diff options
12 files changed, 439 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/cfrontend/C2C.ml b/cfrontend/C2C.ml
index 89b9139c..2ea38ddd 100644
--- a/cfrontend/C2C.ml
+++ b/cfrontend/C2C.ml
@@ -1028,61 +1028,6 @@ let convertAsm loc env txt outputs inputs clobber =
| None -> e
| Some lhs -> Eassign (convertLvalue env lhs, e, typeof e)
-(* Separate the cases of a switch statement body *)
-type switchlabel =
- | Case of C.exp
- | Default
-type switchbody =
- | Label of switchlabel
- | Stmt of C.stmt
-let rec flattenSwitch = function
- | {sdesc = C.Sseq(s1, s2)} ->
- flattenSwitch s1 @ flattenSwitch s2
- | {sdesc = C.Slabeled(C.Scase(e, _), s1)} ->
- Label(Case e) :: flattenSwitch s1
- | {sdesc = C.Slabeled(C.Sdefault, s1)} ->
- Label Default :: flattenSwitch s1
- | {sdesc = C.Slabeled(C.Slabel lbl, s1); sloc = loc} ->
- Stmt {sdesc = C.Slabeled(C.Slabel lbl, Cutil.sskip); sloc = loc}
- :: flattenSwitch s1
- | s ->
- [Stmt s]
-let rec groupSwitch = function
- | [] ->
- (Cutil.sskip, [])
- | Label case :: rem ->
- let (fst, cases) = groupSwitch rem in
- (Cutil.sskip, (case, fst) :: cases)
- | Stmt s :: rem ->
- let (fst, cases) = groupSwitch rem in
- (Cutil.sseq s.sloc s fst, cases)
-(* Test whether the statement contains case and give an *)
-let rec contains_case s =
- match s.sdesc with
- | C.Sskip
- | C.Sdo _
- | C.Sbreak
- | C.Scontinue
- | C.Sswitch _ (* Stop at a switch *)
- | C.Sgoto _
- | C.Sreturn _
- | C.Sdecl _
- | C.Sasm _ -> ()
- | C.Sseq (s1,s2)
- | C.Sif(_,s1,s2) -> contains_case s1; contains_case s2
- | C.Swhile (_,s1)
- | C.Sdowhile (s1,_) -> contains_case s1
- | C.Sfor (s1,e,s2,s3) -> contains_case s1; contains_case s2; contains_case s3
- | C.Slabeled(C.Scase _, _) ->
- unsupported "'case' statement not in 'switch' statement"
- | C.Slabeled(_,s) -> contains_case s
- | C.Sblock b -> List.iter contains_case b
(** Annotations for line numbers *)
(** Statements *)
@@ -1122,20 +1067,8 @@ let rec convertStmt env s =
| C.Scontinue ->
| C.Sswitch(e, s1) ->
- let (init, cases) = groupSwitch (flattenSwitch s1) in
- let rec init_debug s =
- match s.sdesc with
- | Sseq (a,b) -> init_debug a && init_debug b
- | C.Sskip -> true
- | _ -> Cutil.is_debug_stmt s in
- if init.sdesc <> C.Sskip && not (init_debug init) then
- begin
- warning Diagnostics.Unnamed "ignored code at beginning of 'switch'";
- contains_case init
- end;
let te = convertExpr env e in
- swrap (Ctyping.sswitch te
- (convertSwitch env (is_int64 env e.etyp) cases))
+ swrap (Ctyping.sswitch te (convertSwitch env (is_int64 env e.etyp) s1))
| C.Slabeled(C.Slabel lbl, s1) ->
Csyntax.Slabel(intern_string lbl, convertStmt env s1)
| C.Slabeled(C.Scase _, _) ->
@@ -1158,23 +1091,24 @@ let rec convertStmt env s =
Csyntax.Sdo (convertAsm s.sloc env txt outputs inputs clobber)
and convertSwitch env is_64 = function
- | [] ->
+ | {sdesc = C.Sskip} ->
- | (lbl, s) :: rem ->
- updateLoc s.sloc;
- let lbl' =
- match lbl with
- | Default ->
- None
- | Case e ->
- match Ceval.integer_expr env e with
- | None -> unsupported "expression is not an integer constant expression";
- None
- | Some v -> Some (if is_64
- then Z.of_uint64 v
- else Z.of_uint32 (Int64.to_int32 v))
- in
- LScons(lbl', convertStmt env s, convertSwitch env is_64 rem)
+ | {sdesc = C.Slabeled(lbl, s)} ->
+ convertSwitchCase env is_64 lbl s LSnil
+ | {sdesc = C.Sseq ({sdesc = C.Slabeled(lbl, s)}, rem)} ->
+ convertSwitchCase env is_64 lbl s (convertSwitch env is_64 rem)
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+and convertSwitchCase env is_64 lbl s k =
