path: root/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl
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authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-04-20 14:06:21 +0200
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2020-04-20 14:06:21 +0200
commit168393089024b5f926836cb813fddf14e6b6e4d4 (patch)
tree5d018198dc26be847544f162b87ad3dcecbab479 /test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl
parent633b72565b022f159526338b5bbb9fcac86dfd2b (diff)
parentb3431b1d9ee5121883d307cff0b62b7e53369891 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/mppa-work' into mppa-fast-div
Diffstat (limited to 'test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl')
9 files changed, 19371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl.h b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ddd31543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2598 @@
+/* mpl.h (GNU MathProg translator) */
+* This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).
+* Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied
+* Informatics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights
+* reserved. E-mail: <mao@gnu.org>.
+* GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+* License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with GLPK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#ifndef MPL_H
+#define MPL_H
+#include "avl.h"
+#include "dmp.h"
+#include "env.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "rng.h"
+#if 0 /* 22/I-2013 */
+typedef struct MPL MPL;
+typedef struct glp_tran MPL;
+typedef char STRING;
+typedef struct SYMBOL SYMBOL;
+typedef struct TUPLE TUPLE;
+typedef struct ARRAY ELEMSET;
+typedef struct ELEMVAR ELEMVAR;
+typedef struct FORMULA FORMULA;
+typedef struct ELEMCON ELEMCON;
+typedef union VALUE VALUE;
+typedef struct ARRAY ARRAY;
+typedef struct MEMBER MEMBER;
+#if 1
+/* many C compilers have DOMAIN declared in <math.h> :( */
+#undef DOMAIN
+typedef struct DOMAIN DOMAIN;
+typedef struct DOMAIN_SLOT DOMAIN_SLOT;
+typedef struct SET SET;
+typedef struct WITHIN WITHIN;
+typedef struct GADGET GADGET;
+typedef struct PARAMETER PARAMETER;
+typedef struct CONDITION CONDITION;
+typedef struct VARIABLE VARIABLE;
+typedef struct TABLE TABLE;
+typedef struct TABARG TABARG;
+typedef struct TABFLD TABFLD;
+typedef struct TABIN TABIN;
+typedef struct TABOUT TABOUT;
+typedef struct TABDCA TABDCA;
+typedef union OPERANDS OPERANDS;
+typedef struct ARG_LIST ARG_LIST;
+typedef struct CODE CODE;
+typedef struct CHECK CHECK;
+typedef struct DISPLAY DISPLAY;
+typedef struct DISPLAY1 DISPLAY1;
+typedef struct PRINTF PRINTF;
+typedef struct PRINTF1 PRINTF1;
+typedef struct FOR FOR;
+typedef struct STATEMENT STATEMENT;
+typedef struct TUPLE SLICE;
+#define A_BINARY 101 /* something binary */
+#define A_CHECK 102 /* check statement */
+#define A_CONSTRAINT 103 /* model constraint */
+#define A_DISPLAY 104 /* display statement */
+#define A_ELEMCON 105 /* elemental constraint/objective */
+#define A_ELEMSET 106 /* elemental set */
+#define A_ELEMVAR 107 /* elemental variable */
+#define A_EXPRESSION 108 /* expression */
+#define A_FOR 109 /* for statement */
+#define A_FORMULA 110 /* formula */
+#define A_INDEX 111 /* dummy index */
+#define A_INPUT 112 /* input table */
+#define A_INTEGER 113 /* something integer */
+#define A_LOGICAL 114 /* something logical */
+#define A_MAXIMIZE 115 /* objective has to be maximized */
+#define A_MINIMIZE 116 /* objective has to be minimized */
+#define A_NONE 117 /* nothing */
+#define A_NUMERIC 118 /* something numeric */
+#define A_OUTPUT 119 /* output table */
+#define A_PARAMETER 120 /* model parameter */
+#define A_PRINTF 121 /* printf statement */
+#define A_SET 122 /* model set */
+#define A_SOLVE 123 /* solve statement */
+#define A_SYMBOLIC 124 /* something symbolic */
+#define A_TABLE 125 /* data table */
+#define A_TUPLE 126 /* n-tuple */
+#define A_VARIABLE 127 /* model variable */
+#define MAX_LENGTH 100
+/* maximal length of any symbolic value (this includes symbolic names,
+ numeric and string literals, and all symbolic values that may appear
+ during the evaluation phase) */
+#define CONTEXT_SIZE 60
+/* size of the context queue, in characters */
+#define OUTBUF_SIZE 1024
+/* size of the output buffer, in characters */
+#if 0 /* 22/I-2013 */
+struct MPL
+struct glp_tran
+{ /* translator database */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* scanning segment */
+ int line;
+ /* number of the current text line */
+ int c;
+ /* the current character or EOF */
+ int token;
+ /* the current token: */
+#define T_EOF 201 /* end of file */
+#define T_NAME 202 /* symbolic name (model section only) */
+#define T_SYMBOL 203 /* symbol (data section only) */
+#define T_NUMBER 204 /* numeric literal */
+#define T_STRING 205 /* string literal */
+#define T_AND 206 /* and && */
+#define T_BY 207 /* by */
+#define T_CROSS 208 /* cross */
+#define T_DIFF 209 /* diff */
+#define T_DIV 210 /* div */
+#define T_ELSE 211 /* else */
+#define T_IF 212 /* if */
+#define T_IN 213 /* in */
+#define T_INFINITY 214 /* Infinity */
+#define T_INTER 215 /* inter */
+#define T_LESS 216 /* less */
+#define T_MOD 217 /* mod */
+#define T_NOT 218 /* not ! */
+#define T_OR 219 /* or || */
+#define T_SPTP 220 /* s.t. */
+#define T_SYMDIFF 221 /* symdiff */
+#define T_THEN 222 /* then */
+#define T_UNION 223 /* union */
+#define T_WITHIN 224 /* within */
+#define T_PLUS 225 /* + */
+#define T_MINUS 226 /* - */
+#define T_ASTERISK 227 /* * */
+#define T_SLASH 228 /* / */
+#define T_POWER 229 /* ^ ** */
+#define T_LT 230 /* < */
+#define T_LE 231 /* <= */
+#define T_EQ 232 /* = == */
+#define T_GE 233 /* >= */
+#define T_GT 234 /* > */
+#define T_NE 235 /* <> != */
+#define T_CONCAT 236 /* & */
+#define T_BAR 237 /* | */
+#define T_POINT 238 /* . */
+#define T_COMMA 239 /* , */
+#define T_COLON 240 /* : */
+#define T_SEMICOLON 241 /* ; */
+#define T_ASSIGN 242 /* := */
+#define T_DOTS 243 /* .. */
+#define T_LEFT 244 /* ( */
+#define T_RIGHT 245 /* ) */
+#define T_LBRACKET 246 /* [ */
+#define T_RBRACKET 247 /* ] */
+#define T_LBRACE 248 /* { */
+#define T_RBRACE 249 /* } */
+#define T_APPEND 250 /* >> */
+#define T_TILDE 251 /* ~ */
+#define T_INPUT 252 /* <- */
+ int imlen;
+ /* length of the current token */
+ char *image; /* char image[MAX_LENGTH+1]; */
+ /* image of the current token */
+ double value;
+ /* value of the current token (for T_NUMBER only) */
+ int b_token;
+ /* the previous token */
+ int b_imlen;
+ /* length of the previous token */
+ char *b_image; /* char b_image[MAX_LENGTH+1]; */
+ /* image of the previous token */
+ double b_value;
+ /* value of the previous token (if token is T_NUMBER) */
+ int f_dots;
+ /* if this flag is set, the next token should be recognized as
+ T_DOTS, not as T_POINT */
+ int f_scan;
+ /* if this flag is set, the next token is already scanned */
+ int f_token;
+ /* the next token */
+ int f_imlen;
+ /* length of the next token */
+ char *f_image; /* char f_image[MAX_LENGTH+1]; */
+ /* image of the next token */
+ double f_value;
+ /* value of the next token (if token is T_NUMBER) */
+ char *context; /* char context[CONTEXT_SIZE]; */
+ /* context circular queue (not null-terminated!) */
+ int c_ptr;
+ /* pointer to the current position in the context queue */
+ int flag_d;
+ /* if this flag is set, the data section is being processed */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* translating segment */
+ DMP *pool;
+ /* memory pool used to allocate all data instances created during
+ the translation phase */
+ AVL *tree;
+ /* symbolic name table:
+ node.type = A_INDEX => node.link -> DOMAIN_SLOT
+ node.type = A_SET => node.link -> SET
+ node.type = A_PARAMETER => node.link -> PARAMETER
+ node.type = A_VARIABLE => node.link -> VARIABLE
+ node.type = A_CONSTRANT => node.link -> CONSTRAINT */
+ STATEMENT *model;
+ /* linked list of model statements in the original order */
+ int flag_x;
+ /* if this flag is set, the current token being left parenthesis
+ begins a slice that allows recognizing any undeclared symbolic
+ names as dummy indices; this flag is automatically reset once
+ the next token has been scanned */
+ int as_within;
+ /* the warning "in understood as within" has been issued */
+ int as_in;
+ /* the warning "within understood as in" has been issued */
+ int as_binary;
+ /* the warning "logical understood as binary" has been issued */
+ int flag_s;
+ /* if this flag is set, the solve statement has been parsed */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* common segment */
+ DMP *strings;
+ /* memory pool to allocate STRING data structures */
+ DMP *symbols;
+ /* memory pool to allocate SYMBOL data structures */
+ DMP *tuples;
+ /* memory pool to allocate TUPLE data structures */
+ DMP *arrays;
+ /* memory pool to allocate ARRAY data structures */
+ DMP *members;
+ /* memory pool to allocate MEMBER data structures */
+ DMP *elemvars;
+ /* memory pool to allocate ELEMVAR data structures */
+ DMP *formulae;
+ /* memory pool to allocate FORMULA data structures */
+ DMP *elemcons;
+ /* memory pool to allocate ELEMCON data structures */
+ ARRAY *a_list;
+ /* linked list of all arrays in the database */
+ char *sym_buf; /* char sym_buf[255+1]; */
+ /* working buffer used by the routine format_symbol */
+ char *tup_buf; /* char tup_buf[255+1]; */
+ /* working buffer used by the routine format_tuple */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* generating/postsolving segment */
+ RNG *rand;
+ /* pseudo-random number generator */
+ int flag_p;
+ /* if this flag is set, the postsolving phase is in effect */
+ STATEMENT *stmt;
+ /* model statement being currently executed */
+ TABDCA *dca;
+ /* pointer to table driver communication area for table statement
+ currently executed */
+ int m;
+ /* number of rows in the problem, m >= 0 */
+ int n;
+ /* number of columns in the problem, n >= 0 */
+ ELEMCON **row; /* ELEMCON *row[1+m]; */
+ /* row[0] is not used;
+ row[i] is elemental constraint or objective, which corresponds
+ to i-th row of the problem, 1 <= i <= m */
+ ELEMVAR **col; /* ELEMVAR *col[1+n]; */
+ /* col[0] is not used;
+ col[j] is elemental variable, which corresponds to j-th column
+ of the problem, 1 <= j <= n */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* input/output segment */
+ glp_file *in_fp;
+ /* stream assigned to the input text file */
+ char *in_file;
+ /* name of the input text file */
+ glp_file *out_fp;
+ /* stream assigned to the output text file used to write all data
+ produced by display and printf statements; NULL means the data
+ should be sent to stdout via the routine xprintf */
+ char *out_file;
+ /* name of the output text file */
+#if 0 /* 08/XI-2009 */
+ char *out_buf; /* char out_buf[OUTBUF_SIZE] */
+ /* buffer to accumulate output data */
+ int out_cnt;
+ /* count of data bytes stored in the output buffer */
+ glp_file *prt_fp;
+ /* stream assigned to the print text file; may be NULL */
+ char *prt_file;
+ /* name of the output print file */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* solver interface segment */
+ jmp_buf jump;
+ /* jump address for non-local go to in case of error */
+ int phase;
+ /* phase of processing:
+ 0 - database is being or has been initialized
+ 1 - model section is being or has been read
+ 2 - data section is being or has been read
+ 3 - model is being or has been generated/postsolved
+ 4 - model processing error has occurred */
+ char *mod_file;
+ /* name of the input text file, which contains model section */
+ char *mpl_buf; /* char mpl_buf[255+1]; */
+ /* working buffer used by some interface routines */
+#define alloc(type) ((type *)dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, sizeof(type)))
+/* allocate atom of given type */
+#define enter_context _glp_mpl_enter_context
+void enter_context(MPL *mpl);
+/* enter current token into context queue */
+#define print_context _glp_mpl_print_context
+void print_context(MPL *mpl);
+/* print current content of context queue */
+#define get_char _glp_mpl_get_char
+void get_char(MPL *mpl);
+/* scan next character from input text file */
+#define append_char _glp_mpl_append_char
+void append_char(MPL *mpl);
+/* append character to current token */
+#define get_token _glp_mpl_get_token
+void get_token(MPL *mpl);
+/* scan next token from input text file */
+#define unget_token _glp_mpl_unget_token
+void unget_token(MPL *mpl);
+/* return current token back to input stream */
+#define is_keyword _glp_mpl_is_keyword
+int is_keyword(MPL *mpl, char *keyword);
+/* check if current token is given non-reserved keyword */
+#define is_reserved _glp_mpl_is_reserved
+int is_reserved(MPL *mpl);
+/* check if current token is reserved keyword */
+#define make_code _glp_mpl_make_code
+CODE *make_code(MPL *mpl, int op, OPERANDS *arg, int type, int dim);
+/* generate pseudo-code (basic routine) */
+#define make_unary _glp_mpl_make_unary
+CODE *make_unary(MPL *mpl, int op, CODE *x, int type, int dim);
+/* generate pseudo-code for unary operation */
+#define make_binary _glp_mpl_make_binary
+CODE *make_binary(MPL *mpl, int op, CODE *x, CODE *y, int type,
+ int dim);
+/* generate pseudo-code for binary operation */
+#define make_ternary _glp_mpl_make_ternary
+CODE *make_ternary(MPL *mpl, int op, CODE *x, CODE *y, CODE *z,
+ int type, int dim);
+/* generate pseudo-code for ternary operation */
+#define numeric_literal _glp_mpl_numeric_literal
+CODE *numeric_literal(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse reference to numeric literal */
+#define string_literal _glp_mpl_string_literal
+CODE *string_literal(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse reference to string literal */
+#define create_arg_list _glp_mpl_create_arg_list
+ARG_LIST *create_arg_list(MPL *mpl);
+/* create empty operands list */
+#define expand_arg_list _glp_mpl_expand_arg_list
+ARG_LIST *expand_arg_list(MPL *mpl, ARG_LIST *list, CODE *x);
+/* append operand to operands list */
+#define arg_list_len _glp_mpl_arg_list_len
+int arg_list_len(MPL *mpl, ARG_LIST *list);
+/* determine length of operands list */
+#define subscript_list _glp_mpl_subscript_list
+ARG_LIST *subscript_list(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse subscript list */
+#define object_reference _glp_mpl_object_reference
+CODE *object_reference(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse reference to named object */
+#define numeric_argument _glp_mpl_numeric_argument
+CODE *numeric_argument(MPL *mpl, char *func);
+/* parse argument passed to built-in function */
+#define symbolic_argument _glp_mpl_symbolic_argument
+CODE *symbolic_argument(MPL *mpl, char *func);
+#define elemset_argument _glp_mpl_elemset_argument
+CODE *elemset_argument(MPL *mpl, char *func);
+#define function_reference _glp_mpl_function_reference
+CODE *function_reference(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse reference to built-in function */
+#define create_domain _glp_mpl_create_domain
+DOMAIN *create_domain(MPL *mpl);
+/* create empty domain */
+#define create_block _glp_mpl_create_block
+DOMAIN_BLOCK *create_block(MPL *mpl);
+/* create empty domain block */
+#define append_block _glp_mpl_append_block
+void append_block(MPL *mpl, DOMAIN *domain, DOMAIN_BLOCK *block);
+/* append domain block to specified domain */
+#define append_slot _glp_mpl_append_slot
+DOMAIN_SLOT *append_slot(MPL *mpl, DOMAIN_BLOCK *block, char *name,
+ CODE *code);
+/* create and append new slot to domain block */
+#define expression_list _glp_mpl_expression_list
+CODE *expression_list(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression list */
+#define literal_set _glp_mpl_literal_set
+CODE *literal_set(MPL *mpl, CODE *code);
+/* parse literal set */
+#define indexing_expression _glp_mpl_indexing_expression
+DOMAIN *indexing_expression(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse indexing expression */
+#define close_scope _glp_mpl_close_scope
+void close_scope(MPL *mpl, DOMAIN *domain);
+/* close scope of indexing expression */
+#define iterated_expression _glp_mpl_iterated_expression
+CODE *iterated_expression(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse iterated expression */
+#define domain_arity _glp_mpl_domain_arity
+int domain_arity(MPL *mpl, DOMAIN *domain);
+/* determine arity of domain */
+#define set_expression _glp_mpl_set_expression
+CODE *set_expression(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse set expression */
+#define branched_expression _glp_mpl_branched_expression
+CODE *branched_expression(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse conditional expression */
+#define primary_expression _glp_mpl_primary_expression
+CODE *primary_expression(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse primary expression */
+#define error_preceding _glp_mpl_error_preceding
+void error_preceding(MPL *mpl, char *opstr);
+/* raise error if preceding operand has wrong type */
+#define error_following _glp_mpl_error_following
+void error_following(MPL *mpl, char *opstr);
+/* raise error if following operand has wrong type */
+#define error_dimension _glp_mpl_error_dimension
+void error_dimension(MPL *mpl, char *opstr, int dim1, int dim2);
+/* raise error if operands have different dimension */
+#define expression_0 _glp_mpl_expression_0
+CODE *expression_0(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 0 */
+#define expression_1 _glp_mpl_expression_1
+CODE *expression_1(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 1 */
+#define expression_2 _glp_mpl_expression_2
+CODE *expression_2(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 2 */
+#define expression_3 _glp_mpl_expression_3
+CODE *expression_3(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 3 */
+#define expression_4 _glp_mpl_expression_4
+CODE *expression_4(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 4 */
+#define expression_5 _glp_mpl_expression_5
+CODE *expression_5(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 5 */
+#define expression_6 _glp_mpl_expression_6
+CODE *expression_6(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 6 */
+#define expression_7 _glp_mpl_expression_7
+CODE *expression_7(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 7 */
+#define expression_8 _glp_mpl_expression_8
+CODE *expression_8(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 8 */
+#define expression_9 _glp_mpl_expression_9
+CODE *expression_9(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 9 */
+#define expression_10 _glp_mpl_expression_10
+CODE *expression_10(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 10 */
+#define expression_11 _glp_mpl_expression_11
+CODE *expression_11(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 11 */
+#define expression_12 _glp_mpl_expression_12
+CODE *expression_12(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 12 */
+#define expression_13 _glp_mpl_expression_13
+CODE *expression_13(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse expression of level 13 */
+#define set_statement _glp_mpl_set_statement
+SET *set_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse set statement */
+#define parameter_statement _glp_mpl_parameter_statement
+PARAMETER *parameter_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse parameter statement */
+#define variable_statement _glp_mpl_variable_statement
+VARIABLE *variable_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse variable statement */
+#define constraint_statement _glp_mpl_constraint_statement
+CONSTRAINT *constraint_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse constraint statement */
+#define objective_statement _glp_mpl_objective_statement
+CONSTRAINT *objective_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse objective statement */
+#define table_statement _glp_mpl_table_statement
+TABLE *table_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse table statement */
+#define solve_statement _glp_mpl_solve_statement
+void *solve_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse solve statement */
+#define check_statement _glp_mpl_check_statement
+CHECK *check_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse check statement */
+#define display_statement _glp_mpl_display_statement
+DISPLAY *display_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse display statement */
+#define printf_statement _glp_mpl_printf_statement
+PRINTF *printf_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse printf statement */
+#define for_statement _glp_mpl_for_statement
+FOR *for_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse for statement */
+#define end_statement _glp_mpl_end_statement
+void end_statement(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse end statement */
+#define simple_statement _glp_mpl_simple_statement
+STATEMENT *simple_statement(MPL *mpl, int spec);
+/* parse simple statement */
+#define model_section _glp_mpl_model_section
+void model_section(MPL *mpl);
+/* parse model section */
+#if 2 + 2 == 5
+struct SLICE /* see TUPLE */
+{ /* component of slice; the slice itself is associated with its
+ first component; slices are similar to n-tuples with exception
+ that some slice components (which are indicated by asterisks)
+ don't refer to any symbols */
+ SYMBOL *sym;
+ /* symbol, which this component refers to; can be NULL */
+ SLICE *next;
+ /* the next component of slice */
+#define create_slice _glp_mpl_create_slice
+SLICE *create_slice(MPL *mpl);
+/* create slice */
+#define expand_slice _glp_mpl_expand_slice
+SLICE *expand_slice
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SLICE *slice, /* destroyed */
+ SYMBOL *sym /* destroyed */
+/* append new component to slice */
+#define slice_dimen _glp_mpl_slice_dimen
+int slice_dimen
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SLICE *slice /* not changed */
+/* determine dimension of slice */
+#define slice_arity _glp_mpl_slice_arity
+int slice_arity
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SLICE *slice /* not changed */
+/* determine arity of slice */
+#define fake_slice _glp_mpl_fake_slice
+SLICE *fake_slice(MPL *mpl, int dim);
+/* create fake slice of all asterisks */
+#define delete_slice _glp_mpl_delete_slice
+void delete_slice
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SLICE *slice /* destroyed */
+/* delete slice */
+#define is_number _glp_mpl_is_number
+int is_number(MPL *mpl);
+/* check if current token is number */
+#define is_symbol _glp_mpl_is_symbol
+int is_symbol(MPL *mpl);
+/* check if current token is symbol */
+#define is_literal _glp_mpl_is_literal
+int is_literal(MPL *mpl, char *literal);
+/* check if current token is given symbolic literal */
+#define read_number _glp_mpl_read_number
+double read_number(MPL *mpl);
+/* read number */
+#define read_symbol _glp_mpl_read_symbol
+SYMBOL *read_symbol(MPL *mpl);
+/* read symbol */
+#define read_slice _glp_mpl_read_slice
+SLICE *read_slice
+( MPL *mpl,
+ char *name, /* not changed */
+ int dim
+/* read slice */
+#define select_set _glp_mpl_select_set
+SET *select_set
+( MPL *mpl,
+ char *name /* not changed */
+/* select set to saturate it with elemental sets */
+#define simple_format _glp_mpl_simple_format
+void simple_format
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SET *set, /* not changed */
+ MEMBER *memb, /* modified */
+ SLICE *slice /* not changed */
+/* read set data block in simple format */
+#define matrix_format _glp_mpl_matrix_format
+void matrix_format
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SET *set, /* not changed */
+ MEMBER *memb, /* modified */
+ SLICE *slice, /* not changed */
+ int tr
+/* read set data block in matrix format */
+#define set_data _glp_mpl_set_data
+void set_data(MPL *mpl);
+/* read set data */
+#define select_parameter _glp_mpl_select_parameter
+PARAMETER *select_parameter
+( MPL *mpl,
+ char *name /* not changed */
+/* select parameter to saturate it with data */
+#define set_default _glp_mpl_set_default
+void set_default
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ SYMBOL *altval /* destroyed */
+/* set default parameter value */
+#define read_value _glp_mpl_read_value
+MEMBER *read_value
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* destroyed */
+/* read value and assign it to parameter member */
+#define plain_format _glp_mpl_plain_format
+void plain_format
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ SLICE *slice /* not changed */
+/* read parameter data block in plain format */
+#define tabular_format _glp_mpl_tabular_format
+void tabular_format
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ SLICE *slice, /* not changed */
+ int tr
+/* read parameter data block in tabular format */
+#define tabbing_format _glp_mpl_tabbing_format
+void tabbing_format
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *altval /* not changed */
+/* read parameter data block in tabbing format */
+#define parameter_data _glp_mpl_parameter_data
+void parameter_data(MPL *mpl);
+/* read parameter data */
+#define data_section _glp_mpl_data_section
+void data_section(MPL *mpl);
+/* read data section */
+#define fp_add _glp_mpl_fp_add
+double fp_add(MPL *mpl, double x, double y);
+/* floating-point addition */
+#define fp_sub _glp_mpl_fp_sub
+double fp_sub(MPL *mpl, double x, double y);
+/* floating-point subtraction */
+#define fp_less _glp_mpl_fp_less
+double fp_less(MPL *mpl, double x, double y);
+/* floating-point non-negative subtraction */
+#define fp_mul _glp_mpl_fp_mul
+double fp_mul(MPL *mpl, double x, double y);
+/* floating-point multiplication */
+#define fp_div _glp_mpl_fp_div
+double fp_div(MPL *mpl, double x, double y);
+/* floating-point division */
+#define fp_idiv _glp_mpl_fp_idiv
+double fp_idiv(MPL *mpl, double x, double y);
+/* floating-point quotient of exact division */
+#define fp_mod _glp_mpl_fp_mod
+double fp_mod(MPL *mpl, double x, double y);
+/* floating-point remainder of exact division */
+#define fp_power _glp_mpl_fp_power
+double fp_power(MPL *mpl, double x, double y);
+/* floating-point exponentiation (raise to power) */
+#define fp_exp _glp_mpl_fp_exp
+double fp_exp(MPL *mpl, double x);
+/* floating-point base-e exponential */
+#define fp_log _glp_mpl_fp_log
+double fp_log(MPL *mpl, double x);
+/* floating-point natural logarithm */
+#define fp_log10 _glp_mpl_fp_log10
+double fp_log10(MPL *mpl, double x);
+/* floating-point common (decimal) logarithm */
+#define fp_sqrt _glp_mpl_fp_sqrt
+double fp_sqrt(MPL *mpl, double x);
+/* floating-point square root */
+#define fp_sin _glp_mpl_fp_sin
+double fp_sin(MPL *mpl, double x);
+/* floating-point trigonometric sine */
+#define fp_cos _glp_mpl_fp_cos
+double fp_cos(MPL *mpl, double x);
+/* floating-point trigonometric cosine */
+#define fp_tan _glp_mpl_fp_tan
+double fp_tan(MPL *mpl, double x);
+/* floating-point trigonometric tangent */
+#define fp_atan _glp_mpl_fp_atan
+double fp_atan(MPL *mpl, double x);
+/* floating-point trigonometric arctangent */
+#define fp_atan2 _glp_mpl_fp_atan2
+double fp_atan2(MPL *mpl, double y, double x);
+/* floating-point trigonometric arctangent */
+#define fp_round _glp_mpl_fp_round
+double fp_round(MPL *mpl, double x, double n);
+/* round floating-point value to n fractional digits */
+#define fp_trunc _glp_mpl_fp_trunc
+double fp_trunc(MPL *mpl, double x, double n);
+/* truncate floating-point value to n fractional digits */
+#define fp_irand224 _glp_mpl_fp_irand224
+double fp_irand224(MPL *mpl);
+/* pseudo-random integer in the range [0, 2^24) */
+#define fp_uniform01 _glp_mpl_fp_uniform01
+double fp_uniform01(MPL *mpl);
+/* pseudo-random number in the range [0, 1) */
+#define fp_uniform _glp_mpl_uniform
+double fp_uniform(MPL *mpl, double a, double b);
+/* pseudo-random number in the range [a, b) */
+#define fp_normal01 _glp_mpl_fp_normal01
+double fp_normal01(MPL *mpl);
+/* Gaussian random variate with mu = 0 and sigma = 1 */
+#define fp_normal _glp_mpl_fp_normal
+double fp_normal(MPL *mpl, double mu, double sigma);
+/* Gaussian random variate with specified mu and sigma */
+/* * * DATE/TIME * * */
+#define fn_gmtime _glp_mpl_fn_gmtime
+double fn_gmtime(MPL *mpl);
+/* obtain the current calendar time (UTC) */
+#define fn_str2time _glp_mpl_fn_str2time
+double fn_str2time(MPL *mpl, const char *str, const char *fmt);
+/* convert character string to the calendar time */
+#define fn_time2str _glp_mpl_fn_time2str
+void fn_time2str(MPL *mpl, char *str, double t, const char *fmt);
+/* convert the calendar time to character string */
+/* * * CHARACTER STRINGS * * */
+#define create_string _glp_mpl_create_string
+STRING *create_string
+( MPL *mpl,
+ char buf[MAX_LENGTH+1] /* not changed */
+/* create character string */
+#define copy_string _glp_mpl_copy_string
+STRING *copy_string
+( MPL *mpl,
+ STRING *str /* not changed */
+/* make copy of character string */
+#define compare_strings _glp_mpl_compare_strings
+int compare_strings
+( MPL *mpl,
+ STRING *str1, /* not changed */
+ STRING *str2 /* not changed */
+/* compare one character string with another */
+#define fetch_string _glp_mpl_fetch_string
+char *fetch_string
+( MPL *mpl,
+ STRING *str, /* not changed */
+ char buf[MAX_LENGTH+1] /* modified */
+/* extract content of character string */
+#define delete_string _glp_mpl_delete_string
+void delete_string
+( MPL *mpl,
+ STRING *str /* destroyed */
+/* delete character string */
+/* * * SYMBOLS * * */
+struct SYMBOL
+{ /* symbol (numeric or abstract quantity) */
+ double num;
+ /* numeric value of symbol (used only if str == NULL) */
+ STRING *str;
+ /* abstract value of symbol (used only if str != NULL) */
+#define create_symbol_num _glp_mpl_create_symbol_num
+SYMBOL *create_symbol_num(MPL *mpl, double num);
+/* create symbol of numeric type */
+#define create_symbol_str _glp_mpl_create_symbol_str
+SYMBOL *create_symbol_str
+( MPL *mpl,
+ STRING *str /* destroyed */
+/* create symbol of abstract type */
+#define copy_symbol _glp_mpl_copy_symbol
+SYMBOL *copy_symbol
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *sym /* not changed */
+/* make copy of symbol */
+#define compare_symbols _glp_mpl_compare_symbols
+int compare_symbols
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *sym1, /* not changed */
+ SYMBOL *sym2 /* not changed */
+/* compare one symbol with another */
+#define delete_symbol _glp_mpl_delete_symbol
+void delete_symbol
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *sym /* destroyed */
+/* delete symbol */
+#define format_symbol _glp_mpl_format_symbol
+char *format_symbol
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *sym /* not changed */
+/* format symbol for displaying or printing */
+#define concat_symbols _glp_mpl_concat_symbols
+SYMBOL *concat_symbols
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *sym1, /* destroyed */
+ SYMBOL *sym2 /* destroyed */
+/* concatenate one symbol with another */
+/* * * N-TUPLES * * */
+struct TUPLE
+{ /* component of n-tuple; the n-tuple itself is associated with
+ its first component; (note that 0-tuple has no components) */
+ SYMBOL *sym;
+ /* symbol, which the component refers to; cannot be NULL */
+ TUPLE *next;
+ /* the next component of n-tuple */
+#define create_tuple _glp_mpl_create_tuple
+TUPLE *create_tuple(MPL *mpl);
+/* create n-tuple */
+#define expand_tuple _glp_mpl_expand_tuple
+TUPLE *expand_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* destroyed */
+ SYMBOL *sym /* destroyed */
+/* append symbol to n-tuple */
+#define tuple_dimen _glp_mpl_tuple_dimen
+int tuple_dimen
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* determine dimension of n-tuple */
+#define copy_tuple _glp_mpl_copy_tuple
+TUPLE *copy_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* make copy of n-tuple */
+#define compare_tuples _glp_mpl_compare_tuples
+int compare_tuples
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple1, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple2 /* not changed */
+/* compare one n-tuple with another */
+#define build_subtuple _glp_mpl_build_subtuple
+TUPLE *build_subtuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ int dim
+/* build subtuple of given n-tuple */
+#define delete_tuple _glp_mpl_delete_tuple
+void delete_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple /* destroyed */
+/* delete n-tuple */
+#define format_tuple _glp_mpl_format_tuple
+char *format_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ int c,
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* format n-tuple for displaying or printing */
+/* * * ELEMENTAL SETS * * */
+#if 2 + 2 == 5
+struct ELEMSET /* see ARRAY */
+{ /* elemental set of n-tuples; formally it is a "value" assigned
+ to members of model sets (like numbers and symbols, which are
+ values assigned to members of model parameters); note that a
+ simple model set is not an elemental set, it is 0-dimensional
+ array, the only member of which (if it exists) is assigned an
+ elemental set */
+#define create_elemset _glp_mpl_create_elemset
+ELEMSET *create_elemset(MPL *mpl, int dim);
+/* create elemental set */
+#define find_tuple _glp_mpl_find_tuple
+MEMBER *find_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *set, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* check if elemental set contains given n-tuple */
+#define add_tuple _glp_mpl_add_tuple
+MEMBER *add_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *set, /* modified */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* destroyed */
+/* add new n-tuple to elemental set */
+#define check_then_add _glp_mpl_check_then_add
+MEMBER *check_then_add
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *set, /* modified */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* destroyed */
+/* check and add new n-tuple to elemental set */
+#define copy_elemset _glp_mpl_copy_elemset
+ELEMSET *copy_elemset
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *set /* not changed */
+/* make copy of elemental set */
+#define delete_elemset _glp_mpl_delete_elemset
+void delete_elemset
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *set /* destroyed */
+/* delete elemental set */
+#define arelset_size _glp_mpl_arelset_size
+int arelset_size(MPL *mpl, double t0, double tf, double dt);
+/* compute size of "arithmetic" elemental set */
+#define arelset_member _glp_mpl_arelset_member
+double arelset_member(MPL *mpl, double t0, double tf, double dt, int j);
+/* compute member of "arithmetic" elemental set */
+#define create_arelset _glp_mpl_create_arelset
+ELEMSET *create_arelset(MPL *mpl, double t0, double tf, double dt);
+/* create "arithmetic" elemental set */
+#define set_union _glp_mpl_set_union
+ELEMSET *set_union
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *X, /* destroyed */
+ ELEMSET *Y /* destroyed */
+/* union of two elemental sets */
+#define set_diff _glp_mpl_set_diff
+ELEMSET *set_diff
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *X, /* destroyed */
+ ELEMSET *Y /* destroyed */
+/* difference between two elemental sets */
+#define set_symdiff _glp_mpl_set_symdiff
+ELEMSET *set_symdiff
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *X, /* destroyed */
+ ELEMSET *Y /* destroyed */
+/* symmetric difference between two elemental sets */
+#define set_inter _glp_mpl_set_inter
+ELEMSET *set_inter
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *X, /* destroyed */
+ ELEMSET *Y /* destroyed */
+/* intersection of two elemental sets */
+#define set_cross _glp_mpl_set_cross
+ELEMSET *set_cross
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *X, /* destroyed */
+ ELEMSET *Y /* destroyed */
+/* cross (Cartesian) product of two elemental sets */
+struct ELEMVAR
+{ /* elemental variable; formally it is a "value" assigned to
+ members of model variables (like numbers and symbols, which
+ are values assigned to members of model parameters) */
+ int j;
+ /* LP column number assigned to this elemental variable */
+ VARIABLE *var;
+ /* model variable, which contains this elemental variable */
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ /* array member, which is assigned this elemental variable */
+ double lbnd;
+ /* lower bound */
+ double ubnd;
+ /* upper bound */
+ double temp;
+ /* working quantity used in operations on linear forms; normally
+ it contains floating-point zero */
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ int stat;
+ double prim, dual;
+ /* solution components provided by the solver */
+/* * * LINEAR FORMS * * */
+struct FORMULA
+{ /* term of linear form c * x, where c is a coefficient, x is an
+ elemental variable; the linear form itself is the sum of terms
+ and is associated with its first term; (note that the linear
+ form may be empty that means the sum is equal to zero) */
+ double coef;
+ /* coefficient at elemental variable or constant term */
+ ELEMVAR *var;
+ /* reference to elemental variable; NULL means constant term */
+ FORMULA *next;
+ /* the next term of linear form */
+#define constant_term _glp_mpl_constant_term
+FORMULA *constant_term(MPL *mpl, double coef);
+/* create constant term */
+#define single_variable _glp_mpl_single_variable
+FORMULA *single_variable
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMVAR *var /* referenced */
+/* create single variable */
+#define copy_formula _glp_mpl_copy_formula
+FORMULA *copy_formula
+( MPL *mpl,
+ FORMULA *form /* not changed */
+/* make copy of linear form */
+#define delete_formula _glp_mpl_delete_formula
+void delete_formula
+( MPL *mpl,
+ FORMULA *form /* destroyed */
+/* delete linear form */
+#define linear_comb _glp_mpl_linear_comb
+FORMULA *linear_comb
+( MPL *mpl,
+ double a, FORMULA *fx, /* destroyed */
+ double b, FORMULA *fy /* destroyed */
+/* linear combination of two linear forms */
+#define remove_constant _glp_mpl_remove_constant
+FORMULA *remove_constant
+( MPL *mpl,
+ FORMULA *form, /* destroyed */
+ double *coef /* modified */
+/* remove constant term from linear form */
+#define reduce_terms _glp_mpl_reduce_terms
+FORMULA *reduce_terms
+( MPL *mpl,
+ FORMULA *form /* destroyed */
+/* reduce identical terms in linear form */
+struct ELEMCON
+{ /* elemental constraint; formally it is a "value" assigned to
+ members of model constraints (like numbers or symbols, which
+ are values assigned to members of model parameters) */
+ int i;
+ /* LP row number assigned to this elemental constraint */
+ /* model constraint, which contains this elemental constraint */
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ /* array member, which is assigned this elemental constraint */
+ FORMULA *form;
+ /* linear form */
+ double lbnd;
+ /* lower bound */
+ double ubnd;
+ /* upper bound */
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ int stat;
+ double prim, dual;
+ /* solution components provided by the solver */
+/* * * GENERIC VALUES * * */
+union VALUE
+{ /* generic value, which can be assigned to object member or be a
+ result of evaluation of expression */
+ /* indicator that specifies the particular type of generic value
+ is stored in the corresponding array or pseudo-code descriptor
+ and can be one of the following:
+ A_NONE - no value
+ A_NUMERIC - floating-point number
+ A_SYMBOLIC - symbol
+ A_LOGICAL - logical value
+ A_TUPLE - n-tuple
+ A_ELEMSET - elemental set
+ A_ELEMVAR - elemental variable
+ A_FORMULA - linear form
+ A_ELEMCON - elemental constraint */
+ void *none; /* null */
+ double num; /* value */
+ SYMBOL *sym; /* value */
+ int bit; /* value */
+ TUPLE *tuple; /* value */
+ ELEMSET *set; /* value */
+ ELEMVAR *var; /* reference */
+ FORMULA *form; /* value */
+ ELEMCON *con; /* reference */
+#define delete_value _glp_mpl_delete_value
+void delete_value
+( MPL *mpl,
+ int type,
+ VALUE *value /* content destroyed */
+/* delete generic value */
+struct ARRAY
+{ /* multi-dimensional array, a set of members indexed over simple
+ or compound sets of symbols; arrays are used to represent the
+ contents of model objects (i.e. sets, parameters, variables,
+ constraints, and objectives); arrays also are used as "values"
+ that are assigned to members of set objects, in which case the
+ array itself represents an elemental set */
+ int type;
+ /* type of generic values assigned to the array members:
+ A_NONE - none (members have no assigned values)
+ A_NUMERIC - floating-point numbers
+ A_SYMBOLIC - symbols
+ A_ELEMSET - elemental sets
+ A_ELEMVAR - elemental variables
+ A_ELEMCON - elemental constraints */
+ int dim;
+ /* dimension of the array that determines number of components in
+ n-tuples for all members of the array, dim >= 0; dim = 0 means
+ the array is 0-dimensional */
+ int size;
+ /* size of the array, i.e. number of its members */
+ MEMBER *head;
+ /* the first array member; NULL means the array is empty */
+ MEMBER *tail;
+ /* the last array member; NULL means the array is empty */
+ AVL *tree;
+ /* the search tree intended to find array members for logarithmic
+ time; NULL means the search tree doesn't exist */
+ ARRAY *prev;
+ /* the previous array in the translator database */
+ ARRAY *next;
+ /* the next array in the translator database */
+struct MEMBER
+{ /* array member */
+ TUPLE *tuple;
+ /* n-tuple, which identifies the member; number of its components
+ is the same for all members within the array and determined by
+ the array dimension; duplicate members are not allowed */
+ MEMBER *next;
+ /* the next array member */
+ VALUE value;
+ /* generic value assigned to the member */
+#define create_array _glp_mpl_create_array
+ARRAY *create_array(MPL *mpl, int type, int dim);
+/* create array */
+#define find_member _glp_mpl_find_member
+MEMBER *find_member
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ARRAY *array, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* find array member with given n-tuple */
+#define add_member _glp_mpl_add_member
+MEMBER *add_member
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ARRAY *array, /* modified */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* destroyed */
+/* add new member to array */
+#define delete_array _glp_mpl_delete_array
+void delete_array
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ARRAY *array /* destroyed */
+/* delete array */
+struct DOMAIN
+{ /* domain (a simple or compound set); syntactically domain looks
+ like '{ i in I, (j,k) in S, t in T : <predicate> }'; domains
+ are used to define sets, over which model objects are indexed,
+ and also as constituents of iterated operators */
+ /* linked list of domain blocks (in the example above such blocks
+ are 'i in I', '(j,k) in S', and 't in T'); this list cannot be
+ empty */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing the logical predicate, which follows
+ the colon; NULL means no predicate is specified */
+{ /* domain block; syntactically domain blocks look like 'i in I',
+ '(j,k) in S', and 't in T' in the example above (in the sequel
+ sets like I, S, and T are called basic sets) */
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *list;
+ /* linked list of domain slots (i.e. indexing positions); number
+ of slots in this list is the same as dimension of n-tuples in
+ the basic set; this list cannot be empty */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing basic set; cannot be NULL */
+ TUPLE *backup;
+ /* if this n-tuple is not empty, current values of dummy indices
+ in the domain block are the same as components of this n-tuple
+ (note that this n-tuple may have larger dimension than number
+ of dummy indices in this block, in which case extra components
+ are ignored); this n-tuple is used to restore former values of
+ dummy indices, if they were changed due to recursive calls to
+ the domain block */
+ /* the next block in the same domain */
+{ /* domain slot; it specifies an individual indexing position and
+ defines the corresponding dummy index */
+ char *name;
+ /* symbolic name of the dummy index; null pointer means the dummy
+ index is not explicitly specified */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing symbolic value, at which the dummy
+ index is bound; NULL means the dummy index is free within the
+ domain scope */
+ SYMBOL *value;
+ /* current value assigned to the dummy index; NULL means no value
+ is assigned at the moment */
+ CODE *list;
+ /* linked list of pseudo-codes with operation O_INDEX referring
+ to this slot; this linked list is used to invalidate resultant
+ values of the operation, which depend on this dummy index */
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *next;
+ /* the next slot in the same domain block */
+#define assign_dummy_index _glp_mpl_assign_dummy_index
+void assign_dummy_index
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *slot, /* modified */
+ SYMBOL *value /* not changed */
+/* assign new value to dummy index */
+#define update_dummy_indices _glp_mpl_update_dummy_indices
+void update_dummy_indices
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block /* not changed */
+/* update current values of dummy indices */
+#define enter_domain_block _glp_mpl_enter_domain_block
+int enter_domain_block
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ void *info, void (*func)(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+/* enter domain block */
+#define eval_within_domain _glp_mpl_eval_within_domain
+int eval_within_domain
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN *domain, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ void *info, void (*func)(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+/* perform evaluation within domain scope */
+#define loop_within_domain _glp_mpl_loop_within_domain
+void loop_within_domain
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN *domain, /* not changed */
+ void *info, int (*func)(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+/* perform iterations within domain scope */
+#define out_of_domain _glp_mpl_out_of_domain
+void out_of_domain
+( MPL *mpl,
+ char *name, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* raise domain exception */
+#define get_domain_tuple _glp_mpl_get_domain_tuple
+TUPLE *get_domain_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN *domain /* not changed */
+/* obtain current n-tuple from domain */
+#define clean_domain _glp_mpl_clean_domain
+void clean_domain(MPL *mpl, DOMAIN *domain);
+/* clean domain */
+/* * * MODEL SETS * * */
+struct SET
+{ /* model set */
+ char *name;
+ /* symbolic name; cannot be NULL */
+ char *alias;
+ /* alias; NULL means alias is not specified */
+ int dim; /* aka arity */
+ /* dimension (number of subscripts); dim = 0 means 0-dimensional
+ (unsubscripted) set, dim > 0 means set of sets */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; NULL for 0-dimensional set */
+ int dimen;
+ /* dimension of n-tuples, which members of this set consist of
+ (note that the model set itself is an array of elemental sets,
+ which are its members; so, don't confuse this dimension with
+ dimension of the model set); always non-zero */
+ WITHIN *within;
+ /* list of supersets, which restrict each member of the set to be
+ in every superset from this list; this list can be empty */
+ CODE *assign;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing assigned value; can be NULL */
+ CODE *option;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing default value; can be NULL */
+ GADGET *gadget;
+ /* plain set used to initialize the array of sets; can be NULL */
+ int data;
+ /* data status flag:
+ 0 - no data are provided in the data section
+ 1 - data are provided, but not checked yet
+ 2 - data are provided and have been checked */
+ ARRAY *array;
+ /* array of members, which are assigned elemental sets */
+struct WITHIN
+{ /* restricting superset list entry */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing the superset; cannot be NULL */
+ WITHIN *next;
+ /* the next entry for the same set or parameter */
+struct GADGET
+{ /* plain set used to initialize the array of sets with data */
+ SET *set;
+ /* pointer to plain set; cannot be NULL */
+ int ind[20]; /* ind[dim+dimen]; */
+ /* permutation of integers 1, 2, ..., dim+dimen */
+#define check_elem_set _glp_mpl_check_elem_set
+void check_elem_set
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SET *set, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ ELEMSET *refer /* not changed */
+/* check elemental set assigned to set member */
+#define take_member_set _glp_mpl_take_member_set
+ELEMSET *take_member_set /* returns reference, not value */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SET *set, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* obtain elemental set assigned to set member */
+#define eval_member_set _glp_mpl_eval_member_set
+ELEMSET *eval_member_set /* returns reference, not value */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SET *set, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* evaluate elemental set assigned to set member */
+#define eval_whole_set _glp_mpl_eval_whole_set
+void eval_whole_set(MPL *mpl, SET *set);
+/* evaluate model set over entire domain */
+#define clean_set _glp_mpl_clean_set
+void clean_set(MPL *mpl, SET *set);
+/* clean model set */
+/* * * MODEL PARAMETERS * * */
+{ /* model parameter */
+ char *name;
+ /* symbolic name; cannot be NULL */
+ char *alias;
+ /* alias; NULL means alias is not specified */
+ int dim; /* aka arity */
+ /* dimension (number of subscripts); dim = 0 means 0-dimensional
+ (unsubscripted) parameter */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; NULL for 0-dimensional parameter */
+ int type;
+ /* parameter type:
+ A_NUMERIC - numeric
+ A_INTEGER - integer
+ A_BINARY - binary
+ A_SYMBOLIC - symbolic */
+ CONDITION *cond;
+ /* list of conditions, which restrict each parameter member to
+ satisfy to every condition from this list; this list is used
+ only for numeric parameters and can be empty */
+ WITHIN *in;
+ /* list of supersets, which restrict each parameter member to be
+ in every superset from this list; this list is used only for
+ symbolic parameters and can be empty */
+ CODE *assign;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing assigned value; can be NULL */
+ CODE *option;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing default value; can be NULL */
+ int data;
+ /* data status flag:
+ 0 - no data are provided in the data section
+ 1 - data are provided, but not checked yet
+ 2 - data are provided and have been checked */
+ SYMBOL *defval;
+ /* default value provided in the data section; can be NULL */
+ ARRAY *array;
+ /* array of members, which are assigned numbers or symbols */
+{ /* restricting condition list entry */
+ int rho;
+ /* flag that specifies the form of the condition:
+ O_LT - less than
+ O_LE - less than or equal to
+ O_EQ - equal to
+ O_GE - greater than or equal to
+ O_GT - greater than
+ O_NE - not equal to */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing the reference value */
+ CONDITION *next;
+ /* the next entry for the same parameter */
+#define check_value_num _glp_mpl_check_value_num
+void check_value_num
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ double value
+/* check numeric value assigned to parameter member */
+#define take_member_num _glp_mpl_take_member_num
+double take_member_num
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* obtain numeric value assigned to parameter member */
+#define eval_member_num _glp_mpl_eval_member_num
+double eval_member_num
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* evaluate numeric value assigned to parameter member */
+#define check_value_sym _glp_mpl_check_value_sym
+void check_value_sym
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ SYMBOL *value /* not changed */
+/* check symbolic value assigned to parameter member */
+#define take_member_sym _glp_mpl_take_member_sym
+SYMBOL *take_member_sym /* returns value, not reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* obtain symbolic value assigned to parameter member */
+#define eval_member_sym _glp_mpl_eval_member_sym
+SYMBOL *eval_member_sym /* returns value, not reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* evaluate symbolic value assigned to parameter member */
+#define eval_whole_par _glp_mpl_eval_whole_par
+void eval_whole_par(MPL *mpl, PARAMETER *par);
+/* evaluate model parameter over entire domain */
+#define clean_parameter _glp_mpl_clean_parameter
+void clean_parameter(MPL *mpl, PARAMETER *par);
+/* clean model parameter */
+/* * * MODEL VARIABLES * * */
+struct VARIABLE
+{ /* model variable */
+ char *name;
+ /* symbolic name; cannot be NULL */
+ char *alias;
+ /* alias; NULL means alias is not specified */
+ int dim; /* aka arity */
+ /* dimension (number of subscripts); dim = 0 means 0-dimensional
+ (unsubscripted) variable */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; NULL for 0-dimensional variable */
+ int type;
+ /* variable type:
+ A_NUMERIC - continuous
+ A_INTEGER - integer
+ A_BINARY - binary */
+ CODE *lbnd;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing lower bound; NULL means lower bound
+ is not specified */
+ CODE *ubnd;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing upper bound; NULL means upper bound
+ is not specified */
+ /* if both the pointers lbnd and ubnd refer to the same code, the
+ variable is fixed at the corresponding value */
+ ARRAY *array;
+ /* array of members, which are assigned elemental variables */
+#define take_member_var _glp_mpl_take_member_var
+ELEMVAR *take_member_var /* returns reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ VARIABLE *var, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* obtain reference to elemental variable */
+#define eval_member_var _glp_mpl_eval_member_var
+ELEMVAR *eval_member_var /* returns reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ VARIABLE *var, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* evaluate reference to elemental variable */
+#define eval_whole_var _glp_mpl_eval_whole_var
+void eval_whole_var(MPL *mpl, VARIABLE *var);
+/* evaluate model variable over entire domain */
+#define clean_variable _glp_mpl_clean_variable
+void clean_variable(MPL *mpl, VARIABLE *var);
+/* clean model variable */
+{ /* model constraint or objective */
+ char *name;
+ /* symbolic name; cannot be NULL */
+ char *alias;
+ /* alias; NULL means alias is not specified */
+ int dim; /* aka arity */
+ /* dimension (number of subscripts); dim = 0 means 0-dimensional
+ (unsubscripted) constraint */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; NULL for 0-dimensional constraint */
+ int type;
+ /* constraint type:
+ A_CONSTRAINT - constraint
+ A_MINIMIZE - objective (minimization)
+ A_MAXIMIZE - objective (maximization) */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing main linear form; cannot be NULL */
+ CODE *lbnd;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing lower bound; NULL means lower bound
+ is not specified */
+ CODE *ubnd;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing upper bound; NULL means upper bound
+ is not specified */
+ /* if both the pointers lbnd and ubnd refer to the same code, the
+ constraint has the form of equation */
+ ARRAY *array;
+ /* array of members, which are assigned elemental constraints */
+#define take_member_con _glp_mpl_take_member_con
+ELEMCON *take_member_con /* returns reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ CONSTRAINT *con, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* obtain reference to elemental constraint */
+#define eval_member_con _glp_mpl_eval_member_con
+ELEMCON *eval_member_con /* returns reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ CONSTRAINT *con, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+/* evaluate reference to elemental constraint */
+#define eval_whole_con _glp_mpl_eval_whole_con
+void eval_whole_con(MPL *mpl, CONSTRAINT *con);
+/* evaluate model constraint over entire domain */
+#define clean_constraint _glp_mpl_clean_constraint
+void clean_constraint(MPL *mpl, CONSTRAINT *con);
+/* clean model constraint */
+/* * * DATA TABLES * * */
+struct TABLE
+{ /* data table */
+ char *name;
+ /* symbolic name; cannot be NULL */
+ char *alias;
+ /* alias; NULL means alias is not specified */
+ int type;
+ /* table type:
+ A_INPUT - input table
+ A_OUTPUT - output table */
+ TABARG *arg;
+ /* argument list; cannot be empty */
+ union
+ { struct
+ { SET *set;
+ /* input set; NULL means the set is not specified */
+ TABFLD *fld;
+ /* field list; cannot be empty */
+ TABIN *list;
+ /* input list; can be empty */
+ } in;
+ struct
+ { DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; cannot be NULL */
+ TABOUT *list;
+ /* output list; cannot be empty */
+ } out;
+ } u;
+struct TABARG
+{ /* table argument list entry */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing the argument */
+ TABARG *next;
+ /* next entry for the same table */
+struct TABFLD
+{ /* table field list entry */
+ char *name;
+ /* field name; cannot be NULL */
+ TABFLD *next;
+ /* next entry for the same table */
+struct TABIN
+{ /* table input list entry */
+ /* parameter to be read; cannot be NULL */
+ char *name;
+ /* column name; cannot be NULL */
+ TABIN *next;
+ /* next entry for the same table */
+struct TABOUT
+{ /* table output list entry */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing the value to be written */
+ char *name;
+ /* column name; cannot be NULL */
+ TABOUT *next;
+ /* next entry for the same table */
+struct TABDCA
+{ /* table driver communication area */
+ int id;
+ /* driver identifier (set by mpl_tab_drv_open) */
+ void *link;
+ /* driver link pointer (set by mpl_tab_drv_open) */
+ int na;
+ /* number of arguments */
+ char **arg; /* char *arg[1+ns]; */
+ /* arg[k], 1 <= k <= ns, is pointer to k-th argument */
+ int nf;
+ /* number of fields */
+ char **name; /* char *name[1+nc]; */
+ /* name[k], 1 <= k <= nc, is name of k-th field */
+ int *type; /* int type[1+nc]; */
+ /* type[k], 1 <= k <= nc, is type of k-th field:
+ '?' - value not assigned
+ 'N' - number
+ 'S' - character string */
+ double *num; /* double num[1+nc]; */
+ /* num[k], 1 <= k <= nc, is numeric value of k-th field */
+ char **str;
+ /* str[k], 1 <= k <= nc, is string value of k-th field */
+#define mpl_tab_num_args _glp_mpl_tab_num_args
+int mpl_tab_num_args(TABDCA *dca);
+#define mpl_tab_get_arg _glp_mpl_tab_get_arg
+const char *mpl_tab_get_arg(TABDCA *dca, int k);
+#define mpl_tab_num_flds _glp_mpl_tab_num_flds
+int mpl_tab_num_flds(TABDCA *dca);
+#define mpl_tab_get_name _glp_mpl_tab_get_name
+const char *mpl_tab_get_name(TABDCA *dca, int k);
+#define mpl_tab_get_type _glp_mpl_tab_get_type
+int mpl_tab_get_type(TABDCA *dca, int k);
+#define mpl_tab_get_num _glp_mpl_tab_get_num
+double mpl_tab_get_num(TABDCA *dca, int k);
+#define mpl_tab_get_str _glp_mpl_tab_get_str
+const char *mpl_tab_get_str(TABDCA *dca, int k);
+#define mpl_tab_set_num _glp_mpl_tab_set_num
+void mpl_tab_set_num(TABDCA *dca, int k, double num);
+#define mpl_tab_set_str _glp_mpl_tab_set_str
+void mpl_tab_set_str(TABDCA *dca, int k, const char *str);
+#define mpl_tab_drv_open _glp_mpl_tab_drv_open
+void mpl_tab_drv_open(MPL *mpl, int mode);
+#define mpl_tab_drv_read _glp_mpl_tab_drv_read
+int mpl_tab_drv_read(MPL *mpl);
+#define mpl_tab_drv_write _glp_mpl_tab_drv_write
+void mpl_tab_drv_write(MPL *mpl);
+#define mpl_tab_drv_close _glp_mpl_tab_drv_close
+void mpl_tab_drv_close(MPL *mpl);
+/* * * PSEUDO-CODE * * */
+{ /* operands that participate in pseudo-code operation (choice of
+ particular operands depends on the operation code) */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ double num; /* O_NUMBER */
+ /* floaing-point number to be taken */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ char *str; /* O_STRING */
+ /* character string to be taken */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ struct /* O_INDEX */
+ { DOMAIN_SLOT *slot;
+ /* domain slot, which contains dummy index to be taken */
+ CODE *next;
+ /* the next pseudo-code with op = O_INDEX, which refers to the
+ same slot as this one; pointer to the beginning of this list
+ is stored in the corresponding domain slot */
+ } index;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ struct /* O_MEMNUM, O_MEMSYM */
+ { PARAMETER *par;
+ /* model parameter, which contains member to be taken */
+ ARG_LIST *list;
+ /* list of subscripts; NULL for 0-dimensional parameter */
+ } par;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ struct /* O_MEMSET */
+ { SET *set;
+ /* model set, which contains member to be taken */
+ ARG_LIST *list;
+ /* list of subscripts; NULL for 0-dimensional set */
+ } set;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ struct /* O_MEMVAR */
+ { VARIABLE *var;
+ /* model variable, which contains member to be taken */
+ ARG_LIST *list;
+ /* list of subscripts; NULL for 0-dimensional variable */
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ int suff;
+ /* suffix specified: */
+#define DOT_NONE 0x00 /* none (means variable itself) */
+#define DOT_LB 0x01 /* .lb (lower bound) */
+#define DOT_UB 0x02 /* .ub (upper bound) */
+#define DOT_STATUS 0x03 /* .status (status) */
+#define DOT_VAL 0x04 /* .val (primal value) */
+#define DOT_DUAL 0x05 /* .dual (dual value) */
+ } var;
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ struct /* O_MEMCON */
+ { CONSTRAINT *con;
+ /* model constraint, which contains member to be taken */
+ ARG_LIST *list;
+ /* list of subscripys; NULL for 0-dimensional constraint */
+ int suff;
+ /* suffix specified (see O_MEMVAR above) */
+ } con;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ ARG_LIST *list; /* O_TUPLE, O_MAKE, n-ary operations */
+ /* list of operands */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ DOMAIN_BLOCK *slice; /* O_SLICE */
+ /* domain block, which specifies slice (i.e. n-tuple that contains
+ free dummy indices); this operation is never evaluated */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ struct /* unary, binary, ternary operations */
+ { CODE *x;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing first operand */
+ CODE *y;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing second operand */
+ CODE *z;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing third operand */
+ } arg;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ struct /* iterated operations */
+ { DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* domain, over which the operation is performed */
+ CODE *x;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing "integrand" */
+ } loop;
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+struct ARG_LIST
+{ /* operands list entry */
+ CODE *x;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing operand */
+ ARG_LIST *next;
+ /* the next operand of the same operation */
+struct CODE
+{ /* pseudo-code (internal form of expressions) */
+ int op;
+ /* operation code: */
+#define O_NUMBER 301 /* take floating-point number */
+#define O_STRING 302 /* take character string */
+#define O_INDEX 303 /* take dummy index */
+#define O_MEMNUM 304 /* take member of numeric parameter */
+#define O_MEMSYM 305 /* take member of symbolic parameter */
+#define O_MEMSET 306 /* take member of set */
+#define O_MEMVAR 307 /* take member of variable */
+#define O_MEMCON 308 /* take member of constraint */
+#define O_TUPLE 309 /* make n-tuple */
+#define O_MAKE 310 /* make elemental set of n-tuples */
+#define O_SLICE 311 /* define domain block (dummy op) */
+ /* 0-ary operations --------------------*/
+#define O_IRAND224 312 /* pseudo-random in [0, 2^24-1] */
+#define O_UNIFORM01 313 /* pseudo-random in [0, 1) */
+#define O_NORMAL01 314 /* gaussian random, mu = 0, sigma = 1 */
+#define O_GMTIME 315 /* current calendar time (UTC) */
+ /* unary operations --------------------*/
+#define O_CVTNUM 316 /* conversion to numeric */
+#define O_CVTSYM 317 /* conversion to symbolic */
+#define O_CVTLOG 318 /* conversion to logical */
+#define O_CVTTUP 319 /* conversion to 1-tuple */
+#define O_CVTLFM 320 /* conversion to linear form */
+#define O_PLUS 321 /* unary plus */
+#define O_MINUS 322 /* unary minus */
+#define O_NOT 323 /* negation (logical "not") */
+#define O_ABS 324 /* absolute value */
+#define O_CEIL 325 /* round upward ("ceiling of x") */
+#define O_FLOOR 326 /* round downward ("floor of x") */
+#define O_EXP 327 /* base-e exponential */
+#define O_LOG 328 /* natural logarithm */
+#define O_LOG10 329 /* common (decimal) logarithm */
+#define O_SQRT 330 /* square root */
+#define O_SIN 331 /* trigonometric sine */
+#define O_COS 332 /* trigonometric cosine */
+#define O_TAN 333 /* trigonometric tangent */
+#define O_ATAN 334 /* trigonometric arctangent */
+#define O_ROUND 335 /* round to nearest integer */
+#define O_TRUNC 336 /* truncate to nearest integer */
+#define O_CARD 337 /* cardinality of set */
+#define O_LENGTH 338 /* length of symbolic value */
+ /* binary operations -------------------*/
+#define O_ADD 339 /* addition */
+#define O_SUB 340 /* subtraction */
+#define O_LESS 341 /* non-negative subtraction */
+#define O_MUL 342 /* multiplication */
+#define O_DIV 343 /* division */
+#define O_IDIV 344 /* quotient of exact division */
+#define O_MOD 345 /* remainder of exact division */
+#define O_POWER 346 /* exponentiation (raise to power) */
+#define O_ATAN2 347 /* trigonometric arctangent */
+#define O_ROUND2 348 /* round to n fractional digits */
+#define O_TRUNC2 349 /* truncate to n fractional digits */
+#define O_UNIFORM 350 /* pseudo-random in [a, b) */
+#define O_NORMAL 351 /* gaussian random, given mu and sigma */
+#define O_CONCAT 352 /* concatenation */
+#define O_LT 353 /* comparison on 'less than' */
+#define O_LE 354 /* comparison on 'not greater than' */
+#define O_EQ 355 /* comparison on 'equal to' */
+#define O_GE 356 /* comparison on 'not less than' */
+#define O_GT 357 /* comparison on 'greater than' */
+#define O_NE 358 /* comparison on 'not equal to' */
+#define O_AND 359 /* conjunction (logical "and") */
+#define O_OR 360 /* disjunction (logical "or") */
+#define O_UNION 361 /* union */
+#define O_DIFF 362 /* difference */
+#define O_SYMDIFF 363 /* symmetric difference */
+#define O_INTER 364 /* intersection */
+#define O_CROSS 365 /* cross (Cartesian) product */
+#define O_IN 366 /* test on 'x in Y' */
+#define O_NOTIN 367 /* test on 'x not in Y' */
+#define O_WITHIN 368 /* test on 'X within Y' */
+#define O_NOTWITHIN 369 /* test on 'X not within Y' */
+#define O_SUBSTR 370 /* substring */
+#define O_STR2TIME 371 /* convert string to time */
+#define O_TIME2STR 372 /* convert time to string */
+ /* ternary operations ------------------*/
+#define O_DOTS 373 /* build "arithmetic" set */
+#define O_FORK 374 /* if-then-else */
+#define O_SUBSTR3 375 /* substring */
+ /* n-ary operations --------------------*/
+#define O_MIN 376 /* minimal value (n-ary) */
+#define O_MAX 377 /* maximal value (n-ary) */
+ /* iterated operations -----------------*/
+#define O_SUM 378 /* summation */
+#define O_PROD 379 /* multiplication */
+#define O_MINIMUM 380 /* minimum */
+#define O_MAXIMUM 381 /* maximum */
+#define O_FORALL 382 /* conjunction (A-quantification) */
+#define O_EXISTS 383 /* disjunction (E-quantification) */
+#define O_SETOF 384 /* compute elemental set */
+#define O_BUILD 385 /* build elemental set */
+ /* operands that participate in the operation */
+ int type;
+ /* type of the resultant value:
+ A_NUMERIC - numeric
+ A_SYMBOLIC - symbolic
+ A_LOGICAL - logical
+ A_TUPLE - n-tuple
+ A_ELEMSET - elemental set
+ A_FORMULA - linear form */
+ int dim;
+ /* dimension of the resultant value; for A_TUPLE and A_ELEMSET it
+ is the dimension of the corresponding n-tuple(s) and cannot be
+ zero; for other resultant types it is always zero */
+ CODE *up;
+ /* parent pseudo-code, which refers to this pseudo-code as to its
+ operand; NULL means this pseudo-code has no parent and defines
+ an expression, which is not contained in another expression */
+ int vflag;
+ /* volatile flag; being set this flag means that this operation
+ has a side effect; for primary expressions this flag is set
+ directly by corresponding parsing routines (for example, if
+ primary expression is a reference to a function that generates
+ pseudo-random numbers); in other cases this flag is inherited
+ from operands */
+ int valid;
+ /* if this flag is set, the resultant value, which is a temporary
+ result of evaluating this operation on particular values of
+ operands, is valid; if this flag is clear, the resultant value
+ doesn't exist and therefore not valid; having been evaluated
+ the resultant value is stored here and not destroyed until the
+ dummy indices, which this value depends on, have been changed
+ (and if it doesn't depend on dummy indices at all, it is never
+ destroyed); thus, if the resultant value is valid, evaluating
+ routine can immediately take its copy not computing the result
+ from scratch; this mechanism is similar to moving invariants
+ out of loops and allows improving efficiency at the expense of
+ some extra memory needed to keep temporary results */
+ /* however, if the volatile flag (see above) is set, even if the
+ resultant value is valid, evaluating routine computes it as if
+ it were not valid, i.e. caching is not used in this case */
+ VALUE value;
+ /* resultant value in generic format */
+#define eval_numeric _glp_mpl_eval_numeric
+double eval_numeric(MPL *mpl, CODE *code);
+/* evaluate pseudo-code to determine numeric value */
+#define eval_symbolic _glp_mpl_eval_symbolic
+SYMBOL *eval_symbolic(MPL *mpl, CODE *code);
+/* evaluate pseudo-code to determine symbolic value */
+#define eval_logical _glp_mpl_eval_logical
+int eval_logical(MPL *mpl, CODE *code);
+/* evaluate pseudo-code to determine logical value */
+#define eval_tuple _glp_mpl_eval_tuple
+TUPLE *eval_tuple(MPL *mpl, CODE *code);
+/* evaluate pseudo-code to construct n-tuple */
+#define eval_elemset _glp_mpl_eval_elemset
+ELEMSET *eval_elemset(MPL *mpl, CODE *code);
+/* evaluate pseudo-code to construct elemental set */
+#define is_member _glp_mpl_is_member
+int is_member(MPL *mpl, CODE *code, TUPLE *tuple);
+/* check if n-tuple is in set specified by pseudo-code */
+#define eval_formula _glp_mpl_eval_formula
+FORMULA *eval_formula(MPL *mpl, CODE *code);
+/* evaluate pseudo-code to construct linear form */
+#define clean_code _glp_mpl_clean_code
+void clean_code(MPL *mpl, CODE *code);
+/* clean pseudo-code */
+/* * * MODEL STATEMENTS * * */
+struct CHECK
+{ /* check statement */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; NULL means domain is not used */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* code for computing the predicate to be checked */
+struct DISPLAY
+{ /* display statement */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; NULL means domain is not used */
+ DISPLAY1 *list;
+ /* display list; cannot be empty */
+struct DISPLAY1
+{ /* display list entry */
+ int type;
+ /* item type:
+ A_INDEX - dummy index
+ A_SET - model set
+ A_PARAMETER - model parameter
+ A_VARIABLE - model variable
+ A_CONSTRAINT - model constraint/objective
+ A_EXPRESSION - expression */
+ union
+ { DOMAIN_SLOT *slot;
+ SET *set;
+ VARIABLE *var;
+ CODE *code;
+ } u;
+ /* item to be displayed */
+#if 0 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ ARG_LIST *list;
+ /* optional subscript list (for constraint/objective only) */
+ DISPLAY1 *next;
+ /* the next entry for the same statement */
+struct PRINTF
+{ /* printf statement */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; NULL means domain is not used */
+ CODE *fmt;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing format string */
+ PRINTF1 *list;
+ /* printf list; can be empty */
+ CODE *fname;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing filename to redirect the output;
+ NULL means the output goes to stdout */
+ int app;
+ /* if this flag is set, the output is appended */
+struct PRINTF1
+{ /* printf list entry */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for computing value to be printed */
+ PRINTF1 *next;
+ /* the next entry for the same statement */
+struct FOR
+{ /* for statement */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* subscript domain; cannot be NULL */
+ STATEMENT *list;
+ /* linked list of model statements within this for statement in
+ the original order */
+{ /* model statement */
+ int line;
+ /* number of source text line, where statement begins */
+ int type;
+ /* statement type:
+ A_SET - set statement
+ A_PARAMETER - parameter statement
+ A_VARIABLE - variable statement
+ A_CONSTRAINT - constraint/objective statement
+ A_TABLE - table statement
+ A_SOLVE - solve statement
+ A_CHECK - check statement
+ A_DISPLAY - display statement
+ A_PRINTF - printf statement
+ A_FOR - for statement */
+ union
+ { SET *set;
+ VARIABLE *var;
+ TABLE *tab;
+ void *slv; /* currently not used (set to NULL) */
+ CHECK *chk;
+ DISPLAY *dpy;
+ PRINTF *prt;
+ FOR *fur;
+ } u;
+ /* specific part of statement */
+ STATEMENT *next;
+ /* the next statement; in this list statements follow in the same
+ order as they appear in the model section */
+#define execute_table _glp_mpl_execute_table
+void execute_table(MPL *mpl, TABLE *tab);
+/* execute table statement */
+#define free_dca _glp_mpl_free_dca
+void free_dca(MPL *mpl);
+/* free table driver communucation area */
+#define clean_table _glp_mpl_clean_table
+void clean_table(MPL *mpl, TABLE *tab);
+/* clean table statement */
+#define execute_check _glp_mpl_execute_check
+void execute_check(MPL *mpl, CHECK *chk);
+/* execute check statement */
+#define clean_check _glp_mpl_clean_check
+void clean_check(MPL *mpl, CHECK *chk);
+/* clean check statement */
+#define execute_display _glp_mpl_execute_display
+void execute_display(MPL *mpl, DISPLAY *dpy);
+/* execute display statement */
+#define clean_display _glp_mpl_clean_display
+void clean_display(MPL *mpl, DISPLAY *dpy);
+/* clean display statement */
+#define execute_printf _glp_mpl_execute_printf
+void execute_printf(MPL *mpl, PRINTF *prt);
+/* execute printf statement */
+#define clean_printf _glp_mpl_clean_printf
+void clean_printf(MPL *mpl, PRINTF *prt);
+/* clean printf statement */
+#define execute_for _glp_mpl_execute_for
+void execute_for(MPL *mpl, FOR *fur);
+/* execute for statement */
+#define clean_for _glp_mpl_clean_for
+void clean_for(MPL *mpl, FOR *fur);
+/* clean for statement */
+#define execute_statement _glp_mpl_execute_statement
+void execute_statement(MPL *mpl, STATEMENT *stmt);
+/* execute specified model statement */
+#define clean_statement _glp_mpl_clean_statement
+void clean_statement(MPL *mpl, STATEMENT *stmt);
+/* clean specified model statement */
+#define alloc_content _glp_mpl_alloc_content
+void alloc_content(MPL *mpl);
+/* allocate content arrays for all model objects */
+#define generate_model _glp_mpl_generate_model
+void generate_model(MPL *mpl);
+/* generate model */
+#define build_problem _glp_mpl_build_problem
+void build_problem(MPL *mpl);
+/* build problem instance */
+#define postsolve_model _glp_mpl_postsolve_model
+void postsolve_model(MPL *mpl);
+/* postsolve model */
+#define clean_model _glp_mpl_clean_model
+void clean_model(MPL *mpl);
+/* clean model content */
+/* * * INPUT/OUTPUT * * */
+#define open_input _glp_mpl_open_input
+void open_input(MPL *mpl, char *file);
+/* open input text file */
+#define read_char _glp_mpl_read_char
+int read_char(MPL *mpl);
+/* read next character from input text file */
+#define close_input _glp_mpl_close_input
+void close_input(MPL *mpl);
+/* close input text file */
+#define open_output _glp_mpl_open_output
+void open_output(MPL *mpl, char *file);
+/* open output text file */
+#define write_char _glp_mpl_write_char
+void write_char(MPL *mpl, int c);
+/* write next character to output text file */
+#define write_text _glp_mpl_write_text
+void write_text(MPL *mpl, char *fmt, ...);
+/* format and write text to output text file */
+#define flush_output _glp_mpl_flush_output
+void flush_output(MPL *mpl);
+/* finalize writing data to output text file */
+/* * * SOLVER INTERFACE * * */
+#define MPL_FR 401 /* free (unbounded) */
+#define MPL_LO 402 /* lower bound */
+#define MPL_UP 403 /* upper bound */
+#define MPL_DB 404 /* both lower and upper bounds */
+#define MPL_FX 405 /* fixed */
+#define MPL_ST 411 /* constraint */
+#define MPL_MIN 412 /* objective (minimization) */
+#define MPL_MAX 413 /* objective (maximization) */
+#define MPL_NUM 421 /* continuous */
+#define MPL_INT 422 /* integer */
+#define MPL_BIN 423 /* binary */
+#define error _glp_mpl_error
+void error(MPL *mpl, char *fmt, ...);
+/* print error message and terminate model processing */
+#define warning _glp_mpl_warning
+void warning(MPL *mpl, char *fmt, ...);
+/* print warning message and continue model processing */
+#define mpl_initialize _glp_mpl_initialize
+MPL *mpl_initialize(void);
+/* create and initialize translator database */
+#define mpl_read_model _glp_mpl_read_model
+int mpl_read_model(MPL *mpl, char *file, int skip_data);
+/* read model section and optional data section */
+#define mpl_read_data _glp_mpl_read_data
+int mpl_read_data(MPL *mpl, char *file);
+/* read data section */
+#define mpl_generate _glp_mpl_generate
+int mpl_generate(MPL *mpl, char *file);
+/* generate model */
+#define mpl_get_prob_name _glp_mpl_get_prob_name
+char *mpl_get_prob_name(MPL *mpl);
+/* obtain problem (model) name */
+#define mpl_get_num_rows _glp_mpl_get_num_rows
+int mpl_get_num_rows(MPL *mpl);
+/* determine number of rows */
+#define mpl_get_num_cols _glp_mpl_get_num_cols
+int mpl_get_num_cols(MPL *mpl);
+/* determine number of columns */
+#define mpl_get_row_name _glp_mpl_get_row_name
+char *mpl_get_row_name(MPL *mpl, int i);
+/* obtain row name */
+#define mpl_get_row_kind _glp_mpl_get_row_kind
+int mpl_get_row_kind(MPL *mpl, int i);
+/* determine row kind */
+#define mpl_get_row_bnds _glp_mpl_get_row_bnds
+int mpl_get_row_bnds(MPL *mpl, int i, double *lb, double *ub);
+/* obtain row bounds */
+#define mpl_get_mat_row _glp_mpl_get_mat_row
+int mpl_get_mat_row(MPL *mpl, int i, int ndx[], double val[]);
+/* obtain row of the constraint matrix */
+#define mpl_get_row_c0 _glp_mpl_get_row_c0
+double mpl_get_row_c0(MPL *mpl, int i);
+/* obtain constant term of free row */
+#define mpl_get_col_name _glp_mpl_get_col_name
+char *mpl_get_col_name(MPL *mpl, int j);
+/* obtain column name */
+#define mpl_get_col_kind _glp_mpl_get_col_kind
+int mpl_get_col_kind(MPL *mpl, int j);
+/* determine column kind */
+#define mpl_get_col_bnds _glp_mpl_get_col_bnds
+int mpl_get_col_bnds(MPL *mpl, int j, double *lb, double *ub);
+/* obtain column bounds */
+#define mpl_has_solve_stmt _glp_mpl_has_solve_stmt
+int mpl_has_solve_stmt(MPL *mpl);
+/* check if model has solve statement */
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+#define mpl_put_row_soln _glp_mpl_put_row_soln
+void mpl_put_row_soln(MPL *mpl, int i, int stat, double prim,
+ double dual);
+/* store row (constraint/objective) solution components */
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+#define mpl_put_col_soln _glp_mpl_put_col_soln
+void mpl_put_col_soln(MPL *mpl, int j, int stat, double prim,
+ double dual);
+/* store column (variable) solution components */
+#if 0 /* 15/V-2010 */
+#define mpl_put_col_value _glp_mpl_put_col_value
+void mpl_put_col_value(MPL *mpl, int j, double val);
+/* store column value */
+#define mpl_postsolve _glp_mpl_postsolve
+int mpl_postsolve(MPL *mpl);
+/* postsolve model */
+#define mpl_terminate _glp_mpl_terminate
+void mpl_terminate(MPL *mpl);
+/* free all resources used by translator */
+/* eof */
diff --git a/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl1.c b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl1.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7dc3cd79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl1.c
@@ -0,0 +1,4718 @@
+/* mpl1.c */
+* This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).
+* Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied
+* Informatics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights
+* reserved. E-mail: <mao@gnu.org>.
+* GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+* License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with GLPK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "mpl.h"
+#define dmp_get_atomv dmp_get_atom
+-- enter_context - enter current token into context queue.
+-- This routine enters the current token into the context queue. */
+void enter_context(MPL *mpl)
+{ char *image, *s;
+ if (mpl->token == T_EOF)
+ image = "_|_";
+ else if (mpl->token == T_STRING)
+ image = "'...'";
+ else
+ image = mpl->image;
+ xassert(0 <= mpl->c_ptr && mpl->c_ptr < CONTEXT_SIZE);
+ mpl->context[mpl->c_ptr++] = ' ';
+ if (mpl->c_ptr == CONTEXT_SIZE) mpl->c_ptr = 0;
+ for (s = image; *s != '\0'; s++)
+ { mpl->context[mpl->c_ptr++] = *s;
+ if (mpl->c_ptr == CONTEXT_SIZE) mpl->c_ptr = 0;
+ }
+ return;
+-- print_context - print current content of context queue.
+-- This routine prints current content of the context queue. */
+void print_context(MPL *mpl)
+{ int c;
+ while (mpl->c_ptr > 0)
+ { mpl->c_ptr--;
+ c = mpl->context[0];
+ memmove(mpl->context, mpl->context+1, CONTEXT_SIZE-1);
+ mpl->context[CONTEXT_SIZE-1] = (char)c;
+ }
+ xprintf("Context: %s%.*s\n", mpl->context[0] == ' ' ? "" : "...",
+ CONTEXT_SIZE, mpl->context);
+ return;
+-- get_char - scan next character from input text file.
+-- This routine scans a next ASCII character from the input text file.
+-- In case of end-of-file, the character is assigned EOF. */
+void get_char(MPL *mpl)
+{ int c;
+ if (mpl->c == EOF) goto done;
+ if (mpl->c == '\n') mpl->line++;
+ c = read_char(mpl);
+ if (c == EOF)
+ { if (mpl->c == '\n')
+ mpl->line--;
+ else
+ warning(mpl, "final NL missing before end of file");
+ }
+ else if (c == '\n')
+ ;
+ else if (isspace(c))
+ c = ' ';
+ else if (iscntrl(c))
+ { enter_context(mpl);
+ error(mpl, "control character 0x%02X not allowed", c);
+ }
+ mpl->c = c;
+done: return;
+-- append_char - append character to current token.
+-- This routine appends the current character to the current token and
+-- then scans a next character. */
+void append_char(MPL *mpl)
+{ xassert(0 <= mpl->imlen && mpl->imlen <= MAX_LENGTH);
+ if (mpl->imlen == MAX_LENGTH)
+ { switch (mpl->token)
+ { case T_NAME:
+ enter_context(mpl);
+ error(mpl, "symbolic name %s... too long", mpl->image);
+ case T_SYMBOL:
+ enter_context(mpl);
+ error(mpl, "symbol %s... too long", mpl->image);
+ case T_NUMBER:
+ enter_context(mpl);
+ error(mpl, "numeric literal %s... too long", mpl->image);
+ case T_STRING:
+ enter_context(mpl);
+ error(mpl, "string literal too long");
+ default:
+ xassert(mpl != mpl);
+ }
+ }
+ mpl->image[mpl->imlen++] = (char)mpl->c;
+ mpl->image[mpl->imlen] = '\0';
+ get_char(mpl);
+ return;
+-- get_token - scan next token from input text file.
+-- This routine scans a next token from the input text file using the
+-- standard finite automation technique. */
+void get_token(MPL *mpl)
+{ /* save the current token */
+ mpl->b_token = mpl->token;
+ mpl->b_imlen = mpl->imlen;
+ strcpy(mpl->b_image, mpl->image);
+ mpl->b_value = mpl->value;
+ /* if the next token is already scanned, make it current */
+ if (mpl->f_scan)
+ { mpl->f_scan = 0;
+ mpl->token = mpl->f_token;
+ mpl->imlen = mpl->f_imlen;
+ strcpy(mpl->image, mpl->f_image);
+ mpl->value = mpl->f_value;
+ goto done;
+ }
+loop: /* nothing has been scanned so far */
+ mpl->token = 0;
+ mpl->imlen = 0;
+ mpl->image[0] = '\0';
+ mpl->value = 0.0;
+ /* skip any uninteresting characters */
+ while (mpl->c == ' ' || mpl->c == '\n') get_char(mpl);
+ /* recognize and construct the token */
+ if (mpl->c == EOF)
+ { /* end-of-file reached */
+ mpl->token = T_EOF;
+ }
+ else if (mpl->c == '#')
+ { /* comment; skip anything until end-of-line */
+ while (mpl->c != '\n' && mpl->c != EOF) get_char(mpl);
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ else if (!mpl->flag_d && (isalpha(mpl->c) || mpl->c == '_'))
+ { /* symbolic name or reserved keyword */
+ mpl->token = T_NAME;
+ while (isalnum(mpl->c) || mpl->c == '_') append_char(mpl);
+ if (strcmp(mpl->image, "and") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_AND;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "by") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_BY;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "cross") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_CROSS;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "diff") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_DIFF;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "div") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_DIV;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "else") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_ELSE;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "if") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_IF;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "in") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_IN;
+#if 1 /* 21/VII-2006 */
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "Infinity") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_INFINITY;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "inter") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_INTER;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "less") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_LESS;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "mod") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_MOD;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "not") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_NOT;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "or") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_OR;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "s") == 0 && mpl->c == '.')
+ { mpl->token = T_SPTP;
+ append_char(mpl);
+ if (mpl->c != 't')
+sptp: { enter_context(mpl);
+ error(mpl, "keyword s.t. incomplete");
+ }
+ append_char(mpl);
+ if (mpl->c != '.') goto sptp;
+ append_char(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "symdiff") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_SYMDIFF;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "then") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_THEN;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "union") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_UNION;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "within") == 0)
+ mpl->token = T_WITHIN;
+ }
+ else if (!mpl->flag_d && isdigit(mpl->c))
+ { /* numeric literal */
+ mpl->token = T_NUMBER;
+ /* scan integer part */
+ while (isdigit(mpl->c)) append_char(mpl);
+ /* scan optional fractional part */
+ if (mpl->c == '.')
+ { append_char(mpl);
+ if (mpl->c == '.')
+ { /* hmm, it is not the fractional part, it is dots that
+ follow the integer part */
+ mpl->imlen--;
+ mpl->image[mpl->imlen] = '\0';
+ mpl->f_dots = 1;
+ goto conv;
+ }
+frac: while (isdigit(mpl->c)) append_char(mpl);
+ }
+ /* scan optional decimal exponent */
+ if (mpl->c == 'e' || mpl->c == 'E')
+ { append_char(mpl);
+ if (mpl->c == '+' || mpl->c == '-') append_char(mpl);
+ if (!isdigit(mpl->c))
+ { enter_context(mpl);
+ error(mpl, "numeric literal %s incomplete", mpl->image);
+ }
+ while (isdigit(mpl->c)) append_char(mpl);
+ }
+ /* there must be no letter following the numeric literal */
+ if (isalpha(mpl->c) || mpl->c == '_')
+ { enter_context(mpl);
+ error(mpl, "symbol %s%c... should be enclosed in quotes",
+ mpl->image, mpl->c);
+ }
+conv: /* convert numeric literal to floating-point */
+ if (str2num(mpl->image, &mpl->value))
+err: { enter_context(mpl);
+ error(mpl, "cannot convert numeric literal %s to floating-p"
+ "oint number", mpl->image);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (mpl->c == '\'' || mpl->c == '"')
+ { /* character string */
+ int quote = mpl->c;
+ mpl->token = T_STRING;
+ get_char(mpl);
+ for (;;)
+ { if (mpl->c == '\n' || mpl->c == EOF)
+ { enter_context(mpl);
+ error(mpl, "unexpected end of line; string literal incom"
+ "plete");
+ }
+ if (mpl->c == quote)
+ { get_char(mpl);
+ if (mpl->c != quote) break;
+ }
+ append_char(mpl);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!mpl->flag_d && mpl->c == '+')
+ mpl->token = T_PLUS, append_char(mpl);
+ else if (!mpl->flag_d && mpl->c == '-')
+ mpl->token = T_MINUS, append_char(mpl);
+ else if (mpl->c == '*')
+ { mpl->token = T_ASTERISK, append_char(mpl);
+ if (mpl->c == '*')
+ mpl->token = T_POWER, append_char(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->c == '/')
+ { mpl->token = T_SLASH, append_char(mpl);
+ if (mpl->c == '*')
+ { /* comment sequence */
+ get_char(mpl);
+ for (;;)
+ { if (mpl->c == EOF)
+ { /* do not call enter_context at this point */
+ error(mpl, "unexpected end of file; comment sequence "
+ "incomplete");
+ }
+ else if (mpl->c == '*')
+ { get_char(mpl);
+ if (mpl->c == '/') break;
+ }
+ else
+ get_char(mpl);
+ }
+ get_char(mpl);
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (mpl->c == '^')
+ mpl->token = T_POWER, append_char(mpl);
+ else if (mpl->c == '<')
+ { mpl->token = T_LT, append_char(mpl);
+ if (mpl->c == '=')
+ mpl->token = T_LE, append_char(mpl);
+ else if (mpl->c == '>')
+ mpl->token = T_NE, append_char(mpl);
+#if 1 /* 11/II-2008 */
+ else if (mpl->c == '-')
+ mpl->token = T_INPUT, append_char(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->c == '=')
+ { mpl->token = T_EQ, append_char(mpl);
+ if (mpl->c == '=') append_char(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->c == '>')
+ { mpl->token = T_GT, append_char(mpl);
+ if (mpl->c == '=')
+ mpl->token = T_GE, append_char(mpl);
+#if 1 /* 14/VII-2006 */
+ else if (mpl->c == '>')
+ mpl->token = T_APPEND, append_char(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->c == '!')
+ { mpl->token = T_NOT, append_char(mpl);
+ if (mpl->c == '=')
+ mpl->token = T_NE, append_char(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->c == '&')
+ { mpl->token = T_CONCAT, append_char(mpl);
+ if (mpl->c == '&')
+ mpl->token = T_AND, append_char(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->c == '|')
+ { mpl->token = T_BAR, append_char(mpl);
+ if (mpl->c == '|')
+ mpl->token = T_OR, append_char(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (!mpl->flag_d && mpl->c == '.')
+ { mpl->token = T_POINT, append_char(mpl);
+ if (mpl->f_dots)
+ { /* dots; the first dot was read on the previous call to the
+ scanner, so the current character is the second dot */
+ mpl->token = T_DOTS;
+ mpl->imlen = 2;
+ strcpy(mpl->image, "..");
+ mpl->f_dots = 0;
+ }
+ else if (mpl->c == '.')
+ mpl->token = T_DOTS, append_char(mpl);
+ else if (isdigit(mpl->c))
+ { /* numeric literal that begins with the decimal point */
+ mpl->token = T_NUMBER, append_char(mpl);
+ goto frac;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (mpl->c == ',')
+ mpl->token = T_COMMA, append_char(mpl);
+ else if (mpl->c == ':')
+ { mpl->token = T_COLON, append_char(mpl);
+ if (mpl->c == '=')
+ mpl->token = T_ASSIGN, append_char(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->c == ';')
+ mpl->token = T_SEMICOLON, append_char(mpl);
+ else if (mpl->c == '(')
+ mpl->token = T_LEFT, append_char(mpl);
+ else if (mpl->c == ')')
+ mpl->token = T_RIGHT, append_char(mpl);
+ else if (mpl->c == '[')
+ mpl->token = T_LBRACKET, append_char(mpl);
+ else if (mpl->c == ']')
+ mpl->token = T_RBRACKET, append_char(mpl);
+ else if (mpl->c == '{')
+ mpl->token = T_LBRACE, append_char(mpl);
+ else if (mpl->c == '}')
+ mpl->token = T_RBRACE, append_char(mpl);
+#if 1 /* 11/II-2008 */
+ else if (mpl->c == '~')
+ mpl->token = T_TILDE, append_char(mpl);
+ else if (isalnum(mpl->c) || strchr("+-._", mpl->c) != NULL)
+ { /* symbol */
+ xassert(mpl->flag_d);
+ mpl->token = T_SYMBOL;
+ while (isalnum(mpl->c) || strchr("+-._", mpl->c) != NULL)
+ append_char(mpl);
+ switch (str2num(mpl->image, &mpl->value))
+ { case 0:
+ mpl->token = T_NUMBER;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ goto err;
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(mpl != mpl);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { enter_context(mpl);
+ error(mpl, "character %c not allowed", mpl->c);
+ }
+ /* enter the current token into the context queue */
+ enter_context(mpl);
+ /* reset the flag, which may be set by indexing_expression() and
+ is used by expression_list() */
+ mpl->flag_x = 0;
+done: return;
+-- unget_token - return current token back to input stream.
+-- This routine returns the current token back to the input stream, so
+-- the previously scanned token becomes the current one. */
+void unget_token(MPL *mpl)
+{ /* save the current token, which becomes the next one */
+ xassert(!mpl->f_scan);
+ mpl->f_scan = 1;
+ mpl->f_token = mpl->token;
+ mpl->f_imlen = mpl->imlen;
+ strcpy(mpl->f_image, mpl->image);
+ mpl->f_value = mpl->value;
+ /* restore the previous token, which becomes the current one */
+ mpl->token = mpl->b_token;
+ mpl->imlen = mpl->b_imlen;
+ strcpy(mpl->image, mpl->b_image);
+ mpl->value = mpl->b_value;
+ return;
+-- is_keyword - check if current token is given non-reserved keyword.
+-- If the current token is given (non-reserved) keyword, this routine
+-- returns non-zero. Otherwise zero is returned. */
+int is_keyword(MPL *mpl, char *keyword)
+{ return
+ mpl->token == T_NAME && strcmp(mpl->image, keyword) == 0;
+-- is_reserved - check if current token is reserved keyword.
+-- If the current token is a reserved keyword, this routine returns
+-- non-zero. Otherwise zero is returned. */
+int is_reserved(MPL *mpl)
+{ return
+ mpl->token == T_AND && mpl->image[0] == 'a' ||
+ mpl->token == T_BY ||
+ mpl->token == T_CROSS ||
+ mpl->token == T_DIFF ||
+ mpl->token == T_DIV ||
+ mpl->token == T_ELSE ||
+ mpl->token == T_IF ||
+ mpl->token == T_IN ||
+ mpl->token == T_INTER ||
+ mpl->token == T_LESS ||
+ mpl->token == T_MOD ||
+ mpl->token == T_NOT && mpl->image[0] == 'n' ||
+ mpl->token == T_OR && mpl->image[0] == 'o' ||
+ mpl->token == T_SYMDIFF ||
+ mpl->token == T_THEN ||
+ mpl->token == T_UNION ||
+ mpl->token == T_WITHIN;
+-- make_code - generate pseudo-code (basic routine).
+-- This routine generates specified pseudo-code. It is assumed that all
+-- other translator routines use this basic routine. */
+CODE *make_code(MPL *mpl, int op, OPERANDS *arg, int type, int dim)
+{ CODE *code;
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block;
+ ARG_LIST *e;
+ /* generate pseudo-code */
+ code = alloc(CODE);
+ code->op = op;
+ code->vflag = 0; /* is inherited from operand(s) */
+ /* copy operands and also make them referring to the pseudo-code
+ being generated, because the latter becomes the parent for all
+ its operands */
+ memset(&code->arg, '?', sizeof(OPERANDS));
+ switch (op)
+ { case O_NUMBER:
+ code->arg.num = arg->num;
+ break;
+ case O_STRING:
+ code->arg.str = arg->str;
+ break;
+ case O_INDEX:
+ code->arg.index.slot = arg->index.slot;
+ code->arg.index.next = arg->index.next;
+ break;
+ case O_MEMNUM:
+ case O_MEMSYM:
+ for (e = arg->par.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ { xassert(e->x != NULL);
+ xassert(e->x->up == NULL);
+ e->x->up = code;
+ code->vflag |= e->x->vflag;
+ }
+ code->arg.par.par = arg->par.par;
+ code->arg.par.list = arg->par.list;
+ break;
+ case O_MEMSET:
+ for (e = arg->set.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ { xassert(e->x != NULL);
+ xassert(e->x->up == NULL);
+ e->x->up = code;
+ code->vflag |= e->x->vflag;
+ }
+ code->arg.set.set = arg->set.set;
+ code->arg.set.list = arg->set.list;
+ break;
+ case O_MEMVAR:
+ for (e = arg->var.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ { xassert(e->x != NULL);
+ xassert(e->x->up == NULL);
+ e->x->up = code;
+ code->vflag |= e->x->vflag;
+ }
+ code->arg.var.var = arg->var.var;
+ code->arg.var.list = arg->var.list;
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ code->arg.var.suff = arg->var.suff;
+ break;
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ case O_MEMCON:
+ for (e = arg->con.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ { xassert(e->x != NULL);
+ xassert(e->x->up == NULL);
+ e->x->up = code;
+ code->vflag |= e->x->vflag;
+ }
+ code->arg.con.con = arg->con.con;
+ code->arg.con.list = arg->con.list;
+ code->arg.con.suff = arg->con.suff;
+ break;
+ case O_TUPLE:
+ case O_MAKE:
+ for (e = arg->list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ { xassert(e->x != NULL);
+ xassert(e->x->up == NULL);
+ e->x->up = code;
+ code->vflag |= e->x->vflag;
+ }
+ code->arg.list = arg->list;
+ break;
+ case O_SLICE:
+ xassert(arg->slice != NULL);
+ code->arg.slice = arg->slice;
+ break;
+ case O_IRAND224:
+ case O_UNIFORM01:
+ case O_NORMAL01:
+ case O_GMTIME:
+ code->vflag = 1;
+ break;
+ case O_CVTNUM:
+ case O_CVTSYM:
+ case O_CVTLOG:
+ case O_CVTTUP:
+ case O_CVTLFM:
+ case O_PLUS:
+ case O_MINUS:
+ case O_NOT:
+ case O_ABS:
+ case O_CEIL:
+ case O_FLOOR:
+ case O_EXP:
+ case O_LOG:
+ case O_LOG10:
+ case O_SQRT:
+ case O_SIN:
+ case O_COS:
+ case O_TAN:
+ case O_ATAN:
+ case O_ROUND:
+ case O_TRUNC:
+ case O_CARD:
+ case O_LENGTH:
+ /* unary operation */
+ xassert(arg->arg.x != NULL);
+ xassert(arg->arg.x->up == NULL);
+ arg->arg.x->up = code;
+ code->vflag |= arg->arg.x->vflag;
+ code->arg.arg.x = arg->arg.x;
+ break;
+ case O_ADD:
+ case O_SUB:
+ case O_LESS:
+ case O_MUL:
+ case O_DIV:
+ case O_IDIV:
+ case O_MOD:
+ case O_POWER:
+ case O_ATAN2:
+ case O_ROUND2:
+ case O_TRUNC2:
+ case O_UNIFORM:
+ if (op == O_UNIFORM) code->vflag = 1;
+ case O_NORMAL:
+ if (op == O_NORMAL) code->vflag = 1;
+ case O_CONCAT:
+ case O_LT:
+ case O_LE:
+ case O_EQ:
+ case O_GE:
+ case O_GT:
+ case O_NE:
+ case O_AND:
+ case O_OR:
+ case O_UNION:
+ case O_DIFF:
+ case O_SYMDIFF:
+ case O_INTER:
+ case O_CROSS:
+ case O_IN:
+ case O_NOTIN:
+ case O_WITHIN:
+ case O_SUBSTR:
+ case O_STR2TIME:
+ case O_TIME2STR:
+ /* binary operation */
+ xassert(arg->arg.x != NULL);
+ xassert(arg->arg.x->up == NULL);
+ arg->arg.x->up = code;
+ code->vflag |= arg->arg.x->vflag;
+ xassert(arg->arg.y != NULL);
+ xassert(arg->arg.y->up == NULL);
+ arg->arg.y->up = code;
+ code->vflag |= arg->arg.y->vflag;
+ code->arg.arg.x = arg->arg.x;
+ code->arg.arg.y = arg->arg.y;
+ break;
+ case O_DOTS:
+ case O_FORK:
+ case O_SUBSTR3:
+ /* ternary operation */
+ xassert(arg->arg.x != NULL);
+ xassert(arg->arg.x->up == NULL);
+ arg->arg.x->up = code;
+ code->vflag |= arg->arg.x->vflag;
+ xassert(arg->arg.y != NULL);
+ xassert(arg->arg.y->up == NULL);
+ arg->arg.y->up = code;
+ code->vflag |= arg->arg.y->vflag;
+ if (arg->arg.z != NULL)
+ { xassert(arg->arg.z->up == NULL);
+ arg->arg.z->up = code;
+ code->vflag |= arg->arg.z->vflag;
+ }
+ code->arg.arg.x = arg->arg.x;
+ code->arg.arg.y = arg->arg.y;
+ code->arg.arg.z = arg->arg.z;
+ break;
+ case O_MIN:
+ case O_MAX:
+ /* n-ary operation */
+ for (e = arg->list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ { xassert(e->x != NULL);
+ xassert(e->x->up == NULL);
+ e->x->up = code;
+ code->vflag |= e->x->vflag;
+ }
+ code->arg.list = arg->list;
+ break;
+ case O_SUM:
+ case O_PROD:
+ case O_MINIMUM:
+ case O_MAXIMUM:
+ case O_FORALL:
+ case O_EXISTS:
+ case O_SETOF:
+ case O_BUILD:
+ /* iterated operation */
+ domain = arg->loop.domain;
+ xassert(domain != NULL);
+ if (domain->code != NULL)
+ { xassert(domain->code->up == NULL);
+ domain->code->up = code;
+ code->vflag |= domain->code->vflag;
+ }
+ for (block = domain->list; block != NULL; block =
+ block->next)
+ { xassert(block->code != NULL);
+ xassert(block->code->up == NULL);
+ block->code->up = code;
+ code->vflag |= block->code->vflag;
+ }
+ if (arg->loop.x != NULL)
+ { xassert(arg->loop.x->up == NULL);
+ arg->loop.x->up = code;
+ code->vflag |= arg->loop.x->vflag;
+ }
+ code->arg.loop.domain = arg->loop.domain;
+ code->arg.loop.x = arg->loop.x;
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(op != op);
+ }
+ /* set other attributes of the pseudo-code */
+ code->type = type;
+ code->dim = dim;
+ code->up = NULL;
+ code->valid = 0;
+ memset(&code->value, '?', sizeof(VALUE));
+ return code;
+-- make_unary - generate pseudo-code for unary operation.
+-- This routine generates pseudo-code for unary operation. */
+CODE *make_unary(MPL *mpl, int op, CODE *x, int type, int dim)
+{ CODE *code;
+ xassert(x != NULL);
+ arg.arg.x = x;
+ code = make_code(mpl, op, &arg, type, dim);
+ return code;
+-- make_binary - generate pseudo-code for binary operation.
+-- This routine generates pseudo-code for binary operation. */
+CODE *make_binary(MPL *mpl, int op, CODE *x, CODE *y, int type,
+ int dim)
+{ CODE *code;
+ xassert(x != NULL);
+ xassert(y != NULL);
+ arg.arg.x = x;
+ arg.arg.y = y;
+ code = make_code(mpl, op, &arg, type, dim);
+ return code;
+-- make_ternary - generate pseudo-code for ternary operation.
+-- This routine generates pseudo-code for ternary operation. */
+CODE *make_ternary(MPL *mpl, int op, CODE *x, CODE *y, CODE *z,
+ int type, int dim)
+{ CODE *code;
+ xassert(x != NULL);
+ xassert(y != NULL);
+ /* third operand can be NULL */
+ arg.arg.x = x;
+ arg.arg.y = y;
+ arg.arg.z = z;
+ code = make_code(mpl, op, &arg, type, dim);
+ return code;
+-- numeric_literal - parse reference to numeric literal.
+-- This routine parses primary expression using the syntax:
+-- <primary expression> ::= <numeric literal> */
+CODE *numeric_literal(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *code;
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_NUMBER);
+ arg.num = mpl->value;
+ code = make_code(mpl, O_NUMBER, &arg, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ get_token(mpl /* <numeric literal> */);
+ return code;
+-- string_literal - parse reference to string literal.
+-- This routine parses primary expression using the syntax:
+-- <primary expression> ::= <string literal> */
+CODE *string_literal(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *code;
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_STRING);
+ arg.str = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(mpl->image)+1);
+ strcpy(arg.str, mpl->image);
+ code = make_code(mpl, O_STRING, &arg, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ get_token(mpl /* <string literal> */);
+ return code;
+-- create_arg_list - create empty operands list.
+-- This routine creates operands list, which is initially empty. */
+ARG_LIST *create_arg_list(MPL *mpl)
+{ ARG_LIST *list;
+ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ list = NULL;
+ return list;
+-- expand_arg_list - append operand to operands list.
+-- This routine appends new operand to specified operands list. */
+ARG_LIST *expand_arg_list(MPL *mpl, ARG_LIST *list, CODE *x)
+{ ARG_LIST *tail, *temp;
+ xassert(x != NULL);
+ /* create new operands list entry */
+ tail = alloc(ARG_LIST);
+ tail->x = x;
+ tail->next = NULL;
+ /* and append it to the operands list */
+ if (list == NULL)
+ list = tail;
+ else
+ { for (temp = list; temp->next != NULL; temp = temp->next);
+ temp->next = tail;
+ }
+ return list;
+-- arg_list_len - determine length of operands list.
+-- This routine returns the number of operands in operands list. */
+int arg_list_len(MPL *mpl, ARG_LIST *list)
+{ ARG_LIST *temp;
+ int len;
+ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ len = 0;
+ for (temp = list; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next) len++;
+ return len;
+-- subscript_list - parse subscript list.
+-- This routine parses subscript list using the syntax:
+-- <subscript list> ::= <subscript>
+-- <subscript list> ::= <subscript list> , <subscript>
+-- <subscript> ::= <expression 5> */
+ARG_LIST *subscript_list(MPL *mpl)
+{ ARG_LIST *list;
+ CODE *x;
+ list = create_arg_list(mpl);
+ for (;;)
+ { /* parse subscript expression */
+ x = expression_5(mpl);
+ /* convert it to symbolic type, if necessary */
+ if (x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, x, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ /* check that now the expression is of symbolic type */
+ if (x->type != A_SYMBOLIC)
+ error(mpl, "subscript expression has invalid type");
+ xassert(x->dim == 0);
+ /* and append it to the subscript list */
+ list = expand_arg_list(mpl, list, x);
+ /* check a token that follows the subscript expression */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RBRACKET)
+ break;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in subscript list");
+ }
+ return list;
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+-- object_reference - parse reference to named object.
+-- This routine parses primary expression using the syntax:
+-- <primary expression> ::= <dummy index>
+-- <primary expression> ::= <set name>
+-- <primary expression> ::= <set name> [ <subscript list> ]
+-- <primary expression> ::= <parameter name>
+-- <primary expression> ::= <parameter name> [ <subscript list> ]
+-- <primary expression> ::= <variable name> <suffix>
+-- <primary expression> ::= <variable name> [ <subscript list> ]
+-- <suffix>
+-- <primary expression> ::= <constraint name> <suffix>
+-- <primary expression> ::= <constraint name> [ <subscript list> ]
+-- <suffix>
+-- <dummy index> ::= <symbolic name>
+-- <set name> ::= <symbolic name>
+-- <parameter name> ::= <symbolic name>
+-- <variable name> ::= <symbolic name>
+-- <constraint name> ::= <symbolic name>
+-- <suffix> ::= <empty> | .lb | .ub | .status | .val | .dual */
+CODE *object_reference(MPL *mpl)
+{ AVLNODE *node;
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *slot;
+ SET *set;
+ VARIABLE *var;
+ ARG_LIST *list;
+ CODE *code;
+ char *name;
+ int dim, suff;
+ /* find the object in the symbolic name table */
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_NAME);
+ node = avl_find_node(mpl->tree, mpl->image);
+ if (node == NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s not defined", mpl->image);
+ /* check the object type and obtain its dimension */
+ switch (avl_get_node_type(node))
+ { case A_INDEX:
+ /* dummy index */
+ slot = (DOMAIN_SLOT *)avl_get_node_link(node);
+ name = slot->name;
+ dim = 0;
+ break;
+ case A_SET:
+ /* model set */
+ set = (SET *)avl_get_node_link(node);
+ name = set->name;
+ dim = set->dim;
+ /* if a set object is referenced in its own declaration and
+ the dimen attribute is not specified yet, use dimen 1 by
+ default */
+ if (set->dimen == 0) set->dimen = 1;
+ break;
+ /* model parameter */
+ par = (PARAMETER *)avl_get_node_link(node);
+ name = par->name;
+ dim = par->dim;
+ break;
+ case A_VARIABLE:
+ /* model variable */
+ var = (VARIABLE *)avl_get_node_link(node);
+ name = var->name;
+ dim = var->dim;
+ break;
+ /* model constraint or objective */
+ con = (CONSTRAINT *)avl_get_node_link(node);
+ name = con->name;
+ dim = con->dim;
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(node != node);
+ }
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ /* parse optional subscript list */
+ if (mpl->token == T_LBRACKET)
+ { /* subscript list is specified */
+ if (dim == 0)
+ error(mpl, "%s cannot be subscripted", name);
+ get_token(mpl /* [ */);
+ list = subscript_list(mpl);
+ if (dim != arg_list_len(mpl, list))
+ error(mpl, "%s must have %d subscript%s rather than %d",
+ name, dim, dim == 1 ? "" : "s", arg_list_len(mpl, list));
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_RBRACKET);
+ get_token(mpl /* ] */);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* subscript list is not specified */
+ if (dim != 0)
+ error(mpl, "%s must be subscripted", name);
+ list = create_arg_list(mpl);
+ }
+ /* parse optional suffix */
+ if (!mpl->flag_s && avl_get_node_type(node) == A_VARIABLE)
+ suff = DOT_NONE;
+ else
+ suff = DOT_VAL;
+ if (mpl->token == T_POINT)
+ { get_token(mpl /* . */);
+ if (mpl->token != T_NAME)
+ error(mpl, "invalid use of period");
+ if (!(avl_get_node_type(node) == A_VARIABLE ||
+ avl_get_node_type(node) == A_CONSTRAINT))
+ error(mpl, "%s cannot have a suffix", name);
+ if (strcmp(mpl->image, "lb") == 0)
+ suff = DOT_LB;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "ub") == 0)
+ suff = DOT_UB;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "status") == 0)
+ suff = DOT_STATUS;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "val") == 0)
+ suff = DOT_VAL;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "dual") == 0)
+ suff = DOT_DUAL;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "suffix .%s invalid", mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* suffix */);
+ }
+ /* generate pseudo-code to take value of the object */
+ switch (avl_get_node_type(node))
+ { case A_INDEX:
+ arg.index.slot = slot;
+ arg.index.next = slot->list;
+ code = make_code(mpl, O_INDEX, &arg, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ slot->list = code;
+ break;
+ case A_SET:
+ arg.set.set = set;
+ arg.set.list = list;
+ code = make_code(mpl, O_MEMSET, &arg, A_ELEMSET,
+ set->dimen);
+ break;
+ arg.par.par = par;
+ arg.par.list = list;
+ if (par->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ code = make_code(mpl, O_MEMSYM, &arg, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ else
+ code = make_code(mpl, O_MEMNUM, &arg, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ break;
+ case A_VARIABLE:
+ if (!mpl->flag_s && (suff == DOT_STATUS || suff == DOT_VAL
+ || suff == DOT_DUAL))
+ error(mpl, "invalid reference to status, primal value, o"
+ "r dual value of variable %s above solve statement",
+ var->name);
+ arg.var.var = var;
+ arg.var.list = list;
+ arg.var.suff = suff;
+ code = make_code(mpl, O_MEMVAR, &arg, suff == DOT_NONE ?
+ break;
+ if (!mpl->flag_s && (suff == DOT_STATUS || suff == DOT_VAL
+ || suff == DOT_DUAL))
+ error(mpl, "invalid reference to status, primal value, o"
+ "r dual value of %s %s above solve statement",
+ con->type == A_CONSTRAINT ? "constraint" : "objective"
+ , con->name);
+ arg.con.con = con;
+ arg.con.list = list;
+ arg.con.suff = suff;
+ code = make_code(mpl, O_MEMCON, &arg, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(node != node);
+ }
+ return code;
+-- numeric_argument - parse argument passed to built-in function.
+-- This routine parses an argument passed to numeric built-in function
+-- using the syntax:
+-- <arg> ::= <expression 5> */
+CODE *numeric_argument(MPL *mpl, char *func)
+{ CODE *x;
+ x = expression_5(mpl);
+ /* convert the argument to numeric type, if necessary */
+ if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ /* check that now the argument is of numeric type */
+ if (x->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error(mpl, "argument for %s has invalid type", func);
+ xassert(x->dim == 0);
+ return x;
+#if 1 /* 15/VII-2006 */
+CODE *symbolic_argument(MPL *mpl, char *func)
+{ CODE *x;
+ x = expression_5(mpl);
+ /* convert the argument to symbolic type, if necessary */
+ if (x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, x, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ /* check that now the argument is of symbolic type */
+ if (x->type != A_SYMBOLIC)
+ error(mpl, "argument for %s has invalid type", func);
+ xassert(x->dim == 0);
+ return x;
+#if 1 /* 15/VII-2006 */
+CODE *elemset_argument(MPL *mpl, char *func)
+{ CODE *x;
+ x = expression_9(mpl);
+ if (x->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error(mpl, "argument for %s has invalid type", func);
+ xassert(x->dim > 0);
+ return x;
+-- function_reference - parse reference to built-in function.
+-- This routine parses primary expression using the syntax:
+-- <primary expression> ::= abs ( <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= ceil ( <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= floor ( <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= exp ( <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= log ( <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= log10 ( <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= max ( <arg list> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= min ( <arg list> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= sqrt ( <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= sin ( <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= cos ( <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= tan ( <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= atan ( <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= atan2 ( <arg> , <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= round ( <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= round ( <arg> , <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= trunc ( <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= trunc ( <arg> , <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= Irand224 ( )
+-- <primary expression> ::= Uniform01 ( )
+-- <primary expression> ::= Uniform ( <arg> , <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= Normal01 ( )
+-- <primary expression> ::= Normal ( <arg> , <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= card ( <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= length ( <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= substr ( <arg> , <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= substr ( <arg> , <arg> , <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= str2time ( <arg> , <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= time2str ( <arg> , <arg> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= gmtime ( )
+-- <arg list> ::= <arg>
+-- <arg list> ::= <arg list> , <arg> */
+CODE *function_reference(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *code;
+ int op;
+ char func[15+1];
+ /* determine operation code */
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_NAME);
+ if (strcmp(mpl->image, "abs") == 0)
+ op = O_ABS;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "ceil") == 0)
+ op = O_CEIL;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "floor") == 0)
+ op = O_FLOOR;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "exp") == 0)
+ op = O_EXP;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "log") == 0)
+ op = O_LOG;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "log10") == 0)
+ op = O_LOG10;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "sqrt") == 0)
+ op = O_SQRT;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "sin") == 0)
+ op = O_SIN;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "cos") == 0)
+ op = O_COS;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "tan") == 0)
+ op = O_TAN;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "atan") == 0)
+ op = O_ATAN;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "min") == 0)
+ op = O_MIN;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "max") == 0)
+ op = O_MAX;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "round") == 0)
+ op = O_ROUND;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "trunc") == 0)
+ op = O_TRUNC;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "Irand224") == 0)
+ op = O_IRAND224;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "Uniform01") == 0)
+ op = O_UNIFORM01;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "Uniform") == 0)
+ op = O_UNIFORM;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "Normal01") == 0)
+ op = O_NORMAL01;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "Normal") == 0)
+ op = O_NORMAL;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "card") == 0)
+ op = O_CARD;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "length") == 0)
+ op = O_LENGTH;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "substr") == 0)
+ op = O_SUBSTR;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "str2time") == 0)
+ op = O_STR2TIME;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "time2str") == 0)
+ op = O_TIME2STR;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "gmtime") == 0)
+ op = O_GMTIME;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "function %s unknown", mpl->image);
+ /* save symbolic name of the function */
+ strcpy(func, mpl->image);
+ xassert(strlen(func) < sizeof(func));
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ /* check the left parenthesis that follows the function name */
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_LEFT);
+ get_token(mpl /* ( */);
+ /* parse argument list */
+ if (op == O_MIN || op == O_MAX)
+ { /* min and max allow arbitrary number of arguments */
+ arg.list = create_arg_list(mpl);
+ /* parse argument list */
+ for (;;)
+ { /* parse argument and append it to the operands list */
+ arg.list = expand_arg_list(mpl, arg.list,
+ numeric_argument(mpl, func));
+ /* check a token that follows the argument */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RIGHT)
+ break;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in argument list for %s", func);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (op == O_IRAND224 || op == O_UNIFORM01 || op ==
+ O_NORMAL01 || op == O_GMTIME)
+ { /* Irand224, Uniform01, Normal01, gmtime need no arguments */
+ if (mpl->token != T_RIGHT)
+ error(mpl, "%s needs no arguments", func);
+ }
+ else if (op == O_UNIFORM || op == O_NORMAL)
+ { /* Uniform and Normal need two arguments */
+ /* parse the first argument */
+ arg.arg.x = numeric_argument(mpl, func);
+ /* check a token that follows the first argument */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ ;
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RIGHT)
+ error(mpl, "%s needs two arguments", func);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in argument for %s", func);
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ /* parse the second argument */
+ arg.arg.y = numeric_argument(mpl, func);
+ /* check a token that follows the second argument */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ error(mpl, "%s needs two argument", func);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RIGHT)
+ ;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in argument for %s", func);
+ }
+ else if (op == O_ATAN || op == O_ROUND || op == O_TRUNC)
+ { /* atan, round, and trunc need one or two arguments */
+ /* parse the first argument */
+ arg.arg.x = numeric_argument(mpl, func);
+ /* parse the second argument, if specified */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ { switch (op)
+ { case O_ATAN: op = O_ATAN2; break;
+ case O_ROUND: op = O_ROUND2; break;
+ case O_TRUNC: op = O_TRUNC2; break;
+ default: xassert(op != op);
+ }
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ arg.arg.y = numeric_argument(mpl, func);
+ }
+ /* check a token that follows the last argument */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ error(mpl, "%s needs one or two arguments", func);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RIGHT)
+ ;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in argument for %s", func);
+ }
+ else if (op == O_SUBSTR)
+ { /* substr needs two or three arguments */
+ /* parse the first argument */
+ arg.arg.x = symbolic_argument(mpl, func);
+ /* check a token that follows the first argument */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ ;
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RIGHT)
+ error(mpl, "%s needs two or three arguments", func);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in argument for %s", func);
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ /* parse the second argument */
+ arg.arg.y = numeric_argument(mpl, func);
+ /* parse the third argument, if specified */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ { op = O_SUBSTR3;
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ arg.arg.z = numeric_argument(mpl, func);
+ }
+ /* check a token that follows the last argument */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ error(mpl, "%s needs two or three arguments", func);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RIGHT)
+ ;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in argument for %s", func);
+ }
+ else if (op == O_STR2TIME)
+ { /* str2time needs two arguments, both symbolic */
+ /* parse the first argument */
+ arg.arg.x = symbolic_argument(mpl, func);
+ /* check a token that follows the first argument */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ ;
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RIGHT)
+ error(mpl, "%s needs two arguments", func);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in argument for %s", func);
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ /* parse the second argument */
+ arg.arg.y = symbolic_argument(mpl, func);
+ /* check a token that follows the second argument */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ error(mpl, "%s needs two argument", func);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RIGHT)
+ ;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in argument for %s", func);
+ }
+ else if (op == O_TIME2STR)
+ { /* time2str needs two arguments, numeric and symbolic */
+ /* parse the first argument */
+ arg.arg.x = numeric_argument(mpl, func);
+ /* check a token that follows the first argument */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ ;
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RIGHT)
+ error(mpl, "%s needs two arguments", func);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in argument for %s", func);
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ /* parse the second argument */
+ arg.arg.y = symbolic_argument(mpl, func);
+ /* check a token that follows the second argument */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ error(mpl, "%s needs two argument", func);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RIGHT)
+ ;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in argument for %s", func);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* other functions need one argument */
+ if (op == O_CARD)
+ arg.arg.x = elemset_argument(mpl, func);
+ else if (op == O_LENGTH)
+ arg.arg.x = symbolic_argument(mpl, func);
+ else
+ arg.arg.x = numeric_argument(mpl, func);
+ /* check a token that follows the argument */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ error(mpl, "%s needs one argument", func);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RIGHT)
+ ;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in argument for %s", func);
+ }
+ /* make pseudo-code to call the built-in function */
+ if (op == O_SUBSTR || op == O_SUBSTR3 || op == O_TIME2STR)
+ code = make_code(mpl, op, &arg, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ else
+ code = make_code(mpl, op, &arg, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ /* the reference ends with the right parenthesis */
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_RIGHT);
+ get_token(mpl /* ) */);
+ return code;
+-- create_domain - create empty domain.
+-- This routine creates empty domain, which is initially empty, i.e.
+-- has no domain blocks. */
+DOMAIN *create_domain(MPL *mpl)
+{ DOMAIN *domain;
+ domain = alloc(DOMAIN);
+ domain->list = NULL;
+ domain->code = NULL;
+ return domain;
+-- create_block - create empty domain block.
+-- This routine creates empty domain block, which is initially empty,
+-- i.e. has no domain slots. */
+DOMAIN_BLOCK *create_block(MPL *mpl)
+{ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block;
+ block = alloc(DOMAIN_BLOCK);
+ block->list = NULL;
+ block->code = NULL;
+ block->backup = NULL;
+ block->next = NULL;
+ return block;
+-- append_block - append domain block to specified domain.
+-- This routine adds given domain block to the end of the block list of
+-- specified domain. */
+void append_block(MPL *mpl, DOMAIN *domain, DOMAIN_BLOCK *block)
+{ DOMAIN_BLOCK *temp;
+ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ xassert(domain != NULL);
+ xassert(block != NULL);
+ xassert(block->next == NULL);
+ if (domain->list == NULL)
+ domain->list = block;
+ else
+ { for (temp = domain->list; temp->next != NULL; temp =
+ temp->next);
+ temp->next = block;
+ }
+ return;
+-- append_slot - create and append new slot to domain block.
+-- This routine creates new domain slot and adds it to the end of slot
+-- list of specified domain block.
+-- The parameter name is symbolic name of the dummy index associated
+-- with the slot (the character string must be allocated). NULL means
+-- the dummy index is not explicitly specified.
+-- The parameter code is pseudo-code for computing symbolic value, at
+-- which the dummy index is bounded. NULL means the dummy index is free
+-- in the domain scope. */
+DOMAIN_SLOT *append_slot(MPL *mpl, DOMAIN_BLOCK *block, char *name,
+ CODE *code)
+{ DOMAIN_SLOT *slot, *temp;
+ xassert(block != NULL);
+ slot = alloc(DOMAIN_SLOT);
+ slot->name = name;
+ slot->code = code;
+ slot->value = NULL;
+ slot->list = NULL;
+ slot->next = NULL;
+ if (block->list == NULL)
+ block->list = slot;
+ else
+ { for (temp = block->list; temp->next != NULL; temp =
+ temp->next);
+ temp->next = slot;
+ }
+ return slot;
+-- expression_list - parse expression list.
+-- This routine parses a list of one or more expressions enclosed into
+-- the parentheses using the syntax:
+-- <primary expression> ::= ( <expression list> )
+-- <expression list> ::= <expression 13>
+-- <expression list> ::= <expression 13> , <expression list>
+-- Note that this construction may have three different meanings:
+-- 1. If <expression list> consists of only one expression, <primary
+-- expression> is a parenthesized expression, which may be of any
+-- valid type (not necessarily 1-tuple).
+-- 2. If <expression list> consists of several expressions separated by
+-- commae, where no expression is undeclared symbolic name, <primary
+-- expression> is a n-tuple.
+-- 3. If <expression list> consists of several expressions separated by
+-- commae, where at least one expression is undeclared symbolic name
+-- (that denotes a dummy index), <primary expression> is a slice and
+-- can be only used as constituent of indexing expression. */
+#define max_dim 20
+/* maximal number of components allowed within parentheses */
+CODE *expression_list(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *code;
+ struct { char *name; CODE *code; } list[1+max_dim];
+ int flag_x, next_token, dim, j, slice = 0;
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_LEFT);
+ /* the flag, which allows recognizing undeclared symbolic names
+ as dummy indices, will be automatically reset by get_token(),
+ so save it before scanning the next token */
+ flag_x = mpl->flag_x;
+ get_token(mpl /* ( */);
+ /* parse <expression list> */
+ for (dim = 1; ; dim++)
+ { if (dim > max_dim)
+ error(mpl, "too many components within parentheses");
+ /* current component of <expression list> can be either dummy
+ index or expression */
+ if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ { /* symbolic name is recognized as dummy index only if:
+ the flag, which allows that, is set, and
+ the name is followed by comma or right parenthesis, and
+ the name is undeclared */
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ next_token = mpl->token;
+ unget_token(mpl);
+ if (!(flag_x &&
+ (next_token == T_COMMA || next_token == T_RIGHT) &&
+ avl_find_node(mpl->tree, mpl->image) == NULL))
+ { /* this is not dummy index */
+ goto expr;
+ }
+ /* all dummy indices within the same slice must have unique
+ symbolic names */
+ for (j = 1; j < dim; j++)
+ { if (list[j].name != NULL && strcmp(list[j].name,
+ mpl->image) == 0)
+ error(mpl, "duplicate dummy index %s not allowed",
+ mpl->image);
+ }
+ /* current component of <expression list> is dummy index */
+ list[dim].name
+ = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(mpl->image)+1);
+ strcpy(list[dim].name, mpl->image);
+ list[dim].code = NULL;
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ /* <expression list> is a slice, because at least one dummy
+ index has appeared */
+ slice = 1;
+ /* note that the context ( <dummy index> ) is not allowed,
+ i.e. in this case <primary expression> is considered as
+ a parenthesized expression */
+ if (dim == 1 && mpl->token == T_RIGHT)
+ error(mpl, "%s not defined", list[dim].name);
+ }
+ else
+expr: { /* current component of <expression list> is expression */
+ code = expression_13(mpl);
+ /* if the current expression is followed by comma or it is
+ not the very first expression, entire <expression list>
+ is n-tuple or slice, in which case the current expression
+ should be converted to symbolic type, if necessary */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA || dim > 1)
+ { if (code->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ code = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, code, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ /* now the expression must be of symbolic type */
+ if (code->type != A_SYMBOLIC)
+ error(mpl, "component expression has invalid type");
+ xassert(code->dim == 0);
+ }
+ list[dim].name = NULL;
+ list[dim].code = code;
+ }
+ /* check a token that follows the current component */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RIGHT)
+ break;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "right parenthesis missing where expected");
+ }
+ /* generate pseudo-code for <primary expression> */
+ if (dim == 1 && !slice)
+ { /* <primary expression> is a parenthesized expression */
+ code = list[1].code;
+ }
+ else if (!slice)
+ { /* <primary expression> is a n-tuple */
+ arg.list = create_arg_list(mpl);
+ for (j = 1; j <= dim; j++)
+ arg.list = expand_arg_list(mpl, arg.list, list[j].code);
+ code = make_code(mpl, O_TUPLE, &arg, A_TUPLE, dim);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* <primary expression> is a slice */
+ arg.slice = create_block(mpl);
+ for (j = 1; j <= dim; j++)
+ append_slot(mpl, arg.slice, list[j].name, list[j].code);
+ /* note that actually pseudo-codes with op = O_SLICE are never
+ evaluated */
+ code = make_code(mpl, O_SLICE, &arg, A_TUPLE, dim);
+ }
+ get_token(mpl /* ) */);
+ /* if <primary expression> is a slice, there must be the keyword
+ 'in', which follows the right parenthesis */
+ if (slice && mpl->token != T_IN)
+ error(mpl, "keyword in missing where expected");
+ /* if the slice flag is set and there is the keyword 'in', which
+ follows <primary expression>, the latter must be a slice */
+ if (flag_x && mpl->token == T_IN && !slice)
+ { if (dim == 1)
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in indexing expression");
+ else
+ error(mpl, "0-ary slice not allowed");
+ }
+ return code;
+-- literal set - parse literal set.
+-- This routine parses literal set using the syntax:
+-- <literal set> ::= { <member list> }
+-- <member list> ::= <member expression>
+-- <member list> ::= <member list> , <member expression>
+-- <member expression> ::= <expression 5>
+-- It is assumed that the left curly brace and the very first member
+-- expression that follows it are already parsed. The right curly brace
+-- remains unscanned on exit. */
+CODE *literal_set(MPL *mpl, CODE *code)
+{ OPERANDS arg;
+ int j;
+ xassert(code != NULL);
+ arg.list = create_arg_list(mpl);
+ /* parse <member list> */
+ for (j = 1; ; j++)
+ { /* all member expressions must be n-tuples; so, if the current
+ expression is not n-tuple, convert it to 1-tuple */
+ if (code->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ code = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, code, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ if (code->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ code = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTTUP, code, A_TUPLE, 1);
+ /* now the expression must be n-tuple */
+ if (code->type != A_TUPLE)
+ error(mpl, "member expression has invalid type");
+ /* all member expressions must have identical dimension */
+ if (arg.list != NULL && arg.list->x->dim != code->dim)
+ error(mpl, "member %d has %d component%s while member %d ha"
+ "s %d component%s",
+ j-1, arg.list->x->dim, arg.list->x->dim == 1 ? "" : "s",
+ j, code->dim, code->dim == 1 ? "" : "s");
+ /* append the current expression to the member list */
+ arg.list = expand_arg_list(mpl, arg.list, code);
+ /* check a token that follows the current expression */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RBRACE)
+ break;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in literal set");
+ /* parse the next expression that follows the comma */
+ code = expression_5(mpl);
+ }
+ /* generate pseudo-code for <literal set> */
+ code = make_code(mpl, O_MAKE, &arg, A_ELEMSET, arg.list->x->dim);
+ return code;
+-- indexing_expression - parse indexing expression.
+-- This routine parses indexing expression using the syntax:
+-- <indexing expression> ::= <literal set>
+-- <indexing expression> ::= { <indexing list> }
+-- <indexing expression> ::= { <indexing list> : <logical expression> }
+-- <indexing list> ::= <indexing element>
+-- <indexing list> ::= <indexing list> , <indexing element>
+-- <indexing element> ::= <basic expression>
+-- <indexing element> ::= <dummy index> in <basic expression>
+-- <indexing element> ::= <slice> in <basic expression>
+-- <dummy index> ::= <symbolic name>
+-- <slice> ::= ( <expression list> )
+-- <basic expression> ::= <expression 9>
+-- <logical expression> ::= <expression 13>
+-- This routine creates domain for <indexing expression>, where each
+-- domain block corresponds to <indexing element>, and each domain slot
+-- corresponds to individual indexing position. */
+DOMAIN *indexing_expression(MPL *mpl)
+{ DOMAIN *domain;
+ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block;
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *slot;
+ CODE *code;
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_LBRACE);
+ get_token(mpl /* { */);
+ if (mpl->token == T_RBRACE)
+ error(mpl, "empty indexing expression not allowed");
+ /* create domain to be constructed */
+ domain = create_domain(mpl);
+ /* parse either <member list> or <indexing list> that follows the
+ left brace */
+ for (;;)
+ { /* domain block for <indexing element> is not created yet */
+ block = NULL;
+ /* pseudo-code for <basic expression> is not generated yet */
+ code = NULL;
+ /* check a token, which <indexing element> begins with */
+ if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ { /* it is a symbolic name */
+ int next_token;
+ char *name;
+ /* symbolic name is recognized as dummy index only if it is
+ followed by the keyword 'in' and not declared */
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ next_token = mpl->token;
+ unget_token(mpl);
+ if (!(next_token == T_IN &&
+ avl_find_node(mpl->tree, mpl->image) == NULL))
+ { /* this is not dummy index; the symbolic name begins an
+ expression, which is either <basic expression> or the
+ very first <member expression> in <literal set> */
+ goto expr;
+ }
+ /* create domain block with one slot, which is assigned the
+ dummy index */
+ block = create_block(mpl);
+ name = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(mpl->image)+1);
+ strcpy(name, mpl->image);
+ append_slot(mpl, block, name, NULL);
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ /* the keyword 'in' is already checked above */
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_IN);
+ get_token(mpl /* in */);
+ /* <basic expression> that follows the keyword 'in' will be
+ parsed below */
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_LEFT)
+ { /* it is the left parenthesis; parse expression that begins
+ with this parenthesis (the flag is set in order to allow
+ recognizing slices; see the routine expression_list) */
+ mpl->flag_x = 1;
+ code = expression_9(mpl);
+ if (code->op != O_SLICE)
+ { /* this is either <basic expression> or the very first
+ <member expression> in <literal set> */
+ goto expr;
+ }
+ /* this is a slice; besides the corresponding domain block
+ is already created by expression_list() */
+ block = code->arg.slice;
+ code = NULL; /* <basic expression> is not parsed yet */
+ /* the keyword 'in' following the slice is already checked
+ by expression_list() */
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_IN);
+ get_token(mpl /* in */);
+ /* <basic expression> that follows the keyword 'in' will be
+ parsed below */
+ }
+expr: /* parse expression that follows either the keyword 'in' (in
+ which case it can be <basic expression) or the left brace
+ (in which case it can be <basic expression> as well as the
+ very first <member expression> in <literal set>); note that
+ this expression can be already parsed above */
+ if (code == NULL) code = expression_9(mpl);
+ /* check the type of the expression just parsed */
+ if (code->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ { /* it is not <basic expression> and therefore it can only
+ be the very first <member expression> in <literal set>;
+ however, then there must be no dummy index neither slice
+ between the left brace and this expression */
+ if (block != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "domain expression has invalid type");
+ /* parse the rest part of <literal set> and make this set
+ be <basic expression>, i.e. the construction {a, b, c}
+ is parsed as it were written as {A}, where A = {a, b, c}
+ is a temporary elemental set */
+ code = literal_set(mpl, code);
+ }
+ /* now pseudo-code for <basic set> has been built */
+ xassert(code != NULL);
+ xassert(code->type == A_ELEMSET);
+ xassert(code->dim > 0);
+ /* if domain block for the current <indexing element> is still
+ not created, create it for fake slice of the same dimension
+ as <basic set> */
+ if (block == NULL)
+ { int j;
+ block = create_block(mpl);
+ for (j = 1; j <= code->dim; j++)
+ append_slot(mpl, block, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ /* number of indexing positions in <indexing element> must be
+ the same as dimension of n-tuples in basic set */
+ { int dim = 0;
+ for (slot = block->list; slot != NULL; slot = slot->next)
+ dim++;
+ if (dim != code->dim)
+ error(mpl,"%d %s specified for set of dimension %d",
+ dim, dim == 1 ? "index" : "indices", code->dim);
+ }
+ /* store pseudo-code for <basic set> in the domain block */
+ xassert(block->code == NULL);
+ block->code = code;
+ /* and append the domain block to the domain */
+ append_block(mpl, domain, block);
+ /* the current <indexing element> has been completely parsed;
+ include all its dummy indices into the symbolic name table
+ to make them available for referencing from expressions;
+ implicit declarations of dummy indices remain valid while
+ the corresponding domain scope is valid */
+ for (slot = block->list; slot != NULL; slot = slot->next)
+ if (slot->name != NULL)
+ { AVLNODE *node;
+ xassert(avl_find_node(mpl->tree, slot->name) == NULL);
+ node = avl_insert_node(mpl->tree, slot->name);
+ avl_set_node_type(node, A_INDEX);
+ avl_set_node_link(node, (void *)slot);
+ }
+ /* check a token that follows <indexing element> */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_COLON || mpl->token == T_RBRACE)
+ break;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in indexing expression");
+ }
+ /* parse <logical expression> that follows the colon */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COLON)
+ { get_token(mpl /* : */);
+ code = expression_13(mpl);
+ /* convert the expression to logical type, if necessary */
+ if (code->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ code = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, code, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (code->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ code = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLOG, code, A_LOGICAL, 0);
+ /* now the expression must be of logical type */
+ if (code->type != A_LOGICAL)
+ error(mpl, "expression following colon has invalid type");
+ xassert(code->dim == 0);
+ domain->code = code;
+ /* the right brace must follow the logical expression */
+ if (mpl->token != T_RBRACE)
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in indexing expression");
+ }
+ get_token(mpl /* } */);
+ return domain;
+-- close_scope - close scope of indexing expression.
+-- The routine closes the scope of indexing expression specified by its
+-- domain and thereby makes all dummy indices introduced in the indexing
+-- expression no longer available for referencing. */
+void close_scope(MPL *mpl, DOMAIN *domain)
+{ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block;
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *slot;
+ AVLNODE *node;
+ xassert(domain != NULL);
+ /* remove all dummy indices from the symbolic names table */
+ for (block = domain->list; block != NULL; block = block->next)
+ { for (slot = block->list; slot != NULL; slot = slot->next)
+ { if (slot->name != NULL)
+ { node = avl_find_node(mpl->tree, slot->name);
+ xassert(node != NULL);
+ xassert(avl_get_node_type(node) == A_INDEX);
+ avl_delete_node(mpl->tree, node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+-- iterated_expression - parse iterated expression.
+-- This routine parses primary expression using the syntax:
+-- <primary expression> ::= <iterated expression>
+-- <iterated expression> ::= sum <indexing expression> <expression 3>
+-- <iterated expression> ::= prod <indexing expression> <expression 3>
+-- <iterated expression> ::= min <indexing expression> <expression 3>
+-- <iterated expression> ::= max <indexing expression> <expression 3>
+-- <iterated expression> ::= exists <indexing expression>
+-- <expression 12>
+-- <iterated expression> ::= forall <indexing expression>
+-- <expression 12>
+-- <iterated expression> ::= setof <indexing expression> <expression 5>
+-- Note that parsing "integrand" depends on the iterated operator. */
+#if 1 /* 07/IX-2008 */
+static void link_up(CODE *code)
+{ /* if we have something like sum{(i+1,j,k-1) in E} x[i,j,k],
+ where i and k are dummy indices defined out of the iterated
+ expression, we should link up pseudo-code for computing i+1
+ and k-1 to pseudo-code for computing the iterated expression;
+ this is needed to invalidate current value of the iterated
+ expression once i or k have been changed */
+ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block;
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *slot;
+ for (block = code->arg.loop.domain->list; block != NULL;
+ block = block->next)
+ { for (slot = block->list; slot != NULL; slot = slot->next)
+ { if (slot->code != NULL)
+ { xassert(slot->code->up == NULL);
+ slot->code->up = code;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+CODE *iterated_expression(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *code;
+ int op;
+ char opstr[8];
+ /* determine operation code */
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_NAME);
+ if (strcmp(mpl->image, "sum") == 0)
+ op = O_SUM;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "prod") == 0)
+ op = O_PROD;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "min") == 0)
+ op = O_MINIMUM;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "max") == 0)
+ op = O_MAXIMUM;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "forall") == 0)
+ op = O_FORALL;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "exists") == 0)
+ op = O_EXISTS;
+ else if (strcmp(mpl->image, "setof") == 0)
+ op = O_SETOF;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "operator %s unknown", mpl->image);
+ strcpy(opstr, mpl->image);
+ xassert(strlen(opstr) < sizeof(opstr));
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ /* check the left brace that follows the operator name */
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_LBRACE);
+ /* parse indexing expression that controls iterating */
+ arg.loop.domain = indexing_expression(mpl);
+ /* parse "integrand" expression and generate pseudo-code */
+ switch (op)
+ { case O_SUM:
+ case O_PROD:
+ case O_MINIMUM:
+ case O_MAXIMUM:
+ arg.loop.x = expression_3(mpl);
+ /* convert the integrand to numeric type, if necessary */
+ if (arg.loop.x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ arg.loop.x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, arg.loop.x,
+ A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ /* now the integrand must be of numeric type or linear form
+ (the latter is only allowed for the sum operator) */
+ if (!(arg.loop.x->type == A_NUMERIC ||
+ op == O_SUM && arg.loop.x->type == A_FORMULA))
+err: error(mpl, "integrand following %s{...} has invalid type"
+ , opstr);
+ xassert(arg.loop.x->dim == 0);
+ /* generate pseudo-code */
+ code = make_code(mpl, op, &arg, arg.loop.x->type, 0);
+ break;
+ case O_FORALL:
+ case O_EXISTS:
+ arg.loop.x = expression_12(mpl);
+ /* convert the integrand to logical type, if necessary */
+ if (arg.loop.x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ arg.loop.x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, arg.loop.x,
+ A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (arg.loop.x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ arg.loop.x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLOG, arg.loop.x,
+ A_LOGICAL, 0);
+ /* now the integrand must be of logical type */
+ if (arg.loop.x->type != A_LOGICAL) goto err;
+ xassert(arg.loop.x->dim == 0);
+ /* generate pseudo-code */
+ code = make_code(mpl, op, &arg, A_LOGICAL, 0);
+ break;
+ case O_SETOF:
+ arg.loop.x = expression_5(mpl);
+ /* convert the integrand to 1-tuple, if necessary */
+ if (arg.loop.x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ arg.loop.x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, arg.loop.x,
+ if (arg.loop.x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ arg.loop.x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTTUP, arg.loop.x,
+ A_TUPLE, 1);
+ /* now the integrand must be n-tuple */
+ if (arg.loop.x->type != A_TUPLE) goto err;
+ xassert(arg.loop.x->dim > 0);
+ /* generate pseudo-code */
+ code = make_code(mpl, op, &arg, A_ELEMSET, arg.loop.x->dim);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(op != op);
+ }
+ /* close the scope of the indexing expression */
+ close_scope(mpl, arg.loop.domain);
+#if 1 /* 07/IX-2008 */
+ link_up(code);
+ return code;
+-- domain_arity - determine arity of domain.
+-- This routine returns arity of specified domain, which is number of
+-- its free dummy indices. */
+int domain_arity(MPL *mpl, DOMAIN *domain)
+{ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block;
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *slot;
+ int arity;
+ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ arity = 0;
+ for (block = domain->list; block != NULL; block = block->next)
+ for (slot = block->list; slot != NULL; slot = slot->next)
+ if (slot->code == NULL) arity++;
+ return arity;
+-- set_expression - parse set expression.
+-- This routine parses primary expression using the syntax:
+-- <primary expression> ::= { }
+-- <primary expression> ::= <indexing expression> */
+CODE *set_expression(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *code;
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_LBRACE);
+ get_token(mpl /* { */);
+ /* check a token that follows the left brace */
+ if (mpl->token == T_RBRACE)
+ { /* it is the right brace, so the resultant is an empty set of
+ dimension 1 */
+ arg.list = NULL;
+ /* generate pseudo-code to build the resultant set */
+ code = make_code(mpl, O_MAKE, &arg, A_ELEMSET, 1);
+ get_token(mpl /* } */);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* the next token begins an indexing expression */
+ unget_token(mpl);
+ arg.loop.domain = indexing_expression(mpl);
+ arg.loop.x = NULL; /* integrand is not used */
+ /* close the scope of the indexing expression */
+ close_scope(mpl, arg.loop.domain);
+ /* generate pseudo-code to build the resultant set */
+ code = make_code(mpl, O_BUILD, &arg, A_ELEMSET,
+ domain_arity(mpl, arg.loop.domain));
+#if 1 /* 07/IX-2008 */
+ link_up(code);
+ }
+ return code;
+-- branched_expression - parse conditional expression.
+-- This routine parses primary expression using the syntax:
+-- <primary expression> ::= <branched expression>
+-- <branched expression> ::= if <logical expression> then <expression 9>
+-- <branched expression> ::= if <logical expression> then <expression 9>
+-- else <expression 9>
+-- <logical expression> ::= <expression 13> */
+CODE *branched_expression(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *code, *x, *y, *z;
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_IF);
+ get_token(mpl /* if */);
+ /* parse <logical expression> that follows 'if' */
+ x = expression_13(mpl);
+ /* convert the expression to logical type, if necessary */
+ if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLOG, x, A_LOGICAL, 0);
+ /* now the expression must be of logical type */
+ if (x->type != A_LOGICAL)
+ error(mpl, "expression following if has invalid type");
+ xassert(x->dim == 0);
+ /* the keyword 'then' must follow the logical expression */
+ if (mpl->token != T_THEN)
+ error(mpl, "keyword then missing where expected");
+ get_token(mpl /* then */);
+ /* parse <expression> that follows 'then' and check its type */
+ y = expression_9(mpl);
+ if (!(y->type == A_NUMERIC || y->type == A_SYMBOLIC ||
+ y->type == A_ELEMSET || y->type == A_FORMULA))
+ error(mpl, "expression following then has invalid type");
+ /* if the expression that follows the keyword 'then' is elemental
+ set, the keyword 'else' cannot be omitted; otherwise else-part
+ is optional */
+ if (mpl->token != T_ELSE)
+ { if (y->type == A_ELEMSET)
+ error(mpl, "keyword else missing where expected");
+ z = NULL;
+ goto skip;
+ }
+ get_token(mpl /* else */);
+ /* parse <expression> that follow 'else' and check its type */
+ z = expression_9(mpl);
+ if (!(z->type == A_NUMERIC || z->type == A_SYMBOLIC ||
+ z->type == A_ELEMSET || z->type == A_FORMULA))
+ error(mpl, "expression following else has invalid type");
+ /* convert to identical types, if necessary */
+ if (y->type == A_FORMULA || z->type == A_FORMULA)
+ { if (y->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (y->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLFM, y, A_FORMULA, 0);
+ if (z->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ z = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, z, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (z->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ z = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLFM, z, A_FORMULA, 0);
+ }
+ if (y->type == A_SYMBOLIC || z->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ { if (y->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, y, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ if (z->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ z = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, z, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ }
+ /* now both expressions must have identical types */
+ if (y->type != z->type)
+ error(mpl, "expressions following then and else have incompati"
+ "ble types");
+ /* and identical dimensions */
+ if (y->dim != z->dim)
+ error(mpl, "expressions following then and else have different"
+ " dimensions %d and %d, respectively", y->dim, z->dim);
+skip: /* generate pseudo-code to perform branching */
+ code = make_ternary(mpl, O_FORK, x, y, z, y->type, y->dim);
+ return code;
+-- primary_expression - parse primary expression.
