path: root/papers/cfrontend_new/syntax.etex
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Diffstat (limited to 'papers/cfrontend_new/syntax.etex')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/papers/cfrontend_new/syntax.etex b/papers/cfrontend_new/syntax.etex
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..344ab40e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/papers/cfrontend_new/syntax.etex
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+{\it signedness} & ::= & "Signed" \alt "Unsigned" \\
+{\it intsize} & ::= & "I8" \alt "I16" \alt "I32" \\
+{\it floatsize} & ::= & "F32" \alt "F64" \\
+\tau & ::= & "Tint" ({\it intsize}, {\it signedness}) \\
+ & \alt & "Tfloat" ({\it floatsize}) \\
+ & \alt & "Tvoid" \\
+ & \alt & "Tarray" (\tau, n) \\
+ & \alt & "Tpointer" (\tau) \\
+% &\alt & "Tcomp_pointer" (\id) \\
+ &\alt & "Tstruct" (\id,\seq {(\id,\tau)}) \\
+ &\alt & "Tunion" (\id,\seq {(\id,\tau)}) \\
+ & \alt & "Tfunction" (\seq \tau, \tau)
+\syntaxclass{Expressions annotated with types:}
+a & ::= & \unannot{a}{\tau}
+\syntaxclass{Unannotated expressions:}
+b & ::= & \id & variable identifier\\
+ & \alt & n & integer constant\\
+ & \alt & f & float constant \\
+ & \alt & "sizeof"(\tau) & size of a type \\
+ & \alt & \op_1 ~ a & unary arithmetic operation\\
+ & \alt & a_1 ~\op_2 ~ a_2 & binary arithmetic operation\\
+ & \alt & \hbox{"*"} a & dereferencing \\
+ & \alt & a_1 [a_2] & array indexing \\
+ & \alt & a \dot \id & field access \\
+ & \alt & \hbox{"&"} a & address of \\
+ & \alt & (\tau) a & cast \\
+ & \alt & a_1 \hbox{" && "} a_2 \alt a_1 \hbox{" || "} a_2
+ & sequential boolean operations \\
+ & \alt & a(\seq a) & function call \\
+\op_2 & ::= & \hbox{"+"} \alt \hbox{"-"} \alt \hbox{"*"} \alt \hbox{"/"} \alt \hbox{"%"}
+ & arithmetic operators \\
+ & \alt & \hbox{"<<"} \alt \hbox{">>"} \alt
+ \hbox{"&"} \alt \hbox{"|"} \alt \hbox{"^"}
+ & bitwise operators\\
+ & \alt & \hbox{"<"} \alt \hbox{"<="} \alt \hbox{">"} \alt \hbox{">="}
+ \alt \hbox{"=="} \alt \hbox{"!="}
+ & relational operators \\
+\op_1 & ::= & \hbox{"-"} \alt \hbox{"~"} \alt \hbox{"!"}& unary operators
+\caption{Abstract syntax of Clight (types and expressions). $\seq a$ denotes 0, 1 or several
+ occurrences of syntactic category $a$. $\opt a$ denotes an optional
+ occurrence of category $a$.}