
+ int *type; /* int type[1+nc]; */
+ /* type[k], 1 <= k <= nc, is type of k-th field:
+ '?' - value not assigned
+ 'N' - number
+ 'S' - character string */
+ double *num; /* double num[1+nc]; */
+ /* num[k], 1 <= k <= nc, is numeric value of k-th field */
+ char **str;
+ /* str[k], 1 <= k <= nc, is string value of k-th field */
+#define mpl_tab_num_args _glp_mpl_tab_num_args
+int mpl_tab_num_args(TABDCA *dca);
+#define mpl_tab_get_arg _glp_mpl_tab_get_arg
+const char *mpl_tab_get_arg(TABDCA *dca, int k);
+#define mpl_tab_num_flds _glp_mpl_tab_num_flds
+int mpl_tab_num_flds(TABDCA *dca);
+#define mpl_tab_get_name _glp_mpl_tab_get_name
+const char *mpl_tab_get_name(TABDCA *dca, int k);
+#define mpl_tab_get_type _glp_mpl_tab_get_type
+int mpl_tab_get_type(TABDCA *dca, int k);
+#define mpl_tab_get_num _glp_mpl_tab_get_num
+double mpl_tab_get_num(TABDCA *dca, int k);
+#define mpl_tab_get_str _glp_mpl_tab_get_str
+const char *mpl_tab_get_str(TABDCA *dca, int k);
+#define mpl_tab_set_num _glp_mpl_tab_set_num
+void mpl_tab_set_num(TABDCA *dca, int k, double num);
+#define mpl_tab_set_str _glp_mpl_tab_set_str
+void mpl_tab_set_str(TABDCA *dca, int k, const char *str);
+#define mpl_tab_drv_open _glp_mpl_tab_drv_open
+void mpl_tab_drv_open(MPL *mpl, int mode);
+#define mpl_tab_drv_read _glp_mpl_tab_drv_read
+int mpl_tab_drv_read(MPL *mpl);
+#define mpl_tab_drv_write _glp_mpl_tab_drv_write
+void mpl_tab_drv_write(MPL *mpl);
+#define mpl_tab_drv_close _glp_mpl_tab_drv_close
+void mpl_tab_drv_close(MPL *mpl);
+/* * * PSEUDO-CODE * * */
+{ /* operands that participate in pseudo-code operation (choice of
+ particular operands depends on the operation code) */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ double num; /* O_NUMBER */
+ /* floaing-point number to be taken */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ char *str; /* O_STRING */
+ /* character string to be taken */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ struct /* O_INDEX */
+ { DOMAIN_SLOT *slot;
+ /* domain slot, which contains dummy index to be taken */
+ CODE *next;
+ /* the next pseudo-code with op = O_INDEX, which refers to the
+ same slot as this one; pointer to the beginning of this list
+ is stored in the corresponding domain slot */
+ } index;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ struct /* O_MEMNUM, O_MEMSYM */
+ { PARAMETER *par;
+ /* model parameter, which contains member to be taken */
+ ARG_LIST *list;
+ /* list of subscripts; NULL for 0-dimensional parameter */
+ } par;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ struct /* O_MEMSET */
+ { SET *set;
+ /* model set, which contains member to be taken */
+ ARG_LIST *list;
+ /* list of subscripts; NULL for 0-dimensional set */
+ } set;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ struct /* O_MEMVAR */
+ { VARIABLE *var;
+ /* model variable, which contains member to be taken */
+ ARG_LIST *list;
+ /* list of subscripts; NULL for 0-dimensional variable */
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ int suff;
+ /* suffix specified: */
+#define DOT_NONE 0x00 /* none (means variable itself) */
+#define DOT_LB 0x01 /* .lb (lower bound) */
+#define DOT_UB 0x02 /* .ub (upper bound) */
+#define DOT_STATUS 0x03 /* .status (status) */
+#define DOT_VAL 0x04 /* .val (primal value) */
+#define DOT_DUAL 0x05 /* .dual (dual value) */
+ } var;
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ struct /* O_MEMCON */
+ { CONSTRAINT *con;
+ /* model constraint, which contains member to be taken */
+ ARG_LIST *list;
+ /* list of subscripys; NULL for 0-dimensional constraint */
+ int suff;
