path: root/kvx
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1 files changed, 40 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/kvx/FPDivision.v b/kvx/FPDivision.v
index c6613fac..be0fedfd 100644
--- a/kvx/FPDivision.v
+++ b/kvx/FPDivision.v
@@ -67,16 +67,25 @@ Proof.
{ eassumption. }
{ reflexivity. } }
set (invb_d := (Float.of_single (ExtFloat32.inv (Float32.of_intu b)))).
- set (b_d := (Float.of_longu (Int64.repr (Int.unsigned b)))).
- cbn.
+ set (b' := Int.unsigned b) in *.
pose proof (Int.unsigned_range b) as RANGE.
+ fold b' in RANGE.
change Int.modulus with 4294967296%Z in RANGE.
- set (b' := Int.unsigned b) in *.
+ assert (0 <= b' <= Int64.max_unsigned)%Z as b'RANGE.
+ { change Int64.max_unsigned with 18446744073709551615%Z.
+ lia. }
assert (0 <= IZR b' <= 4294967295)%R as RANGE'.
{ split.
{ apply IZR_le. lia. }
apply IZR_le. lia.
+ cbn.
+ set (b_d := (Float.of_longu (Int64.repr b'))) in *.
+ Local Transparent Float.of_longu.
+ unfold Float.of_longu in b_d.
pose proof (BofZ_correct 24 128 eq_refl eq_refl b') as C1.
rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C1; cycle 1.
{ clear C1. cbn.
@@ -84,6 +93,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite Zlt_bool_false in C1 by lia.
destruct C1 as (C1E & C1F & C1S).
Local Transparent Float32.of_intu Float32.of_int Float32.div.
unfold ExtFloat32.inv, ExtFloat32.one, Float32.of_intu, Float32.of_int, Float32.div in invb_d.
fold b' in invb_d.
@@ -120,10 +130,35 @@ Proof.
rewrite is_finite_Bopp.
- Set Printing Implicit.
+ pose proof (BofZ_correct 53 1024 eq_refl eq_refl b') as C4.
+ rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C4; cycle 1.
+ { clear C4.
+ admit.
+ }
+ rewrite Zlt_bool_false in C4 by lia.
+ destruct C4 as (C4E & C4F & C4S).
+ assert (is_finite 53 1024 b_d = true) as b_d_F.
+ { unfold b_d.
+ rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr by lia.
+ assumption.
+ }
+ assert (is_finite 53 1024 ExtFloat.one = true) as one_F by reflexivity.
pose proof (Bfma_correct 53 1024 (@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt)
(@eq_refl Datatypes.comparison Lt) Float.fma_nan mode_NE
- (Float.neg invb_d) b_d ExtFloat.one) as C4.
+ (Float.neg invb_d) b_d ExtFloat.one invb_d_F b_d_F one_F) as C5.
+ rewrite Rlt_bool_true in C5; cycle 1.
+ { admit. }
+ destruct C5 as (C5E & C5F & C5S).
+ pose proof (Bfma_correct 53 1024 eq_refl eq_refl Float.fma_nan mode_NE
+ (Bfma 53 1024 eq_refl eq_refl Float.fma_nan mode_NE
+ (Float.neg invb_d) b_d ExtFloat.one) invb_d invb_d C5F C3F C3F) as C6.
Definition approx_div a b :=