diff options
24 files changed, 1565 insertions, 440 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index c66395fa..521c3297 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ BACKEND=\
Profiling.v Profilingproof.v \
ProfilingExploit.v ProfilingExploitproof.v \
Renumber.v Renumberproof.v \
- Duplicate.v Duplicateproof.v \
+ Duplicate.v Duplicateproof.v Duplicatepasses.v \
RTLtyping.v \
Kildall.v Liveness.v \
ValueDomain.v ValueAOp.v ValueAnalysis.v \
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 377776ca..58a7d052 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ This is a special version with additions from Verimag and Kalray :
* A backend for the KVX processor: see [`README_Kalray.md`](README_Kalray.md) for details.
* Some general-purpose optimization phases (e.g. profiling).
- - see [`PROFILING.md`](PROFILING.md) for details on the profiling system
+ * see [`PROFILING.md`](PROFILING.md) for details on the profiling system
The people responsible for this version are
@@ -29,10 +29,12 @@ The people responsible for this version are
* David Monniaux (CNRS, Verimag)
* Cyril Six (Kalray)
-## Papers on this CompCert version
+## Papers, docs, etc on this CompCert version
-* [a 5-minutes video](http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~boulme/videos/poster-oopsla20.mp4) by C. Six, presenting the postpass scheduling and the KVX backend.
+* [a 5-minutes video](http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~boulme/videos/poster-oopsla20.mp4) by C. Six, presenting the postpass scheduling and the KVX backend
+(also on [YouTube if you need subtitles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAzMDS9OVSw)).
* [Certified and Efficient Instruction Scheduling](https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02185883), an OOPSLA'20 paper, by Six, Boulmé and Monniaux.
+* [the documentation of the KVX backend Coq sources](https://certicompil.gricad-pages.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/compcert-kvx)
## License
CompCert is not free software. This non-commercial release can only
diff --git a/aarch64/Asm.v b/aarch64/Asm.v
index 5dafb01f..8d3d4ff7 100644
--- a/aarch64/Asm.v
+++ b/aarch64/Asm.v
@@ -1093,9 +1093,9 @@ Definition exec_instr (f: function) (i: instruction) (rs: regset) (m: mem) : out
| Pfmov rd r1 =>
Next (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (rs#r1))) m
| Pfmovimms rd f =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Vsingle f))) m
+ Next (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Vsingle f))#X16 <- Vundef) m
| Pfmovimmd rd f =>
- Next (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Vfloat f))) m
+ Next (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (Vfloat f))#X16 <- Vundef) m
| Pfmovi S rd r1 =>
Next (nextinstr (rs#rd <- (float32_of_bits rs##r1))) m
| Pfmovi D rd r1 =>
diff --git a/backend/CSE3analysis.v b/backend/CSE3analysis.v
index 7316c9a9..5ed04bc4 100644
--- a/backend/CSE3analysis.v
+++ b/backend/CSE3analysis.v
@@ -282,12 +282,14 @@ Section OPERATIONS.
Definition oper2 (dst : reg) (op: sym_op)(args : list reg)
(rel : RELATION.t) : RELATION.t :=
- let rel' := kill_reg dst rel in
match eq_find {| eq_lhs := dst;
eq_op := op;
eq_args:= args |} with
- | Some id => PSet.add id rel'
- | None => rel'
+ | Some id =>
+ if PSet.contains rel id
+ then rel
+ else PSet.add id (kill_reg dst rel)
+ | None => kill_reg dst rel
Definition oper1 (dst : reg) (op: sym_op) (args : list reg)
@@ -324,18 +326,21 @@ Section OPERATIONS.
| _ => kill_reg dst rel
- if is_trivial_sym_op op
- then kill_reg dst rel
- else
- let args' := forward_move_l rel args in
- match rhs_find op args' rel with
- | Some r =>
- if Compopts.optim_CSE3_glb tt
- then RELATION.glb (move r dst rel)
- (oper1 dst op args' rel)
- else oper1 dst op args' rel
- | None => oper1 dst op args' rel
- end.
+ let args' := forward_move_l rel args in
+ match rhs_find op args rel with
+ | Some r =>
+ if Compopts.optim_CSE3_glb tt
+ then RELATION.glb (move r dst rel)
+ (oper1 dst op args rel)
+ (oper1 dst op args' rel))
+ else RELATION.glb
+ (oper1 dst op args rel)
+ (oper1 dst op args' rel)
+ | None => RELATION.glb
+ (oper1 dst op args rel)
+ (oper1 dst op args' rel)
+ end.
Definition clever_kill_store
(chunk : memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (args : list reg)
@@ -378,11 +383,21 @@ Section OPERATIONS.
else rel'.
- Definition store
+ Definition store (tenv : typing_env)
(chunk : memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (args : list reg)
- (src : reg) (ty: typ)
+ (src : reg)
(rel : RELATION.t) : RELATION.t :=
- store1 chunk addr (forward_move_l rel args) (forward_move rel src) ty rel.
+ let args' := forward_move_l rel args in
+ let src' := forward_move rel src in
+ let tsrc := tenv src in
+ let tsrc' := tenv src' in
+ (store1 chunk addr args src tsrc rel)
+ (store1 chunk addr args' src tsrc rel))
+ (store1 chunk addr args src' tsrc' rel)
+ (store1 chunk addr args' src' tsrc' rel)).
Definition kill_builtin_res res rel :=
match res with
@@ -425,7 +440,7 @@ Section OPERATIONS.
| Icond _ _ _ _ _
| Ijumptable _ _ => Some rel
| Istore chunk addr args src _ =>
- Some (store chunk addr args src (tenv (forward_move rel src)) rel)
+ Some (store tenv chunk addr args src rel)
| Iop op args dst _ => Some (oper dst (SOp op) args rel)
| Iload trap chunk addr args dst _ => Some (oper dst (SLoad chunk addr) args rel)
| Icall _ _ _ dst _ => Some (kill_reg dst (kill_mem rel))
diff --git a/backend/CSE3analysisaux.ml b/backend/CSE3analysisaux.ml
index 3990b765..e37ef61f 100644
--- a/backend/CSE3analysisaux.ml
+++ b/backend/CSE3analysisaux.ml
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ open CSE3analysis
open Maps
open HashedSet
open Camlcoq
+open Coqlib
let flatten_eq eq =
((P.to_int eq.eq_lhs), eq.eq_op, List.map P.to_int eq.eq_args);;
@@ -39,12 +40,12 @@ let print_reg channel i =
let print_eq channel (lhs, sop, args) =
match sop with
| SOp op ->
- Printf.printf "%a = %a\n" print_reg lhs (PrintOp.print_operation print_reg) (op, args)
+ Printf.printf "%a = %a" print_reg lhs (PrintOp.print_operation print_reg) (op, args)
| SLoad(chunk, addr) ->
- Printf.printf "%a = %s @ %a\n" print_reg lhs (string_of_chunk chunk)
+ Printf.printf "%a = %s @ %a" print_reg lhs (string_of_chunk chunk)
(PrintOp.print_addressing print_reg) (addr, args);;
-let pp_set oc s =
+let pp_intset oc s =
Printf.fprintf oc "{ ";
List.iter (fun i -> Printf.fprintf oc "%d; " (P.to_int i)) (PSet.elements s);
Printf.fprintf oc "}";;
@@ -70,6 +71,102 @@ let pp_option pp oc = function
let is_trivial eq =
(eq.eq_op = SOp Op.Omove) && (eq.eq_args = [eq.eq_lhs]);;
+let rec pp_list separator pp_item chan = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [h] -> pp_item chan h
+ | h::t ->
+ pp_item chan h;
+ output_string chan separator;
+ pp_list separator pp_item chan t;;
+let pp_set separator pp_item chan s =
+ pp_list separator pp_item chan (PSet.elements s);;
+let pp_equation hints chan x =
+ match PTree.get x hints.hint_eq_catalog with
+ | None -> output_string chan "???"
+ | Some eq ->
+ print_eq chan (P.to_int eq.eq_lhs, eq.eq_op, List.map P.to_int eq.eq_args);;
+let pp_relation hints chan rel =
+ pp_set "; " (pp_equation hints) chan rel;;
+let pp_relation_b hints chan = function
+ | None -> output_string chan "bot"
+ | Some rel -> pp_relation hints chan rel;;
+let pp_results f (invariants : RB.t PMap.t) hints chan =
+ let max_pc = P.to_int (RTL.max_pc_function f) in
+ for pc=max_pc downto 1
+ do
+ Printf.fprintf chan "%d: %a\n\n" pc
+ (pp_relation_b hints) (PMap.get (P.of_int pc) invariants)
+ done
+module IntSet=Set.Make(struct type t=int let compare = ( - ) end);;
+let rec union_list prev = function
+ | [] -> prev
+ | h::t -> union_list (RB.lub prev h) t;;
+let rb_glb (x : RB.t) (y : RB.t) : RB.t =
+ match x, y with
+ | None, _ | _, None -> None
+ | (Some x'), (Some y') -> Some (RELATION.glb x' y');;
+let refine_invariants
+ (nodes : RTL.node list)
+ (entrypoint : RTL.node)
+ (successors : RTL.node -> RTL.node list)
+ (predecessors : RTL.node -> RTL.node list)
+ (tfr : RTL.node -> RB.t -> RB.t) (invariants0 : RB.t PMap.t) =
+ let todo = ref IntSet.empty
+ and invariants = ref invariants0 in
+ let add_todo (pc : RTL.node) =
+ todo := IntSet.add (P.to_int pc) !todo in
+ let update_node (pc : RTL.node) =
+ (if !Clflags.option_debug_compcert > 9
+ then Printf.printf "updating node %d\n" (P.to_int pc));
+ if not (peq pc entrypoint)
+ then
+ let cur = PMap.get pc !invariants in
+ let nxt = union_list RB.bot
+ (List.map
+ (fun pred_pc->
+ rb_glb cur
+ (tfr pred_pc (PMap.get pred_pc !invariants)))
+ (predecessors pc)) in
+ if not (RB.beq cur nxt)
+ then
+ begin
+ (if !Clflags.option_debug_compcert > 4
+ then Printf.printf "refining CSE3 node %d\n" (P.to_int pc));
+ List.iter add_todo (successors pc)
+ end in
+ (List.iter add_todo nodes);
+ while not (IntSet.is_empty !todo) do
+ let nxt = IntSet.max_elt !todo in
+ todo := IntSet.remove nxt !todo;
+ update_node (P.of_int nxt)
+ done;
+ !invariants;;
+let get_default default x ptree =
+ match PTree.get x ptree with
+ | None -> default
+ | Some y -> y;;
+let refine_analysis ctx tenv
+ (f : RTL.coq_function) (invariants0 : RB.t PMap.t) =
+ let succ_map = RTL.successors_map f in
+ let succ_f x = get_default [] x succ_map in
+ let pred_map = Kildall.make_predecessors f.RTL.fn_code RTL.successors_instr in
+ let pred_f x = get_default [] x pred_map in
+ let tfr = apply_instr' ctx tenv f.RTL.fn_code in
+ refine_invariants
+ (List.map fst (PTree.elements f.RTL.fn_code))
+ f.RTL.fn_entrypoint succ_f pred_f tfr invariants0;;
let preanalysis (tenv : typing_env) (f : RTL.coq_function) =
let cur_eq_id = ref 0
and cur_catalog = ref PTree.empty
@@ -81,7 +178,8 @@ let preanalysis (tenv : typing_env) (f : RTL.coq_function) =
let eq_find_oracle node eq =
assert (not (is_trivial eq));
let o = Hashtbl.find_opt eq_table (flatten_eq eq) in
- (if !Clflags.option_debug_compcert > 1
+ (if o = None then failwith "eq_find_oracle");
+ (if !Clflags.option_debug_compcert > 5
then Printf.printf "@%d: eq_find %a -> %a\n" (P.to_int node)
pp_eq eq (pp_option pp_P) o);
@@ -90,9 +188,9 @@ let preanalysis (tenv : typing_env) (f : RTL.coq_function) =
match Hashtbl.find_opt rhs_table (sop, List.map P.to_int args) with
| None -> PSet.empty
| Some s -> s in
- (if !Clflags.option_debug_compcert > 1
+ (if !Clflags.option_debug_compcert > 5
then Printf.printf "@%d: rhs_find %a = %a\n"
- (P.to_int node) pp_rhs (sop, args) pp_set o);
+ (P.to_int node) pp_rhs (sop, args) pp_intset o);
o in
let mutating_eq_find_oracle node eq : P.t option =
let (flat_eq_lhs, flat_eq_op, flat_eq_args) as flat_eq = flatten_eq eq in
@@ -124,23 +222,29 @@ let preanalysis (tenv : typing_env) (f : RTL.coq_function) =
Some coq_id
- (if !Clflags.option_debug_compcert > 1
+ (if !Clflags.option_debug_compcert > 5
then Printf.printf "@%d: mutating_eq_find %a -> %a\n" (P.to_int node)
pp_eq eq (pp_option pp_P) o);
- match
- internal_analysis
- { eq_catalog = (fun eq_id -> PTree.get eq_id !cur_catalog);
- eq_find_oracle = mutating_eq_find_oracle;
- eq_rhs_oracle = rhs_find_oracle ;
- eq_kill_reg = (fun reg -> PMap.get reg !cur_kill_reg);
- eq_kill_mem = (fun () -> !cur_kill_mem);
- eq_moves = (fun reg -> PMap.get reg !cur_moves)
- } tenv f
+ let ctx = { eq_catalog = (fun eq_id -> PTree.get eq_id !cur_catalog);
+ eq_find_oracle = mutating_eq_find_oracle;
+ eq_rhs_oracle = rhs_find_oracle ;
+ eq_kill_reg = (fun reg -> PMap.get reg !cur_kill_reg);
+ eq_kill_mem = (fun () -> !cur_kill_mem);
+ eq_moves = (fun reg -> PMap.get reg !cur_moves)
+ } in
+ match internal_analysis ctx tenv f
with None -> failwith "CSE3analysisaux analysis failed, try re-running with -fno-cse3"
| Some invariants ->
- invariants,
- { hint_eq_catalog = !cur_catalog;
- hint_eq_find_oracle= eq_find_oracle;
- hint_eq_rhs_oracle = rhs_find_oracle };;
+ let invariants' =
+ if ! Clflags.option_fcse3_refine
+ then refine_analysis ctx tenv f invariants
+ else invariants
+ and hints = { hint_eq_catalog = !cur_catalog;
+ hint_eq_find_oracle= eq_find_oracle;
+ hint_eq_rhs_oracle = rhs_find_oracle } in
+ (if !Clflags.option_debug_compcert > 1
+ then pp_results f invariants' hints stdout);
+ invariants', hints
diff --git a/backend/CSE3analysisproof.v b/backend/CSE3analysisproof.v
index 66b199cc..1e5b88c3 100644
--- a/backend/CSE3analysisproof.v
+++ b/backend/CSE3analysisproof.v
@@ -699,6 +699,27 @@ Section SOUNDNESS.
+ congruence.
+ Lemma arglist_idem_write:
+ forall { A : Type} args (rs : Regmap.t A) dst,
+ (rs # dst <- (rs # dst)) ## args = rs ## args.
+ Proof.
+ induction args; trivial.
+ intros. cbn.
