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diff --git a/lib/Floats.v b/lib/Floats.v
index 94c19d25..0151cf02 100644
--- a/lib/Floats.v
+++ b/lib/Floats.v
@@ -38,20 +38,69 @@ Definition zero: float := B754_zero _ _ false. (**r the float [+0.0] *)
Definition eq_dec: forall (f1 f2: float), {f1 = f2} + {f1 <> f2}.
Ltac try_not_eq := try solve [right; congruence].
- destruct f1, f2;
+ destruct f1 as [| |? []|], f2 as [| |? []|];
try destruct b; try destruct b0;
- try solve [left; auto]; try_not_eq;
+ try solve [left; auto]; try_not_eq.
+ destruct (positive_eq_dec x x0); try_not_eq;
+ subst; left; f_equal; f_equal; apply proof_irr.
+ destruct (positive_eq_dec x x0); try_not_eq;
+ subst; left; f_equal; f_equal; apply proof_irr.
+ destruct (positive_eq_dec m m0); try_not_eq;
+ destruct (Z_eq_dec e e1); try solve [right; intro H; inv H; congruence];
+ subst; left; rewrite (proof_irr e0 e2); auto.
destruct (positive_eq_dec m m0); try_not_eq;
destruct (Z_eq_dec e e1); try solve [right; intro H; inv H; congruence];
subst; left; rewrite (proof_irr e0 e2); auto.
+(* Transform a Nan payload to a quiet Nan payload.
+ This is not part of the IEEE754 standard, but shared between all
+ architectures of Compcert. *)
+Program Definition transform_quiet_pl (pl:nan_pl 53) : nan_pl 53 :=
+ Pos.lor pl (nat_iter 51 xO xH).
+Next Obligation.
+ destruct pl.
+ simpl. rewrite Z.ltb_lt in *.
+ assert (forall x, S (Fcore_digits.digits2_Pnat x) = Pos.to_nat (Pos.size x)).
+ { induction x0; simpl; auto; rewrite IHx0; zify; omega. }
+ fold (Z.of_nat (S (Fcore_digits.digits2_Pnat (Pos.lor x 2251799813685248)))).
+ rewrite H, positive_nat_Z, Psize_log_inf, <- Zlog2_log_inf in *. clear H.
+ change (Z.pos (Pos.lor x 2251799813685248)) with (Z.lor (Z.pos x) 2251799813685248%Z).
+ rewrite Z.log2_lor by (zify; omega).
+ apply Z.max_case. auto. simpl. omega.
+Lemma nan_payload_fequal:
+ forall prec p1 e1 p2 e2, p1 = p2 -> (exist _ p1 e1:nan_pl prec) = exist _ p2 e2.
+ simpl; intros; subst. f_equal. apply Fcore_Zaux.eqbool_irrelevance.
+Lemma lor_idempotent:
+ forall x y, Pos.lor (Pos.lor x y) y = Pos.lor x y.
+ induction x; destruct y; simpl; f_equal; auto;
+ induction y; simpl; f_equal; auto.
+Lemma transform_quiet_pl_idempotent:
+ forall pl, transform_quiet_pl (transform_quiet_pl pl) = transform_quiet_pl pl.
+ intros []; simpl; intros. apply nan_payload_fequal.
+ simpl. apply lor_idempotent.
(** Arithmetic operations *)
-Definition neg: float -> float := b64_opp. (**r opposite (change sign) *)
+(* The Nan payload operations for neg and abs is not part of the IEEE754
+ standard, but shared between all architectures of Compcert. *)
+Definition neg_pl (s:bool) (pl:nan_pl 53) := (negb s, pl).
+Definition abs_pl (s:bool) (pl:nan_pl 53) := (false, pl).
+Definition neg: float -> float := b64_opp neg_pl. (**r opposite (change sign) *)
Definition abs (x: float): float := (**r absolute value (set sign to [+]) *)
match x with
- | B754_nan => x
+ | B754_nan s pl => let '(s, pl) := abs_pl s pl in B754_nan _ _ s pl
| B754_infinity _ => B754_infinity _ _ false
| B754_finite _ m e H => B754_finite _ _ false m e H
| B754_zero _ => B754_zero _ _ false
@@ -71,9 +120,30 @@ Definition binary_normalize32_correct (m e:Z) (s:bool) :=
binary_normalize_correct 24 128 eq_refl eq_refl mode_NE m e s.
Global Opaque binary_normalize32_correct.
+(* The Nan payload operations for single <-> double conversions are not part of
+ the IEEE754 standard, but shared between all architectures of Compcert. *)
+Definition floatofbinary32_pl (s:bool) (pl:nan_pl 24) : (bool * nan_pl 53).
+ refine (s, transform_quiet_pl (exist _ (Pos.shiftl_nat (proj1_sig pl) 29) _)).
+ abstract (
+ destruct pl; unfold proj1_sig, Pos.shiftl_nat, nat_iter, Fcore_digits.digits2_Pnat;
+ fold (Fcore_digits.digits2_Pnat x);
+ rewrite Z.ltb_lt in *;
+ zify; omega).
+Definition binary32offloat_pl (s:bool) (pl:nan_pl 53) : (bool * nan_pl 24).
+ refine (s, exist _ (Pos.shiftr_nat (proj1_sig (transform_quiet_pl pl)) 29) _).
+ abstract (
+ destruct (transform_quiet_pl pl); unfold proj1_sig, Pos.shiftr_nat, nat_iter;
+ rewrite Z.ltb_lt in *;
+ assert (forall x, Fcore_digits.digits2_Pnat (Pos.div2 x) =
+ (Fcore_digits.digits2_Pnat x - 1)%nat) by (destruct x0; simpl; zify; omega);
+ rewrite !H, <- !NPeano.Nat.sub_add_distr; zify; omega).