+ let lbl' =
+ match lbl with
+ | C.Sdefault ->
+ None
+ | C.Scase(e, v) ->
+ Some (if is_64 then Z.of_uint64 v else Z.of_uint32 (Int64.to_int32 v))
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ LScons(lbl', convertStmt env s, k)
(** Function definitions *)
diff --git a/cparser/Parse.ml b/cparser/Parse.ml
index c0419301..607d8927 100644
--- a/cparser/Parse.ml
+++ b/cparser/Parse.ml
@@ -16,13 +16,20 @@
(* Entry point for the library: parse, elaborate, and transform *)
-let transform_program ~unblock ~struct_passing ~packed_structs p =
+let transform_program ~unblock ~switch_norm ~struct_passing ~packed_structs p =
let run_pass pass p =
let p' = pass p in Diagnostics.check_errors (); p' in
let run_opt_pass pass flag p =
- if flag then run_pass pass p else p in
+ if flag then run_pass pass p else p
+ and run_opt_pass3 pass flag p =
+ match flag with
+ | `Off -> p
+ | `Partial -> run_pass (pass false) p
+ | `Full -> run_pass (pass true) p in
+ let unblock = unblock || switch_norm <> `Off || packed_structs in
- |> run_opt_pass Unblock.program (unblock || packed_structs)
+ |> run_opt_pass Unblock.program unblock
+ |> run_opt_pass3 SwitchNorm.program switch_norm
|> run_opt_pass PackedStructs.program packed_structs
|> run_opt_pass StructPassing.program struct_passing
|> Rename.program
@@ -49,6 +56,7 @@ let parse_string name text =
Diagnostics.fatal_error Diagnostics.no_loc "internal error while parsing"
let preprocessed_file ?(unblock = false)
+ ?(switch_norm = `Off)
?(struct_passing = false)
?(packed_structs = false)
name sourcefile =
@@ -66,5 +74,5 @@ let preprocessed_file ?(unblock = false)
|> Timing.time "Elaboration" Elab.elab_file
|> check_errors
|> Timing.time "Emulations"
- (transform_program ~unblock ~struct_passing ~packed_structs)
+ (transform_program ~unblock ~switch_norm ~struct_passing ~packed_structs)
|> check_errors
diff --git a/cparser/Parse.mli b/cparser/Parse.mli
index 7b33cc5b..a37bd0e0 100644
--- a/cparser/Parse.mli
+++ b/cparser/Parse.mli
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
val preprocessed_file:
?unblock: bool ->
+ ?switch_norm: [`Off | `Partial | `Full] ->
?struct_passing: bool ->
?packed_structs: bool ->
string -> string -> C.program
@@ -26,5 +27,5 @@ val preprocessed_file:
[filename] is the name of the source file, for error messages.
[sourcetext] is the text of the source file after preprocessing.
The optional arguments indicate which source-to-source
- transformations to perform. They default to [false] (don't perform).
- *)
+ transformations to perform. They default to [false] or [`Off]
+ (do not perform). *)
diff --git a/cparser/SwitchNorm.ml b/cparser/SwitchNorm.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2493c63d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cparser/SwitchNorm.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, Collège de France and Inria *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *)
+(* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of *)
+(* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *)
+(* This file is also distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* Normalization of structured "switch" statements
+ and emulation of unstructured "switch" statements (e.g. Duff's device) *)
+(* Assumes: code without blocks
+ Produces: code without blocks and with normalized "switch" statements *)
+(* A normalized switch has the following form:
+ Sswitch(e, Sseq (Slabeled(lbl1, case1),
+ Sseq (...
