path: root/backend/RTLgen.v
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2006-02-09 14:55:48 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2006-02-09 14:55:48 +0000
commit2ae43be7b9d4118335c9d2cef6e098f9b9f807fe (patch)
treebbb5e49ccbf7e3614966571acc317f8d318fecad /backend/RTLgen.v
Initial import of compcert
git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/RTLgen.v')
1 files changed, 473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/RTLgen.v b/backend/RTLgen.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9dc9660d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/RTLgen.v
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+(** Translation from Cminor to RTL. *)
+Require Import Coqlib.
+Require Import Maps.
+Require Import AST.
+Require Import Integers.
+Require Import Values.
+Require Import Op.
+Require Import Registers.
+Require Import Cminor.
+Require Import RTL.
+(** * Mutated variables *)
+(** The following functions compute the list of local Cminor variables
+ possibly modified during the evaluation of the given expression.
+ It is used in the [alloc_reg] function to avoid unnecessary
+ register-to-register moves in the generated RTL. *)
+Fixpoint mutated_expr (a: expr) : list ident :=
+ match a with
+ | Evar id => nil
+ | Eassign id b => id :: mutated_expr b
+ | Eop op bl => mutated_exprlist bl
+ | Eload _ _ bl => mutated_exprlist bl
+ | Estore _ _ bl c => mutated_exprlist bl ++ mutated_expr c
+ | Ecall _ b cl => mutated_expr b ++ mutated_exprlist cl
+ | Econdition b c d => mutated_condexpr b ++ mutated_expr c ++ mutated_expr d
+ | Elet b c => mutated_expr b ++ mutated_expr c
+ | Eletvar n => nil
+ end
+with mutated_condexpr (a: condexpr) : list ident :=
+ match a with
+ | CEtrue => nil
+ | CEfalse => nil
+ | CEcond cond bl => mutated_exprlist bl
+ | CEcondition b c d =>
+ mutated_condexpr b ++ mutated_condexpr c ++ mutated_condexpr d
+ end
+with mutated_exprlist (l: exprlist) : list ident :=
+ match l with
+ | Enil => nil
+ | Econs a bl => mutated_expr a ++ mutated_exprlist bl
+ end.
+(** * Translation environments and state *)
+(** The translation functions are parameterized by the following
+ compile-time environment, which maps Cminor local variables and
+ let-bound variables to RTL registers. The mapping for local variables
+ is computed from the Cminor variable declarations at the beginning of
+ the translation of a function, and does not change afterwards.
+ The mapping for let-bound variables is initially empty and updated
+ during translation of expressions, when crossing a [Elet] binding. *)
+Record mapping: Set := mkmapping {
+ map_vars: PTree.t reg;
+ map_letvars: list reg
+(** The translation functions modify a global state, comprising the
+ current state of the control-flow graph for the function being translated,
+ as well as sources of fresh RTL registers and fresh CFG nodes. *)
+Record state: Set := mkstate {
+ st_nextreg: positive;
+ st_nextnode: positive;
+ st_code: code;
+ st_wf: forall (pc: positive), Plt pc st_nextnode \/ st_code!pc = None
+(** ** The state and error monad *)
+(** The translation functions can fail to produce RTL code, for instance
+ if a non-declared variable is referenced. They must also modify
+ the global state, adding new nodes to the control-flow graph and
+ generating fresh temporary registers. In a language like ML or Java,
+ we would use exceptions to report errors and mutable data structures
+ to modify the global state. These luxuries are not available in Coq,
+ however. Instead, we use a monadic encoding of the translation:
+ translation functions take the current global state as argument,
+ and return either [Error] to denote an error, or [OK r s] to denote
+ success. [s] is the modified state, and [r] the result value of the
+ translation function.
+ We now define this monadic encoding -- the ``state and error'' monad --
+ as well as convenient syntax to express monadic computations. *)
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Inductive res (A: Set) : Set :=
+ | Error: res A
+ | OK: A -> state -> res A.
+Definition mon (A: Set) : Set := state -> res A.
+Definition ret (A: Set) (x: A) : mon A := fun (s: state) => OK x s.
+Definition error (A: Set) : mon A := fun (s: state) => Error A.
+Definition bind (A B: Set) (f: mon A) (g: A -> mon B) : mon B :=
+ fun (s: state) =>
+ match f s with
+ | Error => Error B
+ | OK a s' => g a s'
+ end.
+Definition bind2 (A B C: Set) (f: mon (A * B)) (g: A -> B -> mon C) : mon C :=
+ bind f (fun xy => g (fst xy) (snd xy)).
+Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" := (bind A (fun X => B))
+ (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).
