path: root/scheduling/BTL_Livecheck.v
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scheduling/BTL_Livecheck.v')
1 files changed, 690 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scheduling/BTL_Livecheck.v b/scheduling/BTL_Livecheck.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d200b9bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduling/BTL_Livecheck.v
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+Require Import Coqlib Maps.
+Require Import AST Integers Values Events Memory Globalenvs Smallstep Op Registers OptionMonad.
+Require Import Errors RTL BTL BTLmatchRTL.
+Local Open Scope lazy_bool_scope.
+Local Open Scope option_monad_scope.
+Fixpoint list_mem (rl: list reg) (alive: Regset.t) {struct rl}: bool :=
+ match rl with
+ | nil => true
+ | r1 :: rs => Regset.mem r1 alive &&& list_mem rs alive
+ end.
+Definition reg_option_mem (or: option reg) (alive: Regset.t) :=
+ match or with None => true | Some r => Regset.mem r alive end.
+Definition reg_sum_mem (ros: reg + ident) (alive: Regset.t) :=
+ match ros with inl r => Regset.mem r alive | inr s => true end.
+(* NB: definition following [regmap_setres] in [RTL.step] semantics *)
+Definition reg_builtin_res (res: builtin_res reg) (alive: Regset.t): Regset.t :=
+ match res with
+ | BR r => Regset.add r alive
+ | _ => alive
+ end.
+Definition exit_checker (btl: code) (alive: Regset.t) (s: node): option unit :=
+ SOME next <- btl!s IN
+ ASSERT Regset.subset next.(input_regs) alive IN
+ Some tt.
+Fixpoint exit_list_checker (btl: code) (alive: Regset.t) (l: list node): bool :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => true
+ | s :: l' => exit_checker btl alive s &&& exit_list_checker btl alive l'
+ end.
+Definition final_inst_checker (btl: code) (alive: Regset.t) (fin: final): option unit :=
+ match fin with
+ | Bgoto s =>
+ exit_checker btl alive s
+ | Breturn oreg =>
+ ASSERT reg_option_mem oreg alive IN Some tt
+ | Bcall _ ros args res s =>
+ ASSERT list_mem args alive IN
+ ASSERT reg_sum_mem ros alive IN
+ exit_checker btl (Regset.add res alive) s
+ | Btailcall _ ros args =>
+ ASSERT list_mem args alive IN
+ ASSERT reg_sum_mem ros alive IN Some tt
+ | Bbuiltin _ args res s =>
+ ASSERT list_mem (params_of_builtin_args args) alive IN
+ exit_checker btl (reg_builtin_res res alive) s
+ | Bjumptable arg tbl =>
+ ASSERT Regset.mem arg alive IN
+ ASSERT exit_list_checker btl alive tbl IN Some tt
+ end.
+(* This definition is the meet (infimum) subset of alive registers,
+ used for conditions by the below checker.
+ A None argument represents the neutral element for intersection. *)
+Definition meet (o1 o2: option Regset.t): option Regset.t :=
+ match o1, o2 with
+ | None, _ => o2
+ | _, None => o1
+ | Some alive1, Some alive2 => Some (Regset.inter alive1 alive2)
+ end.
+Fixpoint body_checker (btl: code) (ib: iblock) (alive: Regset.t): option (option Regset.t) :=
+ match ib with
+ | Bseq ib1 ib2 =>
+ SOME oalive1 <- body_checker btl ib1 alive IN
+ SOME alive1 <- oalive1 IN
+ body_checker btl ib2 alive1
+ | Bnop _ => Some (Some alive)
+ | Bop _ args dest _ =>
+ ASSERT list_mem args alive IN
+ Some (Some (Regset.add dest alive))
+ | Bload _ _ _ args dest _ =>
+ ASSERT list_mem args alive IN
+ Some (Some (Regset.add dest alive))
+ | Bstore _ _ args src _ =>
+ ASSERT Regset.mem src alive IN
+ ASSERT list_mem args alive IN
+ Some (Some alive)
+ | Bcond _ args ib1 ib2 _ =>
+ ASSERT list_mem args alive IN
+ SOME oalive1 <- body_checker btl ib1 alive IN
+ SOME oalive2 <- body_checker btl ib2 alive IN
+ Some (meet oalive1 oalive2)
+ | BF fin _ =>
+ SOME _ <- final_inst_checker btl alive fin IN
+ Some None
+ end.
