path: root/cfrontend/PrintCsyntax.ml
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2008-12-30 14:48:33 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2008-12-30 14:48:33 +0000
commit6d25b4f3fc23601b3a84b4a70aab40ba429ac4b9 (patch)
treef7adbc5ec8accc4bec3e38939bdf570a266f0e83 /cfrontend/PrintCsyntax.ml
parent1bce6b0f9f8cd614038a6e7fc21fb984724204a4 (diff)
Reorganized the development, modularizing away machine-dependent parts.
Started to merge the ARM code generator. Started to add support for PowerPC/EABI. Use ocamlbuild to construct executable from Caml files. git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@930 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'cfrontend/PrintCsyntax.ml')
1 files changed, 501 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cfrontend/PrintCsyntax.ml b/cfrontend/PrintCsyntax.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb25339a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfrontend/PrintCsyntax.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** Pretty-printer for Csyntax *)
+open Format
+open Camlcoq
+open CList
+open Datatypes
+open AST
+open Csyntax
+let name_unop = function
+ | Onotbool -> "!"
+ | Onotint -> "~"
+ | Oneg -> "-"
+let name_binop = function
+ | Oadd -> "+"
+ | Osub -> "-"
+ | Omul -> "*"
+ | Odiv -> "/"
+ | Omod -> "%"
+ | Oand -> "&"
+ | Oor -> "|"
+ | Oxor -> "^"
+ | Oshl -> "<<"
+ | Oshr -> ">>"
+ | Oeq -> "=="
+ | One -> "!="
+ | Olt -> "<"
+ | Ogt -> ">"
+ | Ole -> "<="
+ | Oge -> ">="
+let name_inttype sz sg =
+ match sz, sg with
+ | I8, Signed -> "signed char"
+ | I8, Unsigned -> "unsigned char"
+ | I16, Signed -> "short"
+ | I16, Unsigned -> "unsigned short"
+ | I32, Signed -> "int"
+ | I32, Unsigned -> "unsigned int"
+let name_floattype sz =
+ match sz with
+ | F32 -> "float"
+ | F64 -> "double"
+(* Collecting the names and fields of structs and unions *)
+module StructUnionSet = Set.Make(struct
+ type t = string * fieldlist
+ let compare (n1, _ : t) (n2, _ : t) = compare n1 n2
+let struct_unions = ref StructUnionSet.empty
+let register_struct_union id fld =
+ struct_unions := StructUnionSet.add (extern_atom id, fld) !struct_unions
+(* Declarator (identifier + type) *)
+let name_optid id =
+ if id = "" then "" else " " ^ id
+let parenthesize_if_pointer id =
+ if String.length id > 0 && id.[0] = '*' then "(" ^ id ^ ")" else id
+let rec name_cdecl id ty =
+ match ty with
+ | Tvoid ->
+ "void" ^ name_optid id
+ | Tint(sz, sg) ->
+ name_inttype sz sg ^ name_optid id
+ | Tfloat sz ->
+ name_floattype sz ^ name_optid id
+ | Tpointer t ->
+ name_cdecl ("*" ^ id) t
+ | Tarray(t, n) ->
+ name_cdecl
+ (sprintf "%s[%ld]" (parenthesize_if_pointer id) (camlint_of_coqint n))
+ t
+ | Tfunction(args, res) ->
+ let b = Buffer.create 20 in
+ if id = ""
+ then Buffer.add_string b "(*)"
+ else Buffer.add_string b (parenthesize_if_pointer id);
+ Buffer.add_char b '(';
+ begin match args with
+ | Tnil ->
+ Buffer.add_string b "void"
+ | _ ->
+ let rec add_args first = function
+ | Tnil -> ()
+ | Tcons(t1, tl) ->
+ if not first then Buffer.add_string b ", ";
+ Buffer.add_string b (name_cdecl "" t1);
+ add_args false tl in
+ add_args true args
+ end;
+ Buffer.add_char b ')';
+ name_cdecl (Buffer.contents b) res
+ | Tstruct(name, fld) ->
+ extern_atom name ^ name_optid id
+ | Tunion(name, fld) ->
+ extern_atom name ^ name_optid id
+ | Tcomp_ptr name ->
+ extern_atom name ^ " *" ^ id
+(* Type *)
+let name_type ty = name_cdecl "" ty
+(* Expressions *)
+let parenthesis_level (Expr (e, ty)) =
+ match e with
+ | Econst_int _ -> 0
+ | Econst_float _ -> 0
+ | Evar _ -> 0
+ | Eunop(_, _) -> 30
+ | Ederef _ -> 20
+ | Eaddrof _ -> 30
+ | Ebinop(op, _, _) ->
+ begin match op with
+ | Oand | Oor | Oxor -> 75
+ | Oeq | One | Olt | Ogt | Ole | Oge -> 70
+ | Oadd | Osub | Oshl | Oshr -> 60
+ | Omul | Odiv | Omod -> 40
+ end