+ /* suffix specified (see O_MEMVAR above) */
+ } con;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ ARG_LIST *list; /* O_TUPLE, O_MAKE, n-ary operations */
+ /* list of operands */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ DOMAIN_BLOCK *slice; /* O_SLICE */
+ /* domain block, which specifies slice (i.e. n-tuple that contains
+ free dummy indices); this operation is never evaluated */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ struct /* unary, binary, ternary operations */
+ { CODE *x;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing first operand */
+ CODE *y;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing second operand */
+ CODE *z;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing third operand */
+ } arg;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ struct /* iterated operations */
+ { DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* domain, over which the operation is performed */
+ CODE *x;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing "integrand" */
+ } loop;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+struct ARG_LIST
+{ /* operands list entry */
+ CODE *x;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing operand */
+ ARG_LIST *next;
+ /* the next operand of the same operation */
+struct CODE
+{ /* pseudo-code (internal form of expressions) */
+ int op;
+ /* operation code: */
+#define O_NUMBER 301 /* take floating-point number */
+#define O_STRING 302 /* take character string */
+#define O_INDEX 303 /* take dummy index */
+#define O_MEMNUM 304 /* take member of numeric parameter */
+#define O_MEMSYM 305 /* take member of symbolic parameter */
+#define O_MEMSET 306 /* take member of set */
+#define O_MEMVAR 307 /* take member of variable */
+#define O_MEMCON 308 /* take member of constraint */
+#define O_TUPLE 309 /* make n-tuple */
+#define O_MAKE 310 /* make elemental set of n-tuples */
+#define O_SLICE 311 /* define domain block (dummy op) */
+ /* 0-ary operations --------------------*/
+#define O_IRAND224 312 /* pseudo-random in [0, 2^24-1] */
+#define O_UNIFORM01 313 /* pseudo-random in [0, 1) */
+#define O_NORMAL01 314 /* gaussian random, mu = 0, sigma = 1 */
+#define O_GMTIME 315 /* current calendar time (UTC) */
+ /* unary operations --------------------*/
+#define O_CVTNUM 316 /* conversion to numeric */
+#define O_CVTSYM 317 /* conversion to symbolic */
+#define O_CVTLOG 318 /* conversion to logical */
+#define O_CVTTUP 319 /* conversion to 1-tuple */
+#define O_CVTLFM 320 /* conversion to linear form */
+#define O_PLUS 321 /* unary plus */
+#define O_MINUS 322 /* unary minus */
+#define O_NOT 323 /* negation (logical "not") */
+#define O_ABS 324 /* absolute value */
+#define O_CEIL 325 /* round upward ("ceiling of x") */
+#define O_FLOOR 326 /* round downward ("floor of x") */
+#define O_EXP 327 /* base-e exponential */
+#define O_LOG 328 /* natural logarithm */
+#define O_LOG10 329 /* common (decimal) logarithm */
+#define O_SQRT 330 /* square root */
+#define O_SIN 331 /* trigonometric sine */
+#define O_COS 332 /* trigonometric cosine */
+#define O_TAN 333 /* trigonometric tangent */
+#define O_ATAN 334 /* trigonometric arctangent */
+#define O_ROUND 335 /* round to nearest integer */
+#define O_TRUNC 336 /* truncate to nearest integer */
+#define O_CARD 337 /* cardinality of set */
+#define O_LENGTH 338 /* length of symbolic value */
+ /* binary operations -------------------*/
+#define O_ADD 339 /* addition */
+#define O_SUB 340 /* subtraction */
+#define O_LESS 341 /* non-negative subtraction */
+#define O_MUL 342 /* multiplication */
+#define O_DIV 343 /* division */
