path: root/exportclight
diff options
authorxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2013-01-05 09:59:26 +0000
committerxleroy <xleroy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2013-01-05 09:59:26 +0000
commit578cc2a54897e0c89425a56df7a173bebeee2382 (patch)
tree1ccb034fd4beebe618d4fad81abc5214677d8010 /exportclight
parentba8ad207029d3121d602a23aeeedd55b4dfd192a (diff)
Put clighgen files in exportclight/
Short doc in exportclight/README git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@2089 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'exportclight')
4 files changed, 872 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/exportclight/Clightdefs.v b/exportclight/Clightdefs.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c3c942a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exportclight/Clightdefs.v
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** All imports and definitions used by .v Clight files generated by clightgen *)
+Require Export List.
+Require Export ZArith.
+Require Export Integers.
+Require Export Floats.
+Require Export AST.
+Require Export Ctypes.
+Require Export Cop.
+Require Export Clight.
+Definition tvoid := Tvoid.
+Definition tschar := Tint I8 Signed noattr.
+Definition tuchar := Tint I8 Unsigned noattr.
+Definition tshort := Tint I16 Signed noattr.
+Definition tushort := Tint I16 Unsigned noattr.
+Definition tint := Tint I32 Signed noattr.
+Definition tuint := Tint I32 Unsigned noattr.
+Definition tbool := Tint IBool Unsigned noattr.
+Definition tfloat := Tfloat F32 noattr.
+Definition tdouble := Tfloat F64 noattr.
+Definition tptr (t: type) := Tpointer t noattr.
+Definition tarray (t: type) (sz: Z) := Tarray t sz noattr.
+Definition volatile_attr := {| attr_volatile := true |}.
+Definition tvolatile (ty: type) :=
+ match ty with
+ | Tvoid => Tvoid
+ | Tint sz si a => Tint sz si volatile_attr
+ | Tfloat sz a => Tfloat sz volatile_attr
+ | Tpointer elt a => Tpointer elt volatile_attr
+ | Tarray elt sz a => Tarray elt sz volatile_attr
+ | Tfunction args res => Tfunction args res
+ | Tstruct id fld a => Tstruct id fld volatile_attr
+ | Tunion id fld a => Tunion id fld volatile_attr
+ | Tcomp_ptr id a => Tcomp_ptr id volatile_attr
+ end.
diff --git a/exportclight/Clightgen.ml b/exportclight/Clightgen.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1805573e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exportclight/Clightgen.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+open Printf
+open Clflags
+(* Location of the compatibility library *)
+let stdlib_path = ref(
+ try
+ with Not_found ->
+ Configuration.stdlib_path)
+let command cmd =
+ if !option_v then begin
+ prerr_string "+ "; prerr_string cmd; prerr_endline ""
+ end;
+ Sys.command cmd
+let quote_options opts =
+ String.concat " " (List.rev_map Filename.quote opts)
+let safe_remove file =
+ try Sys.remove file with Sys_error _ -> ()
+(* Printing of error messages *)
+let print_error oc msg =
+ let print_one_error = function
+ | Errors.MSG s -> output_string oc (Camlcoq.camlstring_of_coqstring s)
+ | Errors.CTX i -> output_string oc (Camlcoq.extern_atom i)
+ | Errors.POS i -> fprintf oc "%ld" (Camlcoq.camlint_of_positive i)
+ in
+ List.iter print_one_error msg;
+ output_char oc '\n'
+(* From C to preprocessed C *)
+let preprocess ifile ofile =
+ let output =
+ if ofile = "-" then "" else sprintf "> %s" ofile in
+ let cmd =
+ sprintf "%s -D__COMPCERT__ %s %s %s %s"
