path: root/backend
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diff --git a/backend/Asmgenproof0.v b/backend/Asmgenproof0.v
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+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** Correctness proof for Asm generation: machine-independent framework *)
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Intv.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Errors.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Floats.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Memory.
+Require Import Globalenvs.
+Require Import Events.
+Require Import Smallstep.
+Require Import Locations.
+Require Import Mach.
+Require Import Asm.
+Require Import Asmgen.
+Require Import Conventions.
+(** * Processor registers and register states *)
+Hint Extern 2 (_ <> _) => congruence: asmgen.
+Lemma ireg_of_eq:
+ forall r r', ireg_of r = OK r' -> preg_of r = IR r'.
+ unfold ireg_of; intros. destruct (preg_of r); inv H; auto.
+Lemma freg_of_eq:
+ forall r r', freg_of r = OK r' -> preg_of r = FR r'.
+ unfold freg_of; intros. destruct (preg_of r); inv H; auto.
+Lemma preg_of_injective:
+ forall r1 r2, preg_of r1 = preg_of r2 -> r1 = r2.
+ destruct r1; destruct r2; simpl; intros; reflexivity || discriminate.
+Lemma preg_of_data:
+ forall r, data_preg (preg_of r) = true.
+ intros. destruct r; reflexivity.
+Hint Resolve preg_of_data: asmgen.
+Lemma data_diff:
+ forall r r',
+ data_preg r = true -> data_preg r' = false -> r <> r'.
+ congruence.
+Hint Resolve data_diff: asmgen.
+Lemma preg_of_not_SP:
+ forall r, preg_of r <> SP.
+ intros. unfold preg_of; destruct r; simpl; congruence.
+Lemma preg_of_not_PC:
+ forall r, preg_of r <> PC.
+ intros. apply data_diff; auto with asmgen.
+Hint Resolve preg_of_not_SP preg_of_not_PC: asmgen.
+Lemma nontemp_diff:
+ forall r r',
+ nontemp_preg r = true -> nontemp_preg r' = false -> r <> r'.
+ congruence.
+Hint Resolve nontemp_diff: asmgen.
+Lemma temporaries_temp_preg:
+ forall r, In r temporary_regs -> nontemp_preg (preg_of r) = false.
+ assert (List.forallb (fun r => negb (nontemp_preg (preg_of r))) temporary_regs = true) by reflexivity.
+ rewrite List.forallb_forall in H. intros. generalize (H r H0).
+ destruct (nontemp_preg (preg_of r)); simpl; congruence.
+Lemma nontemp_data_preg:
+ forall r, nontemp_preg r = true -> data_preg r = true.
+ destruct r; try (destruct i); try (destruct f); simpl; congruence.
+Hint Resolve nontemp_data_preg: asmgen.
+Lemma nextinstr_pc:
+ forall rs, (nextinstr rs)#PC = Val.add rs#PC Vone.
+ intros. apply Pregmap.gss.
+Lemma nextinstr_inv:
+ forall r rs, r <> PC -> (nextinstr rs)#r = rs#r.
+ intros. unfold nextinstr. apply Pregmap.gso. red; intro; subst. auto.
+Lemma nextinstr_inv1:
+ forall r rs, data_preg r = true -> (nextinstr rs)#r = rs#r.
+ intros. apply nextinstr_inv. red; intro; subst; discriminate.
+Lemma nextinstr_inv2:
+ forall r rs, nontemp_preg r = true -> (nextinstr rs)#r = rs#r.
+ intros. apply nextinstr_inv1; auto with asmgen.
+Lemma nextinstr_set_preg:
+ forall rs m v,
+ (nextinstr (rs#(preg_of m) <- v))#PC = Val.add rs#PC Vone.
+ intros. unfold nextinstr. rewrite Pregmap.gss.
+ rewrite Pregmap.gso. auto. apply sym_not_eq. apply preg_of_not_PC.
+(** * Agreement between Mach registers and processor registers *)
+Record agree (ms: Mach.regset) (sp: val) (rs: Asm.regset) : Prop := mkagree {
+ agree_sp: rs#SP = sp;
+ agree_mregs: forall r: mreg, Val.lessdef (ms r) (rs#(preg_of r))
+Lemma preg_val:
+ forall ms sp rs r, agree ms sp rs -> Val.lessdef (ms r) rs#(preg_of r).
+ intros. destruct H. auto.
+Lemma preg_vals:
+ forall ms sp rs, agree ms sp rs ->
+ forall l, Val.lessdef_list (map ms l) (map rs (map preg_of l)).
+ induction l; simpl. constructor. constructor. eapply preg_val; eauto. auto.
+Lemma sp_val:
+ forall ms sp rs, agree ms sp rs -> sp = rs#SP.
+ intros. destruct H; auto.
+Lemma ireg_val:
+ forall ms sp rs r r',
+ agree ms sp rs ->
+ ireg_of r = OK r' ->
+ Val.lessdef (ms r) rs#r'.
+ intros. rewrite <- (ireg_of_eq _ _ H0). eapply preg_val; eauto.
+Lemma freg_val:
+ forall ms sp rs r r',
+ agree ms sp rs ->
+ freg_of r = OK r' ->
+ Val.lessdef (ms r) (rs#r').
+ intros. rewrite <- (freg_of_eq _ _ H0). eapply preg_val; eauto.
+Lemma agree_exten:
+ forall ms sp rs rs',
+ agree ms sp rs ->
+ (forall r, data_preg r = true -> rs'#r = rs#r) ->
+ agree ms sp rs'.
+ intros. destruct H. split.
+ rewrite H0; auto. auto.
+ intros. rewrite H0; auto. apply preg_of_data.
+(** Preservation of register agreement under various assignments. *)
+Lemma agree_set_mreg:
+ forall ms sp rs r v rs',
+ agree ms sp rs ->
+ Val.lessdef v (rs'#(preg_of r)) ->
+ (forall r', data_preg r' = true -> r' <> preg_of r -> rs'#r' = rs#r') ->
+ agree (Regmap.set r v ms) sp rs'.
+ intros. destruct H. split.
+ rewrite H1; auto. apply sym_not_equal. apply preg_of_not_SP.
+ auto.
+ intros. unfold Regmap.set. destruct (RegEq.eq r0 r). congruence.
+ rewrite H1. auto. apply preg_of_data.
+ red; intros; elim n. eapply preg_of_injective; eauto.
+Lemma agree_set_other:
+ forall ms sp rs r v,
+ agree ms sp rs ->
+ data_preg r = false ->
+ agree ms sp (rs#r <- v).
+ intros. apply agree_exten with rs. auto.
+ intros. apply Pregmap.gso. congruence.
+Lemma agree_nextinstr:
+ forall ms sp rs,
+ agree ms sp rs -> agree ms sp (nextinstr rs).
+ intros. unfold nextinstr. apply agree_set_other. auto. auto.
+Lemma agree_undef_regs:
+ forall ms sp rl rs,
+ agree ms sp rs ->
+ (forall r, In r rl -> data_preg r = false) ->
+ agree ms sp (undef_regs rl rs).
+ induction rl; simpl; intros. auto.
+ apply IHrl. apply agree_exten with rs; auto.
+ intros. apply Pregmap.gso. red; intros; subst.
+ assert (data_preg a = false) by auto. congruence.
+ intros. apply H0; auto.
+Lemma agree_exten_temps:
+ forall ms sp rs rs',
+ agree ms sp rs ->
+ (forall r, nontemp_preg r = true -> rs'#r = rs#r) ->
+ agree (undef_temps ms) sp rs'.
+ intros. destruct H. split.
+ rewrite H0; auto. auto.
+ intros. unfold undef_temps.
+ destruct (In_dec mreg_eq r temporary_regs).
+ rewrite Mach.undef_regs_same; auto.
+ rewrite Mach.undef_regs_other; auto. rewrite H0; auto.
+ simpl in n. destruct r; auto; intuition.
+Lemma agree_set_undef_mreg:
+ forall ms sp rs r v rs',
+ agree ms sp rs ->
+ Val.lessdef v (rs'#(preg_of r)) ->
+ (forall r', nontemp_preg r' = true -> r' <> preg_of r -> rs'#r' = rs#r') ->
+ agree (Regmap.set r v (undef_temps ms)) sp rs'.
+ intros. apply agree_set_mreg with (rs'#(preg_of r) <- (rs#(preg_of r))); auto.
+ eapply agree_exten_temps; eauto.
+ intros. unfold Pregmap.set. destruct (PregEq.eq r0 (preg_of r)).
+ congruence. auto.
+ intros. rewrite Pregmap.gso; auto.
+Lemma agree_change_sp:
+ forall ms sp rs sp',
+ agree ms sp rs -> sp' <> Vundef ->
+ agree ms sp' (rs#SP <- sp').
+ intros. inv H. split. apply Pregmap.gss. auto.
+ intros. rewrite Pregmap.gso; auto with asmgen.
+(** Connection between Mach and Asm calling conventions for external
+ functions. *)
+Lemma extcall_arg_match:
+ forall ms sp rs m m' l v,
+ agree ms sp rs ->
+ Mem.extends m m' ->
+ Mach.extcall_arg ms m sp l v ->
+ exists v', Asm.extcall_arg rs m' l v' /\ Val.lessdef v v'.
+ intros. inv H1.
+ exists (rs#(preg_of r)); split. constructor. eapply preg_val; eauto.
+ unfold load_stack in H2.
+ exploit Mem.loadv_extends; eauto. intros [v' [A B]].
+ rewrite (sp_val _ _ _ H) in A.
+ exists v'; split; auto.
+ destruct ty; econstructor.
+ reflexivity. assumption.
+ reflexivity. assumption.
+Lemma extcall_args_match:
+ forall ms sp rs m m', agree ms sp rs -> Mem.extends m m' ->
+ forall ll vl,
+ list_forall2 (Mach.extcall_arg ms m sp) ll vl ->
+ exists vl', list_forall2 (Asm.extcall_arg rs m') ll vl' /\ Val.lessdef_list vl vl'.
+ induction 3; intros.
+ exists (@nil val); split. constructor. constructor.
+ exploit extcall_arg_match; eauto. intros [v1' [A B]].
+ destruct IHlist_forall2 as [vl' [C D]].
+ exists (v1' :: vl'); split; constructor; auto.
+Lemma extcall_arguments_match:
+ forall ms m m' sp rs sg args,
+ agree ms sp rs -> Mem.extends m m' ->
+ Mach.extcall_arguments ms m sp sg args ->
+ exists args', Asm.extcall_arguments rs m' sg args' /\ Val.lessdef_list args args'.
+ unfold Mach.extcall_arguments, Asm.extcall_arguments; intros.
+ eapply extcall_args_match; eauto.
+(** Translation of arguments to annotations. *)
+Lemma annot_arg_match:
+ forall ms sp rs m m' p v,
+ agree ms sp rs ->
+ Mem.extends m m' ->
+ Mach.annot_arg ms m sp p v ->
+ exists v', Asm.annot_arg rs m' (transl_annot_param p) v' /\ Val.lessdef v v'.
+ intros. inv H1; simpl.
+(* reg *)
+ exists (rs (preg_of r)); split. constructor. eapply preg_val; eauto.
+(* stack *)
+ exploit Mem.load_extends; eauto. intros [v' [A B]].
+ exists v'; split; auto.
+ inv H. econstructor; eauto.
+Lemma annot_arguments_match:
+ forall ms sp rs m m', agree ms sp rs -> Mem.extends m m' ->
+ forall pl vl,
+ Mach.annot_arguments ms m sp pl vl ->
+ exists vl', Asm.annot_arguments rs m' (map transl_annot_param pl) vl'
+ /\ Val.lessdef_list vl vl'.
+ induction 3; intros.
+ exists (@nil val); split. constructor. constructor.
+ exploit annot_arg_match; eauto. intros [v1' [A B]].
+ destruct IHlist_forall2 as [vl' [C D]].
+ exists (v1' :: vl'); split; constructor; auto.
+(** * Correspondence between Mach code and Asm code *)
+Lemma find_instr_in:
+ forall c pos i,
+ find_instr pos c = Some i -> In i c.
+ induction c; simpl. intros; discriminate.
+ intros until i. case (zeq pos 0); intros.
+ left; congruence. right; eauto.
+(** The ``code tail'' of an instruction list [c] is the list of instructions
+ starting at PC [pos]. *)
+Inductive code_tail: Z -> code -> code -> Prop :=
+ | code_tail_0: forall c,
+ code_tail 0 c c
+ | code_tail_S: forall pos i c1 c2,
+ code_tail pos c1 c2 ->
+ code_tail (pos + 1) (i :: c1) c2.
+Lemma code_tail_pos:
+ forall pos c1 c2, code_tail pos c1 c2 -> pos >= 0.
+ induction 1. omega. omega.
+Lemma find_instr_tail:
+ forall c1 i c2 pos,
+ code_tail pos c1 (i :: c2) ->
+ find_instr pos c1 = Some i.
+ induction c1; simpl; intros.
+ inv H.
+ destruct (zeq pos 0). subst pos.
+ inv H. auto. generalize (code_tail_pos _ _ _ H4). intro. omegaContradiction.
+ inv H. congruence. replace (pos0 + 1 - 1) with pos0 by omega.
+ eauto.
+Remark code_tail_bounds:
+ forall fn ofs i c,
+ code_tail ofs fn (i :: c) -> 0 <= ofs < list_length_z fn.
+ assert (forall ofs fn c, code_tail ofs fn c ->
+ forall i c', c = i :: c' -> 0 <= ofs < list_length_z fn).
+ induction 1; intros; simpl.
+ rewrite H. rewrite list_length_z_cons. generalize (list_length_z_pos c'). omega.
+ rewrite list_length_z_cons. generalize (IHcode_tail _ _ H0). omega.
+ eauto.
+Lemma code_tail_next:
+ forall fn ofs i c,
+ code_tail ofs fn (i :: c) ->
+ code_tail (ofs + 1) fn c.
+ assert (forall ofs fn c, code_tail ofs fn c ->
+ forall i c', c = i :: c' -> code_tail (ofs + 1) fn c').
+ induction 1; intros.
+ subst c. constructor. constructor.