+ f_equal; trivial.
+ apply Regmap.gsident.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma sem_rhs_idem_write:
+ forall sop args rs dst m v,
+ sem_rhs sop args rs m v ->
+ sem_rhs sop args (rs # dst <- (rs # dst)) m v.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ unfold sem_rhs in *.
+ rewrite arglist_idem_write.
+ assumption.
+ Qed.
Theorem oper2_sound:
forall no dst sop args rel rs m v,
sem_rel rel rs m ->
@@ -726,6 +747,17 @@ Section SOUNDNESS.
rewrite Regmap.gss.
apply sem_rhs_depends_on_args_only; auto.
+ intros INi.
+ destruct (PSet.contains rel e) eqn:CONTAINSe.
+ { pose proof (REL e {| eq_lhs := dst; eq_op := sop; eq_args := args |} CONTAINSe H) as RELe.
+ pose proof (REL i eq CONTAINS INi) as RELi.
+ unfold sem_eq in *.
+ cbn in RELe.
+ replace v with (rs # dst) by (eapply sem_rhs_det; eassumption).
+ rewrite Regmap.gsident.
+ apply sem_rhs_idem_write.
+ assumption.
+ }
rewrite PSet.gaddo in CONTAINS by congruence.
apply (kill_reg_sound rel rs m dst v REL i eq); auto.
@@ -821,24 +853,24 @@ Section SOUNDNESS.
rewrite <- (forward_move_sound rel rs m r) by auto.
apply move_sound; auto.
- - destruct (is_trivial_sym_op sop).
- {
- apply kill_reg_sound; auto.
- }
- destruct rhs_find as [src |] eqn:RHS_FIND.
+ - destruct rhs_find as [src |] eqn:RHS_FIND.
+ destruct (Compopts.optim_CSE3_glb tt).
* apply sem_rel_glb; split.
- ** pose proof (rhs_find_sound no sop (forward_move_l (ctx:=ctx) rel args) rel src rs m REL RHS_FIND) as SOUND.
- eapply forward_move_rhs_sound in RHS.
- 2: eassumption.
+ ** pose proof (rhs_find_sound no sop args rel src rs m REL RHS_FIND) as SOUND.
rewrite <- (sem_rhs_det SOUND RHS).
apply move_sound; auto.
+ ** apply sem_rel_glb; split.
+ *** apply oper1_sound; auto.
+ *** apply oper1_sound; auto.
+ apply forward_move_rhs_sound; auto.
+ * apply sem_rel_glb; split.
+ ** apply oper1_sound; auto.
** apply oper1_sound; auto.
apply forward_move_rhs_sound; auto.
- * ** apply oper1_sound; auto.
- apply forward_move_rhs_sound; auto.
- + apply oper1_sound; auto.
- apply forward_move_rhs_sound; auto.
+ + apply sem_rel_glb; split.
+ * apply oper1_sound; auto.
+ * apply oper1_sound; auto.
+ apply forward_move_rhs_sound; auto.
Hint Resolve oper_sound : cse3.
@@ -927,22 +959,28 @@ Section SOUNDNESS.
Hint Resolve store1_sound : cse3.
Theorem store_sound:
forall no chunk addr args a src rel tenv rs m m',
sem_rel rel rs m ->
wt_regset tenv rs ->
eval_addressing genv sp addr (rs ## args) = Some a ->
Mem.storev chunk m a (rs#src) = Some m' ->
- sem_rel (store (ctx:=ctx) no chunk addr args src (tenv (forward_move (ctx:=ctx) rel src)) rel) rs m'.
+ sem_rel (store (ctx:=ctx) no tenv chunk addr args src rel) rs m'.
unfold store.
intros until m'.
- rewrite <- forward_move_l_sound with (rel:=rel) (m:=m) in ADDR by trivial.
- rewrite <- forward_move_sound with (rel:=rel) (m:=m) in STORE by trivial.
- apply store1_sound with (a := a) (m := m); trivial.
- (* rewrite forward_move_sound with (rel:=rel) (m:=m) in STORE by trivial.
- assumption. *)
+ apply sem_rel_glb; split.
+ - apply sem_rel_glb; split.
+ * apply store1_sound with (a := a) (m := m); trivial.
+ * rewrite <- forward_move_l_sound with (rel:=rel) (m:=m) in ADDR by trivial.
+ apply store1_sound with (a := a) (m := m); trivial.
+ - rewrite <- forward_move_sound with (rel:=rel) (m:=m) in STORE by trivial.
+ apply sem_rel_glb; split.
+ * apply store1_sound with (a := a) (m := m); trivial.
+ * rewrite <- forward_move_l_sound with (rel:=rel) (m:=m) in ADDR by trivial.
+ apply store1_sound with (a := a) (m := m); trivial.
Hint Resolve store_sound : cse3.
diff --git a/backend/Duplicate.v b/backend/Duplicate.v
index 0e04b07d..7dea752b 100644
--- a/backend/Duplicate.v
+++ b/backend/Duplicate.v
@@ -18,14 +18,28 @@
Require Import AST RTL Maps Globalenvs.
Require Import Coqlib Errors Op.
-Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
-Local Open Scope positive_scope.
-(** External oracle returning the new RTL code (entry point unchanged),
+Module Type DuplicateOracle.
+ (** External oracle returning the new RTL code (entry point unchanged),
along with the new entrypoint, and a mapping of new nodes to old nodes *)
-Axiom duplicate_aux: function -> code * node * (PTree.t node).
+ Parameter duplicate_aux: function -> code * node * (PTree.t node).
+End DuplicateOracle.
-Extract Constant duplicate_aux => "Duplicateaux.duplicate_aux".
+Module Duplicate (D: DuplicateOracle).
+Export D.
+Definition duplicate_aux := duplicate_aux.
+(* Extract Constant duplicate_aux => "Duplicateaux.duplicate_aux". *)
+Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
+Local Open Scope positive_scope.
(** * Verification of node duplications *)
@@ -215,3 +229,5 @@ Definition transf_fundef (f: fundef) : res fundef :=
Definition transf_program (p: program) : res program :=
transform_partial_program transf_fundef p.
+End Duplicate.
diff --git a/backend/Duplicateaux.ml b/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
index eb9f42e0..76b5616b 100644
--- a/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
+++ b/backend/Duplicateaux.ml
@@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ let get_some = LICMaux.get_some
let rtl_successors = LICMaux.rtl_successors
(* Get list of nodes following a BFS of the code *)
-let bfs code entrypoint = begin
+(* Stops when predicate is reached
+ * Excludes any node given in excluded function *)
+let bfs_until code entrypoint (predicate: node->bool) (excluded: node->bool) = begin
debug "bfs\n";
let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code)
and bfs_list = ref []
@@ -40,20 +42,24 @@ let bfs code entrypoint = begin
Queue.add entrypoint to_visit;
while not (Queue.is_empty to_visit) do
node := Queue.pop to_visit;
- if not (get_some @@ PTree.get !node !visited) then begin
+ if (not (get_some @@ PTree.get !node !visited)) then begin
visited := PTree.set !node true !visited;
- match PTree.get !node code with
- | None -> failwith "No such node"
- | Some i ->
- bfs_list := !node :: !bfs_list;
- let succ = rtl_successors i in
- List.iter (fun n -> Queue.add n to_visit) succ
+ if not (excluded !node) then begin
+ match PTree.get !node code with
+ | None -> failwith "No such node"
+ | Some i ->
+ bfs_list := !node :: !bfs_list;
+ if not (predicate !node) then
+ let succ = rtl_successors i in List.iter (fun n -> Queue.add n to_visit) succ
+ end
List.rev !bfs_list
+let bfs code entrypoint = bfs_until code entrypoint (fun _ -> false) (fun _ -> false)
let optbool o = match o with Some _ -> true | None -> false
let ptree_get_some n ptree = get_some @@ PTree.get n ptree
@@ -81,15 +87,7 @@ end
module PSet = Set.Make(PInt)
-let print_intlist oc l =
- let rec f oc = function
- | [] -> ()
- | n::ln -> (Printf.fprintf oc "%d %a" (P.to_int n) f ln)
- in begin
- if !debug_flag then begin
- Printf.fprintf oc "[%a]" f l
- end
- end
+let print_intlist = LICMaux.print_intlist
let print_intset s =
let seq = PSet.to_seq s
@@ -403,19 +401,7 @@ let print_traces oc traces =
Printf.fprintf oc "Traces: {%a}\n" f traces
-(* Adapted from backend/PrintRTL.ml: print_function *)
-let print_code code = let open PrintRTL in let open Printf in
- if (!debug_flag) then begin
- fprintf stdout "{\n";
- let instrs =
- List.sort
- (fun (pc1, _) (pc2, _) -> compare pc2 pc1)
- (List.rev_map
- (fun (pc, i) -> (P.to_int pc, i))
- (PTree.elements code)) in
- List.iter (print_instruction stdout) instrs;
- fprintf stdout "}"
- end
+let print_code code = LICMaux.print_code code
(* Dumb (but linear) trace selection *)
let select_traces_linear code entrypoint =
@@ -627,15 +613,17 @@ let invert_iconds code =
type innerLoop = {
preds: P.t list;
- body: HashedSet.PSet.t;
+ body: P.t list;
head: P.t; (* head of the loop *)
- final: P.t (* the final instruction, which loops back to the head *)
+ finals: P.t list (* the final instructions, which loops back to the head *)
+ (* There may be more than one ; for instance if there is an if inside the loop with both
+ * branches leading to a goto backedge *)
let print_pset = LICMaux.pp_pset
let print_inner_loop iloop =
- debug "{preds: %a, body: %a}" print_intlist iloop.preds print_pset iloop.body
+ debug "{preds: %a, body: %a}" print_intlist iloop.preds print_intlist iloop.body
let rec print_inner_loops = function
| [] -> ()
@@ -657,6 +645,53 @@ let print_ptree printer pt =
let print_pint oc i = if !debug_flag then Printf.fprintf oc "%d" (P.to_int i) else ()
+let cb_exit_node = function
+ | Icond (_,_,n1,n2,p) -> begin match p with
+ | Some true -> Some n2
+ | Some false -> Some n1
+ | None -> None
+ end
+ | _ -> None
+ (*
+(* Alternative code to get inner_loops - use it if we suspect the other function to be bugged *)
+let get_natural_loop code predmap n =
+ let is_final_node m =
+ let successors = rtl_successors @@ get_some @@ PTree.get m code in
+ List.exists (fun s -> (P.to_int s) == (P.to_int n)) successors
+ in
+ let excluded_node = cb_exit_node @@ get_some @@ PTree.get n code in
+ let is_excluded m = match excluded_node with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some ex -> P.to_int ex == P.to_int m
+ in
+ debug "get_natural_loop for %d\n" (P.to_int n);
+ let body = bfs_until code n is_final_node is_excluded in
+ debug "BODY: %a\n" print_intlist body;
+ let final = List.find is_final_node body in
+ debug "FINAL: %d\n" (P.to_int final);
+ let preds = List.filter (fun pred -> List.mem pred body) @@ get_some @@ PTree.get n predmap in
+ debug "PREDS: %a\n" print_intlist preds;
+ { preds = preds; body = body; head = n; final = final }
+let rec count_loop_headers is_loop_header = function
+ | [] -> 0
+ | n :: ln ->
+ let rem = count_loop_headers is_loop_header ln in
+ if (get_some @@ PTree.get n is_loop_header) then rem + 1 else rem
+let get_inner_loops f code is_loop_header =
+ let predmap = get_predecessors_rtl code in
+ let iloops = ref [] in
+ List.iter (fun (n, ilh) -> if ilh then begin
+ let iloop = get_natural_loop code predmap n in
+ let nb_headers = count_loop_headers is_loop_header iloop.body in
+ if nb_headers == 1 then (* innermost loop *)
+ iloops := iloop :: !iloops end
+ ) (PTree.elements is_loop_header);
+ !iloops
+ *)
let get_inner_loops f code is_loop_header =
let fake_f = { fn_sig = f.fn_sig; fn_params = f.fn_params;
fn_stacksize = f.fn_stacksize; fn_code = code; fn_entrypoint = f.fn_entrypoint } in
@@ -674,17 +709,16 @@ let get_inner_loops f code is_loop_header =
assert (List.length heads == 1);
List.hd heads
end in
- let final = (* the predecessors from head that are in the body *)
+ let finals = (* the predecessors from head that are in the body *)
let head_preds = ptree_get_some head predmap in
let filtered = List.filter (fun n -> HashedSet.PSet.contains body n) head_preds in
debug "HEAD: %d\n" (P.to_int head);
debug "BODY: %a\n" print_pset body;
debug "HEADPREDS: %a\n" print_intlist head_preds;
- assert (List.length filtered == 1);
- List.hd filtered
+ filtered
end in
- { preds = preds; body = body; head = head; final = final }
+ { preds = preds; body = (HashedSet.PSet.elements body); head = head; finals = finals }
(* LICMaux.inner_loops also returns non-inner loops, but with a body of 1 instruction
* We remove those to get just the inner loops *)
@@ -710,6 +744,8 @@ let generate_revmap ln ln' revmap = generate_fwmap ln' ln revmap
let apply_map fw n = P.of_int @@ ptree_get_some n fw
+let apply_map_list fw ln = List.map (apply_map fw) ln
let apply_map_opt fw n =
match PTree.get n fw with
| Some n' -> P.of_int n'
@@ -769,7 +805,7 @@ let rec count_ignore_nops code = function
* 3) Links the last instruction of body' into the first instruction of body
let unroll_inner_loop_single code revmap iloop =
- let body = HashedSet.PSet.elements (iloop.body) in
+ let body = iloop.body in
if count_ignore_nops code body > !Clflags.option_funrollsingle then begin
debug "Too many nodes in the loop body (%d > %d)" (List.length body) !Clflags.option_funrollsingle;
(code, revmap)
@@ -777,12 +813,12 @@ let unroll_inner_loop_single code revmap iloop =
let (code2, revmap2, dupbody, fwmap) = clone code revmap body in
let code' = ref code2 in
let head' = apply_map fwmap (iloop.head) in
- let final' = apply_map fwmap (iloop.final) in
+ let finals' = apply_map_list fwmap (iloop.finals) in
debug "PREDS: %a\n" print_intlist iloop.preds;
debug "IHEAD: %d\n" (P.to_int iloop.head);
code' := change_pointers !code' (iloop.head) head' (iloop.preds);
- code' := change_pointers !code' head' (iloop.head) [final'];
+ code' := change_pointers !code' head' (iloop.head) finals';
(!code', revmap2)
@@ -806,7 +842,7 @@ let unroll_inner_loops_single f code revmap =
* 3) Links the last instruction of body' into the first of body
let unroll_inner_loop_body code revmap iloop =
- let body = HashedSet.PSet.elements (iloop.body) in
+ let body = iloop.body in
let limit = !Clflags.option_funrollbody in
if count_ignore_nops code body > limit then begin
debug "Too many nodes in the loop body (%d > %d)" (List.length body) limit;
@@ -815,16 +851,18 @@ let unroll_inner_loop_body code revmap iloop =
let (code2, revmap2, dupbody, fwmap) = clone code revmap body in
let code' = ref code2 in
let head' = apply_map fwmap (iloop.head) in
- let final' = apply_map fwmap (iloop.final) in
+ let finals' = apply_map_list fwmap (iloop.finals) in
- code' := change_pointers !code' iloop.head head' [iloop.final];
- code' := change_pointers !code' head' iloop.head [final'];
+ code' := change_pointers !code' iloop.head head' iloop.finals;
+ code' := change_pointers !code' head' iloop.head finals';
(!code', revmap2)
let unroll_inner_loops_body f code revmap =
let is_loop_header = get_loop_headers code (f.fn_entrypoint) in
+ (* debug_flag := true; *)
let inner_loops = get_inner_loops f code is_loop_header in
+ debug "Number of loops found: %d\n" (List.length inner_loops);
let code' = ref code in
let revmap' = ref revmap in
@@ -832,46 +870,102 @@ let unroll_inner_loops_body f code revmap =
List.iter (fun iloop ->
let (new_code, new_revmap) = unroll_inner_loop_body !code' !revmap' iloop in
code' := new_code; revmap' := new_revmap
+ ) inner_loops; (* debug_flag := false; *)
+ (!code', !revmap')
+ end
+let extract_upto_icond f code head =
+ let rec extract h =
+ let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get h code in
+ match inst with
+ | Icond _ -> [h]
+ | _ -> ( match rtl_successors inst with
+ | [n] -> h :: (extract n)
+ | _ -> failwith "Found a node with more than one successor??"
