diff options
-rw-r--r--backend/PrintAsm.mli (renamed from powerpc/PrintAsm.mli)3
12 files changed, 3130 insertions, 3179 deletions
diff --git a/arm/PrintAsm.ml b/arm/PrintAsm.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f511912..00000000
--- a/arm/PrintAsm.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1236 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* Printing ARM assembly code in asm syntax *)
-open Printf
-open Datatypes
-open Camlcoq
-open Sections
-open AST
-open Memdata
-open Asm
-(* Type for the ABI versions *)
-type float_abi_type =
- | Hard
- | Soft
-(* Module type for the options *)
-module type PRINTER_OPTIONS =
- sig
- val float_abi: float_abi_type
- val vfpv3: bool
- val hardware_idiv: bool
- val cfi_startproc: out_channel -> unit
- val cfi_endproc: out_channel -> unit
- val cfi_adjust: out_channel -> int32 -> unit
- val cfi_rel_offset: out_channel -> string -> int32 -> unit
- end
-(* Module containing the printing functions *)
-module AsmPrinter (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) =
- (struct
-(* Code generation options. *)
-let literals_in_code = ref true (* to be turned into a proper option *)
-(* On-the-fly label renaming *)
-let next_label = ref 100
-let new_label() =
- let lbl = !next_label in incr next_label; lbl
-let current_function_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (label, int) Hashtbl.t)
-let label_for_label lbl =
- try
- Hashtbl.find current_function_labels lbl
- with Not_found ->
- let lbl' = new_label() in
- Hashtbl.add current_function_labels lbl lbl';
- lbl'
-(* Basic printing functions *)
-let print_symb oc symb =
- fprintf oc "%s" (extern_atom symb)
-let print_label oc lbl =
- fprintf oc ".L%d" (label_for_label lbl)
-let coqint oc n =
- fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
-let comment = "@"
-let print_symb_ofs oc (symb, ofs) =
- print_symb oc symb;
- let ofs = camlint_of_coqint ofs in
- if ofs <> 0l then fprintf oc " + %ld" ofs
-let int_reg_name = function
- | IR0 -> "r0" | IR1 -> "r1" | IR2 -> "r2" | IR3 -> "r3"
- | IR4 -> "r4" | IR5 -> "r5" | IR6 -> "r6" | IR7 -> "r7"
- | IR8 -> "r8" | IR9 -> "r9" | IR10 -> "r10" | IR11 -> "r11"
- | IR12 -> "r12" | IR13 -> "sp" | IR14 -> "lr"
-let float_reg_name = function
- | FR0 -> "d0" | FR1 -> "d1" | FR2 -> "d2" | FR3 -> "d3"
- | FR4 -> "d4" | FR5 -> "d5" | FR6 -> "d6" | FR7 -> "d7"
- | FR8 -> "d8" | FR9 -> "d9" | FR10 -> "d10" | FR11 -> "d11"
- | FR12 -> "d12" | FR13 -> "d13" | FR14 -> "d14" | FR15 -> "d15"
-let single_float_reg_index = function
- | FR0 -> 0 | FR1 -> 2 | FR2 -> 4 | FR3 -> 6
- | FR4 -> 8 | FR5 -> 10 | FR6 -> 12 | FR7 -> 14
- | FR8 -> 16 | FR9 -> 18 | FR10 -> 20 | FR11 -> 22
- | FR12 -> 24 | FR13 -> 26 | FR14 -> 28 | FR15 -> 30
-let single_float_reg_name = function
- | FR0 -> "s0" | FR1 -> "s2" | FR2 -> "s4" | FR3 -> "s6"
- | FR4 -> "s8" | FR5 -> "s10" | FR6 -> "s12" | FR7 -> "s14"
- | FR8 -> "s16" | FR9 -> "s18" | FR10 -> "s20" | FR11 -> "s22"
- | FR12 -> "s24" | FR13 -> "s26" | FR14 -> "s28" | FR15 -> "s30"
-let ireg oc r = output_string oc (int_reg_name r)
-let freg oc r = output_string oc (float_reg_name r)
-let freg_single oc r = output_string oc (single_float_reg_name r)
-let preg oc = function
- | IR r -> ireg oc r
- | FR r -> freg oc r
- | _ -> assert false
-let condition_name = function
- | TCeq -> "eq"
- | TCne -> "ne"
- | TChs -> "hs"
- | TClo -> "lo"
- | TCmi -> "mi"
- | TCpl -> "pl"
- | TChi -> "hi"
- | TCls -> "ls"
- | TCge -> "ge"
- | TClt -> "lt"
- | TCgt -> "gt"
- | TCle -> "le"
-let neg_condition_name = function
- | TCeq -> "ne"
- | TCne -> "eq"
- | TChs -> "lo"
- | TClo -> "hs"
- | TCmi -> "pl"
- | TCpl -> "mi"
- | TChi -> "ls"
- | TCls -> "hi"
- | TCge -> "lt"
- | TClt -> "ge"
- | TCgt -> "le"
- | TCle -> "gt"
-(* In Thumb2 mode, some arithmetic instructions have shorter encodings
- if they carry the "S" flag (update condition flags):
- add (but not sp + imm)
- and
- asr
- bic
- eor
- lsl
- lsr
- mov
- mvn
- orr
- rsb
- sub (but not sp - imm)
- The proof of Asmgen shows that CompCert-generated code behaves the
- same whether flags are updated or not by those instructions. The
- following printing function adds a "S" suffix if we are in Thumb2
- mode. *)
-let thumbS oc =
- if !Clflags.option_mthumb then output_char oc 's'
-(* Names of sections *)
-let name_of_section = function
- | Section_text -> ".text"
- | Section_data i | Section_small_data i ->
- if i then ".data" else "COMM"
- | Section_const i | Section_small_const i ->
- if i then ".section .rodata" else "COMM"
- | Section_string -> ".section .rodata"
- | Section_literal -> ".text"
- | Section_jumptable -> ".text"
- | Section_user(s, wr, ex) ->
- sprintf ".section \"%s\",\"a%s%s\",%%progbits"
- s (if wr then "w" else "") (if ex then "x" else "")
-let section oc sec =
- fprintf oc " %s\n" (name_of_section sec)
-(* Record current code position and latest position at which to
- emit float and symbol constants. *)
-let currpos = ref 0
-let size_constants = ref 0
-let max_pos_constants = ref max_int
-let distance_to_emit_constants () =
- if !literals_in_code
- then !max_pos_constants - (!currpos + !size_constants)
- else max_int
-(* Associate labels to floating-point constants and to symbols *)
-let float_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (int64, int) Hashtbl.t)
-let float32_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (int32, int) Hashtbl.t)
-let label_float bf =
- try
- Hashtbl.find float_labels bf
- with Not_found ->
- let lbl' = new_label() in
- Hashtbl.add float_labels bf lbl';
- size_constants := !size_constants + 8;
- max_pos_constants := min !max_pos_constants (!currpos + 1024);
- lbl'
-let label_float32 bf =
- try
- Hashtbl.find float32_labels bf
- with Not_found ->
- let lbl' = new_label() in
- Hashtbl.add float32_labels bf lbl';
- size_constants := !size_constants + 4;
- max_pos_constants := min !max_pos_constants (!currpos + 1024);
- lbl'
-let symbol_labels =
- (Hashtbl.create 39 : (ident * Integers.Int.int, int) Hashtbl.t)
-let label_symbol id ofs =
- try
- Hashtbl.find symbol_labels (id, ofs)
- with Not_found ->
- let lbl' = new_label() in
- Hashtbl.add symbol_labels (id, ofs) lbl';
- size_constants := !size_constants + 4;
- max_pos_constants := min !max_pos_constants (!currpos + 4096);
- lbl'
-let reset_constants () =
- Hashtbl.clear float_labels;
- Hashtbl.clear float32_labels;
- Hashtbl.clear symbol_labels;
- size_constants := 0;
- max_pos_constants := max_int
-let emit_constants oc =
- fprintf oc " .balign 4\n";
- Hashtbl.iter
- (fun bf lbl ->
- (* Little-endian floats *)
- let bfhi = Int64.shift_right_logical bf 32
- and bflo = Int64.logand bf 0xFFFF_FFFFL in
- fprintf oc ".L%d: .word 0x%Lx, 0x%Lx\n" lbl bflo bfhi)
- float_labels;
- Hashtbl.iter
- (fun bf lbl ->
- fprintf oc ".L%d: .word 0x%lx\n" lbl bf)
- float32_labels;
- Hashtbl.iter
- (fun (id, ofs) lbl ->
- fprintf oc ".L%d: .word %a\n"
- lbl print_symb_ofs (id, ofs))
- symbol_labels;
- reset_constants ()
-(* Generate code to load the address of id + ofs in register r *)
-let loadsymbol oc r id ofs =
- if !Clflags.option_mthumb then begin
- fprintf oc " movw %a, #:lower16:%a\n"
- ireg r print_symb_ofs (id, ofs);
- fprintf oc " movt %a, #:upper16:%a\n"
- ireg r print_symb_ofs (id, ofs); 2
- end else begin
- let lbl = label_symbol id ofs in
- fprintf oc " ldr %a, .L%d @ %a\n"
- ireg r lbl print_symb_ofs (id, ofs); 1
- end
-(* Emit instruction sequences that set or offset a register by a constant. *)
-(* No S suffix because they are applied to SP most of the time. *)
-let movimm oc dst n =
- match Asmgen.decompose_int n with
- | [] -> assert false
- | hd::tl as l ->
- fprintf oc " mov %s, #%a\n" dst coqint hd;
- List.iter
- (fun n -> fprintf oc " orr %s, %s, #%a\n" dst dst coqint n)
- tl;
- List.length l
-let addimm oc dst src n =
- match Asmgen.decompose_int n with
- | [] -> assert false
- | hd::tl as l ->
- fprintf oc " add %s, %s, #%a\n" dst src coqint hd;
- List.iter
- (fun n -> fprintf oc " add %s, %s, #%a\n" dst dst coqint n)
- tl;
- List.length l
-let subimm oc dst src n =
- match Asmgen.decompose_int n with
- | [] -> assert false
- | hd::tl as l ->
- fprintf oc " sub %s, %s, #%a\n" dst src coqint hd;
- List.iter
- (fun n -> fprintf oc " sub %s, %s, #%a\n" dst dst coqint n)
- tl;
- List.length l
-(* Recognition of float constants appropriate for VMOV.
- "a normalized binary floating point encoding with 1 sign bit, 4
- bits of fraction and a 3-bit exponent" *)
-let is_immediate_float64 bits =
- let exp = (Int64.(to_int (shift_right_logical bits 52)) land 0x7FF) - 1023 in
- let mant = Int64.logand bits 0xF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFL in
- exp >= -3 && exp <= 4 && Int64.logand mant 0xF_0000_0000_0000L = mant
-let is_immediate_float32 bits =
- let exp = (Int32.(to_int (shift_right_logical bits 23)) land 0xFF) - 127 in
- let mant = Int32.logand bits 0x7F_FFFFl in
- exp >= -3 && exp <= 4 && Int32.logand mant 0x78_0000l = mant
-(* Emit .file / .loc debugging directives *)
-let print_file_line oc file line =
- PrintAnnot.print_file_line oc comment file line
-let print_location oc loc =
- if loc <> Cutil.no_loc then print_file_line oc (fst loc) (snd loc)
-(* Built-ins. They come in two flavors:
- - annotation statements: take their arguments in registers or stack
- locations; generate no code;
- - inlined by the compiler: take their arguments in arbitrary
- registers.
-(* Handling of annotations *)
-let re_file_line = Str.regexp "#line:\\(.*\\):\\([1-9][0-9]*\\)$"
-let print_annot_stmt oc txt targs args =
- if Str.string_match re_file_line txt 0 then begin
- print_file_line oc (Str.matched_group 1 txt)
- (int_of_string (Str.matched_group 2 txt))
- end else begin
- fprintf oc "%s annotation: " comment;
- PrintAnnot.print_annot_stmt preg "sp" oc txt targs args
- end
-let print_annot_val oc txt args res =
- fprintf oc "%s annotation: " comment;
- PrintAnnot.print_annot_val preg oc txt args;
- match args, res with
- | [IR src], [IR dst] ->
- if dst = src then 0 else (fprintf oc " mov %a, %a\n" ireg dst ireg src; 1)
- | [FR src], [FR dst] ->
- if dst = src then 0 else (fprintf oc " vmov.f64 %a, %a\n" freg dst freg src; 1)
- | _, _ -> assert false
-(* Handling of memcpy *)
-(* The ARM has strict alignment constraints for 2 and 4 byte accesses.
- 8-byte accesses must be 4-aligned. *)
-let print_builtin_memcpy_small oc sz al src dst =
- let rec copy ofs sz ninstr =
- if sz >= 8 && al >= 4 && !Clflags.option_ffpu then begin
- fprintf oc " vldr %a, [%a, #%d]\n" freg FR7 ireg src ofs;
- fprintf oc " vstr %a, [%a, #%d]\n" freg FR7 ireg dst ofs;
- copy (ofs + 8) (sz - 8) (ninstr + 2)
- end else if sz >= 4 && al >= 4 then begin
- fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg src ofs;
- fprintf oc " str %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg dst ofs;
- copy (ofs + 4) (sz - 4) (ninstr + 2)
- end else if sz >= 2 && al >= 2 then begin
- fprintf oc " ldrh %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg src ofs;
- fprintf oc " strh %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg dst ofs;
- copy (ofs + 2) (sz - 2) (ninstr + 2)
- end else if sz >= 1 then begin
- fprintf oc " ldrb %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg src ofs;
- fprintf oc " strb %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg dst ofs;
- copy (ofs + 1) (sz - 1) (ninstr + 2)
- end else
- ninstr in
- copy 0 sz 0
-let print_builtin_memcpy_big oc sz al src dst =
- assert (sz >= al);
- assert (sz mod al = 0);
- assert (src = IR2);
- assert (dst = IR3);
- let (load, store, chunksize) =
- if al >= 4 then ("ldr", "str", 4)
- else if al = 2 then ("ldrh", "strh", 2)
- else ("ldrb", "strb", 1) in
- let n = movimm oc "r14" (coqint_of_camlint (Int32.of_int (sz / chunksize))) in
- let lbl = new_label() in
- fprintf oc ".L%d: %s %a, [%a], #%d\n" lbl load ireg IR12 ireg src chunksize;
- fprintf oc " subs %a, %a, #1\n" ireg IR14 ireg IR14;
- fprintf oc " %s %a, [%a], #%d\n" store ireg IR12 ireg dst chunksize;
- fprintf oc " bne .L%d\n" lbl;
- n + 4
-let print_builtin_memcpy oc sz al args =
- let (dst, src) =
- match args with [IR d; IR s] -> (d, s) | _ -> assert false in
- fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_memcpy_aligned, size = %d, alignment = %d\n"
- comment sz al;
- let n =
- if sz <= 32
- then print_builtin_memcpy_small oc sz al src dst
- else print_builtin_memcpy_big oc sz al src dst in
- fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_memcpy_aligned\n" comment; n
-(* Handling of volatile reads and writes *)
-let print_builtin_vload_common oc chunk args res =
- match chunk, args, res with
- | Mint8unsigned, [IR addr], [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " ldrb %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg addr; 1
- | Mint8signed, [IR addr], [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " ldrsb %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg addr; 1
- | Mint16unsigned, [IR addr], [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " ldrh %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg addr; 1
- | Mint16signed, [IR addr], [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " ldrsh %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg addr; 1
- | Mint32, [IR addr], [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg addr; 1
- | Mint64, [IR addr], [IR res1; IR res2] ->
- if addr <> res2 then begin
- fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res2 ireg addr;
- fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #4]\n" ireg res1 ireg addr
- end else begin
- fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #4]\n" ireg res1 ireg addr;
- fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res2 ireg addr
- end; 2
- | Mfloat32, [IR addr], [FR res] ->
- fprintf oc " vldr %a, [%a, #0]\n" freg_single res ireg addr; 1
- | Mfloat64, [IR addr], [FR res] ->
- fprintf oc " vldr %a, [%a, #0]\n" freg res ireg addr; 1
- | _ ->
- assert false
-let print_builtin_vload oc chunk args res =
- fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment;
- let n = print_builtin_vload_common oc chunk args res in
- fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment; n
-let print_builtin_vload_global oc chunk id ofs args res =
- fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment;
- let n1 = loadsymbol oc IR14 id ofs in
- let n2 = print_builtin_vload_common oc chunk [IR IR14] res in
- fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment; n1 + n2
-let print_builtin_vstore_common oc chunk args =
- match chunk, args with
- | (Mint8signed | Mint8unsigned), [IR addr; IR src] ->
- fprintf oc " strb %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg src ireg addr; 1
- | (Mint16signed | Mint16unsigned), [IR addr; IR src] ->
- fprintf oc " strh %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg src ireg addr; 1
- | Mint32, [IR addr; IR src] ->
- fprintf oc " str %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg src ireg addr; 1
- | Mint64, [IR addr; IR src1; IR src2] ->
- fprintf oc " str %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg src2 ireg addr;
- fprintf oc " str %a, [%a, #4]\n" ireg src1 ireg addr; 2
- | Mfloat32, [IR addr; FR src] ->
- fprintf oc " vstr %a, [%a, #0]\n" freg_single src ireg addr; 1
- | Mfloat64, [IR addr; FR src] ->
- fprintf oc " vstr %a, [%a, #0]\n" freg src ireg addr; 1
- | _ ->
- assert false
-let print_builtin_vstore oc chunk args =
- fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment;
- let n = print_builtin_vstore_common oc chunk args in
- fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment; n
-let print_builtin_vstore_global oc chunk id ofs args =
- fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment;
- let n1 = loadsymbol oc IR14 id ofs in
- let n2 = print_builtin_vstore_common oc chunk (IR IR14 :: args) in
- fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment; n1 + n2
-(* Handling of varargs *)
-let current_function_stacksize = ref 0l
-let current_function_sig =
- ref { sig_args = []; sig_res = None; sig_cc = cc_default }
-let align n a = (n + a - 1) land (-a)
-let rec next_arg_location ir ofs = function
- | [] ->
- Int32.of_int (ir * 4 + ofs)
- | (Tint | Tsingle | Tany32) :: l ->
- if ir < 4
- then next_arg_location (ir + 1) ofs l
- else next_arg_location ir (ofs + 4) l
- | (Tfloat | Tlong | Tany64) :: l ->
- if ir < 3
- then next_arg_location (align ir 2 + 2) ofs l
- else next_arg_location ir (align ofs 8 + 8) l
-let print_builtin_va_start oc r =
- if not (!current_function_sig).sig_cc.cc_vararg then
- invalid_arg "Fatal error: va_start used in non-vararg function";
- let ofs =
- Int32.add
- (next_arg_location 0 0 (!current_function_sig).sig_args)
- !current_function_stacksize in
- let n = addimm oc "r14" "sp" (coqint_of_camlint ofs) in
- fprintf oc " str r14, [%a, #0]\n" ireg r;
- n + 1
-(* Auxiliary for 64-bit integer arithmetic built-ins. They expand to
- two instructions, one computing the low 32 bits of the result,
- followed by another computing the high 32 bits. In cases where
- the first instruction would overwrite arguments to the second
- instruction, we must go through IR14 to hold the low 32 bits of the result.
-let print_int64_arith oc conflict rl fn =
- if conflict then begin
- let n = fn IR14 in
- fprintf oc " mov%t %a, %a\n" thumbS ireg rl ireg IR14;
- n + 1
- end else
- fn rl
-(* Handling of compiler-inlined builtins *)
-let print_builtin_inline oc name args res =
- fprintf oc "%s begin %s\n" comment name;
- let n = match name, args, res with
- (* Integer arithmetic *)
- | ("__builtin_bswap" | "__builtin_bswap32"), [IR a1], [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " rev %a, %a\n" ireg res ireg a1; 1
- | "__builtin_bswap16", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " rev16 %a, %a\n" ireg res ireg a1; 1
- | "__builtin_clz", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " clz %a, %a\n" ireg res ireg a1; 1
- (* Float arithmetic *)
- | "__builtin_fabs", [FR a1], [FR res] ->
- fprintf oc " vabs.f64 %a, %a\n" freg res freg a1; 1
- | "__builtin_fsqrt", [FR a1], [FR res] ->
- fprintf oc " vsqrt.f64 %a, %a\n" freg res freg a1; 1
- (* 64-bit integer arithmetic *)
- | "__builtin_negl", [IR ah; IR al], [IR rh; IR rl] ->
- print_int64_arith oc (rl = ah) rl (fun rl ->
- fprintf oc " rsbs %a, %a, #0\n" ireg rl ireg al;
- (* No "rsc" instruction in Thumb2. Emulate based on
- rsc a, b, #0 == a <- AddWithCarry(~b, 0, carry)
- == mvn a, b; adc a, a, #0 *)
- if !Clflags.option_mthumb then begin
- fprintf oc " mvn %a, %a\n" ireg rh ireg ah;
- fprintf oc " adc %a, %a, #0\n" ireg rh ireg rh; 3
- end else begin
- fprintf oc " rsc %a, %a, #0\n" ireg rh ireg ah; 2
- end)
- | "__builtin_addl", [IR ah; IR al; IR bh; IR bl], [IR rh; IR rl] ->
- print_int64_arith oc (rl = ah || rl = bh) rl (fun rl ->
- fprintf oc " adds %a, %a, %a\n" ireg rl ireg al ireg bl;
- fprintf oc " adc %a, %a, %a\n" ireg rh ireg ah ireg bh; 2)
- | "__builtin_subl", [IR ah; IR al; IR bh; IR bl], [IR rh; IR rl] ->
- print_int64_arith oc (rl = ah || rl = bh) rl (fun rl ->
- fprintf oc " subs %a, %a, %a\n" ireg rl ireg al ireg bl;
- fprintf oc " sbc %a, %a, %a\n" ireg rh ireg ah ireg bh; 2)
- | "__builtin_mull", [IR a; IR b], [IR rh; IR rl] ->
- fprintf oc " umull %a, %a, %a, %a\n" ireg rl ireg rh ireg a ireg b; 1
- (* Memory accesses *)
- | "__builtin_read16_reversed", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " ldrh %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg a1;
- fprintf oc " rev16 %a, %a\n" ireg res ireg res; 2
- | "__builtin_read32_reversed", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg a1;
- fprintf oc " rev %a, %a\n" ireg res ireg res; 2
- | "__builtin_write16_reversed", [IR a1; IR a2], _ ->
- fprintf oc " rev16 %a, %a\n" ireg IR14 ireg a2;
- fprintf oc " strh %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg IR14 ireg a1; 2
- | "__builtin_write32_reversed", [IR a1; IR a2], _ ->
- fprintf oc " rev %a, %a\n" ireg IR14 ireg a2;
- fprintf oc " str %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg IR14 ireg a1; 2
- (* Synchronization *)
- | "__builtin_membar", [], _ ->
- 0
- | "__builtin_dmb", [], _ ->
- fprintf oc " dmb\n"; 1
- | "__builtin_dsb", [], _ ->
- fprintf oc " dsb\n"; 1
- | "__builtin_isb", [], _ ->
- fprintf oc " isb\n"; 1
- (* Vararg stuff *)
- | "__builtin_va_start", [IR a], _ ->
- print_builtin_va_start oc a
- (* Catch-all *)
- | _ ->
- invalid_arg ("unrecognized builtin " ^ name)
- in
- fprintf oc "%s end %s\n" comment name;
- n
-(* Fixing up calling conventions *)
-type direction = Incoming | Outgoing
-module FixupEABI = struct
- let ireg_param = function
- | 0 -> IR0 | 1 -> IR1 | 2 -> IR2 | 3 -> IR3 | _ -> assert false
- let freg_param = function
- | 0 -> FR0 | 1 -> FR1 | 2 -> FR2 | 3 -> FR3 | _ -> assert false
- let fixup_double oc dir f i1 i2 =
- match dir with
- | Incoming -> (* f <- (i1, i2) *)
- fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a, %a\n" freg f ireg i1 ireg i2
- | Outgoing -> (* (i1, i2) <- f *)
- fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a, %a\n" ireg i1 ireg i2 freg f
- let fixup_single oc dir f i =
- match dir with
- | Incoming -> (* f <- i *)
- fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" freg_single f ireg i
- | Outgoing -> (* i <- f *)
- fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" ireg i freg_single f
- let fixup_conventions oc dir tyl =
- let rec fixup i tyl =
- if i >= 4 then 0 else
- match tyl with
- | [] -> 0
- | (Tint | Tany32) :: tyl' ->
- fixup (i+1) tyl'
- | Tlong :: tyl' ->
- fixup (((i + 1) land (-2)) + 2) tyl'
- | (Tfloat | Tany64) :: tyl' ->
- let i = (i + 1) land (-2) in
- if i >= 4 then 0 else begin
- fixup_double oc dir (freg_param i) (ireg_param i) (ireg_param (i+1));
- 1 + fixup (i+2) tyl'
- end
- | Tsingle :: tyl' ->
- fixup_single oc dir (freg_param i) (ireg_param i);
- 1 + fixup (i+1) tyl'
- in fixup 0 tyl
- let fixup_arguments oc dir sg =
- fixup_conventions oc dir sg.sig_args
- let fixup_result oc dir sg =
- fixup_conventions oc dir (proj_sig_res sg :: [])
-module FixupHF = struct
- type fsize = Single | Double
- let rec find_single used pos =
- if pos >= Array.length used then pos
- else if used.(pos) then find_single used (pos + 1)
- else begin used.(pos) <- true; pos end
- let rec find_double used pos =
- if pos + 1 >= Array.length used then pos
- else if used.(pos) || used.(pos + 1) then find_double used (pos + 2)
- else begin used.(pos) <- true; used.(pos + 1) <- true; pos / 2 end
- let rec fixup_actions used fr tyl =
- match tyl with
- | [] -> []
- | (Tint | Tlong | Tany32) :: tyl' -> fixup_actions used fr tyl'
- | (Tfloat | Tany64) :: tyl' ->
- if fr >= 8 then [] else begin
- let dr = find_double used 0 in
- assert (dr < 8);
- (fr, Double, dr) :: fixup_actions used (fr + 1) tyl'
- end
- | Tsingle :: tyl' ->
- if fr >= 8 then [] else begin
- let sr = find_single used 0 in
- assert (sr < 16);
- (fr, Single, sr) :: fixup_actions used (fr + 1) tyl'
- end
- let rec fixup_outgoing oc = function
- | [] -> 0
- | (fr, Double, dr) :: act ->
- if fr = dr then fixup_outgoing oc act else begin
- fprintf oc " vmov.f64 d%d, d%d\n" dr fr;
- 1 + fixup_outgoing oc act
- end
- | (fr, Single, sr) :: act ->
- fprintf oc " vmov.f32 s%d, s%d\n" sr (2*fr);
- 1 + fixup_outgoing oc act
- let rec fixup_incoming oc = function
- | [] -> 0
- | (fr, Double, dr) :: act ->
- let n = fixup_incoming oc act in
- if fr = dr then n else begin
- fprintf oc " vmov.f64 d%d, d%d\n" fr dr;
- 1 + n
- end
- | (fr, Single, sr) :: act ->
- let n = fixup_incoming oc act in
- if fr = sr then n else begin
- fprintf oc " vmov.f32 s%d, s%d\n" (2*fr) sr;
- 1 + n
- end
- let fixup_arguments oc dir sg =
- if sg.sig_cc.cc_vararg then
- FixupEABI.fixup_arguments oc dir sg
- else begin
- let act = fixup_actions (Array.make 16 false) 0 sg.sig_args in
- match dir with
- | Outgoing -> fixup_outgoing oc act
- | Incoming -> fixup_incoming oc act
- end
- let fixup_result oc dir sg =
- if sg.sig_cc.cc_vararg then
- FixupEABI.fixup_result oc dir sg
- else
- 0
-let (fixup_arguments, fixup_result) =
- match Opt.float_abi with
- | Soft -> (FixupEABI.fixup_arguments, FixupEABI.fixup_result)
- | Hard -> (FixupHF.fixup_arguments, FixupHF.fixup_result)
-(* Printing of instructions *)
-let shift_op oc = function
- | SOimm n -> fprintf oc "#%a" coqint n
- | SOreg r -> ireg oc r
- | SOlsl(r, n) -> fprintf oc "%a, lsl #%a" ireg r coqint n
- | SOlsr(r, n) -> fprintf oc "%a, lsr #%a" ireg r coqint n
- | SOasr(r, n) -> fprintf oc "%a, asr #%a" ireg r coqint n
- | SOror(r, n) -> fprintf oc "%a, ror #%a" ireg r coqint n
-let print_instruction oc = function
- (* Core instructions *)
- | Padd(r1, r2, so) ->
- fprintf oc " add%s %a, %a, %a\n"
- (if !Clflags.option_mthumb && r2 <> IR14 then "s" else "")
- ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1
- | Pand(r1, r2, so) ->
- fprintf oc " and%t %a, %a, %a\n"
- thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1
- | Pasr(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " asr%t %a, %a, %a\n"
- thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3; 1
- | Pb lbl ->
- fprintf oc " b %a\n" print_label lbl; 1
- | Pbc(bit, lbl) ->
- fprintf oc " b%s %a\n" (condition_name bit) print_label lbl; 1
- | Pbsymb(id, sg) ->
- let n = fixup_arguments oc Outgoing sg in
- fprintf oc " b %a\n" print_symb id;
- n + 1
- | Pbreg(r, sg) ->
- let n =
- if r = IR14
- then fixup_result oc Outgoing sg
- else fixup_arguments oc Outgoing sg in
- fprintf oc " bx %a\n" ireg r;
- n + 1
- | Pblsymb(id, sg) ->
- let n1 = fixup_arguments oc Outgoing sg in
- fprintf oc " bl %a\n" print_symb id;
- let n2 = fixup_result oc Incoming sg in
- n1 + 1 + n2
- | Pblreg(r, sg) ->
- let n1 = fixup_arguments oc Outgoing sg in
- fprintf oc " blx %a\n" ireg r;
- let n2 = fixup_result oc Incoming sg in
- n1 + 1 + n2
- | Pbic(r1, r2, so) ->
- fprintf oc " bic%t %a, %a, %a\n"
- thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1
- | Pcmp(r1, so) ->
- fprintf oc " cmp %a, %a\n" ireg r1 shift_op so; 1
- | Peor(r1, r2, so) ->
- fprintf oc " eor%t %a, %a, %a\n"
- thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1
- | Pldr(r1, r2, sa) | Pldr_a(r1, r2, sa) ->
- fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op sa; 1
- | Pldrb(r1, r2, sa) ->
- fprintf oc " ldrb %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op sa; 1
- | Pldrh(r1, r2, sa) ->
- fprintf oc " ldrh %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op sa; 1
- | Pldrsb(r1, r2, sa) ->
- fprintf oc " ldrsb %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op sa; 1
- | Pldrsh(r1, r2, sa) ->
- fprintf oc " ldrsh %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op sa; 1
