path: root/backend/Merge_WL.v
diff options
authorblazy <blazy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2010-01-08 07:53:02 +0000
committerblazy <blazy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2010-01-08 07:53:02 +0000
commita8c744000247af207b489d3cdd4e3d3cf60f72e1 (patch)
tree96c7ee4e244fccdb840233007604ba52d97c09e0 /backend/Merge_WL.v
parent283afabc594b385e4f17fa59647aa8cddee27f85 (diff)
ajout branche allocation de registres
git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1220 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/Merge_WL.v')
1 files changed, 818 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Merge_WL.v b/backend/Merge_WL.v
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d9b27e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/Merge_WL.v
@@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
+Require Import FSets.
+Require Import InterfGraphMapImp.
+Require Import Simplify_WL.
+Require Import IRC_graph.
+Require Import WS.
+Require Import Edges.
+Require Import Affinity_relation.
+Require Import Interference_adjacency.
+Require Import Remove_Vertex_WL.
+Require Import Merge_Degree.
+Import Edge RegFacts Props OTFacts.
+Definition classify x g' palette wl :=
+if is_precolored x g' then wl else
+let a := get_spillWL wl in
+let b := get_freezeWL wl in
+let c := get_simplifyWL wl in
+let d := get_movesWL wl in
+if has_low_degree g' palette x then
+ if move_related g' x then (a, VertexSet.add x b, c, d)
+ else (a, VertexSet.remove x b, VertexSet.add x c, d)
+else (VertexSet.add x a, VertexSet.remove x b, c, d).
+Definition merge_wl3 e ircg g' (p : In_graph_edge e (irc_g ircg)) (q : aff_edge e) :=
+let wl := (irc_wl ircg) in
+let g := (irc_g ircg) in
+let palette := (pal ircg) in
+let k := (irc_k ircg) in
+let simplifyWL := get_simplifyWL wl in
+let freezeWL := get_freezeWL wl in
+let spillWL := get_spillWL wl in
+let movesWL := get_movesWL wl in
+let pre := precolored g in
+let iadj_fst_ := interference_adj (fst_ext e) g in
+let iadj_fst := VertexSet.diff iadj_fst_ pre in
+let iadj_snd_ := interference_adj (snd_ext e) g in
+let iadj_snd := VertexSet.diff iadj_snd_ pre in
+let padj_fst_ := preference_adj (fst_ext e) g in
+let padj_fst := VertexSet.diff padj_fst_ pre in
+let padj_snd_ := preference_adj (snd_ext e) g in
+let padj_snd := VertexSet.diff padj_snd_ pre in
+let iadj_interf := VertexSet.inter iadj_fst iadj_snd in
+let iadj_padj_interf := VertexSet.union
+ (VertexSet.inter padj_fst iadj_snd)
+ (VertexSet.inter padj_snd iadj_fst) in
+let N := VertexSet.filter
+ (fun x => eq_K k (VertexSet.cardinal (interference_adj x g)))
+ iadj_interf in
+let (mr, nmr) := VertexSet.partition (move_related g) N in
+let M := VertexSet.filter
+ (fun x => eq_K 1 (VertexSet.cardinal (preference_adj x g)) && has_low_degree g k x)
+ iadj_padj_interf in
+let simplifyWL_ := VertexSet.union simplifyWL nmr in
+let simplifyWL' := VertexSet.union simplifyWL_ M in
+let freezeWL__ := VertexSet.diff freezeWL M in
+let freezeWL_ := VertexSet.union freezeWL__ mr in
+let freezeWL' := VertexSet.remove (fst_ext e) (VertexSet.remove (snd_ext e) freezeWL_) in
+let spillWL_ := VertexSet.diff spillWL N in
+let spillWL' := VertexSet.remove (fst_ext e) (VertexSet.remove (snd_ext e) spillWL_) in
+let movesWL' := AE_merge_up (preference_adj (fst_ext e) g')
+ padj_fst_ padj_snd_ e movesWL in
+classify (fst_ext e) g' k (spillWL', freezeWL', simplifyWL', movesWL').
+Lemma ws_merge3 : forall e ircg H H0,
+WS_properties (merge e (irc_g ircg) H H0)
+ (VertexSet.cardinal (pal ircg))
+ (merge_wl3 e ircg (merge e (irc_g ircg) H H0) H H0).
+intros e ircg HH HH0.
+unfold merge_wl3. unfold WS_properties. rewrite <-(Hk ircg) in *.
+set (wl := irc_wl ircg) in *.
+set (g := irc_g ircg) in *.
+set (g' := merge e g HH HH0) in *.
+set (palette := (pal ircg)) in *.
+set (simplify := get_simplifyWL wl) in *.
+set (freeze := get_freezeWL wl) in *.
+set (spill := get_spillWL wl) in *.
+set (moves := get_movesWL wl) in *.
+set (k := VertexSet.cardinal palette) in *.
+set (pre := precolored g) in *.
+set (iadj_fst_ := interference_adj (fst_ext e) g) in *.
+set (iadj_snd_ := interference_adj (snd_ext e) g) in *.
+set (padj_fst_ := preference_adj (fst_ext e) g) in *.
+set (padj_snd_ := preference_adj (snd_ext e) g) in *.
+set (iadj_fst := VertexSet.diff iadj_fst_ pre) in *.
+set (iadj_snd := VertexSet.diff iadj_snd_ pre) in *.