+(* This definition simply convert the result in an option unit *)
+Definition iblock_checker (btl: code) (ib: iblock) (alive: Regset.t): option unit :=
+ SOME _ <- body_checker btl ib alive IN Some tt.
+Fixpoint list_iblock_checker (btl: code) (l: list (node*iblock_info)): bool :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => true
+ | (_, ibf) :: l' => iblock_checker btl ibf.(entry) ibf.(input_regs) &&& list_iblock_checker btl l'
+ end.
+Lemma lazy_and_Some_true A (o: option A) (b: bool): o &&& b = true <-> (exists v, o = Some v) /\ b = true.
+ destruct o; simpl; intuition.
+ - eauto.
+ - firstorder. try_simplify_someHyps.
+Lemma lazy_and_Some_tt_true (o: option unit) (b: bool): o &&& b = true <-> o = Some tt /\ b = true.
+ intros; rewrite lazy_and_Some_true; firstorder.
+ destruct x; auto.
+Lemma list_iblock_checker_correct btl l:
+ list_iblock_checker btl l = true ->
+ forall e, List.In e l -> iblock_checker btl (snd e).(entry) (snd e).(input_regs) = Some tt.
+ intros CHECKER e H; induction l as [|(n & ibf) l]; intuition.
+ simpl in * |- *. rewrite lazy_and_Some_tt_true in CHECKER. intuition (subst; auto).
+Definition liveness_checker_bool (f: BTL.function): bool :=
+ f.(fn_code)!(f.(fn_entrypoint)) &&& list_iblock_checker f.(fn_code) (PTree.elements f.(fn_code)).
+Definition liveness_checker (f: BTL.function): res unit :=
+ match liveness_checker_bool f with
+ | true => OK tt
+ | false => Error (msg "BTL_Livecheck: liveness_checker failed")
+ end.
+Lemma decomp_liveness_checker f:
+ liveness_checker f = OK tt ->
+ exists ibf, f.(fn_code)!(f.(fn_entrypoint)) = Some ibf /\
+ list_iblock_checker f.(fn_code) (PTree.elements f.(fn_code)) = true.
+ intros LIVE; unfold liveness_checker in LIVE.
+ destruct liveness_checker_bool eqn:EQL; try congruence.
+ clear LIVE. unfold liveness_checker_bool in EQL.
+ rewrite lazy_and_Some_true in EQL; destruct EQL as [[ibf ENTRY] LIST].
+ eexists; split; eauto.
+Lemma liveness_checker_correct f n ibf:
+ liveness_checker f = OK tt ->
+ f.(fn_code)!n = Some ibf ->
+ iblock_checker f.(fn_code) ibf.(entry) ibf.(input_regs) = Some tt.
+ intros LIVE PC.
+ apply decomp_liveness_checker in LIVE; destruct LIVE as [ibf' [ENTRY LIST]].
+ exploit list_iblock_checker_correct; eauto.
+ - eapply PTree.elements_correct; eauto.
+ - simpl; auto.
+Lemma liveness_checker_entrypoint f:
+ liveness_checker f = OK tt ->
+ f.(fn_code)!(f.(fn_entrypoint)) <> None.
+ intros LIVE; apply decomp_liveness_checker in LIVE; destruct LIVE as [ibf' [ENTRY LIST]].
+ unfold not; intros CONTRA. congruence.
+Definition liveness_ok_function (f: BTL.function): Prop := liveness_checker f = OK tt.
+Inductive liveness_ok_fundef: fundef -> Prop :=
+ | liveness_ok_Internal f: liveness_ok_function f -> liveness_ok_fundef (Internal f)
+ | liveness_ok_External ef: liveness_ok_fundef (External ef).
+Local Notation ext alive := (fun r => Regset.In r alive).
+Definition ext_opt (oalive: option Regset.t): Regset.elt -> Prop :=
+ match oalive with
+ | Some alive => ext alive
+ | None => fun _ => True
+ end.
