path: root/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/npp/npp.h
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authorDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2019-06-06 20:09:32 +0200
committerDavid Monniaux <david.monniaux@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>2019-06-06 20:09:32 +0200
commitfeb8ebaeb76fa1c94de2dd7c4e5a0999b313f8c6 (patch)
tree273140847406f67c338677fcd1a8a1bed79579ce /test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/npp/npp.h
parentf3a13e7cb3d2f0758eb418050d48a240798f2f86 (diff)
GLPK 4.65
Diffstat (limited to 'test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/npp/npp.h')
1 files changed, 645 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/npp/npp.h b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/npp/npp.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..428cb23c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/glpk-4.65/src/npp/npp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+/* npp.h (LP/MIP preprocessor) */
+* This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).
+* Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied
+* Informatics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights
+* reserved. E-mail: <mao@gnu.org>.
+* GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+* License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with GLPK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#ifndef NPP_H
+#define NPP_H
+#include "prob.h"
+#if 0 /* 20/XI-2017 */
+typedef struct NPP NPP;
+typedef struct glp_prep NPP;
+typedef struct NPPROW NPPROW;
+typedef struct NPPCOL NPPCOL;
+typedef struct NPPAIJ NPPAIJ;
+typedef struct NPPTSE NPPTSE;
+typedef struct NPPLFE NPPLFE;
+#if 0 /* 20/XI-2017 */
+struct NPP
+struct glp_prep
+{ /* LP/MIP preprocessor workspace */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* original problem segment */
+ int orig_dir;
+ /* optimization direction flag:
+ GLP_MIN - minimization
+ GLP_MAX - maximization */
+ int orig_m;
+ /* number of rows */
+ int orig_n;
+ /* number of columns */
+ int orig_nnz;
+ /* number of non-zero constraint coefficients */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* transformed problem segment (always minimization) */
+ DMP *pool;
+ /* memory pool to store problem components */
+ char *name;
+ /* problem name (1 to 255 chars); NULL means no name is assigned
+ to the problem */
+ char *obj;
+ /* objective function name (1 to 255 chars); NULL means no name
+ is assigned to the objective function */
+ double c0;
+ /* constant term of the objective function */
+ int nrows;
+ /* number of rows introduced into the problem; this count
+ increases by one every time a new row is added and never
+ decreases; thus, actual number of rows may be less than nrows
+ due to row deletions */
+ int ncols;
+ /* number of columns introduced into the problem; this count
+ increases by one every time a new column is added and never
+ decreases; thus, actual number of column may be less than
+ ncols due to column deletions */
+ NPPROW *r_head;
+ /* pointer to the beginning of the row list */
+ NPPROW *r_tail;
+ /* pointer to the end of the row list */
+ NPPCOL *c_head;
+ /* pointer to the beginning of the column list */
+ NPPCOL *c_tail;
+ /* pointer to the end of the column list */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* transformation history */
+ DMP *stack;
+ /* memory pool to store transformation entries */
+ NPPTSE *top;
+ /* pointer to most recent transformation entry */
+#if 0 /* 16/XII-2009 */
+ int count[1+25];
+ /* transformation statistics */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* resultant (preprocessed) problem segment */
+ int m;
+ /* number of rows */
+ int n;
+ /* number of columns */
+ int nnz;
+ /* number of non-zero constraint coefficients */