+-- This routine parses primary expression using the syntax:
+-- <primary expression> ::= <numeric literal>
+-- <primary expression> ::= Infinity
+-- <primary expression> ::= <string literal>
+-- <primary expression> ::= <dummy index>
+-- <primary expression> ::= <set name>
+-- <primary expression> ::= <set name> [ <subscript list> ]
+-- <primary expression> ::= <parameter name>
+-- <primary expression> ::= <parameter name> [ <subscript list> ]
+-- <primary expression> ::= <variable name>
+-- <primary expression> ::= <variable name> [ <subscript list> ]
+-- <primary expression> ::= <built-in function> ( <argument list> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= ( <expression list> )
+-- <primary expression> ::= <iterated expression>
+-- <primary expression> ::= { }
+-- <primary expression> ::= <indexing expression>
+-- <primary expression> ::= <branched expression>
+-- For complete list of syntactic rules for <primary expression> see
+-- comments to the corresponding parsing routines. */
+CODE *primary_expression(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *code;
+ if (mpl->token == T_NUMBER)
+ { /* parse numeric literal */
+ code = numeric_literal(mpl);
+ }
+#if 1 /* 21/VII-2006 */
+ else if (mpl->token == T_INFINITY)
+ { /* parse "infinity" */
+ arg.num = DBL_MAX;
+ code = make_code(mpl, O_NUMBER, &arg, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ get_token(mpl /* Infinity */);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_STRING)
+ { /* parse string literal */
+ code = string_literal(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ { int next_token;
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ next_token = mpl->token;
+ unget_token(mpl);
+ /* check a token that follows <symbolic name> */
+ switch (next_token)
+ { case T_LBRACKET:
+ /* parse reference to subscripted object */
+ code = object_reference(mpl);
+ break;
+ case T_LEFT:
+ /* parse reference to built-in function */
+ code = function_reference(mpl);
+ break;
+ case T_LBRACE:
+ /* parse iterated expression */
+ code = iterated_expression(mpl);
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* parse reference to unsubscripted object */
+ code = object_reference(mpl);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_LEFT)
+ { /* parse parenthesized expression */
+ code = expression_list(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_LBRACE)
+ { /* parse set expression */
+ code = set_expression(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_IF)
+ { /* parse conditional expression */
+ code = branched_expression(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (is_reserved(mpl))
+ { /* other reserved keywords cannot be used here */
+ error(mpl, "invalid use of reserved keyword %s", mpl->image);
+ }
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in expression");
+ return code;
+-- error_preceding - raise error if preceding operand has wrong type.
+-- This routine is called to raise error if operand that precedes some
+-- infix operator has invalid type. */
+void error_preceding(MPL *mpl, char *opstr)
+{ error(mpl, "operand preceding %s has invalid type", opstr);
+ /* no return */
+-- error_following - raise error if following operand has wrong type.
+-- This routine is called to raise error if operand that follows some
+-- infix operator has invalid type. */
+void error_following(MPL *mpl, char *opstr)
+{ error(mpl, "operand following %s has invalid type", opstr);
+ /* no return */
+-- error_dimension - raise error if operands have different dimension.
+-- This routine is called to raise error if two operands of some infix
+-- operator have different dimension. */
+void error_dimension(MPL *mpl, char *opstr, int dim1, int dim2)
+{ error(mpl, "operands preceding and following %s have different di"
+ "mensions %d and %d, respectively", opstr, dim1, dim2);
+ /* no return */
+-- expression_0 - parse expression of level 0.
+-- This routine parses expression of level 0 using the syntax:
+-- <expression 0> ::= <primary expression> */
+CODE *expression_0(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *code;
+ code = primary_expression(mpl);
+ return code;
+-- expression_1 - parse expression of level 1.
+-- This routine parses expression of level 1 using the syntax:
+-- <expression 1> ::= <expression 0>
+-- <expression 1> ::= <expression 0> <power> <expression 1>
+-- <expression 1> ::= <expression 0> <power> <expression 2>
+-- <power> ::= ^ | ** */
+CODE *expression_1(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *x, *y;
+ char opstr[8];
+ x = expression_0(mpl);
+ if (mpl->token == T_POWER)
+ { strcpy(opstr, mpl->image);
+ xassert(strlen(opstr) < sizeof(opstr));
+ if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (x->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error_preceding(mpl, opstr);
+ get_token(mpl /* ^ | ** */);
+ if (mpl->token == T_PLUS || mpl->token == T_MINUS)
+ y = expression_2(mpl);
+ else
+ y = expression_1(mpl);
+ if (y->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (y->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error_following(mpl, opstr);
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_POWER, x, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ }
+ return x;
+-- expression_2 - parse expression of level 2.
+-- This routine parses expression of level 2 using the syntax:
+-- <expression 2> ::= <expression 1>
+-- <expression 2> ::= + <expression 1>
+-- <expression 2> ::= - <expression 1> */
+CODE *expression_2(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *x;
+ if (mpl->token == T_PLUS)
+ { get_token(mpl /* + */);
+ x = expression_1(mpl);
+ if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (!(x->type == A_NUMERIC || x->type == A_FORMULA))
+ error_following(mpl, "+");
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_PLUS, x, x->type, 0);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_MINUS)
+ { get_token(mpl /* - */);
+ x = expression_1(mpl);
+ if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (!(x->type == A_NUMERIC || x->type == A_FORMULA))
+ error_following(mpl, "-");
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_MINUS, x, x->type, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ x = expression_1(mpl);
+ return x;
+-- expression_3 - parse expression of level 3.
+-- This routine parses expression of level 3 using the syntax:
+-- <expression 3> ::= <expression 2>
+-- <expression 3> ::= <expression 3> * <expression 2>
+-- <expression 3> ::= <expression 3> / <expression 2>
+-- <expression 3> ::= <expression 3> div <expression 2>
+-- <expression 3> ::= <expression 3> mod <expression 2> */
+CODE *expression_3(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *x, *y;
+ x = expression_2(mpl);
+ for (;;)
+ { if (mpl->token == T_ASTERISK)
+ { if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (!(x->type == A_NUMERIC || x->type == A_FORMULA))
+ error_preceding(mpl, "*");
+ get_token(mpl /* * */);
+ y = expression_2(mpl);
+ if (y->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (!(y->type == A_NUMERIC || y->type == A_FORMULA))
+ error_following(mpl, "*");
+ if (x->type == A_FORMULA && y->type == A_FORMULA)
+ error(mpl, "multiplication of linear forms not allowed");
+ if (x->type == A_NUMERIC && y->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_MUL, x, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ else
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_MUL, x, y, A_FORMULA, 0);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_SLASH)
+ { if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (!(x->type == A_NUMERIC || x->type == A_FORMULA))
+ error_preceding(mpl, "/");
+ get_token(mpl /* / */);
+ y = expression_2(mpl);
+ if (y->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (y->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error_following(mpl, "/");
+ if (x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_DIV, x, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ else
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_DIV, x, y, A_FORMULA, 0);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_DIV)
+ { if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (x->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error_preceding(mpl, "div");
+ get_token(mpl /* div */);
+ y = expression_2(mpl);
+ if (y->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (y->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error_following(mpl, "div");
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_IDIV, x, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_MOD)
+ { if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (x->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error_preceding(mpl, "mod");
+ get_token(mpl /* mod */);
+ y = expression_2(mpl);
+ if (y->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (y->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error_following(mpl, "mod");
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_MOD, x, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return x;
+-- expression_4 - parse expression of level 4.
+-- This routine parses expression of level 4 using the syntax:
+-- <expression 4> ::= <expression 3>
+-- <expression 4> ::= <expression 4> + <expression 3>
+-- <expression 4> ::= <expression 4> - <expression 3>
+-- <expression 4> ::= <expression 4> less <expression 3> */
+CODE *expression_4(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *x, *y;
+ x = expression_3(mpl);
+ for (;;)
+ { if (mpl->token == T_PLUS)
+ { if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (!(x->type == A_NUMERIC || x->type == A_FORMULA))
+ error_preceding(mpl, "+");
+ get_token(mpl /* + */);
+ y = expression_3(mpl);
+ if (y->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (!(y->type == A_NUMERIC || y->type == A_FORMULA))
+ error_following(mpl, "+");
+ if (x->type == A_NUMERIC && y->type == A_FORMULA)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLFM, x, A_FORMULA, 0);
+ if (x->type == A_FORMULA && y->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLFM, y, A_FORMULA, 0);
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_ADD, x, y, x->type, 0);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_MINUS)
+ { if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (!(x->type == A_NUMERIC || x->type == A_FORMULA))
+ error_preceding(mpl, "-");
+ get_token(mpl /* - */);
+ y = expression_3(mpl);
+ if (y->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (!(y->type == A_NUMERIC || y->type == A_FORMULA))
+ error_following(mpl, "-");
+ if (x->type == A_NUMERIC && y->type == A_FORMULA)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLFM, x, A_FORMULA, 0);
+ if (x->type == A_FORMULA && y->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLFM, y, A_FORMULA, 0);
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_SUB, x, y, x->type, 0);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_LESS)
+ { if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (x->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error_preceding(mpl, "less");
+ get_token(mpl /* less */);
+ y = expression_3(mpl);
+ if (y->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (y->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error_following(mpl, "less");
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_LESS, x, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return x;
+-- expression_5 - parse expression of level 5.
+-- This routine parses expression of level 5 using the syntax:
+-- <expression 5> ::= <expression 4>
+-- <expression 5> ::= <expression 5> & <expression 4> */
+CODE *expression_5(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *x, *y;
+ x = expression_4(mpl);
+ for (;;)
+ { if (mpl->token == T_CONCAT)
+ { if (x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, x, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ if (x->type != A_SYMBOLIC)
+ error_preceding(mpl, "&");
+ get_token(mpl /* & */);
+ y = expression_4(mpl);
+ if (y->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, y, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ if (y->type != A_SYMBOLIC)
+ error_following(mpl, "&");
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_CONCAT, x, y, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return x;
+-- expression_6 - parse expression of level 6.
+-- This routine parses expression of level 6 using the syntax:
+-- <expression 6> ::= <expression 5>
+-- <expression 6> ::= <expression 5> .. <expression 5>
+-- <expression 6> ::= <expression 5> .. <expression 5> by
+-- <expression 5> */
+CODE *expression_6(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *x, *y, *z;
+ x = expression_5(mpl);
+ if (mpl->token == T_DOTS)
+ { if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (x->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error_preceding(mpl, "..");
+ get_token(mpl /* .. */);
+ y = expression_5(mpl);
+ if (y->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (y->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error_following(mpl, "..");
+ if (mpl->token == T_BY)
+ { get_token(mpl /* by */);
+ z = expression_5(mpl);
+ if (z->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ z = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, z, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (z->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error_following(mpl, "by");
+ }
+ else
+ z = NULL;
+ x = make_ternary(mpl, O_DOTS, x, y, z, A_ELEMSET, 1);
+ }
+ return x;
+-- expression_7 - parse expression of level 7.
+-- This routine parses expression of level 7 using the syntax:
+-- <expression 7> ::= <expression 6>
+-- <expression 7> ::= <expression 7> cross <expression 6> */
+CODE *expression_7(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *x, *y;
+ x = expression_6(mpl);
+ for (;;)
+ { if (mpl->token == T_CROSS)
+ { if (x->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error_preceding(mpl, "cross");
+ get_token(mpl /* cross */);
+ y = expression_6(mpl);
+ if (y->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error_following(mpl, "cross");
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_CROSS, x, y, A_ELEMSET,
+ x->dim + y->dim);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return x;
+-- expression_8 - parse expression of level 8.
+-- This routine parses expression of level 8 using the syntax:
+-- <expression 8> ::= <expression 7>
+-- <expression 8> ::= <expression 8> inter <expression 7> */
+CODE *expression_8(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *x, *y;
+ x = expression_7(mpl);
+ for (;;)
+ { if (mpl->token == T_INTER)
+ { if (x->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error_preceding(mpl, "inter");
+ get_token(mpl /* inter */);
+ y = expression_7(mpl);
+ if (y->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error_following(mpl, "inter");
+ if (x->dim != y->dim)
+ error_dimension(mpl, "inter", x->dim, y->dim);
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_INTER, x, y, A_ELEMSET, x->dim);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return x;
+-- expression_9 - parse expression of level 9.
+-- This routine parses expression of level 9 using the syntax:
+-- <expression 9> ::= <expression 8>
+-- <expression 9> ::= <expression 9> union <expression 8>
+-- <expression 9> ::= <expression 9> diff <expression 8>
+-- <expression 9> ::= <expression 9> symdiff <expression 8> */
+CODE *expression_9(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *x, *y;
+ x = expression_8(mpl);
+ for (;;)
+ { if (mpl->token == T_UNION)
+ { if (x->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error_preceding(mpl, "union");
+ get_token(mpl /* union */);
+ y = expression_8(mpl);
+ if (y->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error_following(mpl, "union");
+ if (x->dim != y->dim)
+ error_dimension(mpl, "union", x->dim, y->dim);
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_UNION, x, y, A_ELEMSET, x->dim);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_DIFF)
+ { if (x->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error_preceding(mpl, "diff");
+ get_token(mpl /* diff */);
+ y = expression_8(mpl);
+ if (y->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error_following(mpl, "diff");
+ if (x->dim != y->dim)
+ error_dimension(mpl, "diff", x->dim, y->dim);
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_DIFF, x, y, A_ELEMSET, x->dim);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_SYMDIFF)
+ { if (x->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error_preceding(mpl, "symdiff");
+ get_token(mpl /* symdiff */);
+ y = expression_8(mpl);
+ if (y->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error_following(mpl, "symdiff");
+ if (x->dim != y->dim)
+ error_dimension(mpl, "symdiff", x->dim, y->dim);
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_SYMDIFF, x, y, A_ELEMSET, x->dim);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return x;
+-- expression_10 - parse expression of level 10.
+-- This routine parses expression of level 10 using the syntax:
+-- <expression 10> ::= <expression 9>
+-- <expression 10> ::= <expression 9> <rho> <expression 9>
+-- <rho> ::= < | <= | = | == | >= | > | <> | != | in | not in | ! in |
+-- within | not within | ! within */
+CODE *expression_10(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *x, *y;
+ int op = -1;
+ char opstr[16];
+ x = expression_9(mpl);
+ strcpy(opstr, "");
+ switch (mpl->token)
+ { case T_LT:
+ op = O_LT; break;
+ case T_LE:
+ op = O_LE; break;
+ case T_EQ:
+ op = O_EQ; break;
+ case T_GE:
+ op = O_GE; break;
+ case T_GT:
+ op = O_GT; break;
+ case T_NE:
+ op = O_NE; break;
+ case T_IN:
+ op = O_IN; break;
+ case T_WITHIN:
+ op = O_WITHIN; break;
+ case T_NOT:
+ strcpy(opstr, mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* not | ! */);
+ if (mpl->token == T_IN)
+ op = O_NOTIN;
+ else if (mpl->token == T_WITHIN)
+ else
+ error(mpl, "invalid use of %s", opstr);
+ strcat(opstr, " ");
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto done;
+ }
+ strcat(opstr, mpl->image);
+ xassert(strlen(opstr) < sizeof(opstr));
+ switch (op)
+ { case O_EQ:
+ case O_NE:
+#if 1 /* 02/VIII-2008 */
+ case O_LT:
+ case O_LE:
+ case O_GT:
+ case O_GE:
+ if (!(x->type == A_NUMERIC || x->type == A_SYMBOLIC))
+ error_preceding(mpl, opstr);
+ get_token(mpl /* <rho> */);
+ y = expression_9(mpl);
+ if (!(y->type == A_NUMERIC || y->type == A_SYMBOLIC))
+ error_following(mpl, opstr);
+ if (x->type == A_NUMERIC && y->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, x, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC && y->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, y, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ x = make_binary(mpl, op, x, y, A_LOGICAL, 0);
+ break;
+#if 0 /* 02/VIII-2008 */
+ case O_LT:
+ case O_LE:
+ case O_GT:
+ case O_GE:
+ if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (x->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error_preceding(mpl, opstr);
+ get_token(mpl /* <rho> */);
+ y = expression_9(mpl);
+ if (y->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (y->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error_following(mpl, opstr);
+ x = make_binary(mpl, op, x, y, A_LOGICAL, 0);
+ break;
+ case O_IN:
+ case O_NOTIN:
+ if (x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, x, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTTUP, x, A_TUPLE, 1);
+ if (x->type != A_TUPLE)
+ error_preceding(mpl, opstr);
+ get_token(mpl /* <rho> */);
+ y = expression_9(mpl);
+ if (y->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error_following(mpl, opstr);
+ if (x->dim != y->dim)
+ error_dimension(mpl, opstr, x->dim, y->dim);
+ x = make_binary(mpl, op, x, y, A_LOGICAL, 0);
+ break;
+ case O_WITHIN:
+ if (x->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error_preceding(mpl, opstr);
+ get_token(mpl /* <rho> */);
+ y = expression_9(mpl);
+ if (y->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error_following(mpl, opstr);
+ if (x->dim != y->dim)
+ error_dimension(mpl, opstr, x->dim, y->dim);
+ x = make_binary(mpl, op, x, y, A_LOGICAL, 0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(op != op);
+ }
+done: return x;
+-- expression_11 - parse expression of level 11.
+-- This routine parses expression of level 11 using the syntax:
+-- <expression 11> ::= <expression 10>
+-- <expression 11> ::= not <expression 10>
+-- <expression 11> ::= ! <expression 10> */
+CODE *expression_11(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *x;
+ char opstr[8];
+ if (mpl->token == T_NOT)
+ { strcpy(opstr, mpl->image);
+ xassert(strlen(opstr) < sizeof(opstr));
+ get_token(mpl /* not | ! */);
+ x = expression_10(mpl);
+ if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLOG, x, A_LOGICAL, 0);
+ if (x->type != A_LOGICAL)
+ error_following(mpl, opstr);
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_NOT, x, A_LOGICAL, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ x = expression_10(mpl);
+ return x;
+-- expression_12 - parse expression of level 12.
+-- This routine parses expression of level 12 using the syntax:
+-- <expression 12> ::= <expression 11>
+-- <expression 12> ::= <expression 12> and <expression 11>
+-- <expression 12> ::= <expression 12> && <expression 11> */
+CODE *expression_12(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *x, *y;
+ char opstr[8];
+ x = expression_11(mpl);
+ for (;;)
+ { if (mpl->token == T_AND)
+ { strcpy(opstr, mpl->image);
+ xassert(strlen(opstr) < sizeof(opstr));
+ if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLOG, x, A_LOGICAL, 0);
+ if (x->type != A_LOGICAL)
+ error_preceding(mpl, opstr);
+ get_token(mpl /* and | && */);
+ y = expression_11(mpl);
+ if (y->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (y->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLOG, y, A_LOGICAL, 0);
+ if (y->type != A_LOGICAL)
+ error_following(mpl, opstr);
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_AND, x, y, A_LOGICAL, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return x;
+-- expression_13 - parse expression of level 13.
+-- This routine parses expression of level 13 using the syntax:
+-- <expression 13> ::= <expression 12>
+-- <expression 13> ::= <expression 13> or <expression 12>
+-- <expression 13> ::= <expression 13> || <expression 12> */
+CODE *expression_13(MPL *mpl)
+{ CODE *x, *y;
+ char opstr[8];
+ x = expression_12(mpl);
+ for (;;)
+ { if (mpl->token == T_OR)
+ { strcpy(opstr, mpl->image);
+ xassert(strlen(opstr) < sizeof(opstr));
+ if (x->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, x, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ x = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLOG, x, A_LOGICAL, 0);
+ if (x->type != A_LOGICAL)
+ error_preceding(mpl, opstr);
+ get_token(mpl /* or | || */);
+ y = expression_12(mpl);
+ if (y->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, y, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (y->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ y = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLOG, y, A_LOGICAL, 0);
+ if (y->type != A_LOGICAL)
+ error_following(mpl, opstr);
+ x = make_binary(mpl, O_OR, x, y, A_LOGICAL, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return x;
+-- set_statement - parse set statement.
+-- This routine parses set statement using the syntax:
+-- <set statement> ::= set <symbolic name> <alias> <domain>
+-- <attributes> ;
+-- <alias> ::= <empty>
+-- <alias> ::= <string literal>
+-- <domain> ::= <empty>
+-- <domain> ::= <indexing expression>
+-- <attributes> ::= <empty>
+-- <attributes> ::= <attributes> , dimen <numeric literal>
+-- <attributes> ::= <attributes> , within <expression 9>
+-- <attributes> ::= <attributes> , := <expression 9>
+-- <attributes> ::= <attributes> , default <expression 9>
+-- Commae in <attributes> are optional and may be omitted anywhere. */
+SET *set_statement(MPL *mpl)
+{ SET *set;
+ int dimen_used = 0;
+ xassert(is_keyword(mpl, "set"));
+ get_token(mpl /* set */);
+ /* symbolic name must follow the keyword 'set' */
+ if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ ;
+ else if (is_reserved(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "invalid use of reserved keyword %s", mpl->image);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "symbolic name missing where expected");
+ /* there must be no other object with the same name */
+ if (avl_find_node(mpl->tree, mpl->image) != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s multiply declared", mpl->image);
+ /* create model set */
+ set = alloc(SET);
+ set->name = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(mpl->image)+1);
+ strcpy(set->name, mpl->image);
+ set->alias = NULL;
+ set->dim = 0;
+ set->domain = NULL;
+ set->dimen = 0;
+ set->within = NULL;
+ set->assign = NULL;
+ set->option = NULL;
+ set->gadget = NULL;
+ set->data = 0;
+ set->array = NULL;
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ /* parse optional alias */
+ if (mpl->token == T_STRING)
+ { set->alias = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(mpl->image)+1);
+ strcpy(set->alias, mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* <string literal> */);
+ }
+ /* parse optional indexing expression */
+ if (mpl->token == T_LBRACE)
+ { set->domain = indexing_expression(mpl);
+ set->dim = domain_arity(mpl, set->domain);
+ }
+ /* include the set name in the symbolic names table */
+ { AVLNODE *node;
+ node = avl_insert_node(mpl->tree, set->name);
+ avl_set_node_type(node, A_SET);
+ avl_set_node_link(node, (void *)set);
+ }
+ /* parse the list of optional attributes */
+ for (;;)
+ { if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_SEMICOLON)
+ break;
+ if (is_keyword(mpl, "dimen"))
+ { /* dimension of set members */
+ int dimen;
+ get_token(mpl /* dimen */);
+ if (!(mpl->token == T_NUMBER &&
+ 1.0 <= mpl->value && mpl->value <= 20.0 &&
+ floor(mpl->value) == mpl->value))
+ error(mpl, "dimension must be integer between 1 and 20");
+ dimen = (int)(mpl->value + 0.5);
+ if (dimen_used)
+ error(mpl, "at most one dimension attribute allowed");
+ if (set->dimen > 0)
+ error(mpl, "dimension %d conflicts with dimension %d alr"
+ "eady determined", dimen, set->dimen);
+ set->dimen = dimen;
+ dimen_used = 1;
+ get_token(mpl /* <numeric literal> */);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_WITHIN || mpl->token == T_IN)
+ { /* restricting superset */
+ WITHIN *within, *temp;
+ if (mpl->token == T_IN && !mpl->as_within)
+ { warning(mpl, "keyword in understood as within");
+ mpl->as_within = 1;
+ }
+ get_token(mpl /* within */);
+ /* create new restricting superset list entry and append it
+ to the within-list */
+ within = alloc(WITHIN);
+ within->code = NULL;
+ within->next = NULL;
+ if (set->within == NULL)
+ set->within = within;
+ else
+ { for (temp = set->within; temp->next != NULL; temp =
+ temp->next);
+ temp->next = within;
+ }
+ /* parse an expression that follows 'within' */
+ within->code = expression_9(mpl);
+ if (within->code->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error(mpl, "expression following within has invalid type"
+ );
+ xassert(within->code->dim > 0);
+ /* check/set dimension of set members */
+ if (set->dimen == 0) set->dimen = within->code->dim;
+ if (set->dimen != within->code->dim)
+ error(mpl, "set expression following within must have di"
+ "mension %d rather than %d",
+ set->dimen, within->code->dim);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_ASSIGN)
+ { /* assignment expression */
+ if (!(set->assign == NULL && set->option == NULL &&
+ set->gadget == NULL))
+err: error(mpl, "at most one := or default/data allowed");
+ get_token(mpl /* := */);
+ /* parse an expression that follows ':=' */
+ set->assign = expression_9(mpl);
+ if (set->assign->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error(mpl, "expression following := has invalid type");
+ xassert(set->assign->dim > 0);
+ /* check/set dimension of set members */
+ if (set->dimen == 0) set->dimen = set->assign->dim;
+ if (set->dimen != set->assign->dim)
+ error(mpl, "set expression following := must have dimens"
+ "ion %d rather than %d",
+ set->dimen, set->assign->dim);
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "default"))
+ { /* expression for default value */
+ if (!(set->assign == NULL && set->option == NULL)) goto err;
+ get_token(mpl /* := */);
+ /* parse an expression that follows 'default' */
+ set->option = expression_9(mpl);
+ if (set->option->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error(mpl, "expression following default has invalid typ"
+ "e");
+ xassert(set->option->dim > 0);
+ /* check/set dimension of set members */
+ if (set->dimen == 0) set->dimen = set->option->dim;
+ if (set->dimen != set->option->dim)
+ error(mpl, "set expression following default must have d"
+ "imension %d rather than %d",
+ set->dimen, set->option->dim);
+ }
+#if 1 /* 12/XII-2008 */
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "data"))
+ { /* gadget to initialize the set by data from plain set */
+ GADGET *gadget;
+ AVLNODE *node;
+ int i, k, fff[20];
+ if (!(set->assign == NULL && set->gadget == NULL)) goto err;
+ get_token(mpl /* data */);
+ set->gadget = gadget = alloc(GADGET);
+ /* set name must follow the keyword 'data' */
+ if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ ;
+ else if (is_reserved(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "invalid use of reserved keyword %s",
+ mpl->image);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "set name missing where expected");
+ /* find the set in the symbolic name table */
+ node = avl_find_node(mpl->tree, mpl->image);
+ if (node == NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s not defined", mpl->image);
+ if (avl_get_node_type(node) != A_SET)
+err1: error(mpl, "%s not a plain set", mpl->image);
+ gadget->set = avl_get_node_link(node);
+ if (gadget->set->dim != 0) goto err1;
+ if (gadget->set == set)
+ error(mpl, "set cannot be initialized by itself");
+ /* check and set dimensions */
+ if (set->dim >= gadget->set->dimen)
+err2: error(mpl, "dimension of %s too small", mpl->image);
+ if (set->dimen == 0)
+ set->dimen = gadget->set->dimen - set->dim;
+ if (set->dim + set->dimen > gadget->set->dimen)
+ goto err2;
+ else if (set->dim + set->dimen < gadget->set->dimen)
+ error(mpl, "dimension of %s too big", mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* set name */);
+ /* left parenthesis must follow the set name */
+ if (mpl->token == T_LEFT)
+ get_token(mpl /* ( */);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "left parenthesis missing where expected");
+ /* parse permutation of component numbers */
+ for (k = 0; k < gadget->set->dimen; k++) fff[k] = 0;
+ k = 0;
+ for (;;)
+ { if (mpl->token != T_NUMBER)
+ error(mpl, "component number missing where expected");
+ if (str2int(mpl->image, &i) != 0)
+err3: error(mpl, "component number must be integer between "
+ "1 and %d", gadget->set->dimen);
+ if (!(1 <= i && i <= gadget->set->dimen)) goto err3;
+ if (fff[i-1] != 0)
+ error(mpl, "component %d multiply specified", i);
+ gadget->ind[k++] = i, fff[i-1] = 1;
+ xassert(k <= gadget->set->dimen);
+ get_token(mpl /* number */);
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RIGHT)
+ break;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in data attribute");
+ }
+ if (k < gadget->set->dimen)
+ error(mpl, "there are must be %d components rather than "
+ "%d", gadget->set->dimen, k);
+ get_token(mpl /* ) */);
+ }
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in set statement");
+ }
+ /* close the domain scope */
+ if (set->domain != NULL) close_scope(mpl, set->domain);
+ /* if dimension of set members is still unknown, set it to 1 */
+ if (set->dimen == 0) set->dimen = 1;
+ /* the set statement has been completely parsed */
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_SEMICOLON);
+ get_token(mpl /* ; */);
+ return set;
+-- parameter_statement - parse parameter statement.
+-- This routine parses parameter statement using the syntax:
+-- <parameter statement> ::= param <symbolic name> <alias> <domain>
+-- <attributes> ;
+-- <alias> ::= <empty>
+-- <alias> ::= <string literal>
+-- <domain> ::= <empty>
+-- <domain> ::= <indexing expression>
+-- <attributes> ::= <empty>
+-- <attributes> ::= <attributes> , integer
+-- <attributes> ::= <attributes> , binary
+-- <attributes> ::= <attributes> , symbolic
+-- <attributes> ::= <attributes> , <rho> <expression 5>
+-- <attributes> ::= <attributes> , in <expression 9>
+-- <attributes> ::= <attributes> , := <expression 5>
+-- <attributes> ::= <attributes> , default <expression 5>
+-- <rho> ::= < | <= | = | == | >= | > | <> | !=
+-- Commae in <attributes> are optional and may be omitted anywhere. */
+PARAMETER *parameter_statement(MPL *mpl)
+{ PARAMETER *par;
+ int integer_used = 0, binary_used = 0, symbolic_used = 0;
+ xassert(is_keyword(mpl, "param"));
+ get_token(mpl /* param */);
+ /* symbolic name must follow the keyword 'param' */
+ if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ ;
+ else if (is_reserved(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "invalid use of reserved keyword %s", mpl->image);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "symbolic name missing where expected");
+ /* there must be no other object with the same name */
+ if (avl_find_node(mpl->tree, mpl->image) != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s multiply declared", mpl->image);
+ /* create model parameter */
+ par = alloc(PARAMETER);
+ par->name = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(mpl->image)+1);
+ strcpy(par->name, mpl->image);
+ par->alias = NULL;
+ par->dim = 0;
+ par->domain = NULL;
+ par->type = A_NUMERIC;
+ par->cond = NULL;
+ par->in = NULL;
+ par->assign = NULL;
+ par->option = NULL;
+ par->data = 0;
+ par->defval = NULL;
+ par->array = NULL;
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ /* parse optional alias */
+ if (mpl->token == T_STRING)
+ { par->alias = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(mpl->image)+1);
+ strcpy(par->alias, mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* <string literal> */);
+ }
+ /* parse optional indexing expression */
+ if (mpl->token == T_LBRACE)
+ { par->domain = indexing_expression(mpl);
+ par->dim = domain_arity(mpl, par->domain);
+ }
+ /* include the parameter name in the symbolic names table */
+ { AVLNODE *node;
+ node = avl_insert_node(mpl->tree, par->name);
+ avl_set_node_type(node, A_PARAMETER);
+ avl_set_node_link(node, (void *)par);
+ }
+ /* parse the list of optional attributes */
+ for (;;)
+ { if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_SEMICOLON)
+ break;
+ if (is_keyword(mpl, "integer"))
+ { if (integer_used)
+ error(mpl, "at most one integer allowed");
+ if (par->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ error(mpl, "symbolic parameter cannot be integer");
+ if (par->type != A_BINARY) par->type = A_INTEGER;
+ integer_used = 1;
+ get_token(mpl /* integer */);
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "binary"))
+bin: { if (binary_used)
+ error(mpl, "at most one binary allowed");
+ if (par->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ error(mpl, "symbolic parameter cannot be binary");
+ par->type = A_BINARY;
+ binary_used = 1;
+ get_token(mpl /* binary */);
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "logical"))
+ { if (!mpl->as_binary)
+ { warning(mpl, "keyword logical understood as binary");
+ mpl->as_binary = 1;
+ }
+ goto bin;
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "symbolic"))
+ { if (symbolic_used)
+ error(mpl, "at most one symbolic allowed");
+ if (par->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error(mpl, "integer or binary parameter cannot be symbol"
+ "ic");
+ /* the parameter may be referenced from expressions given
+ in the same parameter declaration, so its type must be
+ completed before parsing that expressions */
+ if (!(par->cond == NULL && par->in == NULL &&
+ par->assign == NULL && par->option == NULL))
+ error(mpl, "keyword symbolic must precede any other para"
+ "meter attributes");
+ par->type = A_SYMBOLIC;
+ symbolic_used = 1;
+ get_token(mpl /* symbolic */);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_LT || mpl->token == T_LE ||
+ mpl->token == T_EQ || mpl->token == T_GE ||
+ mpl->token == T_GT || mpl->token == T_NE)
+ { /* restricting condition */
+ CONDITION *cond, *temp;
+ char opstr[8];
+ /* create new restricting condition list entry and append
+ it to the conditions list */
+ cond = alloc(CONDITION);
+ switch (mpl->token)
+ { case T_LT:
+ cond->rho = O_LT, strcpy(opstr, mpl->image); break;
+ case T_LE:
+ cond->rho = O_LE, strcpy(opstr, mpl->image); break;
+ case T_EQ:
+ cond->rho = O_EQ, strcpy(opstr, mpl->image); break;
+ case T_GE:
+ cond->rho = O_GE, strcpy(opstr, mpl->image); break;
+ case T_GT:
+ cond->rho = O_GT, strcpy(opstr, mpl->image); break;
+ case T_NE:
+ cond->rho = O_NE, strcpy(opstr, mpl->image); break;
+ default:
+ xassert(mpl->token != mpl->token);
+ }
+ xassert(strlen(opstr) < sizeof(opstr));
+ cond->code = NULL;
+ cond->next = NULL;
+ if (par->cond == NULL)
+ par->cond = cond;
+ else
+ { for (temp = par->cond; temp->next != NULL; temp =
+ temp->next);
+ temp->next = cond;
+ }
+#if 0 /* 13/VIII-2008 */
+ if (par->type == A_SYMBOLIC &&
+ !(cond->rho == O_EQ || cond->rho == O_NE))
+ error(mpl, "inequality restriction not allowed");
+ get_token(mpl /* rho */);
+ /* parse an expression that follows relational operator */
+ cond->code = expression_5(mpl);
+ if (!(cond->code->type == A_NUMERIC ||
+ cond->code->type == A_SYMBOLIC))
+ error(mpl, "expression following %s has invalid type",
+ opstr);
+ xassert(cond->code->dim == 0);
+ /* convert to the parameter type, if necessary */
+ if (par->type != A_SYMBOLIC && cond->code->type ==
+ cond->code = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, cond->code,
+ A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (par->type == A_SYMBOLIC && cond->code->type !=
+ cond->code = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, cond->code,
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_IN || mpl->token == T_WITHIN)
+ { /* restricting superset */
+ WITHIN *in, *temp;
+ if (mpl->token == T_WITHIN && !mpl->as_in)
+ { warning(mpl, "keyword within understood as in");
+ mpl->as_in = 1;
+ }
+ get_token(mpl /* in */);
+ /* create new restricting superset list entry and append it
+ to the in-list */
+ in = alloc(WITHIN);
+ in->code = NULL;
+ in->next = NULL;
+ if (par->in == NULL)
+ par->in = in;
+ else
+ { for (temp = par->in; temp->next != NULL; temp =
+ temp->next);
+ temp->next = in;
+ }
+ /* parse an expression that follows 'in' */
+ in->code = expression_9(mpl);
+ if (in->code->type != A_ELEMSET)
+ error(mpl, "expression following in has invalid type");
+ xassert(in->code->dim > 0);
+ if (in->code->dim != 1)
+ error(mpl, "set expression following in must have dimens"
+ "ion 1 rather than %d", in->code->dim);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_ASSIGN)
+ { /* assignment expression */
+ if (!(par->assign == NULL && par->option == NULL))
+err: error(mpl, "at most one := or default allowed");
+ get_token(mpl /* := */);
+ /* parse an expression that follows ':=' */
+ par->assign = expression_5(mpl);
+ /* the expression must be of numeric/symbolic type */
+ if (!(par->assign->type == A_NUMERIC ||
+ par->assign->type == A_SYMBOLIC))
+ error(mpl, "expression following := has invalid type");
+ xassert(par->assign->dim == 0);
+ /* convert to the parameter type, if necessary */
+ if (par->type != A_SYMBOLIC && par->assign->type ==
+ par->assign = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, par->assign,
+ A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (par->type == A_SYMBOLIC && par->assign->type !=
+ par->assign = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, par->assign,
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "default"))
+ { /* expression for default value */
+ if (!(par->assign == NULL && par->option == NULL)) goto err;
+ get_token(mpl /* default */);
+ /* parse an expression that follows 'default' */
+ par->option = expression_5(mpl);
+ if (!(par->option->type == A_NUMERIC ||
+ par->option->type == A_SYMBOLIC))
+ error(mpl, "expression following default has invalid typ"
+ "e");
+ xassert(par->option->dim == 0);
+ /* convert to the parameter type, if necessary */
+ if (par->type != A_SYMBOLIC && par->option->type ==
+ par->option = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, par->option,
+ A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (par->type == A_SYMBOLIC && par->option->type !=
+ par->option = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, par->option,
+ }
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in parameter statement");
+ }
+ /* close the domain scope */
+ if (par->domain != NULL) close_scope(mpl, par->domain);
+ /* the parameter statement has been completely parsed */
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_SEMICOLON);
+ get_token(mpl /* ; */);
+ return par;
+-- variable_statement - parse variable statement.
+-- This routine parses variable statement using the syntax:
+-- <variable statement> ::= var <symbolic name> <alias> <domain>
+-- <attributes> ;
+-- <alias> ::= <empty>
+-- <alias> ::= <string literal>
+-- <domain> ::= <empty>
+-- <domain> ::= <indexing expression>
+-- <attributes> ::= <empty>
+-- <attributes> ::= <attributes> , integer
+-- <attributes> ::= <attributes> , binary
+-- <attributes> ::= <attributes> , <rho> <expression 5>
+-- <rho> ::= >= | <= | = | ==
+-- Commae in <attributes> are optional and may be omitted anywhere. */
+VARIABLE *variable_statement(MPL *mpl)
+{ VARIABLE *var;
+ int integer_used = 0, binary_used = 0;
+ xassert(is_keyword(mpl, "var"));
+ if (mpl->flag_s)
+ error(mpl, "variable statement must precede solve statement");
+ get_token(mpl /* var */);
+ /* symbolic name must follow the keyword 'var' */
+ if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ ;
+ else if (is_reserved(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "invalid use of reserved keyword %s", mpl->image);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "symbolic name missing where expected");
+ /* there must be no other object with the same name */
+ if (avl_find_node(mpl->tree, mpl->image) != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s multiply declared", mpl->image);
+ /* create model variable */
+ var = alloc(VARIABLE);
+ var->name = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(mpl->image)+1);
+ strcpy(var->name, mpl->image);
+ var->alias = NULL;
+ var->dim = 0;
+ var->domain = NULL;
+ var->type = A_NUMERIC;
+ var->lbnd = NULL;
+ var->ubnd = NULL;
+ var->array = NULL;
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ /* parse optional alias */
+ if (mpl->token == T_STRING)
+ { var->alias = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(mpl->image)+1);
+ strcpy(var->alias, mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* <string literal> */);
+ }
+ /* parse optional indexing expression */
+ if (mpl->token == T_LBRACE)
+ { var->domain = indexing_expression(mpl);
+ var->dim = domain_arity(mpl, var->domain);
+ }
+ /* include the variable name in the symbolic names table */
+ { AVLNODE *node;
+ node = avl_insert_node(mpl->tree, var->name);
+ avl_set_node_type(node, A_VARIABLE);
+ avl_set_node_link(node, (void *)var);
+ }
+ /* parse the list of optional attributes */
+ for (;;)
+ { if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_SEMICOLON)
+ break;
+ if (is_keyword(mpl, "integer"))
+ { if (integer_used)
+ error(mpl, "at most one integer allowed");
+ if (var->type != A_BINARY) var->type = A_INTEGER;
+ integer_used = 1;
+ get_token(mpl /* integer */);
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "binary"))
+bin: { if (binary_used)
+ error(mpl, "at most one binary allowed");
+ var->type = A_BINARY;
+ binary_used = 1;
+ get_token(mpl /* binary */);
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "logical"))
+ { if (!mpl->as_binary)
+ { warning(mpl, "keyword logical understood as binary");
+ mpl->as_binary = 1;
+ }
+ goto bin;
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "symbolic"))
+ error(mpl, "variable cannot be symbolic");
+ else if (mpl->token == T_GE)
+ { /* lower bound */
+ if (var->lbnd != NULL)
+ { if (var->lbnd == var->ubnd)
+ error(mpl, "both fixed value and lower bound not allo"
+ "wed");
+ else
+ error(mpl, "at most one lower bound allowed");
+ }
+ get_token(mpl /* >= */);
+ /* parse an expression that specifies the lower bound */
+ var->lbnd = expression_5(mpl);
+ if (var->lbnd->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ var->lbnd = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, var->lbnd,
+ A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (var->lbnd->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error(mpl, "expression following >= has invalid type");
+ xassert(var->lbnd->dim == 0);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_LE)
+ { /* upper bound */
+ if (var->ubnd != NULL)
+ { if (var->ubnd == var->lbnd)
+ error(mpl, "both fixed value and upper bound not allo"
+ "wed");
+ else
+ error(mpl, "at most one upper bound allowed");
+ }
+ get_token(mpl /* <= */);
+ /* parse an expression that specifies the upper bound */
+ var->ubnd = expression_5(mpl);
+ if (var->ubnd->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ var->ubnd = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, var->ubnd,
+ A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (var->ubnd->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error(mpl, "expression following <= has invalid type");
+ xassert(var->ubnd->dim == 0);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_EQ)
+ { /* fixed value */
+ char opstr[8];
+ if (!(var->lbnd == NULL && var->ubnd == NULL))
+ { if (var->lbnd == var->ubnd)
+ error(mpl, "at most one fixed value allowed");
+ else if (var->lbnd != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "both lower bound and fixed value not allo"
+ "wed");
+ else
+ error(mpl, "both upper bound and fixed value not allo"
+ "wed");
+ }
+ strcpy(opstr, mpl->image);
+ xassert(strlen(opstr) < sizeof(opstr));
+ get_token(mpl /* = | == */);
+ /* parse an expression that specifies the fixed value */
+ var->lbnd = expression_5(mpl);
+ if (var->lbnd->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ var->lbnd = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, var->lbnd,
+ A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (var->lbnd->type != A_NUMERIC)
+ error(mpl, "expression following %s has invalid type",
+ opstr);
+ xassert(var->lbnd->dim == 0);
+ /* indicate that the variable is fixed, not bounded */
+ var->ubnd = var->lbnd;
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_LT || mpl->token == T_GT ||
+ mpl->token == T_NE)
+ error(mpl, "strict bound not allowed");
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in variable statement");
+ }
+ /* close the domain scope */
+ if (var->domain != NULL) close_scope(mpl, var->domain);
+ /* the variable statement has been completely parsed */
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_SEMICOLON);
+ get_token(mpl /* ; */);
+ return var;
+-- constraint_statement - parse constraint statement.
+-- This routine parses constraint statement using the syntax:
+-- <constraint statement> ::= <subject to> <symbolic name> <alias>
+-- <domain> : <constraint> ;
+-- <subject to> ::= <empty>
+-- <subject to> ::= subject to
+-- <subject to> ::= subj to
+-- <subject to> ::= s.t.
+-- <alias> ::= <empty>
+-- <alias> ::= <string literal>
+-- <domain> ::= <empty>
+-- <domain> ::= <indexing expression>
+-- <constraint> ::= <formula> , >= <formula>
+-- <constraint> ::= <formula> , <= <formula>
+-- <constraint> ::= <formula> , = <formula>
+-- <constraint> ::= <formula> , <= <formula> , <= <formula>
+-- <constraint> ::= <formula> , >= <formula> , >= <formula>
+-- <formula> ::= <expression 5>
+-- Commae in <constraint> are optional and may be omitted anywhere. */
+CONSTRAINT *constraint_statement(MPL *mpl)
+ CODE *first, *second, *third;
+ int rho;
+ char opstr[8];
+ if (mpl->flag_s)
+ error(mpl, "constraint statement must precede solve statement")
+ ;
+ if (is_keyword(mpl, "subject"))
+ { get_token(mpl /* subject */);
+ if (!is_keyword(mpl, "to"))
+ error(mpl, "keyword subject to incomplete");
+ get_token(mpl /* to */);
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "subj"))
+ { get_token(mpl /* subj */);
+ if (!is_keyword(mpl, "to"))
+ error(mpl, "keyword subj to incomplete");
+ get_token(mpl /* to */);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_SPTP)
+ get_token(mpl /* s.t. */);
+ /* the current token must be symbolic name of constraint */
+ if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ ;
+ else if (is_reserved(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "invalid use of reserved keyword %s", mpl->image);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "symbolic name missing where expected");
+ /* there must be no other object with the same name */
+ if (avl_find_node(mpl->tree, mpl->image) != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s multiply declared", mpl->image);
+ /* create model constraint */
+ con = alloc(CONSTRAINT);
+ con->name = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(mpl->image)+1);
+ strcpy(con->name, mpl->image);
+ con->alias = NULL;
+ con->dim = 0;
+ con->domain = NULL;
+ con->type = A_CONSTRAINT;
+ con->code = NULL;
+ con->lbnd = NULL;
+ con->ubnd = NULL;
+ con->array = NULL;
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ /* parse optional alias */
+ if (mpl->token == T_STRING)
+ { con->alias = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(mpl->image)+1);
+ strcpy(con->alias, mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* <string literal> */);
+ }
+ /* parse optional indexing expression */
+ if (mpl->token == T_LBRACE)
+ { con->domain = indexing_expression(mpl);
+ con->dim = domain_arity(mpl, con->domain);
+ }
+ /* include the constraint name in the symbolic names table */
+ { AVLNODE *node;
+ node = avl_insert_node(mpl->tree, con->name);
+ avl_set_node_type(node, A_CONSTRAINT);
+ avl_set_node_link(node, (void *)con);
+ }
+ /* the colon must precede the first expression */
+ if (mpl->token != T_COLON)
+ error(mpl, "colon missing where expected");
+ get_token(mpl /* : */);
+ /* parse the first expression */
+ first = expression_5(mpl);
+ if (first->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ first = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, first, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (!(first->type == A_NUMERIC || first->type == A_FORMULA))
+ error(mpl, "expression following colon has invalid type");
+ xassert(first->dim == 0);
+ /* relational operator must follow the first expression */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA) get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ switch (mpl->token)
+ { case T_LE:
+ case T_GE:
+ case T_EQ:
+ break;
+ case T_LT:
+ case T_GT:
+ case T_NE:
+ error(mpl, "strict inequality not allowed");
+ error(mpl, "constraint must be equality or inequality");
+ default:
+ goto err;
+ }
+ rho = mpl->token;
+ strcpy(opstr, mpl->image);
+ xassert(strlen(opstr) < sizeof(opstr));
+ get_token(mpl /* rho */);
+ /* parse the second expression */
+ second = expression_5(mpl);
+ if (second->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ second = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, second, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (!(second->type == A_NUMERIC || second->type == A_FORMULA))
+ error(mpl, "expression following %s has invalid type", opstr);
+ xassert(second->dim == 0);
+ /* check a token that follow the second expression */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ { get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ if (mpl->token == T_SEMICOLON) goto err;
+ }
+ if (mpl->token == T_LT || mpl->token == T_LE ||
+ mpl->token == T_EQ || mpl->token == T_GE ||
+ mpl->token == T_GT || mpl->token == T_NE)
+ { /* it is another relational operator, therefore the constraint
+ is double inequality */
+ if (rho == T_EQ || mpl->token != rho)
+ error(mpl, "double inequality must be ... <= ... <= ... or "
+ "... >= ... >= ...");
+ /* the first expression cannot be linear form */
+ if (first->type == A_FORMULA)
+ error(mpl, "leftmost expression in double inequality cannot"
+ " be linear form");
+ get_token(mpl /* rho */);
+ /* parse the third expression */
+ third = expression_5(mpl);
+ if (third->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ third = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, second, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (!(third->type == A_NUMERIC || third->type == A_FORMULA))
+ error(mpl, "rightmost expression in double inequality const"
+ "raint has invalid type");
+ xassert(third->dim == 0);
+ /* the third expression also cannot be linear form */
+ if (third->type == A_FORMULA)
+ error(mpl, "rightmost expression in double inequality canno"
+ "t be linear form");
+ }
+ else
+ { /* the constraint is equality or single inequality */
+ third = NULL;
+ }
+ /* close the domain scope */
+ if (con->domain != NULL) close_scope(mpl, con->domain);
+ /* convert all expressions to linear form, if necessary */
+ if (first->type != A_FORMULA)
+ first = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLFM, first, A_FORMULA, 0);
+ if (second->type != A_FORMULA)
+ second = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLFM, second, A_FORMULA, 0);
+ if (third != NULL)
+ third = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLFM, third, A_FORMULA, 0);
+ /* arrange expressions in the constraint */
+ if (third == NULL)
+ { /* the constraint is equality or single inequality */
+ switch (rho)
+ { case T_LE:
+ /* first <= second */
+ con->code = first;
+ con->lbnd = NULL;
+ con->ubnd = second;
+ break;
+ case T_GE:
+ /* first >= second */
+ con->code = first;
+ con->lbnd = second;
+ con->ubnd = NULL;
+ break;
+ case T_EQ:
+ /* first = second */
+ con->code = first;
+ con->lbnd = second;
+ con->ubnd = second;
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(rho != rho);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* the constraint is double inequality */
+ switch (rho)
+ { case T_LE:
+ /* first <= second <= third */
+ con->code = second;
+ con->lbnd = first;
+ con->ubnd = third;
+ break;
+ case T_GE:
+ /* first >= second >= third */
+ con->code = second;
+ con->lbnd = third;
+ con->ubnd = first;
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(rho != rho);
+ }
+ }
+ /* the constraint statement has been completely parsed */
+ if (mpl->token != T_SEMICOLON)
+err: error(mpl, "syntax error in constraint statement");
+ get_token(mpl /* ; */);
+ return con;
+-- objective_statement - parse objective statement.
+-- This routine parses objective statement using the syntax:
+-- <objective statement> ::= <verb> <symbolic name> <alias> <domain> :
+-- <formula> ;
+-- <verb> ::= minimize
+-- <verb> ::= maximize
+-- <alias> ::= <empty>
+-- <alias> ::= <string literal>
+-- <domain> ::= <empty>
+-- <domain> ::= <indexing expression>
+-- <formula> ::= <expression 5> */
+CONSTRAINT *objective_statement(MPL *mpl)
+ int type;
+ if (is_keyword(mpl, "minimize"))
+ type = A_MINIMIZE;
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "maximize"))
+ type = A_MAXIMIZE;
+ else
+ xassert(mpl != mpl);
+ if (mpl->flag_s)
+ error(mpl, "objective statement must precede solve statement");
+ get_token(mpl /* minimize | maximize */);
+ /* symbolic name must follow the verb 'minimize' or 'maximize' */
+ if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ ;
+ else if (is_reserved(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "invalid use of reserved keyword %s", mpl->image);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "symbolic name missing where expected");
+ /* there must be no other object with the same name */
+ if (avl_find_node(mpl->tree, mpl->image) != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s multiply declared", mpl->image);
+ /* create model objective */
+ obj = alloc(CONSTRAINT);
+ obj->name = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(mpl->image)+1);
+ strcpy(obj->name, mpl->image);
+ obj->alias = NULL;
+ obj->dim = 0;
+ obj->domain = NULL;
+ obj->type = type;
+ obj->code = NULL;
+ obj->lbnd = NULL;
+ obj->ubnd = NULL;
+ obj->array = NULL;
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ /* parse optional alias */
+ if (mpl->token == T_STRING)
+ { obj->alias = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(mpl->image)+1);
+ strcpy(obj->alias, mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* <string literal> */);
+ }
+ /* parse optional indexing expression */
+ if (mpl->token == T_LBRACE)
+ { obj->domain = indexing_expression(mpl);
+ obj->dim = domain_arity(mpl, obj->domain);
+ }
+ /* include the constraint name in the symbolic names table */
+ { AVLNODE *node;
+ node = avl_insert_node(mpl->tree, obj->name);
+ avl_set_node_type(node, A_CONSTRAINT);
+ avl_set_node_link(node, (void *)obj);
+ }
+ /* the colon must precede the objective expression */
+ if (mpl->token != T_COLON)
+ error(mpl, "colon missing where expected");
+ get_token(mpl /* : */);
+ /* parse the objective expression */
+ obj->code = expression_5(mpl);
+ if (obj->code->type == A_SYMBOLIC)
+ obj->code = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTNUM, obj->code, A_NUMERIC, 0);
+ if (obj->code->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ obj->code = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTLFM, obj->code, A_FORMULA, 0);
+ if (obj->code->type != A_FORMULA)
+ error(mpl, "expression following colon has invalid type");
+ xassert(obj->code->dim == 0);
+ /* close the domain scope */
+ if (obj->domain != NULL) close_scope(mpl, obj->domain);
+ /* the objective statement has been completely parsed */
+ if (mpl->token != T_SEMICOLON)
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in objective statement");
+ get_token(mpl /* ; */);
+ return obj;
+#if 1 /* 11/II-2008 */
+* table_statement - parse table statement
+* This routine parses table statement using the syntax:
+* <table statement> ::= <input table statement>
+* <table statement> ::= <output table statement>
+* <input table statement> ::=
+* table <table name> <alias> IN <argument list> :
+* <input set> [ <field list> ] , <input list> ;
+* <alias> ::= <empty>
+* <alias> ::= <string literal>
+* <argument list> ::= <expression 5>
+* <argument list> ::= <argument list> <expression 5>
+* <argument list> ::= <argument list> , <expression 5>
+* <input set> ::= <empty>
+* <input set> ::= <set name> <-
+* <field list> ::= <field name>
+* <field list> ::= <field list> , <field name>
+* <input list> ::= <input item>
+* <input list> ::= <input list> , <input item>
+* <input item> ::= <parameter name>
+* <input item> ::= <parameter name> ~ <field name>
+* <output table statement> ::=
+* table <table name> <alias> <domain> OUT <argument list> :
+* <output list> ;
+* <domain> ::= <indexing expression>
+* <output list> ::= <output item>
+* <output list> ::= <output list> , <output item>
+* <output item> ::= <expression 5>
+* <output item> ::= <expression 5> ~ <field name> */
+TABLE *table_statement(MPL *mpl)
+{ TABLE *tab;
+ TABARG *last_arg, *arg;
+ TABFLD *last_fld, *fld;
+ TABIN *last_in, *in;
+ TABOUT *last_out, *out;
+ AVLNODE *node;
+ int nflds;
+ char name[MAX_LENGTH+1];
+ xassert(is_keyword(mpl, "table"));
+ get_token(mpl /* solve */);
+ /* symbolic name must follow the keyword table */
+ if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ ;
+ else if (is_reserved(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "invalid use of reserved keyword %s", mpl->image);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "symbolic name missing where expected");
+ /* there must be no other object with the same name */
+ if (avl_find_node(mpl->tree, mpl->image) != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s multiply declared", mpl->image);
+ /* create data table */
+ tab = alloc(TABLE);
+ tab->name = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(mpl->image)+1);
+ strcpy(tab->name, mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ /* parse optional alias */
+ if (mpl->token == T_STRING)
+ { tab->alias = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(mpl->image)+1);
+ strcpy(tab->alias, mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* <string literal> */);
+ }
+ else
+ tab->alias = NULL;
+ /* parse optional indexing expression */
+ if (mpl->token == T_LBRACE)
+ { /* this is output table */
+ tab->type = A_OUTPUT;
+ tab->u.out.domain = indexing_expression(mpl);
+ if (!is_keyword(mpl, "OUT"))
+ error(mpl, "keyword OUT missing where expected");
+ get_token(mpl /* OUT */);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* this is input table */
+ tab->type = A_INPUT;
+ if (!is_keyword(mpl, "IN"))
+ error(mpl, "keyword IN missing where expected");
+ get_token(mpl /* IN */);
+ }
+ /* parse argument list */
+ tab->arg = last_arg = NULL;
+ for (;;)
+ { /* create argument list entry */
+ arg = alloc(TABARG);
+ /* parse argument expression */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA || mpl->token == T_COLON ||
+ mpl->token == T_SEMICOLON)
+ error(mpl, "argument expression missing where expected");
+ arg->code = expression_5(mpl);
+ /* convert the result to symbolic type, if necessary */
+ if (arg->code->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ arg->code =
+ make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, arg->code, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ /* check that now the result is of symbolic type */
+ if (arg->code->type != A_SYMBOLIC)
+ error(mpl, "argument expression has invalid type");
+ /* add the entry to the end of the list */
+ arg->next = NULL;
+ if (last_arg == NULL)
+ tab->arg = arg;
+ else
+ last_arg->next = arg;
+ last_arg = arg;
+ /* argument expression has been parsed */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_COLON || mpl->token == T_SEMICOLON)
+ break;
+ }
+ xassert(tab->arg != NULL);
+ /* argument list must end with colon */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COLON)
+ get_token(mpl /* : */);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "colon missing where expected");
+ /* parse specific part of the table statement */
+ switch (tab->type)
+ { case A_INPUT: goto input_table;
+ case A_OUTPUT: goto output_table;
+ default: xassert(tab != tab);
+ }
+ /* parse optional set name */
+ if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ { node = avl_find_node(mpl->tree, mpl->image);
+ if (node == NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s not defined", mpl->image);
+ if (avl_get_node_type(node) != A_SET)
+ error(mpl, "%s not a set", mpl->image);
+ tab->u.in.set = (SET *)avl_get_node_link(node);
+ if (tab->u.in.set->assign != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s needs no data", mpl->image);
+ if (tab->u.in.set->dim != 0)
+ error(mpl, "%s must be a simple set", mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ if (mpl->token == T_INPUT)
+ get_token(mpl /* <- */);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "delimiter <- missing where expected");
+ }
+ else if (is_reserved(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "invalid use of reserved keyword %s", mpl->image);
+ else
+ tab->u.in.set = NULL;
+ /* parse field list */
+ tab->u.in.fld = last_fld = NULL;
+ nflds = 0;
+ if (mpl->token == T_LBRACKET)
+ get_token(mpl /* [ */);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "field list missing where expected");
+ for (;;)
+ { /* create field list entry */
+ fld = alloc(TABFLD);
+ /* parse field name */
+ if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ ;
+ else if (is_reserved(mpl))
+ error(mpl,
+ "invalid use of reserved keyword %s", mpl->image);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "field name missing where expected");
+ fld->name = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(mpl->image)+1);
+ strcpy(fld->name, mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ /* add the entry to the end of the list */
+ fld->next = NULL;
+ if (last_fld == NULL)
+ tab->u.in.fld = fld;
+ else
+ last_fld->next = fld;
+ last_fld = fld;
+ nflds++;
+ /* field name has been parsed */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RBRACKET)
+ break;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in field list");
+ }
+ /* check that the set dimen is equal to the number of fields */
+ if (tab->u.in.set != NULL && tab->u.in.set->dimen != nflds)
+ error(mpl, "there must be %d field%s rather than %d",
+ tab->u.in.set->dimen, tab->u.in.set->dimen == 1 ? "" : "s",
+ nflds);
+ get_token(mpl /* ] */);
+ /* parse optional input list */
+ tab->u.in.list = last_in = NULL;
+ while (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ { get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ /* create input list entry */
+ in = alloc(TABIN);
+ /* parse parameter name */
+ if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ ;
+ else if (is_reserved(mpl))
+ error(mpl,
+ "invalid use of reserved keyword %s", mpl->image);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "parameter name missing where expected");
+ node = avl_find_node(mpl->tree, mpl->image);
+ if (node == NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s not defined", mpl->image);
+ if (avl_get_node_type(node) != A_PARAMETER)
+ error(mpl, "%s not a parameter", mpl->image);
+ in->par = (PARAMETER *)avl_get_node_link(node);
+ if (in->par->dim != nflds)
+ error(mpl, "%s must have %d subscript%s rather than %d",
+ mpl->image, nflds, nflds == 1 ? "" : "s", in->par->dim);
+ if (in->par->assign != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s needs no data", mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ /* parse optional field name */
+ if (mpl->token == T_TILDE)
+ { get_token(mpl /* ~ */);
+ /* parse field name */
+ if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ ;
+ else if (is_reserved(mpl))
+ error(mpl,
+ "invalid use of reserved keyword %s", mpl->image);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "field name missing where expected");
+ xassert(strlen(mpl->image) < sizeof(name));
+ strcpy(name, mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* field name is the same as the parameter name */
+ xassert(strlen(in->par->name) < sizeof(name));
+ strcpy(name, in->par->name);
+ }
+ /* assign field name */
+ in->name = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(name)+1);
+ strcpy(in->name, name);
+ /* add the entry to the end of the list */
+ in->next = NULL;
+ if (last_in == NULL)
+ tab->u.in.list = in;
+ else
+ last_in->next = in;
+ last_in = in;
+ }
+ goto end_of_table;
+ /* parse output list */
+ tab->u.out.list = last_out = NULL;
+ for (;;)
+ { /* create output list entry */
+ out = alloc(TABOUT);
+ /* parse expression */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA || mpl->token == T_SEMICOLON)
+ error(mpl, "expression missing where expected");
+ if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ { xassert(strlen(mpl->image) < sizeof(name));
+ strcpy(name, mpl->image);
+ }
+ else
+ name[0] = '\0';
+ out->code = expression_5(mpl);
+ /* parse optional field name */
+ if (mpl->token == T_TILDE)
+ { get_token(mpl /* ~ */);
+ /* parse field name */
+ if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ ;
+ else if (is_reserved(mpl))
+ error(mpl,
+ "invalid use of reserved keyword %s", mpl->image);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "field name missing where expected");
+ xassert(strlen(mpl->image) < sizeof(name));
+ strcpy(name, mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ }
+ /* assign field name */
+ if (name[0] == '\0')
+ error(mpl, "field name required");
+ out->name = dmp_get_atomv(mpl->pool, strlen(name)+1);
+ strcpy(out->name, name);
+ /* add the entry to the end of the list */
+ out->next = NULL;
+ if (last_out == NULL)
+ tab->u.out.list = out;
+ else
+ last_out->next = out;
+ last_out = out;
+ /* output item has been parsed */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_SEMICOLON)
+ break;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in output list");
+ }
+ /* close the domain scope */
+ close_scope(mpl,tab->u.out.domain);
+ /* the table statement must end with semicolon */
+ if (mpl->token != T_SEMICOLON)
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in table statement");
+ get_token(mpl /* ; */);
+ return tab;
+-- solve_statement - parse solve statement.
+-- This routine parses solve statement using the syntax:
+-- <solve statement> ::= solve ;
+-- The solve statement can be used at most once. */
+void *solve_statement(MPL *mpl)
+{ xassert(is_keyword(mpl, "solve"));
+ if (mpl->flag_s)
+ error(mpl, "at most one solve statement allowed");
+ mpl->flag_s = 1;
+ get_token(mpl /* solve */);
+ /* semicolon must follow solve statement */
+ if (mpl->token != T_SEMICOLON)
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in solve statement");
+ get_token(mpl /* ; */);
+ return NULL;
+-- check_statement - parse check statement.
+-- This routine parses check statement using the syntax:
+-- <check statement> ::= check <domain> : <expression 13> ;
+-- <domain> ::= <empty>
+-- <domain> ::= <indexing expression>
+-- If <domain> is omitted, colon following it may also be omitted. */
+CHECK *check_statement(MPL *mpl)
+{ CHECK *chk;
+ xassert(is_keyword(mpl, "check"));
+ /* create check descriptor */
+ chk = alloc(CHECK);
+ chk->domain = NULL;
+ chk->code = NULL;
+ get_token(mpl /* check */);
+ /* parse optional indexing expression */
+ if (mpl->token == T_LBRACE)
+ { chk->domain = indexing_expression(mpl);
+#if 0
+ if (mpl->token != T_COLON)
+ error(mpl, "colon missing where expected");
+ }
+ /* skip optional colon */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COLON) get_token(mpl /* : */);
+ /* parse logical expression */
+ chk->code = expression_13(mpl);
+ if (chk->code->type != A_LOGICAL)
+ error(mpl, "expression has invalid type");
+ xassert(chk->code->dim == 0);
+ /* close the domain scope */
+ if (chk->domain != NULL) close_scope(mpl, chk->domain);
+ /* the check statement has been completely parsed */
+ if (mpl->token != T_SEMICOLON)
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in check statement");
+ get_token(mpl /* ; */);
+ return chk;
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+-- display_statement - parse display statement.
+-- This routine parses display statement using the syntax:
+-- <display statement> ::= display <domain> : <display list> ;
+-- <display statement> ::= display <domain> <display list> ;
+-- <domain> ::= <empty>
+-- <domain> ::= <indexing expression>
+-- <display list> ::= <display entry>
+-- <display list> ::= <display list> , <display entry>
+-- <display entry> ::= <dummy index>
+-- <display entry> ::= <set name>
+-- <display entry> ::= <set name> [ <subscript list> ]
+-- <display entry> ::= <parameter name>
+-- <display entry> ::= <parameter name> [ <subscript list> ]
+-- <display entry> ::= <variable name>
+-- <display entry> ::= <variable name> [ <subscript list> ]
+-- <display entry> ::= <constraint name>
+-- <display entry> ::= <constraint name> [ <subscript list> ]
+-- <display entry> ::= <expression 13> */
+DISPLAY *display_statement(MPL *mpl)
+{ DISPLAY *dpy;
+ DISPLAY1 *entry, *last_entry;
+ xassert(is_keyword(mpl, "display"));
+ /* create display descriptor */
+ dpy = alloc(DISPLAY);
+ dpy->domain = NULL;
+ dpy->list = last_entry = NULL;
+ get_token(mpl /* display */);
+ /* parse optional indexing expression */
+ if (mpl->token == T_LBRACE)
+ dpy->domain = indexing_expression(mpl);
+ /* skip optional colon */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COLON) get_token(mpl /* : */);
+ /* parse display list */
+ for (;;)
+ { /* create new display entry */
+ entry = alloc(DISPLAY1);
+ entry->type = 0;
+ entry->next = NULL;
+ /* and append it to the display list */
+ if (dpy->list == NULL)
+ dpy->list = entry;
+ else
+ last_entry->next = entry;
+ last_entry = entry;
+ /* parse display entry */
+ if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ { AVLNODE *node;
+ int next_token;
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ next_token = mpl->token;
+ unget_token(mpl);
+ if (!(next_token == T_COMMA || next_token == T_SEMICOLON))
+ { /* symbolic name begins expression */
+ goto expr;
+ }
+ /* display entry is dummy index or model object */
+ node = avl_find_node(mpl->tree, mpl->image);
+ if (node == NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s not defined", mpl->image);
+ entry->type = avl_get_node_type(node);
+ switch (avl_get_node_type(node))
+ { case A_INDEX:
+ entry->u.slot =
+ (DOMAIN_SLOT *)avl_get_node_link(node);
+ break;
+ case A_SET:
+ entry->u.set = (SET *)avl_get_node_link(node);
+ break;
+ entry->u.par = (PARAMETER *)avl_get_node_link(node);
+ break;
+ case A_VARIABLE:
+ entry->u.var = (VARIABLE *)avl_get_node_link(node);
+ if (!mpl->flag_s)
+ error(mpl, "invalid reference to variable %s above"
+ " solve statement", entry->u.var->name);
+ break;
+ entry->u.con = (CONSTRAINT *)avl_get_node_link(node);
+ if (!mpl->flag_s)
+ error(mpl, "invalid reference to %s %s above solve"
+ " statement",
+ entry->u.con->type == A_CONSTRAINT ?
+ "constraint" : "objective", entry->u.con->name);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(node != node);
+ }
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ }
+ else
+expr: { /* display entry is expression */
+ entry->type = A_EXPRESSION;
+ entry->u.code = expression_13(mpl);
+ }
+ /* check a token that follows the entry parsed */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ /* close the domain scope */
+ if (dpy->domain != NULL) close_scope(mpl, dpy->domain);
+ /* the display statement has been completely parsed */
+ if (mpl->token != T_SEMICOLON)
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in display statement");
+ get_token(mpl /* ; */);
+ return dpy;
+-- printf_statement - parse printf statement.
+-- This routine parses print statement using the syntax:
+-- <printf statement> ::= <printf clause> ;
+-- <printf statement> ::= <printf clause> > <file name> ;
+-- <printf statement> ::= <printf clause> >> <file name> ;
+-- <printf clause> ::= printf <domain> : <format> <printf list>
+-- <printf clause> ::= printf <domain> <format> <printf list>
+-- <domain> ::= <empty>
+-- <domain> ::= <indexing expression>
+-- <format> ::= <expression 5>
+-- <printf list> ::= <empty>
+-- <printf list> ::= <printf list> , <printf entry>
+-- <printf entry> ::= <expression 9>
+-- <file name> ::= <expression 5> */
+PRINTF *printf_statement(MPL *mpl)
+{ PRINTF *prt;
+ PRINTF1 *entry, *last_entry;
+ xassert(is_keyword(mpl, "printf"));
+ /* create printf descriptor */
+ prt = alloc(PRINTF);
+ prt->domain = NULL;
+ prt->fmt = NULL;
+ prt->list = last_entry = NULL;
+ get_token(mpl /* printf */);
+ /* parse optional indexing expression */
+ if (mpl->token == T_LBRACE)
+ { prt->domain = indexing_expression(mpl);
+#if 0
+ if (mpl->token != T_COLON)
+ error(mpl, "colon missing where expected");
+ }
+ /* skip optional colon */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COLON) get_token(mpl /* : */);
+ /* parse expression for format string */
+ prt->fmt = expression_5(mpl);
+ /* convert it to symbolic type, if necessary */
+ if (prt->fmt->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ prt->fmt = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, prt->fmt, A_SYMBOLIC, 0);
+ /* check that now the expression is of symbolic type */
+ if (prt->fmt->type != A_SYMBOLIC)
+ error(mpl, "format expression has invalid type");
+ /* parse printf list */
+ while (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ { get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ /* create new printf entry */
+ entry = alloc(PRINTF1);
+ entry->code = NULL;
+ entry->next = NULL;
+ /* and append it to the printf list */
+ if (prt->list == NULL)
+ prt->list = entry;
+ else
+ last_entry->next = entry;
+ last_entry = entry;
+ /* parse printf entry */
+ entry->code = expression_9(mpl);
+ if (!(entry->code->type == A_NUMERIC ||
+ entry->code->type == A_SYMBOLIC ||
+ entry->code->type == A_LOGICAL))
+ error(mpl, "only numeric, symbolic, or logical expression a"
+ "llowed");
+ }
+ /* close the domain scope */
+ if (prt->domain != NULL) close_scope(mpl, prt->domain);
+#if 1 /* 14/VII-2006 */
+ /* parse optional redirection */
+ prt->fname = NULL, prt->app = 0;
+ if (mpl->token == T_GT || mpl->token == T_APPEND)
+ { prt->app = (mpl->token == T_APPEND);
+ get_token(mpl /* > or >> */);
+ /* parse expression for file name string */
+ prt->fname = expression_5(mpl);
+ /* convert it to symbolic type, if necessary */
+ if (prt->fname->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ prt->fname = make_unary(mpl, O_CVTSYM, prt->fname,
+ /* check that now the expression is of symbolic type */
+ if (prt->fname->type != A_SYMBOLIC)
+ error(mpl, "file name expression has invalid type");
+ }
+ /* the printf statement has been completely parsed */
+ if (mpl->token != T_SEMICOLON)
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in printf statement");
+ get_token(mpl /* ; */);
+ return prt;
+-- for_statement - parse for statement.
+-- This routine parses for statement using the syntax:
+-- <for statement> ::= for <domain> <statement>
+-- <for statement> ::= for <domain> { <statement list> }
+-- <domain> ::= <indexing expression>
+-- <statement list> ::= <empty>
+-- <statement list> ::= <statement list> <statement>
+-- <statement> ::= <check statement>
+-- <statement> ::= <display statement>
+-- <statement> ::= <printf statement>
+-- <statement> ::= <for statement> */
+FOR *for_statement(MPL *mpl)
+{ FOR *fur;
+ STATEMENT *stmt, *last_stmt;
+ xassert(is_keyword(mpl, "for"));
+ /* create for descriptor */
+ fur = alloc(FOR);
+ fur->domain = NULL;
+ fur->list = last_stmt = NULL;
+ get_token(mpl /* for */);
+ /* parse indexing expression */
+ if (mpl->token != T_LBRACE)
+ error(mpl, "indexing expression missing where expected");
+ fur->domain = indexing_expression(mpl);
+ /* skip optional colon */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COLON) get_token(mpl /* : */);
+ /* parse for statement body */
+ if (mpl->token != T_LBRACE)
+ { /* parse simple statement */
+ fur->list = simple_statement(mpl, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* parse compound statement */
+ get_token(mpl /* { */);
+ while (mpl->token != T_RBRACE)
+ { /* parse statement */
+ stmt = simple_statement(mpl, 1);
+ /* and append it to the end of the statement list */
+ if (last_stmt == NULL)
+ fur->list = stmt;
+ else
+ last_stmt->next = stmt;
+ last_stmt = stmt;
+ }
+ get_token(mpl /* } */);
+ }
+ /* close the domain scope */
+ xassert(fur->domain != NULL);
+ close_scope(mpl, fur->domain);
+ /* the for statement has been completely parsed */
+ return fur;
+-- end_statement - parse end statement.
