path: root/scheduling
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diff --git a/scheduling/BTL_SEimpl.v b/scheduling/BTL_SEimpl.v
index b007a07e..6e86bebb 100644
--- a/scheduling/BTL_SEimpl.v
+++ b/scheduling/BTL_SEimpl.v
@@ -400,10 +400,10 @@ Definition root_happly (rsv: root_sval) (lr: list reg) (hrs: ristate): ?? sval :
Lemma root_happly_correct (rsv: root_sval) lr hrs:
- WHEN root_happly rsv lr hrs ~> sv THEN forall ctx st
- (REF: ris_refines ctx hrs st)
+ WHEN root_happly rsv lr hrs ~> sv THEN forall ctx sis
+ (REF: ris_refines ctx hrs sis)
(OK: ris_ok ctx hrs),
- sval_refines ctx sv (rsv lr st).
+ sval_refines ctx sv (rsv lr sis).
unfold root_apply, root_happly; destruct rsv; wlp_simplify; inv REF;
erewrite H0, H; eauto.
@@ -472,16 +472,16 @@ Definition simplify (rsv: root_sval) (lr: list reg) (hrs: ristate): ?? sval :=
| Rload _ chunk addr =>
- DO lhsv <~ hlist_args hrs lr;;
- hSload hrs NOTRAP chunk addr lhsv
+ DO lsv <~ hlist_args hrs lr;;
+ hSload hrs NOTRAP chunk addr lsv
Lemma simplify_correct rsv lr hrs:
- WHEN simplify rsv lr hrs ~> hv THEN forall ctx st
- (REF: ris_refines ctx hrs st)
+ WHEN simplify rsv lr hrs ~> hv THEN forall ctx sis
+ (REF: ris_refines ctx hrs sis)
(OK0: ris_ok ctx hrs)
- (OK1: eval_sval ctx (rsv lr st) <> None),
- sval_refines ctx hv (rsv lr st).
+ (OK1: eval_sval ctx (rsv lr sis) <> None),
+ sval_refines ctx hv (rsv lr sis).
destruct rsv; simpl; auto.
- (* Rop *)
@@ -500,22 +500,22 @@ Proof.
* rewrite H1 in OK1; congruence.
+ erewrite H0; eauto.
+Global Opaque simplify.
+Local Hint Resolve simplify_correct: wlp.
+Definition red_PTree_set (r: reg) (sv: sval) (hrs: ristate): PTree.t sval :=
+ match (ris_input_init hrs), sv with
+ | true, Sinput r' _ =>
+ if Pos.eq_dec r r'
+ then PTree.remove r' hrs
+ else PTree.set r sv hrs
+ | false, Sundef _ =>
+ PTree.remove r hrs
+ | _, _ => PTree.set r sv hrs
+ end.
-Definition red_PTree_set (r: reg) (sv: sval) (hrs: ristate): ristate :=
- let sreg :=
- match (ris_input_init hrs), sv with
- | true, Sinput r' _ =>
- if Pos.eq_dec r r'
- then PTree.remove r' hrs
- else PTree.set r sv hrs
- | false, Sundef _ =>
- PTree.remove r hrs
- | _, _ => PTree.set r sv hrs
- end in
- ris_sreg_set hrs sreg.
-Lemma red_PTree_set_correct (r r0:reg) sv hrs ctx:
- sval_refines ctx ((red_PTree_set r sv hrs) r0) ((ris_sreg_set hrs (PTree.set r sv hrs)) r0).
+Lemma red_PTree_set_correct (r r0:reg) sv (hrs: ristate) ctx:
+ sval_refines ctx ((ris_sreg_set hrs (red_PTree_set r sv hrs)) r0) ((ris_sreg_set hrs (PTree.set r sv hrs)) r0).
unfold red_PTree_set, ris_sreg_set, ris_sreg_get; simpl.
destruct (ris_input_init hrs) eqn:Hinit, sv; simpl; auto.