+ int *row_ref; /* int row_ref[1+m]; */
+ /* row_ref[i], 1 <= i <= m, is the reference number assigned to
+ a row, which is i-th row of the resultant problem */
+ int *col_ref; /* int col_ref[1+n]; */
+ /* col_ref[j], 1 <= j <= n, is the reference number assigned to
+ a column, which is j-th column of the resultant problem */
+ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* recovered solution segment */
+ int sol;
+ /* solution indicator:
+ GLP_SOL - basic solution
+ GLP_IPT - interior-point solution
+ GLP_MIP - mixed integer solution */
+ int scaling;
+ /* scaling option:
+ GLP_OFF - scaling is disabled
+ GLP_ON - scaling is enabled */
+ int p_stat;
+ /* status of primal basic solution:
+ GLP_UNDEF - primal solution is undefined
+ GLP_FEAS - primal solution is feasible
+ GLP_INFEAS - primal solution is infeasible
+ GLP_NOFEAS - no primal feasible solution exists */
+ int d_stat;
+ /* status of dual basic solution:
+ GLP_UNDEF - dual solution is undefined
+ GLP_FEAS - dual solution is feasible
+ GLP_INFEAS - dual solution is infeasible
+ GLP_NOFEAS - no dual feasible solution exists */
+ int t_stat;
+ /* status of interior-point solution:
+ GLP_UNDEF - interior solution is undefined
+ GLP_OPT - interior solution is optimal */
+ int i_stat;
+ /* status of mixed integer solution:
+ GLP_UNDEF - integer solution is undefined
+ GLP_OPT - integer solution is optimal
+ GLP_FEAS - integer solution is feasible
+ GLP_NOFEAS - no integer solution exists */
+ char *r_stat; /* char r_stat[1+nrows]; */
+ /* r_stat[i], 1 <= i <= nrows, is status of i-th row:
+ GLP_BS - inactive constraint
+ GLP_NL - active constraint on lower bound
+ GLP_NU - active constraint on upper bound
+ GLP_NF - active free row
+ GLP_NS - active equality constraint */
+ char *c_stat; /* char c_stat[1+nrows]; */
+ /* c_stat[j], 1 <= j <= nrows, is status of j-th column:
+ GLP_BS - basic variable
+ GLP_NL - non-basic variable on lower bound
+ GLP_NU - non-basic variable on upper bound
+ GLP_NF - non-basic free variable
+ GLP_NS - non-basic fixed variable */
+ double *r_pi; /* double r_pi[1+nrows]; */
+ /* r_pi[i], 1 <= i <= nrows, is Lagrange multiplier (dual value)
+ for i-th row (constraint) */
+ double *c_value; /* double c_value[1+ncols]; */
+ /* c_value[j], 1 <= j <= ncols, is primal value of j-th column
+ (structural variable) */
+struct NPPROW
+{ /* row (constraint) */
+ int i;
+ /* reference number assigned to the row, 1 <= i <= nrows */
+ char *name;
+ /* row name (1 to 255 chars); NULL means no name is assigned to
+ the row */
+ double lb;
+ /* lower bound; -DBL_MAX means the row has no lower bound */
+ double ub;
+ /* upper bound; +DBL_MAX means the row has no upper bound */
+ NPPAIJ *ptr;
+ /* pointer to the linked list of constraint coefficients */
+ int temp;
+ /* working field used by preprocessor routines */
+ NPPROW *prev;
+ /* pointer to previous row in the row list */
+ NPPROW *next;
+ /* pointer to next row in the row list */
+struct NPPCOL
+{ /* column (variable) */
+ int j;
+ /* reference number assigned to the column, 1 <= j <= ncols */
+ char *name;
+ /* column name (1 to 255 chars); NULL means no name is assigned
+ to the column */
+ char is_int;
+ /* 0 means continuous variable; 1 means integer variable */
+ double lb;
+ /* lower bound; -DBL_MAX means the column has no lower bound */
+ double ub;
+ /* upper bound; +DBL_MAX means the column has no upper bound */
+ double coef;
+ /* objective coefficient */
+ NPPAIJ *ptr;
+ /* pointer to the linked list of constraint coefficients */
+ int temp;
+ /* working field used by preprocessor routines */
+#if 1 /* 28/XII-2009 */
+ union
+ { double ll;
+ /* implied column lower bound */
+ int pos;
+ /* vertex ordinal number corresponding to this binary column
+ in the conflict graph (0, if the vertex does not exist) */