+-- This routine parses end statement using the syntax:
+-- <end statement> ::= end ; <eof> */
+void end_statement(MPL *mpl)
+{ if (!mpl->flag_d && is_keyword(mpl, "end") ||
+ mpl->flag_d && is_literal(mpl, "end"))
+ { get_token(mpl /* end */);
+ if (mpl->token == T_SEMICOLON)
+ get_token(mpl /* ; */);
+ else
+ warning(mpl, "no semicolon following end statement; missing"
+ " semicolon inserted");
+ }
+ else
+ warning(mpl, "unexpected end of file; missing end statement in"
+ "serted");
+ if (mpl->token != T_EOF)
+ warning(mpl, "some text detected beyond end statement; text ig"
+ "nored");
+ return;
+-- simple_statement - parse simple statement.
+-- This routine parses simple statement using the syntax:
+-- <statement> ::= <set statement>
+-- <statement> ::= <parameter statement>
+-- <statement> ::= <variable statement>
+-- <statement> ::= <constraint statement>
+-- <statement> ::= <objective statement>
+-- <statement> ::= <solve statement>
+-- <statement> ::= <check statement>
+-- <statement> ::= <display statement>
+-- <statement> ::= <printf statement>
+-- <statement> ::= <for statement>
+-- If the flag spec is set, some statements cannot be used. */
+STATEMENT *simple_statement(MPL *mpl, int spec)
+{ STATEMENT *stmt;
+ stmt = alloc(STATEMENT);
+ stmt->line = mpl->line;
+ stmt->next = NULL;
+ if (is_keyword(mpl, "set"))
+ { if (spec)
+ error(mpl, "set statement not allowed here");
+ stmt->type = A_SET;
+ stmt->u.set = set_statement(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "param"))
+ { if (spec)
+ error(mpl, "parameter statement not allowed here");
+ stmt->type = A_PARAMETER;
+ stmt->u.par = parameter_statement(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "var"))
+ { if (spec)
+ error(mpl, "variable statement not allowed here");
+ stmt->type = A_VARIABLE;
+ stmt->u.var = variable_statement(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "subject") ||
+ is_keyword(mpl, "subj") ||
+ mpl->token == T_SPTP)
+ { if (spec)
+ error(mpl, "constraint statement not allowed here");
+ stmt->type = A_CONSTRAINT;
+ stmt->u.con = constraint_statement(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "minimize") ||
+ is_keyword(mpl, "maximize"))
+ { if (spec)
+ error(mpl, "objective statement not allowed here");
+ stmt->type = A_CONSTRAINT;
+ stmt->u.con = objective_statement(mpl);
+ }
+#if 1 /* 11/II-2008 */
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "table"))
+ { if (spec)
+ error(mpl, "table statement not allowed here");
+ stmt->type = A_TABLE;
+ stmt->u.tab = table_statement(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "solve"))
+ { if (spec)
+ error(mpl, "solve statement not allowed here");
+ stmt->type = A_SOLVE;
+ stmt->u.slv = solve_statement(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "check"))
+ { stmt->type = A_CHECK;
+ stmt->u.chk = check_statement(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "display"))
+ { stmt->type = A_DISPLAY;
+ stmt->u.dpy = display_statement(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "printf"))
+ { stmt->type = A_PRINTF;
+ stmt->u.prt = printf_statement(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (is_keyword(mpl, "for"))
+ { stmt->type = A_FOR;
+ stmt->u.fur = for_statement(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_NAME)
+ { if (spec)
+ error(mpl, "constraint statement not allowed here");
+ stmt->type = A_CONSTRAINT;
+ stmt->u.con = constraint_statement(mpl);
+ }
+ else if (is_reserved(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "invalid use of reserved keyword %s", mpl->image);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in model section");
+ return stmt;
+-- model_section - parse model section.
+-- This routine parses model section using the syntax:
+-- <model section> ::= <empty>
+-- <model section> ::= <model section> <statement>
+-- Parsing model section is terminated by either the keyword 'data', or
+-- the keyword 'end', or the end of file. */
+void model_section(MPL *mpl)
+{ STATEMENT *stmt, *last_stmt;
+ xassert(mpl->model == NULL);
+ last_stmt = NULL;
+ while (!(mpl->token == T_EOF || is_keyword(mpl, "data") ||
+ is_keyword(mpl, "end")))
+ { /* parse statement */
+ stmt = simple_statement(mpl, 0);
+ /* and append it to the end of the statement list */
+ if (last_stmt == NULL)
+ mpl->model = stmt;
+ else
+ last_stmt->next = stmt;
+ last_stmt = stmt;
+ }
+ return;
+/* eof */
diff --git a/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl2.c b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl2.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f99528b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1202 @@
+/* mpl2.c */
+* This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).
+* Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied
+* Informatics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights
+* reserved. E-mail: <mao@gnu.org>.
+* GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+* License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with GLPK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "mpl.h"
+-- create_slice - create slice.
+-- This routine creates a slice, which initially has no components. */
+SLICE *create_slice(MPL *mpl)
+{ SLICE *slice;
+ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ slice = NULL;
+ return slice;
+-- expand_slice - append new component to slice.
+-- This routine expands slice appending to it either a given symbol or
+-- null component, which becomes the last component of the slice. */
+SLICE *expand_slice
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SLICE *slice, /* destroyed */
+ SYMBOL *sym /* destroyed */
+{ SLICE *tail, *temp;
+ /* create a new component */
+ tail = dmp_get_atom(mpl->tuples, sizeof(SLICE));
+ tail->sym = sym;
+ tail->next = NULL;
+ /* and append it to the component list */
+ if (slice == NULL)
+ slice = tail;
+ else
+ { for (temp = slice; temp->next != NULL; temp = temp->next);
+ temp->next = tail;
+ }
+ return slice;
+-- slice_dimen - determine dimension of slice.
+-- This routine returns dimension of slice, which is number of all its
+-- components including null ones. */
+int slice_dimen
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SLICE *slice /* not changed */
+{ SLICE *temp;
+ int dim;
+ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ dim = 0;
+ for (temp = slice; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next) dim++;
+ return dim;
+-- slice_arity - determine arity of slice.
+-- This routine returns arity of slice, i.e. number of null components
+-- (indicated by asterisks) in the slice. */
+int slice_arity
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SLICE *slice /* not changed */
+{ SLICE *temp;
+ int arity;
+ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ arity = 0;
+ for (temp = slice; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next)
+ if (temp->sym == NULL) arity++;
+ return arity;
+-- fake_slice - create fake slice of all asterisks.
+-- This routine creates a fake slice of given dimension, which contains
+-- asterisks in all components. Zero dimension is allowed. */
+SLICE *fake_slice(MPL *mpl, int dim)
+{ SLICE *slice;
+ slice = create_slice(mpl);
+ while (dim-- > 0) slice = expand_slice(mpl, slice, NULL);
+ return slice;
+-- delete_slice - delete slice.
+-- This routine deletes specified slice. */
+void delete_slice
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SLICE *slice /* destroyed */
+{ SLICE *temp;
+ while (slice != NULL)
+ { temp = slice;
+ slice = temp->next;
+ if (temp->sym != NULL) delete_symbol(mpl, temp->sym);
+xassert(sizeof(SLICE) == sizeof(TUPLE));
+ dmp_free_atom(mpl->tuples, temp, sizeof(TUPLE));
+ }
+ return;
+-- is_number - check if current token is number.
+-- If the current token is a number, this routine returns non-zero.
+-- Otherwise zero is returned. */
+int is_number(MPL *mpl)
+{ return
+ mpl->token == T_NUMBER;
+-- is_symbol - check if current token is symbol.
+-- If the current token is suitable to be a symbol, the routine returns
+-- non-zero. Otherwise zero is returned. */
+int is_symbol(MPL *mpl)
+{ return
+ mpl->token == T_NUMBER ||
+ mpl->token == T_SYMBOL ||
+ mpl->token == T_STRING;
+-- is_literal - check if current token is given symbolic literal.
+-- If the current token is given symbolic literal, this routine returns
+-- non-zero. Otherwise zero is returned.
+-- This routine is used on processing the data section in the same way
+-- as the routine is_keyword on processing the model section. */
+int is_literal(MPL *mpl, char *literal)
+{ return
+ is_symbol(mpl) && strcmp(mpl->image, literal) == 0;
+-- read_number - read number.
+-- This routine reads the current token, which must be a number, and
+-- returns its numeric value. */
+double read_number(MPL *mpl)
+{ double num;
+ xassert(is_number(mpl));
+ num = mpl->value;
+ get_token(mpl /* <number> */);
+ return num;
+-- read_symbol - read symbol.
+-- This routine reads the current token, which must be a symbol, and
+-- returns its symbolic value. */
+SYMBOL *read_symbol(MPL *mpl)
+{ SYMBOL *sym;
+ xassert(is_symbol(mpl));
+ if (is_number(mpl))
+ sym = create_symbol_num(mpl, mpl->value);
+ else
+ sym = create_symbol_str(mpl, create_string(mpl, mpl->image));
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbol> */);
+ return sym;
+-- read_slice - read slice.
+-- This routine reads slice using the syntax:
+-- <slice> ::= [ <symbol list> ]
+-- <slice> ::= ( <symbol list> )
+-- <symbol list> ::= <symbol or star>
+-- <symbol list> ::= <symbol list> , <symbol or star>
+-- <symbol or star> ::= <symbol>
+-- <symbol or star> ::= *
+-- The bracketed form of slice is used for members of multi-dimensional
+-- objects while the parenthesized form is used for elemental sets. */
+SLICE *read_slice
+( MPL *mpl,
+ char *name, /* not changed */
+ int dim
+{ SLICE *slice;
+ int close;
+ xassert(name != NULL);
+ switch (mpl->token)
+ { case T_LBRACKET:
+ close = T_RBRACKET;
+ break;
+ case T_LEFT:
+ xassert(dim > 0);
+ close = T_RIGHT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(mpl != mpl);
+ }
+ if (dim == 0)
+ error(mpl, "%s cannot be subscripted", name);
+ get_token(mpl /* ( | [ */);
+ /* read slice components */
+ slice = create_slice(mpl);
+ for (;;)
+ { /* the current token must be a symbol or asterisk */
+ if (is_symbol(mpl))
+ slice = expand_slice(mpl, slice, read_symbol(mpl));
+ else if (mpl->token == T_ASTERISK)
+ { slice = expand_slice(mpl, slice, NULL);
+ get_token(mpl /* * */);
+ }
+ else
+ error(mpl, "number, symbol, or asterisk missing where expec"
+ "ted");
+ /* check a token that follows the symbol */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ else if (mpl->token == close)
+ break;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in slice");
+ }
+ /* number of slice components must be the same as the appropriate
+ dimension */
+ if (slice_dimen(mpl, slice) != dim)
+ { switch (close)
+ { case T_RBRACKET:
+ error(mpl, "%s must have %d subscript%s, not %d", name,
+ dim, dim == 1 ? "" : "s", slice_dimen(mpl, slice));
+ break;
+ case T_RIGHT:
+ error(mpl, "%s has dimension %d, not %d", name, dim,
+ slice_dimen(mpl, slice));
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(close != close);
+ }
+ }
+ get_token(mpl /* ) | ] */);
+ return slice;
+-- select_set - select set to saturate it with elemental sets.
+-- This routine selects set to saturate it with elemental sets provided
+-- in the data section. */
+SET *select_set
+( MPL *mpl,
+ char *name /* not changed */
+{ SET *set;
+ AVLNODE *node;
+ xassert(name != NULL);
+ node = avl_find_node(mpl->tree, name);
+ if (node == NULL || avl_get_node_type(node) != A_SET)
+ error(mpl, "%s not a set", name);
+ set = (SET *)avl_get_node_link(node);
+ if (set->assign != NULL || set->gadget != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s needs no data", name);
+ set->data = 1;
+ return set;
+-- simple_format - read set data block in simple format.
+-- This routine reads set data block using the syntax:
+-- <simple format> ::= <symbol> , <symbol> , ... , <symbol>
+-- where <symbols> are used to construct a complete n-tuple, which is
+-- included in elemental set assigned to the set member. Commae between
+-- symbols are optional and may be omitted anywhere.
+-- Number of components in the slice must be the same as dimension of
+-- n-tuples in elemental sets assigned to the set members. To construct
+-- complete n-tuple the routine replaces null positions in the slice by
+-- corresponding <symbols>.
+-- If the slice contains at least one null position, the current token
+-- must be symbol. Otherwise, the routine reads no symbols to construct
+-- the n-tuple, so the current token is not checked. */
+void simple_format
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SET *set, /* not changed */
+ MEMBER *memb, /* modified */
+ SLICE *slice /* not changed */
+{ TUPLE *tuple;
+ SLICE *temp;
+ SYMBOL *sym, *with = NULL;
+ xassert(set != NULL);
+ xassert(memb != NULL);
+ xassert(slice != NULL);
+ xassert(set->dimen == slice_dimen(mpl, slice));
+ xassert(memb->value.set->dim == set->dimen);
+ if (slice_arity(mpl, slice) > 0) xassert(is_symbol(mpl));
+ /* read symbols and construct complete n-tuple */
+ tuple = create_tuple(mpl);
+ for (temp = slice; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next)
+ { if (temp->sym == NULL)
+ { /* substitution is needed; read symbol */
+ if (!is_symbol(mpl))
+ { int lack = slice_arity(mpl, temp);
+ /* with cannot be null due to assertion above */
+ xassert(with != NULL);
+ if (lack == 1)
+ error(mpl, "one item missing in data group beginning "
+ "with %s", format_symbol(mpl, with));
+ else
+ error(mpl, "%d items missing in data group beginning "
+ "with %s", lack, format_symbol(mpl, with));
+ }
+ sym = read_symbol(mpl);
+ if (with == NULL) with = sym;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* copy symbol from the slice */
+ sym = copy_symbol(mpl, temp->sym);
+ }
+ /* append the symbol to the n-tuple */
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple, sym);
+ /* skip optional comma *between* <symbols> */
+ if (temp->next != NULL && mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ }
+ /* add constructed n-tuple to elemental set */
+ check_then_add(mpl, memb->value.set, tuple);
+ return;
+-- matrix_format - read set data block in matrix format.
+-- This routine reads set data block using the syntax:
+-- <matrix format> ::= <column> <column> ... <column> :=
+-- <row> +/- +/- ... +/-
+-- <row> +/- +/- ... +/-
+-- . . . . . . . . . . .
+-- <row> +/- +/- ... +/-
+-- where <rows> are symbols that denote rows of the matrix, <columns>
+-- are symbols that denote columns of the matrix, "+" and "-" indicate
+-- whether corresponding n-tuple needs to be included in the elemental
+-- set or not, respectively.
+-- Number of the slice components must be the same as dimension of the
+-- elemental set. The slice must have two null positions. To construct
+-- complete n-tuple for particular element of the matrix the routine
+-- replaces first null position of the slice by the corresponding <row>
+-- (or <column>, if the flag tr is on) and second null position by the
+-- corresponding <column> (or by <row>, if the flag tr is on). */
+void matrix_format
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SET *set, /* not changed */
+ MEMBER *memb, /* modified */
+ SLICE *slice, /* not changed */
+ int tr
+{ SLICE *list, *col, *temp;
+ TUPLE *tuple;
+ SYMBOL *row;
+ xassert(set != NULL);
+ xassert(memb != NULL);
+ xassert(slice != NULL);
+ xassert(set->dimen == slice_dimen(mpl, slice));
+ xassert(memb->value.set->dim == set->dimen);
+ xassert(slice_arity(mpl, slice) == 2);
+ /* read the matrix heading that contains column symbols (there
+ may be no columns at all) */
+ list = create_slice(mpl);
+ while (mpl->token != T_ASSIGN)
+ { /* read column symbol and append it to the column list */
+ if (!is_symbol(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "number, symbol, or := missing where expected");
+ list = expand_slice(mpl, list, read_symbol(mpl));
+ }
+ get_token(mpl /* := */);
+ /* read zero or more rows that contain matrix data */
+ while (is_symbol(mpl))
+ { /* read row symbol (if the matrix has no columns, row symbols
+ are just ignored) */
+ row = read_symbol(mpl);
+ /* read the matrix row accordingly to the column list */
+ for (col = list; col != NULL; col = col->next)
+ { int which = 0;
+ /* check indicator */
+ if (is_literal(mpl, "+"))
+ ;
+ else if (is_literal(mpl, "-"))
+ { get_token(mpl /* - */);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ { int lack = slice_dimen(mpl, col);
+ if (lack == 1)
+ error(mpl, "one item missing in data group beginning "
+ "with %s", format_symbol(mpl, row));
+ else
+ error(mpl, "%d items missing in data group beginning "
+ "with %s", lack, format_symbol(mpl, row));
+ }
+ /* construct complete n-tuple */
+ tuple = create_tuple(mpl);
+ for (temp = slice; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next)
+ { if (temp->sym == NULL)
+ { /* substitution is needed */
+ switch (++which)
+ { case 1:
+ /* substitute in the first null position */
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple,
+ copy_symbol(mpl, tr ? col->sym : row));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ /* substitute in the second null position */
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple,
+ copy_symbol(mpl, tr ? row : col->sym));
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(which != which);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* copy symbol from the slice */
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple, copy_symbol(mpl,
+ temp->sym));
+ }
+ }
+ xassert(which == 2);
+ /* add constructed n-tuple to elemental set */
+ check_then_add(mpl, memb->value.set, tuple);
+ get_token(mpl /* + */);
+ }
+ /* delete the row symbol */
+ delete_symbol(mpl, row);
+ }
+ /* delete the column list */
+ delete_slice(mpl, list);
+ return;
+-- set_data - read set data.
+-- This routine reads set data using the syntax:
+-- <set data> ::= set <set name> <assignments> ;
+-- <set data> ::= set <set name> [ <symbol list> ] <assignments> ;
+-- <set name> ::= <symbolic name>
+-- <assignments> ::= <empty>
+-- <assignments> ::= <assignments> , :=
+-- <assignments> ::= <assignments> , ( <symbol list> )
+-- <assignments> ::= <assignments> , <simple format>
+-- <assignments> ::= <assignments> , : <matrix format>
+-- <assignments> ::= <assignments> , (tr) <matrix format>
+-- <assignments> ::= <assignments> , (tr) : <matrix format>
+-- Commae in <assignments> are optional and may be omitted anywhere. */
+void set_data(MPL *mpl)
+{ SET *set;
+ TUPLE *tuple;
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ SLICE *slice;
+ int tr = 0;
+ xassert(is_literal(mpl, "set"));
+ get_token(mpl /* set */);
+ /* symbolic name of set must follows the keyword 'set' */
+ if (!is_symbol(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "set name missing where expected");
+ /* select the set to saturate it with data */
+ set = select_set(mpl, mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbolic name> */);
+ /* read optional subscript list, which identifies member of the
+ set to be read */
+ tuple = create_tuple(mpl);
+ if (mpl->token == T_LBRACKET)
+ { /* subscript list is specified */
+ if (set->dim == 0)
+ error(mpl, "%s cannot be subscripted", set->name);
+ get_token(mpl /* [ */);
+ /* read symbols and construct subscript list */
+ for (;;)
+ { if (!is_symbol(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "number or symbol missing where expected");
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple, read_symbol(mpl));
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ else if (mpl->token == T_RBRACKET)
+ break;
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in subscript list");
+ }
+ if (set->dim != tuple_dimen(mpl, tuple))
+ error(mpl, "%s must have %d subscript%s rather than %d",
+ set->name, set->dim, set->dim == 1 ? "" : "s",
+ tuple_dimen(mpl, tuple));
+ get_token(mpl /* ] */);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* subscript list is not specified */
+ if (set->dim != 0)
+ error(mpl, "%s must be subscripted", set->name);
+ }
+ /* there must be no member with the same subscript list */
+ if (find_member(mpl, set->array, tuple) != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s%s already defined",
+ set->name, format_tuple(mpl, '[', tuple));
+ /* add new member to the set and assign it empty elemental set */
+ memb = add_member(mpl, set->array, tuple);
+ memb->value.set = create_elemset(mpl, set->dimen);
+ /* create an initial fake slice of all asterisks */
+ slice = fake_slice(mpl, set->dimen);
+ /* read zero or more data assignments */
+ for (;;)
+ { /* skip optional comma */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA) get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ /* process assignment element */
+ if (mpl->token == T_ASSIGN)
+ { /* assignment ligature is non-significant element */
+ get_token(mpl /* := */);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_LEFT)
+ { /* left parenthesis begins either new slice or "transpose"
+ indicator */
+ int is_tr;
+ get_token(mpl /* ( */);
+ is_tr = is_literal(mpl, "tr");
+ unget_token(mpl /* ( */);
+ if (is_tr) goto left;
+ /* delete the current slice and read new one */
+ delete_slice(mpl, slice);
+ slice = read_slice(mpl, set->name, set->dimen);
+ /* each new slice resets the "transpose" indicator */
+ tr = 0;
+ /* if the new slice is 0-ary, formally there is one 0-tuple
+ (in the simple format) that follows it */
+ if (slice_arity(mpl, slice) == 0)
+ simple_format(mpl, set, memb, slice);
+ }
+ else if (is_symbol(mpl))
+ { /* number or symbol begins data in the simple format */
+ simple_format(mpl, set, memb, slice);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_COLON)
+ { /* colon begins data in the matrix format */
+ if (slice_arity(mpl, slice) != 2)
+err1: error(mpl, "slice currently used must specify 2 asterisk"
+ "s, not %d", slice_arity(mpl, slice));
+ get_token(mpl /* : */);
+ /* read elemental set data in the matrix format */
+ matrix_format(mpl, set, memb, slice, tr);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_LEFT)
+left: { /* left parenthesis begins the "transpose" indicator, which
+ is followed by data in the matrix format */
+ get_token(mpl /* ( */);
+ if (!is_literal(mpl, "tr"))
+err2: error(mpl, "transpose indicator (tr) incomplete");
+ if (slice_arity(mpl, slice) != 2) goto err1;
+ get_token(mpl /* tr */);
+ if (mpl->token != T_RIGHT) goto err2;
+ get_token(mpl /* ) */);
+ /* in this case the colon is optional */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COLON) get_token(mpl /* : */);
+ /* set the "transpose" indicator */
+ tr = 1;
+ /* read elemental set data in the matrix format */
+ matrix_format(mpl, set, memb, slice, tr);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_SEMICOLON)
+ { /* semicolon terminates the data block */
+ get_token(mpl /* ; */);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in set data block");
+ }
+ /* delete the current slice */
+ delete_slice(mpl, slice);
+ return;
+-- select_parameter - select parameter to saturate it with data.
+-- This routine selects parameter to saturate it with data provided in
+-- the data section. */
+PARAMETER *select_parameter
+( MPL *mpl,
+ char *name /* not changed */
+{ PARAMETER *par;
+ AVLNODE *node;
+ xassert(name != NULL);
+ node = avl_find_node(mpl->tree, name);
+ if (node == NULL || avl_get_node_type(node) != A_PARAMETER)
+ error(mpl, "%s not a parameter", name);
+ par = (PARAMETER *)avl_get_node_link(node);
+ if (par->assign != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s needs no data", name);
+ if (par->data)
+ error(mpl, "%s already provided with data", name);
+ par->data = 1;
+ return par;
+-- set_default - set default parameter value.
+-- This routine sets default value for specified parameter. */
+void set_default
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ SYMBOL *altval /* destroyed */
+{ xassert(par != NULL);
+ xassert(altval != NULL);
+ if (par->option != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "default value for %s already specified in model se"
+ "ction", par->name);
+ xassert(par->defval == NULL);
+ par->defval = altval;
+ return;
+-- read_value - read value and assign it to parameter member.
+-- This routine reads numeric or symbolic value from the input stream
+-- and assigns to new parameter member specified by its n-tuple, which
+-- (the member) is created and added to the parameter array. */
+MEMBER *read_value
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* destroyed */
+{ MEMBER *memb;
+ xassert(par != NULL);
+ xassert(is_symbol(mpl));
+ /* there must be no member with the same n-tuple */
+ if (find_member(mpl, par->array, tuple) != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s%s already defined",
+ par->name, format_tuple(mpl, '[', tuple));
+ /* create new parameter member with given n-tuple */
+ memb = add_member(mpl, par->array, tuple);
+ /* read value and assigns it to the new parameter member */
+ switch (par->type)
+ { case A_NUMERIC:
+ case A_INTEGER:
+ case A_BINARY:
+ if (!is_number(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "%s requires numeric data", par->name);
+ memb->value.num = read_number(mpl);
+ break;
+ case A_SYMBOLIC:
+ memb->value.sym = read_symbol(mpl);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(par != par);
+ }
+ return memb;
+-- plain_format - read parameter data block in plain format.
+-- This routine reads parameter data block using the syntax:
+-- <plain format> ::= <symbol> , <symbol> , ... , <symbol> , <value>
+-- where <symbols> are used to determine a complete subscript list for
+-- parameter member, <value> is a numeric or symbolic value assigned to
+-- the parameter member. Commae between data items are optional and may
+-- be omitted anywhere.
+-- Number of components in the slice must be the same as dimension of
+-- the parameter. To construct the complete subscript list the routine
+-- replaces null positions in the slice by corresponding <symbols>. */
+void plain_format
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ SLICE *slice /* not changed */
+{ TUPLE *tuple;
+ SLICE *temp;
+ SYMBOL *sym, *with = NULL;
+ xassert(par != NULL);
+ xassert(par->dim == slice_dimen(mpl, slice));
+ xassert(is_symbol(mpl));
+ /* read symbols and construct complete subscript list */
+ tuple = create_tuple(mpl);
+ for (temp = slice; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next)
+ { if (temp->sym == NULL)
+ { /* substitution is needed; read symbol */
+ if (!is_symbol(mpl))
+ { int lack = slice_arity(mpl, temp) + 1;
+ xassert(with != NULL);
+ xassert(lack > 1);
+ error(mpl, "%d items missing in data group beginning wit"
+ "h %s", lack, format_symbol(mpl, with));
+ }
+ sym = read_symbol(mpl);
+ if (with == NULL) with = sym;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* copy symbol from the slice */
+ sym = copy_symbol(mpl, temp->sym);
+ }
+ /* append the symbol to the subscript list */
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple, sym);
+ /* skip optional comma */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA) get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ }
+ /* read value and assign it to new parameter member */
+ if (!is_symbol(mpl))
+ { xassert(with != NULL);
+ error(mpl, "one item missing in data group beginning with %s",
+ format_symbol(mpl, with));
+ }
+ read_value(mpl, par, tuple);
+ return;
+-- tabular_format - read parameter data block in tabular format.
+-- This routine reads parameter data block using the syntax:
+-- <tabular format> ::= <column> <column> ... <column> :=
+-- <row> <value> <value> ... <value>
+-- <row> <value> <value> ... <value>
+-- . . . . . . . . . . .
+-- <row> <value> <value> ... <value>
+-- where <rows> are symbols that denote rows of the table, <columns>
+-- are symbols that denote columns of the table, <values> are numeric
+-- or symbolic values assigned to the corresponding parameter members.
+-- If <value> is specified as single point, no value is provided.
+-- Number of components in the slice must be the same as dimension of
+-- the parameter. The slice must have two null positions. To construct
+-- complete subscript list for particular <value> the routine replaces
+-- the first null position of the slice by the corresponding <row> (or
+-- <column>, if the flag tr is on) and the second null position by the
+-- corresponding <column> (or by <row>, if the flag tr is on). */
+void tabular_format
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ SLICE *slice, /* not changed */
+ int tr
+{ SLICE *list, *col, *temp;
+ TUPLE *tuple;
+ SYMBOL *row;
+ xassert(par != NULL);
+ xassert(par->dim == slice_dimen(mpl, slice));
+ xassert(slice_arity(mpl, slice) == 2);
+ /* read the table heading that contains column symbols (the table
+ may have no columns) */
+ list = create_slice(mpl);
+ while (mpl->token != T_ASSIGN)
+ { /* read column symbol and append it to the column list */
+ if (!is_symbol(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "number, symbol, or := missing where expected");
+ list = expand_slice(mpl, list, read_symbol(mpl));
+ }
+ get_token(mpl /* := */);
+ /* read zero or more rows that contain tabular data */
+ while (is_symbol(mpl))
+ { /* read row symbol (if the table has no columns, these symbols
+ are just ignored) */
+ row = read_symbol(mpl);
+ /* read values accordingly to the column list */
+ for (col = list; col != NULL; col = col->next)
+ { int which = 0;
+ /* if the token is single point, no value is provided */
+ if (is_literal(mpl, "."))
+ { get_token(mpl /* . */);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* construct complete subscript list */
+ tuple = create_tuple(mpl);
+ for (temp = slice; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next)
+ { if (temp->sym == NULL)
+ { /* substitution is needed */
+ switch (++which)
+ { case 1:
+ /* substitute in the first null position */
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple,
+ copy_symbol(mpl, tr ? col->sym : row));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ /* substitute in the second null position */
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple,
+ copy_symbol(mpl, tr ? row : col->sym));
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(which != which);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* copy symbol from the slice */
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple, copy_symbol(mpl,
+ temp->sym));
+ }
+ }
+ xassert(which == 2);
+ /* read value and assign it to new parameter member */
+ if (!is_symbol(mpl))
+ { int lack = slice_dimen(mpl, col);
+ if (lack == 1)
+ error(mpl, "one item missing in data group beginning "
+ "with %s", format_symbol(mpl, row));
+ else
+ error(mpl, "%d items missing in data group beginning "
+ "with %s", lack, format_symbol(mpl, row));
+ }
+ read_value(mpl, par, tuple);
+ }
+ /* delete the row symbol */
+ delete_symbol(mpl, row);
+ }
+ /* delete the column list */
+ delete_slice(mpl, list);
+ return;
+-- tabbing_format - read parameter data block in tabbing format.
+-- This routine reads parameter data block using the syntax:
+-- <tabbing format> ::= <prefix> <name> , ... , <name> , := ,
+-- <symbol> , ... , <symbol> , <value> , ... , <value> ,
+-- <symbol> , ... , <symbol> , <value> , ... , <value> ,
+-- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+-- <symbol> , ... , <symbol> , <value> , ... , <value>
+-- <prefix> ::= <empty>
+-- <prefix> ::= <set name> :
+-- where <names> are names of parameters (all the parameters must be
+-- subscripted and have identical dimensions), <symbols> are symbols
+-- used to define subscripts of parameter members, <values> are numeric
+-- or symbolic values assigned to the corresponding parameter members.
+-- Optional <prefix> may specify a simple set, in which case n-tuples
+-- built of <symbols> for each row of the data table (i.e. subscripts
+-- of parameter members) are added to the specified set. Commae between
+-- data items are optional and may be omitted anywhere.
+-- If the parameter altval is not NULL, it specifies a default value
+-- provided for all the parameters specified in the data block. */
+void tabbing_format
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *altval /* not changed */
+{ SET *set = NULL;
+ SLICE *list, *col;
+ TUPLE *tuple;
+ int next_token, j, dim = 0;
+ char *last_name = NULL;
+ /* read the optional <prefix> */
+ if (is_symbol(mpl))
+ { get_token(mpl /* <symbol> */);
+ next_token = mpl->token;
+ unget_token(mpl /* <symbol> */);
+ if (next_token == T_COLON)
+ { /* select the set to saturate it with data */
+ set = select_set(mpl, mpl->image);
+ /* the set must be simple (i.e. not set of sets) */
+ if (set->dim != 0)
+ error(mpl, "%s must be a simple set", set->name);
+ /* and must not be defined yet */
+ if (set->array->head != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s already defined", set->name);
+ /* add new (the only) member to the set and assign it empty
+ elemental set */
+ add_member(mpl, set->array, NULL)->value.set =
+ create_elemset(mpl, set->dimen);
+ last_name = set->name, dim = set->dimen;
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbol> */);
+ xassert(mpl->token == T_COLON);
+ get_token(mpl /* : */);
+ }
+ }
+ /* read the table heading that contains parameter names */
+ list = create_slice(mpl);
+ while (mpl->token != T_ASSIGN)
+ { /* there must be symbolic name of parameter */
+ if (!is_symbol(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "parameter name or := missing where expected");
+ /* select the parameter to saturate it with data */
+ par = select_parameter(mpl, mpl->image);
+ /* the parameter must be subscripted */
+ if (par->dim == 0)
+ error(mpl, "%s not a subscripted parameter", mpl->image);
+ /* the set (if specified) and all the parameters in the data
+ block must have identical dimension */
+ if (dim != 0 && par->dim != dim)
+ { xassert(last_name != NULL);
+ error(mpl, "%s has dimension %d while %s has dimension %d",
+ last_name, dim, par->name, par->dim);
+ }
+ /* set default value for the parameter (if specified) */
+ if (altval != NULL)
+ set_default(mpl, par, copy_symbol(mpl, altval));
+ /* append the parameter to the column list */
+ list = expand_slice(mpl, list, (SYMBOL *)par);
+ last_name = par->name, dim = par->dim;
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbol> */);
+ /* skip optional comma */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA) get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ }
+ if (slice_dimen(mpl, list) == 0)
+ error(mpl, "at least one parameter name required");
+ get_token(mpl /* := */);
+ /* skip optional comma */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA) get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ /* read rows that contain tabbing data */
+ while (is_symbol(mpl))
+ { /* read subscript list */
+ tuple = create_tuple(mpl);
+ for (j = 1; j <= dim; j++)
+ { /* read j-th subscript */
+ if (!is_symbol(mpl))
+ { int lack = slice_dimen(mpl, list) + dim - j + 1;
+ xassert(tuple != NULL);
+ xassert(lack > 1);
+ error(mpl, "%d items missing in data group beginning wit"
+ "h %s", lack, format_symbol(mpl, tuple->sym));
+ }
+ /* read and append j-th subscript to the n-tuple */
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple, read_symbol(mpl));
+ /* skip optional comma *between* <symbols> */
+ if (j < dim && mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ }
+ /* if the set is specified, add to it new n-tuple, which is a
+ copy of the subscript list just read */
+ if (set != NULL)
+ check_then_add(mpl, set->array->head->value.set,
+ copy_tuple(mpl, tuple));
+ /* skip optional comma between <symbol> and <value> */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA) get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ /* read values accordingly to the column list */
+ for (col = list; col != NULL; col = col->next)
+ { /* if the token is single point, no value is provided */
+ if (is_literal(mpl, "."))
+ { get_token(mpl /* . */);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* read value and assign it to new parameter member */
+ if (!is_symbol(mpl))
+ { int lack = slice_dimen(mpl, col);
+ xassert(tuple != NULL);
+ if (lack == 1)
+ error(mpl, "one item missing in data group beginning "
+ "with %s", format_symbol(mpl, tuple->sym));
+ else
+ error(mpl, "%d items missing in data group beginning "
+ "with %s", lack, format_symbol(mpl, tuple->sym));
+ }
+ read_value(mpl, (PARAMETER *)col->sym, copy_tuple(mpl,
+ tuple));
+ /* skip optional comma preceding the next value */
+ if (col->next != NULL && mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ }
+ /* delete the original subscript list */
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ /* skip optional comma (only if there is next data group) */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA)
+ { get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ if (!is_symbol(mpl)) unget_token(mpl /* , */);
+ }
+ }
+ /* delete the column list (it contains parameters, not symbols,
+ so nullify it before) */
+ for (col = list; col != NULL; col = col->next) col->sym = NULL;
+ delete_slice(mpl, list);
+ return;
+-- parameter_data - read parameter data.
+-- This routine reads parameter data using the syntax:
+-- <parameter data> ::= param <default value> : <tabbing format> ;
+-- <parameter data> ::= param <parameter name> <default value>
+-- <assignments> ;
+-- <parameter name> ::= <symbolic name>
+-- <default value> ::= <empty>
+-- <default value> ::= default <symbol>
+-- <assignments> ::= <empty>
+-- <assignments> ::= <assignments> , :=
+-- <assignments> ::= <assignments> , [ <symbol list> ]
+-- <assignments> ::= <assignments> , <plain format>
+-- <assignemnts> ::= <assignments> , : <tabular format>
+-- <assignments> ::= <assignments> , (tr) <tabular format>
+-- <assignments> ::= <assignments> , (tr) : <tabular format>
+-- Commae in <assignments> are optional and may be omitted anywhere. */
+void parameter_data(MPL *mpl)
+{ PARAMETER *par;
+ SYMBOL *altval = NULL;
+ SLICE *slice;
+ int tr = 0;
+ xassert(is_literal(mpl, "param"));
+ get_token(mpl /* param */);
+ /* read optional default value */
+ if (is_literal(mpl, "default"))
+ { get_token(mpl /* default */);
+ if (!is_symbol(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "default value missing where expected");
+ altval = read_symbol(mpl);
+ /* if the default value follows the keyword 'param', the next
+ token must be only the colon */
+ if (mpl->token != T_COLON)
+ error(mpl, "colon missing where expected");
+ }
+ /* being used after the keyword 'param' or the optional default
+ value the colon begins data in the tabbing format */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COLON)
+ { get_token(mpl /* : */);
+ /* skip optional comma */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA) get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ /* read parameter data in the tabbing format */
+ tabbing_format(mpl, altval);
+ /* on reading data in the tabbing format the default value is
+ always copied, so delete the original symbol */
+ if (altval != NULL) delete_symbol(mpl, altval);
+ /* the next token must be only semicolon */
+ if (mpl->token != T_SEMICOLON)
+ error(mpl, "symbol, number, or semicolon missing where expe"
+ "cted");
+ get_token(mpl /* ; */);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* in other cases there must be symbolic name of parameter, which
+ follows the keyword 'param' */
+ if (!is_symbol(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "parameter name missing where expected");
+ /* select the parameter to saturate it with data */
+ par = select_parameter(mpl, mpl->image);
+ get_token(mpl /* <symbol> */);
+ /* read optional default value */
+ if (is_literal(mpl, "default"))
+ { get_token(mpl /* default */);
+ if (!is_symbol(mpl))
+ error(mpl, "default value missing where expected");
+ altval = read_symbol(mpl);
+ /* set default value for the parameter */
+ set_default(mpl, par, altval);
+ }
+ /* create initial fake slice of all asterisks */
+ slice = fake_slice(mpl, par->dim);
+ /* read zero or more data assignments */
+ for (;;)
+ { /* skip optional comma */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COMMA) get_token(mpl /* , */);
+ /* process current assignment */
+ if (mpl->token == T_ASSIGN)
+ { /* assignment ligature is non-significant element */
+ get_token(mpl /* := */);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_LBRACKET)
+ { /* left bracket begins new slice; delete the current slice
+ and read new one */
+ delete_slice(mpl, slice);
+ slice = read_slice(mpl, par->name, par->dim);
+ /* each new slice resets the "transpose" indicator */
+ tr = 0;
+ }
+ else if (is_symbol(mpl))
+ { /* number or symbol begins data in the plain format */
+ plain_format(mpl, par, slice);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_COLON)
+ { /* colon begins data in the tabular format */
+ if (par->dim == 0)
+err1: error(mpl, "%s not a subscripted parameter",
+ par->name);
+ if (slice_arity(mpl, slice) != 2)
+err2: error(mpl, "slice currently used must specify 2 asterisk"
+ "s, not %d", slice_arity(mpl, slice));
+ get_token(mpl /* : */);
+ /* read parameter data in the tabular format */
+ tabular_format(mpl, par, slice, tr);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_LEFT)
+ { /* left parenthesis begins the "transpose" indicator, which
+ is followed by data in the tabular format */
+ get_token(mpl /* ( */);
+ if (!is_literal(mpl, "tr"))
+err3: error(mpl, "transpose indicator (tr) incomplete");
+ if (par->dim == 0) goto err1;
+ if (slice_arity(mpl, slice) != 2) goto err2;
+ get_token(mpl /* tr */);
+ if (mpl->token != T_RIGHT) goto err3;
+ get_token(mpl /* ) */);
+ /* in this case the colon is optional */
+ if (mpl->token == T_COLON) get_token(mpl /* : */);
+ /* set the "transpose" indicator */
+ tr = 1;
+ /* read parameter data in the tabular format */
+ tabular_format(mpl, par, slice, tr);
+ }
+ else if (mpl->token == T_SEMICOLON)
+ { /* semicolon terminates the data block */
+ get_token(mpl /* ; */);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in parameter data block");
+ }
+ /* delete the current slice */
+ delete_slice(mpl, slice);
+done: return;
+-- data_section - read data section.
+-- This routine reads data section using the syntax:
+-- <data section> ::= <empty>
+-- <data section> ::= <data section> <data block> ;
+-- <data block> ::= <set data>
+-- <data block> ::= <parameter data>
+-- Reading data section is terminated by either the keyword 'end' or
+-- the end of file. */
+void data_section(MPL *mpl)
+{ while (!(mpl->token == T_EOF || is_literal(mpl, "end")))
+ { if (is_literal(mpl, "set"))
+ set_data(mpl);
+ else if (is_literal(mpl, "param"))
+ parameter_data(mpl);
+ else
+ error(mpl, "syntax error in data section");
+ }
+ return;
+/* eof */
diff --git a/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl3.c b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl3.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2489db27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl3.c
@@ -0,0 +1,6100 @@
+/* mpl3.c */
+* This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).
+* Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied
+* Informatics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights
+* reserved. E-mail: <mao@gnu.org>.
+* GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+* License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with GLPK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "mpl.h"
+-- fp_add - floating-point addition.
+-- This routine computes the sum x + y. */
+double fp_add(MPL *mpl, double x, double y)
+{ if (x > 0.0 && y > 0.0 && x > + 0.999 * DBL_MAX - y ||
+ x < 0.0 && y < 0.0 && x < - 0.999 * DBL_MAX - y)
+ error(mpl, "%.*g + %.*g; floating-point overflow",
+ DBL_DIG, x, DBL_DIG, y);
+ return x + y;
+-- fp_sub - floating-point subtraction.
+-- This routine computes the difference x - y. */
+double fp_sub(MPL *mpl, double x, double y)
+{ if (x > 0.0 && y < 0.0 && x > + 0.999 * DBL_MAX + y ||
+ x < 0.0 && y > 0.0 && x < - 0.999 * DBL_MAX + y)
+ error(mpl, "%.*g - %.*g; floating-point overflow",
+ DBL_DIG, x, DBL_DIG, y);
+ return x - y;
+-- fp_less - floating-point non-negative subtraction.
+-- This routine computes the non-negative difference max(0, x - y). */
+double fp_less(MPL *mpl, double x, double y)
+{ if (x < y) return 0.0;
+ if (x > 0.0 && y < 0.0 && x > + 0.999 * DBL_MAX + y)
+ error(mpl, "%.*g less %.*g; floating-point overflow",
+ DBL_DIG, x, DBL_DIG, y);
+ return x - y;
+-- fp_mul - floating-point multiplication.
+-- This routine computes the product x * y. */
+double fp_mul(MPL *mpl, double x, double y)
+{ if (fabs(y) > 1.0 && fabs(x) > (0.999 * DBL_MAX) / fabs(y))
+ error(mpl, "%.*g * %.*g; floating-point overflow",
+ DBL_DIG, x, DBL_DIG, y);
+ return x * y;
+-- fp_div - floating-point division.
+-- This routine computes the quotient x / y. */
+double fp_div(MPL *mpl, double x, double y)
+{ if (fabs(y) < DBL_MIN)
+ error(mpl, "%.*g / %.*g; floating-point zero divide",
+ DBL_DIG, x, DBL_DIG, y);
+ if (fabs(y) < 1.0 && fabs(x) > (0.999 * DBL_MAX) * fabs(y))
+ error(mpl, "%.*g / %.*g; floating-point overflow",
+ DBL_DIG, x, DBL_DIG, y);
+ return x / y;
+-- fp_idiv - floating-point quotient of exact division.
+-- This routine computes the quotient of exact division x div y. */
+double fp_idiv(MPL *mpl, double x, double y)
+{ if (fabs(y) < DBL_MIN)
+ error(mpl, "%.*g div %.*g; floating-point zero divide",
+ DBL_DIG, x, DBL_DIG, y);
+ if (fabs(y) < 1.0 && fabs(x) > (0.999 * DBL_MAX) * fabs(y))
+ error(mpl, "%.*g div %.*g; floating-point overflow",
+ DBL_DIG, x, DBL_DIG, y);
+ x /= y;
+ return x > 0.0 ? floor(x) : x < 0.0 ? ceil(x) : 0.0;
+-- fp_mod - floating-point remainder of exact division.
+-- This routine computes the remainder of exact division x mod y.
+-- NOTE: By definition x mod y = x - y * floor(x / y). */
+double fp_mod(MPL *mpl, double x, double y)
+{ double r;
+ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ if (x == 0.0)
+ r = 0.0;
+ else if (y == 0.0)
+ r = x;
+ else
+ { r = fmod(fabs(x), fabs(y));
+ if (r != 0.0)
+ { if (x < 0.0) r = - r;
+ if (x > 0.0 && y < 0.0 || x < 0.0 && y > 0.0) r += y;
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+-- fp_power - floating-point exponentiation (raise to power).
+-- This routine computes the exponentiation x ** y. */
+double fp_power(MPL *mpl, double x, double y)
+{ double r;
+ if (x == 0.0 && y <= 0.0 || x < 0.0 && y != floor(y))
+ error(mpl, "%.*g ** %.*g; result undefined",
+ DBL_DIG, x, DBL_DIG, y);
+ if (x == 0.0) goto eval;
+ if (fabs(x) > 1.0 && y > +1.0 &&
+ +log(fabs(x)) > (0.999 * log(DBL_MAX)) / y ||
+ fabs(x) < 1.0 && y < -1.0 &&
+ +log(fabs(x)) < (0.999 * log(DBL_MAX)) / y)
+ error(mpl, "%.*g ** %.*g; floating-point overflow",
+ DBL_DIG, x, DBL_DIG, y);
+ if (fabs(x) > 1.0 && y < -1.0 &&
+ -log(fabs(x)) < (0.999 * log(DBL_MAX)) / y ||
+ fabs(x) < 1.0 && y > +1.0 &&
+ -log(fabs(x)) > (0.999 * log(DBL_MAX)) / y)
+ r = 0.0;
+ else
+eval: r = pow(x, y);
+ return r;
+-- fp_exp - floating-point base-e exponential.
+-- This routine computes the base-e exponential e ** x. */
+double fp_exp(MPL *mpl, double x)
+{ if (x > 0.999 * log(DBL_MAX))
+ error(mpl, "exp(%.*g); floating-point overflow", DBL_DIG, x);
+ return exp(x);
+-- fp_log - floating-point natural logarithm.
+-- This routine computes the natural logarithm log x. */
+double fp_log(MPL *mpl, double x)
+{ if (x <= 0.0)
+ error(mpl, "log(%.*g); non-positive argument", DBL_DIG, x);
+ return log(x);
+-- fp_log10 - floating-point common (decimal) logarithm.
+-- This routine computes the common (decimal) logarithm lg x. */
+double fp_log10(MPL *mpl, double x)
+{ if (x <= 0.0)
+ error(mpl, "log10(%.*g); non-positive argument", DBL_DIG, x);
+ return log10(x);
+-- fp_sqrt - floating-point square root.
+-- This routine computes the square root x ** 0.5. */
+double fp_sqrt(MPL *mpl, double x)
+{ if (x < 0.0)
+ error(mpl, "sqrt(%.*g); negative argument", DBL_DIG, x);
+ return sqrt(x);
+-- fp_sin - floating-point trigonometric sine.
+-- This routine computes the trigonometric sine sin(x). */
+double fp_sin(MPL *mpl, double x)
+{ if (!(-1e6 <= x && x <= +1e6))
+ error(mpl, "sin(%.*g); argument too large", DBL_DIG, x);
+ return sin(x);
+-- fp_cos - floating-point trigonometric cosine.
+-- This routine computes the trigonometric cosine cos(x). */
+double fp_cos(MPL *mpl, double x)
+{ if (!(-1e6 <= x && x <= +1e6))
+ error(mpl, "cos(%.*g); argument too large", DBL_DIG, x);
+ return cos(x);
+-- fp_tan - floating-point trigonometric tangent.
+-- This routine computes the trigonometric tangent tan(x). */
+double fp_tan(MPL *mpl, double x)
+{ if (!(-1e6 <= x && x <= +1e6))
+ error(mpl, "tan(%.*g); argument too large", DBL_DIG, x);
+ return tan(x);
+-- fp_atan - floating-point trigonometric arctangent.
+-- This routine computes the trigonometric arctangent atan(x). */
+double fp_atan(MPL *mpl, double x)
+{ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ return atan(x);
+-- fp_atan2 - floating-point trigonometric arctangent.
+-- This routine computes the trigonometric arctangent atan(y / x). */
+double fp_atan2(MPL *mpl, double y, double x)
+{ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ return atan2(y, x);
+-- fp_round - round floating-point value to n fractional digits.
+-- This routine rounds given floating-point value x to n fractional
+-- digits with the formula:
+-- round(x, n) = floor(x * 10^n + 0.5) / 10^n.
+-- The parameter n is assumed to be integer. */
+double fp_round(MPL *mpl, double x, double n)
+{ double ten_to_n;
+ if (n != floor(n))
+ error(mpl, "round(%.*g, %.*g); non-integer second argument",
+ DBL_DIG, x, DBL_DIG, n);
+ if (n <= DBL_DIG + 2)
+ { ten_to_n = pow(10.0, n);
+ if (fabs(x) < (0.999 * DBL_MAX) / ten_to_n)
+ { x = floor(x * ten_to_n + 0.5);
+ if (x != 0.0) x /= ten_to_n;
+ }
+ }
+ return x;
+-- fp_trunc - truncate floating-point value to n fractional digits.
+-- This routine truncates given floating-point value x to n fractional
+-- digits with the formula:
+-- ( floor(x * 10^n) / 10^n, if x >= 0
+-- trunc(x, n) = <
+-- ( ceil(x * 10^n) / 10^n, if x < 0
+-- The parameter n is assumed to be integer. */
+double fp_trunc(MPL *mpl, double x, double n)
+{ double ten_to_n;
+ if (n != floor(n))
+ error(mpl, "trunc(%.*g, %.*g); non-integer second argument",
+ DBL_DIG, x, DBL_DIG, n);
+ if (n <= DBL_DIG + 2)
+ { ten_to_n = pow(10.0, n);
+ if (fabs(x) < (0.999 * DBL_MAX) / ten_to_n)
+ { x = (x >= 0.0 ? floor(x * ten_to_n) : ceil(x * ten_to_n));
+ if (x != 0.0) x /= ten_to_n;
+ }
+ }
+ return x;
+-- fp_irand224 - pseudo-random integer in the range [0, 2^24).
+-- This routine returns a next pseudo-random integer (converted to
+-- floating-point) which is uniformly distributed between 0 and 2^24-1,
+-- inclusive. */
+#define two_to_the_24 0x1000000
+double fp_irand224(MPL *mpl)
+{ return
+ (double)rng_unif_rand(mpl->rand, two_to_the_24);
+-- fp_uniform01 - pseudo-random number in the range [0, 1).
+-- This routine returns a next pseudo-random number which is uniformly
+-- distributed in the range [0, 1). */
+#define two_to_the_31 ((unsigned int)0x80000000)
+double fp_uniform01(MPL *mpl)
+{ return
+ (double)rng_next_rand(mpl->rand) / (double)two_to_the_31;
+-- fp_uniform - pseudo-random number in the range [a, b).
+-- This routine returns a next pseudo-random number which is uniformly
+-- distributed in the range [a, b). */
+double fp_uniform(MPL *mpl, double a, double b)
+{ double x;
+ if (a >= b)
+ error(mpl, "Uniform(%.*g, %.*g); invalid range",
+ DBL_DIG, a, DBL_DIG, b);
+ x = fp_uniform01(mpl);
+#if 0
+ x = a * (1.0 - x) + b * x;
+ x = fp_add(mpl, a * (1.0 - x), b * x);
+ return x;
+-- fp_normal01 - Gaussian random variate with mu = 0 and sigma = 1.
+-- This routine returns a Gaussian random variate with zero mean and
+-- unit standard deviation. The polar (Box-Mueller) method is used.
+-- This code is a modified version of the routine gsl_ran_gaussian from
+-- the GNU Scientific Library Version 1.0. */
+double fp_normal01(MPL *mpl)
+{ double x, y, r2;
+ do
+ { /* choose x, y in uniform square (-1,-1) to (+1,+1) */
+ x = -1.0 + 2.0 * fp_uniform01(mpl);
+ y = -1.0 + 2.0 * fp_uniform01(mpl);
+ /* see if it is in the unit circle */
+ r2 = x * x + y * y;
+ } while (r2 > 1.0 || r2 == 0.0);
+ /* Box-Muller transform */
+ return y * sqrt(-2.0 * log (r2) / r2);
+-- fp_normal - Gaussian random variate with specified mu and sigma.
+-- This routine returns a Gaussian random variate with mean mu and
+-- standard deviation sigma. */
+double fp_normal(MPL *mpl, double mu, double sigma)
+{ double x;
+#if 0
+ x = mu + sigma * fp_normal01(mpl);
+ x = fp_add(mpl, mu, fp_mul(mpl, sigma, fp_normal01(mpl)));
+ return x;
+-- create_string - create character string.
+-- This routine creates a segmented character string, which is exactly
+-- equivalent to specified character string. */
+STRING *create_string
+( MPL *mpl,
+ char buf[MAX_LENGTH+1] /* not changed */
+#if 0
+{ STRING *head, *tail;
+ int i, j;
+ xassert(buf != NULL);
+ xassert(strlen(buf) <= MAX_LENGTH);
+ head = tail = dmp_get_atom(mpl->strings, sizeof(STRING));
+ for (i = j = 0; ; i++)
+ { if ((tail->seg[j++] = buf[i]) == '\0') break;
+ if (j == STRSEG_SIZE)
+tail = (tail->next = dmp_get_atom(mpl->strings, sizeof(STRING))), j = 0;
+ }
+ tail->next = NULL;
+ return head;
+{ STRING *str;
+ xassert(strlen(buf) <= MAX_LENGTH);
+ str = dmp_get_atom(mpl->strings, strlen(buf)+1);
+ strcpy(str, buf);
+ return str;
+-- copy_string - make copy of character string.
+-- This routine returns an exact copy of segmented character string. */
+STRING *copy_string
+( MPL *mpl,
+ STRING *str /* not changed */
+#if 0
+{ STRING *head, *tail;
+ xassert(str != NULL);
+ head = tail = dmp_get_atom(mpl->strings, sizeof(STRING));
+ for (; str != NULL; str = str->next)
+ { memcpy(tail->seg, str->seg, STRSEG_SIZE);
+ if (str->next != NULL)
+tail = (tail->next = dmp_get_atom(mpl->strings, sizeof(STRING)));
+ }
+ tail->next = NULL;
+ return head;
+{ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ return create_string(mpl, str);
+-- compare_strings - compare one character string with another.
+-- This routine compares one segmented character strings with another
+-- and returns the result of comparison as follows:
+-- = 0 - both strings are identical;
+-- < 0 - the first string precedes the second one;
+-- > 0 - the first string follows the second one. */
+int compare_strings
+( MPL *mpl,
+ STRING *str1, /* not changed */
+ STRING *str2 /* not changed */
+#if 0
+{ int j, c1, c2;
+ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ for (;; str1 = str1->next, str2 = str2->next)
+ { xassert(str1 != NULL);
+ xassert(str2 != NULL);
+ for (j = 0; j < STRSEG_SIZE; j++)
+ { c1 = (unsigned char)str1->seg[j];
+ c2 = (unsigned char)str2->seg[j];
+ if (c1 < c2) return -1;
+ if (c1 > c2) return +1;
+ if (c1 == '\0') goto done;
+ }
+ }
+done: return 0;
+{ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ return strcmp(str1, str2);
+-- fetch_string - extract content of character string.
+-- This routine returns a character string, which is exactly equivalent
+-- to specified segmented character string. */
+char *fetch_string
+( MPL *mpl,
+ STRING *str, /* not changed */
+ char buf[MAX_LENGTH+1] /* modified */
+#if 0
+{ int i, j;
+ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ xassert(buf != NULL);
+ for (i = 0; ; str = str->next)
+ { xassert(str != NULL);
+ for (j = 0; j < STRSEG_SIZE; j++)
+ if ((buf[i++] = str->seg[j]) == '\0') goto done;
+ }
+done: xassert(strlen(buf) <= MAX_LENGTH);
+ return buf;
+{ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ return strcpy(buf, str);
+-- delete_string - delete character string.
+-- This routine deletes specified segmented character string. */
+void delete_string
+( MPL *mpl,
+ STRING *str /* destroyed */
+#if 0
+{ STRING *temp;
+ xassert(str != NULL);
+ while (str != NULL)
+ { temp = str;
+ str = str->next;
+ dmp_free_atom(mpl->strings, temp, sizeof(STRING));
+ }
+ return;
+{ dmp_free_atom(mpl->strings, str, strlen(str)+1);
+ return;
+/* * * SYMBOLS * * */
+-- create_symbol_num - create symbol of numeric type.
+-- This routine creates a symbol, which has a numeric value specified
+-- as floating-point number. */
+SYMBOL *create_symbol_num(MPL *mpl, double num)
+{ SYMBOL *sym;
+ sym = dmp_get_atom(mpl->symbols, sizeof(SYMBOL));
+ sym->num = num;
+ sym->str = NULL;
+ return sym;
+-- create_symbol_str - create symbol of abstract type.
+-- This routine creates a symbol, which has an abstract value specified
+-- as segmented character string. */
+SYMBOL *create_symbol_str
+( MPL *mpl,
+ STRING *str /* destroyed */
+{ SYMBOL *sym;
+ xassert(str != NULL);
+ sym = dmp_get_atom(mpl->symbols, sizeof(SYMBOL));
+ sym->num = 0.0;
+ sym->str = str;
+ return sym;
+-- copy_symbol - make copy of symbol.
+-- This routine returns an exact copy of symbol. */
+SYMBOL *copy_symbol
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *sym /* not changed */
+{ SYMBOL *copy;
+ xassert(sym != NULL);
+ copy = dmp_get_atom(mpl->symbols, sizeof(SYMBOL));
+ if (sym->str == NULL)
+ { copy->num = sym->num;
+ copy->str = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ { copy->num = 0.0;
+ copy->str = copy_string(mpl, sym->str);
+ }
+ return copy;
+-- compare_symbols - compare one symbol with another.
+-- This routine compares one symbol with another and returns the result
+-- of comparison as follows:
+-- = 0 - both symbols are identical;
+-- < 0 - the first symbol precedes the second one;
+-- > 0 - the first symbol follows the second one.
+-- Note that the linear order, in which symbols follow each other, is
+-- implementation-dependent. It may be not an alphabetical order. */
+int compare_symbols
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *sym1, /* not changed */
+ SYMBOL *sym2 /* not changed */
+{ xassert(sym1 != NULL);
+ xassert(sym2 != NULL);
+ /* let all numeric quantities precede all symbolic quantities */
+ if (sym1->str == NULL && sym2->str == NULL)
+ { if (sym1->num < sym2->num) return -1;
+ if (sym1->num > sym2->num) return +1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (sym1->str == NULL) return -1;
+ if (sym2->str == NULL) return +1;
+ return compare_strings(mpl, sym1->str, sym2->str);
+-- delete_symbol - delete symbol.
+-- This routine deletes specified symbol. */
+void delete_symbol
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *sym /* destroyed */
+{ xassert(sym != NULL);
+ if (sym->str != NULL) delete_string(mpl, sym->str);
+ dmp_free_atom(mpl->symbols, sym, sizeof(SYMBOL));
+ return;
+-- format_symbol - format symbol for displaying or printing.
+-- This routine converts specified symbol to a charater string, which
+-- is suitable for displaying or printing.
+-- The resultant string is never longer than 255 characters. If it gets
+-- longer, it is truncated from the right and appended by dots. */
+char *format_symbol
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *sym /* not changed */
+{ char *buf = mpl->sym_buf;
+ xassert(sym != NULL);
+ if (sym->str == NULL)
+ sprintf(buf, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, sym->num);
+ else
+ { char str[MAX_LENGTH+1];
+ int quoted, j, len;
+ fetch_string(mpl, sym->str, str);
+ if (!(isalpha((unsigned char)str[0]) || str[0] == '_'))
+ quoted = 1;
+ else
+ { quoted = 0;
+ for (j = 1; str[j] != '\0'; j++)
+ { if (!(isalnum((unsigned char)str[j]) ||
+ strchr("+-._", (unsigned char)str[j]) != NULL))
+ { quoted = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# define safe_append(c) \
+ (void)(len < 255 ? (buf[len++] = (char)(c)) : 0)
+ buf[0] = '\0', len = 0;
+ if (quoted) safe_append('\'');
+ for (j = 0; str[j] != '\0'; j++)
+ { if (quoted && str[j] == '\'') safe_append('\'');
+ safe_append(str[j]);
+ }
+ if (quoted) safe_append('\'');
+# undef safe_append
+ buf[len] = '\0';
+ if (len == 255) strcpy(buf+252, "...");
+ }
+ xassert(strlen(buf) <= 255);
+ return buf;
+-- concat_symbols - concatenate one symbol with another.
+-- This routine concatenates values of two given symbols and assigns
+-- the resultant character string to a new symbol, which is returned on
+-- exit. Both original symbols are destroyed. */
+SYMBOL *concat_symbols
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SYMBOL *sym1, /* destroyed */
+ SYMBOL *sym2 /* destroyed */
+{ char str1[MAX_LENGTH+1], str2[MAX_LENGTH+1];
+ xassert(MAX_LENGTH >= DBL_DIG + DBL_DIG);
+ if (sym1->str == NULL)
+ sprintf(str1, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, sym1->num);
+ else
+ fetch_string(mpl, sym1->str, str1);
+ if (sym2->str == NULL)
+ sprintf(str2, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, sym2->num);
+ else
+ fetch_string(mpl, sym2->str, str2);
+ if (strlen(str1) + strlen(str2) > MAX_LENGTH)
+ { char buf[255+1];
+ strcpy(buf, format_symbol(mpl, sym1));
+ xassert(strlen(buf) < sizeof(buf));
+ error(mpl, "%s & %s; resultant symbol exceeds %d characters",
+ buf, format_symbol(mpl, sym2), MAX_LENGTH);
+ }
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym1);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym2);
+ return create_symbol_str(mpl, create_string(mpl, strcat(str1,
+ str2)));
+/* * * N-TUPLES * * */
+-- create_tuple - create n-tuple.
+-- This routine creates a n-tuple, which initially has no components,
+-- i.e. which is 0-tuple. */
+TUPLE *create_tuple(MPL *mpl)
+{ TUPLE *tuple;
+ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ tuple = NULL;
+ return tuple;
+-- expand_tuple - append symbol to n-tuple.
+-- This routine expands n-tuple appending to it a given symbol, which
+-- becomes its new last component. */
+TUPLE *expand_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* destroyed */
+ SYMBOL *sym /* destroyed */
+{ TUPLE *tail, *temp;
+ xassert(sym != NULL);
+ /* create a new component */
+ tail = dmp_get_atom(mpl->tuples, sizeof(TUPLE));
+ tail->sym = sym;
+ tail->next = NULL;
+ /* and append it to the component list */
+ if (tuple == NULL)
+ tuple = tail;
+ else
+ { for (temp = tuple; temp->next != NULL; temp = temp->next);
+ temp->next = tail;
+ }
+ return tuple;
+-- tuple_dimen - determine dimension of n-tuple.
+-- This routine returns dimension of n-tuple, i.e. number of components
+-- in the n-tuple. */
+int tuple_dimen
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+{ TUPLE *temp;
+ int dim = 0;
+ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ for (temp = tuple; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next) dim++;
+ return dim;
+-- copy_tuple - make copy of n-tuple.
+-- This routine returns an exact copy of n-tuple. */
+TUPLE *copy_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+{ TUPLE *head, *tail;
+ if (tuple == NULL)
+ head = NULL;
+ else
+ { head = tail = dmp_get_atom(mpl->tuples, sizeof(TUPLE));
+ for (; tuple != NULL; tuple = tuple->next)
+ { xassert(tuple->sym != NULL);
+ tail->sym = copy_symbol(mpl, tuple->sym);
+ if (tuple->next != NULL)
+tail = (tail->next = dmp_get_atom(mpl->tuples, sizeof(TUPLE)));
+ }
+ tail->next = NULL;
+ }
+ return head;
+-- compare_tuples - compare one n-tuple with another.
+-- This routine compares two given n-tuples, which must have the same
+-- dimension (not checked for the sake of efficiency), and returns one
+-- of the following codes:
+-- = 0 - both n-tuples are identical;
+-- < 0 - the first n-tuple precedes the second one;
+-- > 0 - the first n-tuple follows the second one.
+-- Note that the linear order, in which n-tuples follow each other, is
+-- implementation-dependent. It may be not an alphabetical order. */
+int compare_tuples
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple1, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple2 /* not changed */
+{ TUPLE *item1, *item2;
+ int ret;
+ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ for (item1 = tuple1, item2 = tuple2; item1 != NULL;
+ item1 = item1->next, item2 = item2->next)
+ { xassert(item2 != NULL);
+ xassert(item1->sym != NULL);
+ xassert(item2->sym != NULL);
+ ret = compare_symbols(mpl, item1->sym, item2->sym);
+ if (ret != 0) return ret;
+ }
+ xassert(item2 == NULL);
+ return 0;
+-- build_subtuple - build subtuple of given n-tuple.
+-- This routine builds subtuple, which consists of first dim components
+-- of given n-tuple. */
+TUPLE *build_subtuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ int dim
+{ TUPLE *head, *temp;
+ int j;
+ head = create_tuple(mpl);
+ for (j = 1, temp = tuple; j <= dim; j++, temp = temp->next)
+ { xassert(temp != NULL);
+ head = expand_tuple(mpl, head, copy_symbol(mpl, temp->sym));
+ }
+ return head;
+-- delete_tuple - delete n-tuple.
+-- This routine deletes specified n-tuple. */
+void delete_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ TUPLE *tuple /* destroyed */
+{ TUPLE *temp;
+ while (tuple != NULL)
+ { temp = tuple;
+ tuple = temp->next;
+ xassert(temp->sym != NULL);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, temp->sym);
+ dmp_free_atom(mpl->tuples, temp, sizeof(TUPLE));
+ }
+ return;
+-- format_tuple - format n-tuple for displaying or printing.
+-- This routine converts specified n-tuple to a character string, which
+-- is suitable for displaying or printing.
+-- The resultant string is never longer than 255 characters. If it gets
+-- longer, it is truncated from the right and appended by dots. */
+char *format_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ int c,
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+{ TUPLE *temp;
+ int dim, j, len;
+ char *buf = mpl->tup_buf, str[255+1], *save;
+# define safe_append(c) \
+ (void)(len < 255 ? (buf[len++] = (char)(c)) : 0)
+ buf[0] = '\0', len = 0;
+ dim = tuple_dimen(mpl, tuple);
+ if (c == '[' && dim > 0) safe_append('[');
+ if (c == '(' && dim > 1) safe_append('(');
+ for (temp = tuple; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next)
+ { if (temp != tuple) safe_append(',');
+ xassert(temp->sym != NULL);
+ save = mpl->sym_buf;
+ mpl->sym_buf = str;
+ format_symbol(mpl, temp->sym);
+ mpl->sym_buf = save;
+ xassert(strlen(str) < sizeof(str));
+ for (j = 0; str[j] != '\0'; j++) safe_append(str[j]);
+ }
+ if (c == '[' && dim > 0) safe_append(']');
+ if (c == '(' && dim > 1) safe_append(')');
+# undef safe_append
+ buf[len] = '\0';
+ if (len == 255) strcpy(buf+252, "...");
+ xassert(strlen(buf) <= 255);
+ return buf;
+/* * * ELEMENTAL SETS * * */
+-- create_elemset - create elemental set.
+-- This routine creates an elemental set, whose members are n-tuples of
+-- specified dimension. Being created the set is initially empty. */
+ELEMSET *create_elemset(MPL *mpl, int dim)
+{ ELEMSET *set;
+ xassert(dim > 0);
+ set = create_array(mpl, A_NONE, dim);
+ return set;
+-- find_tuple - check if elemental set contains given n-tuple.
+-- This routine finds given n-tuple in specified elemental set in order
+-- to check if the set contains that n-tuple. If the n-tuple is found,
+-- the routine returns pointer to corresponding array member. Otherwise
+-- null pointer is returned. */
+MEMBER *find_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *set, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+{ xassert(set != NULL);
+ xassert(set->type == A_NONE);
+ xassert(set->dim == tuple_dimen(mpl, tuple));
+ return find_member(mpl, set, tuple);
+-- add_tuple - add new n-tuple to elemental set.
+-- This routine adds given n-tuple to specified elemental set.
+-- For the sake of efficiency this routine doesn't check whether the
+-- set already contains the same n-tuple or not. Therefore the calling
+-- program should use the routine find_tuple (if necessary) in order to
+-- make sure that the given n-tuple is not contained in the set, since
+-- duplicate n-tuples within the same set are not allowed. */
+MEMBER *add_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *set, /* modified */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* destroyed */
+{ MEMBER *memb;
+ xassert(set != NULL);
+ xassert(set->type == A_NONE);
+ xassert(set->dim == tuple_dimen(mpl, tuple));
+ memb = add_member(mpl, set, tuple);
+ memb->value.none = NULL;
+ return memb;
+-- check_then_add - check and add new n-tuple to elemental set.
+-- This routine is equivalent to the routine add_tuple except that it
+-- does check for duplicate n-tuples. */
+MEMBER *check_then_add
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *set, /* modified */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* destroyed */
+{ if (find_tuple(mpl, set, tuple) != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "duplicate tuple %s detected", format_tuple(mpl,
+ '(', tuple));
+ return add_tuple(mpl, set, tuple);
+-- copy_elemset - make copy of elemental set.
+-- This routine makes an exact copy of elemental set. */
+ELEMSET *copy_elemset
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *set /* not changed */
+{ ELEMSET *copy;
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ xassert(set != NULL);
+ xassert(set->type == A_NONE);
+ xassert(set->dim > 0);
+ copy = create_elemset(mpl, set->dim);
+ for (memb = set->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ add_tuple(mpl, copy, copy_tuple(mpl, memb->tuple));
+ return copy;
+-- delete_elemset - delete elemental set.
+-- This routine deletes specified elemental set. */
+void delete_elemset
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *set /* destroyed */
+{ xassert(set != NULL);
+ xassert(set->type == A_NONE);
+ delete_array(mpl, set);
+ return;
+-- arelset_size - compute size of "arithmetic" elemental set.
+-- This routine computes the size of "arithmetic" elemental set, which
+-- is specified in the form of arithmetic progression:
+-- { t0 .. tf by dt }.
+-- The size is computed using the formula:
+-- n = max(0, floor((tf - t0) / dt) + 1). */
+int arelset_size(MPL *mpl, double t0, double tf, double dt)
+{ double temp;
+ if (dt == 0.0)
+ error(mpl, "%.*g .. %.*g by %.*g; zero stride not allowed",
+ DBL_DIG, t0, DBL_DIG, tf, DBL_DIG, dt);
+ if (tf > 0.0 && t0 < 0.0 && tf > + 0.999 * DBL_MAX + t0)
+ temp = +DBL_MAX;
+ else if (tf < 0.0 && t0 > 0.0 && tf < - 0.999 * DBL_MAX + t0)
+ temp = -DBL_MAX;
+ else
+ temp = tf - t0;
+ if (fabs(dt) < 1.0 && fabs(temp) > (0.999 * DBL_MAX) * fabs(dt))
+ { if (temp > 0.0 && dt > 0.0 || temp < 0.0 && dt < 0.0)
+ temp = +DBL_MAX;
+ else
+ temp = 0.0;
+ }
+ else
+ { temp = floor(temp / dt) + 1.0;
+ if (temp < 0.0) temp = 0.0;
+ }
+ xassert(temp >= 0.0);
+ if (temp > (double)(INT_MAX - 1))
+ error(mpl, "%.*g .. %.*g by %.*g; set too large",
+ DBL_DIG, t0, DBL_DIG, tf, DBL_DIG, dt);
+ return (int)(temp + 0.5);
+-- arelset_member - compute member of "arithmetic" elemental set.
