path: root/test/ccured_olden/voronoi/newvor.c
diff options
authorblazy <blazy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2006-10-20 12:37:13 +0000
committerblazy <blazy@fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e>2006-10-20 12:37:13 +0000
commitca0c62265eb8cdd5fb0d8a8b34ee77baf3de987e (patch)
tree50a139db8e2ac51c6ff41f3790ff72aa417ed3be /test/ccured_olden/voronoi/newvor.c
parent43668d9109b1f36329646fd07324d435be6f0050 (diff)
Ajout du banc de tests de CCured (Olden benchmark suite, cf.
CCured: type-safe retrofitting of legacy code, G.Necula et al.) rapportCompcert_all.txt liste les erreurs produites par ccomp. git-svn-id: https://yquem.inria.fr/compcert/svn/compcert/trunk@121 fca1b0fc-160b-0410-b1d3-a4f43f01ea2e
Diffstat (limited to 'test/ccured_olden/voronoi/newvor.c')
1 files changed, 711 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/ccured_olden/voronoi/newvor.c b/test/ccured_olden/voronoi/newvor.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b5a4408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ccured_olden/voronoi/newvor.c
@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
+/* For copyright information, see olden_v1.0/COPYRIGHT */
+#ifdef SS_PLAIN
+#include "ssplain.h"
+#else SS_PLAIN
+#include <cm/cmmd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#endif SS_PLAIN
+#include "defines.h"
+/* WARNING! Don't use LOCAL on QUAD_EDGE as cache addresses are not aligned */
+int flag;
+QUAD_EDGE connect_left(a, b)
+ VERTEX_PTR t1,t2;
+ QUAD_EDGE ans,lnexta;
+ t1=dest(a);
+ lnexta=lnext(a);
+ t2=orig(b);
+ ans = makeedge(t1,t2/*dest(a), orig(b)*/);
+ splice(ans, lnexta);
+ splice(sym(ans), b);
+ return(ans);
+QUAD_EDGE connect_right(a, b)
+ QUAD_EDGE a,b;
+ VERTEX_PTR t1,t2;
+ QUAD_EDGE ans, oprevb;
+ t1=dest(a);
+ t2=orig(b);
+ oprevb=oprev(b);
+ ans = makeedge(t1,t2);
+ splice(ans, sym(a));
+ splice(sym(ans), oprevb);
+ return(ans);
+/* Top-level Delaunay Triangulation Procedure */
+QUAD_EDGE build_delaunay_triangulation(tree,extra)
+ /* builds delaunay triangulation.
+ va is an array of vertices, from 0 to size. Each vertex consists of
+ a vector and a data pointer. edge is a pointer to an
+ edge on the convex hull of the constructed delaunay triangulation. */
+ VERTEX_PTR tree,extra;
+ EDGE_PAIR retval;
+ retval=build_delaunay(tree,extra);
+ return retval.left;
+VERTEX_PTR get_low(tree)
+ VERTEX_PTR tree;
+ VERTEX_PTR temp;
+ while((temp=tree->left)) tree=temp;
+ return tree;
+/* Recursive Delaunay Triangulation Procedure */
+/* Contains modifications for axis-switching division. */
+EDGE_PAIR build_delaunay(tree,extra)
+ VERTEX_PTR tree,extra;
+ QUAD_EDGE a,b,c,ldo,rdi,ldi,rdo;
+ EDGE_PAIR retval;
+ VERTEX_PTR maxx, minx;
+ VERTEX_PTR s1, s2, s3;
+ EDGE_PAIR delleft, delright;
