path: root/backend
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diff --git a/backend/CSE2proof.v b/backend/CSE2proof.v
index e0244518..e62e2ae6 100644
--- a/backend/CSE2proof.v
+++ b/backend/CSE2proof.v
@@ -202,7 +202,136 @@ Proof.
destruct peq; trivial.
+Local Hint Resolve kill_sym_val_referenced : wellformed.
+Lemma in_or_not:
+ forall (x : reg) l,
+ (In x l) \/ ~(In x l).
+Lemma remove_from_sets_notin:
+ forall dst l sets j,
+ not (In j l) ->
+ (remove_from_sets dst l sets) ! j = sets ! j.
+ induction l; simpl; trivial.
+ intros.
+ rewrite IHl by tauto.
+ destruct (@PTree.get (PTree.t unit) a sets) eqn:SETSA; trivial.
+ pose proof (PTree.bempty_canon_correct (PTree.remove dst t)) as CORRECT.
+ destruct (PTree.bempty_canon (PTree.remove dst t)).
+ - apply PTree.gro.
+ intuition.
+ - rewrite PTree.gso by intuition.
+ trivial.
+Lemma remove_from_sets_pass:
+ forall dst l sets i j,
+ i <> dst ->
+ match sets ! j with
+ | Some uses => uses ! i = Some tt
+ | None => False
+ end ->
+ match (remove_from_sets dst l sets) ! j with
+ | Some uses => uses ! i = Some tt
+ | None => False
+ end.
+ induction l; simpl; trivial.
+ intros.
+ apply IHl; trivial.
+ destruct (@PTree.get (PTree.t unit) a sets) eqn:SETSA; trivial.
+ pose proof (PTree.bempty_canon_correct (PTree.remove dst t)) as CORRECT.
+ specialize CORRECT with (i := i).
+ destruct (PTree.bempty_canon (PTree.remove dst t)).
+ - rewrite PTree.gro in CORRECT by congruence.
+ destruct (peq a j).
+ + subst a.
+ rewrite SETSA in *.
+ intuition congruence.
+ + rewrite PTree.gro by congruence.
+ assumption.
+ - destruct (peq a j).
+ + subst a.
+ rewrite SETSA in *.
+ rewrite PTree.gss.
+ rewrite PTree.gro by congruence.
+ assumption.
+ + rewrite PTree.gso by congruence.
+ assumption.
+Local Hint Resolve remove_from_sets_pass : wellformed.
+Lemma rem_comes_from:
+ forall A x y (tr: PTree.t A) v,
+ (PTree.remove x tr) ! y = Some v -> tr ! y = Some v.
+ intros.
+ destruct (peq x y).
+ - subst y.
+ rewrite PTree.grs in *.
+ discriminate.
+ - rewrite PTree.gro in * by congruence.
+ assumption.
+Local Hint Resolve rem_comes_from : wellformed.
+Lemma rem_ineq:
+ forall A x y (tr: PTree.t A) v,
+ (PTree.remove x tr) ! y = Some v -> x<>y.
+ intros.
+ intro.
+ subst y.
+ rewrite PTree.grs in *.
+ discriminate.
+Local Hint Resolve rem_ineq : wellformed.
+Lemma wellformed_reg_kill_reg:
+ forall dst rel,
+ (wellformed_reg rel) -> (wellformed_reg (kill_reg dst rel)).
+ unfold wellformed_reg, kill_reg.
+ simpl.
+ intros dst rel Hrel.
+ intros i j sv KILLREG KILLABLE.
+ rewrite PTree.gfilter1 in KILLREG.
+ destruct PTree.get eqn:REMi in KILLREG.
+ 2: discriminate.
+ destruct negb eqn:NEGB in KILLREG.
+ 2: discriminate.
+ inv KILLREG.
+ assert ((var_to_sym rel) ! i = Some sv) as RELi by eauto with wellformed.
+ destruct (peq dst j).
+ { (* absurd case *)
+ subst j.
+ rewrite KILLABLE in NEGB.
+ simpl in NEGB.
+ discriminate.
+ }
+ specialize Hrel with (i := i) (j := j) (sv := sv).
+ destruct ((var_to_sym rel) ! dst) eqn:DST; simpl.
+ {
+ destruct (in_or_not j (referenced_by s)).
+ { assert (dst <> i) by eauto with wellformed.
+ apply remove_from_sets_pass.
+ congruence.
+ rewrite PTree.gro by congruence.
+ apply Hrel; trivial.
+ }
+ rewrite remove_from_sets_notin by assumption.
+ rewrite PTree.gro by congruence.
+ apply Hrel; trivial.
+ }
+ rewrite PTree.gro by congruence.
+ apply Hrel; trivial.
Lemma wellformed_mem_kill_mem:
forall rel,
(wellformed_mem rel) -> (wellformed_mem (kill_mem rel)).