+ } ll;
+ union
+ { double uu;
+ /* implied column upper bound */
+ int neg;
+ /* vertex ordinal number corresponding to complement of this
+ binary column in the conflict graph (0, if the vertex does
+ not exist) */
+ } uu;
+ NPPCOL *prev;
+ /* pointer to previous column in the column list */
+ NPPCOL *next;
+ /* pointer to next column in the column list */
+struct NPPAIJ
+{ /* constraint coefficient */
+ NPPROW *row;
+ /* pointer to corresponding row */
+ NPPCOL *col;
+ /* pointer to corresponding column */
+ double val;
+ /* (non-zero) coefficient value */
+ NPPAIJ *r_prev;
+ /* pointer to previous coefficient in the same row */
+ NPPAIJ *r_next;
+ /* pointer to next coefficient in the same row */
+ NPPAIJ *c_prev;
+ /* pointer to previous coefficient in the same column */
+ NPPAIJ *c_next;
+ /* pointer to next coefficient in the same column */
+struct NPPTSE
+{ /* transformation stack entry */
+ int (*func)(NPP *npp, void *info);
+ /* pointer to routine performing back transformation */
+ void *info;
+ /* pointer to specific info (depends on the transformation) */
+ NPPTSE *link;
+ /* pointer to another entry created *before* this entry */
+struct NPPLFE
+{ /* linear form element */
+ int ref;
+ /* row/column reference number */
+ double val;
+ /* (non-zero) coefficient value */
+ NPPLFE *next;
+ /* pointer to another element */
+#define npp_create_wksp _glp_npp_create_wksp
+NPP *npp_create_wksp(void);
+/* create LP/MIP preprocessor workspace */
+#define npp_insert_row _glp_npp_insert_row
+void npp_insert_row(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row, int where);
+/* insert row to the row list */
+#define npp_remove_row _glp_npp_remove_row
+void npp_remove_row(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* remove row from the row list */
+#define npp_activate_row _glp_npp_activate_row
+void npp_activate_row(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* make row active */
+#define npp_deactivate_row _glp_npp_deactivate_row
+void npp_deactivate_row(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* make row inactive */
+#define npp_insert_col _glp_npp_insert_col
+void npp_insert_col(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *col, int where);
+/* insert column to the column list */
+#define npp_remove_col _glp_npp_remove_col
+void npp_remove_col(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *col);
+/* remove column from the column list */
+#define npp_activate_col _glp_npp_activate_col
+void npp_activate_col(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *col);
+/* make column active */
+#define npp_deactivate_col _glp_npp_deactivate_col
+void npp_deactivate_col(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *col);
+/* make column inactive */
+#define npp_add_row _glp_npp_add_row
+NPPROW *npp_add_row(NPP *npp);
+/* add new row to the current problem */
+#define npp_add_col _glp_npp_add_col
+NPPCOL *npp_add_col(NPP *npp);
+/* add new column to the current problem */
+#define npp_add_aij _glp_npp_add_aij
+NPPAIJ *npp_add_aij(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row, NPPCOL *col, double val);
+/* add new element to the constraint matrix */
+#define npp_row_nnz _glp_npp_row_nnz
+int npp_row_nnz(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* count number of non-zero coefficients in row */
+#define npp_col_nnz _glp_npp_col_nnz
+int npp_col_nnz(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *col);
+/* count number of non-zero coefficients in column */
+#define npp_push_tse _glp_npp_push_tse
+void *npp_push_tse(NPP *npp, int (*func)(NPP *npp, void *info),
+ int size);
+/* push new entry to the transformation stack */
+#define npp_erase_row _glp_npp_erase_row
+void npp_erase_row(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* erase row content to make it empty */