- | Plsl(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " lsl%t %a, %a, %a\n"
- thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3; 1
- | Plsr(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " lsr%t %a, %a, %a\n"
- thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3; 1
- | Pmla(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
- fprintf oc " mla %a, %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3 ireg r4; 1
- | Pmov(r1, so) ->
- fprintf oc " mov%t %a, %a\n" thumbS ireg r1 shift_op so; 1
- | Pmovw(r1, n) ->
- fprintf oc " movw %a, #%a\n" ireg r1 coqint n; 1
- | Pmovt(r1, n) ->
- fprintf oc " movt %a, #%a\n" ireg r1 coqint n; 1
- | Pmul(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " mul %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3; 1
- | Pmvn(r1, so) ->
- fprintf oc " mvn%t %a, %a\n" thumbS ireg r1 shift_op so; 1
- | Porr(r1, r2, so) ->
- fprintf oc " orr%t %a, %a, %a\n"
- thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1
- | Prsb(r1, r2, so) ->
- fprintf oc " rsb%t %a, %a, %a\n"
- thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1
- | Pstr(r1, r2, sa) | Pstr_a(r1, r2, sa) ->
- fprintf oc " str %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op sa;
- begin match r1, r2, sa with
- | IR14, IR13, SOimm n -> Opt.cfi_rel_offset oc "lr" (camlint_of_coqint n)
- | _ -> ()
- end;
- 1
- | Pstrb(r1, r2, sa) ->
- fprintf oc " strb %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op sa; 1
- | Pstrh(r1, r2, sa) ->
- fprintf oc " strh %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op sa; 1
- | Psdiv ->
- if Opt.hardware_idiv then begin
- fprintf oc " sdiv r0, r0, r1\n"; 1
- end else begin
- fprintf oc " bl __aeabi_idiv\n"; 1
- end
- | Psbfx(r1, r2, lsb, sz) ->
- fprintf oc " sbfx %a, %a, #%a, #%a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 coqint lsb coqint sz; 1
- | Psmull(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
- fprintf oc " smull %a, %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3 ireg r4; 1
- | Psub(r1, r2, so) ->
- fprintf oc " sub%t %a, %a, %a\n"
- thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1
- | Pudiv ->
- if Opt.hardware_idiv then begin
- fprintf oc " udiv r0, r0, r1\n"; 1
- end else begin
- fprintf oc " bl __aeabi_uidiv\n"; 1
- end
- | Pumull(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
- fprintf oc " umull %a, %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3 ireg r4; 1
- (* Floating-point VFD instructions *)
- | Pfcpyd(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vmov.f64 %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2; 1
- | Pfabsd(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vabs.f64 %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2; 1
- | Pfnegd(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vneg.f64 %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2; 1
- | Pfaddd(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " vadd.f64 %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3; 1
- | Pfdivd(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " vdiv.f64 %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3; 1
- | Pfmuld(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " vmul.f64 %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3; 1
- | Pfsubd(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " vsub.f64 %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3; 1
- | Pflid(r1, f) ->
- let f = camlint64_of_coqint(Floats.Float.to_bits f) in
- if Opt.vfpv3 && is_immediate_float64 f then begin
- fprintf oc " vmov.f64 %a, #%F\n"
- freg r1 (Int64.float_of_bits f); 1
- (* immediate floats have at most 4 bits of fraction, so they
- should print exactly with OCaml's F decimal format. *)
- end else if !literals_in_code then begin
- let lbl = label_float f in
- fprintf oc " vldr %a, .L%d @ %.12g\n"
- freg r1 lbl (Int64.float_of_bits f); 1
- end else begin
- let lbl = label_float f in
- fprintf oc " movw r14, #:lower16:.L%d\n" lbl;
- fprintf oc " movt r14, #:upper16:.L%d\n" lbl;
- fprintf oc " vldr %a, [r14, #0] @ %.12g\n"
- freg r1 (Int64.float_of_bits f); 3
- end
- | Pfcmpd(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vcmp.f64 %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2;
- fprintf oc " vmrs APSR_nzcv, FPSCR\n"; 2
- | Pfcmpzd(r1) ->
- fprintf oc " vcmp.f64 %a, #0\n" freg r1;
- fprintf oc " vmrs APSR_nzcv, FPSCR\n"; 2
- | Pfsitod(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 ireg r2;
- fprintf oc " vcvt.f64.s32 %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg_single r1; 2
- | Pfuitod(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 ireg r2;
- fprintf oc " vcvt.f64.u32 %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg_single r1; 2
- | Pftosizd(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vcvt.s32.f64 %a, %a\n" freg_single FR6 freg r2;
- fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" ireg r1 freg_single FR6; 2
- | Pftouizd(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vcvt.u32.f64 %a, %a\n" freg_single FR6 freg r2;
- fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" ireg r1 freg_single FR6; 2
- | Pfabss(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vabs.f32 %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r2; 1
- | Pfnegs(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vneg.f32 %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r2; 1
- | Pfadds(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " vadd.f32 %a, %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r2 freg_single r3; 1
- | Pfdivs(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " vdiv.f32 %a, %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r2 freg_single r3; 1
- | Pfmuls(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " vmul.f32 %a, %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r2 freg_single r3; 1
- | Pfsubs(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " vsub.f32 %a, %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r2 freg_single r3; 1
- | Pflis(r1, f) ->
- let f = camlint_of_coqint(Floats.Float32.to_bits f) in
- if Opt.vfpv3 && is_immediate_float32 f then begin
- fprintf oc " vmov.f32 %a, #%F\n"
- freg_single r1 (Int32.float_of_bits f); 1
- (* immediate floats have at most 4 bits of fraction, so they
- should print exactly with OCaml's F decimal format. *)
- end else if !literals_in_code then begin
- let lbl = label_float32 f in
- fprintf oc " vldr %a, .L%d @ %.12g\n"
- freg_single r1 lbl (Int32.float_of_bits f); 1
- end else begin
- fprintf oc " movw r14, #%ld\n" (Int32.logand f 0xFFFFl);
- fprintf oc " movt r14, #%ld\n" (Int32.shift_right_logical f 16);
- fprintf oc " vmov %a, r14 @ %.12g\n"
- freg_single r1 (Int32.float_of_bits f); 3
- end
- | Pfcmps(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vcmp.f32 %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r2;
- fprintf oc " vmrs APSR_nzcv, FPSCR\n"; 2
- | Pfcmpzs(r1) ->
- fprintf oc " vcmp.f32 %a, #0\n" freg_single r1;
- fprintf oc " vmrs APSR_nzcv, FPSCR\n"; 2
- | Pfsitos(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 ireg r2;
- fprintf oc " vcvt.f32.s32 %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r1; 2
- | Pfuitos(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 ireg r2;
- fprintf oc " vcvt.f32.u32 %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r1; 2
- | Pftosizs(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vcvt.s32.f32 %a, %a\n" freg_single FR6 freg_single r2;
- fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" ireg r1 freg_single FR6; 2
- | Pftouizs(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vcvt.u32.f32 %a, %a\n" freg_single FR6 freg_single r2;
- fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" ireg r1 freg_single FR6; 2
- | Pfcvtsd(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vcvt.f32.f64 %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg r2; 1
- | Pfcvtds(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " vcvt.f64.f32 %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg_single r2; 1
- | Pfldd(r1, r2, n) | Pfldd_a(r1, r2, n) ->
- fprintf oc " vldr %a, [%a, #%a]\n" freg r1 ireg r2 coqint n; 1
- | Pflds(r1, r2, n) ->
- fprintf oc " vldr %a, [%a, #%a]\n" freg_single r1 ireg r2 coqint n; 1
- | Pfstd(r1, r2, n) | Pfstd_a(r1, r2, n) ->
- fprintf oc " vstr %a, [%a, #%a]\n" freg r1 ireg r2 coqint n; 1
- | Pfsts(r1, r2, n) ->
- fprintf oc " vstr %a, [%a, #%a]\n" freg_single r1 ireg r2 coqint n; 1
- (* Pseudo-instructions *)
- | Pallocframe(sz, ofs) ->
- fprintf oc " mov r12, sp\n";
- if (!current_function_sig).sig_cc.cc_vararg then begin
- fprintf oc " push {r0, r1, r2, r3}\n";
- Opt.cfi_adjust oc 16l
- end;
- let sz' = camlint_of_coqint sz in
- let ninstr = subimm oc "sp" "sp" sz in
- Opt.cfi_adjust oc sz';
- fprintf oc " str r12, [sp, #%a]\n" coqint ofs;
- current_function_stacksize := sz';
- ninstr + (if (!current_function_sig).sig_cc.cc_vararg then 3 else 2)
- | Pfreeframe(sz, ofs) ->
- let sz =
- if (!current_function_sig).sig_cc.cc_vararg
- then coqint_of_camlint (Int32.add 16l (camlint_of_coqint sz))
- else sz in
- if Asmgen.is_immed_arith sz
- then fprintf oc " add sp, sp, #%a\n" coqint sz
- else fprintf oc " ldr sp, [sp, #%a]\n" coqint ofs; 1
- | Plabel lbl ->
- fprintf oc "%a:\n" print_label lbl; 0
- | Ploadsymbol(r1, id, ofs) ->
- loadsymbol oc r1 id ofs
- | Pmovite(cond, r1, ifso, ifnot) ->
- fprintf oc " ite %s\n" (condition_name cond);
- fprintf oc " mov%s %a, %a\n"
- (condition_name cond) ireg r1 shift_op ifso;
- fprintf oc " mov%s %a, %a\n"
- (neg_condition_name cond) ireg r1 shift_op ifnot; 2
- | Pbtbl(r, tbl) ->
- if !Clflags.option_mthumb then begin
- let lbl = new_label() in
- fprintf oc " adr r14, .L%d\n" lbl;
- fprintf oc " add r14, r14, %a, lsl #2\n" ireg r;
- fprintf oc " mov pc, r14\n";
- fprintf oc ".L%d:\n" lbl;
- List.iter
- (fun l -> fprintf oc " b.w %a\n" print_label l)
- tbl;
- 3 + List.length tbl
- end else begin
- fprintf oc " add pc, pc, %a, lsl #2\n" ireg r;
- fprintf oc " nop\n";
- List.iter
- (fun l -> fprintf oc " b %a\n" print_label l)
- tbl;
- 2 + List.length tbl
- end
- | Pbuiltin(ef, args, res) ->
- begin match ef with
- | EF_builtin(name, sg) ->
- print_builtin_inline oc (extern_atom name) args res
- | EF_vload chunk ->
- print_builtin_vload oc chunk args res
- | EF_vstore chunk ->
- print_builtin_vstore oc chunk args
- | EF_vload_global(chunk, id, ofs) ->
- print_builtin_vload_global oc chunk id ofs args res
- | EF_vstore_global(chunk, id, ofs) ->
- print_builtin_vstore_global oc chunk id ofs args
- | EF_memcpy(sz, al) ->
- print_builtin_memcpy oc (Int32.to_int (camlint_of_coqint sz))
- (Int32.to_int (camlint_of_coqint al)) args
- | EF_annot_val(txt, targ) ->
- print_annot_val oc (extern_atom txt) args res
- | EF_inline_asm txt ->
- fprintf oc "%s begin inline assembly\n" comment;
- fprintf oc " %s\n" (extern_atom txt);
- fprintf oc "%s end inline assembly\n" comment;
- 5 (* hoping this is an upper bound... *)
- | _ ->
- assert false
- end
- | Pannot(ef, args) ->
- begin match ef with
- | EF_annot(txt, targs) ->
- print_annot_stmt oc (extern_atom txt) targs args; 0
- | _ ->
- assert false
- end
-let no_fallthrough = function
- | Pb _ -> true
- | Pbsymb _ -> true
- | Pbreg _ -> true
- | _ -> false
-let rec print_instructions oc instrs =
- match instrs with
- | [] -> ()
- | i :: il ->
- let n = print_instruction oc i in
- currpos := !currpos + n * 4;
- let d = distance_to_emit_constants() in
- if d < 256 && no_fallthrough i then
- emit_constants oc
- else if d < 16 then begin
- let lbl = new_label() in
- fprintf oc " b .L%d\n" lbl;
- emit_constants oc;
- fprintf oc ".L%d:\n" lbl
- end;
- print_instructions oc il
-let print_function oc name fn =
- Hashtbl.clear current_function_labels;
- reset_constants();
- current_function_sig := fn.fn_sig;
- currpos := 0;
- let (text, lit) =
- match C2C.atom_sections name with
- | t :: l :: _ -> (t, l)
- | _ -> (Section_text, Section_literal) in
- section oc text;
- let alignment =
- match !Clflags.option_falignfunctions with Some n -> n | None -> 4 in
- fprintf oc " .balign %d\n" alignment;
- if not (C2C.atom_is_static name) then
- fprintf oc " .global %a\n" print_symb name;
- if !Clflags.option_mthumb then
- fprintf oc " .thumb_func\n";
- fprintf oc "%a:\n" print_symb name;
- print_location oc (C2C.atom_location name);
- Opt.cfi_startproc oc;
- ignore (fixup_arguments oc Incoming fn.fn_sig);
- print_instructions oc fn.fn_code;
- if !literals_in_code then emit_constants oc;
- Opt.cfi_endproc oc;
- fprintf oc " .type %a, %%function\n" print_symb name;
- fprintf oc " .size %a, . - %a\n" print_symb name print_symb name;
- if not !literals_in_code && !size_constants > 0 then begin
- section oc lit;
- emit_constants oc
- end
-(* Data *)
-let print_init oc = function
- | Init_int8 n ->
- fprintf oc " .byte %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
- | Init_int16 n ->
- fprintf oc " .short %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
- | Init_int32 n ->
- fprintf oc " .word %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
- | Init_int64 n ->
- fprintf oc " .quad %Ld\n" (camlint64_of_coqint n)
- | Init_float32 n ->
- fprintf oc " .word 0x%lx %s %.15g \n" (camlint_of_coqint (Floats.Float32.to_bits n))
- comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat n)
- | Init_float64 n ->
- fprintf oc " .quad %Ld %s %.18g\n" (camlint64_of_coqint (Floats.Float.to_bits n))
- comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat n)
- | Init_space n ->
- if Z.gt n Z.zero then
- fprintf oc " .space %s\n" (Z.to_string n)
- | Init_addrof(symb, ofs) ->
- fprintf oc " .word %a\n" print_symb_ofs (symb, ofs)
-let print_init_data oc name id =
- if Str.string_match PrintCsyntax.re_string_literal (extern_atom name) 0
- && List.for_all (function Init_int8 _ -> true | _ -> false) id
- then
- fprintf oc " .ascii \"%s\"\n" (PrintCsyntax.string_of_init id)
- else
- List.iter (print_init oc) id
-let print_var oc name v =
- match v.gvar_init with
- | [] -> ()
- | _ ->
- let sec =
- match C2C.atom_sections name with
- | [s] -> s
- | _ -> Section_data true
- and align =
- match C2C.atom_alignof name with
- | Some a -> a
- | None -> 8 (* 8-alignment is a safe default *)
- in
- let name_sec =
- name_of_section sec in
- if name_sec <> "COMM" then begin
- fprintf oc " %s\n" name_sec;
- fprintf oc " .balign %d\n" align;
- if not (C2C.atom_is_static name) then
- fprintf oc " .global %a\n" print_symb name;
- fprintf oc "%a:\n" print_symb name;
- print_init_data oc name v.gvar_init;
- fprintf oc " .type %a, %%object\n" print_symb name;
- fprintf oc " .size %a, . - %a\n" print_symb name print_symb name
- end else begin
- let sz =
- match v.gvar_init with [Init_space sz] -> sz | _ -> assert false in
- if C2C.atom_is_static name then
- fprintf oc " .local %a\n" print_symb name;
- fprintf oc " .comm %a, %s, %d\n"
- print_symb name
- (Z.to_string sz)
- align
- end
-let print_globdef oc (name, gdef) =
- match gdef with
- | Gfun(Internal f) -> print_function oc name f
- | Gfun(External ef) -> ()
- | Gvar v -> print_var oc name v
- end)
-let print_program oc p =
- let module Opt : PRINTER_OPTIONS = struct
- let vfpv3 = Configuration.model >= "armv7"
- let float_abi = match Configuration.abi with
- | "eabi" -> Soft
- | "hardfloat" -> Hard
- | _ -> assert false
- let hardware_idiv =
- match Configuration.model with
- | "armv7r" | "armv7m" -> !Clflags.option_mthumb
- | _ -> false
- (* Emit .cfi directives *)
- let cfi_startproc =
- if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
- (fun oc -> fprintf oc " .cfi_startproc\n")
- else
- (fun _ -> ())
- let cfi_endproc =
- if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
- (fun oc ->fprintf oc " .cfi_endproc\n")
- else
- (fun _ -> ())
- let cfi_adjust =
- if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
- (fun oc delta -> fprintf oc " .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset %ld\n" delta)
- else
- (fun _ _ -> ())
- let cfi_rel_offset =
- if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
- (fun oc reg ofs -> fprintf oc " .cfi_rel_offset %s, %ld\n" reg ofs)
- else
- (fun _ _ _ -> ())
- end in
- let module Printer = AsmPrinter(Opt) in
- PrintAnnot.reset_filenames();
- PrintAnnot.print_version_and_options oc Printer.comment;
- fprintf oc " .syntax unified\n";
- fprintf oc " .arch %s\n"
- (match Configuration.model with
- | "armv6" -> "armv6"
- | "armv7a" -> "armv7-a"
- | "armv7r" -> "armv7-r"
- | "armv7m" -> "armv7-m"
- | _ -> "armv7");
- fprintf oc " .fpu %s\n"
- (if Opt.vfpv3 then "vfpv3-d16" else "vfpv2");
- fprintf oc " .%s\n" (if !Clflags.option_mthumb then "thumb" else "arm");
- List.iter (Printer.print_globdef oc) p.prog_defs;
- PrintAnnot.close_filenames()
diff --git a/arm/PrintAsm.mli b/arm/PrintAsm.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index aefe3a0a..00000000
--- a/arm/PrintAsm.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-val print_program: out_channel -> Asm.program -> unit
diff --git a/arm/TargetPrinter.ml b/arm/TargetPrinter.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62dd2bc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arm/TargetPrinter.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1143 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* Printing ARM assembly code in asm syntax *)
+open Printf
+open Datatypes
+open Camlcoq
+open Sections
+open AST
+open Memdata
+open Asm
+open PrintAsmaux
+(* Type for the ABI versions *)
+type float_abi_type =
+ | Hard
+ | Soft
+(* Module type for the options *)
+module type PRINTER_OPTIONS =
+ sig
+ val float_abi: float_abi_type
+ val vfpv3: bool
+ val hardware_idiv: bool
+ end
+(* Module containing the printing functions *)
+module Target (Opt: PRINTER_OPTIONS) : TARGET =
+ struct
+(* Code generation options. *)
+ let literals_in_code = ref true (* to be turned into a proper option *)
+(* Basic printing functions *)
+ let print_label oc lbl = elf_label oc (transl_label lbl)
+ let comment = "@"
+ let symbol = elf_symbol
+ let symbol_offset oc (symb, ofs) =
+ symbol oc symb;
+ let ofs = camlint_of_coqint ofs in
+ if ofs <> 0l then fprintf oc " + %ld" ofs
+ let int_reg_name = function
+ | IR0 -> "r0" | IR1 -> "r1" | IR2 -> "r2" | IR3 -> "r3"
+ | IR4 -> "r4" | IR5 -> "r5" | IR6 -> "r6" | IR7 -> "r7"
+ | IR8 -> "r8" | IR9 -> "r9" | IR10 -> "r10" | IR11 -> "r11"
+ | IR12 -> "r12" | IR13 -> "sp" | IR14 -> "lr"
+ let float_reg_name = function
+ | FR0 -> "d0" | FR1 -> "d1" | FR2 -> "d2" | FR3 -> "d3"
+ | FR4 -> "d4" | FR5 -> "d5" | FR6 -> "d6" | FR7 -> "d7"
+ | FR8 -> "d8" | FR9 -> "d9" | FR10 -> "d10" | FR11 -> "d11"
+ | FR12 -> "d12" | FR13 -> "d13" | FR14 -> "d14" | FR15 -> "d15"
+ let single_float_reg_index = function
+ | FR0 -> 0 | FR1 -> 2 | FR2 -> 4 | FR3 -> 6
+ | FR4 -> 8 | FR5 -> 10 | FR6 -> 12 | FR7 -> 14
+ | FR8 -> 16 | FR9 -> 18 | FR10 -> 20 | FR11 -> 22
+ | FR12 -> 24 | FR13 -> 26 | FR14 -> 28 | FR15 -> 30
+ let single_float_reg_name = function
+ | FR0 -> "s0" | FR1 -> "s2" | FR2 -> "s4" | FR3 -> "s6"
+ | FR4 -> "s8" | FR5 -> "s10" | FR6 -> "s12" | FR7 -> "s14"
+ | FR8 -> "s16" | FR9 -> "s18" | FR10 -> "s20" | FR11 -> "s22"
+ | FR12 -> "s24" | FR13 -> "s26" | FR14 -> "s28" | FR15 -> "s30"
+ let ireg oc r = output_string oc (int_reg_name r)
+ let freg oc r = output_string oc (float_reg_name r)
+ let freg_single oc r = output_string oc (single_float_reg_name r)
+ let preg oc = function
+ | IR r -> ireg oc r
+ | FR r -> freg oc r
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let condition_name = function
+ | TCeq -> "eq"
+ | TCne -> "ne"
+ | TChs -> "hs"
+ | TClo -> "lo"
+ | TCmi -> "mi"
+ | TCpl -> "pl"
+ | TChi -> "hi"
+ | TCls -> "ls"
+ | TCge -> "ge"
+ | TClt -> "lt"
+ | TCgt -> "gt"
+ | TCle -> "le"
+ let neg_condition_name = function
+ | TCeq -> "ne"
+ | TCne -> "eq"
+ | TChs -> "lo"
+ | TClo -> "hs"
+ | TCmi -> "pl"
+ | TCpl -> "mi"
+ | TChi -> "ls"
+ | TCls -> "hi"
+ | TCge -> "lt"
+ | TClt -> "ge"
+ | TCgt -> "le"
+ | TCle -> "gt"
+(* In Thumb2 mode, some arithmetic instructions have shorter encodings
+ if they carry the "S" flag (update condition flags):
+ add (but not sp + imm)
+ and
+ asr
+ bic
+ eor
+ lsl
+ lsr
+ mov
+ mvn
+ orr
+ rsb
+ sub (but not sp - imm)
+ The proof of Asmgen shows that CompCert-generated code behaves the
+ same whether flags are updated or not by those instructions. The
+ following printing function adds a "S" suffix if we are in Thumb2
+ mode. *)
+ let thumbS oc =
+ if !Clflags.option_mthumb then output_char oc 's'
+(* Names of sections *)
+ let name_of_section = function
+ | Section_text -> ".text"
+ | Section_data i | Section_small_data i ->
+ if i then ".data" else "COMM"
+ | Section_const i | Section_small_const i ->
+ if i then ".section .rodata" else "COMM"
+ | Section_string -> ".section .rodata"
+ | Section_literal -> ".text"
+ | Section_jumptable -> ".text"
+ | Section_user(s, wr, ex) ->
+ sprintf ".section \"%s\",\"a%s%s\",%%progbits"
+ s (if wr then "w" else "") (if ex then "x" else "")
+ let section oc sec =
+ fprintf oc " %s\n" (name_of_section sec)
+(* Record current code position and latest position at which to
+ emit float and symbol constants. *)
+ let currpos = ref 0
+ let size_constants = ref 0
+ let max_pos_constants = ref max_int
+ let distance_to_emit_constants () =
+ if !literals_in_code
+ then !max_pos_constants - (!currpos + !size_constants)
+ else max_int
+(* Associate labels to floating-point constants and to symbols *)
+ let float_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (int64, int) Hashtbl.t)
+ let float32_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (int32, int) Hashtbl.t)
+ let label_float bf =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find float_labels bf
+ with Not_found ->
+ let lbl' = new_label() in
+ Hashtbl.add float_labels bf lbl';
+ size_constants := !size_constants + 8;
+ max_pos_constants := min !max_pos_constants (!currpos + 1024);
+ lbl'
+ let label_float32 bf =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find float32_labels bf
+ with Not_found ->
+ let lbl' = new_label() in
+ Hashtbl.add float32_labels bf lbl';
+ size_constants := !size_constants + 4;
+ max_pos_constants := min !max_pos_constants (!currpos + 1024);
+ lbl'
+ let symbol_labels =
+ (Hashtbl.create 39 : (ident * Integers.Int.int, int) Hashtbl.t)
+ let label_symbol id ofs =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find symbol_labels (id, ofs)
+ with Not_found ->
+ let lbl' = new_label() in
+ Hashtbl.add symbol_labels (id, ofs) lbl';
+ size_constants := !size_constants + 4;
+ max_pos_constants := min !max_pos_constants (!currpos + 4096);
+ lbl'
+ let reset_constants () =
+ Hashtbl.clear float_labels;
+ Hashtbl.clear float32_labels;
+ Hashtbl.clear symbol_labels;
+ size_constants := 0;
+ max_pos_constants := max_int
+ let emit_constants oc =
+ fprintf oc " .balign 4\n";
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun bf lbl ->
+ (* Little-endian floats *)
+ let bfhi = Int64.shift_right_logical bf 32
+ and bflo = Int64.logand bf 0xFFFF_FFFFL in
+ fprintf oc ".L%d: .word 0x%Lx, 0x%Lx\n" lbl bflo bfhi)
+ float_labels;
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun bf lbl ->
+ fprintf oc ".L%d: .word 0x%lx\n" lbl bf)
+ float32_labels;
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun (id, ofs) lbl ->
+ fprintf oc ".L%d: .word %a\n"
+ lbl symbol_offset (id, ofs))
+ symbol_labels;
+ reset_constants ()
+(* Generate code to load the address of id + ofs in register r *)
+ let loadsymbol oc r id ofs =
+ if !Clflags.option_mthumb then begin
+ fprintf oc " movw %a, #:lower16:%a\n"
+ ireg r symbol_offset (id, ofs);
+ fprintf oc " movt %a, #:upper16:%a\n"
+ ireg r symbol_offset (id, ofs); 2
+ end else begin
+ let lbl = label_symbol id ofs in
+ fprintf oc " ldr %a, .L%d @ %a\n"
+ ireg r lbl symbol_offset (id, ofs); 1
+ end
+(* Emit instruction sequences that set or offset a register by a constant. *)
+(* No S suffix because they are applied to SP most of the time. *)
+ let movimm oc dst n =
+ match Asmgen.decompose_int n with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | hd::tl as l ->
+ fprintf oc " mov %s, #%a\n" dst coqint hd;
+ List.iter
+ (fun n -> fprintf oc " orr %s, %s, #%a\n" dst dst coqint n)
+ tl;
+ List.length l
+ let addimm oc dst src n =
+ match Asmgen.decompose_int n with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | hd::tl as l ->
+ fprintf oc " add %s, %s, #%a\n" dst src coqint hd;
+ List.iter
+ (fun n -> fprintf oc " add %s, %s, #%a\n" dst dst coqint n)
+ tl;
+ List.length l
+ let subimm oc dst src n =
+ match Asmgen.decompose_int n with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | hd::tl as l ->
+ fprintf oc " sub %s, %s, #%a\n" dst src coqint hd;
+ List.iter
+ (fun n -> fprintf oc " sub %s, %s, #%a\n" dst dst coqint n)
+ tl;
+ List.length l
+(* Recognition of float constants appropriate for VMOV.
+ a normalized binary floating point encoding with 1 sign bit, 4
+ bits of fraction and a 3-bit exponent *)
+ let is_immediate_float64 bits =
+ let exp = (Int64.(to_int (shift_right_logical bits 52)) land 0x7FF) - 1023 in
+ let mant = Int64.logand bits 0xF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFL in
+ exp >= -3 && exp <= 4 && Int64.logand mant 0xF_0000_0000_0000L = mant
+ let is_immediate_float32 bits =
+ let exp = (Int32.(to_int (shift_right_logical bits 23)) land 0xFF) - 127 in
+ let mant = Int32.logand bits 0x7F_FFFFl in
+ exp >= -3 && exp <= 4 && Int32.logand mant 0x78_0000l = mant
+(* Emit .file / .loc debugging directives *)
+ let print_file_line oc file line =
+ PrintAnnot.print_file_line oc comment file line
+ let print_location oc loc =
+ if loc <> Cutil.no_loc then print_file_line oc (fst loc) (snd loc)
+(* Built-ins. They come in two flavors:
+ - annotation statements: take their arguments in registers or stack
+ locations; generate no code;
+ - inlined by the compiler: take their arguments in arbitrary
+ registers.
+(* Handling of annotations *)
+ let print_annot_stmt oc txt targs args =
+ if Str.string_match re_file_line txt 0 then begin
+ print_file_line oc (Str.matched_group 1 txt)
+ (int_of_string (Str.matched_group 2 txt))
+ end else begin
+ fprintf oc "%s annotation: " comment;
+ PrintAnnot.print_annot_stmt preg "sp" oc txt targs args
+ end
+ let print_annot_val oc txt args res =
+ fprintf oc "%s annotation: " comment;
+ PrintAnnot.print_annot_val preg oc txt args;
+ match args, res with
+ | [IR src], [IR dst] ->
+ if dst = src then 0 else (fprintf oc " mov %a, %a\n" ireg dst ireg src; 1)
+ | [FR src], [FR dst] ->
+ if dst = src then 0 else (fprintf oc " vmov.f64 %a, %a\n" freg dst freg src; 1)
+ | _, _ -> assert false
+(* Handling of memcpy *)
+(* The ARM has strict alignment constraints for 2 and 4 byte accesses.