+Notation "'do' ( X , Y ) <- A ; B" := (bind2 A (fun X Y => B))
+ (at level 200, X ident, Y ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).
+(** ** Operations on state *)
+(** The initial state (empty CFG). *)
+Lemma init_state_wf:
+ forall pc, Plt pc 1%positive \/ (PTree.empty instruction)!pc = None.
+Proof. intros; right; apply PTree.gempty. Qed.
+Definition init_state : state :=
+ mkstate 1%positive 1%positive (PTree.empty instruction) init_state_wf.
+(** Adding a node with the given instruction to the CFG. Return the
+ label of the new node. *)
+Lemma add_instr_wf:
+ forall s i pc,
+ let n := s.(st_nextnode) in
+ Plt pc (Psucc n) \/ (PTree.set n i s.(st_code))!pc = None.
+ intros. case (peq pc n); intro.
+ subst pc; left; apply Plt_succ.
+ rewrite PTree.gso; auto.
+ elim (st_wf s pc); intro.
+ left. apply Plt_trans_succ. exact H.
+ right; assumption.
+Definition add_instr (i: instruction) : mon node :=
+ fun s =>
+ let n := s.(st_nextnode) in
+ OK n
+ (mkstate s.(st_nextreg)
+ (Psucc n)
+ (PTree.set n i s.(st_code))
+ (add_instr_wf s i)).
+(** [add_instr] can be decomposed in two steps: reserving a fresh
+ CFG node, and filling it later with an instruction. This is needed
+ to compile loops. *)
+Lemma reserve_instr_wf:
+ forall s pc,
+ Plt pc (Psucc s.(st_nextnode)) \/ s.(st_code)!pc = None.
+ intros. elim (st_wf s pc); intro.
+ left; apply Plt_trans_succ; auto.
+ right; auto.
+Definition reserve_instr : mon node :=
+ fun s =>
+ let n := s.(st_nextnode) in
+ OK n (mkstate s.(st_nextreg) (Psucc n) s.(st_code)
+ (reserve_instr_wf s)).
+Lemma update_instr_wf:
+ forall s n i,
+ Plt n s.(st_nextnode) ->
+ forall pc,
+ Plt pc s.(st_nextnode) \/ (PTree.set n i s.(st_code))!pc = None.
+ intros.
+ case (peq pc n); intro.
+ subst pc; left; assumption.
+ rewrite PTree.gso; auto. exact (st_wf s pc).
+Definition update_instr (n: node) (i: instruction) : mon unit :=
+ fun s =>
+ match plt n s.(st_nextnode) with
+ | left PEQ =>
+ OK tt (mkstate s.(st_nextreg) s.(st_nextnode)
+ (PTree.set n i s.(st_code))
+ (@update_instr_wf s n i PEQ))
+ | right _ =>
+ Error unit
+ end.
+(** Generate a fresh RTL register. *)
+Definition new_reg : mon reg :=
+ fun s =>
+ OK s.(st_nextreg)
+ (mkstate (Psucc s.(st_nextreg))
+ s.(st_nextnode) s.(st_code) s.(st_wf)).
+(** ** Operations on mappings *)
+Definition init_mapping : mapping :=
+ mkmapping (PTree.empty reg) nil.
+Definition add_var (map: mapping) (name: ident) : mon (reg * mapping) :=
+ do r <- new_reg;
+ ret (r, mkmapping (PTree.set name r map.(map_vars))
+ map.(map_letvars)).
+Fixpoint add_vars (map: mapping) (names: list ident)
+ {struct names} : mon (list reg * mapping) :=
+ match names with
+ | nil => ret (nil, map)
+ | n1 :: nl =>
+ do (rl, map1) <- add_vars map nl;
+ do (r1, map2) <- add_var map1 n1;
+ ret (r1 :: rl, map2)
+ end.
+Definition find_var (map: mapping) (name: ident) : mon reg :=
+ match PTree.get name map.(map_vars) with
+ | None => error reg
+ | Some r => ret r
+ end.
+Definition add_letvar (map: mapping) (r: reg) : mapping :=
+ mkmapping map.(map_vars) (r :: map.(map_letvars)).
+Definition find_letvar (map: mapping) (idx: nat) : mon reg :=
+ match List.nth_error map.(map_letvars) idx with
+ | None => error reg
+ | Some r => ret r
+ end.
