path: root/caml
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2006-02-09 14:55:48 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2006-02-09 14:55:48 +0000
commit2ae43be7b9d4118335c9d2cef6e098f9b9f807fe (patch)
treebbb5e49ccbf7e3614966571acc317f8d318fecad /caml
Initial import of compcert
git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'caml')
13 files changed, 1605 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/caml/Allocationaux.ml b/caml/Allocationaux.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e4f3284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caml/Allocationaux.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+open Camlcoq
+open Datatypes
+open List
+open AST
+open Locations
+type status = To_move | Being_moved | Moved
+let parallel_move_order lsrc ldst =
+ let src = array_of_coqlist lsrc
+ and dst = array_of_coqlist ldst in
+ let n = Array.length src in
+ let status = Array.make n To_move in
+ let moves = ref Coq_nil in
+ let rec move_one i =
+ if src.(i) <> dst.(i) then begin
+ status.(i) <- Being_moved;
+ for j = 0 to n - 1 do
+ if src.(j) = dst.(i) then
+ match status.(j) with
+ To_move ->
+ move_one j
+ | Being_moved ->
+ let tmp =
+ match Loc.coq_type src.(j) with
+ | Tint -> R IT2
+ | Tfloat -> R FT2 in
+ moves := Coq_cons (Coq_pair(src.(j), tmp), !moves);
+ src.(j) <- tmp
+ | Moved ->
+ ()
+ done;
+ moves := Coq_cons(Coq_pair(src.(i), dst.(i)), !moves);
+ status.(i) <- Moved
+ end in
+ for i = 0 to n - 1 do
+ if status.(i) = To_move then move_one i
+ done;
+ List.rev !moves
diff --git a/caml/Allocationaux.mli b/caml/Allocationaux.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cf3b944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caml/Allocationaux.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+open Datatypes
+open List
+open Locations
+val parallel_move_order: loc list -> loc list -> (loc, loc) prod list
diff --git a/caml/CMlexer.mli b/caml/CMlexer.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..573c5305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caml/CMlexer.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+(* $Id: CMlexer.mli,v 1.1 2005/01/21 13:11:07 xleroy Exp $ *)
+val token: Lexing.lexbuf -> CMparser.token
+exception Error of string
diff --git a/caml/CMlexer.mll b/caml/CMlexer.mll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8d3ae74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caml/CMlexer.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+(* $Id: CMlexer.mll,v 1.3 2005/03/21 15:53:00 xleroy Exp $ *)
+open Camlcoq
+open CMparser
+exception Error of string
+let blank = [' ' '\009' '\012' '\010' '\013']
+let floatlit =
+ ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9' '_']*
+ ('.' ['0'-'9' '_']* )?
+ (['e' 'E'] ['+' '-']? ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9' '_']*)?
+let ident = ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_'] ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '0'-'9']*
+let intlit = "-"? ( ['0'-'9']+ | "0x" ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F']+
+ | "0o" ['0'-'7']+ | "0b" ['0'-'1']+ )
+let stringlit = "\"" [ ^ '"' ] * '"'
+rule token = parse
+ | blank + { token lexbuf }
+ | "/*" { comment lexbuf; token lexbuf }
+ | "absf" { ABSF }
+ | "&" { AMPERSAND }
+ | "!" { BANG }
+ | "!=" { BANGEQUAL }
+ | "!=f" { BANGEQUALF }
+ | "!=u" { BANGEQUALU }
+ | "|" { BAR }
+ | "||" { BARBAR }
+ | "^" { CARET }
+ | ":" { COLON }
+ | "," { COMMA }
+ | "$" { DOLLAR }
+ | "else" { ELSE }
+ | "=" { EQUAL }
+ | "==" { EQUALEQUAL }
+ | "==f" { EQUALEQUALF }
+ | "==u" { EQUALEQUALU }
+ | "exit" { EXIT }
+ | "float" { FLOAT }
+ | "float32" { FLOAT32 }
+ | "float64" { FLOAT64 }
+ | "floatofint" { FLOATOFINT }
+ | "floatofintu" { FLOATOFINTU }
+ | ">" { GREATER }
+ | ">f" { GREATERF }
+ | ">u" { GREATERU }
+ | ">=" { GREATEREQUAL }
+ | ">=f" { GREATEREQUALF }
+ | ">=u" { GREATEREQUALU }
+ | "if" { IF }
+ | "in" { IN }
+ | "int" { INT }
+ | "int16s" { INT16S }
+ | "int16u" { INT16U }
+ | "int32" { INT32 }
+ | "int8s" { INT8S }
+ | "int8u" { INT8U }
+ | "intoffloat" { INTOFFLOAT }
+ | "{" { LBRACE }
+ | "{{" { LBRACELBRACE }
+ | "[" { LBRACKET }
+ | "<" { LESS }
+ | "<u" { LESSU }
+ | "<f" { LESSF }
+ | "<=" { LESSEQUAL }
+ | "<=u" { LESSEQUALU }
+ | "<=f" { LESSEQUALF }
+ | "<<" { LESSLESS }
+ | "let" { LET }
+ | "loop" { LOOP }
+ | "(" { LPAREN }
+ | "-" { MINUS }
+ | "->" { MINUSGREATER }
+ | "-f" { MINUSF }
+ | "%" { PERCENT }
+ | "%u" { PERCENTU }
+ | "+" { PLUS }
+ | "+f" { PLUSF }
+ | "?" { QUESTION }
+ | "}" { RBRACE }
+ | "}}" { RBRACERBRACE }
+ | "]" { RBRACKET }
+ | "return" { RETURN }
+ | ")" { RPAREN }
+ | ";" { SEMICOLON }
+ | "/" { SLASH }
+ | "/f" { SLASHF }
+ | "/u" { SLASHU }
+ | "stack" { STACK }
+ | "*" { STAR }
+ | "*f" { STARF }
+ | "switch" { SWITCH }
+ | "~" { TILDE }
+ | "var" { VAR }
+ | "void" { VOID }
+ | intlit { INTLIT(Int32.of_string(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
+ | floatlit { FLOATLIT(float_of_string(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
+ | stringlit { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ STRINGLIT(intern_string(String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 2))) }
+ | ident { IDENT(intern_string(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
+ | eof { EOF }
+ | _ { raise(Error("illegal character `" ^ Char.escaped (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0) ^ "'")) }
+and comment = parse
+ "*/" { () }
+ | eof { raise(Error "unterminated comment") }
+ | _ { comment lexbuf }
diff --git a/caml/CMparser.mly b/caml/CMparser.mly
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b19bce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caml/CMparser.mly
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+/* $Id: CMparser.mly,v 1.2 2005/03/21 15:53:00 xleroy Exp $ */
+open Datatypes
+open List
+open Camlcoq
+open BinPos
+open BinInt
+open Integers
+open AST
+open Op
+open Cminor
+let intconst n =
+ Eop(Ointconst(coqint_of_camlint n), Enil)
+let andbool e1 e2 =
+ Cmconstr.conditionalexpr e1 e2 (intconst 0l)
+let orbool e1 e2 =
+ Cmconstr.conditionalexpr e1 (intconst 1l) e2
+%token ABSF
+%token BANG
+%token BAR
+%token BARBAR
+%token CARET
+%token COLON
+%token COMMA
+%token DOLLAR
+%token ELSE
+%token EQUAL
+%token EOF
+%token EXIT
+%token FLOAT
+%token FLOAT32
+%token FLOAT64
+%token <float> FLOATLIT
+%token GREATER
+%token GREATERF
+%token GREATERU
+%token <AST.ident> IDENT
+%token IF
+%token IN
+%token INT
+%token INT16S
+%token INT16U
+%token INT32
+%token INT8S