+ if (tree && tree->right && tree->left)
+ {
+ /* more than three elements; do recursion */
+ minx = get_low(tree); maxx = extra;
+ delright = build_delaunay(tree->right,extra);
+ delleft = build_delaunay(tree->left, tree);
+ ldo = delleft.left; ldi=delleft.right;
+ rdi=delright.left; rdo=delright.right;
+ retval=do_merge(ldo, ldi, rdi, rdo);
+ ldo = retval.left;
+ rdo = retval.right;
+ while (orig(ldo) != minx) { ldo = rprev(ldo); }
+ while (orig(rdo) != maxx) { rdo = lprev(rdo); }
+ retval.left = ldo;
+ retval.right = rdo;
+ }
+ else if (!tree)
+ {
+ printf("ERROR: Only 1 point!\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ else if (!tree->left)
+ {
+ /* two points */
+ a = makeedge(tree, extra);
+ retval.left = a;
+ retval.right = sym(a);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* tree->left, !tree->right */ /* three points */
+ /* 3 cases: triangles of 2 orientations, and 3 points on a line. */
+ s1 = tree->left;
+ s2 = tree;
+ s3 = extra;
+ a = makeedge(s1, s2);
+ b = makeedge(s2, s3);
+ splice(sym(a), b);
+ c = connect_left(b, a);
+ if (ccw(s1, s3, s2))
+ {
+ retval.left = sym(c);
+ retval.right = c;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retval.left = a;
+ retval.right = sym(b);
+ if (!ccw(s1, s2, s3)) deleteedge(c); /* colinear */
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+/* Quad-edge storage allocation */
+QUAD_EDGE next_edge, avail_edge;
+#ifndef NEW
+#define NYL -1
+#define NYL NULL
+ e = (QUAD_EDGE) ((int) e ^ ((int) e & ANDF));
+ onext(e) = avail_edge;
+ avail_edge = e;
+ /*disconnects e from the rest of the structure and destroys it. */
+ f=oprev(e);
+ splice(e, f);
+ f=oprev(sym(e));
+ splice(sym(e),f);
+ free_edge(e);
+ next_edge= 0;
+ avail_edge = NYL;
+QUAD_EDGE alloc_edge()
+ QUAD_EDGE ans;
+ if (avail_edge == NYL)
+ {
+ ans = (QUAD_EDGE) malloc(4*ALLOC_SIZE);
+#ifdef OUT
+ if ((int) ans & ANDF)
+#else !OUT
+ if (!(int) ans & 0xF)
+#endif OUT
+ {
+ printf("Aborting in alloc_edge, ans = 0x%x\n",(unsigned)ans);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ else ans = (QUAD_EDGE) avail_edge, avail_edge = onext(avail_edge);
+ return ans;
+/* Geometric primitives */
+BOOLEAN incircle(a,b,c,d)
+ /* incircle, as in the Guibas-Stolfi paper. */
+ VERTEX_PTR a,b,c,d;
+ double adx, ady, bdx, bdy, cdx, cdy, dx, dy, anorm, bnorm, cnorm, dnorm;
+ double dret ;
+ dx = X(d); dy = Y(d); dnorm = NORM(d);
+ adx = X(a) - dx; ady = Y(a) - dy; anorm = NORM(a);
+ bdx = X(b) - dx; bdy = Y(b) - dy; bnorm = NORM(b);
+ cdx = X(c) - dx; cdy = Y(c) - dy; cnorm = NORM(c);
+ dret = (anorm - dnorm) * (bdx * cdy - bdy * cdx);
+ dret += (bnorm - dnorm) * (cdx * ady - cdy * adx);
+ dret += (cnorm - dnorm) * (adx * bdy - ady * bdx);
+ return( (0.0 < dret) ? TRUE : FALSE );
+BOOLEAN ccw(a,b,c)
