path: root/cparser/Cerrors.ml
diff options
authorBernhard Schommer <bschommer@users.noreply.github.com>2018-02-08 16:38:54 +0100
committerXavier Leroy <xavierleroy@users.noreply.github.com>2018-02-08 16:38:54 +0100
commitf02f00a01b598567f70e138c144d9581973802e6 (patch)
treedb15b2ad60692f936435cdd784e7bb7f6a977a40 /cparser/Cerrors.ml
parent54fa98c3833091a75d0c1afe84b42afc35452fe3 (diff)
Refactor the handling of errors and warnings (#44)
* Module Cerrors is now called Diagnostic and can be used in parts of CompCert other than cparser/ * Replaced eprintf error. Instead of having eprintf msg; exit 2 use the functions from the Diagnostics module. * Raise on error before calling external tools. * Added diagnostics to clightgen. * Fix error handling of AsmToJson. * Cleanup error handling of Elab and C2C. *The implementation of location printing (file & line) is simplified and correctly prints valid filenames with invalid lines.
Diffstat (limited to 'cparser/Cerrors.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 430 deletions
diff --git a/cparser/Cerrors.ml b/cparser/Cerrors.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 34fc4fcf..00000000
--- a/cparser/Cerrors.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
-(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
-(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* Management of errors and warnings *)
-open Format
-open Commandline
-(* Should errors be treated as fatal *)
-let error_fatal = ref false
-(* Maximum number of errors, 0 means unlimited *)
-let max_error = ref 0
-(* Whether [-Woption] should be printed *)
-let diagnostics_show_option = ref true
-(* Test if color diagnostics are available by testing if stderr is a tty
- and if the environment varibale TERM is set
-let color_diagnostics =
- let term = try Sys.getenv "TERM" with Not_found -> "" in
- let activate = try
- (Unix.isatty Unix.stderr && term <> "dumb" && term <>"")
- with _ -> false in
- ref activate
-let num_errors = ref 0
-let num_warnings = ref 0
-let error_limit_reached () =
- let max_err = !max_error in
- max_err <> 0 && !num_errors >= max_err - 1
-let reset () = num_errors := 0; num_warnings := 0
-exception Abort
-(* [fatal_error_raw] is identical to [fatal_error], except it uses [Printf]
- to print its message, as opposed to [Format], and does not automatically
- introduce indentation and a final dot into the message. This is useful
- for multi-line messages. *)
-let fatal_error_raw fmt =
- incr num_errors;
- Printf.kfprintf
- (fun _ -> raise Abort)
- stderr
- (fmt ^^ "Fatal error; compilation aborted.\n%!")
-type msg_class =
- | WarningMsg
- | ErrorMsg
- | FatalErrorMsg
- | SuppressedMsg
-type warning_type =
- | Unnamed
- | Unknown_attribute
- | Zero_length_array
- | Celeven_extension
- | Gnu_empty_struct
- | Missing_declarations
- | Constant_conversion
- | Int_conversion
- | Varargs
- | Implicit_function_declaration
- | Pointer_type_mismatch
- | Compare_distinct_pointer_types
- | Implicit_int
- | Main_return_type
- | Invalid_noreturn
- | Return_type
- | Literal_range
- | Unknown_pragmas
- | CompCert_conformance
- | Inline_asm_sdump
- | Unused_variable
- | Unused_parameter
-(* List of active warnings *)
-let active_warnings: warning_type list ref = ref [
- Unnamed;
- Unknown_attribute;
- Celeven_extension;
- Gnu_empty_struct;
- Missing_declarations;
- Constant_conversion;
- Int_conversion;
- Varargs;
- Implicit_function_declaration;
- Pointer_type_mismatch;
- Compare_distinct_pointer_types;
- Implicit_int;
- Main_return_type;
- Invalid_noreturn;
- Return_type;
- Literal_range;
- Inline_asm_sdump;
-(* List of errors treated as warning *)
-let error_warnings: warning_type list ref = ref []
-(* Conversion from warning type to string *)
-let string_of_warning = function
- | Unnamed -> ""
- | Unknown_attribute -> "unknown-attributes"
- | Zero_length_array -> "zero-length-array"
- | Celeven_extension -> "c11-extensions"
- | Gnu_empty_struct -> "gnu-empty-struct"
- | Missing_declarations -> "missing-declarations"
- | Constant_conversion -> "constant-conversion"
- | Int_conversion -> "int-conversion"
- | Varargs -> "varargs"
- | Implicit_function_declaration -> "implicit-function-declaration"
- | Pointer_type_mismatch -> "pointer-type-mismatch"
- | Compare_distinct_pointer_types -> "compare-distinct-pointer-types"
- | Implicit_int -> "implicit-int"
- | Main_return_type -> "main-return-type"
- | Invalid_noreturn -> "invalid-noreturn"
- | Return_type -> "return-type"
- | Literal_range -> "literal-range"
- | Unknown_pragmas -> "unknown-pragmas"
- | CompCert_conformance -> "compcert-conformance"
- | Inline_asm_sdump -> "inline-asm-sdump"
- | Unused_variable -> "unused-variable"
- | Unused_parameter -> "unused-parameter"