Definition floatofbinary32 (f: binary32) : float := (**r single precision embedding in double precision *)
match f with
- | B754_nan => B754_nan _ _
+ | B754_nan s pl => let '(s, pl) := floatofbinary32_pl s pl in B754_nan _ _ s pl
| B754_infinity s => B754_infinity _ _ s
| B754_zero s => B754_zero _ _ s
| B754_finite s m e _ =>
@@ -82,7 +152,7 @@ Definition floatofbinary32 (f: binary32) : float := (**r single precision embedd
Definition binary32offloat (f: float) : binary32 := (**r conversion to single precision *)
match f with
- | B754_nan => B754_nan _ _
+ | B754_nan s pl => let '(s, pl) := binary32offloat_pl s pl in B754_nan _ _ s pl
| B754_infinity s => B754_infinity _ _ s
| B754_zero s => B754_zero _ _ s
| B754_finite s m e _ =>
@@ -190,15 +260,33 @@ Definition singleoflong (n:int64): float := (**r conversion from signed 64-bit i
Definition singleoflongu (n:int64): float:= (**r conversion from unsigned 64-bit int to single-precision float *)
floatofbinary32 (binary_normalize32 (Int64.unsigned n) 0 false).
-Definition add: float -> float -> float := b64_plus mode_NE. (**r addition *)
-Definition sub: float -> float -> float := b64_minus mode_NE. (**r subtraction *)
-Definition mul: float -> float -> float := b64_mult mode_NE. (**r multiplication *)
-Definition div: float -> float -> float := b64_div mode_NE. (**r division *)
+Parameter binop_pl: binary64 -> binary64 -> bool*nan_pl 53.
+Definition binop_propagate1_prop binop_pl :=
+ forall f1 f2:float, is_nan _ _ f1 = true -> is_nan _ _ f2 = false ->
+ binop_pl f1 f1 = (binop_pl f1 f2 : bool*nan_pl 53).
+(* Proved in Nan.v for different architectures *)
+Hypothesis binop_propagate1: binop_propagate1_prop binop_pl.
+Definition binop_propagate2_prop binop_pl :=
+ forall f1 f2 f3:float, is_nan _ _ f1 = true ->
+ is_nan _ _ f2 = false -> is_nan _ _ f3 = false ->
+ binop_pl f1 f2 = (binop_pl f1 f3 : bool*nan_pl 53).
+(* Proved in Nan.v for different architectures *)
+Hypothesis binop_propagate2: binop_propagate2_prop binop_pl.
+Definition add: float -> float -> float := b64_plus binop_pl mode_NE. (**r addition *)
+Definition sub: float -> float -> float := b64_minus binop_pl mode_NE. (**r subtraction *)
+Definition mul: float -> float -> float := b64_mult binop_pl mode_NE. (**r multiplication *)
+Definition div: float -> float -> float := b64_div binop_pl mode_NE. (**r division *)
Definition order_float (f1 f2:float): option Datatypes.comparison :=
match f1, f2 with
- | B754_nan,_ | _,B754_nan => None
- | B754_infinity true, B754_infinity true
+ | B754_nan _ _,_ | _,B754_nan _ _ => None
+ | B754_infinity true, B754_infinity true
| B754_infinity false, B754_infinity false => Some Eq
| B754_infinity true, _ => Some Lt
| B754_infinity false, _ => Some Gt
@@ -229,7 +317,7 @@ Definition order_float (f1 f2:float): option Datatypes.comparison :=
Definition cmp (c:comparison) (f1 f2:float) : bool := (**r comparison *)
- match c with
+ match c with
| Ceq =>
match order_float f1 f2 with Some Eq => true | _ => false end
| Cne =>
@@ -242,7 +330,7 @@ Definition cmp (c:comparison) (f1 f2:float) : bool := (**r comparison *)
match order_float f1 f2 with Some Gt => true | _ => false end
| Cge =>
match order_float f1 f2 with Some(Gt|Eq) => true | _ => false end
- end.
+ end.
(** Conversions between floats and their concrete in-memory representation
as a sequence of 64 bits (double precision) or 32 bits (single precision). *)
@@ -264,29 +352,17 @@ Ltac compute_this val :=
let x := fresh in set val as x in *; vm_compute in x; subst x.
Ltac smart_omega :=
- simpl radix_val in *; simpl Zpower in *;
+ simpl radix_val in *; simpl Zpower in *;
compute_this Int.modulus; compute_this Int.half_modulus;
compute_this Int.max_unsigned;
compute_this Int.min_signed; compute_this Int.max_signed;
compute_this Int64.modulus; compute_this Int64.half_modulus;
compute_this Int64.max_unsigned;
compute_this (Zpower_pos 2 1024); compute_this (Zpower_pos 2 53); compute_this (Zpower_pos 2 52);
- omega.
-Theorem addf_commut: forall f1 f2, add f1 f2 = add f2 f1.
- intros.
- destruct f1, f2; simpl; try reflexivity; try (destruct b, b0; reflexivity).
- rewrite Zplus_comm; rewrite Zmin_comm; reflexivity.
-Theorem subf_addf_opp: forall f1 f2, sub f1 f2 = add f1 (neg f2).
- destruct f1, f2; reflexivity.
+ zify; omega.
Lemma floatofbinary32_exact :
- forall f, is_finite_strict _ _ f = true ->
+ forall f, is_finite_strict _ _ f = true ->
is_finite_strict _ _ (floatofbinary32 f) = true /\ B2R _ _ f = B2R _ _ (floatofbinary32 f).
destruct f as [ | | |s m e]; try discriminate; intro.
@@ -305,10 +381,12 @@ Proof.
now apply bpow_lt.
-Lemma binary32offloatofbinary32 :
- forall f, binary32offloat (floatofbinary32 f) = f.
+Lemma binary32offloatofbinary32_num :
+ forall f, is_nan _ _ f = false ->
+ binary32offloat (floatofbinary32 f) = f.