+%token INT8U
+%token <int32> INTLIT
+%token LBRACE
+%token LBRACKET
+%token LESS
+%token LESSU
+%token LESSF
+%token LESSLESS
+%token LET
+%token LOOP
+%token LPAREN
+%token MINUS
+%token MINUSF
+%token PERCENT
+%token PERCENTU
+%token PLUS
+%token PLUSF
+%token QUESTION
+%token RBRACE
+%token RBRACKET
+%token RETURN
+%token RPAREN
+%token SLASH
+%token SLASHF
+%token SLASHU
+%token STACK
+%token STAR
+%token STARF
+%token <AST.ident> STRINGLIT
+%token SWITCH
+%token TILDE
+%token VAR
+%token VOID
+/* Precedences from low to high */
+%left COMMA
+%left p_let
+%right EQUAL
+%left BARBAR
+%left BAR
+%left CARET
+%left LPAREN
+/* Entry point */
+%start prog
+%type <Cminor.program> prog
+/* Programs */
+ global_declarations proc_list EOF
+ { { prog_funct = List.rev $2;
+ prog_main = intern_string "main";
+ prog_vars = List.rev $1; } }
+ /* empty */ { Coq_nil }
+ | global_declarations global_declaration { Coq_cons($2, $1) }
+ VAR STRINGLIT LBRACKET INTLIT RBRACKET { Coq_pair($2, z_of_camlint $4) }
+ /* empty */ { Coq_nil }
+ | proc_list proc { Coq_cons($2, $1) }
+/* Procedures */
+ STRINGLIT LPAREN parameters RPAREN COLON signature
+ stack_declaration
+ var_declarations
+ stmt_list
+ { Coq_pair($1,
+ { fn_sig = $6;
+ fn_params = List.rev $3;
+ fn_vars = List.rev $9;
+ fn_stackspace = $8;
+ fn_body = $10 }) }
+ type_
+ { {sig_args = Coq_nil; sig_res = Some $1} }
+ | VOID
+ { {sig_args = Coq_nil; sig_res = None} }
+ | type_ MINUSGREATER signature
+ { let s = $3 in {s with sig_args = Coq_cons($1, s.sig_args)} }
+ /* empty */ { Coq_nil }
+ | parameter_list { $1 }
+ IDENT { Coq_cons($1, Coq_nil) }
+ | parameter_list COMMA IDENT { Coq_cons($3, $1) }
+ /* empty */ { Z0 }
+ | STACK INTLIT { z_of_camlint $2 }
+ /* empty */ { Coq_nil }
+ | var_declarations var_declaration { List.app $2 $1 }
+ VAR parameter_list SEMICOLON { $2 }
+/* Statements */
+ expr SEMICOLON { Sexpr $1 }
+ | IF LPAREN expr RPAREN stmts ELSE stmts { Cmconstr.ifthenelse $3 $5 $7 }
+ | IF LPAREN expr RPAREN stmts { Cmconstr.ifthenelse $3 $5 Snil }
+ | LOOP stmts { Sloop($2) }
+ | LBRACELBRACE stmts RBRACERBRACE { Sblock($2) }
+ | EXIT SEMICOLON { Sexit O }
+ | EXIT INTLIT SEMICOLON { Sexit (nat_of_camlint(Int32.pred $2)) }
+ | RETURN SEMICOLON { Sreturn None }
+ | RETURN expr SEMICOLON { Sreturn (Some $2) }
+ LBRACE stmt_list RBRACE { $2 }
+ | stmt { Scons($1, Snil) }
+ /* empty */ { Snil }
+ | stmt stmt_list { Scons($1, $2) }
+/* Expressions */
+ LPAREN expr RPAREN { $2 }
+ | IDENT { Evar $1 }
+ | IDENT EQUAL expr { Eassign($1, $3) }
+ | INTLIT { intconst $1 }
+ | FLOATLIT { Eop(Ofloatconst $1, Enil) }
+ | STRINGLIT { Eop(Oaddrsymbol($1, Int.zero), Enil) }
+ | AMPERSAND INTLIT { Eop(Oaddrstack(coqint_of_camlint $2), Enil) }
+ | MINUS expr %prec p_uminus { Cmconstr.negint $2 }
+ | MINUSF expr %prec p_uminus { Cmconstr.negfloat $2 }
+ | ABSF expr { Cmconstr.absfloat $2 }
+ | INTOFFLOAT expr { Cmconstr.intoffloat $2 }
+ | FLOATOFINT expr { Cmconstr.floatofint $2 }
+ | FLOATOFINTU expr { Cmconstr.floatofintu $2 }
+ | TILDE expr { Cmconstr.notint $2 }
+ | BANG expr { Cmconstr.notbool $2 }
+ | INT8S expr { Cmconstr.cast8signed $2 }
+ | INT8U expr { Cmconstr.cast8unsigned $2 }
+ | INT16S expr { Cmconstr.cast16signed $2 }
+ | INT16U expr { Cmconstr.cast16unsigned $2 }
+ | FLOAT32 expr { Cmconstr.singleoffloat $2 }
+ | expr PLUS expr { Cmconstr.add $1 $3 }
+ | expr MINUS expr { Cmconstr.sub $1 $3 }
+ | expr STAR expr { Cmconstr.mul $1 $3 }
+ | expr SLASH expr { Cmconstr.divs $1 $3 }
+ | expr PERCENT expr { Cmconstr.mods $1 $3 }
+ | expr SLASHU expr { Cmconstr.divu $1 $3 }
+ | expr PERCENTU expr { Cmconstr.modu $1 $3 }
+ | expr AMPERSAND expr { Cmconstr.coq_and $1 $3 }
+ | expr BAR expr { Cmconstr.coq_or $1 $3 }
+ | expr CARET expr { Cmconstr.xor $1 $3 }
+ | expr LESSLESS expr { Cmconstr.shl $1 $3 }
+ | expr GREATERGREATER expr { Cmconstr.shr $1 $3 }
+ | expr GREATERGREATERU expr { Cmconstr.shru $1 $3 }
+ | expr PLUSF expr { Cmconstr.addf $1 $3 }
+ | expr MINUSF expr { Cmconstr.subf $1 $3 }
+ | expr STARF expr { Cmconstr.mulf $1 $3 }
+ | expr SLASHF expr { Cmconstr.divf $1 $3 }
+ | expr EQUALEQUAL expr { Cmconstr.cmp Ceq $1 $3 }
+ | expr BANGEQUAL expr { Cmconstr.cmp Cne $1 $3 }
+ | expr LESS expr { Cmconstr.cmp Clt $1 $3 }
+ | expr LESSEQUAL expr { Cmconstr.cmp Cle $1 $3 }
+ | expr GREATER expr { Cmconstr.cmp Cgt $1 $3 }
+ | expr GREATEREQUAL expr { Cmconstr.cmp Cge $1 $3 }
+ | expr EQUALEQUALU expr { Cmconstr.cmpu Ceq $1 $3 }
+ | expr BANGEQUALU expr { Cmconstr.cmpu Cne $1 $3 }
+ | expr LESSU expr { Cmconstr.cmpu Clt $1 $3 }
+ | expr LESSEQUALU expr { Cmconstr.cmpu Cle $1 $3 }
+ | expr GREATERU expr { Cmconstr.cmpu Cgt $1 $3 }
+ | expr GREATEREQUALU expr { Cmconstr.cmpu Cge $1 $3 }
+ | expr EQUALEQUALF expr { Cmconstr.cmpf Ceq $1 $3 }
+ | expr BANGEQUALF expr { Cmconstr.cmpf Cne $1 $3 }
+ | expr LESSF expr { Cmconstr.cmpf Clt $1 $3 }
+ | expr LESSEQUALF expr { Cmconstr.cmpf Cle $1 $3 }
+ | expr GREATERF expr { Cmconstr.cmpf Cgt $1 $3 }
+ | expr GREATEREQUALF expr { Cmconstr.cmpf Cge $1 $3 }
+ | memory_chunk LBRACKET expr RBRACKET { Cmconstr.load $1 $3 }
+ | memory_chunk LBRACKET expr RBRACKET EQUAL expr
+ { Cmconstr.store $1 $3 $6 }
+ | expr LPAREN expr_list RPAREN COLON signature
+ { Ecall($6, $1, $3) }
+ | expr AMPERSANDAMPERSAND expr { andbool $1 $3 }
+ | expr BARBAR expr { orbool $1 $3 }
+ | expr QUESTION expr COLON expr { Cmconstr.conditionalexpr $1 $3 $5 }
+ | LET expr IN expr %prec p_let { Elet($2, $4) }
+ | DOLLAR INTLIT { Eletvar (nat_of_camlint $2) }
+ /* empty */ { Enil }
+ | expr_list_1 { $1 }
+ expr %prec COMMA { Econs($1, Enil) }
+ | expr COMMA expr_list_1 { Econs($1, $3) }
+ INT8S { Mint8signed }
+ | INT8U { Mint8unsigned }
+ | INT16S { Mint16signed }
+ | INT16U { Mint16unsigned }
+ | INT32 { Mint32 }
+ | INT { Mint32 }
+ | FLOAT32 { Mfloat32 }
+ | FLOAT64 { Mfloat64 }
+ | FLOAT { Mfloat64 }
+/* Types */
+ INT { Tint }
+ | FLOAT { Tfloat }
diff --git a/caml/Camlcoq.ml b/caml/Camlcoq.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3d96658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caml/Camlcoq.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+(* Library of useful Caml <-> Coq conversions *)
+open Datatypes
+open List
+open BinPos
+open BinInt
+(* Integers *)
+let rec camlint_of_positive = function
+ | Coq_xI p -> Int32.add (Int32.shift_left (camlint_of_positive p) 1) 1l
+ | Coq_xO p -> Int32.shift_left (camlint_of_positive p) 1
+ | Coq_xH -> 1l
+let camlint_of_z = function
+ | Z0 -> 0l
+ | Zpos p -> camlint_of_positive p
+ | Zneg p -> Int32.neg (camlint_of_positive p)