@@ -526,11 +526,11 @@ Proof.
rewrite PTree.gro, PTree.gso; simpl; auto].
-Lemma red_PTree_set_refines (r r0:reg) ctx hrs st sv1 sv2:
- ris_refines ctx hrs st ->
+Lemma red_PTree_set_refines (r r0:reg) ctx hrs sis sv1 sv2:
+ ris_refines ctx hrs sis ->
sval_refines ctx sv1 sv2 ->
ris_ok ctx hrs ->
- sval_refines ctx ((red_PTree_set r sv1 hrs) r0) (if Pos.eq_dec r r0 then sv2 else si_sreg st r0).
+ sval_refines ctx (ris_sreg_set hrs (red_PTree_set r sv1 hrs) r0) (if Pos.eq_dec r r0 then sv2 else si_sreg sis r0).
intros REF SREF OK; rewrite red_PTree_set_correct.
unfold ris_sreg_set, ris_sreg_get.
@@ -551,11 +551,11 @@ Definition cbranch_expanse (prev: ristate) (cond: condition) (args: list reg): ?
Lemma cbranch_expanse_correct hrs c l:
- WHEN cbranch_expanse hrs c l ~> r THEN forall ctx st
- (REF : ris_refines ctx hrs st)
+ WHEN cbranch_expanse hrs c l ~> r THEN forall ctx sis
+ (REF : ris_refines ctx hrs sis)
(OK: ris_ok ctx hrs),
eval_scondition ctx (fst r) (snd r) =
- eval_scondition ctx c (list_sval_inj (map (si_sreg st) l)).
+ eval_scondition ctx c (list_sval_inj (map (si_sreg sis) l)).
unfold cbranch_expanse.
wlp_simplify; inv REF.
@@ -586,43 +586,145 @@ Proof.
intros; rewrite PTree.gempty; eauto.
-Fixpoint hrexec_rec f ib ris (k: ristate -> rstate): ?? rstate :=
+Definition hrset_sreg r lr rsv (hrs: ristate): ?? ristate :=
+ DO ok_lsv <~
+ (if may_trap rsv lr
+ then DO hv <~ root_happly rsv lr hrs;;
+ XDEBUG hv (fun hv => DO hv_name <~ string_of_hashcode (sval_get_hid hv);; RET ("-- insert undef behavior of hashcode:" +; (CamlStr hv_name))%string);;
+ RET (hv::(ok_rsval hrs))
+ else RET (ok_rsval hrs));;
+ DO simp <~ simplify rsv lr hrs;;
+ RET {| ris_smem := hrs.(ris_smem);
+ ris_input_init := hrs.(ris_input_init);
+ ok_rsval := ok_lsv;
+ ris_sreg:= red_PTree_set r simp hrs |}.
+Lemma ok_hrset_sreg (rsv:root_sval) ctx (st: sistate) r lr:
+ si_ok ctx (set_sreg r (rsv lr st) st)
+ <-> (si_ok ctx st /\ eval_sval ctx (rsv lr st) <> None).
+ unfold set_sreg; simpl; split.
+ - intros. destruct H as [[OK_SV OK_PRE] OK_SMEM OK_SREG]; simpl in *.
+ repeat (split; try tauto).
+ + intros r0; generalize (OK_SREG r0); clear OK_SREG; destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r0); try congruence.
+ + generalize (OK_SREG r); clear OK_SREG; destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r); try congruence.
+ - intros (OK & SEVAL). inv OK.
+ repeat (split; try tauto; eauto).
+ intros r0; destruct (Pos.eq_dec r r0) eqn:Heq; simpl;
+ rewrite Heq; eauto.
+(* TODO gourdinl move this in BTL_SEtheory? *)
+Lemma eval_list_sval_inj_not_none ctx st: forall l,
+ (forall r, List.In r l -> eval_sval ctx (si_sreg st r) = None -> False) ->
+ eval_list_sval ctx (list_sval_inj (map (si_sreg st) l)) = None -> False.
