path: root/test/cminor/almabench.cmp
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authorXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@inria.fr>2017-02-15 09:58:44 +0100
committerXavier Leroy <xavier.leroy@inria.fr>2017-02-15 09:58:44 +0100
commit4ac453011fb3ee241c6f3023f79c942d99f72eb5 (patch)
tree00b4ef5e0be846f62e49c9af68a06a01fc9ae065 /test/cminor/almabench.cmp
parent29653baeb2c7fa6bfe5da031622d8fb8ac1e50c3 (diff)
Remove tests involving Cminor concrete syntax. Update Changelog
Follow-up to [29653ba]
Diffstat (limited to 'test/cminor/almabench.cmp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/test/cminor/almabench.cmp b/test/cminor/almabench.cmp
deleted file mode 100644
index caedf8b0..00000000
--- a/test/cminor/almabench.cmp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
-#define J2000 2451545.0
-#define JCENTURY 36525.0
-#define JMILLENIA 365250.0
-#define TWOPI (2.0 *f PI)
-#define A2R (PI /f 648000.0)
-#define R2H (12.0 /f PI)
-#define R2D (180.0 /f PI)
-#define GAUSSK 0.01720209895
-#define TEST_LOOPS 20
-#define TEST_LENGTH 36525
-#define sineps 0.3977771559319137
-#define coseps 0.9174820620691818
-/* Access to tables */
-#define amas(n) float64["amas" + (n) * 8]
-#define a(x,y) float64["a" + ((x) * 24 + (y) * 8)]
-#define dlm(x,y) float64["dlm" + ((x) * 24 + (y) * 8)]
-#define e(x,y) float64["e" + ((x) * 24 + (y) * 8)]
-#define pi(x,y) float64["pi" + ((x) * 24 + (y) * 8)]
-#define dinc(x,y) float64["dinc" + ((x) * 24 + (y) * 8)]
-#define omega(x,y) float64["omega" + ((x) * 24 + (y) * 8)]
-#define kp(x,y) float64["kp" + ((x) * 72 + (y) * 8)]
-#define ca(x,y) float64["ca" + ((x) * 72 + (y) * 8)]
-#define sa(x,y) float64["sa" + ((x) * 72 + (y) * 8)]
-#define kq(x,y) float64["kq" + ((x) * 80 + (y) * 8)]
-#define cl(x,y) float64["cl" + ((x) * 80 + (y) * 8)]
-#define sl(x,y) float64["sl" + ((x) * 80 + (y) * 8)]
-/* Function calls */
-extern "cos": float -> float
-extern "sin": float -> float
-extern "atan2": float -> float -> float
-extern "asin": float -> float
-extern "sqrt": float -> float
-extern "fmod": float -> float -> float
-#define cos(x) ("cos"(x): float -> float)
-#define sin(x) ("sin"(x): float -> float)
-#define atan2(x,y) ("atan2"(x,y): float -> float -> float)
-#define asin(x) ("asin"(x): float -> float)
-#define sqrt(x) ("sqrt"(x): float -> float)
-#define fmod(x,y) ("fmod"(x,y): float -> float -> float)
-#define anpm(x) ("anpm"(x) : float -> float)
-"anpm"(a): float -> float
- var w, t;
- w = fmod(a,TWOPI);
- if (absf(w) >=f PI) {
- if (a <f 0.0) { t = -f TWOPI; } else { t = TWOPI; }
- w = w -f t;
- }
- return w;
-"planetpv" (epoch_, np, pv_): int -> int -> int -> void
-#define epoch(x) float64[epoch_ + (x) * 8]
-#define pv(x,y) float64[pv_ + (x) * 24 + (y) * 8]
- var i, j, k;
- var t, da, dl, de, dp, di;
- var doh, dmu, arga, argl, am;
- var ae, dae, ae2, at, r, v;