+let camlint_of_coqint : Integers.int -> int32 = camlint_of_z
+let rec nat_of_camlint n =
+ assert (n >= 0l);
+ if n = 0l then O else S (nat_of_camlint (Int32.sub n 1l))
+let rec positive_of_camlint n =
+ if n = 0l then assert false else
+ if n = 1l then Coq_xH else
+ if Int32.logand n 1l = 0l
+ then Coq_xO (positive_of_camlint (Int32.shift_right n 1))
+ else Coq_xI (positive_of_camlint (Int32.shift_right n 1))
+let z_of_camlint n =
+ if n = 0l then Z0 else
+ if n > 0l then Zpos (positive_of_camlint n)
+ else Zneg (positive_of_camlint (Int32.neg n))
+let coqint_of_camlint : int32 -> Integers.int = z_of_camlint
+(* Strings *)
+let atom_of_string = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (string, positive) Hashtbl.t)
+let string_of_atom = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (positive, string) Hashtbl.t)
+let next_atom = ref Coq_xH
+let intern_string s =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find atom_of_string s
+ with Not_found ->
+ let a = !next_atom in
+ next_atom := coq_Psucc !next_atom;
+ Hashtbl.add atom_of_string s a;
+ Hashtbl.add string_of_atom a s;
+ a
+let extern_atom a =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find string_of_atom a
+ with Not_found ->
+ "<unknown atom>"
+(* Lists *)
+let rec coqlist_iter f = function
+ Coq_nil -> ()
+ | Coq_cons(a,l) -> f a; coqlist_iter f l
+(* Helpers *)
+let rec list_iter f = function
+ [] -> ()
+ | a::l -> f a; list_iter f l
+let rec list_memq x = function
+ [] -> false
+ | a::l -> a == x || list_memq x l
+let rec list_exists p = function
+ [] -> false
+ | a::l -> p a || list_exists p l
+let rec list_filter p = function
+ [] -> []
+ | x :: l -> if p x then x :: list_filter p l else list_filter p l
+let rec length_coqlist = function
+ | Coq_nil -> 0
+ | Coq_cons (x, l) -> 1 + length_coqlist l
+let array_of_coqlist = function
+ | Coq_nil -> [||]
+ | Coq_cons(hd, tl) as l ->
+ let a = Array.create (length_coqlist l) hd in
+ let rec fill i = function
+ | Coq_nil -> a
+ | Coq_cons(hd, tl) -> a.(i) <- hd; fill (i + 1) tl in
+ fill 1 tl
diff --git a/caml/Coloringaux.ml b/caml/Coloringaux.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4f4bcd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caml/Coloringaux.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+open Camlcoq
+open Datatypes
+open BinPos
+open BinInt
+open AST
+open Maps
+open Registers
+open Locations
+open RTL
+open RTLtyping
+open InterfGraph
+open Conventions
+(* George-Appel graph coloring *)
+(* \subsection{Internal representation of the interference graph} *)
+(* To implement George-Appel coloring, we first transform the representation
+ of the interference graph, switching to the following
+ imperative representation that is well suited to the coloring algorithm. *)
+(* Each node of the graph (i.e. each pseudo-register) is represented as
+ follows. *)
+type node =
+ { ident: reg; (*r register identifier *)
+ typ: typ; (*r its type *)
+ regclass: int; (*r identifier of register class *)
+ spillcost: float; (*r estimated cost of spilling *)
+ mutable adjlist: node list; (*r all nodes it interferes with *)
+ mutable degree: int; (*r number of adjacent nodes *)
+ mutable movelist: move list; (*r list of moves it is involved in *)
+ mutable alias: node option; (*r [Some n] if coalesced with [n] *)
+ mutable color: loc option; (*r chosen color *)
+ mutable nstate: nodestate; (*r in which set of nodes it is *)
+ mutable nprev: node; (*r for double linking *)
+ mutable nnext: node (*r for double linking *)
+ }
+(* These are the possible states for nodes. *)
+and nodestate =
+ | Colored
+ | Initial
+ | SimplifyWorklist
+ | FreezeWorklist
+ | SpillWorklist
+ | CoalescedNodes
+ | SelectStack
+(* Each move (i.e. wish to be put in the same location) is represented
+ as follows. *)
+and move =
+ { src: node; (*r source of the move *)
+ dst: node; (*r destination of the move *)
+ mutable mstate: movestate; (*r in which set of moves it is *)
+ mutable mprev: move; (*r for double linking *)
+ mutable mnext: move (*r for double linking *)
+ }
+(* These are the possible states for moves *)
+and movestate =
+ | CoalescedMoves
+ | ConstrainedMoves
+ | FrozenMoves
+ | WorklistMoves
+ | ActiveMoves
+(* The algorithm manipulates partitions of the nodes and of the moves
+ according to their states, frequently moving a node or a move from
+ a state to another, and frequently enumerating all nodes or all moves
+ of a given state. To support these operations efficiently,
+ nodes or moves having the same state are put into imperative doubly-linked
+ lists, allowing for constant-time insertion and removal, and linear-time
+ scanning. We now define the operations over these doubly-linked lists. *)
+module DLinkNode = struct
+ type t = node
+ let make state =
+ let rec empty =
+ { ident = Coq_xH; typ = Tint; regclass = 0;
+ adjlist = []; degree = 0; spillcost = 0.0;
+ movelist = []; alias = None; color = None;
+ nstate = state; nprev = empty; nnext = empty }
+ in empty
+ let dummy = make Colored
+ let clear dl = dl.nnext <- dl; dl.nprev <- dl
+ let notempty dl = dl.nnext != dl
+ let insert n dl =
+ n.nstate <- dl.nstate;
+ n.nnext <- dl.nnext; n.nprev <- dl;
+ dl.nnext.nprev <- n; dl.nnext <- n
+ let remove n dl =
+ assert (n.nstate = dl.nstate);
+ n.nnext.nprev <- n.nprev; n.nprev.nnext <- n.nnext
+ let move n dl1 dl2 =
+ remove n dl1; insert n dl2
+ let pick dl =
+ let n = dl.nnext in remove n dl; n
+ let iter f dl =
+ let rec iter n = if n != dl then (f n; iter n.nnext)
+ in iter dl.nnext
+ let fold f dl accu =
+ let rec fold n accu = if n == dl then accu else fold n.nnext (f n accu)
+ in fold dl.nnext accu
+module DLinkMove = struct
+ type t = move
+ let make state =
+ let rec empty =
+ { src = DLinkNode.dummy; dst = DLinkNode.dummy;
+ mstate = state; mprev = empty; mnext = empty }
+ in empty
+ let dummy = make CoalescedMoves
+ let clear dl = dl.mnext <- dl; dl.mprev <- dl
+ let notempty dl = dl.mnext != dl
+ let insert m dl =
+ m.mstate <- dl.mstate;
+ m.mnext <- dl.mnext; m.mprev <- dl;
+ dl.mnext.mprev <- m; dl.mnext <- m
+ let remove m dl =
+ assert (m.mstate = dl.mstate);
+ m.mnext.mprev <- m.mprev; m.mprev.mnext <- m.mnext
+ let move m dl1 dl2 =
+ remove m dl1; insert m dl2
+ let pick dl =
+ let m = dl.mnext in remove m dl; m
+ let iter f dl =
+ let rec iter m = if m != dl then (f m; iter m.mnext)
+ in iter dl.mnext
+ let fold f dl accu =
+ let rec fold m accu = if m == dl then accu else fold m.mnext (f m accu)
+ in fold dl.mnext accu
+(* \subsection{The George-Appel algorithm} *)
