path: root/scheduling/BTL_SEtheory.v
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+(** A theory of symbolic simulation (i.e. simulation of symbolic executions) on BTL blocks.
+NB: an efficient implementation with hash-consing will be defined in another file (some day)
+The main theorem of this file is [symbolic_simu_correct] stating
+that the abstract definition of symbolic simulation of two BTL blocks
+implies the simulation for BTL.fsem block-steps.
+Require Import Coqlib Maps Floats.
+Require Import AST Integers Values Events Memory Globalenvs Smallstep.
+Require Import Op Registers.
+Require Import RTL BTL OptionMonad.
+Require Export Impure.ImpHCons.
+Import HConsing.
+(** * Syntax and semantics of symbolic values *)
+(** The semantics of symbolic execution is parametrized by the context of the execution of a block *)
+Record iblock_exec_context := Bctx {
+ cge: BTL.genv; (** usual environment for identifiers *)
+ cf: function; (** ambient function of the block *)
+ csp: val; (** stack pointer *)
+ crs0: regset; (** initial state of registers (at the block entry) *)
+ cm0: mem (** initial memory state *)
+(** symbolic value *)
+Inductive sval :=
+ | Sundef (hid: hashcode)
+ | Sinput (r: reg) (hid: hashcode)
+ | Sop (op:operation) (lsv: list_sval) (hid: hashcode)
+ | Sload (sm: smem) (trap: trapping_mode) (chunk:memory_chunk) (addr:addressing) (lsv:list_sval) (hid: hashcode)
+(** list of symbolic values *)
+with list_sval :=
+ | Snil (hid: hashcode)
+ | Scons (sv: sval) (lsv: list_sval) (hid: hashcode)
+(** symbolic memory *)
+with smem :=
+ | Sinit (hid: hashcode)
+ | Sstore (sm: smem) (chunk:memory_chunk) (addr:addressing) (lsv:list_sval) (srce: sval) (hid: hashcode)
+Scheme sval_mut := Induction for sval Sort Prop
+with list_sval_mut := Induction for list_sval Sort Prop
+with smem_mut := Induction for smem Sort Prop.
+(** "fake" smart-constructors using an [unknown_hid] instead of the one provided by hash-consing.
+These smart-constructors are those used in the abstract model of symbolic execution.
+They will also appear in the implementation of rewriting rules (in order to avoid hash-consing handling
+in proofs of rewriting rules).
+Definition fSundef := Sundef unknown_hid.
+Definition fSinput (r: reg) := Sinput r unknown_hid.
+Definition fSop (op:operation) (lsv: list_sval) := Sop op lsv unknown_hid.
+Definition fSload (sm: smem) (trap: trapping_mode) (chunk:memory_chunk) (addr:addressing) (lsv:list_sval)
+ := Sload sm trap chunk addr lsv unknown_hid.
+Definition fSnil := Snil unknown_hid.
+Definition fScons (sv: sval) (lsv: list_sval) := Scons sv lsv unknown_hid.
+Definition fSinit := Sinit unknown_hid.
+Definition fSstore (sm: smem) (chunk:memory_chunk) (addr:addressing) (lsv:list_sval) (srce: sval)
+ := Sstore sm chunk addr lsv srce unknown_hid.
+Fixpoint list_sval_inj (l: list sval): list_sval :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => fSnil
+ | v::l => fScons v (list_sval_inj l)
+ end.
+Local Open Scope option_monad_scope.
+(** Semantics *)
+Fixpoint eval_sval ctx (sv: sval): option val :=
+ match sv with
+ | Sundef _ => Some Vundef
+ | Sinput r _ => Some ((crs0 ctx)#r)
+ | Sop op l _ =>
+ SOME args <- eval_list_sval ctx l IN
+ eval_operation (cge ctx) (csp ctx) op args (cm0 ctx)
+ | Sload sm trap chunk addr lsv _ =>
+ match trap with
+ | TRAP =>
+ SOME args <- eval_list_sval ctx lsv IN
+ SOME a <- eval_addressing (cge ctx) (csp ctx) addr args IN
+ SOME m <- eval_smem ctx sm IN
+ Mem.loadv chunk m a
+ | NOTRAP =>
+ SOME args <- eval_list_sval ctx lsv IN
+ match (eval_addressing (cge ctx) (csp ctx) addr args) with
+ | None => Some Vundef
+ | Some a =>
+ SOME m <- eval_smem ctx sm IN
+ match (Mem.loadv chunk m a) with
+ | None => Some Vundef
+ | Some val => Some val
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+with eval_list_sval ctx (lsv: list_sval): option (list val) :=
+ match lsv with
+ | Snil _ => Some nil
+ | Scons sv lsv' _ =>
+ SOME v <- eval_sval ctx sv IN
+ SOME lv <- eval_list_sval ctx lsv' IN
+ Some (v::lv)
+ end
+with eval_smem ctx (sm: smem): option mem :=
+ match sm with
+ | Sinit _ => Some (cm0 ctx)
+ | Sstore sm chunk addr lsv srce _ =>
+ SOME args <- eval_list_sval ctx lsv IN
+ SOME a <- eval_addressing (cge ctx) (csp ctx) addr args IN
+ SOME m <- eval_smem ctx sm IN
+ SOME sv <- eval_sval ctx srce IN
+ Mem.storev chunk m a sv
+ end.
+(** The symbolic memory preserves predicate Mem.valid_pointer with respect to initial memory.
+ Hence, arithmetic operations and Boolean conditions do not depend on the current memory of the block
+ (their semantics only depends on the initial memory of the block).
+ The correctness of this idea is proved on lemmas [sexec_op_correct] and [eval_scondition_eq].
+Lemma valid_pointer_preserv ctx sm:
+ forall m b ofs, eval_smem ctx sm = Some m -> Mem.valid_pointer (cm0 ctx) b ofs = Mem.valid_pointer m b ofs.
+ induction sm; simpl; intros; try_simplify_someHyps; auto.
+ repeat autodestruct; intros; erewrite IHsm by reflexivity.
+ eapply Mem.storev_preserv_valid; eauto.
+Local Hint Resolve valid_pointer_preserv: core.
+Lemma eval_list_sval_inj ctx l (sreg: reg -> sval) rs:
+ (forall r : reg, eval_sval ctx (sreg r) = Some (rs # r)) ->
+ eval_list_sval ctx (list_sval_inj (map sreg l)) = Some (rs ## l).
+ intros H; induction l as [|r l]; simpl; repeat autodestruct; auto.
+Definition eval_scondition ctx (cond: condition) (lsv: list_sval): option bool :=
+ SOME args <- eval_list_sval ctx lsv IN
+ eval_condition cond args (cm0 ctx).
+(** * Auxiliary definitions on Builtins *)
+(* TODO: clean this. Some generic stuffs could be put in [AST.v] *)
+Section EVAL_BUILTIN_SARG. (* adapted from Events.v *)
+Variable ctx: iblock_exec_context.
+Variable m: mem.
+Inductive eval_builtin_sarg: builtin_arg sval -> val -> Prop :=
+ | seval_BA: forall x v,
+ eval_sval ctx x = Some v ->
+ eval_builtin_sarg (BA x) v
+ | seval_BA_int: forall n,
+ eval_builtin_sarg (BA_int n) (Vint n)
+ | seval_BA_long: forall n,
+ eval_builtin_sarg (BA_long n) (Vlong n)
+ | seval_BA_float: forall n,
+ eval_builtin_sarg (BA_float n) (Vfloat n)
+ | seval_BA_single: forall n,
+ eval_builtin_sarg (BA_single n) (Vsingle n)
+ | seval_BA_loadstack: forall chunk ofs v,
+ Mem.loadv chunk m (Val.offset_ptr (csp ctx) ofs) = Some v ->
+ eval_builtin_sarg (BA_loadstack chunk ofs) v
+ | seval_BA_addrstack: forall ofs,
+ eval_builtin_sarg (BA_addrstack ofs) (Val.offset_ptr (csp ctx) ofs)
+ | seval_BA_loadglobal: forall chunk id ofs v,
+ Mem.loadv chunk m (Senv.symbol_address (cge ctx) id ofs) = Some v ->
+ eval_builtin_sarg (BA_loadglobal chunk id ofs) v
+ | seval_BA_addrglobal: forall id ofs,
+ eval_builtin_sarg (BA_addrglobal id ofs) (Senv.symbol_address (cge ctx) id ofs)
+ | seval_BA_splitlong: forall hi lo vhi vlo,
+ eval_builtin_sarg hi vhi -> eval_builtin_sarg lo vlo ->
+ eval_builtin_sarg (BA_splitlong hi lo) (Val.longofwords vhi vlo)
+ | seval_BA_addptr: forall a1 a2 v1 v2,
+ eval_builtin_sarg a1 v1 -> eval_builtin_sarg a2 v2 ->
+ eval_builtin_sarg (BA_addptr a1 a2)
+ (if Archi.ptr64 then Val.addl v1 v2 else Val.add v1 v2)
+Definition eval_builtin_sargs (al: list (builtin_arg sval)) (vl: list val) : Prop :=
+ list_forall2 eval_builtin_sarg al vl.
