path: root/cil/src/mergecil.ml
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authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2009-03-29 09:47:11 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2009-03-29 09:47:11 +0000
commita5f03d96eee482cd84861fc8cefff9eb451c0cad (patch)
treecbc66cbc183a7c5ef2c044ed9ed04b8011df9cd4 /cil/src/mergecil.ml
parenta9621943087a5578c995d88b06f87c5158eb5d00 (diff)
Cleaned up configure script.
Distribution of CIL as an expanded source tree with changes applied (instead of original .tar.gz + patches to be applied at config time). git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@1020 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'cil/src/mergecil.ml')
1 files changed, 1770 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cil/src/mergecil.ml b/cil/src/mergecil.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dee519ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cil/src/mergecil.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1770 @@
+(* MODIF: Loop constructor replaced by 3 constructors: While, DoWhile, For. *)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2002,
+ * George C. Necula <necula@cs.berkeley.edu>
+ * Scott McPeak <smcpeak@cs.berkeley.edu>
+ * Wes Weimer <weimer@cs.berkeley.edu>
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. The names of the contributors may not be used to endorse or promote
+ * products derived from this software without specific prior written
+ * permission.
+ *
+ *
+ *)
+(* mergecil.ml *)
+(* This module is responsible for merging multiple CIL source trees into
+ * a single, coherent CIL tree which contains the union of all the
+ * definitions in the source files. It effectively acts like a linker,
+ * but at the source code level instead of the object code level. *)
+module P = Pretty
+open Cil
+module E = Errormsg
+module H = Hashtbl
+module A = Alpha
+open Trace
+let debugMerge = false
+let debugInlines = false
+let ignore_merge_conflicts = ref false
+(* Try to merge structure with the same name. However, do not complain if
+ * they are not the same *)
+let mergeSynonyms = true
+(** Whether to use path compression *)
+let usePathCompression = false
+(* Try to merge definitions of inline functions. They can appear in multiple
+ * files and we would like them all to be the same. This can slow down the
+ * merger an order of magnitude !!! *)
+let mergeInlines = true
+let mergeInlinesRepeat = mergeInlines && true
+let mergeInlinesWithAlphaConvert = mergeInlines && true
+(* when true, merge duplicate definitions of externally-visible functions;
+ * this uses a mechanism which is faster than the one for inline functions,
+ * but only probabilistically accurate *)
+let mergeGlobals = true
+(* Return true if 's' starts with the prefix 'p' *)
+let prefix p s =
+ let lp = String.length p in
+ let ls = String.length s in
+ lp <= ls && String.sub s 0 lp = p
+(* A name is identified by the index of the file in which it occurs (starting
+ * at 0 with the first file) and by the actual name. We'll keep name spaces
+ * separate *)
+(* We define a data structure for the equivalence classes *)
+type 'a node =
+ { nname: string; (* The actual name *)
+ nfidx: int; (* The file index *)
+ ndata: 'a; (* Data associated with the node *)
+ mutable nloc: (location * int) option;
+ (* location where defined and index within the file of the definition.
+ * If None then it means that this node actually DOES NOT appear in the
+ * given file. In rare occasions we need to talk in a given file about
+ * types that are not defined in that file. This happens with undefined
+ * structures but also due to cross-contamination of types in a few of
+ * the cases of combineType (see the definition of combineTypes). We
+ * try never to choose as representatives nodes without a definition.
+ * We also choose as representative the one that appears earliest *)
+ mutable nrep: 'a node; (* A pointer to another node in its class (one
+ * closer to the representative). The nrep node
+ * is always in an earlier file, except for the
+ * case where a name is undefined in one file
+ * and defined in a later file. If this pointer
+ * points to the node itself then this is the
+ * representative. *)
+ mutable nmergedSyns: bool (* Whether we have merged the synonyms for
+ * the node of this name *)
+ }
+let d_nloc () (lo: (location * int) option) : P.doc =
+ match lo with
+ None -> P.text "None"
+ | Some (l, idx) -> P.dprintf "Some(%d at %a)" idx d_loc l
+(* Make a node with a self loop. This is quite tricky. *)
+let mkSelfNode (eq: (int * string, 'a node) H.t) (* The equivalence table *)
+ (syn: (string, 'a node) H.t) (* The synonyms table *)
+ (fidx: int) (name: string) (data: 'a)
+ (l: (location * int) option) =
+ let res = { nname = name; nfidx = fidx; ndata = data; nloc = l;
+ nrep = Obj.magic 1; nmergedSyns = false; } in
+ res.nrep <- res; (* Make the self cycle *)
+ H.add eq (fidx, name) res; (* Add it to the proper table *)
+ if mergeSynonyms && not (prefix "__anon" name) then
+ H.add syn name res;
+ res
+let debugFind = false
+(* Find the representative with or without path compression *)
+let rec find (pathcomp: bool) (nd: 'a node) =
+ if debugFind then
+ ignore (E.log " find %s(%d)\n" nd.nname nd.nfidx);
+ if nd.nrep == nd then begin
+ if debugFind then
+ ignore (E.log " = %s(%d)\n" nd.nname nd.nfidx);
+ nd
+ end else begin
+ let res = find pathcomp nd.nrep in
+ if usePathCompression && pathcomp && nd.nrep != res then
+ nd.nrep <- res; (* Compress the paths *)
+ res
+ end
+(* Union two nodes and return the new representative. We prefer as the
+ * representative a node defined earlier. We try not to use as
+ * representatives nodes that are not defined in their files. We return a
+ * function for undoing the union. Make sure that between the union and the
+ * undo you do not do path compression *)
+let union (nd1: 'a node) (nd2: 'a node) : 'a node * (unit -> unit) =
+ (* Move to the representatives *)
+ let nd1 = find true nd1 in
+ let nd2 = find true nd2 in
+ if nd1 == nd2 then begin
+ (* It can happen that we are trying to union two nodes that are already
+ * equivalent. This is because between the time we check that two nodes
+ * are not already equivalent and the time we invoke the union operation
+ * we check type isomorphism which might change the equivalence classes *)
+ ignore (warn "unioning already equivalent nodes for %s(%d)"
+ nd1.nname nd1.nfidx);
+ nd1, fun x -> x
+ end else begin
+ let rep, norep = (* Choose the representative *)
+ if (nd1.nloc != None) = (nd2.nloc != None) then
+ (* They have the same defined status. Choose the earliest *)
+ if nd1.nfidx < nd2.nfidx then nd1, nd2
+ else if nd1.nfidx > nd2.nfidx then nd2, nd1
+ else (* In the same file. Choose the one with the earliest index *) begin
+ match nd1.nloc, nd2.nloc with
+ Some (_, didx1), Some (_, didx2) ->
+ if didx1 < didx2 then nd1, nd2 else
+ if didx1 > didx2 then nd2, nd1
+ else begin
+ ignore (warn
+ "Merging two elements (%s and %s) in the same file (%d) with the same idx (%d) within the file"
+ nd1.nname nd2.nname nd1.nfidx didx1);
+ nd1, nd2
+ end
+ | _, _ -> (* both none. Does not matter which one we choose. Should
+ * not happen though. *)
+ (* sm: it does happen quite a bit when, e.g. merging STLport with
+ * some client source; I'm disabling the warning since it supposedly
+ * is harmless anyway, so is useless noise *)
