path: root/backend/Linearizeaux.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'backend/Linearizeaux.ml')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 216 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Linearizeaux.ml b/backend/Linearizeaux.ml
index 402e376d..5914f6a3 100644
--- a/backend/Linearizeaux.ml
+++ b/backend/Linearizeaux.ml
@@ -126,6 +126,10 @@ let enumerate_aux_flat f reach =
* This is a slight alteration to the above heuristic, ensuring that any
* superblock will be contiguous in memory, while still following the original
* heuristic
+ *
+ * Slight change: instead of taking the minimum pc of the superblock, we just take
+ * the pc of the first block.
+ * (experimentally this leads to slightly better performance..)
let super_blocks f joins =
@@ -139,13 +143,11 @@ let super_blocks f joins =
let npc = P.to_int pc in
if not (IntSet.mem npc !visited) then begin
visited := IntSet.add npc !visited;
- in_block [] max_int pc
+ in_block [] npc pc
(* in_block: add pc to block and check successors *)
and in_block blk minpc pc =
- let npc = P.to_int pc in
let blk = pc :: blk in
- let minpc = min npc minpc in
match PTree.get pc f.fn_code with
| None -> assert false
| Some b ->
@@ -182,218 +184,6 @@ let super_blocks f joins =
let enumerate_aux_sb f reach =
flatten_blocks (super_blocks f (join_points f))
- * Alternate enumeration based on traces as identified by Duplicate.v
- *
- * This is a slight alteration to the above heuristic, ensuring that any
- * superblock will be contiguous in memory, while still following the original
- * heuristic
- *)
-let get_some = function
-| None -> failwith "Did not get some"
-| Some thing -> thing
-exception EmptyList
-let rec last_element = function
- | [] -> raise EmptyList
- | e :: [] -> e
- | e' :: e :: l -> last_element (e::l)
-let print_plist l =
- let rec f = function
- | [] -> ()
- | n :: l -> Printf.printf "%d, " (P.to_int n); f l
- in begin
- if !debug_flag then begin
- Printf.printf "[";
- f l;
- Printf.printf "]"
- end
- end
-(* adapted from the above join_points function, but with PTree *)
-let get_join_points code entry =
- let reached = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in
- let reached_twice = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in
- let rec traverse pc =
- if get_some @@ PTree.get pc !reached then begin
- if not (get_some @@ PTree.get pc !reached_twice) then
- reached_twice := PTree.set pc true !reached_twice
- end else begin
- reached := PTree.set pc true !reached;
- traverse_succs (successors_block @@ get_some @@ PTree.get pc code)
- end
- and traverse_succs = function
- | [] -> ()
- | [pc] -> traverse pc
- | pc :: l -> traverse pc; traverse_succs l
- in traverse entry; !reached_twice
-let forward_sequences code entry =
- let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in
- let join_points = get_join_points code entry in
- (* returns the list of traversed nodes, and a list of nodes to start traversing next *)
- let rec traverse_fallthrough code node =
- (* debug "Traversing %d..\n" (P.to_int node); *)
- if not (get_some @@ PTree.get node !visited) then begin
- visited := PTree.set node true !visited;
- match PTree.get node code with
- | None -> failwith "No such node"
- | Some bb ->
- let ln, rem = match (last_element bb) with
- | Lop _ | Lload _ | Lgetstack _ | Lsetstack _ | Lstore _ | Lcall _
- | Lbuiltin _ -> assert false
- | Ltailcall _ | Lreturn -> begin (* debug "STOP tailcall/return\n"; *) ([], []) end
- | Lbranch n ->
- if get_some @@ PTree.get n join_points then ([], [n])
- else let ln, rem = traverse_fallthrough code n in (ln, rem)
- | Lcond (_, _, ifso, ifnot, info) -> (match info with
- | None -> begin (* debug "STOP Lcond None\n"; *) ([], [ifso; ifnot]) end
- | Some false ->
- if get_some @@ PTree.get ifnot join_points then ([], [ifso; ifnot])