+Lemma eval_builtin_sarg_determ:
+ forall a v, eval_builtin_sarg a v -> forall v', eval_builtin_sarg a v' -> v' = v.
+ induction 1; intros v' EV; inv EV; try congruence.
+ f_equal; eauto.
+ apply IHeval_builtin_sarg1 in H3. apply IHeval_builtin_sarg2 in H5. subst; auto.
+Lemma eval_builtin_sargs_determ:
+ forall al vl, eval_builtin_sargs al vl -> forall vl', eval_builtin_sargs al vl' -> vl' = vl.
+ induction 1; intros v' EV; inv EV; f_equal; eauto using eval_builtin_sarg_determ.
+(* NB: generic function that could be put into [AST] file *)
+Fixpoint builtin_arg_map {A B} (f: A -> B) (arg: builtin_arg A) : builtin_arg B :=
+ match arg with
+ | BA x => BA (f x)
+ | BA_int n => BA_int n
+ | BA_long n => BA_long n
+ | BA_float f => BA_float f
+ | BA_single s => BA_single s
+ | BA_loadstack chunk ptr => BA_loadstack chunk ptr
+ | BA_addrstack ptr => BA_addrstack ptr
+ | BA_loadglobal chunk id ptr => BA_loadglobal chunk id ptr
+ | BA_addrglobal id ptr => BA_addrglobal id ptr
+ | BA_splitlong ba1 ba2 => BA_splitlong (builtin_arg_map f ba1) (builtin_arg_map f ba2)
+ | BA_addptr ba1 ba2 => BA_addptr (builtin_arg_map f ba1) (builtin_arg_map f ba2)
+ end.
+Lemma eval_builtin_sarg_correct ctx rs m sreg: forall arg varg,
+ (forall r, eval_sval ctx (sreg r) = Some rs # r) ->
+ eval_builtin_arg (cge ctx) (fun r => rs # r) (csp ctx) m arg varg ->
+ eval_builtin_sarg ctx m (builtin_arg_map sreg arg) varg.
+ induction arg.
+ all: try (intros varg SEVAL BARG; inv BARG; constructor; congruence).
+ - intros varg SEVAL BARG. inv BARG. simpl. constructor.
+ eapply IHarg1; eauto. eapply IHarg2; eauto.
+ - intros varg SEVAL BARG. inv BARG. simpl. constructor.
+ eapply IHarg1; eauto. eapply IHarg2; eauto.
+Lemma eval_builtin_sargs_correct ctx rs m sreg args vargs:
+ (forall r, eval_sval ctx (sreg r) = Some rs # r) ->
+ eval_builtin_args (cge ctx) (fun r => rs # r) (csp ctx) m args vargs ->
+ eval_builtin_sargs ctx m (map (builtin_arg_map sreg) args) vargs.
+ induction 2.
+ - constructor.
+ - simpl. constructor; [| assumption].
+ eapply eval_builtin_sarg_correct; eauto.
+Lemma eval_builtin_sarg_exact ctx rs m sreg: forall arg varg,
+ (forall r, eval_sval ctx (sreg r) = Some rs # r) ->
+ eval_builtin_sarg ctx m (builtin_arg_map sreg arg) varg ->
+ eval_builtin_arg (cge ctx) (fun r => rs # r) (csp ctx) m arg varg.
+ induction arg.
+ all: intros varg SEVAL BARG; try (inv BARG; constructor; congruence).
+ - inv BARG. rewrite SEVAL in H0. inv H0. constructor.
+ - inv BARG. simpl. constructor.
+ eapply IHarg1; eauto. eapply IHarg2; eauto.
+ - inv BARG. simpl. constructor.
+ eapply IHarg1; eauto. eapply IHarg2; eauto.
+Lemma eval_builtin_sargs_exact ctx rs m sreg: forall args vargs,
+ (forall r, eval_sval ctx (sreg r) = Some rs # r) ->
+ eval_builtin_sargs ctx m (map (builtin_arg_map sreg) args) vargs ->
+ eval_builtin_args (cge ctx) (fun r => rs # r) (csp ctx) m args vargs.
+ induction args.
+ - simpl. intros. inv H0. constructor.
+ - intros vargs SEVAL BARG. simpl in BARG. inv BARG.
+ constructor; [| eapply IHargs; eauto].
+ eapply eval_builtin_sarg_exact; eauto.
+Fixpoint eval_builtin_sval ctx bsv :=
+ match bsv with
+ | BA sv => SOME v <- eval_sval ctx sv IN Some (BA v)
+ | BA_splitlong sv1 sv2 =>
+ SOME v1 <- eval_builtin_sval ctx sv1 IN
+ SOME v2 <- eval_builtin_sval ctx sv2 IN
+ Some (BA_splitlong v1 v2)
+ | BA_addptr sv1 sv2 =>
+ SOME v1 <- eval_builtin_sval ctx sv1 IN
+ SOME v2 <- eval_builtin_sval ctx sv2 IN
+ Some (BA_addptr v1 v2)
+ | BA_int i => Some (BA_int i)
+ | BA_long l => Some (BA_long l)
+ | BA_float f => Some (BA_float f)
+ | BA_single s => Some (BA_single s)
+ | BA_loadstack chk ptr => Some (BA_loadstack chk ptr)
+ | BA_addrstack ptr => Some (BA_addrstack ptr)
+ | BA_loadglobal chk id ptr => Some (BA_loadglobal chk id ptr)
+ | BA_addrglobal id ptr => Some (BA_addrglobal id ptr)
+ end.
+Fixpoint eval_list_builtin_sval ctx lbsv :=
+ match lbsv with
+ | nil => Some nil
+ | bsv::lbsv => SOME v <- eval_builtin_sval ctx bsv IN
+ SOME lv <- eval_list_builtin_sval ctx lbsv IN
+ Some (v::lv)
+ end.
+Lemma eval_list_builtin_sval_nil ctx lbs2:
+ eval_list_builtin_sval ctx lbs2 = Some nil ->
+ lbs2 = nil.
+ destruct lbs2; simpl; repeat autodestruct; congruence.
+Lemma eval_builtin_sval_arg ctx bs:
+ forall ba m v,
+ eval_builtin_sval ctx bs = Some ba ->
+ eval_builtin_arg (cge ctx) (fun id => id) (csp ctx) m ba v ->
+ eval_builtin_sarg ctx m bs v.
+ induction bs; simpl;
+ try (intros ba m v H; inversion H; subst; clear H;
+ intros H; inversion H; subst;
+ econstructor; auto; fail).
+ - intros ba m v; destruct (eval_sval _ _) eqn: SV;
+ intros H; inversion H; subst; clear H.
+ intros H; inversion H; subst.
+ econstructor; auto.
+ - intros ba m v.
+ destruct (eval_builtin_sval _ bs1) eqn: SV1; try congruence.
+ destruct (eval_builtin_sval _ bs2) eqn: SV2; try congruence.
+ intros H; inversion H; subst; clear H.
+ intros H; inversion H; subst.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ - intros ba m v.
+ destruct (eval_builtin_sval _ bs1) eqn: SV1; try congruence.
+ destruct (eval_builtin_sval _ bs2) eqn: SV2; try congruence.