+ | Ecast _ -> 30
+ | Econdition(_, _, _) -> 80
+ | Eandbool(_, _) -> 80
+ | Eorbool(_, _) -> 80
+ | Esizeof _ -> 20
+ | Efield _ -> 20
+let rec print_expr p (Expr (eb, ty) as e) =
+ let level = parenthesis_level e in
+ match eb with
+ | Econst_int n ->
+ fprintf p "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Econst_float f ->
+ fprintf p "%F" f
+ | Evar id ->
+ fprintf p "%s" (extern_atom id)
+ | Eunop(op, e1) ->
+ fprintf p "%s%a" (name_unop op) print_expr_prec (level, e1)
+ | Ederef (Expr (Ebinop(Oadd, e1, e2), _)) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>%a@,[%a]@]"
+ print_expr_prec (level, e1)
+ print_expr_prec (level, e2)
+ | Ederef (Expr (Efield(e1, id), _)) ->
+ fprintf p "%a->%s" print_expr_prec (level, e1) (extern_atom id)
+ | Ederef e ->
+ fprintf p "*%a" print_expr_prec (level, e)
+ | Eaddrof e ->
+ fprintf p "&%a" print_expr_prec (level, e)
+ | Ebinop(op, e1, e2) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 0>%a@ %s %a@]"
+ print_expr_prec (level, e1)
+ (name_binop op)
+ print_expr_prec (level, e2)
+ | Ecast(ty, e1) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(%s)@,%a@]"
+ (name_type ty)
+ print_expr_prec (level, e1)
+ | Econdition(e1, e2, e3) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 0>%a@ ? %a@ : %a@]"
+ print_expr_prec (level, e1)
+ print_expr_prec (level, e2)
+ print_expr_prec (level, e3)
+ | Eandbool(e1, e2) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 0>%a@ && %a@]"
+ print_expr_prec (level, e1)
+ print_expr_prec (level, e2)
+ | Eorbool(e1, e2) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 0>%a@ || %a@]"
+ print_expr_prec (level, e1)
+ print_expr_prec (level, e2)
+ | Esizeof ty ->
+ fprintf p "sizeof(%s)" (name_type ty)
+ | Efield(e1, id) ->
+ fprintf p "%a.%s" print_expr_prec (level, e1) (extern_atom id)
+and print_expr_prec p (context_prec, e) =
+ let this_prec = parenthesis_level e in
+ if this_prec >= context_prec
+ then fprintf p "(%a)" print_expr e
+ else print_expr p e
+let rec print_expr_list p (first, el) =
+ match el with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | e1 :: et ->
+ if not first then fprintf p ",@ ";
+ print_expr p e1;
+ print_expr_list p (false, et)
+let rec print_stmt p s =
+ match s with
+ | Sskip ->
+ fprintf p "/*skip*/;"
+ | Sassign(e1, e2) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>%a =@ %a;@]" print_expr e1 print_expr e2
+ | Scall(None, e1, el) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>%a@,(@[<hov 0>%a@]);@]"
+ print_expr e1
+ print_expr_list (true, el)
+ | Scall(Some lhs, e1, el) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>%a =@ %a@,(@[<hov 0>%a@]);@]"
+ print_expr lhs
+ print_expr e1
+ print_expr_list (true, el)
+ | Ssequence(s1, s2) ->
+ fprintf p "%a@ %a" print_stmt s1 print_stmt s2
+ | Sifthenelse(e, s1, Sskip) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>if (%a) {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]"
+ print_expr e
+ print_stmt s1
+ | Sifthenelse(e, s1, s2) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>if (%a) {@ %a@;<0 -2>} else {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]"
+ print_expr e
+ print_stmt s1
+ print_stmt s2
+ | Swhile(e, s) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>while (%a) {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]"
+ print_expr e
+ print_stmt s
+ | Sdowhile(e, s) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>do {@ %a@;<0 -2>} while(%a);@]"
+ print_stmt s
+ print_expr e
+ | Sfor(s_init, e, s_iter, s_body) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>for (@[<hv 0>%a;@ %a;@ %a) {@]@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]"
+ print_stmt_for s_init
+ print_expr e
+ print_stmt_for s_iter
+ print_stmt s_body
+ | Sbreak ->
+ fprintf p "break;"
+ | Scontinue ->
+ fprintf p "continue;"
+ | Sswitch(e, cases) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>switch (%a) {@ %a@;<0 -2>}@]"