+#define npp_del_row _glp_npp_del_row
+void npp_del_row(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* remove row from the current problem */
+#define npp_del_col _glp_npp_del_col
+void npp_del_col(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *col);
+/* remove column from the current problem */
+#define npp_del_aij _glp_npp_del_aij
+void npp_del_aij(NPP *npp, NPPAIJ *aij);
+/* remove element from the constraint matrix */
+#define npp_load_prob _glp_npp_load_prob
+void npp_load_prob(NPP *npp, glp_prob *orig, int names, int sol,
+ int scaling);
+/* load original problem into the preprocessor workspace */
+#define npp_build_prob _glp_npp_build_prob
+void npp_build_prob(NPP *npp, glp_prob *prob);
+/* build resultant (preprocessed) problem */
+#define npp_postprocess _glp_npp_postprocess
+void npp_postprocess(NPP *npp, glp_prob *prob);
+/* postprocess solution from the resultant problem */
+#define npp_unload_sol _glp_npp_unload_sol
+void npp_unload_sol(NPP *npp, glp_prob *orig);
+/* store solution to the original problem */
+#define npp_delete_wksp _glp_npp_delete_wksp
+void npp_delete_wksp(NPP *npp);
+/* delete LP/MIP preprocessor workspace */
+#define npp_error()
+#define npp_free_row _glp_npp_free_row
+void npp_free_row(NPP *npp, NPPROW *p);
+/* process free (unbounded) row */
+#define npp_geq_row _glp_npp_geq_row
+void npp_geq_row(NPP *npp, NPPROW *p);
+/* process row of 'not less than' type */
+#define npp_leq_row _glp_npp_leq_row
+void npp_leq_row(NPP *npp, NPPROW *p);
+/* process row of 'not greater than' type */
+#define npp_free_col _glp_npp_free_col
+void npp_free_col(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *q);
+/* process free (unbounded) column */
+#define npp_lbnd_col _glp_npp_lbnd_col
+void npp_lbnd_col(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *q);
+/* process column with (non-zero) lower bound */
+#define npp_ubnd_col _glp_npp_ubnd_col
+void npp_ubnd_col(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *q);
+/* process column with upper bound */
+#define npp_dbnd_col _glp_npp_dbnd_col
+void npp_dbnd_col(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *q);
+/* process non-negative column with upper bound */
+#define npp_fixed_col _glp_npp_fixed_col
+void npp_fixed_col(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *q);
+/* process fixed column */
+#define npp_make_equality _glp_npp_make_equality
+int npp_make_equality(NPP *npp, NPPROW *p);
+/* process row with almost identical bounds */
+#define npp_make_fixed _glp_npp_make_fixed
+int npp_make_fixed(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *q);
+/* process column with almost identical bounds */
+#define npp_empty_row _glp_npp_empty_row
+int npp_empty_row(NPP *npp, NPPROW *p);
+/* process empty row */
+#define npp_empty_col _glp_npp_empty_col
+int npp_empty_col(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *q);
+/* process empty column */
+#define npp_implied_value _glp_npp_implied_value
+int npp_implied_value(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *q, double s);
+/* process implied column value */
+#define npp_eq_singlet _glp_npp_eq_singlet
+int npp_eq_singlet(NPP *npp, NPPROW *p);
+/* process row singleton (equality constraint) */
+#define npp_implied_lower _glp_npp_implied_lower
+int npp_implied_lower(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *q, double l);
+/* process implied column lower bound */
+#define npp_implied_upper _glp_npp_implied_upper
+int npp_implied_upper(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *q, double u);
+/* process implied upper bound of column */
+#define npp_ineq_singlet _glp_npp_ineq_singlet
+int npp_ineq_singlet(NPP *npp, NPPROW *p);
+/* process row singleton (inequality constraint) */
+#define npp_implied_slack _glp_npp_implied_slack