+ 8-byte accesses must be 4-aligned. *)
+ let print_builtin_memcpy_small oc sz al src dst =
+ let rec copy ofs sz ninstr =
+ if sz >= 8 && al >= 4 && !Clflags.option_ffpu then begin
+ fprintf oc " vldr %a, [%a, #%d]\n" freg FR7 ireg src ofs;
+ fprintf oc " vstr %a, [%a, #%d]\n" freg FR7 ireg dst ofs;
+ copy (ofs + 8) (sz - 8) (ninstr + 2)
+ end else if sz >= 4 && al >= 4 then begin
+ fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg src ofs;
+ fprintf oc " str %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg dst ofs;
+ copy (ofs + 4) (sz - 4) (ninstr + 2)
+ end else if sz >= 2 && al >= 2 then begin
+ fprintf oc " ldrh %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg src ofs;
+ fprintf oc " strh %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg dst ofs;
+ copy (ofs + 2) (sz - 2) (ninstr + 2)
+ end else if sz >= 1 then begin
+ fprintf oc " ldrb %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg src ofs;
+ fprintf oc " strb %a, [%a, #%d]\n" ireg IR14 ireg dst ofs;
+ copy (ofs + 1) (sz - 1) (ninstr + 2)
+ end else
+ ninstr in
+ copy 0 sz 0
+ let print_builtin_memcpy_big oc sz al src dst =
+ assert (sz >= al);
+ assert (sz mod al = 0);
+ assert (src = IR2);
+ assert (dst = IR3);
+ let (load, store, chunksize) =
+ if al >= 4 then ("ldr", "str", 4)
+ else if al = 2 then ("ldrh", "strh", 2)
+ else ("ldrb", "strb", 1) in
+ let n = movimm oc "r14" (coqint_of_camlint (Int32.of_int (sz / chunksize))) in
+ let lbl = new_label() in
+ fprintf oc ".L%d: %s %a, [%a], #%d\n" lbl load ireg IR12 ireg src chunksize;
+ fprintf oc " subs %a, %a, #1\n" ireg IR14 ireg IR14;
+ fprintf oc " %s %a, [%a], #%d\n" store ireg IR12 ireg dst chunksize;
+ fprintf oc " bne .L%d\n" lbl;
+ n + 4
+ let print_builtin_memcpy oc sz al args =
+ let (dst, src) =
+ match args with [IR d; IR s] -> (d, s) | _ -> assert false in
+ fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_memcpy_aligned, size = %d, alignment = %d\n"
+ comment sz al;
+ let n =
+ if sz <= 32
+ then print_builtin_memcpy_small oc sz al src dst
+ else print_builtin_memcpy_big oc sz al src dst in
+ fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_memcpy_aligned\n" comment; n
+(* Handling of volatile reads and writes *)
+ let print_builtin_vload_common oc chunk args res =
+ match chunk, args, res with
+ | Mint8unsigned, [IR addr], [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " ldrb %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg addr; 1
+ | Mint8signed, [IR addr], [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " ldrsb %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg addr; 1
+ | Mint16unsigned, [IR addr], [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " ldrh %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg addr; 1
+ | Mint16signed, [IR addr], [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " ldrsh %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg addr; 1
+ | Mint32, [IR addr], [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg addr; 1
+ | Mint64, [IR addr], [IR res1; IR res2] ->
+ if addr <> res2 then begin
+ fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res2 ireg addr;
+ fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #4]\n" ireg res1 ireg addr
+ end else begin
+ fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #4]\n" ireg res1 ireg addr;
+ fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res2 ireg addr
+ end; 2
+ | Mfloat32, [IR addr], [FR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " vldr %a, [%a, #0]\n" freg_single res ireg addr; 1
+ | Mfloat64, [IR addr], [FR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " vldr %a, [%a, #0]\n" freg res ireg addr; 1
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ let print_builtin_vload oc chunk args res =
+ fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment;
+ let n = print_builtin_vload_common oc chunk args res in
+ fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment; n
+ let print_builtin_vload_global oc chunk id ofs args res =
+ fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment;
+ let n1 = loadsymbol oc IR14 id ofs in
+ let n2 = print_builtin_vload_common oc chunk [IR IR14] res in
+ fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment; n1 + n2
+ let print_builtin_vstore_common oc chunk args =
+ match chunk, args with
+ | (Mint8signed | Mint8unsigned), [IR addr; IR src] ->
+ fprintf oc " strb %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg src ireg addr; 1
+ | (Mint16signed | Mint16unsigned), [IR addr; IR src] ->
+ fprintf oc " strh %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg src ireg addr; 1
+ | Mint32, [IR addr; IR src] ->
+ fprintf oc " str %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg src ireg addr; 1
+ | Mint64, [IR addr; IR src1; IR src2] ->
+ fprintf oc " str %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg src2 ireg addr;
+ fprintf oc " str %a, [%a, #4]\n" ireg src1 ireg addr; 2
+ | Mfloat32, [IR addr; FR src] ->
+ fprintf oc " vstr %a, [%a, #0]\n" freg_single src ireg addr; 1
+ | Mfloat64, [IR addr; FR src] ->
+ fprintf oc " vstr %a, [%a, #0]\n" freg src ireg addr; 1
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ let print_builtin_vstore oc chunk args =
+ fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment;
+ let n = print_builtin_vstore_common oc chunk args in
+ fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment; n
+ let print_builtin_vstore_global oc chunk id ofs args =
+ fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment;
+ let n1 = loadsymbol oc IR14 id ofs in
+ let n2 = print_builtin_vstore_common oc chunk (IR IR14 :: args) in
+ fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment; n1 + n2
+(* Handling of varargs *)
+ let align n a = (n + a - 1) land (-a)
+ let rec next_arg_location ir ofs = function
+ | [] ->
+ Int32.of_int (ir * 4 + ofs)
+ | (Tint | Tsingle | Tany32) :: l ->
+ if ir < 4
+ then next_arg_location (ir + 1) ofs l
+ else next_arg_location ir (ofs + 4) l
+ | (Tfloat | Tlong | Tany64) :: l ->
+ if ir < 3
+ then next_arg_location (align ir 2 + 2) ofs l
+ else next_arg_location ir (align ofs 8 + 8) l
+ let print_builtin_va_start oc r =
+ if not (!current_function_sig).sig_cc.cc_vararg then
+ invalid_arg "Fatal error: va_start used in non-vararg function";
+ let ofs =
+ Int32.add
+ (next_arg_location 0 0 (!current_function_sig).sig_args)
+ !current_function_stacksize in
+ let n = addimm oc "r14" "sp" (coqint_of_camlint ofs) in
+ fprintf oc " str r14, [%a, #0]\n" ireg r;
+ n + 1
+(* Auxiliary for 64-bit integer arithmetic built-ins. They expand to
+ two instructions, one computing the low 32 bits of the result,
+ followed by another computing the high 32 bits. In cases where
+ the first instruction would overwrite arguments to the second
+ instruction, we must go through IR14 to hold the low 32 bits of the result.
+ *)
+ let print_int64_arith oc conflict rl fn =
+ if conflict then begin
+ let n = fn IR14 in
+ fprintf oc " mov%t %a, %a\n" thumbS ireg rl ireg IR14;
+ n + 1
+ end else
+ fn rl
+(* Handling of compiler-inlined builtins *)
+ let print_builtin_inline oc name args res =
+ fprintf oc "%s begin %s\n" comment name;
+ let n = match name, args, res with
+ (* Integer arithmetic *)
+ | ("__builtin_bswap" | "__builtin_bswap32"), [IR a1], [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " rev %a, %a\n" ireg res ireg a1; 1
+ | "__builtin_bswap16", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " rev16 %a, %a\n" ireg res ireg a1; 1
+ | "__builtin_clz", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " clz %a, %a\n" ireg res ireg a1; 1
+ (* Float arithmetic *)
+ | "__builtin_fabs", [FR a1], [FR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " vabs.f64 %a, %a\n" freg res freg a1; 1
+ | "__builtin_fsqrt", [FR a1], [FR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " vsqrt.f64 %a, %a\n" freg res freg a1; 1
+ (* 64-bit integer arithmetic *)
+ | "__builtin_negl", [IR ah; IR al], [IR rh; IR rl] ->
+ print_int64_arith oc (rl = ah) rl (fun rl ->
+ fprintf oc " rsbs %a, %a, #0\n" ireg rl ireg al;
+ (* No "rsc" instruction in Thumb2. Emulate based on
+ rsc a, b, #0 == a <- AddWithCarry(~b, 0, carry)
+ == mvn a, b; adc a, a, #0 *)
+ if !Clflags.option_mthumb then begin
+ fprintf oc " mvn %a, %a\n" ireg rh ireg ah;
+ fprintf oc " adc %a, %a, #0\n" ireg rh ireg rh; 3
+ end else begin
+ fprintf oc " rsc %a, %a, #0\n" ireg rh ireg ah; 2
+ end)
+ | "__builtin_addl", [IR ah; IR al; IR bh; IR bl], [IR rh; IR rl] ->
+ print_int64_arith oc (rl = ah || rl = bh) rl (fun rl ->
+ fprintf oc " adds %a, %a, %a\n" ireg rl ireg al ireg bl;
+ fprintf oc " adc %a, %a, %a\n" ireg rh ireg ah ireg bh; 2)
+ | "__builtin_subl", [IR ah; IR al; IR bh; IR bl], [IR rh; IR rl] ->
+ print_int64_arith oc (rl = ah || rl = bh) rl (fun rl ->
+ fprintf oc " subs %a, %a, %a\n" ireg rl ireg al ireg bl;
+ fprintf oc " sbc %a, %a, %a\n" ireg rh ireg ah ireg bh; 2)
+ | "__builtin_mull", [IR a; IR b], [IR rh; IR rl] ->
+ fprintf oc " umull %a, %a, %a, %a\n" ireg rl ireg rh ireg a ireg b; 1
+ (* Memory accesses *)
+ | "__builtin_read16_reversed", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " ldrh %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg a1;
+ fprintf oc " rev16 %a, %a\n" ireg res ireg res; 2
+ | "__builtin_read32_reversed", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg res ireg a1;
+ fprintf oc " rev %a, %a\n" ireg res ireg res; 2
+ | "__builtin_write16_reversed", [IR a1; IR a2], _ ->
+ fprintf oc " rev16 %a, %a\n" ireg IR14 ireg a2;
+ fprintf oc " strh %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg IR14 ireg a1; 2
+ | "__builtin_write32_reversed", [IR a1; IR a2], _ ->
+ fprintf oc " rev %a, %a\n" ireg IR14 ireg a2;
+ fprintf oc " str %a, [%a, #0]\n" ireg IR14 ireg a1; 2
+ (* Synchronization *)
+ | "__builtin_membar", [], _ ->
+ 0
+ | "__builtin_dmb", [], _ ->
+ fprintf oc " dmb\n"; 1
+ | "__builtin_dsb", [], _ ->
+ fprintf oc " dsb\n"; 1
+ | "__builtin_isb", [], _ ->
+ fprintf oc " isb\n"; 1
+ (* Vararg stuff *)
+ | "__builtin_va_start", [IR a], _ ->
+ print_builtin_va_start oc a
+ (* Catch-all *)
+ | _ ->
+ invalid_arg ("unrecognized builtin " ^ name)
+ in
+ fprintf oc "%s end %s\n" comment name;
+ n
+(* Fixing up calling conventions *)
+ type direction = Incoming | Outgoing
+ module FixupEABI = struct
+ let ireg_param = function
+ | 0 -> IR0 | 1 -> IR1 | 2 -> IR2 | 3 -> IR3 | _ -> assert false
+ let freg_param = function
+ | 0 -> FR0 | 1 -> FR1 | 2 -> FR2 | 3 -> FR3 | _ -> assert false
+ let fixup_double oc dir f i1 i2 =
+ match dir with
+ | Incoming -> (* f <- (i1, i2) *)
+ fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a, %a\n" freg f ireg i1 ireg i2
+ | Outgoing -> (* (i1, i2) <- f *)
+ fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a, %a\n" ireg i1 ireg i2 freg f
+ let fixup_single oc dir f i =
+ match dir with
+ | Incoming -> (* f <- i *)
+ fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" freg_single f ireg i
+ | Outgoing -> (* i <- f *)
+ fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" ireg i freg_single f
+ let fixup_conventions oc dir tyl =
+ let rec fixup i tyl =
+ if i >= 4 then 0 else
+ match tyl with
+ | [] -> 0
+ | (Tint | Tany32) :: tyl' ->
+ fixup (i+1) tyl'
+ | Tlong :: tyl' ->
+ fixup (((i + 1) land (-2)) + 2) tyl'
+ | (Tfloat | Tany64) :: tyl' ->
+ let i = (i + 1) land (-2) in
+ if i >= 4 then 0 else begin
+ fixup_double oc dir (freg_param i) (ireg_param i) (ireg_param (i+1));
+ 1 + fixup (i+2) tyl'
+ end
+ | Tsingle :: tyl' ->
+ fixup_single oc dir (freg_param i) (ireg_param i);
+ 1 + fixup (i+1) tyl'
+ in fixup 0 tyl
+ let fixup_arguments oc dir sg =
+ fixup_conventions oc dir sg.sig_args
+ let fixup_result oc dir sg =
+ fixup_conventions oc dir (proj_sig_res sg :: [])
+ end
+ module FixupHF = struct
+ type fsize = Single | Double
+ let rec find_single used pos =
+ if pos >= Array.length used then pos
+ else if used.(pos) then find_single used (pos + 1)
+ else begin used.(pos) <- true; pos end
+ let rec find_double used pos =
+ if pos + 1 >= Array.length used then pos
+ else if used.(pos) || used.(pos + 1) then find_double used (pos + 2)
+ else begin used.(pos) <- true; used.(pos + 1) <- true; pos / 2 end
+ let rec fixup_actions used fr tyl =
+ match tyl with
+ | [] -> []
+ | (Tint | Tlong | Tany32) :: tyl' -> fixup_actions used fr tyl'
+ | (Tfloat | Tany64) :: tyl' ->
+ if fr >= 8 then [] else begin
+ let dr = find_double used 0 in
+ assert (dr < 8);
+ (fr, Double, dr) :: fixup_actions used (fr + 1) tyl'
+ end
+ | Tsingle :: tyl' ->
+ if fr >= 8 then [] else begin
+ let sr = find_single used 0 in
+ assert (sr < 16);
+ (fr, Single, sr) :: fixup_actions used (fr + 1) tyl'
+ end
+ let rec fixup_outgoing oc = function
+ | [] -> 0
+ | (fr, Double, dr) :: act ->
+ if fr = dr then fixup_outgoing oc act else begin
+ fprintf oc " vmov.f64 d%d, d%d\n" dr fr;
+ 1 + fixup_outgoing oc act
+ end
+ | (fr, Single, sr) :: act ->
+ fprintf oc " vmov.f32 s%d, s%d\n" sr (2*fr);
+ 1 + fixup_outgoing oc act
+ let rec fixup_incoming oc = function
+ | [] -> 0
+ | (fr, Double, dr) :: act ->
+ let n = fixup_incoming oc act in
+ if fr = dr then n else begin
+ fprintf oc " vmov.f64 d%d, d%d\n" fr dr;
+ 1 + n
+ end
+ | (fr, Single, sr) :: act ->
+ let n = fixup_incoming oc act in
+ if fr = sr then n else begin
+ fprintf oc " vmov.f32 s%d, s%d\n" (2*fr) sr;
+ 1 + n
+ end
+ let fixup_arguments oc dir sg =
+ if sg.sig_cc.cc_vararg then
+ FixupEABI.fixup_arguments oc dir sg
+ else begin
+ let act = fixup_actions (Array.make 16 false) 0 sg.sig_args in
+ match dir with
+ | Outgoing -> fixup_outgoing oc act
+ | Incoming -> fixup_incoming oc act
+ end
+ let fixup_result oc dir sg =
+ if sg.sig_cc.cc_vararg then
+ FixupEABI.fixup_result oc dir sg
+ else
+ 0
+ end
+ let (fixup_arguments, fixup_result) =
+ match Opt.float_abi with
+ | Soft -> (FixupEABI.fixup_arguments, FixupEABI.fixup_result)
+ | Hard -> (FixupHF.fixup_arguments, FixupHF.fixup_result)
+(* Printing of instructions *)
+ let shift_op oc = function
+ | SOimm n -> fprintf oc "#%a" coqint n
+ | SOreg r -> ireg oc r
+ | SOlsl(r, n) -> fprintf oc "%a, lsl #%a" ireg r coqint n
+ | SOlsr(r, n) -> fprintf oc "%a, lsr #%a" ireg r coqint n
+ | SOasr(r, n) -> fprintf oc "%a, asr #%a" ireg r coqint n
+ | SOror(r, n) -> fprintf oc "%a, ror #%a" ireg r coqint n
+ let print_instruction oc = function
+ (* Core instructions *)
+ | Padd(r1, r2, so) ->
+ fprintf oc " add%s %a, %a, %a\n"
+ (if !Clflags.option_mthumb && r2 <> IR14 then "s" else "")
+ ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1
+ | Pand(r1, r2, so) ->
+ fprintf oc " and%t %a, %a, %a\n"
+ thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1
+ | Pasr(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " asr%t %a, %a, %a\n"
+ thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3; 1
+ | Pb lbl ->
+ fprintf oc " b %a\n" print_label lbl; 1
+ | Pbc(bit, lbl) ->
+ fprintf oc " b%s %a\n" (condition_name bit) print_label lbl; 1
+ | Pbsymb(id, sg) ->
+ let n = fixup_arguments oc Outgoing sg in
+ fprintf oc " b %a\n" symbol id;
+ n + 1
+ | Pbreg(r, sg) ->
+ let n =
+ if r = IR14
+ then fixup_result oc Outgoing sg
+ else fixup_arguments oc Outgoing sg in
+ fprintf oc " bx %a\n" ireg r;
+ n + 1
+ | Pblsymb(id, sg) ->
+ let n1 = fixup_arguments oc Outgoing sg in
+ fprintf oc " bl %a\n" symbol id;
+ let n2 = fixup_result oc Incoming sg in
+ n1 + 1 + n2
+ | Pblreg(r, sg) ->
+ let n1 = fixup_arguments oc Outgoing sg in
+ fprintf oc " blx %a\n" ireg r;
+ let n2 = fixup_result oc Incoming sg in
+ n1 + 1 + n2
+ | Pbic(r1, r2, so) ->
+ fprintf oc " bic%t %a, %a, %a\n"
+ thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1
+ | Pcmp(r1, so) ->
+ fprintf oc " cmp %a, %a\n" ireg r1 shift_op so; 1
+ | Peor(r1, r2, so) ->
+ fprintf oc " eor%t %a, %a, %a\n"
+ thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1
+ | Pldr(r1, r2, sa) | Pldr_a(r1, r2, sa) ->
+ fprintf oc " ldr %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op sa; 1
+ | Pldrb(r1, r2, sa) ->
+ fprintf oc " ldrb %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op sa; 1
+ | Pldrh(r1, r2, sa) ->
+ fprintf oc " ldrh %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op sa; 1
+ | Pldrsb(r1, r2, sa) ->
+ fprintf oc " ldrsb %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op sa; 1
+ | Pldrsh(r1, r2, sa) ->
+ fprintf oc " ldrsh %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op sa; 1
+ | Plsl(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lsl%t %a, %a, %a\n"
+ thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3; 1
+ | Plsr(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lsr%t %a, %a, %a\n"
+ thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3; 1
+ | Pmla(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
+ fprintf oc " mla %a, %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3 ireg r4; 1
+ | Pmov(r1, so) ->
+ fprintf oc " mov%t %a, %a\n" thumbS ireg r1 shift_op so; 1
+ | Pmovw(r1, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " movw %a, #%a\n" ireg r1 coqint n; 1
+ | Pmovt(r1, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " movt %a, #%a\n" ireg r1 coqint n; 1
+ | Pmul(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " mul %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3; 1
+ | Pmvn(r1, so) ->
+ fprintf oc " mvn%t %a, %a\n" thumbS ireg r1 shift_op so; 1
+ | Porr(r1, r2, so) ->
+ fprintf oc " orr%t %a, %a, %a\n"
+ thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1
+ | Prsb(r1, r2, so) ->
+ fprintf oc " rsb%t %a, %a, %a\n"
+ thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1
+ | Pstr(r1, r2, sa) | Pstr_a(r1, r2, sa) ->
+ fprintf oc " str %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op sa;
+ begin match r1, r2, sa with
+ | IR14, IR13, SOimm n -> cfi_rel_offset oc "lr" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ 1
+ | Pstrb(r1, r2, sa) ->
+ fprintf oc " strb %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op sa; 1
+ | Pstrh(r1, r2, sa) ->
+ fprintf oc " strh %a, [%a, %a]\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op sa; 1
+ | Psdiv ->
+ if Opt.hardware_idiv then begin
+ fprintf oc " sdiv r0, r0, r1\n"; 1
+ end else begin
+ fprintf oc " bl __aeabi_idiv\n"; 1
+ end
+ | Psbfx(r1, r2, lsb, sz) ->
+ fprintf oc " sbfx %a, %a, #%a, #%a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 coqint lsb coqint sz; 1
+ | Psmull(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
+ fprintf oc " smull %a, %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3 ireg r4; 1
+ | Psub(r1, r2, so) ->
+ fprintf oc " sub%t %a, %a, %a\n"
+ thumbS ireg r1 ireg r2 shift_op so; 1
+ | Pudiv ->
+ if Opt.hardware_idiv then begin
+ fprintf oc " udiv r0, r0, r1\n"; 1
+ end else begin
+ fprintf oc " bl __aeabi_uidiv\n"; 1
+ end
+ | Pumull(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
+ fprintf oc " umull %a, %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3 ireg r4; 1
+ (* Floating-point VFD instructions *)
+ | Pfcpyd(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vmov.f64 %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2; 1
+ | Pfabsd(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vabs.f64 %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2; 1
+ | Pfnegd(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vneg.f64 %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2; 1
+ | Pfaddd(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " vadd.f64 %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3; 1
+ | Pfdivd(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " vdiv.f64 %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3; 1
+ | Pfmuld(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " vmul.f64 %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3; 1
+ | Pfsubd(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " vsub.f64 %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3; 1
+ | Pflid(r1, f) ->
+ let f = camlint64_of_coqint(Floats.Float.to_bits f) in
+ if Opt.vfpv3 && is_immediate_float64 f then begin
+ fprintf oc " vmov.f64 %a, #%F\n"
+ freg r1 (Int64.float_of_bits f); 1
+ (* immediate floats have at most 4 bits of fraction, so they
+ should print exactly with OCaml's F decimal format. *)
+ end else if !literals_in_code then begin
+ let lbl = label_float f in
+ fprintf oc " vldr %a, .L%d @ %.12g\n"
+ freg r1 lbl (Int64.float_of_bits f); 1
+ end else begin
+ let lbl = label_float f in
+ fprintf oc " movw r14, #:lower16:.L%d\n" lbl;
+ fprintf oc " movt r14, #:upper16:.L%d\n" lbl;
+ fprintf oc " vldr %a, [r14, #0] @ %.12g\n"
+ freg r1 (Int64.float_of_bits f); 3
+ end
+ | Pfcmpd(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vcmp.f64 %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2;
+ fprintf oc " vmrs APSR_nzcv, FPSCR\n"; 2
+ | Pfcmpzd(r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " vcmp.f64 %a, #0\n" freg r1;
+ fprintf oc " vmrs APSR_nzcv, FPSCR\n"; 2
+ | Pfsitod(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 ireg r2;
+ fprintf oc " vcvt.f64.s32 %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg_single r1; 2
+ | Pfuitod(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 ireg r2;
+ fprintf oc " vcvt.f64.u32 %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg_single r1; 2
+ | Pftosizd(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vcvt.s32.f64 %a, %a\n" freg_single FR6 freg r2;
+ fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" ireg r1 freg_single FR6; 2
+ | Pftouizd(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vcvt.u32.f64 %a, %a\n" freg_single FR6 freg r2;
+ fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" ireg r1 freg_single FR6; 2
+ | Pfabss(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vabs.f32 %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r2; 1
+ | Pfnegs(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vneg.f32 %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r2; 1
+ | Pfadds(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " vadd.f32 %a, %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r2 freg_single r3; 1
+ | Pfdivs(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " vdiv.f32 %a, %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r2 freg_single r3; 1
+ | Pfmuls(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " vmul.f32 %a, %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r2 freg_single r3; 1
+ | Pfsubs(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " vsub.f32 %a, %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r2 freg_single r3; 1
+ | Pflis(r1, f) ->
+ let f = camlint_of_coqint(Floats.Float32.to_bits f) in
+ if Opt.vfpv3 && is_immediate_float32 f then begin
+ fprintf oc " vmov.f32 %a, #%F\n"
+ freg_single r1 (Int32.float_of_bits f); 1
+ (* immediate floats have at most 4 bits of fraction, so they
+ should print exactly with OCaml's F decimal format. *)
+ end else if !literals_in_code then begin
+ let lbl = label_float32 f in
+ fprintf oc " vldr %a, .L%d @ %.12g\n"
+ freg_single r1 lbl (Int32.float_of_bits f); 1
+ end else begin
+ fprintf oc " movw r14, #%ld\n" (Int32.logand f 0xFFFFl);
+ fprintf oc " movt r14, #%ld\n" (Int32.shift_right_logical f 16);
+ fprintf oc " vmov %a, r14 @ %.12g\n"
+ freg_single r1 (Int32.float_of_bits f); 3
+ end
+ | Pfcmps(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vcmp.f32 %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r2;
+ fprintf oc " vmrs APSR_nzcv, FPSCR\n"; 2
+ | Pfcmpzs(r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " vcmp.f32 %a, #0\n" freg_single r1;
+ fprintf oc " vmrs APSR_nzcv, FPSCR\n"; 2
+ | Pfsitos(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 ireg r2;
+ fprintf oc " vcvt.f32.s32 %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r1; 2
+ | Pfuitos(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 ireg r2;
+ fprintf oc " vcvt.f32.u32 %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg_single r1; 2
+ | Pftosizs(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vcvt.s32.f32 %a, %a\n" freg_single FR6 freg_single r2;
+ fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" ireg r1 freg_single FR6; 2
+ | Pftouizs(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vcvt.u32.f32 %a, %a\n" freg_single FR6 freg_single r2;
+ fprintf oc " vmov %a, %a\n" ireg r1 freg_single FR6; 2
+ | Pfcvtsd(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vcvt.f32.f64 %a, %a\n" freg_single r1 freg r2; 1
+ | Pfcvtds(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " vcvt.f64.f32 %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg_single r2; 1
+ | Pfldd(r1, r2, n) | Pfldd_a(r1, r2, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " vldr %a, [%a, #%a]\n" freg r1 ireg r2 coqint n; 1
+ | Pflds(r1, r2, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " vldr %a, [%a, #%a]\n" freg_single r1 ireg r2 coqint n; 1
+ | Pfstd(r1, r2, n) | Pfstd_a(r1, r2, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " vstr %a, [%a, #%a]\n" freg r1 ireg r2 coqint n; 1
+ | Pfsts(r1, r2, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " vstr %a, [%a, #%a]\n" freg_single r1 ireg r2 coqint n; 1
+ (* Pseudo-instructions *)
+ | Pallocframe(sz, ofs) ->
+ fprintf oc " mov r12, sp\n";
+ if (!current_function_sig).sig_cc.cc_vararg then begin
+ fprintf oc " push {r0, r1, r2, r3}\n";
+ cfi_adjust oc 16l
+ end;
+ let sz' = camlint_of_coqint sz in
+ let ninstr = subimm oc "sp" "sp" sz in
+ cfi_adjust oc sz';
+ fprintf oc " str r12, [sp, #%a]\n" coqint ofs;
+ current_function_stacksize := sz';
+ ninstr + (if (!current_function_sig).sig_cc.cc_vararg then 3 else 2)
+ | Pfreeframe(sz, ofs) ->
+ let sz =
+ if (!current_function_sig).sig_cc.cc_vararg
+ then coqint_of_camlint (Int32.add 16l (camlint_of_coqint sz))
+ else sz in
+ if Asmgen.is_immed_arith sz
+ then fprintf oc " add sp, sp, #%a\n" coqint sz
+ else fprintf oc " ldr sp, [sp, #%a]\n" coqint ofs; 1
+ | Plabel lbl ->
+ fprintf oc "%a:\n" print_label lbl; 0
+ | Ploadsymbol(r1, id, ofs) ->
+ loadsymbol oc r1 id ofs
+ | Pmovite(cond, r1, ifso, ifnot) ->
+ fprintf oc " ite %s\n" (condition_name cond);
+ fprintf oc " mov%s %a, %a\n"
+ (condition_name cond) ireg r1 shift_op ifso;
+ fprintf oc " mov%s %a, %a\n"
+ (neg_condition_name cond) ireg r1 shift_op ifnot; 2
+ | Pbtbl(r, tbl) ->
+ if !Clflags.option_mthumb then begin
+ let lbl = new_label() in
+ fprintf oc " adr r14, .L%d\n" lbl;
+ fprintf oc " add r14, r14, %a, lsl #2\n" ireg r;
+ fprintf oc " mov pc, r14\n";
+ fprintf oc ".L%d:\n" lbl;
+ List.iter
+ (fun l -> fprintf oc " b.w %a\n" print_label l)
+ tbl;
+ 3 + List.length tbl
+ end else begin
+ fprintf oc " add pc, pc, %a, lsl #2\n" ireg r;
+ fprintf oc " nop\n";
+ List.iter
+ (fun l -> fprintf oc " b %a\n" print_label l)
+ tbl;
+ 2 + List.length tbl
+ end
+ | Pbuiltin(ef, args, res) ->
+ begin match ef with
+ | EF_builtin(name, sg) ->
+ print_builtin_inline oc (extern_atom name) args res
+ | EF_vload chunk ->
+ print_builtin_vload oc chunk args res
+ | EF_vstore chunk ->
+ print_builtin_vstore oc chunk args
+ | EF_vload_global(chunk, id, ofs) ->
+ print_builtin_vload_global oc chunk id ofs args res
+ | EF_vstore_global(chunk, id, ofs) ->
+ print_builtin_vstore_global oc chunk id ofs args
+ | EF_memcpy(sz, al) ->
+ print_builtin_memcpy oc (Int32.to_int (camlint_of_coqint sz))
+ (Int32.to_int (camlint_of_coqint al)) args
+ | EF_annot_val(txt, targ) ->
+ print_annot_val oc (extern_atom txt) args res
+ | EF_inline_asm txt ->
+ fprintf oc "%s begin inline assembly\n" comment;
+ fprintf oc " %s\n" (extern_atom txt);
+ fprintf oc "%s end inline assembly\n" comment;
+ 5 (* hoping this is an upper bound... *)
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ end
+ | Pannot(ef, args) ->
+ begin match ef with
+ | EF_annot(txt, targs) ->
+ print_annot_stmt oc (extern_atom txt) targs args; 0
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ end
+ let no_fallthrough = function
+ | Pb _ -> true
+ | Pbsymb _ -> true
