path: root/cparser
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1 files changed, 52 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/cparser/Elab.ml b/cparser/Elab.ml
index 4fae584e..aa71eb1a 100644
--- a/cparser/Elab.ml
+++ b/cparser/Elab.ml
@@ -413,34 +413,29 @@ let elab_float_constant f =
(v, ty)
let elab_char_constant loc wide chars =
+ let len = List.length chars in
let nbits = if wide then 8 * !config.sizeof_wchar else 8 in
- (* Treat multi-char constants as a number in base 2^nbits *)
let max_digit = Int64.shift_left 1L nbits in
- let max_val = Int64.shift_left 1L (64 - nbits) in
- let v,_ =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (acc,err) d ->
- if not err then begin
- let overflow = acc < 0L || acc >= max_val
- and out_of_range = d < 0L || d >= max_digit in
- if overflow then
- error loc "character constant too long for its type";
- if out_of_range then
+ (* Treat multi-character constants as a number in base 2^nbits.
+ It must fit in type int for a normal constant and in type wchar_t
+ for a wide constant. *)
+ let v =
+ if len > (if wide then 1 else !config.sizeof_int) then begin
+ error loc "%d-character constant too long for its type" len;
+ 0L
+ end else
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc d ->
+ if d < 0L || d >= max_digit then
error loc "escape sequence is out of range (code 0x%LX)" d;
- Int64.add (Int64.shift_left acc nbits) d,overflow || out_of_range
- end else
- Int64.add (Int64.shift_left acc nbits) d,true
- )
- (0L,false) chars in
- if not (integer_representable v IInt) then
- warning loc Unnamed "character constant too long for its type";
- (* C99 item 10: single character -> represent at type char
- or wchar_t *)
+ Int64.add (Int64.shift_left acc nbits) d)
+ 0L chars in
+ (* C99 items 10 and 11:
+ single-character constant -> represent at type char
+ multi-character constant -> represent at type int
+ wide character constant -> represent at type wchar_t *)
Ceval.normalize_int v
- (if List.length chars = 1 then
- if wide then wchar_ikind() else IChar
- else
- IInt)
+ (if wide then wchar_ikind() else if len = 1 then IChar else IInt)
let elab_string_literal loc wide chars =
let nbits = if wide then 8 * !config.sizeof_wchar else 8 in
@@ -646,6 +641,36 @@ let get_nontype_attrs env ty =
let nta = List.filter to_be_removed (attributes_of_type_no_expand ty) in
(remove_attributes_type env nta ty, nta)
+(* Auxiliary for elaborating bitfield declarations. *)
+let check_bitfield loc env id ty ik n =
+ let max = Int64.of_int(sizeof_ikind ik * 8) in
+ if n < 0L then begin
+ error loc "bit-field '%a' has negative width (%Ld)" pp_field id n;
+ None
+ end else if n > max then begin
+ error loc "size of bit-field '%a' (%Ld bits) exceeds its type (%Ld bits)" pp_field id n max;
+ None
+ end else if n = 0L && id <> "" then begin
+ error loc "named bit-field '%a' has zero width" pp_field id;
+ None
+ end else begin
+ begin match unroll env ty with
+ | TEnum(eid, _) ->
+ let info = wrap Env.find_enum loc env eid in
+ let w = Int64.to_int n in
+ let representable sg =
+ List.for_all (fun (_, v, _) -> Cutil.int_representable v w sg)
+ info.Env.ei_members in
+ if not (representable false || representable true) then
+ warning loc Unnamed
+ "not all values of type 'enum %s' can be represented in bit-field '%a' (%d bits are not enough)"
+ eid.C.name pp_field id w
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ Some (Int64.to_int n)
+ end
(* Elaboration of a type specifier. Returns 6-tuple:
(storage class, "inline" flag, "noreturn" flag, "typedef" flag,
elaborated type, new env)
@@ -1041,23 +1066,11 @@ and elab_field_group env = function
error loc "alignment specified for bit-field '%a'" pp_field id;
None, env
end else begin
- let expr,env' =(!elab_expr_f loc env sz) in
+ let expr,env' = !elab_expr_f loc env sz in
match Ceval.integer_expr env' expr with
| Some n ->
- if n < 0L then begin
- error loc "bit-field '%a' has negative width (%Ld)" pp_field id n;
- None,env
- end else
- let max = Int64.of_int(sizeof_ikind ik * 8) in
- if n > max then begin
- error loc "size of bit-field '%a' (%Ld bits) exceeds its type (%Ld bits)" pp_field id n max;
- None,env
- end else
- if n = 0L && id <> "" then begin
- error loc "named bit-field '%a' has zero width" pp_field id;
- None,env
- end else
- Some(Int64.to_int n),env'
+ let bf = check_bitfield loc env' id ty ik n in
+ bf,env'
| None ->
error loc "bit-field '%a' width not an integer constant" pp_field id;