+set (padj_fst := VertexSet.diff padj_fst_ pre) in *.
+set (padj_snd := VertexSet.diff padj_snd_ pre) in *.
+set (inter_interf := VertexSet.inter iadj_fst iadj_snd) in *.
+set (iadj_padj_interf := VertexSet.union
+ (VertexSet.inter padj_fst iadj_snd)
+ (VertexSet.inter padj_snd iadj_fst)) in *.
+set (N := VertexSet.filter
+ (fun x => eq_K k (VertexSet.cardinal (interference_adj x g)))
+ inter_interf) in *.
+set (M := VertexSet.filter
+ (fun x => eq_K 1 (VertexSet.cardinal (preference_adj x g))
+ && has_low_degree g k x)
+ iadj_padj_interf) in *.
+set (mrnmr := VertexSet.partition (move_related g) N) in *.
+case_eq mrnmr. intros mr nmr Hmr. unfold mrnmr in Hmr.
+set (simplifyWL_ := VertexSet.union simplify nmr) in *.
+set (simplifyWL' := VertexSet.union simplifyWL_ M) in *.
+set (freezeWL__ := VertexSet.diff freeze M) in *.
+set (freezeWL_ := VertexSet.union freezeWL__ mr) in *.
+set (freezeWL' := VertexSet.remove (fst_ext e) (VertexSet.remove (snd_ext e) freezeWL_)) in *.
+set (spillWL_ := VertexSet.diff spill N) in *.
+set (spillWL' := VertexSet.remove (fst_ext e) (VertexSet.remove (snd_ext e) spillWL_)) in *.
+set (movesWL' := AE_merge_up (preference_adj (fst_ext e) g') padj_fst_ padj_snd_ e moves) in *.
+unfold get_spillWL. unfold get_freezeWL. unfold get_simplifyWL. unfold get_movesWL. simpl.
+generalize (HWS_irc ircg). intro HWS. rewrite <-(Hk ircg) in HWS.
+generalize HH0. intro Haffa. destruct Haffa as [x2 Haffa].
+cut (VertexSet.Equal mr (VertexSet.filter (move_related g) N)).
+intro HMR.
+cut (VertexSet.Equal nmr (VertexSet.filter (fun x => negb (move_related g x)) N)).
+intro HNMR.
+intro x.
+(* spillWL for x = fst_ext e *)
+destruct (Register.eq_dec x (fst_ext e)); split; intros.
+(* spillWL => for x = fst_ext e *)
+unfold classify in H.
+unfold get_simplifyWL, get_freezeWL, get_spillWL, get_movesWL in H. simpl in H.
+(* fst_ext e is precolored => False *)
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g'); intros; rewrite H0 in H.
+simpl in H.
+unfold spillWL' in H. generalize (VertexSet.remove_3 (VertexSet.remove_3 H)). intro.
+unfold spillWL_ in H1. generalize (VertexSet.diff_1 H1). intro.
+generalize (In_spill_props _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H2 (refl_equal _) HWS). intro.
+elim (proj2 (proj2 H3)).
+apply VertexSet.remove_3 with (x:=snd_ext e).
+rewrite <-(precolored_merge e (irc_g ircg) HH HH0). rewrite precolored_equiv. split.
+rewrite is_precolored_ext with (y := fst_ext e); eassumption.
+rewrite In_merge_vertex. split. intuition.
+intro. elim (In_graph_edge_diff_ext e g). assumption.
+rewrite <-e0. rewrite <-H4. auto.
+(* fst_ext e is not precolored *)
+case_eq (has_low_degree g' k (fst_ext e)); intros; rewrite H1 in H.
+(* fst_ext e is of low-degree in g' *)
+case_eq (move_related g' (fst_ext e)); intros; rewrite H2 in H;
+simpl in H; unfold spillWL' in H; elim (VertexSet.remove_1 (Register.eq_sym _ _ e0) H).
+(* fst_ext e is of high-degree in g' *)
+simpl in H. split.
+rewrite (compat_bool_low _ _ _ _ e0). assumption.
+split. unfold g'. rewrite In_merge_vertex. split.
+rewrite e0. apply (proj1 (In_graph_edge_in_ext _ _ HH)).
+intro. elim (In_graph_edge_diff_ext e g). assumption.
+rewrite <-e0. rewrite <-H2. auto.
+rewrite precolored_equiv. intro. destruct H2.
+rewrite (is_precolored_ext _ _ g' e0) in H2. rewrite H0 in H2. inversion H2.
+(* spillWL <= for x = fst_ext e *)
+destruct H. destruct H0.
+unfold classify, get_spillWL, get_simplifyWL, get_freezeWL, get_movesWL. simpl.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g'); intros; simpl.
+(* fst_ext e is precolored => False *)
+elim H1. rewrite precolored_equiv. split.
+rewrite (is_precolored_ext _ _ g' e0). assumption. assumption.
+(* fst_ext e is not precolored *)
+case_eq (has_low_degree g' k (fst_ext e)); intros; simpl.
+(* fst_ext e is of low-degree in g' *)
+rewrite (compat_bool_low _ _ _ _ e0) in H. rewrite H in H3. inversion H3.
+(* fst_ext e is of high-degree in g' *)
+apply VertexSet.add_1. intuition.
+(* spillWL : x is different from fst_ext e *)
+assert (VertexSet.In x spillWL').
