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diff --git a/backend/Cminor.v b/backend/Cminor.v
index 11941da3..ca01ad50 100644
--- a/backend/Cminor.v
+++ b/backend/Cminor.v
@@ -591,6 +591,70 @@ Proof.
red; intros; inv H; simpl; try omega; eapply external_call_trace_length; eauto.
+(** This semantics is determinate. *)
+Lemma eval_expr_determ:
+ forall ge sp e m a v, eval_expr ge sp e m a v ->
+ forall v', eval_expr ge sp e m a v' -> v' = v.
+ induction 1; intros v' E'; inv E'.
+- congruence.
+- congruence.
+- assert (v0 = v1) by eauto. congruence.
+- assert (v0 = v1) by eauto. assert (v3 = v2) by eauto. congruence.
+- assert (vaddr0 = vaddr) by eauto. congruence.
+Lemma eval_exprlist_determ:
+ forall ge sp e m al vl, eval_exprlist ge sp e m al vl ->
+ forall vl', eval_exprlist ge sp e m al vl' -> vl' = vl.
+ induction 1; intros vl' E'; inv E'.
+ - auto.
+ - f_equal; eauto using eval_expr_determ.
+Ltac Determ :=
+ try congruence;
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- match_traces _ E0 E0 /\ (_ -> _) ] =>
+ split; [constructor|intros _; Determ]
+ | [ H: is_call_cont ?k |- _ ] =>
+ contradiction || (clear H; Determ)
+ | [ H1: eval_expr _ _ _ _ ?a ?v1, H2: eval_expr _ _ _ _ ?a ?v2 |- _ ] =>
+ assert (v1 = v2) by (eapply eval_expr_determ; eauto);
+ clear H1 H2; Determ
+ | [ H1: eval_exprlist _ _ _ _ ?a ?v1, H2: eval_exprlist _ _ _ _ ?a ?v2 |- _ ] =>
+ assert (v1 = v2) by (eapply eval_exprlist_determ; eauto);
+ clear H1 H2; Determ
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+Lemma semantics_determinate:
+ forall (p: program), determinate (semantics p).
+ intros. constructor; set (ge := Genv.globalenv p); simpl; intros.
+- (* determ *)
+ inv H; inv H0; Determ.
+ + subst vargs0. exploit external_call_determ. eexact H2. eexact H13.
+ intros (A & B). split; intros; auto.
+ apply B in H; destruct H; congruence.
+ + subst v0. assert (b0 = b) by (inv H2; inv H13; auto). subst b0; auto.
+ + assert (n0 = n) by (inv H2; inv H14; auto). subst n0; auto.
+ + exploit external_call_determ. eexact H1. eexact H7.
+ intros (A & B). split; intros; auto.
+ apply B in H; destruct H; congruence.
+- (* single event *)
+ red; simpl. destruct 1; simpl; try omega;
+ eapply external_call_trace_length; eauto.
+- (* initial states *)
+ inv H; inv H0. unfold ge0, ge1 in *. congruence.
+- (* nostep final state *)
+ red; intros; red; intros. inv H; inv H0.
+- (* final states *)
+ inv H; inv H0; auto.
(** * Alternate operational semantics (big-step) *)
(** We now define another semantics for Cminor without [goto] that follows