+ | Pbreg _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let rec print_instructions oc instrs =
+ match instrs with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | i :: il ->
+ let n = print_instruction oc i in
+ currpos := !currpos + n * 4;
+ let d = distance_to_emit_constants() in
+ if d < 256 && no_fallthrough i then
+ emit_constants oc
+ else if d < 16 then begin
+ let lbl = new_label() in
+ fprintf oc " b .L%d\n" lbl;
+ emit_constants oc;
+ fprintf oc ".L%d:\n" lbl
+ end;
+ print_instructions oc il
+ let get_section_names name =
+ let (text, lit) =
+ match C2C.atom_sections name with
+ | t :: l :: _ -> (t, l)
+ | _ -> (Section_text, Section_literal) in
+ text,lit,Section_jumptable
+ let print_align oc alignment =
+ fprintf oc " .balign %d\n" alignment
+ let print_jumptable _ _ = ()
+ let cfi_startproc = cfi_startproc
+ let cfi_endproc = cfi_endproc
+ let print_optional_fun_info oc =
+ if !Clflags.option_mthumb then
+ fprintf oc " .thumb_func\n"
+ let print_fun_info = elf_print_fun_info
+ let print_var_info = elf_print_var_info
+ let print_comm_symb oc sz name align =
+ if C2C.atom_is_static name then
+ fprintf oc " .local %a\n" symbol name;
+ fprintf oc " .comm %a, %s, %d\n"
+ symbol name
+ (Z.to_string sz)
+ align
+ let print_instructions oc fn =
+ ignore (fixup_arguments oc Incoming fn.fn_sig);
+ print_instructions oc fn.fn_code;
+ if !literals_in_code then emit_constants oc
+ let emit_constants oc lit =
+ if not !literals_in_code && !size_constants > 0 then begin
+ section oc lit;
+ emit_constants oc
+ end
+(* Data *)
+ let print_init oc = function
+ | Init_int8 n ->
+ fprintf oc " .byte %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_int16 n ->
+ fprintf oc " .short %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_int32 n ->
+ fprintf oc " .word %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_int64 n ->
+ fprintf oc " .quad %Ld\n" (camlint64_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_float32 n ->
+ fprintf oc " .word 0x%lx %s %.15g \n" (camlint_of_coqint (Floats.Float32.to_bits n))
+ comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat n)
+ | Init_float64 n ->
+ fprintf oc " .quad %Ld %s %.18g\n" (camlint64_of_coqint (Floats.Float.to_bits n))
+ comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat n)
+ | Init_space n ->
+ if Z.gt n Z.zero then
+ fprintf oc " .space %s\n" (Z.to_string n)
+ | Init_addrof(symb, ofs) ->
+ fprintf oc " .word %a\n" symbol_offset (symb, ofs)
+ let print_prologue oc =
+ fprintf oc " .syntax unified\n";
+ fprintf oc " .arch %s\n"
+ (match Configuration.model with
+ | "armv6" -> "armv6"
+ | "armv7a" -> "armv7-a"
+ | "armv7r" -> "armv7-r"
+ | "armv7m" -> "armv7-m"
+ | _ -> "armv7");
+ fprintf oc " .fpu %s\n"
+ (if Opt.vfpv3 then "vfpv3-d16" else "vfpv2");
+ fprintf oc " .%s\n" (if !Clflags.option_mthumb then "thumb" else "arm")
+ let print_epilogue oc = ()
+ let default_falignment = 4
+ end
+let sel_target () =
+ let module S : PRINTER_OPTIONS = struct
+ let vfpv3 = Configuration.model >= "armv7"
+ let float_abi = match Configuration.abi with
+ | "eabi" -> Soft
+ | "hardfloat" -> Hard
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let hardware_idiv =
+ match Configuration.model with
+ | "armv7r" | "armv7m" -> !Clflags.option_mthumb
+ | _ -> false
+ end in
+ (module Target(S):TARGET)
diff --git a/backend/PrintAsm.ml b/backend/PrintAsm.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6883339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/PrintAsm.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* Bernhard Schommer, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+open AST
+open Asm
+open Camlcoq
+open Datatypes
+open PrintAsmaux
+open Printf
+open Sections
+open TargetPrinter
+module Printer(Target:TARGET) =
+ struct
+ let print_location oc loc =
+ if loc <> Cutil.no_loc then Target.print_file_line oc (fst loc) (snd loc)
+ let print_function oc name fn =
+ Hashtbl.clear current_function_labels;
+ Target.reset_constants ();
+ let (text, lit, jmptbl) = Target.get_section_names name in
+ Target.section oc text;
+ let alignment =
+ match !Clflags.option_falignfunctions with Some n -> n | None -> Target.default_falignment in
+ Target.print_align oc alignment;
+ if not (C2C.atom_is_static name) then
+ fprintf oc " .globl %a\n" Target.symbol name;
+ Target.print_optional_fun_info oc;
+ fprintf oc "%a:\n" Target.symbol name;
+ print_location oc (C2C.atom_location name);
+ Target.cfi_startproc oc;
+ Target.print_instructions oc fn;
+ Target.cfi_endproc oc;
+ Target.print_fun_info oc name;
+ Target.emit_constants oc lit;
+ Target.print_jumptable oc jmptbl
+ let print_init_data oc name id =
+ if Str.string_match PrintCsyntax.re_string_literal (extern_atom name) 0
+ && List.for_all (function Init_int8 _ -> true | _ -> false) id
+ then
+ fprintf oc " .ascii \"%s\"\n" (PrintCsyntax.string_of_init id)
+ else
+ List.iter (Target.print_init oc) id
+ let print_var oc name v =
+ match v.gvar_init with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | _ ->
+ let sec =
+ match C2C.atom_sections name with
+ | [s] -> s
+ | _ -> Section_data true
+ and align =
+ match C2C.atom_alignof name with
+ | Some a -> a
+ | None -> 8 in (* 8-alignment is a safe default *)
+ let name_sec = Target.name_of_section sec in
+ if name_sec <> "COMM" then begin
+ fprintf oc " %s\n" name_sec;
+ Target.print_align oc align;
+ if not (C2C.atom_is_static name) then
+ fprintf oc " .global %a\n" Target.symbol name;
+ fprintf oc "%a:\n" Target.symbol name;
+ print_init_data oc name v.gvar_init;
+ Target.print_var_info oc name;
+ end else
+ let sz =
+ match v.gvar_init with [Init_space sz] -> sz | _ -> assert false in
+ Target.print_comm_symb oc sz name align
+ let print_globdef oc (name,gdef) =
+ match gdef with
+ | Gfun (Internal code) -> print_function oc name code
+ | Gfun (External ef) -> ()
+ | Gvar v -> print_var oc name v
+ end
+let print_program oc p =
+ let module Target = (val (sel_target ()):TARGET) in
+ let module Printer = Printer(Target) in
+ PrintAnnot.reset_filenames ();
+ PrintAnnot.print_version_and_options oc Target.comment;
+ Target.print_prologue oc;
+ List.iter (Printer.print_globdef oc) p.prog_defs;
+ Target.print_epilogue oc;
+ PrintAnnot.close_filenames ()
diff --git a/powerpc/PrintAsm.mli b/backend/PrintAsm.mli
index aefe3a0a..eb63f1be 100644
--- a/powerpc/PrintAsm.mli
+++ b/backend/PrintAsm.mli
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* Bernhard Schommer, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH *)
(* *)
(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
@@ -10,4 +11,6 @@
(* *)
(* *********************************************************************)
+open PrintAsmaux
val print_program: out_channel -> Asm.program -> unit
diff --git a/backend/PrintAsmaux.ml b/backend/PrintAsmaux.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64db2cb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/PrintAsmaux.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* Bernhard Schommer, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+open AST
+open Asm
+open Camlcoq
+open Datatypes
+open Printf
+open Sections
+(** Auxiliary functions for printing of asm *)
+module type TARGET =
+ sig
+ val print_prologue: out_channel -> unit
+ val print_epilogue: out_channel -> unit
+ val print_align: out_channel -> int -> unit
+ val print_comm_symb: out_channel -> Z.t -> P.t -> int -> unit
+ val print_var_info: out_channel -> P.t -> unit
+ val print_fun_info: out_channel -> P.t -> unit
+ val print_init: out_channel -> init_data -> unit
+ val reset_constants: unit -> unit
+ val get_section_names: P.t -> section_name * section_name * section_name
+ val print_file_line: out_channel -> string -> int -> unit
+ val print_optional_fun_info: out_channel -> unit
+ val cfi_startproc: out_channel -> unit
+ val print_instructions: out_channel -> coq_function -> unit
+ val cfi_endproc: out_channel -> unit
+ val emit_constants: out_channel -> section_name -> unit
+ val print_jumptable: out_channel -> section_name -> unit
+ val section: out_channel -> section_name -> unit
+ val name_of_section: section_name -> string
+ val comment: string
+ val symbol: out_channel -> P.t -> unit
+ val default_falignment: int
+ end
+(* On-the-fly label renaming *)
+let next_label = ref 100
+let new_label () =
+ let lbl = !next_label in incr next_label; lbl
+let current_function_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (label, int) Hashtbl.t)
+let transl_label lbl =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find current_function_labels lbl
+ with Not_found ->
+ let lbl' = new_label() in
+ Hashtbl.add current_function_labels lbl lbl';
+ lbl'
+let elf_label oc lbl =
+ fprintf oc ".L%d" lbl
+(* List of literals and jumptables used in the code *)
+let float64_literals : (int * int64) list ref = ref []
+let float32_literals : (int * int32) list ref = ref []
+let jumptables : (int * label list) list ref = ref []
+let reset_constants () =
+ float64_literals := [];
+ float32_literals := [];
+ jumptables := []
+(* Variables used for the handling of varargs *)
+let current_function_stacksize = ref 0l
+let current_function_sig =
+ ref { sig_args = []; sig_res = None; sig_cc = cc_default }
+(* Functions for printing of symbol names *)
+let elf_symbol oc symb =
+ fprintf oc "%s" (extern_atom symb)
+let elf_symbol_offset oc (symb, ofs) =
+ elf_symbol oc symb;
+ let ofs = camlint_of_coqint ofs in
+ if ofs <> 0l then fprintf oc " + %ld" ofs
+(* Functions for fun and var info *)
+let elf_print_fun_info oc name =
+ fprintf oc " .type %a, @function\n" elf_symbol name;
+ fprintf oc " .size %a, . - %a\n" elf_symbol name elf_symbol name
+let elf_print_var_info oc name =
+ fprintf oc " .type %a, @object\n" elf_symbol name;
+ fprintf oc " .size %a, . - %a\n" elf_symbol name elf_symbol name
+(* Emit .cfi directives *)
+let cfi_startproc =
+ if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
+ (fun oc -> fprintf oc " .cfi_startproc\n")
+ else
+ (fun _ -> ())
+let cfi_endproc =
+ if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
+ (fun oc -> fprintf oc " .cfi_endproc\n")
+ else
+ (fun _ -> ())
+let cfi_adjust =
+ if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
+ (fun oc delta -> fprintf oc " .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset %ld\n" delta)
+ else
+ (fun _ _ -> ())
+let cfi_rel_offset =
+ if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
+ (fun oc reg ofs -> fprintf oc " .cfi_rel_offset %s, %ld\n" reg ofs)
+ else
+ (fun _ _ _ -> ())
+(* For handling of annotations *)
+let re_file_line = Str.regexp "#line:\\(.*\\):\\([1-9][0-9]*\\)$"
+(* Basic printing functions *)
+let coqint oc n =
+ fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
diff --git a/cfrontend/C2C.ml b/cfrontend/C2C.ml
index 0ccf569b..2b9a54a4 100644
--- a/cfrontend/C2C.ml
+++ b/cfrontend/C2C.ml
@@ -365,8 +365,10 @@ a constant)"; Integers.Int.zero in
| _ -> error "ill-formed __builtin_memcpy_aligned (4th argument must be
a constant)"; Integers.Int.one in
(* to check: sz1 > 0, al1 divides sz1, al1 = 1|2|4|8 *)
+ (* Issue #28: must decay array types to pointer types *)
Ebuiltin(EF_memcpy(sz1, al1),
- Tcons(typeof dst, Tcons(typeof src, Tnil)),
+ Tcons(typeconv(typeof dst),
+ Tcons(typeconv(typeof src), Tnil)),
Econs(dst, Econs(src, Enil)), Tvoid)
| _ ->
assert false
diff --git a/ia32/PrintAsm.ml b/ia32/PrintAsm.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ca51173..00000000
--- a/ia32/PrintAsm.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1067 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* Printing IA32 assembly code in asm syntax *)
-open Printf
-open Datatypes
-open Camlcoq
-open Sections
-open AST
-open Memdata
-open Asm
-module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
-(* Basic printing functions used in definition of the systems *)
-let int_reg_name = function
- | EAX -> "%eax" | EBX -> "%ebx" | ECX -> "%ecx" | EDX -> "%edx"
- | ESI -> "%esi" | EDI -> "%edi" | EBP -> "%ebp" | ESP -> "%esp"
-let int8_reg_name = function
- | EAX -> "%al" | EBX -> "%bl" | ECX -> "%cl" | EDX -> "%dl"
- | _ -> assert false
-let high_int8_reg_name = function
- | EAX -> "%ah" | EBX -> "%bh" | ECX -> "%ch" | EDX -> "%dh"
- | _ -> assert false
-let int16_reg_name = function
- | EAX -> "%ax" | EBX -> "%bx" | ECX -> "%cx" | EDX -> "%dx"
- | ESI -> "%si" | EDI -> "%di" | EBP -> "%bp" | ESP -> "%sp"
-let float_reg_name = function
- | XMM0 -> "%xmm0" | XMM1 -> "%xmm1" | XMM2 -> "%xmm2" | XMM3 -> "%xmm3"
- | XMM4 -> "%xmm4" | XMM5 -> "%xmm5" | XMM6 -> "%xmm6" | XMM7 -> "%xmm7"
-let ireg oc r = output_string oc (int_reg_name r)
-let ireg8 oc r = output_string oc (int8_reg_name r)
-let high_ireg8 oc r = output_string oc (high_int8_reg_name r)
-let ireg16 oc r = output_string oc (int16_reg_name r)
-let freg oc r = output_string oc (float_reg_name r)
-let preg oc = function
- | IR r -> ireg oc r
- | FR r -> freg oc r
- | _ -> assert false
-(* System dependend printer functions *)
-module type SYSTEM =
- sig
- val raw_symbol: out_channel -> string -> unit
- val symbol: out_channel -> P.t -> unit
- val label: out_channel -> int -> unit
- val name_of_section: section_name -> string
- val stack_alignment: int
- val print_align: out_channel -> int -> unit
- val print_mov_ra: out_channel -> ireg -> ident -> unit
- val print_fun_info: out_channel -> P.t -> unit
- val print_var_info: out_channel -> P.t -> unit
- val print_epilogue: out_channel -> unit
- val print_comm_decl: out_channel -> P.t -> Z.t -> int -> unit
- val print_lcomm_decl: out_channel -> P.t -> Z.t -> int -> unit
- end
-(* Printer functions for cygwin *)
-module Cygwin_System =
- (struct
- let raw_symbol oc s =
- fprintf oc "_%s" s
- let symbol oc symb =
- raw_symbol oc (extern_atom symb)
- let label oc lbl =
- fprintf oc "L%d" lbl
- let name_of_section = function
- | Section_text -> ".text"
- | Section_data i | Section_small_data i ->
- if i then ".data" else "COMM"
- | Section_const i | Section_small_const i ->
- if i then ".section .rdata,\"dr\"" else "COMM"
- | Section_string -> ".section .rdata,\"dr\""
- | Section_literal -> ".section .rdata,\"dr\""
- | Section_jumptable -> ".text"
- | Section_user(s, wr, ex) ->
- sprintf ".section \"%s\", \"%s\"\n"
- s (if ex then "xr" else if wr then "d" else "dr")
- let stack_alignment = 8 (* minimum is 4, 8 is better for perfs *)
- let print_align oc n =
- fprintf oc " .align %d\n" n
- let print_mov_ra oc rd id =
- fprintf oc " movl $%a, %a\n" symbol id ireg rd
- let print_fun_info _ _ = ()
- let print_var_info _ _ = ()
- let print_epilogue _ = ()
- let print_comm_decl oc name sz al =
- fprintf oc " .comm %a, %s, %d\n" symbol name (Z.to_string sz) al
- let print_lcomm_decl oc name sz al =
- fprintf oc " .local %a\n" symbol name;
- print_comm_decl oc name sz al
- end:SYSTEM)
-(* Printer functions for ELF *)
-module ELF_System =
- (struct
- let raw_symbol oc s =
- fprintf oc "%s" s
- let symbol oc symb =
- raw_symbol oc (extern_atom symb)
- let label oc lbl =
- fprintf oc ".L%d" lbl
- let name_of_section = function
- | Section_text -> ".text"
- | Section_data i | Section_small_data i ->
- if i then ".data" else "COMM"
- | Section_const i | Section_small_const i ->
- if i then ".section .rodata" else "COMM"
- | Section_string -> ".section .rodata"
- | Section_literal -> ".section .rodata.cst8,\"aM\",@progbits,8"
- | Section_jumptable -> ".text"
- | Section_user(s, wr, ex) ->
- sprintf ".section \"%s\",\"a%s%s\",@progbits"
- s (if wr then "w" else "") (if ex then "x" else "")
- let stack_alignment = 8 (* minimum is 4, 8 is better for perfs *)
- let print_align oc n =
- fprintf oc " .align %d\n" n
- let print_mov_ra oc rd id =
- fprintf oc " movl $%a, %a\n" symbol id ireg rd
- let print_fun_info oc name =
- fprintf oc " .type %a, @function\n" symbol name;
- fprintf oc " .size %a, . - %a\n" symbol name symbol name
- let print_var_info oc name =
- fprintf oc " .type %a, @object\n" symbol name;
- fprintf oc " .size %a, . - %a\n" symbol name symbol name
- let print_epilogue _ = ()
- let print_comm_decl oc name sz al =
- fprintf oc " .comm %a, %s, %d\n" symbol name (Z.to_string sz) al
- let print_lcomm_decl oc name sz al =
- fprintf oc " .local %a\n" symbol name;
- print_comm_decl oc name sz al
- end:SYSTEM)
-(* Printer functions for MacOS *)
-module MacOS_System =
- (struct
- let raw_symbol oc s =
- fprintf oc "_%s" s
- let symbol oc symb =
- raw_symbol oc (extern_atom symb)
- let label oc lbl =
- fprintf oc "L%d" lbl
- let name_of_section = function
- | Section_text -> ".text"
- | Section_data i | Section_small_data i ->
- if i then ".data" else "COMM"
- | Section_const i | Section_small_const i ->
- if i then ".const" else "COMM"
- | Section_string -> ".const"
- | Section_literal -> ".literal8"
- | Section_jumptable -> ".const"
- | Section_user(s, wr, ex) ->
- sprintf ".section \"%s\", %s, %s"
- (if wr then "__DATA" else "__TEXT") s
- (if ex then "regular, pure_instructions" else "regular")
- let stack_alignment = 16 (* mandatory *)
- (* Base-2 log of a Caml integer *)
- let rec log2 n =
- assert (n > 0);
- if n = 1 then 0 else 1 + log2 (n lsr 1)
- let print_align oc n =
- fprintf oc " .align %d\n" (log2 n)
- let indirect_symbols : StringSet.t ref = ref StringSet.empty
- let print_mov_ra oc rd id =
- let id = extern_atom id in
- indirect_symbols := StringSet.add id !indirect_symbols;
- fprintf oc " movl L%a$non_lazy_ptr, %a\n" raw_symbol id ireg rd
- let print_fun_info _ _ = ()
- let print_var_info _ _ = ()
- let print_epilogue oc =
- fprintf oc " .section __IMPORT,__pointers,non_lazy_symbol_pointers\n";
- StringSet.iter
- (fun s ->
- fprintf oc "L%a$non_lazy_ptr:\n" raw_symbol s;
- fprintf oc " .indirect_symbol %a\n" raw_symbol s;
- fprintf oc " .long 0\n")
- !indirect_symbols;
- indirect_symbols := StringSet.empty
- let print_comm_decl oc name sz al =
- fprintf oc " .comm %a, %s, %d\n"
- symbol name (Z.to_string sz) (log2 al)
- let print_lcomm_decl oc name sz al =
- fprintf oc " .lcomm %a, %s, %d\n"
- symbol name (Z.to_string sz) (log2 al)
- end:SYSTEM)
-module AsmPrinter(Target: SYSTEM) =
- (struct
- open Target
-(* On-the-fly label renaming *)
-let next_label = ref 100
-let new_label() =
- let lbl = !next_label in incr next_label; lbl
-let current_function_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (label, int) Hashtbl.t)
-let transl_label lbl =
- try
- Hashtbl.find current_function_labels lbl
- with Not_found ->
- let lbl' = new_label() in
- Hashtbl.add current_function_labels lbl lbl';
- lbl'
-(* Basic printing functions *)
-let comment = "#"
-let symbol_offset oc (symb, ofs) =
- symbol oc symb;
- if ofs <> 0l then fprintf oc " + %ld" ofs
-let coqint oc n =
- fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
-let addressing oc (Addrmode(base, shift, cst)) =
- begin match cst with
- | Coq_inl n ->
- let n = camlint_of_coqint n in
- fprintf oc "%ld" n
- | Coq_inr(id, ofs) ->
- let ofs = camlint_of_coqint ofs in
- if ofs = 0l
- then symbol oc id
- else fprintf oc "(%a + %ld)" symbol id ofs
- end;
- begin match base, shift with
- | None, None -> ()
- | Some r1, None -> fprintf oc "(%a)" ireg r1
- | None, Some(r2,sc) -> fprintf oc "(,%a,%a)" ireg r2 coqint sc
- | Some r1, Some(r2,sc) -> fprintf oc "(%a,%a,%a)" ireg r1 ireg r2 coqint sc
- end
-let name_of_condition = function
- | Cond_e -> "e" | Cond_ne -> "ne"
- | Cond_b -> "b" | Cond_be -> "be" | Cond_ae -> "ae" | Cond_a -> "a"
- | Cond_l -> "l" | Cond_le -> "le" | Cond_ge -> "ge" | Cond_g -> "g"
- | Cond_p -> "p" | Cond_np -> "np"
-let name_of_neg_condition = function
- | Cond_e -> "ne" | Cond_ne -> "e"
- | Cond_b -> "ae" | Cond_be -> "a" | Cond_ae -> "b" | Cond_a -> "be"
- | Cond_l -> "ge" | Cond_le -> "g" | Cond_ge -> "l" | Cond_g -> "le"
- | Cond_p -> "np" | Cond_np -> "p"
-(* Names of sections *)
-let section oc sec =
- fprintf oc " %s\n" (name_of_section sec)
-(* SP adjustment to allocate or free a stack frame *)
-let int32_align n a =
- if n >= 0l
- then Int32.logand (Int32.add n (Int32.of_int (a-1))) (Int32.of_int (-a))
- else Int32.logand n (Int32.of_int (-a))
-let sp_adjustment sz =
- let sz = camlint_of_coqint sz in
- (* Preserve proper alignment of the stack *)
- let sz = int32_align sz stack_alignment in
- (* The top 4 bytes have already been allocated by the "call" instruction. *)
- let sz = Int32.sub sz 4l in
- sz
-(* Base-2 log of a Caml integer *)
-let rec log2 n =
- assert (n > 0);
- if n = 1 then 0 else 1 + log2 (n lsr 1)
-(* Emit a align directive *)
-let need_masks = ref false
-(* Emit .file / .loc debugging directives *)
-let print_file_line oc file line =
- PrintAnnot.print_file_line oc comment file line
-let print_location oc loc =
- if loc <> Cutil.no_loc then print_file_line oc (fst loc) (snd loc)
-(* Emit .cfi directives *)
-let cfi_startproc oc =
- if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then fprintf oc " .cfi_startproc\n"
-let cfi_endproc oc =
- if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then fprintf oc " .cfi_endproc\n"
-let cfi_adjust oc delta =
- if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
- fprintf oc " .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset %ld\n" delta
-(* Built-in functions *)
-(* Built-ins. They come in two flavors:
- - annotation statements: take their arguments in registers or stack
- locations; generate no code;
- - inlined by the compiler: take their arguments in arbitrary
- registers; preserve all registers except ECX, EDX, XMM6 and XMM7. *)
-(* Handling of annotations *)
-let re_file_line = Str.regexp "#line:\\(.*\\):\\([1-9][0-9]*\\)$"
-let print_annot_stmt oc txt targs args =
- if Str.string_match re_file_line txt 0 then begin
- print_file_line oc (Str.matched_group 1 txt)
- (int_of_string (Str.matched_group 2 txt))
- end else begin
- fprintf oc "%s annotation: " comment;
- PrintAnnot.print_annot_stmt preg "ESP" oc txt targs args
- end
-let print_annot_val oc txt args res =
- fprintf oc "%s annotation: " comment;
- PrintAnnot.print_annot_val preg oc txt args;
- match args, res with
- | [IR src], [IR dst] ->
- if dst <> src then fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg src ireg dst
- | [FR src], [FR dst] ->
- if dst <> src then fprintf oc " movapd %a, %a\n" freg src freg dst
- | _, _ -> assert false
-(* Handling of memcpy *)
-(* Unaligned memory accesses are quite fast on IA32, so use large
- memory accesses regardless of alignment. *)
-let print_builtin_memcpy_small oc sz al src dst =
- assert (src = EDX && dst = EAX);
- let rec copy ofs sz =
- if sz >= 8 && !Clflags.option_ffpu then begin
- fprintf oc " movq %d(%a), %a\n" ofs ireg src freg XMM7;
- fprintf oc " movq %a, %d(%a)\n" freg XMM7 ofs ireg dst;
- copy (ofs + 8) (sz - 8)
- end else if sz >= 4 then begin
- fprintf oc " movl %d(%a), %a\n" ofs ireg src ireg ECX;
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %d(%a)\n" ireg ECX ofs ireg dst;
- copy (ofs + 4) (sz - 4)
- end else if sz >= 2 then begin
- fprintf oc " movw %d(%a), %a\n" ofs ireg src ireg16 ECX;
- fprintf oc " movw %a, %d(%a)\n" ireg16 ECX ofs ireg dst;
- copy (ofs + 2) (sz - 2)
- end else if sz >= 1 then begin
- fprintf oc " movb %d(%a), %a\n" ofs ireg src ireg8 ECX;
- fprintf oc " movb %a, %d(%a)\n" ireg8 ECX ofs ireg dst;
- copy (ofs + 1) (sz - 1)
- end in
- copy 0 sz
-let print_builtin_memcpy_big oc sz al src dst =
- assert (src = ESI && dst = EDI);
- fprintf oc " movl $%d, %a\n" (sz / 4) ireg ECX;
- fprintf oc " rep movsl\n";
- if sz mod 4 >= 2 then fprintf oc " movsw\n";
- if sz mod 2 >= 1 then fprintf oc " movsb\n"
-let print_builtin_memcpy oc sz al args =
- let (dst, src) =
- match args with [IR d; IR s] -> (d, s) | _ -> assert false in
- fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_memcpy_aligned, size = %d, alignment = %d\n"
- comment sz al;
- if sz <= 32
- then print_builtin_memcpy_small oc sz al src dst
- else print_builtin_memcpy_big oc sz al src dst;
- fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_memcpy_aligned\n" comment
-(* Handling of volatile reads and writes *)
-let offset_addressing (Addrmode(base, ofs, cst)) delta =
- Addrmode(base, ofs,
- match cst with
- | Coq_inl n -> Coq_inl(Integers.Int.add n delta)
- | Coq_inr(id, n) -> Coq_inr(id, Integers.Int.add n delta))
-let print_builtin_vload_common oc chunk addr res =
- match chunk, res with
- | Mint8unsigned, [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " movzbl %a, %a\n" addressing addr ireg res
- | Mint8signed, [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " movsbl %a, %a\n" addressing addr ireg res
- | Mint16unsigned, [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " movzwl %a, %a\n" addressing addr ireg res
- | Mint16signed, [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " movswl %a, %a\n" addressing addr ireg res
- | Mint32, [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" addressing addr ireg res
- | Mint64, [IR res1; IR res2] ->
- let addr' = offset_addressing addr (coqint_of_camlint 4l) in
- if not (Asmgen.addressing_mentions addr res2) then begin
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" addressing addr ireg res2;
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" addressing addr' ireg res1
- end else begin
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" addressing addr' ireg res1;
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" addressing addr ireg res2
- end
- | Mfloat32, [FR res] ->
- fprintf oc " movss %a, %a\n" addressing addr freg res
- | Mfloat64, [FR res] ->
- fprintf oc " movsd %a, %a\n" addressing addr freg res
- | _ ->
- assert false
-let print_builtin_vload oc chunk args res =
- fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment;
- begin match args with
- | [IR addr] ->
- print_builtin_vload_common oc chunk
- (Addrmode(Some addr, None, Coq_inl Integers.Int.zero)) res
- | _ ->
- assert false
- end;
- fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment
-let print_builtin_vload_global oc chunk id ofs args res =
- fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment;
- print_builtin_vload_common oc chunk
- (Addrmode(None, None, Coq_inr(id,ofs))) res;
- fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment
-let print_builtin_vstore_common oc chunk addr src tmp =
- match chunk, src with
- | (Mint8signed | Mint8unsigned), [IR src] ->
- if Asmgen.low_ireg src then
- fprintf oc " movb %a, %a\n" ireg8 src addressing addr
- else begin
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg src ireg tmp;
- fprintf oc " movb %a, %a\n" ireg8 tmp addressing addr
- end
- | (Mint16signed | Mint16unsigned), [IR src] ->
- fprintf oc " movw %a, %a\n" ireg16 src addressing addr
- | Mint32, [IR src] ->
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg src addressing addr
- | Mint64, [IR src1; IR src2] ->
- let addr' = offset_addressing addr (coqint_of_camlint 4l) in
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg src2 addressing addr;
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg src1 addressing addr'
- | Mfloat32, [FR src] ->
- fprintf oc " movss %a, %a\n" freg src addressing addr
- | Mfloat64, [FR src] ->
- fprintf oc " movsd %a, %a\n" freg src addressing addr
- | _ ->
- assert false
-let print_builtin_vstore oc chunk args =
- fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment;
- begin match args with
- | IR addr :: src ->
- print_builtin_vstore_common oc chunk
- (Addrmode(Some addr, None, Coq_inl Integers.Int.zero)) src
- (if addr = EAX then ECX else EAX)
- | _ ->
- assert false
- end;
- fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment
-let print_builtin_vstore_global oc chunk id ofs args =
- fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment;
- print_builtin_vstore_common oc chunk
- (Addrmode(None, None, Coq_inr(id,ofs))) args EAX;
- fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment
-(* Handling of varargs *)
-let current_function_stacksize = ref 0l
-let current_function_sig =
- ref { sig_args = []; sig_res = None; sig_cc = cc_default }