+ (* sm: re-enabling on claim it now will probably not happen *)
+ ignore (warn "Merging two undefined elements in the same file: %s and %s\n" nd1.nname nd2.nname);
+ nd1, nd2
+ end
+ else (* One is defined, the other is not. Choose the defined one *)
+ if nd1.nloc != None then nd1, nd2 else nd2, nd1
+ in
+ let oldrep = norep.nrep in
+ norep.nrep <- rep;
+ rep, (fun () -> norep.nrep <- oldrep)
+ end
+let union (nd1: 'a node) (nd2: 'a node) : 'a node * (unit -> unit) =
+ if nd1 == nd2 && nd1.nname = "!!!intEnumInfo!!!" then begin
+ ignore (warn "unioning two identical nodes for %s(%d)"
+ nd1.nname nd1.nfidx);
+ nd1, fun x -> x
+ end else
+ union nd1 nd2
+(* Find the representative for a node and compress the paths in the process *)
+let findReplacement
+ (pathcomp: bool)
+ (eq: (int * string, 'a node) H.t)
+ (fidx: int)
+ (name: string) : ('a * int) option =
+ if debugFind then
+ ignore (E.log "findReplacement for %s(%d)\n" name fidx);
+ try
+ let nd = H.find eq (fidx, name) in
+ if nd.nrep == nd then begin
+ if debugFind then
+ ignore (E.log " is a representative\n");
+ None (* No replacement if this is the representative of its class *)
+ end else
+ let rep = find pathcomp nd in
+ if rep != rep.nrep then
+ E.s (bug "find does not return the representative\n");
+ if debugFind then
+ ignore (E.log " RES = %s(%d)\n" rep.nname rep.nfidx);
+ Some (rep.ndata, rep.nfidx)
+ with Not_found -> begin
+ if debugFind then
+ ignore (E.log " not found in the map\n");
+ None
+ end
+(* Make a node if one does not already exist. Otherwise return the
+ * representative *)
+let getNode (eq: (int * string, 'a node) H.t)
+ (syn: (string, 'a node) H.t)
+ (fidx: int) (name: string) (data: 'a)
+ (l: (location * int) option) =
+ let debugGetNode = false in
+ if debugGetNode then
+ ignore (E.log "getNode(%s(%d), %a)\n"
+ name fidx d_nloc l);
+ try
+ let res = H.find eq (fidx, name) in
+ (match res.nloc, l with
+ (* Maybe we have a better location now *)
+ None, Some _ -> res.nloc <- l
+ | Some (old_l, old_idx), Some (l, idx) ->
+ if old_idx != idx then
+ ignore (warn "Duplicate definition of node %s(%d) at indices %d(%a) and %d(%a)"
+ name fidx old_idx d_loc old_l idx d_loc l)
+ else
+ ()
+ | _, _ -> ());
+ if debugGetNode then
+ ignore (E.log " node already found\n");
+ find false res (* No path compression *)
+ with Not_found -> begin
+ let res = mkSelfNode eq syn fidx name data l in
+ if debugGetNode then
+ ignore (E.log " made a new one\n");
+ res
+ end
+(* Dump a graph *)
+let dumpGraph (what: string) (eq: (int * string, 'a node) H.t) : unit =
+ ignore (E.log "Equivalence graph for %s is:\n" what);
+ H.iter (fun (fidx, name) nd ->
+ ignore (E.log " %s(%d) %s-> "
+ name fidx (if nd.nloc = None then "(undef)" else ""));
+ if nd.nrep == nd then
+ ignore (E.log "*\n")
+ else
+ ignore (E.log " %s(%d)\n" nd.nrep.nname nd.nrep.nfidx ))
+ eq
+(* For each name space we define a set of equivalence classes *)
+let vEq: (int * string, varinfo node) H.t = H.create 111 (* Vars *)
+let sEq: (int * string, compinfo node) H.t = H.create 111 (* Struct + union *)
+let eEq: (int * string, enuminfo node) H.t = H.create 111 (* Enums *)
+let tEq: (int * string, typeinfo node) H.t = H.create 111 (* Type names*)
+let iEq: (int * string, varinfo node) H.t = H.create 111 (* Inlines *)
+(* Sometimes we want to merge synonyms. We keep some tables indexed by names.
+ * Each name is mapped to multiple exntries *)
+let vSyn: (string, varinfo node) H.t = H.create 111 (* Not actually used *)
+let iSyn: (string, varinfo node) H.t = H.create 111 (* Inlines *)
+let sSyn: (string, compinfo node) H.t = H.create 111
+let eSyn: (string, enuminfo node) H.t = H.create 111
+let tSyn: (string, typeinfo node) H.t = H.create 111
+(** A global environment for variables. Put in here only the non-static
+ * variables, indexed by their name. *)
+let vEnv : (string, varinfo node) H.t = H.create 111
+(* A set of inline functions indexed by their printout ! *)
+let inlineBodies : (P.doc, varinfo node) H.t = H.create 111
+(** A number of alpha conversion tables. We ought to keep one table for each
+ * name space. Unfortunately, because of the way the C lexer works, type
+ * names must be different from variable names!! We one alpha table both for
+ * variables and types. *)
+let vtAlpha : (string, location A.alphaTableData ref) H.t
+ = H.create 57 (* Variables and
+ * types *)
+let sAlpha : (string, location A.alphaTableData ref) H.t
+ = H.create 57 (* Structures and
+ * unions have
+ * the same name
+ * space *)
+let eAlpha : (string, location A.alphaTableData ref) H.t
+ = H.create 57 (* Enumerations *)
+(** Keep track, for all global function definitions, of the names of the formal
+ * arguments. They might change during merging of function types if the
+ * prototype occurs after the function definition and uses different names.
+ * We'll restore the names at the end *)
+let formalNames: (int * string, string list) H.t = H.create 111
+(* Accumulate here the globals in the merged file *)
+let theFileTypes = ref []
+let theFile = ref []
+(* add 'g' to the merged file *)
+let mergePushGlobal (g: global) : unit =
+ pushGlobal g ~types:theFileTypes ~variables:theFile
+let mergePushGlobals gl = List.iter mergePushGlobal gl
+(* The index of the current file being scanned *)
+let currentFidx = ref 0
+let currentDeclIdx = ref 0 (* The index of the definition in a file. This is
+ * maintained both in pass 1 and in pass 2. Make
+ * sure you count the same things in both passes. *)
+(* Keep here the file names *)
+let fileNames : (int, string) H.t = H.create 113
+(* Remember the composite types that we have already declared *)
+let emittedCompDecls: (string, bool) H.t = H.create 113
+(* Remember the variables also *)
+let emittedVarDecls: (string, bool) H.t = H.create 113
+(* also keep track of externally-visible function definitions;
+ * name maps to declaration, location, and semantic checksum *)
+let emittedFunDefn: (string, fundec * location * int) H.t = H.create 113
+(* and same for variable definitions; name maps to GVar fields *)
+let emittedVarDefn: (string, varinfo * init option * location) H.t = H.create 113
+(** A mapping from the new names to the original names. Used in PASS2 when we
+ * rename variables. *)
+let originalVarNames: (string, string) H.t = H.create 113
+(* Initialize the module *)
+let init () =
+ H.clear sAlpha;
+ H.clear eAlpha;
+ H.clear vtAlpha;
+ H.clear vEnv;
+ H.clear vEq;
+ H.clear sEq;
+ H.clear eEq;
+ H.clear tEq;
+ H.clear iEq;
+ H.clear vSyn;
+ H.clear sSyn;
+ H.clear eSyn;
+ H.clear tSyn;
+ H.clear iSyn;
+ theFile := [];
+ theFileTypes := [];
+ H.clear formalNames;
+ H.clear inlineBodies;
+ currentFidx := 0;
+ currentDeclIdx := 0;
+ H.clear fileNames;
+ H.clear emittedVarDecls;
+ H.clear emittedCompDecls;
+ H.clear emittedFunDefn;
+ H.clear emittedVarDefn;
+ H.clear originalVarNames
+(* Some enumerations have to be turned into an integer. We implement this by
+ * introducing a special enumeration type which we'll recognize later to be
+ * an integer *)
+let intEnumInfo =
+ { ename = "!!!intEnumInfo!!!"; (* This is otherwise invalid *)
+ eitems = [];
+ eattr = [];
+ ereferenced = false;
+ }
+(* And add it to the equivalence graph *)
+let intEnumInfoNode =
+ getNode eEq eSyn 0 intEnumInfo.ename intEnumInfo
+ (Some (locUnknown, 0))
+ (* Combine the types. Raises the Failure exception with an error message.