+unfold classify, get_simplifyWL, get_movesWL, get_freezeWL, get_spillWL in H. simpl in H.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g'); simpl in H; intro; rewrite H0 in H.
+case_eq (has_low_degree g' k (fst_ext e)); intros; rewrite H1 in H; simpl in H.
+case_eq (move_related g' (fst_ext e)); intros; rewrite H2 in H; simpl in H; assumption.
+apply VertexSet.add_3 with (x:=fst_ext e). auto. assumption.
+generalize H0. clear H H0. intro H.
+unfold spillWL' in H. generalize (VertexSet.remove_3 H). clear H. intro H.
+assert (~Register.eq x (snd_ext e)).
+intro. elim (VertexSet.remove_1 (Register.eq_sym _ _ H0) H).
+generalize (VertexSet.remove_3 H). clear H. intro H.
+unfold spillWL_ in H.
+generalize (VertexSet.diff_1 H). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.diff_2 H). clear H. intro H.
+generalize (In_spill_props _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 (refl_equal _) HWS). intro.
+destruct H2. destruct H3. fold palette in H2. fold k in H2.
+case_eq (has_low_degree g' k x); intros.
+generalize (merge_dec_interf _ _ _ _ HH HH0 H2 H5 n H0). intro.
+generalize (merge_dec_K _ _ _ _ HH HH0 n H0 H2 H5). intro.
+destruct H6. elim H. unfold N.
+apply VertexSet.filter_3.
+apply eq_K_compat.
+unfold inter_interf. apply VertexSet.inter_3.
+apply VertexSet.diff_3; assumption.
+apply VertexSet.diff_3; assumption.
+apply eq_K_1. assumption.
+split. unfold g'. rewrite In_merge_vertex. split; assumption.
+unfold g'. rewrite precolored_merge.
+intro. elim H4. apply (VertexSet.remove_3 H5).
+(* spillWL <= for x different from fst_ext e *)
+destruct H. destruct H0.
+assert (VertexSet.In x spillWL').
+unfold spillWL'. apply VertexSet.remove_2. auto.
+apply VertexSet.remove_2. intro.
+unfold g' in H0. rewrite In_merge_vertex in H0. destruct H0. elim H3. auto.
+unfold spillWL_. apply VertexSet.diff_3.
+WS_apply HWS.
+apply (merge_low_1 g e x k HH0 HH). assumption.
+intro. rewrite H2 in H0.
+unfold g' in H0. rewrite In_merge_vertex in H0. destruct H0. elim H3. auto.
+split. unfold g' in H0. rewrite In_merge_vertex in H0. intuition.
+unfold g' in H1. rewrite precolored_merge in H1.
+intro. elim H1. apply VertexSet.remove_2. intro.
+rewrite <-H3 in H0.
+unfold g' in H0. rewrite In_merge_vertex in H0. destruct H0. elim H4. auto.
+intro. unfold N in H2.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_1 (eq_K_compat k g) H2). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_2 (eq_K_compat k g) H2). clear H2. intro.
+generalize (eq_K_2 _ _ H2). clear H2. intro H2.
+assert (has_low_degree g' k x = true).
+apply merge_dec_low. auto.
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_1 H3). intro. apply (VertexSet.diff_1 H4).
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_2 H3). intro. apply (VertexSet.diff_1 H4).
+rewrite H in H4. inversion H4.
+unfold classify, get_simplifyWL, get_freezeWL, get_movesWL, get_spillWL. simpl.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g'); intros.
+case_eq (has_low_degree g' k (fst_ext e)); intros.
+case_eq (move_related g' (fst_ext e)); intros.
+simpl. apply VertexSet.add_2. assumption.
+(* freezeWL *)
+intro x. destruct (Register.eq_dec x (fst_ext e)).
+(* x = fst_ext e *)
+split; intro.
+(* => *)
+unfold classify, get_spillWL, get_simplifyWL, get_movesWL, get_freezeWL in H. simpl in H.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g'); intros; rewrite H0 in H; simpl in H.
+unfold freezeWL' in H. elim (VertexSet.remove_1 (Register.eq_sym _ _ e0) H).
+case_eq (has_low_degree g' k (fst_ext e)); intros; rewrite H1 in H; simpl in H.
+rewrite (compat_bool_low _ _ _ _ e0). assumption.
+case_eq (move_related g' (fst_ext e)); intros; rewrite H2 in H; simpl in H.
+rewrite (compat_bool_move _ _ _ e0). assumption.
+rewrite precolored_equiv. intro. destruct H3.
+rewrite (is_precolored_ext _ _ g' e0) in H3. rewrite H0 in H3. inversion H3.
+elim (VertexSet.remove_1 (Register.eq_sym _ _ e0) H).
+elim (VertexSet.remove_1 (Register.eq_sym _ _ e0) H).
+(* <= *)
+destruct H. destruct H0.
+unfold classify, get_simplifyWL, get_spillWL, get_freezeWL, get_movesWL. simpl.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g'); intros; simpl.
+elim H1. rewrite precolored_equiv. split.
+rewrite (is_precolored_ext _ _ g' e0). assumption.
+apply move_related_in_graph. assumption.
+case_eq (has_low_degree g' k (fst_ext e)); intros; simpl.
+case_eq (move_related g' (fst_ext e)); intros; simpl.
+apply VertexSet.add_1. intuition.
+rewrite (compat_bool_move _ _ _ e0) in H0. rewrite H0 in H4. inversion H4.
