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diff --git a/mppa_k1c/ExtValues.v b/mppa_k1c/ExtValues.v
index 991dd3f0..e9b2610c 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/ExtValues.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/ExtValues.v
@@ -217,3 +217,261 @@ Proof.
pose proof modulus_fits_64.
+Remark if_zlt_0_half_modulus :
+ forall T : Type,
+ forall x y: T,
+ (if (zlt 0 Int.half_modulus) then x else y) = x.
+ reflexivity.
+Remark if_zlt_mone_half_modulus :
+ forall T : Type,
+ forall x y: T,
+ (if (zlt (Int.unsigned Int.mone) Int.half_modulus) then x else y) = y.
+ reflexivity.
+Remark if_zlt_min_signed_half_modulus :
+ forall T : Type,
+ forall x y: T,
+ (if (zlt (Int.unsigned (Int.repr Int.min_signed))
+ Int.half_modulus)
+ then x
+ else y) = y.
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma repr_unsigned64_repr:
+ forall x, Int.repr (Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr x)) = Int.repr x.
+ intros.
+ apply Int.eqm_samerepr.
+ unfold Int.eqm.
+ unfold Int.eqmod.
+ pose proof (Int64.eqm_unsigned_repr x) as H64.
+ unfold Int64.eqm in H64.
+ unfold Int64.eqmod in H64.
+ destruct H64 as [k64 H64].
+ change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616 in *.
+ change Int.modulus with 4294967296.
+ exists (-4294967296 * k64).
+ set (y := Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr x)) in *.
+ rewrite H64.
+ clear H64.
+ omega.
+Theorem divs_is_divls: forall v1 v2 : val,
+ match Val.divs v1 v2 with
+ | Some q =>
+ match Val.divls (Val.longofint v1) (Val.longofint v2) with
+ | None => False
+ | Some q' => q = Val.loword q'
+ end
+ | None => True
+ end.
+ intros.
+ destruct v1; simpl; trivial.
+ destruct v2; simpl; trivial.
+ destruct i as [i_val i_range].
+ destruct i0 as [i0_val i0_range].
+ simpl.
+ unfold Int.eq, Int64.eq, Int.zero, Int64.zero.
+ simpl.
+ replace (Int.unsigned (Int.repr 0)) with 0 in * by reflexivity.
+ destruct (zeq _ _) as [H0' | Hnot0]; simpl; trivial.
+ destruct (zeq i_val (Int.unsigned (Int.repr Int.min_signed))) as [Hmin | Hnotmin]; simpl.
+ { subst.
+ destruct (zeq i0_val (Int.unsigned Int.mone)) as [Hmone | Hnotmone]; trivial.
+ unfold Int.signed. simpl.
+ replace (Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr 0)) with 0 in * by reflexivity.
+ rewrite if_zlt_min_signed_half_modulus.
+ replace (if
+ zeq
+ (Int64.unsigned
+ (Int64.repr
+ (Int.unsigned (Int.repr Int.min_signed) - Int.modulus)))
+ (Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr Int64.min_signed))
+ then true
+ else false) with false by reflexivity.
+ simpl.
+ rewrite orb_false_r.
+ destruct (zlt i0_val Int.half_modulus) as [Hlt_half | Hge_half].
+ {
+ replace Int.half_modulus with 2147483648 in * by reflexivity.
+ rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr by (change Int64.max_unsigned with 18446744073709551615; omega).
+ destruct (zeq _ _) as [ | Hneq0]; try omega. clear Hneq0.
+ unfold Val.loword.
+ f_equal.
+ unfold Int64.divs, Int.divs, Int64.loword.
+ unfold Int.signed, Int64.signed. simpl.
+ rewrite if_zlt_min_signed_half_modulus.
+ change Int.half_modulus with 2147483648 in *.
+ destruct (zlt _ _) as [discard|]; try omega. clear discard.
+ change (Int64.unsigned
+ (Int64.repr
+ (Int.unsigned (Int.repr Int.min_signed) - Int.modulus)))
+ with 18446744071562067968.
+ change Int64.half_modulus with 9223372036854775808.
+ change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616.
+ simpl.
+ rewrite (Int64.unsigned_repr i0_val) by (change Int64.max_unsigned with 18446744073709551615; omega).
+ destruct (zlt i0_val 9223372036854775808) as [discard |]; try omega.
+ clear discard.
+ change (Int.unsigned (Int.repr Int.min_signed) - Int.modulus) with (-2147483648).
+ destruct (Z.eq_dec i0_val 1) as [H1 | Hnot1].
+ { subst.
+ rewrite Z.quot_1_r.
+ apply Int.eqm_samerepr.
+ unfold Int.eqm.
+ change (Int64.unsigned (Int64.repr (-2147483648))) with 18446744071562067968.
+ unfold Int.eqmod.
+ change Int.modulus with 4294967296.
+ exists (-4294967296).
+ compute.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ change (-2147483648) with (-(2147483648)).
+ rewrite Z.quot_opp_l by assumption.
+ rewrite repr_unsigned64_repr.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ destruct (zeq _ _) as [Hmod|Hnmod].
+ {
+ rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr_eq in Hmod.