+ intros H; inversion H; subst; clear H.
+ intros H; inversion H; subst.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+Lemma eval_builtin_sarg_sval ctx m v: forall bs,
+ eval_builtin_sarg ctx m bs v ->
+ exists ba,
+ eval_builtin_sval ctx bs = Some ba
+ /\ eval_builtin_arg (cge ctx) (fun id => id) (csp ctx) m ba v.
+ induction 1.
+ all: try (eexists; constructor; [simpl; reflexivity | constructor]).
+ 2-3: try assumption.
+ - eexists. constructor.
+ + simpl. rewrite H. reflexivity.
+ + constructor.
+ - destruct IHeval_builtin_sarg1 as (ba1 & A1 & B1).
+ destruct IHeval_builtin_sarg2 as (ba2 & A2 & B2).
+ eexists. constructor.
+ + simpl. rewrite A1. rewrite A2. reflexivity.
+ + constructor; assumption.
+ - destruct IHeval_builtin_sarg1 as (ba1 & A1 & B1).
+ destruct IHeval_builtin_sarg2 as (ba2 & A2 & B2).
+ eexists. constructor.
+ + simpl. rewrite A1. rewrite A2. reflexivity.
+ + constructor; assumption.
+Lemma eval_builtin_sval_args ctx lbs:
+ forall lba m v,
+ eval_list_builtin_sval ctx lbs = Some lba ->
+ list_forall2 (eval_builtin_arg (cge ctx) (fun id => id) (csp ctx) m) lba v ->
+ eval_builtin_sargs ctx m lbs v.
+ unfold eval_builtin_sargs; induction lbs; simpl; intros lba m v.
+ - intros H; inversion H; subst; clear H.
+ intros H; inversion H. econstructor.
+ - destruct (eval_builtin_sval _ _) eqn:SV; try congruence.
+ destruct (eval_list_builtin_sval _ _) eqn: SVL; try congruence.
+ intros H; inversion H; subst; clear H.
+ intros H; inversion H; subst; clear H.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply eval_builtin_sval_arg; eauto.
+Lemma eval_builtin_sargs_sval ctx m lv: forall lbs,
+ eval_builtin_sargs ctx m lbs lv ->
+ exists lba,
+ eval_list_builtin_sval ctx lbs = Some lba
+ /\ list_forall2 (eval_builtin_arg (cge ctx) (fun id => id) (csp ctx) m) lba lv.
+ induction 1.
+ - eexists. constructor.
+ + simpl. reflexivity.
+ + constructor.
+ - destruct IHlist_forall2 as (lba & A & B).
+ apply eval_builtin_sarg_sval in H. destruct H as (ba & A' & B').
+ eexists. constructor.
+ + simpl. rewrite A'. rewrite A. reflexivity.
+ + constructor; assumption.
+Lemma eval_builtin_sval_correct ctx m: forall bs1 v bs2,
+ eval_builtin_sarg ctx m bs1 v ->
+ (eval_builtin_sval ctx bs1) = (eval_builtin_sval ctx bs2) ->
+ eval_builtin_sarg ctx m bs2 v.
+ intros. exploit eval_builtin_sarg_sval; eauto.
+ intros (ba & X1 & X2).
+ eapply eval_builtin_sval_arg; eauto.
+ congruence.
+Lemma eval_list_builtin_sval_correct ctx m vargs: forall lbs1,
+ eval_builtin_sargs ctx m lbs1 vargs ->
+ forall lbs2, (eval_list_builtin_sval ctx lbs1) = (eval_list_builtin_sval ctx lbs2) ->
+ eval_builtin_sargs ctx m lbs2 vargs.
+ intros. exploit eval_builtin_sargs_sval; eauto.
+ intros (ba & X1 & X2).
+ eapply eval_builtin_sval_args; eauto.
+ congruence.
+(** * Symbolic (final) value of a block *)
+(** TODO: faut-il hash-conser les valeurs symboliques finales. Pas très utile si pas de join interne.
+Mais peut être utile dans le cas contraire. *)
+Inductive sfval :=
+ | Sgoto (pc: exit)
+ | Scall (sig:signature) (svos: sval + ident) (lsv:list_sval) (res:reg) (pc:exit)
+ | Stailcall: signature -> sval + ident -> list_sval -> sfval
+ | Sbuiltin (ef:external_function) (sargs: list (builtin_arg sval)) (res: builtin_res reg) (pc:exit)
+ | Sjumptable (sv: sval) (tbl: list exit)
+ | Sreturn: option sval -> sfval
+Definition sfind_function ctx (svos : sval + ident): option fundef :=
+ match svos with
+ | inl sv => SOME v <- eval_sval ctx sv IN Genv.find_funct (cge ctx) v
+ | inr symb => SOME b <- Genv.find_symbol (cge ctx) symb IN Genv.find_funct_ptr (cge ctx) b
+ end
+Import ListNotations.
+Local Open Scope list_scope.
+Inductive sem_sfval ctx stk: sfval -> regset -> mem -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
+ | exec_Sgoto pc rs m:
+ sem_sfval ctx stk (Sgoto pc) rs m E0 (State stk (cf ctx) (csp ctx) pc (tr_inputs ctx.(cf) [pc] None rs) m)
+ | exec_Sreturn pstk osv rs m m' v:
+ (csp ctx) = (Vptr pstk Ptrofs.zero) ->
+ Mem.free m pstk 0 (cf ctx).(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
+ match osv with Some sv => eval_sval ctx sv | None => Some Vundef end = Some v ->
+ sem_sfval ctx stk (Sreturn osv) rs m
+ E0 (Returnstate stk v m')
+ | exec_Scall rs m sig svos lsv args res pc fd:
+ sfind_function ctx svos = Some fd ->
+ funsig fd = sig ->
+ eval_list_sval ctx lsv = Some args ->
+ sem_sfval ctx stk (Scall sig svos lsv res pc) rs m
+ E0 (Callstate (Stackframe res (cf ctx) (csp ctx) pc (tr_inputs ctx.(cf) [pc] (Some res) rs)::stk) fd args m)
+ | exec_Stailcall pstk rs m sig svos args fd m' lsv:
+ sfind_function ctx svos = Some fd ->
+ funsig fd = sig ->
+ (csp ctx) = Vptr pstk Ptrofs.zero ->
+ Mem.free m pstk 0 (cf ctx).(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
+ eval_list_sval ctx lsv = Some args ->
+ sem_sfval ctx stk (Stailcall sig svos lsv) rs m
+ E0 (Callstate stk fd args m')
+ | exec_Sbuiltin m' rs m vres res pc t sargs ef vargs:
+ eval_builtin_sargs ctx m sargs vargs ->
+ external_call ef (cge ctx) vargs m t vres m' ->
+ sem_sfval ctx stk (Sbuiltin ef sargs res pc) rs m
+ t (State stk (cf ctx) (csp ctx) pc (regmap_setres res vres (tr_inputs (cf ctx) [pc] (reg_builtin_res res) rs)) m')
+ | exec_Sjumptable sv tbl pc' n rs m:
+ eval_sval ctx sv = Some (Vint n) ->
+ list_nth_z tbl (Int.unsigned n) = Some pc' ->
+ sem_sfval ctx stk (Sjumptable sv tbl) rs m
+ E0 (State stk (cf ctx) (csp ctx) pc' (tr_inputs ctx.(cf) tbl None rs) m)
+(* Syntax and Semantics of symbolic internal states *)
+(* [si_pre] is a precondition on initial context *)
+Record sistate := { si_pre: iblock_exec_context -> Prop; si_sreg:> reg -> sval; si_smem: smem }.
+(* Predicate on which (rs, m) is a possible final state after evaluating [st] on ((crs0 ctx), (cm0 ctx)) *)
+Definition sem_sistate ctx (sis: sistate) (rs: regset) (m: mem): Prop :=
+ sis.(si_pre) ctx
+ /\ eval_smem ctx sis.(si_smem) = Some m
+ /\ forall (r:reg), eval_sval ctx (sis.(si_sreg) r) = Some (rs#r).