+ Configuration.prepro
+ (if Configuration.has_runtime_lib
+ then sprintf "-I%s" !stdlib_path
+ else "")
+ (quote_options !prepro_options)
+ ifile output in
+ if command cmd <> 0 then begin
+ if ofile <> "-" then safe_remove ofile;
+ eprintf "Error during preprocessing.\n";
+ exit 2
+ end
+(* From preprocessed C to Csyntax *)
+let parse_c_file sourcename ifile =
+ Sections.initialize();
+ (* Simplification options *)
+ let simplifs =
+ "b" (* blocks: mandatory *)
+ ^ (if !option_fstruct_return then "s" else "")
+ ^ (if !option_fbitfields then "f" else "")
+ ^ (if !option_fpacked_structs then "p" else "")
+ in
+ (* Parsing and production of a simplified C AST *)
+ let ast =
+ match Parse.preprocessed_file simplifs sourcename ifile with
+ | None -> exit 2
+ | Some p -> p in
+ (* Remove preprocessed file (always a temp file) *)
+ safe_remove ifile;
+ (* Save C AST if requested *)
+ if !option_dparse then begin
+ let ofile = Filename.chop_suffix sourcename ".c" ^ ".parsed.c" in
+ let oc = open_out ofile in
+ Cprint.program (Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc) ast;
+ close_out oc
+ end;
+ (* Conversion to Csyntax *)
+ let csyntax =
+ match C2C.convertProgram ast with
+ | None -> exit 2
+ | Some p -> p in
+ flush stderr;
+ (* Save CompCert C AST if requested *)
+ if !option_dcmedium then begin
+ let ofile = Filename.chop_suffix sourcename ".c" ^ ".compcert.c" in
+ let oc = open_out ofile in
+ PrintCsyntax.print_program (Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc) csyntax;
+ close_out oc
+ end;
+ csyntax
+(* From CompCert C AST to Clight *)
+let compile_c_ast sourcename csyntax ofile =
+ let clight =
+ match SimplExpr.transl_program csyntax with
+ | Errors.OK p ->
+ begin match SimplLocals.transf_program p with
+ | Errors.OK p' -> p'
+ | Errors.Error msg ->
+ print_error stderr msg;
+ exit 2
+ end
+ | Errors.Error msg ->
+ print_error stderr msg;
+ exit 2 in
+ (* Dump Clight in C syntax if requested *)
+ if !option_dclight then begin
+ let ofile = Filename.chop_suffix sourcename ".c" ^ ".light.c" in
+ let oc = open_out ofile in
+ PrintClight.print_program (Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc) clight;
+ close_out oc
+ end;
+ (* Print Clight in Coq syntax *)
+ let oc = open_out ofile in
+ ExportClight.print_program (Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc) clight;
+ close_out oc
+(* From C source to Clight *)
+let compile_c_file sourcename ifile ofile =
+ compile_c_ast sourcename (parse_c_file sourcename ifile) ofile
+(* Processing of a .c file *)
+let process_c_file sourcename =
+ let prefixname = Filename.chop_suffix sourcename ".c" in
+ if !option_E then begin
+ preprocess sourcename "-"
+ end else begin
+ let preproname = Filename.temp_file "compcert" ".i" in
+ preprocess sourcename preproname;
+ compile_c_file sourcename preproname (prefixname ^ ".v")
+ end
+(* Command-line parsing *)
+let explode_comma_option s =
+ match Str.split (Str.regexp ",") s with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | hd :: tl -> tl
+type action =
+ | Set of bool ref
+ | Unset of bool ref
+ | Self of (string -> unit)
+ | String of (string -> unit)
+ | Integer of (int -> unit)
+let rec find_action s = function
+ | [] -> None
+ | (re, act) :: rem ->
+ if Str.string_match re s 0 then Some act else find_action s rem
+let parse_cmdline spec usage =
+ let acts = List.map (fun (pat, act) -> (Str.regexp pat, act)) spec in
+ let error () =