- intro; pose proof (floatofbinary32_exact f); destruct f as [ | | |s m e]; try reflexivity.
+ intros f Hnan; pose proof (floatofbinary32_exact f); destruct f as [ | | |s m e]; try reflexivity.
+ discriminate.
specialize (H eq_refl); destruct H.
destruct (floatofbinary32 (B754_finite 24 128 s m e e0)) as [ | | |s1 m1 e1]; try discriminate.
unfold binary32offloat.
@@ -324,22 +402,76 @@ Proof.
now apply generic_format_B2R.
+Lemma floatofbinary32offloatofbinary32_pl:
+ forall s pl,
+ prod_rect (fun _ => _) floatofbinary32_pl (prod_rect (fun _ => _) binary32offloat_pl (floatofbinary32_pl s pl)) = floatofbinary32_pl s pl.
+ destruct pl. unfold binary32offloat_pl, floatofbinary32_pl.
+ unfold transform_quiet_pl, proj1_sig. simpl.
+ f_equal. apply nan_payload_fequal.
+ unfold Pos.shiftr_nat. simpl.
+ rewrite !lor_idempotent. reflexivity.
+Lemma floatofbinary32offloatofbinary32 :
+ forall f, floatofbinary32 (binary32offloat (floatofbinary32 f)) = floatofbinary32 f.
+ destruct f; try (rewrite binary32offloatofbinary32_num; tauto).
+ unfold floatofbinary32, binary32offloat.
+ rewrite <- floatofbinary32offloatofbinary32_pl at 2.
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma binary32offloatofbinary32offloat_pl:
+ forall s pl,
+ prod_rect (fun _ => _) binary32offloat_pl (prod_rect (fun _ => _) floatofbinary32_pl (binary32offloat_pl s pl)) = binary32offloat_pl s pl.
+ destruct pl. unfold binary32offloat_pl, floatofbinary32_pl. unfold prod_rect.
+ f_equal. apply nan_payload_fequal.
+ rewrite transform_quiet_pl_idempotent.
+ unfold transform_quiet_pl, proj1_sig.
+ change 51 with (29+22).
+ clear - x. revert x. unfold Pos.shiftr_nat, Pos.shiftl_nat.
+ induction (29)%nat. intro. simpl. apply lor_idempotent.
+ intro.
+ rewrite !nat_iter_succ_r with (f:=Pos.div2).
+ destruct x; simpl; try apply IHn.
+ clear IHn. induction n. reflexivity.
+ rewrite !nat_iter_succ_r with (f:=Pos.div2). auto.
+Lemma binary32offloatofbinary32offloat :
+ forall f, binary32offloat (floatofbinary32 (binary32offloat f)) = binary32offloat f.
+ destruct f; try (rewrite binary32offloatofbinary32_num; simpl; tauto).
+ unfold floatofbinary32, binary32offloat.
+ rewrite <- binary32offloatofbinary32offloat_pl at 2.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite binary32offloatofbinary32_num; simpl. auto.
+ unfold binary_normalize32.
+ pose proof (binary_normalize32_correct (cond_Zopp b (Z.pos m)) e b).
+ destruct binary_normalize; auto. simpl in H.
+ destruct Rlt_bool in H. intuition.
+ unfold binary_overflow in H. destruct n.
+ destruct overflow_to_inf in H; discriminate.
Theorem singleoffloat_idem:
forall f, singleoffloat (singleoffloat f) = singleoffloat f.
- intros; unfold singleoffloat; rewrite binary32offloatofbinary32; reflexivity.
+ intros; unfold singleoffloat; rewrite binary32offloatofbinary32offloat; reflexivity.
Theorem singleoflong_idem:
forall n, singleoffloat (singleoflong n) = singleoflong n.
- intros; unfold singleoffloat, singleoflong; rewrite binary32offloatofbinary32; reflexivity.
+ intros; unfold singleoffloat, singleoflong. rewrite floatofbinary32offloatofbinary32; reflexivity.
Theorem singleoflongu_idem:
forall n, singleoffloat (singleoflongu n) = singleoflongu n.
- intros; unfold singleoffloat, singleoflongu; rewrite binary32offloatofbinary32; reflexivity.
+ intros; unfold singleoffloat, singleoflongu. rewrite floatofbinary32offloatofbinary32; reflexivity.
Definition is_single (f: float) : Prop := exists s, f = floatofbinary32 s.
@@ -353,8 +485,8 @@ Qed.
Theorem singleoffloat_of_single:
forall f, is_single f -> singleoffloat f = f.
- intros. destruct H as [s EQ]. subst f. unfold singleoffloat.
- rewrite binary32offloatofbinary32; reflexivity.
+ intros. destruct H as [s EQ]. subst f. unfold singleoffloat.
+ apply floatofbinary32offloatofbinary32.
Theorem is_single_dec: forall f, {is_single f} + {~is_single f}.
@@ -402,9 +534,9 @@ Proof.
replace 0%R with (0*bpow radix2 e0)%R by ring; apply Rmult_lt_compat_r;
[apply bpow_gt_0; reflexivity|now apply (Z2R_lt _ 0)].
apply Rmult_gt_0_compat; [apply (Z2R_lt 0); reflexivity|now apply bpow_gt_0].
- destruct b, b0; try (now apply_Rcompare; apply H5); inversion H3;
+ destruct b, b0; try (now apply_Rcompare; apply H5); inversion H3;
try (apply_Rcompare; apply H4; rewrite H, H1 in H7; assumption);
- try (apply_Rcompare; do 2 rewrite Z2R_opp, Ropp_mult_distr_l_reverse;
+ try (apply_Rcompare; do 2 rewrite Z2R_opp, Ropp_mult_distr_l_reverse;
apply Ropp_lt_contravar; apply H4; rewrite H, H1 in H7; assumption);
rewrite H7, Rcompare_mult_r, Rcompare_Z2R by (apply bpow_gt_0); reflexivity.