+ )
+ in List.rev @@ extract head
+let rotate_inner_loop f code revmap iloop =
+ let header = extract_upto_icond f code iloop.head in
+ let limit = !Clflags.option_flooprotate in
+ if count_ignore_nops code header > limit then begin
+ debug "Loop Rotate: too many nodes to duplicate (%d > %d)" (List.length header) limit;
+ (code, revmap)
+ end else
+ let (code2, revmap2, dupheader, fwmap) = clone code revmap header in
+ let code' = ref code2 in
+ let head' = apply_map fwmap iloop.head in
+ begin
+ code' := change_pointers !code' iloop.head head' iloop.preds;
+ (!code', revmap2)
+ end
+let rotate_inner_loops f code revmap =
+ let is_loop_header = get_loop_headers code (f.fn_entrypoint) in
+ let inner_loops = get_inner_loops f code is_loop_header in
+ let code' = ref code in
+ let revmap' = ref revmap in
+ begin
+ print_inner_loops inner_loops;
+ List.iter (fun iloop ->
+ let (new_code, new_revmap) = rotate_inner_loop f !code' !revmap' iloop in
+ code' := new_code; revmap' := new_revmap
) inner_loops;
(!code', !revmap')
-let duplicate_aux f =
- (* initializing *)
+let loop_rotate f =
let entrypoint = f.fn_entrypoint in
let code = f.fn_code in
let revmap = make_identity_ptree code in
+ let (code, revmap) =
+ if !Clflags.option_flooprotate > 0 then
+ rotate_inner_loops f code revmap
+ else (code, revmap) in
+ ((code, entrypoint), revmap)
- (* static prediction *)
+let static_predict f =
+ let entrypoint = f.fn_entrypoint in
+ let code = f.fn_code in
+ let revmap = make_identity_ptree code in
let code =
if !Clflags.option_fpredict then
update_directions code entrypoint
else code in
+ let code =
+ if !Clflags.option_fpredict then
+ invert_iconds code
+ else code in
+ ((code, entrypoint), revmap)
- (* unroll single *)
+let unroll_single f =
+ let entrypoint = f.fn_entrypoint in
+ let code = f.fn_code in
+ let revmap = make_identity_ptree code in
let (code, revmap) =
if !Clflags.option_funrollsingle > 0 then
unroll_inner_loops_single f code revmap
else (code, revmap) in
+ ((code, entrypoint), revmap)
- (* unroll body *)
+let unroll_body f =
+ let entrypoint = f.fn_entrypoint in
+ let code = f.fn_code in
+ let revmap = make_identity_ptree code in
let (code, revmap) =
if !Clflags.option_funrollbody > 0 then
unroll_inner_loops_body f code revmap
else (code, revmap) in
+ ((code, entrypoint), revmap)
- (* static prediction bis *)
- let code =
- if !Clflags.option_fpredict then
- invert_iconds code
- else code in
- (* tail duplication *)
+let tail_duplicate f =
+ let entrypoint = f.fn_entrypoint in
+ let code = f.fn_code in
+ let revmap = make_identity_ptree code in
let (code, revmap) =
if !Clflags.option_ftailduplicate > 0 then
let traces = select_traces code entrypoint in
let preds = get_predecessors_rtl code in
superblockify_traces code preds traces revmap
else (code, revmap) in
((code, entrypoint), revmap)
diff --git a/backend/Duplicatepasses.v b/backend/Duplicatepasses.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e58eedf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/Duplicatepasses.v
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Require Import RTL.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import Duplicate.
+Require Import Duplicateproof.
+(** Static Prediction *)
+Module StaticPredictOracle <: DuplicateOracle.
+ Axiom duplicate_aux : function -> code * node * (PTree.t node).
+ Extract Constant duplicate_aux => "Duplicateaux.static_predict".
+End StaticPredictOracle.
+Module Staticpredictproof := DuplicateProof StaticPredictOracle.
+Module Staticpredict := Staticpredictproof.
+(** Unrolling one iteration out of the body *)
+Module UnrollSingleOracle <: DuplicateOracle.
+ Axiom duplicate_aux : function -> code * node * (PTree.t node).
+ Extract Constant duplicate_aux => "Duplicateaux.unroll_single".
+End UnrollSingleOracle.
+Module Unrollsingleproof := DuplicateProof UnrollSingleOracle.
+Module Unrollsingle := Unrollsingleproof.
+(** Unrolling the body of innermost loops *)
+Module UnrollBodyOracle <: DuplicateOracle.
+ Axiom duplicate_aux : function -> code * node * (PTree.t node).
+ Extract Constant duplicate_aux => "Duplicateaux.unroll_body".
+End UnrollBodyOracle.
+Module Unrollbodyproof := DuplicateProof UnrollBodyOracle.
+Module Unrollbody := Unrollbodyproof.
+(** Tail Duplication *)
+Module TailDuplicateOracle <: DuplicateOracle.
+ Axiom duplicate_aux : function -> code * node * (PTree.t node).
+ Extract Constant duplicate_aux => "Duplicateaux.tail_duplicate".
+End TailDuplicateOracle.
+Module Tailduplicateproof := DuplicateProof TailDuplicateOracle.
+Module Tailduplicate := Tailduplicateproof.
+(** Loop Rotate *)
+Module LoopRotateOracle <: DuplicateOracle.
+ Axiom duplicate_aux : function -> code * node * (PTree.t node).
+ Extract Constant duplicate_aux => "Duplicateaux.loop_rotate".
+End LoopRotateOracle.
+Module Looprotateproof := DuplicateProof LoopRotateOracle.
+Module Looprotate := Looprotateproof.
diff --git a/backend/Duplicateproof.v b/backend/Duplicateproof.v
index 62455076..2480ccf0 100644
--- a/backend/Duplicateproof.v
+++ b/backend/Duplicateproof.v
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ Require Import AST Linking Errors Globalenvs Smallstep.
Require Import Coqlib Maps Events Values.
Require Import Op RTL Duplicate.
+Module DuplicateProof (D: DuplicateOracle).
+Include Duplicate D.
Local Open Scope positive_scope.
(** * Definition of [match_states] (independently of the translation) *)
@@ -535,3 +538,5 @@ Proof.
+End DuplicateProof.
diff --git a/backend/LICMaux.ml b/backend/LICMaux.ml
index 0ca4418b..6283e129 100644
--- a/backend/LICMaux.ml
+++ b/backend/LICMaux.ml
@@ -39,6 +39,42 @@ let rtl_successors = function
| Icond (_,_,n1,n2,_) -> [n1; n2]
| Ijumptable (_,ln) -> ln
+let print_ptree_bool oc pt =
+ if !debug_flag then
+ let elements = PTree.elements pt in
+ begin
+ Printf.fprintf oc "[";
+ List.iter (fun (n, b) ->
+ if b then Printf.fprintf oc "%d, " (P.to_int n)
+ ) elements;
+ Printf.fprintf oc "]\n"
+ end
+ else ()
+let print_intlist oc l =
+ let rec f oc = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | n::ln -> (Printf.fprintf oc "%d %a" (P.to_int n) f ln)
+ in begin
+ if !debug_flag then begin
+ Printf.fprintf oc "[%a]" f l
+ end
+ end
+(* Adapted from backend/PrintRTL.ml: print_function *)
+let print_code code = let open PrintRTL in let open Printf in
+ if (!debug_flag) then begin
+ fprintf stdout "{\n";
+ let instrs =
+ List.sort
+ (fun (pc1, _) (pc2, _) -> compare pc2 pc1)
+ (List.rev_map
+ (fun (pc, i) -> (P.to_int pc, i))
+ (PTree.elements code)) in
+ List.iter (print_instruction stdout) instrs;
+ fprintf stdout "}"
+ end
(** Getting loop branches with a DFS visit :
* Each node is either Unvisited, Visited, or Processed
* pre-order: node becomes Processed
@@ -53,23 +89,34 @@ let get_loop_headers code entrypoint = begin
in let rec dfs_visit code = function
| [] -> ()
| node :: ln ->
+ debug "ENTERING node %d, REM are %a\n" (P.to_int node) print_intlist ln;
match (get_some @@ PTree.get node !visited) with
- | Visited -> ()
+ | Visited -> begin
+ debug "\tNode %d is already Visited, skipping\n" (P.to_int node);
+ dfs_visit code ln
+ end
| Processed -> begin
debug "Node %d is a loop header\n" (P.to_int node);
is_loop_header := PTree.set node true !is_loop_header;
- visited := PTree.set node Visited !visited
+ visited := PTree.set node Visited !visited;
+ dfs_visit code ln
| Unvisited -> begin
visited := PTree.set node Processed !visited;
- match PTree.get node code with
+ debug "Node %d is Processed\n" (P.to_int node);
+ (match PTree.get node code with
| None -> failwith "No such node"
- | Some i -> let next_visits = rtl_successors i in dfs_visit code next_visits;
+ | Some i -> let next_visits = rtl_successors i in begin
+ debug "About to visit: %a\n" print_intlist next_visits;
+ dfs_visit code next_visits
+ end);
+ debug "Node %d is Visited!\n" (P.to_int node);
visited := PTree.set node Visited !visited;
dfs_visit code ln
in begin
dfs_visit code [entrypoint];
+ debug "LOOP HEADERS: %a\n" print_ptree_bool !is_loop_header;
@@ -208,7 +255,8 @@ let rewrite_loop_body (last_alloc : reg ref)
(List.map (map_reg mapper) args),
PTree.set res new_res mapper
- | Iload(trap, chunk, addr, args, res, pc')
+ | Iload(_, chunk, addr, args, res, pc')
+ | Istore(chunk, addr, args, res, pc')
when Archi.has_notrap_loads &&
!Clflags.option_fnontrap_loads ->
let new_res = P.succ !last_alloc in
diff --git a/backend/PrintLTL.ml b/backend/PrintLTL.ml
index d8f2ac12..8259297b 100644
--- a/backend/PrintLTL.ml
+++ b/backend/PrintLTL.ml
@@ -133,10 +133,10 @@ let print_program pp (prog: LTL.program) =
let destination : string option ref = ref None
-let print_if prog =
+let print_if passno prog =
match !destination with
| None -> ()
| Some f ->
- let oc = open_out f in
+ let oc = open_out (f ^ "." ^ Z.to_string passno) in
print_program oc prog;
close_out oc
diff --git a/backend/Tunneling.v b/backend/Tunneling.v
index 78458582..269ebb6f 100644
--- a/backend/Tunneling.v
+++ b/backend/Tunneling.v
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* Sylvain Boulmé Grenoble-INP, VERIMAG *)
(* *)
(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@
(** Branch tunneling (optimization of branches to branches). *)
-Require Import Coqlib Maps UnionFind.
+Require Import Coqlib Maps Errors.
Require Import AST.
Require Import LTL.
@@ -21,10 +22,10 @@ Require Import LTL.
so that they jump directly to the end of the branch sequence.
For example:
- L1: nop L2; L1: nop L3;
- L2; nop L3; becomes L2: nop L3;
+ L1: if (cond) nop L2; L1: nop L3;
+ L2: nop L3; becomes L2: nop L3;
L3: instr; L3: instr;
- L4: if (cond) goto L1; L4: if (cond) goto L3;
+ L4: if (cond) goto L1; L4: if (cond) nop L1;
This optimization can be applied to several of our intermediate
languages. We choose to perform it on the [LTL] language,
@@ -37,11 +38,14 @@ Require Import LTL.
dead code (as the "nop L3" in the example above).
-(** The naive implementation of branch tunneling would replace
- any branch to a node [pc] by a branch to the node
- [branch_target f pc], defined as follows:
+(** The implementation consists in two passes: the first pass
+ records the branch t of each "nop"
+ and the second pass replace any "nop" node to [pc]
+ by a branch to a "nop" at [branch_t f pc]
+Naively, we may define [branch_t f pc] as follows:
- branch_target f pc = branch_target f pc' if f(pc) = nop pc'
+ branch_t f pc = branch_t f pc' if f(pc) = nop pc'
= pc otherwise
However, this definition can fail to terminate if
@@ -50,56 +54,114 @@ Require Import LTL.
L1: nop L1;
-<< L1: nop L2;
+ L1: nop L2;
L2: nop L1;
Coq warns us of this fact by not accepting the definition
- of [branch_target] above.
+ of [branch_t] above.
+ To handle this problem, we use a union-find data structure, adding equalities [pc = pc']
+ for every instruction [pc: nop pc'] in the function.
+ Moreover, because the elimination of "useless" [Lcond] depends on the current [uf] datastructure,
+ we need to iterate until we reach a fixpoint.
+ Actually, it is simpler and more efficient to perform this in an external oracle, that also returns a measure
+ in order to help the proof.
+ A verifier checks that this data-structure is correct.
+Definition UF := PTree.t (node * Z).
- To handle this problem, we proceed in two passes. The first pass
- populates a union-find data structure, adding equalities [pc = pc']
- for every instruction [pc: nop pc'] in the function. *)
+(* The oracle returns a map of "nop" node to their target with a distance (ie the number of the "nop" node on the path) to the target. *)
+Axiom branch_target: LTL.function -> UF.
+Extract Constant branch_target => "Tunnelingaux.branch_target".
-Module U := UnionFind.UF(PTree).
+Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
-Definition record_goto (uf: U.t) (pc: node) (b: bblock) : U.t :=
- match b with
- | Lbranch s :: _ => U.union uf pc s
- | _ => uf
+Definition get (td: UF) pc:node*Z :=
+ match td!pc with
+ | Some (t,d) => (t,Z.abs d)
+ | _ => (pc,0)
-Definition record_gotos (f: LTL.function) : U.t :=
- PTree.fold record_goto f.(fn_code) U.empty.
+Definition target (td: UF) (pc:node): node := fst (get td pc).
+Coercion target: UF >-> Funclass.
+(* we check that the domain of [td] is included in the domain of [c] *)
+Definition check_included (td: UF) (c: code): option bblock
+ := PTree.fold (fun (ok:option bblock) pc _ => if ok then c!pc else None) td (Some nil).
