path: root/backend
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1 files changed, 115 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/backend/CSE3analysisaux.ml b/backend/CSE3analysisaux.ml
index 39490d79..5ffa9222 100644
--- a/backend/CSE3analysisaux.ml
+++ b/backend/CSE3analysisaux.ml
@@ -151,7 +151,9 @@ let compute_invariants
let previous = PMap.get next_pc !invariants in
let next = RB.lub previous (tfr pc cur) in
if not (RB.beq previous next)
- then add_todo next_pc) (successors pc) in
+ then (
+ invariants := PMap.set next_pc next !invariants;
+ add_todo next_pc)) (successors pc) in
add_todo entrypoint;
while not (IntSet.is_empty !todo) do
let nxt = IntSet.max_elt !todo in
@@ -228,7 +230,7 @@ let add_to_set_in_table table key item =
| None -> PSet.empty
| Some s -> s));;
-let preanalysis (tenv : typing_env) (f : RTL.coq_function) =
+let preanalysis0 (tenv : typing_env) (f : RTL.coq_function) =
let cur_eq_id = ref 0
and cur_catalog = ref PTree.empty
and eq_table = Hashtbl.create 100
@@ -319,3 +321,114 @@ let preanalysis (tenv : typing_env) (f : RTL.coq_function) =
then pp_results f invariants' hints stdout);
invariants', hints
+let preanalysis1 (tenv : typing_env) (f : RTL.coq_function) =
+ let cur_eq_id = ref 0
+ and cur_catalog = ref PTree.empty
+ and eq_table = Hashtbl.create 100
+ and rhs_table = Hashtbl.create 100
+ and cur_kill_reg = ref (PMap.init PSet.empty)
+ and cur_kill_mem = ref PSet.empty
+ and cur_kill_store = ref PSet.empty
+ and cur_moves = ref (PMap.init PSet.empty) in
+ let eq_find_oracle node eq =
+ assert (not (is_trivial eq));
+ let o = Hashtbl.find_opt eq_table (flatten_eq eq) in
+ (* FIXME (if o = None then failwith "eq_find_oracle"); *)
+ (if !Clflags.option_debug_compcert > 5
+ then Printf.printf "@%d: eq_find %a -> %a\n" (P.to_int node)
+ pp_eq eq (pp_option pp_P) o);
+ o
+ and rhs_find_oracle node sop args =
+ let o =
+ match Hashtbl.find_opt rhs_table (sop, List.map P.to_int args) with
+ | None -> PSet.empty
+ | Some s -> s in
+ (if !Clflags.option_debug_compcert > 5
+ then Printf.printf "@%d: rhs_find %a = %a\n"
+ (P.to_int node) pp_rhs (sop, args) pp_intset o);
+ o in
+ let mutating_eq_find_oracle node eq : P.t option =
+ let flat_eq = flatten_eq eq in
+ let o =
+ match Hashtbl.find_opt eq_table flat_eq with
+ | Some x ->
+ Some x
+ | None ->
+ (* TODO print_eq stderr flat_eq; *)
+ incr cur_eq_id;
+ let id = !cur_eq_id in
+ let coq_id = P.of_int id in
+ begin
+ Hashtbl.add eq_table flat_eq coq_id;
+ (cur_catalog := PTree.set coq_id eq !cur_catalog);
+ (match flat_eq with
+ | Flat_equ(flat_eq_lhs, flat_eq_op, flat_eq_args) ->
+ add_to_set_in_table rhs_table
+ (flat_eq_op, flat_eq_args) coq_id
+ | Flat_cond(flat_eq_cond, flat_eq_args) -> ());
+ (match eq with
+ | Equ(lhs, sop, args) ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun reg -> imp_add_i_j cur_kill_reg reg coq_id)
+ (lhs :: args);
+ (match sop, args with
+ | (SOp Op.Omove), [rhs] -> imp_add_i_j cur_moves lhs coq_id
+ | _, _ -> ())
+ | Cond(cond, args) ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun reg -> imp_add_i_j cur_kill_reg reg coq_id) args
+ );
+ (if eq_cond_depends_on_mem eq
+ then cur_kill_mem := PSet.add coq_id !cur_kill_mem);
+ (if eq_cond_depends_on_store eq
+ then cur_kill_store := PSet.add coq_id !cur_kill_store);
+ Some coq_id
+ end
+ in
+ (if !Clflags.option_debug_compcert > 5
+ then Printf.printf "@%d: mutating_eq_find %a -> %a\n" (P.to_int node)
+ pp_eq eq (pp_option pp_P) o);
+ o
+ in
+ let ctx = { eq_catalog = (fun eq_id -> PTree.get eq_id !cur_catalog);
+ eq_find_oracle = mutating_eq_find_oracle;
+ eq_rhs_oracle = rhs_find_oracle ;
+ eq_kill_reg = (fun reg -> PMap.get reg !cur_kill_reg);
+ eq_kill_mem = (fun () -> !cur_kill_mem);
+ eq_kill_store = (fun () -> !cur_kill_store);
+ eq_moves = (fun reg -> PMap.get reg !cur_moves)
+ } in
+ let invariants = initial_analysis ctx tenv f in
+ let invariants' =
+ if ! Clflags.option_fcse3_refine
+ then refine_analysis ctx tenv f invariants
+ else invariants
+ and hints = { hint_eq_catalog = !cur_catalog;
+ hint_eq_find_oracle= eq_find_oracle;
+ hint_eq_rhs_oracle = rhs_find_oracle } in
+ (if !Clflags.option_debug_compcert > 1
+ then pp_results f invariants' hints stdout);
+ invariants', hints
+let check_same_invariants max_pc invariants0 invariants1 =
+ for pc=1 to max_pc
+ do
+ let p_pc = P.of_int pc in
+ if not (RB.beq (PMap.get p_pc invariants0)
+ (PMap.get p_pc invariants1))
+ then failwith (Printf.sprintf "check_same_invariants at %d" pc)
+ done;;
+let check_same_catalog catalog0 catalog1 =
+ if not (PTree.beq eq_dec_equation catalog0 catalog1)
+ then failwith "catalogs not equal";;
+let preanalysis (tenv : typing_env) (f : RTL.coq_function) =
+ let invariants0, hints0 = preanalysis0 tenv f
+ and invariants1, hints1 = preanalysis1 tenv f in
+ check_same_invariants (P.to_int (RTL.max_pc_function f))
+ invariants0 invariants1;
+ check_same_catalog hints0.hint_eq_catalog hints1.hint_eq_catalog;
+ invariants1, hints1;;