+Lemma ext_opt_meet: forall r oalive1 oalive2,
+ ext_opt (meet oalive1 oalive2) r ->
+ ext_opt oalive1 r /\ ext_opt oalive2 r.
+ intros. destruct oalive1, oalive2;
+ simpl in *; intuition.
+ eapply Regset.inter_1; eauto.
+ eapply Regset.inter_2; eauto.
+Lemma regset_add_spec live r1 r2: Regset.In r1 (Regset.add r2 live) <-> (r1 = r2 \/ Regset.In r1 live).
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec r1 r2).
+ - subst. intuition; eapply Regset.add_1; auto.
+ - intuition.
+ * right. eapply Regset.add_3; eauto.
+ * eapply Regset.add_2; auto.
+Local Hint Resolve Regset.mem_2 Regset.subset_2: core.
+Lemma lazy_and_true (b1 b2: bool): b1 &&& b2 = true <-> b1 = true /\ b2 = true.
+ destruct b1; simpl; intuition.
+Lemma list_mem_correct (rl: list reg) (alive: Regset.t):
+ list_mem rl alive = true -> forall r, List.In r rl -> ext alive r.
+ induction rl; simpl; try rewrite lazy_and_true; intuition subst; auto.
+Definition eqlive_reg (alive: Regset.elt -> Prop) (rs1 rs2: regset): Prop :=
+ forall r, (alive r) -> rs1#r = rs2#r.
+Lemma eqlive_reg_update (alive: Regset.elt -> Prop) rs1 rs2 r v: eqlive_reg (fun r1 => r1 <> r /\ alive r1) rs1 rs2 -> eqlive_reg alive (rs1 # r <- v) (rs2 # r <- v).
+ unfold eqlive_reg; intros EQLIVE r0 ALIVE.
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r0) as [H|H].
+ - subst. rewrite! Regmap.gss. auto.
+ - rewrite! Regmap.gso; auto.
+Lemma eqlive_reg_monotonic (alive1 alive2: Regset.elt -> Prop) rs1 rs2: eqlive_reg alive2 rs1 rs2 -> (forall r, alive1 r -> alive2 r) -> eqlive_reg alive1 rs1 rs2.
+ unfold eqlive_reg; intuition.
+Lemma eqlive_reg_list (alive: Regset.elt -> Prop) args rs1 rs2: eqlive_reg alive rs1 rs2 -> (forall r, List.In r args -> (alive r)) -> rs1##args = rs2##args.
+ induction args; simpl; auto.
+ intros EQLIVE ALIVE; rewrite IHargs; auto.
+ unfold eqlive_reg in EQLIVE.
+ rewrite EQLIVE; auto.
+Lemma eqlive_reg_listmem (alive: Regset.t) args rs1 rs2: eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 -> list_mem args alive = true -> rs1##args = rs2##args.
+ intros; eapply eqlive_reg_list; eauto.
+ intros; eapply list_mem_correct; eauto.
+Inductive eqlive_stackframes: stackframe -> stackframe -> Prop :=
+ | eqlive_stackframes_intro ibf res f sp pc rs1 rs2
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f)
+ (ENTRY: f.(fn_code)!pc = Some ibf)
+ (EQUIV: forall v, eqlive_reg (ext ibf.(input_regs)) (rs1 # res <- v) (rs2 # res <- v)):
+ eqlive_stackframes (Stackframe res f sp pc rs1) (Stackframe res f sp pc rs2).
+Inductive eqlive_states: state -> state -> Prop :=
+ | eqlive_states_intro
+ ibf st1 st2 f sp pc rs1 rs2 m
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 eqlive_stackframes st1 st2)
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f)
+ (PATH: f.(fn_code)!pc = Some ibf)
+ (EQUIV: eqlive_reg (ext ibf.(input_regs)) rs1 rs2):
+ eqlive_states (State st1 f sp pc rs1 m) (State st2 f sp pc rs2 m)
+ | eqlive_states_call st1 st2 f args m
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_fundef f)
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 eqlive_stackframes st1 st2):
+ eqlive_states (Callstate st1 f args m) (Callstate st2 f args m)
+ | eqlive_states_return st1 st2 v m
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 eqlive_stackframes st1 st2):
+ eqlive_states (Returnstate st1 v m) (Returnstate st2 v m).