+ constructor. eauto.
+ eauto.
+Lemma code_tail_next_int:
+ forall fn ofs i c,
+ list_length_z fn <= Int.max_unsigned ->
+ code_tail (Int.unsigned ofs) fn (i :: c) ->
+ code_tail (Int.unsigned (Int.add ofs Int.one)) fn c.
+ intros. rewrite Int.add_unsigned.
+ change (Int.unsigned Int.one) with 1.
+ rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. apply code_tail_next with i; auto.
+ generalize (code_tail_bounds _ _ _ _ H0). omega.
+(** [transl_code_at_pc pc f c ep tf tc] holds if the code pointer [pc] points
+ within the Asm code generated by translating Mach function [f],
+ and [tc] is the tail of the generated code at the position corresponding
+ to the code pointer [pc]. *)
+Inductive transl_code_at_pc (ge: Mach.genv):
+ val -> Mach.function -> Mach.code -> bool -> Asm.function -> Asm.code -> Prop :=
+ transl_code_at_pc_intro:
+ forall b ofs f c ep tf tc,
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some(Internal f) ->
+ transf_function f = Errors.OK tf ->
+ transl_code f c ep = OK tc ->
+ code_tail (Int.unsigned ofs) (fn_code tf) tc ->
+ transl_code_at_pc ge (Vptr b ofs) f c ep tf tc.
+(** * Execution of straight-line code *)
+Variable ge: genv.
+Variable fn: function.
+(** Straight-line code is composed of processor instructions that execute
+ in sequence (no branches, no function calls and returns).
+ The following inductive predicate relates the machine states
+ before and after executing a straight-line sequence of instructions.
+ Instructions are taken from the first list instead of being fetched
+ from memory. *)
+Inductive exec_straight: code -> regset -> mem ->
+ code -> regset -> mem -> Prop :=
+ | exec_straight_one:
+ forall i1 c rs1 m1 rs2 m2,
+ exec_instr ge fn i1 rs1 m1 = Next rs2 m2 ->
+ rs2#PC = Val.add rs1#PC Vone ->
+ exec_straight (i1 :: c) rs1 m1 c rs2 m2
+ | exec_straight_step:
+ forall i c rs1 m1 rs2 m2 c' rs3 m3,
+ exec_instr ge fn i rs1 m1 = Next rs2 m2 ->
+ rs2#PC = Val.add rs1#PC Vone ->
+ exec_straight c rs2 m2 c' rs3 m3 ->
+ exec_straight (i :: c) rs1 m1 c' rs3 m3.
+Lemma exec_straight_trans:
+ forall c1 rs1 m1 c2 rs2 m2 c3 rs3 m3,
+ exec_straight c1 rs1 m1 c2 rs2 m2 ->
+ exec_straight c2 rs2 m2 c3 rs3 m3 ->
+ exec_straight c1 rs1 m1 c3 rs3 m3.
+ induction 1; intros.
+ apply exec_straight_step with rs2 m2; auto.
+ apply exec_straight_step with rs2 m2; auto.
+Lemma exec_straight_two:
+ forall i1 i2 c rs1 m1 rs2 m2 rs3 m3,
+ exec_instr ge fn i1 rs1 m1 = Next rs2 m2 ->
+ exec_instr ge fn i2 rs2 m2 = Next rs3 m3 ->
+ rs2#PC = Val.add rs1#PC Vone ->
+ rs3#PC = Val.add rs2#PC Vone ->
+ exec_straight (i1 :: i2 :: c) rs1 m1 c rs3 m3.
+ intros. apply exec_straight_step with rs2 m2; auto.
+ apply exec_straight_one; auto.
+Lemma exec_straight_three:
+ forall i1 i2 i3 c rs1 m1 rs2 m2 rs3 m3 rs4 m4,
+ exec_instr ge fn i1 rs1 m1 = Next rs2 m2 ->
+ exec_instr ge fn i2 rs2 m2 = Next rs3 m3 ->
+ exec_instr ge fn i3 rs3 m3 = Next rs4 m4 ->
+ rs2#PC = Val.add rs1#PC Vone ->
+ rs3#PC = Val.add rs2#PC Vone ->
+ rs4#PC = Val.add rs3#PC Vone ->
+ exec_straight (i1 :: i2 :: i3 :: c) rs1 m1 c rs4 m4.
+ intros. apply exec_straight_step with rs2 m2; auto.
+ eapply exec_straight_two; eauto.
+(** The following lemmas show that straight-line executions
+ (predicate [exec_straight]) correspond to correct Asm executions. *)
+Lemma exec_straight_steps_1:
+ forall c rs m c' rs' m',
+ exec_straight c rs m c' rs' m' ->
+ list_length_z (fn_code fn) <= Int.max_unsigned ->
+ forall b ofs,
+ rs#PC = Vptr b ofs ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some (Internal fn) ->
+ code_tail (Int.unsigned ofs) (fn_code fn) c ->
+ plus step ge (State rs m) E0 (State rs' m').
+ induction 1; intros.
+ apply plus_one.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply find_instr_tail. eauto.
+ eapply plus_left'.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply find_instr_tail. eauto.
+ apply IHexec_straight with b (Int.add ofs Int.one).
+ auto. rewrite H0. rewrite H3. reflexivity.
+ auto.
+ apply code_tail_next_int with i; auto.
+ traceEq.
+Lemma exec_straight_steps_2:
+ forall c rs m c' rs' m',
+ exec_straight c rs m c' rs' m' ->
+ list_length_z (fn_code fn) <= Int.max_unsigned ->
+ forall b ofs,
+ rs#PC = Vptr b ofs ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some (Internal fn) ->
+ code_tail (Int.unsigned ofs) (fn_code fn) c ->
+ exists ofs',
+ rs'#PC = Vptr b ofs'
+ /\ code_tail (Int.unsigned ofs') (fn_code fn) c'.
+ induction 1; intros.
+ exists (Int.add ofs Int.one). split.
+ rewrite H0. rewrite H2. auto.
+ apply code_tail_next_int with i1; auto.
+ apply IHexec_straight with (Int.add ofs Int.one).
+ auto. rewrite H0. rewrite H3. reflexivity. auto.
+ apply code_tail_next_int with i; auto.
+(** * Stack invariants *)
+(** ** Stored return addresses *)
+(** [retaddr_stored_at m m' sp pos ra] holds if Asm memory [m']
+ contains value [ra] (a return address) at offset [pos] in block [sp]. *)
+Record retaddr_stored_at (m m': mem) (sp: block) (pos: Z) (ra: val) : Prop := {
+ rsa_noperm:
+ forall ofs k p, pos <= ofs < pos + 4 -> ~Mem.perm m sp ofs k p;
+ rsa_allperm:
+ forall ofs k p, pos <= ofs < pos + 4 -> Mem.perm m' sp ofs k p;
+ rsa_contains:
+ Mem.load Mint32 m' sp pos = Some ra
+Lemma retaddr_stored_at_invariant:
+ forall m m' sp pos ra m1 m1',
+ retaddr_stored_at m m' sp pos ra ->
+ (forall ofs p, pos <= ofs < pos + 4 -> Mem.perm m1 sp ofs Max p -> Mem.perm m sp ofs Max p) ->
+ (forall ofs k p, pos <= ofs < pos + 4 -> Mem.perm m' sp ofs k p -> Mem.perm m1' sp ofs k p) ->
+ (Mem.load Mint32 m' sp pos = Some ra -> Mem.load Mint32 m1' sp pos = Some ra) ->
+ retaddr_stored_at m1 m1' sp pos ra.
+ intros. inv H. constructor; intros.
+ red; intros. eelim rsa_noperm0. eauto. apply H0. auto. eapply Mem.perm_max; eauto.
+ eauto.
+ eauto.
+Lemma retaddr_stored_at_store:
+ forall chunk m m' b ofs v v' m1 m1' sp pos ra,
+ retaddr_stored_at m m' sp pos ra ->
+ Mem.store chunk m b ofs v = Some m1 ->
+ Mem.store chunk m' b ofs v' = Some m1' ->
+ retaddr_stored_at m1 m1' sp pos ra.
+ intros. eapply retaddr_stored_at_invariant; eauto; intros.
+- eapply Mem.perm_store_2; eauto.
+- eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto.
+- rewrite <- H2. eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto.
+ destruct (eq_block sp b); auto. subst b.
+ right. exploit Mem.store_valid_access_3. eexact H0. intros [A B].
+ apply (Intv.range_disjoint' (pos, pos + size_chunk Mint32) (ofs, ofs + size_chunk chunk)).
+ red; intros; red; intros.
+ elim (rsa_noperm _ _ _ _ _ H x Cur Writable). assumption. apply A. assumption.
+ simpl; omega.
+ simpl; generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk); omega.
+Lemma retaddr_stored_at_storev:
+ forall chunk m m' a a' v v' m1 m1' sp pos ra,
+ retaddr_stored_at m m' sp pos ra ->
+ Mem.storev chunk m a v = Some m1 ->
+ Mem.storev chunk m' a' v' = Some m1' ->
+ Val.lessdef a a' ->
+ retaddr_stored_at m1 m1' sp pos ra.
+ intros. destruct a; simpl in H0; try discriminate. inv H2. simpl in H1.
+ eapply retaddr_stored_at_store; eauto.
+Lemma retaddr_stored_at_valid':
+ forall m m' sp pos ra,
+ retaddr_stored_at m m' sp pos ra ->
+ Mem.valid_block m' sp.
+ intros.
+ eapply Mem.valid_access_valid_block.
+ apply Mem.valid_access_implies with Readable; auto with mem.
+ eapply Mem.load_valid_access.
+ eapply rsa_contains; eauto.
+Lemma retaddr_stored_at_valid:
+ forall m m' sp pos ra,
+ retaddr_stored_at m m' sp pos ra ->
+ Mem.extends m m' ->
+ Mem.valid_block m sp.
+ intros.
+ erewrite Mem.valid_block_extends; eauto.
+ eapply retaddr_stored_at_valid'; eauto.
+Lemma retaddr_stored_at_extcall:
+ forall m1 m1' sp pos ra m2 m2',
+ retaddr_stored_at m1 m1' sp pos ra ->
+ (forall b ofs p, Mem.valid_block m1 b -> Mem.perm m2 b ofs Max p -> Mem.perm m1 b ofs Max p) ->
+ mem_unchanged_on (loc_out_of_bounds m1) m1' m2' ->
+ Mem.extends m1 m1' ->
+ retaddr_stored_at m2 m2' sp pos ra.
+ intros.
+ assert (B: forall ofs, pos <= ofs < pos + 4 -> loc_out_of_bounds m1 sp ofs).
+ intros; red; intros. eapply rsa_noperm; eauto.
+ eapply retaddr_stored_at_invariant; eauto.
+- intros. apply H0; auto. eapply retaddr_stored_at_valid; eauto.
+- intros. destruct H1. eauto.
+- intros. destruct H1. apply H4; auto.
+Lemma retaddr_stored_at_can_alloc:
+ forall m lo hi m1 sp pos m2 a v m3 m' m1' a' v' m2' ra,
+ Mem.alloc m lo hi = (m1, sp) ->
+ Mem.free m1 sp pos (pos + 4) = Some m2 ->
+ Mem.storev Mint32 m2 a v = Some m3 ->
+ Mem.alloc m' lo hi = (m1', sp) ->
+ Mem.storev Mint32 m1' a' v' = Some m2' ->
+ (4 | pos) ->
+ Mem.extends m3 m2' ->
+ Val.has_type ra Tint ->
+ exists m3',
+ Mem.store Mint32 m2' sp pos ra = Some m3'
+ /\ retaddr_stored_at m3 m3' sp pos ra
+ /\ Mem.extends m3 m3'.
+ intros. destruct a; simpl in H1; try discriminate. destruct a'; simpl in H3; try discriminate.
+ assert (POS: forall ofs, pos <= ofs < pos + 4 -> lo <= ofs < hi).
+ intros. eapply Mem.perm_alloc_3. eexact H. eapply Mem.free_range_perm; eauto.
+ assert (ST: { m3' | Mem.store Mint32 m2' sp pos ra = Some m3' }).
+ {
+ apply Mem.valid_access_store. split.
+ red; intros. eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto.
+ apply Mem.perm_implies with Freeable; auto with mem.
+ eapply Mem.perm_alloc_2; eauto.
+ assumption.
+ }
+ destruct ST as [m3' ST]. exists m3'; split; auto.
+ split. constructor.
+ intros; red; intros. eelim Mem.perm_free_2; eauto. eapply Mem.perm_store_2; eauto.
+ intros. eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto. eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto.
+ apply Mem.perm_implies with Freeable; auto with mem.
+ eapply Mem.perm_alloc_2; eauto.
+ replace ra with (Val.load_result Mint32 ra). eapply Mem.load_store_same; eauto.
+ destruct ra; reflexivity || contradiction.
+ eapply Mem.store_outside_extends; eauto.
+ intros. eelim Mem.perm_free_2; eauto. eapply Mem.perm_store_2; eauto.
+Lemma retaddr_stored_at_can_free:
+ forall m m' sp pos ra lo m1 hi m2,
+ retaddr_stored_at m m' sp pos ra ->
+ Mem.free m sp lo pos = Some m1 ->
+ Mem.free m1 sp (pos + 4) hi = Some m2 ->
+ Mem.extends m m' ->
+ exists m1', Mem.free m' sp lo hi = Some m1' /\ Mem.extends m2 m1'.
+ intros. inv H.
+ assert (F: { m1' | Mem.free m' sp lo hi = Some m1' }).
+ {
+ apply Mem.range_perm_free. red; intros.
+ assert (EITHER: lo <= ofs < pos \/ pos <= ofs < pos + 4 \/ pos + 4 <= ofs < hi) by omega.
+ destruct EITHER as [A | [A | A]].
+ eapply Mem.perm_extends; eauto. eapply Mem.free_range_perm; eauto.
+ auto.
+ eapply Mem.perm_extends; eauto.
+ eapply Mem.perm_free_3; eauto. eapply Mem.free_range_perm; eauto.
+ }
+ destruct F as [m1' F]. exists m1'; split; auto.