+ Sseq (Slabeled(lblN,caseN), Sskip) ...)))
+open Printf
+open C
+open Cutil
+let support_unstructured = ref false
+type switchlabel =
+ | Case of exp * int64
+ | Default
+type switchbody =
+ | Label of switchlabel * location
+ | Stmt of stmt
+let rec flatten_switch = function
+ | {sdesc = Sseq(s1, s2)} :: rem ->
+ flatten_switch (s1 :: s2 :: rem)
+ | {sdesc = Slabeled(Scase(e, n), s1); sloc = loc} :: rem ->
+ Label(Case(e, n), loc) :: flatten_switch (s1 :: rem)
+ | {sdesc = Slabeled(Sdefault, s1); sloc = loc} :: rem ->
+ Label(Default, loc) :: flatten_switch (s1 :: rem)
+ | {sdesc = Slabeled(Slabel lbl, s1); sloc = loc} :: rem ->
+ Stmt {sdesc = Slabeled(Slabel lbl, Cutil.sskip); sloc = loc}
+ :: flatten_switch (s1 :: rem)
+ | s :: rem ->
+ Stmt s :: flatten_switch rem
+ | [] ->
+ []
+let rec group_switch = function
+ | [] ->
+ (Cutil.sskip, [])
+ | Label(case, loc) :: rem ->
+ let (fst, cases) = group_switch rem in
+ (Cutil.sskip, (case, loc, fst) :: cases)
+ | Stmt s :: rem ->
+ let (fst, cases) = group_switch rem in
+ (Cutil.sseq s.sloc s fst, cases)
+let label_of_switchlabel = function
+ | Case(e, n) -> Scase(e, n)
+ | Default -> Sdefault
+let make_slabeled (l, loc, s) =
+ { sdesc = Slabeled(label_of_switchlabel l, s); sloc = loc }
+let make_sequence sl =
+ List.fold_right (Cutil.sseq no_loc) sl Cutil.sskip
+let make_normalized_switch e cases =
+ Sswitch(e, make_sequence (List.map make_slabeled cases))
+let rec all_cases accu s =
+ match s.sdesc with
+ | Sseq(s1, s2) -> all_cases (all_cases accu s1) s2
+ | Sif(_, s1, s2) -> all_cases (all_cases accu s1) s2
+ | Swhile(_, s1) -> all_cases accu s1
+ | Sdowhile(s1, _) -> all_cases accu s1
+ | Sfor(s1, _, s2, s3) -> all_cases (all_cases (all_cases accu s1) s2) s3
+ | Sswitch(_, _) -> accu
+ | Slabeled(Scase(e, n), s1) -> all_cases (Case(e, n) :: accu) s1
+ | Slabeled(Sdefault, s1) -> all_cases (Default :: accu) s1
+ | Slabeled(Slabel _, s1) -> all_cases accu s1
+ | Sblock _ -> assert false
+ | _ -> accu
+let substitute_cases case_table body end_label =
+ let sub = Hashtbl.create 32 in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (case, lbl) -> Hashtbl.add sub case (Slabel lbl))
+ case_table;
+ let transf_label = function
+ | Scase(e, n) ->
+ (try Hashtbl.find sub (Case(e, n)) with Not_found -> assert false)
+ | Sdefault ->
+ (try Hashtbl.find sub Default with Not_found -> assert false)
+ | Slabel _ as lbl -> lbl in
+ let rec transf inloop s =
+ {s with sdesc =
+ match s.sdesc with
+ | Sseq(s1, s2) -> Sseq(transf inloop s1, transf inloop s2)
+ | Sif(e, s1, s2) -> Sif(e, transf inloop s1, transf inloop s2)
+ | Swhile(e, s1) -> Swhile(e, transf true s1)
+ | Sdowhile(s1, e) -> Sdowhile(transf true s1, e)
+ | Sfor(s1, e, s2, s3) ->
+ Sfor(transf inloop s1, e, transf inloop s2, transf true s3)
+ | Sbreak -> if inloop then Sbreak else Sgoto end_label
+ | Slabeled(lbl, s1) -> Slabeled(transf_label lbl, transf inloop s1)
+ | Sblock _ -> assert false
+ | sd -> sd }
+ in transf false body
+let new_label = ref 0
+let gen_label () = incr new_label; sprintf "@%d" !new_label
+let normalize_switch loc e body =
+ let (init, cases) = [body] |> flatten_switch |> group_switch