+ eprintf "%s" usage;
+ exit 2 in
+ let rec parse i =
+ if i < Array.length Sys.argv then begin
+ let s = Sys.argv.(i) in
+ match find_action s acts with
+ | None ->
+ if s <> "-help" && s <> "--help"
+ then eprintf "Unknown argument `%s'\n" s;
+ error ()
+ | Some(Set r) ->
+ r := true; parse (i+1)
+ | Some(Unset r) ->
+ r := false; parse (i+1)
+ | Some(Self fn) ->
+ fn s; parse (i+1)
+ | Some(String fn) ->
+ if i + 1 < Array.length Sys.argv then begin
+ fn Sys.argv.(i+1); parse (i+2)
+ end else begin
+ eprintf "Option `%s' expects an argument\n" s; error()
+ end
+ | Some(Integer fn) ->
+ if i + 1 < Array.length Sys.argv then begin
+ let n =
+ try
+ int_of_string Sys.argv.(i+1)
+ with Failure _ ->
+ eprintf "Argument to option `%s' must be an integer\n" s;
+ error()
+ in
+ fn n; parse (i+2)
+ end else begin
+ eprintf "Option `%s' expects an argument\n" s; error()
+ end
+ end
+ in parse 1
+let usage_string =
+"The CompCert Clight generator
+Usage: clightgen [options] <source files>
+Recognized source files:
+ .c C source file
+Processing options:
+ -E Preprocess only, send result to standard output
+Preprocessing options:
+ -I<dir> Add <dir> to search path for #include files
+ -D<symb>=<val> Define preprocessor symbol
+ -U<symb> Undefine preprocessor symbol
+ -Wp,<opt> Pass option <opt> to the preprocessor
+Language support options (use -fno-<opt> to turn off -f<opt>) :
+ -fbitfields Emulate bit fields in structs [off]
+ -flonglong Partial emulation of 'long long' types [on]
+ -flongdouble Treat 'long double' as 'double' [off]
+ -fstruct-return Emulate returning structs and unions by value [off]
+ -fvararg-calls Emulate calls to variable-argument functions [on]
+ -fpacked-structs Emulate packed structs [off]
+ -fall Activate all language support options above
+ -fnone Turn off all language support options above
+Tracing options:
+ -dparse Save C file after parsing and elaboration in <file>.parse.c
+ -dc Save generated Compcert C in <file>.compcert.c
+ -dclight Save generated Clight in <file>.light.c
+General options:
+ -v Print external commands before invoking them
+let language_support_options = [
+ option_fbitfields; option_flonglong; option_flongdouble;
+ option_fstruct_return; option_fvararg_calls; option_fpacked_structs
+let cmdline_actions =
+ let f_opt name ref =
+ ["-f" ^ name ^ "$", Set ref; "-fno-" ^ name ^ "$", Unset ref] in
+ [
+ "-I$", String(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: "-I" :: !prepro_options);
+ "-D$", String(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: "-D" :: !prepro_options);
+ "-U$", String(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: "-U" :: !prepro_options);
+ "-[IDU].", Self(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: !prepro_options);
+ "-dparse$", Set option_dparse;
+ "-dc$", Set option_dcmedium;
+ "-dclight$", Set option_dclight;
+ "-E$", Set option_E;
+ ".*\\.c$", Self (fun s -> process_c_file s);
+ "-Wp,", Self (fun s ->
+ prepro_options := List.rev_append (explode_comma_option s) !prepro_options);
+ "-fall$", Self (fun _ ->
+ List.iter (fun r -> r := true) language_support_options);
+ "-fnone$", Self (fun _ ->
+ List.iter (fun r -> r := false) language_support_options);
+ ]
+ @ f_opt "longlong" option_flonglong
+ @ f_opt "longdouble" option_flongdouble
+ @ f_opt "struct-return" option_fstruct_return
+ @ f_opt "bitfields" option_fbitfields
+ @ f_opt "vararg-calls" option_fvararg_calls
+ @ f_opt "packed-structs" option_fpacked_structs