+ * isdef says whether the new type is for a definition *)
+type combineWhat =
+ CombineFundef (* The new definition is for a function definition. The old
+ * is for a prototype *)
+ | CombineFunarg (* Comparing a function argument type with an old prototype
+ * arg *)
+ | CombineFunret (* Comparing the return of a function with that from an old
+ * prototype *)
+ | CombineOther
+let rec combineTypes (what: combineWhat)
+ (oldfidx: int) (oldt: typ)
+ (fidx: int) (t: typ) : typ =
+ match oldt, t with
+ | TVoid olda, TVoid a -> TVoid (addAttributes olda a)
+ | TInt (oldik, olda), TInt (ik, a) ->
+ let combineIK oldk k =
+ if oldk == k then oldk else
+ (* GCC allows a function definition to have a more precise integer
+ * type than a prototype that says "int" *)
+ if not !msvcMode && oldk = IInt && bitsSizeOf t <= 32
+ && (what = CombineFunarg || what = CombineFunret)
+ then
+ k
+ else (
+ let msg =
+ P.sprint ~width:80
+ (P.dprintf
+ "(different integer types %a and %a)"
+ d_type oldt d_type t) in
+ raise (Failure msg)
+ )
+ in
+ TInt (combineIK oldik ik, addAttributes olda a)
+ | TFloat (oldfk, olda), TFloat (fk, a) ->
+ let combineFK oldk k =
+ if oldk == k then oldk else
+ (* GCC allows a function definition to have a more precise integer
+ * type than a prototype that says "double" *)
+ if not !msvcMode && oldk = FDouble && k = FFloat
+ && (what = CombineFunarg || what = CombineFunret)
+ then
+ k
+ else
+ raise (Failure "(different floating point types)")
+ in
+ TFloat (combineFK oldfk fk, addAttributes olda a)
+ | TEnum (oldei, olda), TEnum (ei, a) ->
+ (* Matching enumerations always succeeds. But sometimes it maps both
+ * enumerations to integers *)
+ matchEnumInfo oldfidx oldei fidx ei;
+ TEnum (oldei, addAttributes olda a)
+ (* Strange one. But seems to be handled by GCC *)
+ | TEnum (oldei, olda) , TInt(IInt, a) -> TEnum(oldei,
+ addAttributes olda a)
+ (* Strange one. But seems to be handled by GCC. Warning. Here we are
+ * leaking types from new to old *)
+ | TInt(IInt, olda), TEnum (ei, a) -> TEnum(ei, addAttributes olda a)
+ | TComp (oldci, olda) , TComp (ci, a) ->
+ matchCompInfo oldfidx oldci fidx ci;
+ (* If we get here we were successful *)
+ TComp (oldci, addAttributes olda a)
+ | TArray (oldbt, oldsz, olda), TArray (bt, sz, a) ->
+ let combbt = combineTypes CombineOther oldfidx oldbt fidx bt in
+ let combinesz =
+ match oldsz, sz with
+ None, Some _ -> sz
+ | Some _, None -> oldsz
+ | None, None -> oldsz
+ | Some oldsz', Some sz' ->
+ let samesz =
+ match constFold true oldsz', constFold true sz' with
+ Const(CInt64(oldi, _, _)), Const(CInt64(i, _, _)) -> oldi = i
+ | _, _ -> false
+ in
+ if samesz then oldsz else
+ raise (Failure "(different array sizes)")
+ in
+ TArray (combbt, combinesz, addAttributes olda a)
+ | TPtr (oldbt, olda), TPtr (bt, a) ->
+ TPtr (combineTypes CombineOther oldfidx oldbt fidx bt,
+ addAttributes olda a)
+ (* WARNING: In this case we are leaking types from new to old !! *)
+ | TFun (_, _, _, [Attr("missingproto",_)]), TFun _ -> t
+ | TFun _, TFun (_, _, _, [Attr("missingproto",_)]) -> oldt
+ | TFun (oldrt, oldargs, oldva, olda), TFun (rt, args, va, a) ->
+ let newrt =
+ combineTypes
+ (if what = CombineFundef then CombineFunret else CombineOther)
+ oldfidx oldrt fidx rt
+ in
+ if oldva != va then
+ raise (Failure "(diferent vararg specifiers)");
+ (* If one does not have arguments, believe the one with the
+ * arguments *)
+ let newargs =
+ if oldargs = None then args else
+ if args = None then oldargs else
+ let oldargslist = argsToList oldargs in
+ let argslist = argsToList args in
+ if List.length oldargslist <> List.length argslist then
+ raise (Failure "(different number of arguments)")
+ else begin
+ (* Go over the arguments and update the old ones with the
+ * adjusted types *)
+ Some
+ (List.map2
+ (fun (on, ot, oa) (an, at, aa) ->
+ let n = if an <> "" then an else on in
+ let t =
+ combineTypes
+ (if what = CombineFundef then
+ CombineFunarg else CombineOther)
+ oldfidx ot fidx at
+ in
+ let a = addAttributes oa aa in
+ (n, t, a))
+ oldargslist argslist)
+ end
+ in
+ TFun (newrt, newargs, oldva, addAttributes olda a)
+ | TBuiltin_va_list olda, TBuiltin_va_list a ->
+ TBuiltin_va_list (addAttributes olda a)
+ | TNamed (oldt, olda), TNamed (t, a) ->
+ matchTypeInfo oldfidx oldt fidx t;
+ (* If we get here we were able to match *)
+ TNamed(oldt, addAttributes olda a)
+ (* Unroll first the new type *)
+ | _, TNamed (t, a) ->
+ let res = combineTypes what oldfidx oldt fidx t.ttype in
+ typeAddAttributes a res
+ (* And unroll the old type as well if necessary *)
+ | TNamed (oldt, a), _ ->
+ let res = combineTypes what oldfidx oldt.ttype fidx t in
+ typeAddAttributes a res
+ | _ -> (
+ (* raise (Failure "(different type constructors)") *)
+ let msg:string = (P.sprint 1000 (P.dprintf "(different type constructors: %a vs. %a)"
+ d_type oldt d_type t)) in
+ raise (Failure msg)
+ )
+(* Match two compinfos and throw a Failure if they do not match *)
+and matchCompInfo (oldfidx: int) (oldci: compinfo)
+ (fidx: int) (ci: compinfo) : unit =
+ if oldci.cstruct <> ci.cstruct then
+ raise (Failure "(different struct/union types)");
+ (* See if we have a mapping already *)
+ (* Make the nodes if not already made. Actually return the
+ * representatives *)
+ let oldcinode = getNode sEq sSyn oldfidx oldci.cname oldci None in
+ let cinode = getNode sEq sSyn fidx ci.cname ci None in
+ if oldcinode == cinode then (* We already know they are the same *)
+ ()
+ else begin
+ (* Replace with the representative data *)
+ let oldci = oldcinode.ndata in
+ let oldfidx = oldcinode.nfidx in
+ let ci = cinode.ndata in
+ let fidx = cinode.nfidx in
+ let old_len = List.length oldci.cfields in
+ let len = List.length ci.cfields in
+ (* It is easy to catch here the case when the new structure is undefined
+ * and the old one was defined. We just reuse the old *)
+ (* More complicated is the case when the old one is not defined but the
+ * new one is. We still reuse the old one and we'll take care of defining
+ * it later with the new fields.
+ * GN: 7/10/04, I could not find when is "later", so I added it below *)
+ if len <> 0 && old_len <> 0 && old_len <> len then (
+ let curLoc = !currentLoc in (* d_global blows this away.. *)
+ (trace "merge" (P.dprintf "different # of fields\n%d: %a\n%d: %a\n"
+ old_len d_global (GCompTag(oldci,locUnknown))
+ len d_global (GCompTag(ci,locUnknown))
+ ));
+ currentLoc := curLoc;
+ let msg = Printf.sprintf
+ "(different number of fields in %s and %s: %d != %d.)"
