path: root/common/Complements.v
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+(** Corollaries of the main semantic preservation theorem. *)
+Require Import Classical.
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Events.
+Require Import Globalenvs.
+Require Import Smallstep.
+Require Import PPC.
+Require Import Main.
+(** * Determinism of PPC semantics *)
+(** In this section, we show that the semantics for the PPC language
+ are deterministic, in a sense to be made precise later.
+ There are two sources of apparent non-determinism:
+- The semantics leaves unspecified the results of calls to external
+ functions. Different results to e.g. a "read" operation can of
+ course lead to different behaviors for the program.
+ We address this issue by modeling a notion of deterministic
+ external world that uniquely determines the results of external calls.
+- For diverging executions, the trace of I/O events is not uniquely
+ determined: it can contain events that will never be performed
+ because the program diverges earlier. We address this issue
+ by showing the existence of a minimal trace for diverging executions.
+(** ** Deterministic worlds *)
+(** An external world is a function that, given the name of an
+ external call and its arguments, returns either [None], meaning
+ that this external call gets stuck, or [Some(r,w)], meaning
+ that this external call succeeds, has result [r], and changes
+ the world to [w]. *)
+Inductive world: Set :=
+ World: (ident -> list eventval -> option (eventval * world)) -> world.
+Definition nextworld (w: world) (evname: ident) (evargs: list eventval) :
+ option (eventval * world) :=
+ match w with World f => f evname evargs end.
+(** A trace is possible in a given world if all events correspond
+ to non-stuck external calls according to the given world.
+ Two predicates are defined, for finite and infinite traces respectively:
+- [possible_trace w t w'], where [w] is the initial state of the
+ world, [t] the finite trace of interest, and [w'] the state of the
+ world after performing trace [t].
+- [possible_traceinf w T], where [w] is the initial state of the
+ world and [T] the possibly infinite trace of interest.
+Inductive possible_trace: world -> trace -> world -> Prop :=
+ | possible_trace_nil: forall w,
+ possible_trace w E0 w
+ | possible_trace_cons: forall w0 evname evargs evres w1 t w2,
+ nextworld w0 evname evargs = Some (evres, w1) ->
+ possible_trace w1 t w2 ->
+ possible_trace w0 (mkevent evname evargs evres :: t) w2.
+Lemma possible_trace_app:
+ forall t2 w2 w0 t1 w1,
+ possible_trace w0 t1 w1 -> possible_trace w1 t2 w2 ->
+ possible_trace w0 (t1 ** t2) w2.
+ induction 1; simpl; intros.
+ auto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+Lemma possible_trace_app_inv:
+ forall t2 w2 t1 w0,
+ possible_trace w0 (t1 ** t2) w2 ->
+ exists w1, possible_trace w0 t1 w1 /\ possible_trace w1 t2 w2.
+ induction t1; simpl; intros.
+ exists w0; split. constructor. auto.
+ inv H. exploit IHt1; eauto. intros [w1 [A B]].
+ exists w1; split. econstructor; eauto. auto.
+CoInductive possible_traceinf: world -> traceinf -> Prop :=
+ | possible_traceinf_nil: forall w0,
+ possible_traceinf w0 Enilinf
+ | possible_traceinf_cons: forall w0 evname evargs evres w1 T,
+ nextworld w0 evname evargs = Some (evres, w1) ->
+ possible_traceinf w1 T ->
+ possible_traceinf w0 (Econsinf (mkevent evname evargs evres) T).
+Lemma possible_traceinf_app:
+ forall t2 w0 t1 w1,
+ possible_trace w0 t1 w1 -> possible_traceinf w1 t2 ->
+ possible_traceinf w0 (t1 *** t2).
+ induction 1; simpl; intros.
+ auto.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+Lemma possible_traceinf_app_inv:
+ forall t2 t1 w0,
+ possible_traceinf w0 (t1 *** t2) ->
+ exists w1, possible_trace w0 t1 w1 /\ possible_traceinf w1 t2.