+let _ =
+ Gc.set { (Gc.get()) with Gc.minor_heap_size = 524288 };
+ Machine.config :=
+ begin match Configuration.arch with
+ | "powerpc" -> Machine.ppc_32_bigendian
+ | "arm" -> Machine.arm_littleendian
+ | "ia32" -> Machine.x86_32
+ | _ -> assert false
+ end;
+ Builtins.set C2C.builtins_generic;
+ CPragmas.initialize();
+ parse_cmdline cmdline_actions usage_string
diff --git a/exportclight/ExportClight.ml b/exportclight/ExportClight.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..452693c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exportclight/ExportClight.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(** Export Clight as a Coq file *)
+open Format
+open Camlcoq
+open Datatypes
+open Values
+open AST
+open Ctypes
+open Cop
+open Clight
+(* Options, lists, pairs *)
+let print_option fn p = function
+ | None -> fprintf p "None"
+ | Some x -> fprintf p "(Some %a)" fn x
+let print_pair fn1 fn2 p (x1, x2) =
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 1>(%a,@ %a)@]" fn1 x1 fn2 x2
+let print_list fn p l =
+ match l with
+ | [] ->
+ fprintf p "nil"
+ | hd :: tl ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 1>(";
+ let rec plist = function
+ | [] -> fprintf p "nil"
+ | hd :: tl -> fprintf p "%a ::@ " fn hd; plist tl
+ in plist l;
+ fprintf p ")@]"
+(* Identifiers *)
+exception Not_an_identifier
+let sanitize s =
+ let s' = String.create (String.length s) in
+ for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
+ s'.[i] <-
+ match s.[i] with
+ | 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '0'..'9' | '_' as c -> c
+ | ' ' | '$' -> '_'
+ | _ -> raise Not_an_identifier
+ done;
+ s'
+let ident p id =
+ try
+ let s = Hashtbl.find string_of_atom id in
+ fprintf p "_%s" (sanitize s)
+ with Not_found | Not_an_identifier ->
+ fprintf p "%ld%%positive" (camlint_of_positive id)
+let define_idents p =
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun id name ->
+ try
+ fprintf p "Definition _%s : ident := %ld%%positive.@ "
+ (sanitize name) (camlint_of_positive id)
+ with Not_an_identifier ->
+ ())
+ string_of_atom;
+ fprintf p "@ "
+(* Numbers *)
+let coqint p n =
+ let n = camlint_of_coqint n in
+ if n >= 0l
+ then fprintf p "(Int.repr %ld)" n
+ else fprintf p "(Int.repr (%ld))" n
+let coqfloat p n =
+ let n = camlint64_of_coqint(Floats.Float.bits_of_double n) in
+ if n >= 0L
+ then fprintf p "(Float.double_of_bits (Int64.repr %Ld))" n
+ else fprintf p "(Float.double_of_bits (Int64.repr (%Ld)))" n
+(* Types *)
+let use_struct_names = ref true
+let rec typ p t =
+ let a = attr_of_type t in
+ if a (*.attr_volatile*)
+ then fprintf p "(tvolatile %a)" rtyp t
+ else rtyp p t
+and rtyp p = function
+ | Tvoid -> fprintf p "tvoid"
+ | Tint(sz, sg, _) ->
+ fprintf p "%s" (
+ match sz, sg with
+ | I8, Signed -> "tschar"
+ | I8, Unsigned -> "tuchar"
+ | I16, Signed -> "tshort"
+ | I16, Unsigned -> "tushort"
+ | I32, Signed -> "tint"
+ | I32, Unsigned -> "tuint"
+ | IBool, _ -> "tbool")
+ | Tfloat(sz, _) ->
+ fprintf p "%s" (
+ match sz with
+ | F32 -> "tfloat"
+ | F64 -> "tdouble")
+ | Tpointer(t, _) ->
+ fprintf p "(tptr %a)" typ t
+ | Tarray(t, sz, _) ->
+ fprintf p "(tarray %a %ld)" typ t (camlint_of_z sz)
+ | Tfunction(targs, tres) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Tfunction@ %a@ %a)@]" typlist targs typ tres
+ | Tstruct(id, flds, _) ->
+ if !use_struct_names
+ then fprintf p "t%a" ident id