+rewrite (compat_bool_low _ _ _ _ e0) in H. rewrite H3 in H. inversion H.
+(* x <> fst_ext e => *)
+split; intro.
+assert (VertexSet.In x freezeWL').
+unfold classify, get_spillWL, get_simplifyWL, get_freezeWL, get_movesWL in H. simpl in H.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g'); intros; rewrite H0 in H.
+case_eq (has_low_degree g' k (fst_ext e)); intros; rewrite H1 in H.
+case_eq (move_related g' (fst_ext e)); intros; rewrite H2 in H.
+simpl in H. apply VertexSet.add_3 with (x:= fst_ext e). auto. assumption.
+simpl in H. apply (VertexSet.remove_3 H).
+simpl in H. apply (VertexSet.remove_3 H).
+generalize H0. clear H H0. intro H.
+unfold freezeWL' in H.
+generalize (VertexSet.remove_3 H). clear H. intro.
+assert (~Register.eq x (snd_ext e)).
+intro. elim (VertexSet.remove_1 (Register.eq_sym _ _ H0) H).
+generalize (VertexSet.remove_3 H). clear H. intro.
+unfold freezeWL_ in H.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H).
+unfold freezeWL__ in H1.
+generalize (VertexSet.diff_1 H1). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.diff_2 H1). clear H1. intro.
+unfold freeze in H2.
+generalize (In_freeze_props _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H2 (refl_equal _) HWS). intro.
+destruct H3. destruct H4. destruct H5.
+fold palette in H3. fold k in H3.
+apply low_dec; assumption.
+case_eq (move_related g' x); intros.
+elim H1. unfold M.
+apply VertexSet.filter_3.
+apply compat_move_up.
+Require Import Merge_Move.
+Require Import Graph_Facts.
+generalize (move_merge_not_move x e g HH HH0 n H0 H7 H4). intro.
+destruct H8.
+apply VertexSet.union_3.
+apply VertexSet.inter_3.
+apply VertexSet.diff_3. apply (VertexSet.inter_2 H8). assumption.
+apply VertexSet.diff_3. apply (VertexSet.inter_1 H8). assumption.
+apply VertexSet.union_2.
+apply VertexSet.inter_3.
+apply VertexSet.diff_3. apply (VertexSet.inter_2 H8). assumption.
+apply VertexSet.diff_3. apply (VertexSet.inter_1 H8). assumption.
+generalize (move_related_dec_1 x e g HH HH0 n H0 H4 H7). intro.
+unfold pref_degree in H8. rewrite (eq_K_1 _ _ H8). simpl. assumption.
+unfold g'. rewrite precolored_merge. intro. elim H6.
+apply (VertexSet.remove_3 H7).
+(* x in mr *)
+rewrite HMR in H1.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_1 (compat_bool_move _) H1). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_2 (compat_bool_move _) H1). clear H1. intro H1.
+unfold N in H2.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_1 (eq_K_compat _ _) H2). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_2 (eq_K_compat _ _) H2). clear H2. intro.
+generalize (eq_K_2 _ _ H2). clear H2. intro.
+apply merge_dec_low. auto.
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_1 H3)).
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_2 H3)).
+apply move_related_merge_true; auto.
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_1 H4). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_2 H4). clear H4. intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_1 H3). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_2 H3). clear H3. intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.diff_1 H3). clear H3. intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.diff_1 H6). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.diff_2 H6). clear H6. intro.
+elim (interf_pref_conflict x (snd_ext e) g).
+rewrite in_pref in H4. destruct H4.
+unfold Prefere. exists x0. assumption.
+unfold Interfere. rewrite <-in_interf. assumption.
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_1 H4). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_2 H4). clear H4. intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_1 H3). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_2 H3). clear H3. intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.diff_1 H3). clear H3. intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.diff_1 H6). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.diff_2 H6). clear H6. intro.
+elim (interf_pref_conflict x (fst_ext e) g).
+rewrite in_pref in H4. destruct H4.
+unfold Prefere. exists x0. assumption.
+unfold Interfere. unfold iadj_fst_ in H7. rewrite in_interf in H7. auto.
+unfold g'. rewrite precolored_merge.
+intro. elim (VertexSet.diff_2 (VertexSet.inter_1 H3)).
+apply (VertexSet.remove_3 H4).
+(* <= *)
+assert (VertexSet.In x freezeWL').
+destruct H. destruct H0.
+unfold freezeWL'.
+apply VertexSet.remove_2. auto.
+apply VertexSet.remove_2.
+intro. elim (not_in_merge_snd e g HH HH0).
+apply move_related_in_graph. rewrite (compat_bool_move _ _ _ H2). assumption.
+unfold freezeWL_.
+case_eq (has_low_degree g k x); intros.
+apply VertexSet.union_2.
+unfold freezeWL__.
+apply VertexSet.diff_3.
+WS_apply HWS.
+split. assumption.
+apply (move_related_merge_move_related g e x HH HH0). assumption.
+unfold g' in H1. rewrite precolored_merge in H1. intro. elim H1.
+apply VertexSet.remove_2. intro. elim (not_in_merge_snd _ _ HH HH0).
+apply move_related_in_graph. rewrite (compat_bool_move _ _ _ H4). assumption. assumption.
+intro. unfold M in H3.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_2 (compat_move_up _ _) H3). intro.