+ induction t1; simpl; intros.
+ exists w0; split. constructor. auto.
+ inv H. exploit IHt1; eauto. intros [w1 [A B]].
+ exists w1; split. econstructor; eauto. auto.
+Ltac possibleTraceInv :=
+ match goal with
+ | [H: possible_trace _ (_ ** _) _ |- _] =>
+ let P1 := fresh "P" in
+ let w := fresh "w" in
+ let P2 := fresh "P" in
+ elim (possible_trace_app_inv _ _ _ _ H); clear H;
+ intros w [P1 P2];
+ possibleTraceInv
+ | [H: possible_traceinf _ (_ *** _) |- _] =>
+ let P1 := fresh "P" in
+ let w := fresh "w" in
+ let P2 := fresh "P" in
+ elim (possible_traceinf_app_inv _ _ _ H); clear H;
+ intros w [P1 P2];
+ possibleTraceInv
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+(** Determinism properties of [event_match]. *)
+Remark eventval_match_deterministic:
+ forall ev1 ev2 ty v1 v2,
+ eventval_match ev1 ty v1 -> eventval_match ev2 ty v2 ->
+ (ev1 = ev2 <-> v1 = v2).
+ intros. inv H; inv H0; intuition congruence.
+Remark eventval_list_match_deterministic:
+ forall ev1 ty v, eventval_list_match ev1 ty v ->
+ forall ev2, eventval_list_match ev2 ty v -> ev1 = ev2.
+ induction 1; intros.
+ inv H. auto.
+ inv H1. decEq.
+ rewrite (eventval_match_deterministic _ _ _ _ _ H H6). auto.
+ eauto.
+Lemma event_match_deterministic:
+ forall w0 t1 w1 t2 w2 ef vargs vres1 vres2,
+ possible_trace w0 t1 w1 ->
+ possible_trace w0 t2 w2 ->
+ event_match ef vargs t1 vres1 ->
+ event_match ef vargs t2 vres2 ->
+ vres1 = vres2 /\ t1 = t2 /\ w1 = w2.
+ intros. inv H1. inv H2.
+ assert (eargs = eargs0). eapply eventval_list_match_deterministic; eauto. subst eargs0.
+ inv H. inv H12. inv H0. inv H12.
+ rewrite H11 in H10. inv H10. intuition.
+ rewrite <- (eventval_match_deterministic _ _ _ _ _ H4 H5). auto.
+(** ** Determinism of PPC transitions. *)
+Remark extcall_arguments_deterministic:
+ forall rs m sg args args',
+ extcall_arguments rs m sg args ->
+ extcall_arguments rs m sg args' -> args = args'.
+ assert (
+ forall rs m tyl iregl fregl ofs args,
+ extcall_args rs m tyl iregl fregl ofs args ->
+ forall args', extcall_args rs m tyl iregl fregl ofs args' -> args = args').
+ induction 1; intros.
+ inv H. auto.
+ inv H1. decEq; eauto.
+ inv H1. decEq. congruence. eauto.
+ inv H1. decEq; eauto.
+ inv H1. decEq. congruence. eauto.
+ unfold extcall_arguments; intros; eauto.
+Lemma step_deterministic:
+ forall ge s0 t1 s1 t2 s2 w0 w1 w2,
+ step ge s0 t1 s1 -> step ge s0 t2 s2 ->
+ possible_trace w0 t1 w1 -> possible_trace w0 t2 w2 ->
+ s1 = s2 /\ t1 = t2 /\ w1 = w2.
+ intros. inv H; inv H0.
+ assert (c0 = c) by congruence. subst c0.
+ assert (i0 = i) by congruence. subst i0.
+ split. congruence. split. auto. inv H1; inv H2; auto.
+ congruence.
+ congruence.
+ assert (ef0 = ef) by congruence. subst ef0.
+ assert (args0 = args). eapply extcall_arguments_deterministic; eauto. subst args0.