+#define O_IDIV 344 /* quotient of exact division */
+#define O_MOD 345 /* remainder of exact division */
+#define O_POWER 346 /* exponentiation (raise to power) */
+#define O_ATAN2 347 /* trigonometric arctangent */
+#define O_ROUND2 348 /* round to n fractional digits */
+#define O_TRUNC2 349 /* truncate to n fractional digits */
+#define O_UNIFORM 350 /* pseudo-random in [a, b) */
+#define O_NORMAL 351 /* gaussian random, given mu and sigma */
+#define O_CONCAT 352 /* concatenation */
+#define O_LT 353 /* comparison on 'less than' */
+#define O_LE 354 /* comparison on 'not greater than' */
+#define O_EQ 355 /* comparison on 'equal to' */
+#define O_GE 356 /* comparison on 'not less than' */
+#define O_GT 357 /* comparison on 'greater than' */
+#define O_NE 358 /* comparison on 'not equal to' */
+#define O_AND 359 /* conjunction (logical "and") */
+#define O_OR 360 /* disjunction (logical "or") */
+#define O_UNION 361 /* union */
+#define O_DIFF 362 /* difference */
+#define O_SYMDIFF 363 /* symmetric difference */
+#define O_INTER 364 /* intersection */
+#define O_CROSS 365 /* cross (Cartesian) product */
+#define O_IN 366 /* test on 'x in Y' */
+#define O_NOTIN 367 /* test on 'x not in Y' */
+#define O_WITHIN 368 /* test on 'X within Y' */
+#define O_NOTWITHIN 369 /* test on 'X not within Y' */
+#define O_SUBSTR 370 /* substring */
+#define O_STR2TIME 371 /* convert string to time */
+#define O_TIME2STR 372 /* convert time to string */
+ /* ternary operations ------------------*/
+#define O_DOTS 373 /* build "arithmetic" set */
+#define O_FORK 374 /* if-then-else */
+#define O_SUBSTR3 375 /* substring */
+ /* n-ary operations --------------------*/
+#define O_MIN 376 /* minimal value (n-ary) */
+#define O_MAX 377 /* maximal value (n-ary) */
+ /* iterated operations -----------------*/
+#define O_SUM 378 /* summation */
+#define O_PROD 379 /* multiplication */
+#define O_MINIMUM 380 /* minimum */
+#define O_MAXIMUM 381 /* maximum */
+#define O_FORALL 382 /* conjunction (A-quantification) */
+#define O_EXISTS 383 /* disjunction (E-quantification) */
+#define O_SETOF 384 /* compute elemental set */
+#define O_BUILD 385 /* build elemental set */
+ /* operands that participate in the operation */
+ int type;
+ /* type of the resultant value:
+ A_NUMERIC - numeric
+ A_SYMBOLIC - symbolic
+ A_LOGICAL - logical
+ A_TUPLE - n-tuple
+ A_ELEMSET - elemental set
+ A_FORMULA - linear form */
+ int dim;
+ /* dimension of the resultant value; for A_TUPLE and A_ELEMSET it
+ is the dimension of the corresponding n-tuple(s) and cannot be
+ zero; for other resultant types it is always zero */
+ CODE *up;
+ /* parent pseudo-code, which refers to this pseudo-code as to its
+ operand; NULL means this pseudo-code has no parent and defines
+ an expression, which is not contained in another expression */
+ int vflag;
+ /* volatile flag; being set this flag means that this operation
+ has a side effect; for primary expressions this flag is set
+ directly by corresponding parsing routines (for example, if
+ primary expression is a reference to a function that generates
+ pseudo-random numbers); in other cases this flag is inherited
+ from operands */
+ int valid;
+ /* if this flag is set, the resultant value, which is a temporary
+ result of evaluating this operation on particular values of
+ operands, is valid; if this flag is clear, the resultant value
+ doesn't exist and therefore not valid; having been evaluated
+ the resultant value is stored here and not destroyed until the
+ dummy indices, which this value depends on, have been changed
+ (and if it doesn't depend on dummy indices at all, it is never