+void npp_implied_slack(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *q);
+/* process column singleton (implied slack variable) */
+#define npp_implied_free _glp_npp_implied_free
+int npp_implied_free(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *q);
+/* process column singleton (implied free variable) */
+#define npp_eq_doublet _glp_npp_eq_doublet
+NPPCOL *npp_eq_doublet(NPP *npp, NPPROW *p);
+/* process row doubleton (equality constraint) */
+#define npp_forcing_row _glp_npp_forcing_row
+int npp_forcing_row(NPP *npp, NPPROW *p, int at);
+/* process forcing row */
+#define npp_analyze_row _glp_npp_analyze_row
+int npp_analyze_row(NPP *npp, NPPROW *p);
+/* perform general row analysis */
+#define npp_inactive_bound _glp_npp_inactive_bound
+void npp_inactive_bound(NPP *npp, NPPROW *p, int which);
+/* remove row lower/upper inactive bound */
+#define npp_implied_bounds _glp_npp_implied_bounds
+void npp_implied_bounds(NPP *npp, NPPROW *p);
+/* determine implied column bounds */
+#define npp_binarize_prob _glp_npp_binarize_prob
+int npp_binarize_prob(NPP *npp);
+/* binarize MIP problem */
+#define npp_is_packing _glp_npp_is_packing
+int npp_is_packing(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* test if constraint is packing inequality */
+#define npp_hidden_packing _glp_npp_hidden_packing
+int npp_hidden_packing(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* identify hidden packing inequality */
+#define npp_implied_packing _glp_npp_implied_packing
+int npp_implied_packing(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row, int which,
+ NPPCOL *var[], char set[]);
+/* identify implied packing inequality */
+#define npp_is_covering _glp_npp_is_covering
+int npp_is_covering(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* test if constraint is covering inequality */
+#define npp_hidden_covering _glp_npp_hidden_covering
+int npp_hidden_covering(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* identify hidden covering inequality */
+#define npp_is_partitioning _glp_npp_is_partitioning
+int npp_is_partitioning(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* test if constraint is partitioning equality */
+#define npp_reduce_ineq_coef _glp_npp_reduce_ineq_coef
+int npp_reduce_ineq_coef(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* reduce inequality constraint coefficients */
+#define npp_clean_prob _glp_npp_clean_prob
+void npp_clean_prob(NPP *npp);
+/* perform initial LP/MIP processing */
+#define npp_process_row _glp_npp_process_row
+int npp_process_row(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row, int hard);
+/* perform basic row processing */
+#define npp_improve_bounds _glp_npp_improve_bounds
+int npp_improve_bounds(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row, int flag);
+/* improve current column bounds */
+#define npp_process_col _glp_npp_process_col
+int npp_process_col(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *col);
+/* perform basic column processing */
+#define npp_process_prob _glp_npp_process_prob
+int npp_process_prob(NPP *npp, int hard);
+/* perform basic LP/MIP processing */
+#define npp_simplex _glp_npp_simplex
+int npp_simplex(NPP *npp, const glp_smcp *parm);
+/* process LP prior to applying primal/dual simplex method */
+#define npp_integer _glp_npp_integer
+int npp_integer(NPP *npp, const glp_iocp *parm);
+/* process MIP prior to applying branch-and-bound method */
+#define npp_sat_free_row _glp_npp_sat_free_row
+void npp_sat_free_row(NPP *npp, NPPROW *p);
+/* process free (unbounded) row */
+#define npp_sat_fixed_col _glp_npp_sat_fixed_col
+int npp_sat_fixed_col(NPP *npp, NPPCOL *q);
+/* process fixed column */
+#define npp_sat_is_bin_comb _glp_npp_sat_is_bin_comb
+int npp_sat_is_bin_comb(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* test if row is binary combination */