-(* Activate the given warning *)
-let activate_warning w () =
- if not (List.mem w !active_warnings) then
- active_warnings:=w::!active_warnings
-(* Deactivate the given warning*)
-let deactivate_warning w () =
- active_warnings:=List.filter ((<>) w) !active_warnings;
- error_warnings:= List.filter ((<>) w) !error_warnings
-(* Activate error for warning *)
-let warning_as_error w ()=
- activate_warning w ();
- if not (List.mem w !error_warnings) then
- error_warnings := w::!error_warnings
-(* Deactivate error for warning *)
-let warning_not_as_error w () =
- error_warnings:= List.filter ((<>) w) !error_warnings
-(* Activate all warnings *)
-let wall () =
- active_warnings:=[
- Unnamed;
- Unknown_attribute;
- Zero_length_array;
- Celeven_extension;
- Gnu_empty_struct;
- Missing_declarations;
- Constant_conversion;
- Int_conversion;
- Varargs;
- Implicit_function_declaration;
- Pointer_type_mismatch;
- Compare_distinct_pointer_types;
- Implicit_int;
- Main_return_type;
- Invalid_noreturn;
- Return_type;
- Literal_range;
- Unknown_pragmas;
- CompCert_conformance;
- Inline_asm_sdump;
- Unused_variable;
- Unused_parameter
- ]
-let wnothing () =
- active_warnings :=[]
-(* Make all warnings an error *)
-let werror () =
- error_warnings:=[
- Unnamed;
- Unknown_attribute;
- Zero_length_array;
- Celeven_extension;
- Gnu_empty_struct;
- Missing_declarations;
- Constant_conversion;
- Int_conversion;
- Varargs;
- Implicit_function_declaration;
- Pointer_type_mismatch;
- Compare_distinct_pointer_types;
- Implicit_int;
- Main_return_type;
- Invalid_noreturn;
- Return_type;
- Literal_range;
- Unknown_pragmas;
- CompCert_conformance;
- Inline_asm_sdump;
- Unused_variable;
- ]
-(* Generate the warning key for the message *)
-let key_of_warning w =
- match w with
- | Unnamed -> None
- | _ -> if !diagnostics_show_option then
- Some ("-W"^(string_of_warning w))
- else
- None
-(* Add -Werror to the printed keys *)
-let key_add_werror w =
- if !diagnostics_show_option then
- match w with
- | None -> Some ("-Werror")
- | Some s -> Some ("-Werror,"^s)
- else
- None
-(* Lookup how to print the warning *)
-let classify_warning w =
- let key = key_of_warning w in
- if List.mem w !active_warnings then
- if List.mem w !error_warnings then
- let key = key_add_werror key in
- if !error_fatal then
- FatalErrorMsg,key
- else
- ErrorMsg,key
- else
- WarningMsg,key
- else
- SuppressedMsg,None
-(* Print color codes if color_diagnostics are enabled *)
-let cprintf fmt c =
- if !color_diagnostics then
- fprintf fmt c
- else
- ifprintf fmt c
-(* Reset color codes *)
-let rsc fmt =
- cprintf fmt "\x1b[0m"
-(* BOLD *)
-let bc fmt =
- cprintf fmt "\x1b[1m"
-(* RED *)
-let rc fmt =
- cprintf fmt "\x1b[31;1m"
-(* MAGENTA *)
-let mc fmt =
- cprintf fmt "\x1b[35;1m"
-(* Print key (if available) and flush the formatter *)
-let pp_key key fmt =
- let key = match key with
- | None -> ""
- | Some s -> " ["^s^"]" in
- fprintf fmt "%s%t@." key rsc
-(* Different loc output formats *)
-type loc_format =
- | Default
- | MSVC
- | Vi
-let diagnostics_format : loc_format ref = ref Default
-(* Parse the option string *)
-let parse_loc_format s =
- let s = String.sub s 21 ((String.length s) - 21) in
- let loc_fmt = match s with
- | "ccomp" -> Default
- | "msvc" -> MSVC
- | "vi" -> Vi
- | s -> Printf.eprintf "Invalid value '%s' in '-fdiagnostics-format=%s'\n" s s; exit 2 in
- diagnostics_format := loc_fmt
-(* Print the location or ccomp for the case of unknown loc *)
-let pp_loc fmt (filename,lineno) =
- if filename <> "" && lineno <> -10 && filename <> "cabs loc unknown" then
- match !diagnostics_format with
- | Default -> fprintf fmt "%t%s:%d:%t " bc filename lineno rsc
- | MSVC -> fprintf fmt "%t%s(%d):%t " bc filename lineno rsc
- | Vi -> fprintf fmt "%t%s +%d:%t " bc filename lineno rsc
- else
- fprintf fmt "%tccomp:%t " bc rsc
-let error key loc fmt =
- incr num_errors;
- kfprintf (pp_key key)
- err_formatter ("%a%terror:%t %t" ^^ fmt) pp_loc loc rc rsc bc
-let fatal_error key loc fmt =
- incr num_errors;
- kfprintf
- (fun fmt -> pp_key key fmt;raise Abort)
- err_formatter ("%a%terror:%t %t" ^^ fmt) pp_loc loc rc rsc bc
-let warning loc ty fmt =
- let kind,key = classify_warning ty in
- match kind with
- | ErrorMsg ->
- error key loc fmt
- | FatalErrorMsg ->
- fatal_error key loc fmt
- | WarningMsg ->
- incr num_warnings;
- kfprintf (pp_key key)
- err_formatter ("%a%twarning:%t %t" ^^ fmt) pp_loc loc mc rsc bc
- | SuppressedMsg -> ifprintf err_formatter fmt
-let error loc fmt =
- if !error_fatal || error_limit_reached ()then
- fatal_error None loc fmt
- else
- error None loc fmt
-let fatal_error loc fmt =
- fatal_error None loc fmt
-let check_errors () =
- if !num_errors > 0 then
- eprintf "@[<hov 0>%d error%s detected.@]@."
