path: root/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml
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Diffstat (limited to 'kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 332 deletions
diff --git a/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpHConsOracles.ml b/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpHConsOracles.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b66899b..00000000
--- a/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpHConsOracles.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-open ImpPrelude
-open HConsingDefs
-let make_dict (type key) (p: key Dict.hash_params) =
- let module MyHashedType = struct
- type t = key
- let equal = p.Dict.test_eq
- let hash = p.Dict.hashing
- end in
- let module MyHashtbl = Hashtbl.Make(MyHashedType) in
- let dict = MyHashtbl.create 1000 in
- {
- Dict.set = (fun (k,d) -> MyHashtbl.replace dict k d);
- Dict.get = (fun k -> MyHashtbl.find_opt dict k)
- }
-exception Stop;;
-let xhCons (type a) (hp:a hashP) =
- (* We use a hash-table, but a hash-set would be sufficient ! *)
- (* Thus, we could use a weak hash-set, but prefer avoid it for easier debugging *)
- (* Ideally, a parameter would allow to select between the weak or full version *)
- let module MyHashedType = struct
- type t = a hashinfo
- let equal x y = hp.hash_eq x.hdata y.hdata
- let hash x = Hashtbl.hash x.hcodes
- end in
- let module MyHashtbl = Hashtbl.Make(MyHashedType) in
- let pick t =
- let res = ref None in
- try
- MyHashtbl.iter (fun k d -> res:=Some (k,d); raise Stop) t;
- None
- with
- | Stop -> !res
- in
- let t = MyHashtbl.create 1000 in
- let logs = ref [] in
- {
- hC = (fun (k:a hashinfo) ->
- match MyHashtbl.find_opt t k with
- | Some d -> d
- | None -> (*print_string "+";*)
- let d = hp.set_hid k.hdata (MyHashtbl.length t) in
- MyHashtbl.add t {k with hdata = d } d; d);
- next_log = (fun info -> logs := (MyHashtbl.length t, info)::(!logs));
- next_hid = (fun () -> MyHashtbl.length t);
- remove = (fun (x:a hashinfo) -> MyHashtbl.remove t x);
- export = fun () ->
- match pick t with
- | None -> { get_info = (fun _ -> raise Not_found); iterall = (fun _ -> ()) }
- | Some (k,_) ->
- (* the state is fully copied at export ! *)
- let logs = ref (List.rev_append (!logs) []) in
- let rec step_log i =
- match !logs with
- | (j, info)::l' when i>=j -> logs:=l'; info::(step_log i)
- | _ -> []
- in let a = Array.make (MyHashtbl.length t) k in
- MyHashtbl.iter (fun k d -> a.(hp.get_hid d) <- k) t;
- {
- get_info = (fun i -> a.(i));
- iterall = (fun iter_node -> Array.iteri (fun i k -> iter_node (step_log i) i k) a)
- }
- }
diff --git a/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpHConsOracles.mli b/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpHConsOracles.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 5075d176..00000000
--- a/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpHConsOracles.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-open ImpPrelude
-open HConsingDefs
-val make_dict : 'a Dict.hash_params -> ('a, 'b) Dict.t
-val xhCons: 'a hashP -> 'a hashConsing
diff --git a/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpIOOracles.ml b/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpIOOracles.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e63c12d..00000000
--- a/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpIOOracles.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-(* Warning
-These oracles assumes the following extraction directives:
- "Require Import ExtrOcamlString."