- else let ln, rem = traverse_fallthrough code ifnot in (ln, [ifso] @ rem)
- | Some true ->
- if get_some @@ PTree.get ifso join_points then ([], [ifso; ifnot])
- else let ln, rem = traverse_fallthrough code ifso in (ln, [ifnot] @ rem)
- )
- | Ljumptable(_, ln) -> begin (* debug "STOP Ljumptable\n"; *) ([], ln) end
- in ([node] @ ln, rem)
- end
- else ([], [])
- in let rec f code = function
- | [] -> []
- | node :: ln ->
- let fs, rem_from_node = traverse_fallthrough code node
- in [fs] @ ((f code rem_from_node) @ (f code ln))
- in (f code [entry])
-type pos = BinNums.positive
-module PP = struct
- type t = pos * pos
- let compare a b =
- let ax, ay = a in
- let bx, by = b in
- let dx = compare ax bx in
- if (dx == 0) then compare ay by
- else dx
-module PPMap = Map.Make(PP)
-type vstate = Unvisited | Processed | Visited
-let ppmap_is_true pp ppmap = PPMap.mem pp ppmap && PPMap.find pp ppmap
-module Int = struct
- type t = int
- let compare x y = compare x y
-module ISet = Set.Make(Int)
-let print_iset s = begin
- if !debug_flag then begin
- Printf.printf "{";
- ISet.iter (fun e -> Printf.printf "%d, " e) s;
- Printf.printf "}"
- end
-let print_sequence s =
- if !debug_flag then begin
- Printf.printf "[";
- List.iter (fun n -> Printf.printf "%d, " (P.to_int n)) s;
- Printf.printf "]\n"
- end
-let print_ssequence ofs =
- if !debug_flag then begin
- Printf.printf "[";
- List.iter (fun s -> print_sequence s) ofs;
- Printf.printf "]\n"
- end
-let rec minpc_of l =
- match l with
- | [] -> None
- | e::l -> begin
- let e_score = P.to_int e in
- let mpc = minpc_of l in
- match mpc with
- | None -> Some e_score
- | Some e_score' -> if e_score < e_score' then Some e_score else Some e_score'
- end
-let order_sequences code entry fs =
- let fs_a = Array.of_list fs in
- let fs_evaluated = Array.map (fun e -> false) fs_a in
- let ordered_fs = ref [] in
- let evaluate s_id =
- begin
- assert (not fs_evaluated.(s_id));
- ordered_fs := fs_a.(s_id) :: !ordered_fs;
- fs_evaluated.(s_id) <- true
- end
- in let choose_best_of candidates =
- let current_best_id = ref None in
- let current_best_score = ref None in
- begin
- List.iter (fun id ->
- match !current_best_id with
- | None -> begin
- current_best_id := Some id;
- match fs_a.(id) with
- | [] -> current_best_score := None
- | n::l -> current_best_score := Some (P.to_int n)
- end
- | Some b -> begin
- match fs_a.(id) with
- | [] -> ()
- | n::l -> let nscore = P.to_int n in
- match !current_best_score with
- | None -> (current_best_id := Some id; current_best_score := Some nscore)
- | Some bs -> if nscore > bs then (current_best_id := Some id; current_best_score := Some nscore)
- end
- ) candidates;
- !current_best_id
- end
- in let select_next () =
- let candidates = ref [] in
- begin
- Array.iteri (fun i _ ->
- begin
- if (not fs_evaluated.(i)) then
- candidates := i :: !candidates
- end
- ) fs_a;
- if not (List.length !candidates > 0) then begin
- Array.iteri (fun i _ ->
- if (not fs_evaluated.(i)) then candidates := i :: !candidates
- ) fs_a;
- end;
- get_some (choose_best_of !candidates)
- end
- in begin
- debug "-------------------------------\n";
- debug "forward sequences identified: "; print_ssequence fs;
- while List.length !ordered_fs != List.length fs do
- let next_id = select_next () in
- evaluate next_id
- done;
- debug "forward sequences ordered: "; print_ssequence (List.rev (!ordered_fs));
- List.rev (!ordered_fs)
- end
-let enumerate_aux_trace f reach =
- let code = f.fn_code in
- let entry = f.fn_entrypoint in
- let fs = forward_sequences code entry in
- let ofs = order_sequences code entry fs in
- List.flatten ofs
let enumerate_aux f reach =
- if !Clflags.option_ftracelinearize then enumerate_aux_trace f reach
+ if !Clflags.option_ftracelinearize then enumerate_aux_sb f reach
else enumerate_aux_flat f reach