- var si2, xq, xp, tl, xsw;
- var xcw, xm2, xf, ci2, xms, xmc;
- var xpxq2, x, y, z;
- t = ((epoch(0) -f J2000) +f epoch(1)) /f JMILLENIA;
- da = a(np,0) +f (a(np,1) +f a(np,2) *f t ) *f t;
- dl = (3600.0 *f dlm(np,0) +f (dlm(np,1) +f dlm(np,2) *f t ) *f t ) *f A2R;
- de = e(np,0) +f (e(np,1) +f e(np,2) *f t ) *f t;
- dp = anpm((3600.0 *f pi(np,0) +f (pi(np,1) +f pi(np,2) *f t ) *f t ) *f A2R );
- di = (3600.0 *f dinc(np,0) +f (dinc(np,1) +f dinc(np,2) *f t ) *f t ) *f A2R;
- doh = anpm((3600.0 *f omega(np,0) +f (omega(np,1) +f omega(np,2) *f t ) *f t ) *f A2R );
- dmu = 0.35953620 *f t;
- k = 0;
- {{ loop {
- if (! (k < 8)) exit;
- arga = kp(np,k) *f dmu;
- argl = kq(np,k) *f dmu;
- da = da +f (ca(np,k) *f cos(arga) +f sa(np,k) *f sin(arga)) *f 0.0000001;
- dl = dl +f (cl(np,k) *f cos(argl) +f sl(np,k) *f sin(argl)) *f 0.0000001;
- k = k + 1;
- } }}
- arga = kp(np,8) *f dmu;
- da = da +f t *f (ca(np,8) *f cos(arga) +f sa(np,8) *f sin(arga)) *f 0.0000001;
- k = 8;
- {{ loop {
- if (! (k <= 9)) exit;
- argl = kq(np,k) *f dmu;
- dl = dl +f t *f ( cl(np,k) *f cos(argl) +f sl(np,k) *f sin(argl) ) *f 0.0000001;
- k = k + 1;
- } }}
- dl = "fmod"(dl,TWOPI) : float -> float -> float;
- am = dl -f dp;
- ae = am +f de *f sin(am);
- k = 0;
- {{ loop {
- dae = (am -f ae +f de *f sin(ae)) /f (1.0 -f de *f cos(ae));
- ae = ae +f dae;
- k = k + 1;
- if (k >= 10) exit;
- if (absf(dae) <f 1e-12) exit;
- } }}
- ae2 = ae /f 2.0;
- at = 2.0 *f atan2(sqrt((1.0 +f de) /f (1.0 -f de)) *f sin(ae2), cos(ae2));
- r = da *f (1.0 -f de *f cos(ae));
- v = GAUSSK *f sqrt((1.0 +f 1.0 /f amas(np) ) /f (da *f da *f da));
- si2 = sin(di /f 2.0);
- xq = si2 *f cos(doh);
- xp = si2 *f sin(doh);
- tl = at +f dp;
- xsw = sin(tl);
- xcw = cos(tl);
- xm2 = 2.0 *f (xp *f xcw -f xq *f xsw );
- xf = da /f sqrt(1.0 -f de *f de);
- ci2 = cos(di /f 2.0);
- xms = (de *f sin(dp) +f xsw) *f xf;
- xmc = (de *f cos(dp) +f xcw) *f xf;
- xpxq2 = 2.0 *f xp *f xq;
- x = r *f (xcw -f xm2 *f xp);
- y = r *f (xsw +f xm2 *f xq);
- z = r *f (-f xm2 *f ci2);
- pv(0,0) = x;
- pv(0,1) = y *f coseps -f z *f sineps;
- pv(0,2) = y *f sineps +f z *f coseps;
- x = v *f ((-f 1.0 +f 2.0 *f xp *f xp) *f xms +f xpxq2 *f xmc);
- y = v *f (( 1.0 -f 2.0 *f xq *f xq ) *f xmc -f xpxq2 *f xms);
- z = v *f (2.0 *f ci2 *f (xp *f xms +f xq *f xmc));
- pv(1,0) = x;
- pv(1,1) = y *f coseps -f z *f sineps;
- pv(1,2) = y *f sineps +f z *f coseps;
-#undef epoch
-#undef pv
-"radecdist"(state_, rdd_): int -> int -> void
-#define state(x,y) float64[state_ + (x) * 24 + (y) * 8]
-#define rdd(x) float64[rdd_ + (x) * 8]
- rdd(2) = sqrt(state(0,0) *f state(0,0) +f state(0,1) *f state(0,1) +f state(0,2) *f state(0,2));
- rdd(0) = atan2(state(0,1), state(0,0)) *f R2H;
- if (rdd(0) <f 0.0) rdd(0) = rdd(0) +f 24.0;
- rdd(1) = asin(state(0,2) /f rdd(2)) *f R2D;
-#undef state
-#undef rdd