+ destroyed); thus, if the resultant value is valid, evaluating
+ routine can immediately take its copy not computing the result
+ from scratch; this mechanism is similar to moving invariants
+ out of loops and allows improving efficiency at the expense of
+ some extra memory needed to keep temporary results */
+ /* however, if the volatile flag (see above) is set, even if the
+ resultant value is valid, evaluating routine computes it as if
+ it were not valid, i.e. caching is not used in this case */
+ VALUE value;
+ /* resultant value in generic format */
+#define eval_numeric _glp_mpl_eval_numeric
+double eval_numeric(MPL *mpl, CODE *code);
+/* evaluate pseudo-code to determine numeric value */
+#define eval_symbolic _glp_mpl_eval_symbolic
+SYMBOL *eval_symbolic(MPL *mpl, CODE *code);
+/* evaluate pseudo-code to determine symbolic value */
+#define eval_logical _glp_mpl_eval_logical
+int eval_logical(MPL *mpl, CODE *code);
+/* evaluate pseudo-code to determine logical value */
+#define eval_tuple _glp_mpl_eval_tuple
+TUPLE *eval_tuple(MPL *mpl, CODE *code);
+/* evaluate pseudo-code to construct n-tuple */
+#define eval_elemset _glp_mpl_eval_elemset
+ELEMSET *eval_elemset(MPL *mpl, CODE *code);
+/* evaluate pseudo-code to construct elemental set */
+#define is_member _glp_mpl_is_member
+int is_member(MPL *mpl, CODE *code, TUPLE *tuple);
+/* check if n-tuple is in set specified by pseudo-code */
+#define eval_formula _glp_mpl_eval_formula
+FORMULA *eval_formula(MPL *mpl, CODE *code);
+/* evaluate pseudo-code to construct linear form */
+#define clean_code _glp_mpl_clean_code
+void clean_code(MPL *mpl, CODE *code);
+/* clean pseudo-code */
+/* * * MODEL STATEMENTS * * */
+struct CHECK
+{ /* check statement */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; NULL means domain is not used */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* code for computing the predicate to be checked */
+struct DISPLAY
+{ /* display statement */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; NULL means domain is not used */
+ DISPLAY1 *list;
+ /* display list; cannot be empty */
+struct DISPLAY1
+{ /* display list entry */
+ int type;
+ /* item type:
+ A_INDEX - dummy index
+ A_SET - model set
+ A_PARAMETER - model parameter
+ A_VARIABLE - model variable
+ A_CONSTRAINT - model constraint/objective
+ A_EXPRESSION - expression */
+ union
+ { DOMAIN_SLOT *slot;
+ SET *set;
+ VARIABLE *var;
+ CODE *code;
+ } u;
+ /* item to be displayed */
+#if 0 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ ARG_LIST *list;
+ /* optional subscript list (for constraint/objective only) */
+ DISPLAY1 *next;
+ /* the next entry for the same statement */
+struct PRINTF
+{ /* printf statement */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; NULL means domain is not used */
+ CODE *fmt;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing format string */
+ PRINTF1 *list;
+ /* printf list; can be empty */
+ CODE *fname;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing filename to redirect the output;
+ NULL means the output goes to stdout */
+ int app;
+ /* if this flag is set, the output is appended */
+struct PRINTF1
+{ /* printf list entry */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing value to be printed */
+ PRINTF1 *next;
+ /* the next entry for the same statement */
+struct FOR
+{ /* for statement */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; cannot be NULL */
+ STATEMENT *list;
+ /* linked list of model statements within this for statement in
+ the original order */
+{ /* model statement */
+ int line;