+ oldci.cname ci.cname old_len len in
+ raise (Failure msg)
+ );
+ (* We check that they are defined in the same way. While doing this there
+ * might be recursion and we have to watch for going into an infinite
+ * loop. So we add the assumption that they are equal *)
+ let newrep, undo = union oldcinode cinode in
+ (* We check the fields but watch for Failure. We only do the check when
+ * the lengths are the same. Due to the code above this the other
+ * possibility is that one of the length is 0, in which case we reuse the
+ * old compinfo. *)
+ (* But what if the old one is the empty one ? *)
+ if old_len = len then begin
+ (try
+ List.iter2
+ (fun oldf f ->
+ if oldf.fbitfield <> f.fbitfield then
+ raise (Failure "(different bitfield info)");
+ if oldf.fattr <> f.fattr then
+ raise (Failure "(different field attributes)");
+ (* Make sure the types are compatible *)
+ let newtype =
+ combineTypes CombineOther oldfidx oldf.ftype fidx f.ftype
+ in
+ (* Change the type in the representative *)
+ oldf.ftype <- newtype;
+ )
+ oldci.cfields ci.cfields
+ with Failure reason -> begin
+ (* Our assumption was wrong. Forget the isomorphism *)
+ undo ();
+ let msg =
+ P.sprint ~width:80
+ (P.dprintf
+ "\n\tFailed assumption that %s and %s are isomorphic %s@!%a@!%a"
+ (compFullName oldci) (compFullName ci) reason
+ dn_global (GCompTag(oldci,locUnknown))
+ dn_global (GCompTag(ci,locUnknown)))
+ in
+ raise (Failure msg)
+ end)
+ end else begin
+ (* We will reuse the old one. One of them is empty. If the old one is
+ * empty, copy over the fields from the new one. Won't this result in
+ * all sorts of undefined types??? *)
+ if old_len = 0 then
+ oldci.cfields <- ci.cfields;
+ end;
+ (* We get here when we succeeded checking that they are equal, or one of
+ * them was empty *)
+ newrep.ndata.cattr <- addAttributes oldci.cattr ci.cattr;
+ ()
+ end
+(* Match two enuminfos and throw a Failure if they do not match *)
+and matchEnumInfo (oldfidx: int) (oldei: enuminfo)
+ (fidx: int) (ei: enuminfo) : unit =
+ (* Find the node for this enum, no path compression. *)
+ let oldeinode = getNode eEq eSyn oldfidx oldei.ename oldei None in
+ let einode = getNode eEq eSyn fidx ei.ename ei None in
+ if oldeinode == einode then (* We already know they are the same *)
+ ()
+ else begin
+ (* Replace with the representative data *)
+ let oldei = oldeinode.ndata in
+ let ei = einode.ndata in
+ (* Try to match them. But if you cannot just make them both integers *)
+ try
+ (* We do not have a mapping. They better be defined in the same way *)
+ if List.length oldei.eitems <> List.length ei.eitems then
+ raise (Failure "(different number of enumeration elements)");
+ (* We check that they are defined in the same way. This is a fairly
+ * conservative check. *)
+ List.iter2
+ (fun (old_iname, old_iv, _) (iname, iv, _) ->
+ if old_iname <> iname then
+ raise (Failure "(different names for enumeration items)");
+ let samev =
+ match constFold true old_iv, constFold true iv with
+ Const(CInt64(oldi, _, _)), Const(CInt64(i, _, _)) -> oldi = i
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ if not samev then
+ raise (Failure "(different values for enumeration items)"))
+ oldei.eitems ei.eitems;
+ (* Set the representative *)
+ let newrep, _ = union oldeinode einode in
+ (* We get here if the enumerations match *)
+ newrep.ndata.eattr <- addAttributes oldei.eattr ei.eattr;
+ ()
+ with Failure msg -> begin
+ (* Get here if you cannot merge two enumeration nodes *)
+ if oldeinode != intEnumInfoNode then begin
+ let _ = union oldeinode intEnumInfoNode in ()
+ end;
+ if einode != intEnumInfoNode then begin
+ let _ = union einode intEnumInfoNode in ()
+ end;
+ end
+ end
+(* Match two typeinfos and throw a Failure if they do not match *)
+and matchTypeInfo (oldfidx: int) (oldti: typeinfo)
+ (fidx: int) (ti: typeinfo) : unit =
+ if oldti.tname = "" || ti.tname = "" then
+ E.s (bug "matchTypeInfo for anonymous type\n");
+ (* Find the node for this enum, no path compression. *)
+ let oldtnode = getNode tEq tSyn oldfidx oldti.tname oldti None in
+ let tnode = getNode tEq tSyn fidx ti.tname ti None in
+ if oldtnode == tnode then (* We already know they are the same *)
+ ()
+ else begin
+ (* Replace with the representative data *)
+ let oldti = oldtnode.ndata in
+ let oldfidx = oldtnode.nfidx in
+ let ti = tnode.ndata in
+ let fidx = tnode.nfidx in
+ (* Check that they are the same *)
+ (try
+ ignore (combineTypes CombineOther oldfidx oldti.ttype fidx ti.ttype);
+ with Failure reason -> begin
+ let msg =
+ P.sprint ~width:80
+ (P.dprintf
+ "\n\tFailed assumption that %s and %s are isomorphic %s"
+ oldti.tname ti.tname reason) in
+ raise (Failure msg)
+ end);
+ let _ = union oldtnode tnode in
+ ()
+ end
+(* Scan all files and do two things *)
+(* 1. Initialize the alpha renaming tables with the names of the globals so
+ * that when we come in the second pass to generate new names, we do not run
+ * into conflicts. *)
+(* 2. For all declarations of globals unify their types. In the process
+ * construct a set of equivalence classes on type names, structure and
+ * enumeration tags *)
+(* 3. We clean the referenced flags *)
+let rec oneFilePass1 (f:file) : unit =
+ H.add fileNames !currentFidx f.fileName;
+ if debugMerge || !E.verboseFlag then
+ ignore (E.log "Pre-merging (%d) %s\n" !currentFidx f.fileName);
+ currentDeclIdx := 0;
+ if f.globinitcalled || f.globinit <> None then
+ E.s (E.warn "Merging file %s has global initializer" f.fileName);
+ (* We scan each file and we look at all global varinfo. We see if globals
+ * with the same name have been encountered before and we merge those types
+ * *)
+ let matchVarinfo (vi: varinfo) (l: location * int) =
+ ignore (Alpha.registerAlphaName vtAlpha None vi.vname !currentLoc);
+ (* Make a node for it and put it in vEq *)
+ let vinode = mkSelfNode vEq vSyn !currentFidx vi.vname vi (Some l) in
+ try
+ let oldvinode = find true (H.find vEnv vi.vname) in
+ let oldloc, _ =
+ match oldvinode.nloc with
+ None -> E.s (bug "old variable is undefined")
+ | Some l -> l
+ in
+ let oldvi = oldvinode.ndata in
+ (* There is an old definition. We must combine the types. Do this first
+ * because it might fail *)
+ let newtype =
+ try
+ combineTypes CombineOther
+ oldvinode.nfidx oldvi.vtype
+ !currentFidx vi.vtype;
+ with (Failure reason) -> begin
+ (* Go ahead *)
+ let f = if !ignore_merge_conflicts then warn else error in
+ ignore (f "Incompatible declaration for %s (from %s(%d)).@! Previous was at %a (from %s (%d)) %s "
+ vi.vname (H.find fileNames !currentFidx) !currentFidx
+ d_loc oldloc
+ (H.find fileNames oldvinode.nfidx) oldvinode.nfidx
+ reason);
+ raise Not_found
+ end
+ in
+ let newrep, _ = union oldvinode vinode in
+ (* We do not want to turn non-"const" globals into "const" one. That
+ * can happen if one file declares the variable a non-const while
+ * others declare it as "const". *)
+ if hasAttribute "const" (typeAttrs vi.vtype) !=
+ hasAttribute "const" (typeAttrs oldvi.vtype) then begin
+ newrep.ndata.vtype <- typeRemoveAttributes ["const"] newtype;
+ end else begin
+ newrep.ndata.vtype <- newtype;
+ end;
+ (* clean up the storage. *)
+ let newstorage =
+ if vi.vstorage = oldvi.vstorage || vi.vstorage = Extern then
+ oldvi.vstorage
+ else if oldvi.vstorage = Extern then vi.vstorage
+ (* Sometimes we turn the NoStorage specifier into Static for inline
+ * functions *)
+ else if oldvi.vstorage = Static &&
+ vi.vstorage = NoStorage then Static
+ else begin
+ ignore (warn "Inconsistent storage specification for %s. Now is %a and previous was %a at %a"
+ vi.vname d_storage vi.vstorage d_storage oldvi.vstorage
+ d_loc oldloc);
+ vi.vstorage
+ end
+ in
+ newrep.ndata.vstorage <- newstorage;
+ newrep.ndata.vattr <- addAttributes oldvi.vattr vi.vattr;
+ ()
+ with Not_found -> (* Not present in the previous files. Remember it for
+ * later *)
+ H.add vEnv vi.vname vinode
+ in
+ List.iter
+ (function
+ | GVarDecl (vi, l) | GVar (vi, _, l) ->
+ currentLoc := l;
+ incr currentDeclIdx;
+ vi.vreferenced <- false;
+ if vi.vstorage <> Static then begin
+ matchVarinfo vi (l, !currentDeclIdx);
+ end
+ | GFun (fdec, l) ->
+ currentLoc := l;
+ incr currentDeclIdx;
+ (* Save the names of the formal arguments *)
+ let _, args, _, _ = splitFunctionTypeVI fdec.svar in
+ H.add formalNames (!currentFidx, fdec.svar.vname)
+ (List.map (fun (fn, _, _) -> fn) (argsToList args));
+ fdec.svar.vreferenced <- false;
+ (* Force inline functions to be static. *)
+ (* GN: This turns out to be wrong. inline functions are external,