@@ -472,7 +604,16 @@ Proof.
destruct f.
simpl; try destruct b; vm_compute; split; congruence.
simpl; try destruct b; vm_compute; split; congruence.
- simpl; vm_compute; split; congruence.
+ destruct n as [p Hp].
+ simpl. rewrite Z.ltb_lt in Hp.
+ apply Zlt_succ_le with (m:=52) in Hp.
+ apply Zpower_le with (r:=radix2) in Hp.
+ edestruct Fcore_digits.digits2_Pnat_correct.
+ rewrite Zpower_nat_Z in H0.
+ eapply Z.lt_le_trans in Hp; eauto.
+ unfold join_bits; destruct b.
+ compute_this ((2 ^ 11 + 2047) * 2 ^ 52). smart_omega.
+ compute_this ((0 + 2047) * 2 ^ 52). smart_omega.
unfold bits_of_binary_float, join_bits.
destruct (andb_prop _ _ e0); apply Zle_bool_imp_le in H0; apply Zeq_bool_eq in H; unfold FLT_exp in H.
match goal with [H:Zmax ?x ?y = e|-_] => pose proof (Zle_max_l x y); pose proof (Zle_max_r x y) end.
@@ -494,7 +635,17 @@ Proof.
destruct (binary32offloat f).
simpl; try destruct b; vm_compute; split; congruence.
simpl; try destruct b; vm_compute; split; congruence.
- simpl; vm_compute; split; congruence.
+ destruct n as [p Hp].
+ simpl. rewrite Z.ltb_lt in Hp.
+ apply Zlt_succ_le with (m:=23) in Hp.
+ apply Zpower_le with (r:=radix2) in Hp.
+ edestruct Fcore_digits.digits2_Pnat_correct.
+ rewrite Zpower_nat_Z in H0.
+ eapply Z.lt_le_trans in Hp; eauto.
+ compute_this (radix2^23).
+ unfold join_bits; destruct b.
+ compute_this ((2 ^ 8 + 255) * 2 ^ 23). smart_omega.
+ compute_this ((0 + 255) * 2 ^ 23). smart_omega.
unfold bits_of_binary_float, join_bits.
destruct (andb_prop _ _ e0); apply Zle_bool_imp_le in H0; apply Zeq_bool_eq in H.
unfold FLT_exp in H.
@@ -512,13 +663,13 @@ Qed.
Theorem bits_of_singleoffloat:
forall f, bits_of_single (singleoffloat f) = bits_of_single f.
- intro; unfold singleoffloat, bits_of_single; rewrite binary32offloatofbinary32; reflexivity.
+ intro; unfold singleoffloat, bits_of_single; rewrite binary32offloatofbinary32offloat; reflexivity.
Theorem singleoffloat_of_bits:
forall b, singleoffloat (single_of_bits b) = single_of_bits b.
- intro; unfold singleoffloat, single_of_bits; rewrite binary32offloatofbinary32; reflexivity.
+ intro; unfold singleoffloat, single_of_bits; rewrite floatofbinary32offloatofbinary32; reflexivity.
Theorem single_of_bits_is_single:
@@ -539,7 +690,7 @@ Lemma round_exact:
round radix2 (FLT_exp (3 - 1024 - 53) 53)
(round_mode mode_NE) (Z2R n) = Z2R n.
- intros; rewrite round_generic; [reflexivity|now apply valid_rnd_round_mode|].
+ intros; rewrite round_generic; [reflexivity|now apply valid_rnd_round_mode|].
apply generic_format_FLT; exists (Float radix2 n 0).
unfold F2R, Fnum, Fexp, bpow; rewrite Rmult_1_r; intuition.
pose proof (Zabs_spec n); now smart_omega.
@@ -551,7 +702,7 @@ Lemma binary_normalize64_exact:
is_finite _ _ (binary_normalize64 n 0 false) = true.
intros; pose proof (binary_normalize64_correct n 0 false).
- unfold F2R, Fnum, Fexp, bpow in H0; rewrite Rmult_1_r, round_exact, Rlt_bool_true in H0; try assumption.
+ unfold F2R, Fnum, Fexp, bpow in H0; rewrite Rmult_1_r, round_exact, Rlt_bool_true in H0; try now intuition.
rewrite <- Z2R_abs; apply Z2R_lt; pose proof (Zabs_spec n); now smart_omega.
@@ -560,7 +711,7 @@ Theorem floatofintu_floatofint_1:
Int.ltu x ox8000_0000 = true ->
floatofintu x = floatofint x.
- unfold floatofintu, floatofint, Int.signed, Int.ltu; intro.
+ unfold floatofintu, floatofint, Int.signed, Int.ltu; intro.
change (Int.unsigned ox8000_0000) with Int.half_modulus.
destruct (zlt (Int.unsigned x) Int.half_modulus); now intuition.
@@ -571,19 +722,19 @@ Theorem floatofintu_floatofint_2:
floatofintu x = add (floatofint (Int.sub x ox8000_0000))
(floatofintu ox8000_0000).
- unfold floatofintu, floatofint, Int.signed, Int.ltu, Int.sub; intros.
+ unfold floatofintu, floatofint, Int.signed, Int.ltu, Int.sub; intros.
pose proof (Int.unsigned_range x).
compute_this (Int.unsigned ox8000_0000).
destruct (zlt (Int.unsigned x) 2147483648); try discriminate.
rewrite Int.unsigned_repr by smart_omega.
destruct (zlt ((Int.unsigned x) - 2147483648) Int.half_modulus).
- unfold add, b64_plus.
- match goal with [|- _ = Bplus _ _ _ _ _ ?x ?y] =>
- pose proof (Bplus_correct 53 1024 eq_refl eq_refl mode_NE x y) end.
+ unfold add, b64_plus.