+#define npp_sat_num_pos_coef _glp_npp_sat_num_pos_coef
+int npp_sat_num_pos_coef(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* determine number of positive coefficients */
+#define npp_sat_num_neg_coef _glp_npp_sat_num_neg_coef
+int npp_sat_num_neg_coef(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* determine number of negative coefficients */
+#define npp_sat_is_cover_ineq _glp_npp_sat_is_cover_ineq
+int npp_sat_is_cover_ineq(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* test if row is covering inequality */
+#define npp_sat_is_pack_ineq _glp_npp_sat_is_pack_ineq
+int npp_sat_is_pack_ineq(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* test if row is packing inequality */
+#define npp_sat_is_partn_eq _glp_npp_sat_is_partn_eq
+int npp_sat_is_partn_eq(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* test if row is partitioning equality */
+#define npp_sat_reverse_row _glp_npp_sat_reverse_row
+int npp_sat_reverse_row(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* multiply both sides of row by -1 */
+#define npp_sat_split_pack _glp_npp_sat_split_pack
+NPPROW *npp_sat_split_pack(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row, int nnn);
+/* split packing inequality */
+#define npp_sat_encode_pack _glp_npp_sat_encode_pack
+void npp_sat_encode_pack(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* encode packing inequality */
+typedef struct NPPLIT NPPLIT;
+typedef struct NPPLSE NPPLSE;
+typedef struct NPPSED NPPSED;
+struct NPPLIT
+{ /* literal (binary variable or its negation) */
+ NPPCOL *col;
+ /* pointer to binary variable; NULL means constant false */
+ int neg;
+ /* negation flag:
+ 0 - literal is variable (or constant false)
+ 1 - literal is negation of variable (or constant true) */
+struct NPPLSE
+{ /* literal set element */
+ NPPLIT lit;
+ /* literal */
+ NPPLSE *next;
+ /* pointer to another element */
+struct NPPSED
+{ /* summation encoding descriptor */
+ /* this struct describes the equality
+ x + y + z = s + 2 * c,
+ which was encoded as CNF and included into the transformed
+ problem; here x and y are literals, z is either a literal or
+ constant zero, s and c are binary variables modeling, resp.,
+ the low and high (carry) sum bits */
+ NPPLIT x, y, z;
+ /* literals; if z.col = NULL, z is constant zero */
+ NPPCOL *s, *c;
+ /* binary variables modeling the sum bits */
+#define npp_sat_encode_sum2 _glp_npp_sat_encode_sum2
+void npp_sat_encode_sum2(NPP *npp, NPPLSE *set, NPPSED *sed);
+/* encode 2-bit summation */
+#define npp_sat_encode_sum3 _glp_npp_sat_encode_sum3
+void npp_sat_encode_sum3(NPP *npp, NPPLSE *set, NPPSED *sed);
+/* encode 3-bit summation */
+#define npp_sat_encode_sum_ax _glp_npp_sat_encode_sum_ax
+int npp_sat_encode_sum_ax(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row, NPPLIT y[]);
+/* encode linear combination of 0-1 variables */
+#define npp_sat_normalize_clause _glp_npp_sat_normalize_clause
+int npp_sat_normalize_clause(NPP *npp, int size, NPPLIT lit[]);
+/* normalize clause */
+#define npp_sat_encode_clause _glp_npp_sat_encode_clause
+NPPROW *npp_sat_encode_clause(NPP *npp, int size, NPPLIT lit[]);
+/* translate clause to cover inequality */
+#define npp_sat_encode_geq _glp_npp_sat_encode_geq
+int npp_sat_encode_geq(NPP *npp, int n, NPPLIT y[], int rhs);
+/* encode "not less than" constraint */
+#define npp_sat_encode_leq _glp_npp_sat_encode_leq
+int npp_sat_encode_leq(NPP *npp, int n, NPPLIT y[], int rhs);
+/* encode "not greater than" constraint */
+#define npp_sat_encode_row _glp_npp_sat_encode_row
+int npp_sat_encode_row(NPP *npp, NPPROW *row);
+/* encode constraint (row) of general type */
+#define npp_sat_encode_prob _glp_npp_sat_encode_prob
+int npp_sat_encode_prob(NPP *npp);
+/* encode 0-1 feasibility problem */
+/* eof */