+(** ** Optimized temporary generation *)
+(** [alloc_reg map mut a] returns the RTL register where the evaluation
+ of expression [a] should leave its result -- the ``target register''
+ for evaluating [a]. In general, this is a
+ fresh temporary register. Exception: if [a] is a let-bound variable
+ or a non-mutated local variable, we return the RTL register associated
+ with that variable instead. Returning a fresh temporary in all cases
+ would be semantically correct, but would generate less efficient
+ RTL code. *)
+Definition alloc_reg (map: mapping) (mut: list ident) (a: expr) : mon reg :=
+ match a with
+ | Evar id =>
+ if In_dec ident_eq id mut
+ then new_reg
+ else find_var map id
+ | Eletvar n =>
+ find_letvar map n
+ | _ =>
+ new_reg
+ end.
+(** [alloc_regs] is similar, but for a list of expressions. *)
+Fixpoint alloc_regs (map: mapping) (mut:list ident) (al: exprlist)
+ {struct al}: mon (list reg) :=
+ match al with
+ | Enil =>
+ ret nil
+ | Econs a bl =>
+ do rl <- alloc_regs map mut bl;
+ do r <- alloc_reg map mut a;
+ ret (r :: rl)
+ end.
+(** * RTL generation **)
+(** Insertion of a register-to-register move instruction. *)
+Definition add_move (rs rd: reg) (nd: node) : mon node :=
+ if Reg.eq rs rd
+ then ret nd
+ else add_instr (Iop Omove (rs::nil) rd nd).
+(** Translation of an expression. [transl_expr map mut a rd nd]
+ enriches the current CFG with the RTL instructions necessary
+ to compute the value of Cminor expression [a], leave its result
+ in register [rd], and branch to node [nd]. It returns the node
+ of the first instruction in this sequence. [map] is the compile-time
+ translation environment, and [mut] is an over-approximation of
+ the set of local variables possibly modified during
+ the evaluation of [a]. *)
+Fixpoint transl_expr (map: mapping) (mut: list ident)
+ (a: expr) (rd: reg) (nd: node)
+ {struct a}: mon node :=
+ match a with
+ | Evar v =>
+ do r <- find_var map v; add_move r rd nd
+ | Eassign v b =>
+ do r <- find_var map v;
+ do no <- add_move rd r nd; transl_expr map mut b rd no
+ | Eop op al =>
+ do rl <- alloc_regs map mut al;
+ do no <- add_instr (Iop op rl rd nd);
+ transl_exprlist map mut al rl no
+ | Eload chunk addr al =>
+ do rl <- alloc_regs map mut al;
+ do no <- add_instr (Iload chunk addr rl rd nd);
+ transl_exprlist map mut al rl no
+ | Estore chunk addr al b =>
+ do rl <- alloc_regs map mut al;
+ do no <- add_instr (Istore chunk addr rl rd nd);
+ do ns <- transl_expr map mut b rd no;
+ transl_exprlist map mut al rl ns
+ | Ecall sig b cl =>
+ do rf <- alloc_reg map mut b;
+ do rargs <- alloc_regs map mut cl;
+ do n1 <- add_instr (Icall sig (inl _ rf) rargs rd nd);
+ do n2 <- transl_exprlist map mut cl rargs n1;
+ transl_expr map mut b rf n2
+ | Econdition b c d =>
+ do nfalse <- transl_expr map mut d rd nd;
+ do ntrue <- transl_expr map mut c rd nd;
+ transl_condition map mut b ntrue nfalse
+ | Elet b c =>
+ do r <- new_reg;
+ do nc <- transl_expr (add_letvar map r) mut c rd nd;
+ transl_expr map mut b r nc
+ | Eletvar n =>
+ do r <- find_letvar map n; add_move r rd nd
+ end
+(** Translation of a conditional expression. Similar to [transl_expr],
+ but the expression is evaluated for its truth value, and the generated
+ code branches to one of two possible continuation nodes [ntrue] or
+ [nfalse] depending on the truth value of [a]. *)
+with transl_condition (map: mapping) (mut: list ident)
+ (a: condexpr) (ntrue nfalse: node)
+ {struct a}: mon node :=
+ match a with
+ | CEtrue =>
+ ret ntrue
+ | CEfalse =>
+ ret nfalse
+ | CEcond cond bl =>
+ do rl <- alloc_regs map mut bl;
+ do nt <- add_instr (Icond cond rl ntrue nfalse);
+ transl_exprlist map mut bl rl nt
+ | CEcondition b c d =>
+ do nd <- transl_condition map mut d ntrue nfalse;
+ do nc <- transl_condition map mut c ntrue nfalse;
+ transl_condition map mut b nc nd
+ end
+(** Translation of a list of expressions. The expressions are evaluated
+ left-to-right, and their values left in the given list of registers. *)
+with transl_exprlist (map: mapping) (mut: list ident)
+ (al: exprlist) (rl: list reg) (nd: node)
+ {struct al} : mon node :=
+ match al, rl with
+ | Enil, nil =>
+ ret nd
+ | Econs b bs, r :: rs =>
+ do no <- transl_exprlist map mut bs rs nd; transl_expr map mut b r no
+ | _, _ =>
+ error node
+ end.
