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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<TITLE>The CompCert verified compiler</TITLE>
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+<H1 align="center">The CompCert verified compiler</H1>
+<H2 align="center">Commented Coq development</H2>
+<H3 align="center">Version 3.5, 2019-02-27</H3>
+<H3 align="center">PATCHED FOR MPPA-K1C</H3>
+<P>CompCert is a compiler that generates PowerPC, ARM, RISC-V and x86 assembly
+code from CompCert C, a large subset of the C programming language.
+The particularity of this compiler is that it is written mostly within
+the specification language of the Coq proof assistant, and its
+correctness --- the fact that the generated assembly code is
+semantically equivalent to its source program --- was entirely proved
+within the Coq proof assistant.</P>
+<P>High-level descriptions of the CompCert compiler and its proof of
+correctness can be found in the following papers (in increasing order of technical details):</P>
+<LI>Xavier Leroy, <A HREF="https://xavierleroy.org/publi/compcert-CACM.pdf">Formal verification of a realistic compiler</A>. Communications of the ACM 52(7), July 2009.
+<LI>Xavier Leroy, <A HREF="https://xavierleroy.org/publi/compcert-backend.pdf">A formally verified compiler back-end</A>.
+Journal of Automated Reasoning 43(4):363-446, 2009.
+<P>This Web site gives a commented listing of the underlying Coq
+specifications and proofs. Proof scripts are folded by default, but
+can be viewed by clicking on "Proof". Some modules (written in <I>italics</I> below) differ between the four target architectures. The
+PowerPC versions of these modules are shown below; the ARM, x86 and RISC-V
+versions can be found in the source distribution.
+<P> This development is a work in progress; some parts have
+substantially changed since the overview papers above were
+<P>The complete sources for CompCert can be downloaded from
+<A HREF="http://compcert.inria.fr/">the CompCert Web site</A>.</P>
+<P>This document and the CompCert sources are copyright Institut
+National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA) and
+AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH, and are distributed under the terms of the
+following <A HREF="LICENSE">license</A>.
+<H2>Table of contents</H2>
+<H3>General-purpose libraries, data structures and algorithms</H3>
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.lib.Coqlib.html">Coqlib</A>: addendum to the Coq standard library.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.lib.Maps.html">Maps</A>: finite maps.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.lib.Integers.html">Integers</A>: machine integers.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.lib.Floats.html">Floats</A>: machine floating-point numbers.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.lib.Iteration.html">Iteration</A>: various forms of "while" loops.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.lib.Ordered.html">Ordered</A>: construction of
+ordered types.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.lib.Lattice.html">Lattice</A>: construction of
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Kildall.html">Kildall</A>: resolution of dataflow
+inequations by fixpoint iteration.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.lib.UnionFind.html">UnionFind</A>: a persistent union-find data structure.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.lib.Postorder.html">Postorder</A>: postorder numbering of a directed graph.
+<H3>Definitions and theorems used in many parts of the development</H3>
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.common.Errors.html">Errors</A>: the Error monad.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.common.AST.html">AST</A>: identifiers, whole programs and other
+common elements of abstract syntaxes.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.common.Linking.html">Linking</A>: generic framework to define syntactic linking over the CompCert languages.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.common.Values.html">Values</A>: run-time values.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.common.Events.html">Events</A>: observable events and traces.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.common.Memory.html">Memory</A>: memory model. <BR>
+See also: <A HREF="html/compcert.common.Memdata.html">Memdata</A> (in-memory representation of data).
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.common.Globalenvs.html">Globalenvs</A>: global execution environments.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.common.Smallstep.html">Smallstep</A>: tools for small-step semantics.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.common.Behaviors.html">Behaviors</A>: from small-step semantics to observable behaviors of programs.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.common.Determinism.html">Determinism</A>: determinism properties of small-step semantics.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.Op.html"><I>Op</I></A>: operators, addressing modes and their
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.common.Unityping.html">Unityping</A>: a solver for atomic unification constraints.