+ * unless specified to be static. *)
+ (*
+ if fdec.svar.vinline && fdec.svar.vstorage = NoStorage then
+ fdec.svar.vstorage <- Static;
+ *)
+ if fdec.svar.vstorage <> Static then begin
+ matchVarinfo fdec.svar (l, !currentDeclIdx)
+ end else begin
+ if fdec.svar.vinline && mergeInlines then
+ (* Just create the nodes for inline functions *)
+ ignore (getNode iEq iSyn !currentFidx
+ fdec.svar.vname fdec.svar (Some (l, !currentDeclIdx)))
+ end
+ (* Make nodes for the defined type and structure tags *)
+ | GType (t, l) ->
+ incr currentDeclIdx;
+ t.treferenced <- false;
+ if t.tname <> "" then (* The empty names are just for introducing
+ * undefined comp tags *)
+ ignore (getNode tEq tSyn !currentFidx t.tname t
+ (Some (l, !currentDeclIdx)))
+ else begin (* Go inside and clean the referenced flag for the
+ * declared tags *)
+ match t.ttype with
+ TComp (ci, _) ->
+ ci.creferenced <- false;
+ (* Create a node for it *)
+ ignore (getNode sEq sSyn !currentFidx ci.cname ci None)
+ | TEnum (ei, _) ->
+ ei.ereferenced <- false;
+ ignore (getNode eEq eSyn !currentFidx ei.ename ei None);
+ | _ -> E.s (bug "Anonymous Gtype is not TComp")
+ end
+ | GCompTag (ci, l) ->
+ incr currentDeclIdx;
+ ci.creferenced <- false;
+ ignore (getNode sEq sSyn !currentFidx ci.cname ci
+ (Some (l, !currentDeclIdx)))
+ | GEnumTag (ei, l) ->
+ incr currentDeclIdx;
+ ei.ereferenced <- false;
+ ignore (getNode eEq eSyn !currentFidx ei.ename ei
+ (Some (l, !currentDeclIdx)))
+ | _ -> ())
+ f.globals
+(* Try to merge synonyms. Do not give an error if they fail to merge *)
+let doMergeSynonyms
+ (syn : (string, 'a node) H.t)
+ (eq : (int * string, 'a node) H.t)
+ (compare : int -> 'a -> int -> 'a -> unit) (* A comparison function that
+ * throws Failure if no match *)
+ : unit =
+ H.iter (fun n node ->
+ if not node.nmergedSyns then begin
+ (* find all the nodes for the same name *)
+ let all = H.find_all syn n in
+ let rec tryone (classes: 'a node list) (* A number of representatives
+ * for this name *)
+ (nd: 'a node) : 'a node list (* Returns an expanded set
+ * of classes *) =
+ nd.nmergedSyns <- true;
+ (* Compare in turn with all the classes we have so far *)
+ let rec compareWithClasses = function
+ [] -> [nd](* No more classes. Add this as a new class *)
+ | c :: restc ->
+ try
+ compare c.nfidx c.ndata nd.nfidx nd.ndata;
+ (* Success. Stop here the comparison *)
+ c :: restc
+ with Failure _ -> (* Failed. Try next class *)
+ c :: (compareWithClasses restc)
+ in
+ compareWithClasses classes
+ in
+ (* Start with an empty set of classes for this name *)
+ let _ = List.fold_left tryone [] all in
+ ()
+ end)
+ syn
+let matchInlines (oldfidx: int) (oldi: varinfo)
+ (fidx: int) (i: varinfo) =
+ let oldinode = getNode iEq iSyn oldfidx oldi.vname oldi None in
+ let inode = getNode iEq iSyn fidx i.vname i None in
+ if oldinode == inode then
+ ()
+ else begin
+ (* Replace with the representative data *)
+ let oldi = oldinode.ndata in
+ let oldfidx = oldinode.nfidx in
+ let i = inode.ndata in
+ let fidx = inode.nfidx in
+ (* There is an old definition. We must combine the types. Do this first
+ * because it might fail *)
+ oldi.vtype <-
+ combineTypes CombineOther
+ oldfidx oldi.vtype fidx i.vtype;
+ (* We get here if we have success *)
+ (* Combine the attributes as well *)
+ oldi.vattr <- addAttributes oldi.vattr i.vattr;
+ (* Do not union them yet because we do not know that they are the same.
+ * We have checked only the types so far *)
+ ()
+ end
+ *
+ * PASS 2
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************)
+(** Keep track of the functions we have used already in the file. We need
+ * this to avoid removing an inline function that has been used already.
+ * This can only occur if the inline function is defined after it is used
+ * already; a bad style anyway *)
+let varUsedAlready: (string, unit) H.t = H.create 111
+(** A visitor that renames uses of variables and types *)
+class renameVisitorClass = object (self)
+ inherit nopCilVisitor
+ (* This is either a global variable which we took care of, or a local
+ * variable. Must do its type and attributes. *)
+ method vvdec (vi: varinfo) = DoChildren
+ (* This is a variable use. See if we must change it *)
+ method vvrbl (vi: varinfo) : varinfo visitAction =
+ if not vi.vglob then DoChildren else
+ if vi.vreferenced then begin
+ H.add varUsedAlready vi.vname ();
+ DoChildren
+ end else begin
+ match findReplacement true vEq !currentFidx vi.vname with
+ None -> DoChildren
+ | Some (vi', oldfidx) ->
+ if debugMerge then
+ ignore (E.log "Renaming use of var %s(%d) to %s(%d)\n"
+ vi.vname !currentFidx vi'.vname oldfidx);
+ vi'.vreferenced <- true;
+ H.add varUsedAlready vi'.vname ();
+ ChangeTo vi'
+ end
+ (* The use of a type. Change only those types whose underlying info
+ * is not a root. *)
+ method vtype (t: typ) =
+ match t with
+ TComp (ci, a) when not ci.creferenced -> begin
+ match findReplacement true sEq !currentFidx ci.cname with
+ None -> DoChildren
+ | Some (ci', oldfidx) ->
+ if debugMerge then
+ ignore (E.log "Renaming use of %s(%d) to %s(%d)\n"
+ ci.cname !currentFidx ci'.cname oldfidx);
+ ChangeTo (TComp (ci', visitCilAttributes (self :> cilVisitor) a))
+ end
+ | TEnum (ei, a) when not ei.ereferenced -> begin
+ match findReplacement true eEq !currentFidx ei.ename with
+ None -> DoChildren
+ | Some (ei', _) ->
+ if ei' == intEnumInfo then
+ (* This is actually our friend intEnumInfo *)
+ ChangeTo (TInt(IInt, visitCilAttributes (self :> cilVisitor) a))
+ else
+ ChangeTo (TEnum (ei', visitCilAttributes (self :> cilVisitor) a))
+ end
+ | TNamed (ti, a) when not ti.treferenced -> begin
+ match findReplacement true tEq !currentFidx ti.tname with
+ None -> DoChildren
+ | Some (ti', _) ->
+ ChangeTo (TNamed (ti', visitCilAttributes (self :> cilVisitor) a))
+ end
+ | _ -> DoChildren
+ (* The Field offset might need to be changed to use new compinfo *)
+ method voffs = function
+ Field (f, o) -> begin
+ (* See if the compinfo was changed *)
+ if f.fcomp.creferenced then
+ DoChildren
+ else begin
+ match findReplacement true sEq !currentFidx f.fcomp.cname with
+ None -> DoChildren (* We did not replace it *)
+ | Some (ci', oldfidx) -> begin
+ (* First, find out the index of the original field *)
+ let rec indexOf (i: int) = function
+ [] ->
+ E.s (bug "Cannot find field %s in %s(%d)\n"
+ f.fname (compFullName f.fcomp) !currentFidx)
+ | f' :: rest when f' == f -> i
+ | _ :: rest -> indexOf (i + 1) rest
+ in
+ let index = indexOf 0 f.fcomp.cfields in
+ if List.length ci'.cfields <= index then
+ E.s (bug "Too few fields in replacement %s(%d) for %s(%d)\n"
+ (compFullName ci') oldfidx
+ (compFullName f.fcomp) !currentFidx);
+ let f' = List.nth ci'.cfields index in
+ ChangeDoChildrenPost (Field (f', o), fun x -> x)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ | _ -> DoChildren
+ method vinitoffs o =
+ (self#voffs o) (* treat initializer offsets same as lvalue offsets *)
+let renameVisitor = new renameVisitorClass
+(** A visitor that renames uses of inline functions that were discovered in
+ * pass 2 to be used before they are defined. This is like the renameVisitor
+ * except it only looks at the variables (thus it is a bit more efficient)
+ * and it also renames forward declarations of the inlines to be removed. *)
+class renameInlineVisitorClass = object (self)
+ inherit nopCilVisitor
+ (* This is a variable use. See if we must change it *)
+ method vvrbl (vi: varinfo) : varinfo visitAction =
+ if not vi.vglob then DoChildren else
+ if vi.vreferenced then begin (* Already renamed *)
+ DoChildren
+ end else begin
+ match findReplacement true vEq !currentFidx vi.vname with
+ None -> DoChildren
+ | Some (vi', oldfidx) ->
+ if debugMerge then
+ ignore (E.log "Renaming var %s(%d) to %s(%d)\n"
+ vi.vname !currentFidx vi'.vname oldfidx);
+ vi'.vreferenced <- true;
+ ChangeTo vi'
+ end
+ (* And rename some declarations of inlines to remove. We cannot drop this
+ * declaration (see small1/combineinline6) *)
+ method vglob = function
+ GVarDecl(vi, l) when vi.vinline -> begin
+ (* Get the original name *)
+ let origname =
+ try H.find originalVarNames vi.vname
+ with Not_found -> vi.vname
+ in
+ (* Now see if this must be replaced *)
+ match findReplacement true vEq !currentFidx origname with
+ None -> DoChildren
+ | Some (vi', _) -> ChangeTo [GVarDecl (vi', l)]
+ end
+ | _ -> DoChildren
+let renameInlinesVisitor = new renameInlineVisitorClass
+(* sm: First attempt at a semantic checksum for function bodies.