+(** * Symbolic execution of final step *)
+Definition sexec_final_sfv (i: final) (sreg: reg -> sval): sfval :=
+ match i with
+ | Bgoto pc => Sgoto pc
+ | Bcall sig ros args res pc =>
+ let svos := sum_left_map sreg ros in
+ let sargs := list_sval_inj (List.map sreg args) in
+ Scall sig svos sargs res pc
+ | Btailcall sig ros args =>
+ let svos := sum_left_map sreg ros in
+ let sargs := list_sval_inj (List.map sreg args) in
+ Stailcall sig svos sargs
+ | Bbuiltin ef args res pc =>
+ let sargs := List.map (builtin_arg_map sreg) args in
+ Sbuiltin ef sargs res pc
+ | Breturn or =>
+ let sor := SOME r <- or IN Some (sreg r) in
+ Sreturn sor
+ | Bjumptable reg tbl =>
+ let sv := sreg reg in
+ Sjumptable sv tbl
+ end.
+Local Hint Constructors sem_sfval: core.
+Lemma sexec_final_sfv_correct ctx stk i sis t rs m s:
+ sem_sistate ctx sis rs m ->
+ final_step tr_inputs (cge ctx) stk (cf ctx) (csp ctx) rs m i t s ->
+ sem_sfval ctx stk (sexec_final_sfv i sis) rs m t s.
+ intros (PRE&MEM&REG).
+ destruct 1; subst; try_simplify_someHyps; simpl; intros; try autodestruct; eauto.
+ + (* Bcall *) intros; eapply exec_Scall; auto.
+ - destruct ros; simpl in * |- *; auto.
+ rewrite REG; auto.
+ - erewrite eval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ + (* Btailcall *) intros. eapply exec_Stailcall; eauto.
+ - destruct ros; simpl in * |- *; eauto.
+ rewrite REG; eauto.
+ - erewrite eval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ + (* Bbuiltin *) intros. eapply exec_Sbuiltin; eauto.
+ eapply eval_builtin_sargs_correct; eauto.
+ + (* Bjumptable *) intros. eapply exec_Sjumptable; eauto. congruence.
+Local Hint Constructors final_step: core.
+Local Hint Resolve eval_builtin_sargs_exact: core.
+Lemma sexec_final_sfv_exact ctx stk i sis t rs m s:
+ sem_sistate ctx sis rs m ->
+ sem_sfval ctx stk (sexec_final_sfv i sis) rs m t s
+ -> final_step tr_inputs (cge ctx) stk (cf ctx) (csp ctx) rs m i t s.
+ intros (PRE&MEM&REG).
+ destruct i; simpl; intros LAST; inv LAST; eauto.
+ + (* Breturn *)
+ enough (v=regmap_optget res Vundef rs) as ->; eauto.
+ destruct res; simpl in *; congruence.
+ + (* Bcall *)
+ erewrite eval_list_sval_inj in *; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ intros; eapply exec_Bcall; eauto.
+ destruct fn; simpl in * |- *; auto.
+ rewrite REG in * |- ; auto.
+ + (* Btailcall *)
+ erewrite eval_list_sval_inj in *; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ intros; eapply exec_Btailcall; eauto.
+ destruct fn; simpl in * |- *; auto.
+ rewrite REG in * |- ; auto.
+ + (* Bjumptable *)
+ eapply exec_Bjumptable; eauto.
+ congruence.
+(** * symbolic execution of basic instructions *)
+Definition sis_init : sistate := {| si_pre:= fun _ => True; si_sreg:= fun r => fSinput r; si_smem:= fSinit |}.
+Lemma sis_init_correct ctx:
+ sem_sistate ctx sis_init (crs0 ctx) (cm0 ctx).
+ unfold sis_init, sem_sistate; simpl; intuition eauto.
+Definition set_sreg (r:reg) (sv:sval) (sis:sistate): sistate :=
+ {| si_pre:=(fun ctx => eval_sval ctx (sis.(si_sreg) r) <> None /\ (sis.(si_pre) ctx));
+ si_sreg:=fun y => if Pos.eq_dec r y then sv else sis.(si_sreg) y;
+ si_smem:= sis.(si_smem)|}.
+Lemma set_sreg_correct ctx dst sv sis (rs rs': regset) m:
+ sem_sistate ctx sis rs m ->
+ (eval_sval ctx sv = Some rs' # dst) ->
+ (forall r, r <> dst -> rs'#r = rs#r) ->
+ sem_sistate ctx (set_sreg dst sv sis) rs' m.
+ intros (PRE&MEM&REG) NEW OLD.
+ unfold sem_sistate; simpl.
+ intuition.
+ - rewrite REG in *; congruence.
+ - destruct (Pos.eq_dec dst r); simpl; subst; eauto.
+ rewrite REG in *. rewrite OLD; eauto.
+Definition set_smem (sm:smem) (sis:sistate): sistate :=
+ {| si_pre:=(fun ctx => eval_smem ctx sis.(si_smem) <> None /\ (sis.(si_pre) ctx));
+ si_sreg:= sis.(si_sreg);
+ si_smem:= sm |}.
+Lemma set_smem_correct ctx sm sis rs m m':
+ sem_sistate ctx sis rs m ->
+ eval_smem ctx sm = Some m' ->
+ sem_sistate ctx (set_smem sm sis) rs m'.
+ intros (PRE&MEM&REG) NEW.
+ unfold sem_sistate; simpl.
+ intuition.
+ rewrite MEM in *; congruence.
+Definition sexec_op op args dst sis: sistate :=
+ let args := list_sval_inj (List.map sis.(si_sreg) args) in
+ set_sreg dst (fSop op args) sis.
+Lemma sexec_op_correct ctx op args dst sis rs m v
+ (EVAL: eval_operation (cge ctx) (csp ctx) op rs ## args m = Some v)
+ (SIS: sem_sistate ctx sis rs m)
+ :(sem_sistate ctx (sexec_op op args dst sis) (rs#dst <- v) m).
+ eapply set_sreg_correct; eauto.
+ - simpl. destruct SIS as (PRE&MEM&REG).
+ rewrite Regmap.gss; simpl; auto.
+ erewrite eval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ intros; erewrite op_valid_pointer_eq; eauto.
+ - intros; rewrite Regmap.gso; auto.
+Definition sexec_load trap chunk addr args dst sis: sistate :=
+ let args := list_sval_inj (List.map sis.(si_sreg) args) in
+ set_sreg dst (fSload sis.(si_smem) trap chunk addr args) sis.
+Lemma sexec_load_correct ctx chunk addr args dst sis rs m v trap
+ (HLOAD: has_loaded (cge ctx) (csp ctx) rs m chunk addr args v trap)
+ (SIS: sem_sistate ctx sis rs m)
+ :(sem_sistate ctx (sexec_load trap chunk addr args dst sis) (rs#dst <- v) m).
+ inv HLOAD; eapply set_sreg_correct; eauto.
+ 2,4: intros; rewrite Regmap.gso; auto.
+ - simpl. destruct SIS as (PRE&MEM&REG).
+ destruct trap; rewrite Regmap.gss; simpl; auto;
+ erewrite eval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto;
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ intros. rewrite LOAD; auto.
+ - simpl. destruct SIS as (PRE&MEM&REG).
+ rewrite Regmap.gss; simpl; auto.
+ erewrite eval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ autodestruct; rewrite MEM, LOAD; auto.
+Definition sexec_store chunk addr args src sis: sistate :=
+ let args := list_sval_inj (List.map sis.(si_sreg) args) in
+ let src := sis.(si_sreg) src in
+ let sm := fSstore sis.(si_smem) chunk addr args src in
+ set_smem sm sis.
+Lemma sexec_store_correct ctx chunk addr args src sis rs m m' a
+ (EVAL: eval_addressing (cge ctx) (csp ctx) addr rs ## args = Some a)
+ (STORE: Mem.storev chunk m a (rs # src) = Some m')
+ (SIS: sem_sistate ctx sis rs m)
+ :(sem_sistate ctx (sexec_store chunk addr args src sis) rs m').
+ eapply set_smem_correct; eauto.
+ simpl. destruct SIS as (PRE&MEM&REG).
+ erewrite eval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ rewrite REG; auto.