+ match goal with [|- _ = Bplus _ _ _ _ _ _ ?x ?y] =>
+ pose proof (Bplus_correct 53 1024 eq_refl eq_refl binop_pl mode_NE x y) end.
do 2 rewrite (fun x H => proj1 (binary_normalize64_exact x H)) in H1 by smart_omega.
do 2 rewrite (fun x H => proj2 (binary_normalize64_exact x H)) in H1 by smart_omega.
- rewrite <- Z2R_plus, round_exact in H1 by smart_omega.
- rewrite Rlt_bool_true in H1;
+ rewrite <- Z2R_plus, round_exact in H1 by smart_omega.
+ rewrite Rlt_bool_true in H1;
replace (Int.unsigned x - 2147483648 + 2147483648) with (Int.unsigned x) in * by ring.
apply B2R_inj.
destruct (binary_normalize64_exact (Int.unsigned x)); [now smart_omega|].
@@ -616,7 +767,7 @@ Proof.
now apply valid_rnd_round_mode.
apply generic_format_FIX. exists (Float radix2 (cond_Zopp b (Zpos m)) 0). split; reflexivity.
split; [reflexivity|].
- rewrite round_generic, Z2R_mult, Z2R_Zpower_pos, <- bpow_powerRZ;
+ rewrite round_generic, Z2R_mult, Z2R_Zpower_pos, <- bpow_powerRZ;
[reflexivity|now apply valid_rnd_round_mode|apply generic_format_F2R; discriminate].
rewrite (inbetween_float_ZR_sign _ _ _ ((Zpos m) / Zpower_pos radix2 p)
(new_location (Zpower_pos radix2 p) (Zpos m mod Zpower_pos radix2 p) loc_Exact)).
@@ -685,7 +836,7 @@ Theorem intuoffloat_correct:
intro; pose proof (Zoffloat_correct f); unfold intuoffloat; destruct (Zoffloat f).
- pose proof (Zle_bool_spec 0 z); pose proof (Zle_bool_spec z Int.max_unsigned).
+ pose proof (Zle_bool_spec 0 z); pose proof (Zle_bool_spec z Int.max_unsigned).
compute_this Int.max_unsigned; destruct H.
inversion H0. inversion H1.
rewrite <- (Int.unsigned_repr z) in H2 by smart_omega; split; assumption.
@@ -713,14 +864,14 @@ Proof.
simpl B2R; change 0%R with (Z2R 0); change (-1)%R with (Z2R (-1)); split; apply Z2R_lt; reflexivity.
pose proof (Int.unsigned_range i).
unfold round, scaled_mantissa, B2R, F2R, Fnum, Fexp in H0 |- *; simpl bpow in H0; do 2 rewrite Rmult_1_r in H0;
- apply eq_Z2R in H0.
+ apply eq_Z2R in H0.
split; apply Rnot_le_lt; intro.
rewrite Ztrunc_ceil in H0;
[apply Zceil_le in H3; change (-1)%R with (Z2R (-1)) in H3; rewrite Zceil_Z2R in H3; omega|].
eapply Rle_trans; [now apply H3|apply (Z2R_le (-1) 0); discriminate].
rewrite Ztrunc_floor in H0; [apply Zfloor_le in H3; rewrite Zfloor_Z2R in H3; now smart_omega|].
eapply Rle_trans; [|now apply H3]; apply (Z2R_le 0); discriminate.
Theorem intuoffloat_intoffloat_1:
forall x n,
@@ -738,7 +889,7 @@ Proof.
destruct H4; [rewrite H2 in H4; discriminate|].
apply intuoffloat_interval in H0; exfalso; destruct H0, H4.
eapply Rlt_le_trans in H0; [|now apply H4]; apply (lt_Z2R (-1)) in H0; discriminate.
- apply Rcompare_Lt_inv in H1; eapply Rle_lt_trans in H1; [|now apply H4].
+ apply Rcompare_Lt_inv in H1; eapply Rle_lt_trans in H1; [|now apply H4].
unfold floatofintu in H1; rewrite (fun x H => proj1 (binary_normalize64_exact x H)) in H1;
[apply lt_Z2R in H1; discriminate|split; reflexivity].
@@ -769,16 +920,16 @@ Proof.
[rewrite H in H2; simpl B2R in H2; apply (eq_Z2R 0) in H2; discriminate|reflexivity].
rewrite H in H2; apply Rcompare_Gt_inv in H2; pose proof (intuoffloat_interval _ _ H1).
- unfold sub, b64_minus.
- exploit (Bminus_correct 53 1024 eq_refl eq_refl mode_NE x (floatofintu ox8000_0000)); [assumption|reflexivity|]; intro.
+ unfold sub, b64_minus.
+ exploit (Bminus_correct 53 1024 eq_refl eq_refl binop_pl mode_NE x (floatofintu ox8000_0000)); [assumption|reflexivity|]; intro.
rewrite H, round_generic in H6.
- match goal with [H6:if Rlt_bool ?x ?y then _ else _|-_] =>
+ match goal with [H6:if Rlt_bool ?x ?y then _ else _|-_] =>
pose proof (Rlt_bool_spec x y); destruct (Rlt_bool x y) end.
- destruct H6.
+ destruct H6 as [? []].
match goal with [|- _ ?y = _] => pose proof (intoffloat_correct y); destruct (intoffloat y) end.
- destruct H9.
+ destruct H10.
f_equal; rewrite <- (Int.repr_signed i); unfold Int.sub; f_equal; apply eq_Z2R.
- rewrite Z2R_minus, H10, H4.
