path: root/cil/src/ext/dataflow.mli
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/cil/src/ext/dataflow.mli b/cil/src/ext/dataflow.mli
deleted file mode 100755
index e72c5db0..00000000
--- a/cil/src/ext/dataflow.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-(** A framework for data flow analysis for CIL code. Before using
- this framework, you must initialize the Control-flow Graph for your
- program, e.g using {!Cfg.computeFileCFG} *)
-type 't action =
- Default (** The default action *)
- | Done of 't (** Do not do the default action. Use this result *)
- | Post of ('t -> 't) (** The default action, followed by the given
- * transformer *)
-type 't stmtaction =
- SDefault (** The default action *)
- | SDone (** Do not visit this statement or its successors *)
- | SUse of 't (** Visit the instructions and successors of this statement
- as usual, but use the specified state instead of the
- one that was passed to doStmt *)
-(* For if statements *)
-type 't guardaction =
- GDefault (** The default state *)
- | GUse of 't (** Use this data for the branch *)
- | GUnreachable (** The branch will never be taken. *)
- **********
- ********** FORWARDS
- **********
- ********************************************************************)
-module type ForwardsTransfer = sig
- val name: string (** For debugging purposes, the name of the analysis *)
- val debug: bool ref (** Whether to turn on debugging *)
- type t (** The type of the data we compute for each block start. May be
- * imperative. *)
- val copy: t -> t
- (** Make a deep copy of the data *)
- val stmtStartData: t Inthash.t
- (** For each statement id, the data at the start. Not found in the hash
- * table means nothing is known about the state at this point. At the end
- * of the analysis this means that the block is not reachable. *)
- val pretty: unit -> t -> Pretty.doc
- (** Pretty-print the state *)
- val computeFirstPredecessor: Cil.stmt -> t -> t
- (** Give the first value for a predecessors, compute the value to be set
- * for the block *)
- val combinePredecessors: Cil.stmt -> old:t -> t -> t option
- (** Take some old data for the start of a statement, and some new data for
- * the same point. Return None if the combination is identical to the old
- * data. Otherwise, compute the combination, and return it. *)
- val doInstr: Cil.instr -> t -> t action
- (** The (forwards) transfer function for an instruction. The
- * {!Cil.currentLoc} is set before calling this. The default action is to
- * continue with the state unchanged. *)
- val doStmt: Cil.stmt -> t -> t stmtaction
- (** The (forwards) transfer function for a statement. The {!Cil.currentLoc}
- * is set before calling this. The default action is to do the instructions
- * in this statement, if applicable, and continue with the successors. *)
- val doGuard: Cil.exp -> t -> t guardaction
- (** Generate the successor to an If statement assuming the given expression
- * is nonzero. Analyses that don't need guard information can return
- * GDefault; this is equivalent to returning GUse of the input.
- * A return value of GUnreachable indicates that this half of the branch
- * will not be taken and should not be explored. This will be called
- * twice per If, once for "then" and once for "else".
- *)
- val filterStmt: Cil.stmt -> bool
- (** Whether to put this statement in the worklist. This is called when a
- * block would normally be put in the worklist. *)
-module ForwardsDataFlow (T : ForwardsTransfer) : sig
- val compute: Cil.stmt list -> unit
- (** Fill in the T.stmtStartData, given a number of initial statements to
- * start from. All of the initial statements must have some entry in
- * T.stmtStartData (i.e., the initial data should not be bottom) *)
- **********
- ********** BACKWARDS
- **********
- ********************************************************************)
-module type BackwardsTransfer = sig
- val name: string (** For debugging purposes, the name of the analysis *)
- val debug: bool ref (** Whether to turn on debugging *)
- type t (** The type of the data we compute for each block start. In many
- * presentations of backwards data flow analysis we maintain the
- * data at the block end. This is not easy to do with JVML because
- * a block has many exceptional ends. So we maintain the data for
- * the statement start. *)
- val pretty: unit -> t -> Pretty.doc (** Pretty-print the state *)
- val stmtStartData: t Inthash.t
- (** For each block id, the data at the start. This data structure must be
- * initialized with the initial data for each block *)
- val combineStmtStartData: Cil.stmt -> old:t -> t -> t option
- (** When the analysis reaches the start of a block, combine the old data
- * with the one we have just computed. Return None if the combination is
- * the same as the old data, otherwise return the combination. In the
- * latter case, the predecessors of the statement are put on the working
- * list. *)
- val combineSuccessors: t -> t -> t
- (** Take the data from two successors and combine it *)
- val doStmt: Cil.stmt -> t action
- (** The (backwards) transfer function for a branch. The {!Cil.currentLoc} is
- * set before calling this. If it returns None, then we have some default
- * handling. Otherwise, the returned data is the data before the branch
- * (not considering the exception handlers) *)
- val doInstr: Cil.instr -> t -> t action
- (** The (backwards) transfer function for an instruction. The
- * {!Cil.currentLoc} is set before calling this. If it returns None, then we
- * have some default handling. Otherwise, the returned data is the data
- * before the branch (not considering the exception handlers) *)
- val filterStmt: Cil.stmt -> Cil.stmt -> bool
- (** Whether to put this predecessor block in the worklist. We give the
- * predecessor and the block whose predecessor we are (and whose data has
- * changed) *)
-module BackwardsDataFlow (T : BackwardsTransfer) : sig
- val compute: Cil.stmt list -> unit
- (** Fill in the T.stmtStartData, given a number of initial statements to
- * start from (the sinks for the backwards data flow). All of the statements
- * (not just the initial ones!) must have some entry in T.stmtStartData
- * (i.e., the initial data should not be bottom) *)