+Lemma eval_scondition_eq ctx cond args sis rs m
+ (SIS : sem_sistate ctx sis rs m)
+ :eval_scondition ctx cond (list_sval_inj (map (si_sreg sis) args)) = eval_condition cond rs ## args m.
+ destruct SIS as (PRE&MEM&REG); unfold eval_scondition; simpl.
+ erewrite eval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ eapply cond_valid_pointer_eq; eauto.
+(** * Compute sistate associated to final values *)
+Fixpoint transfer_sreg (inputs: list reg) (sreg: reg -> sval): reg -> sval :=
+ match inputs with
+ | nil => fun r => fSundef
+ | r1::l => fun r => if Pos.eq_dec r1 r then sreg r1 else transfer_sreg l sreg r
+ end.
+Definition str_inputs (f:function) (tbl: list exit) (or:option reg) := transfer_sreg (Regset.elements (pre_inputs f tbl or)).
+Lemma str_inputs_correct ctx sis rs tbl or r:
+ (forall r : reg, eval_sval ctx (si_sreg sis r) = Some rs # r) ->
+ eval_sval ctx (str_inputs (cf ctx) tbl or (si_sreg sis) r) = Some (tr_inputs (cf ctx) tbl or rs) # r.
+ intros H.
+ unfold str_inputs, tr_inputs, transfer_regs.
+ induction (Regset.elements _) as [|x l]; simpl.
+ + rewrite Regmap.gi; auto.
+ + autodestruct; intros; subst.
+ * rewrite Regmap.gss; auto.
+ * rewrite Regmap.gso; eauto.
+Local Hint Resolve str_inputs_correct: core.
+Definition tr_sis f (fi: final) (sis: sistate) :=
+ {| si_pre := fun ctx => (sis.(si_pre) ctx /\ forall r, eval_sval ctx (sis.(si_sreg) r) <> None);
+ si_sreg := poly_tr str_inputs f fi sis.(si_sreg);
+ si_smem := sis.(si_smem) |}.
+Lemma tr_sis_regs_correct_aux ctx fin sis rs m:
+ sem_sistate ctx sis rs m ->
+ (forall r, eval_sval ctx (tr_sis (cf ctx) fin sis r) = Some (tr_regs (cf ctx) fin rs) # r).
+ Local Opaque str_inputs.
+ simpl. destruct 1 as (_ & _ & REG).
+ destruct fin; simpl; eauto.
+Lemma tr_sis_regs_correct ctx fin sis rs m:
+ sem_sistate ctx sis rs m ->
+ sem_sistate ctx (tr_sis (cf ctx) fin sis) (tr_regs (cf ctx) fin rs) m.
+ intros H.
+ generalize (tr_sis_regs_correct_aux _ fin _ _ _ H).
+ destruct H as (PRE & MEM & REG).
+ econstructor; simpl; intuition eauto || congruence.
+Definition poly_str {A} (tr: function -> list exit -> option reg -> A) f (sfv: sfval): A :=
+ match sfv with
+ | Sgoto pc => tr f [pc] None
+ | Scall _ _ _ res pc => tr f [pc] (Some res)
+ | Stailcall _ _ args => tr f [] None
+ | Sbuiltin _ _ res pc => tr f [pc] (reg_builtin_res res)
+ | Sreturn _ => tr f [] None
+ | Sjumptable _ tbl => tr f tbl None
+ end.
+Definition str_regs: function -> sfval -> regset -> regset :=
+ poly_str tr_inputs.
+Lemma str_tr_regs_equiv f fin sis:
+ str_regs f (sexec_final_sfv fin sis) = tr_regs f fin.
+ destruct fin; simpl; auto.
+(** * symbolic execution of blocks *)
+(* symbolic state *)
+Inductive sstate :=
+ | Sfinal (sis: sistate) (sfv: sfval)
+ | Scond (cond: condition) (args: list_sval) (ifso ifnot: sstate)
+ | Sabort
+ .
+(* outcome of a symbolic execution path *)
+Record soutcome := sout {
+ _sis: sistate;
+ _sfv: sfval;
+Fixpoint get_soutcome ctx (st:sstate): option soutcome :=
+ match st with
+ | Sfinal sis sfv => Some (sout sis sfv)
+ | Scond cond args ifso ifnot =>
+ SOME b <- eval_scondition ctx cond args IN
+ get_soutcome ctx (if b then ifso else ifnot)
+ | Sabort => None
+ end.
+(* transition (t,s) produced by a sstate in initial context ctx *)
+Inductive sem_sstate ctx stk t s: sstate -> Prop :=
+ | sem_Sfinal sis sfv rs m
+ (SIS: sem_sistate ctx sis (str_regs (cf ctx) sfv rs) m)
+ (SFV: sem_sfval ctx stk sfv rs m t s)
+ : sem_sstate ctx stk t s (Sfinal sis sfv)
+ | sem_Scond b cond args ifso ifnot
+ (SEVAL: eval_scondition ctx cond args = Some b)
+ (SELECT: sem_sstate ctx stk t s (if b then ifso else ifnot))
+ : sem_sstate ctx stk t s (Scond cond args ifso ifnot)
+ (* NB: Sabort: fails to produce a transition *)
+ .
+Lemma sem_sstate_run ctx stk st t s:
+ sem_sstate ctx stk t s st ->
+ exists sis sfv rs m,
+ get_soutcome ctx st = Some (sout sis sfv)
+ /\ sem_sistate ctx sis (str_regs (cf ctx) sfv rs) m
+ /\ sem_sfval ctx stk sfv rs m t s
+ .
+ induction 1; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps; do 4 eexists; intuition eauto.
+Local Hint Resolve sem_Sfinal: core.
+Lemma run_sem_sstate ctx st sis sfv:
+ get_soutcome ctx st = Some (sout sis sfv) ->
+ forall rs m stk s t,
+ sem_sistate ctx sis (str_regs (cf ctx) sfv rs) m ->
+ sem_sfval ctx stk sfv rs m t s ->
+ sem_sstate ctx stk t s st
+ .
+ induction st; simpl; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ autodestruct; intros; econstructor; eauto.
+ autodestruct; eauto.
+(** * Model of Symbolic Execution with Continuation Passing Style
+Parameter [k] is the continuation, i.e. the [sstate] construction that will be applied in each execution branch.
+Its input parameter is the symbolic internal state of the branch.
+Fixpoint sexec_rec f ib sis (k: sistate -> sstate): sstate :=
+ match ib with
+ | BF fin _ => Sfinal (tr_sis f fin sis) (sexec_final_sfv fin sis)
+ (* basic instructions *)
+ | Bnop _ => k sis
+ | Bop op args res _ => k (sexec_op op args res sis)
+ | Bload trap chunk addr args dst _ => k (sexec_load trap chunk addr args dst sis)
+ | Bstore chunk addr args src _ => k (sexec_store chunk addr args src sis)
+ (* composed instructions *)
+ | Bseq ib1 ib2 =>
+ sexec_rec f ib1 sis (fun sis2 => sexec_rec f ib2 sis2 k)
+ | Bcond cond args ifso ifnot _ =>
+ let args := list_sval_inj (List.map sis.(si_sreg) args) in
+ let ifso := sexec_rec f ifso sis k in
+ let ifnot := sexec_rec f ifnot sis k in
+ Scond cond args ifso ifnot
+ end
+ .
+Definition sexec f ib := sexec_rec f ib sis_init (fun _ => Sabort).
+Local Hint Constructors sem_sstate: core.
+Local Hint Resolve sexec_op_correct sexec_final_sfv_correct tr_sis_regs_correct_aux tr_sis_regs_correct
+ sexec_load_correct sexec_store_correct sis_init_correct: core.
+Lemma sexec_rec_correct ctx stk t s ib rs m rs1 m1 ofin
+ (ISTEP: iblock_istep (cge ctx) (csp ctx) rs m ib rs1 m1 ofin): forall sis k
+ (SIS: sem_sistate ctx sis rs m)
+ (CONT: match ofin with
+ | None => forall sis', sem_sistate ctx sis' rs1 m1 -> sem_sstate ctx stk t s (k sis')
+ | Some fin => final_step tr_inputs (cge ctx) stk (cf ctx) (csp ctx) rs1 m1 fin t s
+ end),
+ sem_sstate ctx stk t s (sexec_rec (cf ctx) ib sis k).