+<H3>Source, intermediate and target languages: syntax and semantics</H3>
+<LI> The CompCert C source language:
+<A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.Csyntax.html">syntax</A> and
+<A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.Csem.html">semantics</A> and
+<A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.Cstrategy.html">determinized semantics</A> and
+<A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.Ctyping.html">type system</A>.<BR>
+See also: <A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.Ctypes.html">type expressions</A> and
+<A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.Cop.html">operators (syntax and semantics)</A>.<BR>
+See also: <A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.Cexec.html">reference interpreter</A>.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.Clight.html">Clight</A>: a simpler version of CompCert C where expressions contain no side-effects.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.Csharpminor.html">Csharpminor</A>: low-level
+ structured language.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Cminor.html">Cminor</A>: low-level structured
+language, with explicit stack allocation of certain local variables.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.CminorSel.html">CminorSel</A>: like Cminor,
+with machine-specific operators and addressing modes.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.RTL.html">RTL</A>: register transfer language (3-address
+code, control-flow graph, infinitely many pseudo-registers). <BR>
+See also: <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Registers.html">Registers</A> (representation of
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.LTL.html">LTL</A>: location transfer language (3-address
+code, control-flow graph of basic blocks, finitely many physical registers, infinitely
+many stack slots). <BR>
+See also: <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Locations.html">Locations</A> (representation of
+locations) and <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.Machregs.html"><I>Machregs</I></A> (description of processor registers).
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Linear.html">Linear</A>: like LTL, but the CFG is
+replaced by a linear list of instructions with explicit branches and labels.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Mach.html">Mach</A>: like Linear, with a more concrete
+view of the activation record.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.lib.Machblock.html">Machblock</A>: a variant of Mach, with a syntax for basic-blocks, and a block-step semantics (execute one basic-block in one step).
+This IR is generic over the processor, even if currently, only used for MPPA_K1C.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.Asmvliw.html"><I>Asmvliw</I></A>: abstract syntax and semantics for Mppa_K1c VLIW assembly: atomic instructions are grouped by "bundles". These bundles are executed sequentially, but execution is parallel within bundles.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.Asmblock.html"><I>Asmblock</I></A>: a variant of Asmvliw, with a sequential semantics within bundles, which make them corresponds here to usual basic-blocks.
+ This IR is an intermediate step between Machblock and Asmvliw.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.Asm.html"><I>Asm</I></A>: a variant of Asmvliw with a flat syntax for bundles, instead of a structured one (bundle termination is encoded as a pseudo-instruction). This IR is mainly a wrapper of <I>Asmvliw</I> for a smooth integration in CompCert (and an easier pretty-printing of the abstract syntax).
+<H3>Compiler passes</H3>
+<TABLE cellpadding="5%">
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TH>Pass</TH>
+ <TH>Source &amp; target</TH>
+ <TH>Compiler&nbsp;code</TH>
+ <TH>Correctness&nbsp;proof</TH>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Pulling side-effects out of expressions;<br>
+ fixing an evaluation order</TD>
+ <TD>CompCert C to Clight</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.SimplExpr.html">SimplExpr</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.SimplExprspec.html">SimplExprspec</A><br>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.SimplExprproof.html">SimplExprproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Pulling non-adressable scalar local variables out of memory</TD>
+ <TD>Clight to Clight</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.SimplLocals.html">SimplLocals</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.SimplLocalsproof.html">SimplLocalsproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Simplification of control structures; <br>
+ explication of type-dependent computations</TD>
+ <TD>Clight to Csharpminor</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.Cshmgen.html">Cshmgen</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.Cshmgenproof.html">Cshmgenproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Stack allocation of local variables<br>
+ whose address is taken;<br>
+ simplification of switch statements</TD>
+ <TD>Csharpminor to Cminor</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.Cminorgen.html">Cminorgen</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.Cminorgenproof.html">Cminorgenproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Recognition of operators<br>and addressing modes</TD>
+ <TD>Cminor to CminorSel</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Selection.html">Selection</A><br>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.SelectOp.html"><I>SelectOp</I></A><br>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.SelectLong.html"><I>SelectLong</I></A><br>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.SelectDiv.html">SelectDiv</A><br>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.SplitLong.html">SplitLong</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Selectionproof.html">Selectionproof</A><br>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.SelectOpproof.html"><I>SelectOpproof</I></A><br>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.SelectLongproof.html"><I>SelectLongproof</I></A><br>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.SelectDivproof.html">SelectDivproof</A><br>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.SplitLongproof.html">SplitLongproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Construction of the CFG, <br>3-address code generation</TD>