+(* we check the validity of targets and their bound:
+ the distance of a "nop" node (w.r.t to the target) must be greater than the one of its parents.
+Definition check_bblock (td: UF) (pc:node) (bb: bblock): res unit
+ := match td!pc with
+ | None => OK tt
+ | Some (tpc, dpc) =>
+ let dpc := Z.abs dpc in
+ match bb with
+ | Lbranch s ::_ =>
+ let (ts, ds) := get td s in
+ if peq tpc ts then
+ if zlt ds dpc then OK tt
+ else Error (msg "bad distance in Lbranch")
+ else Error (msg "invalid skip of Lbranch")
+ | Lcond _ _ s1 s2 _ :: _ =>
+ let (ts1, ds1) := get td s1 in
+ let (ts2, ds2) := get td s2 in
+ if peq tpc ts1 then
+ if peq tpc ts2 then
+ if zlt ds1 dpc then
+ if zlt ds2 dpc then OK tt
+ else Error (msg "bad distance on else branch")
+ else Error (msg "bad distance on then branch")
+ else Error (msg "invalid skip of else branch")
+ else Error (msg "invalid skip of then branch")
+ | _ => Error (msg "cannot skip this block")
+ end
+ end.
+Definition check_code (td: UF) (c:code): res unit
+ := PTree.fold (fun ok pc bb => do _ <- ok; check_bblock td pc bb) c (OK tt).
(** The second pass rewrites all LTL instructions, replacing every
- successor [s] of every instruction by the canonical representative
+ successor [s] of every instruction by [t s], the canonical representative
of its equivalence class in the union-find data structure. *)
-Definition tunnel_instr (uf: U.t) (i: instruction) : instruction :=
+Definition tunnel_instr (t: node -> node) (i: instruction) : instruction :=
match i with
- | Lbranch s => Lbranch (U.repr uf s)
+ | Lbranch s => Lbranch (t s)
| Lcond cond args s1 s2 info =>
- let s1' := U.repr uf s1 in let s2' := U.repr uf s2 in
+ let s1' := t s1 in let s2' := t s2 in
if peq s1' s2'
then Lbranch s1'
else Lcond cond args s1' s2' info
- | Ljumptable arg tbl => Ljumptable arg (List.map (U.repr uf) tbl)
+ | Ljumptable arg tbl => Ljumptable arg (List.map t tbl)
| _ => i
-Definition tunnel_block (uf: U.t) (b: bblock) : bblock :=
- List.map (tunnel_instr uf) b.
+Definition tunnel_block (t: node -> node) (b: bblock) : bblock :=
+ List.map (tunnel_instr t) b.
-Definition tunnel_function (f: LTL.function) : LTL.function :=
- let uf := record_gotos f in
- mkfunction
- (fn_sig f)
- (fn_stacksize f)
- (PTree.map1 (tunnel_block uf) (fn_code f))
- (U.repr uf (fn_entrypoint f)).
+Definition tunnel_function (f: LTL.function) : res LTL.function :=
+ let td := branch_target f in
+ let c := (fn_code f) in
+ if check_included td c then
+ do _ <- check_code td c ; OK
+ (mkfunction
+ (fn_sig f)
+ (fn_stacksize f)
+ (PTree.map1 (tunnel_block td) c)
+ (td (fn_entrypoint f)))
+ else
+ Error (msg "Some node of the union-find is not in the CFG")
+ .
-Definition tunnel_fundef (f: LTL.fundef) : LTL.fundef :=
- transf_fundef tunnel_function f.
+Definition tunnel_fundef (f: fundef) : res fundef :=
+ transf_partial_fundef tunnel_function f.
-Definition transf_program (p: LTL.program) : LTL.program :=
- transform_program tunnel_fundef p.
+Definition transf_program (p: program) : res program :=
+ transform_partial_program tunnel_fundef p.
diff --git a/backend/Tunnelingaux.ml b/backend/Tunnelingaux.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af89adea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/Tunnelingaux.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+(* *************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Sylvain Boulmé Grenoble-INP, VERIMAG *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright VERIMAG. All rights reserved. *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the INRIA *)
+(* Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *************************************************************)
+This file implements the [branch_target] oracle that identifies "nop" branches in a LTL function,
+and computes their target node with the distance (ie the number of cummulated nops) toward this target.
+See [Tunneling.v]
+open Coqlib
+open LTL
+open Maps
+open Camlcoq
+let limit_tunneling = None (* for debugging: [Some x] limit the number of iterations *)
+let debug_flag = ref false
+let final_dump = false (* set to true to have a more verbose debugging *)
+let debug fmt =
+ if !debug_flag then Printf.eprintf fmt
+ else Printf.ifprintf stderr fmt
+exception BugOnPC of int
+(* type of labels in the cfg *)
+type label = int * P.t
+(* instructions under analyzis *)
+type simple_inst = (* a simplified view of LTL instructions *)
+ LBRANCH of node
+| LCOND of node * node
+and node = {
+ lab : label;
+ mutable inst: simple_inst;
+ mutable link: node; (* link in the union-find: itself for non "nop"-nodes, target of the "nop" otherwise *)
+ mutable dist: int;
+ mutable tag: int
+ }
+(* type of the (simplified) CFG *)
+type cfg = {
+ nodes: (int, node) Hashtbl.t;
+ mutable rems: node list; (* remaining conditions that may become lbranch or not *)
+ mutable num_rems: int;
+ mutable iter_num: int (* number of iterations in elimination of conditions *)
+ }
+let lab_i (n: node): int = fst n.lab
+let lab_p (n: node): P.t = snd n.lab
+let rec target c n = (* inspired from the "find" of union-find algorithm *)
+ match n.inst with
+ | LCOND(s1,s2) ->
+ if n.link != n
+ then update c n
+ else if n.tag < c.iter_num then (
+ (* we try to change the condition ... *)
+ n.tag <- c.iter_num; (* ... but at most once by iteration *)
+ let ts1 = target c s1 in
+ let ts2 = target c s2 in
+ if ts1 == ts2 then (n.link <- ts1; ts1) else n
+ ) else n
+ | _ ->
+ if n.link != n
+ then update c n
+ else n
+and update c n =
+ let t = target c n.link in
+ n.link <- t; t
+let get_node c p =
+ let li = P.to_int p in
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find c.nodes li
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ let rec n = { lab = (li, p); inst = OTHER; link = n ; dist = 0; tag = 0 } in
+ Hashtbl.add c.nodes li n;
+ n
+let set_branch c p s =
+ let li = P.to_int p in
+ try
+ let n = Hashtbl.find c.nodes li in
+ n.inst <- LBRANCH s;
+ n.link <- target c s
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ let n = { lab = (li,p); inst = LBRANCH s; link = target c s; dist = 0; tag = 0 } in
+ Hashtbl.add c.nodes li n
+(* build [c.nodes] and accumulate in [acc] conditions at beginning of LTL basic-blocks *)
+let build_simplified_cfg c acc pc bb =
+ match bb with
+ | Lbranch s :: _ ->
+ let ns = get_node c s in
+ set_branch c pc ns;
+ acc
+ | Lcond (_, _, s1, s2, _) :: _ ->
+ c.num_rems <- c.num_rems + 1;
+ let ns1 = get_node c s1 in
+ let ns2 = get_node c s2 in
+ let npc = get_node c pc in
+ npc.inst <- LCOND(ns1, ns2);
+ npc::acc
+ | _ -> acc
+(* try to change a condition into a branch
+[acc] is the current accumulator of conditions to consider in the next iteration of repeat_change_cond
+let try_change_cond c acc pc =
+ match pc.inst with
+ | LCOND(s1,s2) ->
+ let ts1 = target c s1 in
+ let ts2 = target c s2 in
+ if ts1 == ts2 then (
+ pc.link <- ts1;
+ c.num_rems <- c.num_rems - 1;
+ acc
+ ) else
+ pc::acc
+ | _ -> raise (BugOnPC (lab_i pc)) (* LCOND expected *)
+(* repeat [try_change_cond] until no condition is changed into a branch *)
+let rec repeat_change_cond c =
+ c.iter_num <- c.iter_num + 1;
+ debug "++ Tunneling.branch_target %d: remaining number of conds to consider = %d\n" (c.iter_num) (c.num_rems);
+ let old = c.num_rems in
+ c.rems <- List.fold_left (try_change_cond c) [] c.rems;
+ let curr = c.num_rems in
+ let continue =
+ match limit_tunneling with
+ | Some n -> curr < old && c.iter_num < n
+ | None -> curr < old
+ in
+ if continue
+ then repeat_change_cond c
+(* compute the final distance of each nop nodes to its target *)
+let undef_dist = -1
+let self_dist = undef_dist-1
+let rec dist n =
+ if n.dist = undef_dist
+ then (
+ n.dist <- self_dist; (* protection against an unexpected loop in the data-structure *)
+ n.dist <-
+ (match n.inst with
+ | OTHER -> 0
+ | LBRANCH p -> 1 + dist p
+ | LCOND (p1,p2) -> 1 + (max (dist p1) (dist p2)));
+ n.dist
+ ) else if n.dist=self_dist then raise (BugOnPC (lab_i n))
+ else n.dist
+let final_export f c =
+ let count = ref 0 in
+ let filter_nops_init_dist _ n acc =
+ let tn = target c n in
+ if tn == n
+ then (
+ n.dist <- 0; (* force [n] to be a base case in the recursion of [dist] *)
+ acc
+ ) else (
+ n.dist <- undef_dist; (* force [dist] to compute the actual [n.dist] *)
+ count := !count+1;
+ (tn, n)::acc
+ )
+ in
+ let nops = Hashtbl.fold filter_nops_init_dist c.nodes [] in
+ let res = List.fold_left (fun acc (tn,n) -> PTree.set (lab_p n) (lab_p tn, Z.of_uint (dist n)) acc) PTree.empty nops in
+ debug "* Tunneling.branch_target: final number of eliminated nops = %d\n" !count;
+ res
+(*** START: printing and debugging functions *)
+let string_of_labeli nodes ipc =
+ try
+ let pc = Hashtbl.find nodes ipc in
+ if pc.link == pc
+ then Printf.sprintf "(Target@%d)" (dist pc)
+ else Printf.sprintf "(Nop %d @%d)" (lab_i pc.link) (dist pc)
+ with
+ Not_found -> ""
+let print_bblock c println (pc, bb) =
+ match bb with
+ | Lbranch s::_ -> (if println then debug "\n"); debug "%d:Lbranch %d %s\n" pc (P.to_int s) (string_of_labeli c.nodes pc); false
+ | Lcond (_, _, s1, s2, _)::_ -> (if println then debug "\n"); debug "%d:Lcond (%d,%d) %s\n" pc (P.to_int s1) (P.to_int s2) (string_of_labeli c.nodes pc); false
+ | _ -> debug "%d " pc; true
+let print_cfg f c =
+ let a = Array.of_list (PTree.fold (fun acc pc bb -> (P.to_int pc,bb)::acc) f.fn_code []) in
+ Array.fast_sort (fun (i1,_) (i2,_) -> i2 - i1) a;
+ let ep = P.to_int f.fn_entrypoint in
+ debug "entrypoint: %d %s\n" ep (string_of_labeli c.nodes ep);
+ let println = Array.fold_left (print_bblock c) false a in
+ (if println then debug "\n");debug "remaining cond:";
+ List.iter (fun n -> debug "%d " (lab_i n)) c.rems;
+ debug "\n"
+(* Copy-paste of the extracted code of the verifier *)
+(* with [raise (BugOnPC (P.to_int pc))] instead of [Error.*] *)
+let get td pc =
+ match PTree.get pc td with
+ | Some p -> let (t0, d) = p in (t0, d)
+ | None -> (pc, Z.of_uint 0)
+let check_bblock td pc bb =
+ match PTree.get pc td with
+ | Some p ->
+ let (tpc, dpc) = p in
+ let dpc0 = dpc in
+ (match bb with
+ | [] ->
+ raise (BugOnPC (P.to_int pc))
+ | i :: _ ->
+ (match i with
+ | Lbranch s ->
+ let (ts, ds) = get td s in
+ if peq tpc ts
+ then if zlt ds dpc0
+ then ()
+ else raise (BugOnPC (P.to_int pc))
+ else raise (BugOnPC (P.to_int pc))
+ | Lcond (_, _, s1, s2, _) ->
+ let (ts1, ds1) = get td s1 in
+ let (ts2, ds2) = get td s2 in
+ if peq tpc ts1
+ then if peq tpc ts2
+ then if zlt ds1 dpc0
+ then if zlt ds2 dpc0
+ then ()
+ else raise (BugOnPC (P.to_int pc))
+ else raise (BugOnPC (P.to_int pc))
+ else raise (BugOnPC (P.to_int pc))
+ else raise (BugOnPC (P.to_int pc))
+ | _ ->
+ raise (BugOnPC (P.to_int pc))))
+ | None -> ()
+(** val check_code : coq_UF -> code -> unit res **)
+let check_code td c =
+ PTree.fold (fun _ pc bb -> check_bblock td pc bb) c (())
+(*** END: copy-paste & debugging functions *******)
+let branch_target f =
+ debug "* Tunneling.branch_target: starting on a new function\n";
+ if limit_tunneling <> None then debug "* WARNING: limit_tunneling <> None\n";
+ let c = { nodes = Hashtbl.create 100; rems = []; num_rems = 0; iter_num = 0 } in
+ c.rems <- PTree.fold (build_simplified_cfg c) f.fn_code [];
+ repeat_change_cond c;
+ let res = final_export f c in
+ if !debug_flag then (
+ try
+ check_code res f.fn_code;
+ if final_dump then print_cfg f c;
+ with e -> (
+ print_cfg f c;
+ check_code res f.fn_code
+ )
+ );
+ res
diff --git a/backend/Tunnelingproof.v b/backend/Tunnelingproof.v
index cdf6c800..126b7b87 100644
--- a/backend/Tunnelingproof.v
+++ b/backend/Tunnelingproof.v
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* Sylvain Boulmé Grenoble-INP, VERIMAG *)
(* *)
(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
@@ -12,131 +13,163 @@
(** Correctness proof for the branch tunneling optimization. *)
-Require Import Coqlib Maps UnionFind.
+Require Import Coqlib Maps Errors.
Require Import AST Linking.
Require Import Values Memory Events Globalenvs Smallstep.
Require Import Op Locations LTL.
Require Import Tunneling.
-Definition match_prog (p tp: program) :=
- match_program (fun ctx f tf => tf = tunnel_fundef f) eq p tp.
+Local Open Scope nat.
-Lemma transf_program_match:
- forall p, match_prog p (transf_program p).
+(** * Properties of the branch_target, when the verifier succeeds *)
+Definition check_included_spec (c:code) (td:UF) (ok: option bblock) :=
+ ok <> None -> forall pc, c!pc = None -> td!pc = None.
+Lemma check_included_correct (td: UF) (c: code):
+ check_included_spec c td (check_included td c).
+ apply PTree_Properties.fold_rec with (P := check_included_spec c).
+- (* extensionality *)
+ unfold check_included_spec. intros m m' a EQ IND X pc. rewrite <- EQ; auto.
+- (* base case *)
+ intros _ pc. rewrite PTree.gempty; try congruence.
+- (* inductive case *)
+ unfold check_included_spec.