+ induction ISTEP; simpl; try autodestruct; eauto.
+ (* final value *)
+ intros; econstructor; eauto.
+ rewrite str_tr_regs_equiv; eauto.
+ (* condition *)
+ all: intros;
+ eapply sem_Scond; eauto; [
+ erewrite eval_scondition_eq; eauto |
+ replace (if b then sexec_rec (cf ctx) ifso sis k else sexec_rec (cf ctx) ifnot sis k) with (sexec_rec (cf ctx) (if b then ifso else ifnot) sis k);
+ try autodestruct; eauto ].
+(* NB: each concrete execution can be executed on the symbolic state (produced from [sexec])
+ (sexec is a correct over-approximation)
+Theorem sexec_correct ctx stk ib t s:
+ iblock_step tr_inputs (cge ctx) stk (cf ctx) (csp ctx) (crs0 ctx) (cm0 ctx) ib t s ->
+ sem_sstate ctx stk t s (sexec (cf ctx) ib).
+ destruct 1 as (rs' & m' & fin & ISTEP & FSTEP).
+ eapply sexec_rec_correct; simpl; eauto.
+(* Remark that we want to reason modulo "extensionality" wrt Regmap.get about regsets.
+ And, nothing in their representation as (val * PTree.t val) enforces that
+ (forall r, rs1#r = rs2#r) -> rs1 = rs2
+Lemma sem_sistate_tr_sis_determ ctx sis rs1 m1 fi rs2 m2:
+ sem_sistate ctx sis rs1 m1 ->
+ sem_sistate ctx (tr_sis (cf ctx) fi sis) rs2 m2 ->
+ (forall r, rs2#r = (tr_regs (cf ctx) fi rs1)#r)
+ /\ m1 = m2.
+ intros H1 H2.
+ lapply (tr_sis_regs_correct_aux ctx fi sis rs1 m1); eauto.
+ intros X.
+ destruct H1 as (_&MEM1&REG1).
+ destruct H2 as (_&MEM2&REG2); simpl in *.
+ intuition try congruence.
+ cut (Some rs2 # r = Some (tr_regs (cf ctx) fi rs1)#r).
+ { congruence. }
+ rewrite <- REG2, X. auto.
+Local Hint Constructors equiv_stackframe list_forall2: core.
+Local Hint Resolve regmap_setres_eq equiv_stack_refl equiv_stack_refl: core.
+Lemma sem_sfval_equiv rs1 rs2 ctx stk sfv m t s:
+ sem_sfval ctx stk sfv rs1 m t s ->
+ (forall r, (str_regs (cf ctx) sfv rs1)#r = (str_regs (cf ctx) sfv rs2)#r) ->
+ exists s', sem_sfval ctx stk sfv rs2 m t s' /\ equiv_state s s'.
+ unfold str_regs.
+ destruct 1; simpl in *; intros; subst; eexists; split; econstructor; eauto; try congruence.
+Definition abort_sistate ctx (sis: sistate): Prop :=
+ ~(sis.(si_pre) ctx)
+ \/ eval_smem ctx sis.(si_smem) = None
+ \/ exists (r: reg), eval_sval ctx (sis.(si_sreg) r) = None.
+Lemma set_sreg_preserves_abort ctx sv dst sis:
+ abort_sistate ctx sis ->
+ abort_sistate ctx (set_sreg dst sv sis).
+ unfold abort_sistate; simpl; intros [PRE|[MEM|REG]]; try tauto.
+ destruct REG as [r REG].
+ destruct (Pos.eq_dec dst r) as [TEST|TEST] eqn: HTEST.
+ - subst; rewrite REG; tauto.
+ - right. right. eexists; rewrite HTEST. auto.
+Lemma sexec_op_preserves_abort ctx op args dest sis:
+ abort_sistate ctx sis
+ -> abort_sistate ctx (sexec_op op args dest sis).
+ intros; eapply set_sreg_preserves_abort; eauto.
+Lemma sexec_load_preserves_abort ctx chunk addr args dest sis trap:
+ abort_sistate ctx sis
+ -> abort_sistate ctx (sexec_load trap chunk addr args dest sis).
+ intros; eapply set_sreg_preserves_abort; eauto.
+Lemma set_smem_preserves_abort ctx sm sis:
+ abort_sistate ctx sis ->
+ abort_sistate ctx (set_smem sm sis).
+ unfold abort_sistate; simpl; try tauto.
+Lemma sexec_store_preserves_abort ctx chunk addr args src sis:
+ abort_sistate ctx sis
+ -> abort_sistate ctx (sexec_store chunk addr args src sis).
+ intros; eapply set_smem_preserves_abort; eauto.
+Lemma sem_sistate_tr_sis_exclude_abort ctx sis fi rs m:
+ sem_sistate ctx (tr_sis (cf ctx) fi sis) rs m ->
+ abort_sistate ctx sis ->
+ False.
+ intros ((PRE1 & PRE2) & MEM & REG); simpl in *.
+ intros [ABORT1 | [ABORT2 | ABORT3]]; [ | | inv ABORT3]; try congruence.
+Local Hint Resolve sexec_op_preserves_abort sexec_load_preserves_abort
+ sexec_store_preserves_abort sem_sistate_tr_sis_exclude_abort: core.
+Lemma sexec_exclude_abort ctx stk ib t s1: forall sis k
+ (SEXEC: sem_sstate ctx stk t s1 (sexec_rec (cf ctx) ib sis k))
+ (CONT: forall sis', sem_sstate ctx stk t s1 (k sis') -> (abort_sistate ctx sis') -> False)
+ (ABORT: abort_sistate ctx sis),
+ False.
+ induction ib; simpl; intros; eauto.
+ - (* final *) inversion SEXEC; subst; eauto.
+ - (* seq *)
+ eapply IHib1; eauto.
+ simpl. eauto.
+ - (* cond *)
+ inversion SEXEC; subst; eauto. clear SEXEC.
+ destruct b; eauto.
+Lemma set_sreg_abort ctx dst sv sis rs m:
+ sem_sistate ctx sis rs m ->
+ (eval_sval ctx sv = None) ->
+ abort_sistate ctx (set_sreg dst sv sis).
+ intros (PRE&MEM&REG) NEW.
+ unfold sem_sistate, abort_sistate; simpl.
+ right; right.
+ exists dst; destruct (Pos.eq_dec dst dst); simpl; try congruence.
+Lemma sexec_op_abort ctx sis op args dest rs m
+ (EVAL: eval_operation (cge ctx) (csp ctx) op rs ## args m = None)
+ (SIS: sem_sistate ctx sis rs m)
+ : abort_sistate ctx (sexec_op op args dest sis).
+ eapply set_sreg_abort; eauto.
+ simpl. destruct SIS as (PRE&MEM&REG).
+ erewrite eval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ intros; erewrite op_valid_pointer_eq; eauto.
+Lemma sexec_load_TRAP_abort ctx chunk addr args dst sis rs m
+ (EVAL: forall a, eval_addressing (cge ctx) (csp ctx) addr rs ## args = Some a -> Mem.loadv chunk m a = None)
+ (SIS: sem_sistate ctx sis rs m)
+ : abort_sistate ctx (sexec_load TRAP chunk addr args dst sis).
+ eapply set_sreg_abort; eauto.
+ simpl. destruct SIS as (PRE&MEM&REG).
+ erewrite eval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ intros; autodestruct; try_simplify_someHyps.
+Lemma set_smem_abort ctx sm sis rs m:
+ sem_sistate ctx sis rs m ->
+ eval_smem ctx sm = None ->
+ abort_sistate ctx (set_smem sm sis).
+ intros (PRE&MEM&REG) NEW.
+ unfold abort_sistate; simpl.
+ tauto.
+Lemma sexec_store_abort ctx chunk addr args src sis rs m
+ (EVAL: forall a, eval_addressing (cge ctx) (csp ctx) addr rs ## args = Some a -> Mem.storev chunk m a (rs # src) = None)
+ (SIS: sem_sistate ctx sis rs m)
+ :abort_sistate ctx (sexec_store chunk addr args src sis).