+ print_expr e
+ print_cases cases
+ | Sreturn None ->
+ fprintf p "return;"
+ | Sreturn (Some e) ->
+ fprintf p "return %a;" print_expr e
+and print_cases p cases =
+ match cases with
+ | LSdefault Sskip ->
+ ()
+ | LSdefault s ->
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>default:@ %a@]" print_stmt s
+ | LScase(lbl, Sskip, rem) ->
+ fprintf p "case %ld:@ %a"
+ (camlint_of_coqint lbl)
+ print_cases rem
+ | LScase(lbl, s, rem) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>case %ld:@ %a@]@ %a"
+ (camlint_of_coqint lbl)
+ print_stmt s
+ print_cases rem
+and print_stmt_for p s =
+ match s with
+ | Sskip ->
+ fprintf p "/*nothing*/"
+ | Sassign(e1, e2) ->
+ fprintf p "%a = %a" print_expr e1 print_expr e2
+ | Ssequence(s1, s2) ->
+ fprintf p "%a, %a" print_stmt_for s1 print_stmt_for s2
+ | Scall(None, e1, el) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>%a@,(@[<hov 0>%a@])@]"
+ print_expr e1
+ print_expr_list (true, el)
+ | Scall(Some lhs, e1, el) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>%a =@ %a@,(@[<hov 0>%a@])@]"
+ print_expr lhs
+ print_expr e1
+ print_expr_list (true, el)
+ | _ ->
+ fprintf p "({ %a })" print_stmt s
+let name_function_parameters fun_name params =
+ let b = Buffer.create 20 in
+ Buffer.add_string b fun_name;
+ Buffer.add_char b '(';
+ begin match params with
+ | [] ->
+ Buffer.add_string b "void"
+ | _ ->
+ let rec add_params first = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | Coq_pair(id, ty) :: rem ->
+ if not first then Buffer.add_string b ", ";
+ Buffer.add_string b (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) ty);
+ add_params false rem in
+ add_params true params
+ end;
+ Buffer.add_char b ')';
+ Buffer.contents b
+let print_function p id f =
+ fprintf p "%s@ "
+ (name_cdecl (name_function_parameters (extern_atom id)
+ f.fn_params)
+ f.fn_return);
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>{@ ";
+ List.iter
+ (fun (Coq_pair(id, ty)) ->
+ fprintf p "%s;@ " (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) ty))
+ f.fn_vars;
+ print_stmt p f.fn_body;
+ fprintf p "@;<0 -2>}@]@ @ "
+let print_fundef p (Coq_pair(id, fd)) =
+ match fd with
+ | External(_, args, res) ->
+ fprintf p "extern %s;@ @ "
+ (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) (Tfunction(args, res)))
+ | Internal f ->
+ print_function p id f
+let string_of_init id =
+ try
+ let s = String.create (List.length id) in
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ List.iter
+ (function
+ | Init_int8 n ->
+ s.[!i] <- Char.chr(Int32.to_int(camlint_of_coqint n));
+ incr i
+ | _ -> raise Not_found)
+ id;
+ Some s
+ with Not_found -> None
+let print_escaped_string p s =
+ fprintf p "\"";
+ for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
+ match s.[i] with
+ | ('\"' | '\\') as c -> fprintf p "\\%c" c
+ | '\n' -> fprintf p "\\n"
+ | '\t' -> fprintf p "\\t"
+ | '\r' -> fprintf p "\\r"
+ | c -> if c >= ' ' && c <= '~'
+ then fprintf p "%c" c
+ else fprintf p "\\x%02x" (Char.code c)
+ done;
+ fprintf p "\""
+let print_init p = function
+ | Init_int8 n -> fprintf p "%ld,@ " (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_int16 n -> fprintf p "%ld,@ " (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_int32 n -> fprintf p "%ld,@ " (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_float32 n -> fprintf p "%F,@ " n
+ | Init_float64 n -> fprintf p "%F,@ " n
+ | Init_space n -> fprintf p "/* skip %ld, */@ " (camlint_of_coqint n)
+ | Init_pointer id ->
+ match string_of_init id with
+ | None -> fprintf p "/* pointer to other init*/,@ "
+ | Some s -> fprintf p "%a,@ " print_escaped_string s
+let print_globvar p (Coq_pair(Coq_pair(id, init), ty)) =
+ match init with
+ | [] ->
+ fprintf p "extern %s;@ @ "
+ (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) ty)