-let print_builtin_va_start oc r =
- if not (!current_function_sig).sig_cc.cc_vararg then
- invalid_arg "Fatal error: va_start used in non-vararg function";
- let ofs =
- Int32.(add (add !current_function_stacksize 4l)
- (mul 4l (Z.to_int32 (Conventions1.size_arguments
- !current_function_sig)))) in
- fprintf oc " movl %%esp, 0(%a)\n" ireg r;
- fprintf oc " addl $%ld, 0(%a)\n" ofs ireg r
-(* Handling of compiler-inlined builtins *)
-let print_builtin_inline oc name args res =
- fprintf oc "%s begin builtin %s\n" comment name;
- begin match name, args, res with
- (* Integer arithmetic *)
- | ("__builtin_bswap"| "__builtin_bswap32"), [IR a1], [IR res] ->
- if a1 <> res then
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg a1 ireg res;
- fprintf oc " bswap %a\n" ireg res
- | "__builtin_bswap16", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
- if a1 <> res then
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg a1 ireg res;
- fprintf oc " rolw $8, %a\n" ireg16 res
- | "__builtin_clz", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " bsrl %a, %a\n" ireg a1 ireg res;
- fprintf oc " xorl $31, %a\n" ireg res
- | "__builtin_ctz", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " bsfl %a, %a\n" ireg a1 ireg res
- (* Float arithmetic *)
- | "__builtin_fabs", [FR a1], [FR res] ->
- need_masks := true;
- if a1 <> res then
- fprintf oc " movapd %a, %a\n" freg a1 freg res;
- fprintf oc " andpd %a, %a\n" raw_symbol "__absd_mask" freg res
- | "__builtin_fsqrt", [FR a1], [FR res] ->
- fprintf oc " sqrtsd %a, %a\n" freg a1 freg res
- | "__builtin_fmax", [FR a1; FR a2], [FR res] ->
- if res = a1 then
- fprintf oc " maxsd %a, %a\n" freg a2 freg res
- else if res = a2 then
- fprintf oc " maxsd %a, %a\n" freg a1 freg res
- else begin
- fprintf oc " movapd %a, %a\n" freg a1 freg res;
- fprintf oc " maxsd %a, %a\n" freg a2 freg res
- end
- | "__builtin_fmin", [FR a1; FR a2], [FR res] ->
- if res = a1 then
- fprintf oc " minsd %a, %a\n" freg a2 freg res
- else if res = a2 then
- fprintf oc " minsd %a, %a\n" freg a1 freg res
- else begin
- fprintf oc " movapd %a, %a\n" freg a1 freg res;
- fprintf oc " minsd %a, %a\n" freg a2 freg res
- end
- | ("__builtin_fmadd"|"__builtin_fmsub"|"__builtin_fnmadd"|"__builtin_fnmsub"),
- [FR a1; FR a2; FR a3], [FR res] ->
- let opcode =
- match name with
- | "__builtin_fmadd" -> "vfmadd"
- | "__builtin_fmsub" -> "vfmsub"
- | "__builtin_fnmadd" -> "vfnmadd"
- | "__builtin_fnmsub" -> "vfnmsub"
- | _ -> assert false in
- if res = a1 then
- fprintf oc " %s132sd %a, %a, %a\n" opcode freg a2 freg a3 freg res
- else if res = a2 then
- fprintf oc " %s213sd %a, %a, %a\n" opcode freg a3 freg a1 freg res
- else if res = a3 then
- fprintf oc " %s231sd %a, %a, %a\n" opcode freg a1 freg a2 freg res
- else begin
- fprintf oc " movapd %a, %a\n" freg a3 freg res;
- fprintf oc " %s231sd %a, %a, %a\n" opcode freg a1 freg a2 freg res
- end
- (* 64-bit integer arithmetic *)
- | "__builtin_negl", [IR ah; IR al], [IR rh; IR rl] ->
- assert (ah = EDX && al = EAX && rh = EDX && rl = EAX);
- fprintf oc " negl %a\n" ireg EAX;
- fprintf oc " adcl $0, %a\n" ireg EDX;
- fprintf oc " negl %a\n" ireg EDX
- | "__builtin_addl", [IR ah; IR al; IR bh; IR bl], [IR rh; IR rl] ->
- assert (ah = EDX && al = EAX && bh = ECX && bl = EBX && rh = EDX && rl = EAX);
- fprintf oc " addl %a, %a\n" ireg EBX ireg EAX;
- fprintf oc " adcl %a, %a\n" ireg ECX ireg EDX
- | "__builtin_subl", [IR ah; IR al; IR bh; IR bl], [IR rh; IR rl] ->
- assert (ah = EDX && al = EAX && bh = ECX && bl = EBX && rh = EDX && rl = EAX);
- fprintf oc " subl %a, %a\n" ireg EBX ireg EAX;
- fprintf oc " sbbl %a, %a\n" ireg ECX ireg EDX
- | "__builtin_mull", [IR a; IR b], [IR rh; IR rl] ->
- assert (a = EAX && b = EDX && rh = EDX && rl = EAX);
- fprintf oc " mull %a\n" ireg EDX
- (* Memory accesses *)
- | "__builtin_read16_reversed", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " movzwl 0(%a), %a\n" ireg a1 ireg res;
- fprintf oc " rolw $8, %a\n" ireg16 res
- | "__builtin_read32_reversed", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
- fprintf oc " movl 0(%a), %a\n" ireg a1 ireg res;
- fprintf oc " bswap %a\n" ireg res
- | "__builtin_write16_reversed", [IR a1; IR a2], _ ->
- let tmp = if a1 = ECX then EDX else ECX in
- if a2 <> tmp then
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg a2 ireg tmp;
- fprintf oc " xchg %a, %a\n" ireg8 tmp high_ireg8 tmp;
- fprintf oc " movw %a, 0(%a)\n" ireg16 tmp ireg a1
- | "__builtin_write32_reversed", [IR a1; IR a2], _ ->
- let tmp = if a1 = ECX then EDX else ECX in
- if a2 <> tmp then
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg a2 ireg tmp;
- fprintf oc " bswap %a\n" ireg tmp;
- fprintf oc " movl %a, 0(%a)\n" ireg tmp ireg a1
- (* Synchronization *)
- | "__builtin_membar", [], _ ->
- ()
- (* Vararg stuff *)
- | "__builtin_va_start", [IR a], _ ->
- print_builtin_va_start oc a
- (* Catch-all *)
- | _ ->
- invalid_arg ("unrecognized builtin " ^ name)
- end;
- fprintf oc "%s end builtin %s\n" comment name
-(* Printing of instructions *)
-let float64_literals : (int * int64) list ref = ref []
-let float32_literals : (int * int32) list ref = ref []
-let jumptables : (int * label list) list ref = ref []
-(* Reminder on AT&T syntax: op source, dest *)
-let print_instruction oc = function
- (* Moves *)
- | Pmov_rr(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg rd
- | Pmov_ri(rd, n) ->
- fprintf oc " movl $%ld, %a\n" (camlint_of_coqint n) ireg rd
- | Pmov_ra(rd, id) ->
- print_mov_ra oc rd id
- | Pmov_rm(rd, a) | Pmov_rm_a(rd, a) ->
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" addressing a ireg rd
- | Pmov_mr(a, r1) | Pmov_mr_a(a, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg r1 addressing a
- | Pmovsd_ff(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " movapd %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
- | Pmovsd_fi(rd, n) ->
- let b = camlint64_of_coqint (Floats.Float.to_bits n) in
- let lbl = new_label() in
- fprintf oc " movsd %a, %a %s %.18g\n" label lbl freg rd comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat n);
- float64_literals := (lbl, b) :: !float64_literals
- | Pmovsd_fm(rd, a) | Pmovsd_fm_a(rd, a) ->
- fprintf oc " movsd %a, %a\n" addressing a freg rd
- | Pmovsd_mf(a, r1) | Pmovsd_mf_a(a, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " movsd %a, %a\n" freg r1 addressing a
- | Pmovss_fi(rd, n) ->
- let b = camlint_of_coqint (Floats.Float32.to_bits n) in
- let lbl = new_label() in
- fprintf oc " movss %a, %a %s %.18g\n" label lbl freg rd comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat32 n);
- float32_literals := (lbl, b) :: !float32_literals
- | Pmovss_fm(rd, a) ->
- fprintf oc " movss %a, %a\n" addressing a freg rd
- | Pmovss_mf(a, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " movss %a, %a\n" freg r1 addressing a
- | Pfldl_m(a) ->
- fprintf oc " fldl %a\n" addressing a
- | Pfstpl_m(a) ->
- fprintf oc " fstpl %a\n" addressing a
- | Pflds_m(a) ->
- fprintf oc " flds %a\n" addressing a
- | Pfstps_m(a) ->
- fprintf oc " fstps %a\n" addressing a
- | Pxchg_rr(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " xchgl %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
- (** Moves with conversion *)
- | Pmovb_mr(a, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " movb %a, %a\n" ireg8 r1 addressing a
- | Pmovw_mr(a, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " movw %a, %a\n" ireg16 r1 addressing a
- | Pmovzb_rr(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " movzbl %a, %a\n" ireg8 r1 ireg rd
- | Pmovzb_rm(rd, a) ->
- fprintf oc " movzbl %a, %a\n" addressing a ireg rd
- | Pmovsb_rr(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " movsbl %a, %a\n" ireg8 r1 ireg rd
- | Pmovsb_rm(rd, a) ->
- fprintf oc " movsbl %a, %a\n" addressing a ireg rd
- | Pmovzw_rr(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " movzwl %a, %a\n" ireg16 r1 ireg rd
- | Pmovzw_rm(rd, a) ->
- fprintf oc " movzwl %a, %a\n" addressing a ireg rd
- | Pmovsw_rr(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " movswl %a, %a\n" ireg16 r1 ireg rd
- | Pmovsw_rm(rd, a) ->
- fprintf oc " movswl %a, %a\n" addressing a ireg rd
- | Pcvtsd2ss_ff(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " cvtsd2ss %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
- | Pcvtss2sd_ff(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " cvtss2sd %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
- | Pcvttsd2si_rf(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " cvttsd2si %a, %a\n" freg r1 ireg rd
- | Pcvtsi2sd_fr(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " cvtsi2sd %a, %a\n" ireg r1 freg rd
- | Pcvttss2si_rf(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " cvttss2si %a, %a\n" freg r1 ireg rd
- | Pcvtsi2ss_fr(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " cvtsi2ss %a, %a\n" ireg r1 freg rd
- (** Arithmetic and logical operations over integers *)
- | Plea(rd, a) ->
- fprintf oc " leal %a, %a\n" addressing a ireg rd
- | Pneg(rd) ->
- fprintf oc " negl %a\n" ireg rd
- | Psub_rr(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " subl %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg rd
- | Pimul_rr(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " imull %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg rd
- | Pimul_ri(rd, n) ->
- fprintf oc " imull $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg rd
- | Pimul_r(r1) ->
- fprintf oc " imull %a\n" ireg r1
- | Pmul_r(r1) ->
- fprintf oc " mull %a\n" ireg r1
- | Pdiv(r1) ->
- fprintf oc " xorl %%edx, %%edx\n";
- fprintf oc " divl %a\n" ireg r1
- | Pidiv(r1) ->
- fprintf oc " cltd\n";
- fprintf oc " idivl %a\n" ireg r1
- | Pand_rr(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " andl %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg rd
- | Pand_ri(rd, n) ->
- fprintf oc " andl $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg rd
- | Por_rr(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " orl %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg rd
- | Por_ri(rd, n) ->
- fprintf oc " orl $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg rd
- | Pxor_r(rd) ->
- fprintf oc " xorl %a, %a\n" ireg rd ireg rd
- | Pxor_rr(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " xorl %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg rd
- | Pxor_ri(rd, n) ->
- fprintf oc " xorl $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg rd
- | Pnot(rd) ->
- fprintf oc " notl %a\n" ireg rd
- | Psal_rcl(rd) ->
- fprintf oc " sall %%cl, %a\n" ireg rd
- | Psal_ri(rd, n) ->
- fprintf oc " sall $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg rd
- | Pshr_rcl(rd) ->
- fprintf oc " shrl %%cl, %a\n" ireg rd
- | Pshr_ri(rd, n) ->
- fprintf oc " shrl $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg rd
- | Psar_rcl(rd) ->
- fprintf oc " sarl %%cl, %a\n" ireg rd
- | Psar_ri(rd, n) ->
- fprintf oc " sarl $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg rd
- | Pshld_ri(rd, r1, n) ->
- fprintf oc " shldl $%a, %a, %a\n" coqint n ireg r1 ireg rd
- | Pror_ri(rd, n) ->
- fprintf oc " rorl $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg rd
- | Pcmp_rr(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " cmpl %a, %a\n" ireg r2 ireg r1
- | Pcmp_ri(r1, n) ->
- fprintf oc " cmpl $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg r1
- | Ptest_rr(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " testl %a, %a\n" ireg r2 ireg r1
- | Ptest_ri(r1, n) ->
- fprintf oc " testl $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg r1
- | Pcmov(c, rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " cmov%s %a, %a\n" (name_of_condition c) ireg r1 ireg rd
- | Psetcc(c, rd) ->
- fprintf oc " set%s %a\n" (name_of_condition c) ireg8 rd;
- fprintf oc " movzbl %a, %a\n" ireg8 rd ireg rd
- (** Arithmetic operations over floats *)
- | Paddd_ff(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " addsd %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
- | Psubd_ff(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " subsd %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
- | Pmuld_ff(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " mulsd %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
- | Pdivd_ff(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " divsd %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
- | Pnegd (rd) ->
- need_masks := true;
- fprintf oc " xorpd %a, %a\n" raw_symbol "__negd_mask" freg rd
- | Pabsd (rd) ->
- need_masks := true;
- fprintf oc " andpd %a, %a\n" raw_symbol "__absd_mask" freg rd
- | Pcomisd_ff(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " comisd %a, %a\n" freg r2 freg r1
- | Pxorpd_f (rd) ->
- fprintf oc " xorpd %a, %a\n" freg rd freg rd
- | Padds_ff(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " addss %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
- | Psubs_ff(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " subss %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
- | Pmuls_ff(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " mulss %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
- | Pdivs_ff(rd, r1) ->
- fprintf oc " divss %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
- | Pnegs (rd) ->
- need_masks := true;
- fprintf oc " xorpd %a, %a\n" raw_symbol "__negs_mask" freg rd
- | Pabss (rd) ->
- need_masks := true;
- fprintf oc " andpd %a, %a\n" raw_symbol "__abss_mask" freg rd
- | Pcomiss_ff(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " comiss %a, %a\n" freg r2 freg r1
- | Pxorps_f (rd) ->
- fprintf oc " xorpd %a, %a\n" freg rd freg rd
- (** Branches and calls *)
- | Pjmp_l(l) ->
- fprintf oc " jmp %a\n" label (transl_label l)
- | Pjmp_s(f, sg) ->
- assert (not sg.sig_cc.cc_structret);
- fprintf oc " jmp %a\n" symbol f
- | Pjmp_r(r, sg) ->
- assert (not sg.sig_cc.cc_structret);
- fprintf oc " jmp *%a\n" ireg r
- | Pjcc(c, l) ->
- let l = transl_label l in
- fprintf oc " j%s %a\n" (name_of_condition c) label l
- | Pjcc2(c1, c2, l) ->
- let l = transl_label l in
- let l' = new_label() in
- fprintf oc " j%s %a\n" (name_of_neg_condition c1) label l';
- fprintf oc " j%s %a\n" (name_of_condition c2) label l;
- fprintf oc "%a:\n" label l'
- | Pjmptbl(r, tbl) ->
- let l = new_label() in
- fprintf oc " jmp *%a(, %a, 4)\n" label l ireg r;
- jumptables := (l, tbl) :: !jumptables
- | Pcall_s(f, sg) ->
- fprintf oc " call %a\n" symbol f;
- if sg.sig_cc.cc_structret then
- fprintf oc " pushl %%eax\n"
- | Pcall_r(r, sg) ->
- fprintf oc " call *%a\n" ireg r;
- if sg.sig_cc.cc_structret then
- fprintf oc " pushl %%eax\n"
- | Pret ->
- if (!current_function_sig).sig_cc.cc_structret then begin
- fprintf oc " movl 0(%%esp), %%eax\n";
- fprintf oc " ret $4\n"
- end else begin
- fprintf oc " ret\n"
- end
- (** Pseudo-instructions *)
- | Plabel(l) ->
- fprintf oc "%a:\n" label (transl_label l)
- | Pallocframe(sz, ofs_ra, ofs_link) ->
- let sz = sp_adjustment sz in
- let ofs_link = camlint_of_coqint ofs_link in
- fprintf oc " subl $%ld, %%esp\n" sz;
- cfi_adjust oc sz;
- fprintf oc " leal %ld(%%esp), %%edx\n" (Int32.add sz 4l);
- fprintf oc " movl %%edx, %ld(%%esp)\n" ofs_link;
- current_function_stacksize := sz
- | Pfreeframe(sz, ofs_ra, ofs_link) ->
- let sz = sp_adjustment sz in
- fprintf oc " addl $%ld, %%esp\n" sz
- | Pbuiltin(ef, args, res) ->
- begin match ef with
- | EF_builtin(name, sg) ->
- print_builtin_inline oc (extern_atom name) args res
- | EF_vload chunk ->
- print_builtin_vload oc chunk args res
- | EF_vstore chunk ->
- print_builtin_vstore oc chunk args
- | EF_vload_global(chunk, id, ofs) ->
- print_builtin_vload_global oc chunk id ofs args res
- | EF_vstore_global(chunk, id, ofs) ->
- print_builtin_vstore_global oc chunk id ofs args
- | EF_memcpy(sz, al) ->
- print_builtin_memcpy oc (Int32.to_int (camlint_of_coqint sz))
- (Int32.to_int (camlint_of_coqint al)) args
- | EF_annot_val(txt, targ) ->
- print_annot_val oc (extern_atom txt) args res
- | EF_inline_asm txt ->
- fprintf oc "%s begin inline assembly\n" comment;
- fprintf oc " %s\n" (extern_atom txt);
- fprintf oc "%s end inline assembly\n" comment
- | _ ->
- assert false
- end
- | Pannot(ef, args) ->
- begin match ef with
- | EF_annot(txt, targs) ->
- print_annot_stmt oc (extern_atom txt) targs args
- | _ ->
- assert false
- end
-let print_literal64 oc (lbl, n) =
- fprintf oc "%a: .quad 0x%Lx\n" label lbl n
-let print_literal32 oc (lbl, n) =
- fprintf oc "%a: .long 0x%lx\n" label lbl n
-let print_jumptable oc (lbl, tbl) =
- fprintf oc "%a:" label lbl;
- List.iter
- (fun l -> fprintf oc " .long %a\n" label (transl_label l))
- tbl
-let print_function oc name fn =
- Hashtbl.clear current_function_labels;
- float64_literals := []; float32_literals := [];
- jumptables := [];
- current_function_sig := fn.fn_sig;
- let (text, lit, jmptbl) =
- match C2C.atom_sections name with
- | [t;l;j] -> (t, l, j)
- | _ -> (Section_text, Section_literal, Section_jumptable) in
- section oc text;
- let alignment =
- match !Clflags.option_falignfunctions with Some n -> n | None -> 16 in
- print_align oc alignment;
- if not (C2C.atom_is_static name) then
- fprintf oc " .globl %a\n" symbol name;
- fprintf oc "%a:\n" symbol name;
- print_location oc (C2C.atom_location name);
- cfi_startproc oc;
- List.iter (print_instruction oc) fn.fn_code;
- cfi_endproc oc;
- print_fun_info oc name;
- if !float64_literals <> [] || !float32_literals <> [] then begin
- section oc lit;
- print_align oc 8;
- List.iter (print_literal64 oc) !float64_literals;
- float64_literals := [];
- List.iter (print_literal32 oc) !float32_literals;
- float32_literals := []
- end;
- if !jumptables <> [] then begin
- section oc jmptbl;
- print_align oc 4;
- List.iter (print_jumptable oc) !jumptables;
- jumptables := []
- end
-let print_init oc = function
- | Init_int8 n ->
- fprintf oc " .byte %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
- | Init_int16 n ->
- fprintf oc " .short %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
- | Init_int32 n ->
- fprintf oc " .long %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
- | Init_int64 n ->
- fprintf oc " .quad %Ld\n" (camlint64_of_coqint n)
- | Init_float32 n ->
- fprintf oc " .long %ld %s %.18g\n"
- (camlint_of_coqint (Floats.Float32.to_bits n))
- comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat n)
- | Init_float64 n ->
- fprintf oc " .quad %Ld %s %.18g\n"
- (camlint64_of_coqint (Floats.Float.to_bits n))
- comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat n)
- | Init_space n ->
- if Z.gt n Z.zero then
- fprintf oc " .space %s\n" (Z.to_string n)
- | Init_addrof(symb, ofs) ->
- fprintf oc " .long %a\n"
- symbol_offset (symb, camlint_of_coqint ofs)
-let print_init_data oc name id =
- if Str.string_match PrintCsyntax.re_string_literal (extern_atom name) 0
- && List.for_all (function Init_int8 _ -> true | _ -> false) id
- then
- fprintf oc " .ascii \"%s\"\n" (PrintCsyntax.string_of_init id)
- else
- List.iter (print_init oc) id
-let print_var oc name v =
- match v.gvar_init with
- | [] -> ()
- | _ ->
- let sec =
- match C2C.atom_sections name with
- | [s] -> s
- | _ -> Section_data true
- and align =
- match C2C.atom_alignof name with
- | Some a -> a
- | None -> 8 in (* 8-alignment is a safe default *)
- let name_sec =
- name_of_section sec in
- if name_sec <> "COMM" then begin
- fprintf oc " %s\n" name_sec;
- print_align oc align;
- if not (C2C.atom_is_static name) then
- fprintf oc " .globl %a\n" symbol name;
- fprintf oc "%a:\n" symbol name;
- print_init_data oc name v.gvar_init;
- print_var_info oc name
- end else begin
- let sz =
- match v.gvar_init with [Init_space sz] -> sz | _ -> assert false in
- if C2C.atom_is_static name
- then Target.print_lcomm_decl oc name sz align
- else Target.print_comm_decl oc name sz align
- end
-let print_globdef oc (name, gdef) =
- match gdef with
- | Gfun(Internal code) -> print_function oc name code
- | Gfun(External ef) -> ()
- | Gvar v -> print_var oc name v
-let print_program oc p =
- let module Target = (val (match Configuration.system with
- | "macosx" -> (module MacOS_System:SYSTEM)
- | "linux" | "bsd" -> (module ELF_System:SYSTEM)
- | "cygwin" -> (module Cygwin_System:SYSTEM)
- | _ -> invalid_arg ("System " ^ Configuration.system ^ " not supported")):SYSTEM) in
- let module Printer = AsmPrinter(Target) in
- PrintAnnot.print_version_and_options oc Printer.comment;
- PrintAnnot.reset_filenames();
- Printer.need_masks := false;
- List.iter (Printer.print_globdef oc) p.prog_defs;
- if !Printer.need_masks then begin
- Printer.section oc (Section_const true);
- (* not Section_literal because not 8-bytes *)
- Target.print_align oc 16;
- fprintf oc "%a: .quad 0x8000000000000000, 0\n"
- Target.raw_symbol "__negd_mask";
- fprintf oc "%a: .quad 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\n"
- Target.raw_symbol "__absd_mask";
- fprintf oc "%a: .long 0x80000000, 0, 0, 0\n"
- Target.raw_symbol "__negs_mask";
- fprintf oc "%a: .long 0x7FFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF\n"
- Target.raw_symbol "__abss_mask"
- end;
- Target.print_epilogue oc;
- PrintAnnot.close_filenames()
diff --git a/ia32/PrintAsm.mli b/ia32/PrintAsm.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index aefe3a0a..00000000
--- a/ia32/PrintAsm.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-val print_program: out_channel -> Asm.program -> unit
diff --git a/ia32/TargetPrinter.ml b/ia32/TargetPrinter.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5ce2899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ia32/TargetPrinter.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,993 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* Printing IA32 assembly code in asm syntax *)
+open Printf
+open Datatypes
+open Camlcoq
+open Sections
+open AST
+open Memdata
+open Asm
+open PrintAsmaux
+module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
+(* Basic printing functions used in definition of the systems *)
+let int_reg_name = function
+ | EAX -> "%eax" | EBX -> "%ebx" | ECX -> "%ecx" | EDX -> "%edx"
+ | ESI -> "%esi" | EDI -> "%edi" | EBP -> "%ebp" | ESP -> "%esp"
+let int8_reg_name = function
+ | EAX -> "%al" | EBX -> "%bl" | ECX -> "%cl" | EDX -> "%dl"
+ | _ -> assert false
+let high_int8_reg_name = function
+ | EAX -> "%ah" | EBX -> "%bh" | ECX -> "%ch" | EDX -> "%dh"
+ | _ -> assert false
+let int16_reg_name = function
+ | EAX -> "%ax" | EBX -> "%bx" | ECX -> "%cx" | EDX -> "%dx"
+ | ESI -> "%si" | EDI -> "%di" | EBP -> "%bp" | ESP -> "%sp"
+let float_reg_name = function
+ | XMM0 -> "%xmm0" | XMM1 -> "%xmm1" | XMM2 -> "%xmm2" | XMM3 -> "%xmm3"
+ | XMM4 -> "%xmm4" | XMM5 -> "%xmm5" | XMM6 -> "%xmm6" | XMM7 -> "%xmm7"
+let ireg oc r = output_string oc (int_reg_name r)
+let ireg8 oc r = output_string oc (int8_reg_name r)
+let high_ireg8 oc r = output_string oc (high_int8_reg_name r)
+let ireg16 oc r = output_string oc (int16_reg_name r)
+let freg oc r = output_string oc (float_reg_name r)
+let preg oc = function
+ | IR r -> ireg oc r
+ | FR r -> freg oc r
+ | _ -> assert false
+(* The comment deliminiter *)
+let comment = "#"
+(* System dependend printer functions *)
+module type SYSTEM =
+ sig
+ val raw_symbol: out_channel -> string -> unit
+ val symbol: out_channel -> P.t -> unit
+ val label: out_channel -> int -> unit
+ val name_of_section: section_name -> string
+ val stack_alignment: int
+ val print_align: out_channel -> int -> unit
+ val print_mov_ra: out_channel -> ireg -> ident -> unit
+ val print_fun_info: out_channel -> P.t -> unit
+ val print_var_info: out_channel -> P.t -> unit
+ val print_epilogue: out_channel -> unit
+ val print_comm_decl: out_channel -> P.t -> Z.t -> int -> unit
+ val print_lcomm_decl: out_channel -> P.t -> Z.t -> int -> unit
+ end
+(* Printer functions for cygwin *)
+module Cygwin_System : SYSTEM =
+ struct
+ let raw_symbol oc s =
+ fprintf oc "_%s" s
+ let symbol oc symb =
+ raw_symbol oc (extern_atom symb)
+ let label oc lbl =
+ fprintf oc "L%d" lbl
+ let name_of_section = function
+ | Section_text -> ".text"
+ | Section_data i | Section_small_data i ->
+ if i then ".data" else "COMM"
+ | Section_const i | Section_small_const i ->
+ if i then ".section .rdata,\"dr\"" else "COMM"
+ | Section_string -> ".section .rdata,\"dr\""
+ | Section_literal -> ".section .rdata,\"dr\""
+ | Section_jumptable -> ".text"
+ | Section_user(s, wr, ex) ->
+ sprintf ".section \"%s\", \"%s\"\n"
+ s (if ex then "xr" else if wr then "d" else "dr")
+ let stack_alignment = 8 (* minimum is 4, 8 is better for perfs *)
+ let print_align oc n =
+ fprintf oc " .align %d\n" n
+ let print_mov_ra oc rd id =
+ fprintf oc " movl $%a, %a\n" symbol id ireg rd
+ let print_fun_info _ _ = ()
+ let print_var_info _ _ = ()
+ let print_epilogue _ = ()
+ let print_comm_decl oc name sz al =
+ fprintf oc " .comm %a, %s, %d\n" symbol name (Z.to_string sz) al
+ let print_lcomm_decl oc name sz al =
+ fprintf oc " .local %a\n" symbol name;
+ print_comm_decl oc name sz al
+ end
+(* Printer functions for ELF *)
+module ELF_System : SYSTEM =
+ struct
+ let raw_symbol oc s =
+ fprintf oc "%s" s
+ let symbol = elf_symbol
+ let label = elf_label
+ let name_of_section = function
+ | Section_text -> ".text"
+ | Section_data i | Section_small_data i ->
+ if i then ".data" else "COMM"
+ | Section_const i | Section_small_const i ->
+ if i then ".section .rodata" else "COMM"
+ | Section_string -> ".section .rodata"
+ | Section_literal -> ".section .rodata.cst8,\"aM\",@progbits,8"
+ | Section_jumptable -> ".text"
+ | Section_user(s, wr, ex) ->
+ sprintf ".section \"%s\",\"a%s%s\",@progbits"
+ s (if wr then "w" else "") (if ex then "x" else "")
+ let stack_alignment = 8 (* minimum is 4, 8 is better for perfs *)
+ let print_align oc n =
+ fprintf oc " .align %d\n" n
+ let print_mov_ra oc rd id =
+ fprintf oc " movl $%a, %a\n" symbol id ireg rd
+ let print_fun_info = elf_print_fun_info
+ let print_var_info = elf_print_var_info
+ let print_epilogue _ = ()
+ let print_comm_decl oc name sz al =
+ fprintf oc " .comm %a, %s, %d\n" symbol name (Z.to_string sz) al
+ let print_lcomm_decl oc name sz al =
+ fprintf oc " .local %a\n" symbol name;
+ print_comm_decl oc name sz al
+ end
+(* Printer functions for MacOS *)
+module MacOS_System : SYSTEM =
+ struct
+ let raw_symbol oc s =
+ fprintf oc "_%s" s
+ let symbol oc symb =
+ raw_symbol oc (extern_atom symb)
+ let label oc lbl =
+ fprintf oc "L%d" lbl
+ let name_of_section = function
+ | Section_text -> ".text"
+ | Section_data i | Section_small_data i ->
+ if i then ".data" else "COMM"
+ | Section_const i | Section_small_const i ->
+ if i then ".const" else "COMM"
+ | Section_string -> ".const"
+ | Section_literal -> ".literal8"
+ | Section_jumptable -> ".const"
+ | Section_user(s, wr, ex) ->
+ sprintf ".section \"%s\", %s, %s"
+ (if wr then "__DATA" else "__TEXT") s
+ (if ex then "regular, pure_instructions" else "regular")
+ let stack_alignment = 16 (* mandatory *)
+ (* Base-2 log of a Caml integer *)
+ let rec log2 n =
+ assert (n > 0);
+ if n = 1 then 0 else 1 + log2 (n lsr 1)
+ let print_align oc n =
+ fprintf oc " .align %d\n" (log2 n)
+ let indirect_symbols : StringSet.t ref = ref StringSet.empty
+ let print_mov_ra oc rd id =
+ let id = extern_atom id in
+ indirect_symbols := StringSet.add id !indirect_symbols;
+ fprintf oc " movl L%a$non_lazy_ptr, %a\n" raw_symbol id ireg rd
+ let print_fun_info _ _ = ()
+ let print_var_info _ _ = ()
+ let print_epilogue oc =
+ fprintf oc " .section __IMPORT,__pointers,non_lazy_symbol_pointers\n";
+ StringSet.iter
+ (fun s ->
+ fprintf oc "L%a$non_lazy_ptr:\n" raw_symbol s;
+ fprintf oc " .indirect_symbol %a\n" raw_symbol s;
+ fprintf oc " .long 0\n")
+ !indirect_symbols;
+ indirect_symbols := StringSet.empty
+ let print_comm_decl oc name sz al =
+ fprintf oc " .comm %a, %s, %d\n"
+ symbol name (Z.to_string sz) (log2 al)
+ let print_lcomm_decl oc name sz al =
+ fprintf oc " .lcomm %a, %s, %d\n"