+ eapply set_smem_abort; eauto.
+ simpl. destruct SIS as (PRE&MEM&REG).
+ erewrite eval_list_sval_inj; simpl; auto.
+ try_simplify_someHyps.
+ intros; rewrite REG; autodestruct; try_simplify_someHyps.
+Local Hint Resolve sexec_op_abort sexec_load_TRAP_abort sexec_store_abort sexec_final_sfv_exact: core.
+Lemma sexec_rec_exact ctx stk ib t s1: forall sis k
+ (SEXEC: sem_sstate ctx stk t s1 (sexec_rec (cf ctx) ib sis k))
+ rs m
+ (SIS: sem_sistate ctx sis rs m)
+ (CONT: forall sis', sem_sstate ctx stk t s1 (k sis') -> (abort_sistate ctx sis') -> False)
+ ,
+ match iblock_istep_run (cge ctx) (csp ctx) ib rs m with
+ | Some (out rs' m' (Some fin)) =>
+ exists s2, final_step tr_inputs (cge ctx) stk (cf ctx) (csp ctx) rs' m' fin t s2 /\ equiv_state s1 s2
+ | Some (out rs' m' None) => exists sis', (sem_sstate ctx stk t s1 (k sis')) /\ (sem_sistate ctx sis' rs' m')
+ | None => False
+ end.
+ induction ib; simpl; intros; eauto.
+ - (* final *)
+ inv SEXEC.
+ exploit (sem_sistate_tr_sis_determ ctx sis rs m fi); eauto.
+ intros (REG&MEM); subst.
+ exploit (sem_sfval_equiv rs0 rs); eauto.
+ * intros; rewrite REG, str_tr_regs_equiv; auto.
+ * intros (s2 & EQUIV & SFV'); eauto.
+ - (* Bop *) autodestruct; eauto.
+ - destruct trap.
+ + repeat autodestruct.
+ { eexists; split; eauto.
+ eapply sexec_load_correct; eauto.
+ econstructor; eauto. }
+ all:
+ intros; eapply CONT; eauto;
+ eapply sexec_load_TRAP_abort; eauto;
+ intros; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ + repeat autodestruct;
+ eexists; split; eauto;
+ eapply sexec_load_correct; eauto;
+ try (econstructor; eauto; fail).
+ all: eapply has_loaded_default; auto; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ - repeat autodestruct; eauto.
+ all: intros; eapply CONT; eauto;
+ eapply sexec_store_abort; eauto;
+ intros; try_simplify_someHyps.
+ - (* Bseq *)
+ exploit IHib1; eauto. clear sis SEXEC SIS.
+ { simpl; intros; eapply sexec_exclude_abort; eauto. }
+ destruct (iblock_istep_run _ _ _ _ _) eqn: ISTEP; auto.
+ destruct o.
+ destruct _fin eqn: OFIN; simpl; eauto.
+ intros (sis1 & SEXEC1 & SIS1).
+ exploit IHib2; eauto.
+ - (* Bcond *)
+ inv SEXEC.
+ erewrite eval_scondition_eq in SEVAL; eauto.
+ rewrite SEVAL.
+ destruct b.
+ + exploit IHib1; eauto.
+ + exploit IHib2; eauto.
+(* NB: each execution of a symbolic state (produced from [sexec]) represents a concrete execution
+ (sexec is exact).
+Theorem sexec_exact ctx stk ib t s1:
+ sem_sstate ctx stk t s1 (sexec (cf ctx) ib) ->
+ exists s2, iblock_step tr_inputs (cge ctx) stk (cf ctx) (csp ctx) (crs0 ctx) (cm0 ctx) ib t s2
+ /\ equiv_state s1 s2.
+ intros; exploit sexec_rec_exact; eauto.
+ { intros sis' SEXEC; inversion SEXEC. }
+ repeat autodestruct; simpl; try tauto.
+ - intros D1 D2 ISTEP (s2 & FSTEP & EQSTEP); subst.
+ eexists; split; eauto.
+ repeat eexists; eauto.
+ erewrite iblock_istep_run_equiv; eauto.
+ - intros D1 D2 ISTEP (sis & SEXEC & _); subst.
+ inversion SEXEC.
+(** * High-Level specification of the symbolic simulation test as predicate [symbolic_simu] *)
+Record simu_proof_context {f1 f2: BTL.function} := Sctx {
+ sge1: BTL.genv;
+ sge2: BTL.genv;
+ sge_match: forall s, Genv.find_symbol sge1 s = Genv.find_symbol sge2 s;
+ ssp: val;
+ srs0: regset;
+ sm0: mem
+Arguments simu_proof_context: clear implicits.
+Definition bctx1 {f1 f2} (ctx: simu_proof_context f1 f2):= Bctx ctx.(sge1) f1 ctx.(ssp) ctx.(srs0) ctx.(sm0).
+Definition bctx2 {f1 f2} (ctx: simu_proof_context f1 f2):= Bctx ctx.(sge2) f2 ctx.(ssp) ctx.(srs0) ctx.(sm0).
+(* NOTE: we need to mix semantical simulation and syntactic definition on [sfval] in order to abstract
+ the [match_states] of BTL_Schedulerproof.
+ Indeed, the [match_states] involves [match_function] in [match_stackframe].
+ And, here, we aim to define a notion of simulation for defining [match_function].
+ A syntactic definition of the simulation on [sfval] avoids the circularity issue.
+Inductive optsv_simu {f1 f2: function} (ctx: simu_proof_context f1 f2): (option sval) -> (option sval) -> Prop :=
+ | Ssome_simu sv1 sv2
+ (SIMU:eval_sval (bctx1 ctx) sv1 = eval_sval (bctx2 ctx) sv2)
+ :optsv_simu ctx (Some sv1) (Some sv2)
+ | Snone_simu: optsv_simu ctx None None
+ .
+Inductive svident_simu {f1 f2: function} (ctx: simu_proof_context f1 f2): (sval + ident) -> (sval + ident) -> Prop :=
+ | Sleft_simu sv1 sv2
+ (SIMU:eval_sval (bctx1 ctx) sv1 = eval_sval (bctx2 ctx) sv2)
+ :svident_simu ctx (inl sv1) (inl sv2)
+ | Sright_simu id1 id2
+ (IDSIMU: id1 = id2)
+ :svident_simu ctx (inr id1) (inr id2)
+ .
+Definition bargs_simu {f1 f2: function} (ctx: simu_proof_context f1 f2) (args1 args2: list (builtin_arg sval)): Prop :=
+ eval_list_builtin_sval (bctx1 ctx) args1 = eval_list_builtin_sval (bctx2 ctx) args2.
+Inductive sfv_simu {f1 f2} (ctx: simu_proof_context f1 f2): sfval -> sfval -> Prop :=
+ | Sgoto_simu pc: sfv_simu ctx (Sgoto pc) (Sgoto pc)
+ | Scall_simu sig ros1 ros2 args1 args2 r pc
+ (SVID: svident_simu ctx ros1 ros2)
+ (ARGS:eval_list_sval (bctx1 ctx) args1 = eval_list_sval (bctx2 ctx) args2)
+ :sfv_simu ctx (Scall sig ros1 args1 r pc) (Scall sig ros2 args2 r pc)
+ | Stailcall_simu sig ros1 ros2 args1 args2
+ (SVID: svident_simu ctx ros1 ros2)
+ (ARGS:eval_list_sval (bctx1 ctx) args1 = eval_list_sval (bctx2 ctx) args2)
+ :sfv_simu ctx (Stailcall sig ros1 args1) (Stailcall sig ros2 args2)
+ | Sbuiltin_simu ef lba1 lba2 br pc
+ (BARGS: bargs_simu ctx lba1 lba2)
+ :sfv_simu ctx (Sbuiltin ef lba1 br pc) (Sbuiltin ef lba2 br pc)
+ | Sjumptable_simu sv1 sv2 lpc
+ (VAL: eval_sval (bctx1 ctx) sv1 = eval_sval (bctx2 ctx) sv2)
+ :sfv_simu ctx (Sjumptable sv1 lpc) (Sjumptable sv2 lpc)
+ | simu_Sreturn osv1 osv2
+ (OPT:optsv_simu ctx osv1 osv2)
+ :sfv_simu ctx (Sreturn osv1) (Sreturn osv2)
+Definition sistate_simu {f1 f2} (ctx: simu_proof_context f1 f2) (sis1 sis2:sistate): Prop :=
+ forall rs m, sem_sistate (bctx1 ctx) sis1 rs m -> sem_sistate (bctx2 ctx) sis2 rs m.
