path: root/scheduling/RTLpathLivegenaux.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'scheduling/RTLpathLivegenaux.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 213 deletions
diff --git a/scheduling/RTLpathLivegenaux.ml b/scheduling/RTLpathLivegenaux.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 976ddc16..00000000
--- a/scheduling/RTLpathLivegenaux.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-open RTL
-open RTLpath
-open Registers
-open Maps
-open Camlcoq
-open Datatypes
-open DebugPrint
-open RTLcommonaux
-let rec list_to_regset = function
- | [] -> Regset.empty
- | r::l -> Regset.add r (list_to_regset l)
-let get_input_regs i =
- let empty = Regset.empty in
- match i with
- | Inop _ -> empty
- | Iop (_,lr,_,_) | Iload (_,_,_,lr,_,_) | Icond (_,lr,_,_,_) -> list_to_regset lr
- | Istore (_,_,lr,r,_) -> Regset.add r (list_to_regset lr)
- | Icall (_, ri, lr, _, _) | Itailcall (_, ri, lr) -> begin
- let rs = list_to_regset lr in
- match ri with
- | Coq_inr _ -> rs
- | Coq_inl r -> Regset.add r rs
- end
- | Ibuiltin (_, lbr, _, _) -> list_to_regset @@ AST.params_of_builtin_args lbr
- | Ijumptable (r, _) -> Regset.add r empty
- | Ireturn opr -> (match opr with Some r -> Regset.add r empty | None -> empty)
-let get_output_reg i =
- match i with
- | Inop _ | Istore _ | Icond _ | Itailcall _ | Ijumptable _ | Ireturn _ -> None
- | Iop (_, _, r, _) | Iload (_, _, _, _, r, _) | Icall (_, _, _, r, _) -> Some r
- | Ibuiltin (_, _, brr, _) -> (match brr with AST.BR r -> Some r | _ -> None)
-(* Does not set the input_regs and liveouts field *)
-let get_path_map code entry join_points =
- let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in
- let path_map = ref PTree.empty in
- let rec dig_path e =
- if (get_some @@ PTree.get e !visited) then
- ()
- else begin
- visited := PTree.set e true !visited;
- let psize = ref (-1) in
- let path_successors = ref [] in
- let rec dig_path_rec n : (path_info * node list) option =
- let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get n code in
- begin
- psize := !psize + 1;
- let psucc = predicted_successor inst in
- let successor = match psucc with
- | None -> None
- | Some n' -> if get_some @@ PTree.get n' join_points then None else Some n'
- in match successor with
- | Some n' -> begin
- path_successors := !path_successors @ non_predicted_successors inst psucc;
- dig_path_rec n'
- end
- | None -> Some ({ psize = (Camlcoq.Nat.of_int !psize);
- input_regs = Regset.empty; pre_output_regs = Regset.empty; output_regs = Regset.empty },
- !path_successors @ successors_inst inst)
- end
- in match dig_path_rec e with
- | None -> ()
- | Some ret ->
- let (path_info, succs) = ret in
- begin
- path_map := PTree.set e path_info !path_map;
- List.iter dig_path succs
- end
- end
- in begin
- dig_path entry;
- !path_map
- end
-(** OLD CODE - If needed to have our own kildall
-let transfer after = let open Liveness in function
- | Inop _ -> after
- | Iop (_, args, res, _) ->
- reg_list_live args (Regset.remove res after)
- | Iload (_, _, _, args, dst, _) ->
- reg_list_live args (Regset.remove dst after)
- | Istore (_, _, args, src, _) ->
- reg_list_live args (Regset.add src after)
- | Icall (_, ros, args, res, _) ->
- reg_list_live args (reg_sum_live ros (Regset.remove res after))
- | Itailcall (_, ros, args) ->
- reg_list_live args (reg_sum_live ros Regset.empty)
- | Ibuiltin (_, args, res, _) ->
- reg_list_live (AST.params_of_builtin_args args)
- (reg_list_dead (AST.params_of_builtin_res res) after)
- | Icond (_, args, _, _, _) ->
- reg_list_live args after
- | Ijumptable (arg, _) ->
- Regset.add arg after
- | Ireturn optarg ->
- reg_option_live optarg Regset.empty
-let get_last_nodes f =