+ * Ideally, two function's checksums would be equal only when their
+ * bodies were provably equivalent; but I'm using a much simpler and
+ * less accurate heuristic here. It should be good enough for the
+ * purpose I have in mind, which is doing duplicate removal of
+ * multiply-instantiated template functions. *)
+let functionChecksum (dec: fundec) : int =
+ (* checksum the structure of the statements (only) *)
+ let rec stmtListSum (lst : stmt list) : int =
+ (List.fold_left (fun acc s -> acc + (stmtSum s)) 0 lst)
+ and stmtSum (s: stmt) : int =
+ (* strategy is to just throw a lot of prime numbers into the
+ * computation in hopes of avoiding accidental collision.. *)
+ match s.skind with
+ | Instr(l) -> 13 + 67*(List.length l)
+ | Return(_) -> 17
+ | Goto(_) -> 19
+ | Break(_) -> 23
+ | Continue(_) -> 29
+ | If(_,b1,b2,_) -> 31 + 37*(stmtListSum b1.bstmts)
+ + 41*(stmtListSum b2.bstmts)
+ | Switch(_,b,_,_) -> 43 + 47*(stmtListSum b.bstmts)
+ (* don't look at stmt list b/c is not part of tree *)
+ | Loop(b,_,_,_) -> 49 + 53*(stmtListSum b.bstmts)
+ | While(_,b,_) -> 49 + 53*(stmtListSum b.bstmts)
+ | DoWhile(_,b,_) -> 49 + 53*(stmtListSum b.bstmts)
+ | For(_,_,_,b,_) -> 49 + 53*(stmtListSum b.bstmts)
+ | Block(b) -> 59 + 61*(stmtListSum b.bstmts)
+ | TryExcept (b, (il, e), h, _) ->
+ 67 + 83*(stmtListSum b.bstmts) + 97*(stmtListSum h.bstmts)
+ | TryFinally (b, h, _) ->
+ 103 + 113*(stmtListSum b.bstmts) + 119*(stmtListSum h.bstmts)
+ in
+ (* disabled 2nd and 3rd measure because they appear to get different
+ * values, for the same code, depending on whether the code was just
+ * parsed into CIL or had previously been parsed into CIL, printed
+ * out, then re-parsed into CIL *)
+ let a,b,c,d,e =
+ (List.length dec.sformals), (* # formals *)
+ 0 (*(List.length dec.slocals)*), (* # locals *)
+ 0 (*dec.smaxid*), (* estimate of internal statement count *)
+ (List.length dec.sbody.bstmts), (* number of statements at outer level *)
+ (stmtListSum dec.sbody.bstmts) in (* checksum of statement structure *)
+ (*(trace "sm" (P.dprintf "sum: %s is %d %d %d %d %d\n"*)
+ (* dec.svar.vname a b c d e));*)
+ 2*a + 3*b + 5*c + 7*d + 11*e
+(* sm: equality for initializers, etc.; this is like '=', except
+ * when we reach shared pieces (like references into the type
+ * structure), we use '==', to prevent circularity *)
+(* update: that's no good; I'm using this to find things which
+ * are equal but from different CIL trees, so nothing will ever
+ * be '=='.. as a hack I'll just change those places to 'true',
+ * so these functions are not now checking proper equality..
+ * places where equality is not complete are marked "INC" *)
+let rec equalInits (x: init) (y: init) : bool =
+ match x,y with
+ | SingleInit(xe), SingleInit(ye) -> (equalExps xe ye)
+ | CompoundInit(xt, xoil), CompoundInit(yt, yoil) ->
+ (*(xt == yt) &&*) (* INC *) (* types need to be identically equal *)
+ let rec equalLists xoil yoil : bool =
+ match xoil,yoil with
+ | ((xo,xi) :: xrest), ((yo,yi) :: yrest) ->
+ (equalOffsets xo yo) &&
+ (equalInits xi yi) &&
+ (equalLists xrest yrest)
+ | [], [] -> true
+ | _, _ -> false
+ in
+ (equalLists xoil yoil)
+ | _, _ -> false
+and equalOffsets (x: offset) (y: offset) : bool =
+ match x,y with
+ | NoOffset, NoOffset -> true
+ | Field(xfi,xo), Field(yfi,yo) ->
+ (xfi.fname = yfi.fname) && (* INC: same fieldinfo name.. *)
+ (equalOffsets xo yo)
+ | Index(xe,xo), Index(ye,yo) ->
+ (equalExps xe ye) &&
+ (equalOffsets xo yo)
+ | _,_ -> false
+and equalExps (x: exp) (y: exp) : bool =
+ match x,y with
+ | Const(xc), Const(yc) -> xc = yc || (* safe to use '=' on literals *)
+ (
+ (* CIL changes (unsigned)0 into 0U during printing.. *)
+ match xc,yc with
+ | CInt64(xv,_,_),CInt64(yv,_,_) ->
+ (Int64.to_int xv) = 0 && (* ok if they're both 0 *)
+ (Int64.to_int yv) = 0
+ | _,_ -> false
+ )
+ | Lval(xl), Lval(yl) -> (equalLvals xl yl)
+ | SizeOf(xt), SizeOf(yt) -> true (*INC: xt == yt*) (* identical types *)
+ | SizeOfE(xe), SizeOfE(ye) -> (equalExps xe ye)
+ | AlignOf(xt), AlignOf(yt) -> true (*INC: xt == yt*)
+ | AlignOfE(xe), AlignOfE(ye) -> (equalExps xe ye)
+ | UnOp(xop,xe,xt), UnOp(yop,ye,yt) ->
+ xop = yop &&
+ (equalExps xe ye) &&
+ true (*INC: xt == yt*)
+ | BinOp(xop,xe1,xe2,xt), BinOp(yop,ye1,ye2,yt) ->
+ xop = yop &&
+ (equalExps xe1 ye1) &&
+ (equalExps xe2 ye2) &&
+ true (*INC: xt == yt*)
+ | CastE(xt,xe), CastE(yt,ye) ->
+ (*INC: xt == yt &&*)
+ (equalExps xe ye)
+ | AddrOf(xl), AddrOf(yl) -> (equalLvals xl yl)
+ | StartOf(xl), StartOf(yl) -> (equalLvals xl yl)
+ (* initializers that go through CIL multiple times sometimes lose casts they
+ * had the first time; so allow a different of a cast *)
+ | CastE(xt,xe), ye ->
+ (equalExps xe ye)
+ | xe, CastE(yt,ye) ->
+ (equalExps xe ye)
+ | _,_ -> false
+and equalLvals (x: lval) (y: lval) : bool =
+ match x,y with
+ | (Var(xv),xo), (Var(yv),yo) ->
+ (* I tried, I really did.. the problem is I see these names
+ * before merging collapses them, so __T123 != __T456,
+ * so whatever *)
+ (*(xv.vname = vy.vname) && (* INC: same varinfo names.. *)*)
+ (equalOffsets xo yo)
+ | (Mem(xe),xo), (Mem(ye),yo) ->
+ (equalExps xe ye) &&
+ (equalOffsets xo yo)
+ | _,_ -> false
+let equalInitOpts (x: init option) (y: init option) : bool =
+ match x,y with
+ | None,None -> true
+ | Some(xi), Some(yi) -> (equalInits xi yi)
+ | _,_ -> false
+ (* Now we go once more through the file and we rename the globals that we
+ * keep. We also scan the entire body and we replace references to the
+ * representative types or variables. We set the referenced flags once we
+ * have replaced the names. *)
+let oneFilePass2 (f: file) =
+ if debugMerge || !E.verboseFlag then
+ ignore (E.log "Final merging phase (%d): %s\n"
+ !currentFidx f.fileName);
+ currentDeclIdx := 0; (* Even though we don't need it anymore *)
+ H.clear varUsedAlready;
+ H.clear originalVarNames;
+ (* If we find inline functions that are used before being defined, and thus
+ * before knowing that we can throw them away, then we mark this flag so
+ * that we can make another pass over the file *)
+ let repeatPass2 = ref false in
+ (* Keep a pointer to the contents of the file so far *)
+ let savedTheFile = !theFile in
+ let processOneGlobal (g: global) : unit =
+ (* Process a varinfo. Reuse an old one, or rename it if necessary *)
+ let processVarinfo (vi: varinfo) (vloc: location) : varinfo =
+ if vi.vreferenced then
+ vi (* Already done *)
+ else begin
+ (* Maybe it is static. Rename it then *)
+ if vi.vstorage = Static then begin
+ let newName, _ = A.newAlphaName vtAlpha None vi.vname !currentLoc in
+ (* Remember the original name *)
+ H.add originalVarNames newName vi.vname;
+ if debugMerge then ignore (E.log "renaming %s at %a to %s\n"
+ vi.vname d_loc vloc newName);
+ vi.vname <- newName;
+ vi.vid <- newVID ();
+ vi.vreferenced <- true;
+ vi
+ end else begin
+ (* Find the representative *)
+ match findReplacement true vEq !currentFidx vi.vname with
+ None -> vi (* This is the representative *)
+ | Some (vi', _) -> (* Reuse some previous one *)
+ vi'.vreferenced <- true; (* Mark it as done already *)
+ vi'.vaddrof <- vi.vaddrof || vi'.vaddrof;
+ vi'
+ end
+ end
+ in
+ try
+ match g with
+ | GVarDecl (vi, l) as g ->
+ currentLoc := l;
+ incr currentDeclIdx;
+ let vi' = processVarinfo vi l in
+ if vi != vi' then (* Drop this declaration *) ()
+ else if H.mem emittedVarDecls vi'.vname then (* No need to keep it *)
+ ()
+ else begin
+ H.add emittedVarDecls vi'.vname true; (* Remember that we emitted
+ * it *)
+ mergePushGlobals (visitCilGlobal renameVisitor g)
+ end
+ | GVar (vi, init, l) ->
+ currentLoc := l;
+ incr currentDeclIdx;
+ let vi' = processVarinfo vi l in
+ (* We must keep this definition even if we reuse this varinfo,
+ * because maybe the previous one was a declaration *)
+ H.add emittedVarDecls vi.vname true; (* Remember that we emitted it*)
+ let emitIt:bool = (not mergeGlobals) ||
+ try
+ let prevVar, prevInitOpt, prevLoc =
+ (H.find emittedVarDefn vi'.vname) in
+ (* previously defined; same initializer? *)
+ if (equalInitOpts prevInitOpt init.init)
+ || (init.init = None) then (
+ (trace "mergeGlob"
+ (P.dprintf "dropping global var %s at %a in favor of the one at %a\n"
+ vi'.vname d_loc l d_loc prevLoc));
+ false (* do not emit *)
+ )
+ else if prevInitOpt = None then (
+ (* We have an initializer, but the previous one didn't.