+ <TD>CminorSel to RTL</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.RTLgen.html">RTLgen</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.RTLgenspec.html">RTLgenspec</A><BR>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.RTLgenproof.html">RTLgenproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Recognition of tail calls</TD>
+ <TD>RTL to RTL</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Tailcall.html">Tailcall</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Tailcallproof.html">Tailcallproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Function inlining</TD>
+ <TD>RTL to RTL</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Inlining.html">Inlining</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Inliningspec.html">Inliningspec</A><BR>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Inliningproof.html">Inliningproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Postorder renumbering of the CFG</TD>
+ <TD>RTL to RTL</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Renumber.html">Renumber</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Renumberproof.html">Renumberproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Constant propagation</TD>
+ <TD>RTL to RTL</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Constprop.html">Constprop</A><br>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.ConstpropOp.html"><I>ConstpropOp</I></A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Constpropproof.html">Constpropproof</A><br>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.ConstpropOpproof.html"><I>ConstproppOproof</I></A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Common subexpression elimination</TD>
+ <TD>RTL to RTL</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.CSE.html">CSE</A><BR>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.CombineOp.html"><I>CombineOp</I></A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.CSEproof.html">CSEproof</A><BR>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.CombineOpproof.html"><I>CombineOpproof</I></A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Redundancy elimination</TD>
+ <TD>RTL to RTL</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Deadcode.html">Deadcode</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Deadcodeproof.html">Deadcodeproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Removal of unused static globals</TD>
+ <TD>RTL to RTL</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Unusedglob.html">Unusedglob</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Unusedglobproof.html">Unusedglobproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Register allocation (validation a posteriori)</TD>
+ <TD>RTL to LTL</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Allocation.html">Allocation</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Allocproof.html">Allocproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Branch tunneling</TD>
+ <TD>LTL to LTL</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Tunneling.html">Tunneling</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Tunnelingproof.html">Tunnelingproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Linearization of the CFG</TD>
+ <TD>LTL to Linear</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Linearize.html">Linearize</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Linearizeproof.html">Linearizeproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Removal of unreferenced labels</TD>
+ <TD>Linear to Linear</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.CleanupLabels.html">CleanupLabels</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.CleanupLabelsproof.html">CleanupLabelsproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Synthesis of debugging information</TD>
+ <TD>Linear to Linear</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Debugvar.html">Debugvar</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Debugvarproof.html">Debugvarproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Laying out the activation records</TD>
+ <TD>Linear to Mach</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Stacking.html">Stacking</A><BR>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Bounds.html">Bounds</A><BR>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.Stacklayout.html"><I>Stacklayout</I></A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Stackingproof.html">Stackingproof</A><br>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.common.Separation.html">Separation</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Reconstruction of basic-blocks at Mach level</TD>
+ <TD>Mach to Machblock</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.lib.Machblockgen.html">Machblockgen</A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.lib.ForwardSimulationBlock.html">ForwardSimulationBlock</A><BR>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.lib.Machblockgenproof.html">Machblockgenproof</A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Emission of purely sequential assembly code</TD>
+ <TD>Machblock to Asmblock</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.Asmblockgen.html"><I>Asmblockgen</I></A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.Asmblockgenproof0.html"><I>Asmblockgenproof0</I></A><BR>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.Asmblockgenproof1.html"><I>Asmblockgenproof1</I></A><BR>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.Asmblockgenproof.html"><I>Asmblockgenproof</I></A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Bundling (and basic-block scheduling)</TD>
+ <TD>Asmblock to Asmvliw</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.PostpassScheduling.html"><I>PostpassScheduling</I></A> using<BR>
+ <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.Asmblockdeps.html"><I>Asmblockdeps</I></A> and the <tt>abstractbb</tt> library</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.PostpassSchedulingproof.html"><I>PostpassSchedulingproof</I></A></TD>
+<TR valign="top">
+ <TD>Flattening bundles (only a bureaucratic operation)</TD>
+ <TD>Asmvliw to Asm</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.Asmgen.html"><I>Asmgen</I></A></TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.Asmgenproof.html"><I>Asmgenproof</I></A></TD>
+<H3>All together</H3>
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.driver.Compiler.html">Compiler</A>: composing the passes together;
+whole-compiler semantic preservation theorems.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.driver.Complements.html">Complements</A>: interesting consequences of the semantic preservation theorems.