+ | [Init_space _] ->
+ fprintf p "%s;@ @ "
+ (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) ty)
+ | _ ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>%s = {@ "
+ (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) ty);
+ List.iter (print_init p) init;
+ fprintf p "};@]@ @ "
+(* Collect struct and union types *)
+let rec collect_type = function
+ | Tvoid -> ()
+ | Tint(sz, sg) -> ()
+ | Tfloat sz -> ()
+ | Tpointer t -> collect_type t
+ | Tarray(t, n) -> collect_type t
+ | Tfunction(args, res) -> collect_type_list args; collect_type res
+ | Tstruct(id, fld) -> register_struct_union id fld; collect_fields fld
+ | Tunion(id, fld) -> register_struct_union id fld; collect_fields fld
+ | Tcomp_ptr _ -> ()
+and collect_type_list = function
+ | Tnil -> ()
+ | Tcons(hd, tl) -> collect_type hd; collect_type_list tl
+and collect_fields = function
+ | Fnil -> ()
+ | Fcons(id, hd, tl) -> collect_type hd; collect_fields tl
+let rec collect_expr (Expr(ed, ty)) =
+ match ed with
+ | Econst_int n -> ()
+ | Econst_float f -> ()
+ | Evar id -> ()
+ | Eunop(op, e1) -> collect_expr e1
+ | Ederef e -> collect_expr e
+ | Eaddrof e -> collect_expr e
+ | Ebinop(op, e1, e2) -> collect_expr e1; collect_expr e2
+ | Ecast(ty, e1) -> collect_type ty; collect_expr e1
+ | Econdition(e1, e2, e3) -> collect_expr e1; collect_expr e2; collect_expr e3
+ | Eandbool(e1, e2) -> collect_expr e1; collect_expr e2
+ | Eorbool(e1, e2) -> collect_expr e1; collect_expr e2
+ | Esizeof ty -> collect_type ty
+ | Efield(e1, id) -> collect_expr e1
+let rec collect_expr_list = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | hd :: tl -> collect_expr hd; collect_expr_list tl
+let rec collect_stmt = function
+ | Sskip -> ()
+ | Sassign(e1, e2) -> collect_expr e1; collect_expr e2
+ | Scall(None, e1, el) -> collect_expr e1; collect_expr_list el
+ | Scall(Some lhs, e1, el) -> collect_expr lhs; collect_expr e1; collect_expr_list el
+ | Ssequence(s1, s2) -> collect_stmt s1; collect_stmt s2
+ | Sifthenelse(e, s1, s2) -> collect_expr e; collect_stmt s1; collect_stmt s2
+ | Swhile(e, s) -> collect_expr e; collect_stmt s
+ | Sdowhile(e, s) -> collect_stmt s; collect_expr e
+ | Sfor(s_init, e, s_iter, s_body) ->
+ collect_stmt s_init; collect_expr e;
+ collect_stmt s_iter; collect_stmt s_body
+ | Sbreak -> ()
+ | Scontinue -> ()
+ | Sswitch(e, cases) -> collect_expr e; collect_cases cases
+ | Sreturn None -> ()
+ | Sreturn (Some e) -> collect_expr e
+and collect_cases = function
+ | LSdefault s -> collect_stmt s
+ | LScase(lbl, s, rem) -> collect_stmt s; collect_cases rem
+let collect_function f =
+ collect_type f.fn_return;
+ List.iter (fun (Coq_pair(id, ty)) -> collect_type ty) f.fn_params;
+ List.iter (fun (Coq_pair(id, ty)) -> collect_type ty) f.fn_vars;
+ collect_stmt f.fn_body
+let collect_fundef (Coq_pair(id, fd)) =
+ match fd with
+ | External(_, args, res) -> collect_type_list args; collect_type res
+ | Internal f -> collect_function f
+let collect_globvar (Coq_pair(Coq_pair(id, init), ty)) =
+ collect_type ty
+let collect_program p =
+ List.iter collect_globvar p.prog_vars;
+ List.iter collect_fundef p.prog_funct
+let declare_struct_or_union p (name, fld) =
+ fprintf p "%s;@ @ " name
+let print_struct_or_union p (name, fld) =
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>%s {" name;
+ let rec print_fields = function
+ | Fnil -> ()
+ | Fcons(id, ty, rem) ->
+ fprintf p "@ %s;" (name_cdecl (extern_atom id) ty);
+ print_fields rem in
+ print_fields fld;
+ fprintf p "@;<0 -2>};@]@ "
+let print_program p prog =
+ struct_unions := StructUnionSet.empty;
+ collect_program prog;
+ fprintf p "@[<v 0>";
+ StructUnionSet.iter (declare_struct_or_union p) !struct_unions;
+ StructUnionSet.iter (print_struct_or_union p) !struct_unions;
+ List.iter (print_globvar p) prog.prog_vars;
+ List.iter (print_fundef p) prog.prog_funct;
+ fprintf p "@]@."