+Record si_ok ctx (sis: sistate): Prop := {
+ OK_PRE: (sis.(si_pre) ctx);
+ OK_SMEM: eval_smem ctx sis.(si_smem) <> None;
+ OK_SREG: forall (r: reg), eval_sval ctx (si_sreg sis r) <> None
+Lemma sem_si_ok ctx sis rs m:
+ sem_sistate ctx sis rs m -> si_ok ctx sis.
+ unfold sem_sistate;
+ econstructor;
+ intuition congruence.
+Definition sstate_simu {f1 f2} (ctx: simu_proof_context f1 f2) (st1 st2:sstate): Prop :=
+ forall sis1 sfv1, get_soutcome (bctx1 ctx) st1 = Some (sout sis1 sfv1) -> si_ok (bctx1 ctx) sis1 ->
+ exists sis2 sfv2, get_soutcome (bctx2 ctx) st2 = Some (sout sis2 sfv2)
+ /\ sistate_simu ctx sis1 sis2
+ /\ (forall rs m, sem_sistate (bctx1 ctx) sis1 rs m -> sfv_simu ctx sfv1 sfv2)
+ .
+Definition symbolic_simu f1 f2 ib1 ib2: Prop := forall (ctx: simu_proof_context f1 f2), sstate_simu ctx (sexec f1 ib1) (sexec f2 ib2).
+(* REM. L'approche suivie initialement ne marche pas !!!
+Definition sstate_simu {f1 f2} (ctx: simu_proof_context f1 f2) (st1 st2: sstate) :=
+ forall t s1, sem_sstate (bctx1 ctx) t s1 st1 ->
+ exists s2, sem_sstate (bctx2 ctx) t s2 st2 /\ equiv_state s1 s2.
+Definition symbolic_simu f1 f2 ib1 ib2: Prop := forall (ctx: simu_proof_context f1 f2), sstate_simu ctx (sexec f1 ib1) (sexec f2 ib2).
+Theorem symbolic_simu_correct f1 f2 ib1 ib2:
+ symbolic_simu f1 f2 ib1 ib2 ->
+ forall (ctx: simu_proof_context f1 f2) t s1, iblock_step tr_inputs (sge1 ctx) (sstk1 ctx) f1 (ssp ctx) (srs0 ctx) (sm0 ctx) ib1 t s1 ->
+ exists s2, iblock_step tr_inputs (sge2 ctx) (sstk2 ctx) f2 (ssp ctx) (srs0 ctx) (sm0 ctx) ib2 t s2 /\ equiv_state s1 s2.
+ unfold symbolic_simu, sstate_simu.
+ intros SIMU ctx t s1 STEP1.
+ exploit (sexec_correct (bctx1 ctx)); simpl; eauto.
+ intros; exploit SIMU; eauto.
+ intros (s2 & SEM1 & EQ1).
+ exploit (sexec_exact (bctx2 ctx)); simpl; eauto.
+ intros (s3 & STEP2 & EQ2).
+ clear STEP1; eexists; split; eauto.
+ eapply equiv_state_trans; eauto.
+(** * Preservation properties under a [simu_proof_context] *)
+Section SymbValPreserved.
+Variable f1 f2: function.
+Hypothesis ctx: simu_proof_context f1 f2.
+Local Hint Resolve sge_match: core.
+Lemma eval_sval_preserved sv:
+ eval_sval (bctx1 ctx) sv = eval_sval (bctx2 ctx) sv.
+ induction sv using sval_mut with (P0 := fun lsv => eval_list_sval (bctx1 ctx) lsv = eval_list_sval (bctx2 ctx) lsv)
+ (P1 := fun sm => eval_smem (bctx1 ctx) sm = eval_smem (bctx2 ctx) sm); simpl; auto.
+ + rewrite IHsv; clear IHsv. destruct (eval_list_sval _ _); auto.
+ erewrite eval_operation_preserved; eauto.
+ + rewrite IHsv0; clear IHsv0. destruct (eval_list_sval _ _); auto.
+ erewrite eval_addressing_preserved; eauto.
+ destruct (eval_addressing _ _ _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsv; auto.
+ + rewrite IHsv; clear IHsv. destruct (eval_sval _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsv0; auto.
+ + rewrite IHsv0; clear IHsv0. destruct (eval_list_sval _ _); auto.
+ erewrite eval_addressing_preserved; eauto.
+ destruct (eval_addressing _ _ _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsv; clear IHsv. destruct (eval_smem _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsv1; auto.
+Lemma list_sval_eval_preserved lsv:
+ eval_list_sval (bctx1 ctx) lsv = eval_list_sval (bctx2 ctx) lsv.
+ induction lsv; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite eval_sval_preserved. destruct (eval_sval _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHlsv; auto.
+Lemma smem_eval_preserved sm:
+ eval_smem (bctx1 ctx) sm = eval_smem (bctx2 ctx) sm.
+ induction sm; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite list_sval_eval_preserved. destruct (eval_list_sval _ _); auto.
+ erewrite eval_addressing_preserved; eauto.
+ destruct (eval_addressing _ _ _ _); auto.
+ rewrite IHsm; clear IHsm. destruct (eval_smem _ _); auto.
+ rewrite eval_sval_preserved; auto.
+Lemma eval_builtin_sval_preserved sv:
+ eval_builtin_sval (bctx1 ctx) sv = eval_builtin_sval (bctx2 ctx) sv.
+ induction sv; simpl; auto.
+ all: try (erewrite eval_sval_preserved by eauto); trivial.
+ all: erewrite IHsv1 by eauto; erewrite IHsv2 by eauto; reflexivity.
+Lemma eval_list_builtin_sval_preserved lsv:
+ eval_list_builtin_sval (bctx1 ctx) lsv = eval_list_builtin_sval (bctx2 ctx) lsv.
+ induction lsv; simpl; auto.
+ erewrite eval_builtin_sval_preserved by eauto.
+ erewrite IHlsv by eauto.
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma eval_scondition_preserved cond lsv:
+ eval_scondition (bctx1 ctx) cond lsv = eval_scondition (bctx2 ctx) cond lsv.
+ unfold eval_scondition.
+ rewrite list_sval_eval_preserved. destruct (eval_list_sval _ _); auto.
+(* additional preservation properties under this additional hypothesis *)
+Hypothesis senv_preserved_BTL: Senv.equiv (sge1 ctx) (sge2 ctx).
+Lemma senv_find_symbol_preserved id:
+ Senv.find_symbol (sge1 ctx) id = Senv.find_symbol (sge2 ctx) id.
+ destruct senv_preserved_BTL as (A & B & C). congruence.
+Lemma senv_symbol_address_preserved id ofs:
+ Senv.symbol_address (sge1 ctx) id ofs = Senv.symbol_address (sge2 ctx) id ofs.
+ unfold Senv.symbol_address. rewrite senv_find_symbol_preserved.
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma eval_builtin_sarg_preserved m: forall bs varg,
+ eval_builtin_sarg (bctx1 ctx) m bs varg ->
+ eval_builtin_sarg (bctx2 ctx) m bs varg.
+ induction 1; simpl.
+ all: try (constructor; auto).
+ - rewrite <- eval_sval_preserved. assumption.
+ - rewrite <- senv_symbol_address_preserved. assumption.
+ - rewrite senv_symbol_address_preserved. eapply seval_BA_addrglobal.
+Lemma eval_builtin_sargs_preserved m lbs vargs:
+ eval_builtin_sargs (bctx1 ctx) m lbs vargs ->
+ eval_builtin_sargs (bctx2 ctx) m lbs vargs.
+ induction 1; constructor; eauto.
+ eapply eval_builtin_sarg_preserved; auto.
+End SymbValPreserved.