+-- This routine returns a numeric value of symbol, which is equivalent
+-- to j-th member of given "arithmetic" elemental set specified in the
+-- form of arithmetic progression:
+-- { t0 .. tf by dt }.
+-- The symbol value is computed with the formula:
+-- j-th member = t0 + (j - 1) * dt,
+-- The number j must satisfy to the restriction 1 <= j <= n, where n is
+-- the set size computed by the routine arelset_size. */
+double arelset_member(MPL *mpl, double t0, double tf, double dt, int j)
+{ xassert(1 <= j && j <= arelset_size(mpl, t0, tf, dt));
+ return t0 + (double)(j - 1) * dt;
+-- create_arelset - create "arithmetic" elemental set.
+-- This routine creates "arithmetic" elemental set, which is specified
+-- in the form of arithmetic progression:
+-- { t0 .. tf by dt }.
+-- Components of this set are 1-tuples. */
+ELEMSET *create_arelset(MPL *mpl, double t0, double tf, double dt)
+{ ELEMSET *set;
+ int j, n;
+ set = create_elemset(mpl, 1);
+ n = arelset_size(mpl, t0, tf, dt);
+ for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
+ { add_tuple
+ ( mpl,
+ set,
+ expand_tuple
+ ( mpl,
+ create_tuple(mpl),
+ create_symbol_num
+ ( mpl,
+ arelset_member(mpl, t0, tf, dt, j)
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return set;
+-- set_union - union of two elemental sets.
+-- This routine computes the union:
+-- X U Y = { j | (j in X) or (j in Y) },
+-- where X and Y are given elemental sets (destroyed on exit). */
+ELEMSET *set_union
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *X, /* destroyed */
+ ELEMSET *Y /* destroyed */
+{ MEMBER *memb;
+ xassert(X != NULL);
+ xassert(X->type == A_NONE);
+ xassert(X->dim > 0);
+ xassert(Y != NULL);
+ xassert(Y->type == A_NONE);
+ xassert(Y->dim > 0);
+ xassert(X->dim == Y->dim);
+ for (memb = Y->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ { if (find_tuple(mpl, X, memb->tuple) == NULL)
+ add_tuple(mpl, X, copy_tuple(mpl, memb->tuple));
+ }
+ delete_elemset(mpl, Y);
+ return X;
+-- set_diff - difference between two elemental sets.
+-- This routine computes the difference:
+-- X \ Y = { j | (j in X) and (j not in Y) },
+-- where X and Y are given elemental sets (destroyed on exit). */
+ELEMSET *set_diff
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *X, /* destroyed */
+ ELEMSET *Y /* destroyed */
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ xassert(X != NULL);
+ xassert(X->type == A_NONE);
+ xassert(X->dim > 0);
+ xassert(Y != NULL);
+ xassert(Y->type == A_NONE);
+ xassert(Y->dim > 0);
+ xassert(X->dim == Y->dim);
+ Z = create_elemset(mpl, X->dim);
+ for (memb = X->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ { if (find_tuple(mpl, Y, memb->tuple) == NULL)
+ add_tuple(mpl, Z, copy_tuple(mpl, memb->tuple));
+ }
+ delete_elemset(mpl, X);
+ delete_elemset(mpl, Y);
+ return Z;
+-- set_symdiff - symmetric difference between two elemental sets.
+-- This routine computes the symmetric difference:
+-- X (+) Y = (X \ Y) U (Y \ X),
+-- where X and Y are given elemental sets (destroyed on exit). */
+ELEMSET *set_symdiff
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *X, /* destroyed */
+ ELEMSET *Y /* destroyed */
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ xassert(X != NULL);
+ xassert(X->type == A_NONE);
+ xassert(X->dim > 0);
+ xassert(Y != NULL);
+ xassert(Y->type == A_NONE);
+ xassert(Y->dim > 0);
+ xassert(X->dim == Y->dim);
+ /* Z := X \ Y */
+ Z = create_elemset(mpl, X->dim);
+ for (memb = X->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ { if (find_tuple(mpl, Y, memb->tuple) == NULL)
+ add_tuple(mpl, Z, copy_tuple(mpl, memb->tuple));
+ }
+ /* Z := Z U (Y \ X) */
+ for (memb = Y->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ { if (find_tuple(mpl, X, memb->tuple) == NULL)
+ add_tuple(mpl, Z, copy_tuple(mpl, memb->tuple));
+ }
+ delete_elemset(mpl, X);
+ delete_elemset(mpl, Y);
+ return Z;
+-- set_inter - intersection of two elemental sets.
+-- This routine computes the intersection:
+-- X ^ Y = { j | (j in X) and (j in Y) },
+-- where X and Y are given elemental sets (destroyed on exit). */
+ELEMSET *set_inter
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *X, /* destroyed */
+ ELEMSET *Y /* destroyed */
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ xassert(X != NULL);
+ xassert(X->type == A_NONE);
+ xassert(X->dim > 0);
+ xassert(Y != NULL);
+ xassert(Y->type == A_NONE);
+ xassert(Y->dim > 0);
+ xassert(X->dim == Y->dim);
+ Z = create_elemset(mpl, X->dim);
+ for (memb = X->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ { if (find_tuple(mpl, Y, memb->tuple) != NULL)
+ add_tuple(mpl, Z, copy_tuple(mpl, memb->tuple));
+ }
+ delete_elemset(mpl, X);
+ delete_elemset(mpl, Y);
+ return Z;
+-- set_cross - cross (Cartesian) product of two elemental sets.
+-- This routine computes the cross (Cartesian) product:
+-- X x Y = { (i,j) | (i in X) and (j in Y) },
+-- where X and Y are given elemental sets (destroyed on exit). */
+ELEMSET *set_cross
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMSET *X, /* destroyed */
+ ELEMSET *Y /* destroyed */
+ MEMBER *memx, *memy;
+ TUPLE *tuple, *temp;
+ xassert(X != NULL);
+ xassert(X->type == A_NONE);
+ xassert(X->dim > 0);
+ xassert(Y != NULL);
+ xassert(Y->type == A_NONE);
+ xassert(Y->dim > 0);
+ Z = create_elemset(mpl, X->dim + Y->dim);
+ for (memx = X->head; memx != NULL; memx = memx->next)
+ { for (memy = Y->head; memy != NULL; memy = memy->next)
+ { tuple = copy_tuple(mpl, memx->tuple);
+ for (temp = memy->tuple; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next)
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple, copy_symbol(mpl,
+ temp->sym));
+ add_tuple(mpl, Z, tuple);
+ }
+ }
+ delete_elemset(mpl, X);
+ delete_elemset(mpl, Y);
+ return Z;
+/* (there are no specific routines for elemental variables) */
+/* * * LINEAR FORMS * * */
+-- constant_term - create constant term.
+-- This routine creates the linear form, which is a constant term. */
+FORMULA *constant_term(MPL *mpl, double coef)
+{ FORMULA *form;
+ if (coef == 0.0)
+ form = NULL;
+ else
+ { form = dmp_get_atom(mpl->formulae, sizeof(FORMULA));
+ form->coef = coef;
+ form->var = NULL;
+ form->next = NULL;
+ }
+ return form;
+-- single_variable - create single variable.
+-- This routine creates the linear form, which is a single elemental
+-- variable. */
+FORMULA *single_variable
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ELEMVAR *var /* referenced */
+{ FORMULA *form;
+ xassert(var != NULL);
+ form = dmp_get_atom(mpl->formulae, sizeof(FORMULA));
+ form->coef = 1.0;
+ form->var = var;
+ form->next = NULL;
+ return form;
+-- copy_formula - make copy of linear form.
+-- This routine returns an exact copy of linear form. */
+FORMULA *copy_formula
+( MPL *mpl,
+ FORMULA *form /* not changed */
+{ FORMULA *head, *tail;
+ if (form == NULL)
+ head = NULL;
+ else
+ { head = tail = dmp_get_atom(mpl->formulae, sizeof(FORMULA));
+ for (; form != NULL; form = form->next)
+ { tail->coef = form->coef;
+ tail->var = form->var;
+ if (form->next != NULL)
+tail = (tail->next = dmp_get_atom(mpl->formulae, sizeof(FORMULA)));
+ }
+ tail->next = NULL;
+ }
+ return head;
+-- delete_formula - delete linear form.
+-- This routine deletes specified linear form. */
+void delete_formula
+( MPL *mpl,
+ FORMULA *form /* destroyed */
+{ FORMULA *temp;
+ while (form != NULL)
+ { temp = form;
+ form = form->next;
+ dmp_free_atom(mpl->formulae, temp, sizeof(FORMULA));
+ }
+ return;
+-- linear_comb - linear combination of two linear forms.
+-- This routine computes the linear combination:
+-- a * fx + b * fy,
+-- where a and b are numeric coefficients, fx and fy are linear forms
+-- (destroyed on exit). */
+FORMULA *linear_comb
+( MPL *mpl,
+ double a, FORMULA *fx, /* destroyed */
+ double b, FORMULA *fy /* destroyed */
+{ FORMULA *form = NULL, *term, *temp;
+ double c0 = 0.0;
+ for (term = fx; term != NULL; term = term->next)
+ { if (term->var == NULL)
+ c0 = fp_add(mpl, c0, fp_mul(mpl, a, term->coef));
+ else
+ term->var->temp =
+ fp_add(mpl, term->var->temp, fp_mul(mpl, a, term->coef));
+ }
+ for (term = fy; term != NULL; term = term->next)
+ { if (term->var == NULL)
+ c0 = fp_add(mpl, c0, fp_mul(mpl, b, term->coef));
+ else
+ term->var->temp =
+ fp_add(mpl, term->var->temp, fp_mul(mpl, b, term->coef));
+ }
+ for (term = fx; term != NULL; term = term->next)
+ { if (term->var != NULL && term->var->temp != 0.0)
+ { temp = dmp_get_atom(mpl->formulae, sizeof(FORMULA));
+ temp->coef = term->var->temp, temp->var = term->var;
+ temp->next = form, form = temp;
+ term->var->temp = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ for (term = fy; term != NULL; term = term->next)
+ { if (term->var != NULL && term->var->temp != 0.0)
+ { temp = dmp_get_atom(mpl->formulae, sizeof(FORMULA));
+ temp->coef = term->var->temp, temp->var = term->var;
+ temp->next = form, form = temp;
+ term->var->temp = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (c0 != 0.0)
+ { temp = dmp_get_atom(mpl->formulae, sizeof(FORMULA));
+ temp->coef = c0, temp->var = NULL;
+ temp->next = form, form = temp;
+ }
+ delete_formula(mpl, fx);
+ delete_formula(mpl, fy);
+ return form;
+-- remove_constant - remove constant term from linear form.
+-- This routine removes constant term from linear form and stores its
+-- value to given location. */
+FORMULA *remove_constant
+( MPL *mpl,
+ FORMULA *form, /* destroyed */
+ double *coef /* modified */
+{ FORMULA *head = NULL, *temp;
+ *coef = 0.0;
+ while (form != NULL)
+ { temp = form;
+ form = form->next;
+ if (temp->var == NULL)
+ { /* constant term */
+ *coef = fp_add(mpl, *coef, temp->coef);
+ dmp_free_atom(mpl->formulae, temp, sizeof(FORMULA));
+ }
+ else
+ { /* linear term */
+ temp->next = head;
+ head = temp;
+ }
+ }
+ return head;
+-- reduce_terms - reduce identical terms in linear form.
+-- This routine reduces identical terms in specified linear form. */
+FORMULA *reduce_terms
+( MPL *mpl,
+ FORMULA *form /* destroyed */
+{ FORMULA *term, *next_term;
+ double c0 = 0.0;
+ for (term = form; term != NULL; term = term->next)
+ { if (term->var == NULL)
+ c0 = fp_add(mpl, c0, term->coef);
+ else
+ term->var->temp = fp_add(mpl, term->var->temp, term->coef);
+ }
+ next_term = form, form = NULL;
+ for (term = next_term; term != NULL; term = next_term)
+ { next_term = term->next;
+ if (term->var == NULL && c0 != 0.0)
+ { term->coef = c0, c0 = 0.0;
+ term->next = form, form = term;
+ }
+ else if (term->var != NULL && term->var->temp != 0.0)
+ { term->coef = term->var->temp, term->var->temp = 0.0;
+ term->next = form, form = term;
+ }
+ else
+ dmp_free_atom(mpl->formulae, term, sizeof(FORMULA));
+ }
+ return form;
+/* (there are no specific routines for elemental constraints) */
+/* * * GENERIC VALUES * * */
+-- delete_value - delete generic value.
+-- This routine deletes specified generic value.
+-- NOTE: The generic value to be deleted must be valid. */
+void delete_value
+( MPL *mpl,
+ int type,
+ VALUE *value /* content destroyed */
+{ xassert(value != NULL);
+ switch (type)
+ { case A_NONE:
+ value->none = NULL;
+ break;
+ case A_NUMERIC:
+ value->num = 0.0;
+ break;
+ case A_SYMBOLIC:
+ delete_symbol(mpl, value->sym), value->sym = NULL;
+ break;
+ case A_LOGICAL:
+ value->bit = 0;
+ break;
+ case A_TUPLE:
+ delete_tuple(mpl, value->tuple), value->tuple = NULL;
+ break;
+ case A_ELEMSET:
+ delete_elemset(mpl, value->set), value->set = NULL;
+ break;
+ case A_ELEMVAR:
+ value->var = NULL;
+ break;
+ case A_FORMULA:
+ delete_formula(mpl, value->form), value->form = NULL;
+ break;
+ case A_ELEMCON:
+ value->con = NULL;
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(type != type);
+ }
+ return;
+-- create_array - create array.
+-- This routine creates an array of specified type and dimension. Being
+-- created the array is initially empty.
+-- The type indicator determines generic values, which can be assigned
+-- to the array members:
+-- A_NONE - none (members have no assigned values)
+-- A_NUMERIC - floating-point numbers
+-- A_SYMBOLIC - symbols
+-- A_ELEMSET - elemental sets
+-- A_ELEMVAR - elemental variables
+-- A_ELEMCON - elemental constraints
+-- The dimension may be 0, in which case the array consists of the only
+-- member (such arrays represent 0-dimensional objects). */
+ARRAY *create_array(MPL *mpl, int type, int dim)
+{ ARRAY *array;
+ xassert(type == A_NONE || type == A_NUMERIC ||
+ type == A_SYMBOLIC || type == A_ELEMSET ||
+ type == A_ELEMVAR || type == A_ELEMCON);
+ xassert(dim >= 0);
+ array = dmp_get_atom(mpl->arrays, sizeof(ARRAY));
+ array->type = type;
+ array->dim = dim;
+ array->size = 0;
+ array->head = NULL;
+ array->tail = NULL;
+ array->tree = NULL;
+ array->prev = NULL;
+ array->next = mpl->a_list;
+ /* include the array in the global array list */
+ if (array->next != NULL) array->next->prev = array;
+ mpl->a_list = array;
+ return array;
+-- find_member - find array member with given n-tuple.
+-- This routine finds an array member, which has given n-tuple. If the
+-- array is short, the linear search is used. Otherwise the routine
+-- autimatically creates the search tree (i.e. the array index) to find
+-- members for logarithmic time. */
+static int compare_member_tuples(void *info, const void *key1,
+ const void *key2)
+{ /* this is an auxiliary routine used to compare keys, which are
+ n-tuples assigned to array members */
+ return compare_tuples((MPL *)info, (TUPLE *)key1, (TUPLE *)key2);
+MEMBER *find_member
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ARRAY *array, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+{ MEMBER *memb;
+ xassert(array != NULL);
+ /* the n-tuple must have the same dimension as the array */
+ xassert(tuple_dimen(mpl, tuple) == array->dim);
+ /* if the array is large enough, create the search tree and index
+ all existing members of the array */
+ if (array->size > 30 && array->tree == NULL)
+ { array->tree = avl_create_tree(compare_member_tuples, mpl);
+ for (memb = array->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+avl_set_node_link(avl_insert_node(array->tree, memb->tuple),
+ (void *)memb);
+ }
+ /* find a member, which has the given tuple */
+ if (array->tree == NULL)
+ { /* the search tree doesn't exist; use the linear search */
+ for (memb = array->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ if (compare_tuples(mpl, memb->tuple, tuple) == 0) break;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* the search tree exists; use the binary search */
+ AVLNODE *node;
+ node = avl_find_node(array->tree, tuple);
+memb = (MEMBER *)(node == NULL ? NULL : avl_get_node_link(node));
+ }
+ return memb;
+-- add_member - add new member to array.
+-- This routine creates a new member with given n-tuple and adds it to
+-- specified array.
+-- For the sake of efficiency this routine doesn't check whether the
+-- array already contains a member with the given n-tuple or not. Thus,
+-- if necessary, the calling program should use the routine find_member
+-- in order to be sure that the array contains no member with the same
+-- n-tuple, because members with duplicate n-tuples are not allowed.
+-- This routine assigns no generic value to the new member, because the
+-- calling program must do that. */
+MEMBER *add_member
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ARRAY *array, /* modified */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* destroyed */
+{ MEMBER *memb;
+ xassert(array != NULL);
+ /* the n-tuple must have the same dimension as the array */
+ xassert(tuple_dimen(mpl, tuple) == array->dim);
+ /* create new member */
+ memb = dmp_get_atom(mpl->members, sizeof(MEMBER));
+ memb->tuple = tuple;
+ memb->next = NULL;
+ memset(&memb->value, '?', sizeof(VALUE));
+ /* and append it to the member list */
+ array->size++;
+ if (array->head == NULL)
+ array->head = memb;
+ else
+ array->tail->next = memb;
+ array->tail = memb;
+ /* if the search tree exists, index the new member */
+ if (array->tree != NULL)
+avl_set_node_link(avl_insert_node(array->tree, memb->tuple),
+ (void *)memb);
+ return memb;
+-- delete_array - delete array.
+-- This routine deletes specified array.
+-- Generic values assigned to the array members are not deleted by this
+-- routine. The calling program itself must delete all assigned generic
+-- values before deleting the array. */
+void delete_array
+( MPL *mpl,
+ ARRAY *array /* destroyed */
+{ MEMBER *memb;
+ xassert(array != NULL);
+ /* delete all existing array members */
+ while (array->head != NULL)
+ { memb = array->head;
+ array->head = memb->next;
+ delete_tuple(mpl, memb->tuple);
+ dmp_free_atom(mpl->members, memb, sizeof(MEMBER));
+ }
+ /* if the search tree exists, also delete it */
+ if (array->tree != NULL) avl_delete_tree(array->tree);
+ /* remove the array from the global array list */
+ if (array->prev == NULL)
+ mpl->a_list = array->next;
+ else
+ array->prev->next = array->next;
+ if (array->next == NULL)
+ ;
+ else
+ array->next->prev = array->prev;
+ /* delete the array descriptor */
+ dmp_free_atom(mpl->arrays, array, sizeof(ARRAY));
+ return;
+-- assign_dummy_index - assign new value to dummy index.
+-- This routine assigns new value to specified dummy index and, that is
+-- important, invalidates all temporary resultant values, which depends
+-- on that dummy index. */
+void assign_dummy_index
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *slot, /* modified */
+ SYMBOL *value /* not changed */
+{ CODE *leaf, *code;
+ xassert(slot != NULL);
+ xassert(value != NULL);
+ /* delete the current value assigned to the dummy index */
+ if (slot->value != NULL)
+ { /* if the current value and the new one are identical, actual
+ assignment is not needed */
+ if (compare_symbols(mpl, slot->value, value) == 0) goto done;
+ /* delete a symbol, which is the current value */
+ delete_symbol(mpl, slot->value), slot->value = NULL;
+ }
+ /* now walk through all the pseudo-codes with op = O_INDEX, which
+ refer to the dummy index to be changed (these pseudo-codes are
+ leaves in the forest of *all* expressions in the database) */
+ for (leaf = slot->list; leaf != NULL; leaf = leaf->arg.index.
+ next)
+ { xassert(leaf->op == O_INDEX);
+ /* invalidate all resultant values, which depend on the dummy
+ index, walking from the current leaf toward the root of the
+ corresponding expression tree */
+ for (code = leaf; code != NULL; code = code->up)
+ { if (code->valid)
+ { /* invalidate and delete resultant value */
+ code->valid = 0;
+ delete_value(mpl, code->type, &code->value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* assign new value to the dummy index */
+ slot->value = copy_symbol(mpl, value);
+done: return;
+-- update_dummy_indices - update current values of dummy indices.
+-- This routine assigns components of "backup" n-tuple to dummy indices
+-- of specified domain block. If no "backup" n-tuple is defined for the
+-- domain block, values of the dummy indices remain untouched. */
+void update_dummy_indices
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block /* not changed */
+{ DOMAIN_SLOT *slot;
+ TUPLE *temp;
+ if (block->backup != NULL)
+ { for (slot = block->list, temp = block->backup; slot != NULL;
+ slot = slot->next, temp = temp->next)
+ { xassert(temp != NULL);
+ xassert(temp->sym != NULL);
+ assign_dummy_index(mpl, slot, temp->sym);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+-- enter_domain_block - enter domain block.
+-- Let specified domain block have the form:
+-- { ..., (j1, j2, ..., jn) in J, ... }
+-- where j1, j2, ..., jn are dummy indices, J is a basic set.
+-- This routine does the following:
+-- 1. Checks if the given n-tuple is a member of the basic set J. Note
+-- that J being *out of the scope* of the domain block cannot depend
+-- on the dummy indices in the same and inner domain blocks, so it
+-- can be computed before the dummy indices are assigned new values.
+-- If this check fails, the routine returns with non-zero code.
+-- 2. Saves current values of the dummy indices j1, j2, ..., jn.
+-- 3. Assigns new values, which are components of the given n-tuple, to
+-- the dummy indices j1, j2, ..., jn. If dimension of the n-tuple is
+-- larger than n, its extra components n+1, n+2, ... are not used.
+-- 4. Calls the formal routine func which either enters the next domain
+-- block or evaluates some code within the domain scope.
+-- 5. Restores former values of the dummy indices j1, j2, ..., jn.
+-- Since current values assigned to the dummy indices on entry to this
+-- routine are restored on exit, the formal routine func is allowed to
+-- call this routine recursively. */
+int enter_domain_block
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ void *info, void (*func)(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+{ TUPLE *backup;
+ int ret = 0;
+ /* check if the given n-tuple is a member of the basic set */
+ xassert(block->code != NULL);
+ if (!is_member(mpl, block->code, tuple))
+ { ret = 1;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* save reference to "backup" n-tuple, which was used to assign
+ current values of the dummy indices (it is sufficient to save
+ reference, not value, because that n-tuple is defined in some
+ outer level of recursion and therefore cannot be changed on
+ this and deeper recursive calls) */
+ backup = block->backup;
+ /* set up new "backup" n-tuple, which defines new values of the
+ dummy indices */
+ block->backup = tuple;
+ /* assign new values to the dummy indices */
+ update_dummy_indices(mpl, block);
+ /* call the formal routine that does the rest part of the job */
+ func(mpl, info);
+ /* restore reference to the former "backup" n-tuple */
+ block->backup = backup;
+ /* restore former values of the dummy indices; note that if the
+ domain block just escaped has no other active instances which
+ may exist due to recursion (it is indicated by a null pointer
+ to the former n-tuple), former values of the dummy indices are
+ undefined; therefore in this case the routine keeps currently
+ assigned values of the dummy indices that involves keeping all
+ dependent temporary results and thereby, if this domain block
+ is not used recursively, allows improving efficiency */
+ update_dummy_indices(mpl, block);
+done: return ret;
+-- eval_within_domain - perform evaluation within domain scope.
+-- This routine assigns new values (symbols) to all dummy indices of
+-- specified domain and calls the formal routine func, which is used to
+-- evaluate some code in the domain scope. Each free dummy index in the
+-- domain is assigned a value specified in the corresponding component
+-- of given n-tuple. Non-free dummy indices are assigned values, which
+-- are computed by this routine.
+-- Number of components in the given n-tuple must be the same as number
+-- of free indices in the domain.
+-- If the given n-tuple is not a member of the domain set, the routine
+-- func is not called, and non-zero code is returned.
+-- For the sake of convenience it is allowed to specify domain as NULL
+-- (then n-tuple also must be 0-tuple, i.e. empty), in which case this
+-- routine just calls the routine func and returns zero.
+-- This routine allows recursive calls from the routine func providing
+-- correct values of dummy indices for each instance.
+-- NOTE: The n-tuple passed to this routine must not be changed by any
+-- other routines called from the formal routine func until this
+-- routine has returned. */
+struct eval_domain_info
+{ /* working info used by the routine eval_within_domain */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* domain, which has to be entered */
+ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block;
+ /* domain block, which is currently processed */
+ TUPLE *tuple;
+ /* tail of original n-tuple, whose components have to be assigned
+ to free dummy indices in the current domain block */
+ void *info;
+ /* transit pointer passed to the formal routine func */
+ void (*func)(MPL *mpl, void *info);
+ /* routine, which has to be executed in the domain scope */
+ int failure;
+ /* this flag indicates that given n-tuple is not a member of the
+ domain set */
+static void eval_domain_func(MPL *mpl, void *_my_info)
+{ /* this routine recursively enters into the domain scope and then
+ calls the routine func */
+ struct eval_domain_info *my_info = _my_info;
+ if (my_info->block != NULL)
+ { /* the current domain block to be entered exists */
+ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block;
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *slot;
+ TUPLE *tuple = NULL, *temp = NULL;
+ /* save pointer to the current domain block */
+ block = my_info->block;
+ /* and get ready to enter the next block (if it exists) */
+ my_info->block = block->next;
+ /* construct temporary n-tuple, whose components correspond to
+ dummy indices (slots) of the current domain; components of
+ the temporary n-tuple that correspond to free dummy indices
+ are assigned references (not values!) to symbols specified
+ in the corresponding components of the given n-tuple, while
+ other components that correspond to non-free dummy indices
+ are assigned symbolic values computed here */
+ for (slot = block->list; slot != NULL; slot = slot->next)
+ { /* create component that corresponds to the current slot */
+ if (tuple == NULL)
+ tuple = temp = dmp_get_atom(mpl->tuples, sizeof(TUPLE));
+ else
+temp = (temp->next = dmp_get_atom(mpl->tuples, sizeof(TUPLE)));
+ if (slot->code == NULL)
+ { /* dummy index is free; take reference to symbol, which
+ is specified in the corresponding component of given
+ n-tuple */
+ xassert(my_info->tuple != NULL);
+ temp->sym = my_info->tuple->sym;
+ xassert(temp->sym != NULL);
+ my_info->tuple = my_info->tuple->next;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* dummy index is non-free; compute symbolic value to be
+ temporarily assigned to the dummy index */
+ temp->sym = eval_symbolic(mpl, slot->code);
+ }
+ }
+ temp->next = NULL;
+ /* enter the current domain block */
+ if (enter_domain_block(mpl, block, tuple, my_info,
+ eval_domain_func)) my_info->failure = 1;
+ /* delete temporary n-tuple as well as symbols that correspond
+ to non-free dummy indices (they were computed here) */
+ for (slot = block->list; slot != NULL; slot = slot->next)
+ { xassert(tuple != NULL);
+ temp = tuple;
+ tuple = tuple->next;
+ if (slot->code != NULL)
+ { /* dummy index is non-free; delete symbolic value */
+ delete_symbol(mpl, temp->sym);
+ }
+ /* delete component that corresponds to the current slot */
+ dmp_free_atom(mpl->tuples, temp, sizeof(TUPLE));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* there are no more domain blocks, i.e. we have reached the
+ domain scope */
+ xassert(my_info->tuple == NULL);
+ /* check optional predicate specified for the domain */
+ if (my_info->domain->code != NULL && !eval_logical(mpl,
+ my_info->domain->code))
+ { /* the predicate is false */
+ my_info->failure = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* the predicate is true; do the job */
+ my_info->func(mpl, my_info->info);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+int eval_within_domain
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN *domain, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ void *info, void (*func)(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+{ /* this routine performs evaluation within domain scope */
+ struct eval_domain_info _my_info, *my_info = &_my_info;
+ if (domain == NULL)
+ { xassert(tuple == NULL);
+ func(mpl, info);
+ my_info->failure = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { xassert(tuple != NULL);
+ my_info->domain = domain;
+ my_info->block = domain->list;
+ my_info->tuple = tuple;
+ my_info->info = info;
+ my_info->func = func;
+ my_info->failure = 0;
+ /* enter the very first domain block */
+ eval_domain_func(mpl, my_info);
+ }
+ return my_info->failure;
+-- loop_within_domain - perform iterations within domain scope.
+-- This routine iteratively assigns new values (symbols) to the dummy
+-- indices of specified domain by enumerating all n-tuples, which are
+-- members of the domain set, and for every n-tuple it calls the formal
+-- routine func to evaluate some code within the domain scope.
+-- If the routine func returns non-zero, enumeration within the domain
+-- is prematurely terminated.
+-- For the sake of convenience it is allowed to specify domain as NULL,
+-- in which case this routine just calls the routine func only once and
+-- returns zero.
+-- This routine allows recursive calls from the routine func providing
+-- correct values of dummy indices for each instance. */
+struct loop_domain_info
+{ /* working info used by the routine loop_within_domain */
+ DOMAIN *domain;
+ /* domain, which has to be entered */
+ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block;
+ /* domain block, which is currently processed */
+ int looping;
+ /* clearing this flag leads to terminating enumeration */
+ void *info;
+ /* transit pointer passed to the formal routine func */
+ int (*func)(MPL *mpl, void *info);
+ /* routine, which needs to be executed in the domain scope */
+static void loop_domain_func(MPL *mpl, void *_my_info)
+{ /* this routine enumerates all n-tuples in the basic set of the
+ current domain block, enters recursively into the domain scope
+ for every n-tuple, and then calls the routine func */
+ struct loop_domain_info *my_info = _my_info;
+ if (my_info->block != NULL)
+ { /* the current domain block to be entered exists */
+ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block;
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *slot;
+ TUPLE *bound;
+ /* save pointer to the current domain block */
+ block = my_info->block;
+ /* and get ready to enter the next block (if it exists) */
+ my_info->block = block->next;
+ /* compute symbolic values, at which non-free dummy indices of
+ the current domain block are bound; since that values don't
+ depend on free dummy indices of the current block, they can
+ be computed once out of the enumeration loop */
+ bound = create_tuple(mpl);
+ for (slot = block->list; slot != NULL; slot = slot->next)
+ { if (slot->code != NULL)
+ bound = expand_tuple(mpl, bound, eval_symbolic(mpl,
+ slot->code));
+ }
+ /* start enumeration */
+ xassert(block->code != NULL);
+ if (block->code->op == O_DOTS)
+ { /* the basic set is "arithmetic", in which case it doesn't
+ need to be computed explicitly */
+ TUPLE *tuple;
+ int n, j;
+ double t0, tf, dt;
+ /* compute "parameters" of the basic set */
+ t0 = eval_numeric(mpl, block->code->arg.arg.x);
+ tf = eval_numeric(mpl, block->code->arg.arg.y);
+ if (block->code->arg.arg.z == NULL)
+ dt = 1.0;
+ else
+ dt = eval_numeric(mpl, block->code->arg.arg.z);
+ /* determine cardinality of the basic set */
+ n = arelset_size(mpl, t0, tf, dt);
+ /* create dummy 1-tuple for members of the basic set */
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, create_tuple(mpl),
+ create_symbol_num(mpl, 0.0));
+ /* in case of "arithmetic" set there is exactly one dummy
+ index, which cannot be non-free */
+ xassert(bound == NULL);
+ /* walk through 1-tuples of the basic set */
+ for (j = 1; j <= n && my_info->looping; j++)
+ { /* construct dummy 1-tuple for the current member */
+ tuple->sym->num = arelset_member(mpl, t0, tf, dt, j);
+ /* enter the current domain block */
+ enter_domain_block(mpl, block, tuple, my_info,
+ loop_domain_func);
+ }
+ /* delete dummy 1-tuple */
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* the basic set is of general kind, in which case it needs
+ to be explicitly computed */
+ ELEMSET *set;
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ TUPLE *temp1, *temp2;
+ /* compute the basic set */
+ set = eval_elemset(mpl, block->code);
+ /* walk through all n-tuples of the basic set */
+ for (memb = set->head; memb != NULL && my_info->looping;
+ memb = memb->next)
+ { /* all components of the current n-tuple that correspond
+ to non-free dummy indices must be feasible; otherwise
+ the n-tuple is not in the basic set */
+ temp1 = memb->tuple;
+ temp2 = bound;
+ for (slot = block->list; slot != NULL; slot = slot->next)
+ { xassert(temp1 != NULL);
+ if (slot->code != NULL)
+ { /* non-free dummy index */
+ xassert(temp2 != NULL);
+ if (compare_symbols(mpl, temp1->sym, temp2->sym)
+ != 0)
+ { /* the n-tuple is not in the basic set */
+ goto skip;
+ }
+ temp2 = temp2->next;
+ }
+ temp1 = temp1->next;
+ }
+ xassert(temp1 == NULL);
+ xassert(temp2 == NULL);
+ /* enter the current domain block */
+ enter_domain_block(mpl, block, memb->tuple, my_info,
+ loop_domain_func);
+skip: ;
+ }
+ /* delete the basic set */
+ delete_elemset(mpl, set);
+ }
+ /* delete symbolic values binding non-free dummy indices */
+ delete_tuple(mpl, bound);
+ /* restore pointer to the current domain block */
+ my_info->block = block;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* there are no more domain blocks, i.e. we have reached the
+ domain scope */
+ /* check optional predicate specified for the domain */
+ if (my_info->domain->code != NULL && !eval_logical(mpl,
+ my_info->domain->code))
+ { /* the predicate is false */
+ /* nop */;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* the predicate is true; do the job */
+ my_info->looping = !my_info->func(mpl, my_info->info);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+void loop_within_domain
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN *domain, /* not changed */
+ void *info, int (*func)(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+{ /* this routine performs iterations within domain scope */
+ struct loop_domain_info _my_info, *my_info = &_my_info;
+ if (domain == NULL)
+ func(mpl, info);
+ else
+ { my_info->domain = domain;
+ my_info->block = domain->list;
+ my_info->looping = 1;
+ my_info->info = info;
+ my_info->func = func;
+ /* enter the very first domain block */
+ loop_domain_func(mpl, my_info);
+ }
+ return;
+-- out_of_domain - raise domain exception.
+-- This routine is called when a reference is made to a member of some
+-- model object, but its n-tuple is out of the object domain. */
+void out_of_domain
+( MPL *mpl,
+ char *name, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+{ xassert(name != NULL);
+ xassert(tuple != NULL);
+ error(mpl, "%s%s out of domain", name, format_tuple(mpl, '[',
+ tuple));
+ /* no return */
+-- get_domain_tuple - obtain current n-tuple from domain.
+-- This routine constructs n-tuple, whose components are current values
+-- assigned to *free* dummy indices of specified domain.
+-- For the sake of convenience it is allowed to specify domain as NULL,
+-- in which case this routine returns 0-tuple.
+-- NOTE: This routine must not be called out of domain scope. */
+TUPLE *get_domain_tuple
+( MPL *mpl,
+ DOMAIN *domain /* not changed */
+{ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block;
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *slot;
+ TUPLE *tuple;
+ tuple = create_tuple(mpl);
+ if (domain != NULL)
+ { for (block = domain->list; block != NULL; block = block->next)
+ { for (slot = block->list; slot != NULL; slot = slot->next)
+ { if (slot->code == NULL)
+ { xassert(slot->value != NULL);
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple, copy_symbol(mpl,
+ slot->value));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return tuple;
+-- clean_domain - clean domain.
+-- This routine cleans specified domain that assumes deleting all stuff
+-- dynamically allocated during the generation phase. */
+void clean_domain(MPL *mpl, DOMAIN *domain)
+{ DOMAIN_BLOCK *block;
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *slot;
+ /* if no domain is specified, do nothing */
+ if (domain == NULL) goto done;
+ /* clean all domain blocks */
+ for (block = domain->list; block != NULL; block = block->next)
+ { /* clean all domain slots */
+ for (slot = block->list; slot != NULL; slot = slot->next)
+ { /* clean pseudo-code for computing bound value */
+ clean_code(mpl, slot->code);
+ /* delete symbolic value assigned to dummy index */
+ if (slot->value != NULL)
+ delete_symbol(mpl, slot->value), slot->value = NULL;
+ }
+ /* clean pseudo-code for computing basic set */
+ clean_code(mpl, block->code);
+ }
+ /* clean pseudo-code for computing domain predicate */
+ clean_code(mpl, domain->code);
+done: return;
+/* * * MODEL SETS * * */
+-- check_elem_set - check elemental set assigned to set member.
+-- This routine checks if given elemental set being assigned to member
+-- of specified model set satisfies to all restrictions.
+-- NOTE: This routine must not be called out of domain scope. */
+void check_elem_set
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SET *set, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ ELEMSET *refer /* not changed */
+{ WITHIN *within;
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ int eqno;
+ /* elemental set must be within all specified supersets */
+ for (within = set->within, eqno = 1; within != NULL; within =
+ within->next, eqno++)
+ { xassert(within->code != NULL);
+ for (memb = refer->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ { if (!is_member(mpl, within->code, memb->tuple))
+ { char buf[255+1];
+ strcpy(buf, format_tuple(mpl, '(', memb->tuple));
+ xassert(strlen(buf) < sizeof(buf));
+ error(mpl, "%s%s contains %s which not within specified "
+ "set; see (%d)", set->name, format_tuple(mpl, '[',
+ tuple), buf, eqno);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+-- take_member_set - obtain elemental set assigned to set member.
+-- This routine obtains a reference to elemental set assigned to given
+-- member of specified model set and returns it on exit.
+-- NOTE: This routine must not be called out of domain scope. */
+ELEMSET *take_member_set /* returns reference, not value */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SET *set, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+{ MEMBER *memb;
+ ELEMSET *refer;
+ /* find member in the set array */
+ memb = find_member(mpl, set->array, tuple);
+ if (memb != NULL)
+ { /* member exists, so just take the reference */
+ refer = memb->value.set;
+ }
+ else if (set->assign != NULL)
+ { /* compute value using assignment expression */
+ refer = eval_elemset(mpl, set->assign);
+add: /* check that the elemental set satisfies to all restrictions,
+ assign it to new member, and add the member to the array */
+ check_elem_set(mpl, set, tuple, refer);
+ memb = add_member(mpl, set->array, copy_tuple(mpl, tuple));
+ memb->value.set = refer;
+ }
+ else if (set->option != NULL)
+ { /* compute default elemental set */
+ refer = eval_elemset(mpl, set->option);
+ goto add;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* no value (elemental set) is provided */
+ error(mpl, "no value for %s%s", set->name, format_tuple(mpl,
+ '[', tuple));
+ }
+ return refer;
+-- eval_member_set - evaluate elemental set assigned to set member.
+-- This routine evaluates a reference to elemental set assigned to given
+-- member of specified model set and returns it on exit. */
+struct eval_set_info
+{ /* working info used by the routine eval_member_set */
+ SET *set;
+ /* model set */
+ TUPLE *tuple;
+ /* n-tuple, which defines set member */
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ /* normally this pointer is NULL; the routine uses this pointer
+ to check data provided in the data section, in which case it
+ points to a member currently checked; this check is performed
+ automatically only once when a reference to any member occurs
+ for the first time */
+ ELEMSET *refer;
+ /* evaluated reference to elemental set */
+static void eval_set_func(MPL *mpl, void *_info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine to work within domain scope */
+ struct eval_set_info *info = _info;
+ if (info->memb != NULL)
+ { /* checking call; check elemental set being assigned */
+ check_elem_set(mpl, info->set, info->memb->tuple,
+ info->memb->value.set);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* normal call; evaluate member, which has given n-tuple */
+ info->refer = take_member_set(mpl, info->set, info->tuple);
+ }
+ return;
+#if 1 /* 12/XII-2008 */
+static void saturate_set(MPL *mpl, SET *set)
+{ GADGET *gadget = set->gadget;
+ ELEMSET *data;
+ MEMBER *elem, *memb;
+ TUPLE *tuple, *work[20];
+ int i;
+ xprintf("Generating %s...\n", set->name);
+ eval_whole_set(mpl, gadget->set);
+ /* gadget set must have exactly one member */
+ xassert(gadget->set->array != NULL);
+ xassert(gadget->set->array->head != NULL);
+ xassert(gadget->set->array->head == gadget->set->array->tail);
+ data = gadget->set->array->head->value.set;
+ xassert(data->type == A_NONE);
+ xassert(data->dim == gadget->set->dimen);
+ /* walk thru all elements of the plain set */
+ for (elem = data->head; elem != NULL; elem = elem->next)
+ { /* create a copy of n-tuple */
+ tuple = copy_tuple(mpl, elem->tuple);
+ /* rearrange component of the n-tuple */
+ for (i = 0; i < gadget->set->dimen; i++)
+ work[i] = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; tuple != NULL; tuple = tuple->next)
+ work[gadget->ind[i++]-1] = tuple;
+ xassert(i == gadget->set->dimen);
+ for (i = 0; i < gadget->set->dimen; i++)
+ { xassert(work[i] != NULL);
+ work[i]->next = work[i+1];
+ }
+ /* construct subscript list from first set->dim components */
+ if (set->dim == 0)
+ tuple = NULL;
+ else
+ tuple = work[0], work[set->dim-1]->next = NULL;
+ /* find corresponding member of the set to be initialized */
+ memb = find_member(mpl, set->array, tuple);
+ if (memb == NULL)
+ { /* not found; add new member to the set and assign it empty
+ elemental set */
+ memb = add_member(mpl, set->array, tuple);
+ memb->value.set = create_elemset(mpl, set->dimen);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* found; free subscript list */
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ }
+ /* construct new n-tuple from rest set->dimen components */
+ tuple = work[set->dim];
+ xassert(set->dim + set->dimen == gadget->set->dimen);
+ work[gadget->set->dimen-1]->next = NULL;
+ /* and add it to the elemental set assigned to the member
+ (no check for duplicates is needed) */
+ add_tuple(mpl, memb->value.set, tuple);
+ }
+ /* the set has been saturated with data */
+ set->data = 1;
+ return;
+ELEMSET *eval_member_set /* returns reference, not value */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ SET *set, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+{ /* this routine evaluates set member */
+ struct eval_set_info _info, *info = &_info;
+ xassert(set->dim == tuple_dimen(mpl, tuple));
+ info->set = set;
+ info->tuple = tuple;
+#if 1 /* 12/XII-2008 */
+ if (set->gadget != NULL && set->data == 0)
+ { /* initialize the set with data from a plain set */
+ saturate_set(mpl, set);
+ }
+ if (set->data == 1)
+ { /* check data, which are provided in the data section, but not
+ checked yet */
+ /* save pointer to the last array member; note that during the
+ check new members may be added beyond the last member due to
+ references to the same parameter from default expression as
+ well as from expressions that define restricting supersets;
+ however, values assigned to the new members will be checked
+ by other routine, so we don't need to check them here */
+ MEMBER *tail = set->array->tail;
+ /* change the data status to prevent infinite recursive loop
+ due to references to the same set during the check */
+ set->data = 2;
+ /* check elemental sets assigned to array members in the data
+ section until the marked member has been reached */
+ for (info->memb = set->array->head; info->memb != NULL;
+ info->memb = info->memb->next)
+ { if (eval_within_domain(mpl, set->domain, info->memb->tuple,
+ info, eval_set_func))
+ out_of_domain(mpl, set->name, info->memb->tuple);
+ if (info->memb == tail) break;
+ }
+ /* the check has been finished */
+ }
+ /* evaluate member, which has given n-tuple */
+ info->memb = NULL;
+ if (eval_within_domain(mpl, info->set->domain, info->tuple, info,
+ eval_set_func))
+ out_of_domain(mpl, set->name, info->tuple);
+ /* bring evaluated reference to the calling program */
+ return info->refer;
+-- eval_whole_set - evaluate model set over entire domain.
+-- This routine evaluates all members of specified model set over entire
+-- domain. */
+static int whole_set_func(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine to work within domain scope */
+ SET *set = (SET *)info;
+ TUPLE *tuple = get_domain_tuple(mpl, set->domain);
+ eval_member_set(mpl, set, tuple);
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ return 0;
+void eval_whole_set(MPL *mpl, SET *set)
+{ loop_within_domain(mpl, set->domain, set, whole_set_func);
+ return;
+-- clean set - clean model set.
+-- This routine cleans specified model set that assumes deleting all
+-- stuff dynamically allocated during the generation phase. */
+void clean_set(MPL *mpl, SET *set)
+{ WITHIN *within;
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ /* clean subscript domain */
+ clean_domain(mpl, set->domain);
+ /* clean pseudo-code for computing supersets */
+ for (within = set->within; within != NULL; within = within->next)
+ clean_code(mpl, within->code);
+ /* clean pseudo-code for computing assigned value */
+ clean_code(mpl, set->assign);
+ /* clean pseudo-code for computing default value */
+ clean_code(mpl, set->option);
+ /* reset data status flag */
+ set->data = 0;
+ /* delete content array */
+ for (memb = set->array->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ delete_value(mpl, set->array->type, &memb->value);
+ delete_array(mpl, set->array), set->array = NULL;
+ return;
+/* * * MODEL PARAMETERS * * */
+-- check_value_num - check numeric value assigned to parameter member.
+-- This routine checks if numeric value being assigned to some member
+-- of specified numeric model parameter satisfies to all restrictions.
+-- NOTE: This routine must not be called out of domain scope. */
+void check_value_num
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ double value
+{ CONDITION *cond;
+ WITHIN *in;
+ int eqno;
+ /* the value must satisfy to the parameter type */
+ switch (par->type)
+ { case A_NUMERIC:
+ break;
+ case A_INTEGER:
+ if (value != floor(value))
+ error(mpl, "%s%s = %.*g not integer", par->name,
+ format_tuple(mpl, '[', tuple), DBL_DIG, value);
+ break;
+ case A_BINARY:
+ if (!(value == 0.0 || value == 1.0))
+ error(mpl, "%s%s = %.*g not binary", par->name,
+ format_tuple(mpl, '[', tuple), DBL_DIG, value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(par != par);
+ }
+ /* the value must satisfy to all specified conditions */
+ for (cond = par->cond, eqno = 1; cond != NULL; cond = cond->next,
+ eqno++)
+ { double bound;
+ char *rho;
+ xassert(cond->code != NULL);
+ bound = eval_numeric(mpl, cond->code);
+ switch (cond->rho)
+ { case O_LT:
+ if (!(value < bound))
+ { rho = "<";
+err: error(mpl, "%s%s = %.*g not %s %.*g; see (%d)",
+ par->name, format_tuple(mpl, '[', tuple), DBL_DIG,
+ value, rho, DBL_DIG, bound, eqno);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_LE:
+ if (!(value <= bound)) { rho = "<="; goto err; }
+ break;
+ case O_EQ:
+ if (!(value == bound)) { rho = "="; goto err; }
+ break;
+ case O_GE:
+ if (!(value >= bound)) { rho = ">="; goto err; }
+ break;
+ case O_GT:
+ if (!(value > bound)) { rho = ">"; goto err; }
+ break;
+ case O_NE:
+ if (!(value != bound)) { rho = "<>"; goto err; }
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(cond != cond);
+ }
+ }
+ /* the value must be in all specified supersets */
+ for (in = par->in, eqno = 1; in != NULL; in = in->next, eqno++)
+ { TUPLE *dummy;
+ xassert(in->code != NULL);
+ xassert(in->code->dim == 1);
+ dummy = expand_tuple(mpl, create_tuple(mpl),
+ create_symbol_num(mpl, value));
+ if (!is_member(mpl, in->code, dummy))
+ error(mpl, "%s%s = %.*g not in specified set; see (%d)",
+ par->name, format_tuple(mpl, '[', tuple), DBL_DIG,
+ value, eqno);
+ delete_tuple(mpl, dummy);
+ }
+ return;
+-- take_member_num - obtain num. value assigned to parameter member.
+-- This routine obtains a numeric value assigned to member of specified
+-- numeric model parameter and returns it on exit.
+-- NOTE: This routine must not be called out of domain scope. */
+double take_member_num
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+{ MEMBER *memb;
+ double value;
+ /* find member in the parameter array */
+ memb = find_member(mpl, par->array, tuple);
+ if (memb != NULL)
+ { /* member exists, so just take its value */
+ value = memb->value.num;
+ }
+ else if (par->assign != NULL)
+ { /* compute value using assignment expression */
+ value = eval_numeric(mpl, par->assign);
+add: /* check that the value satisfies to all restrictions, assign
+ it to new member, and add the member to the array */
+ check_value_num(mpl, par, tuple, value);
+ memb = add_member(mpl, par->array, copy_tuple(mpl, tuple));
+ memb->value.num = value;
+ }
+ else if (par->option != NULL)
+ { /* compute default value */
+ value = eval_numeric(mpl, par->option);
+ goto add;
+ }
+ else if (par->defval != NULL)
+ { /* take default value provided in the data section */
+ if (par->defval->str != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "cannot convert %s to floating-point number",
+ format_symbol(mpl, par->defval));
+ value = par->defval->num;
+ goto add;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* no value is provided */
+ error(mpl, "no value for %s%s", par->name, format_tuple(mpl,
+ '[', tuple));
+ }
+ return value;
+-- eval_member_num - evaluate num. value assigned to parameter member.
+-- This routine evaluates a numeric value assigned to given member of
+-- specified numeric model parameter and returns it on exit. */
+struct eval_num_info
+{ /* working info used by the routine eval_member_num */
+ /* model parameter */
+ TUPLE *tuple;
+ /* n-tuple, which defines parameter member */
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ /* normally this pointer is NULL; the routine uses this pointer
+ to check data provided in the data section, in which case it
+ points to a member currently checked; this check is performed
+ automatically only once when a reference to any member occurs
+ for the first time */
+ double value;
+ /* evaluated numeric value */
+static void eval_num_func(MPL *mpl, void *_info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine to work within domain scope */
+ struct eval_num_info *info = _info;
+ if (info->memb != NULL)
+ { /* checking call; check numeric value being assigned */
+ check_value_num(mpl, info->par, info->memb->tuple,
+ info->memb->value.num);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* normal call; evaluate member, which has given n-tuple */
+ info->value = take_member_num(mpl, info->par, info->tuple);
+ }
+ return;
+double eval_member_num
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+{ /* this routine evaluates numeric parameter member */
+ struct eval_num_info _info, *info = &_info;
+ xassert(par->type == A_NUMERIC || par->type == A_INTEGER ||
+ par->type == A_BINARY);
+ xassert(par->dim == tuple_dimen(mpl, tuple));
+ info->par = par;
+ info->tuple = tuple;
+ if (par->data == 1)
+ { /* check data, which are provided in the data section, but not
+ checked yet */
+ /* save pointer to the last array member; note that during the
+ check new members may be added beyond the last member due to
+ references to the same parameter from default expression as
+ well as from expressions that define restricting conditions;
+ however, values assigned to the new members will be checked
+ by other routine, so we don't need to check them here */
+ MEMBER *tail = par->array->tail;
+ /* change the data status to prevent infinite recursive loop
+ due to references to the same parameter during the check */
+ par->data = 2;
+ /* check values assigned to array members in the data section
+ until the marked member has been reached */
+ for (info->memb = par->array->head; info->memb != NULL;
+ info->memb = info->memb->next)
+ { if (eval_within_domain(mpl, par->domain, info->memb->tuple,
+ info, eval_num_func))
+ out_of_domain(mpl, par->name, info->memb->tuple);
+ if (info->memb == tail) break;
+ }
+ /* the check has been finished */
+ }
+ /* evaluate member, which has given n-tuple */
+ info->memb = NULL;
+ if (eval_within_domain(mpl, info->par->domain, info->tuple, info,
+ eval_num_func))
+ out_of_domain(mpl, par->name, info->tuple);
+ /* bring evaluated value to the calling program */
+ return info->value;
+-- check_value_sym - check symbolic value assigned to parameter member.
+-- This routine checks if symbolic value being assigned to some member
+-- of specified symbolic model parameter satisfies to all restrictions.
+-- NOTE: This routine must not be called out of domain scope. */
+void check_value_sym
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple, /* not changed */
+ SYMBOL *value /* not changed */
+{ CONDITION *cond;
+ WITHIN *in;
+ int eqno;
+ /* the value must satisfy to all specified conditions */
+ for (cond = par->cond, eqno = 1; cond != NULL; cond = cond->next,
+ eqno++)
+ { SYMBOL *bound;
+ char buf[255+1];
+ xassert(cond->code != NULL);
+ bound = eval_symbolic(mpl, cond->code);
+ switch (cond->rho)
+ {
+#if 1 /* 13/VIII-2008 */
+ case O_LT:
+ if (!(compare_symbols(mpl, value, bound) < 0))
+ { strcpy(buf, format_symbol(mpl, bound));
+ xassert(strlen(buf) < sizeof(buf));
+ error(mpl, "%s%s = %s not < %s",
+ par->name, format_tuple(mpl, '[', tuple),
+ format_symbol(mpl, value), buf, eqno);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_LE:
+ if (!(compare_symbols(mpl, value, bound) <= 0))
+ { strcpy(buf, format_symbol(mpl, bound));
+ xassert(strlen(buf) < sizeof(buf));
+ error(mpl, "%s%s = %s not <= %s",
+ par->name, format_tuple(mpl, '[', tuple),
+ format_symbol(mpl, value), buf, eqno);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_EQ:
+ if (!(compare_symbols(mpl, value, bound) == 0))
+ { strcpy(buf, format_symbol(mpl, bound));
+ xassert(strlen(buf) < sizeof(buf));
+ error(mpl, "%s%s = %s not = %s",
+ par->name, format_tuple(mpl, '[', tuple),
+ format_symbol(mpl, value), buf, eqno);
+ }
+ break;
+#if 1 /* 13/VIII-2008 */
+ case O_GE:
+ if (!(compare_symbols(mpl, value, bound) >= 0))
+ { strcpy(buf, format_symbol(mpl, bound));
+ xassert(strlen(buf) < sizeof(buf));
+ error(mpl, "%s%s = %s not >= %s",
+ par->name, format_tuple(mpl, '[', tuple),
+ format_symbol(mpl, value), buf, eqno);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_GT:
+ if (!(compare_symbols(mpl, value, bound) > 0))
+ { strcpy(buf, format_symbol(mpl, bound));
+ xassert(strlen(buf) < sizeof(buf));
+ error(mpl, "%s%s = %s not > %s",
+ par->name, format_tuple(mpl, '[', tuple),
+ format_symbol(mpl, value), buf, eqno);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_NE:
+ if (!(compare_symbols(mpl, value, bound) != 0))
+ { strcpy(buf, format_symbol(mpl, bound));
+ xassert(strlen(buf) < sizeof(buf));
+ error(mpl, "%s%s = %s not <> %s",
+ par->name, format_tuple(mpl, '[', tuple),
+ format_symbol(mpl, value), buf, eqno);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(cond != cond);
+ }
+ delete_symbol(mpl, bound);
+ }
+ /* the value must be in all specified supersets */
+ for (in = par->in, eqno = 1; in != NULL; in = in->next, eqno++)
+ { TUPLE *dummy;
+ xassert(in->code != NULL);
+ xassert(in->code->dim == 1);
+ dummy = expand_tuple(mpl, create_tuple(mpl), copy_symbol(mpl,
+ value));
+ if (!is_member(mpl, in->code, dummy))
+ error(mpl, "%s%s = %s not in specified set; see (%d)",
+ par->name, format_tuple(mpl, '[', tuple),
+ format_symbol(mpl, value), eqno);
+ delete_tuple(mpl, dummy);
+ }
+ return;
+-- take_member_sym - obtain symb. value assigned to parameter member.
+-- This routine obtains a symbolic value assigned to member of specified
+-- symbolic model parameter and returns it on exit.
+-- NOTE: This routine must not be called out of domain scope. */
+SYMBOL *take_member_sym /* returns value, not reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+{ MEMBER *memb;
+ SYMBOL *value;
+ /* find member in the parameter array */
+ memb = find_member(mpl, par->array, tuple);
+ if (memb != NULL)
+ { /* member exists, so just take its value */
+ value = copy_symbol(mpl, memb->value.sym);
+ }
+ else if (par->assign != NULL)
+ { /* compute value using assignment expression */
+ value = eval_symbolic(mpl, par->assign);
+add: /* check that the value satisfies to all restrictions, assign
+ it to new member, and add the member to the array */
+ check_value_sym(mpl, par, tuple, value);
+ memb = add_member(mpl, par->array, copy_tuple(mpl, tuple));
+ memb->value.sym = copy_symbol(mpl, value);
+ }
+ else if (par->option != NULL)
+ { /* compute default value */
+ value = eval_symbolic(mpl, par->option);
+ goto add;
+ }
+ else if (par->defval != NULL)
+ { /* take default value provided in the data section */
+ value = copy_symbol(mpl, par->defval);
+ goto add;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* no value is provided */
+ error(mpl, "no value for %s%s", par->name, format_tuple(mpl,
+ '[', tuple));
+ }
+ return value;
+-- eval_member_sym - evaluate symb. value assigned to parameter member.
+-- This routine evaluates a symbolic value assigned to given member of
+-- specified symbolic model parameter and returns it on exit. */
+struct eval_sym_info
+{ /* working info used by the routine eval_member_sym */
+ /* model parameter */
+ TUPLE *tuple;
+ /* n-tuple, which defines parameter member */
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ /* normally this pointer is NULL; the routine uses this pointer
+ to check data provided in the data section, in which case it
+ points to a member currently checked; this check is performed
+ automatically only once when a reference to any member occurs
+ for the first time */
+ SYMBOL *value;
+ /* evaluated symbolic value */
+static void eval_sym_func(MPL *mpl, void *_info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine to work within domain scope */
+ struct eval_sym_info *info = _info;
+ if (info->memb != NULL)
+ { /* checking call; check symbolic value being assigned */
+ check_value_sym(mpl, info->par, info->memb->tuple,
+ info->memb->value.sym);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* normal call; evaluate member, which has given n-tuple */
+ info->value = take_member_sym(mpl, info->par, info->tuple);
+ }
+ return;
+SYMBOL *eval_member_sym /* returns value, not reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ PARAMETER *par, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+{ /* this routine evaluates symbolic parameter member */
+ struct eval_sym_info _info, *info = &_info;
+ xassert(par->type == A_SYMBOLIC);
+ xassert(par->dim == tuple_dimen(mpl, tuple));
+ info->par = par;
+ info->tuple = tuple;
+ if (par->data == 1)
+ { /* check data, which are provided in the data section, but not
+ checked yet */
+ /* save pointer to the last array member; note that during the
+ check new members may be added beyond the last member due to
+ references to the same parameter from default expression as
+ well as from expressions that define restricting conditions;
+ however, values assigned to the new members will be checked
+ by other routine, so we don't need to check them here */
+ MEMBER *tail = par->array->tail;
+ /* change the data status to prevent infinite recursive loop
+ due to references to the same parameter during the check */
+ par->data = 2;
+ /* check values assigned to array members in the data section
+ until the marked member has been reached */
+ for (info->memb = par->array->head; info->memb != NULL;
+ info->memb = info->memb->next)
+ { if (eval_within_domain(mpl, par->domain, info->memb->tuple,
+ info, eval_sym_func))
+ out_of_domain(mpl, par->name, info->memb->tuple);
+ if (info->memb == tail) break;
+ }
+ /* the check has been finished */
+ }
+ /* evaluate member, which has given n-tuple */
+ info->memb = NULL;
+ if (eval_within_domain(mpl, info->par->domain, info->tuple, info,
+ eval_sym_func))
+ out_of_domain(mpl, par->name, info->tuple);
+ /* bring evaluated value to the calling program */
+ return info->value;
+-- eval_whole_par - evaluate model parameter over entire domain.
+-- This routine evaluates all members of specified model parameter over
+-- entire domain. */
+static int whole_par_func(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine to work within domain scope */
+ PARAMETER *par = (PARAMETER *)info;
+ TUPLE *tuple = get_domain_tuple(mpl, par->domain);
+ switch (par->type)
+ { case A_NUMERIC:
+ case A_INTEGER:
+ case A_BINARY:
+ eval_member_num(mpl, par, tuple);
+ break;
+ case A_SYMBOLIC:
+ delete_symbol(mpl, eval_member_sym(mpl, par, tuple));
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(par != par);
+ }
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ return 0;
+void eval_whole_par(MPL *mpl, PARAMETER *par)
+{ loop_within_domain(mpl, par->domain, par, whole_par_func);
+ return;
+-- clean_parameter - clean model parameter.
+-- This routine cleans specified model parameter that assumes deleting
+-- all stuff dynamically allocated during the generation phase. */
+void clean_parameter(MPL *mpl, PARAMETER *par)
+{ CONDITION *cond;
+ WITHIN *in;
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ /* clean subscript domain */
+ clean_domain(mpl, par->domain);
+ /* clean pseudo-code for computing restricting conditions */
+ for (cond = par->cond; cond != NULL; cond = cond->next)
+ clean_code(mpl, cond->code);
+ /* clean pseudo-code for computing restricting supersets */
+ for (in = par->in; in != NULL; in = in->next)
+ clean_code(mpl, in->code);
+ /* clean pseudo-code for computing assigned value */
+ clean_code(mpl, par->assign);
+ /* clean pseudo-code for computing default value */
+ clean_code(mpl, par->option);
+ /* reset data status flag */
+ par->data = 0;
+ /* delete default symbolic value */
+ if (par->defval != NULL)
+ delete_symbol(mpl, par->defval), par->defval = NULL;
+ /* delete content array */
+ for (memb = par->array->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ delete_value(mpl, par->array->type, &memb->value);
+ delete_array(mpl, par->array), par->array = NULL;
+ return;
+/* * * MODEL VARIABLES * * */
+-- take_member_var - obtain reference to elemental variable.
+-- This routine obtains a reference to elemental variable assigned to
+-- given member of specified model variable and returns it on exit. If
+-- necessary, new elemental variable is created.
+-- NOTE: This routine must not be called out of domain scope. */
+ELEMVAR *take_member_var /* returns reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ VARIABLE *var, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+{ MEMBER *memb;
+ ELEMVAR *refer;
+ /* find member in the variable array */
+ memb = find_member(mpl, var->array, tuple);
+ if (memb != NULL)
+ { /* member exists, so just take the reference */
+ refer = memb->value.var;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* member is referenced for the first time and therefore does
+ not exist; create new elemental variable, assign it to new
+ member, and add the member to the variable array */
+ memb = add_member(mpl, var->array, copy_tuple(mpl, tuple));
+ refer = (memb->value.var =
+ dmp_get_atom(mpl->elemvars, sizeof(ELEMVAR)));
+ refer->j = 0;
+ refer->var = var;
+ refer->memb = memb;
+ /* compute lower bound */
+ if (var->lbnd == NULL)
+ refer->lbnd = 0.0;
+ else
+ refer->lbnd = eval_numeric(mpl, var->lbnd);
+ /* compute upper bound */
+ if (var->ubnd == NULL)
+ refer->ubnd = 0.0;
+ else if (var->ubnd == var->lbnd)
+ refer->ubnd = refer->lbnd;
+ else
+ refer->ubnd = eval_numeric(mpl, var->ubnd);
+ /* nullify working quantity */
+ refer->temp = 0.0;
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ /* solution has not been obtained by the solver yet */
+ refer->stat = 0;
+ refer->prim = refer->dual = 0.0;
+ }
+ return refer;
+-- eval_member_var - evaluate reference to elemental variable.
+-- This routine evaluates a reference to elemental variable assigned to
+-- member of specified model variable and returns it on exit. */
+struct eval_var_info
+{ /* working info used by the routine eval_member_var */
+ VARIABLE *var;
+ /* model variable */
+ TUPLE *tuple;
+ /* n-tuple, which defines variable member */
+ ELEMVAR *refer;
+ /* evaluated reference to elemental variable */
+static void eval_var_func(MPL *mpl, void *_info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine to work within domain scope */
+ struct eval_var_info *info = _info;
+ info->refer = take_member_var(mpl, info->var, info->tuple);
+ return;
+ELEMVAR *eval_member_var /* returns reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ VARIABLE *var, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+{ /* this routine evaluates variable member */
+ struct eval_var_info _info, *info = &_info;
+ xassert(var->dim == tuple_dimen(mpl, tuple));
+ info->var = var;
+ info->tuple = tuple;
+ /* evaluate member, which has given n-tuple */
+ if (eval_within_domain(mpl, info->var->domain, info->tuple, info,
+ eval_var_func))
+ out_of_domain(mpl, var->name, info->tuple);
+ /* bring evaluated reference to the calling program */
+ return info->refer;
+-- eval_whole_var - evaluate model variable over entire domain.
+-- This routine evaluates all members of specified model variable over
+-- entire domain. */
+static int whole_var_func(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine to work within domain scope */
+ VARIABLE *var = (VARIABLE *)info;
+ TUPLE *tuple = get_domain_tuple(mpl, var->domain);
+ eval_member_var(mpl, var, tuple);
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ return 0;
+void eval_whole_var(MPL *mpl, VARIABLE *var)
+{ loop_within_domain(mpl, var->domain, var, whole_var_func);
+ return;
+-- clean_variable - clean model variable.
+-- This routine cleans specified model variable that assumes deleting
+-- all stuff dynamically allocated during the generation phase. */
+void clean_variable(MPL *mpl, VARIABLE *var)
+{ MEMBER *memb;
+ /* clean subscript domain */
+ clean_domain(mpl, var->domain);
+ /* clean code for computing lower bound */
+ clean_code(mpl, var->lbnd);
+ /* clean code for computing upper bound */
+ if (var->ubnd != var->lbnd) clean_code(mpl, var->ubnd);
+ /* delete content array */
+ for (memb = var->array->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ dmp_free_atom(mpl->elemvars, memb->value.var, sizeof(ELEMVAR));
+ delete_array(mpl, var->array), var->array = NULL;
+ return;
+-- take_member_con - obtain reference to elemental constraint.
+-- This routine obtains a reference to elemental constraint assigned
+-- to given member of specified model constraint and returns it on exit.
+-- If necessary, new elemental constraint is created.
+-- NOTE: This routine must not be called out of domain scope. */
+ELEMCON *take_member_con /* returns reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ CONSTRAINT *con, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+{ MEMBER *memb;
+ ELEMCON *refer;
+ /* find member in the constraint array */
+ memb = find_member(mpl, con->array, tuple);
+ if (memb != NULL)
+ { /* member exists, so just take the reference */
+ refer = memb->value.con;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* member is referenced for the first time and therefore does
+ not exist; create new elemental constraint, assign it to new
+ member, and add the member to the constraint array */
+ memb = add_member(mpl, con->array, copy_tuple(mpl, tuple));
+ refer = (memb->value.con =
+ dmp_get_atom(mpl->elemcons, sizeof(ELEMCON)));
+ refer->i = 0;
+ refer->con = con;
+ refer->memb = memb;
+ /* compute linear form */
+ xassert(con->code != NULL);
+ refer->form = eval_formula(mpl, con->code);
+ /* compute lower and upper bounds */
+ if (con->lbnd == NULL && con->ubnd == NULL)
+ { /* objective has no bounds */
+ double temp;
+ xassert(con->type == A_MINIMIZE || con->type == A_MAXIMIZE);
+ /* carry the constant term to the right-hand side */
+ refer->form = remove_constant(mpl, refer->form, &temp);
+ refer->lbnd = refer->ubnd = - temp;
+ }
+ else if (con->lbnd != NULL && con->ubnd == NULL)
+ { /* constraint a * x + b >= c * y + d is transformed to the
+ standard form a * x - c * y >= d - b */
+ double temp;
+ xassert(con->type == A_CONSTRAINT);
+ refer->form = linear_comb(mpl,
+ +1.0, refer->form,
+ -1.0, eval_formula(mpl, con->lbnd));
+ refer->form = remove_constant(mpl, refer->form, &temp);
+ refer->lbnd = - temp;
+ refer->ubnd = 0.0;
+ }
+ else if (con->lbnd == NULL && con->ubnd != NULL)
+ { /* constraint a * x + b <= c * y + d is transformed to the
+ standard form a * x - c * y <= d - b */
+ double temp;
+ xassert(con->type == A_CONSTRAINT);
+ refer->form = linear_comb(mpl,
+ +1.0, refer->form,
+ -1.0, eval_formula(mpl, con->ubnd));
+ refer->form = remove_constant(mpl, refer->form, &temp);
+ refer->lbnd = 0.0;
+ refer->ubnd = - temp;
+ }
+ else if (con->lbnd == con->ubnd)
+ { /* constraint a * x + b = c * y + d is transformed to the
+ standard form a * x - c * y = d - b */
+ double temp;
+ xassert(con->type == A_CONSTRAINT);
+ refer->form = linear_comb(mpl,
+ +1.0, refer->form,
+ -1.0, eval_formula(mpl, con->lbnd));
+ refer->form = remove_constant(mpl, refer->form, &temp);
+ refer->lbnd = refer->ubnd = - temp;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* ranged constraint c <= a * x + b <= d is transformed to
+ the standard form c - b <= a * x <= d - b */
+ double temp, temp1, temp2;
+ xassert(con->type == A_CONSTRAINT);
+ refer->form = remove_constant(mpl, refer->form, &temp);
+ xassert(remove_constant(mpl, eval_formula(mpl, con->lbnd),
+ &temp1) == NULL);
+ xassert(remove_constant(mpl, eval_formula(mpl, con->ubnd),
+ &temp2) == NULL);
+ refer->lbnd = fp_sub(mpl, temp1, temp);
+ refer->ubnd = fp_sub(mpl, temp2, temp);
+ }
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ /* solution has not been obtained by the solver yet */
+ refer->stat = 0;
+ refer->prim = refer->dual = 0.0;
+ }
+ return refer;
+-- eval_member_con - evaluate reference to elemental constraint.
+-- This routine evaluates a reference to elemental constraint assigned
+-- to member of specified model constraint and returns it on exit. */
+struct eval_con_info
+{ /* working info used by the routine eval_member_con */
+ /* model constraint */
+ TUPLE *tuple;
+ /* n-tuple, which defines constraint member */
+ ELEMCON *refer;
+ /* evaluated reference to elemental constraint */
+static void eval_con_func(MPL *mpl, void *_info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine to work within domain scope */
+ struct eval_con_info *info = _info;
+ info->refer = take_member_con(mpl, info->con, info->tuple);
+ return;
+ELEMCON *eval_member_con /* returns reference */
+( MPL *mpl,
+ CONSTRAINT *con, /* not changed */
+ TUPLE *tuple /* not changed */
+{ /* this routine evaluates constraint member */
+ struct eval_con_info _info, *info = &_info;
+ xassert(con->dim == tuple_dimen(mpl, tuple));
+ info->con = con;
+ info->tuple = tuple;
+ /* evaluate member, which has given n-tuple */
+ if (eval_within_domain(mpl, info->con->domain, info->tuple, info,
+ eval_con_func))
+ out_of_domain(mpl, con->name, info->tuple);
+ /* bring evaluated reference to the calling program */
+ return info->refer;
+-- eval_whole_con - evaluate model constraint over entire domain.
+-- This routine evaluates all members of specified model constraint over
+-- entire domain. */
+static int whole_con_func(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine to work within domain scope */
+ TUPLE *tuple = get_domain_tuple(mpl, con->domain);
+ eval_member_con(mpl, con, tuple);
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ return 0;
+void eval_whole_con(MPL *mpl, CONSTRAINT *con)
+{ loop_within_domain(mpl, con->domain, con, whole_con_func);
+ return;
+-- clean_constraint - clean model constraint.
+-- This routine cleans specified model constraint that assumes deleting
+-- all stuff dynamically allocated during the generation phase. */
+void clean_constraint(MPL *mpl, CONSTRAINT *con)
+{ MEMBER *memb;
+ /* clean subscript domain */
+ clean_domain(mpl, con->domain);
+ /* clean code for computing main linear form */
+ clean_code(mpl, con->code);
+ /* clean code for computing lower bound */
+ clean_code(mpl, con->lbnd);
+ /* clean code for computing upper bound */
+ if (con->ubnd != con->lbnd) clean_code(mpl, con->ubnd);
+ /* delete content array */
+ for (memb = con->array->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ { delete_formula(mpl, memb->value.con->form);
+ dmp_free_atom(mpl->elemcons, memb->value.con, sizeof(ELEMCON));
+ }
+ delete_array(mpl, con->array), con->array = NULL;
+ return;
+/* * * PSEUDO-CODE * * */
+-- eval_numeric - evaluate pseudo-code to determine numeric value.
