path: root/cil/src/ext/liveness.ml
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2009-03-29 09:47:11 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2009-03-29 09:47:11 +0000
commita5f03d96eee482cd84861fc8cefff9eb451c0cad (patch)
treecbc66cbc183a7c5ef2c044ed9ed04b8011df9cd4 /cil/src/ext/liveness.ml
parenta9621943087a5578c995d88b06f87c5158eb5d00 (diff)
Cleaned up configure script.
Distribution of CIL as an expanded source tree with changes applied (instead of original .tar.gz + patches to be applied at config time). git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1020 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'cil/src/ext/liveness.ml')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cil/src/ext/liveness.ml b/cil/src/ext/liveness.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72cd6073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil/src/ext/liveness.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+(* Calculate which variables are live at
+ * each statememnt.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *)
+open Cil
+open Pretty
+module DF = Dataflow
+module UD = Usedef
+module IH = Inthash
+module E = Errormsg
+let debug = ref false
+let live_label = ref ""
+let live_func = ref ""
+module VS = UD.VS
+let debug_print () vs = (VS.fold
+ (fun vi d ->
+ d ++ text "name: " ++ text vi.vname
+ ++ text " id: " ++ num vi.vid ++ text " ")
+ vs nil) ++ line
+let min_print () vs = (VS.fold
+ (fun vi d ->
+ d ++ text vi.vname
+ ++ text "(" ++ d_type () vi.vtype ++ text ")"
+ ++ text ",")
+ vs nil) ++ line
+let printer = ref debug_print
+module LiveFlow = struct
+ let name = "Liveness"
+ let debug = debug
+ type t = VS.t
+ let pretty () vs =
+ let fn = !printer in
+ fn () vs
+ let stmtStartData = IH.create 32
+ let combineStmtStartData (stm:stmt) ~(old:t) (now:t) =
+ if not(VS.compare old now = 0)
+ then Some(VS.union old now)
+ else None
+ let combineSuccessors = VS.union
+ let doStmt stmt =
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "looking at: %a\n" d_stmt stmt);
+ match stmt.succs with
+ [] -> let u,d = UD.computeUseDefStmtKind stmt.skind in
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "doStmt: no succs %d\n" stmt.sid);
+ DF.Done u
+ | _ ->
+ let handle_stm vs = match stmt.skind with
+ Instr _ -> vs
+ | s -> let u, d = UD.computeUseDefStmtKind s in
+ VS.union u (VS.diff vs d)
+ in
+ DF.Post handle_stm
+ let doInstr i vs =
+ let transform vs' =
+ let u,d = UD.computeUseDefInstr i in
+ VS.union u (VS.diff vs' d)
+ in
+ DF.Post transform
+ let filterStmt stm1 stm2 = true
+module L = DF.BackwardsDataFlow(LiveFlow)
+let sink_stmts = ref []
+class sinkFinderClass = object(self)
+ inherit nopCilVisitor
+ method vstmt s = match s.succs with
+ [] -> (sink_stmts := s :: (!sink_stmts);
+ DoChildren)
+ | _ -> DoChildren
+(* gives list of return statements from a function *)
+(* fundec -> stm list *)
+let find_sinks fdec =
+ sink_stmts := [];
+ ignore(visitCilFunction (new sinkFinderClass) fdec);
+ !sink_stmts
+(* XXX: This does not compute the best ordering to
+ * give to the work-list algorithm.
+ *)
+let all_stmts = ref []
+class nullAdderClass = object(self)
+ inherit nopCilVisitor
+ method vstmt s =
+ all_stmts := s :: (!all_stmts);
+ IH.add LiveFlow.stmtStartData s.sid VS.empty;
+ DoChildren
+let null_adder fdec =
+ ignore(visitCilFunction (new nullAdderClass) fdec);
+ !all_stmts
+let computeLiveness fdec =
+ IH.clear LiveFlow.stmtStartData;
+ UD.onlyNoOffsetsAreDefs := false;
+ all_stmts := [];
+ let a = null_adder fdec in
+ L.compute a
+let print_everything () =
+ let d = IH.fold (fun i vs d ->
+ d ++ num i ++ text ": " ++ LiveFlow.pretty () vs)
+ LiveFlow.stmtStartData nil in
+ ignore(printf "%t" (fun () -> d))
+let match_label lbl = match lbl with
+ Label(str,_,b) ->
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "Liveness: label seen: %s\n" str);
+ (*b && *)(String.compare str (!live_label) = 0)
+| _ -> false
+class doFeatureClass = object(self)
+ inherit nopCilVisitor
+ method vfunc fd =
+ if String.compare fd.svar.vname (!live_func) = 0 then
+ (Cfg.clearCFGinfo fd;
+ ignore(Cfg.cfgFun fd);
+ computeLiveness fd;
+ if String.compare (!live_label) "" = 0 then
+ (printer := min_print;
+ print_everything();
+ SkipChildren)
+ else DoChildren)
+ else SkipChildren
+ method vstmt s =
+ if List.exists match_label s.labels then try
+ let vs = IH.find LiveFlow.stmtStartData s.sid in
+ (printer := min_print;
+ ignore(printf "%a" LiveFlow.pretty vs);
+ SkipChildren)
+ with Not_found ->
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "Liveness: stmt: %d not found\n" s.sid);
+ DoChildren
+ else
+ (if List.length s.labels = 0 then
+ if !debug then ignore(E.log "Liveness: no label at sid=%d\n" s.sid);
+ DoChildren)
+let do_live_feature (f:file) =
+ visitCilFile (new doFeatureClass) f
+let feature =
+ {
+ fd_name = "Liveness";
+ fd_enabled = ref false;
+ fd_description = "Spit out live variables at a label";
+ fd_extraopt = [
+ "--live_label",
+ Arg.String (fun s -> live_label := s),
+ "Output the variables live at this label";
+ "--live_func",
+ Arg.String (fun s -> live_func := s),
+ "Output the variables live at each statement in this function.";
+ "--live_debug",
+ Arg.Unit (fun n -> debug := true),
+ "Print lots of debugging info";];
+ fd_doit = do_live_feature;
+ fd_post_check = false
+ }