+ /* TRUE iff A, B, C form a counterclockwise oriented triangle */
+ VERTEX_PTR a,b,c;
+ double dret ;
+ double xa,ya,xb,yb,xc,yc;
+ xa=X(a); ya=Y(a);
+ xb=X(b); yb=Y(b);
+ xc=X(c); yc=Y(c);
+ dret = (xa-xc)*(yb-yc) - (xb-xc)*(ya-yc);
+ return( (dret > 0.0)? TRUE : FALSE);
+/* Quad-edge manipulation primitives */
+QUAD_EDGE makeedge(origin, destination)
+ VERTEX_PTR origin, destination;
+ QUAD_EDGE temp, ans;
+ temp = alloc_edge();
+ ans = temp;
+ onext(temp) = ans;
+ orig(temp) = origin;
+ temp = (QUAD_EDGE) ((int) temp+SIZE);
+ onext(temp) = (QUAD_EDGE) ((int) ans + 3*SIZE);
+ temp = (QUAD_EDGE) ((int) temp+SIZE);
+ onext(temp) = (QUAD_EDGE) ((int) ans + 2*SIZE);
+ orig(temp) = destination;
+ temp = (QUAD_EDGE) ((int) temp+SIZE);
+ onext(temp) = (QUAD_EDGE) ((int) ans + 1*SIZE);
+ return(ans);
+ QUAD_EDGE a, b;
+ QUAD_EDGE alpha, beta, temp;
+ alpha = rot(onext(a));
+ beta = rot(onext(b));
+ t1 = onext(beta);
+ temp = onext(alpha);
+ onext(alpha) = t1;
+ onext(beta) = temp;
+ temp = onext(a);
+ t1 = onext(b);
+ onext(b) = temp;
+ onext(a) = t1;
+ QUAD_EDGE a,b,syme,lnexttmp;
+ VERTEX_PTR a1,b1;
+ a = oprev(e);
+ syme = sym(e);
+ b = oprev(syme);
+ splice(e, a);
+ splice(syme, b);
+ lnexttmp = lnext(a);
+ splice(e, lnexttmp);
+ lnexttmp = lnext(b);
+ splice(syme, lnexttmp);
+ a1 = dest(a);
+ b1 = dest(b);
+ orig(e) = a1;
+ dest(e) = b1;
+/* The Merge Procedure. */
+int valid(l,basel)
+ QUAD_EDGE l,basel;
+ VERTEX_PTR t1,t2,t3;
+ t1=orig(basel);
+ t3=dest(basel);
+ t2=dest(l);
+ return ccw(t1,t2,t3);
+void dump_quad(ptr)
+ QUAD_EDGE ptr;
+ int i;
+ ptr = (QUAD_EDGE) ((int) ptr & ~ANDF);
+ chatting("Entered DUMP_QUAD: ptr=0x%x\n",ptr);
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++)
+ {
+ j=onext(((QUAD_EDGE) (ptr+i)));
+ v = orig(j);
+ chatting("DUMP_QUAD: ptr=0x%x onext=0x%x,v=0x%x\n",ptr+i,j,v);
+ }
+EDGE_PAIR do_merge(ldo, ldi, rdi, rdo)
+ QUAD_EDGE ldi, rdi, ldo, rdo;
+ int rvalid, lvalid;
+ QUAD_EDGE basel,lcand,rcand,t;
+ VERTEX_PTR t1,t2,t3;
+ while (TRUE)
+ {
+ t3=orig(rdi);
+ t1=orig(ldi);
+ t2=dest(ldi);
+ while (ccw(t1,t2,t3/*orig(ldi), dest(ldi), orig(rdi)*/))
+ {
+ ldi = lnext(ldi);
+ t1=orig(ldi);
+ t2=dest(ldi);
+ }
+ t2=dest(rdi);
+ if (ccw(t2,t3,t1/*dest(rdi), orig(rdi), orig(ldi)*/))
+ {
+ rdi = rprev(rdi);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ basel = connect_left(sym(rdi), ldi);
+ lcand = rprev(basel);
+ rcand = oprev(basel);
+ t1 = orig(basel);
+ t2 = dest(basel);
+ if (t1/*orig(basel)*/ == orig(rdo)) rdo = basel;
+ if (t2/*dest(basel)*/ == orig(ldo)) ldo = sym(basel);
+ while (TRUE)
+ {
+ VERTEX_PTR v1,v2,v3,v4;
+ /*chatting("valid site 1,lcand=0x%x,basel=0x%x\n",lcand,basel);*/
+ /*dump_quad(lcand);*/
+ t=onext(lcand);
+ if (valid(t,basel))
+ {
+ v4=orig(basel);