+Variable prog: BTL.program.
+Let ge := Genv.globalenv prog.
+Hypothesis all_fundef_liveness_ok: forall b f, Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f -> liveness_ok_fundef f.
+Local Hint Constructors eqlive_stackframes eqlive_states final_step list_forall2 step: core.
+Lemma eqlive_reg_update_gso alive rs1 rs2 res r: forall v : val,
+ eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 # res <- v rs2 # res <- v ->
+ res <> r -> Regset.In r alive ->
+ rs1 # r = rs2 # r.
+ intros v REGS NRES INR. unfold eqlive_reg in REGS.
+ specialize REGS with r. apply REGS in INR.
+ rewrite !Regmap.gso in INR; auto.
+Lemma find_funct_liveness_ok v fd:
+ Genv.find_funct ge v = Some fd -> liveness_ok_fundef fd.
+ unfold Genv.find_funct.
+ destruct v; try congruence.
+ destruct (Integers.Ptrofs.eq_dec _ _); try congruence.
+ eapply all_fundef_liveness_ok; eauto.
+Lemma find_function_liveness_ok ros rs f:
+ find_function ge ros rs = Some f -> liveness_ok_fundef f.
+ destruct ros as [r|i]; simpl.
+ - intros; eapply find_funct_liveness_ok; eauto.
+ - destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i); try congruence.
+ eapply all_fundef_liveness_ok; eauto.
+Lemma find_function_eqlive alive ros rs1 rs2:
+ eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 ->
+ reg_sum_mem ros alive = true ->
+ find_function ge ros rs1 = find_function ge ros rs2.
+ intros EQLIVE.
+ destruct ros; simpl; auto.
+ intros H; erewrite (EQLIVE r); eauto.
+Lemma exit_checker_eqlive (btl: code) (alive: Regset.t) (pc: node) rs1 rs2:
+ exit_checker btl alive pc = Some tt ->
+ eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 ->
+ exists ibf, btl!pc = Some ibf /\ eqlive_reg (ext ibf.(input_regs)) rs1 rs2.
+ unfold exit_checker.
+ inversion_SOME next.
+ inversion_ASSERT. try_simplify_someHyps.
+ repeat (econstructor; eauto).
+ intros; eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ intros; exploit Regset.subset_2; eauto.
+Lemma exit_list_checker_eqlive (btl: code) (alive: Regset.t) (tbl: list node) rs1 rs2 pc: forall n,
+ exit_list_checker btl alive tbl = true ->
+ eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 ->
+ list_nth_z tbl n = Some pc ->
+ exists ibf, btl!pc = Some ibf /\ eqlive_reg (ext ibf.(input_regs)) rs1 rs2.
+ induction tbl; simpl.
+ - intros; try congruence.
+ - intros n; rewrite lazy_and_Some_tt_true; destruct (zeq n 0) eqn: Hn.
+ * try_simplify_someHyps; intuition.
+ exploit exit_checker_eqlive; eauto.
+ * intuition. eapply IHtbl; eauto.
+Lemma exit_checker_eqlive_update (btl: code) (alive: Regset.t) (pc: node) r rs1 rs2:
+ exit_checker btl (Regset.add r alive) pc = Some tt ->
+ eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 ->
+ exists ibf, btl!pc = Some ibf /\ (forall v, eqlive_reg (ext ibf.(input_regs)) (rs1 # r <- v) (rs2 # r <- v)).
+ unfold exit_checker.
+ inversion_SOME next.
+ inversion_ASSERT. try_simplify_someHyps.
+ repeat (econstructor; eauto).
+ intros; eapply eqlive_reg_update; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ intros r0 [X1 X2]; exploit Regset.subset_2; eauto.
+ rewrite regset_add_spec. intuition subst.
+Lemma exit_checker_eqlive_builtin_res (btl: code) (alive: Regset.t) (pc: node) rs1 rs2 (res:builtin_res reg):
+ exit_checker btl (reg_builtin_res res alive) pc = Some tt ->
+ eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2 ->
+ exists ibf, btl!pc = Some ibf /\ (forall vres, eqlive_reg (ext ibf.(input_regs)) (regmap_setres res vres rs1) (regmap_setres res vres rs2)).