- !num_errors
- (if !num_errors = 1 then "" else "s");
- !num_errors > 0
-let error_option w =
- let key = string_of_warning w in
- [Exact ("-W"^key), Unit (activate_warning w);
- Exact ("-Wno-"^key), Unit (deactivate_warning w);
- Exact ("-Werror="^key), Unit (warning_as_error w);
- Exact ("-Wno-error="^key), Unit ( warning_not_as_error w)]
-let warning_options =
- error_option Unnamed @
- error_option Unknown_attribute @
- error_option Zero_length_array @
- error_option Celeven_extension @
- error_option Gnu_empty_struct @
- error_option Missing_declarations @
- error_option Constant_conversion @
- error_option Int_conversion @
- error_option Varargs @
- error_option Implicit_function_declaration @
- error_option Pointer_type_mismatch @
- error_option Compare_distinct_pointer_types @
- error_option Implicit_int @
- error_option Main_return_type @
- error_option Invalid_noreturn @
- error_option Return_type @
- error_option Literal_range @
- error_option Unknown_pragmas @
- error_option CompCert_conformance @
- error_option Inline_asm_sdump @
- error_option Unused_variable @
- error_option Unused_parameter @
- [Exact ("-Wfatal-errors"), Set error_fatal;
- Exact ("-fdiagnostics-color"), Ignore; (* Either output supports it or no color *)
- Exact ("-fno-diagnostics-color"), Unset color_diagnostics;
- Exact ("-Werror"), Unit werror;
- Exact ("-Wall"), Unit wall;
- Exact ("-w"), Unit wnothing;
- longopt_int ("-fmax-errors") ((:=) max_error);
- Exact("-fno-diagnostics-show-option"),Unset diagnostics_show_option;
- Exact("-fdiagnostics-show-option"),Set diagnostics_show_option;
- _Regexp("-fdiagnostics-format=\\(ccomp\\|msvc\\|vi\\)"),Self parse_loc_format;
- ]
-let warning_help = {|Diagnostic options:
- -Wall Enable all warnings
- -W<warning> Enable the specific <warning>
- -Wno-<warning> Disable the specific <warning>
- -Werror Make all warnings into errors
- -Werror=<warning> Turn <warning> into an error
- -Wno-error=<warning> Turn <warning> into a warning even if -Werror is
- specified
- -Wfatal-errors Turn all errors into fatal errors aborting the compilation
- -fdiagnostics-color Turn on colored diagnostics
- -fno-diagnostics-color Turn of colored diagnostics
- -fmax-errors=<n> Maximum number of errors to report
- -fdiagnostics-show-option Print the option name with mappable diagnostics
- -fno-diagnostics-show-option Turn of printing of options with mappable
- diagnostics
-let raise_on_errors () =
- if !num_errors > 0 then
- raise Abort
-let crash exn =
- if Version.buildnr <> "" && Version.tag <> "" then begin
- let backtrace = Printexc.get_backtrace () in
- eprintf "%tThis is CompCert, %s, Build:%s, Tag:%s%t\n"
- bc Version.version Version.buildnr Version.tag rsc;
- eprintf "Backtrace (please include this in your support request):\n%s"
- backtrace;
- eprintf "%tUncaught exception: %s.\n\
-\ Please report this problem to our support.\n\
-\ Error occurred in Build: %s, Tag: %s.\n%t"
- rc (Printexc.to_string exn) Version.buildnr Version.tag rsc;
- exit 2
- end else begin
- let backtrace = Printexc.get_backtrace ()
- and exc = Printexc.to_string exn in
- eprintf "Fatal error: uncaught exception %s\n%s" exc backtrace;
- exit 2
- end