+(** Auxiliary for branch prediction. When compiling an if/then/else
+ statement, we have a choice between translating the ``then'' branch
+ first or the ``else'' branch first. Linearization of RTL control-flow
+ graph, performed later, will exploit this choice as a hint about
+ which branch is most frequently executed. However, this choice has
+ no impact on program correctness. We delegate the choice to an
+ external heuristic (written in OCaml), declared below. *)
+Parameter more_likely: condexpr -> stmtlist -> stmtlist -> bool.
+(** Translation of statements. [transl_stmt map s nd nexits nret rret]
+ enriches the current CFG with the RTL instructions necessary to
+ execute the Cminor statement [s], and returns the node of the first
+ instruction in this sequence. The generated instructions continue
+ at node [nd] if the statement terminates normally, at node [nret]
+ if it terminates by early return, and at the [n]-th node in the list
+ [nlist] if it terminates by an [exit n] construct. [rret] is the
+ register where the return value of the function must be stored, if any. *)
+Fixpoint transl_stmt (map: mapping) (s: stmt) (nd: node)
+ (nexits: list node) (nret: node) (rret: option reg)
+ {struct s} : mon node :=
+ match s with
+ | Sexpr a =>
+ let mut := mutated_expr a in
+ do r <- alloc_reg map mut a; transl_expr map mut a r nd
+ | Sifthenelse a strue sfalse =>
+ let mut := mutated_condexpr a in
+ (if more_likely a strue sfalse then
+ do nfalse <- transl_stmtlist map sfalse nd nexits nret rret;
+ do ntrue <- transl_stmtlist map strue nd nexits nret rret;
+ transl_condition map mut a ntrue nfalse
+ else
+ do ntrue <- transl_stmtlist map strue nd nexits nret rret;
+ do nfalse <- transl_stmtlist map sfalse nd nexits nret rret;
+ transl_condition map mut a ntrue nfalse)
+ | Sloop sbody =>
+ do nloop <- reserve_instr;
+ do nbody <- transl_stmtlist map sbody nloop nexits nret rret;
+ do x <- update_instr nloop (Inop nbody);
+ ret nbody
+ | Sblock sbody =>
+ transl_stmtlist map sbody nd (nd :: nexits) nret rret
+ | Sexit n =>
+ match nth_error nexits n with
+ | None => error node
+ | Some ne => ret ne
+ end
+ | Sreturn opt_a =>
+ match opt_a, rret with
+ | None, None => ret nret
+ | Some a, Some r => transl_expr map (mutated_expr a) a r nret
+ | _, _ => error node
+ end
+ end
+(** Translation of lists of statements. *)
+with transl_stmtlist (map: mapping) (sl: stmtlist) (nd: node)
+ (nexits: list node) (nret: node) (rret: option reg)
+ {struct sl} : mon node :=
+ match sl with
+ | Snil => ret nd
+ | Scons s1 ss =>
+ do ns <- transl_stmtlist map ss nd nexits nret rret;
+ transl_stmt map s1 ns nexits nret rret
+ end.
+(** Translation of a Cminor function. *)
+Definition ret_reg (sig: signature) (rd: reg) : option reg :=
+ match sig.(sig_res) with
+ | None => None
+ | Some ty => Some rd
+ end.
+Definition transl_fun (f: Cminor.function) : mon (node * list reg) :=
+ do (rparams, map1) <- add_vars init_mapping f.(Cminor.fn_params);
+ do (rvars, map2) <- add_vars map1 f.(Cminor.fn_vars);
+ do rret <- new_reg;
+ let orret := ret_reg f.(Cminor.fn_sig) rret in
+ do nret <- add_instr (Ireturn orret);
+ do nentry <- transl_stmtlist map2 f.(Cminor.fn_body) nret nil nret orret;
+ ret (nentry, rparams).
+Definition transl_function (f: Cminor.function) : option RTL.function :=
+ match transl_fun f init_state with
+ | Error => None
+ | OK (nentry, rparams) s =>
+ Some (RTL.mkfunction
+ f.(Cminor.fn_sig)
+ rparams
+ f.(Cminor.fn_stackspace)
+ s.(st_code)
+ nentry
+ s.(st_nextnode)
+ s.(st_wf))
+ end.
+(** Translation of a whole program. *)
+Definition transl_program (p: Cminor.program) : option RTL.program :=
+ transform_partial_program transl_function p.