+ else fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Tstruct %a@ %a@ noattr)@]" ident id fieldlist flds
+ | Tunion(id, flds, _) ->
+ if !use_struct_names
+ then fprintf p "t%a" ident id
+ else fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Tunion %a@ %a@ noattr)@]" ident id fieldlist flds
+ | Tcomp_ptr(id, _) ->
+ fprintf p "(Tcomp_ptr %a noattr)" ident id
+and typlist p = function
+ | Tnil ->
+ fprintf p "Tnil"
+ | Tcons(t, tl) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Tcons@ %a@ %a)@]" typ t typlist tl
+and fieldlist p = function
+ | Fnil ->
+ fprintf p "Fnil"
+ | Fcons(id, t, fl) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Fcons %a@ %a@ %a)@]" ident id typ t fieldlist fl
+(* External functions *)
+let asttype p t =
+ fprintf p "%s" (match t with AST.Tint -> "AST.Tint" | AST.Tfloat -> "AST.Tfloat")
+let name_of_chunk = function
+ | Mint8signed -> "Mint8signed"
+ | Mint8unsigned -> "Mint8unsigned"
+ | Mint16signed -> "Mint16signed"
+ | Mint16unsigned -> "Mint16unsigned"
+ | Mint32 -> "Mint32"
+ | Mfloat32 -> "Mfloat32"
+ | Mfloat64 -> "Mfloat64"
+ | Mfloat64al32 -> "Mfloat64al32"
+let signatur p sg =
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(mksignature@ %a@ %a)@]" (print_list asttype) sg.sig_args (print_option asttype) sg.sig_res
+let assertions = ref ([]: (ident * typ list) list)
+let external_function p = function
+ | EF_external(name, sg) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(EF_external %a@ %a)@]" ident name signatur sg
+ | EF_builtin(name, sg) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(EF_builtin %a@ %a)@]" ident name signatur sg
+ | EF_vload chunk ->
+ fprintf p "(EF_vload %s)" (name_of_chunk chunk)
+ | EF_vstore chunk ->
+ fprintf p "(EF_vstore %s)" (name_of_chunk chunk)
+ | EF_vload_global(chunk, id, ofs) ->
+ fprintf p "(EF_vload_global %s %a %a)" (name_of_chunk chunk) ident id coqint ofs
+ | EF_vstore_global(chunk, id, ofs) ->
+ fprintf p "(EF_vstore_global %s %a %a)" (name_of_chunk chunk) ident id coqint ofs
+ | EF_malloc -> fprintf p "EF_malloc"
+ | EF_free -> fprintf p "EF_free"
+ | EF_memcpy(sz, al) ->
+ fprintf p "(EF_memcpy %ld %ld)" (camlint_of_z sz) (camlint_of_z al)
+ | EF_annot(text, targs) ->
+ assertions := (text, targs) :: !assertions;
+ fprintf p "(EF_annot %ld%%positive %a)" (camlint_of_positive text) (print_list asttype) targs
+ | EF_annot_val(text, targ) ->
+ assertions := (text, [targ]) :: !assertions;
+ fprintf p "(EF_annot_val %ld%%positive %a)" (camlint_of_positive text) asttype targ
+ | EF_inline_asm(text) ->
+ fprintf p "(EF_inline_asm %ld%%positive)" (camlint_of_positive text)
+(* Expressions *)
+let name_unop = function
+ | Onotbool -> "Onotbool"
+ | Onotint -> "Onotint"
+ | Oneg -> "Oneg"
+let name_binop = function
+ | Oadd -> "Oadd"
+ | Osub -> "Osub"
+ | Omul -> "Omul"
+ | Odiv -> "Odiv"
+ | Omod -> "Omod"
+ | Oand -> "Oand"
+ | Oor -> "Oor"
+ | Oxor -> "Oxor"
+ | Oshl -> "Oshl"
+ | Oshr -> "Oshr"
+ | Oeq -> "Oeq"
+ | One -> "One"
+ | Olt -> "Olt"
+ | Ogt -> "Ogt"
+ | Ole -> "Ole"
+ | Oge -> "Oge"
+let rec expr p = function
+ | Evar(id, t) ->
+ fprintf p "(Evar %a %a)" ident id typ t
+ | Etempvar(id, t) ->
+ fprintf p "(Etempvar %a %a)" ident id typ t
+ | Ederef(a1, t) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Ederef@ %a@ %a)@]" expr a1 typ t
+ | Efield(a1, f, t) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Efield@ %a@ %a@ %a)@]" expr a1 ident f typ t
+ | Econst_int(n, t) ->
+ fprintf p "(Econst_int %a %a)" coqint n typ t