+ symbol name (Z.to_string sz) (log2 al)
+ end
+module Target(System: SYSTEM):TARGET =
+ struct
+ open System
+ let symbol = symbol
+(* Basic printing functions *)
+ let symbol_offset oc (symb, ofs) =
+ symbol oc symb;
+ if ofs <> 0l then fprintf oc " + %ld" ofs
+ let addressing oc (Addrmode(base, shift, cst)) =
+ begin match cst with
+ | Coq_inl n ->
+ let n = camlint_of_coqint n in
+ fprintf oc "%ld" n
+ | Coq_inr(id, ofs) ->
+ let ofs = camlint_of_coqint ofs in
+ if ofs = 0l
+ then symbol oc id
+ else fprintf oc "(%a + %ld)" symbol id ofs
+ end;
+ begin match base, shift with
+ | None, None -> ()
+ | Some r1, None -> fprintf oc "(%a)" ireg r1
+ | None, Some(r2,sc) -> fprintf oc "(,%a,%a)" ireg r2 coqint sc
+ | Some r1, Some(r2,sc) -> fprintf oc "(%a,%a,%a)" ireg r1 ireg r2 coqint sc
+ end
+ let name_of_condition = function
+ | Cond_e -> "e" | Cond_ne -> "ne"
+ | Cond_b -> "b" | Cond_be -> "be" | Cond_ae -> "ae" | Cond_a -> "a"
+ | Cond_l -> "l" | Cond_le -> "le" | Cond_ge -> "ge" | Cond_g -> "g"
+ | Cond_p -> "p" | Cond_np -> "np"
+ let name_of_neg_condition = function
+ | Cond_e -> "ne" | Cond_ne -> "e"
+ | Cond_b -> "ae" | Cond_be -> "a" | Cond_ae -> "b" | Cond_a -> "be"
+ | Cond_l -> "ge" | Cond_le -> "g" | Cond_ge -> "l" | Cond_g -> "le"
+ | Cond_p -> "np" | Cond_np -> "p"
+(* Names of sections *)
+ let section oc sec =
+ fprintf oc " %s\n" (name_of_section sec)
+(* SP adjustment to allocate or free a stack frame *)
+ let int32_align n a =
+ if n >= 0l
+ then Int32.logand (Int32.add n (Int32.of_int (a-1))) (Int32.of_int (-a))
+ else Int32.logand n (Int32.of_int (-a))
+ let sp_adjustment sz =
+ let sz = camlint_of_coqint sz in
+ (* Preserve proper alignment of the stack *)
+ let sz = int32_align sz stack_alignment in
+ (* The top 4 bytes have already been allocated by the "call" instruction. *)
+ let sz = Int32.sub sz 4l in
+ sz
+(* Base-2 log of a Caml integer *)
+ let rec log2 n =
+ assert (n > 0);
+ if n = 1 then 0 else 1 + log2 (n lsr 1)
+(* Emit a align directive *)
+ let need_masks = ref false
+(* Emit .file / .loc debugging directives *)
+ let print_file_line oc file line =
+ PrintAnnot.print_file_line oc comment file line
+ let print_location oc loc =
+ if loc <> Cutil.no_loc then print_file_line oc (fst loc) (snd loc)
+(* Built-in functions *)
+(* Built-ins. They come in two flavors:
+ - annotation statements: take their arguments in registers or stack
+ locations; generate no code;
+ - inlined by the compiler: take their arguments in arbitrary
+ registers; preserve all registers except ECX, EDX, XMM6 and XMM7. *)
+(* Handling of annotations *)
+ let print_annot_stmt oc txt targs args =
+ if Str.string_match re_file_line txt 0 then begin
+ print_file_line oc (Str.matched_group 1 txt)
+ (int_of_string (Str.matched_group 2 txt))
+ end else begin
+ fprintf oc "%s annotation: " comment;
+ PrintAnnot.print_annot_stmt preg "ESP" oc txt targs args
+ end
+ let print_annot_val oc txt args res =
+ fprintf oc "%s annotation: " comment;
+ PrintAnnot.print_annot_val preg oc txt args;
+ match args, res with
+ | [IR src], [IR dst] ->
+ if dst <> src then fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg src ireg dst
+ | [FR src], [FR dst] ->
+ if dst <> src then fprintf oc " movapd %a, %a\n" freg src freg dst
+ | _, _ -> assert false
+(* Handling of memcpy *)
+(* Unaligned memory accesses are quite fast on IA32, so use large
+ memory accesses regardless of alignment. *)
+ let print_builtin_memcpy_small oc sz al src dst =
+ assert (src = EDX && dst = EAX);
+ let rec copy ofs sz =
+ if sz >= 8 && !Clflags.option_ffpu then begin
+ fprintf oc " movq %d(%a), %a\n" ofs ireg src freg XMM7;
+ fprintf oc " movq %a, %d(%a)\n" freg XMM7 ofs ireg dst;
+ copy (ofs + 8) (sz - 8)
+ end else if sz >= 4 then begin
+ fprintf oc " movl %d(%a), %a\n" ofs ireg src ireg ECX;
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %d(%a)\n" ireg ECX ofs ireg dst;
+ copy (ofs + 4) (sz - 4)
+ end else if sz >= 2 then begin
+ fprintf oc " movw %d(%a), %a\n" ofs ireg src ireg16 ECX;
+ fprintf oc " movw %a, %d(%a)\n" ireg16 ECX ofs ireg dst;
+ copy (ofs + 2) (sz - 2)
+ end else if sz >= 1 then begin
+ fprintf oc " movb %d(%a), %a\n" ofs ireg src ireg8 ECX;
+ fprintf oc " movb %a, %d(%a)\n" ireg8 ECX ofs ireg dst;
+ copy (ofs + 1) (sz - 1)
+ end in
+ copy 0 sz
+ let print_builtin_memcpy_big oc sz al src dst =
+ assert (src = ESI && dst = EDI);
+ fprintf oc " movl $%d, %a\n" (sz / 4) ireg ECX;
+ fprintf oc " rep movsl\n";
+ if sz mod 4 >= 2 then fprintf oc " movsw\n";
+ if sz mod 2 >= 1 then fprintf oc " movsb\n"
+ let print_builtin_memcpy oc sz al args =
+ let (dst, src) =
+ match args with [IR d; IR s] -> (d, s) | _ -> assert false in
+ fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_memcpy_aligned, size = %d, alignment = %d\n"
+ comment sz al;
+ if sz <= 32
+ then print_builtin_memcpy_small oc sz al src dst
+ else print_builtin_memcpy_big oc sz al src dst;
+ fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_memcpy_aligned\n" comment
+(* Handling of volatile reads and writes *)
+ let offset_addressing (Addrmode(base, ofs, cst)) delta =
+ Addrmode(base, ofs,
+ match cst with
+ | Coq_inl n -> Coq_inl(Integers.Int.add n delta)
+ | Coq_inr(id, n) -> Coq_inr(id, Integers.Int.add n delta))
+ let print_builtin_vload_common oc chunk addr res =
+ match chunk, res with
+ | Mint8unsigned, [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " movzbl %a, %a\n" addressing addr ireg res
+ | Mint8signed, [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " movsbl %a, %a\n" addressing addr ireg res
+ | Mint16unsigned, [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " movzwl %a, %a\n" addressing addr ireg res
+ | Mint16signed, [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " movswl %a, %a\n" addressing addr ireg res
+ | Mint32, [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" addressing addr ireg res
+ | Mint64, [IR res1; IR res2] ->
+ let addr' = offset_addressing addr (coqint_of_camlint 4l) in
+ if not (Asmgen.addressing_mentions addr res2) then begin
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" addressing addr ireg res2;
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" addressing addr' ireg res1
+ end else begin
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" addressing addr' ireg res1;
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" addressing addr ireg res2
+ end
+ | Mfloat32, [FR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " movss %a, %a\n" addressing addr freg res
+ | Mfloat64, [FR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " movsd %a, %a\n" addressing addr freg res
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ let print_builtin_vload oc chunk args res =
+ fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment;
+ begin match args with
+ | [IR addr] ->
+ print_builtin_vload_common oc chunk
+ (Addrmode(Some addr, None, Coq_inl Integers.Int.zero)) res
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ end;
+ fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment
+ let print_builtin_vload_global oc chunk id ofs args res =
+ fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment;
+ print_builtin_vload_common oc chunk
+ (Addrmode(None, None, Coq_inr(id,ofs))) res;
+ fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_read\n" comment
+ let print_builtin_vstore_common oc chunk addr src tmp =
+ match chunk, src with
+ | (Mint8signed | Mint8unsigned), [IR src] ->
+ if Asmgen.low_ireg src then
+ fprintf oc " movb %a, %a\n" ireg8 src addressing addr
+ else begin
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg src ireg tmp;
+ fprintf oc " movb %a, %a\n" ireg8 tmp addressing addr
+ end
+ | (Mint16signed | Mint16unsigned), [IR src] ->
+ fprintf oc " movw %a, %a\n" ireg16 src addressing addr
+ | Mint32, [IR src] ->
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg src addressing addr
+ | Mint64, [IR src1; IR src2] ->
+ let addr' = offset_addressing addr (coqint_of_camlint 4l) in
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg src2 addressing addr;
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg src1 addressing addr'
+ | Mfloat32, [FR src] ->
+ fprintf oc " movss %a, %a\n" freg src addressing addr
+ | Mfloat64, [FR src] ->
+ fprintf oc " movsd %a, %a\n" freg src addressing addr
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ let print_builtin_vstore oc chunk args =
+ fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment;
+ begin match args with
+ | IR addr :: src ->
+ print_builtin_vstore_common oc chunk
+ (Addrmode(Some addr, None, Coq_inl Integers.Int.zero)) src
+ (if addr = EAX then ECX else EAX)
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ end;
+ fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment
+ let print_builtin_vstore_global oc chunk id ofs args =
+ fprintf oc "%s begin builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment;
+ print_builtin_vstore_common oc chunk
+ (Addrmode(None, None, Coq_inr(id,ofs))) args EAX;
+ fprintf oc "%s end builtin __builtin_volatile_write\n" comment
+(* Handling of varargs *)
+ let print_builtin_va_start oc r =
+ if not (!current_function_sig).sig_cc.cc_vararg then
+ invalid_arg "Fatal error: va_start used in non-vararg function";
+ let ofs =
+ Int32.(add (add !current_function_stacksize 4l)
+ (mul 4l (Z.to_int32 (Conventions1.size_arguments
+ !current_function_sig)))) in
+ fprintf oc " movl %%esp, 0(%a)\n" ireg r;
+ fprintf oc " addl $%ld, 0(%a)\n" ofs ireg r
+(* Handling of compiler-inlined builtins *)
+ let print_builtin_inline oc name args res =
+ fprintf oc "%s begin builtin %s\n" comment name;
+ begin match name, args, res with
+ (* Integer arithmetic *)
+ | ("__builtin_bswap"| "__builtin_bswap32"), [IR a1], [IR res] ->
+ if a1 <> res then
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg a1 ireg res;
+ fprintf oc " bswap %a\n" ireg res
+ | "__builtin_bswap16", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
+ if a1 <> res then
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg a1 ireg res;
+ fprintf oc " rolw $8, %a\n" ireg16 res
+ | "__builtin_clz", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " bsrl %a, %a\n" ireg a1 ireg res;
+ fprintf oc " xorl $31, %a\n" ireg res
+ | "__builtin_ctz", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " bsfl %a, %a\n" ireg a1 ireg res
+ (* Float arithmetic *)
+ | "__builtin_fabs", [FR a1], [FR res] ->
+ need_masks := true;
+ if a1 <> res then
+ fprintf oc " movapd %a, %a\n" freg a1 freg res;
+ fprintf oc " andpd %a, %a\n" raw_symbol "__absd_mask" freg res
+ | "__builtin_fsqrt", [FR a1], [FR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " sqrtsd %a, %a\n" freg a1 freg res
+ | "__builtin_fmax", [FR a1; FR a2], [FR res] ->
+ if res = a1 then
+ fprintf oc " maxsd %a, %a\n" freg a2 freg res
+ else if res = a2 then
+ fprintf oc " maxsd %a, %a\n" freg a1 freg res
+ else begin
+ fprintf oc " movapd %a, %a\n" freg a1 freg res;
+ fprintf oc " maxsd %a, %a\n" freg a2 freg res
+ end
+ | "__builtin_fmin", [FR a1; FR a2], [FR res] ->
+ if res = a1 then
+ fprintf oc " minsd %a, %a\n" freg a2 freg res
+ else if res = a2 then
+ fprintf oc " minsd %a, %a\n" freg a1 freg res
+ else begin
+ fprintf oc " movapd %a, %a\n" freg a1 freg res;
+ fprintf oc " minsd %a, %a\n" freg a2 freg res
+ end
+ | ("__builtin_fmadd"|"__builtin_fmsub"|"__builtin_fnmadd"|"__builtin_fnmsub"),
+ [FR a1; FR a2; FR a3], [FR res] ->
+ let opcode =
+ match name with
+ | "__builtin_fmadd" -> "vfmadd"
+ | "__builtin_fmsub" -> "vfmsub"
+ | "__builtin_fnmadd" -> "vfnmadd"
+ | "__builtin_fnmsub" -> "vfnmsub"
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ if res = a1 then
+ fprintf oc " %s132sd %a, %a, %a\n" opcode freg a2 freg a3 freg res
+ else if res = a2 then
+ fprintf oc " %s213sd %a, %a, %a\n" opcode freg a3 freg a1 freg res
+ else if res = a3 then
+ fprintf oc " %s231sd %a, %a, %a\n" opcode freg a1 freg a2 freg res
+ else begin
+ fprintf oc " movapd %a, %a\n" freg a3 freg res;
+ fprintf oc " %s231sd %a, %a, %a\n" opcode freg a1 freg a2 freg res
+ end
+ (* 64-bit integer arithmetic *)
+ | "__builtin_negl", [IR ah; IR al], [IR rh; IR rl] ->
+ assert (ah = EDX && al = EAX && rh = EDX && rl = EAX);
+ fprintf oc " negl %a\n" ireg EAX;
+ fprintf oc " adcl $0, %a\n" ireg EDX;
+ fprintf oc " negl %a\n" ireg EDX
+ | "__builtin_addl", [IR ah; IR al; IR bh; IR bl], [IR rh; IR rl] ->
+ assert (ah = EDX && al = EAX && bh = ECX && bl = EBX && rh = EDX && rl = EAX);
+ fprintf oc " addl %a, %a\n" ireg EBX ireg EAX;
+ fprintf oc " adcl %a, %a\n" ireg ECX ireg EDX
+ | "__builtin_subl", [IR ah; IR al; IR bh; IR bl], [IR rh; IR rl] ->
+ assert (ah = EDX && al = EAX && bh = ECX && bl = EBX && rh = EDX && rl = EAX);
+ fprintf oc " subl %a, %a\n" ireg EBX ireg EAX;
+ fprintf oc " sbbl %a, %a\n" ireg ECX ireg EDX
+ | "__builtin_mull", [IR a; IR b], [IR rh; IR rl] ->
+ assert (a = EAX && b = EDX && rh = EDX && rl = EAX);
+ fprintf oc " mull %a\n" ireg EDX
+ (* Memory accesses *)
+ | "__builtin_read16_reversed", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " movzwl 0(%a), %a\n" ireg a1 ireg res;
+ fprintf oc " rolw $8, %a\n" ireg16 res
+ | "__builtin_read32_reversed", [IR a1], [IR res] ->
+ fprintf oc " movl 0(%a), %a\n" ireg a1 ireg res;
+ fprintf oc " bswap %a\n" ireg res
+ | "__builtin_write16_reversed", [IR a1; IR a2], _ ->
+ let tmp = if a1 = ECX then EDX else ECX in
+ if a2 <> tmp then
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg a2 ireg tmp;
+ fprintf oc " xchg %a, %a\n" ireg8 tmp high_ireg8 tmp;
+ fprintf oc " movw %a, 0(%a)\n" ireg16 tmp ireg a1
+ | "__builtin_write32_reversed", [IR a1; IR a2], _ ->
+ let tmp = if a1 = ECX then EDX else ECX in
+ if a2 <> tmp then
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg a2 ireg tmp;
+ fprintf oc " bswap %a\n" ireg tmp;
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, 0(%a)\n" ireg tmp ireg a1
+ (* Synchronization *)
+ | "__builtin_membar", [], _ ->
+ ()
+ (* Vararg stuff *)
+ | "__builtin_va_start", [IR a], _ ->
+ print_builtin_va_start oc a
+ (* Catch-all *)
+ | _ ->
+ invalid_arg ("unrecognized builtin " ^ name)
+ end;
+ fprintf oc "%s end builtin %s\n" comment name
+(* Printing of instructions *)
+(* Reminder on AT&T syntax: op source, dest *)
+ let print_instruction oc = function
+ (* Moves *)
+ | Pmov_rr(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg rd
+ | Pmov_ri(rd, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " movl $%ld, %a\n" (camlint_of_coqint n) ireg rd
+ | Pmov_ra(rd, id) ->
+ print_mov_ra oc rd id
+ | Pmov_rm(rd, a) | Pmov_rm_a(rd, a) ->
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" addressing a ireg rd
+ | Pmov_mr(a, r1) | Pmov_mr_a(a, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " movl %a, %a\n" ireg r1 addressing a
+ | Pmovsd_ff(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " movapd %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
+ | Pmovsd_fi(rd, n) ->
+ let b = camlint64_of_coqint (Floats.Float.to_bits n) in
+ let lbl = new_label() in
+ fprintf oc " movsd %a, %a %s %.18g\n" label lbl freg rd comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat n);
+ float64_literals := (lbl, b) :: !float64_literals
+ | Pmovsd_fm(rd, a) | Pmovsd_fm_a(rd, a) ->
+ fprintf oc " movsd %a, %a\n" addressing a freg rd
+ | Pmovsd_mf(a, r1) | Pmovsd_mf_a(a, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " movsd %a, %a\n" freg r1 addressing a
+ | Pmovss_fi(rd, n) ->
+ let b = camlint_of_coqint (Floats.Float32.to_bits n) in
+ let lbl = new_label() in
+ fprintf oc " movss %a, %a %s %.18g\n" label lbl freg rd comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat32 n);
+ float32_literals := (lbl, b) :: !float32_literals
+ | Pmovss_fm(rd, a) ->
+ fprintf oc " movss %a, %a\n" addressing a freg rd
+ | Pmovss_mf(a, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " movss %a, %a\n" freg r1 addressing a
+ | Pfldl_m(a) ->
+ fprintf oc " fldl %a\n" addressing a
+ | Pfstpl_m(a) ->
+ fprintf oc " fstpl %a\n" addressing a
+ | Pflds_m(a) ->
+ fprintf oc " flds %a\n" addressing a
+ | Pfstps_m(a) ->
+ fprintf oc " fstps %a\n" addressing a
+ | Pxchg_rr(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " xchgl %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
+ (** Moves with conversion *)
+ | Pmovb_mr(a, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " movb %a, %a\n" ireg8 r1 addressing a
+ | Pmovw_mr(a, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " movw %a, %a\n" ireg16 r1 addressing a
+ | Pmovzb_rr(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " movzbl %a, %a\n" ireg8 r1 ireg rd
+ | Pmovzb_rm(rd, a) ->
+ fprintf oc " movzbl %a, %a\n" addressing a ireg rd
+ | Pmovsb_rr(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " movsbl %a, %a\n" ireg8 r1 ireg rd
+ | Pmovsb_rm(rd, a) ->
+ fprintf oc " movsbl %a, %a\n" addressing a ireg rd
+ | Pmovzw_rr(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " movzwl %a, %a\n" ireg16 r1 ireg rd
+ | Pmovzw_rm(rd, a) ->
+ fprintf oc " movzwl %a, %a\n" addressing a ireg rd
+ | Pmovsw_rr(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " movswl %a, %a\n" ireg16 r1 ireg rd
+ | Pmovsw_rm(rd, a) ->
+ fprintf oc " movswl %a, %a\n" addressing a ireg rd
+ | Pcvtsd2ss_ff(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " cvtsd2ss %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
+ | Pcvtss2sd_ff(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " cvtss2sd %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
+ | Pcvttsd2si_rf(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " cvttsd2si %a, %a\n" freg r1 ireg rd
+ | Pcvtsi2sd_fr(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " cvtsi2sd %a, %a\n" ireg r1 freg rd
+ | Pcvttss2si_rf(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " cvttss2si %a, %a\n" freg r1 ireg rd
+ | Pcvtsi2ss_fr(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " cvtsi2ss %a, %a\n" ireg r1 freg rd
+ (** Arithmetic and logical operations over integers *)
+ | Plea(rd, a) ->
+ fprintf oc " leal %a, %a\n" addressing a ireg rd
+ | Pneg(rd) ->
+ fprintf oc " negl %a\n" ireg rd
+ | Psub_rr(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " subl %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg rd
+ | Pimul_rr(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " imull %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg rd
+ | Pimul_ri(rd, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " imull $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg rd
+ | Pimul_r(r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " imull %a\n" ireg r1
+ | Pmul_r(r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " mull %a\n" ireg r1
+ | Pdiv(r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " xorl %%edx, %%edx\n";
+ fprintf oc " divl %a\n" ireg r1
+ | Pidiv(r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " cltd\n";
+ fprintf oc " idivl %a\n" ireg r1
+ | Pand_rr(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " andl %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg rd
+ | Pand_ri(rd, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " andl $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg rd
+ | Por_rr(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " orl %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg rd
+ | Por_ri(rd, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " orl $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg rd
+ | Pxor_r(rd) ->
+ fprintf oc " xorl %a, %a\n" ireg rd ireg rd
+ | Pxor_rr(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " xorl %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg rd
+ | Pxor_ri(rd, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " xorl $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg rd
+ | Pnot(rd) ->
+ fprintf oc " notl %a\n" ireg rd
+ | Psal_rcl(rd) ->
+ fprintf oc " sall %%cl, %a\n" ireg rd
+ | Psal_ri(rd, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " sall $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg rd
+ | Pshr_rcl(rd) ->
+ fprintf oc " shrl %%cl, %a\n" ireg rd
+ | Pshr_ri(rd, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " shrl $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg rd
+ | Psar_rcl(rd) ->
+ fprintf oc " sarl %%cl, %a\n" ireg rd
+ | Psar_ri(rd, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " sarl $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg rd
+ | Pshld_ri(rd, r1, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " shldl $%a, %a, %a\n" coqint n ireg r1 ireg rd
+ | Pror_ri(rd, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " rorl $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg rd
+ | Pcmp_rr(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " cmpl %a, %a\n" ireg r2 ireg r1
+ | Pcmp_ri(r1, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " cmpl $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg r1
+ | Ptest_rr(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " testl %a, %a\n" ireg r2 ireg r1
+ | Ptest_ri(r1, n) ->
+ fprintf oc " testl $%a, %a\n" coqint n ireg r1
+ | Pcmov(c, rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " cmov%s %a, %a\n" (name_of_condition c) ireg r1 ireg rd
+ | Psetcc(c, rd) ->
+ fprintf oc " set%s %a\n" (name_of_condition c) ireg8 rd;
+ fprintf oc " movzbl %a, %a\n" ireg8 rd ireg rd
+ (** Arithmetic operations over floats *)
+ | Paddd_ff(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " addsd %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
+ | Psubd_ff(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " subsd %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
+ | Pmuld_ff(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " mulsd %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
+ | Pdivd_ff(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " divsd %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
+ | Pnegd (rd) ->
+ need_masks := true;
+ fprintf oc " xorpd %a, %a\n" raw_symbol "__negd_mask" freg rd
+ | Pabsd (rd) ->
+ need_masks := true;
+ fprintf oc " andpd %a, %a\n" raw_symbol "__absd_mask" freg rd
+ | Pcomisd_ff(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " comisd %a, %a\n" freg r2 freg r1
+ | Pxorpd_f (rd) ->
+ fprintf oc " xorpd %a, %a\n" freg rd freg rd
+ | Padds_ff(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " addss %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
+ | Psubs_ff(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " subss %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
+ | Pmuls_ff(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " mulss %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
+ | Pdivs_ff(rd, r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " divss %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg rd
+ | Pnegs (rd) ->
+ need_masks := true;
+ fprintf oc " xorpd %a, %a\n" raw_symbol "__negs_mask" freg rd
+ | Pabss (rd) ->
+ need_masks := true;
+ fprintf oc " andpd %a, %a\n" raw_symbol "__abss_mask" freg rd
+ | Pcomiss_ff(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " comiss %a, %a\n" freg r2 freg r1
+ | Pxorps_f (rd) ->
+ fprintf oc " xorpd %a, %a\n" freg rd freg rd
+ (** Branches and calls *)
+ | Pjmp_l(l) ->
+ fprintf oc " jmp %a\n" label (transl_label l)
+ | Pjmp_s(f, sg) ->
+ assert (not sg.sig_cc.cc_structret);
+ fprintf oc " jmp %a\n" symbol f
+ | Pjmp_r(r, sg) ->
+ assert (not sg.sig_cc.cc_structret);
+ fprintf oc " jmp *%a\n" ireg r
+ | Pjcc(c, l) ->
+ let l = transl_label l in
+ fprintf oc " j%s %a\n" (name_of_condition c) label l
+ | Pjcc2(c1, c2, l) ->
+ let l = transl_label l in
+ let l' = new_label() in
+ fprintf oc " j%s %a\n" (name_of_neg_condition c1) label l';
+ fprintf oc " j%s %a\n" (name_of_condition c2) label l;
+ fprintf oc "%a:\n" label l'
+ | Pjmptbl(r, tbl) ->
+ let l = new_label() in
+ fprintf oc " jmp *%a(, %a, 4)\n" label l ireg r;
+ jumptables := (l, tbl) :: !jumptables
+ | Pcall_s(f, sg) ->
+ fprintf oc " call %a\n" symbol f;
+ if sg.sig_cc.cc_structret then
+ fprintf oc " pushl %%eax\n"
+ | Pcall_r(r, sg) ->
+ fprintf oc " call *%a\n" ireg r;
+ if sg.sig_cc.cc_structret then
+ fprintf oc " pushl %%eax\n"
+ | Pret ->
+ if (!current_function_sig).sig_cc.cc_structret then begin
+ fprintf oc " movl 0(%%esp), %%eax\n";
+ fprintf oc " ret $4\n"
+ end else begin
+ fprintf oc " ret\n"
+ end
+ (** Pseudo-instructions *)
+ | Plabel(l) ->
+ fprintf oc "%a:\n" label (transl_label l)
+ | Pallocframe(sz, ofs_ra, ofs_link) ->
+ let sz = sp_adjustment sz in
+ let ofs_link = camlint_of_coqint ofs_link in
+ fprintf oc " subl $%ld, %%esp\n" sz;
+ cfi_adjust oc sz;
+ fprintf oc " leal %ld(%%esp), %%edx\n" (Int32.add sz 4l);
+ fprintf oc " movl %%edx, %ld(%%esp)\n" ofs_link;
+ current_function_stacksize := sz
+ | Pfreeframe(sz, ofs_ra, ofs_link) ->
+ let sz = sp_adjustment sz in
+ fprintf oc " addl $%ld, %%esp\n" sz
+ | Pbuiltin(ef, args, res) ->
+ begin match ef with
+ | EF_builtin(name, sg) ->
+ print_builtin_inline oc (extern_atom name) args res
+ | EF_vload chunk ->
+ print_builtin_vload oc chunk args res
+ | EF_vstore chunk ->
+ print_builtin_vstore oc chunk args
+ | EF_vload_global(chunk, id, ofs) ->
+ print_builtin_vload_global oc chunk id ofs args res
+ | EF_vstore_global(chunk, id, ofs) ->
+ print_builtin_vstore_global oc chunk id ofs args
+ | EF_memcpy(sz, al) ->
+ print_builtin_memcpy oc (Int32.to_int (camlint_of_coqint sz))
+ (Int32.to_int (camlint_of_coqint al)) args
+ | EF_annot_val(txt, targ) ->
+ print_annot_val oc (extern_atom txt) args res
+ | EF_inline_asm txt ->
+ fprintf oc "%s begin inline assembly\n" comment;
+ fprintf oc " %s\n" (extern_atom txt);
+ fprintf oc "%s end inline assembly\n" comment
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ end
+ | Pannot(ef, args) ->
+ begin match ef with
+ | EF_annot(txt, targs) ->
+ print_annot_stmt oc (extern_atom txt) targs args
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ end
+ let print_literal64 oc (lbl, n) =
+ fprintf oc "%a: .quad 0x%Lx\n" label lbl n
+ let print_literal32 oc (lbl, n) =
+ fprintf oc "%a: .long 0x%lx\n" label lbl n
+ let print_jumptable oc jmptbl =
+ let print_jumptable oc (lbl, tbl) =
+ fprintf oc "%a:" label lbl;
+ List.iter
+ (fun l -> fprintf oc " .long %a\n" label (transl_label l))
+ tbl in
+ if !jumptables <> [] then begin
+ section oc jmptbl;
+ print_align oc 4;
+ List.iter (print_jumptable oc) !jumptables;
+ jumptables := []
+ end
+ let print_init oc = function
+ | Init_int8 n ->
+ fprintf oc " .byte %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_int16 n ->
+ fprintf oc " .short %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_int32 n ->
+ fprintf oc " .long %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_int64 n ->
+ fprintf oc " .quad %Ld\n" (camlint64_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_float32 n ->
+ fprintf oc " .long %ld %s %.18g\n"
+ (camlint_of_coqint (Floats.Float32.to_bits n))
+ comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat n)
+ | Init_float64 n ->
+ fprintf oc " .quad %Ld %s %.18g\n"
+ (camlint64_of_coqint (Floats.Float.to_bits n))
+ comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat n)
+ | Init_space n ->
+ if Z.gt n Z.zero then
+ fprintf oc " .space %s\n" (Z.to_string n)
+ | Init_addrof(symb, ofs) ->
+ fprintf oc " .long %a\n"
+ symbol_offset (symb, camlint_of_coqint ofs)
+ let print_align = print_align
+ let print_comm_symb oc sz name align =
+ if C2C.atom_is_static name
+ then System.print_lcomm_decl oc name sz align
+ else System.print_comm_decl oc name sz align
+ let name_of_section = name_of_section
+ let emit_constants oc lit =
+ if !float64_literals <> [] || !float32_literals <> [] then begin
+ section oc lit;
+ print_align oc 8;
+ List.iter (print_literal64 oc) !float64_literals;
+ float64_literals := [];
+ List.iter (print_literal32 oc) !float32_literals;
+ float32_literals := []
+ end
+ let cfi_startproc = cfi_startproc
+ let cfi_endproc = cfi_endproc