+<H3>Static analyses</H3>
+The following static analyses are performed over the RTL intermediate
+representation to support optimizations such as constant propagation,
+CSE, and dead code elimination.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Liveness.html">Liveness</A>: liveness analysis</A>.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.ValueAnalysis.html">ValueAnalysis</A>: value and alias analysis</A> <BR>
+See also: <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.ValueDomain.html">ValueDomain</A>: the abstract domain for value analysis.<BR>
+See also: <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.ValueAOp.html"><I>ValueAOp</I></A>: processor-dependent parts of value analysis.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Deadcode.html">Deadcode</A>: neededness analysis</A> <BR>
+See also: <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.NeedDomain.html">NeedDomain</A>: the abstract domain for neededness analysis.<BR>
+See also: <A HREF="html/compcert.mppa_k1c.NeedOp.html"><I>NeedOp</I></A>: processor-dependent parts of neededness analysis.
+<H3>Type systems</H3>
+The <A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.Ctyping.html">type system of CompCert C</A> is fully formalized. For some intermediate languages of the back-end, simpler type systems are used to statically capture well-formedness conditions.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.cfrontend.Ctyping.html">Ctyping</A>: typing for CompCert C + type-checking functions.
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.RTLtyping.html">RTLtyping</A>: typing for RTL + type
+<LI> <A HREF="html/compcert.backend.Lineartyping.html">Lineartyping</A>: typing for Linear.
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/Asmvliw.v b/mppa_k1c/Asmvliw.v
index 9508bfbd..e042d95a 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/Asmvliw.v
+++ b/mppa_k1c/Asmvliw.v
@@ -203,11 +203,6 @@ Inductive itest: Type :=
| ITgeu (**r Greater Than or Equal Unsigned *)
| ITleu (**r Less Than or Equal Unsigned *)
| ITgtu (**r Greater Than Unsigned *)
- (* Not used yet *)
- | ITall (**r All Bits Set in Mask *)
- | ITnall (**r Not All Bits Set in Mask *)
- | ITany (**r Any Bits Set in Mask *)
- | ITnone (**r Not Any Bits Set in Mask *)
Inductive ftest: Type :=
@@ -919,10 +914,6 @@ Definition compare_int (t: itest) (v1 v2: val): val :=
| ITgeu => Val_cmpu Cge v1 v2
| ITleu => Val_cmpu Cle v1 v2
| ITgtu => Val_cmpu Cgt v1 v2
- | ITall
- | ITnall
- | ITany
- | ITnone => Vundef
Definition compare_long (t: itest) (v1 v2: val): val :=
@@ -939,10 +930,6 @@ Definition compare_long (t: itest) (v1 v2: val): val :=
| ITgeu => Some (Val_cmplu Cge v1 v2)
| ITleu => Some (Val_cmplu Cle v1 v2)
| ITgtu => Some (Val_cmplu Cgt v1 v2)
- | ITall
- | ITnall
- | ITany
- | ITnone => Some Vundef
end in
match res with
| Some v => v
diff --git a/mppa_k1c/TargetPrinter.ml b/mppa_k1c/TargetPrinter.ml
index 609077c6..930b1c51 100644
--- a/mppa_k1c/TargetPrinter.ml
+++ b/mppa_k1c/TargetPrinter.ml
@@ -266,10 +266,6 @@ module Target (*: TARGET*) =
| ITgeu -> "geu"
| ITleu -> "leu"
| ITgtu -> "gtu"
- | ITall -> "all"
- | ITnall -> "nall"
- | ITany -> "any"
- | ITnone -> "none"