+ rewrite Z2R_minus, H11, H4.
unfold round, scaled_mantissa, F2R, Fexp, Fnum, round_mode; simpl bpow; repeat rewrite Rmult_1_r;
rewrite <- Z2R_minus; f_equal.
rewrite (Ztrunc_floor (B2R _ _ x)), <- Zfloor_minus, <- Ztrunc_floor;
@@ -786,11 +937,11 @@ Proof.
left; eapply Rlt_trans; [|now apply H2]; apply (Z2R_lt 0); reflexivity.
try (change (0 ?= 53) with Lt in H6,H8). (* for Coq 8.4 *)
try (change (53 ?= 1024) with Lt in H6,H8). (* for Coq 8.4 *)
- exfalso; simpl Zcompare in H6, H8; rewrite H6, H8 in H9.
- destruct H9 as [|[]]; [discriminate|..].
- eapply Rle_trans in H9; [|apply Rle_0_minus; left; assumption]; apply (le_Z2R 0) in H9; apply H9; reflexivity.
- eapply Rle_lt_trans in H9; [|apply Rplus_lt_compat_r; now apply (proj2 H5)].
- rewrite <- Z2R_opp, <- Z2R_plus in H9; apply lt_Z2R in H9; discriminate.
+ exfalso; simpl Zcompare in H6, H8; rewrite H6, H8 in H10.
+ destruct H10 as [|[]]; [discriminate|..].
+ eapply Rle_trans in H10; [|apply Rle_0_minus; left; assumption]; apply (le_Z2R 0) in H10; apply H10; reflexivity.
+ eapply Rle_lt_trans in H10; [|apply Rplus_lt_compat_r; now apply (proj2 H5)].
+ rewrite <- Z2R_opp, <- Z2R_plus in H10; apply lt_Z2R in H10; discriminate.
exfalso; inversion H7; rewrite Rabs_right in H8.
eapply Rle_lt_trans in H8. apply Rle_not_lt in H8; [assumption|apply (bpow_le _ 31); discriminate].
change (bpow radix2 31) with (Z2R(Zsucc Int.max_unsigned - Int.unsigned ox8000_0000)); rewrite Z2R_minus.
@@ -816,22 +967,22 @@ Lemma split_bits_or:
transitivity (split_bits 52 11 (join_bits 52 11 false (Int.unsigned x) 1075)).
- - f_equal. rewrite Int64.ofwords_add'. reflexivity.
- - apply split_join_bits.
+ - f_equal. rewrite Int64.ofwords_add'. reflexivity.
+ - apply split_join_bits.
compute; auto.
- generalize (Int.unsigned_range x).
- compute_this Int.modulus; compute_this (2^52); omega.
+ generalize (Int.unsigned_range x).
+ compute_this Int.modulus; compute_this (2^52); omega.
compute_this (2^11); omega.
Lemma from_words_value:
forall x,
- B2R _ _ (from_words ox4330_0000 x) =
+ B2R _ _ (from_words ox4330_0000 x) =
(bpow radix2 52 + Z2R (Int.unsigned x))%R /\
is_finite _ _ (from_words ox4330_0000 x) = true.
- intros; unfold from_words, double_of_bits, b64_of_bits, binary_float_of_bits.
- rewrite B2R_FF2B; unfold is_finite; rewrite match_FF2B;
+ intros; unfold from_words, double_of_bits, b64_of_bits, binary_float_of_bits.
+ rewrite B2R_FF2B. rewrite is_finite_FF2B.
unfold binary_float_of_bits_aux; rewrite split_bits_or; simpl; pose proof (Int.unsigned_range x).
destruct (Int.unsigned x + Zpower_pos 2 52) eqn:?.
exfalso; now smart_omega.
@@ -848,37 +999,37 @@ Theorem floatofintu_from_words:
sub (from_words ox4330_0000 x) (from_words ox4330_0000 Int.zero).
intros; destruct (Int.eq_dec x Int.zero); [subst; vm_compute; reflexivity|].
- assert (Int.unsigned x <> 0).
+ assert (Int.unsigned x <> 0).
intro; destruct n; rewrite <- (Int.repr_unsigned x), H; reflexivity.
pose proof (Int.unsigned_range x).
pose proof (binary_normalize64_exact (Int.unsigned x)). destruct H1; [smart_omega|].
unfold floatofintu, sub, b64_minus.
- match goal with [|- _ = Bminus _ _ _ _ _ ?x ?y] =>
- pose proof (Bminus_correct 53 1024 eq_refl eq_refl mode_NE x y) end.
+ match goal with [|- _ = Bminus _ _ _ _ _ _ ?x ?y] =>
+ pose proof (Bminus_correct 53 1024 eq_refl eq_refl binop_pl mode_NE x y) end.
apply (fun f x y => f x y) in H3; try apply (fun x => proj2 (from_words_value x)).
do 2 rewrite (fun x => proj1 (from_words_value x)) in H3.
rewrite Int.unsigned_zero in H3.
replace (bpow radix2 52 + Z2R (Int.unsigned x) -
(bpow radix2 52 + Z2R 0))%R with (Z2R (Int.unsigned x)) in H3 by (simpl; ring).
rewrite round_exact in H3 by smart_omega.
- match goal with [H3:if Rlt_bool ?x ?y then _ else _ |- _] =>
- pose proof (Rlt_bool_spec x y); destruct (Rlt_bool x y) end; destruct H3.
+ match goal with [H3:if Rlt_bool ?x ?y then _ else _ |- _] =>
+ pose proof (Rlt_bool_spec x y); destruct (Rlt_bool x y) end; destruct H3 as [? []].
try (change (53 ?= 1024) with Lt in H3,H5). (* for Coq 8.4 *)
simpl Zcompare in *; apply B2R_inj;
try match goal with [H':B2R _ _ ?f = _ , H'':is_finite _ _ ?f = true |- is_finite_strict _ _ ?f = true] =>
destruct f; [
simpl in H'; change 0%R with (Z2R 0) in H'; apply eq_Z2R in H'; now destruct (H (eq_sym H')) |
discriminate H'' | discriminate H'' | reflexivity
- ]
+ ]
rewrite H3; assumption.
- inversion H4; change (bpow radix2 1024) with (Z2R (radix2 ^ 1024)) in H6; rewrite <- Z2R_abs in H6.