+ let print_instructions oc fn = List.iter (print_instruction oc) fn.fn_code
+ let print_optional_fun_info _ = ()
+ let get_section_names name =
+ match C2C.atom_sections name with
+ | [t;l;j] -> (t, l, j)
+ | _ -> (Section_text, Section_literal, Section_jumptable)
+ let reset_constants = reset_constants
+ let print_fun_info = print_fun_info
+ let print_var_info = print_var_info
+ let print_prologue _ =
+ need_masks := false
+ let print_epilogue oc =
+ if !need_masks then begin
+ section oc (Section_const true);
+ (* not Section_literal because not 8-bytes *)
+ print_align oc 16;
+ fprintf oc "%a: .quad 0x8000000000000000, 0\n"
+ raw_symbol "__negd_mask";
+ fprintf oc "%a: .quad 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\n"
+ raw_symbol "__absd_mask";
+ fprintf oc "%a: .long 0x80000000, 0, 0, 0\n"
+ raw_symbol "__negs_mask";
+ fprintf oc "%a: .long 0x7FFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF\n"
+ raw_symbol "__abss_mask"
+ end;
+ System.print_epilogue oc
+ let comment = comment
+ let default_falignment = 16
+let sel_target () =
+ let module S = (val (match Configuration.system with
+ | "macosx" -> (module MacOS_System:SYSTEM)
+ | "linux"
+ | "bsd" -> (module ELF_System:SYSTEM)
+ | "cygwin" -> (module Cygwin_System:SYSTEM)
+ | _ -> invalid_arg ("System " ^ Configuration.system ^ " not supported") ):SYSTEM) in
+ (module Target(S):TARGET)
diff --git a/powerpc/PrintAsm.ml b/powerpc/PrintAsm.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c4356ec..00000000
--- a/powerpc/PrintAsm.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,849 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* Printing PPC assembly code in asm syntax *)
-open Printf
-open Datatypes
-open Maps
-open Camlcoq
-open Sections
-open AST
-open Memdata
-open Asm
-(* Recognition of target ABI and asm syntax *)
-module type SYSTEM =
- sig
- val comment: string
- val constant: out_channel -> constant -> unit
- val ireg: out_channel -> ireg -> unit
- val freg: out_channel -> freg -> unit
- val creg: out_channel -> int -> unit
- val name_of_section: section_name -> string
- val print_file_line: out_channel -> string -> int -> unit
- val cfi_startproc: out_channel -> unit
- val cfi_endproc: out_channel -> unit
- val cfi_adjust: out_channel -> int32 -> unit
- val cfi_rel_offset: out_channel -> string -> int32 -> unit
- val print_prologue: out_channel -> unit
- end
-let symbol oc symb =
- fprintf oc "%s" (extern_atom symb)
-let symbol_offset oc (symb, ofs) =
- symbol oc symb;
- if ofs <> 0l then fprintf oc " + %ld" ofs
-let symbol_fragment oc s n op =
- fprintf oc "(%a)%s" symbol_offset (s, camlint_of_coqint n) op
-let int_reg_name = function
- | GPR0 -> "0" | GPR1 -> "1" | GPR2 -> "2" | GPR3 -> "3"
- | GPR4 -> "4" | GPR5 -> "5" | GPR6 -> "6" | GPR7 -> "7"
- | GPR8 -> "8" | GPR9 -> "9" | GPR10 -> "10" | GPR11 -> "11"
- | GPR12 -> "12" | GPR13 -> "13" | GPR14 -> "14" | GPR15 -> "15"
- | GPR16 -> "16" | GPR17 -> "17" | GPR18 -> "18" | GPR19 -> "19"
- | GPR20 -> "20" | GPR21 -> "21" | GPR22 -> "22" | GPR23 -> "23"
- | GPR24 -> "24" | GPR25 -> "25" | GPR26 -> "26" | GPR27 -> "27"
- | GPR28 -> "28" | GPR29 -> "29" | GPR30 -> "30" | GPR31 -> "31"
-let float_reg_name = function
- | FPR0 -> "0" | FPR1 -> "1" | FPR2 -> "2" | FPR3 -> "3"
- | FPR4 -> "4" | FPR5 -> "5" | FPR6 -> "6" | FPR7 -> "7"
- | FPR8 -> "8" | FPR9 -> "9" | FPR10 -> "10" | FPR11 -> "11"
- | FPR12 -> "12" | FPR13 -> "13" | FPR14 -> "14" | FPR15 -> "15"
- | FPR16 -> "16" | FPR17 -> "17" | FPR18 -> "18" | FPR19 -> "19"
- | FPR20 -> "20" | FPR21 -> "21" | FPR22 -> "22" | FPR23 -> "23"
- | FPR24 -> "24" | FPR25 -> "25" | FPR26 -> "26" | FPR27 -> "27"
- | FPR28 -> "28" | FPR29 -> "29" | FPR30 -> "30" | FPR31 -> "31"
-module Linux_System : SYSTEM =
- struct
- let comment = "#"
- let constant oc cst =
- match cst with
- | Cint n ->
- fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
- | Csymbol_low(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@l"
- | Csymbol_high(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@ha"
- | Csymbol_sda(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@sda21"
- (* 32-bit relative addressing is supported by the Diab tools but not by
- GNU binutils. In the latter case, for testing purposes, we treat
- them as absolute addressings. The default base register being GPR0,
- this produces correct code, albeit with absolute addresses. *)
- | Csymbol_rel_low(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@l"
- | Csymbol_rel_high(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@ha"
- let ireg oc r =
- output_string oc (int_reg_name r)
- let freg oc r =
- output_string oc (float_reg_name r)
- let creg oc r =
- fprintf oc "%d" r
- let name_of_section = function
- | Section_text -> ".text"
- | Section_data i ->
- if i then ".data" else "COMM"
- | Section_small_data i ->
- if i then ".section .sdata,\"aw\",@progbits" else "COMM"
- | Section_const i ->
- if i then ".rodata" else "COMM"
- | Section_small_const i ->
- if i then ".section .sdata2,\"a\",@progbits" else "COMM"
- | Section_string -> ".rodata"
- | Section_literal -> ".section .rodata.cst8,\"aM\",@progbits,8"
- | Section_jumptable -> ".text"
- | Section_user(s, wr, ex) ->
- sprintf ".section \"%s\",\"a%s%s\",@progbits"
- s (if wr then "w" else "") (if ex then "x" else "")
- let print_file_line oc file line =
- PrintAnnot.print_file_line oc comment file line
- (* Emit .cfi directives *)
- let cfi_startproc =
- if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
- (fun oc -> fprintf oc " .cfi_startproc\n")
- else
- (fun _ -> ())
- let cfi_endproc =
- if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
- (fun oc -> fprintf oc " .cfi_endproc\n")
- else
- (fun _ -> ())
- let cfi_adjust =
- if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
- (fun oc delta -> fprintf oc " .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset %ld\n" delta)
- else
- (fun _ _ -> ())
- let cfi_rel_offset =
- if Configuration.asm_supports_cfi then
- (fun oc reg ofs -> fprintf oc " .cfi_rel_offset %s, %ld\n" reg ofs)
- else
- (fun _ _ _ -> ())
- let print_prologue oc = ()
- end
-module Diab_System : SYSTEM =
- struct
- let comment = ";"
- let constant oc cst =
- match cst with
- | Cint n ->
- fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
- | Csymbol_low(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@l"
- | Csymbol_high(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@ha"
- | Csymbol_sda(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@sdarx"
- | Csymbol_rel_low(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@sdax@l"
- | Csymbol_rel_high(s, n) ->
- symbol_fragment oc s n "@sdarx@ha"
- let ireg oc r =
- output_char oc 'r';
- output_string oc (int_reg_name r)
- let freg oc r =
- output_char oc 'f';
- output_string oc (float_reg_name r)
- let creg oc r =
- fprintf oc "cr%d" r
- let name_of_section = function
- | Section_text -> ".text"
- | Section_data i -> if i then ".data" else "COMM"
- | Section_small_data i -> if i then ".sdata" else ".sbss"
- | Section_const _ -> ".text"
- | Section_small_const _ -> ".sdata2"
- | Section_string -> ".text"
- | Section_literal -> ".text"
- | Section_jumptable -> ".text"
- | Section_user(s, wr, ex) ->
- sprintf ".section \"%s\",,%c"
- s
- (match wr, ex with
- | true, true -> 'm' (* text+data *)
- | true, false -> 'd' (* data *)
- | false, true -> 'c' (* text *)
- | false, false -> 'r') (* const *)
- let print_file_line oc file line =
- PrintAnnot.print_file_line_d1 oc comment file line
- (* Emit .cfi directives *)
- let cfi_startproc oc = ()
- let cfi_endproc oc = ()
- let cfi_adjust oc delta = ()
- let cfi_rel_offset oc reg ofs = ()
- let print_prologue oc =
- fprintf oc " .xopt align-fill-text=0x60000000\n";
- if !Clflags.option_g then
- fprintf oc " .xopt asm-debug-on\n"
- end
-module AsmPrinter (Target : SYSTEM) =
- struct
- open Target
-(* On-the-fly label renaming *)
-let next_label = ref 100
-let new_label() =
- let lbl = !next_label in incr next_label; lbl
-let current_function_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (label, int) Hashtbl.t)
-let transl_label lbl =
- try
- Hashtbl.find current_function_labels lbl
- with Not_found ->
- let lbl' = new_label() in
- Hashtbl.add current_function_labels lbl lbl';
- lbl'
-(* Basic printing functions *)
-let coqint oc n =
- fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
-let raw_symbol oc s =
- fprintf oc "%s" s
-let label oc lbl =
- fprintf oc ".L%d" lbl
-let label_low oc lbl =
- fprintf oc ".L%d@l" lbl
-let label_high oc lbl =
- fprintf oc ".L%d@ha" lbl
-let num_crbit = function
- | CRbit_0 -> 0
- | CRbit_1 -> 1
- | CRbit_2 -> 2
- | CRbit_3 -> 3
- | CRbit_6 -> 6
-let crbit oc bit =
- fprintf oc "%d" (num_crbit bit)
-let ireg_or_zero oc r =
- if r = GPR0 then output_string oc "0" else ireg oc r
-let preg oc = function
- | IR r -> ireg oc r
- | FR r -> freg oc r
- | _ -> assert false
-let section oc sec =
- let name = name_of_section sec in
- assert (name <> "COMM");
- fprintf oc " %s\n" name
-let print_location oc loc =
- if loc <> Cutil.no_loc then print_file_line oc (fst loc) (snd loc)
-(* Encoding masks for rlwinm instructions *)
-let rolm_mask n =
- let mb = ref 0 (* location of last 0->1 transition *)
- and me = ref 32 (* location of last 1->0 transition *)
- and last = ref ((Int32.logand n 1l) <> 0l) (* last bit seen *)
- and count = ref 0 (* number of transitions *)
- and mask = ref 0x8000_0000l in
- for mx = 0 to 31 do
- if Int32.logand n !mask <> 0l then
- if !last then () else (incr count; mb := mx; last := true)
- else
- if !last then (incr count; me := mx; last := false) else ();
- mask := Int32.shift_right_logical !mask 1
- done;
- if !me = 0 then me := 32;
- assert (!count = 2 || (!count = 0 && !last));
- (!mb, !me-1)
-(* Handling of annotations *)
-let re_file_line = Str.regexp "#line:\\(.*\\):\\([1-9][0-9]*\\)$"
-let print_annot_stmt oc txt targs args =
- if Str.string_match re_file_line txt 0 then begin
- print_file_line oc (Str.matched_group 1 txt)
- (int_of_string (Str.matched_group 2 txt))
- end else begin
- fprintf oc "%s annotation: " comment;
- PrintAnnot.print_annot_stmt preg "R1" oc txt targs args
- end
-(* Determine if the displacement of a conditional branch fits the short form *)
-let short_cond_branch tbl pc lbl_dest =
- match PTree.get lbl_dest tbl with
- | None -> assert false
- | Some pc_dest ->
- let disp = pc_dest - pc in -0x2000 <= disp && disp < 0x2000
-(* Printing of instructions *)
-let float_literals : (int * int64) list ref = ref []
-let float32_literals : (int * int32) list ref = ref []
-let jumptables : (int * label list) list ref = ref []
-let print_instruction oc tbl pc fallthrough = function
- | Padd(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " add %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Paddc(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " addc %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Padde(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " adde %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Paddi(r1, r2, c) ->
- fprintf oc " addi %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg_or_zero r2 constant c
- | Paddic(r1, r2, c) ->
- fprintf oc " addic %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg_or_zero r2 constant c
- | Paddis(r1, r2, c) ->
- fprintf oc " addis %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg_or_zero r2 constant c
- | Paddze(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " addze %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
- | Pallocframe(sz, ofs) ->
- assert false
- | Pand_(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " and. %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pandc(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " andc %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pandi_(r1, r2, c) ->
- fprintf oc " andi. %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 constant c
- | Pandis_(r1, r2, c) ->
- fprintf oc " andis. %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 constant c
- | Pb lbl ->
- fprintf oc " b %a\n" label (transl_label lbl)
- | Pbctr sg ->
- fprintf oc " bctr\n"
- | Pbctrl sg ->
- fprintf oc " bctrl\n"
- | Pbdnz lbl ->
- fprintf oc " bdnz %a\n" label (transl_label lbl)
- | Pbf(bit, lbl) ->
- if !Clflags.option_faligncondbranchs > 0 then
- fprintf oc " .balign %d\n" !Clflags.option_faligncondbranchs;
- if short_cond_branch tbl pc lbl then
- fprintf oc " bf %a, %a\n" crbit bit label (transl_label lbl)
- else begin
- let next = new_label() in
- fprintf oc " bt %a, %a\n" crbit bit label next;
- fprintf oc " b %a\n" label (transl_label lbl);
- fprintf oc "%a:\n" label next
- end
- | Pbl(s, sg) ->
- fprintf oc " bl %a\n" symbol s
- | Pbs(s, sg) ->
- fprintf oc " b %a\n" symbol s
- | Pblr ->
- fprintf oc " blr\n"
- | Pbt(bit, lbl) ->
- if !Clflags.option_faligncondbranchs > 0 then
- fprintf oc " .balign %d\n" !Clflags.option_faligncondbranchs;
- if short_cond_branch tbl pc lbl then
- fprintf oc " bt %a, %a\n" crbit bit label (transl_label lbl)
- else begin
- let next = new_label() in
- fprintf oc " bf %a, %a\n" crbit bit label next;
- fprintf oc " b %a\n" label (transl_label lbl);
- fprintf oc "%a:\n" label next
- end
- | Pbtbl(r, tbl) ->
- let lbl = new_label() in
- fprintf oc "%s begin pseudoinstr btbl(%a)\n" comment ireg r;
- fprintf oc "%s jumptable [ " comment;
- List.iter (fun l -> fprintf oc "%a " label (transl_label l)) tbl;
- fprintf oc "]\n";
- fprintf oc " slwi %a, %a, 2\n" ireg GPR12 ireg r;
- fprintf oc " addis %a, %a, %a\n" ireg GPR12 ireg GPR12 label_high lbl;
- fprintf oc " lwz %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg GPR12 label_low lbl ireg GPR12;
- fprintf oc " mtctr %a\n" ireg GPR12;
- fprintf oc " bctr\n";
- jumptables := (lbl, tbl) :: !jumptables;
- fprintf oc "%s end pseudoinstr btbl\n" comment
- | Pcmplw(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " cmplw %a, %a, %a\n" creg 0 ireg r1 ireg r2
- | Pcmplwi(r1, c) ->
- fprintf oc " cmplwi %a, %a, %a\n" creg 0 ireg r1 constant c
- | Pcmpw(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " cmpw %a, %a, %a\n" creg 0 ireg r1 ireg r2
- | Pcmpwi(r1, c) ->
- fprintf oc " cmpwi %a, %a, %a\n" creg 0 ireg r1 constant c
- | Pcntlz(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " cntlz %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
- | Pcreqv(c1, c2, c3) ->
- fprintf oc " creqv %a, %a, %a\n" crbit c1 crbit c2 crbit c3
- | Pcror(c1, c2, c3) ->
- fprintf oc " cror %a, %a, %a\n" crbit c1 crbit c2 crbit c3
- | Pcrxor(c1, c2, c3) ->
- fprintf oc " crxor %a, %a, %a\n" crbit c1 crbit c2 crbit c3
- | Pdivw(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " divw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pdivwu(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " divwu %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Peieio ->
- fprintf oc " eieio\n"
- | Peqv(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " eqv %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pextsb(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " extsb %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
- | Pextsh(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " extsh %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
- | Pfreeframe(sz, ofs) ->
- assert false
- | Pfabs(r1, r2) | Pfabss(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " fabs %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
- | Pfadd(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " fadd %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
- | Pfadds(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " fadds %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
- | Pfcmpu(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " fcmpu %a, %a, %a\n" creg 0 freg r1 freg r2
- | Pfcti(r1, r2) ->
- assert false
- | Pfctiw(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " fctiw %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
- | Pfctiwz(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " fctiwz %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
- | Pfdiv(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " fdiv %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
- | Pfdivs(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " fdivs %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
- | Pfmake(rd, r1, r2) ->
- assert false
- | Pfmr(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " fmr %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
- | Pfmul(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " fmul %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
- | Pfmuls(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " fmuls %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
- | Pfneg(r1, r2) | Pfnegs(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " fneg %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
- | Pfrsp(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " frsp %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
- | Pfxdp(r1, r2) ->
- assert false
- | Pfsub(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " fsub %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
- | Pfsubs(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " fsubs %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
- | Pfmadd(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
- fprintf oc " fmadd %a, %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3 freg r4
- | Pfmsub(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
- fprintf oc " fmsub %a, %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3 freg r4
- | Pfnmadd(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
- fprintf oc " fnmadd %a, %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3 freg r4
- | Pfnmsub(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
- fprintf oc " fnmsub %a, %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3 freg r4
- | Pfsqrt(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " fsqrt %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
- | Pfrsqrte(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " frsqrte %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
- | Pfres(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " fres %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
- | Pfsel(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
- fprintf oc " fsel %a, %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3 freg r4
- | Pisync ->
- fprintf oc " isync\n"
- | Plbz(r1, c, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " lbz %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
- | Plbzx(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " lbzx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Plfd(r1, c, r2) | Plfd_a(r1, c, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " lfd %a, %a(%a)\n" freg r1 constant c ireg r2
- | Plfdx(r1, r2, r3) | Plfdx_a(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " lfdx %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Plfs(r1, c, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " lfs %a, %a(%a)\n" freg r1 constant c ireg r2
- | Plfsx(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " lfsx %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Plha(r1, c, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " lha %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
- | Plhax(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " lhax %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Plhbrx(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " lhbrx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Plhz(r1, c, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " lhz %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
- | Plhzx(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " lhzx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Plfi(r1, c) ->
- let lbl = new_label() in
- fprintf oc " addis %a, 0, %a\n" ireg GPR12 label_high lbl;
- fprintf oc " lfd %a, %a(%a) %s %.18g\n" freg r1 label_low lbl ireg GPR12 comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat c);
- float_literals := (lbl, camlint64_of_coqint (Floats.Float.to_bits c)) :: !float_literals;
- | Plfis(r1, c) ->
- let lbl = new_label() in
- fprintf oc " addis %a, 0, %a\n" ireg GPR12 label_high lbl;
- fprintf oc " lfs %a, %a(%a) %s %.18g\n" freg r1 label_low lbl ireg GPR12 comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat32 c);
- float32_literals := (lbl, camlint_of_coqint (Floats.Float32.to_bits c)) :: !float32_literals;
- | Plwarx(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " lwarx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Plwbrx(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " lwbrx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Plwz(r1, c, r2) | Plwz_a(r1, c, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " lwz %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
- | Plwzu(r1, c, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " lwzu %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
- | Plwzx(r1, r2, r3) | Plwzx_a(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " lwzx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pmfcr(r1) ->
- fprintf oc " mfcr %a\n" ireg r1
- | Pmfcrbit(r1, bit) ->
- assert false
- | Pmflr(r1) ->
- fprintf oc " mflr %a\n" ireg r1
- | Pmr(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " mr %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
- | Pmtctr(r1) ->
- fprintf oc " mtctr %a\n" ireg r1
- | Pmtlr(r1) ->
- fprintf oc " mtlr %a\n" ireg r1
- | Pmulli(r1, r2, c) ->
- fprintf oc " mulli %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 constant c
- | Pmullw(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " mullw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pmulhw(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " mulhw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pmulhwu(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " mulhwu %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pnand(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " nand %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pnor(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " nor %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Por(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " or %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Porc(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " orc %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pori(r1, r2, c) ->
- fprintf oc " ori %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 constant c
- | Poris(r1, r2, c) ->
- fprintf oc " oris %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 constant c
- | Prlwinm(r1, r2, c1, c2) ->
- let (mb, me) = rolm_mask (camlint_of_coqint c2) in
- fprintf oc " rlwinm %a, %a, %ld, %d, %d %s 0x%lx\n"
- ireg r1 ireg r2 (camlint_of_coqint c1) mb me
- comment (camlint_of_coqint c2)
- | Prlwimi(r1, r2, c1, c2) ->
- let (mb, me) = rolm_mask (camlint_of_coqint c2) in
- fprintf oc " rlwimi %a, %a, %ld, %d, %d %s 0x%lx\n"
- ireg r1 ireg r2 (camlint_of_coqint c1) mb me
- comment (camlint_of_coqint c2)
- | Pslw(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " slw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Psraw(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " sraw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Psrawi(r1, r2, c) ->
- fprintf oc " srawi %a, %a, %ld\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 (camlint_of_coqint c)
- | Psrw(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " srw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pstb(r1, c, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " stb %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
- | Pstbx(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " stbx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pstfd(r1, c, r2) | Pstfd_a(r1, c, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " stfd %a, %a(%a)\n" freg r1 constant c ireg r2
- | Pstfdu(r1, c, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " stfdu %a, %a(%a)\n" freg r1 constant c ireg r2
- | Pstfdx(r1, r2, r3) | Pstfdx_a(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " stfdx %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pstfs(r1, c, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " stfs %a, %a(%a)\n" freg r1 constant c ireg r2
- | Pstfsx(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " stfsx %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Psth(r1, c, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " sth %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
- | Psthx(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " sthx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Psthbrx(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " sthbrx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pstw(r1, c, r2) | Pstw_a(r1, c, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " stw %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
- | Pstwu(r1, c, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " stwu %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
- | Pstwx(r1, r2, r3) | Pstwx_a(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " stwx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pstwxu(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " stwxu %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pstwbrx(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " stwbrx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pstwcx_(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " stwcx. %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Psubfc(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " subfc %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Psubfe(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " subfe %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Psubfze(r1, r2) ->
- fprintf oc " subfze %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
- | Psubfic(r1, r2, c) ->
- fprintf oc " subfic %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 constant c
- | Psync ->
- fprintf oc " sync\n"
- | Ptrap ->
- fprintf oc " trap\n"
- | Pxor(r1, r2, r3) ->
- fprintf oc " xor %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
- | Pxori(r1, r2, c) ->
- fprintf oc " xori %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 constant c
- | Pxoris(r1, r2, c) ->
- fprintf oc " xoris %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 constant c
- | Plabel lbl ->
- if (not fallthrough) && !Clflags.option_falignbranchtargets > 0 then
- fprintf oc " .balign %d\n" !Clflags.option_falignbranchtargets;
- fprintf oc "%a:\n" label (transl_label lbl)
- | Pbuiltin(ef, args, res) ->
- begin match ef with
- | EF_inline_asm txt ->
- fprintf oc "%s begin inline assembly\n" comment;
- fprintf oc " %s\n" (extern_atom txt);
- fprintf oc "%s end inline assembly\n" comment
- | _ ->
- assert false
- end
- | Pannot(ef, args) ->
- begin match ef with
- | EF_annot(txt, targs) ->
- print_annot_stmt oc (extern_atom txt) targs args
- | _ ->
- assert false
- end
- | Pcfi_adjust n ->
- cfi_adjust oc (camlint_of_coqint n)
- | Pcfi_rel_offset n ->
- cfi_rel_offset oc "lr" (camlint_of_coqint n)
-(* Determine if an instruction falls through *)
-let instr_fall_through = function
- | Pb _ -> false
- | Pbctr _ -> false
- | Pbs _ -> false
- | Pblr -> false
- | _ -> true
-(* Estimate the size of an Asm instruction encoding, in number of actual
- PowerPC instructions. We can over-approximate. *)
-let instr_size = function
- | Pbf(bit, lbl) -> 2
- | Pbt(bit, lbl) -> 2
- | Pbtbl(r, tbl) -> 5
- | Plfi(r1, c) -> 2
- | Plfis(r1, c) -> 2
- | Plabel lbl -> 0
- | Pbuiltin(ef, args, res) -> 0
- | Pannot(ef, args) -> 0
- | Pcfi_adjust _ | Pcfi_rel_offset _ -> 0
- | _ -> 1
-(* Build a table label -> estimated position in generated code.
