diff options
6 files changed, 92 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/cfrontend/C2C.ml b/cfrontend/C2C.ml
index 65f290ba..b0dc8e8a 100644
--- a/cfrontend/C2C.ml
+++ b/cfrontend/C2C.ml
@@ -624,9 +624,10 @@ let rec convertTypAnnotArgs env = function
Tcons(convertTyp env (Cutil.unary_conversion env e1.etyp),
convertTypAnnotArgs env el)
-let convertField env f =
+let convertField env sid f =
let id = intern_string f.fld_name
and ty = convertTyp env ?bitwidth: f.fld_bitfield f.fld_typ in
+ Debug.set_member_atom ~str_id:sid f.fld_name ~fld_id:id;
match f.fld_bitfield with
| None -> Member_plain(id, ty)
| Some w ->
@@ -639,17 +640,13 @@ let convertField env f =
let convertCompositedef env su id attr members =
if Cutil.find_custom_attributes ["packed";"__packed__"] attr <> [] then
unsupported "packed struct (consider adding option [-fpacked-structs])";
- let t = match su with
- | C.Struct ->
- let layout = Cutil.struct_layout env attr members in
- List.iter (fun (a,b) -> Debug.set_member_offset id a b) layout;
- TStruct (id,attr)
- | C.Union -> TUnion (id,attr) in
- Debug.set_composite_size id su (Cutil.sizeof env t);
- Composite(intern_string id.name,
- begin match su with C.Struct -> Ctypes.Struct | C.Union -> Ctypes.Union end,
- List.map (convertField env) members,
- convertAttr attr)
+ let intern_name = intern_string id.name in
+ let (t, su') = match su with
+ | C.Struct -> TStruct (id, attr), Ctypes.Struct
+ | C.Union -> TUnion (id, attr), Ctypes.Union in
+ Debug.set_composite_size id intern_name su (Cutil.sizeof env t);
+ let ms = List.map (convertField env intern_name) members in
+ Composite(intern_name, su', ms, convertAttr attr)
let rec projFunType env ty =
match Cutil.unroll env ty with
@@ -1527,6 +1524,41 @@ let public_globals gl =
(fun accu (id, g) -> if atom_is_static id then accu else id :: accu)
[] gl
+(** Complete the debug information of struct/unions *)
+(* [debug_set_struct_mem_ofs sid ((id,byte_ofs), bits)] sets the
+ byte and bit offset information of the member [id] of the struct
+ [sid] *)
+let debug_set_struct_mem_ofs sid ((id, byte_ofs), bits) =
+ let byte_ofs = Z.to_int byte_ofs in
+ match bits with
+ | Full ->
+ Debug.set_member_offset ~str_id:sid ~fld_id:id byte_ofs
+ | Bits (sz, sg, bit_pos, width) ->
+ let bit_pos = Z.to_int bit_pos in
+ let sz = Z.to_int (bitalignof_intsize sz) in
+ let bit_pos = if not !Machine.config.Machine.bitfields_msb_first then
+ sz - bit_pos - (Z.to_int width)
+ else
+ bit_pos in
+ let size = sz / 8 in
+ Debug.set_bitfield_offset ~str_id:sid ~fld_id:id ~bit_ofs:bit_pos ~byte_ofs:byte_ofs ~size:size
+(* [debug_set_struct_ofs env types] sets the missing offset information
+ of all structs in the list of composites in [types] if we compile
+ with debug information. *)
+let debug_set_struct_ofs env typs =
+ if !Clflags.option_g then
+ List.iter (function
+ | Composite (sid, Ctypes.Struct, ms, a) ->
+ let layout = Ctypes.layout_struct env ms in
+ begin match layout with
+ | Errors.OK layout ->
+ List.iter (debug_set_struct_mem_ofs sid) layout
+ | Errors.Error _ -> ()
+ end
+ | _ -> ()) typs
(** Convert a [C.program] into a [Csyntax.program] *)
let convertProgram p =
@@ -1555,6 +1587,7 @@ let convertProgram p =
prog_main = intern_string !Clflags.main_function_name;
prog_types = typs;
prog_comp_env = ce } in
+ debug_set_struct_ofs ce typs;
Diagnostics.check_errors ();
with Env.Error msg ->
diff --git a/cparser/Cutil.mli b/cparser/Cutil.mli
index 17eb2207..0eb0feb4 100644
--- a/cparser/Cutil.mli
+++ b/cparser/Cutil.mli
@@ -142,8 +142,6 @@ val composite_info_decl:
struct_or_union -> attributes -> Env.composite_info
val composite_info_def:
Env.t -> struct_or_union -> attributes -> field list -> Env.composite_info
-val struct_layout:
- Env.t -> attributes -> field list -> (string * int) list
val offsetof:
Env.t -> typ -> field -> int