+(* Below is a straigthforward translation of the pseudo-code at the end
+ of the TOPLAS article by George and Appel. Two bugs were fixed
+ and are marked as such. Please refer to the article for explanations. *)
+(* Low-degree, non-move-related nodes *)
+let simplifyWorklist = DLinkNode.make SimplifyWorklist
+(* Low-degree, move-related nodes *)
+let freezeWorklist = DLinkNode.make FreezeWorklist
+(* High-degree nodes *)
+let spillWorklist = DLinkNode.make SpillWorklist
+(* Nodes that have been coalesced *)
+let coalescedNodes = DLinkNode.make CoalescedNodes
+(* Moves that have been coalesced *)
+let coalescedMoves = DLinkMove.make CoalescedMoves
+(* Moves whose source and destination interfere *)
+let constrainedMoves = DLinkMove.make ConstrainedMoves
+(* Moves that will no longer be considered for coalescing *)
+let frozenMoves = DLinkMove.make FrozenMoves
+(* Moves enabled for possible coalescing *)
+let worklistMoves = DLinkMove.make WorklistMoves
+(* Moves not yet ready for coalescing *)
+let activeMoves = DLinkMove.make ActiveMoves
+(* Initialization of all global data structures *)
+let init() =
+ DLinkNode.clear simplifyWorklist;
+ DLinkNode.clear freezeWorklist;
+ DLinkNode.clear spillWorklist;
+ DLinkNode.clear coalescedNodes;
+ DLinkMove.clear coalescedMoves;
+ DLinkMove.clear frozenMoves;
+ DLinkMove.clear worklistMoves;
+ DLinkMove.clear activeMoves
+(* Determine if two nodes interfere *)
+let interfere n1 n2 =
+ if n1.degree < n2.degree
+ then list_memq n2 n1.adjlist
+ else list_memq n1 n2.adjlist
+(* Add an edge to the graph. Assume edge is not in graph already *)
+let addEdge n1 n2 =
+ n1.adjlist <- n2 :: n1.adjlist;
+ n1.degree <- 1 + n1.degree;
+ n2.adjlist <- n1 :: n2.adjlist;
+ n2.degree <- 1 + n2.degree
+(* Apply the given function to the relevant adjacent nodes of a node *)
+let iterAdjacent f n =
+ list_iter
+ (fun n ->
+ match n.nstate with
+ | SelectStack | CoalescedNodes -> ()
+ | _ -> f n)
+ n.adjlist
+(* Determine the moves affecting a node *)
+let moveIsActiveOrWorklist m =
+ match m.mstate with
+ | ActiveMoves | WorklistMoves -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let nodeMoves n =
+ list_filter moveIsActiveOrWorklist n.movelist
+(* Determine whether a node is involved in a move *)
+let moveRelated n =
+ list_exists moveIsActiveOrWorklist n.movelist
+(* Check invariants *)
+let degreeInvariant n =
+ let c = ref 0 in
+ iterAdjacent (fun n -> incr c) n;
+ if !c <> n.degree then
+ fatal_error("degree invariant violated by " ^ name_of_node n)
+let simplifyWorklistInvariant n =
+ if n.degree < num_available_registers.(n.regclass)
+ && not (moveRelated n)
+ then ()
+ else fatal_error("simplify worklist invariant violated by " ^ name_of_node n)
+let freezeWorklistInvariant n =
+ if n.degree < num_available_registers.(n.regclass)
+ && moveRelated n
+ then ()
+ else fatal_error("freeze worklist invariant violated by " ^ name_of_node n)
+let spillWorklistInvariant n =
+ if n.degree >= num_available_registers.(n.regclass)
+ then ()
+ else fatal_error("spill worklist invariant violated by " ^ name_of_node n)
+let checkInvariants () =
+ DLinkNode.iter
+ (fun n -> degreeInvariant n; simplifyWorklistInvariant n)
+ simplifyWorklist;
+ DLinkNode.iter
+ (fun n -> degreeInvariant n; freezeWorklistInvariant n)
+ freezeWorklist;
+ DLinkNode.iter
+ (fun n -> degreeInvariant n; spillWorklistInvariant n)
+ spillWorklist
+(* Register classes *)
+let class_of_type = function Tint -> 0 | Tfloat -> 1
+let num_register_classes = 2
+let caller_save_registers = [|
+ [| R3; R4; R5; R6; R7; R8; R9; R10 |];
+ [| F1; F2; F3; F4; F5; F6; F7; F8; F9; F10 |]
+let callee_save_registers = [|
+ [| R13; R14; R15; R16; R17; R18; R19; R20; R21; R22;
+ R23; R24; R25; R26; R27; R28; R29; R30; R31 |];
+ [| F14; F15; F16; F17; F18; F19; F20; F21; F22;
+ F23; F24; F25; F26; F27; F28; F29; F30; F31 |]
+let num_available_registers =
+ [| Array.length caller_save_registers.(0)
+ + Array.length callee_save_registers.(0);
+ Array.length caller_save_registers.(1)
+ + Array.length callee_save_registers.(1) |]
+(* Build the internal representation of the graph *)
+let nodeOfReg r typenv spillcosts =
+ let ty = typenv r in
+ { ident = r; typ = ty; regclass = class_of_type ty;
+ spillcost = (try float(Hashtbl.find spillcosts r) with Not_found -> 0.0);
+ adjlist = []; degree = 0; movelist = []; alias = None;
+ color = None;
+ nstate = Initial;
+ nprev = DLinkNode.dummy; nnext = DLinkNode.dummy }
+let nodeOfMreg mr =
+ let ty = mreg_type mr in
+ { ident = Coq_xH; typ = ty; regclass = class_of_type ty;
+ spillcost = 0.0;
+ adjlist = []; degree = 0; movelist = []; alias = None;
+ color = Some (R mr);
+ nstate = Colored;
+ nprev = DLinkNode.dummy; nnext = DLinkNode.dummy }
+let build g typenv spillcosts =
+ (* Associate an internal node to each pseudo-register and each location *)
+ let reg_mapping = Hashtbl.create 27
+ and mreg_mapping = Hashtbl.create 27 in
+ let find_reg_node r =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find reg_mapping r
+ with Not_found ->
+ let n = nodeOfReg r typenv spillcosts in
+ Hashtbl.add reg_mapping r n;
+ n
+ and find_mreg_node mr =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find mreg_mapping mr
+ with Not_found ->
+ let n = nodeOfMreg mr in
+ Hashtbl.add mreg_mapping mr n;
+ n in
+ (* Fill the adjacency lists and compute the degrees. *)
+ SetRegReg.fold
+ (fun (Coq_pair(r1, r2)) () ->
+ addEdge (find_reg_node r1) (find_reg_node r2))
+ g.interf_reg_reg ();
+ SetRegMreg.fold
+ (fun (Coq_pair(r1, mr2)) () ->
+ addEdge (find_reg_node r1) (find_mreg_node mr2))
+ g.interf_reg_mreg ();
+ (* Process the moves and insert them in worklistMoves *)
+ let add_move n1 n2 =
+ let m =
+ { src = n1; dst = n2; mstate = WorklistMoves;
+ mnext = DLinkMove.dummy; mprev = DLinkMove.dummy } in
+ n1.movelist <- m :: n1.movelist;
+ n2.movelist <- m :: n2.movelist;
+ DLinkMove.insert m worklistMoves in
+ SetRegReg.fold
+ (fun (Coq_pair(r1, r2)) () ->
+ add_move (find_reg_node r1) (find_reg_node r2))
+ g.pref_reg_reg ();
+ SetRegMreg.fold
+ (fun (Coq_pair(r1, mr2)) () ->
+ add_move (find_reg_node r1) (find_mreg_node mr2))
+ g.pref_reg_mreg ();
+ (* Initial partition of nodes into spill / freeze / simplify *)
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun r n ->
+ assert (n.nstate = Initial);
+ let k = num_available_registers.(n.regclass) in
+ if n.degree >= k then
+ DLinkNode.insert n spillWorklist
+ else if moveRelated n then
+ DLinkNode.insert n freezeWorklist
+ else
+ DLinkNode.insert n simplifyWorklist)
+ reg_mapping;
+ reg_mapping