+ exploit event_match_deterministic. eexact H1. eexact H2. eauto. eauto.
+ intros [A [B C]]. intuition congruence.
+Lemma initial_state_deterministic:
+ forall p s1 s2,
+ initial_state p s1 -> initial_state p s2 -> s1 = s2.
+ intros. inv H; inv H0. reflexivity.
+Lemma final_state_not_step:
+ forall ge st r t st', final_state st r -> step ge st t st' -> False.
+ intros. inv H. inv H0.
+ unfold Vzero in H1. congruence.
+ unfold Vzero in H1. congruence.
+Lemma final_state_deterministic:
+ forall st r1 r2, final_state st r1 -> final_state st r2 -> r1 = r2.
+ intros. inv H; inv H0. congruence.
+(** ** Determinism for terminating executions. *)
+Lemma star_star_inv:
+ forall ge s t1 s1, star step ge s t1 s1 ->
+ forall t2 s2 w w1 w2, star step ge s t2 s2 ->
+ possible_trace w t1 w1 -> possible_trace w t2 w2 ->
+ exists t, (star step ge s1 t s2 /\ t2 = t1 ** t)
+ \/ (star step ge s2 t s1 /\ t1 = t2 ** t).
+ induction 1; intros.
+ exists t2; left; split; auto.
+ inv H2. exists (t1 ** t2); right; split. econstructor; eauto. auto.
+ possibleTraceInv.
+ exploit step_deterministic. eexact H. eexact H5. eauto. eauto.
+ intros [U [V W]]. subst s5 t3 w3.
+ exploit IHstar; eauto. intros [t [ [Q R] | [Q R] ]].
+ subst t4. exists t; left; split. auto. traceEq.
+ subst t2. exists t; right; split. auto. traceEq.
+Lemma steps_deterministic:
+ forall ge s0 t1 s1, star step ge s0 t1 s1 ->
+ forall r1 r2 t2 s2 w0 w1 w2, star step ge s0 t2 s2 ->
+ final_state s1 r1 -> final_state s2 r2 ->
+ possible_trace w0 t1 w1 -> possible_trace w0 t2 w2 ->
+ t1 = t2 /\ r1 = r2.
+ induction 1; intros.
+ inv H. split. auto. eapply final_state_deterministic; eauto.
+ byContradiction. eapply final_state_not_step with (st := s); eauto.
+ inv H2. byContradiction. eapply final_state_not_step with (st := s0); eauto.
+ possibleTraceInv.
+ exploit step_deterministic. eexact H. eexact H7. eauto. eauto.
+ intros [A [B C]]. subst s5 t3 w3.
+ exploit IHstar. eexact H8. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto.
+ intros [A B]. subst t4 r2.
+ auto.
+(** ** Determinism for infinite transition sequences. *)
+Lemma forever_star_inv:
+ forall ge s t s', star step ge s t s' ->
+ forall T w w', forever step ge s T ->
+ possible_trace w t w' -> possible_traceinf w T ->
+ exists T',
+ forever step ge s' T' /\ possible_traceinf w' T' /\ T = t *** T'.
+ induction 1; intros.
+ inv H0. exists T; auto.
+ subst t. possibleTraceInv.
+ inv H2. possibleTraceInv.
+ exploit step_deterministic.
+ eexact H. eexact H1. eauto. eauto. intros [A [B C]]; subst s4 t1 w1.
+ exploit IHstar; eauto. intros [T' [A [B C]]].
+ exists T'; split. auto.
+ split. auto.
+ rewrite C. rewrite Eappinf_assoc; auto.
+Lemma star_final_not_forever:
+ forall ge s1 t s2 r T w1 w2,
+ star step ge s1 t s2 ->
+ final_state s2 r -> forever step ge s1 T ->
+ possible_trace w1 t w2 -> possible_traceinf w1 T ->
+ False.
+ intros. exploit forever_star_inv; eauto. intros [T' [A [B C]]].