+ eapply Mem.free_right_extends; eauto.
+ eapply Mem.free_left_extends. eapply Mem.free_left_extends. eauto. eauto. eauto.
+ intros.
+ exploit Mem.perm_free_3. eexact H1. eauto. intros P1.
+ exploit Mem.perm_free_3. eexact H0. eauto. intros P0.
+ assert (EITHER: lo <= ofs < pos \/ pos <= ofs < pos + 4 \/ pos + 4 <= ofs < hi) by omega.
+ destruct EITHER as [A | [A | A]].
+ eelim Mem.perm_free_2. eexact H0. eexact A. eauto.
+ eelim rsa_noperm0; eauto.
+ eelim Mem.perm_free_2. eexact H1. eexact A. eauto.
+Lemma retaddr_stored_at_type:
+ forall m m' sp pos ra, retaddr_stored_at m m' sp pos ra -> Val.has_type ra Tint.
+ intros. change Tint with (type_of_chunk Mint32).
+ eapply Mem.load_type. eapply rsa_contains; eauto.
+(** Matching a Mach stack against an Asm memory state. *)
+Variable ge: Mach.genv.
+Inductive match_stack:
+ list Mach.stackframe -> mem -> mem -> val -> block -> Prop :=
+ | match_stack_nil: forall m m' bound,
+ match_stack nil m m' Vzero bound
+ | match_stack_cons: forall f sp c s m m' ra tf tc ra' bound
+ (AT: transl_code_at_pc ge ra f c false tf tc)
+ (RSA: retaddr_stored_at m m' sp (Int.unsigned f.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) ra')
+ (BELOW: sp < bound),
+ match_stack s m m' ra' sp ->
+ match_stack (Stackframe f (Vptr sp Int.zero) c :: s) m m' ra bound.
+Lemma match_stack_invariant:
+ forall m2 m2' s m1 m1' ra bound,
+ match_stack s m1 m1' ra bound ->
+ (forall b ofs p, b < bound -> Mem.perm m2 b ofs Max p -> Mem.perm m1 b ofs Max p) ->
+ (forall b ofs k p, b < bound -> Mem.perm m1' b ofs k p -> Mem.perm m2' b ofs k p) ->
+ (forall b ofs v, b < bound -> Mem.load Mint32 m1' b ofs = Some v -> Mem.load Mint32 m2' b ofs = Some v) ->
+ match_stack s m2 m2' ra bound.
+ induction 1; intros; econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply retaddr_stored_at_invariant; eauto.
+ apply IHmatch_stack; intros.
+ eapply H0; eauto. omega.
+ eapply H1; eauto. omega.
+ eapply H2; eauto. omega.
+Lemma match_stack_change_bound:
+ forall s m m' ra bound1 bound2,
+ match_stack s m m' ra bound1 ->
+ bound1 <= bound2 ->
+ match_stack s m m' ra bound2.
+ intros. inv H; econstructor; eauto. omega.
+Lemma match_stack_storev:
+ forall chunk a v m1 a' v' m1' s m m' ra bound,
+ match_stack s m m' ra bound ->
+ Mem.storev chunk m a v = Some m1 ->
+ Mem.storev chunk m' a' v' = Some m1' ->
+ Val.lessdef a a' ->
+ match_stack s m1 m1' ra bound.
+ induction 1; intros; econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply retaddr_stored_at_storev; eauto.
+Lemma match_stack_extcall:
+ forall m2 m2' s m1 m1' ra bound,
+ match_stack s m1 m1' ra bound ->
+ (forall b ofs p, Mem.valid_block m1 b -> Mem.perm m2 b ofs Max p -> Mem.perm m1 b ofs Max p) ->
+ mem_unchanged_on (loc_out_of_bounds m1) m1' m2' ->
+ Mem.extends m1 m1' ->
+ match_stack s m2 m2' ra bound.
+ induction 1; intros; econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply retaddr_stored_at_extcall; eauto.
+Lemma match_stack_free_left:
+ forall s m m' ra bound b lo hi m1,
+ match_stack s m m' ra bound ->
+ Mem.free m b lo hi = Some m1 ->
+ match_stack s m1 m' ra bound.
+ intros. eapply match_stack_invariant; eauto.
+ intros. eapply Mem.perm_free_3; eauto.
+Lemma match_stack_free_right:
+ forall s m m' ra bound b lo hi m1',
+ match_stack s m m' ra bound ->
+ Mem.free m' b lo hi = Some m1' ->
+ bound <= b ->
+ match_stack s m m1' ra bound.
+ intros. eapply match_stack_invariant; eauto.
+ intros. eapply Mem.perm_free_1; eauto. left. unfold block; omega.
+ intros. rewrite <- H3. eapply Mem.load_free; eauto. left. unfold block; omega.
+Lemma parent_sp_def:
+ forall s m m' ra bound,
+ match_stack s m m' ra bound -> parent_sp s <> Vundef.
+ intros. inv H; simpl; congruence.
+Lemma lessdef_parent_sp:
+ forall s m m' ra bound v,
+ match_stack s m m' ra bound -> Val.lessdef (parent_sp s) v -> v = parent_sp s.
+ intros. inv H0; auto. exfalso. eelim parent_sp_def; eauto.
diff --git a/backend/Mach.v b/backend/Mach.v
index 56c03699..12c6c9db 100644
--- a/backend/Mach.v
+++ b/backend/Mach.v
@@ -21,10 +21,14 @@ Require Import Maps.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Values.
+Require Import Memory.
Require Import Globalenvs.
+Require Import Events.
+Require Import Smallstep.
Require Import Op.
Require Import Locations.
Require Import Conventions.
+Require Stacklayout.
(** * Abstract syntax *)
@@ -89,13 +93,39 @@ Definition funsig (fd: fundef) :=
Definition genv := Genv.t fundef unit.
-(** * Elements of dynamic semantics *)
-(** The operational semantics is in module [Machsem]. *)
+(** * Operational semantics *)
+(** The semantics for Mach is close to that of [Linear]: they differ only
+ on the interpretation of stack slot accesses. In Mach, these
+ accesses are interpreted as memory accesses relative to the
+ stack pointer. More precisely:
+- [Mgetstack ofs ty r] is a memory load at offset [ofs * 4] relative
+ to the stack pointer.
+- [Msetstack r ofs ty] is a memory store at offset [ofs * 4] relative
+ to the stack pointer.
+- [Mgetparam ofs ty r] is a memory load at offset [ofs * 4]
+ relative to the pointer found at offset 0 from the stack pointer.
+ The semantics maintain a linked structure of activation records,
+ with the current record containing a pointer to the record of the
+ caller function at offset 0.
+In addition to this linking of activation records, the
+semantics also make provisions for storing a back link at offset
+[f.(fn_link_ofs)] from the stack pointer, and a return address at
+offset [f.(fn_retaddr_ofs)]. The latter stack location will be used
+by the Asm code generated by [Asmgen] to save the return address into
+the caller at the beginning of a function, then restore it and jump to
+it at the end of a function. *)
Definition chunk_of_type (ty: typ) :=
match ty with Tint => Mint32 | Tfloat => Mfloat64al32 end.
+Definition load_stack (m: mem) (sp: val) (ty: typ) (ofs: int) :=
+ Mem.loadv (chunk_of_type ty) m (Val.add sp (Vint ofs)).
+Definition store_stack (m: mem) (sp: val) (ty: typ) (ofs: int) (v: val) :=
+ Mem.storev (chunk_of_type ty) m (Val.add sp (Vint ofs)) v.
Module RegEq.
Definition t := mreg.
Definition eq := mreg_eq.
@@ -170,15 +200,210 @@ Proof.
destruct (is_label lbl a). inv H. auto with coqlib. eauto with coqlib.
-Definition find_function_ptr
- (ge: genv) (ros: mreg + ident) (rs: regset) : option block :=
+Section RELSEM.
+Variable ge: genv.
+Definition find_function (ros: mreg + ident) (rs: regset) : option fundef :=
match ros with
- | inl r =>
- match rs r with
- | Vptr b ofs => if Int.eq ofs Int.zero then Some b else None
- | _ => None
- end
+ | inl r => Genv.find_funct ge (rs r)
| inr symb =>
- Genv.find_symbol ge symb
+ match Genv.find_symbol ge symb with
+ | None => None
+ | Some b => Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b
+ end
+ end.
+(** Extract the values of the arguments to an external call. *)
+Inductive extcall_arg: regset -> mem -> val -> loc -> val -> Prop :=
+ | extcall_arg_reg: forall rs m sp r,
+ extcall_arg rs m sp (R r) (rs r)
+ | extcall_arg_stack: forall rs m sp ofs ty v,
+ load_stack m sp ty (Int.repr (Stacklayout.fe_ofs_arg + 4 * ofs)) = Some v ->
+ extcall_arg rs m sp (S (Outgoing ofs ty)) v.
+Definition extcall_arguments
+ (rs: regset) (m: mem) (sp: val) (sg: signature) (args: list val) : Prop :=
+ list_forall2 (extcall_arg rs m sp) (loc_arguments sg) args.
+(** Extract the values of the arguments to an annotation. *)
+Inductive annot_arg: regset -> mem -> val -> annot_param -> val -> Prop :=
+ | annot_arg_reg: forall rs m sp r,
+ annot_arg rs m sp (APreg r) (rs r)
+ | annot_arg_stack: forall rs m stk base chunk ofs v,
+ Mem.load chunk m stk (Int.unsigned base + ofs) = Some v ->
+ annot_arg rs m (Vptr stk base) (APstack chunk ofs) v.
+Definition annot_arguments
+ (rs: regset) (m: mem) (sp: val) (params: list annot_param) (args: list val) : Prop :=
+ list_forall2 (annot_arg rs m sp) params args.
+(** Mach execution states. *)
+Inductive stackframe: Type :=
+ | Stackframe:
+ forall (f: function) (**r calling function *)
+ (sp: val) (**r stack pointer in calling function *)
+ (c: code), (**r program point in calling function *)
+ stackframe.
+Inductive state: Type :=
+ | State:
+ forall (stack: list stackframe) (**r call stack *)
+ (f: function) (**r current function *)
+ (sp: val) (**r stack pointer *)
+ (c: code) (**r current program point *)
+ (rs: regset) (**r register state *)
+ (m: mem), (**r memory state *)
+ state
+ | Callstate:
+ forall (stack: list stackframe) (**r call stack *)
+ (fd: fundef) (**r function to call *)
+ (rs: regset) (**r register state *)
+ (m: mem), (**r memory state *)
+ state
+ | Returnstate:
+ forall (stack: list stackframe) (**r call stack *)
+ (rs: regset) (**r register state *)
+ (m: mem), (**r memory state *)
+ state.
+Definition parent_sp (s: list stackframe) : val :=
+ match s with
+ | nil => Vptr Mem.nullptr Int.zero
+ | Stackframe f sp c :: s' => sp
+Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
+ | exec_Mlabel:
+ forall s f sp lbl c rs m,
+ step (State s f sp (Mlabel lbl :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c rs m)
+ | exec_Mgetstack:
+ forall s f sp ofs ty dst c rs m v,
+ load_stack m sp ty ofs = Some v ->
+ step (State s f sp (Mgetstack ofs ty dst :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c (rs#dst <- v) m)
+ | exec_Msetstack:
+ forall s f sp src ofs ty c rs m m',
+ store_stack m sp ty ofs (rs src) = Some m' ->
+ step (State s f sp (Msetstack src ofs ty :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c (undef_setstack rs) m')
+ | exec_Mgetparam:
+ forall s f sp ofs ty dst c rs m v,
+ load_stack m sp Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) = Some (parent_sp s) ->
+ load_stack m (parent_sp s) ty ofs = Some v ->
+ step (State s f sp (Mgetparam ofs ty dst :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c (rs # IT1 <- Vundef # dst <- v) m)
+ | exec_Mop:
+ forall s f sp op args res c rs m v,
+ eval_operation ge sp op rs##args m = Some v ->
+ step (State s f sp (Mop op args res :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c ((undef_op op rs)#res <- v) m)
+ | exec_Mload:
+ forall s f sp chunk addr args dst c rs m a v,
+ eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a ->
+ Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
+ step (State s f sp (Mload chunk addr args dst :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c ((undef_temps rs)#dst <- v) m)
+ | exec_Mstore:
+ forall s f sp chunk addr args src c rs m m' a,
+ eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a ->
+ Mem.storev chunk m a (rs src) = Some m' ->
+ step (State s f sp (Mstore chunk addr args src :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c (undef_temps rs) m')
+ | exec_Mcall:
+ forall s f sp sig ros c rs m fd,
+ find_function ros rs = Some fd ->
+ step (State s f sp (Mcall sig ros :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (Callstate (Stackframe f sp c :: s)
+ fd rs m)
+ | exec_Mtailcall:
+ forall s f stk soff sig ros c rs m fd m' m'',
+ find_function ros rs = Some fd ->
+ load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) = Some (parent_sp s) ->
+ Mem.free m stk 0 (Int.unsigned f.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) = Some m' ->
+ Mem.free m' stk (Int.unsigned f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) + 4) f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m'' ->
+ step (State s f (Vptr stk soff) (Mtailcall sig ros :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (Callstate s fd rs m'')
+ | exec_Mbuiltin:
+ forall s f sp rs m ef args res b t v m',
+ external_call ef ge rs##args m t v m' ->
+ step (State s f sp (Mbuiltin ef args res :: b) rs m)
+ t (State s f sp b ((undef_temps rs)#res <- v) m')
+ | exec_Mannot:
+ forall s f sp rs m ef args b vargs t v m',
+ annot_arguments rs m sp args vargs ->
+ external_call ef ge vargs m t v m' ->
+ step (State s f sp (Mannot ef args :: b) rs m)
+ t (State s f sp b rs m')
+ | exec_Mgoto:
+ forall s f sp lbl c rs m c',
+ find_label lbl f.(fn_code) = Some c' ->
+ step (State s f sp (Mgoto lbl :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c' rs m)
+ | exec_Mcond_true:
+ forall s f sp cond args lbl c rs m c',
+ eval_condition cond rs##args m = Some true ->
+ find_label lbl f.(fn_code) = Some c' ->
+ step (State s f sp (Mcond cond args lbl :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c' (undef_temps rs) m)
+ | exec_Mcond_false:
+ forall s f sp cond args lbl c rs m,
+ eval_condition cond rs##args m = Some false ->
+ step (State s f sp (Mcond cond args lbl :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c (undef_temps rs) m)
+ | exec_Mjumptable:
+ forall s f sp arg tbl c rs m n lbl c',
+ rs arg = Vint n ->
+ list_nth_z tbl (Int.unsigned n) = Some lbl ->
+ find_label lbl f.(fn_code) = Some c' ->
+ step (State s f sp (Mjumptable arg tbl :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c' (undef_temps rs) m)
+ | exec_Mreturn:
+ forall s f stk soff c rs m m' m'',
+ load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) = Some (parent_sp s) ->
+ Mem.free m stk 0 (Int.unsigned f.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) = Some m' ->
+ Mem.free m' stk (Int.unsigned f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) + 4) f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m'' ->
+ step (State s f (Vptr stk soff) (Mreturn :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (Returnstate s rs m'')
+ | exec_function_internal:
+ forall s f rs m m1 m2 m3 stk,
+ Mem.alloc m 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (m1, stk) ->
+ Mem.free m1 stk (Int.unsigned f.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) (Int.unsigned f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) + 4) = Some m2 ->
+ let sp := Vptr stk Int.zero in
+ store_stack m2 sp Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) (parent_sp s) = Some m3 ->
+ (4 | Int.unsigned f.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) ->
+ step (Callstate s (Internal f) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp f.(fn_code) (undef_temps rs) m3)
+ | exec_function_external:
+ forall s ef rs m t rs' args res m',
+ external_call ef ge args m t res m' ->
+ extcall_arguments rs m (parent_sp s) (ef_sig ef) args ->
+ rs' = (rs#(loc_result (ef_sig ef)) <- res) ->
+ step (Callstate s (External ef) rs m)
+ t (Returnstate s rs' m')
+ | exec_return:
+ forall s f sp c rs m,
+ step (Returnstate (Stackframe f sp c :: s) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c rs m).
+Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
+ | initial_state_intro: forall b fd m0,
+ let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
+ Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
+ Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some fd ->
+ initial_state p (Callstate nil fd (Regmap.init Vundef) m0).
+Inductive final_state: state -> int -> Prop :=
+ | final_state_intro: forall rs m r,
+ rs (loc_result (mksignature nil (Some Tint))) = Vint r ->
+ final_state (Returnstate nil rs m) r.
+Definition semantics (p: program) :=
+ Semantics step (initial_state p) final_state (Genv.globalenv p).
diff --git a/backend/Machsem.v b/backend/Machsem.v
index 6d5f1cfc..60762c05 100644
--- a/backend/Machsem.v
+++ b/backend/Machsem.v
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ Require Import Locations.
Require Import Conventions.
Require Import Mach.
Require Stacklayout.
-Require Asmgenretaddr.
(** The semantics for Mach is close to that of [Linear]: they differ only
on the interpretation of stack slot accesses. In Mach, these
@@ -91,16 +90,15 @@ Definition annot_arguments
Inductive stackframe: Type :=
| Stackframe:
- forall (f: block) (**r pointer to calling function *)
+ forall (f: function) (**r calling function *)
(sp: val) (**r stack pointer in calling function *)
- (retaddr: val) (**r Asm return address in calling function *)
(c: code), (**r program point in calling function *)
Inductive state: Type :=
| State:
forall (stack: list stackframe) (**r call stack *)
- (f: block) (**r pointer to current function *)
+ (f: function) (**r current function *)
(sp: val) (**r stack pointer *)
(c: code) (**r current program point *)
(rs: regset) (**r register state *)
@@ -108,7 +106,7 @@ Inductive state: Type :=
| Callstate:
forall (stack: list stackframe) (**r call stack *)
- (f: block) (**r pointer to function to call *)
+ (fd: fundef) (**r function to call *)
(rs: regset) (**r register state *)
(m: mem), (**r memory state *)
@@ -121,13 +119,7 @@ Inductive state: Type :=
Definition parent_sp (s: list stackframe) : val :=
match s with
| nil => Vptr Mem.nullptr Int.zero
- | Stackframe f sp ra c :: s' => sp
- end.
-Definition parent_ra (s: list stackframe) : val :=
- match s with
- | nil => Vzero
- | Stackframe f sp ra c :: s' => ra
+ | Stackframe f sp c :: s' => sp
Section RELSEM.
@@ -150,12 +142,11 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
step (State s f sp (Msetstack src ofs ty :: c) rs m)
E0 (State s f sp c (undef_setstack rs) m')
| exec_Mgetparam:
- forall s fb f sp ofs ty dst c rs m v,
- Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
+ forall s f sp ofs ty dst c rs m v,
load_stack m sp Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) = Some (parent_sp s) ->
load_stack m (parent_sp s) ty ofs = Some v ->
- step (State s fb sp (Mgetparam ofs ty dst :: c) rs m)
- E0 (State s fb sp c (rs # IT1 <- Vundef # dst <- v) m)
+ step (State s f sp (Mgetparam ofs ty dst :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c (rs # IT1 <- Vundef # dst <- v) m)
| exec_Mop:
forall s f sp op args res c rs m v,
eval_operation ge sp op rs##args m = Some v ->
@@ -174,22 +165,19 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
step (State s f sp (Mstore chunk addr args src :: c) rs m)
E0 (State s f sp c (undef_temps rs) m')
| exec_Mcall:
- forall s fb sp sig ros c rs m f f' ra,
- find_function_ptr ge ros rs = Some f' ->
- Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
- Asmgenretaddr.return_address_offset f c ra ->
- step (State s fb sp (Mcall sig ros :: c) rs m)
- E0 (Callstate (Stackframe fb sp (Vptr fb ra) c :: s)
- f' rs m)
+ forall s f sp sig ros c rs m fd,
+ find_function ge ros rs = Some fd ->
+ step (State s f sp (Mcall sig ros :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (Callstate (Stackframe f sp c :: s)
+ fd rs m)
| exec_Mtailcall:
- forall s fb stk soff sig ros c rs m f f' m',
- find_function_ptr ge ros rs = Some f' ->
- Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
+ forall s f stk soff sig ros c rs m fd m' m'',
+ find_function ge ros rs = Some fd ->
load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) = Some (parent_sp s) ->
- load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tint f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) = Some (parent_ra s) ->
- Mem.free m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
- step (State s fb (Vptr stk soff) (Mtailcall sig ros :: c) rs m)
- E0 (Callstate s f' rs m')
+ Mem.free m stk 0 (Int.unsigned f.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) = Some m' ->
+ Mem.free m' stk (Int.unsigned f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) + 4) f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m'' ->
+ step (State s f (Vptr stk soff) (Mtailcall sig ros :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (Callstate s fd rs m'')
| exec_Mbuiltin:
forall s f sp rs m ef args res b t v m',
external_call ef ge rs##args m t v m' ->
@@ -202,69 +190,65 @@ Inductive step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
step (State s f sp (Mannot ef args :: b) rs m)
t (State s f sp b rs m')
| exec_Mgoto:
- forall s fb f sp lbl c rs m c',
- Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
+ forall s f sp lbl c rs m c',
find_label lbl f.(fn_code) = Some c' ->
- step (State s fb sp (Mgoto lbl :: c) rs m)
- E0 (State s fb sp c' rs m)
+ step (State s f sp (Mgoto lbl :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c' rs m)
| exec_Mcond_true:
- forall s fb f sp cond args lbl c rs m c',
+ forall s f sp cond args lbl c rs m c',
eval_condition cond rs##args m = Some true ->
- Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
find_label lbl f.(fn_code) = Some c' ->
- step (State s fb sp (Mcond cond args lbl :: c) rs m)
- E0 (State s fb sp c' (undef_temps rs) m)
+ step (State s f sp (Mcond cond args lbl :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c' (undef_temps rs) m)
| exec_Mcond_false:
forall s f sp cond args lbl c rs m,
eval_condition cond rs##args m = Some false ->
step (State s f sp (Mcond cond args lbl :: c) rs m)
E0 (State s f sp c (undef_temps rs) m)
| exec_Mjumptable:
- forall s fb f sp arg tbl c rs m n lbl c',
+ forall s f sp arg tbl c rs m n lbl c',
rs arg = Vint n ->
list_nth_z tbl (Int.unsigned n) = Some lbl ->
- Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
find_label lbl f.(fn_code) = Some c' ->
- step (State s fb sp (Mjumptable arg tbl :: c) rs m)
- E0 (State s fb sp c' (undef_temps rs) m)
+ step (State s f sp (Mjumptable arg tbl :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp c' (undef_temps rs) m)
| exec_Mreturn:
- forall s fb stk soff c rs m f m',
- Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
+ forall s f stk soff c rs m m' m'',
load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) = Some (parent_sp s) ->
- load_stack m (Vptr stk soff) Tint f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) = Some (parent_ra s) ->
- Mem.free m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
- step (State s fb (Vptr stk soff) (Mreturn :: c) rs m)
- E0 (Returnstate s rs m')
+ Mem.free m stk 0 (Int.unsigned f.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) = Some m' ->
+ Mem.free m' stk (Int.unsigned f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) + 4) f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m'' ->
+ step (State s f (Vptr stk soff) (Mreturn :: c) rs m)
+ E0 (Returnstate s rs m'')
| exec_function_internal:
- forall s fb rs m f m1 m2 m3 stk,
- Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (Internal f) ->
+ forall s f rs m m1 m2 m3 stk,
Mem.alloc m 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (m1, stk) ->
+ Mem.free m1 stk (Int.unsigned f.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) (Int.unsigned f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) + 4) = Some m2 ->
let sp := Vptr stk Int.zero in
- store_stack m1 sp Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) (parent_sp s) = Some m2 ->
- store_stack m2 sp Tint f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) (parent_ra s) = Some m3 ->
- step (Callstate s fb rs m)
- E0 (State s fb sp f.(fn_code) (undef_temps rs) m3)
+ store_stack m2 sp Tint f.(fn_link_ofs) (parent_sp s) = Some m3 ->
+ (4 | Int.unsigned f.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) ->
+ step (Callstate s (Internal f) rs m)
+ E0 (State s f sp f.(fn_code) (undef_temps rs) m3)
| exec_function_external:
- forall s fb rs m t rs' ef args res m',
- Genv.find_funct_ptr ge fb = Some (External ef) ->
+ forall s ef rs m t rs' args res m',
external_call ef ge args m t res m' ->
extcall_arguments rs m (parent_sp s) (ef_sig ef) args ->
rs' = (rs#(loc_result (ef_sig ef)) <- res) ->
- step (Callstate s fb rs m)
+ step (Callstate s (External ef) rs m)
t (Returnstate s rs' m')
| exec_return:
- forall s f sp ra c rs m,
- step (Returnstate (Stackframe f sp ra c :: s) rs m)
+ forall s f sp c rs m,
+ step (Returnstate (Stackframe f sp c :: s) rs m)
E0 (State s f sp c rs m).
Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
- | initial_state_intro: forall fb m0,
+ | initial_state_intro: forall b fd m0,
let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
- Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some fb ->
- initial_state p (Callstate nil fb (Regmap.init Vundef) m0).
+ Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some fd ->
+ initial_state p (Callstate nil fd (Regmap.init Vundef) m0).
Inductive final_state: state -> int -> Prop :=
| final_state_intro: forall rs m r,
diff --git a/backend/Stackingproof.v b/backend/Stackingproof.v
index b7314877..cd01beb6 100644
--- a/backend/Stackingproof.v
+++ b/backend/Stackingproof.v
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ Require LTL.
Require Import Linear.
Require Import Lineartyping.
Require Import Mach.
-Require Import Machsem.
Require Import Bounds.
Require Import Conventions.
Require Import Stacklayout.
@@ -422,23 +421,31 @@ Definition frame_perm_freeable (m: mem) (sp: block): Prop :=
forall ofs,
0 <= ofs < fe.(fe_size) ->
ofs < fe.(fe_stack_data) \/ fe.(fe_stack_data) + f.(Linear.fn_stacksize) <= ofs ->
+ ofs < fe.(fe_ofs_retaddr) \/ fe.(fe_ofs_retaddr) + 4 <= ofs ->
Mem.perm m sp ofs Cur Freeable.
Lemma offset_of_index_perm:
forall m sp idx,
- index_valid idx ->
+ index_valid idx -> idx <> FI_retaddr ->
frame_perm_freeable m sp ->
Mem.range_perm m sp (offset_of_index fe idx) (offset_of_index fe idx + AST.typesize (type_of_index idx)) Cur Freeable.
exploit offset_of_index_valid; eauto. intros [A B].
- exploit offset_of_index_disj_stack_data_2; eauto. intros.
- red; intros. apply H0. omega. omega.
+ exploit offset_of_index_disj.
+ instantiate (1 := FI_retaddr); exact I.
+ eexact H.
+ red. destruct idx; auto || congruence.
+ change (AST.typesize (type_of_index FI_retaddr)) with 4.
+ change (offset_of_index fe FI_retaddr) with fe.(fe_ofs_retaddr).
+ intros C.
+ exploit offset_of_index_disj_stack_data_2; eauto. intros D.
+ red; intros. apply H1. omega. omega. omega.
Lemma store_index_succeeds:
forall m sp idx v,
- index_valid idx ->
+ index_valid idx -> idx <> FI_retaddr ->
frame_perm_freeable m sp ->
exists m',
Mem.store (chunk_of_type (type_of_index idx)) m sp (offset_of_index fe idx) v = Some m'.
@@ -520,7 +527,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma index_contains_inj_undef:
forall j m sp idx,
- index_valid idx ->
+ index_valid idx -> idx <> FI_retaddr ->
frame_perm_freeable m sp ->
index_contains_inj j m sp idx Vundef.