+ /* number of source text line, where statement begins */
+ int type;
+ /* statement type:
+ A_SET - set statement
+ A_PARAMETER - parameter statement
+ A_VARIABLE - variable statement
+ A_CONSTRAINT - constraint/objective statement
+ A_TABLE - table statement
+ A_SOLVE - solve statement
+ A_CHECK - check statement
+ A_DISPLAY - display statement
+ A_PRINTF - printf statement
+ A_FOR - for statement */
+ union
+ { SET *set;
+ VARIABLE *var;
+ TABLE *tab;
+ void *slv; /* currently not used (set to NULL) */
+ CHECK *chk;
+ DISPLAY *dpy;
+ PRINTF *prt;
+ FOR *fur;
+ } u;
+ /* specific part of statement */
+ STATEMENT *next;
+ /* the next statement; in this list statements follow in the same
+ order as they appear in the model section */
+#define execute_table _glp_mpl_execute_table
+void execute_table(MPL *mpl, TABLE *tab);
+/* execute table statement */
+#define free_dca _glp_mpl_free_dca
+void free_dca(MPL *mpl);
+/* free table driver communucation area */
+#define clean_table _glp_mpl_clean_table
+void clean_table(MPL *mpl, TABLE *tab);
+/* clean table statement */
+#define execute_check _glp_mpl_execute_check
+void execute_check(MPL *mpl, CHECK *chk);
+/* execute check statement */
+#define clean_check _glp_mpl_clean_check
+void clean_check(MPL *mpl, CHECK *chk);
+/* clean check statement */
+#define execute_display _glp_mpl_execute_display
+void execute_display(MPL *mpl, DISPLAY *dpy);
+/* execute display statement */
+#define clean_display _glp_mpl_clean_display
+void clean_display(MPL *mpl, DISPLAY *dpy);
+/* clean display statement */
+#define execute_printf _glp_mpl_execute_printf
+void execute_printf(MPL *mpl, PRINTF *prt);
+/* execute printf statement */
+#define clean_printf _glp_mpl_clean_printf
+void clean_printf(MPL *mpl, PRINTF *prt);
+/* clean printf statement */
+#define execute_for _glp_mpl_execute_for
+void execute_for(MPL *mpl, FOR *fur);
+/* execute for statement */
+#define clean_for _glp_mpl_clean_for
+void clean_for(MPL *mpl, FOR *fur);
+/* clean for statement */
+#define execute_statement _glp_mpl_execute_statement
+void execute_statement(MPL *mpl, STATEMENT *stmt);
+/* execute specified model statement */
+#define clean_statement _glp_mpl_clean_statement
+void clean_statement(MPL *mpl, STATEMENT *stmt);
+/* clean specified model statement */
+#define alloc_content _glp_mpl_alloc_content
+void alloc_content(MPL *mpl);
+/* allocate content arrays for all model objects */
+#define generate_model _glp_mpl_generate_model
+void generate_model(MPL *mpl);
+/* generate model */
+#define build_problem _glp_mpl_build_problem
+void build_problem(MPL *mpl);
+/* build problem instance */
+#define postsolve_model _glp_mpl_postsolve_model
+void postsolve_model(MPL *mpl);
+/* postsolve model */
+#define clean_model _glp_mpl_clean_model
+void clean_model(MPL *mpl);
+/* clean model content */
+/* * * INPUT/OUTPUT * * */
+#define open_input _glp_mpl_open_input
+void open_input(MPL *mpl, char *file);
+/* open input text file */
+#define read_char _glp_mpl_read_char
+int read_char(MPL *mpl);
+/* read next character from input text file */
+#define close_input _glp_mpl_close_input
+void close_input(MPL *mpl);
+/* close input text file */
+#define open_output _glp_mpl_open_output
+void open_output(MPL *mpl, char *file);
+/* open output text file */
+#define write_char _glp_mpl_write_char
+void write_char(MPL *mpl, int c);
+/* write next character to output text file */
+#define write_text _glp_mpl_write_text
+void write_text(MPL *mpl, char *fmt, ...);
+/* format and write text to output text file */
+#define flush_output _glp_mpl_flush_output
+void flush_output(MPL *mpl);