+(* Enable moves that have become low-degree related *)
+let enableMoves n =
+ list_iter
+ (fun m ->
+ if m.mstate = ActiveMoves
+ then DLinkMove.move m activeMoves worklistMoves)
+ (nodeMoves n)
+(* Simulate the removal of a node from the graph *)
+let decrementDegree n =
+ let k = num_available_registers.(n.regclass) in
+ let d = n.degree in
+ n.degree <- d - 1;
+ if d = k then begin
+ enableMoves n;
+ iterAdjacent enableMoves n;
+ if n.nstate <> Colored then begin
+ if moveRelated n
+ then DLinkNode.move n spillWorklist freezeWorklist
+ else DLinkNode.move n spillWorklist simplifyWorklist
+ end
+ end
+(* Simulate the effect of combining nodes [n1] and [n3] on [n2],
+ where [n2] is a node adjacent to [n3]. *)
+let combineEdge n1 n2 =
+ assert (n1 != n2);
+ if interfere n1 n2 then begin
+ decrementDegree n2
+ end else begin
+ n1.adjlist <- n2 :: n1.adjlist;
+ n2.adjlist <- n1 :: n2.adjlist;
+ n1.degree <- n1.degree + 1
+ end
+(* Simplification of a low-degree node *)
+let simplify () =
+ let n = DLinkNode.pick simplifyWorklist in
+ (*i Printf.printf "Simplifying %s\n" (name_of_node n); i*)
+ n.nstate <- SelectStack;
+ iterAdjacent decrementDegree n;
+ n
+(* Briggs' conservative coalescing criterion *)
+let canConservativelyCoalesce n1 n2 =
+ let seen = ref Regset.empty in
+ let k = num_available_registers.(n1.regclass) in
+ let c = ref 0 in
+ let consider n =
+ if not (Regset.mem n.ident !seen) then begin
+ seen := Regset.add n.ident !seen;
+ if n.degree >= k then incr c
+ end in
+ iterAdjacent consider n1;
+ iterAdjacent consider n2;
+ !c < k
+(* Update worklists after a move was processed *)
+let addWorkList u =
+ if (not (u.nstate = Colored))
+ && u.degree < num_available_registers.(u.regclass)
+ && (not (moveRelated u))
+ then DLinkNode.move u freezeWorklist simplifyWorklist
+(* Return the canonical representative of a possibly coalesced node *)
+let rec getAlias n =
+ match n.alias with None -> n | Some n' -> getAlias n'
+(* Combine two nodes *)
+let combine u v =
+ (*i Printf.printf "Combining %s and %s\n" (name_of_node u) (name_of_node v); i*)
+ if v.nstate = FreezeWorklist
+ then DLinkNode.move v freezeWorklist coalescedNodes
+ else DLinkNode.move v spillWorklist coalescedNodes;
+ v.alias <- Some u;
+ u.movelist <- u.movelist @ v.movelist;
+ iterAdjacent (combineEdge u) v; (*r original code using [decrementDegree] is buggy *)
+ enableMoves v; (*r added as per Appel's book erratum *)
+ if u.degree >= num_available_registers.(u.regclass)
+ && u.nstate = FreezeWorklist
+ then DLinkNode.move u freezeWorklist spillWorklist
+(* Attempt coalescing *)
+let coalesce () =
+ let m = DLinkMove.pick worklistMoves in
+ let x = getAlias m.src and y = getAlias m.dst in
+ let (u, v) = if y.nstate = Colored then (y, x) else (x, y) in
+ if u == v then begin
+ DLinkMove.insert m coalescedMoves;
+ addWorkList u
+ end else if v.nstate = Colored || interfere u v then begin
+ DLinkMove.insert m constrainedMoves;
+ addWorkList u;
+ addWorkList v
+ end else if canConservativelyCoalesce u v then begin
+ DLinkMove.insert m coalescedMoves;
+ combine u v;
+ addWorkList u
+ end else begin
+ DLinkMove.insert m activeMoves
+ end
+(* Freeze moves associated with node [u] *)
+let freezeMoves u =
+ let au = getAlias u in
+ let freeze m =
+ let y = getAlias m.src in
+ let v = if y == au then getAlias m.dst else y in
+ DLinkMove.move m activeMoves frozenMoves;
+ if not (moveRelated v)
+ && v.degree < num_available_registers.(v.regclass)
+ && v.nstate <> Colored
+ then DLinkNode.move v freezeWorklist simplifyWorklist in
+ list_iter freeze (nodeMoves u)
+(* Pick a move and freeze it *)
+let freeze () =
+ let u = DLinkNode.pick freezeWorklist in
+ (*i Printf.printf "Freezing %s\n" (name_of_node u); i*)
+ DLinkNode.insert u simplifyWorklist;
+ freezeMoves u
+(* Chaitin's cost measure *)
+let spillCost n = n.spillcost /. float n.degree
+(* Spill a node *)
+let selectSpill () =
+ (* Find a spillable node of minimal cost *)
+ let (n, cost) =
+ DLinkNode.fold
+ (fun n (best_node, best_cost as best) ->
+ let cost = spillCost n in
+ if cost < best_cost then (n, cost) else best)
+ spillWorklist (DLinkNode.dummy, infinity) in
+ assert (n != DLinkNode.dummy);
+ DLinkNode.remove n spillWorklist;
+ (*i Printf.printf "Spilling %s\n" (name_of_node n); i*)
+ freezeMoves n;
+ n.nstate <- SelectStack;
+ iterAdjacent decrementDegree n;
+ n
+(* Produce the order of nodes that we'll use for coloring *)
+let rec nodeOrder stack =
+ (*i checkInvariants(); i*)
+ if DLinkNode.notempty simplifyWorklist then
+ (let n = simplify() in nodeOrder (n :: stack))
+ else if DLinkMove.notempty worklistMoves then
+ (coalesce(); nodeOrder stack)
+ else if DLinkNode.notempty freezeWorklist then
+ (freeze(); nodeOrder stack)
+ else if DLinkNode.notempty spillWorklist then
+ (let n = selectSpill() in nodeOrder (n :: stack))
+ else
+ stack
+(* Assign a color (i.e. a hardware register or a stack location)
+ to a node. The color is chosen among the colors that are not
+ assigned to nodes with which this node interferes. The choice
+ is guided by the following heuristics: consider first caller-save
+ hardware register of the correct type; second, callee-save registers;
+ third, a stack location. Callee-save registers and stack locations
+ are ``expensive'' resources, so we try to minimize their number
+ by picking the smallest available callee-save register or stack location.
+ In contrast, caller-save registers are ``free'', so we pick an
+ available one pseudo-randomly. *)
+module Locset =
+ Set.Make(struct type t = loc let compare = compare end)
+let start_points = Array.make num_register_classes 0
+let find_reg conflicts regclass =
+ let rec find avail curr last =
+ if curr >= last then None else begin
+ let l = R avail.(curr) in
+ if Locset.mem l conflicts
+ then find avail (curr + 1) last
+ else Some l
+ end in
+ let caller_save = caller_save_registers.(regclass)
+ and callee_save = callee_save_registers.(regclass)
+ and start = start_points.(regclass) in
+ match find caller_save start (Array.length caller_save) with
+ | Some _ as res ->
+ start_points.(regclass) <-
+ (if start + 1 < Array.length caller_save then start + 1 else 0);
+ res
+ | None ->
+ match find caller_save 0 start with
+ | Some _ as res ->
+ start_points.(regclass) <-
+ (if start + 1 < Array.length caller_save then start + 1 else 0);
+ res
+ | None ->
+ find callee_save 0 (Array.length callee_save)
+let find_slot conflicts typ =
+ let rec find curr =
+ let l = S(Local(curr, typ)) in
+ if Locset.mem l conflicts then find (coq_Zsucc curr) else l