@@ -550,7 +557,7 @@ Definition agree_regs (j: meminj) (ls: locset) (rs: regset) : Prop :=
Record agree_frame (j: meminj) (ls ls0: locset)
(m: mem) (sp: block)
(m': mem) (sp': block)
- (parent retaddr: val) : Prop :=
+ (parent: val) : Prop :=
mk_agree_frame {
(** Unused registers have the same value as in the caller *)
@@ -576,12 +583,9 @@ Record agree_frame (j: meminj) (ls ls0: locset)
In (S (Incoming ofs ty)) (loc_parameters f.(Linear.fn_sig)) ->
ls (S (Incoming ofs ty)) = ls0 (S (Outgoing ofs ty));
- (** The back link and return address slots of the Mach frame contain
- the [parent] and [retaddr] values, respectively. *)
+ (** The back link contains the [parent] value. *)
index_contains m' sp' FI_link parent;
- agree_retaddr:
- index_contains m' sp' FI_retaddr retaddr;
(** The areas of the frame reserved for saving used callee-save
registers always contain the values that those registers had
@@ -623,7 +627,7 @@ Record agree_frame (j: meminj) (ls ls0: locset)
Hint Resolve agree_unused_reg agree_locals agree_outgoing agree_incoming
- agree_link agree_retaddr agree_saved_int agree_saved_float
+ agree_link agree_saved_int agree_saved_float
agree_valid_linear agree_valid_mach agree_perm
agree_wt_ls: stacking.
@@ -763,11 +767,11 @@ Qed.
(** Preservation under assignment of machine register. *)
Lemma agree_frame_set_reg:
- forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ra r v,
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ra ->
+ forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent r v,
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ->
mreg_within_bounds b r ->
Val.has_type v (Loc.type (R r)) ->
- agree_frame j (Locmap.set (R r) v ls) ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ra.
+ agree_frame j (Locmap.set (R r) v ls) ls0 m sp m' sp' parent.
intros. inv H; constructor; auto; intros.
rewrite Locmap.gso. auto. red. intuition congruence.
@@ -794,10 +798,10 @@ Proof.
Lemma agree_frame_undef_locs:
- forall j ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ra regs ls,
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ra ->
+ forall j ls0 m sp m' sp' parent regs ls,
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ->
incl (List.map R regs) temporaries ->
- agree_frame j (Locmap.undef (List.map R regs) ls) ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ra.
+ agree_frame j (Locmap.undef (List.map R regs) ls) ls0 m sp m' sp' parent.
induction regs; simpl; intros.
@@ -808,17 +812,17 @@ Proof.
Lemma agree_frame_undef_temps:
- forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ra,
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ra ->
- agree_frame j (LTL.undef_temps ls) ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ra.
+ forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent,
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ->
+ agree_frame j (LTL.undef_temps ls) ls0 m sp m' sp' parent.
intros. unfold temporaries. apply agree_frame_undef_locs; auto. apply incl_refl.
Lemma agree_frame_undef_setstack:
- forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ra,
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ra ->
- agree_frame j (Linear.undef_setstack ls) ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ra.
+ forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent,
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ->
+ agree_frame j (Linear.undef_setstack ls) ls0 m sp m' sp' parent.
intros. unfold Linear.undef_setstack, destroyed_at_move.
apply agree_frame_undef_locs; auto.
@@ -826,9 +830,9 @@ Proof.
Lemma agree_frame_undef_op:
- forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ra op,
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ra ->
- agree_frame j (Linear.undef_op op ls) ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ra.
+ forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent op,
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ->
+ agree_frame j (Linear.undef_op op ls) ls0 m sp m' sp' parent.
exploit agree_frame_undef_temps; eauto.
@@ -838,13 +842,13 @@ Qed.
(** Preservation by assignment to local slot *)
Lemma agree_frame_set_local:
- forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr ofs ty v v' m'',
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr ->
+ forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ofs ty v v' m'',
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ->
slot_within_bounds f b (Local ofs ty) ->
val_inject j v v' ->
Val.has_type v ty ->
Mem.store (chunk_of_type ty) m' sp' (offset_of_index fe (FI_local ofs ty)) v' = Some m'' ->
- agree_frame j (Locmap.set (S (Local ofs ty)) v ls) ls0 m sp m'' sp' parent retaddr.
+ agree_frame j (Locmap.set (S (Local ofs ty)) v ls) ls0 m sp m'' sp' parent.
intros. inv H.
change (chunk_of_type ty) with (chunk_of_type (type_of_index (FI_local ofs ty))) in H3.
@@ -863,8 +867,6 @@ Proof.
rewrite Locmap.gso; auto. red; auto.
(* parent *)
eapply gso_index_contains; eauto. red; auto.
-(* retaddr *)
- eapply gso_index_contains; eauto. red; auto.
(* int callee save *)
eapply gso_index_contains_inj; eauto. simpl; auto.
(* float callee save *)
@@ -880,13 +882,13 @@ Qed.
(** Preservation by assignment to outgoing slot *)
Lemma agree_frame_set_outgoing:
- forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr ofs ty v v' m'',
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr ->
+ forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ofs ty v v' m'',
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ->
slot_within_bounds f b (Outgoing ofs ty) ->
val_inject j v v' ->
Val.has_type v ty ->
Mem.store (chunk_of_type ty) m' sp' (offset_of_index fe (FI_arg ofs ty)) v' = Some m'' ->
- agree_frame j (Locmap.set (S (Outgoing ofs ty)) v ls) ls0 m sp m'' sp' parent retaddr.
+ agree_frame j (Locmap.set (S (Outgoing ofs ty)) v ls) ls0 m sp m'' sp' parent.
intros. inv H.
change (chunk_of_type ty) with (chunk_of_type (type_of_index (FI_arg ofs ty))) in H3.
@@ -899,7 +901,7 @@ Proof.
unfold Locmap.set. simpl. destruct (Loc.eq (S (Outgoing ofs ty)) (S (Outgoing ofs0 ty0))).
inv e. eapply gss_index_contains_inj; eauto.
case_eq (Loc.overlap_aux ty ofs ofs0 || Loc.overlap_aux ty0 ofs0 ofs); intros.
- apply index_contains_inj_undef. auto.
+ apply index_contains_inj_undef. auto. congruence.
red; intros. eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto.
eapply gso_index_contains_inj; eauto.
red. eapply Loc.overlap_aux_false_1; eauto.
@@ -907,8 +909,6 @@ Proof.
rewrite Locmap.gso; auto. red; auto.
(* parent *)
eapply gso_index_contains; eauto with stacking. red; auto.
-(* retaddr *)
- eapply gso_index_contains; eauto with stacking. red; auto.
(* int callee save *)
eapply gso_index_contains_inj; eauto with stacking. simpl; auto.
(* float callee save *)
@@ -924,8 +924,8 @@ Qed.
(** General invariance property with respect to memory changes. *)
Lemma agree_frame_invariant:
- forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr m1 m1',
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr ->
+ forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent m1 m1',
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ->
(Mem.valid_block m sp -> Mem.valid_block m1 sp) ->
(forall ofs p, Mem.perm m1 sp ofs Max p -> Mem.perm m sp ofs Max p) ->
(Mem.valid_block m' sp' -> Mem.valid_block m1' sp') ->
@@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ Lemma agree_frame_invariant:
(forall ofs k p,
ofs < fe.(fe_stack_data) \/ fe.(fe_stack_data) + f.(Linear.fn_stacksize) <= ofs ->
Mem.perm m' sp' ofs k p -> Mem.perm m1' sp' ofs k p) ->
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m1 sp m1' sp' parent retaddr.
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m1 sp m1' sp' parent.
assert (IC: forall idx v,
@@ -956,13 +956,13 @@ Qed.
(** A variant of the latter, for use with external calls *)
Lemma agree_frame_extcall_invariant:
- forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr m1 m1',
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr ->
+ forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent m1 m1',
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ->
(Mem.valid_block m sp -> Mem.valid_block m1 sp) ->
(forall ofs p, Mem.perm m1 sp ofs Max p -> Mem.perm m sp ofs Max p) ->
(Mem.valid_block m' sp' -> Mem.valid_block m1' sp') ->
mem_unchanged_on (loc_out_of_reach j m) m' m1' ->
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m1 sp m1' sp' parent retaddr.
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m1 sp m1' sp' parent.
assert (REACH: forall ofs,
@@ -978,13 +978,13 @@ Qed.
(** Preservation by parallel stores in the Linear and Mach codes *)
Lemma agree_frame_parallel_stores:
- forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr chunk addr addr' v v' m1 m1',
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr ->
+ forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent chunk addr addr' v v' m1 m1',
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ->
Mem.inject j m m' ->
val_inject j addr addr' ->
Mem.storev chunk m addr v = Some m1 ->
Mem.storev chunk m' addr' v' = Some m1' ->
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m1 sp m1' sp' parent retaddr.
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m1 sp m1' sp' parent.
Opaque Int.add.
intros until m1'. intros AG MINJ VINJ STORE1 STORE2.
@@ -1014,11 +1014,11 @@ Qed.
(** Preservation by increasing memory injections (allocations and external calls) *)
Lemma agree_frame_inject_incr:
- forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr m1 m1' j',
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr ->
+ forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent m1 m1' j',
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ->
inject_incr j j' -> inject_separated j j' m1 m1' ->
Mem.valid_block m1' sp' ->
- agree_frame j' ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr.
+ agree_frame j' ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent.
intros. inv H. constructor; auto; intros; eauto with stacking.
case_eq (j b0).
@@ -1054,11 +1054,11 @@ Proof.
Lemma agree_frame_return:
- forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr ls',
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr ->
+ forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ls',
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ->
agree_callee_save ls' ls ->
wt_locset ls' ->
- agree_frame j ls' ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr.
+ agree_frame j ls' ls0 m sp m' sp' parent.
intros. red in H0. inv H; constructor; auto; intros.
rewrite H0; auto. apply mreg_not_within_bounds_callee_save; auto.
@@ -1070,10 +1070,10 @@ Qed.
(** Preservation at tailcalls (when [ls0] is changed but not [ls]). *)
Lemma agree_frame_tailcall:
- forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr ls0',
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr ->
+ forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ls0',
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent ->
agree_callee_save ls0 ls0' ->
- agree_frame j ls ls0' m sp m' sp' parent retaddr.
+ agree_frame j ls ls0' m sp m' sp' parent.
intros. red in H0. inv H; constructor; auto; intros.
rewrite <- H0; auto. apply mreg_not_within_bounds_callee_save; auto.
@@ -1082,7 +1082,6 @@ Proof.
rewrite <- H0; auto.
(** Properties of [agree_callee_save]. *)
Lemma agree_callee_save_return_regs:
@@ -1123,7 +1122,6 @@ Variable mkindex: Z -> frame_index.
Variable ty: typ.
Variable j: meminj.
Variable cs: list stackframe.
-Variable fb: block.
Variable sp: block.
Variable csregs: list mreg.
Variable ls: locset.
@@ -1156,6 +1154,8 @@ Hypothesis mkindex_inj:
Hypothesis mkindex_diff:
forall r idx,
idx <> mkindex (number r) -> index_diff (mkindex (number r)) idx.
+Hypothesis mkindex_not_retaddr:
+ forall r, mkindex (number r) <> FI_retaddr.
Hypothesis csregs_typ:
forall r, In r csregs -> mreg_type r = ty.
@@ -1172,9 +1172,9 @@ Lemma save_callee_save_regs_correct:
agree_regs j ls rs ->
exists rs', exists m',
star step tge
- (State cs fb (Vptr sp Int.zero)
+ (State cs tf (Vptr sp Int.zero)
(save_callee_save_regs bound number mkindex ty fe l k) rs m)
- E0 (State cs fb (Vptr sp Int.zero) k rs' m')
+ E0 (State cs tf (Vptr sp Int.zero) k rs' m')
/\ (forall r,
In r l -> number r < bound fe ->
index_contains_inj j m' sp (mkindex (number r)) (ls (R r)))
@@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ Proof.
unfold save_callee_save_reg.
destruct (zlt (number a) (bound fe)).
(* a store takes place *)
- exploit store_index_succeeds. apply (mkindex_valid a); auto with coqlib.
+ exploit store_index_succeeds. apply (mkindex_valid a); auto with coqlib. auto.
eauto. instantiate (1 := rs a). intros [m1 ST].
exploit (IHl k (undef_setstack rs) m1). auto with coqlib. auto.
red; eauto with mem.
@@ -1244,13 +1244,13 @@ Qed.
Lemma save_callee_save_correct:
- forall j ls rs sp cs fb k m,
+ forall j ls rs sp cs k m,
agree_regs j (call_regs ls) rs -> wt_locset (call_regs ls) ->
frame_perm_freeable m sp ->
exists rs', exists m',
star step tge
- (State cs fb (Vptr sp Int.zero) (save_callee_save fe k) rs m)
- E0 (State cs fb (Vptr sp Int.zero) k rs' m')
+ (State cs tf (Vptr sp Int.zero) (save_callee_save fe k) rs m)
+ E0 (State cs tf (Vptr sp Int.zero) k rs' m')
/\ (forall r,
In r int_callee_save_regs -> index_int_callee_save r < b.(bound_int_callee_save) ->
index_contains_inj j m' sp (FI_saved_int (index_int_callee_save r)) (call_regs ls (R r)))
@@ -1275,12 +1275,13 @@ Transparent destroyed_at_move_regs.
FI_saved_int Tint
- j cs fb sp int_callee_save_regs (call_regs ls)).
+ j cs sp int_callee_save_regs (call_regs ls)).
intros. apply index_int_callee_save_inj; auto.
intros. simpl. split. apply Zge_le. apply index_int_callee_save_pos; auto. assumption.
intros; congruence.
intros; simpl. destruct idx; auto. congruence.
+ intros; congruence.
intros. apply int_callee_save_type. auto.
@@ -1293,12 +1294,13 @@ Transparent destroyed_at_move_regs.
FI_saved_float Tfloat
- j cs fb sp float_callee_save_regs (call_regs ls)).
+ j cs sp float_callee_save_regs (call_regs ls)).
intros. apply index_float_callee_save_inj; auto.
intros. simpl. split. apply Zge_le. apply index_float_callee_save_pos; auto. assumption.
simpl; auto.
intros; congruence.
intros; simpl. destruct idx; auto. congruence.
+ intros; congruence.
intros. apply float_callee_save_type. auto.