+ destruct res; simpl.
+ - intros; exploit exit_checker_eqlive_update; eauto.
+ - intros; exploit exit_checker_eqlive; eauto.
+ intros (ibf & PC & REGS).
+ eexists; intuition eauto.
+ - intros; exploit exit_checker_eqlive; eauto.
+ intros (ibf & PC & REGS).
+ eexists; intuition eauto.
+Local Hint Resolve in_or_app: local.
+Lemma eqlive_eval_builtin_args alive rs1 rs2 sp m args vargs:
+ eqlive_reg alive rs1 rs2 ->
+ Events.eval_builtin_args ge (fun r => rs1 # r) sp m args vargs ->
+ (forall r, List.In r (params_of_builtin_args args) -> alive r) ->
+ Events.eval_builtin_args ge (fun r => rs2 # r) sp m args vargs.
+ unfold Events.eval_builtin_args.
+ intros EQLIVE; induction 1 as [|a1 al b1 bl EVAL1 EVALL]; simpl.
+ { econstructor; eauto. }
+ intro X.
+ assert (X1: eqlive_reg (fun r => In r (params_of_builtin_arg a1)) rs1 rs2).
+ { eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto with local. }
+ lapply IHEVALL; eauto with local.
+ clear X IHEVALL; intro X. econstructor; eauto.
+ generalize X1; clear EVALL X1 X.
+ induction EVAL1; simpl; try (econstructor; eauto; fail).
+ - intros X1; erewrite X1; [ econstructor; eauto | eauto ].
+ - intros; econstructor.
+ + eapply IHEVAL1_1; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ simpl; intros; eauto with local.
+ + eapply IHEVAL1_2; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ simpl; intros; eauto with local.
+ - intros; econstructor.
+ + eapply IHEVAL1_1; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ simpl; intros; eauto with local.
+ + eapply IHEVAL1_2; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ simpl; intros; eauto with local.
+Lemma tr_inputs_eqlive_None f pc tbl ibf rs1 rs2
+ (PC: (fn_code f) ! pc = Some ibf)
+ (REGS: eqlive_reg (ext (input_regs ibf)) rs1 rs2)
+ :eqlive_reg (ext (input_regs ibf)) (tid f (pc :: tbl) None rs1)
+ (tr_inputs f (pc :: tbl) None rs2).
+ unfold eqlive_reg. intros r INR.
+ unfold tid. rewrite tr_inputs_get.
+ simpl. rewrite PC.
+ exploit Regset.union_3. eapply INR.
+ intros INRU. eapply Regset.mem_1 in INRU.
+ erewrite INRU; eauto.
+Lemma tr_inputs_eqlive_list_None tbl: forall f pc n alive ibf rs1 rs2
+ (REGS1: eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2)
+ (EXIT_LIST: exit_list_checker (fn_code f) alive tbl = true)
+ (LIST: list_nth_z tbl n = Some pc)
+ (PC: (fn_code f) ! pc = Some ibf)
+ (REGS2: eqlive_reg (ext (input_regs ibf)) rs1 rs2),
+ eqlive_reg (ext (input_regs ibf)) (tid f tbl None rs1)
+ (tr_inputs f tbl None rs2).
+ induction tbl as [| pc' tbl IHtbl]; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ autodestruct; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ - intros; eapply tr_inputs_eqlive_None; eauto.
+ - rewrite lazy_and_Some_tt_true in EXIT_LIST.
+ destruct EXIT_LIST as [EXIT EXIT_REM].
+ intros. unfold eqlive_reg. intros r INR.
+ exploit (IHtbl f pc (Z.pred n) alive ibf rs1 rs2); eauto.
+ unfold tid. rewrite !tr_inputs_get.
+ exploit exit_checker_eqlive; eauto.
+ intros (ibf' & PC' & REGS3).
+ simpl; rewrite PC'. autodestruct.
+ + intro INRU. apply Regset.mem_2 in INRU.
+ intros EQR. eapply Regset.union_2 in INRU.