+assert (move_related g' x = false).
+apply move_related_change_charac.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_1 (compat_move_up _ _) H3). intro.
+unfold iadj_padj_interf in H5.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H5).
+apply VertexSet.union_3.
+apply VertexSet.inter_3.
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_2 H6)).
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_1 H6)).
+apply VertexSet.union_2.
+apply VertexSet.inter_3.
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_2 H6)).
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_1 H6)).
+case_eq (eq_K 1 (VertexSet.cardinal (preference_adj x g))); intros.
+symmetry. apply (eq_K_2 _ _ H5). rewrite H5 in H4. inversion H4.
+rewrite H0 in H5. inversion H5.
+apply VertexSet.union_3.
+rewrite HMR. apply VertexSet.filter_3.
+apply compat_bool_move.
+unfold N. apply VertexSet.filter_3.
+apply eq_K_compat.
+generalize (merge_dec_interf x e k g HH HH0 H2 H n). intro.
+destruct H3.
+intro. elim (not_in_merge_snd e g HH HH0). apply move_related_in_graph.
+rewrite (compat_bool_move _ _ _ (Register.eq_sym _ _ H3)). assumption.
+apply VertexSet.inter_3.
+apply VertexSet.diff_3. assumption. unfold pre.
+unfold g' in H1. rewrite precolored_merge in H1. intro. elim H1.
+apply VertexSet.remove_2. intro.
+elim (not_in_merge_snd _ _ HH HH0). rewrite H6. apply move_related_in_graph. assumption.
+apply VertexSet.diff_3. assumption. unfold pre.
+unfold g' in H1. rewrite precolored_merge in H1. intro. elim H1.
+apply VertexSet.remove_2. intro.
+elim (not_in_merge_snd _ _ HH HH0). rewrite H6. apply move_related_in_graph. assumption.
+apply eq_K_1. apply (merge_dec_K x e k g HH HH0); auto.
+intro. elim (not_in_merge_snd e g HH HH0).
+apply move_related_in_graph. rewrite (compat_bool_move _ _ _ H3) in H0. assumption.
+apply (move_related_merge_move_related g e x HH HH0). assumption.
+unfold classify, get_spillWL, get_freezeWL, get_simplifyWL, get_movesWL; simpl.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g'); intro; simpl.
+case_eq (has_low_degree g' k (fst_ext e)); intro; simpl.
+case_eq (move_related g' (fst_ext e)); intro; simpl.
+apply VertexSet.add_2. assumption.
+apply VertexSet.remove_2. auto. assumption.
+apply VertexSet.remove_2. auto. assumption.
+(* simplifyWL *)
+split. intro x.
+(* x = fst_ext e *)
+destruct (Register.eq_dec x (fst_ext e)).
+(* => *)
+split; intros.
+unfold classify, get_spillWL, get_simplifyWL, get_movesWL, get_freezeWL in H. simpl in H.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g'); intros; rewrite H0 in H.
+simpl in H. unfold simplifyWL' in H.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H).
+unfold simplifyWL_ in H1.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H1).
+generalize (In_simplify_props _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H2 (refl_equal _) HWS). intro.
+destruct H3. destruct H4. destruct H5.
+elim H6. apply VertexSet.remove_3 with (x:=snd_ext e).
+rewrite <-(precolored_merge e (irc_g ircg) HH HH0). rewrite precolored_equiv.
+rewrite (is_precolored_ext _ _ (merge e (irc_g ircg) HH HH0) e0). split. eassumption.
+rewrite In_merge_vertex. split. assumption.
+intro. elim (In_graph_edge_diff_ext e g). assumption.
+rewrite <-H7. assumption.
+rewrite HNMR in H2.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_1 (compat_not_compat (compat_bool_move _)) H2). intro.
+unfold N in H3.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_1 (eq_K_compat _ _) H3). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_1 H4). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_2 H4). clear H4. intro.
+elim (VertexSet.diff_2 H5). unfold pre.
+apply VertexSet.remove_3 with (x:=snd_ext e).
+rewrite <-(precolored_merge e g HH HH0). rewrite precolored_equiv.
+split. rewrite (is_precolored_ext _ _ (merge e g HH HH0) e0). eassumption.
+rewrite In_merge_vertex. split.
+rewrite e0. apply (proj1 (In_graph_edge_in_ext _ _ HH)).
+intro. elim (not_in_interf_self (snd_ext e) g). rewrite H6 in H4.
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 H4).
+unfold M in H1.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_1 (compat_move_up _ _) H1). intro.
+unfold iadj_padj_interf in H2.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H2).
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_1 H3). intro. generalize (VertexSet.diff_2 H4). intro.
+elim H5. unfold pre.
+apply VertexSet.remove_3 with (x:=snd_ext e). rewrite <-(precolored_merge e g HH HH0).
+rewrite precolored_equiv. split.
+rewrite (is_precolored_ext _ _ (merge e g HH HH0) e0). eassumption.
+rewrite e0. rewrite In_merge_vertex. split.
+apply (proj1 (In_graph_edge_in_ext _ _ HH)).
+intro. elim (In_graph_edge_diff_ext e g HH). auto.
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_1 H3). intro. generalize (VertexSet.diff_2 H4). intro.
+elim H5. unfold pre.
+apply VertexSet.remove_3 with (x:=snd_ext e). rewrite <-(precolored_merge e g HH HH0).
+rewrite precolored_equiv. split.