+ intros m [|] pc bb NEW ATPC IND; simpl; try congruence.
+ intros H pc0. rewrite PTree.gsspec; destruct (peq _ _); subst; simpl; try congruence.
+ intros; eapply IND; try congruence.
+Inductive target_bounds (target: node -> node) (bound: node -> nat) (pc: node): (option bblock) -> Prop :=
+ | TB_default (TB: target pc = pc) ob
+ : target_bounds target bound pc ob
+ | TB_branch s bb
+ (EQ: target pc = target s)
+ (DECREASE: bound s < bound pc)
+ : target_bounds target bound pc (Some (Lbranch s::bb))
+ | TB_cond cond args s1 s2 info bb
+ (EQ1: target pc = target s1)
+ (EQ2: target pc = target s2)
+ (DEC1: bound s1 < bound pc)
+ (DEC2: bound s2 < bound pc)
+ : target_bounds target bound pc (Some (Lcond cond args s1 s2 info::bb))
+ .
+Local Hint Resolve TB_default: core.
+Lemma target_None (td:UF) (pc: node): td!pc = None -> td pc = pc.
- intros. eapply match_transform_program; eauto.
+ unfold target, get. intros H; rewrite H; auto.
+Local Hint Resolve target_None Z.abs_nonneg: core.
-(** * Properties of the branch map computed using union-find. *)
+Lemma get_nonneg td pc t d: get td pc = (t, d) -> (0 <= d)%Z.
+ unfold get. destruct (td!_) as [(t0&d0)|]; intros H; inversion H; subst; simpl; omega || auto.
+Local Hint Resolve get_nonneg: core.
-(** A variant of [record_goto] that also incrementally computes a measure [f: node -> nat]
- counting the number of [Lnop] instructions starting at a given [pc] that were eliminated. *)
+Definition bound (td: UF) (pc: node) := Z.to_nat (snd (get td pc)).
-Definition measure_edge (u: U.t) (pc s: node) (f: node -> nat) : node -> nat :=
- fun x => if peq (U.repr u s) pc then f x
- else if peq (U.repr u x) pc then (f x + f s + 1)%nat
- else f x.
+Lemma check_bblock_correct (td:UF) (pc:node) (bb: bblock):
+ check_bblock td pc bb = OK tt ->
+ target_bounds (target td) (bound td) pc (Some bb).
+ unfold check_bblock, bound.
+ destruct (td!pc) as [(tpc&dpc)|] eqn:Hpc; auto.
+ assert (Tpc: td pc = tpc). { unfold target, get; rewrite Hpc; simpl; auto. }
+ assert (Dpc: snd (get td pc) = Z.abs dpc). { unfold get; rewrite Hpc; simpl; auto. }
+ destruct bb as [|[ ] bb]; simpl; try congruence.
+ + destruct (get td s) as (ts, ds) eqn:Hs.
+ repeat (destruct (peq _ _) || destruct (zlt _ _)); simpl; try congruence.
+ intros; apply TB_branch.
+ * rewrite Tpc. unfold target; rewrite Hs; simpl; auto.
+ * rewrite Dpc, Hs; simpl. apply Z2Nat.inj_lt; eauto.
+ + destruct (get td s1) as (ts1, ds1) eqn:Hs1.
+ destruct (get td s2) as (ts2, ds2) eqn:Hs2.
+ repeat (destruct (peq _ _) || destruct (zlt _ _)); simpl; try congruence.
+ intros; apply TB_cond.
+ * rewrite Tpc. unfold target; rewrite Hs1; simpl; auto.
+ * rewrite Tpc. unfold target; rewrite Hs2; simpl; auto.
+ * rewrite Dpc, Hs1; simpl. apply Z2Nat.inj_lt; eauto.
+ * rewrite Dpc, Hs2; simpl. apply Z2Nat.inj_lt; eauto.
-Definition record_goto' (uf: U.t * (node -> nat)) (pc: node) (b: bblock) : U.t * (node -> nat) :=
- match b with
- | Lbranch s :: b' => let (u, f) := uf in (U.union u pc s, measure_edge u pc s f)
- | _ => uf
- end.
+Definition check_code_spec (td:UF) (c:code) (ok: res unit) :=
+ ok = OK tt -> forall pc bb, c!pc = Some bb -> target_bounds (target td) (bound td) pc (Some bb).
-Definition branch_map_correct (c: code) (uf: U.t * (node -> nat)): Prop :=
- forall pc,
- match c!pc with
- | Some(Lbranch s :: b) =>
- U.repr (fst uf) pc = pc \/ (U.repr (fst uf) pc = U.repr (fst uf) s /\ snd uf s < snd uf pc)%nat
- | _ =>
- U.repr (fst uf) pc = pc
- end.
+Lemma check_code_correct (td:UF) c:
+ check_code_spec td c (check_code td c).
+ apply PTree_Properties.fold_rec with (P := check_code_spec td).
+- (* extensionality *)
+ unfold check_code_spec. intros m m' a EQ IND X pc bb; subst. rewrite <- ! EQ; eauto.
+- (* base case *)
+ intros _ pc. rewrite PTree.gempty; try congruence.
+- (* inductive case *)
+ unfold check_code_spec.
+ intros m [[]|] pc bb NEW ATPC IND; simpl; try congruence.
+ intros H pc0 bb0. rewrite PTree.gsspec; destruct (peq _ _); subst; simpl; auto.
+ intros X; inversion X; subst.
+ apply check_bblock_correct; auto.
-Lemma record_gotos'_correct:
- forall c,
- branch_map_correct c (PTree.fold record_goto' c (U.empty, fun (x: node) => O)).
+Theorem branch_target_bounds:
+ forall f tf pc,
+ tunnel_function f = OK tf ->
+ target_bounds (branch_target f) (bound (branch_target f)) pc (f.(fn_code)!pc).
- intros.
- apply PTree_Properties.fold_rec with (P := fun c uf => branch_map_correct c uf).
+ unfold tunnel_function; intros f f' pc.
+ destruct (check_included _ _) eqn:H1; try congruence.
+ destruct (check_code _ _) as [[]|] eqn:H2; simpl; try congruence.
+ intros _.
+ destruct ((fn_code f)!pc) eqn:X.
+ - exploit check_code_correct; eauto.
+ - exploit check_included_correct; eauto.
+ congruence.
-- (* extensionality *)
- intros. red; intros. rewrite <- H. apply H0.
+Lemma tunnel_function_unfold:
+ forall f tf pc,
+ tunnel_function f = OK tf ->
+ (fn_code tf)!pc = option_map (tunnel_block (branch_target f)) (fn_code f)!pc.
+ unfold tunnel_function; intros f f' pc.
+ destruct (check_included _ _) eqn:H1; try congruence.
+ destruct (check_code _ _) as [[]|] eqn:H2; simpl; try congruence.
+ intros X; inversion X; clear X; subst.
+ simpl. rewrite PTree.gmap1. auto.
-- (* base case *)
- red; intros; simpl. rewrite PTree.gempty. apply U.repr_empty.
+Lemma tunnel_fundef_Internal:
+ forall f tf, tunnel_fundef (Internal f) = OK tf
+ -> exists tf', tunnel_function f = OK tf' /\ tf = Internal tf'.
+ intros f tf; simpl.
+ destruct (tunnel_function f) eqn:X; simpl; try congruence.
+ intros EQ; inversion EQ.
+ eexists; split; eauto.
-- (* inductive case *)
- intros m uf pc bb; intros. destruct uf as [u f].
- assert (PC: U.repr u pc = pc).
- generalize (H1 pc). rewrite H. auto.
- assert (record_goto' (u, f) pc bb = (u, f)
- \/ exists s, exists bb', bb = Lbranch s :: bb' /\ record_goto' (u, f) pc bb = (U.union u pc s, measure_edge u pc s f)).
- unfold record_goto'; simpl. destruct bb; auto. destruct i; auto. right. exists s; exists bb; auto.
- destruct H2 as [B | [s [bb' [EQ B]]]].
-+ (* u and f are unchanged *)
- rewrite B.
- red. intro pc'. simpl. rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq pc' pc). subst pc'.
- destruct bb; auto. destruct i; auto.
- apply H1.
-+ (* b is Lbranch s, u becomes union u pc s, f becomes measure_edge u pc s f *)
- rewrite B.
- red. intro pc'. simpl. rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq pc' pc). subst pc'. rewrite EQ.
-* (* The new instruction *)
- rewrite (U.repr_union_2 u pc s); auto. rewrite U.repr_union_3.
- unfold measure_edge. destruct (peq (U.repr u s) pc). auto. right. split. auto.
- rewrite PC. rewrite peq_true. omega.
-* (* An old instruction *)
- assert (U.repr u pc' = pc' -> U.repr (U.union u pc s) pc' = pc').
- { intro. rewrite <- H2 at 2. apply U.repr_union_1. congruence. }
- generalize (H1 pc'). simpl. destruct (m!pc'); auto. destruct b; auto. destruct i; auto.
- intros [P | [P Q]]. left; auto. right.
- split. apply U.sameclass_union_2. auto.
- unfold measure_edge. destruct (peq (U.repr u s) pc). auto.
- rewrite P. destruct (peq (U.repr u s0) pc). omega. auto.
-Definition record_gotos' (f: function) :=
- PTree.fold record_goto' f.(fn_code) (U.empty, fun (x: node) => O).
-Lemma record_gotos_gotos':
- forall f, fst (record_gotos' f) = record_gotos f.
- intros. unfold record_gotos', record_gotos.
- repeat rewrite PTree.fold_spec.
- generalize (PTree.elements (fn_code f)) (U.empty) (fun _ : node => O).
- induction l; intros; simpl.
- auto.
- unfold record_goto' at 2. unfold record_goto at 2.
- destruct (snd a). apply IHl. destruct i; apply IHl.
-Definition branch_target (f: function) (pc: node) : node :=
- U.repr (record_gotos f) pc.
-Definition count_gotos (f: function) (pc: node) : nat :=
- snd (record_gotos' f) pc.
-Theorem record_gotos_correct:
- forall f pc,
- match f.(fn_code)!pc with
- | Some(Lbranch s :: b) =>
- branch_target f pc = pc \/
- (branch_target f pc = branch_target f s /\ count_gotos f s < count_gotos f pc)%nat
- | _ => branch_target f pc = pc
- end.
+Lemma tunnel_fundef_External:
+ forall tf ef, tunnel_fundef (External ef) = OK tf
+ -> tf = External ef.
- intros.
- generalize (record_gotos'_correct f.(fn_code) pc). simpl.
- fold (record_gotos' f). unfold branch_map_correct, branch_target, count_gotos.
- rewrite record_gotos_gotos'. auto.
+ intros tf ef; simpl. intros H; inversion H; auto.
(** * Preservation of semantics *)
+Definition match_prog (p tp: program) :=
+ match_program (fun _ f tf => tunnel_fundef f = OK tf) eq p tp.
+Lemma transf_program_match:
+ forall prog tprog, transf_program prog = OK tprog -> match_prog prog tprog.
+ intros. eapply match_transform_partial_program_contextual; eauto.
Variables prog tprog: program.
@@ -145,32 +178,65 @@ Let ge := Genv.globalenv prog.
Let tge := Genv.globalenv tprog.
Lemma functions_translated:
- forall v f,
+ forall (v: val) (f: fundef),
Genv.find_funct ge v = Some f ->
- Genv.find_funct tge v = Some (tunnel_fundef f).
-Proof (Genv.find_funct_transf TRANSL).
+ exists tf, tunnel_fundef f = OK tf /\ Genv.find_funct tge v = Some tf.
+ intros. exploit (Genv.find_funct_match TRANSL); eauto.
+ intros (cu & tf & A & B & C).
+ repeat eexists; intuition eauto.
Lemma function_ptr_translated:
forall v f,
Genv.find_funct_ptr ge v = Some f ->
- Genv.find_funct_ptr tge v = Some (tunnel_fundef f).
-Proof (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf TRANSL).
+ exists tf,
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr tge v = Some tf /\ tunnel_fundef f = OK tf.
+ intros.
+ exploit (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial TRANSL); eauto.
-Lemma symbols_preserved:
- forall id,
- Genv.find_symbol tge id = Genv.find_symbol ge id.
-Proof (Genv.find_symbol_transf TRANSL).
+Lemma symbols_preserved s: Genv.find_symbol tge s = Genv.find_symbol ge s.
+ rewrite <- (Genv.find_symbol_match TRANSL). reflexivity.
Lemma senv_preserved:
Senv.equiv ge tge.
-Proof (Genv.senv_transf TRANSL).
+ eapply (Genv.senv_match TRANSL).
Lemma sig_preserved:
- forall f, funsig (tunnel_fundef f) = funsig f.
+ forall f tf, tunnel_fundef f = OK tf -> funsig tf = funsig f.
- destruct f; reflexivity.
+ intros. destruct f.
+ - simpl in H. monadInv H. unfold tunnel_function in EQ.
+ destruct (check_included _ _); try congruence.
+ monadInv EQ. simpl; auto.
+ - simpl in H. monadInv H. reflexivity.
+Lemma fn_stacksize_preserved:
+ forall f tf, tunnel_function f = OK tf -> fn_stacksize tf = fn_stacksize f.
+ intros f tf; unfold tunnel_function.
+ destruct (check_included _ _); try congruence.
+ destruct (check_code _ _); simpl; try congruence.
+ intros H; inversion H; simpl; auto.
+Lemma fn_entrypoint_preserved:
+ forall f tf, tunnel_function f = OK tf -> fn_entrypoint tf = branch_target f (fn_entrypoint f).
+ intros f tf; unfold tunnel_function.
+ destruct (check_included _ _); try congruence.
+ destruct (check_code _ _); simpl; try congruence.
+ intros H; inversion H; simpl; auto.
(** The proof of semantic preservation is a simulation argument
based on diagrams of the following form:
@@ -185,7 +251,7 @@ Qed.
between states [st1] and [st2], as well as the postcondition between
[st1'] and [st2']. One transition in the source code (left) can correspond
to zero or one transition in the transformed code (right). The
- "zero transition" case occurs when executing a [Lgoto] instruction
+ "zero transition" case occurs when executing a [Lnop] instruction
in the source code that has been removed by tunneling.
In the definition of [match_states], what changes between the original and
@@ -194,52 +260,52 @@ Qed.
and memory states, since some [Vundef] values can become more defined
as a consequence of eliminating useless [Lcond] instructions. *)
-Definition tunneled_block (f: function) (b: bblock) :=
- tunnel_block (record_gotos f) b.
-Definition tunneled_code (f: function) :=
- PTree.map1 (tunneled_block f) (fn_code f).
Definition locmap_lessdef (ls1 ls2: locset) : Prop :=
forall l, Val.lessdef (ls1 l) (ls2 l).
Inductive match_stackframes: stackframe -> stackframe -> Prop :=
| match_stackframes_intro:
- forall f sp ls0 bb tls0,
+ forall f tf sp ls0 bb tls0,
locmap_lessdef ls0 tls0 ->
+ tunnel_function f = OK tf ->
(Stackframe f sp ls0 bb)
- (Stackframe (tunnel_function f) sp tls0 (tunneled_block f bb)).
+ (Stackframe tf sp tls0 (tunnel_block (branch_target f) bb)).