+-- This routine evaluates specified pseudo-code to determine resultant
+-- numeric value, which is returned on exit. */
+struct iter_num_info
+{ /* working info used by the routine iter_num_func */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for iterated operation to be performed */
+ double value;
+ /* resultant value */
+static int iter_num_func(MPL *mpl, void *_info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine used to perform iterated operation
+ on numeric "integrand" within domain scope */
+ struct iter_num_info *info = _info;
+ double temp;
+ temp = eval_numeric(mpl, info->code->arg.loop.x);
+ switch (info->code->op)
+ { case O_SUM:
+ /* summation over domain */
+ info->value = fp_add(mpl, info->value, temp);
+ break;
+ case O_PROD:
+ /* multiplication over domain */
+ info->value = fp_mul(mpl, info->value, temp);
+ break;
+ case O_MINIMUM:
+ /* minimum over domain */
+ if (info->value > temp) info->value = temp;
+ break;
+ case O_MAXIMUM:
+ /* maximum over domain */
+ if (info->value < temp) info->value = temp;
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(info != info);
+ }
+ return 0;
+double eval_numeric(MPL *mpl, CODE *code)
+{ double value;
+ xassert(code != NULL);
+ xassert(code->type == A_NUMERIC);
+ xassert(code->dim == 0);
+ /* if the operation has a side effect, invalidate and delete the
+ resultant value */
+ if (code->vflag && code->valid)
+ { code->valid = 0;
+ delete_value(mpl, code->type, &code->value);
+ }
+ /* if resultant value is valid, no evaluation is needed */
+ if (code->valid)
+ { value = code->value.num;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* evaluate pseudo-code recursively */
+ switch (code->op)
+ { case O_NUMBER:
+ /* take floating-point number */
+ value = code->arg.num;
+ break;
+ case O_MEMNUM:
+ /* take member of numeric parameter */
+ { TUPLE *tuple;
+ ARG_LIST *e;
+ tuple = create_tuple(mpl);
+ for (e = code->arg.par.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple, eval_symbolic(mpl,
+ e->x));
+ value = eval_member_num(mpl, code->arg.par.par, tuple);
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_MEMVAR:
+ /* take computed value of elemental variable */
+ { TUPLE *tuple;
+ ARG_LIST *e;
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ ELEMVAR *var;
+ tuple = create_tuple(mpl);
+ for (e = code->arg.var.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple, eval_symbolic(mpl,
+ e->x));
+#if 0 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ value = eval_member_var(mpl, code->arg.var.var, tuple)
+ ->value;
+ var = eval_member_var(mpl, code->arg.var.var, tuple);
+ switch (code->arg.var.suff)
+ { case DOT_LB:
+ if (var->var->lbnd == NULL)
+ value = -DBL_MAX;
+ else
+ value = var->lbnd;
+ break;
+ case DOT_UB:
+ if (var->var->ubnd == NULL)
+ value = +DBL_MAX;
+ else
+ value = var->ubnd;
+ break;
+ case DOT_STATUS:
+ value = var->stat;
+ break;
+ case DOT_VAL:
+ value = var->prim;
+ break;
+ case DOT_DUAL:
+ value = var->dual;
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(code != code);
+ }
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ }
+ break;
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ case O_MEMCON:
+ /* take computed value of elemental constraint */
+ { TUPLE *tuple;
+ ARG_LIST *e;
+ ELEMCON *con;
+ tuple = create_tuple(mpl);
+ for (e = code->arg.con.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple, eval_symbolic(mpl,
+ e->x));
+ con = eval_member_con(mpl, code->arg.con.con, tuple);
+ switch (code->arg.con.suff)
+ { case DOT_LB:
+ if (con->con->lbnd == NULL)
+ value = -DBL_MAX;
+ else
+ value = con->lbnd;
+ break;
+ case DOT_UB:
+ if (con->con->ubnd == NULL)
+ value = +DBL_MAX;
+ else
+ value = con->ubnd;
+ break;
+ case DOT_STATUS:
+ value = con->stat;
+ break;
+ case DOT_VAL:
+ value = con->prim;
+ break;
+ case DOT_DUAL:
+ value = con->dual;
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(code != code);
+ }
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_IRAND224:
+ /* pseudo-random in [0, 2^24-1] */
+ value = fp_irand224(mpl);
+ break;
+ case O_UNIFORM01:
+ /* pseudo-random in [0, 1) */
+ value = fp_uniform01(mpl);
+ break;
+ case O_NORMAL01:
+ /* gaussian random, mu = 0, sigma = 1 */
+ value = fp_normal01(mpl);
+ break;
+ case O_GMTIME:
+ /* current calendar time */
+ value = fn_gmtime(mpl);
+ break;
+ case O_CVTNUM:
+ /* conversion to numeric */
+ { SYMBOL *sym;
+ sym = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+#if 0 /* 23/XI-2008 */
+ if (sym->str != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "cannot convert %s to floating-point numbe"
+ "r", format_symbol(mpl, sym));
+ value = sym->num;
+ if (sym->str == NULL)
+ value = sym->num;
+ else
+ { if (str2num(sym->str, &value))
+ error(mpl, "cannot convert %s to floating-point nu"
+ "mber", format_symbol(mpl, sym));
+ }
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_PLUS:
+ /* unary plus */
+ value = + eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ break;
+ case O_MINUS:
+ /* unary minus */
+ value = - eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ break;
+ case O_ABS:
+ /* absolute value */
+ value = fabs(eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x));
+ break;
+ case O_CEIL:
+ /* round upward ("ceiling of x") */
+ value = ceil(eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x));
+ break;
+ case O_FLOOR:
+ /* round downward ("floor of x") */
+ value = floor(eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x));
+ break;
+ case O_EXP:
+ /* base-e exponential */
+ value = fp_exp(mpl, eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x));
+ break;
+ case O_LOG:
+ /* natural logarithm */
+ value = fp_log(mpl, eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x));
+ break;
+ case O_LOG10:
+ /* common (decimal) logarithm */
+ value = fp_log10(mpl, eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x));
+ break;
+ case O_SQRT:
+ /* square root */
+ value = fp_sqrt(mpl, eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x));
+ break;
+ case O_SIN:
+ /* trigonometric sine */
+ value = fp_sin(mpl, eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x));
+ break;
+ case O_COS:
+ /* trigonometric cosine */
+ value = fp_cos(mpl, eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x));
+ break;
+ case O_TAN:
+ /* trigonometric tangent */
+ value = fp_tan(mpl, eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x));
+ break;
+ case O_ATAN:
+ /* trigonometric arctangent (one argument) */
+ value = fp_atan(mpl, eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x));
+ break;
+ case O_ATAN2:
+ /* trigonometric arctangent (two arguments) */
+ value = fp_atan2(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_ROUND:
+ /* round to nearest integer */
+ value = fp_round(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x), 0.0);
+ break;
+ case O_ROUND2:
+ /* round to n fractional digits */
+ value = fp_round(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_TRUNC:
+ /* truncate to nearest integer */
+ value = fp_trunc(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x), 0.0);
+ break;
+ case O_TRUNC2:
+ /* truncate to n fractional digits */
+ value = fp_trunc(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_ADD:
+ /* addition */
+ value = fp_add(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_SUB:
+ /* subtraction */
+ value = fp_sub(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_LESS:
+ /* non-negative subtraction */
+ value = fp_less(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_MUL:
+ /* multiplication */
+ value = fp_mul(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_DIV:
+ /* division */
+ value = fp_div(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_IDIV:
+ /* quotient of exact division */
+ value = fp_idiv(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_MOD:
+ /* remainder of exact division */
+ value = fp_mod(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_POWER:
+ /* exponentiation (raise to power) */
+ value = fp_power(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_UNIFORM:
+ /* pseudo-random in [a, b) */
+ value = fp_uniform(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_NORMAL:
+ /* gaussian random, given mu and sigma */
+ value = fp_normal(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_CARD:
+ { ELEMSET *set;
+ set = eval_elemset(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ value = set->size;
+ delete_array(mpl, set);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_LENGTH:
+ { SYMBOL *sym;
+ char str[MAX_LENGTH+1];
+ sym = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ if (sym->str == NULL)
+ sprintf(str, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, sym->num);
+ else
+ fetch_string(mpl, sym->str, str);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym);
+ value = strlen(str);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_STR2TIME:
+ { SYMBOL *sym;
+ char str[MAX_LENGTH+1], fmt[MAX_LENGTH+1];
+ sym = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ if (sym->str == NULL)
+ sprintf(str, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, sym->num);
+ else
+ fetch_string(mpl, sym->str, str);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym);
+ sym = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ if (sym->str == NULL)
+ sprintf(fmt, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, sym->num);
+ else
+ fetch_string(mpl, sym->str, fmt);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym);
+ value = fn_str2time(mpl, str, fmt);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_FORK:
+ /* if-then-else */
+ if (eval_logical(mpl, code->arg.arg.x))
+ value = eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ else if (code->arg.arg.z == NULL)
+ value = 0.0;
+ else
+ value = eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.z);
+ break;
+ case O_MIN:
+ /* minimal value (n-ary) */
+ { ARG_LIST *e;
+ double temp;
+ value = +DBL_MAX;
+ for (e = code->arg.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ { temp = eval_numeric(mpl, e->x);
+ if (value > temp) value = temp;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_MAX:
+ /* maximal value (n-ary) */
+ { ARG_LIST *e;
+ double temp;
+ value = -DBL_MAX;
+ for (e = code->arg.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ { temp = eval_numeric(mpl, e->x);
+ if (value < temp) value = temp;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_SUM:
+ /* summation over domain */
+ { struct iter_num_info _info, *info = &_info;
+ info->code = code;
+ info->value = 0.0;
+ loop_within_domain(mpl, code->arg.loop.domain, info,
+ iter_num_func);
+ value = info->value;
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_PROD:
+ /* multiplication over domain */
+ { struct iter_num_info _info, *info = &_info;
+ info->code = code;
+ info->value = 1.0;
+ loop_within_domain(mpl, code->arg.loop.domain, info,
+ iter_num_func);
+ value = info->value;
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_MINIMUM:
+ /* minimum over domain */
+ { struct iter_num_info _info, *info = &_info;
+ info->code = code;
+ info->value = +DBL_MAX;
+ loop_within_domain(mpl, code->arg.loop.domain, info,
+ iter_num_func);
+ if (info->value == +DBL_MAX)
+ error(mpl, "min{} over empty set; result undefined");
+ value = info->value;
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_MAXIMUM:
+ /* maximum over domain */
+ { struct iter_num_info _info, *info = &_info;
+ info->code = code;
+ info->value = -DBL_MAX;
+ loop_within_domain(mpl, code->arg.loop.domain, info,
+ iter_num_func);
+ if (info->value == -DBL_MAX)
+ error(mpl, "max{} over empty set; result undefined");
+ value = info->value;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(code != code);
+ }
+ /* save resultant value */
+ xassert(!code->valid);
+ code->valid = 1;
+ code->value.num = value;
+done: return value;
+-- eval_symbolic - evaluate pseudo-code to determine symbolic value.
+-- This routine evaluates specified pseudo-code to determine resultant
+-- symbolic value, which is returned on exit. */
+SYMBOL *eval_symbolic(MPL *mpl, CODE *code)
+{ SYMBOL *value;
+ xassert(code != NULL);
+ xassert(code->type == A_SYMBOLIC);
+ xassert(code->dim == 0);
+ /* if the operation has a side effect, invalidate and delete the
+ resultant value */
+ if (code->vflag && code->valid)
+ { code->valid = 0;
+ delete_value(mpl, code->type, &code->value);
+ }
+ /* if resultant value is valid, no evaluation is needed */
+ if (code->valid)
+ { value = copy_symbol(mpl, code->value.sym);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* evaluate pseudo-code recursively */
+ switch (code->op)
+ { case O_STRING:
+ /* take character string */
+ value = create_symbol_str(mpl, create_string(mpl,
+ code->arg.str));
+ break;
+ case O_INDEX:
+ /* take dummy index */
+ xassert(code->arg.index.slot->value != NULL);
+ value = copy_symbol(mpl, code->arg.index.slot->value);
+ break;
+ case O_MEMSYM:
+ /* take member of symbolic parameter */
+ { TUPLE *tuple;
+ ARG_LIST *e;
+ tuple = create_tuple(mpl);
+ for (e = code->arg.par.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple, eval_symbolic(mpl,
+ e->x));
+ value = eval_member_sym(mpl, code->arg.par.par, tuple);
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_CVTSYM:
+ /* conversion to symbolic */
+ value = create_symbol_num(mpl, eval_numeric(mpl,
+ code->arg.arg.x));
+ break;
+ case O_CONCAT:
+ /* concatenation */
+ value = concat_symbols(mpl,
+ eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_FORK:
+ /* if-then-else */
+ if (eval_logical(mpl, code->arg.arg.x))
+ value = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ else if (code->arg.arg.z == NULL)
+ value = create_symbol_num(mpl, 0.0);
+ else
+ value = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.z);
+ break;
+ case O_SUBSTR:
+ case O_SUBSTR3:
+ { double pos, len;
+ char str[MAX_LENGTH+1];
+ value = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ if (value->str == NULL)
+ sprintf(str, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, value->num);
+ else
+ fetch_string(mpl, value->str, str);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, value);
+ if (code->op == O_SUBSTR)
+ { pos = eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ if (pos != floor(pos))
+ error(mpl, "substr('...', %.*g); non-integer secon"
+ "d argument", DBL_DIG, pos);
+ if (pos < 1 || pos > strlen(str) + 1)
+ error(mpl, "substr('...', %.*g); substring out of "
+ "range", DBL_DIG, pos);
+ }
+ else
+ { pos = eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ len = eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.z);
+ if (pos != floor(pos) || len != floor(len))
+ error(mpl, "substr('...', %.*g, %.*g); non-integer"
+ " second and/or third argument", DBL_DIG, pos,
+ DBL_DIG, len);
+ if (pos < 1 || len < 0 || pos + len > strlen(str) + 1)
+ error(mpl, "substr('...', %.*g, %.*g); substring o"
+ "ut of range", DBL_DIG, pos, DBL_DIG, len);
+ str[(int)pos + (int)len - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ value = create_symbol_str(mpl, create_string(mpl, str +
+ (int)pos - 1));
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_TIME2STR:
+ { double num;
+ SYMBOL *sym;
+ char str[MAX_LENGTH+1], fmt[MAX_LENGTH+1];
+ num = eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ sym = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ if (sym->str == NULL)
+ sprintf(fmt, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, sym->num);
+ else
+ fetch_string(mpl, sym->str, fmt);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym);
+ fn_time2str(mpl, str, num, fmt);
+ value = create_symbol_str(mpl, create_string(mpl, str));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(code != code);
+ }
+ /* save resultant value */
+ xassert(!code->valid);
+ code->valid = 1;
+ code->value.sym = copy_symbol(mpl, value);
+done: return value;
+-- eval_logical - evaluate pseudo-code to determine logical value.
+-- This routine evaluates specified pseudo-code to determine resultant
+-- logical value, which is returned on exit. */
+struct iter_log_info
+{ /* working info used by the routine iter_log_func */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for iterated operation to be performed */
+ int value;
+ /* resultant value */
+static int iter_log_func(MPL *mpl, void *_info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine used to perform iterated operation
+ on logical "integrand" within domain scope */
+ struct iter_log_info *info = _info;
+ int ret = 0;
+ switch (info->code->op)
+ { case O_FORALL:
+ /* conjunction over domain */
+ info->value &= eval_logical(mpl, info->code->arg.loop.x);
+ if (!info->value) ret = 1;
+ break;
+ case O_EXISTS:
+ /* disjunction over domain */
+ info->value |= eval_logical(mpl, info->code->arg.loop.x);
+ if (info->value) ret = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(info != info);
+ }
+ return ret;
+int eval_logical(MPL *mpl, CODE *code)
+{ int value;
+ xassert(code->type == A_LOGICAL);
+ xassert(code->dim == 0);
+ /* if the operation has a side effect, invalidate and delete the
+ resultant value */
+ if (code->vflag && code->valid)
+ { code->valid = 0;
+ delete_value(mpl, code->type, &code->value);
+ }
+ /* if resultant value is valid, no evaluation is needed */
+ if (code->valid)
+ { value = code->value.bit;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* evaluate pseudo-code recursively */
+ switch (code->op)
+ { case O_CVTLOG:
+ /* conversion to logical */
+ value = (eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x) != 0.0);
+ break;
+ case O_NOT:
+ /* negation (logical "not") */
+ value = !eval_logical(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ break;
+ case O_LT:
+ /* comparison on 'less than' */
+#if 0 /* 02/VIII-2008 */
+ value = (eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x) <
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ xassert(code->arg.arg.x != NULL);
+ if (code->arg.arg.x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ value = (eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x) <
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ else
+ { SYMBOL *sym1 = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ SYMBOL *sym2 = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ value = (compare_symbols(mpl, sym1, sym2) < 0);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym1);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym2);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_LE:
+ /* comparison on 'not greater than' */
+#if 0 /* 02/VIII-2008 */
+ value = (eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x) <=
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ xassert(code->arg.arg.x != NULL);
+ if (code->arg.arg.x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ value = (eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x) <=
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ else
+ { SYMBOL *sym1 = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ SYMBOL *sym2 = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ value = (compare_symbols(mpl, sym1, sym2) <= 0);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym1);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym2);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_EQ:
+ /* comparison on 'equal to' */
+ xassert(code->arg.arg.x != NULL);
+ if (code->arg.arg.x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ value = (eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x) ==
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ else
+ { SYMBOL *sym1 = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ SYMBOL *sym2 = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ value = (compare_symbols(mpl, sym1, sym2) == 0);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym1);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym2);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_GE:
+ /* comparison on 'not less than' */
+#if 0 /* 02/VIII-2008 */
+ value = (eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x) >=
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ xassert(code->arg.arg.x != NULL);
+ if (code->arg.arg.x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ value = (eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x) >=
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ else
+ { SYMBOL *sym1 = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ SYMBOL *sym2 = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ value = (compare_symbols(mpl, sym1, sym2) >= 0);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym1);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym2);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_GT:
+ /* comparison on 'greater than' */
+#if 0 /* 02/VIII-2008 */
+ value = (eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x) >
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ xassert(code->arg.arg.x != NULL);
+ if (code->arg.arg.x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ value = (eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x) >
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ else
+ { SYMBOL *sym1 = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ SYMBOL *sym2 = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ value = (compare_symbols(mpl, sym1, sym2) > 0);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym1);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym2);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_NE:
+ /* comparison on 'not equal to' */
+ xassert(code->arg.arg.x != NULL);
+ if (code->arg.arg.x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ value = (eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x) !=
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ else
+ { SYMBOL *sym1 = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ SYMBOL *sym2 = eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ value = (compare_symbols(mpl, sym1, sym2) != 0);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym1);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym2);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_AND:
+ /* conjunction (logical "and") */
+ value = eval_logical(mpl, code->arg.arg.x) &&
+ eval_logical(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ break;
+ case O_OR:
+ /* disjunction (logical "or") */
+ value = eval_logical(mpl, code->arg.arg.x) ||
+ eval_logical(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ break;
+ case O_IN:
+ /* test on 'x in Y' */
+ { TUPLE *tuple;
+ tuple = eval_tuple(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ value = is_member(mpl, code->arg.arg.y, tuple);
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_NOTIN:
+ /* test on 'x not in Y' */
+ { TUPLE *tuple;
+ tuple = eval_tuple(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ value = !is_member(mpl, code->arg.arg.y, tuple);
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_WITHIN:
+ /* test on 'X within Y' */
+ { ELEMSET *set;
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ set = eval_elemset(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ value = 1;
+ for (memb = set->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ { if (!is_member(mpl, code->arg.arg.y, memb->tuple))
+ { value = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ delete_elemset(mpl, set);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* test on 'X not within Y' */
+ { ELEMSET *set;
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ set = eval_elemset(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ value = 1;
+ for (memb = set->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ { if (is_member(mpl, code->arg.arg.y, memb->tuple))
+ { value = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ delete_elemset(mpl, set);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_FORALL:
+ /* conjunction (A-quantification) */
+ { struct iter_log_info _info, *info = &_info;
+ info->code = code;
+ info->value = 1;
+ loop_within_domain(mpl, code->arg.loop.domain, info,
+ iter_log_func);
+ value = info->value;
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_EXISTS:
+ /* disjunction (E-quantification) */
+ { struct iter_log_info _info, *info = &_info;
+ info->code = code;
+ info->value = 0;
+ loop_within_domain(mpl, code->arg.loop.domain, info,
+ iter_log_func);
+ value = info->value;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(code != code);
+ }
+ /* save resultant value */
+ xassert(!code->valid);
+ code->valid = 1;
+ code->value.bit = value;
+done: return value;
+-- eval_tuple - evaluate pseudo-code to construct n-tuple.
+-- This routine evaluates specified pseudo-code to construct resultant
+-- n-tuple, which is returned on exit. */
+TUPLE *eval_tuple(MPL *mpl, CODE *code)
+{ TUPLE *value;
+ xassert(code != NULL);
+ xassert(code->type == A_TUPLE);
+ xassert(code->dim > 0);
+ /* if the operation has a side effect, invalidate and delete the
+ resultant value */
+ if (code->vflag && code->valid)
+ { code->valid = 0;
+ delete_value(mpl, code->type, &code->value);
+ }
+ /* if resultant value is valid, no evaluation is needed */
+ if (code->valid)
+ { value = copy_tuple(mpl, code->value.tuple);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* evaluate pseudo-code recursively */
+ switch (code->op)
+ { case O_TUPLE:
+ /* make n-tuple */
+ { ARG_LIST *e;
+ value = create_tuple(mpl);
+ for (e = code->arg.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ value = expand_tuple(mpl, value, eval_symbolic(mpl,
+ e->x));
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_CVTTUP:
+ /* convert to 1-tuple */
+ value = expand_tuple(mpl, create_tuple(mpl),
+ eval_symbolic(mpl, code->arg.arg.x));
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(code != code);
+ }
+ /* save resultant value */
+ xassert(!code->valid);
+ code->valid = 1;
+ code->value.tuple = copy_tuple(mpl, value);
+done: return value;
+-- eval_elemset - evaluate pseudo-code to construct elemental set.
+-- This routine evaluates specified pseudo-code to construct resultant
+-- elemental set, which is returned on exit. */
+struct iter_set_info
+{ /* working info used by the routine iter_set_func */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for iterated operation to be performed */
+ ELEMSET *value;
+ /* resultant value */
+static int iter_set_func(MPL *mpl, void *_info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine used to perform iterated operation
+ on n-tuple "integrand" within domain scope */
+ struct iter_set_info *info = _info;
+ TUPLE *tuple;
+ switch (info->code->op)
+ { case O_SETOF:
+ /* compute next n-tuple and add it to the set; in this case
+ duplicate n-tuples are silently ignored */
+ tuple = eval_tuple(mpl, info->code->arg.loop.x);
+ if (find_tuple(mpl, info->value, tuple) == NULL)
+ add_tuple(mpl, info->value, tuple);
+ else
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ break;
+ case O_BUILD:
+ /* construct next n-tuple using current values assigned to
+ *free* dummy indices as its components and add it to the
+ set; in this case duplicate n-tuples cannot appear */
+ add_tuple(mpl, info->value, get_domain_tuple(mpl,
+ info->code->arg.loop.domain));
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(info != info);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ELEMSET *eval_elemset(MPL *mpl, CODE *code)
+{ ELEMSET *value;
+ xassert(code != NULL);
+ xassert(code->type == A_ELEMSET);
+ xassert(code->dim > 0);
+ /* if the operation has a side effect, invalidate and delete the
+ resultant value */
+ if (code->vflag && code->valid)
+ { code->valid = 0;
+ delete_value(mpl, code->type, &code->value);
+ }
+ /* if resultant value is valid, no evaluation is needed */
+ if (code->valid)
+ { value = copy_elemset(mpl, code->value.set);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* evaluate pseudo-code recursively */
+ switch (code->op)
+ { case O_MEMSET:
+ /* take member of set */
+ { TUPLE *tuple;
+ ARG_LIST *e;
+ tuple = create_tuple(mpl);
+ for (e = code->arg.set.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple, eval_symbolic(mpl,
+ e->x));
+ value = copy_elemset(mpl,
+ eval_member_set(mpl, code->arg.set.set, tuple));
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_MAKE:
+ /* make elemental set of n-tuples */
+ { ARG_LIST *e;
+ value = create_elemset(mpl, code->dim);
+ for (e = code->arg.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ check_then_add(mpl, value, eval_tuple(mpl, e->x));
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_UNION:
+ /* union of two elemental sets */
+ value = set_union(mpl,
+ eval_elemset(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_elemset(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_DIFF:
+ /* difference between two elemental sets */
+ value = set_diff(mpl,
+ eval_elemset(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_elemset(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_SYMDIFF:
+ /* symmetric difference between two elemental sets */
+ value = set_symdiff(mpl,
+ eval_elemset(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_elemset(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_INTER:
+ /* intersection of two elemental sets */
+ value = set_inter(mpl,
+ eval_elemset(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_elemset(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_CROSS:
+ /* cross (Cartesian) product of two elemental sets */
+ value = set_cross(mpl,
+ eval_elemset(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_elemset(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_DOTS:
+ /* build "arithmetic" elemental set */
+ value = create_arelset(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y),
+ code->arg.arg.z == NULL ? 1.0 : eval_numeric(mpl,
+ code->arg.arg.z));
+ break;
+ case O_FORK:
+ /* if-then-else */
+ if (eval_logical(mpl, code->arg.arg.x))
+ value = eval_elemset(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ else
+ value = eval_elemset(mpl, code->arg.arg.z);
+ break;
+ case O_SETOF:
+ /* compute elemental set */
+ { struct iter_set_info _info, *info = &_info;
+ info->code = code;
+ info->value = create_elemset(mpl, code->dim);
+ loop_within_domain(mpl, code->arg.loop.domain, info,
+ iter_set_func);
+ value = info->value;
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_BUILD:
+ /* build elemental set identical to domain set */
+ { struct iter_set_info _info, *info = &_info;
+ info->code = code;
+ info->value = create_elemset(mpl, code->dim);
+ loop_within_domain(mpl, code->arg.loop.domain, info,
+ iter_set_func);
+ value = info->value;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(code != code);
+ }
+ /* save resultant value */
+ xassert(!code->valid);
+ code->valid = 1;
+ code->value.set = copy_elemset(mpl, value);
+done: return value;
+-- is_member - check if n-tuple is in set specified by pseudo-code.
+-- This routine checks if given n-tuple is a member of elemental set
+-- specified in the form of pseudo-code (i.e. by expression).
+-- The n-tuple may have more components that dimension of the elemental
+-- set, in which case the extra components are ignored. */
+static void null_func(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+{ /* this is dummy routine used to enter the domain scope */
+ xassert(mpl == mpl);
+ xassert(info == NULL);
+ return;
+int is_member(MPL *mpl, CODE *code, TUPLE *tuple)
+{ int value;
+ xassert(code != NULL);
+ xassert(code->type == A_ELEMSET);
+ xassert(code->dim > 0);
+ xassert(tuple != NULL);
+ switch (code->op)
+ { case O_MEMSET:
+ /* check if given n-tuple is member of elemental set, which
+ is assigned to member of model set */
+ { ARG_LIST *e;
+ TUPLE *temp;
+ ELEMSET *set;
+ /* evaluate reference to elemental set */
+ temp = create_tuple(mpl);
+ for (e = code->arg.set.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ temp = expand_tuple(mpl, temp, eval_symbolic(mpl,
+ e->x));
+ set = eval_member_set(mpl, code->arg.set.set, temp);
+ delete_tuple(mpl, temp);
+ /* check if the n-tuple is contained in the set array */
+ temp = build_subtuple(mpl, tuple, set->dim);
+ value = (find_tuple(mpl, set, temp) != NULL);
+ delete_tuple(mpl, temp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_MAKE:
+ /* check if given n-tuple is member of literal set */
+ { ARG_LIST *e;
+ TUPLE *temp, *that;
+ value = 0;
+ temp = build_subtuple(mpl, tuple, code->dim);
+ for (e = code->arg.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ { that = eval_tuple(mpl, e->x);
+ value = (compare_tuples(mpl, temp, that) == 0);
+ delete_tuple(mpl, that);
+ if (value) break;
+ }
+ delete_tuple(mpl, temp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_UNION:
+ value = is_member(mpl, code->arg.arg.x, tuple) ||
+ is_member(mpl, code->arg.arg.y, tuple);
+ break;
+ case O_DIFF:
+ value = is_member(mpl, code->arg.arg.x, tuple) &&
+ !is_member(mpl, code->arg.arg.y, tuple);
+ break;
+ case O_SYMDIFF:
+ { int in1 = is_member(mpl, code->arg.arg.x, tuple);
+ int in2 = is_member(mpl, code->arg.arg.y, tuple);
+ value = (in1 && !in2) || (!in1 && in2);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_INTER:
+ value = is_member(mpl, code->arg.arg.x, tuple) &&
+ is_member(mpl, code->arg.arg.y, tuple);
+ break;
+ case O_CROSS:
+ { int j;
+ value = is_member(mpl, code->arg.arg.x, tuple);
+ if (value)
+ { for (j = 1; j <= code->arg.arg.x->dim; j++)
+ { xassert(tuple != NULL);
+ tuple = tuple->next;
+ }
+ value = is_member(mpl, code->arg.arg.y, tuple);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_DOTS:
+ /* check if given 1-tuple is member of "arithmetic" set */
+ { int j;
+ double x, t0, tf, dt;
+ xassert(code->dim == 1);
+ /* compute "parameters" of the "arithmetic" set */
+ t0 = eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ tf = eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ if (code->arg.arg.z == NULL)
+ dt = 1.0;
+ else
+ dt = eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.z);
+ /* make sure the parameters are correct */
+ arelset_size(mpl, t0, tf, dt);
+ /* if component of 1-tuple is symbolic, not numeric, the
+ 1-tuple cannot be member of "arithmetic" set */
+ xassert(tuple->sym != NULL);
+ if (tuple->sym->str != NULL)
+ { value = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* determine numeric value of the component */
+ x = tuple->sym->num;
+ /* if the component value is out of the set range, the
+ 1-tuple is not in the set */
+ if (dt > 0.0 && !(t0 <= x && x <= tf) ||
+ dt < 0.0 && !(tf <= x && x <= t0))
+ { value = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* estimate ordinal number of the 1-tuple in the set */
+ j = (int)(((x - t0) / dt) + 0.5) + 1;
+ /* perform the main check */
+ value = (arelset_member(mpl, t0, tf, dt, j) == x);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_FORK:
+ /* check if given n-tuple is member of conditional set */
+ if (eval_logical(mpl, code->arg.arg.x))
+ value = is_member(mpl, code->arg.arg.y, tuple);
+ else
+ value = is_member(mpl, code->arg.arg.z, tuple);
+ break;
+ case O_SETOF:
+ /* check if given n-tuple is member of computed set */
+ /* it is not clear how to efficiently perform the check not
+ computing the entire elemental set :+( */
+ error(mpl, "implementation restriction; in/within setof{} n"
+ "ot allowed");
+ break;
+ case O_BUILD:
+ /* check if given n-tuple is member of domain set */
+ { TUPLE *temp;
+ temp = build_subtuple(mpl, tuple, code->dim);
+ /* try to enter the domain scope; if it is successful,
+ the n-tuple is in the domain set */
+ value = (eval_within_domain(mpl, code->arg.loop.domain,
+ temp, NULL, null_func) == 0);
+ delete_tuple(mpl, temp);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(code != code);
+ }
+ return value;
+-- eval_formula - evaluate pseudo-code to construct linear form.
+-- This routine evaluates specified pseudo-code to construct resultant
+-- linear form, which is returned on exit. */
+struct iter_form_info
+{ /* working info used by the routine iter_form_func */
+ CODE *code;
+ /* pseudo-code for iterated operation to be performed */
+ FORMULA *value;
+ /* resultant value */
+ FORMULA *tail;
+ /* pointer to the last term */
+static int iter_form_func(MPL *mpl, void *_info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine used to perform iterated operation
+ on linear form "integrand" within domain scope */
+ struct iter_form_info *info = _info;
+ switch (info->code->op)
+ { case O_SUM:
+ /* summation over domain */
+#if 0
+ info->value =
+ linear_comb(mpl,
+ +1.0, info->value,
+ +1.0, eval_formula(mpl, info->code->arg.loop.x));
+ /* the routine linear_comb needs to look through all terms
+ of both linear forms to reduce identical terms, so using
+ it here is not a good idea (for example, evaluation of
+ sum{i in 1..n} x[i] required quadratic time); the better
+ idea is to gather all terms of the integrand in one list
+ and reduce identical terms only once after all terms of
+ the resultant linear form have been evaluated */
+ { FORMULA *form, *term;
+ form = eval_formula(mpl, info->code->arg.loop.x);
+ if (info->value == NULL)
+ { xassert(info->tail == NULL);
+ info->value = form;
+ }
+ else
+ { xassert(info->tail != NULL);
+ info->tail->next = form;
+ }
+ for (term = form; term != NULL; term = term->next)
+ info->tail = term;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(info != info);
+ }
+ return 0;
+FORMULA *eval_formula(MPL *mpl, CODE *code)
+{ FORMULA *value;
+ xassert(code != NULL);
+ xassert(code->type == A_FORMULA);
+ xassert(code->dim == 0);
+ /* if the operation has a side effect, invalidate and delete the
+ resultant value */
+ if (code->vflag && code->valid)
+ { code->valid = 0;
+ delete_value(mpl, code->type, &code->value);
+ }
+ /* if resultant value is valid, no evaluation is needed */
+ if (code->valid)
+ { value = copy_formula(mpl, code->value.form);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* evaluate pseudo-code recursively */
+ switch (code->op)
+ { case O_MEMVAR:
+ /* take member of variable */
+ { TUPLE *tuple;
+ ARG_LIST *e;
+ tuple = create_tuple(mpl);
+ for (e = code->arg.var.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, tuple, eval_symbolic(mpl,
+ e->x));
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ xassert(code->arg.var.suff == DOT_NONE);
+ value = single_variable(mpl,
+ eval_member_var(mpl, code->arg.var.var, tuple));
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_CVTLFM:
+ /* convert to linear form */
+ value = constant_term(mpl, eval_numeric(mpl,
+ code->arg.arg.x));
+ break;
+ case O_PLUS:
+ /* unary plus */
+ value = linear_comb(mpl,
+ 0.0, constant_term(mpl, 0.0),
+ +1.0, eval_formula(mpl, code->arg.arg.x));
+ break;
+ case O_MINUS:
+ /* unary minus */
+ value = linear_comb(mpl,
+ 0.0, constant_term(mpl, 0.0),
+ -1.0, eval_formula(mpl, code->arg.arg.x));
+ break;
+ case O_ADD:
+ /* addition */
+ value = linear_comb(mpl,
+ +1.0, eval_formula(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ +1.0, eval_formula(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_SUB:
+ /* subtraction */
+ value = linear_comb(mpl,
+ +1.0, eval_formula(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ -1.0, eval_formula(mpl, code->arg.arg.y));
+ break;
+ case O_MUL:
+ /* multiplication */
+ xassert(code->arg.arg.x != NULL);
+ xassert(code->arg.arg.y != NULL);
+ if (code->arg.arg.x->type == A_NUMERIC)
+ { xassert(code->arg.arg.y->type == A_FORMULA);
+ value = linear_comb(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ eval_formula(mpl, code->arg.arg.y),
+ 0.0, constant_term(mpl, 0.0));
+ }
+ else
+ { xassert(code->arg.arg.x->type == A_FORMULA);
+ xassert(code->arg.arg.y->type == A_NUMERIC);
+ value = linear_comb(mpl,
+ eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y),
+ eval_formula(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ 0.0, constant_term(mpl, 0.0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_DIV:
+ /* division */
+ value = linear_comb(mpl,
+ fp_div(mpl, 1.0, eval_numeric(mpl, code->arg.arg.y)),
+ eval_formula(mpl, code->arg.arg.x),
+ 0.0, constant_term(mpl, 0.0));
+ break;
+ case O_FORK:
+ /* if-then-else */
+ if (eval_logical(mpl, code->arg.arg.x))
+ value = eval_formula(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ else if (code->arg.arg.z == NULL)
+ value = constant_term(mpl, 0.0);
+ else
+ value = eval_formula(mpl, code->arg.arg.z);
+ break;
+ case O_SUM:
+ /* summation over domain */
+ { struct iter_form_info _info, *info = &_info;
+ info->code = code;
+ info->value = constant_term(mpl, 0.0);
+ info->tail = NULL;
+ loop_within_domain(mpl, code->arg.loop.domain, info,
+ iter_form_func);
+ value = reduce_terms(mpl, info->value);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(code != code);
+ }
+ /* save resultant value */
+ xassert(!code->valid);
+ code->valid = 1;
+ code->value.form = copy_formula(mpl, value);
+done: return value;
+-- clean_code - clean pseudo-code.
+-- This routine recursively cleans specified pseudo-code that assumes
+-- deleting all temporary resultant values. */
+void clean_code(MPL *mpl, CODE *code)
+{ ARG_LIST *e;
+ /* if no pseudo-code is specified, do nothing */
+ if (code == NULL) goto done;
+ /* if resultant value is valid (exists), delete it */
+ if (code->valid)
+ { code->valid = 0;
+ delete_value(mpl, code->type, &code->value);
+ }
+ /* recursively clean pseudo-code for operands */
+ switch (code->op)
+ { case O_NUMBER:
+ case O_STRING:
+ case O_INDEX:
+ break;
+ case O_MEMNUM:
+ case O_MEMSYM:
+ for (e = code->arg.par.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ clean_code(mpl, e->x);
+ break;
+ case O_MEMSET:
+ for (e = code->arg.set.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ clean_code(mpl, e->x);
+ break;
+ case O_MEMVAR:
+ for (e = code->arg.var.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ clean_code(mpl, e->x);
+ break;
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ case O_MEMCON:
+ for (e = code->arg.con.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ clean_code(mpl, e->x);
+ break;
+ case O_TUPLE:
+ case O_MAKE:
+ for (e = code->arg.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ clean_code(mpl, e->x);
+ break;
+ case O_SLICE:
+ xassert(code != code);
+ case O_IRAND224:
+ case O_UNIFORM01:
+ case O_NORMAL01:
+ case O_GMTIME:
+ break;
+ case O_CVTNUM:
+ case O_CVTSYM:
+ case O_CVTLOG:
+ case O_CVTTUP:
+ case O_CVTLFM:
+ case O_PLUS:
+ case O_MINUS:
+ case O_NOT:
+ case O_ABS:
+ case O_CEIL:
+ case O_FLOOR:
+ case O_EXP:
+ case O_LOG:
+ case O_LOG10:
+ case O_SQRT:
+ case O_SIN:
+ case O_COS:
+ case O_TAN:
+ case O_ATAN:
+ case O_ROUND:
+ case O_TRUNC:
+ case O_CARD:
+ case O_LENGTH:
+ /* unary operation */
+ clean_code(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ break;
+ case O_ADD:
+ case O_SUB:
+ case O_LESS:
+ case O_MUL:
+ case O_DIV:
+ case O_IDIV:
+ case O_MOD:
+ case O_POWER:
+ case O_ATAN2:
+ case O_ROUND2:
+ case O_TRUNC2:
+ case O_UNIFORM:
+ case O_NORMAL:
+ case O_CONCAT:
+ case O_LT:
+ case O_LE:
+ case O_EQ:
+ case O_GE:
+ case O_GT:
+ case O_NE:
+ case O_AND:
+ case O_OR:
+ case O_UNION:
+ case O_DIFF:
+ case O_SYMDIFF:
+ case O_INTER:
+ case O_CROSS:
+ case O_IN:
+ case O_NOTIN:
+ case O_WITHIN:
+ case O_SUBSTR:
+ case O_STR2TIME:
+ case O_TIME2STR:
+ /* binary operation */
+ clean_code(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ clean_code(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ break;
+ case O_DOTS:
+ case O_FORK:
+ case O_SUBSTR3:
+ /* ternary operation */
+ clean_code(mpl, code->arg.arg.x);
+ clean_code(mpl, code->arg.arg.y);
+ clean_code(mpl, code->arg.arg.z);
+ break;
+ case O_MIN:
+ case O_MAX:
+ /* n-ary operation */
+ for (e = code->arg.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ clean_code(mpl, e->x);
+ break;
+ case O_SUM:
+ case O_PROD:
+ case O_MINIMUM:
+ case O_MAXIMUM:
+ case O_FORALL:
+ case O_EXISTS:
+ case O_SETOF:
+ case O_BUILD:
+ /* iterated operation */
+ clean_domain(mpl, code->arg.loop.domain);
+ clean_code(mpl, code->arg.loop.x);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(code->op != code->op);
+ }
+done: return;
+#if 1 /* 11/II-2008 */
+/* * * DATA TABLES * * */
+int mpl_tab_num_args(TABDCA *dca)
+{ /* returns the number of arguments */
+ return dca->na;
+const char *mpl_tab_get_arg(TABDCA *dca, int k)
+{ /* returns pointer to k-th argument */
+ xassert(1 <= k && k <= dca->na);
+ return dca->arg[k];
+int mpl_tab_num_flds(TABDCA *dca)
+{ /* returns the number of fields */
+ return dca->nf;
+const char *mpl_tab_get_name(TABDCA *dca, int k)
+{ /* returns pointer to name of k-th field */
+ xassert(1 <= k && k <= dca->nf);
+ return dca->name[k];
+int mpl_tab_get_type(TABDCA *dca, int k)
+{ /* returns type of k-th field */
+ xassert(1 <= k && k <= dca->nf);
+ return dca->type[k];
+double mpl_tab_get_num(TABDCA *dca, int k)
+{ /* returns numeric value of k-th field */
+ xassert(1 <= k && k <= dca->nf);
+ xassert(dca->type[k] == 'N');
+ return dca->num[k];
+const char *mpl_tab_get_str(TABDCA *dca, int k)
+{ /* returns pointer to string value of k-th field */
+ xassert(1 <= k && k <= dca->nf);
+ xassert(dca->type[k] == 'S');
+ xassert(dca->str[k] != NULL);
+ return dca->str[k];
+void mpl_tab_set_num(TABDCA *dca, int k, double num)
+{ /* assign numeric value to k-th field */
+ xassert(1 <= k && k <= dca->nf);
+ xassert(dca->type[k] == '?');
+ dca->type[k] = 'N';
+ dca->num[k] = num;
+ return;
+void mpl_tab_set_str(TABDCA *dca, int k, const char *str)
+{ /* assign string value to k-th field */
+ xassert(1 <= k && k <= dca->nf);
+ xassert(dca->type[k] == '?');
+ xassert(strlen(str) <= MAX_LENGTH);
+ xassert(dca->str[k] != NULL);
+ dca->type[k] = 'S';
+ strcpy(dca->str[k], str);
+ return;
+static int write_func(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine to work within domain scope */
+ TABLE *tab = info;
+ TABDCA *dca = mpl->dca;
+ TABOUT *out;
+ SYMBOL *sym;
+ int k;
+ char buf[MAX_LENGTH+1];
+ /* evaluate field values */
+ k = 0;
+ for (out = tab->u.out.list; out != NULL; out = out->next)
+ { k++;
+ switch (out->code->type)
+ { case A_NUMERIC:
+ dca->type[k] = 'N';
+ dca->num[k] = eval_numeric(mpl, out->code);
+ dca->str[k][0] = '\0';
+ break;
+ case A_SYMBOLIC:
+ sym = eval_symbolic(mpl, out->code);
+ if (sym->str == NULL)
+ { dca->type[k] = 'N';
+ dca->num[k] = sym->num;
+ dca->str[k][0] = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ { dca->type[k] = 'S';
+ dca->num[k] = 0.0;
+ fetch_string(mpl, sym->str, buf);
+ strcpy(dca->str[k], buf);
+ }
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(out != out);
+ }
+ }
+ /* write record to output table */
+ mpl_tab_drv_write(mpl);
+ return 0;
+void execute_table(MPL *mpl, TABLE *tab)
+{ /* execute table statement */
+ TABARG *arg;
+ TABFLD *fld;
+ TABIN *in;
+ TABOUT *out;
+ TABDCA *dca;
+ SET *set;
+ int k;
+ char buf[MAX_LENGTH+1];
+ /* allocate table driver communication area */
+ xassert(mpl->dca == NULL);
+ mpl->dca = dca = xmalloc(sizeof(TABDCA));
+ dca->id = 0;
+ dca->link = NULL;
+ dca->na = 0;
+ dca->arg = NULL;
+ dca->nf = 0;
+ dca->name = NULL;
+ dca->type = NULL;
+ dca->num = NULL;
+ dca->str = NULL;
+ /* allocate arguments */
+ xassert(dca->na == 0);
+ for (arg = tab->arg; arg != NULL; arg = arg->next)
+ dca->na++;
+ dca->arg = xcalloc(1+dca->na, sizeof(char *));
+#if 1 /* 28/IX-2008 */
+ for (k = 1; k <= dca->na; k++) dca->arg[k] = NULL;
+ /* evaluate argument values */
+ k = 0;
+ for (arg = tab->arg; arg != NULL; arg = arg->next)
+ { SYMBOL *sym;
+ k++;
+ xassert(arg->code->type == A_SYMBOLIC);
+ sym = eval_symbolic(mpl, arg->code);
+ if (sym->str == NULL)
+ sprintf(buf, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, sym->num);
+ else
+ fetch_string(mpl, sym->str, buf);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym);
+ dca->arg[k] = xmalloc(strlen(buf)+1);
+ strcpy(dca->arg[k], buf);
+ }
+ /* perform table input/output */
+ switch (tab->type)
+ { case A_INPUT: goto read_table;
+ case A_OUTPUT: goto write_table;
+ default: xassert(tab != tab);
+ }
+ /* read data from input table */
+ /* add the only member to the control set and assign it empty
+ elemental set */
+ set = tab->u.in.set;
+ if (set != NULL)
+ { if (set->data)
+ error(mpl, "%s already provided with data", set->name);
+ xassert(set->array->head == NULL);
+ add_member(mpl, set->array, NULL)->value.set =
+ create_elemset(mpl, set->dimen);
+ set->data = 1;
+ }
+ /* check parameters specified in the input list */
+ for (in = tab->u.in.list; in != NULL; in = in->next)
+ { if (in->par->data)
+ error(mpl, "%s already provided with data", in->par->name);
+ in->par->data = 1;
+ }
+ /* allocate and initialize fields */
+ xassert(dca->nf == 0);
+ for (fld = tab->u.in.fld; fld != NULL; fld = fld->next)
+ dca->nf++;
+ for (in = tab->u.in.list; in != NULL; in = in->next)
+ dca->nf++;
+ dca->name = xcalloc(1+dca->nf, sizeof(char *));
+ dca->type = xcalloc(1+dca->nf, sizeof(int));
+ dca->num = xcalloc(1+dca->nf, sizeof(double));
+ dca->str = xcalloc(1+dca->nf, sizeof(char *));
+ k = 0;
+ for (fld = tab->u.in.fld; fld != NULL; fld = fld->next)
+ { k++;
+ dca->name[k] = fld->name;
+ dca->type[k] = '?';
+ dca->num[k] = 0.0;
+ dca->str[k] = xmalloc(MAX_LENGTH+1);
+ dca->str[k][0] = '\0';
+ }
+ for (in = tab->u.in.list; in != NULL; in = in->next)
+ { k++;
+ dca->name[k] = in->name;
+ dca->type[k] = '?';
+ dca->num[k] = 0.0;
+ dca->str[k] = xmalloc(MAX_LENGTH+1);
+ dca->str[k][0] = '\0';
+ }
+ /* open input table */
+ mpl_tab_drv_open(mpl, 'R');
+ /* read and process records */
+ for (;;)
+ { TUPLE *tup;
+ /* reset field types */
+ for (k = 1; k <= dca->nf; k++)
+ dca->type[k] = '?';
+ /* read next record */
+ if (mpl_tab_drv_read(mpl)) break;
+ /* all fields must be set by the driver */
+ for (k = 1; k <= dca->nf; k++)
+ { if (dca->type[k] == '?')
+ error(mpl, "field %s missing in input table",
+ dca->name[k]);
+ }
+ /* construct n-tuple */
+ tup = create_tuple(mpl);
+ k = 0;
+ for (fld = tab->u.in.fld; fld != NULL; fld = fld->next)
+ { k++;
+ xassert(k <= dca->nf);
+ switch (dca->type[k])
+ { case 'N':
+ tup = expand_tuple(mpl, tup, create_symbol_num(mpl,
+ dca->num[k]));
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ xassert(strlen(dca->str[k]) <= MAX_LENGTH);
+ tup = expand_tuple(mpl, tup, create_symbol_str(mpl,
+ create_string(mpl, dca->str[k])));
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(dca != dca);
+ }
+ }
+ /* add n-tuple just read to the control set */
+ if (tab->u.in.set != NULL)
+ check_then_add(mpl, tab->u.in.set->array->head->value.set,
+ copy_tuple(mpl, tup));
+ /* assign values to the parameters in the input list */
+ for (in = tab->u.in.list; in != NULL; in = in->next)
+ { MEMBER *memb;
+ k++;
+ xassert(k <= dca->nf);
+ /* there must be no member with the same n-tuple */
+ if (find_member(mpl, in->par->array, tup) != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "%s%s already defined", in->par->name,
+ format_tuple(mpl, '[', tup));
+ /* create new parameter member with given n-tuple */
+ memb = add_member(mpl, in->par->array, copy_tuple(mpl, tup))
+ ;
+ /* assign value to the parameter member */
+ switch (in->par->type)
+ { case A_NUMERIC:
+ case A_INTEGER:
+ case A_BINARY:
+ if (dca->type[k] != 'N')
+ error(mpl, "%s requires numeric data",
+ in->par->name);
+ memb->value.num = dca->num[k];
+ break;
+ case A_SYMBOLIC:
+ switch (dca->type[k])
+ { case 'N':
+ memb->value.sym = create_symbol_num(mpl,
+ dca->num[k]);
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ xassert(strlen(dca->str[k]) <= MAX_LENGTH);
+ memb->value.sym = create_symbol_str(mpl,
+ create_string(mpl,dca->str[k]));
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(dca != dca);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(in != in);
+ }
+ }
+ /* n-tuple is no more needed */
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tup);
+ }
+ /* close input table */
+ mpl_tab_drv_close(mpl);
+ goto done;
+ /* write data to output table */
+ /* allocate and initialize fields */
+ xassert(dca->nf == 0);
+ for (out = tab->u.out.list; out != NULL; out = out->next)
+ dca->nf++;
+ dca->name = xcalloc(1+dca->nf, sizeof(char *));
+ dca->type = xcalloc(1+dca->nf, sizeof(int));
+ dca->num = xcalloc(1+dca->nf, sizeof(double));
+ dca->str = xcalloc(1+dca->nf, sizeof(char *));
+ k = 0;
+ for (out = tab->u.out.list; out != NULL; out = out->next)
+ { k++;
+ dca->name[k] = out->name;
+ dca->type[k] = '?';
+ dca->num[k] = 0.0;
+ dca->str[k] = xmalloc(MAX_LENGTH+1);
+ dca->str[k][0] = '\0';
+ }
+ /* open output table */
+ mpl_tab_drv_open(mpl, 'W');
+ /* evaluate fields and write records */
+ loop_within_domain(mpl, tab->u.out.domain, tab, write_func);
+ /* close output table */
+ mpl_tab_drv_close(mpl);
+done: /* free table driver communication area */
+ free_dca(mpl);
+ return;
+void free_dca(MPL *mpl)
+{ /* free table driver communucation area */
+ TABDCA *dca = mpl->dca;
+ int k;
+ if (dca != NULL)
+ { if (dca->link != NULL)
+ mpl_tab_drv_close(mpl);
+ if (dca->arg != NULL)
+ { for (k = 1; k <= dca->na; k++)
+#if 1 /* 28/IX-2008 */
+ if (dca->arg[k] != NULL)
+ xfree(dca->arg[k]);
+ xfree(dca->arg);
+ }
+ if (dca->name != NULL) xfree(dca->name);
+ if (dca->type != NULL) xfree(dca->type);
+ if (dca->num != NULL) xfree(dca->num);
+ if (dca->str != NULL)
+ { for (k = 1; k <= dca->nf; k++)
+ xfree(dca->str[k]);
+ xfree(dca->str);
+ }
+ xfree(dca), mpl->dca = NULL;
+ }
+ return;
+void clean_table(MPL *mpl, TABLE *tab)
+{ /* clean table statement */
+ TABARG *arg;
+ TABOUT *out;
+ /* clean string list */
+ for (arg = tab->arg; arg != NULL; arg = arg->next)
+ clean_code(mpl, arg->code);
+ switch (tab->type)
+ { case A_INPUT:
+ break;
+ case A_OUTPUT:
+ /* clean subscript domain */
+ clean_domain(mpl, tab->u.out.domain);
+ /* clean output list */
+ for (out = tab->u.out.list; out != NULL; out = out->next)
+ clean_code(mpl, out->code);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(tab != tab);
+ }
+ return;
+/* * * MODEL STATEMENTS * * */
+-- execute_check - execute check statement.
+-- This routine executes specified check statement. */
+static int check_func(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine to work within domain scope */
+ CHECK *chk = (CHECK *)info;
+ if (!eval_logical(mpl, chk->code))
+ error(mpl, "check%s failed", format_tuple(mpl, '[',
+ get_domain_tuple(mpl, chk->domain)));
+ return 0;
+void execute_check(MPL *mpl, CHECK *chk)
+{ loop_within_domain(mpl, chk->domain, chk, check_func);
+ return;
+-- clean_check - clean check statement.
+-- This routine cleans specified check statement that assumes deleting
+-- all stuff dynamically allocated on generating/postsolving phase. */
+void clean_check(MPL *mpl, CHECK *chk)
+{ /* clean subscript domain */
+ clean_domain(mpl, chk->domain);
+ /* clean pseudo-code for computing predicate */
+ clean_code(mpl, chk->code);
+ return;
+-- execute_display - execute display statement.
+-- This routine executes specified display statement. */
+static void display_set(MPL *mpl, SET *set, MEMBER *memb)
+{ /* display member of model set */
+ ELEMSET *s = memb->value.set;
+ MEMBER *m;
+ write_text(mpl, "%s%s%s\n", set->name,
+ format_tuple(mpl, '[', memb->tuple),
+ s->head == NULL ? " is empty" : ":");
+ for (m = s->head; m != NULL; m = m->next)
+ write_text(mpl, " %s\n", format_tuple(mpl, '(', m->tuple));
+ return;
+static void display_par(MPL *mpl, PARAMETER *par, MEMBER *memb)
+{ /* display member of model parameter */
+ switch (par->type)
+ { case A_NUMERIC:
+ case A_INTEGER:
+ case A_BINARY:
+ write_text(mpl, "%s%s = %.*g\n", par->name,
+ format_tuple(mpl, '[', memb->tuple),
+ DBL_DIG, memb->value.num);
+ break;
+ case A_SYMBOLIC:
+ write_text(mpl, "%s%s = %s\n", par->name,
+ format_tuple(mpl, '[', memb->tuple),
+ format_symbol(mpl, memb->value.sym));
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(par != par);
+ }
+ return;
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+static void display_var(MPL *mpl, VARIABLE *var, MEMBER *memb,
+ int suff)
+{ /* display member of model variable */
+ if (suff == DOT_NONE || suff == DOT_VAL)
+ write_text(mpl, "%s%s.val = %.*g\n", var->name,
+ format_tuple(mpl, '[', memb->tuple), DBL_DIG,
+ memb->value.var->prim);
+ else if (suff == DOT_LB)
+ write_text(mpl, "%s%s.lb = %.*g\n", var->name,
+ format_tuple(mpl, '[', memb->tuple), DBL_DIG,
+ memb->value.var->var->lbnd == NULL ? -DBL_MAX :
+ memb->value.var->lbnd);
+ else if (suff == DOT_UB)
+ write_text(mpl, "%s%s.ub = %.*g\n", var->name,
+ format_tuple(mpl, '[', memb->tuple), DBL_DIG,
+ memb->value.var->var->ubnd == NULL ? +DBL_MAX :
+ memb->value.var->ubnd);
+ else if (suff == DOT_STATUS)
+ write_text(mpl, "%s%s.status = %d\n", var->name, format_tuple
+ (mpl, '[', memb->tuple), memb->value.var->stat);
+ else if (suff == DOT_DUAL)
+ write_text(mpl, "%s%s.dual = %.*g\n", var->name,
+ format_tuple(mpl, '[', memb->tuple), DBL_DIG,
+ memb->value.var->dual);
+ else
+ xassert(suff != suff);
+ return;
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+static void display_con(MPL *mpl, CONSTRAINT *con, MEMBER *memb,
+ int suff)
+{ /* display member of model constraint */
+ if (suff == DOT_NONE || suff == DOT_VAL)
+ write_text(mpl, "%s%s.val = %.*g\n", con->name,
+ format_tuple(mpl, '[', memb->tuple), DBL_DIG,
+ memb->value.con->prim);
+ else if (suff == DOT_LB)
+ write_text(mpl, "%s%s.lb = %.*g\n", con->name,
+ format_tuple(mpl, '[', memb->tuple), DBL_DIG,
+ memb->value.con->con->lbnd == NULL ? -DBL_MAX :
+ memb->value.con->lbnd);
+ else if (suff == DOT_UB)
+ write_text(mpl, "%s%s.ub = %.*g\n", con->name,
+ format_tuple(mpl, '[', memb->tuple), DBL_DIG,
+ memb->value.con->con->ubnd == NULL ? +DBL_MAX :
+ memb->value.con->ubnd);
+ else if (suff == DOT_STATUS)
+ write_text(mpl, "%s%s.status = %d\n", con->name, format_tuple
+ (mpl, '[', memb->tuple), memb->value.con->stat);
+ else if (suff == DOT_DUAL)
+ write_text(mpl, "%s%s.dual = %.*g\n", con->name,
+ format_tuple(mpl, '[', memb->tuple), DBL_DIG,
+ memb->value.con->dual);
+ else
+ xassert(suff != suff);
+ return;
+static void display_memb(MPL *mpl, CODE *code)
+{ /* display member specified by pseudo-code */
+ MEMBER memb;
+ ARG_LIST *e;
+ xassert(code->op == O_MEMNUM || code->op == O_MEMSYM
+ || code->op == O_MEMSET || code->op == O_MEMVAR
+ || code->op == O_MEMCON);
+ memb.tuple = create_tuple(mpl);
+ for (e = code->arg.par.list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ memb.tuple = expand_tuple(mpl, memb.tuple, eval_symbolic(mpl,
+ e->x));
+ switch (code->op)
+ { case O_MEMNUM:
+ memb.value.num = eval_member_num(mpl, code->arg.par.par,
+ memb.tuple);
+ display_par(mpl, code->arg.par.par, &memb);
+ break;
+ case O_MEMSYM:
+ memb.value.sym = eval_member_sym(mpl, code->arg.par.par,
+ memb.tuple);
+ display_par(mpl, code->arg.par.par, &memb);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, memb.value.sym);
+ break;
+ case O_MEMSET:
+ memb.value.set = eval_member_set(mpl, code->arg.set.set,
+ memb.tuple);
+ display_set(mpl, code->arg.set.set, &memb);
+ break;
+ case O_MEMVAR:
+ memb.value.var = eval_member_var(mpl, code->arg.var.var,
+ memb.tuple);
+ display_var
+ (mpl, code->arg.var.var, &memb, code->arg.var.suff);
+ break;
+ case O_MEMCON:
+ memb.value.con = eval_member_con(mpl, code->arg.con.con,
+ memb.tuple);
+ display_con
+ (mpl, code->arg.con.con, &memb, code->arg.con.suff);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(code != code);
+ }
+ delete_tuple(mpl, memb.tuple);
+ return;
+static void display_code(MPL *mpl, CODE *code)
+{ /* display value of expression */
+ switch (code->type)
+ { case A_NUMERIC:
+ /* numeric value */
+ { double num;
+ num = eval_numeric(mpl, code);
+ write_text(mpl, "%.*g\n", DBL_DIG, num);
+ }
+ break;
+ case A_SYMBOLIC:
+ /* symbolic value */
+ { SYMBOL *sym;
+ sym = eval_symbolic(mpl, code);
+ write_text(mpl, "%s\n", format_symbol(mpl, sym));
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym);
+ }
+ break;
+ case A_LOGICAL:
+ /* logical value */
+ { int bit;
+ bit = eval_logical(mpl, code);
+ write_text(mpl, "%s\n", bit ? "true" : "false");
+ }
+ break;
+ case A_TUPLE:
+ /* n-tuple */
+ { TUPLE *tuple;
+ tuple = eval_tuple(mpl, code);
+ write_text(mpl, "%s\n", format_tuple(mpl, '(', tuple));
+ delete_tuple(mpl, tuple);
+ }
+ break;
+ case A_ELEMSET:
+ /* elemental set */
+ { ELEMSET *set;
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ set = eval_elemset(mpl, code);
+ if (set->head == 0)
+ write_text(mpl, "set is empty\n");
+ for (memb = set->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ write_text(mpl, " %s\n", format_tuple(mpl, '(',
+ memb->tuple));
+ delete_elemset(mpl, set);
+ }
+ break;
+ case A_FORMULA:
+ /* linear form */
+ { FORMULA *form, *term;
+ form = eval_formula(mpl, code);
+ if (form == NULL)
+ write_text(mpl, "linear form is empty\n");
+ for (term = form; term != NULL; term = term->next)
+ { if (term->var == NULL)
+ write_text(mpl, " %.*g\n", term->coef);
+ else
+ write_text(mpl, " %.*g %s%s\n", DBL_DIG,
+ term->coef, term->var->var->name,
+ format_tuple(mpl, '[', term->var->memb->tuple));
+ }
+ delete_formula(mpl, form);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(code != code);
+ }
+ return;
+static int display_func(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine to work within domain scope */
+ DISPLAY *dpy = (DISPLAY *)info;
+ DISPLAY1 *entry;
+ for (entry = dpy->list; entry != NULL; entry = entry->next)
+ { if (entry->type == A_INDEX)
+ { /* dummy index */
+ DOMAIN_SLOT *slot = entry->u.slot;
+ write_text(mpl, "%s = %s\n", slot->name,
+ format_symbol(mpl, slot->value));
+ }
+ else if (entry->type == A_SET)
+ { /* model set */
+ SET *set = entry->u.set;
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ if (set->assign != NULL)
+ { /* the set has assignment expression; evaluate all its
+ members over entire domain */
+ eval_whole_set(mpl, set);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* the set has no assignment expression; refer to its
+ any existing member ignoring resultant value to check
+ the data provided the data section */
+#if 1 /* 12/XII-2008 */
+ if (set->gadget != NULL && set->data == 0)
+ { /* initialize the set with data from a plain set */
+ saturate_set(mpl, set);
+ }
+ if (set->array->head != NULL)
+ eval_member_set(mpl, set, set->array->head->tuple);
+ }
+ /* display all members of the set array */
+ if (set->array->head == NULL)
+ write_text(mpl, "%s has empty content\n", set->name);
+ for (memb = set->array->head; memb != NULL; memb =
+ memb->next) display_set(mpl, set, memb);
+ }
+ else if (entry->type == A_PARAMETER)
+ { /* model parameter */
+ PARAMETER *par = entry->u.par;
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ if (par->assign != NULL)
+ { /* the parameter has an assignment expression; evaluate
+ all its member over entire domain */
+ eval_whole_par(mpl, par);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* the parameter has no assignment expression; refer to
+ its any existing member ignoring resultant value to
+ check the data provided in the data section */
+ if (par->array->head != NULL)
+ { if (par->type != A_SYMBOLIC)
+ eval_member_num(mpl, par, par->array->head->tuple);
+ else
+ delete_symbol(mpl, eval_member_sym(mpl, par,
+ par->array->head->tuple));
+ }
+ }
+ /* display all members of the parameter array */
+ if (par->array->head == NULL)
+ write_text(mpl, "%s has empty content\n", par->name);
+ for (memb = par->array->head; memb != NULL; memb =
+ memb->next) display_par(mpl, par, memb);
+ }
+ else if (entry->type == A_VARIABLE)
+ { /* model variable */
+ VARIABLE *var = entry->u.var;
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ xassert(mpl->flag_p);
+ /* display all members of the variable array */
+ if (var->array->head == NULL)
+ write_text(mpl, "%s has empty content\n", var->name);
+ for (memb = var->array->head; memb != NULL; memb =
+ memb->next) display_var(mpl, var, memb, DOT_NONE);
+ }
+ else if (entry->type == A_CONSTRAINT)
+ { /* model constraint */
+ CONSTRAINT *con = entry->u.con;
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ xassert(mpl->flag_p);
+ /* display all members of the constraint array */
+ if (con->array->head == NULL)
+ write_text(mpl, "%s has empty content\n", con->name);
+ for (memb = con->array->head; memb != NULL; memb =
+ memb->next) display_con(mpl, con, memb, DOT_NONE);
+ }
+ else if (entry->type == A_EXPRESSION)
+ { /* expression */
+ CODE *code = entry->u.code;
+ if (code->op == O_MEMNUM || code->op == O_MEMSYM ||
+ code->op == O_MEMSET || code->op == O_MEMVAR ||
+ code->op == O_MEMCON)
+ display_memb(mpl, code);
+ else
+ display_code(mpl, code);
+ }
+ else
+ xassert(entry != entry);
+ }
+ return 0;
+void execute_display(MPL *mpl, DISPLAY *dpy)
+{ loop_within_domain(mpl, dpy->domain, dpy, display_func);
+ return;
+-- clean_display - clean display statement.
+-- This routine cleans specified display statement that assumes deleting
+-- all stuff dynamically allocated on generating/postsolving phase. */
+void clean_display(MPL *mpl, DISPLAY *dpy)
+{ DISPLAY1 *d;
+#if 0 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ ARG_LIST *e;
+ /* clean subscript domain */
+ clean_domain(mpl, dpy->domain);
+ /* clean display list */
+ for (d = dpy->list; d != NULL; d = d->next)
+ { /* clean pseudo-code for computing expression */
+ if (d->type == A_EXPRESSION)
+ clean_code(mpl, d->u.code);
+#if 0 /* 15/V-2010 */
+ /* clean pseudo-code for computing subscripts */
+ for (e = d->list; e != NULL; e = e->next)
+ clean_code(mpl, e->x);
+ }
+ return;
+-- execute_printf - execute printf statement.
+-- This routine executes specified printf statement. */
+#if 1 /* 14/VII-2006 */
+static void print_char(MPL *mpl, int c)
+{ if (mpl->prt_fp == NULL)
+ write_char(mpl, c);
+ else
+#if 0 /* 04/VIII-2013 */
+ xfputc(c, mpl->prt_fp);
+ { unsigned char buf[1];
+ buf[0] = (unsigned char)c;
+ glp_write(mpl->prt_fp, buf, 1);
+ }
+ return;
+static void print_text(MPL *mpl, char *fmt, ...)
+{ va_list arg;
+ char buf[OUTBUF_SIZE], *c;
+ va_start(arg, fmt);
+ vsprintf(buf, fmt, arg);
+ xassert(strlen(buf) < sizeof(buf));
+ va_end(arg);
+ for (c = buf; *c != '\0'; c++) print_char(mpl, *c);
+ return;
+static int printf_func(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine to work within domain scope */
+ PRINTF *prt = (PRINTF *)info;
+ PRINTF1 *entry;
+ SYMBOL *sym;
+ char fmt[MAX_LENGTH+1], *c, *from, save;
+ /* evaluate format control string */
+ sym = eval_symbolic(mpl, prt->fmt);
+ if (sym->str == NULL)
+ sprintf(fmt, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, sym->num);
+ else
+ fetch_string(mpl, sym->str, fmt);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym);
+ /* scan format control string and perform formatting output */
+ entry = prt->list;
+ for (c = fmt; *c != '\0'; c++)
+ { if (*c == '%')
+ { /* scan format specifier */
+ from = c++;
+ if (*c == '%')
+ { print_char(mpl, '%');
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (entry == NULL) break;
+ /* scan optional flags */
+ while (*c == '-' || *c == '+' || *c == ' ' || *c == '#' ||
+ *c == '0') c++;
+ /* scan optional minimum field width */
+ while (isdigit((unsigned char)*c)) c++;
+ /* scan optional precision */
+ if (*c == '.')
+ { c++;
+ while (isdigit((unsigned char)*c)) c++;
+ }
+ /* scan conversion specifier and perform formatting */
+ save = *(c+1), *(c+1) = '\0';
+ if (*c == 'd' || *c == 'i' || *c == 'e' || *c == 'E' ||
+ *c == 'f' || *c == 'F' || *c == 'g' || *c == 'G')
+ { /* the specifier requires numeric value */
+ double value;
+ xassert(entry != NULL);
+ switch (entry->code->type)
+ { case A_NUMERIC:
+ value = eval_numeric(mpl, entry->code);
+ break;
+ case A_SYMBOLIC:
+ sym = eval_symbolic(mpl, entry->code);
+ if (sym->str != NULL)
+ error(mpl, "cannot convert %s to floating-point"
+ " number", format_symbol(mpl, sym));
+ value = sym->num;
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym);
+ break;
+ case A_LOGICAL:
+ if (eval_logical(mpl, entry->code))
+ value = 1.0;
+ else
+ value = 0.0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(entry != entry);
+ }
+ if (*c == 'd' || *c == 'i')
+ { double int_max = (double)INT_MAX;
+ if (!(-int_max <= value && value <= +int_max))
+ error(mpl, "cannot convert %.*g to integer",
+ DBL_DIG, value);
+ print_text(mpl, from, (int)floor(value + 0.5));
+ }
+ else
+ print_text(mpl, from, value);
+ }
+ else if (*c == 's')
+ { /* the specifier requires symbolic value */
+ char value[MAX_LENGTH+1];
+ switch (entry->code->type)
+ { case A_NUMERIC:
+ sprintf(value, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, eval_numeric(mpl,
+ entry->code));
+ break;
+ case A_LOGICAL:
+ if (eval_logical(mpl, entry->code))
+ strcpy(value, "T");
+ else
+ strcpy(value, "F");
+ break;
+ case A_SYMBOLIC:
+ sym = eval_symbolic(mpl, entry->code);
+ if (sym->str == NULL)
+ sprintf(value, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, sym->num);
+ else
+ fetch_string(mpl, sym->str, value);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(entry != entry);
+ }
+ print_text(mpl, from, value);
+ }
+ else
+ error(mpl, "format specifier missing or invalid");
+ *(c+1) = save;
+ entry = entry->next;
+ }
+ else if (*c == '\\')
+ { /* write some control character */
+ c++;
+ if (*c == 't')
+ print_char(mpl, '\t');
+ else if (*c == 'n')
+ print_char(mpl, '\n');
+#if 1 /* 28/X-2010 */
+ else if (*c == '\0')
+ { /* format string ends with backslash */
+ error(mpl, "invalid use of escape character \\ in format"
+ " control string");
+ }
+ else
+ print_char(mpl, *c);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* write character without formatting */
+ print_char(mpl, *c);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+#if 0 /* 14/VII-2006 */
+void execute_printf(MPL *mpl, PRINTF *prt)
+{ loop_within_domain(mpl, prt->domain, prt, printf_func);
+ return;
+void execute_printf(MPL *mpl, PRINTF *prt)
+{ if (prt->fname == NULL)
+ { /* switch to the standard output */
+ if (mpl->prt_fp != NULL)
+ { glp_close(mpl->prt_fp), mpl->prt_fp = NULL;
+ xfree(mpl->prt_file), mpl->prt_file = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* evaluate file name string */
+ SYMBOL *sym;
+ char fname[MAX_LENGTH+1];
+ sym = eval_symbolic(mpl, prt->fname);
+ if (sym->str == NULL)
+ sprintf(fname, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, sym->num);
+ else
+ fetch_string(mpl, sym->str, fname);
+ delete_symbol(mpl, sym);
+ /* close the current print file, if necessary */
+ if (mpl->prt_fp != NULL &&
+ (!prt->app || strcmp(mpl->prt_file, fname) != 0))
+ { glp_close(mpl->prt_fp), mpl->prt_fp = NULL;
+ xfree(mpl->prt_file), mpl->prt_file = NULL;
+ }
+ /* open the specified print file, if necessary */
+ if (mpl->prt_fp == NULL)
+ { mpl->prt_fp = glp_open(fname, prt->app ? "a" : "w");
+ if (mpl->prt_fp == NULL)
+ error(mpl, "unable to open '%s' for writing - %s",
+ fname, get_err_msg());
+ mpl->prt_file = xmalloc(strlen(fname)+1);
+ strcpy(mpl->prt_file, fname);
+ }
+ }
+ loop_within_domain(mpl, prt->domain, prt, printf_func);
+ if (mpl->prt_fp != NULL)
+ {
+#if 0 /* FIXME */
+ xfflush(mpl->prt_fp);
+ if (glp_ioerr(mpl->prt_fp))
+ error(mpl, "writing error to '%s' - %s", mpl->prt_file,
+ get_err_msg());
+ }
+ return;
+-- clean_printf - clean printf statement.