- apply le_Z2R in H6; pose proof (Zabs_spec (Int.unsigned x));
+ inversion H4; change (bpow radix2 1024) with (Z2R (radix2 ^ 1024)) in H5; rewrite <- Z2R_abs in H5.
+ apply le_Z2R in H5; pose proof (Zabs_spec (Int.unsigned x));
exfalso; now smart_omega.
Lemma ox8000_0000_signed_unsigned:
- forall x,
+ forall x,
Int.unsigned (Int.add x ox8000_0000) = Int.signed x + Int.half_modulus.
intro; unfold Int.signed, Int.add; pose proof (Int.unsigned_range x).
@@ -902,16 +1053,16 @@ Local Transparent Int.repr Int64.repr.
pose proof (Int.signed_range x).
pose proof (binary_normalize64_exact (Int.signed x)); destruct H1; [now smart_omega|].
unfold floatofint, sub, b64_minus.
- match goal with [|- _ = Bminus _ _ _ _ _ ?x ?y] =>
- pose proof (Bminus_correct 53 1024 eq_refl eq_refl mode_NE x y) end.
+ match goal with [|- _ = Bminus _ _ _ _ _ _ ?x ?y] =>
+ pose proof (Bminus_correct 53 1024 eq_refl eq_refl binop_pl mode_NE x y) end.
apply (fun f x y => f x y) in H3; try apply (fun x => proj2 (from_words_value x)).
do 2 rewrite (fun x => proj1 (from_words_value x)) in H3.
replace (bpow radix2 52 + Z2R (Int.unsigned (Int.add x ox8000_0000)) -
(bpow radix2 52 + Z2R (Int.unsigned ox8000_0000)))%R with (Z2R (Int.signed x)) in H3
by (rewrite ox8000_0000_signed_unsigned; rewrite Z2R_plus; simpl; ring).
rewrite round_exact in H3 by smart_omega.
- match goal with [H3:if Rlt_bool ?x ?y then _ else _ |- _] =>
- pose proof (Rlt_bool_spec x y); destruct (Rlt_bool x y) end; destruct H3.
+ match goal with [H3:if Rlt_bool ?x ?y then _ else _ |- _] =>
+ pose proof (Rlt_bool_spec x y); destruct (Rlt_bool x y) end; destruct H3 as [? []].
try (change (0 ?= 53) with Lt in H3,H5). (* for Coq 8.4 *)
try (change (53 ?= 1024) with Lt in H3,H5). (* for Coq 8.4 *)
simpl Zcompare in *; apply B2R_inj;
@@ -919,11 +1070,11 @@ Local Transparent Int.repr Int64.repr.
destruct f; [
simpl in H'; change 0%R with (Z2R 0) in H'; apply eq_Z2R in H'; now destruct (H (eq_sym H')) |
discriminate H'' | discriminate H'' | reflexivity
- ]
+ ]
rewrite H3; assumption.
- inversion H4; unfold bpow in H6; rewrite <- Z2R_abs in H6;
- apply le_Z2R in H6; pose proof (Zabs_spec (Int.signed x)); exfalso; now smart_omega.
+ inversion H4; unfold bpow in H5; rewrite <- Z2R_abs in H5;
+ apply le_Z2R in H5; pose proof (Zabs_spec (Int.signed x)); exfalso; now smart_omega.
(** Conversions from 32-bit integers to single-precision floats can
@@ -936,10 +1087,10 @@ Lemma is_finite_strict_ge_1:
(1 <= Rabs (B2R _ _ f))%R ->
is_finite_strict _ _ f = true.
- intros. destruct f; auto. simpl in H0.
+ intros. destruct f; auto. simpl in H0.
change 0%R with (Z2R 0) in H0.
change 1%R with (Z2R 1) in H0.
- rewrite <- Z2R_abs in H0.
+ rewrite <- Z2R_abs in H0.
exploit le_Z2R; eauto.
@@ -954,29 +1105,27 @@ Proof.
subst n; reflexivity.
exploit binary_normalize64_exact; eauto. intros [A B].
destruct (binary_normalize64 n 0 false) as [ | | | s m e] eqn:B64; simpl in *.
-- assert (0 = n) by (apply eq_Z2R; auto). subst n. simpl in GT. omegaContradiction.
+- assert (0 = n) by (apply eq_Z2R; auto). subst n. simpl in GT. omegaContradiction.
- discriminate.
- discriminate.
- set (n1 := cond_Zopp s (Z.pos m)) in *.
- generalize (binary_normalize32_correct n1 e s).
+ generalize (binary_normalize32_correct n1 e s).
fold (binary_normalize32 n1 e s). intros C.
- generalize (binary_normalize32_correct n 0 false).
+ generalize (binary_normalize32_correct n 0 false).
fold (binary_normalize32 n 0 false). intros D.
assert (A': @F2R radix2 {| Fnum := n; Fexp := 0 |} = Z2R n).
- {
- unfold F2R. apply Rmult_1_r.
- }
- rewrite A in C. rewrite A' in D.
+ { unfold F2R. apply Rmult_1_r. }
+ rewrite A in C. rewrite A' in D.
destruct (Rlt_bool
(round radix2 (FLT_exp (3 - 128 - 24) 24) (round_mode mode_NE)
(Z2R n))) (bpow radix2 128)).
-+ destruct C as [C1 C2]; destruct D as [D1 D2].
++ destruct C as [C1 [C2 _]]; destruct D as [D1 [D2 _]].
assert (1 <= Rabs (round radix2 (FLT_exp (3 - 128 - 24) 24) (round_mode mode_NE) (Z2R n)))%R.
- { apply abs_round_ge_generic.
+ { apply abs_round_ge_generic.
apply fexp_correct. red. omega.
apply valid_rnd_round_mode.
- apply generic_format_bpow with (e := 0). compute. congruence.