let icond oc c = fprintf oc "%s" (icond_name c)
diff --git a/runtime/include/ccomp_k1c_fixes.h b/runtime/include/ccomp_k1c_fixes.h
index 5c543d8f..718ac3e5 100644
--- a/runtime/include/ccomp_k1c_fixes.h
+++ b/runtime/include/ccomp_k1c_fixes.h
@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ extern __int128 __compcert_acswapd(void *address, unsigned long long new_value,
#define __builtin_k1_acswapw __compcert_acswapw
extern __int128 __compcert_acswapw(void *address, unsigned long long new_value, unsigned long long old_value);
+#define __builtin_k1_afaddd __compcert_afaddd
+extern long long __compcert_afaddd(void *address, unsigned long long incr);
+#define __builtin_k1_afaddw __compcert_afaddw
+extern int __compcert_afaddw(void *address, unsigned int incr);
#define __builtin_expect(x, y) (x)
diff --git a/test/mppa/coverage_helper.py b/test/mppa/coverage_helper.py
index cf7a84c9..e5b1907c 100644
--- a/test/mppa/coverage_helper.py
+++ b/test/mppa/coverage_helper.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ all_loads_stores = "lbs lbz lhz lo lq ld lhs lws sb sd sh so sq sw".split(" ")
all_bconds = "wnez weqz wltz wgez wlez wgtz dnez deqz dltz dgez dlez dgtz".split(" ")
-all_iconds = "ne eq lt ge le gt ltu geu leu gtu all nall any none".split(" ")
+all_iconds = "ne eq lt ge le gt ltu geu leu gtu".split(" ")
all_fconds = "one ueq oeq une olt uge oge ult".split(" ")
diff --git a/test/mppa/instr/i32.c b/test/mppa/instr/i32.c
index 4e389620..e350931c 100644
--- a/test/mppa/instr/i32.c
+++ b/test/mppa/instr/i32.c
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ BEGIN_TEST(int)
c = a+b;
c += a&b;
+ /* testing if, cb version */
if ((a & 0x1) == 1)
c += fact(1);
@@ -38,6 +39,11 @@ BEGIN_TEST(int)
c += fact(8);
+ if (a & 0x1 == 0)
+ c += fact(4);
+ else
+ c += fact(8);
b = !(a & 0x01);
if (!b)
c += fact(16);
@@ -67,6 +73,48 @@ BEGIN_TEST(int)
c += fact(8192);
+ /* cmoved version */
+ if ((a & 0x1) == 1)
+ c += 1;
+ else
+ c += 2;
+ if (a & 0x1 == 0)
+ c += 4;
+ else
+ c += 8;
+ if (a & 0x1 == 0)
+ c += 4;
+ else
+ c += 8;
+ b = !(a & 0x01);
+ if (!b)
+ c += 16;
+ else
+ c += 32;
+ if (0 > (a & 0x1) - 1)
+ c += 64;
+ else
+ c += 128;
+ if (0 >= (a & 0x1))
+ c += 256;
+ else
+ c += 512;
+ if ((a & 0x1) > 0)
+ c += 1024;
+ else
+ c += 2048;
+ if ((a & 0x1) - 1 >= 0)
+ c += 4096;
+ else
+ c += 8192;
c += ((a & 0x1) == (b & 0x1));
c += (a > b);
c += (a <= b);
diff --git a/test/mppa/instr/i64.c b/test/mppa/instr/i64.c
index dc5fa6ee..b1fce564 100644
--- a/test/mppa/instr/i64.c
+++ b/test/mppa/instr/i64.c
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ BEGIN_TEST(long long)
c += a^b;
c += (unsigned int) a;
+ /* Testing if, cb */
if (0 != (a & 0x1LL))
c += fact(1);
@@ -109,6 +110,42 @@ BEGIN_TEST(long long)
c += fact(2048);
+ /* Testing if, cmoved */
+ if (0 != (a & 0x1LL))
+ c += 1;
+ else
+ c += 2;
+ if (0 > (a & 0x1LL))
+ c += 4;
+ else
+ c += 8;
+ if (0 >= (a & 0x1LL) - 1)
+ c += 16;
+ else
+ c += 32;
+ if (a-41414141 > 0)
+ c += 13;
+ else
+ c += 31;
+ if (a & 0x1LL > 0)
+ c += 64;
+ else
+ c += 128;
+ if ((a & 0x1LL) - 1 >= 0)
+ c += 256;
+ else
+ c += 512;
+ if (0 == (a & 0x1LL))
+ c += 1024;
+ else
+ c += 2048;
c += ((a & 0x1LL) == (b & 0x1LL));
c += (a >= b);
c += (a > b);