+/* finalize writing data to output text file */
+/* * * SOLVER INTERFACE * * */
+#define MPL_FR 401 /* free (unbounded) */
+#define MPL_LO 402 /* lower bound */
+#define MPL_UP 403 /* upper bound */
+#define MPL_DB 404 /* both lower and upper bounds */
+#define MPL_FX 405 /* fixed */
+#define MPL_ST 411 /* constraint */
+#define MPL_MIN 412 /* objective (minimization) */
+#define MPL_MAX 413 /* objective (maximization) */
+#define MPL_NUM 421 /* continuous */
+#define MPL_INT 422 /* integer */
+#define MPL_BIN 423 /* binary */
+#define error _glp_mpl_error
+void error(MPL *mpl, char *fmt, ...);
+/* print error message and terminate model processing */
+#define warning _glp_mpl_warning
+void warning(MPL *mpl, char *fmt, ...);
+/* print warning message and continue model processing */
+#define mpl_initialize _glp_mpl_initialize
+MPL *mpl_initialize(void);
+/* create and initialize translator database */
+#define mpl_read_model _glp_mpl_read_model
+int mpl_read_model(MPL *mpl, char *file, int skip_data);
+/* read model section and optional data section */
+#define mpl_read_data _glp_mpl_read_data
+int mpl_read_data(MPL *mpl, char *file);
+/* read data section */
+#define mpl_generate _glp_mpl_generate
+int mpl_generate(MPL *mpl, char *file);
+/* generate model */
+#define mpl_get_prob_name _glp_mpl_get_prob_name
+char *mpl_get_prob_name(MPL *mpl);
+/* obtain problem (model) name */
+#define mpl_get_num_rows _glp_mpl_get_num_rows
+int mpl_get_num_rows(MPL *mpl);
+/* determine number of rows */
+#define mpl_get_num_cols _glp_mpl_get_num_cols
+int mpl_get_num_cols(MPL *mpl);
+/* determine number of columns */
+#define mpl_get_row_name _glp_mpl_get_row_name
+char *mpl_get_row_name(MPL *mpl, int i);
+/* obtain row name */
+#define mpl_get_row_kind _glp_mpl_get_row_kind
+int mpl_get_row_kind(MPL *mpl, int i);
+/* determine row kind */
+#define mpl_get_row_bnds _glp_mpl_get_row_bnds
+int mpl_get_row_bnds(MPL *mpl, int i, double *lb, double *ub);
+/* obtain row bounds */
+#define mpl_get_mat_row _glp_mpl_get_mat_row
+int mpl_get_mat_row(MPL *mpl, int i, int ndx[], double val[]);
+/* obtain row of the constraint matrix */
+#define mpl_get_row_c0 _glp_mpl_get_row_c0
+double mpl_get_row_c0(MPL *mpl, int i);
+/* obtain constant term of free row */
+#define mpl_get_col_name _glp_mpl_get_col_name
+char *mpl_get_col_name(MPL *mpl, int j);
+/* obtain column name */
+#define mpl_get_col_kind _glp_mpl_get_col_kind
+int mpl_get_col_kind(MPL *mpl, int j);
+/* determine column kind */
+#define mpl_get_col_bnds _glp_mpl_get_col_bnds
+int mpl_get_col_bnds(MPL *mpl, int j, double *lb, double *ub);
+/* obtain column bounds */
+#define mpl_has_solve_stmt _glp_mpl_has_solve_stmt
+int mpl_has_solve_stmt(MPL *mpl);
+/* check if model has solve statement */
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+#define mpl_put_row_soln _glp_mpl_put_row_soln
+void mpl_put_row_soln(MPL *mpl, int i, int stat, double prim,
+ double dual);
+/* store row (constraint/objective) solution components */
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+#define mpl_put_col_soln _glp_mpl_put_col_soln
+void mpl_put_col_soln(MPL *mpl, int j, int stat, double prim,
+ double dual);
+/* store column (variable) solution components */
+#if 0 /* 15/V-2010 */
+#define mpl_put_col_value _glp_mpl_put_col_value
+void mpl_put_col_value(MPL *mpl, int j, double val);
+/* store column value */
+#define mpl_postsolve _glp_mpl_postsolve
+int mpl_postsolve(MPL *mpl);
+/* postsolve model */
+#define mpl_terminate _glp_mpl_terminate
+void mpl_terminate(MPL *mpl);
+/* free all resources used by translator */
+/* eof */