+ in find Z0
+let assign_color n =
+ let conflicts = ref Locset.empty in
+ list_iter
+ (fun n' ->
+ match (getAlias n').color with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some l -> conflicts := Locset.add l !conflicts)
+ n.adjlist;
+ match find_reg !conflicts n.regclass with
+ | Some loc ->
+ n.color <- Some loc
+ | None ->
+ n.color <- Some (find_slot !conflicts n.typ)
+(* Extract the location of a node *)
+let location_of_node n =
+ match n.color with
+ | None -> assert false
+ | Some loc -> loc
+(* Estimate spilling costs - TODO *)
+let spill_costs f = Hashtbl.create 7
+(* This is the entry point for graph coloring. *)
+let graph_coloring (f: coq_function) (g: graph) (env: regenv) (regs: Regset.t)
+ : (reg -> loc) =
+ init();
+ Array.fill start_points 0 num_register_classes 0;
+ let mapping = build g env (spill_costs f) in
+ list_iter assign_color (nodeOrder []);
+ fun r ->
+ try location_of_node (getAlias (Hashtbl.find mapping r))
+ with Not_found -> R IT1 (* any location *)
diff --git a/caml/Coloringaux.mli b/caml/Coloringaux.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff4cfeaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caml/Coloringaux.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+open Registers
+open Locations
+open RTL
+open RTLtyping
+open InterfGraph
+val graph_coloring:
+ coq_function -> graph -> regenv -> Regset.t -> (reg -> loc)
diff --git a/caml/Floataux.ml b/caml/Floataux.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f43efa27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caml/Floataux.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+open Camlcoq
+let singleoffloat f =
+ Int32.float_of_bits (Int32.bits_of_float f)
+let intoffloat f =
+ coqint_of_camlint (Int32.of_float f)
+let floatofint i =
+ Int32.to_float (camlint_of_coqint i)
+let floatofintu i =
+ Int64.to_float (Int64.logand (Int64.of_int32 (camlint_of_coqint i))
+let cmp c (x: float) (y: float) =
+ match c with
+ | AST.Ceq -> x = y
+ | AST.Cne -> x <> y
+ | AST.Clt -> x < y
+ | AST.Cle -> x <= y
+ | AST.Cgt -> x > y
+ | AST.Cge -> x >= y
diff --git a/caml/Main2.ml b/caml/Main2.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7014193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caml/Main2.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+open Printf
+open Datatypes
+let process_cminor_file sourcename =
+ let targetname = Filename.chop_suffix sourcename ".cm" ^ ".s" in
+ let ic = open_in sourcename in
+ let lb = Lexing.from_channel ic in
+ try
+ match Main.transf_cminor_program (CMparser.prog CMlexer.token lb) with
+ | None ->
+ eprintf "Compiler failure\n";
+ exit 2
+ | Some p ->
+ let oc = open_out targetname in
+ PrintPPC.print_program oc p;
+ close_out oc
+ with Parsing.Parse_error ->
+ eprintf "File %s, character %d: Syntax error\n"
+ sourcename (Lexing.lexeme_start lb);
+ exit 2
+ | CMlexer.Error msg ->
+ eprintf "File %s, character %d: %s\n"
+ sourcename (Lexing.lexeme_start lb) msg;
+ exit 2
+let process_file filename =
+ if Filename.check_suffix filename ".cm" then
+ process_cminor_file filename
+ else
+ raise (Arg.Bad ("unknown file type " ^ filename))
+let _ =
+ Arg.parse [] process_file
+ "Usage: ccomp <options> <files>\nOptions are:"
diff --git a/caml/PrintPPC.ml b/caml/PrintPPC.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3edcb2ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caml/PrintPPC.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+(* $Id: PrintPPC.ml,v 1.2 2005/01/22 11:28:46 xleroy Exp $ *)
+(* Printing PPC assembly code in asm syntax *)
+open Printf
+open Datatypes
+open List
+open Camlcoq
+open AST
+open PPC
+(* On-the-fly label renaming *)
+let next_label = ref 100
+let new_label() =
+ let lbl = !next_label in incr next_label; lbl
+let current_function_labels = (Hashtbl.create 39 : (label, int) Hashtbl.t)
+let label_for_label lbl =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find current_function_labels lbl
+ with Not_found ->
+ let lbl' = new_label() in
+ Hashtbl.add current_function_labels lbl lbl';
+ lbl'
+(* Basic printing functions *)
+let print_symb oc symb =
+ fprintf oc "_%s" (extern_atom symb)
+let print_label oc lbl =
+ fprintf oc "L%d" (label_for_label lbl)
+let print_symb_ofs oc (symb, ofs) =
+ print_symb oc symb;
+ if ofs <> 0l then fprintf oc " + %ld" ofs
+let print_constant oc = function
+ | Cint n ->
+ fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Csymbol_low_signed(s, n) ->
+ fprintf oc "lo16(%a)" print_symb_ofs (s, camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Csymbol_high_signed(s, n) ->
+ fprintf oc "ha16(%a)" print_symb_ofs (s, camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Csymbol_low_unsigned(s, n) ->
+ fprintf oc "lo16(%a)" print_symb_ofs (s, camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Csymbol_high_unsigned(s, n) ->
+ fprintf oc "hi16(%a)" print_symb_ofs (s, camlint_of_coqint n)
+let num_crbit = function
+ | CRbit_0 -> 0
+ | CRbit_1 -> 1
+ | CRbit_2 -> 2
+ | CRbit_3 -> 3
+let print_crbit oc bit =
+ fprintf oc "%d" (num_crbit bit)
+let print_coqint oc n =
+ fprintf oc "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+let int_reg_name = function
+ | GPR0 -> "r0" | GPR1 -> "r1" | GPR2 -> "r2" | GPR3 -> "r3"
+ | GPR4 -> "r4" | GPR5 -> "r5" | GPR6 -> "r6" | GPR7 -> "r7"
+ | GPR8 -> "r8" | GPR9 -> "r9" | GPR10 -> "r10" | GPR11 -> "r11"
+ | GPR12 -> "r12" | GPR13 -> "r13" | GPR14 -> "r14" | GPR15 -> "r15"
+ | GPR16 -> "r16" | GPR17 -> "r17" | GPR18 -> "r18" | GPR19 -> "r19"
+ | GPR20 -> "r20" | GPR21 -> "r21" | GPR22 -> "r22" | GPR23 -> "r23"
+ | GPR24 -> "r24" | GPR25 -> "r25" | GPR26 -> "r26" | GPR27 -> "r27"
+ | GPR28 -> "r28" | GPR29 -> "r29" | GPR30 -> "r30" | GPR31 -> "r31"
+let float_reg_name = function
+ | FPR0 -> "f0" | FPR1 -> "f1" | FPR2 -> "f2" | FPR3 -> "f3"
+ | FPR4 -> "f4" | FPR5 -> "f5" | FPR6 -> "f6" | FPR7 -> "f7"
+ | FPR8 -> "f8" | FPR9 -> "f9" | FPR10 -> "f10" | FPR11 -> "f11"
+ | FPR12 -> "f12" | FPR13 -> "f13" | FPR14 -> "f14" | FPR15 -> "f15"
+ | FPR16 -> "f16" | FPR17 -> "f17" | FPR18 -> "f18" | FPR19 -> "f19"
+ | FPR20 -> "f20" | FPR21 -> "f21" | FPR22 -> "f22" | FPR23 -> "f23"
+ | FPR24 -> "f24" | FPR25 -> "f25" | FPR26 -> "f26" | FPR27 -> "f27"
+ | FPR28 -> "f28" | FPR29 -> "f29" | FPR30 -> "f30" | FPR31 -> "f31"
+let ireg oc r = output_string oc (int_reg_name r)
+let ireg_or_zero oc r = if r = GPR0 then output_string oc "0" else ireg oc r
+let freg oc r = output_string oc (float_reg_name r)
+(* Printing of instructions *)
+module Labelset = Set.Make(struct type t = label let compare = compare end)