+ v1=dest(lcand);
+ v3=orig(lcand);
+ v2=dest(t);
+ while (incircle(v1,v2,v3,v4
+ /*dest(lcand), dest(t), orig(lcand), orig(basel)*/))
+ {
+ deleteedge(lcand);
+ lcand = t;
+ t = onext(lcand);
+ v1=dest(lcand);
+ v3=orig(lcand);
+ v2=dest(t);
+ }
+ }
+ /*chatting("valid site 2\n");*/
+ t=oprev(rcand);
+ if (valid(t,basel)) {
+ v4=dest(basel);
+ v1=dest(t);
+ v2=dest(rcand);
+ v3=orig(rcand);
+ while (incircle(v1,v2,v3,v4
+ /*dest(t), dest(rcand), orig(rcand), dest(basel)*/))
+ {
+ deleteedge(rcand);
+ rcand = t;
+ t = oprev(rcand);
+ v2=dest(rcand);
+ v3=orig(rcand);
+ v1=dest(t);
+ }
+ }
+ /*chatting("Valid sites 3,4\n");*/
+ lvalid = valid(lcand,basel);
+ /*chatting("Valid sites 3,4\n");*/
+ rvalid = valid(rcand,basel);
+ if ((! lvalid) && (! rvalid))
+ {
+ EDGE_PAIR retval;
+ retval.left = ldo; retval.right = rdo; return retval;
+ }
+ v1=dest(lcand);
+ v2=orig(lcand);
+ v3=orig(rcand);
+ v4=dest(rcand);
+ if (!lvalid ||
+ (rvalid && incircle(v1,v2,v3,v4
+ /*dest(lcand), orig(lcand),
+ orig(rcand), dest(rcand)*/)))
+ {
+ basel = connect_left(rcand, sym(basel));
+ rcand = lnext(sym(basel));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ basel = sym(connect_right(lcand, basel));
+ lcand = rprev(basel);
+ }
+ }
+#define CONST_m1 10000
+#define CONST_b 31415821
+#define RANGE 100
+struct EDGE_STACK *allocate_stack();
+struct get_point get_points();
+int loop = 0, randum = 1, filein = 0 , fileout = 1, statistics = 0;
+void in_order(tree)
+ VERTEX_PTR tree;
+ VERTEX_PTR tleft, tright;
+ double x, y;
+ if (!tree) {
+ return;
+ }
+ x = X(tree);
+ y = Y(tree);
+ chatting("X=%f, Y=%f\n",x, y);
+ tleft = tree->left;
+ in_order(tleft);
+ tright = tree->right;
+ in_order(tright);
+int mult(int p, int q)
+ int p1, p0, q1, q0;
+ p1=p/CONST_m1; p0=p%CONST_m1;
+ q1=q/CONST_m1; q0=q%CONST_m1;
+ return (((p0*q1+p1*q0) % CONST_m1)*CONST_m1+p0*q0);
+int skiprand(int seed, int n)
+/* Generate the nth random # */
+ for (; n; n--)
+#ifdef SS_PLAIN
+ seed = olden_random(seed);
+#else SS_PLAIN
+ seed=random(seed);
+#endif SS_PLAIN
+ return seed;
+#ifdef SS_PLAIN
+int olden_random(int seed)
+#else SS_PLAIN
+int random(int seed)
+#endif SS_PLAIN
+ seed = (mult(seed,CONST_b)+1);
+ return seed;
+ VERTEX_PTR extra;
+ double x, y;
+ x = X(extra);
+ y = Y(extra);
+ chatting("X=%f, Y=%f\n",x, y);
+ int argc;
+ char *argv[];
+ struct EDGE_STACK *my_stack;
+ struct get_point point, extra;
+ QUAD_EDGE edge;
+ int n, retained;
+ to_lincoln = to_off = to_3d_out = to_color = 0;
+ voronoi = delaunay = 1; interactive = ahost = 0 ;
+ retained = 0;
+ filestuff();
+ chatting("argc = %d\n",argc);
+ n = dealwithargs(argc, argv);
+ chatting("getting %d points\n", n);
+ extra=get_points(1,1.0,n,1023);
+ point=get_points(n-1,extra.curmax,n-1,extra.seed);