- Used to predict if relative conditional branches can use the short form. *)
-let rec label_positions tbl pc = function
- | [] -> tbl
- | Plabel lbl :: c -> label_positions (PTree.set lbl pc tbl) pc c
- | i :: c -> label_positions tbl (pc + instr_size i) c
-(* Emit a sequence of instructions *)
-let rec print_instructions oc tbl pc fallthrough = function
- | [] -> ()
- | i :: c ->
- print_instruction oc tbl pc fallthrough i;
- print_instructions oc tbl (pc + instr_size i) (instr_fall_through i) c
-(* Print the code for a function *)
-let print_literal64 oc (lbl, n) =
- let nlo = Int64.to_int32 n
- and nhi = Int64.to_int32(Int64.shift_right_logical n 32) in
- fprintf oc "%a: .long 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n" label lbl nhi nlo
-let print_literal32 oc (lbl, n) =
- fprintf oc "%a: .long 0x%lx\n" label lbl n
-let print_jumptable oc (lbl, tbl) =
- fprintf oc "%a:" label lbl;
- List.iter
- (fun l -> fprintf oc " .long %a\n" label (transl_label l))
- tbl
-let print_function oc name fn =
- Hashtbl.clear current_function_labels;
- float_literals := [];
- float32_literals := [];
- jumptables := [];
- let (text, lit, jmptbl) =
- match C2C.atom_sections name with
- | [t;l;j] -> (t, l, j)
- | _ -> (Section_text, Section_literal, Section_jumptable) in
- section oc text;
- let alignment =
- match !Clflags.option_falignfunctions with Some n -> n | None -> 4 in
- fprintf oc " .balign %d\n" alignment;
- if not (C2C.atom_is_static name) then
- fprintf oc " .globl %a\n" symbol name;
- fprintf oc "%a:\n" symbol name;
- print_location oc (C2C.atom_location name);
- cfi_startproc oc;
- print_instructions oc (label_positions PTree.empty 0 fn.fn_code)
- 0 true fn.fn_code;
- cfi_endproc oc;
- fprintf oc " .type %a, @function\n" symbol name;
- fprintf oc " .size %a, . - %a\n" symbol name symbol name;
- if !float_literals <> [] || !float32_literals <> [] then begin
- section oc lit;
- fprintf oc " .balign 8\n";
- List.iter (print_literal64 oc) !float_literals;
- List.iter (print_literal32 oc) !float32_literals;
- float_literals := []; float32_literals := []
- end;
- if !jumptables <> [] then begin
- section oc jmptbl;
- fprintf oc " .balign 4\n";
- List.iter (print_jumptable oc) !jumptables;
- jumptables := []
- end
-let print_init oc = function
- | Init_int8 n ->
- fprintf oc " .byte %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
- | Init_int16 n ->
- fprintf oc " .short %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
- | Init_int32 n ->
- fprintf oc " .long %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
- | Init_int64 n ->
- let b = camlint64_of_coqint n in
- fprintf oc " .long 0x%Lx, 0x%Lx\n"
- (Int64.shift_right_logical b 32)
- (Int64.logand b 0xFFFFFFFFL)
- | Init_float32 n ->
- fprintf oc " .long 0x%lx %s %.18g\n"
- (camlint_of_coqint (Floats.Float32.to_bits n))
- comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat n)
- | Init_float64 n ->
- let b = camlint64_of_coqint (Floats.Float.to_bits n) in
- fprintf oc " .long 0x%Lx, 0x%Lx %s %.18g\n"
- (Int64.shift_right_logical b 32)
- (Int64.logand b 0xFFFFFFFFL)
- comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat n)
- | Init_space n ->
- if Z.gt n Z.zero then
- fprintf oc " .space %s\n" (Z.to_string n)
- | Init_addrof(symb, ofs) ->
- fprintf oc " .long %a\n"
- symbol_offset (symb, camlint_of_coqint ofs)
-let print_init_data oc name id =
- if Str.string_match PrintCsyntax.re_string_literal (extern_atom name) 0
- && List.for_all (function Init_int8 _ -> true | _ -> false) id
- then
- fprintf oc " .ascii \"%s\"\n" (PrintCsyntax.string_of_init id)
- else
- List.iter (print_init oc) id
-let print_var oc name v =
- match v.gvar_init with
- | [] -> ()
- | _ ->
- let sec =
- match C2C.atom_sections name with
- | [s] -> s
- | _ -> Section_data true
- and align =
- match C2C.atom_alignof name with
- | Some a -> a
- | None -> 8 in (* 8-alignment is a safe default *)
- let name_sec =
- name_of_section sec in
- if name_sec <> "COMM" then begin
- fprintf oc " %s\n" name_sec;
- fprintf oc " .balign %d\n" align;
- if not (C2C.atom_is_static name) then
- fprintf oc " .globl %a\n" symbol name;
- fprintf oc "%a:\n" symbol name;
- print_init_data oc name v.gvar_init;
- fprintf oc " .type %a, @object\n" symbol name;
- fprintf oc " .size %a, . - %a\n" symbol name symbol name
- end else begin
- let sz =
- match v.gvar_init with [Init_space sz] -> sz | _ -> assert false in
- fprintf oc " %s %a, %s, %d\n"
- (if C2C.atom_is_static name then ".lcomm" else ".comm")
- symbol name
- (Z.to_string sz)
- align
- end
-let print_globdef oc (name, gdef) =
- match gdef with
- | Gfun (Internal code) -> print_function oc name code
- | Gfun (External ef) -> ()
- | Gvar v -> print_var oc name v
- end
-type target = Linux | Diab
-let print_program oc p =
- let target =
- (match Configuration.system with
- | "linux" -> Linux
- | "diab" -> Diab
- | _ -> invalid_arg ("System " ^ Configuration.system ^ " not supported")) in
- let module Target = (val (match target with
- | Linux -> (module Linux_System:SYSTEM)
- | Diab -> (module Diab_System:SYSTEM)):SYSTEM) in
- PrintAnnot.reset_filenames();
- PrintAnnot.print_version_and_options oc Target.comment;
- let module Printer = AsmPrinter(Target) in
- Target.print_prologue oc;
- List.iter (Printer.print_globdef oc) p.prog_defs;
- PrintAnnot.close_filenames()
diff --git a/powerpc/TargetPrinter.ml b/powerpc/TargetPrinter.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70aec6c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powerpc/TargetPrinter.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* Printing PPC assembly code in asm syntax *)
+open Printf
+open Datatypes
+open Maps
+open Camlcoq
+open Sections
+open AST
+open Memdata
+open Asm
+open PrintAsmaux
+(* Recognition of target ABI and asm syntax *)
+module type SYSTEM =
+ sig
+ val comment: string
+ val constant: out_channel -> constant -> unit
+ val ireg: out_channel -> ireg -> unit
+ val freg: out_channel -> freg -> unit
+ val creg: out_channel -> int -> unit
+ val name_of_section: section_name -> string
+ val print_file_line: out_channel -> string -> int -> unit
+ val cfi_startproc: out_channel -> unit
+ val cfi_endproc: out_channel -> unit
+ val cfi_adjust: out_channel -> int32 -> unit
+ val cfi_rel_offset: out_channel -> string -> int32 -> unit
+ val print_prologue: out_channel -> unit
+ end
+let symbol = elf_symbol
+let symbol_offset = elf_symbol_offset
+let symbol_fragment oc s n op =
+ fprintf oc "(%a)%s" symbol_offset (s, n) op
+let int_reg_name = function
+ | GPR0 -> "0" | GPR1 -> "1" | GPR2 -> "2" | GPR3 -> "3"
+ | GPR4 -> "4" | GPR5 -> "5" | GPR6 -> "6" | GPR7 -> "7"
+ | GPR8 -> "8" | GPR9 -> "9" | GPR10 -> "10" | GPR11 -> "11"
+ | GPR12 -> "12" | GPR13 -> "13" | GPR14 -> "14" | GPR15 -> "15"
+ | GPR16 -> "16" | GPR17 -> "17" | GPR18 -> "18" | GPR19 -> "19"
+ | GPR20 -> "20" | GPR21 -> "21" | GPR22 -> "22" | GPR23 -> "23"
+ | GPR24 -> "24" | GPR25 -> "25" | GPR26 -> "26" | GPR27 -> "27"
+ | GPR28 -> "28" | GPR29 -> "29" | GPR30 -> "30" | GPR31 -> "31"
+let float_reg_name = function
+ | FPR0 -> "0" | FPR1 -> "1" | FPR2 -> "2" | FPR3 -> "3"
+ | FPR4 -> "4" | FPR5 -> "5" | FPR6 -> "6" | FPR7 -> "7"
+ | FPR8 -> "8" | FPR9 -> "9" | FPR10 -> "10" | FPR11 -> "11"
+ | FPR12 -> "12" | FPR13 -> "13" | FPR14 -> "14" | FPR15 -> "15"
+ | FPR16 -> "16" | FPR17 -> "17" | FPR18 -> "18" | FPR19 -> "19"
+ | FPR20 -> "20" | FPR21 -> "21" | FPR22 -> "22" | FPR23 -> "23"
+ | FPR24 -> "24" | FPR25 -> "25" | FPR26 -> "26" | FPR27 -> "27"
+ | FPR28 -> "28" | FPR29 -> "29" | FPR30 -> "30" | FPR31 -> "31"
+module Linux_System : SYSTEM =
+ struct
+ let comment = "#"
+ let constant oc cst =
+ match cst with
+ | Cint n ->
+ fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Csymbol_low(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@l"
+ | Csymbol_high(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@ha"
+ | Csymbol_sda(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@sda21"
+ (* 32-bit relative addressing is supported by the Diab tools but not by
+ GNU binutils. In the latter case, for testing purposes, we treat
+ them as absolute addressings. The default base register being GPR0,
+ this produces correct code, albeit with absolute addresses. *)
+ | Csymbol_rel_low(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@l"
+ | Csymbol_rel_high(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@ha"
+ let ireg oc r =
+ output_string oc (int_reg_name r)
+ let freg oc r =
+ output_string oc (float_reg_name r)
+ let creg oc r =
+ fprintf oc "%d" r
+ let name_of_section = function
+ | Section_text -> ".text"
+ | Section_data i ->
+ if i then ".data" else "COMM"
+ | Section_small_data i ->
+ if i then ".section .sdata,\"aw\",@progbits" else "COMM"
+ | Section_const i ->
+ if i then ".rodata" else "COMM"
+ | Section_small_const i ->
+ if i then ".section .sdata2,\"a\",@progbits" else "COMM"
+ | Section_string -> ".rodata"
+ | Section_literal -> ".section .rodata.cst8,\"aM\",@progbits,8"
+ | Section_jumptable -> ".text"
+ | Section_user(s, wr, ex) ->
+ sprintf ".section \"%s\",\"a%s%s\",@progbits"
+ s (if wr then "w" else "") (if ex then "x" else "")
+ let print_file_line oc file line =
+ PrintAnnot.print_file_line oc comment file line
+ (* Emit .cfi directives *)
+ let cfi_startproc = cfi_startproc
+ let cfi_endproc = cfi_endproc
+ let cfi_adjust = cfi_adjust
+ let cfi_rel_offset = cfi_rel_offset
+ let print_prologue oc = ()
+ end
+module Diab_System : SYSTEM =
+ struct
+ let comment = ";"
+ let constant oc cst =
+ match cst with
+ | Cint n ->
+ fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Csymbol_low(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@l"
+ | Csymbol_high(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@ha"
+ | Csymbol_sda(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@sdarx"
+ | Csymbol_rel_low(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@sdax@l"
+ | Csymbol_rel_high(s, n) ->
+ symbol_fragment oc s n "@sdarx@ha"
+ let ireg oc r =
+ output_char oc 'r';
+ output_string oc (int_reg_name r)
+ let freg oc r =
+ output_char oc 'f';
+ output_string oc (float_reg_name r)
+ let creg oc r =
+ fprintf oc "cr%d" r
+ let name_of_section = function
+ | Section_text -> ".text"
+ | Section_data i -> if i then ".data" else "COMM"
+ | Section_small_data i -> if i then ".sdata" else ".sbss"
+ | Section_const _ -> ".text"
+ | Section_small_const _ -> ".sdata2"
+ | Section_string -> ".text"
+ | Section_literal -> ".text"
+ | Section_jumptable -> ".text"
+ | Section_user(s, wr, ex) ->
+ sprintf ".section \"%s\",,%c"
+ s
+ (match wr, ex with
+ | true, true -> 'm' (* text+data *)
+ | true, false -> 'd' (* data *)
+ | false, true -> 'c' (* text *)
+ | false, false -> 'r') (* const *)
+ let print_file_line oc file line =
+ PrintAnnot.print_file_line_d1 oc comment file line
+ (* Emit .cfi directives *)
+ let cfi_startproc oc = ()
+ let cfi_endproc oc = ()
+ let cfi_adjust oc delta = ()
+ let cfi_rel_offset oc reg ofs = ()
+ let print_prologue oc =
+ fprintf oc " .xopt align-fill-text=0x60000000\n";
+ if !Clflags.option_g then
+ fprintf oc " .xopt asm-debug-on\n"
+ end
+module Target (System : SYSTEM):TARGET =
+ struct
+ include System
+ (* Basic printing functions *)
+ let symbol = symbol
+ let raw_symbol oc s =
+ fprintf oc "%s" s
+ let label = elf_label
+ let label_low oc lbl =
+ fprintf oc ".L%d@l" lbl
+ let label_high oc lbl =
+ fprintf oc ".L%d@ha" lbl
+ let num_crbit = function
+ | CRbit_0 -> 0
+ | CRbit_1 -> 1
+ | CRbit_2 -> 2
+ | CRbit_3 -> 3
+ | CRbit_6 -> 6
+ let crbit oc bit =
+ fprintf oc "%d" (num_crbit bit)
+ let ireg_or_zero oc r =
+ if r = GPR0 then output_string oc "0" else ireg oc r
+ let preg oc = function
+ | IR r -> ireg oc r
+ | FR r -> freg oc r
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let section oc sec =
+ let name = name_of_section sec in
+ assert (name <> "COMM");
+ fprintf oc " %s\n" name
+ let print_location oc loc =
+ if loc <> Cutil.no_loc then print_file_line oc (fst loc) (snd loc)
+ (* Encoding masks for rlwinm instructions *)
+ let rolm_mask n =
+ let mb = ref 0 (* location of last 0->1 transition *)
+ and me = ref 32 (* location of last 1->0 transition *)
+ and last = ref ((Int32.logand n 1l) <> 0l) (* last bit seen *)
+ and count = ref 0 (* number of transitions *)
+ and mask = ref 0x8000_0000l in
+ for mx = 0 to 31 do
+ if Int32.logand n !mask <> 0l then
+ if !last then () else (incr count; mb := mx; last := true)
+ else
+ if !last then (incr count; me := mx; last := false) else ();
+ mask := Int32.shift_right_logical !mask 1
+ done;
+ if !me = 0 then me := 32;
+ assert (!count = 2 || (!count = 0 && !last));
+ (!mb, !me-1)
+ (* Handling of annotations *)
+ let print_annot_stmt oc txt targs args =
+ if Str.string_match re_file_line txt 0 then begin
+ print_file_line oc (Str.matched_group 1 txt)
+ (int_of_string (Str.matched_group 2 txt))
+ end else begin
+ fprintf oc "%s annotation: " comment;
+ PrintAnnot.print_annot_stmt preg "R1" oc txt targs args
+ end
+ (* Determine if the displacement of a conditional branch fits the short form *)
+ let short_cond_branch tbl pc lbl_dest =
+ match PTree.get lbl_dest tbl with
+ | None -> assert false
+ | Some pc_dest ->
+ let disp = pc_dest - pc in -0x2000 <= disp && disp < 0x2000
+ (* Printing of instructions *)
+ let print_instruction oc tbl pc fallthrough = function
+ | Padd(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " add %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Paddc(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " addc %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Padde(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " adde %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Paddi(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " addi %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg_or_zero r2 constant c
+ | Paddic(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " addic %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg_or_zero r2 constant c
+ | Paddis(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " addis %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg_or_zero r2 constant c
+ | Paddze(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " addze %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
+ | Pallocframe(sz, ofs) ->
+ assert false
+ | Pand_(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " and. %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pandc(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " andc %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pandi_(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " andi. %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 constant c
+ | Pandis_(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " andis. %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 constant c
+ | Pb lbl ->
+ fprintf oc " b %a\n" label (transl_label lbl)
+ | Pbctr sg ->
+ fprintf oc " bctr\n"
+ | Pbctrl sg ->
+ fprintf oc " bctrl\n"
+ | Pbdnz lbl ->
+ fprintf oc " bdnz %a\n" label (transl_label lbl)
+ | Pbf(bit, lbl) ->
+ if !Clflags.option_faligncondbranchs > 0 then
+ fprintf oc " .balign %d\n" !Clflags.option_faligncondbranchs;
+ if short_cond_branch tbl pc lbl then
+ fprintf oc " bf %a, %a\n" crbit bit label (transl_label lbl)
+ else begin
+ let next = new_label() in
+ fprintf oc " bt %a, %a\n" crbit bit label next;
+ fprintf oc " b %a\n" label (transl_label lbl);
+ fprintf oc "%a:\n" label next
+ end
+ | Pbl(s, sg) ->
+ fprintf oc " bl %a\n" symbol s
+ | Pbs(s, sg) ->
+ fprintf oc " b %a\n" symbol s
+ | Pblr ->
+ fprintf oc " blr\n"
+ | Pbt(bit, lbl) ->
+ if !Clflags.option_faligncondbranchs > 0 then
+ fprintf oc " .balign %d\n" !Clflags.option_faligncondbranchs;
+ if short_cond_branch tbl pc lbl then
+ fprintf oc " bt %a, %a\n" crbit bit label (transl_label lbl)
+ else begin
+ let next = new_label() in
+ fprintf oc " bf %a, %a\n" crbit bit label next;
+ fprintf oc " b %a\n" label (transl_label lbl);
+ fprintf oc "%a:\n" label next
+ end
+ | Pbtbl(r, tbl) ->
+ let lbl = new_label() in
+ fprintf oc "%s begin pseudoinstr btbl(%a)\n" comment ireg r;
+ fprintf oc "%s jumptable [ " comment;
+ List.iter (fun l -> fprintf oc "%a " label (transl_label l)) tbl;
+ fprintf oc "]\n";
+ fprintf oc " slwi %a, %a, 2\n" ireg GPR12 ireg r;
+ fprintf oc " addis %a, %a, %a\n" ireg GPR12 ireg GPR12 label_high lbl;
+ fprintf oc " lwz %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg GPR12 label_low lbl ireg GPR12;
+ fprintf oc " mtctr %a\n" ireg GPR12;
+ fprintf oc " bctr\n";
+ jumptables := (lbl, tbl) :: !jumptables;
+ fprintf oc "%s end pseudoinstr btbl\n" comment
+ | Pcmplw(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " cmplw %a, %a, %a\n" creg 0 ireg r1 ireg r2
+ | Pcmplwi(r1, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " cmplwi %a, %a, %a\n" creg 0 ireg r1 constant c
+ | Pcmpw(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " cmpw %a, %a, %a\n" creg 0 ireg r1 ireg r2
+ | Pcmpwi(r1, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " cmpwi %a, %a, %a\n" creg 0 ireg r1 constant c
+ | Pcntlz(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " cntlz %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
+ | Pcreqv(c1, c2, c3) ->
+ fprintf oc " creqv %a, %a, %a\n" crbit c1 crbit c2 crbit c3
+ | Pcror(c1, c2, c3) ->
+ fprintf oc " cror %a, %a, %a\n" crbit c1 crbit c2 crbit c3
+ | Pcrxor(c1, c2, c3) ->
+ fprintf oc " crxor %a, %a, %a\n" crbit c1 crbit c2 crbit c3
+ | Pdivw(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " divw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pdivwu(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " divwu %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Peieio ->
+ fprintf oc " eieio\n"
+ | Peqv(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " eqv %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pextsb(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " extsb %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
+ | Pextsh(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " extsh %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
+ | Pfreeframe(sz, ofs) ->
+ assert false
+ | Pfabs(r1, r2) | Pfabss(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " fabs %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
+ | Pfadd(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " fadd %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
+ | Pfadds(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " fadds %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
+ | Pfcmpu(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " fcmpu %a, %a, %a\n" creg 0 freg r1 freg r2
+ | Pfcti(r1, r2) ->
+ assert false
+ | Pfctiw(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " fctiw %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
+ | Pfctiwz(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " fctiwz %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
+ | Pfdiv(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " fdiv %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
+ | Pfdivs(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " fdivs %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
+ | Pfmake(rd, r1, r2) ->
+ assert false
+ | Pfmr(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " fmr %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
+ | Pfmul(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " fmul %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
+ | Pfmuls(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " fmuls %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
+ | Pfneg(r1, r2) | Pfnegs(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " fneg %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
+ | Pfrsp(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " frsp %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
+ | Pfxdp(r1, r2) ->
+ assert false
+ | Pfsub(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " fsub %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
+ | Pfsubs(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " fsubs %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
+ | Pfmadd(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
+ fprintf oc " fmadd %a, %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3 freg r4
+ | Pfmsub(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
+ fprintf oc " fmsub %a, %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3 freg r4
+ | Pfnmadd(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
+ fprintf oc " fnmadd %a, %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3 freg r4
+ | Pfnmsub(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
+ fprintf oc " fnmsub %a, %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3 freg r4
+ | Pfsqrt(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " fsqrt %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
+ | Pfrsqrte(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " frsqrte %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
+ | Pfres(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " fres %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
+ | Pfsel(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
+ fprintf oc " fsel %a, %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3 freg r4
+ | Pisync ->
+ fprintf oc " isync\n"
+ | Plbz(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " lbz %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
+ | Plbzx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lbzx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Plfd(r1, c, r2) | Plfd_a(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " lfd %a, %a(%a)\n" freg r1 constant c ireg r2
+ | Plfdx(r1, r2, r3) | Plfdx_a(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lfdx %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Plfs(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " lfs %a, %a(%a)\n" freg r1 constant c ireg r2
+ | Plfsx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lfsx %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Plha(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " lha %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
+ | Plhax(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lhax %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Plhbrx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lhbrx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Plhz(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " lhz %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
+ | Plhzx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lhzx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Plfi(r1, c) ->
+ let lbl = new_label() in
+ fprintf oc " addis %a, 0, %a\n" ireg GPR12 label_high lbl;
+ fprintf oc " lfd %a, %a(%a) %s %.18g\n" freg r1 label_low lbl ireg GPR12 comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat c);
+ float64_literals := (lbl, camlint64_of_coqint (Floats.Float.to_bits c)) :: !float64_literals;
+ | Plfis(r1, c) ->
+ let lbl = new_label() in
+ fprintf oc " addis %a, 0, %a\n" ireg GPR12 label_high lbl;
+ fprintf oc " lfs %a, %a(%a) %s %.18g\n" freg r1 label_low lbl ireg GPR12 comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat32 c);
+ float32_literals := (lbl, camlint_of_coqint (Floats.Float32.to_bits c)) :: !float32_literals;
+ | Plwarx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lwarx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Plwbrx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lwbrx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Plwz(r1, c, r2) | Plwz_a(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " lwz %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
+ | Plwzu(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " lwzu %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
+ | Plwzx(r1, r2, r3) | Plwzx_a(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lwzx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pmfcr(r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " mfcr %a\n" ireg r1
+ | Pmfcrbit(r1, bit) ->
+ assert false
+ | Pmflr(r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " mflr %a\n" ireg r1
+ | Pmr(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " mr %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
+ | Pmtctr(r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " mtctr %a\n" ireg r1
+ | Pmtlr(r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " mtlr %a\n" ireg r1
+ | Pmulli(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " mulli %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 constant c
+ | Pmullw(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " mullw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pmulhw(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " mulhw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pmulhwu(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " mulhwu %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pnand(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " nand %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pnor(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " nor %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Por(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " or %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Porc(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " orc %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pori(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " ori %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 constant c
+ | Poris(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " oris %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 constant c
+ | Prlwinm(r1, r2, c1, c2) ->
+ let (mb, me) = rolm_mask (camlint_of_coqint c2) in
+ fprintf oc " rlwinm %a, %a, %ld, %d, %d %s 0x%lx\n"
+ ireg r1 ireg r2 (camlint_of_coqint c1) mb me
+ comment (camlint_of_coqint c2)
+ | Prlwimi(r1, r2, c1, c2) ->
+ let (mb, me) = rolm_mask (camlint_of_coqint c2) in
+ fprintf oc " rlwimi %a, %a, %ld, %d, %d %s 0x%lx\n"
+ ireg r1 ireg r2 (camlint_of_coqint c1) mb me
+ comment (camlint_of_coqint c2)
+ | Pslw(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " slw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Psraw(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " sraw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Psrawi(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " srawi %a, %a, %ld\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 (camlint_of_coqint c)
+ | Psrw(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " srw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pstb(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " stb %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
+ | Pstbx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " stbx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pstfd(r1, c, r2) | Pstfd_a(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " stfd %a, %a(%a)\n" freg r1 constant c ireg r2
+ | Pstfdu(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " stfdu %a, %a(%a)\n" freg r1 constant c ireg r2
+ | Pstfdx(r1, r2, r3) | Pstfdx_a(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " stfdx %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pstfs(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " stfs %a, %a(%a)\n" freg r1 constant c ireg r2
+ | Pstfsx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " stfsx %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Psth(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " sth %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
+ | Psthx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " sthx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Psthbrx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " sthbrx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pstw(r1, c, r2) | Pstw_a(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " stw %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
+ | Pstwu(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " stwu %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 constant c ireg r2
+ | Pstwx(r1, r2, r3) | Pstwx_a(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " stwx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pstwxu(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " stwxu %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pstwbrx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " stwbrx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pstwcx_(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " stwcx. %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Psubfc(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " subfc %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Psubfe(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " subfe %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Psubfze(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " subfze %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
+ | Psubfic(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " subfic %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 constant c
+ | Psync ->
+ fprintf oc " sync\n"
+ | Ptrap ->
+ fprintf oc " trap\n"
+ | Pxor(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " xor %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pxori(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " xori %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 constant c
+ | Pxoris(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " xoris %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 constant c
+ | Plabel lbl ->
+ if (not fallthrough) && !Clflags.option_falignbranchtargets > 0 then
+ fprintf oc " .balign %d\n" !Clflags.option_falignbranchtargets;
+ fprintf oc "%a:\n" label (transl_label lbl)
+ | Pbuiltin(ef, args, res) ->
+ begin match ef with
+ | EF_inline_asm txt ->
+ fprintf oc "%s begin inline assembly\n" comment;
+ fprintf oc " %s\n" (extern_atom txt);
+ fprintf oc "%s end inline assembly\n" comment
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ end
+ | Pannot(ef, args) ->
+ begin match ef with
+ | EF_annot(txt, targs) ->
+ print_annot_stmt oc (extern_atom txt) targs args
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ end
+ | Pcfi_adjust n ->
+ cfi_adjust oc (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Pcfi_rel_offset n ->
+ cfi_rel_offset oc "lr" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ (* Determine if an instruction falls through *)
+ let instr_fall_through = function
+ | Pb _ -> false
+ | Pbctr _ -> false
+ | Pbs _ -> false
+ | Pblr -> false
+ | _ -> true
+ (* Estimate the size of an Asm instruction encoding, in number of actual
+ PowerPC instructions. We can over-approximate. *)
+ let instr_size = function
+ | Pbf(bit, lbl) -> 2
+ | Pbt(bit, lbl) -> 2
+ | Pbtbl(r, tbl) -> 5
+ | Plfi(r1, c) -> 2
+ | Plfis(r1, c) -> 2
+ | Plabel lbl -> 0
+ | Pbuiltin(ef, args, res) -> 0
+ | Pannot(ef, args) -> 0
+ | Pcfi_adjust _ | Pcfi_rel_offset _ -> 0
+ | _ -> 1
+ (* Build a table label -> estimated position in generated code.
+ Used to predict if relative conditional branches can use the short form. *)
+ let rec label_positions tbl pc = function
+ | [] -> tbl
+ | Plabel lbl :: c -> label_positions (PTree.set lbl pc tbl) pc c
+ | i :: c -> label_positions tbl (pc + instr_size i) c
+ (* Emit a sequence of instructions *)
+ let print_instructions oc fn =
+ let rec aux oc tbl pc fallthrough = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | i :: c ->
+ print_instruction oc tbl pc fallthrough i;
+ aux oc tbl (pc + instr_size i) (instr_fall_through i) c in
+ aux oc (label_positions PTree.empty 0 fn.fn_code) 0 true fn.fn_code
+ (* Print the code for a function *)
+ let print_literal64 oc (lbl, n) =
+ let nlo = Int64.to_int32 n
+ and nhi = Int64.to_int32(Int64.shift_right_logical n 32) in
+ fprintf oc "%a: .long 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n" label lbl nhi nlo
+ let print_literal32 oc (lbl, n) =
+ fprintf oc "%a: .long 0x%lx\n" label lbl n
+ let print_init oc = function
+ | Init_int8 n ->
+ fprintf oc " .byte %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_int16 n ->
+ fprintf oc " .short %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_int32 n ->
+ fprintf oc " .long %ld\n" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_int64 n ->
+ let b = camlint64_of_coqint n in
+ fprintf oc " .long 0x%Lx, 0x%Lx\n"
+ (Int64.shift_right_logical b 32)
+ (Int64.logand b 0xFFFFFFFFL)
+ | Init_float32 n ->
+ fprintf oc " .long 0x%lx %s %.18g\n"
+ (camlint_of_coqint (Floats.Float32.to_bits n))
+ comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat n)
+ | Init_float64 n ->
+ let b = camlint64_of_coqint (Floats.Float.to_bits n) in
+ fprintf oc " .long 0x%Lx, 0x%Lx %s %.18g\n"
+ (Int64.shift_right_logical b 32)
+ (Int64.logand b 0xFFFFFFFFL)
+ comment (camlfloat_of_coqfloat n)
+ | Init_space n ->
+ if Z.gt n Z.zero then
+ fprintf oc " .space %s\n" (Z.to_string n)
+ | Init_addrof(symb, ofs) ->
+ fprintf oc " .long %a\n"
+ symbol_offset (symb, ofs)
+ let print_fun_info = elf_print_fun_info
+ let emit_constants oc lit =
+ if !float64_literals <> [] || !float32_literals <> [] then begin
+ section oc lit;
+ fprintf oc " .balign 8\n";
+ List.iter (print_literal64 oc) !float64_literals;
+ List.iter (print_literal32 oc) !float32_literals;
+ float64_literals := []; float32_literals := []
+ end
+ let print_optional_fun_info _ = ()
+ let get_section_names name =
+ match C2C.atom_sections name with
+ | [t;l;j] -> (t, l, j)
+ | _ -> (Section_text, Section_literal, Section_jumptable)
+ let reset_constants = reset_constants
+ let print_var_info = elf_print_var_info
+ let print_comm_symb oc sz name align =
+ fprintf oc " %s %a, %s, %d\n"
+ (if C2C.atom_is_static name then ".lcomm" else ".comm")
+ symbol name
+ (Z.to_string sz)
+ align
+ let print_align oc align =
+ fprintf oc " .balign %d\n" align
+ let print_epilogue _ = ()
+ let print_jumptable oc jmptbl =
+ let print_jumptable oc (lbl, tbl) =
+ fprintf oc "%a:" label lbl;
+ List.iter
+ (fun l -> fprintf oc " .long %a\n" label (transl_label l))
+ tbl in
+ if !jumptables <> [] then begin
+ section oc jmptbl;
+ fprintf oc " .balign 4\n";
+ List.iter (print_jumptable oc) !jumptables;
+ jumptables := []
+ end
+ let default_falignment = 4
+ end
+let sel_target () =
+ let module S = (val
+ (match Configuration.system with
+ | "linux" -> (module Linux_System:SYSTEM)
+ | "diab" -> (module Diab_System:SYSTEM)
+ | _ -> invalid_arg ("System " ^ Configuration.system ^ " not supported")):SYSTEM) in
+ (module Target(S):TARGET)