+ We should really convert the previous global from GVar
+ to GVarDecl, but that's not convenient to do here. *)
+ true
+ )
+ else (
+ (* Both GVars have initializers. *)
+ (E.s (error "global var %s at %a has different initializer than %a\n"
+ vi'.vname d_loc l d_loc prevLoc));
+ )
+ with Not_found -> (
+ (* no previous definition *)
+ (H.add emittedVarDefn vi'.vname (vi', init.init, l));
+ true (* emit it *)
+ )
+ in
+ if emitIt then
+ mergePushGlobals (visitCilGlobal renameVisitor (GVar(vi', init, l)))
+ | GFun (fdec, l) as g ->
+ currentLoc := l;
+ incr currentDeclIdx;
+ (* We apply the renaming *)
+ fdec.svar <- processVarinfo fdec.svar l;
+ (* Get the original name. *)
+ let origname =
+ try H.find originalVarNames fdec.svar.vname
+ with Not_found -> fdec.svar.vname
+ in
+ (* Go in there and rename everything as needed *)
+ let fdec' =
+ match visitCilGlobal renameVisitor g with
+ [GFun(fdec', _)] -> fdec'
+ | _ -> E.s (unimp "renameVisitor for GFun returned something else")
+ in
+ let g' = GFun(fdec', l) in
+ (* Now restore the parameter names *)
+ let _, args, _, _ = splitFunctionTypeVI fdec'.svar in
+ let oldnames, foundthem =
+ try H.find formalNames (!currentFidx, origname), true
+ with Not_found -> begin
+ ignore (warnOpt "Cannot find %s in formalNames" origname);
+ [], false
+ end
+ in
+ if foundthem then begin
+ let argl = argsToList args in
+ if List.length oldnames <> List.length argl then
+ E.s (unimp "After merging the function has more arguments");
+ List.iter2
+ (fun oldn a -> if oldn <> "" then a.vname <- oldn)
+ oldnames fdec.sformals;
+ (* Reflect them in the type *)
+ setFormals fdec fdec.sformals
+ end;
+ (** See if we can remove this inline function *)
+ if fdec'.svar.vinline && mergeInlines then begin
+ let printout =
+ (* Temporarily turn of printing of lines *)
+ let oldprintln = !lineDirectiveStyle in
+ lineDirectiveStyle := None;
+ (* Temporarily set the name to all functions in the same way *)
+ let newname = fdec'.svar.vname in
+ fdec'.svar.vname <- "@@alphaname@@";
+ (* If we must do alpha conversion then temporarily set the
+ * names of the local variables and formals in a standard way *)
+ let nameId = ref 0 in
+ let oldNames : string list ref = ref [] in
+ let renameOne (v: varinfo) =
+ oldNames := v.vname :: !oldNames;
+ incr nameId;
+ v.vname <- "___alpha" ^ string_of_int !nameId
+ in
+ let undoRenameOne (v: varinfo) =
+ match !oldNames with
+ n :: rest ->
+ oldNames := rest;
+ v.vname <- n
+ | _ -> E.s (bug "undoRenameOne")
+ in
+ (* Remember the original type *)
+ let origType = fdec'.svar.vtype in
+ if mergeInlinesWithAlphaConvert then begin
+ (* Rename the formals *)
+ List.iter renameOne fdec'.sformals;
+ (* Reflect in the type *)
+ setFormals fdec' fdec'.sformals;
+ (* Now do the locals *)
+ List.iter renameOne fdec'.slocals
+ end;
+ (* Now print it *)
+ let res = d_global () g' in
+ lineDirectiveStyle := oldprintln;
+ fdec'.svar.vname <- newname;
+ if mergeInlinesWithAlphaConvert then begin
+ (* Do the locals in reverse order *)
+ List.iter undoRenameOne (List.rev fdec'.slocals);
+ (* Do the formals in reverse order *)
+ List.iter undoRenameOne (List.rev fdec'.sformals);
+ (* Restore the type *)
+ fdec'.svar.vtype <- origType;
+ end;
+ res
+ in
+ (* Make a node for this inline function using the original name. *)
+ let inode =
+ getNode vEq vSyn !currentFidx origname fdec'.svar
+ (Some (l, !currentDeclIdx))
+ in
+ if debugInlines then begin
+ ignore (E.log "getNode %s(%d) with loc=%a. declidx=%d\n"
+ inode.nname inode.nfidx
+ d_nloc inode.nloc
+ !currentDeclIdx);
+ ignore (E.log
+ "Looking for previous definition of inline %s(%d)\n"
+ origname !currentFidx);
+ end;
+ try
+ let oldinode = H.find inlineBodies printout in
+ if debugInlines then
+ ignore (E.log " Matches %s(%d)\n"
+ oldinode.nname oldinode.nfidx);
+ (* There is some other inline function with the same printout.