+rewrite (is_precolored_ext _ _ (merge e g HH HH0) e0). eassumption.
+rewrite e0. rewrite In_merge_vertex. split.
+apply (proj1 (In_graph_edge_in_ext _ _ HH)).
+intro. elim (In_graph_edge_diff_ext e g HH). auto.
+(* fst_ext e is not precolored *)
+case_eq (has_low_degree g' k (fst_ext e)); intros; rewrite H1 in H.
+case_eq (move_related g' (fst_ext e)); intros; rewrite H2 in H.
+simpl in H. unfold simplifyWL' in H.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H).
+unfold simplifyWL_ in H3.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H3).
+assert (move_related g x = false).
+apply (proj1 (proj2 (In_simplify_props _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H4 (refl_equal _) HWS))).
+assert (move_related g x = true).
+rewrite (compat_bool_move _ _ _ e0).
+apply (proj1 (Aff_edge_aff _ _ HH HH0)).
+rewrite H5 in H6. inversion H6.
+rewrite HNMR in H4.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_1 (compat_not_compat (compat_bool_move _)) H4). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_2 (compat_not_compat (compat_bool_move _)) H4). clear H4. intro H4.
+unfold N in H5.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_1 (eq_K_compat _ _) H5). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_2 (eq_K_compat _ _) H5). clear H5. intro.
+generalize (eq_K_2 _ _ H5). clear H5. intro.
+assert (move_related g x = true).
+rewrite (compat_bool_move _ _ _ e0).
+apply (proj1 (Aff_edge_aff _ _ HH HH0)).
+rewrite H7 in H4. inversion H4.
+unfold M in H3.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_1 (compat_move_up _ _) H3). intro.
+unfold iadj_padj_interf in H4.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H4).
+elim (not_in_pref_self (fst_ext e) g). rewrite e0 in H5.
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_1 H5)).
+elim (not_in_interf_self (fst_ext e) g). rewrite e0 in H5.
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_2 H5)).
+simpl in H.
+split. rewrite (compat_bool_low _ _ _ _ e0). assumption.
+split. rewrite (compat_bool_move _ _ _ e0). assumption.
+split. unfold g'. rewrite In_merge_vertex. split.
+rewrite e0. apply (proj1 (In_graph_edge_in_ext e g HH)).
+intro. elim (In_graph_edge_diff_ext e g HH). rewrite <-H3. assumption.
+rewrite precolored_equiv. intro. destruct H3.
+rewrite (is_precolored_ext _ _ g' e0) in H3. rewrite H0 in H3. inversion H3.
+simpl in H.
+unfold simplifyWL' in H.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H).
+unfold simplifyWL_ in H2.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H2).
+generalize (In_simplify_props _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H3 (refl_equal _) HWS). intro.
+destruct H4. destruct H5. destruct H6.
+generalize (proj1 (Aff_edge_aff _ _ HH HH0)). intro.
+rewrite (compat_bool_move _ _ _ e0) in H5. fold g in H5. rewrite H5 in H8. inversion H8.
+rewrite HNMR in H3.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_2 (compat_not_compat (compat_bool_move _)) H3). intro.
+generalize (proj1 (Aff_edge_aff _ _ HH HH0)). intro.
+rewrite (compat_bool_move _ _ _ e0) in H4. rewrite H5 in H4. inversion H4.
+unfold M in H2.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_1 (compat_move_up _ _) H2). intro.
+unfold iadj_padj_interf in H3.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H3).
+elim (not_in_pref_self (fst_ext e) g). rewrite e0 in H4.
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_1 H4)).
+elim (not_in_interf_self (fst_ext e) g). rewrite e0 in H4.
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_2 H4)).
+(* <= *)
+destruct H. destruct H0. destruct H1.
+unfold classify, get_spillWL, get_simplifyWL, get_freezeWL, get_movesWL. simpl.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g'); intros; simpl.
+rewrite precolored_equiv in H2. elim H2.
+split. rewrite (is_precolored_ext _ _ g' e0). assumption. assumption.
+case_eq (has_low_degree g' k (fst_ext e)); intros; simpl.
+case_eq (move_related g' (fst_ext e)); intros; simpl.
+rewrite (compat_bool_move _ _ _ e0) in H0. rewrite H0 in H5. inversion H5.
+apply VertexSet.add_1. intuition.
+rewrite (compat_bool_low _ _ _ _ e0) in H. rewrite H in H4. inversion H4.
+(* x <> fst_ext e *)
+(* simplifyWL => *)
+split; intros.
+assert (VertexSet.In x simplifyWL').
+unfold classify, get_spillWL, get_simplifyWL, get_movesWL, get_freezeWL in H. simpl in H.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g'); intros; rewrite H0 in H.
+case_eq (has_low_degree g' k (fst_ext e)); intros; rewrite H1 in H.
+case_eq (move_related g' (fst_ext e)); intros; rewrite H2 in H.
+simpl in H. apply VertexSet.add_3 with (x:=fst_ext e). auto. assumption.
+generalize H0. clear H H0. intro H.
+unfold simplifyWL' in H.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H).
+unfold simplifyWL_ in H0.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H0).
+generalize (In_simplify_props _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 (refl_equal _) HWS). intro.
+destruct H2. destruct H3. destruct H4.
+apply low_dec; auto.
+intro. generalize (proj2 (Aff_edge_aff e g HH HH0)). intro.