@@ -1369,28 +1371,28 @@ Qed.
saving of the used callee-save registers). *)
Lemma function_prologue_correct:
- forall j ls ls0 rs m1 m1' m2 sp parent ra cs fb k,
+ forall j ls ls0 rs m1 m1' m2 sp parent cs k,
agree_regs j ls rs ->
agree_callee_save ls ls0 ->
wt_locset ls ->
Mem.inject j m1 m1' ->
Mem.alloc m1 0 f.(Linear.fn_stacksize) = (m2, sp) ->
- Val.has_type parent Tint -> Val.has_type ra Tint ->
+ Val.has_type parent Tint ->
exists j', exists rs', exists m2', exists sp', exists m3', exists m4', exists m5',
Mem.alloc m1' 0 tf.(fn_stacksize) = (m2', sp')
- /\ store_stack m2' (Vptr sp' Int.zero) Tint tf.(fn_link_ofs) parent = Some m3'
- /\ store_stack m3' (Vptr sp' Int.zero) Tint tf.(fn_retaddr_ofs) ra = Some m4'
+ /\ Mem.free m2' sp' (Int.unsigned tf.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) (Int.unsigned tf.(fn_retaddr_ofs) + 4) = Some m3'
+ /\ store_stack m3' (Vptr sp' Int.zero) Tint tf.(fn_link_ofs) parent = Some m4'
/\ star step tge
- (State cs fb (Vptr sp' Int.zero) (save_callee_save fe k) (undef_temps rs) m4')
- E0 (State cs fb (Vptr sp' Int.zero) k rs' m5')
+ (State cs tf (Vptr sp' Int.zero) (save_callee_save fe k) (undef_temps rs) m4')
+ E0 (State cs tf (Vptr sp' Int.zero) k rs' m5')
/\ agree_regs j' (call_regs ls) rs'
- /\ agree_frame j' (call_regs ls) ls0 m2 sp m5' sp' parent ra
+ /\ agree_frame j' (call_regs ls) ls0 m2 sp m5' sp' parent
/\ inject_incr j j'
/\ inject_separated j j' m1 m1'
/\ Mem.inject j' m2 m5'
- /\ stores_in_frame sp' m2' m5'.
+ /\ stores_in_frame sp' m3' m5'.
- intros until k; intros AGREGS AGCS WTREGS INJ1 ALLOC TYPAR TYRA.
+ intros until k; intros AGREGS AGCS WTREGS INJ1 ALLOC TYPAR.
rewrite unfold_transf_function.
unfold fn_stacksize, fn_link_ofs, fn_retaddr_ofs.
(* Allocation step *)
@@ -1415,14 +1417,37 @@ Proof.
assert (~Mem.valid_block m1' sp') by eauto with mem.
intros [j' [INJ2 [INCR [MAP1 MAP2]]]].
- assert (PERM: frame_perm_freeable m2' sp').
- red; intros. eapply Mem.perm_alloc_2; eauto.
+ (* separation *)
+ assert (SEP: forall b0 delta, j' b0 = Some(sp', delta) -> b0 = sp /\ delta = fe_stack_data fe).
+ intros. destruct (zeq b0 sp).
+ subst b0. rewrite MAP1 in H; inv H; auto.
+ rewrite MAP2 in H; auto.
+ assert (Mem.valid_block m1' sp'). eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_2; eauto.
+ assert (~Mem.valid_block m1' sp') by eauto with mem.
+ contradiction.
+ (* Freeing step *)
+ assert (OFSRA: Int.unsigned (Int.repr (fe_ofs_retaddr fe)) = fe_ofs_retaddr fe).
+ apply (offset_of_index_no_overflow FI_retaddr). exact I.
+ rewrite OFSRA.
+ assert (FREE: { m3' | Mem.free m2' sp' (fe_ofs_retaddr fe) (fe_ofs_retaddr fe + 4) = Some m3'}).
+ apply Mem.range_perm_free.
+ exploit (offset_of_index_valid FI_retaddr). exact I.
+ unfold offset_of_index. simpl AST.typesize. intros [A B].
+ red; intros. eapply Mem.perm_alloc_2; eauto. omega.
+ destruct FREE as [m3' FREE].
+ assert (INJ3: Mem.inject j' m2 m3').
+ eapply Mem.free_right_inject; eauto.
+ intros. exploit SEP; eauto. intros [A B]. subst b1 delta.
+ exploit (offset_of_index_disj_stack_data_1 FI_retaddr). exact I.
+ unfold offset_of_index. simpl AST.typesize. intros.
+ exploit Mem.perm_alloc_3. eexact ALLOC. eauto. intros.
+ generalize bound_stack_data_stacksize; intros.
+ omega.
+ assert (PERM: frame_perm_freeable m3' sp').
+ red; intros. eapply Mem.perm_free_1; eauto. eapply Mem.perm_alloc_2; eauto.
(* Store of parent *)
- exploit (store_index_succeeds m2' sp' FI_link parent). red; auto. auto.
- intros [m3' STORE2].
- (* Store of retaddr *)
- exploit (store_index_succeeds m3' sp' FI_retaddr ra). red; auto. red; eauto with mem.
- intros [m4' STORE3].
+ exploit (store_index_succeeds m3' sp' FI_link parent). red; auto. congruence. auto.
+ intros [m4' STORE].
(* Saving callee-save registers *)
assert (PERM4: frame_perm_freeable m4' sp').
red; intros. eauto with mem.
@@ -1432,32 +1457,21 @@ Proof.
eexact PERM4.
intros [rs' [m5' [STEPS [ICS [FCS [OTHERS [STORES [PERM5 AGREGS']]]]]]]].
(* stores in frames *)
- assert (SIF: stores_in_frame sp' m2' m5').
+ assert (SIF: stores_in_frame sp' m3' m5').
econstructor; eauto.
rewrite size_type_chunk. apply offset_of_index_disj_stack_data_2; auto. red; auto.
- econstructor; eauto.
- rewrite size_type_chunk. apply offset_of_index_disj_stack_data_2; auto. red; auto.
- (* separation *)
- assert (SEP: forall b0 delta, j' b0 = Some(sp', delta) -> b0 = sp /\ delta = fe_stack_data fe).
- intros. destruct (zeq b0 sp).
- subst b0. rewrite MAP1 in H; inv H; auto.
- rewrite MAP2 in H; auto.
- assert (Mem.valid_block m1' sp'). eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_2; eauto.
- assert (~Mem.valid_block m1' sp') by eauto with mem.
- contradiction.
(* Conclusions *)
exists j'; exists rs'; exists m2'; exists sp'; exists m3'; exists m4'; exists m5'.
+ (* alloc *)
+ split. auto.
+ (* free *)
split. auto.
(* store parent *)
split. change Tint with (type_of_index FI_link).
change (fe_ofs_link fe) with (offset_of_index fe FI_link).
apply store_stack_succeeds; auto. red; auto.
- (* store retaddr *)
- split. change Tint with (type_of_index FI_retaddr).
- change (fe_ofs_retaddr fe) with (offset_of_index fe FI_retaddr).
- apply store_stack_succeeds; auto. red; auto.
(* saving of registers *)
- split. eexact STEPS.
+ split. rewrite <- unfold_transf_function. eexact STEPS.
(* agree_regs *)
split. auto.
(* agree frame *)
@@ -1467,18 +1481,13 @@ Proof.
elim H. apply temporary_within_bounds; auto.
apply AGCS. apply mreg_not_within_bounds_callee_save; auto.
(* locals *)
- simpl. apply index_contains_inj_undef; auto.
+ simpl. apply index_contains_inj_undef; auto. congruence.
(* outgoing *)
- simpl. apply index_contains_inj_undef; auto.
+ simpl. apply index_contains_inj_undef; auto. congruence.
(* incoming *)
unfold call_regs. apply AGCS. auto.
(* parent *)
apply OTHERS; auto. red; auto.
- eapply gso_index_contains; eauto. red; auto.
- eapply gss_index_contains; eauto. red; auto.
- red; auto.
- (* retaddr *)
- apply OTHERS; auto. red; auto.
eapply gss_index_contains; eauto. red; auto.
(* int callee save *)
rewrite <- AGCS. replace (ls (R r)) with (call_regs ls (R r)).
@@ -1499,7 +1508,7 @@ Proof.
(* valid sp *)
eauto with mem.
(* valid sp' *)
- eapply stores_in_frame_valid with (m := m2'); eauto with mem.
+ eapply stores_in_frame_valid with (m := m3'); eauto with mem.
(* bounds *)
exploit Mem.perm_alloc_inv. eexact ALLOC. eauto. rewrite zeq_true. auto.
(* perms *)
@@ -1531,7 +1540,6 @@ Variable ty: typ.
Variable csregs: list mreg.
Variable j: meminj.
Variable cs: list stackframe.
-Variable fb: block.
Variable sp: block.
Variable ls0: locset.
Variable m: mem.
@@ -1558,9 +1566,9 @@ Lemma restore_callee_save_regs_correct:
agree_unused ls0 rs ->
exists rs',
star step tge
- (State cs fb (Vptr sp Int.zero)
+ (State cs tf (Vptr sp Int.zero)
(restore_callee_save_regs bound number mkindex ty fe l k) rs m)
- E0 (State cs fb (Vptr sp Int.zero) k rs' m)
+ E0 (State cs tf (Vptr sp Int.zero) k rs' m)
/\ (forall r, In r l -> val_inject j (ls0 (R r)) (rs' r))
/\ (forall r, ~(In r l) -> rs' r = rs r)
/\ agree_unused ls0 rs'.
@@ -1605,13 +1613,13 @@ Qed.
Lemma restore_callee_save_correct:
- forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' pa ra cs fb rs k,
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' pa ra ->
+ forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' pa cs rs k,
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' pa ->
agree_unused j ls0 rs ->
exists rs',
star step tge
- (State cs fb (Vptr sp' Int.zero) (restore_callee_save fe k) rs m')
- E0 (State cs fb (Vptr sp' Int.zero) k rs' m')
+ (State cs tf (Vptr sp' Int.zero) (restore_callee_save fe k) rs m')
+ E0 (State cs tf (Vptr sp' Int.zero) k rs' m')
/\ (forall r,
In r int_callee_save_regs \/ In r float_callee_save_regs ->
val_inject j (ls0 (R r)) (rs' r))
@@ -1627,7 +1635,7 @@ Proof.
- j cs fb sp' ls0 m'); auto.
+ j cs sp' ls0 m'); auto.
intros. unfold mreg_within_bounds. rewrite (int_callee_save_type r H1). tauto.
eapply agree_saved_int; eauto.
apply incl_refl.
@@ -1640,7 +1648,7 @@ Proof.
- j cs fb sp' ls0 m'); auto.
+ j cs sp' ls0 m'); auto.
intros. unfold mreg_within_bounds. rewrite (float_callee_save_type r H1). tauto.
eapply agree_saved_float; eauto.
apply incl_refl.
@@ -1660,57 +1668,94 @@ Qed.
registers + reloading of the link and return address + freeing
of the frame). *)
+Remark mem_range_perm_free_twice:
+ forall m blk lo1 hi1 lo2 hi2,
+ (forall ofs, lo1 <= ofs < hi2 -> ofs < hi1 \/ lo2 <= ofs -> Mem.perm m blk ofs Cur Freeable) ->
+ lo1 <= hi1 /\ lo2 <= hi2 -> hi1 < lo2 ->
+ exists m', exists m'',
+ Mem.free m blk lo1 hi1 = Some m' /\ Mem.free m' blk lo2 hi2 = Some m''.
+ intros.
+ destruct (Mem.range_perm_free m blk lo1 hi1) as [m' FREE1].
+ red; intros. apply H. omega. omega.
+ destruct (Mem.range_perm_free m' blk lo2 hi2) as [m'' FREE2].
+ red; intros. eapply Mem.perm_free_1; eauto. right. omega.
+ apply H. omega. omega.
+ exists m'; exists m''; auto.
Lemma function_epilogue_correct:
- forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' pa ra cs fb rs k m1,
+ forall j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' pa cs rs k m1,
agree_regs j ls rs ->
- agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' pa ra ->
+ agree_frame j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' pa ->
Mem.inject j m m' ->
Mem.free m sp 0 f.(Linear.fn_stacksize) = Some m1 ->
- exists rs1, exists m1',
+ exists rs1, exists m1', exists m2',
load_stack m' (Vptr sp' Int.zero) Tint tf.(fn_link_ofs) = Some pa
- /\ load_stack m' (Vptr sp' Int.zero) Tint tf.(fn_retaddr_ofs) = Some ra
- /\ Mem.free m' sp' 0 tf.(fn_stacksize) = Some m1'
+ /\ Mem.free m' sp' 0 (Int.unsigned tf.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) = Some m1'
+ /\ Mem.free m1' sp' (Int.unsigned tf.(fn_retaddr_ofs) + 4) tf.(fn_stacksize) = Some m2'
/\ star step tge
- (State cs fb (Vptr sp' Int.zero) (restore_callee_save fe k) rs m')
- E0 (State cs fb (Vptr sp' Int.zero) k rs1 m')
+ (State cs tf (Vptr sp' Int.zero) (restore_callee_save fe k) rs m')
+ E0 (State cs tf (Vptr sp' Int.zero) k rs1 m')
/\ agree_regs j (return_regs ls0 ls) rs1
/\ agree_callee_save (return_regs ls0 ls) ls0
/\ rs1 IT1 = rs IT1
- /\ Mem.inject j m1 m1'.
+ /\ Mem.inject j m1 m2'.
+ assert (RETADDR: Int.unsigned tf.(fn_retaddr_ofs) = fe.(fe_ofs_retaddr)).
+ rewrite unfold_transf_function. unfold fn_retaddr_ofs.
+ apply (offset_of_index_no_overflow FI_retaddr). exact I.
+ rewrite RETADDR.
(* can free *)
- destruct (Mem.range_perm_free m' sp' 0 (fn_stacksize tf)) as [m1' FREE].
- rewrite unfold_transf_function; unfold fn_stacksize. red; intros.
+ destruct (mem_range_perm_free_twice m' sp'
+ 0 (fe_ofs_retaddr fe) (fe_ofs_retaddr fe + 4) (fe_size fe))
+ as [m1' [m2' [FREE1 FREE2]]].