+ | Econst_float(n, t) ->
+ fprintf p "(Econst_float %a %a)" coqfloat n typ t
+ | Eunop(op, a1, t) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Eunop %s@ %a@ %a)@]"
+ (name_unop op) expr a1 typ t
+ | Eaddrof(a1, t) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Eaddrof@ %a@ %a)@]" expr a1 typ t
+ | Ebinop(op, a1, a2, t) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Ebinop %s@ %a@ %a@ %a)@]"
+ (name_binop op) expr a1 expr a2 typ t
+ | Ecast(a1, t) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Ecast@ %a@ %a)@]" expr a1 typ t
+(* Statements *)
+let rec stmt p = function
+ | Sskip ->
+ fprintf p "Sskip"
+ | Sassign(e1, e2) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Sassign@ %a@ %a)@]" expr e1 expr e2
+ | Sset(id, e2) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Sset %a@ %a)@]" ident id expr e2
+ | Scall(optid, e1, el) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Scall %a@ %a@ %a)@]"
+ (print_option ident) optid expr e1 (print_list expr) el
+ | Sbuiltin(optid, ef, tyl, el) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(Sbuiltin %a@ %a@ %a@ %a)@]"
+ (print_option ident) optid
+ external_function ef
+ typlist tyl
+ (print_list expr) el
+ | Ssequence(Sskip, s2) ->
+ stmt p s2
+ | Ssequence(s1, Sskip) ->
+ stmt p s1
+ | Ssequence(s1, s2) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>(Ssequence@ %a@ %a)@]" stmt s1 stmt s2
+ | Sifthenelse(e, s1, s2) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>(Sifthenelse %a@ %a@ %a)@]" expr e stmt s1 stmt s2
+ | Sloop (Ssequence (Sifthenelse(e, Sskip, Sbreak), s), Sskip) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>(Swhile@ %a@ %a)@]" expr e stmt s
+ | Sloop (Ssequence (Ssequence(Sskip, Sifthenelse(e, Sskip, Sbreak)), s), Sskip) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>(Swhile@ %a@ %a)@]" expr e stmt s
+ | Sloop(s1, s2) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>(Sloop@ %a@ %a)@]" stmt s1 stmt s2
+ | Sbreak ->
+ fprintf p "Sbreak"
+ | Scontinue ->
+ fprintf p "Scontinue"
+ | Sswitch(e, cases) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>(Sswitch %a@ %a)@]" expr e lblstmts cases
+ | Sreturn e ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>(Sreturn %a)@]" (print_option expr) e
+ | Slabel(lbl, s1) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>(Slabel %a@ %a)@]" ident lbl stmt s1
+ | Sgoto lbl ->
+ fprintf p "(Sgoto %a)" ident lbl
+and lblstmts p = function
+ | LSdefault s ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>(LSdefault@ %a)@]" stmt s
+ | LScase(lbl, s, ls) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>(LScase %a@ %a@ %a)@]" coqint lbl stmt s lblstmts ls
+let print_function p (id, f) =
+ fprintf p "Definition f_%s := {|@ " (extern_atom id);
+ fprintf p " fn_return := %a;@ " typ f.fn_return;
+ fprintf p " fn_params := %a;@ " (print_list (print_pair ident typ)) f.fn_params;
+ fprintf p " fn_vars := %a;@ " (print_list (print_pair ident typ)) f.fn_vars;
+ fprintf p " fn_temps := %a;@ " (print_list (print_pair ident typ)) f.fn_temps;
+ fprintf p " fn_body :=@ ";
+ stmt p f.fn_body;
+ fprintf p "@ |}.@ @ "
+let init_data p = function
+ | Init_int8 n -> fprintf p "Init_int8 %a" coqint n
+ | Init_int16 n -> fprintf p "Init_int16 %a" coqint n
+ | Init_int32 n -> fprintf p "Init_int32 %a" coqint n
+ | Init_float32 n -> fprintf p "Init_float32 %a" coqfloat n
+ | Init_float64 n -> fprintf p "Init_float64 %a" coqfloat n