+ inv A. eapply final_state_not_step; eauto.
+(** ** Minimal traces for divergence. *)
+(** There are two mutually exclusive way in which a program can diverge.
+ It can diverge in a reactive fashion: it performs infinitely many
+ external calls, and the internal computations between two external
+ calls are always finite. Or it can diverge silently: after a finite
+ number of external calls, it enters an infinite sequence of internal
+ computations. *)
+Definition reactive (ge: genv) (s: state) (w: world) :=
+ forall t s1 w1,
+ star step ge s t s1 -> possible_trace w t w1 ->
+ exists s2, exists t', exists s3, exists w2,
+ star step ge s1 E0 s2
+ /\ step ge s2 t' s3
+ /\ possible_trace w1 t' w2
+ /\ t' <> E0.
+Definition diverges_silently (ge: genv) (s: state) :=
+ forall s2, star step ge s E0 s2 -> exists s3, step ge s2 E0 s3.
+Definition diverges_eventually (ge: genv) (s: state) (w: world) :=
+ exists t, exists s1, exists w1,
+ star step ge s t s1 /\ possible_trace w t w1 /\ diverges_silently ge s1.
+(** Using classical logic, we show that any infinite sequence of transitions
+ that is possible in a deterministic world is of one of the two forms
+ described above. *)
+Lemma reactive_or_diverges:
+ forall ge s T w,
+ forever step ge s T -> possible_traceinf w T ->
+ reactive ge s w \/ diverges_eventually ge s w.
+ intros. elim (classic (diverges_eventually ge s w)); intro.
+ right; auto.
+ left. red; intros.
+ generalize (not_ex_all_not trace _ H1 t).
+ intro. clear H1.
+ generalize (not_ex_all_not state _ H4 s1).
+ intro. clear H4.
+ generalize (not_ex_all_not world _ H1 w1).
+ intro. clear H1.
+ elim (not_and_or _ _ H4); clear H4; intro.
+ contradiction.
+ elim (not_and_or _ _ H1); clear H1; intro.
+ contradiction.
+ generalize (not_all_ex_not state _ H1). intros [s2 A]. clear H1.
+ destruct (imply_to_and _ _ A). clear A.
+ exploit forever_star_inv.
+ eapply star_trans. eexact H2. eexact H1. reflexivity.
+ eauto. rewrite E0_right. eauto. eauto.
+ intros [T' [A [B C]]].
+ inv A. possibleTraceInv.
+ exists s2; exists t0; exists s3; exists w4. intuition.
+ subst t0. apply H4. exists s3; auto.
+(** Moreover, a program cannot be both reactive and silently diverging. *)
+Lemma reactive_not_diverges:
+ forall ge s w,
+ reactive ge s w -> diverges_eventually ge s w -> False.
+ intros. destruct H0 as [t [s1 [w1 [A [B C]]]]].
+ destruct (H _ _ _ A B) as [s2 [t' [s3 [w2 [P [Q [R S]]]]]]].
+ destruct (C _ P) as [s4 T].
+ assert (s3 = s4 /\ t' = E0 /\ w2 = w1).
+ eapply step_deterministic; eauto. constructor.
+ intuition congruence.
+(** A program that silently diverges can be given any finite or
+ infinite trace of events. In particular, taking [T' = Enilinf],
+ it can be given the empty trace of events. *)
+Lemma diverges_forever:
+ forall ge s1 T w T',
+ diverges_silently ge s1 ->
+ forever step ge s1 T ->
+ possible_traceinf w T ->
+ forever step ge s1 T'.
+ cofix COINDHYP; intros. inv H0. possibleTraceInv.
+ assert (exists s3, step ge s1 E0 s3). apply H. constructor.
+ destruct H0 as [s3 C].
+ assert (s2 = s3 /\ t = E0 /\ w0 = w). eapply step_deterministic; eauto. constructor.