+ induction l.
+ - intuition discriminate.
+ - intros ALLR. simpl.
+ inversion_SOME v.
+ + intro SVAL. inversion_SOME lv; [discriminate|].
+ assert (forall r : reg, In r l -> eval_sval ctx (si_sreg st r) = None -> False).
+ { intros r INR. eapply ALLR. right. assumption. }
+ intro SVALLIST. intro. eapply IHl; eauto.
+ + intros. exploit (ALLR a); simpl; eauto.
+Lemma hrset_sreg_correct r lr rsv hrs:
+ WHEN hrset_sreg r lr rsv hrs ~> hrs' THEN forall ctx sis
+ (REF: ris_refines ctx hrs sis),
+ ris_refines ctx hrs' (set_sreg r (rsv lr sis) sis).
+ wlp_simplify; inversion REF.
+ - (* may_trap -> true *)
+ assert (X: si_ok ctx (set_sreg r (rsv lr sis) sis) <->
+ ris_ok ctx {| ris_smem := hrs;
+ ris_input_init := ris_input_init hrs;
+ ok_rsval := exta :: ok_rsval hrs;
+ ris_sreg := red_PTree_set r exta0 hrs |}).
+ {
+ rewrite ok_hrset_sreg, OK_EQUIV.
+ split.
+ + intros (ROK & SEVAL); inv ROK.
+ assert (ROK: ris_ok ctx hrs) by (econstructor; eauto).
+ econstructor; eauto; simpl.
+ intuition (subst; eauto).
+ erewrite H0 in *; eauto.
+ + intros (OK_RMEM & OK_RREG); simpl in *.
+ assert (ROK: ris_ok ctx hrs) by (econstructor; eauto).
+ erewrite <- H0 in *; eauto. }
+ split; auto; rewrite <- X, ok_hrset_sreg.
+ + intuition eauto.
+ + intros (SOK & SEVAL) r0.
+ rewrite ris_sreg_set_access.
+ erewrite red_PTree_set_refines; intuition eauto.
+ - (* may_trap -> false *)
+ assert (X: si_ok ctx (set_sreg r (rsv lr sis) sis) <->
+ ris_ok ctx {| ris_smem := hrs;
+ ris_input_init := ris_input_init hrs;
+ ok_rsval := ok_rsval hrs;
+ ris_sreg := red_PTree_set r exta hrs |}).
+ {
+ rewrite ok_hrset_sreg, OK_EQUIV.
+ split.
+ + intros (ROK & SEVAL); inv ROK.
+ econstructor; eauto.
+ + intros (OK_RMEM & OK_RREG).
+ assert (ROK: ris_ok ctx hrs) by (econstructor; eauto).
+ split; auto.
+ intros SNONE; exploit may_trap_correct; eauto.
+ * intros LNONE; eapply eval_list_sval_inj_not_none; eauto.
+ assert (SOK: si_ok ctx sis) by intuition.
+ inv SOK. intuition eauto.
+ * rewrite <- MEM_EQ; auto. }
+ split; auto; rewrite <- X, ok_hrset_sreg.
+ + intuition eauto.
+ + intros (SOK & SEVAL) r0.
+ rewrite ris_sreg_set_access.
+ erewrite red_PTree_set_refines; intuition eauto.