+ eapply Regset.mem_1 in INRU. erewrite INRU; auto.
+ + intros. autodestruct.
+ rewrite (REGS2 r); auto.
+Lemma tr_inputs_eqlive_update f pc ibf rs1 rs2 res
+ (PC: (fn_code f) ! pc = Some ibf)
+ :forall (v: val)
+ (REGS: eqlive_reg (ext (input_regs ibf)) rs1 # res <- v rs2 # res <- v),
+ eqlive_reg (ext (input_regs ibf))
+ (tid f (pc :: nil) (Some res) rs1) # res <- v
+ (tr_inputs f (pc :: nil) (Some res) rs2) # res <- v.
+ intros. apply eqlive_reg_update.
+ unfold eqlive_reg. intros r (NRES & INR).
+ unfold tid. rewrite tr_inputs_get.
+ simpl. rewrite PC. assert (NRES': res <> r) by auto.
+ clear NRES. exploit Regset.union_3. eapply INR.
+ intros INRU. exploit Regset.remove_2; eauto.
+ intros INRU_RES. eapply Regset.mem_1 in INRU_RES.
+ erewrite INRU_RES. eapply eqlive_reg_update_gso; eauto.
+Local Hint Resolve tr_inputs_eqlive_None tr_inputs_eqlive_update: core.
+Lemma cfgsem2fsem_finalstep_simu sp f stk1 stk2 s t fin alive rs1 m rs2
+ (FSTEP: final_step tid ge stk1 f sp rs1 m fin t s)
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f)
+ (REGS: eqlive_reg (ext alive) rs1 rs2)
+ (FCHK: final_inst_checker (fn_code f) alive fin = Some tt)
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 eqlive_stackframes stk1 stk2)
+ :exists s',
+ final_step tr_inputs ge stk2 f sp rs2 m fin t s'
+ /\ eqlive_states s s'.
+ destruct FSTEP; try_simplify_someHyps; repeat inversion_ASSERT; intros.
+ - (* Bgoto *)
+ eexists; split.
+ + econstructor; eauto.
+ + exploit exit_checker_eqlive; eauto.
+ intros (ibf & PC & REGS').
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ - (* Breturn *)
+ eexists; split. econstructor; eauto.
+ destruct or; simpl in *;
+ try erewrite (REGS r); eauto.
+ - (* Bcall *)
+ exploit exit_checker_eqlive_update; eauto.
+ intros (ibf & PC & REGS').
+ eexists; split.
+ + econstructor; eauto.
+ erewrite <- find_function_eqlive; eauto.
+ + erewrite eqlive_reg_listmem; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_states_call; eauto.
+ eapply find_function_liveness_ok; eauto.
+ - (* Btailcall *)
+ eexists; split.
+ + econstructor; eauto.
+ erewrite <- find_function_eqlive; eauto.
+ + erewrite eqlive_reg_listmem; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_states_call; eauto.
+ eapply find_function_liveness_ok; eauto.
+ - (* Bbuiltin *)
+ exploit exit_checker_eqlive_builtin_res; eauto.
+ intros (ibf & PC & REGS').
+ eexists; split.
+ + econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply eqlive_eval_builtin_args; eauto.
+ intros; eapply list_mem_correct; eauto.
+ + repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
+ unfold regmap_setres. destruct res; simpl in *; eauto.
+ - (* Bjumptable *)
+ exploit exit_list_checker_eqlive; eauto.
+ intros (ibf & PC & REGS').
+ eexists; split.
+ + econstructor; eauto.
+ erewrite <- REGS; eauto.
+ + repeat (econstructor; simpl; eauto).
+ apply (tr_inputs_eqlive_list_None tbl f pc' (Int.unsigned n) alive ibf rs1 rs2);
+ auto.
+Lemma cfgsem2fsem_ibistep_simu_None sp f ib: forall rs1 m rs1' m'
+ (ISTEP: iblock_istep ge sp rs1 m ib rs1' m' None)
+ alive1 oalive2 rs2 (REGS: eqlive_reg (ext alive1) rs1 rs2)
+ (BDY: body_checker (fn_code f) ib alive1 = Some (oalive2)),
+ exists rs2',
+ iblock_istep_run ge sp ib rs2 m = Some (out rs2' m' None)
+ /\ eqlive_reg (ext_opt oalive2) rs1' rs2'.