Inductive match_states: state -> state -> Prop :=
| match_states_intro:
- forall s f sp pc ls m ts tls tm
+ forall s f tf sp pc ls m ts tls tm
(STK: list_forall2 match_stackframes s ts)
(LS: locmap_lessdef ls tls)
- (MEM: Mem.extends m tm),
+ (MEM: Mem.extends m tm)
+ (TF: tunnel_function f = OK tf),
match_states (State s f sp pc ls m)
- (State ts (tunnel_function f) sp (branch_target f pc) tls tm)
+ (State ts tf sp (branch_target f pc) tls tm)
| match_states_block:
- forall s f sp bb ls m ts tls tm
+ forall s f tf sp bb ls m ts tls tm
(STK: list_forall2 match_stackframes s ts)
(LS: locmap_lessdef ls tls)
- (MEM: Mem.extends m tm),
+ (MEM: Mem.extends m tm)
+ (TF: tunnel_function f = OK tf),
match_states (Block s f sp bb ls m)
- (Block ts (tunnel_function f) sp (tunneled_block f bb) tls tm)
+ (Block ts tf sp (tunnel_block (branch_target f) bb) tls tm)
| match_states_interm:
- forall s f sp pc bb ls m ts tls tm
+ forall s f tf sp pc i bb ls m ts tls tm
(STK: list_forall2 match_stackframes s ts)
(LS: locmap_lessdef ls tls)
- (MEM: Mem.extends m tm),
- match_states (Block s f sp (Lbranch pc :: bb) ls m)
- (State ts (tunnel_function f) sp (branch_target f pc) tls tm)
+ (MEM: Mem.extends m tm)
+ (IBRANCH: tunnel_instr (branch_target f) i = Lbranch pc)
+ (TF: tunnel_function f = OK tf),
+ match_states (Block s f sp (i :: bb) ls m)
+ (State ts tf sp pc tls tm)
| match_states_call:
- forall s f ls m ts tls tm
+ forall s f tf ls m ts tls tm
(STK: list_forall2 match_stackframes s ts)
(LS: locmap_lessdef ls tls)
- (MEM: Mem.extends m tm),
+ (MEM: Mem.extends m tm)
+ (TF: tunnel_fundef f = OK tf),
match_states (Callstate s f ls m)
- (Callstate ts (tunnel_fundef f) tls tm)
+ (Callstate ts tf tls tm)
| match_states_return:
forall s ls m ts tls tm
(STK: list_forall2 match_stackframes s ts)
@@ -289,22 +355,6 @@ Proof.
induction rl as [ | r rl]; intros; simpl. auto. apply locmap_set_undef_lessdef; auto.
-Lemma locmap_undef_lessdef:
- forall ll ls1 ls2,
- locmap_lessdef ls1 ls2 -> locmap_lessdef (Locmap.undef ll ls1) (Locmap.undef ll ls2).
- induction ll as [ | l ll]; intros; simpl. auto. apply IHll. apply locmap_set_lessdef; auto.
-Lemma locmap_undef_lessdef_1:
- forall ll ls1 ls2,
- locmap_lessdef ls1 ls2 -> locmap_lessdef (Locmap.undef ll ls1) ls2.
- induction ll as [ | l ll]; intros; simpl. auto. apply IHll. apply locmap_set_undef_lessdef; auto.
Lemma locmap_getpair_lessdef:
forall p ls1 ls2,
locmap_lessdef ls1 ls2 -> Val.lessdef (Locmap.getpair p ls1) (Locmap.getpair p ls2).
@@ -348,15 +398,16 @@ Lemma find_function_translated:
forall ros ls tls fd,
locmap_lessdef ls tls ->
find_function ge ros ls = Some fd ->
- find_function tge ros tls = Some (tunnel_fundef fd).
+ exists tfd, tunnel_fundef fd = OK tfd /\ find_function tge ros tls = Some tfd.
intros. destruct ros; simpl in *.
- assert (E: tls (R m) = ls (R m)).
{ exploit Genv.find_funct_inv; eauto. intros (b & EQ).
generalize (H (R m)). rewrite EQ. intros LD; inv LD. auto. }
- rewrite E. apply functions_translated; auto.
+ rewrite E. exploit functions_translated; eauto.
- rewrite symbols_preserved. destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i); inv H0.
- apply function_ptr_translated; auto.
+ exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto.
+ intros (tf & X1 & X2). exists tf; intuition.
Lemma call_regs_lessdef:
@@ -383,11 +434,12 @@ Qed.
Definition measure (st: state) : nat :=
match st with
- | State s f sp pc ls m => (count_gotos f pc * 2)%nat
- | Block s f sp (Lbranch pc :: _) ls m => (count_gotos f pc * 2 + 1)%nat
- | Block s f sp bb ls m => 0%nat
- | Callstate s f ls m => 0%nat
- | Returnstate s ls m => 0%nat
+ | State s f sp pc ls m => (bound (branch_target f) pc) * 2
+ | Block s f sp (Lbranch pc :: _) ls m => (bound (branch_target f) pc) * 2 + 1
+ | Block s f sp (Lcond _ _ pc1 pc2 _ :: _) ls m => (max (bound (branch_target f) pc1) (bound (branch_target f) pc2)) * 2 + 1
+ | Block s f sp bb ls m => 0
+ | Callstate s f ls m => 0
+ | Returnstate s ls m => 0
Lemma match_parent_locset:
@@ -406,24 +458,23 @@ Lemma tunnel_step_correct:
(exists st2', step tge st1' t st2' /\ match_states st2 st2')
\/ (measure st2 < measure st1 /\ t = E0 /\ match_states st2 st1')%nat.
- induction 1; intros; try inv MS.
+ induction 1; intros; try inv MS; try (simpl in IBRANCH; inv IBRANCH).
- (* entering a block *)
- assert (DEFAULT: branch_target f pc = pc ->
- (exists st2' : state,
- step tge (State ts (tunnel_function f) sp (branch_target f pc) tls tm) E0 st2'
- /\ match_states (Block s f sp bb rs m) st2')).
- { intros. rewrite H0. econstructor; split.
- econstructor. simpl. rewrite PTree.gmap1. rewrite H. simpl. eauto.
- econstructor; eauto. }
- generalize (record_gotos_correct f pc). rewrite H.
- destruct bb; auto. destruct i; auto.
- intros [A | [B C]]. auto.
- right. split. simpl. omega.
- split. auto.
- rewrite B. econstructor; eauto.
+ exploit (branch_target_bounds f tf pc); eauto.
+ rewrite H. intros X; inversion X.
+ + (* TB_default *)
+ rewrite TB; left. econstructor; split.
+ * econstructor. simpl. erewrite tunnel_function_unfold, H ; simpl; eauto.
+ * econstructor; eauto.
+ + (* FT_branch *)
+ simpl; right.
+ rewrite EQ; repeat (econstructor; omega || eauto).
+ + (* FT_cond *)
+ simpl; right.
+ repeat (econstructor; omega || eauto); simpl.
+ apply Nat.max_case; omega.
+ destruct (peq _ _); try congruence.
- (* Lop *)
exploit eval_operation_lessdef. apply reglist_lessdef; eauto. eauto. eauto.
intros (tv & EV & LD).
@@ -485,20 +536,25 @@ Proof.
eauto. eauto.
econstructor; eauto using locmap_undef_regs_lessdef.
- (* Lcall *)
- left; simpl; econstructor; split.
- eapply exec_Lcall with (fd := tunnel_fundef fd); eauto.
- eapply find_function_translated; eauto.
- rewrite sig_preserved. auto.
- econstructor; eauto.
- constructor; auto.
- constructor; auto.
+ left; simpl.
+ exploit find_function_translated; eauto.
+ intros (tfd & Htfd & FIND).
+ econstructor; split.
+ + eapply exec_Lcall; eauto.
+ erewrite sig_preserved; eauto.
+ + econstructor; eauto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ constructor; auto.
- (* Ltailcall *)
- exploit Mem.free_parallel_extends. eauto. eauto. intros (tm' & FREE & MEM').
+ exploit find_function_translated. 2: eauto.
+ { eauto using return_regs_lessdef, match_parent_locset. }
+ intros (tfd & Htfd & FIND).
+ exploit Mem.free_parallel_extends. eauto. eauto. intros (tm' & FREE & MEM').
left; simpl; econstructor; split.
- eapply exec_Ltailcall with (fd := tunnel_fundef fd); eauto.
- eapply find_function_translated; eauto using return_regs_lessdef, match_parent_locset.
- apply sig_preserved.
- econstructor; eauto using return_regs_lessdef, match_parent_locset.
+ + eapply exec_Ltailcall; eauto.
+ * eapply sig_preserved; eauto.
+ * erewrite fn_stacksize_preserved; eauto.
+ + econstructor; eauto using return_regs_lessdef, match_parent_locset.
- (* Lbuiltin *)
exploit eval_builtin_args_lessdef. eexact LS. eauto. eauto. intros (tvargs & EVA & LDA).
exploit external_call_mem_extends; eauto. intros (tvres & tm' & A & B & C & D).
@@ -513,45 +569,58 @@ Proof.
fold (branch_target f pc). econstructor; eauto.
- (* Lbranch (eliminated) *)
right; split. simpl. omega. split. auto. constructor; auto.
-- (* Lcond *)
- simpl tunneled_block.
- set (s1 := U.repr (record_gotos f) pc1). set (s2 := U.repr (record_gotos f) pc2).
- destruct (peq s1 s2).
-+ left; econstructor; split.
- eapply exec_Lbranch.
- destruct b.
-* constructor; eauto using locmap_undef_regs_lessdef_1.
-* rewrite e. constructor; eauto using locmap_undef_regs_lessdef_1.
-+ left; econstructor; split.
- eapply exec_Lcond; eauto. eapply eval_condition_lessdef; eauto using reglist_lessdef.
- destruct b; econstructor; eauto using locmap_undef_regs_lessdef.
+- (* Lcond (preserved) *)
+ simpl; left; destruct (peq _ _) eqn: EQ.
+ + econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Lbranch.
+ destruct b.
+ * constructor; eauto using locmap_undef_regs_lessdef_1.
+ * rewrite e. constructor; eauto using locmap_undef_regs_lessdef_1.
+ + econstructor; split.
+ eapply exec_Lcond; eauto. eapply eval_condition_lessdef; eauto using reglist_lessdef.
+ destruct b; econstructor; eauto using locmap_undef_regs_lessdef.
+- (* Lcond (eliminated) *)
+ destruct (peq _ _) eqn: EQ; try inv H1.
+ right; split; simpl.
+ + destruct b.
+ generalize (Nat.le_max_l (bound (branch_target f) pc1) (bound (branch_target f) pc2)); omega.
+ generalize (Nat.le_max_r (bound (branch_target f) pc1) (bound (branch_target f) pc2)); omega.
+ + destruct b.
+ -- repeat (constructor; auto).
+ -- rewrite e; repeat (constructor; auto).
- (* Ljumptable *)
assert (tls (R arg) = Vint n).
{ generalize (LS (R arg)); rewrite H; intros LD; inv LD; auto. }
left; simpl; econstructor; split.
eapply exec_Ljumptable.
- eauto. rewrite list_nth_z_map. change U.elt with node. rewrite H0. reflexivity. eauto.
+ eauto. rewrite list_nth_z_map, H0; simpl; eauto. eauto.
econstructor; eauto using locmap_undef_regs_lessdef.
- (* Lreturn *)
exploit Mem.free_parallel_extends. eauto. eauto. intros (tm' & FREE & MEM').
left; simpl; econstructor; split.
- eapply exec_Lreturn; eauto.
- constructor; eauto using return_regs_lessdef, match_parent_locset.
+ + eapply exec_Lreturn; eauto.
+ erewrite fn_stacksize_preserved; eauto.
+ + constructor; eauto using return_regs_lessdef, match_parent_locset.
- (* internal function *)
+ exploit tunnel_fundef_Internal; eauto.
+ intros (tf' & TF' & ITF). subst.
exploit Mem.alloc_extends. eauto. eauto. apply Z.le_refl. apply Z.le_refl.
- intros (tm' & ALLOC & MEM').
- left; simpl; econstructor; split.
- eapply exec_function_internal; eauto.
- simpl. econstructor; eauto using locmap_undef_regs_lessdef, call_regs_lessdef.
+ intros (tm' & ALLOC & MEM').
+ left; simpl.
+ econstructor; split.
+ + eapply exec_function_internal; eauto.
+ erewrite fn_stacksize_preserved; eauto.
+ + simpl.
+ erewrite (fn_entrypoint_preserved f tf'); auto.
+ econstructor; eauto using locmap_undef_regs_lessdef, call_regs_lessdef.
- (* external function *)
exploit external_call_mem_extends; eauto using locmap_getpairs_lessdef.
intros (tvres & tm' & A & B & C & D).
left; simpl; econstructor; split.
- eapply exec_function_external; eauto.
- eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. apply senv_preserved.
- simpl. econstructor; eauto using locmap_setpair_lessdef, locmap_undef_caller_save_regs_lessdef.
+ + erewrite (tunnel_fundef_External tf ef); eauto.
+ eapply exec_function_external; eauto.
+ eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. apply senv_preserved.
+ + simpl. econstructor; eauto using locmap_setpair_lessdef, locmap_undef_caller_save_regs_lessdef.
- (* return *)
inv STK. inv H1.
left; econstructor; split.
@@ -564,14 +633,15 @@ Lemma transf_initial_states:
exists st2, initial_state tprog st2 /\ match_states st1 st2.
intros. inversion H.
- exists (Callstate nil (tunnel_fundef f) (Locmap.init Vundef) m0); split.
+ exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto.
+ intros (tf & Htf & Hf).
+ exists (Callstate nil tf (Locmap.init Vundef) m0); split.
econstructor; eauto.
- apply (Genv.init_mem_transf TRANSL); auto.
+ apply (Genv.init_mem_transf_partial TRANSL); auto.
rewrite (match_program_main TRANSL).
rewrite symbols_preserved. eauto.
- apply function_ptr_translated; auto.
- rewrite <- H3. apply sig_preserved.
- constructor. constructor. red; simpl; auto. apply Mem.extends_refl.
+ rewrite <- H3. apply sig_preserved. auto.
+ constructor. constructor. red; simpl; auto. apply Mem.extends_refl. auto.
Lemma transf_final_states:
diff --git a/driver/Clflags.ml b/driver/Clflags.ml
index 9df58903..d1e7dd7f 100644
--- a/driver/Clflags.ml
+++ b/driver/Clflags.ml
@@ -27,11 +27,14 @@ let option_ftailcalls = ref true
let option_fconstprop = ref true
let option_fcse = ref true
let option_fcse2 = ref false
let option_fcse3 = ref true
let option_fcse3_alias_analysis = ref true
let option_fcse3_across_calls = ref false
let option_fcse3_across_merges = ref true
let option_fcse3_glb = ref true
+let option_fcse3_trivial_ops = ref false
+let option_fcse3_refine = ref true
let option_fredundancy = ref true
(** Options relative to superblock scheduling *)
@@ -40,6 +43,7 @@ let option_ftailduplicate = ref 0 (* perform tail duplication for blocks of size
let option_ftracelinearize = ref true (* uses branch prediction information to improve the linearization *)
let option_funrollsingle = ref 0 (* unroll a single iteration of innermost loops of size n *)
let option_funrollbody = ref 0 (* unroll the body of innermost loops of size n *)
+let option_flooprotate = ref 0 (* rotate the innermost loops to have the condition inside the loop body *)
let option_fpostpass = ref true
let option_fpostpass_sched = ref "list"
@@ -93,7 +97,7 @@ let option_div_i32 = ref "stsud"
let option_div_i64 = ref "stsud"
let option_fcoalesce_mem = ref true
let option_fforward_moves = ref false
-let option_fmove_loop_invariants = ref true
+let option_fmove_loop_invariants = ref false
let option_fnontrap_loads = ref true
let option_all_loads_nontrap = ref false
let option_inline_auto_threshold = ref 0
diff --git a/driver/Compiler.vexpand b/driver/Compiler.vexpand
index 0f59aab7..3acec956 100644
--- a/driver/Compiler.vexpand
+++ b/driver/Compiler.vexpand
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Require Cshmgen.
