path: root/cil/doc/patcher.html
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-Using the patcher
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-<H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="htoc40">14</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Using the patcher</H2><A NAME="sec-patcher"></A><BR>
-Occasionally we have needed to modify slightly the standard include files.
-So, we developed a simple mechanism that allows us to create modified copies
-of the include files and use them instead of the standard ones. For this
-purpose we specify a patch file and we run a program caller Patcher which
-makes modified copies of include files and applies the patch.<BR>
-The patcher is invoked as follows:
-<PRE CLASS="verbatim">
-bin/patcher [options]
- --help Prints this help message
- --verbose Prints a lot of information about what is being done
- --mode=xxx What tool to emulate:
- MSVC - MS VC cl compiler
- --dest=xxx The destination directory. Will make one if it does not exist
- --patch=xxx Patch file (can be specified multiple times)
- --ppargs=xxx An argument to be passed to the preprocessor (can be specified
- multiple times)
- --ufile=xxx A user-include file to be patched (treated as \#include "xxx")
- --sfile=xxx A system-include file to be patched (treated as \#include &lt;xxx&gt;)
- --clean Remove all files in the destination directory
- --dumpversion Print the version name used for the current compiler
- All of the other arguments are passed to the preprocessor. You should pass
- enough arguments (e.g., include directories) so that the patcher can find the
- right include files to be patched.
- Based on the given <TT>mode</TT> and the current version of the compiler (which
-the patcher can print when given the <TT>dumpversion</TT> argument) the patcher
-will create a subdirectory of the <TT>dest</TT> directory (say <TT>/usr/home/necula/cil/include</TT>), such as:
-<PRE CLASS="verbatim">
- In that file the patcher will copy the modified versions of the include files
-specified with the <TT>ufile</TT> and <TT>sfile</TT> options. Each of these options can
-be specified multiple times. <BR>
-The patch file (specified with the <TT>patch</TT> option) has a format inspired by
-the Unix <TT>patch</TT> tool. The file has the following grammar:
-<PRE CLASS="verbatim">
-&lt;&lt;&lt; flags
- The flags are a comma separated, case-sensitive, sequence of keywords or
-keyword = value. The following flags are supported:
-<UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
-<TT>file=foo.h</TT> - will only apply the patch on files whose name is
- <TT>foo.h</TT>.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>optional</TT> - this means that it is Ok if the current patch does not
-match any of the processed files.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>group=foo</TT> - will add this patch to the named group. If this is not
-specified then a unique group is created to contain just the current patch.
-When all files specified in the command line have been patched, an error
-message is generated for all groups for whom no member patch was used. We use
-this mechanism to receive notice when the patch triggers are out-dated with
-respect to the new include files.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>system=sysname</TT> - will only consider this pattern on a given
-operating system. The &#8220;sysname&#8221; is reported by the &#8220;$Ô&#8221; variable in
-Perl, except that Windows is always considered to have sysname
-&#8220;cygwin.&#8221; For Linux use &#8220;linux&#8221; (capitalization matters).
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>ateof</TT> - In this case the patterns are ignored and the replacement
-text is placed at the end of the patched file. Use the <TT>file</TT> flag if you
-want to restrict the files in which this replacement is performed.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>atsof</TT> - The patterns are ignored and the replacement text is placed
-at the start of the patched file. Uf the <TT>file</TT> flag to restrict the
-application of this patch to a certain file.
-<LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>disabled</TT> - Use this flag if you want to disable the pattern.
-The patterns can consist of several groups of lines separated by the <TT>|||</TT>
-marker. Each of these group of lines is a multi-line pattern that if found in
-the file will be replaced with the text given at the end of the block. <BR>
-The matching is space-insensitive.<BR>
-All of the markers <TT>&lt;&lt;&lt;</TT>, <TT>|||</TT>, <TT>===</TT> and <TT>&gt;&gt;&gt;</TT> must appear at the
-beginning of a line but they can be followed by arbitrary text (which is
-The replacement text can contain the special keyword <TT>@__pattern__@</TT>,
-which is substituted with the pattern that matched. <BR>
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