+rewrite (compat_bool_move _ _ _ H6) in H3. fold g in H3.
+rewrite H3 in H7. inversion H7.
+apply move_merge_false; auto.
+split. unfold g'. rewrite In_merge_vertex. split. assumption.
+intro. generalize (proj2 (Aff_edge_aff e g HH HH0)). intro.
+rewrite (compat_bool_move _ _ _ H6) in H3. fold g in H3.
+rewrite H3 in H7. inversion H7.
+unfold g'. rewrite precolored_merge. intro. elim H5.
+apply (VertexSet.remove_3 H6).
+rewrite HNMR in H1.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_1 (compat_not_compat (compat_bool_move _)) H1). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_2 (compat_not_compat (compat_bool_move _)) H1). clear H1. intro.
+unfold N in H2.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_1 (eq_K_compat _ _) H2). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_2 (eq_K_compat _ _) H2). clear H2. intro.
+generalize (eq_K_2 _ _ H2). clear H2. intro.
+apply merge_dec_low. auto.
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_1 H3)).
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_2 H3)).
+apply move_merge_false; auto. case_eq (move_related g x); intros.
+rewrite H4 in H1. inversion H1. reflexivity.
+split. unfold g'. rewrite In_merge_vertex. split.
+apply (in_interf_in x (fst_ext e) g).
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_1 H3)).
+intro. generalize (proj2 (Aff_edge_aff e g HH HH0)). intro.
+rewrite (compat_bool_move _ _ _ (Register.eq_sym _ _ H4)) in H5.
+rewrite H5 in H1. inversion H1.
+unfold g'. rewrite precolored_merge. intro.
+elim (VertexSet.diff_2 (VertexSet.inter_1 H3)). apply (VertexSet.remove_3 H4).
+unfold M in H0.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_1 (compat_move_up _ _) H0). intro.
+generalize (VertexSet.filter_2 (compat_move_up _ _) H0). clear H0. intro.
+assert (VertexSet.cardinal (preference_adj x g) = 1).
+case_eq (eq_K 1 (VertexSet.cardinal (preference_adj x g))); intros.
+generalize (eq_K_2 _ _ H2). clear H2. intro. auto.
+rewrite H2 in H0. inversion H0.
+generalize (eq_K_1 _ _ H2). intro. rewrite H3 in H0. simpl in H0.
+apply low_dec; auto.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H1).
+elim (not_in_interf_self (snd_ext e) g).
+rewrite H4 in H5. apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_2 H5)).
+elim (not_in_pref_self (snd_ext e) g).
+rewrite H4 in H5. apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_1 H5)).
+apply move_related_change_charac.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H1).
+apply VertexSet.union_3.
+apply VertexSet.inter_3.
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_2 H4)).
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_1 H4)).
+apply VertexSet.union_2.
+apply VertexSet.inter_3.
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_2 H4)).
+apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_1 H4)).
+unfold g'. rewrite In_merge_vertex. split.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H1).
+apply (in_interf_in x (snd_ext e) g). apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_2 H4)).
+apply (in_interf_in x (fst_ext e) g). apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_2 H4)).
+intro. destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H1).
+elim (not_in_interf_self (snd_ext e) g).
+rewrite H4 in H5. apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_2 H5)).
+elim (not_in_pref_self (snd_ext e) g).
+rewrite H4 in H5. apply (VertexSet.diff_1 (VertexSet.inter_1 H5)).
+unfold g'. rewrite precolored_merge.
+destruct (VertexSet.union_1 H1).
+elim (VertexSet.diff_2 (VertexSet.inter_1 H5)). apply (VertexSet.remove_3 H4).
+elim (VertexSet.diff_2 (VertexSet.inter_1 H5)). apply (VertexSet.remove_3 H4).
+(* <= *)
+destruct H. destruct H0. destruct H1.
+assert (VertexSet.In x simplifyWL').
+unfold simplifyWL'.
+case_eq (move_related g x); intros.
+apply VertexSet.union_3.
+unfold M.
+apply VertexSet.filter_3.
+apply compat_move_up.
+assert (~Register.eq x (snd_ext e)) as Hsnd.
+intro. elim (not_in_merge_snd e g HH HH0). rewrite H4 in H1. assumption.
+generalize (move_merge_not_move _ _ _ _ HH0 n Hsnd H0 H3). intro.
+destruct H4.
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_1 H4). generalize (VertexSet.inter_2 H4). intros.
+apply VertexSet.union_3.
+apply VertexSet.inter_3.
+apply VertexSet.diff_3. assumption.
+unfold g' in H2. rewrite precolored_merge in H2. intro. elim H2.
+apply VertexSet.remove_2. intro. elim (not_in_merge_snd _ _ HH HH0).
+rewrite H8. assumption.
+apply VertexSet.diff_3. assumption.
+unfold g' in H2. rewrite precolored_merge in H2. intro. elim H2.
+apply VertexSet.remove_2. intro. elim (not_in_merge_snd _ _ HH HH0).
+rewrite H8. assumption.
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_1 H4). generalize (VertexSet.inter_2 H4). intros.
+apply VertexSet.union_2.
+apply VertexSet.inter_3.
+apply VertexSet.diff_3. assumption.
+unfold g' in H2.
+rewrite precolored_merge in H2. intro. elim H2.
+apply VertexSet.remove_2. intro. elim (not_in_merge_snd _ _ HH HH0).