Require Cminorgen.
Require Selection.
Require RTLgen.
+Require Import Duplicatepasses.
Require Asmgen.
(** Proofs of semantic preservation. *)
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ Require Import Compopts.
Parameter print_Clight: Clight.program -> unit.
Parameter print_Cminor: Cminor.program -> unit.
Parameter print_RTL: Z -> RTL.program -> unit.
-Parameter print_LTL: LTL.program -> unit.
+Parameter print_LTL: Z -> LTL.program -> unit.
Parameter print_Mach: Mach.program -> unit.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
diff --git a/driver/Compopts.v b/driver/Compopts.v
index 540e8922..0c90ee52 100644
--- a/driver/Compopts.v
+++ b/driver/Compopts.v
@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ Parameter optim_CSE3_across_merges: unit -> bool.
(** Flag -fcse3-glb *)
Parameter optim_CSE3_glb: unit -> bool.
+(** Flag -fcse3-trivial-ops. For DMonniaux's common subexpression elimination, simplify trivial operations as well. *)
+Parameter optim_CSE3_trivial_ops: unit -> bool.
(** Flag -fmove-loop-invariants. *)
Parameter optim_move_loop_invariants: unit -> bool.
diff --git a/driver/Driver.ml b/driver/Driver.ml
index 12f50762..d93578b6 100644
--- a/driver/Driver.ml
+++ b/driver/Driver.ml
@@ -202,6 +202,8 @@ Processing options:
-fcse3-across-calls Propagate CSE3 information across function calls [off]
-fcse3-across-merges Propagate CSE3 information across control-flow merges [on]
-fcse3-glb Refine CSE3 information using greatest lower bounds [on]
+ -fcse3-trivial-ops Replace trivial operations as well using CSE3 [off]
+ -fcse3-refine Refine CSE3 invariants by descending iteration [on]
-fmove-loop-invariants Perform loop-invariant code motion [off]
-fredundancy Perform redundancy elimination [on]
-fpostpass Perform postpass scheduling (only for K1 architecture) [on]
@@ -213,6 +215,8 @@ Processing options:
-ftracelinearize Uses branch prediction information to improve the Linearize [on]
-funrollsingle n Unrolls a single iteration of innermost loops of size n (not counting Inops) [0]
-funrollbody n Unrolls once the body of innermost loops of size n (not counting Inops) [0]
+ -flooprotate n Duplicates the header (condition computation part) of innermost loops to perform a loop rotate [0]
+ Doesn't duplicate if the size of that header is strictly greater than n
-fforward-moves Forward moves after CSE
-finline Perform inlining of functions [on]
-finline-functions-called-once Integrate functions only required by their
@@ -415,6 +419,8 @@ let cmdline_actions =
@ f_opt "cse3-across-calls" option_fcse3_across_calls
@ f_opt "cse3-across-merges" option_fcse3_across_merges
@ f_opt "cse3-glb" option_fcse3_glb
+ @ f_opt "cse3-trivial-ops" option_fcse3_trivial_ops
+ @ f_opt "cse3-refine" option_fcse3_refine
@ f_opt "move-loop-invariants" option_fmove_loop_invariants
@ f_opt "redundancy" option_fredundancy
@ f_opt "postpass" option_fpostpass
@@ -422,6 +428,7 @@ let cmdline_actions =
@ f_opt "predict" option_fpredict
@ [ Exact "-funrollsingle", Integer (fun n -> option_funrollsingle := n) ]
@ [ Exact "-funrollbody", Integer (fun n -> option_funrollbody := n) ]
+ @ [ Exact "-flooprotate", Integer (fun n -> option_flooprotate := n) ]
@ f_opt "tracelinearize" option_ftracelinearize
@ f_opt_str "postpass" option_fpostpass option_fpostpass_sched
@ f_opt "inline" option_finline
diff --git a/extraction/extraction.v b/extraction/extraction.v
index 5de66797..f5b8291b 100644
--- a/extraction/extraction.v
+++ b/extraction/extraction.v
@@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ Extract Constant Compopts.optim_CSE3_across_merges =>
"fun _ -> !Clflags.option_fcse3_across_merges".
Extract Constant Compopts.optim_CSE3_glb =>
"fun _ -> !Clflags.option_fcse3_glb".
+Extract Constant Compopts.optim_CSE3_trivial_ops =>
+ "fun _ -> !Clflags.option_fcse3_trivial_ops".
Extract Constant Compopts.optim_move_loop_invariants =>
"fun _ -> !Clflags.option_fmove_loop_invariants".
diff --git a/lib/UnionFind.v b/lib/UnionFind.v
index 20bb91cd..bd1b763b 100644
--- a/lib/UnionFind.v
+++ b/lib/UnionFind.v
@@ -124,6 +124,15 @@ Module Type UNIONFIND.
pathlen uf x + pathlen uf b + 1
pathlen uf x.
+ Axiom pathlen_union:
+ forall uf a b x,
+ pathlen (union uf a b) x =
+ if elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b) then
+ pathlen uf x
+ else if elt_eq (repr uf x) (repr uf a) then
+ (pathlen uf x)+1
+ else
+ (pathlen uf x).
Axiom pathlen_gt_merge:
forall uf a b x y,
repr uf x = repr uf y ->
@@ -531,6 +540,7 @@ Qed.
(* Path length and merge *)
Lemma pathlen_merge:
@@ -549,16 +559,49 @@ Proof.
set (uf' := identify uf (repr uf a) b (repr_res_none uf a) (not_eq_sym n)).
pattern x. apply (well_founded_ind (mwf uf')); intros.
rewrite (pathlen_unroll uf'). destruct (M.get x0 (m uf')) as [x'|] eqn:G.
- rewrite H; auto. simpl in G. rewrite M.gsspec in G.
- destruct (M.elt_eq x0 (repr uf a)). rewrite e. rewrite repr_canonical. rewrite dec_eq_true.
- inversion G. subst x'. rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
- replace (pathlen uf (repr uf a)) with 0. omega.
- symmetry. apply pathlen_none. apply repr_res_none.
- rewrite (repr_unroll uf x0), (pathlen_unroll uf x0); rewrite G.
- destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf x') (repr uf a)); omega.
- simpl in G. rewrite M.gsspec in G. destruct (M.elt_eq x0 (repr uf a)); try discriminate.
- rewrite (repr_none uf x0) by auto. rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
- symmetry. apply pathlen_zero; auto. apply repr_none; auto.
+ + rewrite H; auto. clear H. simpl in G. rewrite M.gsspec in G.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq x0 (repr uf a)).
+ - rewrite e, repr_canonical, dec_eq_true.
+ inversion G. subst x'. rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
+ replace (pathlen uf (repr uf a)) with 0; try omega.
+ symmetry. apply pathlen_none. apply repr_res_none.
+ - rewrite (repr_unroll uf x0), (pathlen_unroll uf x0), G.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf x') (repr uf a)); omega.
+ + clear H; simpl in G. rewrite M.gsspec in G. destruct (M.elt_eq x0 (repr uf a)); try discriminate.
+ rewrite (repr_none uf x0) by auto. rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
+ symmetry. apply pathlen_zero; auto. apply repr_none; auto.
+Lemma pathlen_union:
+ forall uf a b x,
+ pathlen (union uf a b) x =
+ if M.elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b) then
+ pathlen uf x
+ else if M.elt_eq (repr uf x) (repr uf a) then
+ (pathlen uf x)+1
+ else
+ (pathlen uf x).
+ intros. unfold union.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq (repr uf a) (repr uf b)).
+ auto.
+ set (uf' := identify uf _ _ _ _).
+ assert (LENa: pathlen uf (repr uf a) = 0).
+ { apply pathlen_none. apply repr_res_none. }
+ pattern x. apply (well_founded_ind (mwf uf')); intros.
+ rewrite (pathlen_unroll uf'). destruct (M.get x0 (m uf')) as [x'|] eqn:G.
+ + rewrite H; auto. clear H. simpl in G. rewrite M.gsspec in G.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq x0 (repr uf a)).
+ - inversion G; clear G. subst.
+ rewrite !repr_canonical, dec_eq_true.
+ rewrite dec_eq_false; auto.
+ rewrite LENa. rewrite (pathlen_none uf (repr uf b)); try omega.
+ apply repr_res_none.
+ - rewrite (repr_unroll uf x0), G, ! (pathlen_some _ _ _ G).
+ destruct (M.elt_eq _ _); auto.
+ + clear H. simpl in G. rewrite M.gsspec in G.
+ destruct (M.elt_eq _ (repr uf a)); try discriminate.
+ rewrite (repr_none _ _ G), !(pathlen_none _ _ G), dec_eq_false; auto.
Lemma pathlen_gt_merge:
diff --git a/test/monniaux/loop_nest/polybench.h b/test/monniaux/loop_nest/polybench.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d092e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/loop_nest/polybench.h
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+ * polybench.h: This file is part of the PolyBench/C 3.2 test suite.
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: Louis-Noel Pouchet <pouchet@cse.ohio-state.edu>
+ * Web address: http://polybench.sourceforge.net
+ */
+ * Polybench header for instrumentation.
+ *
+ * Programs must be compiled with `-I utilities utilities/polybench.c'
+ *
+ * Optionally, one can define:
+ *
+ * -DPOLYBENCH_TIME, to report the execution time,
+ * OR (exclusive):
+ * -DPOLYBENCH_PAPI, to use PAPI H/W counters (defined in polybench.c)
+ *
+ *
+ * See README or utilities/polybench.c for additional options.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef POLYBENCH_H
+# define POLYBENCH_H
+# include <stdlib.h>
+/* Array padding. By default, none is used. */
+/* default: */
+# endif
+/* C99 arrays in function prototype. By default, do not use. */
+# define POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(x,y) y
+# else
+/* default: */
+# define POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(x,y) x
+# endif
+/* Scalar loop bounds in SCoPs. By default, use parametric loop bounds. */
+# define POLYBENCH_LOOP_BOUND(x,y) x
+# else
+/* default: */
+# define POLYBENCH_LOOP_BOUND(x,y) y
+# endif
+/* Macros to reference an array. Generic for heap and stack arrays
+ (C99). Each array dimensionality has his own macro, to be used at
+ declaration or as a function argument.
+ Example:
+ int b[x] => POLYBENCH_1D_ARRAY(b, x)
+ int A[N][N] => POLYBENCH_2D_ARRAY(A, N, N)
+# define POLYBENCH_ARRAY(x) *x
+# define POLYBENCH_FREE_ARRAY(x) free((void*)x);
+# define POLYBENCH_DECL_VAR(x) (*x)
+# else
+# define POLYBENCH_ARRAY(x) x
+# define POLYBENCH_DECL_VAR(x) x
+# endif
+/* Macros for using arrays in the function prototypes. */
+# define POLYBENCH_1D(var, dim1,ddim1) var[POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim1,ddim1) + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR]
+# define POLYBENCH_2D(var, dim1, dim2, ddim1, ddim2) var[POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim1,ddim1) + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR][POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim2,ddim2) + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR]
+# define POLYBENCH_3D(var, dim1, dim2, dim3, ddim1, ddim2, ddim3) var[POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim1,ddim1) + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR][POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim2,ddim2) + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR][POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim3,ddim3) + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR]
+# define POLYBENCH_4D(var, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, ddim1, ddim2, ddim3, ddim4) var[POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim1,ddim1) + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR][POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim2,ddim2) + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR][POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim3,ddim3) + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR][POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim4,ddim4) + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR]
+# define POLYBENCH_5D(var, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, ddim1, ddim2, ddim3, ddim4, ddim5) var[POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim1,ddim1) + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR][POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim2,ddim2) + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR][POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim3,ddim3) + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR][POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim4,ddim4) + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR][POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim5,ddim5) + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR]
+/* Macros to allocate heap arrays.
