path: root/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/DepExampleParallelTest.v
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diff --git a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/DepExampleParallelTest.v b/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/DepExampleParallelTest.v
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--- a/mppa_k1c/abstractbb/DepExampleParallelTest.v
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-Require Import DepExampleEqTest.
-Require Import Parallelizability.
-Module PChk := ParallelChecks L PosResourceSet.
-Definition bblock_is_para (p: bblock) : bool :=
- PChk.is_parallelizable (comp_bblock p).
-Local Hint Resolve the_mem_separation reg_map_separation.
-Section SEC.
-Variable ge: P.genv.
-(* Actually, almost the same proof script than [comp_bblock_correct_aux] !
- We could definitely factorize the proof through a lemma on compilation to macros.
-Lemma comp_bblock_correct_para_iw p: forall sin sout min mout,
- match_state sin min ->
- match_state sout mout ->
- match_option_state (sem_bblock_par_iw p sin sout) (PChk.prun_iw ge (comp_bblock p) mout min).
- induction p as [|i p IHp]; simpl; eauto.
- intros sin sout min mout Hin Hout; destruct i; simpl; erewrite !comp_op_correct; eauto; simpl.
- - (* MOVE *)
- apply IHp; auto.
- destruct Hin as [H1 H2]; destruct Hout as [H3 H4]; constructor 1; simpl; auto.
- + rewrite L.assign_diff; auto.
- + unfold assign; intros r; destruct (Pos.eq_dec dest r).
- * subst; rewrite L.assign_eq; auto.
- * rewrite L.assign_diff; auto.
- - (* ARITH *)
- apply IHp; auto.
- destruct Hin as [H1 H2]; destruct Hout as [H3 H4]; constructor 1; simpl; auto.
- + rewrite L.assign_diff; auto.
- + unfold assign; intros r; destruct (Pos.eq_dec dest r).
- * subst; rewrite L.assign_eq; auto.
- * rewrite L.assign_diff; auto.
- - (* LOAD *)
- destruct Hin as [H1 H2]; destruct Hout as [H3 H4].
- rewrite H1, H2; simpl.
- unfold get_addr.
- destruct (rm sin base + operand_eval offset (rm sin))%Z; simpl; auto.
- apply IHp. { constructor 1; auto. }
- constructor 1; simpl.
- + rewrite L.assign_diff; auto.
- + unfold assign; intros r; destruct (Pos.eq_dec dest r).
- * subst; rewrite L.assign_eq; auto.
- * rewrite L.assign_diff; auto.
- - (* STORE *)
- destruct Hin as [H1 H2]; destruct Hout as [H3 H4].
- rewrite H1, !H2; simpl.
- unfold get_addr.
- destruct (rm sin base + operand_eval offset (rm sin))%Z; simpl; auto.
- apply IHp. { constructor 1; auto. }
- constructor 1; simpl; auto.
- intros r; rewrite L.assign_diff; auto.
- - (* MEMSWAP *)
- destruct Hin as [H1 H2]; destruct Hout as [H3 H4].
- rewrite H1, !H2; simpl.
- unfold get_addr.
- destruct (rm sin base + operand_eval offset (rm sin))%Z; simpl; auto.
- apply IHp. { constructor 1; auto. }
- constructor 1; simpl; auto.
- + intros r0; rewrite L.assign_diff; auto.
- unfold assign; destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r0).
- * subst; rewrite L.assign_eq; auto.
- * rewrite L.assign_diff; auto.
-Local Hint Resolve match_trans_state.
-Definition trans_option_state (os: option state): option L.mem :=
- match os with
- | Some s => Some (trans_state s)
- | None => None
- end.
-Lemma match_trans_option_state os: match_option_state os (trans_option_state os).
- destruct os; simpl; eauto.
-Local Hint Resolve match_trans_option_state comp_bblock_correct match_option_state_intro_X match_from_res_eq res_equiv_from_match.
-Lemma is_mem_reg (x: P.R.t): x=the_mem \/ exists r, x=reg_map r.
- case (Pos.eq_dec x the_mem); auto.
- unfold the_mem, reg_map; constructor 2.
- eexists (Pos.pred x). rewrite Pos.succ_pred; auto.
-Lemma res_eq_from_match (os: option state) (om1 om2: option L.mem):
- (match_option_stateX om1 os) -> (match_option_state os om2) -> (L.res_eq om1 om2).
- destruct om1 as [m1|]; simpl.
- - intros (s & H1 & H2 & H3); subst; simpl.
- intros (m2 & H4 & H5 & H6); subst; simpl.
- eapply ex_intro; intuition eauto.
- destruct (is_mem_reg x) as [H|(r & H)]; subst; congruence.
- - intro; subst; simpl; auto.
-(* We use axiom of functional extensionality ! *)
-Require Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
-Lemma match_from_res_equiv os1 os2 om:
- res_equiv os2 os1 -> match_option_state os1 om -> match_option_state os2 om.
- destruct os2 as [s2 | ]; simpl.
- - intros (s & H1 & H2 & H3). subst; simpl.
- intros (m & H4 & H5 & H6); subst; simpl.
- eapply ex_intro; intuition eauto.
- constructor 1.
- + rewrite H5; apply f_equal; eapply FunctionalExtensionality.functional_extensionality; auto.
- + congruence.
- - intros; subst; simpl; auto.
-Require Import Sorting.Permutation.
-Local Hint Constructors Permutation.
-Lemma comp_bblock_Permutation p p': Permutation p p' -> Permutation (comp_bblock p) (comp_bblock p').
- induction 1; simpl; eauto.
-Lemma comp_bblock_Permutation_back p1 p1': Permutation p1 p1' ->
- forall p, p1=comp_bblock p ->
- exists p', p1'=comp_bblock p' /\ Permutation p p'.
- induction 1; simpl; eauto.
- - destruct p as [|i p]; simpl; intro X; inversion X; subst.
- destruct (IHPermutation p) as (p' & H1 & H2); subst; auto.
- eexists (i::p'). simpl; eauto.
- - destruct p as [|i1 p]; simpl; intro X; inversion X as [(H & H1)]; subst; clear X.
- destruct p as [|i2 p]; simpl; inversion_clear H1.
- eexists (i2::i1::p). simpl; eauto.
- - intros p H1; destruct (IHPermutation1 p) as (p' & H2 & H3); subst; auto.
- destruct (IHPermutation2 p') as (p'' & H4 & H5); subst; eauto.
-Local Hint Resolve comp_bblock_Permutation res_eq_from_match match_from_res_equiv comp_bblock_correct_para_iw.
-Lemma bblock_par_iff_prun p s os':
- sem_bblock_par p s os' <-> PChk.prun ge (comp_bblock p) (trans_state s) (trans_option_state os').
- unfold sem_bblock_par, PChk.prun. constructor 1.
- - intros (p' & H1 & H2).
- eexists (comp_bblock p'); intuition eauto.
- - intros (p' & H1 & H2).
- destruct (comp_bblock_Permutation_back _ _ H2 p) as (p0 & H3 & H4); subst; auto.
- eexists p0; constructor 1; eauto.
-Theorem bblock_is_para_correct p:
- bblock_is_para p = true -> forall s os', (sem_bblock_par p s os' <-> res_equiv os' (sem_bblock p s)).
- intros H; generalize (PChk.is_parallelizable_correct ge _ H); clear H.
- intros H s os'.
- rewrite bblock_par_iff_prun, H.
- constructor; eauto.
-End SEC. \ No newline at end of file