+Fixpoint hrexec_rec f ib hrs (k: ristate -> ?? rstate): ?? rstate :=
match ib with
- (*| BF fin _ => Rfinal (tr_ris f fin ris) (sexec_final_sfv fin ris)*)
+ | BF fin _ => RET (Rfinal (tr_ris f fin hrs) (sexec_final_sfv fin hrs))
(* basic instructions *)
- | Bnop _ => RET (k ris)
- | Bop op args res _ =>
- DO next <~ ris_sreg_set hrs res
- k (rexec_op op args res ris)
- | Bload TRAP chunk addr args dst _ => k (rexec_load TRAP chunk addr args dst ris)
- | Bload NOTRAP chunk addr args dst _ => Rabort
- | Bstore chunk addr args src _ => k (rexec_store chunk addr args src ris)
+ | Bnop _ => k hrs
+ | Bop op args dst _ =>
+ DO next <~ hrset_sreg dst args (Rop op) hrs;;
+ k next
+ | Bload TRAP chunk addr args dst _ =>
+ DO next <~ hrset_sreg dst args (Rload TRAP chunk addr) hrs;;
+ k next
+ | Bload NOTRAP chunk addr args dst _ => RET Rabort
+ | Bstore chunk addr args src _ =>
+ DO next <~ hrexec_store chunk addr args src hrs;;
+ k next
(* composed instructions *)
| Bseq ib1 ib2 =>
- rexec_rec f ib1 ris (fun ris2 => rexec_rec f ib2 ris2 k)
+ hrexec_rec f ib1 hrs (fun hrs2 => hrexec_rec f ib2 hrs2 k)
| Bcond cond args ifso ifnot _ =>
- let args := list_sval_inj (List.map ris args) in
- let ifso := rexec_rec f ifso ris k in
- let ifnot := rexec_rec f ifnot ris k in
- Rcond cond args ifso ifnot
- (* TODO to remove *)
- | _ => RET (k ris)
+ DO res <~ cbranch_expanse hrs cond args;;
+ let (cond, vargs) := res in
+ DO ifso <~ hrexec_rec f ifso hrs k;;
+ DO ifnot <~ hrexec_rec f ifnot hrs k;;
+ RET (Rcond cond vargs ifso ifnot)
-Definition hrexec f ib := hrexec_rec f ib hris_init (fun _ => Rabort).
+Definition hrexec f ib :=
+ DO init <~ hris_init;;
+ hrexec_rec f ib init (fun _ => RET Rabort).
-Definition hsexec (f: function) (pc:node): ?? ristate :=
+Definition hsexec (f: function) (pc:node): ?? rstate :=
DO path <~ some_or_fail ((fn_code f)!pc) "hsexec.internal_error.1";;
- DO hinit <~ init_ristate;;
- DO hst <~ hsiexec_path path.(psize) f hinit;;
+ (*DO hinit <~ init_ristate;;*)
+ DO hst <~ hrexec f f.(fn_entrypoint);;
DO i <~ some_or_fail ((fn_code f)!(hst.(hsi_pc))) "hsexec.internal_error.2";;
DO ohst <~ hsiexec_inst i hst;;
match ohst with
| Some hst' => RET {| hinternal := hst'; hfinal := HSnone |}
| None => DO hsvf <~ hsexec_final i hst.(hsi_local);;
RET {| hinternal := hst; hfinal := hsvf |}
- end.*)
+ end.
End CanonBuilding.
diff --git a/scheduling/BTL_SEsimuref.v b/scheduling/BTL_SEsimuref.v
index 60c49e04..c812c607 100644
--- a/scheduling/BTL_SEsimuref.v
+++ b/scheduling/BTL_SEsimuref.v
@@ -44,6 +44,17 @@ Definition ris_sreg_set (ris: ristate) (sreg: PTree.t sval): ristate :=
ok_rsval := ok_rsval ris;
ris_sreg := sreg |}.
+Lemma ris_sreg_set_access (ris: ristate) (sreg: PTree.t sval) r smem rsval:
+ {| ris_smem := smem;
+ ris_input_init := ris_input_init ris;
+ ok_rsval := rsval;
+ ris_sreg := sreg |} r =
+ ris_sreg_set ris sreg r.
+ unfold ris_sreg_set, ris_sreg_get; simpl.
+ reflexivity.
Record ris_ok ctx (ris: ristate) : Prop := {
OK_RMEM: (eval_smem ctx (ris_smem ris)) <> None;
OK_RREG: forall sv, List.In sv (ok_rsval ris) -> eval_sval ctx sv <> None