+ destruct H0 as [Q [R S]]. subst s3 t w0.
+ change T' with (E0 *** T'). econstructor. eassumption.
+ eapply COINDHYP; eauto.
+ red; intros. apply H. eapply star_left; eauto.
+(** The trace of I/O events generated by a reactive diverging program
+ is uniquely determined up to bisimilarity. *)
+Lemma reactive_sim:
+ forall ge s w T1 T2,
+ reactive ge s w ->
+ forever step ge s T1 ->
+ forever step ge s T2 ->
+ possible_traceinf w T1 ->
+ possible_traceinf w T2 ->
+ traceinf_sim T1 T2.
+ cofix COINDHYP; intros.
+ elim (H E0 s w); try constructor.
+ intros s2 [t' [s3 [w2 [A [B [C D]]]]]].
+ assert (star step ge s t' s3). eapply star_right; eauto.
+ destruct (forever_star_inv _ _ _ _ H4 _ _ _ H0 C H2)
+ as [T1' [P [Q R]]].
+ destruct (forever_star_inv _ _ _ _ H4 _ _ _ H1 C H3)
+ as [T2' [S [T U]]].
+ destruct t'. unfold E0 in D. congruence.
+ assert (t' = nil). inversion B. inversion H7. auto. subst t'.
+ subst T1 T2. simpl. constructor.
+ apply COINDHYP with ge s3 w2; auto.
+ red; intros. eapply H. eapply star_trans; eauto.
+ eapply possible_trace_app; eauto.
+(** A trace is minimal for a program if it is a prefix of all possible
+ traces. *)
+Definition minimal_trace (ge: genv) (s: state) (w: world) (T: traceinf) :=
+ forall T',
+ forever step ge s T' -> possible_traceinf w T' ->
+ traceinf_prefix T T'.
+(** For any program that diverges with some possible trace [T1],
+ the set of possible traces admits a minimal element [T].
+ If the program is reactive, this trace is [T1].
+ If the program silently diverges, this trace is the finite trace
+ of events performed prior to silent divergence. *)
+Lemma forever_minimal_trace:
+ forall ge s T1 w,
+ forever step ge s T1 -> possible_traceinf w T1 ->
+ exists T,
+ forever step ge s T
+ /\ possible_traceinf w T
+ /\ minimal_trace ge s w T.
+ intros.
+ destruct (reactive_or_diverges _ _ _ _ H H0).
+ (* reactive *)
+ exists T1; split. auto. split. auto. red; intros.
+ elim (reactive_or_diverges _ _ _ _ H2 H3); intro.
+ apply traceinf_sim_prefix. eapply reactive_sim; eauto.
+ elimtype False. eapply reactive_not_diverges; eauto.
+ (* diverges *)
+ elim H1. intros t [s1 [w1 [A [B C]]]].
+ exists (t *** Enilinf); split.
+ exploit forever_star_inv; eauto. intros [T' [P [Q R]]].
+ eapply star_forever. eauto.
+ eapply diverges_forever; eauto.
+ split. eapply possible_traceinf_app. eauto. constructor.
+ red; intros. exploit forever_star_inv. eauto. eexact H2. eauto. eauto.
+ intros [T2 [P [Q R]]].
+ subst T'. apply traceinf_prefix_app. constructor.
+(** ** Refined semantics for program executions. *)
+(** We now define the following variant [exec_program'] of the
+ [exec_program] predicate defined in module [Smallstep].
+ In the diverging case [Diverges T], the new predicate imposes that the
+ finite or infinite trace [T] is minimal. *)
+Inductive exec_program' (p: program) (w: world): program_behavior -> Prop :=
+ | program_terminates': forall s t s' w' r,
+ initial_state p s ->
+ star step (Genv.globalenv p) s t s' ->
+ possible_trace w t w' ->
+ final_state s' r ->
+ exec_program' p w (Terminates t r)
+ | program_diverges': forall s T,
+ initial_state p s ->
+ forever step (Genv.globalenv p) s T ->
+ possible_traceinf w T ->
+ minimal_trace (Genv.globalenv p) s w T ->
+ exec_program' p w (Diverges T).