+ chatting("Done getting points\n");
+ num_vertices = n + 1;
+ my_stack=allocate_stack(num_vertices);
+//#ifdef SS_PLAIN
+// ssplain_alloc_stats();
+//#endif SS_PLAIN
+ if (flag) in_order(point.v);
+ if (flag) print_extra(extra.v);
+ chatting("Doing voronoi on %d nodes\n", n);
+ edge=build_delaunay_triangulation(point.v,extra.v);
+ chatting("Elapsed time %f\n", CMMD_node_timer_elapsed(0));
+ if (flag) output_voronoi_diagram(edge,n,my_stack);
+ exit(0);
+struct EDGE_STACK *allocate_stack(num_vertices)
+ int num_vertices;
+ struct EDGE_STACK *my_stack;
+ num_edgeparts = 12*num_vertices;
+ my_alloc(my_stack, struct EDGE_STACK, 1);
+ my_alloc(my_stack->elts, QUAD_EDGE , num_edgeparts);
+ my_stack->stack_size = num_edgeparts/2;
+ return my_stack;
+ int cont;
+ struct EDGE_STACK *my_stack;
+ free(my_stack->elts);
+ free(my_stack);
+struct get_point get_points(n,curmax,i,seed)
+ int n;
+ double curmax;
+ int i,seed;
+ VERTEX_PTR node;
+ struct get_point point;
+ if (n<1 || i<=n/2) {
+ point.v = NULL;
+ point.curmax=curmax;
+ point.seed = seed;
+ return point;
+ }
+#ifdef OUT
+ chatting("Get points: %d, %f, %d\n",n,curmax,i);
+#endif OUT
+ point = get_points(n/2,curmax,i,seed);
+ /*chatting("rec call n=%d\n",n);*/
+ i -= n/2;
+ node = (VERTEX_PTR) mymalloc(sizeof(struct VERTEX));
+ /*chatting("Get points past alloc,n=%d\n",n);*/
+ X(node) = point.curmax * exp(log(drand(point.seed))/i);
+ Y(node) = drand(point.seed);
+ NORM(node) = X(node)*X(node) + Y(node)*Y(node);
+ node->right = point.v;
+ /*chatting("node = 0x%x\n",node);*/
+ point = get_points(n/2,X(node),i-1,point.seed);
+ node->left = point.v;
+ point.v = node;
+ return point;
+/* Voronoi Diagram Routines. */
+/* Graph Traversal Routines */
+QUAD_EDGE pop_edge(x)
+ struct EDGE_STACK *x;
+ int a=x->ptr--;
+ return (x)->elts[a];
+ struct EDGE_STACK *stack;
+ QUAD_EDGE edge;
+ int a;
+ /*chatting("pushing edge \n");*/
+ if (stack->ptr == stack->stack_size) {
+ printf("cannot push onto stack: stack is too large\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ a = stack->ptr;
+ a++;
+ stack->ptr = a;
+ stack->elts[a] = edge;
+ }
+push_ring(stack, edge)
+ struct EDGE_STACK *stack;
+ QUAD_EDGE edge;
+ QUAD_EDGE nex;
+ nex = onext(edge);
+ while (nex != edge) {
+ if (seen(nex) == 0) {
+ seen(nex) = 1;
+ push_edge(stack, nex);
+ }
+ nex = onext(nex);
+ }
+push_nonzero_ring(stack, edge)
+ struct EDGE_STACK *stack;
+ QUAD_EDGE edge;
+ QUAD_EDGE nex;
+ nex = onext(edge);
+ while (nex != edge) {
+ if (seen(nex) != 0) {
+ seen(nex) = 0;
+ push_edge(stack, nex);
+ }
+ nex = onext(nex);
+ }
+ QUAD_EDGE edge;
+ struct EDGE_STACK *my_stack;
+ my_stack->ptr = 0;
+ push_nonzero_ring(my_stack, edge);
+ while (my_stack->ptr != 0) {
+ edge = pop_edge(my_stack);
+ push_nonzero_ring(my_stack, sym(edge));
+ }