path: root/scheduling
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1 files changed, 105 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/scheduling/RTLtoBTLaux.ml b/scheduling/RTLtoBTLaux.ml
index 8ace6e2a..20aa01aa 100644
--- a/scheduling/RTLtoBTLaux.ml
+++ b/scheduling/RTLtoBTLaux.ml
@@ -1,17 +1,118 @@
-open RTLpathLivegenaux
open Maps
open RTL
-open BinNums
+open BTL
+open Registers
open DebugPrint
+(* TODO gourdinl duplicated parts from RTLpathLivegenaux.ml
+ This should be accessible everywhere. *)
+let get_some = function
+| None -> failwith "Got None instead of Some _"
+| Some thing -> thing
+let successors_inst = function
+| Inop n | Iop (_,_,_,n) | Iload (_,_,_,_,_,n) | Istore (_,_,_,_,n) | Icall (_,_,_,_,n) | Ibuiltin (_,_,_,n) -> [n]
+| Icond (_,_,n1,n2,_) -> [n1; n2]
+| Ijumptable (_,l) -> l
+| Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> []
+let predicted_successor = function
+| Inop n | Iop (_,_,_,n) | Iload (_,_,_,_,_,n) | Istore (_,_,_,_,n) -> Some n
+| Icall (_,_,_,_,n) | Ibuiltin (_,_,_,n) -> None
+| Icond (_,_,n1,n2,p) -> (
+ match p with
+ | Some true -> Some n1
+ | Some false -> Some n2
+ | None -> None )
+| Ijumptable _ | Itailcall _ | Ireturn _ -> None
+(* TODO gourdinl Adapted from RTLpathLivegenaux to avoid redundant computations ... *)
+let non_predicted_successors i = function
+ | None -> successors_inst i
+ | Some ps -> List.filter (fun s -> s != ps) (successors_inst i)
+(* adapted from Linearizeaux.get_join_points *)
+let get_join_points code entry =
+ let reached = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in
+ let reached_twice = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in
+ let rec traverse pc =
+ if get_some @@ PTree.get pc !reached then begin
+ if not (get_some @@ PTree.get pc !reached_twice) then
+ reached_twice := PTree.set pc true !reached_twice
+ end else begin
+ reached := PTree.set pc true !reached;
+ traverse_succs (successors_inst @@ get_some @@ PTree.get pc code)
+ end
+ and traverse_succs = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [pc] -> traverse pc
+ | pc :: l -> traverse pc; traverse_succs l
+ in traverse entry; !reached_twice
+let translate_inst = function
+ | Inop (_) -> Bnop
+ | Iop (op,lr,rd,_) -> Bop (op,lr,rd)
+ | Iload (trap,chk,addr,lr,rd,_) -> Bload (trap,chk,addr,lr,rd)
+ | Istore (chk,addr,lr,rd,_) -> Bstore (chk,addr,lr,rd)
+ | Icall (sign,fn,lr,rd,s) -> BF (Bcall (sign,fn,lr,rd,s))
+ | Itailcall (sign,fn,lr) -> BF (Btailcall (sign,fn,lr))
+ | Ibuiltin (ef,lr,rd,s) -> BF (Bbuiltin (ef,lr,rd,s))
+ | Icond (cond,lr,ifso,ifnot,info) -> (
+ (* TODO gourdinl remove this *)
+ assert (info = None);
+ Bcond (cond,lr,BF (Bgoto(ifso)),BF (Bgoto(ifnot)),info))
+ | Ijumptable (arg, tbl) -> BF (Bjumptable (arg,tbl))
+ | Ireturn (oreg) -> BF (Breturn (oreg))
+let translate_function code entry join_points =
+ let reached = ref (PTree.map (fun n i -> false) code) in
+ let btl_code = ref PTree.empty in
+ let rec build_btl_tree e =
+ if (get_some @@ PTree.get e !reached) then ()
+ else (
+ reached := PTree.set e true !reached;
+ let next_nodes = ref [] in
+ let rec build_btl_block n =
+ let inst = get_some @@ PTree.get n code in
+ let psucc = predicted_successor inst in
+ let succ =
+ match psucc with
+ | Some ps -> if get_some @@ PTree.get ps join_points then None else Some ps
+ | None -> None
+ in match succ with
+ | Some s -> (
+ match inst with
+ | Icond (cond,lr,ifso,ifnot,info) -> (
+ (* TODO gourdinl remove this *)
+ assert (s = ifso || s = ifnot);
+ next_nodes := !next_nodes @ non_predicted_successors inst psucc;
+ if s = ifso then
+ Bcond (cond,lr,build_btl_block s,BF (Bgoto (ifnot)),info)
+ else
+ Bcond (cond,lr,BF (Bgoto (ifso)),build_btl_block s,info))
+ | _ -> Bseq (translate_inst inst, build_btl_block s))
+ | None -> (
+ next_nodes := !next_nodes @ successors_inst inst;
+ translate_inst inst)
+ in
+ let ib = build_btl_block e in
+ let succs = !next_nodes in
+ let ibf = { entry = ib; input_regs = Regset.empty } in
+ btl_code := PTree.set e ibf !btl_code;
+ List.iter build_btl_tree succs)
+ in build_btl_tree entry; !btl_code
let rtl2btl (f: RTL.coq_function) =
let code = f.fn_code in
let entry = f.fn_entrypoint in
let join_points = get_join_points code entry in
- Printf.eprintf "test";
+ let btl = translate_function code entry join_points in
debug_flag := true;
+ debug"Code: ";
+ print_code code;
debug "Join points: ";
print_true_nodes join_points;
debug "\n";
debug_flag := false;
- ((PTree.empty, Coq_xH), PTree.empty)
+ ((btl, entry), PTree.empty)