(* Compute the offset of a struct member *)
diff --git a/debug/Debug.ml b/debug/Debug.ml
index 812f57cc..a1a68b74 100644
--- a/debug/Debug.ml
+++ b/debug/Debug.ml
@@ -23,9 +23,10 @@ type implem =
init: string -> unit;
atom_global: ident -> atom -> unit;
- set_composite_size: ident -> struct_or_union -> int option -> unit;
- set_member_offset: ident -> string -> int -> unit;
- set_bitfield_offset: ident -> string -> int -> string -> int -> unit;
+ set_composite_size: ident -> atom -> struct_or_union -> int option -> unit;
+ set_member_atom: str_id:atom -> string -> fld_id:atom -> unit;
+ set_member_offset: str_id:atom -> fld_id:atom -> int -> unit;
+ set_bitfield_offset: str_id:atom -> fld_id:atom -> bit_ofs:int -> byte_ofs:int -> size:int -> unit;
insert_global_declaration: Env.t -> globdecl -> unit;
add_fun_addr: atom -> section_name -> (int * int) -> unit;
generate_debug_info: (atom -> string) -> string -> debug_entries option;
@@ -55,9 +56,10 @@ let default_implem =
init = (fun _ -> ());
atom_global = (fun _ _ -> ());
- set_composite_size = (fun _ _ _ -> ());
- set_member_offset = (fun _ _ _ -> ());
- set_bitfield_offset = (fun _ _ _ _ _ -> ());
+ set_composite_size = (fun _ _ _ _ -> ());
+ set_member_atom = (fun ~str_id _ ~fld_id -> ());
+ set_member_offset = (fun ~str_id ~fld_id _ -> ());
+ set_bitfield_offset = (fun ~str_id ~fld_id ~bit_ofs ~byte_ofs ~size-> ());
insert_global_declaration = (fun _ _ -> ());
add_fun_addr = (fun _ _ _ -> ());
generate_debug_info = (fun _ _ -> None);
@@ -87,9 +89,11 @@ let implem = ref default_implem
let init_compile_unit name = !implem.init name
let atom_global id atom = !implem.atom_global id atom
-let set_composite_size id sou size = !implem.set_composite_size id sou size
-let set_member_offset id field off = !implem.set_member_offset id field off
-let set_bitfield_offset id field off underlying size = !implem.set_bitfield_offset id field off underlying size
+let set_composite_size id atom sou size = !implem.set_composite_size id atom sou size
+let set_member_atom ~str_id field ~fld_id = !implem.set_member_atom ~str_id:str_id field ~fld_id:fld_id
+let set_member_offset ~str_id ~fld_id off = !implem.set_member_offset ~str_id:str_id ~fld_id:fld_id off
+let set_bitfield_offset ~str_id ~fld_id ~bit_ofs ~byte_ofs ~size =
+ !implem.set_bitfield_offset ~str_id:str_id ~fld_id:fld_id ~bit_ofs:bit_ofs ~byte_ofs:byte_ofs ~size:size
let insert_global_declaration env dec = !implem.insert_global_declaration env dec
let add_fun_addr atom addr = !implem.add_fun_addr atom addr
let generate_debug_info fun_s var_s = !implem.generate_debug_info fun_s var_s
diff --git a/debug/Debug.mli b/debug/Debug.mli
index 60e2f9bc..001cf0ea 100644
--- a/debug/Debug.mli
+++ b/debug/Debug.mli
@@ -22,9 +22,10 @@ type implem =
init: string -> unit;
atom_global: ident -> atom -> unit;
- set_composite_size: ident -> struct_or_union -> int option -> unit;
- set_member_offset: ident -> string -> int -> unit;
- set_bitfield_offset: ident -> string -> int -> string -> int -> unit;
+ set_composite_size: ident -> atom -> struct_or_union -> int option -> unit;
+ set_member_atom: str_id:atom -> string -> fld_id:atom -> unit;
+ set_member_offset: str_id:atom -> fld_id:atom -> int -> unit;
+ set_bitfield_offset: str_id:atom -> fld_id:atom -> bit_ofs:int -> byte_ofs:int -> size:int -> unit;
insert_global_declaration: Env.t -> globdecl -> unit;
add_fun_addr: atom -> section_name -> (int * int) -> unit;
generate_debug_info: (atom -> string) -> string -> debug_entries option;
@@ -56,9 +57,10 @@ val implem: implem ref
val init_compile_unit: string -> unit
val atom_global: ident -> atom -> unit
-val set_composite_size: ident -> struct_or_union -> int option -> unit
-val set_member_offset: ident -> string -> int -> unit
-val set_bitfield_offset: ident -> string -> int -> string -> int -> unit
+val set_composite_size: ident -> atom -> struct_or_union -> int option -> unit