+rewrite H8. assumption.
+apply VertexSet.diff_3. assumption.
+unfold g' in H2.
+rewrite precolored_merge in H2. intro. elim H2.
+apply VertexSet.remove_2. intro. elim (not_in_merge_snd _ _ HH HH0).
+rewrite H8. assumption.
+assert (~Register.eq x (snd_ext e)) as Hsnd.
+intro. rewrite H4 in H1. elim (not_in_merge_snd e g HH HH0 H1).
+generalize (move_related_dec_1 _ _ _ HH HH0 n Hsnd H3 H0). intro.
+unfold pref_degree in H4. rewrite (eq_K_1 _ _ H4). simpl.
+case_eq (has_low_degree g k x); intros.
+generalize (move_merge_not_move _ _ _ _ HH0 n Hsnd H0 H3). intro.
+assert (~Register.eq x (snd_ext e)).
+intro. rewrite H7 in H1. elim (not_in_merge_snd e g HH HH0 H1).
+generalize (merge_dec_interf _ _ _ _ HH HH0 H5 H n H7). intro.
+destruct H8. destruct H6.
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_2 H6). intro.
+elim (interf_pref_conflict x (snd_ext e) g).
+rewrite in_pref in H10.
+unfold Prefere. assumption.
+unfold Interfere. rewrite <-in_interf. assumption.
+elim (interf_pref_conflict x (fst_ext e) g).
+generalize (VertexSet.inter_2 H6). intro.
+rewrite in_pref in H10.
+unfold Prefere. assumption.
+unfold Interfere. rewrite <-in_interf. auto.
+apply VertexSet.union_2.
+unfold simplifyWL_.
+case_eq (has_low_degree g k x); intros.
+apply VertexSet.union_2.
+WS_apply HWS.
+split. assumption.
+split. assumption.
+split. unfold g' in H1. rewrite In_merge_vertex in H1. intuition.
+unfold g' in H2. rewrite precolored_merge in H2.
+intro. elim H2. apply VertexSet.remove_2.
+intro. apply (not_in_merge_snd _ _ HH HH0). rewrite H6. assumption.
+apply VertexSet.union_3.
+rewrite HNMR.
+apply VertexSet.filter_3.
+apply compat_not_compat. apply compat_bool_move.
+unfold N. apply VertexSet.filter_3.
+apply eq_K_compat.
+assert (~Register.eq x (snd_ext e)).
+intro. rewrite H5 in H1. elim (not_in_merge_snd e g HH HH0 H1).
+generalize (merge_dec_interf _ _ _ _ HH HH0 H4 H n H5).
+intro. destruct H6. apply VertexSet.inter_3.
+apply VertexSet.diff_3. assumption.
+unfold g' in H2. rewrite precolored_merge in H2.
+intro. elim H2. apply VertexSet.remove_2. auto.
+apply VertexSet.diff_3. assumption.
+unfold g' in H2. rewrite precolored_merge in H2.
+intro. elim H2. apply VertexSet.remove_2. auto.
+apply eq_K_1.
+apply (merge_dec_K x e k g HH HH0 n).
+intro. rewrite H5 in H1. elim (not_in_merge_snd e g HH HH0 H1).
+rewrite H3. auto.
+unfold classify, get_spillWL, get_simplifyWL, get_movesWL, get_freezeWL; simpl.
+case_eq (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g'); intros.
+case_eq (has_low_degree g' k (fst_ext e)); intros.
+case_eq (move_related g' (fst_ext e)); intros.
+simpl. apply VertexSet.add_2; auto.
+(* moves !!!!! *)
+split; intros.
+assert (EdgeSet.In e0 movesWL').
+unfold classify,get_spillWL, get_simplifyWL, get_movesWL, get_freezeWL in H; simpl in H;
+destruct (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g');
+destruct (has_low_degree g' k (fst_ext e));
+destruct (move_related g' (fst_ext e)); simpl; assumption.
+unfold movesWL' in H0.
+unfold g'. rewrite <-AE_merge_wl. eassumption.
+intros. rewrite <-In_graph_aff_edge_in_AE.
+rewrite moves_AE. unfold moves. reflexivity. eassumption.
+destruct H. simpl.
+assert (EdgeSet.In e0 movesWL').
+unfold movesWL'. unfold g', padj_fst_, padj_snd_. rewrite AE_merge_wl.
+split; assumption.
+intros. rewrite <-In_graph_aff_edge_in_AE.
+rewrite moves_AE. unfold moves. reflexivity. eassumption.
+unfold classify,get_spillWL, get_simplifyWL, get_movesWL, get_freezeWL; simpl;
+destruct (is_precolored (fst_ext e) g');
+destruct (has_low_degree g' k (fst_ext e));
+destruct (move_related g' (fst_ext e)); simpl; assumption.
+rewrite <-VertexSet.partition_2. rewrite Hmr. intuition.
+apply compat_bool_move.
+rewrite <-VertexSet.partition_1. rewrite Hmr. intuition.
+apply compat_bool_move.
+Lemma WS_coalesce : forall e ircg H H0,
+WS_properties (merge e (irc_g ircg) H H0)
+ (irc_k ircg)
+ (merge_wl3 e ircg (merge e (irc_g ircg) H H0) H H0).
+intros. rewrite <-(Hk ircg). apply ws_merge3.
+Qed. \ No newline at end of file