+let print_instruction oc labels = function
+ | Padd(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " add %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Paddi(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " addi %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg_or_zero r2 print_constant c
+ | Paddis(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " addis %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg_or_zero r2 print_constant c
+ | Paddze(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " addze %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
+ | Pallocframe(lo, hi) ->
+ let lo = camlint_of_coqint lo
+ and hi = camlint_of_coqint hi in
+ let nsz = Int32.neg (Int32.sub hi lo) in
+ fprintf oc " stwu r1, %ld(r1)\n" nsz
+ | Pand_(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " and. %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pandc(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " andc %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pandi_(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " andi. %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 print_constant c
+ | Pandis_(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " andis. %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 print_constant c
+ | Pb lbl ->
+ fprintf oc " b %a\n" print_label lbl
+ | Pbctr ->
+ fprintf oc " bctr\n"
+ | Pbctrl ->
+ fprintf oc " bctrl\n"
+ | Pbf(bit, lbl) ->
+ fprintf oc " bf %a, %a\n" print_crbit bit print_label lbl
+ | Pbl s ->
+ fprintf oc " bl %a\n" print_symb s
+ | Pblr ->
+ fprintf oc " blr\n"
+ | Pbt(bit, lbl) ->
+ fprintf oc " bt %a, %a\n" print_crbit bit print_label lbl
+ | Pcmplw(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " cmplw cr0, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
+ | Pcmplwi(r1, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " cmplwi cr0, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 print_constant c
+ | Pcmpw(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " cmpw cr0, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
+ | Pcmpwi(r1, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " cmpwi cr0, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 print_constant c
+ | Pcror(c1, c2, c3) ->
+ fprintf oc " cror %a, %a, %a\n" print_crbit c1 print_crbit c2 print_crbit c3
+ | Pdivw(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " divw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pdivwu(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " divwu %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Peqv(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " eqv %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pextsb(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " extsb %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
+ | Pextsh(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " extsh %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
+ | Pfreeframe ->
+ fprintf oc " lwz r1, 0(r1)\n"
+ | Pfabs(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " fabs %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
+ | Pfadd(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " fadd %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
+ | Pfcmpu(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " fcmpu cr0, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
+ | Pfcti(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " fctiwz f13, %a\n" freg r2;
+ fprintf oc " stfdu f13, -8(r1)\n";
+ fprintf oc " lwz %a, 4(r1)\n" ireg r1;
+ fprintf oc " addi r1, r1, 8\n"
+ | Pfdiv(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " fdiv %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
+ | Pfmadd(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
+ fprintf oc " fmadd %a, %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3 freg r4
+ | Pfmr(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " fmr %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
+ | Pfmsub(r1, r2, r3, r4) ->
+ fprintf oc " fmsub %a, %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3 freg r4
+ | Pfmul(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " fmul %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
+ | Pfneg(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " fneg %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
+ | Pfrsp(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " frsp %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2
+ | Pfsub(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " fsub %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 freg r2 freg r3
+ | Pictf(r1, r2) ->
+ let lbl = new_label() in
+ fprintf oc " addis r2, 0, 0x4330\n";
+ fprintf oc " stwu r2, -8(r1)\n";
+ fprintf oc " addis r2, %a, 0x8000\n" ireg r2;
+ fprintf oc " stw r2, 4(r1)\n";
+ fprintf oc " addis r2, 0, ha16(L%d)\n" lbl;
+ fprintf oc " lfd f13, lo16(L%d)(r2)\n" lbl;
+ fprintf oc " lfd %a, 0(r1)\n" freg r1;
+ fprintf oc " addi r1, r1, 8\n";
+ fprintf oc " fsub %a, %a, f13\n" freg r1 freg r1;
+ fprintf oc " .const_data\n";
+ fprintf oc "L%d: .long 0x43300000, 0x80000000\n" lbl;
+ fprintf oc " .text\n"
+ | Piuctf(r1, r2) ->
+ let lbl = new_label() in
+ fprintf oc " addis r2, 0, 0x4330\n";
+ fprintf oc " stwu r2, -8(r1)\n";
+ fprintf oc " stw %a, 4(r1)\n" ireg r2;
+ fprintf oc " addis r2, 0, ha16(L%d)\n" lbl;
+ fprintf oc " lfd f13, lo16(L%d)(r2)\n" lbl;
+ fprintf oc " lfd %a, 0(r1)\n" freg r1;
+ fprintf oc " addi r1, r1, 8\n";
+ fprintf oc " fsub %a, %a, f12\n" freg r1 freg r1;
+ fprintf oc " .const_data\n";
+ fprintf oc "L%d: .long 0x43300000, 0x00000000\n" lbl;
+ fprintf oc " .text\n"
+ | Plbz(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " lbz %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 print_constant c ireg r2
+ | Plbzx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lbzx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Plfd(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " lfd %a, %a(%a)\n" freg r1 print_constant c ireg r2
+ | Plfdx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lfdx %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Plfi(r1, c) ->
+ let lbl = new_label() in
+ fprintf oc " addis r2, 0, ha16(L%d)\n" lbl;
+ fprintf oc " lfd %a, lo16(L%d)(r2)\n" freg r1 lbl;
+ fprintf oc " .const_data\n";
+ let n = Int64.bits_of_float c in
+ let nlo = Int64.to_int32 n
+ and nhi = Int64.to_int32(Int64.shift_right_logical n 32) in
+ fprintf oc "L%d: .long 0x%lx, 0x%lx ; %f\n" lbl nhi nlo c;
+ fprintf oc " .text\n"