+ induction ib; intros; try_simplify_someHyps;
+ repeat inversion_ASSERT; intros; inv ISTEP.
+ - (* Bnop *)
+ inv BDY; eauto.
+ - (* Bop *)
+ erewrite <- eqlive_reg_listmem; eauto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps; intros.
+ repeat econstructor.
+ apply eqlive_reg_update.
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto.
+ intros r0; rewrite regset_add_spec.
+ intuition.
+ - (* Bload *)
+ erewrite <- eqlive_reg_listmem; eauto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps; intros.
+ destruct trap; inv LOAD;
+ rewrite EVAL, LOAD0 || (autodestruct; try rewrite LOAD0; auto).
+ all:
+ repeat econstructor;
+ apply eqlive_reg_update;
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto;
+ intros r0; rewrite regset_add_spec;
+ intuition.
+ - (* Bstore *)
+ erewrite <- eqlive_reg_listmem; eauto.
+ rewrite <- (REGS src); auto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps; intros.
+ rewrite STORE; eauto.
+ - (* Bseq continue *)
+ destruct (body_checker _ _ _) eqn:BDY1 in BDY; try discriminate.
+ generalize BDY; clear BDY.
+ inversion_SOME aliveMid; intros OALIVE BDY2. inv OALIVE.
+ exploit IHib1; eauto.
+ intros (rs2' & ISTEP1 & REGS1). rewrite ISTEP1; simpl.
+ eapply IHib2; eauto.
+ - (* Bcond *)
+ generalize BDY; clear BDY.
+ inversion_SOME oaliveSo; inversion_SOME oaliveNot; intros BDY1 BDY2 JOIN.
+ erewrite <- eqlive_reg_listmem; eauto.
+ rewrite EVAL.
+ destruct b; [ exploit IHib1; eauto | exploit IHib2; eauto].
+ all:
+ intros (rs2' & ISTEP1 & REGS1);
+ econstructor; split; eauto; inv JOIN;
+ eapply eqlive_reg_monotonic; eauto;
+ intros r EXTM; apply ext_opt_meet in EXTM; intuition.
+Lemma cfgsem2fsem_ibistep_simu_Some sp f stk1 stk2 ib: forall s t rs1 m rs1' m' fin
+ (ISTEP: iblock_istep ge sp rs1 m ib rs1' m' (Some fin))
+ (FSTEP: final_step tid ge stk1 f sp rs1' m' fin t s)
+ alive1 oalive2 rs2 (REGS: eqlive_reg (ext alive1) rs1 rs2)
+ (BDY: body_checker (fn_code f) ib alive1 = Some (oalive2))
+ (LIVE: liveness_ok_function f)
+ (STACKS: list_forall2 eqlive_stackframes stk1 stk2),
+ exists rs2' s',
+ iblock_istep_run ge sp ib rs2 m = Some (out rs2' m' (Some fin))
+ /\ final_step tr_inputs ge stk2 f sp rs2' m' fin t s'
+ /\ eqlive_states s s'.
+ induction ib; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps;
+ repeat inversion_ASSERT; intros; inv ISTEP.
+ - (* BF *)
+ generalize BDY; clear BDY.
+ inversion_SOME x; try_simplify_someHyps; intros FCHK.
+ destruct x; exploit cfgsem2fsem_finalstep_simu; eauto.
+ intros (s2 & FSTEP' & STATES); eauto.
+ - (* Bseq stop *)
+ destruct (body_checker _ _ _) eqn:BDY1 in BDY; try discriminate.
+ generalize BDY; clear BDY.
+ inversion_SOME aliveMid. intros OALIVE BDY2. inv OALIVE.
+ exploit IHib1; eauto. intros (rs2' & s' & ISTEP1 & FSTEP1 & STATES).
+ rewrite ISTEP1; simpl.
+ do 2 eexists; intuition eauto.
+ - (* Bseq continue *)
+ destruct (body_checker _ _ _) eqn:BDY1 in BDY; try discriminate.