-open ImpPrelude
-open BinNums
-open Datatypes
-(* two auxiliary functions, for efficient mapping of "int" to "BinNums.positive" *)
-exception Overflow
-let aux_add: ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> 'b Queue.t -> 'a -> 'b -> unit
- = fun t q i p ->
- if i < 1 then (* protection against wrap around *)
- raise Overflow;
- Queue.add p q;
- Hashtbl.add t i p
-let memo_int2pos: int -> int -> BinNums.positive
- = fun n ->
- (* init of the Hashtbl *)
- let n = max n 1 in
- let t = Hashtbl.create n in
- let q = Queue.create () in
- aux_add t q 1 BinNums.Coq_xH ;
- for i = 1 to (n-1)/2 do
- let last = Queue.take q in
- let ni = 2*i in
- aux_add t q ni (BinNums.Coq_xO last);
- aux_add t q (ni+1) (BinNums.Coq_xI last)
- done;
- if n mod 2 = 0 then (
- let last = Queue.take q in
- Hashtbl.add t n (BinNums.Coq_xO last)
- );
- (* memoized translation of i *)
- let rec find i =
- try
- (* Printf.printf "-> %d\n" i; *)
- Hashtbl.find t i
- with Not_found ->
- (* Printf.printf "<- %d\n" i; *)
- if i <= 0 then
- invalid_arg "non-positive integer"
- else
- let p = find (i/2) in
- let pi = if i mod 2 = 0 then BinNums.Coq_xO p else BinNums.Coq_xI p in
- Hashtbl.add t i pi;
- pi
- in find;;
-let new_exit_observer: (unit -> unit) -> (unit -> unit) ref
- = fun f ->
- let o = ref f in
- at_exit (fun () -> !o());
- o;;
-let set_exit_observer: (unit -> unit) ref * (unit -> unit) -> unit
- = fun (r, f) -> r := f
-let rec print: pstring -> unit
- = fun ps ->
- match ps with
- | Str l -> List.iter print_char l
- | CamlStr s -> print_string s
- | Concat(ps1,ps2) -> (print ps1; print ps2);;
-let println: pstring -> unit
- = fun l -> print l; print_newline()
-let read_line () =
- CamlStr (Stdlib.read_line());;
-exception ImpureFail of pstring;;
-let exn2string: exn -> pstring
- = fun e -> CamlStr (Printexc.to_string e)
-let fail: pstring -> 'a
- = fun s -> raise (ImpureFail s);;
-let try_with_fail: (unit -> 'a) * (pstring -> exn -> 'a) -> 'a
- = fun (k1, k2) ->
- try
- k1()
- with
- | (ImpureFail s) as e -> k2 s e
-let try_with_any: (unit -> 'a) * (exn -> 'a) -> 'a
- = fun (k1, k2) ->
- try
- k1()
- with
- | e -> k2 e
-(** MISC **)
-let rec posTr: BinNums.positive -> int
-= function
- | BinNums.Coq_xH -> 1
- | BinNums.Coq_xO p -> (posTr p)*2
- | BinNums.Coq_xI p -> (posTr p)*2+1;;
-let zTr: BinNums.coq_Z -> int
-= function
- | BinNums.Z0 -> 0
- | BinNums.Zpos p -> posTr p
- | BinNums.Zneg p -> - (posTr p)
-let ten = BinNums.Zpos (BinNums.Coq_xO (BinNums.Coq_xI (BinNums.Coq_xO BinNums.Coq_xH)))
-let rec string_of_pos (p:BinNums.positive) (acc: pstring): pstring
-= let (q,r) = BinInt.Z.pos_div_eucl p ten in
- let acc0 = Concat (CamlStr (string_of_int (zTr r)), acc) in
- match q with
- | BinNums.Z0 -> acc0
- | BinNums.Zpos p0 -> string_of_pos p0 acc0
- | _ -> assert false
-let string_of_Z_debug: BinNums.coq_Z -> pstring
-= fun p -> CamlStr (string_of_int (zTr p))
-let string_of_Z: BinNums.coq_Z -> pstring
-= function
- | BinNums.Z0 -> CamlStr "0"
- | BinNums.Zpos p -> string_of_pos p (CamlStr "")
- | BinNums.Zneg p -> Concat (CamlStr "-", string_of_pos p (CamlStr ""))
-let timer ((f:'a -> 'b), (x:'a)) : 'b =
- Gc.compact();
- let itime = (Unix.times()).Unix.tms_utime in
- let r = f x in
- let rt = (Unix.times()).Unix.tms_utime -. itime in
- Printf.printf "time = %f\n" rt;
- r
diff --git a/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpIOOracles.mli b/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpIOOracles.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 6064286a..00000000
--- a/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpIOOracles.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-open ImpPrelude
-Memoized version of translation from int -> BinNums.positive.