+val set_member_atom: str_id:atom -> string -> fld_id:atom -> unit
+val set_member_offset: str_id:atom -> fld_id:atom -> int -> unit
+val set_bitfield_offset: str_id:atom -> fld_id:atom -> bit_ofs:int -> byte_ofs:int -> size:int -> unit
val insert_global_declaration: Env.t -> globdecl -> unit
val add_fun_addr: atom -> section_name -> (int * int) -> unit
val all_files_iter: (string -> unit) -> unit
diff --git a/debug/DebugInformation.ml b/debug/DebugInformation.ml
index f9684355..f6e2e271 100644
--- a/debug/DebugInformation.ml
+++ b/debug/DebugInformation.ml
@@ -396,13 +396,13 @@ let insert_global_declaration env dec =
let fields = List.map (fun f ->
cfd_name = f.fld_name;
+ cfd_atom = None;
cfd_anon = f.fld_anonymous;
cfd_typ = insert_type f.fld_typ;
cfd_bit_size = f.fld_bitfield;
cfd_bit_offset = None;
cfd_byte_offset = None;
cfd_byte_size = None;
- cfd_bitfield = None;
}) fi in
replace_composite id (fun comp ->
let loc = if comp.ct_file_loc = None then Some dec.gloc else comp.ct_file_loc in
@@ -423,23 +423,36 @@ let insert_global_declaration env dec =
{en with enum_file_loc = Some dec.gloc; enum_enumerators = enumerator;})
| Gpragma _ -> ()
-let set_member_offset str field offset =
- let id = find_type (TStruct (str,[])) in
+let atom_is_member id f =
+ match f.cfd_atom with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some f -> f = id
+let set_member_atom ~str_id field ~fld_id =
+ let sid = Hashtbl.find atom_to_definition str_id in
+ replace_composite sid (fun comp ->
+ let name f = f.cfd_name = field in
+ let members = list_replace name (fun a -> {a with cfd_atom = Some fld_id;}) comp.ct_members in
+ {comp with ct_members = members;})
+let set_member_offset ~str_id ~fld_id offset =
+ let id = Hashtbl.find atom_to_definition str_id in
replace_composite id (fun comp ->
- let name f = f.cfd_name = field || match f.cfd_bitfield with Some n -> n = field | _ -> false in
- let members = list_replace name (fun a -> {a with cfd_byte_offset = Some offset;}) comp.ct_members in
+ let members = list_replace (atom_is_member fld_id) (fun a -> {a with cfd_byte_offset = Some offset;}) comp.ct_members in
{comp with ct_members = members;})
-let set_composite_size comp sou size =
+let set_composite_size comp intern_name sou size =
let id = find_type (gen_comp_typ sou comp []) in
+ Hashtbl.add atom_to_definition intern_name id;
replace_composite id (fun comp -> {comp with ct_sizeof = size;})
-let set_bitfield_offset str field offset underlying size =
- let id = find_type (TStruct (str,[])) in
+let set_bitfield_offset ~str_id ~fld_id ~bit_ofs ~byte_ofs ~size =
+ let id = Hashtbl.find atom_to_definition str_id in
replace_composite id (fun comp ->
- let name f = f.cfd_name = field in
- let members = list_replace name (fun a ->
- {a with cfd_bit_offset = Some offset; cfd_bitfield = Some underlying; cfd_byte_size = Some size})
+ let members = list_replace (atom_is_member fld_id) (fun a ->
+ {a with cfd_bit_offset = Some bit_ofs;
+ cfd_byte_size = Some size;
+ cfd_byte_offset = Some byte_ofs})
comp.ct_members in
{comp with ct_members = members;})
@@ -670,6 +683,7 @@ let default_debug =
init = init;
atom_global = atom_global;
set_composite_size = set_composite_size;
+ set_member_atom = set_member_atom;
set_member_offset = set_member_offset;
set_bitfield_offset = set_bitfield_offset;
insert_global_declaration = insert_global_declaration;
diff --git a/debug/DebugTypes.mli b/debug/DebugTypes.mli
index c3df6066..b3002f4c 100644
--- a/debug/DebugTypes.mli
+++ b/debug/DebugTypes.mli
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ open Camlcoq
type composite_field =
cfd_name: string;
+ cfd_atom: atom option;
cfd_anon: bool;
cfd_typ: int;
cfd_bit_size: int option;
cfd_bit_offset: int option;
cfd_byte_offset: int option;
cfd_byte_size: int option;
- cfd_bitfield: string option;
type composite_type =