+ generalize BDY; clear BDY.
+ inversion_SOME aliveMid; intros OALIVE BDY2. inv OALIVE.
+ exploit cfgsem2fsem_ibistep_simu_None; eauto.
+ intros (rs2' & ISTEP1 & REGS'). rewrite ISTEP1; simpl; eauto.
+ - (* Bcond *)
+ generalize BDY; clear BDY.
+ inversion_SOME oaliveSo; inversion_SOME oaliveNot; intros BDY1 BDY2 JOIN.
+ erewrite <- eqlive_reg_listmem; eauto. rewrite EVAL.
+ destruct b; eauto.
+Lemma cfgsem2fsem_ibstep_simu stk1 stk2 f sp rs1 m rs2 ibf pc s1 t:
+ iblock_step tid (Genv.globalenv prog) stk1 f sp rs1 m ibf.(entry) t s1 ->
+ list_forall2 eqlive_stackframes stk1 stk2 ->
+ eqlive_reg (ext (input_regs ibf)) rs1 rs2 ->
+ liveness_ok_function f ->
+ (fn_code f) ! pc = Some ibf ->
+ exists s2 : state,
+ iblock_step tr_inputs (Genv.globalenv prog) stk2 f sp rs2 m ibf.(entry) t s2 /\
+ eqlive_states s1 s2.
+ assert (CHECKER: liveness_ok_function f) by auto.
+ unfold liveness_ok_function in CHECKER.
+ apply decomp_liveness_checker in CHECKER; destruct CHECKER as [ibf' [ENTRY LIST]].
+ eapply PTree.elements_correct in PC as PCIN.
+ eapply list_iblock_checker_correct in LIST as IBC; eauto.
+ unfold iblock_checker in IBC. generalize IBC; clear IBC.
+ inversion_SOME alive; intros BODY _.
+ destruct STEP as (rs1' & m1' & fin' & ISTEP & FSTEP).
+ exploit cfgsem2fsem_ibistep_simu_Some; eauto.
+ intros (rs2' & s' & ISTEP' & FSTEP' & REGS).
+ rewrite <- iblock_istep_run_equiv in ISTEP'. clear ISTEP.
+ unfold iblock_step. repeat eexists; eauto.
+Local Hint Constructors step: core.
+Lemma cfgsem2fsem_step_simu s1 s1' t s2:
+ step tid (Genv.globalenv prog) s1 t s1' ->
+ eqlive_states s1 s2 ->
+ exists s2' : state,
+ step tr_inputs (Genv.globalenv prog) s2 t s2' /\
+ eqlive_states s1' s2'.
+ destruct 1 as [stack ibf f sp n rs m t s ENTRY STEP | | | ]; intros STATES.
+ - (* iblock *)
+ inv STATES; simplify_someHyps.
+ intros.
+ exploit cfgsem2fsem_ibstep_simu; eauto.
+ intros (s2 & STEP2 & EQUIV2).
+ eexists; split; eauto.
+ - (* function internal *)
+ inv STATES; inv LIVE.
+ apply liveness_checker_entrypoint in H0 as ENTRY.
+ destruct ((fn_code f) ! (fn_entrypoint f)) eqn:EQENTRY; try congruence; eauto.
+ eexists; split; repeat econstructor; eauto.
+ - (* function external *)
+ inv STATES; inv LIVE; eexists; split; econstructor; eauto.
+ - (* return *)
+ inv STATES.
+ inversion STACKS as [|s1 st1 s' s2 STACK STACKS']; subst; clear STACKS.
+ inv STACK.
+ exists (State s2 f sp pc (rs2 # res <- vres) m); split.
+ * apply exec_return.
+ * eapply eqlive_states_intro; eauto.
+Theorem cfgsem2fsem: forward_simulation (cfgsem prog) (fsem prog).
+ eapply forward_simulation_step with eqlive_states; simpl; eauto.
+ - destruct 1, f; intros; eexists; intuition eauto;
+ repeat (econstructor; eauto).
+ - intros s1 s2 r STATES FINAL; destruct FINAL.
+ inv STATES; inv STACKS; constructor.
+ - intros. eapply cfgsem2fsem_step_simu; eauto.