+ | Init_space n -> fprintf p "Init_space %ld" (camlint_of_z n)
+ | Init_addrof(id,ofs) -> fprintf p "Init_addrof %a %a" ident id coqint ofs
+let print_variable p (id, v) =
+ fprintf p "Definition v_%s := {|@ " (extern_atom id);
+ fprintf p " gvar_info := %a;@ " typ v.gvar_info;
+ fprintf p " gvar_init := %a;@ " (print_list init_data) v.gvar_init;
+ fprintf p " gvar_readonly := %B;@ " v.gvar_readonly;
+ fprintf p " gvar_volatile := %B@ " v.gvar_volatile;
+ fprintf p "|}.@ @ "
+let print_globdef p (id, gd) =
+ match gd with
+ | Gfun(Internal f) -> print_function p (id, f)
+ | Gfun(External _) -> ()
+ | Gvar v -> print_variable p (id, v)
+let print_ident_globdef p = function
+ | (id, Gfun(Internal f)) ->
+ fprintf p "(%a, Gfun(Internal f_%s))" ident id (extern_atom id)
+ | (id, Gfun(External(ef, targs, tres))) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(%a,@ @[<hov 2>Gfun(External %a@ %a@ %a))@]@]"
+ ident id external_function ef typlist targs typ tres
+ | (id, Gvar v) ->
+ fprintf p "(%a, Gvar v_%s)" ident id (extern_atom id)
+(* Collecting the names and fields of structs and unions *)
+module TypeSet = Set.Make(struct
+ type t = coq_type
+ let compare = Pervasives.compare
+let struct_unions = ref TypeSet.empty
+let register_struct_union ty =
+ struct_unions := TypeSet.add ty !struct_unions
+let rec collect_type = function
+ | Tvoid -> ()
+ | Tint _ -> ()
+ | Tfloat _ -> ()
+ | Tpointer(t, _) -> collect_type t
+ | Tarray(t, _, _) -> collect_type t
+ | Tfunction(args, res) -> collect_type_list args; collect_type res
+ | Tstruct(id, fld, _) ->
+ register_struct_union (Tstruct(id, fld, noattr)) (*; collect_fields fld*)
+ | Tunion(id, fld, _) ->
+ register_struct_union (Tunion(id, fld, noattr)) (*; collect_fields fld*)
+ | Tcomp_ptr _ -> ()
+and collect_type_list = function
+ | Tnil -> ()
+ | Tcons(hd, tl) -> collect_type hd; collect_type_list tl
+and collect_fields = function
+ | Fnil -> ()
+ | Fcons(id, hd, tl) -> collect_type hd; collect_fields tl
+let rec collect_expr e =
+ collect_type (typeof e);
+ match e with
+ | Econst_int _ -> ()
+ | Econst_float _ -> ()
+ | Evar _ -> ()
+ | Etempvar _ -> ()
+ | Ederef(r, _) -> collect_expr r
+ | Efield(l, _, _) -> collect_expr l
+ | Eaddrof(l, _) -> collect_expr l
+ | Eunop(_, r, _) -> collect_expr r
+ | Ebinop(_, r1, r2, _) -> collect_expr r1; collect_expr r2
+ | Ecast(r, _) -> collect_expr r
+let rec collect_exprlist = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | r1 :: rl -> collect_expr r1; collect_exprlist rl
+let rec collect_stmt = function
+ | Sskip -> ()
+ | Sassign(e1, e2) -> collect_expr e1; collect_expr e2
+ | Sset(id, e2) -> collect_expr e2
+ | Scall(optid, e1, el) -> collect_expr e1; collect_exprlist el
+ | Sbuiltin(optid, ef, tyl, el) -> collect_exprlist el
+ | Ssequence(s1, s2) -> collect_stmt s1; collect_stmt s2
+ | Sifthenelse(e, s1, s2) -> collect_expr e; collect_stmt s1; collect_stmt s2
+ | Sloop(s1, s2) -> collect_stmt s1; collect_stmt s2
+ | Sbreak -> ()
+ | Scontinue -> ()
+ | Sswitch(e, cases) -> collect_expr e; collect_cases cases
+ | Sreturn None -> ()
+ | Sreturn (Some e) -> collect_expr e
+ | Slabel(lbl, s) -> collect_stmt s
+ | Sgoto lbl -> ()
+and collect_cases = function
+ | LSdefault s -> collect_stmt s
+ | LScase(lbl, s, rem) -> collect_stmt s; collect_cases rem
+let collect_function f =
+ collect_type f.fn_return;
+ List.iter (fun (id, ty) -> collect_type ty) f.fn_params;
+ List.iter (fun (id, ty) -> collect_type ty) f.fn_vars;