+ | Plfs(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " lfs %a, %a(%a)\n" freg r1 print_constant c ireg r2
+ | Plfsx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lfsx %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Plha(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " lha %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 print_constant c ireg r2
+ | Plhax(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lhax %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Plhz(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " lhz %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 print_constant c ireg r2
+ | Plhzx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lhzx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Plwz(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " lwz %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 print_constant c ireg r2
+ | Plwzx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " lwzx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pmfcrbit(r1, bit) ->
+ fprintf oc " mfcr r2\n";
+ fprintf oc " rlwinm %a, r2, %d, 1\n" ireg r1 (1 + num_crbit bit)
+ | Pmflr(r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " mflr %a\n" ireg r1
+ | Pmr(r1, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " mr %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2
+ | Pmtctr(r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " mtctr %a\n" ireg r1
+ | Pmtlr(r1) ->
+ fprintf oc " mtlr %a\n" ireg r1
+ | Pmulli(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " mulli %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 print_constant c
+ | Pmullw(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " mullw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pnand(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " nand %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pnor(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " nor %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Por(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " or %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Porc(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " orc %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pori(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " ori %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 print_constant c
+ | Poris(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " oris %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 print_constant c
+ | Prlwinm(r1, r2, c1, c2) ->
+ fprintf oc " rlwinm %a, %a, %ld, 0x%lx\n"
+ ireg r1 ireg r2 (camlint_of_coqint c1) (camlint_of_coqint c2)
+ | Pslw(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " slw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Psraw(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " sraw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Psrawi(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " srawi %a, %a, %ld\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 (camlint_of_coqint c)
+ | Psrw(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " srw %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pstb(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " stb %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 print_constant c ireg r2
+ | Pstbx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " stbx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pstfd(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " stfd %a, %a(%a)\n" freg r1 print_constant c ireg r2
+ | Pstfdx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " stfdx %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pstfs(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " stfs %a, %a(%a)\n" freg r1 print_constant c ireg r2
+ | Pstfsx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " stfsx %a, %a, %a\n" freg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Psth(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " sth %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 print_constant c ireg r2
+ | Psthx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " sthx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pstw(r1, c, r2) ->
+ fprintf oc " stw %a, %a(%a)\n" ireg r1 print_constant c ireg r2
+ | Pstwx(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " stwx %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Psubfc(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " subfc %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Psubfic(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " subfic %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 print_constant c
+ | Pxor(r1, r2, r3) ->
+ fprintf oc " xor %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 ireg r3
+ | Pxori(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " xori %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 print_constant c
+ | Pxoris(r1, r2, c) ->
+ fprintf oc " xoris %a, %a, %a\n" ireg r1 ireg r2 print_constant c
+ | Plabel lbl ->
+ if Labelset.mem lbl labels then fprintf oc "%a:\n" print_label lbl
+ | Piundef r ->
+ fprintf oc " # undef %a\n" ireg r
+ | Pfundef r ->
+ fprintf oc " # undef %a\n" freg r
+let rec labels_of_code = function
+ | Coq_nil -> Labelset.empty
+ | Coq_cons((Pb lbl | Pbf(_, lbl) | Pbt(_, lbl)), c) ->
+ Labelset.add lbl (labels_of_code c)
+ | Coq_cons(_, c) -> labels_of_code c
+let print_function oc (Coq_pair(name, code)) =
+ Hashtbl.clear current_function_labels;
+ fprintf oc " .text\n";
+ fprintf oc " .align 2\n";
+ fprintf oc " .globl %a\n" print_symb name;
+ fprintf oc "%a:\n" print_symb name;
+ coqlist_iter (print_instruction oc (labels_of_code code)) code
+let print_var oc (Coq_pair(name, size)) =
+ fprintf oc " .globl %a\n" print_symb name;
+ fprintf oc "%a:\n" print_symb name;
+ fprintf oc " .space %ld\n" (camlint_of_z size)
+let print_program oc p =
+ coqlist_iter (print_var oc) p.prog_vars;
+ coqlist_iter (print_function oc) p.prog_funct
diff --git a/caml/PrintPPC.mli b/caml/PrintPPC.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fbd40045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caml/PrintPPC.mli
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+val print_program: out_channel -> PPC.program -> unit
diff --git a/caml/RTLgenaux.ml b/caml/RTLgenaux.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e6ca3d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caml/RTLgenaux.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+open Cminor
+let more_likely (c: condexpr) (ifso: stmtlist) (ifnot: stmtlist) = false