+(** We show that any [exec_program] execution corresponds to
+ an [exec_program'] execution. *)
+Definition possible_behavior (w: world) (b: program_behavior) : Prop :=
+ match b with
+ | Terminates t r => exists w', possible_trace w t w'
+ | Diverges T => possible_traceinf w T
+ end.
+Inductive matching_behaviors: program_behavior -> program_behavior -> Prop :=
+ | matching_behaviors_terminates: forall t r,
+ matching_behaviors (Terminates t r) (Terminates t r)
+ | matching_behaviors_diverges: forall T1 T2,
+ traceinf_prefix T2 T1 ->
+ matching_behaviors (Diverges T1) (Diverges T2).
+Theorem exec_program_program':
+ forall p b w,
+ exec_program p b -> possible_behavior w b ->
+ exists b', exec_program' p w b' /\ matching_behaviors b b'.
+ intros. inv H; simpl in H0.
+ (* termination *)
+ destruct H0 as [w' A].
+ exists (Terminates t r).
+ split. econstructor; eauto. constructor.
+ (* divergence *)
+ exploit forever_minimal_trace; eauto. intros [T0 [A [B C]]].
+ exists (Diverges T0); split.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ constructor. apply C; auto.
+(** Moreover, [exec_program'] is deterministic, in that the behavior
+ associated with a given program and external world is uniquely
+ defined up to bisimilarity between infinite traces. *)
+Inductive same_behaviors: program_behavior -> program_behavior -> Prop :=
+ | same_behaviors_terminates: forall t r,
+ same_behaviors (Terminates t r) (Terminates t r)
+ | same_behaviors_diverges: forall T1 T2,
+ traceinf_sim T2 T1 ->
+ same_behaviors (Diverges T1) (Diverges T2).
+Theorem exec_program'_deterministic:
+ forall p b1 b2 w,
+ exec_program' p w b1 -> exec_program' p w b2 ->
+ same_behaviors b1 b2.
+ intros. inv H; inv H0;
+ assert (s0 = s) by (eapply initial_state_deterministic; eauto); subst s0.
+ (* terminates, terminates *)
+ exploit steps_deterministic. eexact H2. eexact H5. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto.
+ intros [A B]. subst. constructor.
+ (* terminates, diverges *)
+ byContradiction. eapply star_final_not_forever; eauto.
+ (* diverges, terminates *)
+ byContradiction. eapply star_final_not_forever; eauto.
+ (* diverges, diverges *)
+ constructor. apply traceinf_prefix_2_sim; auto.
+Lemma matching_behaviors_same:
+ forall b b1' b2',
+ matching_behaviors b b1' -> same_behaviors b1' b2' ->
+ matching_behaviors b b2'.
+ intros. inv H; inv H0.
+ constructor.
+ constructor. apply traceinf_prefix_compat with T2 T1.
+ auto. apply traceinf_sim_sym; auto. apply traceinf_sim_refl.
+(** * Strong semantic preservation property *)
+Require Import Errors.
+Theorem transf_rtl_program_correct_strong:
+ forall p tp b w,
+ transf_rtl_program p = OK tp ->
+ RTL.exec_program p b ->
+ possible_behavior w b ->
+ (exists b', exec_program' tp w b')
+/\(forall b', exec_program' tp w b' ->
+ exists b0, RTL.exec_program p b0 /\ matching_behaviors b0 b').
+ intros.
+ assert (PPC.exec_program tp b).
+ eapply transf_rtl_program_correct; eauto.
+ exploit exec_program_program'; eauto.
+ intros [b' [A B]].
+ split. exists b'; auto.
+ intros. exists b. split. auto.
+ apply matching_behaviors_same with b'. auto.
+ eapply exec_program'_deterministic; eauto.