+-- This routine cleans specified printf statement that assumes deleting
+-- all stuff dynamically allocated on generating/postsolving phase. */
+void clean_printf(MPL *mpl, PRINTF *prt)
+{ PRINTF1 *p;
+ /* clean subscript domain */
+ clean_domain(mpl, prt->domain);
+ /* clean pseudo-code for computing format string */
+ clean_code(mpl, prt->fmt);
+ /* clean printf list */
+ for (p = prt->list; p != NULL; p = p->next)
+ { /* clean pseudo-code for computing value to be printed */
+ clean_code(mpl, p->code);
+ }
+#if 1 /* 14/VII-2006 */
+ /* clean pseudo-code for computing file name string */
+ clean_code(mpl, prt->fname);
+ return;
+-- execute_for - execute for statement.
+-- This routine executes specified for statement. */
+static int for_func(MPL *mpl, void *info)
+{ /* this is auxiliary routine to work within domain scope */
+ FOR *fur = (FOR *)info;
+ STATEMENT *stmt, *save;
+ save = mpl->stmt;
+ for (stmt = fur->list; stmt != NULL; stmt = stmt->next)
+ execute_statement(mpl, stmt);
+ mpl->stmt = save;
+ return 0;
+void execute_for(MPL *mpl, FOR *fur)
+{ loop_within_domain(mpl, fur->domain, fur, for_func);
+ return;
+-- clean_for - clean for statement.
+-- This routine cleans specified for statement that assumes deleting all
+-- stuff dynamically allocated on generating/postsolving phase. */
+void clean_for(MPL *mpl, FOR *fur)
+{ STATEMENT *stmt;
+ /* clean subscript domain */
+ clean_domain(mpl, fur->domain);
+ /* clean all sub-statements */
+ for (stmt = fur->list; stmt != NULL; stmt = stmt->next)
+ clean_statement(mpl, stmt);
+ return;
+-- execute_statement - execute specified model statement.
+-- This routine executes specified model statement. */
+void execute_statement(MPL *mpl, STATEMENT *stmt)
+{ mpl->stmt = stmt;
+ switch (stmt->type)
+ { case A_SET:
+ case A_VARIABLE:
+ break;
+ xprintf("Generating %s...\n", stmt->u.con->name);
+ eval_whole_con(mpl, stmt->u.con);
+ break;
+ case A_TABLE:
+ switch (stmt->u.tab->type)
+ { case A_INPUT:
+ xprintf("Reading %s...\n", stmt->u.tab->name);
+ break;
+ case A_OUTPUT:
+ xprintf("Writing %s...\n", stmt->u.tab->name);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(stmt != stmt);
+ }
+ execute_table(mpl, stmt->u.tab);
+ break;
+ case A_SOLVE:
+ break;
+ case A_CHECK:
+ xprintf("Checking (line %d)...\n", stmt->line);
+ execute_check(mpl, stmt->u.chk);
+ break;
+ case A_DISPLAY:
+ write_text(mpl, "Display statement at line %d\n",
+ stmt->line);
+ execute_display(mpl, stmt->u.dpy);
+ break;
+ case A_PRINTF:
+ execute_printf(mpl, stmt->u.prt);
+ break;
+ case A_FOR:
+ execute_for(mpl, stmt->u.fur);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(stmt != stmt);
+ }
+ return;
+-- clean_statement - clean specified model statement.
+-- This routine cleans specified model statement that assumes deleting
+-- all stuff dynamically allocated on generating/postsolving phase. */
+void clean_statement(MPL *mpl, STATEMENT *stmt)
+{ switch(stmt->type)
+ { case A_SET:
+ clean_set(mpl, stmt->u.set); break;
+ clean_parameter(mpl, stmt->u.par); break;
+ case A_VARIABLE:
+ clean_variable(mpl, stmt->u.var); break;
+ clean_constraint(mpl, stmt->u.con); break;
+#if 1 /* 11/II-2008 */
+ case A_TABLE:
+ clean_table(mpl, stmt->u.tab); break;
+ case A_SOLVE:
+ break;
+ case A_CHECK:
+ clean_check(mpl, stmt->u.chk); break;
+ case A_DISPLAY:
+ clean_display(mpl, stmt->u.dpy); break;
+ case A_PRINTF:
+ clean_printf(mpl, stmt->u.prt); break;
+ case A_FOR:
+ clean_for(mpl, stmt->u.fur); break;
+ default:
+ xassert(stmt != stmt);
+ }
+ return;
+/* eof */
diff --git a/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl4.c b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl4.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e80499c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl4.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1426 @@
+/* mpl4.c */
+* This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).
+* Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied
+* Informatics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights
+* reserved. E-mail: <mao@gnu.org>.
+* GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+* License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with GLPK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "mpl.h"
+#define xfault xerror
+#define xfprintf glp_format
+#define dmp_create_poolx(size) dmp_create_pool()
+-- alloc_content - allocate content arrays for all model objects.
+-- This routine allocates content arrays for all existing model objects
+-- and thereby finalizes creating model.
+-- This routine must be called immediately after reading model section,
+-- i.e. before reading data section or generating model. */
+void alloc_content(MPL *mpl)
+{ STATEMENT *stmt;
+ /* walk through all model statements */
+ for (stmt = mpl->model; stmt != NULL; stmt = stmt->next)
+ { switch (stmt->type)
+ { case A_SET:
+ /* model set */
+ xassert(stmt->u.set->array == NULL);
+ stmt->u.set->array = create_array(mpl, A_ELEMSET,
+ stmt->u.set->dim);
+ break;
+ /* model parameter */
+ xassert(stmt->u.par->array == NULL);
+ switch (stmt->u.par->type)
+ { case A_NUMERIC:
+ case A_INTEGER:
+ case A_BINARY:
+ stmt->u.par->array = create_array(mpl, A_NUMERIC,
+ stmt->u.par->dim);
+ break;
+ case A_SYMBOLIC:
+ stmt->u.par->array = create_array(mpl, A_SYMBOLIC,
+ stmt->u.par->dim);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(stmt != stmt);
+ }
+ break;
+ case A_VARIABLE:
+ /* model variable */
+ xassert(stmt->u.var->array == NULL);
+ stmt->u.var->array = create_array(mpl, A_ELEMVAR,
+ stmt->u.var->dim);
+ break;
+ /* model constraint/objective */
+ xassert(stmt->u.con->array == NULL);
+ stmt->u.con->array = create_array(mpl, A_ELEMCON,
+ stmt->u.con->dim);
+ break;
+#if 1 /* 11/II-2008 */
+ case A_TABLE:
+ case A_SOLVE:
+ case A_CHECK:
+ case A_DISPLAY:
+ case A_PRINTF:
+ case A_FOR:
+ /* functional statements have no content array */
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(stmt != stmt);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+-- generate_model - generate model.
+-- This routine executes the model statements which precede the solve
+-- statement. */
+void generate_model(MPL *mpl)
+{ STATEMENT *stmt;
+ xassert(!mpl->flag_p);
+ for (stmt = mpl->model; stmt != NULL; stmt = stmt->next)
+ { execute_statement(mpl, stmt);
+ if (mpl->stmt->type == A_SOLVE) break;
+ }
+ mpl->stmt = stmt;
+ return;
+-- build_problem - build problem instance.
+-- This routine builds lists of rows and columns for problem instance,
+-- which corresponds to the generated model. */
+void build_problem(MPL *mpl)
+{ STATEMENT *stmt;
+ MEMBER *memb;
+ int i, j;
+ xassert(mpl->m == 0);
+ xassert(mpl->n == 0);
+ xassert(mpl->row == NULL);
+ xassert(mpl->col == NULL);
+ /* check that all elemental variables has zero column numbers */
+ for (stmt = mpl->model; stmt != NULL; stmt = stmt->next)
+ { if (stmt->type == A_VARIABLE)
+ { v = stmt->u.var;
+ for (memb = v->array->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ xassert(memb->value.var->j == 0);
+ }
+ }
+ /* assign row numbers to elemental constraints and objectives */
+ for (stmt = mpl->model; stmt != NULL; stmt = stmt->next)
+ { if (stmt->type == A_CONSTRAINT)
+ { c = stmt->u.con;
+ for (memb = c->array->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ { xassert(memb->value.con->i == 0);
+ memb->value.con->i = ++mpl->m;
+ /* walk through linear form and mark elemental variables,
+ which are referenced at least once */
+ for (t = memb->value.con->form; t != NULL; t = t->next)
+ { xassert(t->var != NULL);
+ t->var->memb->value.var->j = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* assign column numbers to marked elemental variables */
+ for (stmt = mpl->model; stmt != NULL; stmt = stmt->next)
+ { if (stmt->type == A_VARIABLE)
+ { v = stmt->u.var;
+ for (memb = v->array->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ if (memb->value.var->j != 0) memb->value.var->j =
+ ++mpl->n;
+ }
+ }
+ /* build list of rows */
+ mpl->row = xcalloc(1+mpl->m, sizeof(ELEMCON *));
+ for (i = 1; i <= mpl->m; i++) mpl->row[i] = NULL;
+ for (stmt = mpl->model; stmt != NULL; stmt = stmt->next)
+ { if (stmt->type == A_CONSTRAINT)
+ { c = stmt->u.con;
+ for (memb = c->array->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ { i = memb->value.con->i;
+ xassert(1 <= i && i <= mpl->m);
+ xassert(mpl->row[i] == NULL);
+ mpl->row[i] = memb->value.con;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i <= mpl->m; i++) xassert(mpl->row[i] != NULL);
+ /* build list of columns */
+ mpl->col = xcalloc(1+mpl->n, sizeof(ELEMVAR *));
+ for (j = 1; j <= mpl->n; j++) mpl->col[j] = NULL;
+ for (stmt = mpl->model; stmt != NULL; stmt = stmt->next)
+ { if (stmt->type == A_VARIABLE)
+ { v = stmt->u.var;
+ for (memb = v->array->head; memb != NULL; memb = memb->next)
+ { j = memb->value.var->j;
+ if (j == 0) continue;
+ xassert(1 <= j && j <= mpl->n);
+ xassert(mpl->col[j] == NULL);
+ mpl->col[j] = memb->value.var;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 1; j <= mpl->n; j++) xassert(mpl->col[j] != NULL);
+ return;
+-- postsolve_model - postsolve model.
+-- This routine executes the model statements which follow the solve
+-- statement. */
+void postsolve_model(MPL *mpl)
+{ STATEMENT *stmt;
+ xassert(!mpl->flag_p);
+ mpl->flag_p = 1;
+ for (stmt = mpl->stmt; stmt != NULL; stmt = stmt->next)
+ execute_statement(mpl, stmt);
+ mpl->stmt = NULL;
+ return;
+-- clean_model - clean model content.
+-- This routine cleans the model content that assumes deleting all stuff
+-- dynamically allocated on generating/postsolving phase.
+-- Actually cleaning model content is not needed. This function is used
+-- mainly to be sure that there were no logical errors on using dynamic
+-- memory pools during the generation phase.
+-- NOTE: This routine must not be called if any errors were detected on
+-- the generation phase. */
+void clean_model(MPL *mpl)
+{ STATEMENT *stmt;
+ for (stmt = mpl->model; stmt != NULL; stmt = stmt->next)
+ clean_statement(mpl, stmt);
+ /* check that all atoms have been returned to their pools */
+ if (dmp_in_use(mpl->strings) != 0)
+ error(mpl, "internal logic error: %d string segment(s) were lo"
+ "st", dmp_in_use(mpl->strings));
+ if (dmp_in_use(mpl->symbols) != 0)
+ error(mpl, "internal logic error: %d symbol(s) were lost",
+ dmp_in_use(mpl->symbols));
+ if (dmp_in_use(mpl->tuples) != 0)
+ error(mpl, "internal logic error: %d n-tuple component(s) were"
+ " lost", dmp_in_use(mpl->tuples));
+ if (dmp_in_use(mpl->arrays) != 0)
+ error(mpl, "internal logic error: %d array(s) were lost",
+ dmp_in_use(mpl->arrays));
+ if (dmp_in_use(mpl->members) != 0)
+ error(mpl, "internal logic error: %d array member(s) were lost"
+ , dmp_in_use(mpl->members));
+ if (dmp_in_use(mpl->elemvars) != 0)
+ error(mpl, "internal logic error: %d elemental variable(s) wer"
+ "e lost", dmp_in_use(mpl->elemvars));
+ if (dmp_in_use(mpl->formulae) != 0)
+ error(mpl, "internal logic error: %d linear term(s) were lost",
+ dmp_in_use(mpl->formulae));
+ if (dmp_in_use(mpl->elemcons) != 0)
+ error(mpl, "internal logic error: %d elemental constraint(s) w"
+ "ere lost", dmp_in_use(mpl->elemcons));
+ return;
+/* * * INPUT/OUTPUT * * */
+-- open_input - open input text file.
+-- This routine opens the input text file for scanning. */
+void open_input(MPL *mpl, char *file)
+{ mpl->line = 0;
+ mpl->c = '\n';
+ mpl->token = 0;
+ mpl->imlen = 0;
+ mpl->image[0] = '\0';
+ mpl->value = 0.0;
+ mpl->b_token = T_EOF;
+ mpl->b_imlen = 0;
+ mpl->b_image[0] = '\0';
+ mpl->b_value = 0.0;
+ mpl->f_dots = 0;
+ mpl->f_scan = 0;
+ mpl->f_token = 0;
+ mpl->f_imlen = 0;
+ mpl->f_image[0] = '\0';
+ mpl->f_value = 0.0;
+ memset(mpl->context, ' ', CONTEXT_SIZE);
+ mpl->c_ptr = 0;
+ xassert(mpl->in_fp == NULL);
+ mpl->in_fp = glp_open(file, "r");
+ if (mpl->in_fp == NULL)
+ error(mpl, "unable to open %s - %s", file, get_err_msg());
+ mpl->in_file = file;
+ /* scan the very first character */
+ get_char(mpl);
+ /* scan the very first token */
+ get_token(mpl);
+ return;
+-- read_char - read next character from input text file.
+-- This routine returns a next ASCII character read from the input text
+-- file. If the end of file has been reached, EOF is returned. */
+int read_char(MPL *mpl)
+{ int c;
+ xassert(mpl->in_fp != NULL);
+ c = glp_getc(mpl->in_fp);
+ if (c < 0)
+ { if (glp_ioerr(mpl->in_fp))
+ error(mpl, "read error on %s - %s", mpl->in_file,
+ get_err_msg());
+ c = EOF;
+ }
+ return c;
+-- close_input - close input text file.
+-- This routine closes the input text file. */
+void close_input(MPL *mpl)
+{ xassert(mpl->in_fp != NULL);
+ glp_close(mpl->in_fp);
+ mpl->in_fp = NULL;
+ mpl->in_file = NULL;
+ return;
+-- open_output - open output text file.
+-- This routine opens the output text file for writing data produced by
+-- display and printf statements. */
+void open_output(MPL *mpl, char *file)
+{ xassert(mpl->out_fp == NULL);
+ if (file == NULL)
+ { file = "<stdout>";
+ mpl->out_fp = (void *)stdout;
+ }
+ else
+ { mpl->out_fp = glp_open(file, "w");
+ if (mpl->out_fp == NULL)
+ error(mpl, "unable to create %s - %s", file, get_err_msg());
+ }
+ mpl->out_file = xmalloc(strlen(file)+1);
+ strcpy(mpl->out_file, file);
+ return;
+-- write_char - write next character to output text file.
+-- This routine writes an ASCII character to the output text file. */
+void write_char(MPL *mpl, int c)
+{ xassert(mpl->out_fp != NULL);
+ if (mpl->out_fp == (void *)stdout)
+ xprintf("%c", c);
+ else
+ xfprintf(mpl->out_fp, "%c", c);
+ return;
+-- write_text - format and write text to output text file.
+-- This routine formats a text using the format control string and then
+-- writes this text to the output text file. */
+void write_text(MPL *mpl, char *fmt, ...)
+{ va_list arg;
+ char buf[OUTBUF_SIZE], *c;
+ va_start(arg, fmt);
+ vsprintf(buf, fmt, arg);
+ xassert(strlen(buf) < sizeof(buf));
+ va_end(arg);
+ for (c = buf; *c != '\0'; c++) write_char(mpl, *c);
+ return;
+-- flush_output - finalize writing data to output text file.
+-- This routine finalizes writing data to the output text file. */
+void flush_output(MPL *mpl)
+{ xassert(mpl->out_fp != NULL);
+ if (mpl->out_fp != (void *)stdout)
+ {
+#if 0 /* FIXME */
+ xfflush(mpl->out_fp);
+ if (glp_ioerr(mpl->out_fp))
+ error(mpl, "write error on %s - %s", mpl->out_file,
+ get_err_msg());
+ }
+ return;
+/* * * SOLVER INTERFACE * * */
+-- error - print error message and terminate model processing.
+-- This routine formats and prints an error message and then terminates
+-- model processing. */
+void error(MPL *mpl, char *fmt, ...)
+{ va_list arg;
+ char msg[4095+1];
+ va_start(arg, fmt);
+ vsprintf(msg, fmt, arg);
+ xassert(strlen(msg) < sizeof(msg));
+ va_end(arg);
+ switch (mpl->phase)
+ { case 1:
+ case 2:
+ /* translation phase */
+ xprintf("%s:%d: %s\n",
+ mpl->in_file == NULL ? "(unknown)" : mpl->in_file,
+ mpl->line, msg);
+ print_context(mpl);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ /* generation/postsolve phase */
+ xprintf("%s:%d: %s\n",
+ mpl->mod_file == NULL ? "(unknown)" : mpl->mod_file,
+ mpl->stmt == NULL ? 0 : mpl->stmt->line, msg);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(mpl != mpl);
+ }
+ mpl->phase = 4;
+ longjmp(mpl->jump, 1);
+ /* no return */
+-- warning - print warning message and continue model processing.
+-- This routine formats and prints a warning message and returns to the
+-- calling program. */
+void warning(MPL *mpl, char *fmt, ...)
+{ va_list arg;
+ char msg[4095+1];
+ va_start(arg, fmt);
+ vsprintf(msg, fmt, arg);
+ xassert(strlen(msg) < sizeof(msg));
+ va_end(arg);
+ switch (mpl->phase)
+ { case 1:
+ case 2:
+ /* translation phase */
+ xprintf("%s:%d: warning: %s\n",
+ mpl->in_file == NULL ? "(unknown)" : mpl->in_file,
+ mpl->line, msg);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ /* generation/postsolve phase */
+ xprintf("%s:%d: warning: %s\n",
+ mpl->mod_file == NULL ? "(unknown)" : mpl->mod_file,
+ mpl->stmt == NULL ? 0 : mpl->stmt->line, msg);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(mpl != mpl);
+ }
+ return;
+-- mpl_initialize - create and initialize translator database.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- MPL *mpl_initialize(void);
+-- *Description*
+-- The routine mpl_initialize creates and initializes the database used
+-- by the GNU MathProg translator.
+-- *Returns*
+-- The routine returns a pointer to the database created. */
+MPL *mpl_initialize(void)
+{ MPL *mpl;
+ mpl = xmalloc(sizeof(MPL));
+ /* scanning segment */
+ mpl->line = 0;
+ mpl->c = 0;
+ mpl->token = 0;
+ mpl->imlen = 0;
+ mpl->image = xcalloc(MAX_LENGTH+1, sizeof(char));
+ mpl->image[0] = '\0';
+ mpl->value = 0.0;
+ mpl->b_token = 0;
+ mpl->b_imlen = 0;
+ mpl->b_image = xcalloc(MAX_LENGTH+1, sizeof(char));
+ mpl->b_image[0] = '\0';
+ mpl->b_value = 0.0;
+ mpl->f_dots = 0;
+ mpl->f_scan = 0;
+ mpl->f_token = 0;
+ mpl->f_imlen = 0;
+ mpl->f_image = xcalloc(MAX_LENGTH+1, sizeof(char));
+ mpl->f_image[0] = '\0';
+ mpl->f_value = 0.0;
+ mpl->context = xcalloc(CONTEXT_SIZE, sizeof(char));
+ memset(mpl->context, ' ', CONTEXT_SIZE);
+ mpl->c_ptr = 0;
+ mpl->flag_d = 0;
+ /* translating segment */
+ mpl->pool = dmp_create_poolx(0);
+ mpl->tree = avl_create_tree(avl_strcmp, NULL);
+ mpl->model = NULL;
+ mpl->flag_x = 0;
+ mpl->as_within = 0;
+ mpl->as_in = 0;
+ mpl->as_binary = 0;
+ mpl->flag_s = 0;
+ /* common segment */
+ mpl->strings = dmp_create_poolx(sizeof(STRING));
+ mpl->symbols = dmp_create_poolx(sizeof(SYMBOL));
+ mpl->tuples = dmp_create_poolx(sizeof(TUPLE));
+ mpl->arrays = dmp_create_poolx(sizeof(ARRAY));
+ mpl->members = dmp_create_poolx(sizeof(MEMBER));
+ mpl->elemvars = dmp_create_poolx(sizeof(ELEMVAR));
+ mpl->formulae = dmp_create_poolx(sizeof(FORMULA));
+ mpl->elemcons = dmp_create_poolx(sizeof(ELEMCON));
+ mpl->a_list = NULL;
+ mpl->sym_buf = xcalloc(255+1, sizeof(char));
+ mpl->sym_buf[0] = '\0';
+ mpl->tup_buf = xcalloc(255+1, sizeof(char));
+ mpl->tup_buf[0] = '\0';
+ /* generating/postsolving segment */
+ mpl->rand = rng_create_rand();
+ mpl->flag_p = 0;
+ mpl->stmt = NULL;
+#if 1 /* 11/II-2008 */
+ mpl->dca = NULL;
+ mpl->m = 0;
+ mpl->n = 0;
+ mpl->row = NULL;
+ mpl->col = NULL;
+ /* input/output segment */
+ mpl->in_fp = NULL;
+ mpl->in_file = NULL;
+ mpl->out_fp = NULL;
+ mpl->out_file = NULL;
+ mpl->prt_fp = NULL;
+ mpl->prt_file = NULL;
+ /* solver interface segment */
+ if (setjmp(mpl->jump)) xassert(mpl != mpl);
+ mpl->phase = 0;
+ mpl->mod_file = NULL;
+ mpl->mpl_buf = xcalloc(255+1, sizeof(char));
+ mpl->mpl_buf[0] = '\0';
+ return mpl;
+-- mpl_read_model - read model section and optional data section.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- int mpl_read_model(MPL *mpl, char *file, int skip_data);
+-- *Description*
+-- The routine mpl_read_model reads model section and optionally data
+-- section, which may follow the model section, from the text file,
+-- whose name is the character string file, performs translating model
+-- statements and data blocks, and stores all the information in the
+-- translator database.
+-- The parameter skip_data is a flag. If the input file contains the
+-- data section and this flag is set, the data section is not read as
+-- if there were no data section and a warning message is issued. This
+-- allows reading the data section from another input file.
+-- This routine should be called once after the routine mpl_initialize
+-- and before other API routines.
+-- *Returns*
+-- The routine mpl_read_model returns one the following codes:
+-- 1 - translation successful. The input text file contains only model
+-- section. In this case the calling program may call the routine
+-- mpl_read_data to read data section from another file.
+-- 2 - translation successful. The input text file contains both model
+-- and data section.
+-- 4 - processing failed due to some errors. In this case the calling
+-- program should call the routine mpl_terminate to terminate model
+-- processing. */
+int mpl_read_model(MPL *mpl, char *file, int skip_data)
+{ if (mpl->phase != 0)
+ xfault("mpl_read_model: invalid call sequence\n");
+ if (file == NULL)
+ xfault("mpl_read_model: no input filename specified\n");
+ /* set up error handler */
+ if (setjmp(mpl->jump)) goto done;
+ /* translate model section */
+ mpl->phase = 1;
+ xprintf("Reading model section from %s...\n", file);
+ open_input(mpl, file);
+ model_section(mpl);
+ if (mpl->model == NULL)
+ error(mpl, "empty model section not allowed");
+ /* save name of the input text file containing model section for
+ error diagnostics during the generation phase */
+ mpl->mod_file = xcalloc(strlen(file)+1, sizeof(char));
+ strcpy(mpl->mod_file, mpl->in_file);
+ /* allocate content arrays for all model objects */
+ alloc_content(mpl);
+ /* optional data section may begin with the keyword 'data' */
+ if (is_keyword(mpl, "data"))
+ { if (skip_data)
+ { warning(mpl, "data section ignored");
+ goto skip;
+ }
+ mpl->flag_d = 1;
+ get_token(mpl /* data */);
+ if (mpl->token != T_SEMICOLON)
+ error(mpl, "semicolon missing where expected");
+ get_token(mpl /* ; */);
+ /* translate data section */
+ mpl->phase = 2;
+ xprintf("Reading data section from %s...\n", file);
+ data_section(mpl);
+ }
+ /* process end statement */
+ end_statement(mpl);
+skip: xprintf("%d line%s were read\n",
+ mpl->line, mpl->line == 1 ? "" : "s");
+ close_input(mpl);
+done: /* return to the calling program */
+ return mpl->phase;
+-- mpl_read_data - read data section.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- int mpl_read_data(MPL *mpl, char *file);
+-- *Description*
+-- The routine mpl_read_data reads data section from the text file,
+-- whose name is the character string file, performs translating data
+-- blocks, and stores the data read in the translator database.
+-- If this routine is used, it should be called once after the routine
+-- mpl_read_model and if the latter returned the code 1.
+-- *Returns*
+-- The routine mpl_read_data returns one of the following codes:
+-- 2 - data section has been successfully processed.
+-- 4 - processing failed due to some errors. In this case the calling
+-- program should call the routine mpl_terminate to terminate model
+-- processing. */
+int mpl_read_data(MPL *mpl, char *file)
+#if 0 /* 02/X-2008 */
+{ if (mpl->phase != 1)
+{ if (!(mpl->phase == 1 || mpl->phase == 2))
+ xfault("mpl_read_data: invalid call sequence\n");
+ if (file == NULL)
+ xfault("mpl_read_data: no input filename specified\n");
+ /* set up error handler */
+ if (setjmp(mpl->jump)) goto done;
+ /* process data section */
+ mpl->phase = 2;
+ xprintf("Reading data section from %s...\n", file);
+ mpl->flag_d = 1;
+ open_input(mpl, file);
+ /* in this case the keyword 'data' is optional */
+ if (is_literal(mpl, "data"))
+ { get_token(mpl /* data */);
+ if (mpl->token != T_SEMICOLON)
+ error(mpl, "semicolon missing where expected");
+ get_token(mpl /* ; */);
+ }
+ data_section(mpl);
+ /* process end statement */
+ end_statement(mpl);
+ xprintf("%d line%s were read\n",
+ mpl->line, mpl->line == 1 ? "" : "s");
+ close_input(mpl);
+done: /* return to the calling program */
+ return mpl->phase;
+-- mpl_generate - generate model.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- int mpl_generate(MPL *mpl, char *file);
+-- *Description*
+-- The routine mpl_generate generates the model using its description
+-- stored in the translator database. This phase means generating all
+-- variables, constraints, and objectives, executing check and display
+-- statements, which precede the solve statement (if it is presented),
+-- and building the problem instance.
+-- The character string file specifies the name of output text file, to
+-- which output produced by display statements should be written. It is
+-- allowed to specify NULL, in which case the output goes to stdout via
+-- the routine print.
+-- This routine should be called once after the routine mpl_read_model
+-- or mpl_read_data and if one of the latters returned the code 2.
+-- *Returns*
+-- The routine mpl_generate returns one of the following codes:
+-- 3 - model has been successfully generated. In this case the calling
+-- program may call other api routines to obtain components of the
+-- problem instance from the translator database.
+-- 4 - processing failed due to some errors. In this case the calling
+-- program should call the routine mpl_terminate to terminate model
+-- processing. */
+int mpl_generate(MPL *mpl, char *file)
+{ if (!(mpl->phase == 1 || mpl->phase == 2))
+ xfault("mpl_generate: invalid call sequence\n");
+ /* set up error handler */
+ if (setjmp(mpl->jump)) goto done;
+ /* generate model */
+ mpl->phase = 3;
+ open_output(mpl, file);
+ generate_model(mpl);
+ flush_output(mpl);
+ /* build problem instance */
+ build_problem(mpl);
+ /* generation phase has been finished */
+ xprintf("Model has been successfully generated\n");
+done: /* return to the calling program */
+ return mpl->phase;
+-- mpl_get_prob_name - obtain problem (model) name.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- char *mpl_get_prob_name(MPL *mpl);
+-- *Returns*
+-- The routine mpl_get_prob_name returns a pointer to internal buffer,
+-- which contains symbolic name of the problem (model).
+-- *Note*
+-- Currently MathProg has no feature to assign a symbolic name to the
+-- model. Therefore the routine mpl_get_prob_name tries to construct
+-- such name using the name of input text file containing model section,
+-- although this is not a good idea (due to portability problems). */
+char *mpl_get_prob_name(MPL *mpl)
+{ char *name = mpl->mpl_buf;
+ char *file = mpl->mod_file;
+ int k;
+ if (mpl->phase != 3)
+ xfault("mpl_get_prob_name: invalid call sequence\n");
+ for (;;)
+ { if (strchr(file, '/') != NULL)
+ file = strchr(file, '/') + 1;
+ else if (strchr(file, '\\') != NULL)
+ file = strchr(file, '\\') + 1;
+ else if (strchr(file, ':') != NULL)
+ file = strchr(file, ':') + 1;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ for (k = 0; ; k++)
+ { if (k == 255) break;
+ if (!(isalnum((unsigned char)*file) || *file == '_')) break;
+ name[k] = *file++;
+ }
+ if (k == 0)
+ strcpy(name, "Unknown");
+ else
+ name[k] = '\0';
+ xassert(strlen(name) <= 255);
+ return name;
+-- mpl_get_num_rows - determine number of rows.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- int mpl_get_num_rows(MPL *mpl);
+-- *Returns*
+-- The routine mpl_get_num_rows returns total number of rows in the
+-- problem, where each row is an individual constraint or objective. */
+int mpl_get_num_rows(MPL *mpl)
+{ if (mpl->phase != 3)
+ xfault("mpl_get_num_rows: invalid call sequence\n");
+ return mpl->m;
+-- mpl_get_num_cols - determine number of columns.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- int mpl_get_num_cols(MPL *mpl);
+-- *Returns*
+-- The routine mpl_get_num_cols returns total number of columns in the
+-- problem, where each column is an individual variable. */
+int mpl_get_num_cols(MPL *mpl)
+{ if (mpl->phase != 3)
+ xfault("mpl_get_num_cols: invalid call sequence\n");
+ return mpl->n;
+-- mpl_get_row_name - obtain row name.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- char *mpl_get_row_name(MPL *mpl, int i);
+-- *Returns*
+-- The routine mpl_get_row_name returns a pointer to internal buffer,
+-- which contains symbolic name of i-th row of the problem. */
+char *mpl_get_row_name(MPL *mpl, int i)
+{ char *name = mpl->mpl_buf, *t;
+ int len;
+ if (mpl->phase != 3)
+ xfault("mpl_get_row_name: invalid call sequence\n");
+ if (!(1 <= i && i <= mpl->m))
+ xfault("mpl_get_row_name: i = %d; row number out of range\n",
+ i);
+ strcpy(name, mpl->row[i]->con->name);
+ len = strlen(name);
+ xassert(len <= 255);
+ t = format_tuple(mpl, '[', mpl->row[i]->memb->tuple);
+ while (*t)
+ { if (len == 255) break;
+ name[len++] = *t++;
+ }
+ name[len] = '\0';
+ if (len == 255) strcpy(name+252, "...");
+ xassert(strlen(name) <= 255);
+ return name;
+-- mpl_get_row_kind - determine row kind.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- int mpl_get_row_kind(MPL *mpl, int i);
+-- *Returns*
+-- The routine mpl_get_row_kind returns the kind of i-th row, which can
+-- be one of the following:
+-- MPL_ST - non-free (constraint) row;
+-- MPL_MIN - free (objective) row to be minimized;
+-- MPL_MAX - free (objective) row to be maximized. */
+int mpl_get_row_kind(MPL *mpl, int i)
+{ int kind;
+ if (mpl->phase != 3)
+ xfault("mpl_get_row_kind: invalid call sequence\n");
+ if (!(1 <= i && i <= mpl->m))
+ xfault("mpl_get_row_kind: i = %d; row number out of range\n",
+ i);
+ switch (mpl->row[i]->con->type)
+ { case A_CONSTRAINT:
+ kind = MPL_ST; break;
+ case A_MINIMIZE:
+ kind = MPL_MIN; break;
+ case A_MAXIMIZE:
+ kind = MPL_MAX; break;
+ default:
+ xassert(mpl != mpl);
+ }
+ return kind;
+-- mpl_get_row_bnds - obtain row bounds.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- int mpl_get_row_bnds(MPL *mpl, int i, double *lb, double *ub);
+-- *Description*
+-- The routine mpl_get_row_bnds stores lower and upper bounds of i-th
+-- row of the problem to the locations, which the parameters lb and ub
+-- point to, respectively. Besides the routine returns the type of the
+-- i-th row.
+-- If some of the parameters lb and ub is NULL, the corresponding bound
+-- value is not stored.
+-- Types and bounds have the following meaning:
+-- Type Bounds Note
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------
+-- MPL_FR -inf < f(x) < +inf Free linear form
+-- MPL_LO lb <= f(x) < +inf Inequality f(x) >= lb
+-- MPL_UP -inf < f(x) <= ub Inequality f(x) <= ub
+-- MPL_DB lb <= f(x) <= ub Inequality lb <= f(x) <= ub
+-- MPL_FX f(x) = lb Equality f(x) = lb
+-- where f(x) is the corresponding linear form of the i-th row.
+-- If the row has no lower bound, *lb is set to zero; if the row has
+-- no upper bound, *ub is set to zero; and if the row is of fixed type,
+-- both *lb and *ub are set to the same value.
+-- *Returns*
+-- The routine returns the type of the i-th row as it is stated in the
+-- table above. */
+int mpl_get_row_bnds(MPL *mpl, int i, double *_lb, double *_ub)
+{ ELEMCON *con;
+ int type;
+ double lb, ub;
+ if (mpl->phase != 3)
+ xfault("mpl_get_row_bnds: invalid call sequence\n");
+ if (!(1 <= i && i <= mpl->m))
+ xfault("mpl_get_row_bnds: i = %d; row number out of range\n",
+ i);
+ con = mpl->row[i];
+#if 0 /* 21/VII-2006 */
+ if (con->con->lbnd == NULL && con->con->ubnd == NULL)
+ type = MPL_FR, lb = ub = 0.0;
+ else if (con->con->ubnd == NULL)
+ type = MPL_LO, lb = con->lbnd, ub = 0.0;
+ else if (con->con->lbnd == NULL)
+ type = MPL_UP, lb = 0.0, ub = con->ubnd;
+ else if (con->con->lbnd != con->con->ubnd)
+ type = MPL_DB, lb = con->lbnd, ub = con->ubnd;
+ else
+ type = MPL_FX, lb = ub = con->lbnd;
+ lb = (con->con->lbnd == NULL ? -DBL_MAX : con->lbnd);
+ ub = (con->con->ubnd == NULL ? +DBL_MAX : con->ubnd);
+ if (lb == -DBL_MAX && ub == +DBL_MAX)
+ type = MPL_FR, lb = ub = 0.0;
+ else if (ub == +DBL_MAX)
+ type = MPL_LO, ub = 0.0;
+ else if (lb == -DBL_MAX)
+ type = MPL_UP, lb = 0.0;
+ else if (con->con->lbnd != con->con->ubnd)
+ type = MPL_DB;
+ else
+ type = MPL_FX;
+ if (_lb != NULL) *_lb = lb;
+ if (_ub != NULL) *_ub = ub;
+ return type;
+-- mpl_get_mat_row - obtain row of the constraint matrix.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- int mpl_get_mat_row(MPL *mpl, int i, int ndx[], double val[]);
+-- *Description*
+-- The routine mpl_get_mat_row stores column indices and numeric values
+-- of constraint coefficients for the i-th row to locations ndx[1], ...,
+-- ndx[len] and val[1], ..., val[len], respectively, where 0 <= len <= n
+-- is number of (structural) non-zero constraint coefficients, and n is
+-- number of columns in the problem.
+-- If the parameter ndx is NULL, column indices are not stored. If the
+-- parameter val is NULL, numeric values are not stored.
+-- Note that free rows may have constant terms, which are not part of
+-- the constraint matrix and therefore not reported by this routine. The
+-- constant term of a particular row can be obtained, if necessary, via
+-- the routine mpl_get_row_c0.
+-- *Returns*
+-- The routine mpl_get_mat_row returns len, which is length of i-th row
+-- of the constraint matrix (i.e. number of non-zero coefficients). */
+int mpl_get_mat_row(MPL *mpl, int i, int ndx[], double val[])
+{ FORMULA *term;
+ int len = 0;
+ if (mpl->phase != 3)
+ xfault("mpl_get_mat_row: invalid call sequence\n");
+ if (!(1 <= i && i <= mpl->m))
+ xfault("mpl_get_mat_row: i = %d; row number out of range\n",
+ i);
+ for (term = mpl->row[i]->form; term != NULL; term = term->next)
+ { xassert(term->var != NULL);
+ len++;
+ xassert(len <= mpl->n);
+ if (ndx != NULL) ndx[len] = term->var->j;
+ if (val != NULL) val[len] = term->coef;
+ }
+ return len;
+-- mpl_get_row_c0 - obtain constant term of free row.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- double mpl_get_row_c0(MPL *mpl, int i);
+-- *Returns*
+-- The routine mpl_get_row_c0 returns numeric value of constant term of
+-- i-th row.
+-- Note that only free rows may have non-zero constant terms. Therefore
+-- if i-th row is not free, the routine returns zero. */
+double mpl_get_row_c0(MPL *mpl, int i)
+{ ELEMCON *con;
+ double c0;
+ if (mpl->phase != 3)
+ xfault("mpl_get_row_c0: invalid call sequence\n");
+ if (!(1 <= i && i <= mpl->m))
+ xfault("mpl_get_row_c0: i = %d; row number out of range\n",
+ i);
+ con = mpl->row[i];
+ if (con->con->lbnd == NULL && con->con->ubnd == NULL)
+ c0 = - con->lbnd;
+ else
+ c0 = 0.0;
+ return c0;
+-- mpl_get_col_name - obtain column name.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- char *mpl_get_col_name(MPL *mpl, int j);
+-- *Returns*
+-- The routine mpl_get_col_name returns a pointer to internal buffer,
+-- which contains symbolic name of j-th column of the problem. */
+char *mpl_get_col_name(MPL *mpl, int j)
+{ char *name = mpl->mpl_buf, *t;
+ int len;
+ if (mpl->phase != 3)
+ xfault("mpl_get_col_name: invalid call sequence\n");
+ if (!(1 <= j && j <= mpl->n))
+ xfault("mpl_get_col_name: j = %d; column number out of range\n"
+ , j);
+ strcpy(name, mpl->col[j]->var->name);
+ len = strlen(name);
+ xassert(len <= 255);
+ t = format_tuple(mpl, '[', mpl->col[j]->memb->tuple);
+ while (*t)
+ { if (len == 255) break;
+ name[len++] = *t++;
+ }
+ name[len] = '\0';
+ if (len == 255) strcpy(name+252, "...");
+ xassert(strlen(name) <= 255);
+ return name;
+-- mpl_get_col_kind - determine column kind.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- int mpl_get_col_kind(MPL *mpl, int j);
+-- *Returns*
+-- The routine mpl_get_col_kind returns the kind of j-th column, which
+-- can be one of the following:
+-- MPL_NUM - continuous variable;
+-- MPL_INT - integer variable;
+-- MPL_BIN - binary variable.
+-- Note that column kinds are defined independently on type and bounds
+-- (reported by the routine mpl_get_col_bnds) of corresponding columns.
+-- This means, in particular, that bounds of an integer column may be
+-- fractional, or a binary column may have lower and upper bounds that
+-- are not 0 and 1 (or it may have no lower/upper bound at all). */
+int mpl_get_col_kind(MPL *mpl, int j)
+{ int kind;
+ if (mpl->phase != 3)
+ xfault("mpl_get_col_kind: invalid call sequence\n");
+ if (!(1 <= j && j <= mpl->n))
+ xfault("mpl_get_col_kind: j = %d; column number out of range\n"
+ , j);
+ switch (mpl->col[j]->var->type)
+ { case A_NUMERIC:
+ kind = MPL_NUM; break;
+ case A_INTEGER:
+ kind = MPL_INT; break;
+ case A_BINARY:
+ kind = MPL_BIN; break;
+ default:
+ xassert(mpl != mpl);
+ }
+ return kind;
+-- mpl_get_col_bnds - obtain column bounds.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- int mpl_get_col_bnds(MPL *mpl, int j, double *lb, double *ub);
+-- *Description*
+-- The routine mpl_get_col_bnds stores lower and upper bound of j-th
+-- column of the problem to the locations, which the parameters lb and
+-- ub point to, respectively. Besides the routine returns the type of
+-- the j-th column.
+-- If some of the parameters lb and ub is NULL, the corresponding bound
+-- value is not stored.
+-- Types and bounds have the following meaning:
+-- Type Bounds Note
+-- ------------------------------------------------------
+-- MPL_FR -inf < x < +inf Free (unbounded) variable
+-- MPL_LO lb <= x < +inf Variable with lower bound
+-- MPL_UP -inf < x <= ub Variable with upper bound
+-- MPL_DB lb <= x <= ub Double-bounded variable
+-- MPL_FX x = lb Fixed variable
+-- where x is individual variable corresponding to the j-th column.
+-- If the column has no lower bound, *lb is set to zero; if the column
+-- has no upper bound, *ub is set to zero; and if the column is of fixed
+-- type, both *lb and *ub are set to the same value.
+-- *Returns*
+-- The routine returns the type of the j-th column as it is stated in
+-- the table above. */
+int mpl_get_col_bnds(MPL *mpl, int j, double *_lb, double *_ub)
+{ ELEMVAR *var;
+ int type;
+ double lb, ub;
+ if (mpl->phase != 3)
+ xfault("mpl_get_col_bnds: invalid call sequence\n");
+ if (!(1 <= j && j <= mpl->n))
+ xfault("mpl_get_col_bnds: j = %d; column number out of range\n"
+ , j);
+ var = mpl->col[j];
+#if 0 /* 21/VII-2006 */
+ if (var->var->lbnd == NULL && var->var->ubnd == NULL)
+ type = MPL_FR, lb = ub = 0.0;
+ else if (var->var->ubnd == NULL)
+ type = MPL_LO, lb = var->lbnd, ub = 0.0;
+ else if (var->var->lbnd == NULL)
+ type = MPL_UP, lb = 0.0, ub = var->ubnd;
+ else if (var->var->lbnd != var->var->ubnd)
+ type = MPL_DB, lb = var->lbnd, ub = var->ubnd;
+ else
+ type = MPL_FX, lb = ub = var->lbnd;
+ lb = (var->var->lbnd == NULL ? -DBL_MAX : var->lbnd);
+ ub = (var->var->ubnd == NULL ? +DBL_MAX : var->ubnd);
+ if (lb == -DBL_MAX && ub == +DBL_MAX)
+ type = MPL_FR, lb = ub = 0.0;
+ else if (ub == +DBL_MAX)
+ type = MPL_LO, ub = 0.0;
+ else if (lb == -DBL_MAX)
+ type = MPL_UP, lb = 0.0;
+ else if (var->var->lbnd != var->var->ubnd)
+ type = MPL_DB;
+ else
+ type = MPL_FX;
+ if (_lb != NULL) *_lb = lb;
+ if (_ub != NULL) *_ub = ub;
+ return type;
+-- mpl_has_solve_stmt - check if model has solve statement.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- int mpl_has_solve_stmt(MPL *mpl);
+-- *Returns*
+-- If the model has the solve statement, the routine returns non-zero,
+-- otherwise zero is returned. */
+int mpl_has_solve_stmt(MPL *mpl)
+{ if (mpl->phase != 3)
+ xfault("mpl_has_solve_stmt: invalid call sequence\n");
+ return mpl->flag_s;
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+void mpl_put_row_soln(MPL *mpl, int i, int stat, double prim,
+ double dual)
+{ /* store row (constraint/objective) solution components */
+ xassert(mpl->phase == 3);
+ xassert(1 <= i && i <= mpl->m);
+ mpl->row[i]->stat = stat;
+ mpl->row[i]->prim = prim;
+ mpl->row[i]->dual = dual;
+ return;
+#if 1 /* 15/V-2010 */
+void mpl_put_col_soln(MPL *mpl, int j, int stat, double prim,
+ double dual)
+{ /* store column (variable) solution components */
+ xassert(mpl->phase == 3);
+ xassert(1 <= j && j <= mpl->n);
+ mpl->col[j]->stat = stat;
+ mpl->col[j]->prim = prim;
+ mpl->col[j]->dual = dual;
+ return;
+#if 0 /* 15/V-2010 */
+-- mpl_put_col_value - store column value.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- void mpl_put_col_value(MPL *mpl, int j, double val);
+-- *Description*
+-- The routine mpl_put_col_value stores numeric value of j-th column
+-- into the translator database. It is assumed that the column value is
+-- provided by the solver. */
+void mpl_put_col_value(MPL *mpl, int j, double val)
+{ if (mpl->phase != 3)
+ xfault("mpl_put_col_value: invalid call sequence\n");
+ if (!(1 <= j && j <= mpl->n))
+ xfault(
+ "mpl_put_col_value: j = %d; column number out of range\n", j);
+ mpl->col[j]->prim = val;
+ return;
+-- mpl_postsolve - postsolve model.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- int mpl_postsolve(MPL *mpl);
+-- *Description*
+-- The routine mpl_postsolve performs postsolving of the model using
+-- its description stored in the translator database. This phase means
+-- executing statements, which follow the solve statement.
+-- If this routine is used, it should be called once after the routine
+-- mpl_generate and if the latter returned the code 3.
+-- *Returns*
+-- The routine mpl_postsolve returns one of the following codes:
+-- 3 - model has been successfully postsolved.
+-- 4 - processing failed due to some errors. In this case the calling
+-- program should call the routine mpl_terminate to terminate model
+-- processing. */
+int mpl_postsolve(MPL *mpl)
+{ if (!(mpl->phase == 3 && !mpl->flag_p))
+ xfault("mpl_postsolve: invalid call sequence\n");
+ /* set up error handler */
+ if (setjmp(mpl->jump)) goto done;
+ /* perform postsolving */
+ postsolve_model(mpl);
+ flush_output(mpl);
+ /* postsolving phase has been finished */
+ xprintf("Model has been successfully processed\n");
+done: /* return to the calling program */
+ return mpl->phase;
+-- mpl_terminate - free all resources used by translator.
+-- *Synopsis*
+-- #include "glpmpl.h"
+-- void mpl_terminate(MPL *mpl);
+-- *Description*
+-- The routine mpl_terminate frees all the resources used by the GNU
+-- MathProg translator. */
+void mpl_terminate(MPL *mpl)
+{ if (setjmp(mpl->jump)) xassert(mpl != mpl);
+ switch (mpl->phase)
+ { case 0:
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ /* there were no errors; clean the model content */
+ clean_model(mpl);
+ xassert(mpl->a_list == NULL);
+#if 1 /* 11/II-2008 */
+ xassert(mpl->dca == NULL);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ /* model processing has been finished due to error; delete
+ search trees, which may be created for some arrays */
+ { ARRAY *a;
+ for (a = mpl->a_list; a != NULL; a = a->next)
+ if (a->tree != NULL) avl_delete_tree(a->tree);
+ }
+#if 1 /* 11/II-2008 */
+ free_dca(mpl);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(mpl != mpl);
+ }
+ /* delete the translator database */
+ xfree(mpl->image);
+ xfree(mpl->b_image);
+ xfree(mpl->f_image);
+ xfree(mpl->context);
+ dmp_delete_pool(mpl->pool);
+ avl_delete_tree(mpl->tree);
+ dmp_delete_pool(mpl->strings);
+ dmp_delete_pool(mpl->symbols);
+ dmp_delete_pool(mpl->tuples);
+ dmp_delete_pool(mpl->arrays);
+ dmp_delete_pool(mpl->members);
+ dmp_delete_pool(mpl->elemvars);
+ dmp_delete_pool(mpl->formulae);
+ dmp_delete_pool(mpl->elemcons);
+ xfree(mpl->sym_buf);
+ xfree(mpl->tup_buf);
+ rng_delete_rand(mpl->rand);
+ if (mpl->row != NULL) xfree(mpl->row);
+ if (mpl->col != NULL) xfree(mpl->col);
+ if (mpl->in_fp != NULL) glp_close(mpl->in_fp);
+ if (mpl->out_fp != NULL && mpl->out_fp != (void *)stdout)
+ glp_close(mpl->out_fp);
+ if (mpl->out_file != NULL) xfree(mpl->out_file);
+ if (mpl->prt_fp != NULL) glp_close(mpl->prt_fp);
+ if (mpl->prt_file != NULL) xfree(mpl->prt_file);
+ if (mpl->mod_file != NULL) xfree(mpl->mod_file);
+ xfree(mpl->mpl_buf);
+ xfree(mpl);
+ return;
+/* eof */
diff --git a/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl5.c b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl5.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5374c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl5.c
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+/* mpl5.c */
+* This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).
+* Authors: Andrew Makhorin <mao@gnu.org>
+* Heinrich Schuchardt <xypron.glpk@gmx.de>
+* Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied
+* Informatics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights
+* reserved. E-mail: <mao@gnu.org>.
+* GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+* License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with GLPK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#if 1 /* 11/VI-2013 */
+#include "jd.h"
+#include "mpl.h"
+double fn_gmtime(MPL *mpl)
+{ /* obtain the current calendar time (UTC) */
+ time_t timer;
+ struct tm *tm;
+ int j;
+ time(&timer);
+ if (timer == (time_t)(-1))
+err: error(mpl, "gmtime(); unable to obtain current calendar time");
+#if 0 /* 29/I-2017 */
+ tm = gmtime(&timer);
+ tm = xgmtime(&timer);
+ if (tm == NULL) goto err;
+ j = jday(tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_mon + 1, 1900 + tm->tm_year);
+ if (j < 0) goto err;
+ return (((double)(j - jday(1, 1, 1970)) * 24.0 +
+ (double)tm->tm_hour) * 60.0 + (double)tm->tm_min) * 60.0 +
+ (double)tm->tm_sec;
+static char *week[] = { "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
+ "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" };
+static char *moon[] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May",
+ "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November",
+ "December" };
+static void error1(MPL *mpl, const char *str, const char *s,
+ const char *fmt, const char *f, const char *msg)
+{ xprintf("Input string passed to str2time:\n");
+ xprintf("%s\n", str);
+ xprintf("%*s\n", (s - str) + 1, "^");
+ xprintf("Format string passed to str2time:\n");
+ xprintf("%s\n", fmt);
+ xprintf("%*s\n", (f - fmt) + 1, "^");
+ error(mpl, "%s", msg);
+ /* no return */
+double fn_str2time(MPL *mpl, const char *str, const char *fmt)
+{ /* convert character string to the calendar time */
+ int j, year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, zone;
+ const char *s, *f;
+ year = month = day = hh = mm = ss = -1, zone = INT_MAX;
+ s = str;
+ for (f = fmt; *f != '\0'; f++)
+ { if (*f == '%')
+ { f++;
+ if (*f == 'b' || *f == 'h')
+ { /* the abbreviated month name */
+ int k;
+ char *name;
+ if (month >= 0)
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "month multiply specified"
+ );
+ while (*s == ' ') s++;
+ for (month = 1; month <= 12; month++)
+ { name = moon[month-1];
+ for (k = 0; k <= 2; k++)
+ { if (toupper((unsigned char)s[k]) !=
+ toupper((unsigned char)name[k])) goto next;
+ }
+ s += 3;
+ for (k = 3; name[k] != '\0'; k++)
+ { if (toupper((unsigned char)*s) !=
+ toupper((unsigned char)name[k])) break;
+ s++;
+ }
+ break;
+next: ;
+ }
+ if (month > 12)
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "abbreviated month name m"
+ "issing or invalid");
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'd')
+ { /* the day of the month as a decimal number (01..31) */
+ if (day >= 0)
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "day multiply specified");
+ while (*s == ' ') s++;
+ if (!('0' <= *s && *s <= '9'))
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "day missing or invalid");
+ day = (*s++) - '0';
+ if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9')
+ day = 10 * day + ((*s++) - '0');
+ if (!(1 <= day && day <= 31))
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "day out of range");
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'H')
+ { /* the hour as a decimal number, using a 24-hour clock
+ (00..23) */
+ if (hh >= 0)
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "hour multiply specified")
+ ;
+ while (*s == ' ') s++;
+ if (!('0' <= *s && *s <= '9'))
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "hour missing or invalid")
+ ;
+ hh = (*s++) - '0';
+ if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9')
+ hh = 10 * hh + ((*s++) - '0');
+ if (!(0 <= hh && hh <= 23))
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "hour out of range");
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'm')
+ { /* the month as a decimal number (01..12) */
+ if (month >= 0)
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "month multiply specified"
+ );
+ while (*s == ' ') s++;
+ if (!('0' <= *s && *s <= '9'))
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "month missing or invalid"
+ );
+ month = (*s++) - '0';
+ if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9')
+ month = 10 * month + ((*s++) - '0');
+ if (!(1 <= month && month <= 12))
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "month out of range");
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'M')
+ { /* the minute as a decimal number (00..59) */
+ if (mm >= 0)
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "minute multiply specifie"
+ "d");
+ while (*s == ' ') s++;
+ if (!('0' <= *s && *s <= '9'))
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "minute missing or invali"
+ "d");
+ mm = (*s++) - '0';
+ if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9')
+ mm = 10 * mm + ((*s++) - '0');
+ if (!(0 <= mm && mm <= 59))
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "minute out of range");
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'S')
+ { /* the second as a decimal number (00..60) */
+ if (ss >= 0)
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "second multiply specifie"
+ "d");
+ while (*s == ' ') s++;
+ if (!('0' <= *s && *s <= '9'))
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "second missing or invali"
+ "d");
+ ss = (*s++) - '0';
+ if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9')
+ ss = 10 * ss + ((*s++) - '0');
+ if (!(0 <= ss && ss <= 60))
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "second out of range");
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'y')
+ { /* the year without a century as a decimal number
+ (00..99); the values 00 to 68 mean the years 2000 to
+ 2068 while the values 69 to 99 mean the years 1969 to
+ 1999 */
+ if (year >= 0)
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "year multiply specified")
+ ;
+ while (*s == ' ') s++;
+ if (!('0' <= *s && *s <= '9'))
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "year missing or invalid")
+ ;
+ year = (*s++) - '0';
+ if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9')
+ year = 10 * year + ((*s++) - '0');
+ year += (year >= 69 ? 1900 : 2000);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'Y')
+ { /* the year as a decimal number, using the Gregorian
+ calendar */
+ if (year >= 0)
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "year multiply specified")
+ ;
+ while (*s == ' ') s++;
+ if (!('0' <= *s && *s <= '9'))
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "year missing or invalid")
+ ;
+ year = 0;
+ for (j = 1; j <= 4; j++)
+ { if (!('0' <= *s && *s <= '9')) break;
+ year = 10 * year + ((*s++) - '0');
+ }
+ if (!(1 <= year && year <= 4000))
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "year out of range");
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'z')
+ { /* time zone offset in the form zhhmm */
+ int z, hh, mm;
+ if (zone != INT_MAX)
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "time zone offset multipl"
+ "y specified");
+ while (*s == ' ') s++;
+ if (*s == 'Z')
+ { z = hh = mm = 0, s++;
+ goto skip;
+ }
+ if (*s == '+')
+ z = +1, s++;
+ else if (*s == '-')
+ z = -1, s++;
+ else
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "time zone offset sign mi"
+ "ssing");
+ hh = 0;
+ for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
+ { if (!('0' <= *s && *s <= '9'))
+err1: error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "time zone offset valu"
+ "e incomplete or invalid");
+ hh = 10 * hh + ((*s++) - '0');
+ }
+ if (hh > 23)
+err2: error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "time zone offset value o"
+ "ut of range");
+ if (*s == ':')
+ { s++;
+ if (!('0' <= *s && *s <= '9')) goto err1;
+ }
+ mm = 0;
+ if (!('0' <= *s && *s <= '9')) goto skip;
+ for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
+ { if (!('0' <= *s && *s <= '9')) goto err1;
+ mm = 10 * mm + ((*s++) - '0');
+ }
+ if (mm > 59) goto err2;
+skip: zone = z * (60 * hh + mm);
+ }
+ else if (*f == '%')
+ { /* literal % character */
+ goto test;
+ }
+ else
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "invalid conversion specifie"
+ "r");
+ }
+ else if (*f == ' ')
+ ;
+ else
+test: { /* check a matching character in the input string */
+ if (*s != *f)
+ error1(mpl, str, s, fmt, f, "character mismatch");
+ s++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (year < 0) year = 1970;
+ if (month < 0) month = 1;
+ if (day < 0) day = 1;
+ if (hh < 0) hh = 0;
+ if (mm < 0) mm = 0;
+ if (ss < 0) ss = 0;
+ if (zone == INT_MAX) zone = 0;
+ j = jday(day, month, year);
+ xassert(j >= 0);
+ return (((double)(j - jday(1, 1, 1970)) * 24.0 + (double)hh) *
+ 60.0 + (double)mm) * 60.0 + (double)ss - 60.0 * (double)zone;
+static void error2(MPL *mpl, const char *fmt, const char *f,
+ const char *msg)
+{ xprintf("Format string passed to time2str:\n");
+ xprintf("%s\n", fmt);
+ xprintf("%*s\n", (f - fmt) + 1, "^");
+ error(mpl, "%s", msg);
+ /* no return */
+static int weekday(int j)
+{ /* determine weekday number (1 = Mon, ..., 7 = Sun) */
+ return (j + jday(1, 1, 1970)) % 7 + 1;
+static int firstday(int year)
+{ /* determine the first day of the first week for a specified year
+ according to ISO 8601 */
+ int j;
+ /* if 1 January is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, it is
+ in week 01; if 1 January is Friday, Saturday or Sunday, it is
+ in week 52 or 53 of the previous year */
+ j = jday(1, 1, year) - jday(1, 1, 1970);
+ switch (weekday(j))
+ { case 1: /* 1 Jan is Mon */ j += 0; break;
+ case 2: /* 1 Jan is Tue */ j -= 1; break;
+ case 3: /* 1 Jan is Wed */ j -= 2; break;
+ case 4: /* 1 Jan is Thu */ j -= 3; break;
+ case 5: /* 1 Jan is Fri */ j += 3; break;
+ case 6: /* 1 Jan is Sat */ j += 2; break;
+ case 7: /* 1 Jan is Sun */ j += 1; break;
+ default: xassert(j != j);
+ }
+ /* the first day of the week must be Monday */
+ xassert(weekday(j) == 1);
+ return j;
+void fn_time2str(MPL *mpl, char *str, double t, const char *fmt)
+{ /* convert the calendar time to character string */
+ int j, year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, len;
+ double temp;
+ const char *f;
+ char buf[MAX_LENGTH+1];
+ if (!(-62135596800.0 <= t && t <= 64092211199.0))
+ error(mpl, "time2str(%.*g,...); argument out of range",
+ DBL_DIG, t);
+ t = floor(t + 0.5);
+ temp = fabs(t) / 86400.0;
+ j = (int)floor(temp);
+ if (t < 0.0)
+ { if (temp == floor(temp))
+ j = - j;
+ else
+ j = - (j + 1);
+ }
+ xassert(jdate(j + jday(1, 1, 1970), &day, &month, &year) == 0);
+ ss = (int)(t - 86400.0 * (double)j);
+ xassert(0 <= ss && ss < 86400);
+ mm = ss / 60, ss %= 60;
+ hh = mm / 60, mm %= 60;
+ len = 0;
+ for (f = fmt; *f != '\0'; f++)
+ { if (*f == '%')
+ { f++;
+ if (*f == 'a')
+ { /* the abbreviated weekday name */
+ memcpy(buf, week[weekday(j)-1], 3), buf[3] = '\0';
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'A')
+ { /* the full weekday name */
+ strcpy(buf, week[weekday(j)-1]);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'b' || *f == 'h')
+ { /* the abbreviated month name */
+ memcpy(buf, moon[month-1], 3), buf[3] = '\0';
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'B')
+ { /* the full month name */
+ strcpy(buf, moon[month-1]);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'C')
+ { /* the century of the year */
+ sprintf(buf, "%02d", year / 100);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'd')
+ { /* the day of the month as a decimal number (01..31) */
+ sprintf(buf, "%02d", day);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'D')
+ { /* the date using the format %m/%d/%y */
+ sprintf(buf, "%02d/%02d/%02d", month, day, year % 100);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'e')
+ { /* the day of the month like with %d, but padded with
+ blank (1..31) */
+ sprintf(buf, "%2d", day);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'F')
+ { /* the date using the format %Y-%m-%d */
+ sprintf(buf, "%04d-%02d-%02d", year, month, day);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'g')
+ { /* the year corresponding to the ISO week number, but
+ without the century (range 00 through 99); this has
+ the same format and value as %y, except that if the
+ ISO week number (see %V) belongs to the previous or
+ next year, that year is used instead */
+ int iso;
+ if (j < firstday(year))
+ iso = year - 1;
+ else if (j < firstday(year + 1))
+ iso = year;
+ else
+ iso = year + 1;
+ sprintf(buf, "%02d", iso % 100);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'G')
+ { /* the year corresponding to the ISO week number; this
+ has the same format and value as %Y, excepth that if
+ the ISO week number (see %V) belongs to the previous
+ or next year, that year is used instead */
+ int iso;
+ if (j < firstday(year))
+ iso = year - 1;
+ else if (j < firstday(year + 1))
+ iso = year;
+ else
+ iso = year + 1;
+ sprintf(buf, "%04d", iso);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'H')
+ { /* the hour as a decimal number, using a 24-hour clock
+ (00..23) */
+ sprintf(buf, "%02d", hh);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'I')
+ { /* the hour as a decimal number, using a 12-hour clock
+ (01..12) */
+ sprintf(buf, "%02d",
+ hh == 0 ? 12 : hh <= 12 ? hh : hh - 12);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'j')
+ { /* the day of the year as a decimal number (001..366) */
+ sprintf(buf, "%03d",
+ jday(day, month, year) - jday(1, 1, year) + 1);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'k')
+ { /* the hour as a decimal number, using a 24-hour clock
+ like %H, but padded with blank (0..23) */
+ sprintf(buf, "%2d", hh);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'l')
+ { /* the hour as a decimal number, using a 12-hour clock
+ like %I, but padded with blank (1..12) */
+ sprintf(buf, "%2d",
+ hh == 0 ? 12 : hh <= 12 ? hh : hh - 12);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'm')
+ { /* the month as a decimal number (01..12) */
+ sprintf(buf, "%02d", month);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'M')
+ { /* the minute as a decimal number (00..59) */
+ sprintf(buf, "%02d", mm);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'p')
+ { /* either AM or PM, according to the given time value;
+ noon is treated as PM and midnight as AM */
+ strcpy(buf, hh <= 11 ? "AM" : "PM");
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'P')
+ { /* either am or pm, according to the given time value;
+ noon is treated as pm and midnight as am */
+ strcpy(buf, hh <= 11 ? "am" : "pm");
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'r')
+ { /* the calendar time using the format %I:%M:%S %p */
+ sprintf(buf, "%02d:%02d:%02d %s",
+ hh == 0 ? 12 : hh <= 12 ? hh : hh - 12,
+ mm, ss, hh <= 11 ? "AM" : "PM");
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'R')
+ { /* the hour and minute using the format %H:%M */
+ sprintf(buf, "%02d:%02d", hh, mm);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'S')
+ { /* the second as a decimal number (00..59) */
+ sprintf(buf, "%02d", ss);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'T')
+ { /* the time of day using the format %H:%M:%S */
+ sprintf(buf, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hh, mm, ss);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'u')
+ { /* the day of the week as a decimal number (1..7),
+ Monday being 1 */
+ sprintf(buf, "%d", weekday(j));
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'U')
+ { /* the week number of the current year as a decimal
+ number (range 00 through 53), starting with the first
+ Sunday as the first day of the first week; days
+ preceding the first Sunday in the year are considered
+ to be in week 00 */
+#if 1 /* 09/I-2009 */
+#undef sun
+/* causes compilation error in SunOS */
+ int sun;
+ /* sun = the first Sunday of the year */
+ sun = jday(1, 1, year) - jday(1, 1, 1970);
+ sun += (7 - weekday(sun));
+ sprintf(buf, "%02d", (j + 7 - sun) / 7);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'V')
+ { /* the ISO week number as a decimal number (range 01
+ through 53); ISO weeks start with Monday and end with
+ Sunday; week 01 of a year is the first week which has
+ the majority of its days in that year; week 01 of
+ a year can contain days from the previous year; the
+ week before week 01 of a year is the last week (52 or
+ 53) of the previous year even if it contains days
+ from the new year */
+ int iso;
+ if (j < firstday(year))
+ iso = j - firstday(year - 1);
+ else if (j < firstday(year + 1))
+ iso = j - firstday(year);
+ else
+ iso = j - firstday(year + 1);
+ sprintf(buf, "%02d", iso / 7 + 1);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'w')
+ { /* the day of the week as a decimal number (0..6),
+ Sunday being 0 */
+ sprintf(buf, "%d", weekday(j) % 7);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'W')
+ { /* the week number of the current year as a decimal
+ number (range 00 through 53), starting with the first
+ Monday as the first day of the first week; days
+ preceding the first Monday in the year are considered
+ to be in week 00 */
+ int mon;
+ /* mon = the first Monday of the year */
+ mon = jday(1, 1, year) - jday(1, 1, 1970);
+ mon += (8 - weekday(mon)) % 7;
+ sprintf(buf, "%02d", (j + 7 - mon) / 7);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'y')
+ { /* the year without a century as a decimal number
+ (00..99) */
+ sprintf(buf, "%02d", year % 100);
+ }
+ else if (*f == 'Y')
+ { /* the year as a decimal number, using the Gregorian
+ calendar */
+ sprintf(buf, "%04d", year);
+ }
+ else if (*f == '%')
+ { /* a literal % character */
+ buf[0] = '%', buf[1] = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ error2(mpl, fmt, f, "invalid conversion specifier");
+ }
+ else
+ buf[0] = *f, buf[1] = '\0';
+ if (len + strlen(buf) > MAX_LENGTH)
+ error(mpl, "time2str; output string length exceeds %d chara"
+ "cters", MAX_LENGTH);
+ memcpy(str+len, buf, strlen(buf));
+ len += strlen(buf);
+ }
+ str[len] = '\0';
+ return;
+/* eof */
diff --git a/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl6.c b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl6.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac2a0393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mpl6.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1039 @@
+/* mpl6.c */
+* This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).
+* Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied
+* Informatics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights
+* reserved. E-mail: <mao@gnu.org>.
+* GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+* License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with GLPK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "mpl.h"
+#include "mplsql.h"
+#define CSV_FIELD_MAX 50
+/* maximal number of fields in record */
+#define CSV_FDLEN_MAX 100
+/* maximal field length */
+struct csv
+{ /* comma-separated values file */
+ int mode;
+ /* 'R' = reading; 'W' = writing */
+ char *fname;
+ /* name of csv file */
+ FILE *fp;
+ /* stream assigned to csv file */
+ jmp_buf jump;
+ /* address for non-local go to in case of error */
+ int count;
+ /* record count */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* used only for input csv file */
+ int c;
+ /* current character or EOF */
+ int what;
+ /* current marker: */
+#define CSV_EOF 0 /* end-of-file */
+#define CSV_EOR 1 /* end-of-record */
+#define CSV_NUM 2 /* floating-point number */
+#define CSV_STR 3 /* character string */
+ char field[CSV_FDLEN_MAX+1];
+ /* current field just read */
+ int nf;
+ /* number of fields in the csv file */
+ int ref[1+CSV_FIELD_MAX];
+ /* ref[k] = k', if k-th field of the csv file corresponds to
+ k'-th field in the table statement; if ref[k] = 0, k-th field
+ of the csv file is ignored */
+#if 1 /* 01/VI-2010 */
+ int nskip;
+ /* number of comment records preceding the header record */
+#undef read_char
+static void read_char(struct csv *csv)
+{ /* read character from csv data file */
+ int c;
+ xassert(csv->c != EOF);
+ if (csv->c == '\n') csv->count++;
+loop: c = fgetc(csv->fp);
+ if (ferror(csv->fp))
+ { xprintf("%s:%d: read error - %s\n", csv->fname, csv->count,
+#if 0 /* 29/I-2017 */
+ strerror(errno));
+ xstrerr(errno));
+ longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
+ }
+ if (feof(csv->fp))
+ { if (csv->c == '\n')
+ { csv->count--;
+ c = EOF;
+ }
+ else
+ { xprintf("%s:%d: warning: missing final end-of-line\n",
+ csv->fname, csv->count);
+ c = '\n';
+ }
+ }
+ else if (c == '\r')
+ goto loop;
+ else if (c == '\n')
+ ;
+ else if (iscntrl(c))
+ { xprintf("%s:%d: invalid control character 0x%02X\n",
+ csv->fname, csv->count, c);
+ longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
+ }
+ csv->c = c;
+ return;
+static void read_field(struct csv *csv)
+{ /* read field from csv data file */
+ /* check for end of file */
+ if (csv->c == EOF)
+ { csv->what = CSV_EOF;
+ strcpy(csv->field, "EOF");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* check for end of record */
+ if (csv->c == '\n')
+ { csv->what = CSV_EOR;
+ strcpy(csv->field, "EOR");
+ read_char(csv);
+ if (csv->c == ',')
+err1: { xprintf("%s:%d: empty field not allowed\n", csv->fname,
+ csv->count);
+ longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
+ }
+ if (csv->c == '\n')
+ { xprintf("%s:%d: empty record not allowed\n", csv->fname,
+ csv->count);
+ longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
+ }
+#if 1 /* 01/VI-2010 */
+ /* skip comment records; may appear only before the very first
+ record containing field names */
+ if (csv->c == '#' && csv->count == 1)
+ { while (csv->c == '#')
+ { while (csv->c != '\n')
+ read_char(csv);
+ read_char(csv);
+ csv->nskip++;
+ }
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* skip comma before next field */
+ if (csv->c == ',')
+ read_char(csv);
+ /* read field */
+ if (csv->c == '\'' || csv->c == '"')
+ { /* read a field enclosed in quotes */
+ int quote = csv->c, len = 0;
+ csv->what = CSV_STR;
+ /* skip opening quote */
+ read_char(csv);
+ /* read field characters within quotes */
+ for (;;)
+ { /* check for closing quote and read it */
+ if (csv->c == quote)
+ { read_char(csv);
+ if (csv->c == quote)
+ ;
+ else if (csv->c == ',' || csv->c == '\n')
+ break;
+ else
+ { xprintf("%s:%d: invalid field\n", csv->fname,
+ csv->count);
+ longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ /* check the current field length */
+ if (len == CSV_FDLEN_MAX)
+err2: { xprintf("%s:%d: field too long\n", csv->fname,
+ csv->count);
+ longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
+ }
+ /* add the current character to the field */
+ csv->field[len++] = (char)csv->c;
+ /* read the next character */
+ read_char(csv);
+ }
+ /* the field has been read */
+ if (len == 0) goto err1;
+ csv->field[len] = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ { /* read a field not enclosed in quotes */
+ int len = 0;
+ double temp;
+ csv->what = CSV_NUM;
+ while (!(csv->c == ',' || csv->c == '\n'))
+ { /* quotes within the field are not allowed */
+ if (csv->c == '\'' || csv->c == '"')
+ { xprintf("%s:%d: invalid use of single or double quote wi"
+ "thin field\n", csv->fname, csv->count);
+ longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
+ }
+ /* check the current field length */
+ if (len == CSV_FDLEN_MAX) goto err2;
+ /* add the current character to the field */
+ csv->field[len++] = (char)csv->c;
+ /* read the next character */
+ read_char(csv);
+ }
+ /* the field has been read */
+ if (len == 0) goto err1;
+ csv->field[len] = '\0';
+ /* check the field type */
+ if (str2num(csv->field, &temp)) csv->what = CSV_STR;
+ }
+done: return;
+static struct csv *csv_open_file(TABDCA *dca, int mode)
+{ /* open csv data file */
+ struct csv *csv;
+ /* create control structure */
+ csv = xmalloc(sizeof(struct csv));
+ csv->mode = mode;
+ csv->fname = NULL;
+ csv->fp = NULL;
+ if (setjmp(csv->jump)) goto fail;
+ csv->count = 0;
+ csv->c = '\n';
+ csv->what = 0;
+ csv->field[0] = '\0';
+ csv->nf = 0;
+ /* try to open the csv data file */
+ if (mpl_tab_num_args(dca) < 2)
+ { xprintf("csv_driver: file name not specified\n");
+ longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
+ }
+ csv->fname = xmalloc(strlen(mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, 2))+1);
+ strcpy(csv->fname, mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, 2));
+ if (mode == 'R')
+ { /* open the file for reading */
+ int k;
+ csv->fp = fopen(csv->fname, "r");
+ if (csv->fp == NULL)
+ { xprintf("csv_driver: unable to open %s - %s\n",
+#if 0 /* 29/I-2017 */
+ csv->fname, strerror(errno));
+ csv->fname, xstrerr(errno));
+ longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
+ }
+#if 1 /* 01/VI-2010 */
+ csv->nskip = 0;
+ /* skip fake new-line */
+ read_field(csv);
+ xassert(csv->what == CSV_EOR);
+ /* read field names */
+ xassert(csv->nf == 0);
+ for (;;)
+ { read_field(csv);
+ if (csv->what == CSV_EOR)
+ break;
+ if (csv->what != CSV_STR)
+ { xprintf("%s:%d: invalid field name\n", csv->fname,
+ csv->count);
+ longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
+ }
+ if (csv->nf == CSV_FIELD_MAX)
+ { xprintf("%s:%d: too many fields\n", csv->fname,
+ csv->count);
+ longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
+ }
+ csv->nf++;
+ /* find corresponding field in the table statement */
+ for (k = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca); k >= 1; k--)
+ { if (strcmp(mpl_tab_get_name(dca, k), csv->field) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ csv->ref[csv->nf] = k;
+ }
+ /* find dummy RECNO field in the table statement */
+ for (k = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca); k >= 1; k--)
+ if (strcmp(mpl_tab_get_name(dca, k), "RECNO") == 0) break;
+ csv->ref[0] = k;
+ }
+ else if (mode == 'W')
+ { /* open the file for writing */
+ int k, nf;
+ csv->fp = fopen(csv->fname, "w");
+ if (csv->fp == NULL)
+ { xprintf("csv_driver: unable to create %s - %s\n",
+#if 0 /* 29/I-2017 */
+ csv->fname, strerror(errno));
+ csv->fname, xstrerr(errno));
+ longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
+ }
+ /* write field names */
+ nf = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca);
+ for (k = 1; k <= nf; k++)
+ fprintf(csv->fp, "%s%c", mpl_tab_get_name(dca, k),
+ k < nf ? ',' : '\n');
+ csv->count++;
+ }
+ else
+ xassert(mode != mode);
+ /* the file has been open */
+ return csv;
+fail: /* the file cannot be open */
+ if (csv->fname != NULL) xfree(csv->fname);
+ if (csv->fp != NULL) fclose(csv->fp);
+ xfree(csv);
+ return NULL;
+static int csv_read_record(TABDCA *dca, struct csv *csv)
+{ /* read next record from csv data file */
+ int k, ret = 0;
+ xassert(csv->mode == 'R');
+ if (setjmp(csv->jump))
+ { ret = 1;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* read dummy RECNO field */
+ if (csv->ref[0] > 0)
+#if 0 /* 01/VI-2010 */
+ mpl_tab_set_num(dca, csv->ref[0], csv->count-1);
+ mpl_tab_set_num(dca, csv->ref[0], csv->count-csv->nskip-1);
+ /* read fields */
+ for (k = 1; k <= csv->nf; k++)
+ { read_field(csv);
+ if (csv->what == CSV_EOF)
+ { /* end-of-file reached */
+ xassert(k == 1);
+ ret = -1;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ else if (csv->what == CSV_EOR)
+ { /* end-of-record reached */
+ int lack = csv->nf - k + 1;
+ if (lack == 1)
+ xprintf("%s:%d: one field missing\n", csv->fname,
+ csv->count);
+ else
+ xprintf("%s:%d: %d fields missing\n", csv->fname,
+ csv->count, lack);
+ longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
+ }
+ else if (csv->what == CSV_NUM)
+ { /* floating-point number */
+ if (csv->ref[k] > 0)
+ { double num;
+ xassert(str2num(csv->field, &num) == 0);
+ mpl_tab_set_num(dca, csv->ref[k], num);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (csv->what == CSV_STR)
+ { /* character string */
+ if (csv->ref[k] > 0)
+ mpl_tab_set_str(dca, csv->ref[k], csv->field);
+ }
+ else
+ xassert(csv != csv);
+ }
+ /* now there must be NL */
+ read_field(csv);
+ xassert(csv->what != CSV_EOF);
+ if (csv->what != CSV_EOR)
+ { xprintf("%s:%d: too many fields\n", csv->fname, csv->count);
+ longjmp(csv->jump, 0);
+ }
+done: return ret;
+static int csv_write_record(TABDCA *dca, struct csv *csv)
+{ /* write next record to csv data file */
+ int k, nf, ret = 0;
+ const char *c;
+ xassert(csv->mode == 'W');
+ nf = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca);
+ for (k = 1; k <= nf; k++)
+ { switch (mpl_tab_get_type(dca, k))
+ { case 'N':
+ fprintf(csv->fp, "%.*g", DBL_DIG,
+ mpl_tab_get_num(dca, k));
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ fputc('"', csv->fp);
+ for (c = mpl_tab_get_str(dca, k); *c != '\0'; c++)
+ { if (*c == '"')
+ fputc('"', csv->fp), fputc('"', csv->fp);
+ else
+ fputc(*c, csv->fp);
+ }
+ fputc('"', csv->fp);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(dca != dca);
+ }
+ fputc(k < nf ? ',' : '\n', csv->fp);
+ }
+ csv->count++;
+ if (ferror(csv->fp))
+ { xprintf("%s:%d: write error - %s\n", csv->fname, csv->count,
+#if 0 /* 29/I-2017 */
+ strerror(errno));
+ xstrerr(errno));
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int csv_close_file(TABDCA *dca, struct csv *csv)
+{ /* close csv data file */
+ int ret = 0;
+ xassert(dca == dca);
+ if (csv->mode == 'W')
+ { fflush(csv->fp);
+ if (ferror(csv->fp))
+ { xprintf("%s:%d: write error - %s\n", csv->fname,
+#if 0 /* 29/I-2017 */
+ csv->count, strerror(errno));
+ csv->count, xstrerr(errno));
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ xfree(csv->fname);
+ fclose(csv->fp);
+ xfree(csv);
+ return ret;
+#define DBF_FIELD_MAX 50
+/* maximal number of fields in record */
+#define DBF_FDLEN_MAX 100
+/* maximal field length */
+struct dbf
+{ /* xBASE data file */
+ int mode;
+ /* 'R' = reading; 'W' = writing */
+ char *fname;
+ /* name of xBASE file */
+ FILE *fp;
+ /* stream assigned to xBASE file */
+ jmp_buf jump;
+ /* address for non-local go to in case of error */
+ int offset;
+ /* offset of a byte to be read next */
+ int count;
+ /* record count */
+ int nf;
+ /* number of fields */
+ int ref[1+DBF_FIELD_MAX];
+ /* ref[k] = k', if k-th field of the csv file corresponds to
+ k'-th field in the table statement; if ref[k] = 0, k-th field
+ of the csv file is ignored */
+ int type[1+DBF_FIELD_MAX];
+ /* type[k] is type of k-th field */
+ int len[1+DBF_FIELD_MAX];
+ /* len[k] is length of k-th field */
+ int prec[1+DBF_FIELD_MAX];
+ /* prec[k] is precision of k-th field */
+static int read_byte(struct dbf *dbf)
+{ /* read byte from xBASE data file */
+ int b;
+ b = fgetc(dbf->fp);
+ if (ferror(dbf->fp))
+ { xprintf("%s:0x%X: read error - %s\n", dbf->fname,
+#if 0 /* 29/I-2017 */
+ dbf->offset, strerror(errno));
+ dbf->offset, xstrerr(errno));
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ if (feof(dbf->fp))
+ { xprintf("%s:0x%X: unexpected end of file\n", dbf->fname,
+ dbf->offset);
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ xassert(0x00 <= b && b <= 0xFF);
+ dbf->offset++;
+ return b;
+static void read_header(TABDCA *dca, struct dbf *dbf)
+{ /* read xBASE data file header */
+ int b, j, k, recl;
+ char name[10+1];
+ /* (ignored) */
+ for (j = 1; j <= 10; j++)
+ read_byte(dbf);
+ /* length of each record, in bytes */
+ recl = read_byte(dbf);
+ recl += read_byte(dbf) << 8;
+ /* (ignored) */
+ for (j = 1; j <= 20; j++)
+ read_byte(dbf);
+ /* field descriptor array */
+ xassert(dbf->nf == 0);
+ for (;;)
+ { /* check for end of array */
+ b = read_byte(dbf);
+ if (b == 0x0D) break;
+ if (dbf->nf == DBF_FIELD_MAX)
+ { xprintf("%s:0x%X: too many fields\n", dbf->fname,
+ dbf->offset);
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ dbf->nf++;
+ /* field name */
+ name[0] = (char)b;
+ for (j = 1; j < 10; j++)
+ { b = read_byte(dbf);
+ name[j] = (char)b;
+ }
+ name[10] = '\0';
+ b = read_byte(dbf);
+ if (b != 0x00)
+ { xprintf("%s:0x%X: invalid field name\n", dbf->fname,
+ dbf->offset);
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ /* find corresponding field in the table statement */
+ for (k = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca); k >= 1; k--)
+ if (strcmp(mpl_tab_get_name(dca, k), name) == 0) break;
+ dbf->ref[dbf->nf] = k;
+ /* field type */
+ b = read_byte(dbf);
+ if (!(b == 'C' || b == 'N'))
+ { xprintf("%s:0x%X: invalid field type\n", dbf->fname,
+ dbf->offset);
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ dbf->type[dbf->nf] = b;
+ /* (ignored) */
+ for (j = 1; j <= 4; j++)
+ read_byte(dbf);
+ /* field length */
+ b = read_byte(dbf);
+ if (b == 0)
+ { xprintf("%s:0x%X: invalid field length\n", dbf->fname,
+ dbf->offset);
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ if (b > DBF_FDLEN_MAX)
+ { xprintf("%s:0x%X: field too long\n", dbf->fname,
+ dbf->offset);
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ dbf->len[dbf->nf] = b;
+ recl -= b;
+ /* (ignored) */
+ for (j = 1; j <= 15; j++)
+ read_byte(dbf);
+ }
+ if (recl != 1)
+ { xprintf("%s:0x%X: invalid file header\n", dbf->fname,
+ dbf->offset);
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ /* find dummy RECNO field in the table statement */
+ for (k = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca); k >= 1; k--)
+ if (strcmp(mpl_tab_get_name(dca, k), "RECNO") == 0) break;
+ dbf->ref[0] = k;
+ return;
+static void parse_third_arg(TABDCA *dca, struct dbf *dbf)
+{ /* parse xBASE file format (third argument) */
+ int j, k, temp;
+ const char *arg;
+ dbf->nf = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca);
+ arg = mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, 3), j = 0;
+ for (k = 1; k <= dbf->nf; k++)
+ { /* parse specification of k-th field */
+ if (arg[j] == '\0')
+ { xprintf("xBASE driver: field %s: specification missing\n",
+ mpl_tab_get_name(dca, k));
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ /* parse field type */
+ if (arg[j] == 'C' || arg[j] == 'N')
+ dbf->type[k] = arg[j], j++;
+ else
+ { xprintf("xBASE driver: field %s: invalid field type\n",
+ mpl_tab_get_name(dca, k));
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ /* check for left parenthesis */
+ if (arg[j] == '(')
+ j++;
+ else
+err: { xprintf("xBASE driver: field %s: invalid field format\n",
+ mpl_tab_get_name(dca, k));
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ /* parse field length */
+ temp = 0;
+ while (isdigit(arg[j]))
+ { if (temp > DBF_FDLEN_MAX) break;
+ temp = 10 * temp + (arg[j] - '0'), j++;
+ }
+ if (!(1 <= temp && temp <= DBF_FDLEN_MAX))
+ { xprintf("xBASE driver: field %s: invalid field length\n",
+ mpl_tab_get_name(dca, k));
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ dbf->len[k] = temp;
+ /* parse optional field precision */
+ if (dbf->type[k] == 'N' && arg[j] == ',')
+ { j++;
+ temp = 0;
+ while (isdigit(arg[j]))
+ { if (temp > dbf->len[k]) break;
+ temp = 10 * temp + (arg[j] - '0'), j++;
+ }
+ if (temp > dbf->len[k])
+ { xprintf("xBASE driver: field %s: invalid field precision"
+ "\n", mpl_tab_get_name(dca, k));
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ dbf->prec[k] = temp;
+ }
+ else
+ dbf->prec[k] = 0;
+ /* check for right parenthesis */
+ if (arg[j] == ')')
+ j++;
+ else
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* ignore other specifications */
+ return;
+static void write_byte(struct dbf *dbf, int b)
+{ /* write byte to xBASE data file */
+ fputc(b, dbf->fp);
+ dbf->offset++;
+ return;
+static void write_header(TABDCA *dca, struct dbf *dbf)
+{ /* write xBASE data file header */
+ int j, k, temp;
+ const char *name;
+ /* version number */
+ write_byte(dbf, 0x03 /* file without DBT */);
+ /* date of last update (YYMMDD) */
+ write_byte(dbf, 70 /* 1970 */);
+ write_byte(dbf, 1 /* January */);
+ write_byte(dbf, 1 /* 1st */);
+ /* number of records (unknown so far) */
+ for (j = 1; j <= 4; j++)
+ write_byte(dbf, 0xFF);
+ /* length of the header, in bytes */
+ temp = 32 + dbf->nf * 32 + 1;
+ write_byte(dbf, temp);
+ write_byte(dbf, temp >> 8);
+ /* length of each record, in bytes */
+ temp = 1;
+ for (k = 1; k <= dbf->nf; k++)
+ temp += dbf->len[k];
+ write_byte(dbf, temp);
+ write_byte(dbf, temp >> 8);
+ /* (reserved) */
+ for (j = 1; j <= 20; j++)
+ write_byte(dbf, 0x00);
+ /* field descriptor array */
+ for (k = 1; k <= dbf->nf; k++)
+ { /* field name (terminated by 0x00) */
+ name = mpl_tab_get_name(dca, k);
+ for (j = 0; j < 10 && name[j] != '\0'; j++)
+ write_byte(dbf, name[j]);
+ for (j = j; j < 11; j++)
+ write_byte(dbf, 0x00);
+ /* field type */
+ write_byte(dbf, dbf->type[k]);
+ /* (reserved) */
+ for (j = 1; j <= 4; j++)
+ write_byte(dbf, 0x00);
+ /* field length */
+ write_byte(dbf, dbf->len[k]);
+ /* field precision */
+ write_byte(dbf, dbf->prec[k]);
+ /* (reserved) */
+ for (j = 1; j <= 14; j++)
+ write_byte(dbf, 0x00);
+ }
+ /* end of header */
+ write_byte(dbf, 0x0D);
+ return;
+static struct dbf *dbf_open_file(TABDCA *dca, int mode)
+{ /* open xBASE data file */
+ struct dbf *dbf;
+ /* create control structure */
+ dbf = xmalloc(sizeof(struct dbf));
+ dbf->mode = mode;
+ dbf->fname = NULL;
+ dbf->fp = NULL;
+ if (setjmp(dbf->jump)) goto fail;
+ dbf->offset = 0;
+ dbf->count = 0;
+ dbf->nf = 0;
+ /* try to open the xBASE data file */
+ if (mpl_tab_num_args(dca) < 2)
+ { xprintf("xBASE driver: file name not specified\n");
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ dbf->fname = xmalloc(strlen(mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, 2))+1);
+ strcpy(dbf->fname, mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, 2));
+ if (mode == 'R')
+ { /* open the file for reading */
+ dbf->fp = fopen(dbf->fname, "rb");
+ if (dbf->fp == NULL)
+ { xprintf("xBASE driver: unable to open %s - %s\n",
+#if 0 /* 29/I-2017 */
+ dbf->fname, strerror(errno));
+ dbf->fname, xstrerr(errno));
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ read_header(dca, dbf);
+ }
+ else if (mode == 'W')
+ { /* open the file for writing */
+ if (mpl_tab_num_args(dca) < 3)
+ { xprintf("xBASE driver: file format not specified\n");
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ parse_third_arg(dca, dbf);
+ dbf->fp = fopen(dbf->fname, "wb");
+ if (dbf->fp == NULL)
+ { xprintf("xBASE driver: unable to create %s - %s\n",
+#if 0 /* 29/I-2017 */
+ dbf->fname, strerror(errno));
+ dbf->fname, xstrerr(errno));
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ write_header(dca, dbf);
+ }
+ else
+ xassert(mode != mode);
+ /* the file has been open */
+ return dbf;
+fail: /* the file cannot be open */
+ if (dbf->fname != NULL) xfree(dbf->fname);
+ if (dbf->fp != NULL) fclose(dbf->fp);
+ xfree(dbf);
+ return NULL;
+static int dbf_read_record(TABDCA *dca, struct dbf *dbf)
+{ /* read next record from xBASE data file */
+ int b, j, k, ret = 0;
+ char buf[DBF_FDLEN_MAX+1];
+ xassert(dbf->mode == 'R');
+ if (setjmp(dbf->jump))
+ { ret = 1;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* check record flag */
+ b = read_byte(dbf);
+ if (b == 0x1A)
+ { /* end of data */
+ ret = -1;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (b != 0x20)
+ { xprintf("%s:0x%X: invalid record flag\n", dbf->fname,
+ dbf->offset);
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ /* read dummy RECNO field */
+ if (dbf->ref[0] > 0)
+ mpl_tab_set_num(dca, dbf->ref[0], dbf->count+1);
+ /* read fields */
+ for (k = 1; k <= dbf->nf; k++)
+ { /* read k-th field */
+ for (j = 0; j < dbf->len[k]; j++)
+ buf[j] = (char)read_byte(dbf);
+ buf[dbf->len[k]] = '\0';
+ /* set field value */
+ if (dbf->type[k] == 'C')
+ { /* character field */
+ if (dbf->ref[k] > 0)
+ mpl_tab_set_str(dca, dbf->ref[k], strtrim(buf));
+ }
+ else if (dbf->type[k] == 'N')
+ { /* numeric field */
+ if (dbf->ref[k] > 0)
+ { double num;
+ strspx(buf);
+ xassert(str2num(buf, &num) == 0);
+ mpl_tab_set_num(dca, dbf->ref[k], num);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ xassert(dbf != dbf);
+ }
+ /* increase record count */
+ dbf->count++;
+done: return ret;
+static int dbf_write_record(TABDCA *dca, struct dbf *dbf)
+{ /* write next record to xBASE data file */
+ int j, k, ret = 0;
+ char buf[255+1];
+ xassert(dbf->mode == 'W');
+ if (setjmp(dbf->jump))
+ { ret = 1;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* record flag */
+ write_byte(dbf, 0x20);
+ xassert(dbf->nf == mpl_tab_num_flds(dca));
+ for (k = 1; k <= dbf->nf; k++)
+ { if (dbf->type[k] == 'C')
+ { /* character field */
+ const char *str;
+ if (mpl_tab_get_type(dca, k) == 'N')
+ { sprintf(buf, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, mpl_tab_get_num(dca, k));
+ str = buf;
+ }
+ else if (mpl_tab_get_type(dca, k) == 'S')
+ str = mpl_tab_get_str(dca, k);
+ else
+ xassert(dca != dca);
+ if ((int)strlen(str) > dbf->len[k])
+ { xprintf("xBASE driver: field %s: cannot convert %.15s..."
+ " to field format\n", mpl_tab_get_name(dca, k), str);
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < dbf->len[k] && str[j] != '\0'; j++)
+ write_byte(dbf, str[j]);
+ for (j = j; j < dbf->len[k]; j++)
+ write_byte(dbf, ' ');
+ }
+ else if (dbf->type[k] == 'N')
+ { /* numeric field */
+ double num = mpl_tab_get_num(dca, k);
+ if (fabs(num) > 1e20)
+err: { xprintf("xBASE driver: field %s: cannot convert %g to fi"
+ "eld format\n", mpl_tab_get_name(dca, k), num);
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ sprintf(buf, "%*.*f", dbf->len[k], dbf->prec[k], num);
+ xassert(strlen(buf) < sizeof(buf));
+ if ((int)strlen(buf) != dbf->len[k]) goto err;
+ for (j = 0; j < dbf->len[k]; j++)
+ write_byte(dbf, buf[j]);
+ }
+ else
+ xassert(dbf != dbf);
+ }
+ /* increase record count */
+ dbf->count++;
+done: return ret;
+static int dbf_close_file(TABDCA *dca, struct dbf *dbf)
+{ /* close xBASE data file */
+ int ret = 0;
+ xassert(dca == dca);
+ if (dbf->mode == 'W')
+ { if (setjmp(dbf->jump))
+ { ret = 1;
+ goto skip;
+ }
+ /* end-of-file flag */
+ write_byte(dbf, 0x1A);
+ /* number of records */
+ dbf->offset = 4;
+ if (fseek(dbf->fp, dbf->offset, SEEK_SET))
+ { xprintf("%s:0x%X: seek error - %s\n", dbf->fname,
+#if 0 /* 29/I-2017 */
+ dbf->offset, strerror(errno));
+ dbf->offset, xstrerr(errno));
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+ write_byte(dbf, dbf->count);
+ write_byte(dbf, dbf->count >> 8);
+ write_byte(dbf, dbf->count >> 16);
+ write_byte(dbf, dbf->count >> 24);
+ fflush(dbf->fp);
+ if (ferror(dbf->fp))
+ { xprintf("%s:0x%X: write error - %s\n", dbf->fname,
+#if 0 /* 29/I-2017 */
+ dbf->offset, strerror(errno));
+ dbf->offset, xstrerr(errno));
+ longjmp(dbf->jump, 0);
+ }
+skip: ;
+ }
+ xfree(dbf->fname);
+ fclose(dbf->fp);
+ xfree(dbf);
+ return ret;
+#define TAB_CSV 1
+#define TAB_XBASE 2
+#define TAB_ODBC 3
+#define TAB_MYSQL 4
+void mpl_tab_drv_open(MPL *mpl, int mode)
+{ TABDCA *dca = mpl->dca;
+ xassert(dca->id == 0);
+ xassert(dca->link == NULL);
+ xassert(dca->na >= 1);
+ if (strcmp(dca->arg[1], "CSV") == 0)
+ { dca->id = TAB_CSV;
+ dca->link = csv_open_file(dca, mode);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(dca->arg[1], "xBASE") == 0)
+ { dca->id = TAB_XBASE;
+ dca->link = dbf_open_file(dca, mode);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(dca->arg[1], "ODBC") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(dca->arg[1], "iODBC") == 0)
+ { dca->id = TAB_ODBC;
+ dca->link = db_iodbc_open(dca, mode);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(dca->arg[1], "MySQL") == 0)
+ { dca->id = TAB_MYSQL;
+ dca->link = db_mysql_open(dca, mode);
+ }
+ else
+ xprintf("Invalid table driver '%s'\n", dca->arg[1]);
+ if (dca->link == NULL)
+ error(mpl, "error on opening table %s",
+ mpl->stmt->u.tab->name);
+ return;
+int mpl_tab_drv_read(MPL *mpl)
+{ TABDCA *dca = mpl->dca;
+ int ret;
+ switch (dca->id)
+ { case TAB_CSV:
+ ret = csv_read_record(dca, dca->link);
+ break;
+ case TAB_XBASE:
+ ret = dbf_read_record(dca, dca->link);
+ break;
+ case TAB_ODBC:
+ ret = db_iodbc_read(dca, dca->link);
+ break;
+ case TAB_MYSQL:
+ ret = db_mysql_read(dca, dca->link);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(dca != dca);
+ }
+ if (ret > 0)
+ error(mpl, "error on reading data from table %s",
+ mpl->stmt->u.tab->name);
+ return ret;
+void mpl_tab_drv_write(MPL *mpl)
+{ TABDCA *dca = mpl->dca;
+ int ret;
+ switch (dca->id)
+ { case TAB_CSV:
+ ret = csv_write_record(dca, dca->link);
+ break;
+ case TAB_XBASE:
+ ret = dbf_write_record(dca, dca->link);
+ break;
+ case TAB_ODBC:
+ ret = db_iodbc_write(dca, dca->link);
+ break;
+ case TAB_MYSQL:
+ ret = db_mysql_write(dca, dca->link);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(dca != dca);
+ }
+ if (ret)
+ error(mpl, "error on writing data to table %s",
+ mpl->stmt->u.tab->name);
+ return;
+void mpl_tab_drv_close(MPL *mpl)
+{ TABDCA *dca = mpl->dca;
+ int ret;
+ switch (dca->id)
+ { case TAB_CSV:
+ ret = csv_close_file(dca, dca->link);
+ break;
+ case TAB_XBASE:
+ ret = dbf_close_file(dca, dca->link);
+ break;
+ case TAB_ODBC:
+ ret = db_iodbc_close(dca, dca->link);
+ break;
+ case TAB_MYSQL:
+ ret = db_mysql_close(dca, dca->link);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(dca != dca);
+ }
+ dca->id = 0;
+ dca->link = NULL;
+ if (ret)
+ error(mpl, "error on closing table %s",
+ mpl->stmt->u.tab->name);
+ return;
+/* eof */
diff --git a/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mplsql.c b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mplsql.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcd2afa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mplsql.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1659 @@
+/* mplsql.c */
+* This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).
+* Author: Heinrich Schuchardt <xypron.glpk@gmx.de>.
+* Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied
+* Informatics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights
+* reserved. E-mail: <mao@gnu.org>.
+* GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+* License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with GLPK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <config.h>
+#include "mpl.h"
+#include "mplsql.h"
+#define HAVE_ODBC
+#define libodbc ODBC_DLNAME
+#define h_odbc (get_env_ptr()->h_odbc)
+#define HAVE_MYSQL
+#define libmysql MYSQL_DLNAME
+#define h_mysql (get_env_ptr()->h_mysql)
+static void *db_iodbc_open_int(TABDCA *dca, int mode, const char
+ **sqllines);
+static void *db_mysql_open_int(TABDCA *dca, int mode, const char
+ **sqllines);
+#if defined(HAVE_ODBC) || defined(HAVE_MYSQL)
+#define SQL_FIELD_MAX 100
+/* maximal field count */
+#define SQL_FDLEN_MAX 255
+/* maximal field length */
+* args_concat - concatenate arguments
+* static char **args_concat(TABDCA *dca);
+* The arguments passed in dca are SQL statements. A SQL statement may
+* be split over multiple arguments. The last argument of a SQL
+* statement will be terminated with a semilocon. Each SQL statement is
+* merged into a single zero terminated string. Boundaries between
+* arguments are replaced by space.
+* Buffer with SQL statements */
+static char **args_concat(TABDCA *dca)
+ const char *arg;
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ int j0;
+ int j1;
+ size_t len;
+ int lentot;
+ int narg;
+ int nline = 0;
+ char **sqllines = NULL;
+ narg = mpl_tab_num_args(dca);
+ /* The SQL statements start with argument 3. */
+ if (narg < 3)
+ return NULL;
+ /* Count the SQL statements */
+ for (j = 3; j <= narg; j++)
+ {
+ arg = mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, j);
+ len = strlen(arg);
+ if (arg[len-1] == ';' || j == narg)
+ nline ++;
+ }
+ /* Allocate string buffer. */
+ sqllines = (char **) xmalloc((nline+1) * sizeof(char **));
+ /* Join arguments */
+ sqllines[0] = NULL;
+ j0 = 3;
+ i = 0;
+ lentot = 0;
+ for (j = 3; j <= narg; j++)
+ {
+ arg = mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, j);
+ len = strlen(arg);
+ /* add length of part */
+ lentot += len;
+ /* add length of space separating parts or 0x00 at end of SQL
+ statement */
+ lentot++;
+ if (arg[len-1] == ';' || j == narg)
+ { /* Join arguments for a single SQL statement */
+ sqllines[i] = xmalloc(lentot);
+ sqllines[i+1] = NULL;
+ sqllines[i][0] = 0x00;
+ for (j1 = j0; j1 <= j; j1++)
+ { if(j1>j0)
+ strcat(sqllines[i], " ");
+ strcat(sqllines[i], mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, j1));
+ }
+ len = strlen(sqllines[i]);
+ if (sqllines[i][len-1] == ';')
+ sqllines[i][len-1] = 0x00;
+ j0 = j+1;
+ i++;
+ lentot = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return sqllines;
+* free_buffer - free multiline string buffer
+* static void free_buffer(char **buf);
+* buf is a list of strings terminated by NULL.
+* The memory for the strings and for the list is released. */
+static void free_buffer(char **buf)
+{ int i;
+ for(i = 0; buf[i] != NULL; i++)
+ xfree(buf[i]);
+ xfree(buf);
+static int db_escaped_string_length(const char* from)
+/* length of escaped string */
+ int count;
+ const char *pointer;
+ for (pointer = from, count = 0; *pointer != (char) '\0'; pointer++,
+ count++)
+ {
+ switch (*pointer)
+ {
+ case '\'':
+ count++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+static void db_escape_string (char *to, const char *from)
+/* escape string*/
+ const char *source = from;
+ char *target = to;
+ size_t remaining;
+ remaining = strlen(from);
+ if (to == NULL)
+ to = (char *) (from + remaining);
+ while (remaining > 0)
+ {
+ switch (*source)
+ {
+ case '\'':
+ *target = '\'';
+ target++;
+ *target = '\'';
+ break;
+ default:
+ *target = *source;
+ }
+ source++;
+ target++;
+ remaining--;
+ }
+ /* Write the terminating NUL character. */
+ *target = '\0';
+static char *db_generate_select_stmt(TABDCA *dca)
+/* generate select statement */
+ char *arg;
+ char const *field;
+ char *query;
+ int j;
+ int narg;
+ int nf;
+ int total;
+ total = 50;
+ nf = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca);
+ narg = mpl_tab_num_args(dca);
+ for (j=1; j <= nf && j <= SQL_FIELD_MAX; j++)
+ {
+ field = mpl_tab_get_name(dca, j);
+ total += strlen(field);
+ total += 2;
+ }
+ arg = (char *) mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, narg);
+ total += strlen(arg);
+ query = xmalloc( total * sizeof(char));
+ strcpy (query, "SELECT ");
+ for (j=1; j <= nf && j <= SQL_FIELD_MAX; j++)
+ {
+ field = mpl_tab_get_name(dca, j);
+ strcat(query, field);
+ if ( j < nf )
+ strcat(query, ", ");
+ }
+ strcat(query, " FROM ");
+ strcat(query, arg);
+ return query;
+static char *db_generate_insert_stmt(TABDCA *dca)
+/* generate insert statement */
+ char *arg;
+ char const *field;
+ char *query;
+ int j;
+ int narg;
+ int nf;
+ int total;
+ total = 50;
+ nf = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca);
+ narg = mpl_tab_num_args(dca);
+ for (j=1; j <= nf && j <= SQL_FIELD_MAX; j++)
+ {
+ field = mpl_tab_get_name(dca, j);
+ total += strlen(field);
+ total += 5;
+ }
+ arg = (char *) mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, narg);
+ total += strlen(arg);
+ query = xmalloc( (total+1) * sizeof(char));
+ strcpy (query, "INSERT INTO ");
+ strcat(query, arg);
+ strcat(query, " ( ");
+ for (j=1; j <= nf && j <= SQL_FIELD_MAX; j++)
+ {
+ field = mpl_tab_get_name(dca, j);
+ strcat(query, field);
+ if ( j < nf )
+ strcat(query, ", ");
+ }
+ strcat(query, " ) VALUES ( ");
+ for (j=1; j <= nf && j <= SQL_FIELD_MAX; j++)
+ {
+ strcat(query, "?");
+ if ( j < nf )
+ strcat(query, ", ");
+ }
+ strcat(query, " )");
+ return query;
+#ifndef HAVE_ODBC
+void *db_iodbc_open(TABDCA *dca, int mode)
+{ xassert(dca == dca);
+ xassert(mode == mode);
+ xprintf("iODBC table driver not supported\n");
+ return NULL;
+int db_iodbc_read(TABDCA *dca, void *link)
+{ xassert(dca != dca);
+ xassert(link != link);
+ return 0;
+int db_iodbc_write(TABDCA *dca, void *link)
+{ xassert(dca != dca);
+ xassert(link != link);
+ return 0;
+int db_iodbc_close(TABDCA *dca, void *link)
+{ xassert(dca != dca);
+ xassert(link != link);
+ return 0;
+#if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__WOE__)
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <sql.h>
+#include <sqlext.h>
+struct db_odbc
+ int mode; /*'R' = Read, 'W' = Write*/
+ SQLHDBC hdbc; /*connection handle*/
+ SQLHENV henv; /*environment handle*/
+ SQLHSTMT hstmt; /*statement handle*/
+ SQLSMALLINT nresultcols; /* columns in result*/
+#if 1 /* 12/I-2014 */
+ int isnumeric[SQL_FIELD_MAX+1];
+ int nf;
+ /* number of fields in the csv file */
+ int ref[1+SQL_FIELD_MAX];
+ /* ref[k] = k', if k-th field of the csv file corresponds to
+ k'-th field in the table statement; if ref[k] = 0, k-th field
+ of the csv file is ignored */
+ SQLCHAR *query;
+ /* query generated by db_iodbc_open */
+ SQLHANDLE InputHandle,
+ SQLHANDLE *OutputHandle)
+ typedef SQLRETURN SQL_API ep_SQLAllocHandle(
+ SQLHANDLE InputHandle,
+ SQLHANDLE *OutputHandle);
+ ep_SQLAllocHandle *fn;
+ fn = (ep_SQLAllocHandle *) xdlsym(h_odbc, "SQLAllocHandle");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(HandleType, InputHandle, OutputHandle);
+ SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
+ SQLUSMALLINT ColumnNumber,
+ SQLPOINTER TargetValue,
+ SQLLEN BufferLength,
+ SQLLEN *StrLen_or_Ind)
+ typedef SQLRETURN SQL_API ep_SQLBindCol(
+ SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
+ SQLUSMALLINT ColumnNumber,
+ SQLPOINTER TargetValue,
+ SQLLEN BufferLength,
+ SQLLEN *StrLen_or_Ind);
+ ep_SQLBindCol *fn;
+ fn = (ep_SQLBindCol *) xdlsym(h_odbc, "SQLBindCol");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(StatementHandle, ColumnNumber, TargetType,
+ TargetValue, BufferLength, StrLen_or_Ind);
+ SQLHSTMT StatementHandle)
+ typedef SQLRETURN SQL_API ep_SQLCloseCursor (
+ SQLHSTMT StatementHandle);
+ ep_SQLCloseCursor *fn;
+ fn = (ep_SQLCloseCursor *) xdlsym(h_odbc, "SQLCloseCursor");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(StatementHandle);
+ SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle)
+ typedef SQLRETURN SQL_API ep_SQLDisconnect(
+ SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle);
+ ep_SQLDisconnect *fn;
+ fn = (ep_SQLDisconnect *) xdlsym(h_odbc, "SQLDisconnect");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(ConnectionHandle);
+SQLRETURN SQL_API dl_SQLDriverConnect (
+ SQLHDBC hdbc,
+ SQLHWND hwnd,
+ SQLCHAR *szConnStrIn,
+ SQLCHAR *szConnStrOut,
+ SQLSMALLINT cbConnStrOutMax,
+ SQLSMALLINT *pcbConnStrOut,
+ SQLUSMALLINT fDriverCompletion)
+ typedef SQLRETURN SQL_API ep_SQLDriverConnect(
+ SQLHDBC hdbc,
+ SQLHWND hwnd,
+ SQLCHAR * szConnStrIn,
+ SQLCHAR * szConnStrOut,
+ SQLSMALLINT cbConnStrOutMax,
+ SQLSMALLINT * pcbConnStrOut,
+ SQLUSMALLINT fDriverCompletion);
+ ep_SQLDriverConnect *fn;
+ fn = (ep_SQLDriverConnect *) xdlsym(h_odbc, "SQLDriverConnect");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(hdbc, hwnd, szConnStrIn, cbConnStrIn, szConnStrOut,
+ cbConnStrOutMax, pcbConnStrOut, fDriverCompletion);
+ SQLSMALLINT CompletionType)
+ typedef SQLRETURN SQL_API ep_SQLEndTran (
+ SQLSMALLINT CompletionType);
+ ep_SQLEndTran *fn;
+ fn = (ep_SQLEndTran *) xdlsym(h_odbc, "SQLEndTran");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(HandleType, Handle, CompletionType);
+ SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
+ SQLCHAR * StatementText,
+ SQLINTEGER TextLength)
+ typedef SQLRETURN SQL_API ep_SQLExecDirect (
+ SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
+ SQLCHAR * StatementText,
+ SQLINTEGER TextLength);
+ ep_SQLExecDirect *fn;
+ fn = (ep_SQLExecDirect *) xdlsym(h_odbc, "SQLExecDirect");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(StatementHandle, StatementText, TextLength);
+ SQLHSTMT StatementHandle)
+ typedef SQLRETURN SQL_API ep_SQLFetch (
+ SQLHSTMT StatementHandle);
+ ep_SQLFetch *fn;
+ fn = (ep_SQLFetch*) xdlsym(h_odbc, "SQLFetch");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(StatementHandle);
+ typedef SQLRETURN SQL_API ep_SQLFreeHandle (
+ SQLHANDLE Handle);
+ ep_SQLFreeHandle *fn;
+ fn = (ep_SQLFreeHandle *) xdlsym(h_odbc, "SQLFreeHandle");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(HandleType, Handle);
+ SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
+ SQLUSMALLINT ColumnNumber,
+ SQLCHAR * ColumnName,
+ SQLSMALLINT BufferLength,
+ SQLSMALLINT * NameLength,
+ SQLULEN * ColumnSize,
+ SQLSMALLINT * DecimalDigits,
+ SQLSMALLINT * Nullable)
+ typedef SQLRETURN SQL_API ep_SQLDescribeCol (
+ SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
+ SQLUSMALLINT ColumnNumber,
+ SQLCHAR *ColumnName,
+ SQLSMALLINT BufferLength,
+ SQLSMALLINT *NameLength,
+ SQLULEN *ColumnSize,
+ SQLSMALLINT *DecimalDigits,
+ SQLSMALLINT *Nullable);
+ ep_SQLDescribeCol *fn;
+ fn = (ep_SQLDescribeCol *) xdlsym(h_odbc, "SQLDescribeCol");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(StatementHandle, ColumnNumber, ColumnName,
+ BufferLength, NameLength,
+ DataType, ColumnSize, DecimalDigits, Nullable);
+ SQLCHAR *Sqlstate,
+ SQLINTEGER *NativeError,
+ SQLCHAR *MessageText,
+ SQLSMALLINT BufferLength,
+ SQLSMALLINT *TextLength)
+ typedef SQLRETURN SQL_API ep_SQLGetDiagRec (
+ SQLCHAR *Sqlstate,
+ SQLINTEGER *NativeError,
+ SQLCHAR *MessageText,
+ SQLSMALLINT BufferLength,
+ SQLSMALLINT *TextLength);
+ ep_SQLGetDiagRec *fn;
+ fn = (ep_SQLGetDiagRec *) xdlsym(h_odbc, "SQLGetDiagRec");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(HandleType, Handle, RecNumber, Sqlstate,
+ NativeError, MessageText, BufferLength, TextLength);
+ SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle,
+ SQLSMALLINT BufferLength,
+ SQLSMALLINT *StringLength)
+ typedef SQLRETURN SQL_API ep_SQLGetInfo (
+ SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle,
+ SQLSMALLINT BufferLength,
+ SQLSMALLINT *StringLength);
+ ep_SQLGetInfo *fn;
+ fn = (ep_SQLGetInfo *) xdlsym(h_odbc, "SQLGetInfo");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(ConnectionHandle, InfoType, InfoValue, BufferLength,
+ StringLength);
+ SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
+ SQLSMALLINT *ColumnCount)
+ typedef SQLRETURN SQL_API ep_SQLNumResultCols (
+ SQLHSTMT StatementHandle,
+ SQLSMALLINT *ColumnCount);
+ ep_SQLNumResultCols *fn;
+ fn = (ep_SQLNumResultCols *) xdlsym(h_odbc, "SQLNumResultCols");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(StatementHandle, ColumnCount);
+ SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle,
+ SQLINTEGER Attribute,
+ SQLINTEGER StringLength)
+ typedef SQLRETURN SQL_API ep_SQLSetConnectAttr (
+ SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle,
+ SQLINTEGER Attribute,
+ SQLINTEGER StringLength);
+ ep_SQLSetConnectAttr *fn;
+ fn = (ep_SQLSetConnectAttr *) xdlsym(h_odbc, "SQLSetConnectAttr");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(ConnectionHandle, Attribute, Value, StringLength);
+ SQLHENV EnvironmentHandle,
+ SQLINTEGER Attribute,
+ SQLINTEGER StringLength)
+ typedef SQLRETURN SQL_API ep_SQLSetEnvAttr (
+ SQLHENV EnvironmentHandle,
+ SQLINTEGER Attribute,
+ SQLINTEGER StringLength);
+ ep_SQLSetEnvAttr *fn;
+ fn = (ep_SQLSetEnvAttr *) xdlsym(h_odbc, "SQLSetEnvAttr");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(EnvironmentHandle, Attribute, Value, StringLength);
+static void extract_error(
+ char *fn,
+ SQLHANDLE handle,
+static int is_numeric(
+ SQLSMALLINT coltype);
+* db_iodbc_open - open connection to ODBC data base
+* #include "mplsql.h"
+* void *db_iodbc_open(TABDCA *dca, int mode);
+* The routine db_iodbc_open opens a connection to an ODBC data base.
+* It then executes the sql statements passed.
+* In the case of table read the SELECT statement is executed.
+* In the case of table write the INSERT statement is prepared.
+* The routine returns a pointer to data storage area created. */
+void *db_iodbc_open(TABDCA *dca, int mode)
+{ void *ret;
+ char **sqllines;
+ sqllines = args_concat(dca);
+ if (sqllines == NULL)
+ { xprintf("Missing arguments in table statement.\n"
+ "Please, supply table driver, dsn, and query.\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = db_iodbc_open_int(dca, mode, (const char **) sqllines);
+ free_buffer(sqllines);
+ return ret;
+static void *db_iodbc_open_int(TABDCA *dca, int mode, const char
+ **sqllines)
+ struct db_odbc *sql;
+ SQLCHAR info[256];
+ SQLSMALLINT colnamelen;
+ SQLSMALLINT nullable;
+ const char *arg;
+ int narg;
+ int i, j;
+ int total;
+ if (libodbc == NULL)
+ {
+ xprintf("No loader for shared ODBC library available\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (h_odbc == NULL)
+ {
+ h_odbc = xdlopen(libodbc);
+ if (h_odbc == NULL)
+ { xprintf("unable to open library %s\n", libodbc);
+ xprintf("%s\n", get_err_msg());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ sql = (struct db_odbc *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct db_odbc));
+ if (sql == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ sql->mode = mode;
+ sql->hdbc = NULL;
+ sql->henv = NULL;
+ sql->hstmt = NULL;
+ sql->query = NULL;
+ narg = mpl_tab_num_args(dca);
+ dsn = (SQLCHAR FAR *) mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, 2);
+ /* allocate an environment handle */
+ &(sql->henv));
+ /* set attribute to enable application to run as ODBC 3.0
+ application */
+ ret = dl_SQLSetEnvAttr(sql->henv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,
+ (void *) SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0);
+ /* allocate a connection handle */
+ ret = dl_SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, sql->henv, &(sql->hdbc));
+ /* connect */
+ ret = dl_SQLDriverConnect(sql->hdbc, NULL, dsn, SQL_NTS, NULL, 0,
+ if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
+ { /* output information about data base connection */
+ xprintf("Connected to ");
+ dl_SQLGetInfo(sql->hdbc, SQL_DBMS_NAME, (SQLPOINTER)info,
+ sizeof(info), NULL);
+ xprintf("%s ", info);
+ dl_SQLGetInfo(sql->hdbc, SQL_DBMS_VER, (SQLPOINTER)info,
+ sizeof(info), NULL);
+ xprintf("%s - ", info);
+ dl_SQLGetInfo(sql->hdbc, SQL_DATABASE_NAME, (SQLPOINTER)info,
+ sizeof(info), NULL);
+ xprintf("%s\n", info);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* describe error */
+ xprintf("Failed to connect\n");
+ extract_error("SQLDriverConnect", sql->hdbc, SQL_HANDLE_DBC);
+ dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, sql->hdbc);
+ dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, sql->henv);
+ xfree(sql);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* set AUTOCOMMIT on*/
+ ret = dl_SQLSetConnectAttr(sql->hdbc, SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT,
+ /* allocate a statement handle */
+ ret = dl_SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sql->hdbc, &(sql->hstmt));
+ /* initialization queries */
+ for(j = 0; sqllines[j+1] != NULL; j++)
+ {
+ sql->query = (SQLCHAR *) sqllines[j];
+ xprintf("%s\n", sql->query);
+ ret = dl_SQLExecDirect(sql->hstmt, sql->query, SQL_NTS);
+ switch (ret)
+ {
+ break;
+ default:
+ xprintf("db_iodbc_open: Query\n\"%s\"\nfailed.\n",
+ sql->query);
+ extract_error("SQLExecDirect", sql->hstmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT);
+ dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sql->hstmt);
+ dl_SQLDisconnect(sql->hdbc);
+ dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, sql->hdbc);
+ dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, sql->henv);
+ xfree(sql);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* commit statement */
+ dl_SQLEndTran(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, sql->henv, SQL_COMMIT);
+ }
+ if ( sql->mode == 'R' )
+ { sql->nf = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca);
+ for(j = 0; sqllines[j] != NULL; j++)
+ arg = sqllines[j];
+ total = strlen(arg);
+ if (total > 7 && 0 == strncmp(arg, "SELECT ", 7))
+ {
+ total = strlen(arg);
+ sql->query = xmalloc( (total+1) * sizeof(char));
+ strcpy (sql->query, arg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sql->query = db_generate_select_stmt(dca);
+ }
+ xprintf("%s\n", sql->query);
+ if (dl_SQLExecDirect(sql->hstmt, sql->query, SQL_NTS) !=
+ {
+ xprintf("db_iodbc_open: Query\n\"%s\"\nfailed.\n", sql->query);
+ extract_error("SQLExecDirect", sql->hstmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT);
+ dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sql->hstmt);
+ dl_SQLDisconnect(sql->hdbc);
+ dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, sql->hdbc);
+ dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, sql->henv);
+ xfree(sql->query);
+ xfree(sql);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ xfree(sql->query);
+ /* determine number of result columns */
+ ret = dl_SQLNumResultCols(sql->hstmt, &sql->nresultcols);
+ total = sql->nresultcols;
+ if (total > SQL_FIELD_MAX)
+ { xprintf("db_iodbc_open: Too many fields (> %d) in query.\n"
+ "\"%s\"\n", SQL_FIELD_MAX, sql->query);
+ dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sql->hstmt);
+ dl_SQLDisconnect(sql->hdbc);
+ dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, sql->hdbc);
+ dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, sql->henv);
+ xfree(sql->query);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i <= total; i++)
+ { /* return a set of attributes for a column */
+ ret = dl_SQLDescribeCol(sql->hstmt, (SQLSMALLINT) i,
+ sql->colname[i], SQL_FDLEN_MAX,
+ &colnamelen, &(sql->coltype[i]), &(sql->collen[i]), &scale,
+ &nullable);
+ sql->isnumeric[i] = is_numeric(sql->coltype[i]);
+ /* bind columns to program vars, converting all types to CHAR*/
+ if (sql->isnumeric[i])
+#if 0 /* 12/I-2014 */
+ { dl_SQLBindCol(sql->hstmt, i, SQL_DOUBLE, sql->data[i],
+ { dl_SQLBindCol(sql->hstmt, i, SQL_DOUBLE, &sql->datanum[i],
+ SQL_FDLEN_MAX, &(sql->outlen[i]));
+ } else
+ { dl_SQLBindCol(sql->hstmt, i, SQL_CHAR, sql->data[i],
+ SQL_FDLEN_MAX, &(sql->outlen[i]));
+ }
+ for (j = sql->nf; j >= 1; j--)
+ { if (strcmp(mpl_tab_get_name(dca, j), sql->colname[i]) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ sql->ref[i] = j;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( sql->mode == 'W' )
+ { for(j = 0; sqllines[j] != NULL; j++)
+ arg = sqllines[j];
+ if ( NULL != strchr(arg, '?') )
+ {
+ total = strlen(arg);
+ sql->query = xmalloc( (total+1) * sizeof(char));
+ strcpy (sql->query, arg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sql->query = db_generate_insert_stmt(dca);
+ }
+ xprintf("%s\n", sql->query);
+ }
+ return sql;
+int db_iodbc_read(TABDCA *dca, void *link)
+ struct db_odbc *sql;
+ char buf[SQL_FDLEN_MAX+1];
+ int i;
+ int len;
+ double num;
+ sql = (struct db_odbc *) link;
+ xassert(sql != NULL);
+ xassert(sql->mode == 'R');
+ ret=dl_SQLFetch(sql->hstmt);
+ if (ret== SQL_ERROR)
+ return -1;
+ if (ret== SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND)
+ return -1; /*EOF*/
+ for (i=1; i <= sql->nresultcols; i++)
+ {
+ if (sql->ref[i] > 0)
+ {
+ len = sql->outlen[i];
+ if (len != SQL_NULL_DATA)
+ {
+ if (sql->isnumeric[i])
+ { mpl_tab_set_num(dca, sql->ref[i],
+#if 0 /* 12/I-2014 */
+ *((const double *) sql->data[i]));
+ (const double) sql->datanum[i]);
+ }
+ else
+ { if (len > SQL_FDLEN_MAX)
+ len = SQL_FDLEN_MAX;
+ else if (len < 0)
+ len = 0;
+ strncpy(buf, (const char *) sql->data[i], len);
+ buf[len] = 0x00;
+ mpl_tab_set_str(dca, sql->ref[i], strtrim(buf));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int db_iodbc_write(TABDCA *dca, void *link)
+ struct db_odbc *sql;
+ char *part;
+ char *query;
+ char *template;
+ char num[50];
+ int k;
+ int len;
+ int nf;
+ sql = (struct db_odbc *) link;
+ xassert(sql != NULL);
+ xassert(sql->mode == 'W');
+ len = strlen(sql->query);
+ template = (char *) xmalloc( (len + 1) * sizeof(char) );
+ strcpy(template, sql->query);
+ nf = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca);
+ for (k = 1; k <= nf; k++)
+ { switch (mpl_tab_get_type(dca, k))
+ { case 'N':
+ len += 20;
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ len += db_escaped_string_length(mpl_tab_get_str(dca, k));
+ len += 2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(dca != dca);
+ }
+ }
+ query = xmalloc( (len + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );
+ query[0] = 0x00;
+#if 0 /* 29/I-2017 */
+ for (k = 1, part = strtok (template, "?"); (part != NULL);
+ part = strtok (NULL, "?"), k++)
+ for (k = 1, part = xstrtok (template, "?"); (part != NULL);
+ part = xstrtok (NULL, "?"), k++)
+ {
+ if (k > nf) break;
+ strcat( query, part );
+ switch (mpl_tab_get_type(dca, k))
+ { case 'N':
+#if 0 /* 02/XI-2010 by xypron */
+ sprintf(num, "%-18g",mpl_tab_get_num(dca, k));
+ sprintf(num, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, mpl_tab_get_num(dca, k));
+ strcat( query, num );
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ strcat( query, "'");
+ db_escape_string( query + strlen(query),
+ mpl_tab_get_str(dca, k) );
+ strcat( query, "'");
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(dca != dca);
+ }
+ }
+ if (part != NULL)
+ strcat(query, part);
+ if (dl_SQLExecDirect(sql->hstmt, (SQLCHAR *) query, SQL_NTS)
+ {
+ xprintf("db_iodbc_write: Query\n\"%s\"\nfailed.\n", query);
+ extract_error("SQLExecDirect", sql->hdbc, SQL_HANDLE_DBC);
+ xfree(query);
+ xfree(template);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ xfree(query);
+ xfree(template);
+ return 0;
+int db_iodbc_close(TABDCA *dca, void *link)
+ struct db_odbc *sql;
+ sql = (struct db_odbc *) link;
+ xassert(sql != NULL);
+ /* Commit */
+ if ( sql->mode == 'W' )
+ dl_SQLEndTran(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, sql->henv, SQL_COMMIT);
+ if ( sql->mode == 'R' )
+ dl_SQLCloseCursor(sql->hstmt);
+ dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, sql->hstmt);
+ dl_SQLDisconnect(sql->hdbc);
+ dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, sql->hdbc);
+ dl_SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, sql->henv);
+ if ( sql->mode == 'W' )
+ xfree(sql->query);
+ xfree(sql);
+ dca->link = NULL;
+ return 0;
+static void extract_error(
+ char *fn,
+ SQLHANDLE handle,
+ SQLINTEGER native;
+ SQLCHAR state[ 7 ];
+ SQLCHAR text[256];
+ xprintf("\nThe driver reported the following diagnostics whilst "
+ "running %s\n", fn);
+ do
+ {
+ ret = dl_SQLGetDiagRec(type, handle, ++i, state, &native, text,
+ sizeof(text), &len );
+ if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
+ xprintf("%s:%ld:%ld:%s\n", state, i, native, text);
+ }
+ while( ret == SQL_SUCCESS );
+static int is_numeric(SQLSMALLINT coltype)
+ int ret = 0;
+ switch (coltype)
+ {
+ case SQL_REAL:
+ case SQL_FLOAT:
+ case SQL_DOUBLE:
+ case SQL_BIGINT:
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+#ifndef HAVE_MYSQL
+void *db_mysql_open(TABDCA *dca, int mode)
+{ xassert(dca == dca);
+ xassert(mode == mode);
+ xprintf("MySQL table driver not supported\n");
+ return NULL;
+int db_mysql_read(TABDCA *dca, void *link)
+{ xassert(dca != dca);
+ xassert(link != link);
+ return 0;
+int db_mysql_write(TABDCA *dca, void *link)
+{ xassert(dca != dca);
+ xassert(link != link);
+ return 0;
+int db_mysql_close(TABDCA *dca, void *link)
+{ xassert(dca != dca);
+ xassert(link != link);
+ return 0;
+#if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__WOE__)
+#include <windows.h>
+#ifdef __CYGWIN__
+#define byte_defined 1
+#if 0 /* 12/II-2014; to fix namespace bug */
+#include <my_global.h>
+#include <my_sys.h>
+#include <mysql.h>
+struct db_mysql
+ int mode; /*'R' = Read, 'W' = Write*/
+ MYSQL *con; /*connection*/
+ MYSQL_RES *res; /*result*/
+ int nf;
+ /* number of fields in the csv file */
+ int ref[1+SQL_FIELD_MAX];
+ /* ref[k] = k', if k-th field of the csv file corresponds to
+ k'-th field in the table statement; if ref[k] = 0, k-th field
+ of the csv file is ignored */
+ char *query;
+ /* query generated by db_mysql_open */
+void STDCALL dl_mysql_close(MYSQL *sock)
+ typedef void STDCALL ep_mysql_close(MYSQL *sock);
+ ep_mysql_close *fn;
+ fn = (ep_mysql_close *) xdlsym(h_mysql, "mysql_close");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(sock);
+const char * STDCALL dl_mysql_error(MYSQL *mysql)
+ typedef const char * STDCALL ep_mysql_error(MYSQL *mysql);
+ ep_mysql_error *fn;
+ fn = (ep_mysql_error *) xdlsym(h_mysql, "mysql_error");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(mysql);
+MYSQL_FIELD * STDCALL dl_mysql_fetch_fields(MYSQL_RES *res)
+ ep_mysql_fetch_fields(MYSQL_RES *res);
+ ep_mysql_fetch_fields *fn;
+ fn = (ep_mysql_fetch_fields *) xdlsym(h_mysql, "mysql_fetch_fields");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(res);
+unsigned long * STDCALL dl_mysql_fetch_lengths(MYSQL_RES *result)
+ typedef unsigned long * STDCALL
+ ep_mysql_fetch_lengths(MYSQL_RES *result);
+ ep_mysql_fetch_lengths *fn;
+ fn = (ep_mysql_fetch_lengths *) xdlsym(h_mysql,
+ "mysql_fetch_lengths");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(result);
+MYSQL_ROW STDCALL dl_mysql_fetch_row(MYSQL_RES *result)
+ typedef MYSQL_ROW STDCALL ep_mysql_fetch_row(MYSQL_RES *result);
+ ep_mysql_fetch_row *fn;
+ fn = (ep_mysql_fetch_row *) xdlsym(h_mysql, "mysql_fetch_row");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(result);
+unsigned int STDCALL dl_mysql_field_count(MYSQL *mysql)
+ typedef unsigned int STDCALL ep_mysql_field_count(MYSQL *mysql);
+ ep_mysql_field_count *fn;
+ fn = (ep_mysql_field_count *) xdlsym(h_mysql, "mysql_field_count");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(mysql);
+MYSQL * STDCALL dl_mysql_init(MYSQL *mysql)
+ typedef MYSQL * STDCALL ep_mysql_init(MYSQL *mysql);
+ ep_mysql_init *fn;
+ fn = (ep_mysql_init *) xdlsym(h_mysql, "mysql_init");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(mysql);
+unsigned int STDCALL dl_mysql_num_fields(MYSQL_RES *res)
+ typedef unsigned int STDCALL ep_mysql_num_fields(MYSQL_RES *res);
+ ep_mysql_num_fields *fn;
+ fn = (ep_mysql_num_fields *) xdlsym(h_mysql, "mysql_num_fields");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(res);
+int STDCALL dl_mysql_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q)
+ typedef int STDCALL ep_mysql_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q);
+ ep_mysql_query *fn;
+ fn = (ep_mysql_query *) xdlsym(h_mysql, "mysql_query");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(mysql, q);
+MYSQL * STDCALL dl_mysql_real_connect(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host,
+ const char *user,
+ const char *passwd,
+ const char *db,
+ unsigned int port,
+ const char *unix_socket,
+ unsigned long clientflag)
+ typedef MYSQL * STDCALL ep_mysql_real_connect(MYSQL *mysql,
+ const char *host,
+ const char *user,
+ const char *passwd,
+ const char *db,
+ unsigned int port,
+ const char *unix_socket,
+ unsigned long clientflag);
+ ep_mysql_real_connect *fn;
+ fn = (ep_mysql_real_connect *) xdlsym(h_mysql,
+ "mysql_real_connect");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(mysql, host, user, passwd, db, port, unix_socket,
+ clientflag);
+MYSQL_RES * STDCALL dl_mysql_use_result(MYSQL *mysql)
+ typedef MYSQL_RES * STDCALL ep_mysql_use_result(MYSQL *mysql);
+ ep_mysql_use_result *fn;
+ fn = (ep_mysql_use_result *) xdlsym(h_mysql, "mysql_use_result");
+ xassert(fn != NULL);
+ return (*fn)(mysql);
+* db_mysql_open - open connection to ODBC data base
+* #include "mplsql.h"
+* void *db_mysql_open(TABDCA *dca, int mode);
+* The routine db_mysql_open opens a connection to a MySQL data base.
+* It then executes the sql statements passed.
+* In the case of table read the SELECT statement is executed.
+* In the case of table write the INSERT statement is prepared.
+* The routine returns a pointer to data storage area created. */
+void *db_mysql_open(TABDCA *dca, int mode)
+{ void *ret;
+ char **sqllines;
+ sqllines = args_concat(dca);
+ if (sqllines == NULL)
+ { xprintf("Missing arguments in table statement.\n"
+ "Please, supply table driver, dsn, and query.\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = db_mysql_open_int(dca, mode, (const char **) sqllines);
+ free_buffer(sqllines);
+ return ret;
+static void *db_mysql_open_int(TABDCA *dca, int mode, const char
+ **sqllines)
+ struct db_mysql *sql = NULL;
+ char *arg = NULL;
+ const char *field;
+ MYSQL_FIELD *fields;
+ char *keyword;
+ char *value;
+ char *query;
+ char *dsn;
+/* "Server=[server_name];Database=[database_name];UID=[username];*/
+/* PWD=[password];Port=[port]"*/
+ char *server = NULL; /* Server */
+ char *user = NULL; /* UID */
+ char *password = NULL; /* PWD */
+ char *database = NULL; /* Database */
+ unsigned int port = 0; /* Port */
+ int narg;
+ int i, j, total;
+ if (libmysql == NULL)
+ {
+ xprintf("No loader for shared MySQL library available\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (h_mysql == NULL)
+ {
+ h_mysql = xdlopen(libmysql);
+ if (h_mysql == NULL)
+ { xprintf("unable to open library %s\n", libmysql);
+ xprintf("%s\n", get_err_msg());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ sql = (struct db_mysql *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct db_mysql));
+ if (sql == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ sql->mode = mode;
+ sql->res = NULL;
+ sql->query = NULL;
+ sql->nf = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca);
+ narg = mpl_tab_num_args(dca);
+ if (narg < 3 )
+ xprintf("MySQL driver: string list too short \n");
+ /* get connection string*/
+ dsn = (char *) mpl_tab_get_arg(dca, 2);
+ /* copy connection string*/
+ i = strlen(dsn);
+ i++;
+ arg = xmalloc(i * sizeof(char));
+ strcpy(arg, dsn);
+ /*tokenize connection string*/
+#if 0 /* 29/I-2017 */
+ for (i = 1, keyword = strtok (arg, "="); (keyword != NULL);
+ keyword = strtok (NULL, "="), i++)
+ for (i = 1, keyword = xstrtok (arg, "="); (keyword != NULL);
+ keyword = xstrtok (NULL, "="), i++)
+ {
+#if 0 /* 29/I-2017 */
+ value = strtok (NULL, ";");
+ value = xstrtok (NULL, ";");
+ if (value==NULL)
+ {
+ xprintf("db_mysql_open: Missing value for keyword %s\n",
+ keyword);
+ xfree(arg);
+ xfree(sql);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (0 == strcmp(keyword, "Server"))
+ server = value;
+ else if (0 == strcmp(keyword, "Database"))
+ database = value;
+ else if (0 == strcmp(keyword, "UID"))
+ user = value;
+ else if (0 == strcmp(keyword, "PWD"))
+ password = value;
+ else if (0 == strcmp(keyword, "Port"))
+ port = (unsigned int) atol(value);
+ }
+ /* Connect to database */
+ sql->con = dl_mysql_init(NULL);
+ if (!dl_mysql_real_connect(sql->con, server, user, password, database,
+ port, NULL, 0))
+ {
+ xprintf("db_mysql_open: Connect failed\n");
+ xprintf("%s\n", dl_mysql_error(sql->con));
+ xfree(arg);
+ xfree(sql);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ xfree(arg);
+ for(j = 0; sqllines[j+1] != NULL; j++)
+ { query = (char *) sqllines[j];
+ xprintf("%s\n", query);
+ if (dl_mysql_query(sql->con, query))
+ {
+ xprintf("db_mysql_open: Query\n\"%s\"\nfailed.\n", query);
+ xprintf("%s\n",dl_mysql_error(sql->con));
+ dl_mysql_close(sql->con);
+ xfree(sql);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( sql->mode == 'R' )
+ { sql->nf = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca);
+ for(j = 0; sqllines[j] != NULL; j++)
+ arg = (char *) sqllines[j];
+ total = strlen(arg);
+ if (total > 7 && 0 == strncmp(arg, "SELECT ", 7))
+ {
+ total = strlen(arg);
+ query = xmalloc( (total+1) * sizeof(char));
+ strcpy (query, arg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ query = db_generate_select_stmt(dca);
+ }
+ xprintf("%s\n", query);
+ if (dl_mysql_query(sql->con, query))
+ {
+ xprintf("db_mysql_open: Query\n\"%s\"\nfailed.\n", query);
+ xprintf("%s\n",dl_mysql_error(sql->con));
+ dl_mysql_close(sql->con);
+ xfree(query);
+ xfree(sql);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ xfree(query);
+ sql->res = dl_mysql_use_result(sql->con);
+ if (sql->res)
+ {
+ /* create references between query results and table fields*/
+ total = dl_mysql_num_fields(sql->res);
+ if (total > SQL_FIELD_MAX)
+ { xprintf("db_mysql_open: Too many fields (> %d) in query.\n"
+ "\"%s\"\n", SQL_FIELD_MAX, query);
+ xprintf("%s\n",dl_mysql_error(sql->con));
+ dl_mysql_close(sql->con);
+ xfree(query);
+ xfree(sql);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ fields = dl_mysql_fetch_fields(sql->res);
+ for (i = 1; i <= total; i++)
+ {
+ for (j = sql->nf; j >= 1; j--)
+ {
+ if (strcmp(mpl_tab_get_name(dca, j), fields[i-1].name)
+ == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ sql->ref[i] = j;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(dl_mysql_field_count(sql->con) == 0)
+ {
+ xprintf("db_mysql_open: Query was not a SELECT\n\"%s\"\n",
+ query);
+ xprintf("%s\n",dl_mysql_error(sql->con));
+ xfree(query);
+ xfree(sql);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xprintf("db_mysql_open: Query\n\"%s\"\nfailed.\n", query);
+ xprintf("%s\n",dl_mysql_error(sql->con));
+ xfree(query);
+ xfree(sql);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( sql->mode == 'W' )
+ { for(j = 0; sqllines[j] != NULL; j++)
+ arg = (char *) sqllines[j];
+ if ( NULL != strchr(arg, '?') )
+ {
+ total = strlen(arg);
+ query = xmalloc( (total+1) * sizeof(char));
+ strcpy (query, arg);
+ }
+ else
+ query = db_generate_insert_stmt(dca);
+ sql->query = query;
+ xprintf("%s\n", query);
+ }
+ return sql;
+int db_mysql_read(TABDCA *dca, void *link)
+{ struct db_mysql *sql;
+ char buf[255+1];
+ char **row;
+ unsigned long *lengths;
+ MYSQL_FIELD *fields;
+ double num;
+ int len;
+ unsigned long num_fields;
+ int i;
+ sql = (struct db_mysql *) link;
+ xassert(sql != NULL);
+ xassert(sql->mode == 'R');
+ if (NULL == sql->res)
+ {
+ xprintf("db_mysql_read: no result set available");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (NULL==(row = (char **)dl_mysql_fetch_row(sql->res))) {
+ return -1; /*EOF*/
+ }
+ lengths = dl_mysql_fetch_lengths(sql->res);
+ fields = dl_mysql_fetch_fields(sql->res);
+ num_fields = dl_mysql_num_fields(sql->res);
+ for (i=1; i <= num_fields; i++)
+ {
+ if (row[i-1] != NULL)
+ { len = (size_t) lengths[i-1];
+ if (len > 255)
+ len = 255;
+ strncpy(buf, (const char *) row[i-1], len);
+ buf[len] = 0x00;
+ if (0 != (fields[i-1].flags & NUM_FLAG))
+ { strspx(buf); /* remove spaces*/
+ if (str2num(buf, &num) != 0)
+ { xprintf("'%s' cannot be converted to a number.\n", buf);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (sql->ref[i] > 0)
+ mpl_tab_set_num(dca, sql->ref[i], num);
+ }
+ else
+ { if (sql->ref[i] > 0)
+ mpl_tab_set_str(dca, sql->ref[i], strtrim(buf));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int db_mysql_write(TABDCA *dca, void *link)
+ struct db_mysql *sql;
+ char *part;
+ char *query;
+ char *template;
+ char num[50];
+ int k;
+ int len;
+ int nf;
+ sql = (struct db_mysql *) link;
+ xassert(sql != NULL);
+ xassert(sql->mode == 'W');
+ len = strlen(sql->query);
+ template = (char *) xmalloc( (len + 1) * sizeof(char) );
+ strcpy(template, sql->query);
+ nf = mpl_tab_num_flds(dca);
+ for (k = 1; k <= nf; k++)
+ { switch (mpl_tab_get_type(dca, k))
+ { case 'N':
+ len += 20;
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ len += db_escaped_string_length(mpl_tab_get_str(dca, k));
+ len += 2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(dca != dca);
+ }
+ }
+ query = xmalloc( (len + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );
+ query[0] = 0x00;
+#if 0 /* 29/I-2017 */
+ for (k = 1, part = strtok (template, "?"); (part != NULL);
+ part = strtok (NULL, "?"), k++)
+ for (k = 1, part = xstrtok (template, "?"); (part != NULL);
+ part = xstrtok (NULL, "?"), k++)
+ {
+ if (k > nf) break;
+ strcat( query, part );
+ switch (mpl_tab_get_type(dca, k))
+ { case 'N':
+#if 0 /* 02/XI-2010 by xypron */
+ sprintf(num, "%-18g",mpl_tab_get_num(dca, k));
+ sprintf(num, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, mpl_tab_get_num(dca, k));
+ strcat( query, num );
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ strcat( query, "'");
+ db_escape_string( query + strlen(query),
+ mpl_tab_get_str(dca, k) );
+ strcat( query, "'");
+ break;
+ default:
+ xassert(dca != dca);
+ }
+ }
+ if (part != NULL)
+ strcat(query, part);
+ if (dl_mysql_query(sql->con, query))
+ {
+ xprintf("db_mysql_write: Query\n\"%s\"\nfailed.\n", query);
+ xprintf("%s\n",dl_mysql_error(sql->con));
+ xfree(query);
+ xfree(template);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ xfree(query);
+ xfree(template);
+ return 0;
+ }
+int db_mysql_close(TABDCA *dca, void *link)
+ struct db_mysql *sql;
+ sql = (struct db_mysql *) link;
+ xassert(sql != NULL);
+ dl_mysql_close(sql->con);
+ if ( sql->mode == 'W' )
+ xfree(sql->query);
+ xfree(sql);
+ dca->link = NULL;
+ return 0;
+/* eof */
diff --git a/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mplsql.h b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mplsql.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11d438bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/mpl/mplsql.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+/* mplsql.h */
+* This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).
+* Author: Heinrich Schuchardt <heinrich.schuchardt@gmx.de>.
+* Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied
+* Informatics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights
+* reserved. E-mail: <mao@gnu.org>.
+* GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+* License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with GLPK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#ifndef MPLSQL_H
+#define MPLSQL_H
+#define db_iodbc_open _glp_db_iodbc_open
+void *db_iodbc_open(TABDCA *dca, int mode);
+/* open iODBC database connection */
+#define db_iodbc_read _glp_db_iodbc_read
+int db_iodbc_read(TABDCA *dca, void *link);
+/* read data from iODBC */
+#define db_iodbc_write _glp_db_iodbc_write
+int db_iodbc_write(TABDCA *dca, void *link);
+/* write data to iODBC */
+#define db_iodbc_close _glp_db_iodbc_close
+int db_iodbc_close(TABDCA *dca, void *link);
+/* close iODBC database connection */
+#define db_mysql_open _glp_db_mysql_open
+void *db_mysql_open(TABDCA *dca, int mode);
+/* open MySQL database connection */
+#define db_mysql_read _glp_db_mysql_read
+int db_mysql_read(TABDCA *dca, void *link);
+/* read data from MySQL */
+#define db_mysql_write _glp_db_mysql_write
+int db_mysql_write(TABDCA *dca, void *link);
+/* write data to MySQL */
+#define db_mysql_close _glp_db_mysql_close
+int db_mysql_close(TABDCA *dca, void *link);
+/* close MySQL database connection */
+/* eof */