+ set (delta := (i0_val - Int.modulus)) in *.
+ assert (delta = Int64.modulus*(delta/Int64.modulus)) as Hdelta.
+ { apply Z_div_exact_full_2.
+ compute. omega.
+ assumption. }
+ set (k := (delta / Int64.modulus)) in *.
+ change Int64.modulus with 18446744073709551616 in *.
+ change Int.modulus with 4294967296 in *.
+ change Int.half_modulus with 2147483648 in *.
+ change (Int.unsigned Int.mone) with 4294967295 in *.
+ omega.
+ }
+ unfold Int.divs, Int64.divs, Val.loword, Int64.loword.
+ change (Int.unsigned (Int.repr Int.min_signed)) with 2147483648.
+ change Int.modulus with 4294967296.
+ change (Int64.signed (Int64.repr (2147483648 - 4294967296))) with (-2147483648).
+ f_equal.
+ change (Int.signed {| Int.intval := 2147483648; Int.intrange := i_range |})
+ with (-2147483648).
+ rewrite Int64.signed_repr.
+ {
+ replace (Int.signed {| Int.intval := i0_val; Int.intrange := i0_range |}) with (i0_val - 4294967296).
+ { rewrite repr_unsigned64_repr.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ *)
+Lemma big_unsigned_signed:
+ forall x,
+ (Int.unsigned x >= Int.half_modulus) ->
+ (Int.signed x) = (Int.unsigned x) - Int.modulus.
+ destruct x as [xval xrange].
+ intro BIG.
+ unfold Int.signed, Int.unsigned in *. simpl in *.
+ destruct (zlt _ _).
+ omega.
+ trivial.
+Lemma signed_0_eqb :
+ forall x, (Z.eqb (Int.signed x) 0) = Int.eq x Int.zero.
+ *)
+Lemma Z_quot_le: forall a b,
+ 0 <= a -> 1 <= b -> Z.quot a b <= a.
+ intros a b Ha Hb.
+ destruct (Z.eq_dec b 1) as [Hb1 | Hb1].
+ { (* b=1 *)
+ subst.
+ rewrite Z.quot_1_r.
+ auto with zarith.
+ }
+ destruct (Z.eq_dec a 0) as [Ha0 | Ha0].
+ { (* a=0 *)
+ subst.
+ rewrite Z.quot_0_l.
+ auto with zarith.
+ omega.
+ }
+ assert ((Z.quot a b) < a).
+ {
+ apply Z.quot_lt; omega.
+ }
+ auto with zarith.
+Lemma divs_is_quot: forall v1 v2 : val,
+ Val.divs v1 v2 =
+ match v1, v2 with
+ | (Vint w1), (Vint w2) =>
+ let q := Z.quot (Int.signed w1) (Int.signed w2) in
+ if (negb (Z.eqb (Int.signed w2) 0))
+ && (Z.geb q Int.min_signed) && (Z.leb q Int.max_signed)
+ then Some (Vint (Int.repr q))
+ else None
+ | _, _ => None
+ end.
+ destruct v1; destruct v2; simpl; trivial.
+ unfold Int.divs.
+ rewrite signed_0_eqb.
+ destruct (Int.eq i0 Int.zero) eqn:Eeq0; simpl; trivial.
+ destruct (Int.eq i (Int.repr Int.min_signed) && Int.eq i0 Int.mone) eqn:EXCEPTION.
+ { replace (Int.signed i0) with (-1).
+ replace (Int.signed i) with Int.min_signed.
+ change Int.min_signed with (-2147483648).
+ change Int.max_signed with (2147483647).
+ compute.
+ reflexivity.
+ { unfold Int.eq in EXCEPTION.
+ destruct (zeq _ _) as [Hmin | ] in EXCEPTION; try discriminate.
+ change Int.min_signed with (-2147483648).
+ change (Int.unsigned (Int.repr Int.min_signed)) with (2147483648) in *.
+ rewrite big_unsigned_signed.
+ change Int.modulus with 4294967296.
+ omega.
+ change Int.half_modulus with 2147483648.
+ omega.
+ }
+ unfold Int.eq in EXCEPTION.
+ destruct (zeq _ _) in EXCEPTION; try discriminate.
+ destruct (zeq _ _) as [Hmone | ] in EXCEPTION; try discriminate.
+ destruct i0 as [i0val i0range]; unfold Int.signed in *; simpl in *.
+ rewrite Hmone.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ replace (Int.signed i ÷ Int.signed i0 >=? Int.min_signed) with true.
+ replace (Int.signed i ÷ Int.signed i0 <=? Int.max_signed) with true.
+ reflexivity.
+ { assert (Int.signed i ÷ Int.signed i0 <= Int.max_signed).
+ {
+ destruct (Z_lt_le_dec (Int.signed i) 0).
+ {
+ apply Z.le_trans with (m:=0).
+ rewrite <- (Z.quot_0_l (Int.signed i0)).
+ Require Import Coq.ZArith.Zquot.
+ apply Z_quot_monotone.
+ }
+ assert ( Int.signed i ÷ Int.signed i0 <= Int.signed i).
+ apply Z_quot_le.
+ }
+ }
+*) \ No newline at end of file