+ List.iter (fun (id, ty) -> collect_type ty) f.fn_temps;
+ collect_stmt f.fn_body
+let collect_globdef (id, gd) =
+ match gd with
+ | Gfun(External(_, args, res)) -> collect_type_list args; collect_type res
+ | Gfun(Internal f) -> collect_function f
+ | Gvar v -> collect_type v.gvar_info
+let define_struct p ty =
+ match ty with
+ | Tstruct(id, _, _) | Tunion(id, _, _) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hv 2>Definition t%a :=@ %a.@]@ " ident id typ ty
+ | _ -> assert false
+let define_structs p prog =
+ struct_unions := TypeSet.empty;
+ List.iter collect_globdef prog.prog_defs;
+ use_struct_names := false;
+ TypeSet.iter (define_struct p) !struct_unions;
+ use_struct_names := true;
+ fprintf p "@ "
+(* Assertion processing *)
+let re_annot_param = Str.regexp "%%\\|%[1-9][0-9]*"
+type fragment = Text of string | Param of int
+let print_assertion p (txt, targs) =
+ let frags =
+ List.map
+ (function
+ | Str.Text s -> Text s
+ | Str.Delim "%%" -> Text "%"
+ | Str.Delim s -> Param(int_of_string(String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1))))
+ (Str.full_split re_annot_param (extern_atom txt)) in
+ let max_param = ref 0 in
+ List.iter
+ (function
+ | Text _ -> ()
+ | Param n -> max_param := max n !max_param)
+ frags;
+ fprintf p " | %ld%%positive, " (camlint_of_positive txt);
+ for i = 1 to !max_param do
+ fprintf p "_x%d :: " i
+ done;
+ fprintf p "nil =>@ ";
+ fprintf p " ";
+ List.iter
+ (function
+ | Text s -> fprintf p "%s" s
+ | Param n -> fprintf p "_x%d" n)
+ frags;
+ fprintf p "@ "
+let print_assertions p =
+ if !assertions <> [] then begin
+ fprintf p "Definition assertions (id: ident) args : Prop :=@ ";
+ fprintf p " match id, args with@ ";
+ List.iter (print_assertion p) !assertions;
+ fprintf p " | _, _ => False@ ";
+ fprintf p " end.@ @ "
+ end
+(* The prologue *)
+let prologue = "\
+Require Import Clightdefs.
+Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+(* All together *)
+let print_program p prog =
+ fprintf p "@[<v 0>";
+ fprintf p "%s" prologue;
+ define_idents p;
+ define_structs p prog;
+ List.iter (print_globdef p) prog.prog_defs;
+ fprintf p "Definition prog : Clight.program := {|@ ";
+ fprintf p "prog_defs :=@ %a;@ " (print_list print_ident_globdef) prog.prog_defs;
+ fprintf p "prog_main := %a@ " ident prog.prog_main;
+ fprintf p "|}.@ ";
+ print_assertions p;
+ fprintf p "@]@."
diff --git a/exportclight/README b/exportclight/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3fd8c0ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exportclight/README
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ The clightgen tool
+ ------------------
+"clightgen" is an experimental tool that transforms C source files
+into Clight abstract syntax, pretty-printed in Coq format in .v files.
+These generated .v files can be loaded in a Coq session for
+interactive verification, typically.
+Change to the top-level CompCert directory and issue
+ make clightgen
+ clightgen [options] <C source files>
+For each source file "src.c", its Clight abstract syntax is generated
+in "src.v".
+The options recognized are a subset of those of the CompCert compiler ccomp
+(see http://compcert.inria.fr/man/manual003.html for full documentation):
+ -I<dir> search <dir> for include files
+ -D<symbol> define preprocessor macro
+ -U<symbol> undefine preprocessor macro
+ -Wp,<opts> pass options to C preprocessor
+ -f<feature> activate emulation of the given C feature