-The first arg is an indicative bound on the max int translated:
-it pre-computes all positives lower or equal to this bound.
-val memo_int2pos: int -> int -> BinNums.positive
-val read_line: unit -> pstring
-val print: pstring -> unit
-val println: pstring -> unit
-val string_of_Z: BinNums.coq_Z -> pstring
-val timer : (('a -> 'b ) * 'a) -> 'b
-val new_exit_observer: (unit -> unit) -> (unit -> unit) ref
-val set_exit_observer: (unit -> unit) ref * (unit -> unit) -> unit
-val exn2string: exn -> pstring
-val fail: pstring -> 'a
-exception ImpureFail of pstring;;
-val try_with_fail: (unit -> 'a) * (pstring -> exn -> 'a) -> 'a
-val try_with_any: (unit -> 'a) * (exn -> 'a) -> 'a
diff --git a/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpLoopOracles.ml b/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpLoopOracles.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index cb7625e5..00000000
--- a/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpLoopOracles.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-open ImpPrelude
-open Datatypes
-(* a simple version of loop *)
-let simple_loop: ('a * ('a -> ('a, 'b) sum)) -> 'b
- = fun (a0, f) ->
- let rec iter: 'a -> 'b
- = fun a ->
- match f a with
- | Coq_inl a' -> iter a'
- | Coq_inr b -> b
- in
- iter a0;;
-(* loop from while *)
-let while_loop: ('a * ('a -> ('a, 'b) sum)) -> 'b
- = fun (a0, f) ->
- let s = ref (f a0) in
- while (match !s with Coq_inl _ -> true | _ -> false) do
- match !s with
- | Coq_inl a -> s:=f a
- | _ -> assert false
- done;
- match !s with
- | Coq_inr b -> b
- | _ -> assert false;;
-let loop = simple_loop
-let std_rec (recf: ('a -> 'b ) -> 'a -> 'b): 'a -> 'b =
- let rec f x = recf f x in
- f
-let memo_rec (recf: ('a -> 'b ) -> 'a -> 'b): 'a -> 'b =
- let memo = Hashtbl.create 10 in
- let rec f x =
- try
- Hashtbl.find memo x
- with
- Not_found ->
- let r = recf f x in
- Hashtbl.replace memo x r;
- r
- in f
-let bare_rec (recf: ('a -> 'b ) -> 'a -> 'b): 'a -> 'b =
- let fix = ref (fun x -> failwith "init") in
- fix := (fun x -> recf !fix x);
- !fix;;
-let buggy_rec (recf: ('a -> 'b ) -> 'a -> 'b): 'a -> 'b =
- let memo = ref None in
- let rec f x =
- match !memo with
- | Some y -> y
- | None ->
- let r = recf f x in
- memo := Some r;
- r
- in f
-let xrec_mode = ref MemoRec
-let xrec_set_option : recMode -> unit
-= fun m -> xrec_mode := m
-let xrec : (('a -> 'b ) -> 'a -> 'b ) -> ('a -> 'b )
- = fun recf ->
- match !xrec_mode with
- | StdRec -> std_rec recf
- | MemoRec -> memo_rec recf
- | BareRec -> bare_rec recf
- | BuggyRec -> buggy_rec recf
diff --git a/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpLoopOracles.mli b/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpLoopOracles.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 194696a1..00000000
--- a/kvx/abstractbb/Impure/ocaml/ImpLoopOracles.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-open ImpPrelude
-open Datatypes
-val loop: ('a * ('a -> ('a, 'b) sum)) -> 'b
-val xrec_set_option: recMode -> unit
-val xrec: (('a -> 'b ) -> 'a -> 'b ) -> ('a -> 'b )