- let visited = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) f.fn_code) in
- let rec step n =
- let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get n f.fn_code in
- let successors = successors_inst inst in
- if get_some @@ PTree.get n !visited then []
- else begin
-let analyze f =
- let liveness = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> None) f.fn_code) in
- let predecessors = Duplicateaux.get_predecessors_rtl f.fn_code in
- let last_nodes = get_last_nodes f in
- let rec step liveout n = (* liveout is the input_regs from the successor *)
- let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get n f.fn_code in
- let continue = ref true in
- let alive = match get_some @@ PTree.get n !liveness with
- | None -> transfer liveout inst
- | Some pre_alive -> begin
- let union = Regset.union pre_alive liveout in
- let new_alive = transfer union inst in
- (if Regset.equal pre_alive new_alive then continue := false);
- new_alive
- end
- in begin
- liveness := PTree.set n (Some alive) !liveness;
- if !continue then
- let preds = get_some @@ PTree.get n predecessors in
- List.iter (step alive) preds
- end
- in begin
- List.iter (step Regset.empty) last_nodes;
- let liveness_noopt = PTree.map (fun n i -> get_some i) !liveness in
- begin
- debug_flag := true;
- dprintf "Liveness: "; print_ptree_regset liveness_noopt; dprintf "\n";
- debug_flag := false;
- liveness_noopt
- end
- end
-let rec traverse code n size =
- let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get n code in
- if (size == 0) then (inst, n)
- else
- let n' = get_some @@ predicted_successor inst in
- traverse code n' (size-1)
-let get_outputs liveness f n pi =
- let (last_instruction, pc_last) = traverse f.fn_code n (Camlcoq.Nat.to_int pi.psize) in
- let path_last_successors = successors_inst last_instruction in
- let list_input_regs = List.map (
- fun n -> get_some @@ PTree.get n liveness
- ) path_last_successors in
- let outputs = List.fold_left Regset.union Regset.empty list_input_regs in
- let por = match last_instruction with (* see RTLpathLivegen.final_inst_checker *)
- | Icall (_, _, _, res, _) -> Regset.remove res outputs
- | Ibuiltin (_, _, res, _) -> Liveness.reg_list_dead (AST.params_of_builtin_res res) outputs
- | Itailcall (_, _, _) | Ireturn _ ->
- assert (outputs = Regset.empty); (* defensive check for performance *)
- outputs
- | _ -> outputs
- in (por, outputs)
-let set_pathmap_liveness f pm =
- let liveness = analyze f in
- let new_pm = ref PTree.empty in
- begin
- debug "Liveness: "; print_ptree_regset liveness; debug "\n";
- List.iter (fun (n, pi) ->
- let inputs = get_some @@ PTree.get n liveness in
- let (por, outputs) = get_outputs liveness f n pi in
- new_pm := PTree.set n
- {psize=pi.psize; input_regs=inputs; pre_output_regs=por; output_regs=outputs} !new_pm
- ) (PTree.elements pm);
- !new_pm
- end
-let print_path_info pi = begin
- debug "(psize=%d; " (Camlcoq.Nat.to_int pi.psize);
- debug "\ninput_regs=";
- print_regset pi.input_regs;
- debug "\n; pre_output_regs=";
- print_regset pi.pre_output_regs;
- debug "\n; output_regs=";
- print_regset pi.output_regs;
- debug ")\n"
-let print_path_map path_map = begin
- debug "[";
- List.iter (fun (n,pi) ->
- debug "\n\t";
- debug "%d: " (P.to_int n);
- print_path_info pi
- ) (PTree.elements path_map);
- debug "]"
-let build_path_map f =
- let code = f.fn_code in
- let entry = f.fn_entrypoint in
- let join_points = get_join_points code entry in
- let path_map = set_pathmap_liveness f @@ get_path_map code entry join_points in
- begin
- debug "Join points: ";
- print_true_nodes join_points;
- debug "\nPath map: ";
- print_path_map path_map;
- debug "\n";
- path_map
- end