+ intros.
assert (EITHER: fe_stack_data fe <= ofs < fe_stack_data fe + Linear.fn_stacksize f
- \/ (ofs < fe_stack_data fe \/ fe_stack_data fe + Linear.fn_stacksize f <= ofs))
+ \/ (ofs < fe_stack_data fe \/ fe_stack_data fe + Linear.fn_stacksize f <= ofs))
by omega.
destruct EITHER.
replace ofs with ((ofs - fe_stack_data fe) + fe_stack_data fe) by omega.
eapply Mem.perm_inject with (f := j). eapply agree_inj; eauto. eauto.
eapply Mem.free_range_perm; eauto. omega.
- eapply agree_perm; eauto.
+ eapply agree_perm; eauto.
+ apply (offset_of_index_valid FI_retaddr). exact I.
+ omega.
(* inject after free *)
- assert (INJ1: Mem.inject j m1 m1').
- eapply Mem.free_inject with (l := (sp, 0, f.(Linear.fn_stacksize)) :: nil); eauto.
- simpl. rewrite H2. auto.
- intros. exploit agree_inj_unique; eauto. intros [P Q]; subst b1 delta.
- exists 0; exists (Linear.fn_stacksize f); split. auto with coqlib.
- eapply agree_bounds. eauto. eapply Mem.perm_max. eauto.
+ assert (UNMAPPED: forall b1 delta ofs k0 p,
+ j b1 = Some (sp', delta) ->
+ Mem.perm m1 b1 ofs k0 p ->
+ False).
+ {
+ intros.
+ exploit agree_inj_unique; eauto. intros [P Q]; subst b1 delta.
+ eelim Mem.perm_free_2. eexact H2. eapply agree_bounds; eauto.
+ eapply Mem.perm_free_3; eauto. apply Mem.perm_max with k0. eauto. eauto.
+ }
+ assert (INJ1: Mem.inject j m1 m2').
+ {
+ eapply Mem.free_right_inject.
+ eapply Mem.free_right_inject.
+ eapply Mem.free_left_inject. eauto. eauto.
+ eauto.
+ intros; eapply UNMAPPED; eauto.
+ eauto.
+ intros; eapply UNMAPPED; eauto.
+ }
(* can execute epilogue *)
exploit restore_callee_save_correct; eauto.
instantiate (1 := rs). red; intros.
- rewrite <- (agree_unused_reg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0). auto. auto.
+ rewrite <- (agree_unused_reg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0). auto. auto.
intros [rs1 [A [B C]]].
(* conclusions *)
- exists rs1; exists m1'.
+ exists rs1; exists m1'; exists m2'.
split. rewrite unfold_transf_function; unfold fn_link_ofs.
eapply index_contains_load_stack with (idx := FI_link); eauto with stacking.
- split. rewrite unfold_transf_function; unfold fn_retaddr_ofs.
- eapply index_contains_load_stack with (idx := FI_retaddr); eauto with stacking.
- split. auto.
+ split. exact FREE1.
+ split. rewrite unfold_transf_function; unfold fn_stacksize. exact FREE2.
split. eexact A.
- split. red;intros. unfold return_regs.
+ split. red; intros. unfold return_regs.
generalize (register_classification r) (int_callee_save_not_destroyed r) (float_callee_save_not_destroyed r); intros.
destruct (in_dec Loc.eq (R r) temporaries).
rewrite C; auto.
@@ -1742,14 +1787,12 @@ Inductive match_stacks (j: meminj) (m m': mem):
hi <= bound -> hi <= bound' -> match_globalenvs j hi ->
tailcall_possible sg ->
match_stacks j m m' nil nil sg bound bound'
- | match_stacks_cons: forall f sp ls c cs fb sp' ra c' cs' sg bound bound' trf
+ | match_stacks_cons: forall f sp ls c cs sp' c' cs' sg bound bound' tf
(TAIL: is_tail c (Linear.fn_code f))
(WTF: wt_function f)
- (FINDF: Genv.find_funct_ptr tge fb = Some (Internal trf))
- (TRF: transf_function f = OK trf)
+ (TRF: transf_function f = OK tf)
(TRC: transl_code (make_env (function_bounds f)) c = c')
- (TY_RA: Val.has_type ra Tint)
- (FRM: agree_frame f j ls (parent_locset cs) m sp m' sp' (parent_sp cs') (parent_ra cs'))
+ (FRM: agree_frame f j ls (parent_locset cs) m sp m' sp' (parent_sp cs'))
(ARGS: forall ofs ty,
In (S (Outgoing ofs ty)) (loc_arguments sg) ->
slot_within_bounds f (function_bounds f) (Outgoing ofs ty))
@@ -1758,7 +1801,7 @@ Inductive match_stacks (j: meminj) (m m': mem):
(BELOW': sp' < bound'),
match_stacks j m m'
(Linear.Stackframe f (Vptr sp Int.zero) ls c :: cs)
- (Stackframe fb (Vptr sp' Int.zero) ra c' :: cs')
+ (Stackframe tf (Vptr sp' Int.zero) c' :: cs')
sg bound bound'.
(** Invariance with respect to change of bounds. *)
@@ -1949,14 +1992,6 @@ Proof.
induction 1; simpl; auto.
-Lemma match_stacks_type_retaddr:
- forall j m m' cs cs' sg bound bound',
- match_stacks j m m' cs cs' sg bound bound' ->
- Val.has_type (parent_ra cs') Tint.
- induction 1; simpl; auto.
(** * Syntactic properties of the translation *)
(** Preservation of code labels through the translation. *)
@@ -2157,9 +2192,8 @@ Lemma find_function_translated:
agree_regs j ls rs ->
match_stacks j m m' cs cs' sg bound bound' ->
Linear.find_function ge ros ls = Some f ->
- exists bf, exists tf,
- find_function_ptr tge ros rs = Some bf
- /\ Genv.find_funct_ptr tge bf = Some tf
+ exists tf,
+ find_function tge ros rs = Some tf
/\ transf_fundef f = OK tf.
intros until f; intros AG MS FF.
@@ -2168,13 +2202,14 @@ Proof.
exploit Genv.find_funct_inv; eauto. intros [b EQ]. rewrite EQ in FF.
rewrite Genv.find_funct_find_funct_ptr in FF.
exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros [tf [A B]].
- exists b; exists tf; split; auto. simpl.
+ exists tf; split; auto. simpl.
generalize (AG m0). rewrite EQ. intro INJ. inv INJ.
- inv MG. rewrite DOMAIN in H2. inv H2. simpl. auto. eapply FUNCTIONS; eauto.
- destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i) as [b|] eqn:?; try discriminate.
+ rewrite Int.add_zero_l.
+ inv MG. rewrite DOMAIN in H2. inv H2. simpl. rewrite A. apply dec_eq_true.
+ eapply FUNCTIONS; eauto.
+ destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i) as [b|] eqn:FS; try discriminate.
exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros [tf [A B]].
- exists b; exists tf; split; auto. simpl.
- rewrite symbols_preserved. auto.
+ exists tf; split; auto. simpl. rewrite symbols_preserved. rewrite FS. auto.
Hypothesis wt_prog: wt_program prog.
@@ -2262,9 +2297,9 @@ Variables m m': mem.
Variables ls ls0: locset.
Variable rs: regset.
Variables sp sp': block.
-Variables parent retaddr: val.
+Variables parent: val.
Hypothesis AGR: agree_regs j ls rs.
-Hypothesis AGF: agree_frame f j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent retaddr.
+Hypothesis AGF: agree_frame f j ls ls0 m sp m' sp' parent.
Lemma transl_annot_param_correct:
forall l,
@@ -2327,31 +2362,29 @@ End ANNOT_ARGUMENTS.
- Well-typedness of [f].
-Inductive match_states: Linear.state -> Machsem.state -> Prop :=
+Inductive match_states: Linear.state -> Mach.state -> Prop :=
| match_states_intro:
- forall cs f sp c ls m cs' fb sp' rs m' j tf
+ forall cs f sp c ls m cs' sp' rs m' j tf
(MINJ: Mem.inject j m m')
(STACKS: match_stacks j m m' cs cs' f.(Linear.fn_sig) sp sp')
(TRANSL: transf_function f = OK tf)
- (FIND: Genv.find_funct_ptr tge fb = Some (Internal tf))
(WTF: wt_function f)
(AGREGS: agree_regs j ls rs)
- (AGFRAME: agree_frame f j ls (parent_locset cs) m sp m' sp' (parent_sp cs') (parent_ra cs'))
+ (AGFRAME: agree_frame f j ls (parent_locset cs) m sp m' sp' (parent_sp cs'))
(TAIL: is_tail c (Linear.fn_code f)),
match_states (Linear.State cs f (Vptr sp Int.zero) c ls m)
- (Machsem.State cs' fb (Vptr sp' Int.zero) (transl_code (make_env (function_bounds f)) c) rs m')
+ (Mach.State cs' tf (Vptr sp' Int.zero) (transl_code (make_env (function_bounds f)) c) rs m')
| match_states_call:
- forall cs f ls m cs' fb rs m' j tf
+ forall cs f ls m cs' rs m' j tf
(MINJ: Mem.inject j m m')
(STACKS: match_stacks j m m' cs cs' (Linear.funsig f) (Mem.nextblock m) (Mem.nextblock m'))
(TRANSL: transf_fundef f = OK tf)
- (FIND: Genv.find_funct_ptr tge fb = Some tf)
(WTF: wt_fundef f)
(WTLS: wt_locset ls)
(AGREGS: agree_regs j ls rs)
(AGLOCS: agree_callee_save ls (parent_locset cs)),
match_states (Linear.Callstate cs f ls m)
- (Machsem.Callstate cs' fb rs m')
+ (Mach.Callstate cs' tf rs m')
| match_states_return:
forall cs ls m cs' rs m' j sg
(MINJ: Mem.inject j m m')
@@ -2360,12 +2393,12 @@ Inductive match_states: Linear.state -> Machsem.state -> Prop :=
(AGREGS: agree_regs j ls rs)
(AGLOCS: agree_callee_save ls (parent_locset cs)),
match_states (Linear.Returnstate cs ls m)
- (Machsem.Returnstate cs' rs m').
+ (Mach.Returnstate cs' rs m').
Theorem transf_step_correct:
forall s1 t s2, Linear.step ge s1 t s2 ->
forall s1' (MS: match_states s1 s1'),
- exists s2', plus Machsem.step tge s1' t s2' /\ match_states s2 s2'.
+ exists s2', plus Mach.step tge s1' t s2' /\ match_states s2 s2'.
assert (RED: forall f i c,
transl_code (make_env (function_bounds f)) (i :: c) =
@@ -2430,6 +2463,7 @@ Proof.
apply index_local_valid; auto.
red; auto.
apply index_arg_valid; auto.
+ assert (idx <> FI_retaddr) by (unfold idx; destruct sl; congruence).
exploit store_index_succeeds; eauto. eapply agree_perm; eauto.
instantiate (1 := rs0 r). intros [m1' STORE].
econstructor; split.
@@ -2440,12 +2474,12 @@ Proof.
econstructor; eauto with coqlib.
eapply Mem.store_outside_inject; eauto.
intros. exploit agree_inj_unique; eauto. intros [EQ1 EQ2]; subst b' delta.
- rewrite size_type_chunk in H5.
+ rewrite size_type_chunk in H6.
exploit offset_of_index_disj_stack_data_2; eauto.
exploit agree_bounds. eauto. apply Mem.perm_cur_max. eauto.
apply match_stacks_change_mach_mem with m'; auto.
- eauto with mem. eauto with mem. intros. rewrite <- H4; eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto. left; unfold block; omega.
+ eauto with mem. eauto with mem. intros. rewrite <- H5; eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto. left; unfold block; omega.
apply agree_regs_set_slot. apply agree_regs_undef_setstack; auto.
destruct sl.
eapply agree_frame_set_local. eapply agree_frame_undef_setstack; eauto. auto. auto.
@@ -2514,15 +2548,11 @@ Proof.
eapply agree_frame_parallel_stores; eauto.
(* Lcall *)
- exploit find_function_translated; eauto. intros [bf [tf' [A [B C]]]].
- exploit is_tail_transf_function; eauto. intros IST. simpl in IST.
- exploit Asmgenretaddr.return_address_exists. eexact IST.
- intros [ra D].
+ exploit find_function_translated; eauto. intros [tf' [A B]].
econstructor; split.
apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto.
econstructor; eauto.
econstructor; eauto with coqlib.
- simpl; auto.
intros; red. split.
generalize (loc_arguments_acceptable _ _ H0). simpl. omega.
apply Zle_trans with (size_arguments (Linear.funsig f')); auto.
@@ -2534,13 +2564,13 @@ Proof.
simpl; red; auto.
(* Ltailcall *)
- exploit find_function_translated; eauto. intros [bf [tf' [A [B C]]]].
+ exploit find_function_translated; eauto. intros [tf' [A B]].
exploit function_epilogue_correct; eauto.
- intros [rs1 [m1' [P [Q [R [S [T [U [V W]]]]]]]]].
+ intros [rs1 [m1' [m2' [P [Q [R [S [T [U [V W ]]]]]]]]]].
econstructor; split.
eapply plus_right. eexact S. econstructor; eauto.
- replace (find_function_ptr tge ros rs1)
- with (find_function_ptr tge ros rs0). eauto.
+ replace (find_function tge ros rs1)
+ with (find_function tge ros rs0). eauto.
destruct ros; simpl; auto. inv WTI. rewrite V; auto.
econstructor; eauto.
@@ -2549,11 +2579,15 @@ Proof.
apply match_stacks_change_linear_mem with m.
apply match_stacks_change_mach_mem with m'0.
- eauto with mem. intros. eapply Mem.perm_free_1; eauto. left; unfold block; omega.
- intros. rewrite <- H2. eapply Mem.load_free; eauto. left; unfold block; omega.
- eauto with mem. intros. eapply Mem.perm_free_3; eauto.
+ eauto with mem.
+ intros. eapply Mem.perm_free_1; eauto. left; unfold block; omega.
+ eapply Mem.perm_free_1; eauto. left; unfold block; omega.