+ Example:
+ polybench_alloc_2d_array(N, M, double) => allocates N x M x sizeof(double)
+ and returns a pointer to the 2d array
+ */
+# define POLYBENCH_ALLOC_1D_ARRAY(n1, type) \
+ (type(*)[n1 + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR])polybench_alloc_data (n1 + POLYBENCH_PADDING_FACTOR, sizeof(type))
+# define POLYBENCH_ALLOC_2D_ARRAY(n1, n2, type) \
+# define POLYBENCH_ALLOC_3D_ARRAY(n1, n2, n3, type) \
+# define POLYBENCH_ALLOC_4D_ARRAY(n1, n2, n3, n4, type) \
+# define POLYBENCH_ALLOC_5D_ARRAY(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, type) \
+/* Macros for array declaration. */
+# define POLYBENCH_1D_ARRAY_DECL(var, type, dim1, ddim1) \
+ type POLYBENCH_1D(POLYBENCH_DECL_VAR(var), dim1, ddim1); \
+ var = POLYBENCH_ALLOC_1D_ARRAY(POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim1, ddim1), type);
+# define POLYBENCH_2D_ARRAY_DECL(var, type, dim1, dim2, ddim1, ddim2) \
+ type POLYBENCH_2D(POLYBENCH_DECL_VAR(var), dim1, dim2, ddim1, ddim2); \
+ var = POLYBENCH_ALLOC_2D_ARRAY(POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim1, ddim1), POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim2, ddim2), type);
+# define POLYBENCH_3D_ARRAY_DECL(var, type, dim1, dim2, dim3, ddim1, ddim2, ddim3) \
+ type POLYBENCH_3D(POLYBENCH_DECL_VAR(var), dim1, dim2, dim3, ddim1, ddim2, ddim3); \
+ var = POLYBENCH_ALLOC_3D_ARRAY(POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim1, ddim1), POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim2, ddim2), POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim3, ddim3), type);
+# define POLYBENCH_4D_ARRAY_DECL(var, type, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, ddim1, ddim2, ddim3, ddim4) \
+ type POLYBENCH_4D(POLYBENCH_DECL_VAR(var), dim1, dim2, ,dim3, dim4, ddim1, ddim2, ddim3, ddim4); \
+ var = POLYBENCH_ALLOC_4D_ARRAY(POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim1, ddim1), POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim2, ddim2), POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim3, ddim3), POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim4, ddim4), type);
+# define POLYBENCH_5D_ARRAY_DECL(var, type, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, ddim1, ddim2, ddim3, ddim4, ddim5) \
+ type POLYBENCH_5D(POLYBENCH_DECL_VAR(var), dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, ddim1, ddim2, ddim3, ddim4, ddim5); \
+ var = POLYBENCH_ALLOC_5D_ARRAY(POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim1, ddim1), POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim2, ddim2), POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim3, ddim3), POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim4, ddim4), POLYBENCH_C99_SELECT(dim5, ddim5), type);
+# else
+# define POLYBENCH_1D_ARRAY_DECL(var, type, dim1, ddim1) \
+ type POLYBENCH_1D(POLYBENCH_DECL_VAR(var), dim1, ddim1);
+# define POLYBENCH_2D_ARRAY_DECL(var, type, dim1, dim2, ddim1, ddim2) \
+ type POLYBENCH_2D(POLYBENCH_DECL_VAR(var), dim1, dim2, ddim1, ddim2);
+# define POLYBENCH_3D_ARRAY_DECL(var, type, dim1, dim2, dim3, ddim1, ddim2, ddim3) \
+ type POLYBENCH_3D(POLYBENCH_DECL_VAR(var), dim1, dim2, dim3, ddim1, ddim2, ddim3);
+# define POLYBENCH_4D_ARRAY_DECL(var, type, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, ddim1, ddim2, ddim3, ddim4) \
+ type POLYBENCH_4D(POLYBENCH_DECL_VAR(var), dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, ddim1, ddim2, ddim3, ddim4);
+# define POLYBENCH_5D_ARRAY_DECL(var, type, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, ddim1, ddim2, ddim3, ddim4, ddim5) \
+ type POLYBENCH_5D(POLYBENCH_DECL_VAR(var), dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, ddim1, ddim2, ddim3, ddim4, ddim5);
+# endif
+/* Dead-code elimination macros. Use argc/argv for the run-time check. */
+# define POLYBENCH_DCE_ONLY_CODE if (argc > 42 && ! strcmp(argv[0], ""))
+# else
+# endif
+# define polybench_prevent_dce(func) \
+ func
+/* Performance-related instrumentation. See polybench.c */
+# define polybench_start_instruments
+# define polybench_stop_instruments
+# define polybench_print_instruments
+/* PAPI support. */
+extern const unsigned int polybench_papi_eventlist[];
+# undef polybench_start_instruments
+# undef polybench_stop_instruments
+# undef polybench_print_instruments
+# define polybench_set_papi_thread_report(x) \
+ polybench_papi_counters_threadid = x;
+# define polybench_start_instruments \
+ polybench_prepare_instruments(); \
+ polybench_papi_init(); \
+ int evid; \
+ for (evid = 0; polybench_papi_eventlist[evid] != 0; evid++) \
+ { \
+ if (polybench_papi_start_counter(evid)) \
+ continue; \
+# define polybench_stop_instruments \
+ polybench_papi_stop_counter(evid); \
+ } \
+ polybench_papi_close(); \
+# define polybench_print_instruments polybench_papi_print();
+# endif
+/* Timing support. */
+# if defined(POLYBENCH_TIME) || defined(POLYBENCH_GFLOPS)
+# undef polybench_start_instruments
+# undef polybench_stop_instruments
+# undef polybench_print_instruments
+# define polybench_start_instruments polybench_timer_start();
+# define polybench_stop_instruments polybench_timer_stop();
+# define polybench_print_instruments polybench_timer_print();
+extern double polybench_program_total_flops;
+extern void polybench_timer_start();
+extern void polybench_timer_stop();
+extern void polybench_timer_print();
+# endif
+/* Function declaration. */
+extern void polybench_timer_start();
+extern void polybench_timer_stop();
+extern void polybench_timer_print();
+# endif
+extern void polybench_prepare_instruments();
+extern int polybench_papi_start_counter(int evid);
+extern void polybench_papi_stop_counter(int evid);
+extern void polybench_papi_init();
+extern void polybench_papi_close();
+extern void polybench_papi_print();
+# endif
+/* Function prototypes. */
+extern void* polybench_alloc_data(unsigned long long int n, int elt_size);
+#endif /* !POLYBENCH_H */
diff --git a/test/monniaux/loop_nest/syrk.h b/test/monniaux/loop_nest/syrk.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c753ff3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/monniaux/loop_nest/syrk.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * syrk.h: This file is part of the PolyBench/C 3.2 test suite.
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: Louis-Noel Pouchet <pouchet@cse.ohio-state.edu>
+ * Web address: http://polybench.sourceforge.net
+ */
+#ifndef SYRK_H
+# define SYRK_H
+/* Default to STANDARD_DATASET. */
+# if !defined(MINI_DATASET) && !defined(SMALL_DATASET) && !defined(LARGE_DATASET) && !defined(EXTRALARGE_DATASET)
+# endif
+/* Do not define anything if the user manually defines the size. */
+# if !defined(NI) && !defined(NJ)
+/* Define the possible dataset sizes. */
+# define NI 32
+# define NJ 32
+# endif
+# define NI 128
+# define NJ 128
+# endif
+# ifdef STANDARD_DATASET /* Default if unspecified. */
+# define NI 1024
+# define NJ 1024
+# endif
+# define NI 2000
+# define NJ 2000
+# endif
+# define NI 4000
+# define NJ 4000
+# endif
+# endif /* !N */
+# ifndef DATA_TYPE
+# define DATA_TYPE double
+# define DATA_PRINTF_MODIFIER "%0.2lf "
+# endif
+#endif /* !SYRK */
diff --git a/tools/compiler_expand.ml b/tools/compiler_expand.ml
index e5cab30c..febb0282 100644
--- a/tools/compiler_expand.ml
+++ b/tools/compiler_expand.ml
@@ -11,65 +11,79 @@ David Monniaux, CNRS, VERIMAG
type is_partial = TOTAL | PARTIAL;;
type print_result = Noprint | Print of string;;
type when_triggered = Always | Option of string;;
+type needs_require = Require | NoRequire;;
+(* FIXME - The gestion of NoRequire is a bit ugly right now. *)
let rtl_passes =
-TOTAL, (Option "optim_tailcalls"), (Some "Tail calls"), "Tailcall";
-PARTIAL, Always, (Some "Inlining"), "Inlining";
-TOTAL, (Option "profile_arcs"), (Some "Profiling insertion"), "Profiling";
-TOTAL, (Option "branch_probabilities"), (Some "Profiling use"), "ProfilingExploit";
-TOTAL, (Option "optim_move_loop_invariants"), (Some "Inserting initial nop"), "FirstNop";
-TOTAL, Always, (Some "Renumbering"), "Renumber";
-PARTIAL, (Option "optim_CSE"), (Some "CSE"), "CSE";
-PARTIAL, Always, (Some "Duplicating blocks"), "Duplicate";
-TOTAL, Always, (Some "Renumbering pre constprop"), "Renumber";
-TOTAL, (Option "optim_constprop"), (Some "Constant propagation"), "Constprop";
-TOTAL, Always, (Some "Renumbering pre CSE"), "Renumber";
-TOTAL, (Option "optim_CSE2"), (Some "CSE2"), "CSE2";
-PARTIAL, (Option "optim_CSE3"), (Some "CSE3"), "CSE3";
-TOTAL, (Option "optim_CSE3"), (Some "Kill useless moves after CSE3"), "KillUselessMoves";
-TOTAL, (Option "optim_forward_moves"), (Some "Forwarding moves"), "ForwardMoves";
-PARTIAL, (Option "optim_redundancy"), (Some "Redundancy elimination"), "Deadcode";
-PARTIAL, (Option "optim_move_loop_invariants"), (Some "LICM"), "LICM";
-TOTAL, (Option "optim_move_loop_invariants"), (Some "Renumbering for LICM"), "Renumber";
-PARTIAL, (Option "optim_move_loop_invariants"), (Some "CSE3 for LICM"), "CSE3";
-PARTIAL, (Option "optim_move_loop_invariants"), (Some "Redundancy elimination for LICM"), "Deadcode";
-TOTAL, (Option "all_loads_nontrap"), None, "Allnontrap";
-PARTIAL, Always, (Some "Unused globals"), "Unusedglob"
+TOTAL, (Option "optim_tailcalls"), Require, (Some "Tail calls"), "Tailcall";
+PARTIAL, Always, Require, (Some "Inlining"), "Inlining";
+TOTAL, (Option "profile_arcs"), Require, (Some "Profiling insertion"), "Profiling";
+TOTAL, (Option "branch_probabilities"), Require, (Some "Profiling use"), "ProfilingExploit";
+TOTAL, (Option "optim_move_loop_invariants"), Require, (Some "Inserting initial nop"), "FirstNop";
+TOTAL, Always, Require, (Some "Renumbering"), "Renumber";
+PARTIAL, (Option "optim_CSE"), Require, (Some "CSE"), "CSE";
+PARTIAL, Always, NoRequire, (Some "Static Prediction + inverting conditions"), "Staticpredict";
+PARTIAL, Always, NoRequire, (Some "Unrolling one iteration out of innermost loops"), "Unrollsingle";
+TOTAL, Always, NoRequire, (Some "Renumbering pre unroll"), "Renumber";
+PARTIAL, Always, NoRequire, (Some "Unrolling the body of innermost loops"), "Unrollbody";
+TOTAL, Always, NoRequire, (Some "Renumbering pre tail duplication"), "Renumber";
+PARTIAL, Always, NoRequire, (Some "Performing tail duplication"), "Tailduplicate";
+TOTAL, Always, NoRequire, (Some "Renumbering pre constprop"), "Renumber";
+TOTAL, (Option "optim_constprop"), Require, (Some "Constant propagation"), "Constprop";
+TOTAL, Always, NoRequire, (Some "Renumbering pre CSE"), "Renumber";
+TOTAL, (Option "optim_CSE2"), Require, (Some "CSE2"), "CSE2";
+PARTIAL, (Option "optim_CSE3"), Require, (Some "CSE3"), "CSE3";
+TOTAL, (Option "optim_CSE3"), Require, (Some "Kill useless moves after CSE3"), "KillUselessMoves";
+TOTAL, (Option "optim_forward_moves"), Require, (Some "Forwarding moves"), "ForwardMoves";
+PARTIAL, (Option "optim_redundancy"), Require, (Some "Redundancy elimination"), "Deadcode";
+TOTAL, Always, Require, (Some "Renumbering pre rotate"), "Renumber";
+PARTIAL, Always, NoRequire, (Some "Loop Rotate"), "Looprotate";
+TOTAL, (Option "optim_move_loop_invariants"), NoRequire, (Some "Renumbering for LICM"), "Renumber";
+PARTIAL, (Option "optim_move_loop_invariants"), Require, (Some "LICM"), "LICM";
+TOTAL, (Option "optim_move_loop_invariants"), NoRequire, (Some "Renumbering for LICM"), "Renumber";
+PARTIAL, (Option "optim_move_loop_invariants"), NoRequire, (Some "CSE3 for LICM"), "CSE3";
+PARTIAL, (Option "optim_move_loop_invariants"), NoRequire, (Some "Redundancy elimination for LICM"), "Deadcode";
+TOTAL, (Option "all_loads_nontrap"), Require, None, "Allnontrap";
+PARTIAL, Always, Require, (Some "Unused globals"), "Unusedglob"
let post_rtl_passes =
- PARTIAL, Always, (Some "Register allocation"), "Allocation", (Print "LTL");
- TOTAL, Always, (Some "Branch tunneling"), "Tunneling", Noprint;
- PARTIAL, Always, (Some "CFG linearization"), "Linearize", Noprint;
- TOTAL, Always, (Some "Label cleanup"), "CleanupLabels", Noprint;
- PARTIAL, (Option "debug"), (Some "Debugging info for local variables"), "Debugvar", Noprint;
- PARTIAL, Always, (Some "Mach generation"), "Stacking", (Print "Mach")
+ PARTIAL, Always, Require, (Some "Register allocation"), "Allocation", (Print "LTL 1");
+ PARTIAL, Always, Require, (Some "Branch tunneling"), "Tunneling", (Print "LTL 2");
+ PARTIAL, Always, Require, (Some "CFG linearization"), "Linearize", Noprint;
+ TOTAL, Always, Require, (Some "Label cleanup"), "CleanupLabels", Noprint;
+ PARTIAL, (Option "debug"), Require, (Some "Debugging info for local variables"), "Debugvar", Noprint;
+ PARTIAL, Always, Require, (Some "Mach generation"), "Stacking", (Print "Mach")
let all_passes =
- (fun i (a,b,c,d) -> (a,b,c,d, Print (Printf.sprintf "RTL %d" (i+1))))
+ (fun i (a,b,r,c,d) -> (a,b,r,c,d, Print (Printf.sprintf "RTL %d" (i+1))))
let totality = function TOTAL -> "total" | PARTIAL -> "partial";;
let print_rtl_require oc =
- Array.iter (fun (partial, trigger, time_label, pass_name, printing) ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "Require %s.\n" pass_name)
- all_passes;;
+ Array.iter (fun (partial, trigger, require, time_label, pass_name, printing) ->
+ match require with Require ->
+ Printf.fprintf oc "Require %s.\n" pass_name
+ | _ -> ()
+ ) all_passes;;
let print_rtl_require_proof oc =
- Array.iter (fun (partial, trigger, time_label, pass_name, printing) ->
- Printf.fprintf oc "Require %sproof.\n" pass_name)
- all_passes;;
+ Array.iter (fun (partial, trigger, require, time_label, pass_name, printing) ->
+ match require with Require ->
+ Printf.fprintf oc "Require %sproof.\n" pass_name
+ | _ -> ()
+ ) all_passes;;
let print_rtl_transf oc =
- (fun i (partial, trigger, time_label, pass_name, printing) ->
+ (fun i (partial, trigger, require, time_label, pass_name, printing) ->
output_string oc (match partial with
| TOTAL -> " @@ "
| PARTIAL -> " @@@ ");
@@ -90,7 +104,7 @@ let print_rtl_transf oc =
) all_passes;;
let print_rtl_mkpass oc =
- Array.iter (fun (partial, trigger, time_label, pass_name, printing) ->
+ Array.iter (fun (partial, trigger, require, time_label, pass_name, printing) ->
output_string oc " ::: mkpass (";
(match trigger with
| Always -> ()
@@ -106,7 +120,7 @@ let print_if kind oc = function
let numbering_base = 7
let print_rtl_proof oc =
- Array.iteri (fun i (partial, trigger, time_label, pass_name, printing) ->
+ Array.iteri (fun i (partial, trigger, require, time_label, pass_name, printing) ->
let j = i+numbering_base in
match partial with
| TOTAL ->
@@ -118,7 +132,7 @@ let print_rtl_proof oc =
let print_rtl_proof2 oc =
- Array.iteri (fun i (partial, trigger, time_label, pass_name, printing) ->
+ Array.iteri (fun i (partial, trigger, require, time_label, pass_name, printing) ->
let j = i+numbering_base in
Printf.fprintf oc " exists p%d; split. " j;
(match trigger with
@@ -131,7 +145,7 @@ let print_rtl_proof2 oc =
let print_rtl_forward_simulations oc =
- Array.iter (fun (partial, trigger, time_label, pass_name) ->
+ Array.iter (fun (partial, trigger, require, time_label, pass_name) ->
output_string oc " eapply compose_forward_simulations.\n ";
(match trigger with
| Always -> ()