+ * We should reuse this, but watch for the case when the inline
+ * was already used. *)
+ if H.mem varUsedAlready fdec'.svar.vname then begin
+ if mergeInlinesRepeat then begin
+ repeatPass2 := true
+ end else begin
+ ignore (warn "Inline function %s because it is used before it is defined" fdec'.svar.vname);
+ raise Not_found
+ end
+ end;
+ let _ = union oldinode inode in
+ (* Clean up the vreferenced bit in the new inline, so that we
+ * can rename it. Reset the name to the original one so that
+ * we can find the replacement name. *)
+ fdec'.svar.vreferenced <- false;
+ fdec'.svar.vname <- origname;
+ () (* Drop this definition *)
+ with Not_found -> begin
+ if debugInlines then ignore (E.log " Not found\n");
+ H.add inlineBodies printout inode;
+ mergePushGlobal g'
+ end
+ end else begin
+ (* either the function is not inline, or we're not attempting to
+ * merge inlines *)
+ if (mergeGlobals &&
+ not fdec'.svar.vinline &&
+ fdec'.svar.vstorage <> Static) then
+ begin
+ (* sm: this is a non-inline, non-static function. I want to
+ * consider dropping it if a same-named function has already
+ * been put into the merged file *)
+ let curSum = (functionChecksum fdec') in
+ (*(trace "mergeGlob" (P.dprintf "I see extern function %s, sum is %d\n"*)
+ (* fdec'.svar.vname curSum));*)
+ try
+ let prevFun, prevLoc, prevSum =
+ (H.find emittedFunDefn fdec'.svar.vname) in
+ (* previous was found *)
+ if (curSum = prevSum) then
+ (trace "mergeGlob"
+ (P.dprintf "dropping duplicate def'n of func %s at %a in favor of that at %a\n"
+ fdec'.svar.vname d_loc l d_loc prevLoc))
+ else begin
+ (* the checksums differ, so print a warning but keep the
+ * older one to avoid a link error later. I think this is
+ * a reasonable approximation of what ld does. *)
+ (ignore (warn "def'n of func %s at %a (sum %d) conflicts with the one at %a (sum %d); keeping the one at %a.\n"
+ fdec'.svar.vname d_loc l curSum d_loc prevLoc
+ prevSum d_loc prevLoc))
+ end
+ with Not_found -> begin
+ (* there was no previous definition *)
+ (mergePushGlobal g');
+ (H.add emittedFunDefn fdec'.svar.vname (fdec', l, curSum))
+ end
+ end else begin
+ (* not attempting to merge global functions, or it was static
+ * or inline *)
+ mergePushGlobal g'
+ end
+ end
+ | GCompTag (ci, l) as g -> begin
+ currentLoc := l;
+ incr currentDeclIdx;
+ if ci.creferenced then
+ ()
+ else begin
+ match findReplacement true sEq !currentFidx ci.cname with
+ None ->
+ (* A new one, we must rename it and keep the definition *)
+ (* Make sure this is root *)
+ (try
+ let nd = H.find sEq (!currentFidx, ci.cname) in
+ if nd.nrep != nd then
+ E.s (bug "Setting creferenced for struct %s(%d) which is not root!\n"
+ ci.cname !currentFidx);
+ with Not_found -> begin
+ E.s (bug "Setting creferenced for struct %s(%d) which is not in the sEq!\n"
+ ci.cname !currentFidx);
+ end);
+ let newname, _ =
+ A.newAlphaName sAlpha None ci.cname !currentLoc in
+ ci.cname <- newname;
+ ci.creferenced <- true;
+ ci.ckey <- H.hash (compFullName ci);
+ (* Now we should visit the fields as well *)
+ H.add emittedCompDecls ci.cname true; (* Remember that we
+ * emitted it *)
+ mergePushGlobals (visitCilGlobal renameVisitor g)
+ | Some (oldci, oldfidx) -> begin
+ (* We are not the representative. Drop this declaration
+ * because we'll not be using it. *)
+ ()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ | GEnumTag (ei, l) as g -> begin
+ currentLoc := l;
+ incr currentDeclIdx;
+ if ei.ereferenced then
+ ()
+ else begin
+ match findReplacement true eEq !currentFidx ei.ename with
+ None -> (* We must rename it *)
+ let newname, _ =
+ A.newAlphaName eAlpha None ei.ename !currentLoc in
+ ei.ename <- newname;
+ ei.ereferenced <- true;
+ (* And we must rename the items to using the same name space
+ * as the variables *)
+ ei.eitems <-
+ List.map
+ (fun (n, i, loc) ->
+ let newname, _ =
+ A.newAlphaName vtAlpha None n !currentLoc in
+ newname, i, loc)
+ ei.eitems;
+ mergePushGlobals (visitCilGlobal renameVisitor g);
+ | Some (ei', _) -> (* Drop this since we are reusing it from
+ * before *)
+ ()
+ end
+ end
+ | GCompTagDecl (ci, l) -> begin
+ currentLoc := l; (* This is here just to introduce an undefined
+ * structure. But maybe the structure was defined
+ * already. *)
+ (* Do not increment currentDeclIdx because it is not incremented in
+ * pass 1*)
+ if H.mem emittedCompDecls ci.cname then
+ () (* It was already declared *)
+ else begin
+ H.add emittedCompDecls ci.cname true;
+ (* Keep it as a declaration *)
+ mergePushGlobal g;
+ end
+ end
+ | GEnumTagDecl (ei, l) ->
+ currentLoc := l;
+ (* Do not increment currentDeclIdx because it is not incremented in
+ * pass 1*)
+ (* Keep it as a declaration *)
+ mergePushGlobal g
+ | GType (ti, l) as g -> begin
+ currentLoc := l;
+ incr currentDeclIdx;
+ if ti.treferenced then
+ ()
+ else begin
+ match findReplacement true tEq !currentFidx ti.tname with
+ None -> (* We must rename it and keep it *)
+ let newname, _ =
+ A.newAlphaName vtAlpha None ti.tname !currentLoc in
+ ti.tname <- newname;
+ ti.treferenced <- true;
+ mergePushGlobals (visitCilGlobal renameVisitor g);
+ | Some (ti', _) ->(* Drop this since we are reusing it from
+ * before *)
+ ()
+ end
+ end
+ | g -> mergePushGlobals (visitCilGlobal renameVisitor g)
+ with e -> begin
+ let globStr:string = (P.sprint 1000 (P.dprintf
+ "error when merging global %a: %s"
+ d_global g (Printexc.to_string e))) in
+ ignore (E.log "%s\n" globStr);
+ (*"error when merging global: %s\n" (Printexc.to_string e);*)
+ mergePushGlobal (GText (P.sprint 80
+ (P.dprintf "/* error at %t:" d_thisloc)));
+ mergePushGlobal g;
+ mergePushGlobal (GText ("*************** end of error*/"));
+ raise e
+ end
+ in
+ (* Now do the real PASS 2 *)
+ List.iter processOneGlobal f.globals;
+ (* See if we must re-visit the globals in this file because an inline that
+ * is being removed was used before we saw the definition and we decided to
+ * remove it *)
+ if mergeInlinesRepeat && !repeatPass2 then begin
+ if debugMerge || !E.verboseFlag then
+ ignore (E.log "Repeat final merging phase (%d): %s\n"
+ !currentFidx f.fileName);
+ (* We are going to rescan the globals we have added while processing this
+ * file. *)
+ let theseGlobals : global list ref = ref [] in
+ (* Scan a list of globals until we hit a given tail *)
+ let rec scanUntil (tail: 'a list) (l: 'a list) =
+ if tail == l then ()
+ else
+ match l with
+ | [] -> E.s (bug "mergecil: scanUntil could not find the marker\n")
+ | g :: rest ->
+ theseGlobals := g :: !theseGlobals;
+ scanUntil tail rest
+ in
+ (* Collect in theseGlobals all the globals from this file *)
+ theseGlobals := [];
+ scanUntil savedTheFile !theFile;
+ (* Now reprocess them *)
+ theFile := savedTheFile;
+ List.iter (fun g ->
+ theFile := (visitCilGlobal renameInlinesVisitor g) @ !theFile)
+ !theseGlobals;
+ (* Now check if we have inlines that we could not remove
+ H.iter (fun name _ ->
+ if not (H.mem inlinesRemoved name) then
+ ignore (warn "Could not remove inline %s. I have no idea why!\n"
+ name))
+ inlinesToRemove *)
+ end
+let merge (files: file list) (newname: string) : file =
+ init ();
+ (* Make the first pass over the files *)
+ currentFidx := 0;
+ List.iter (fun f -> oneFilePass1 f; incr currentFidx) files;
+ (* Now maybe try to force synonyms to be equal *)
+ if mergeSynonyms then begin
+ doMergeSynonyms sSyn sEq matchCompInfo;
+ doMergeSynonyms eSyn eEq matchEnumInfo;
+ doMergeSynonyms tSyn tEq matchTypeInfo;
+ if mergeInlines then begin
+ (* Copy all the nodes from the iEq to vEq as well. This is needed
+ * because vEq will be used for variable renaming *)
+ H.iter (fun k n -> H.add vEq k n) iEq;
+ doMergeSynonyms iSyn iEq matchInlines;
+ end
+ end;
+ (* Now maybe dump the graph *)
+ if debugMerge then begin
+ dumpGraph "type" tEq;
+ dumpGraph "struct and union" sEq;
+ dumpGraph "enum" eEq;
+ dumpGraph "variable" vEq;
+ if mergeInlines then dumpGraph "inline" iEq;
+ end;
+ (* Make the second pass over the files. This is when we start rewriting the
+ * file *)
+ currentFidx := 0;
+ List.iter (fun f -> oneFilePass2 f; incr currentFidx) files;
+ (* Now reverse the result and return the resulting file *)
+ let rec revonto acc = function
+ [] -> acc
+ | x :: t -> revonto (x :: acc) t
+ in
+ let res =
+ { fileName = newname;
+ globals = revonto (revonto [] !theFile) !theFileTypes;
+ globinit = None;
+ globinitcalled = false;} in
+ init (); (* Make the GC happy *)
+ (* We have made many renaming changes and sometimes we have just guessed a
+ * name wrong. Make sure now that the local names are unique. *)
+ uniqueVarNames res;
+ res