+ intros. erewrite Mem.load_free. erewrite Mem.load_free; eauto.
+ left; unfold block; omega. eauto. left; unfold block; omega.
+ eauto with mem.
+ intros. eapply Mem.perm_free_3; eauto.
apply Zlt_le_weak. change (Mem.valid_block m' stk). eapply Mem.valid_block_free_1; eauto. eapply agree_valid_linear; eauto.
- apply Zlt_le_weak. change (Mem.valid_block m1' sp'). eapply Mem.valid_block_free_1; eauto. eapply agree_valid_mach; eauto.
+ apply Zlt_le_weak. change (Mem.valid_block m2' sp'). eapply Mem.valid_block_free_1; eauto. eapply Mem.valid_block_free_1; eauto. eapply agree_valid_mach; eauto.
eapply find_function_well_typed; eauto.
apply wt_return_regs; auto. eapply match_stacks_wt_locset; eauto. eapply agree_wt_ls; eauto.
@@ -2646,7 +2680,7 @@ Proof.
(* Lreturn *)
exploit function_epilogue_correct; eauto.
- intros [rs1 [m1' [P [Q [R [S [T [U [V W]]]]]]]]].
+ intros [rs1 [m1' [m2' [P [Q [R [S [T [U [V W]]]]]]]]]].
econstructor; split.
eapply plus_right. eexact S. econstructor; eauto.
@@ -2655,11 +2689,15 @@ Proof.
apply match_stacks_change_linear_mem with m.
apply match_stacks_change_mach_mem with m'0.
- eauto with mem. intros. eapply Mem.perm_free_1; eauto. left; unfold block; omega.
- intros. rewrite <- H1. eapply Mem.load_free; eauto. left; unfold block; omega.
- eauto with mem. intros. eapply Mem.perm_free_3; eauto.
+ eauto with mem.
+ intros. eapply Mem.perm_free_1. eauto. left; unfold block; omega.
+ eapply Mem.perm_free_1; eauto. left; unfold block; omega.
+ intros. erewrite Mem.load_free. erewrite Mem.load_free; eauto.
+ left; unfold block; omega. eauto. left; unfold block; omega.
+ eauto with mem.
+ intros. eapply Mem.perm_free_3; eauto.
apply Zlt_le_weak. change (Mem.valid_block m' stk). eapply Mem.valid_block_free_1; eauto. eapply agree_valid_linear; eauto.
- apply Zlt_le_weak. change (Mem.valid_block m1' sp'). eapply Mem.valid_block_free_1; eauto. eapply agree_valid_mach; eauto.
+ apply Zlt_le_weak. change (Mem.valid_block m2' sp'). eapply Mem.valid_block_free_1; eauto. eapply Mem.valid_block_free_1; eauto. eapply agree_valid_mach; eauto.
apply wt_return_regs; auto. eapply match_stacks_wt_locset; eauto. eapply agree_wt_ls; eauto.
(* internal function *)
@@ -2669,11 +2707,14 @@ Proof.
inversion WTF as [|f' WTFN]. subst f'.
exploit function_prologue_correct; eauto.
eapply match_stacks_type_sp; eauto.
- eapply match_stacks_type_retaddr; eauto.
intros [j' [rs' [m2' [sp' [m3' [m4' [m5' [A [B [C [D [E [F [G [J [K L]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]].
econstructor; split.
- eapply plus_left. econstructor; eauto.
- rewrite (unfold_transf_function _ _ TRANSL). unfold fn_code. unfold transl_body.
+ eapply plus_left. econstructor; eauto.
+ rewrite (unfold_transf_function _ _ TRANSL). unfold fn_retaddr_ofs.
+ generalize (offset_of_index_no_overflow _ _ TRANSL FI_retaddr I).
+ unfold offset_of_index. intros EQ; rewrite EQ.
+ apply (offset_of_index_aligned f FI_retaddr).
+ rewrite (unfold_transf_function _ _ TRANSL) at 2. unfold fn_code. unfold transl_body.
eexact D. traceEq.
generalize (Mem.alloc_result _ _ _ _ _ H). intro SP_EQ.
generalize (Mem.alloc_result _ _ _ _ _ A). intro SP'_EQ.
@@ -2686,7 +2727,10 @@ Proof.
rewrite zeq_false. auto. omega.
intros. eapply stores_in_frame_valid; eauto with mem.
intros. eapply stores_in_frame_perm; eauto with mem.
- intros. rewrite <- H1. transitivity (Mem.load chunk m2' b ofs). eapply stores_in_frame_contents; eauto.
+ eapply Mem.perm_free_1; eauto. left; unfold block; omega. eauto with mem.
+ intros. rewrite <- H1.
+ transitivity (Mem.load chunk m3' b ofs). eapply stores_in_frame_contents; eauto.
+ transitivity (Mem.load chunk m2' b ofs). eapply Mem.load_free; eauto. left; unfold block; omega.
eapply Mem.load_alloc_unchanged; eauto. red. congruence.
auto with coqlib.
@@ -2724,7 +2768,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma transf_initial_states:
forall st1, Linear.initial_state prog st1 ->
- exists st2, Machsem.initial_state tprog st2 /\ match_states st1 st2.
+ exists st2, Mach.initial_state tprog st2 /\ match_states st1 st2.
intros. inv H.
exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros [tf [FIND TR]].
@@ -2733,6 +2777,7 @@ Proof.
eapply Genv.init_mem_transf_partial; eauto.
rewrite (transform_partial_program_main _ _ TRANSF).
rewrite symbols_preserved. eauto.
+ eexact FIND.
econstructor; eauto.
eapply Genv.initmem_inject; eauto.
apply match_stacks_empty with (Mem.nextblock m0). omega. omega.
@@ -2753,7 +2798,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma transf_final_states:
forall st1 st2 r,
- match_states st1 st2 -> Linear.final_state st1 r -> Machsem.final_state st2 r.
+ match_states st1 st2 -> Linear.final_state st1 r -> Mach.final_state st2 r.
intros. inv H0. inv H. inv STACKS.
@@ -2762,7 +2807,7 @@ Proof.
Theorem transf_program_correct:
- forward_simulation (Linear.semantics prog) (Machsem.semantics tprog).
+ forward_simulation (Linear.semantics prog) (Mach.semantics tprog).
eapply forward_simulation_plus.
eexact symbols_preserved.
diff --git a/backend/Stackingtyping.v b/backend/Stackingtyping.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 2324cd54..00000000
--- a/backend/Stackingtyping.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(** Type preservation for the [Stacking] pass. *)
-Require Import Coqlib.
-Require Import Errors.
-Require Import Integers.
-Require Import AST.
-Require Import Op.
-Require Import Locations.
-Require Import Conventions.
-Require Import Linear.
-Require Import Lineartyping.
-Require Import Mach.
-Require Import Machtyping.
-Require Import Bounds.
-Require Import Stacklayout.
-Require Import Stacking.
-Require Import Stackingproof.
-(** We show that the Mach code generated by the [Stacking] pass
- is well-typed if the original LTLin code is. *)
-Definition wt_instrs (k: Mach.code) : Prop :=
- forall i, In i k -> wt_instr i.
-Lemma wt_instrs_cons:
- forall i k,
- wt_instr i -> wt_instrs k -> wt_instrs (i :: k).
- unfold wt_instrs; intros. elim H1; intro.
- subst i0; auto. auto.
-Variable f: Linear.function.
-Let fe := make_env (function_bounds f).
-Variable tf: Mach.function.
-Hypothesis TRANSF_F: transf_function f = OK tf.
-Lemma wt_fold_right:
- forall (A: Type) (f: A -> code -> code) (k: code) (l: list A),
- (forall x k', In x l -> wt_instrs k' -> wt_instrs (f x k')) ->
- wt_instrs k ->
- wt_instrs (List.fold_right f k l).
- induction l; intros; simpl.
- auto.
- apply H. apply in_eq. apply IHl.
- intros. apply H. auto with coqlib. auto.
- auto.
-Lemma wt_save_callee_save_int:
- forall k,
- wt_instrs k ->
- wt_instrs (save_callee_save_int fe k).
- intros. unfold save_callee_save_int, save_callee_save_regs.
- apply wt_fold_right; auto.
- intros. unfold save_callee_save_reg.
- case (zlt (index_int_callee_save x) (fe_num_int_callee_save fe)); intro.
- apply wt_instrs_cons; auto.
- apply wt_Msetstack. apply int_callee_save_type; auto.
- auto.
-Lemma wt_save_callee_save_float:
- forall k,
- wt_instrs k ->
- wt_instrs (save_callee_save_float fe k).
- intros. unfold save_callee_save_float, save_callee_save_regs.
- apply wt_fold_right; auto.
- intros. unfold save_callee_save_reg.
- case (zlt (index_float_callee_save x) (fe_num_float_callee_save fe)); intro.
- apply wt_instrs_cons; auto.
- apply wt_Msetstack. apply float_callee_save_type; auto.
- auto.
-Lemma wt_restore_callee_save_int:
- forall k,
- wt_instrs k ->
- wt_instrs (restore_callee_save_int fe k).
- intros. unfold restore_callee_save_int, restore_callee_save_regs.
- apply wt_fold_right; auto.
- intros. unfold restore_callee_save_reg.
- case (zlt (index_int_callee_save x) (fe_num_int_callee_save fe)); intro.
- apply wt_instrs_cons; auto.
- constructor. apply int_callee_save_type; auto.
- auto.
-Lemma wt_restore_callee_save_float:
- forall k,
- wt_instrs k ->
- wt_instrs (restore_callee_save_float fe k).
- intros. unfold restore_callee_save_float, restore_callee_save_regs.
- apply wt_fold_right; auto.
- intros. unfold restore_callee_save_reg.
- case (zlt (index_float_callee_save x) (fe_num_float_callee_save fe)); intro.
- apply wt_instrs_cons; auto.
- constructor. apply float_callee_save_type; auto.
- auto.
-Lemma wt_save_callee_save:
- forall k,
- wt_instrs k -> wt_instrs (save_callee_save fe k).
- intros. unfold save_callee_save.
- apply wt_save_callee_save_int. apply wt_save_callee_save_float. auto.
-Lemma wt_restore_callee_save:
- forall k,
- wt_instrs k -> wt_instrs (restore_callee_save fe k).
- intros. unfold restore_callee_save.
- apply wt_restore_callee_save_int. apply wt_restore_callee_save_float. auto.
-Lemma wt_transl_instr:
- forall instr k,
- In instr f.(Linear.fn_code) ->
- Lineartyping.wt_instr f instr ->
- wt_instrs k ->
- wt_instrs (transl_instr fe instr k).
- intros.
- generalize (instr_is_within_bounds f instr H H0); intro BND.
- destruct instr; unfold transl_instr; inv H0; simpl in BND.
- (* getstack *)
- destruct BND.
- destruct s; simpl in *; apply wt_instrs_cons; auto;
- constructor; auto.
- (* setstack *)
- destruct s.
- apply wt_instrs_cons; auto. apply wt_Msetstack. auto.
- auto.
- apply wt_instrs_cons; auto. apply wt_Msetstack. auto.
- (* op, move *)
- simpl. apply wt_instrs_cons. constructor; auto. auto.
- (* op, others *)
- apply wt_instrs_cons; auto.
- constructor.
- destruct o; simpl; congruence.
- rewrite H6. symmetry. apply type_shift_stack_operation.
- (* load *)
- apply wt_instrs_cons; auto.
- constructor; auto.
- rewrite H4. destruct a; reflexivity.
- (* store *)
- apply wt_instrs_cons; auto.
- constructor; auto.
- rewrite H4. destruct a; reflexivity.
- (* call *)
- apply wt_instrs_cons; auto.
- constructor; auto.
- (* tailcall *)
- apply wt_restore_callee_save. apply wt_instrs_cons; auto.
- constructor; auto.
- destruct s0; auto. rewrite H5; auto.
- (* builtin *)
- apply wt_instrs_cons; auto.
- constructor; auto.
- (* annot *)
- apply wt_instrs_cons; auto.
- constructor; auto.
- (* label *)
- apply wt_instrs_cons; auto.
- constructor.
- (* goto *)
- apply wt_instrs_cons; auto.
- constructor; auto.
- (* cond *)
- apply wt_instrs_cons; auto.
- constructor; auto.
- (* jumptable *)
- apply wt_instrs_cons; auto.
- constructor; auto.
- (* return *)
- apply wt_restore_callee_save. apply wt_instrs_cons. constructor. auto.
-Lemma wt_transf_function:
- forall f tf,
- transf_function f = OK tf ->
- Lineartyping.wt_function f ->
- wt_function tf.
- intros.
- exploit unfold_transf_function; eauto. intro EQ.
- set (b := function_bounds f) in *.
- set (fe := make_env b) in *.
- constructor.
- change (wt_instrs (fn_code tf)).
- rewrite EQ; simpl; unfold transl_body.
- unfold fe, b; apply wt_save_callee_save; auto.
- unfold transl_code. apply wt_fold_right.
- intros. eapply wt_transl_instr; eauto.
- red; intros. elim H1.
- rewrite EQ; unfold fn_stacksize.
- generalize (size_pos f).
- generalize (size_no_overflow _ _ H).
- unfold fe, b. omega.
-Lemma wt_transf_fundef:
- forall f tf,
- Lineartyping.wt_fundef f ->
- transf_fundef f = OK tf ->
- wt_fundef tf.
- intros f tf WT. inversion WT; subst.
- simpl; intros; inversion H. constructor.
- unfold transf_fundef, transf_partial_fundef.
- caseEq (transf_function f0); simpl; try congruence.
- intros tfn TRANSF EQ. inversion EQ; subst tf.
- constructor; eapply wt_transf_function; eauto.
-Lemma program_typing_preserved:
- forall (p: Linear.program) (tp: Mach.program),
- transf_program p = OK tp ->
- Lineartyping.wt_program p ->
- Machtyping.wt_program tp.
- intros; red; intros.
- generalize (transform_partial_program_function transf_fundef p i f H H1).
- intros [f0 [IN TRANSF]].
- apply wt_transf_fundef with f0; auto.
- eapply H0; eauto.