+ apply generic_format_bpow with (e := 0). compute. congruence.
rewrite <- Z2R_abs. change 1%R with (Z2R 1). apply Z2R_le. omega. }
apply B2R_inj.
apply is_finite_strict_ge_1; auto. rewrite C1; auto.
@@ -988,17 +1137,102 @@ Qed.
Theorem singleofint_floatofint:
forall n, singleofint n = singleoffloat (floatofint n).
- intros. symmetry. apply single_float_of_int.
+ intros. symmetry. apply single_float_of_int.
generalize (Int.signed_range n). smart_omega.
Theorem singleofintu_floatofintu:
forall n, singleofintu n = singleoffloat (floatofintu n).
- intros. symmetry. apply single_float_of_int.
+ intros. symmetry. apply single_float_of_int.
generalize (Int.unsigned_range n). smart_omega.
+Theorem mul2_add:
+ forall f, add f f = mul f (floatofint (Int.repr 2%Z)).
+ intros. unfold add, b64_plus, mul, b64_mult.
+ destruct (is_finite_strict _ _ f) eqn:EQFINST.
+ - assert (EQFIN:is_finite _ _ f = true) by (destruct f; simpl in *; congruence).
+ pose proof (Bplus_correct 53 1024 eq_refl eq_refl binop_pl mode_NE f f EQFIN EQFIN).
+ pose proof (Bmult_correct 53 1024 eq_refl eq_refl binop_pl mode_NE f
+ (floatofint (Int.repr 2%Z))).
+ rewrite <- double, Rmult_comm in H.
+ replace (B2R 53 1024 (floatofint (Int.repr 2))) with 2%R in H0 by (compute; field).
+ destruct Rlt_bool.
+ + destruct H0 as [? []], H as [? []].
+ rewrite EQFIN in H1.
+ apply B2R_Bsign_inj; auto.
+ etransitivity. apply H. symmetry. apply H0.
+ etransitivity. apply H4. symmetry. etransitivity. apply H2.
+ destruct Bmult; try reflexivity; discriminate.
+ simpl. rewrite xorb_false_r.
+ erewrite <- Rmult_0_l, Rcompare_mult_r.
+ destruct f; try discriminate EQFINST.
+ simpl. unfold F2R.
+ erewrite <- Rmult_0_l, Rcompare_mult_r.
+ rewrite Rcompare_Z2R with (y:=0).
+ destruct b; reflexivity.
+ apply bpow_gt_0.
+ apply (Z2R_lt 0 2). omega.
+ + destruct H.
+ apply B2FF_inj.
+ etransitivity. apply H.
+ symmetry. etransitivity. apply H0.
+ f_equal. destruct Bsign; reflexivity.
+ - destruct f as [[]|[]| |]; try discriminate; try reflexivity.
+ simpl. erewrite binop_propagate1; reflexivity.
+Program Definition pow2_float (b:bool) (e:Z) (H:-1023 < e < 1023) : float :=
+ B754_finite _ _ b (nat_iter 52 xO xH) (e-52) _.
+Next Obligation.
+ unfold Fappli_IEEE.bounded, canonic_mantissa.
+ rewrite andb_true_iff, Zle_bool_true by omega. split; auto.
+ apply Zeq_bool_true. unfold FLT_exp. simpl Z.of_nat.
+ apply Z.max_case_strong; omega.
+Theorem mul_div_pow2:
+ forall b e f H H',
+ mul f (pow2_float b e H) = div f (pow2_float b (-e) H').
+ intros. unfold mul, b64_mult, div, b64_div.
+ pose proof (Bmult_correct 53 1024 eq_refl eq_refl binop_pl mode_NE f (pow2_float b e H)).
+ pose proof (Bdiv_correct 53 1024 eq_refl eq_refl binop_pl mode_NE f (pow2_float b (-e) H')).
+ lapply H1. clear H1. intro.
+ change (is_finite 53 1024 (pow2_float b e H)) with true in H0.
+ unfold Rdiv in H1.
+ replace (/ B2R 53 1024 (pow2_float b (-e) H'))%R
+ with (B2R 53 1024 (pow2_float b e H)) in H1.
+ destruct (is_finite _ _ f) eqn:EQFIN.
+ - destruct Rlt_bool.
+ + destruct H0 as [? []], H1 as [? []].
+ apply B2R_Bsign_inj; auto.
+ etransitivity. apply H0. symmetry. apply H1.
+ etransitivity. apply H3. destruct Bmult; try discriminate H2; reflexivity.
+ symmetry. etransitivity. apply H5. destruct Bdiv; try discriminate H4; reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ + apply B2FF_inj.
+ etransitivity. apply H0. symmetry. etransitivity. apply H1.
+ reflexivity.
+ - destruct f; try discriminate EQFIN. reflexivity.
+ simpl. erewrite binop_propagate2. reflexivity.
+ reflexivity. reflexivity. reflexivity.
+ - simpl.
+ assert ((4503599627370496 * bpow radix2 (e - 52))%R =
+ (/ (4503599627370496 * bpow radix2 (- e - 52)))%R).
+ { etransitivity. symmetry. apply (bpow_plus radix2 52).
+ symmetry. etransitivity. apply f_equal. symmetry. apply (bpow_plus radix2 52).
+ rewrite <- bpow_opp. f_equal. ring. }
+ destruct b. unfold cond_Zopp.
+ rewrite !F2R_Zopp, <- Ropp_inv_permute. f_equal. auto.
+ intro. apply F2R_eq_0_reg in H3. omega.
+ apply H2.
+ - simpl. intro. apply F2R_eq_0_reg in H2.
+ destruct b; simpl in H2; omega.
Global Opaque
zero eq_dec neg abs singleoffloat intoffloat intuoffloat floatofint floatofintu
add sub mul div cmp bits_of_double double_of_bits bits_of_single single_of_bits from_words.