+ and allcases = List.rev (all_cases [] body) in
+ if init.sdesc = Sskip && List.length cases = List.length allcases then
+ (* This is a structured switch *)
+ make_normalized_switch e cases
+ else begin
+ (* This switch needs to be converted *)
+ if not !support_unstructured then
+ Diagnostics.error loc
+ "unsupported feature: non-structured 'switch' statement \
+ (consider adding option [-funstructured-switch])";
+ let case_table = List.map (fun case -> (case, gen_label())) allcases in
+ let end_lbl = gen_label() in
+ let newbody = substitute_cases case_table body end_lbl in
+ let goto_case (case, lbl) =
+ (case, no_loc, {sdesc = Sgoto lbl; sloc = no_loc}) in
+ let case_table' =
+ if List.mem_assoc Default case_table
+ then case_table
+ else (Default, end_lbl) :: case_table in
+ Sseq({sdesc = make_normalized_switch e (List.map goto_case case_table');
+ sloc = loc},
+ sseq no_loc newbody
+ {sdesc = Slabeled(Slabel end_lbl, sskip); sloc = no_loc})
+ end
+let rec transform_stmt s =
+ { s with sdesc =
+ match s.sdesc with
+ | Sseq(s1, s2) -> Sseq(transform_stmt s1, transform_stmt s2)
+ | Sif(e, s1, s2) -> Sif(e, transform_stmt s1, transform_stmt s2)
+ | Swhile(e, s1) -> Swhile(e, transform_stmt s1)
+ | Sdowhile(s1, e) -> Sdowhile(transform_stmt s1, e)
+ | Sfor(s1, e, s2, s3) ->
+ Sfor(transform_stmt s1, e, transform_stmt s2, transform_stmt s3)
+ | Sswitch(e, s1) -> normalize_switch s.sloc e (transform_stmt s1)
+ | Slabeled(lbl, s1) -> Slabeled(lbl, transform_stmt s1)
+ | Sblock sl -> Sblock(List.map transform_stmt sl)
+ | sd -> sd}
+let transform_fundef env loc fd =
+ { fd with fd_body = transform_stmt fd.fd_body }
+(* Entry point *)
+let program unstructured p =
+ support_unstructured := unstructured;
+ Transform.program ~fundef: transform_fundef p
diff --git a/cparser/SwitchNorm.mli b/cparser/SwitchNorm.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88e50dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cparser/SwitchNorm.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, Collège de France and Inria *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *)
+(* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of *)
+(* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *)
+(* This file is also distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* Normalization of structured "switch" statements
+ and emulation of unstructured "switch" statements (e.g. Duff's device) *)
+(* Assumes: nothing
+ Produces: code with normalized "switch" statements *)
+(* A normalized switch has the following form:
+ Sswitch(e, Sblock [ Slabeled(lbl1, case1); ...
+ Slabeled(lblN,caseN) ])
+val program: bool -> C.program -> C.program
diff --git a/cparser/Unblock.ml b/cparser/Unblock.ml
index 71d800c3..32e09399 100644
--- a/cparser/Unblock.ml
+++ b/cparser/Unblock.ml
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ let rec unblock_stmt env ctx ploc s =
if s.sloc <> s1.sloc then
add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc (unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s1)
- unblock_stmt env cts ploc s1 in
+ unblock_stmt env ctx ploc s1 in
{s with sdesc = Slabeled(lbl, s1')}
| Sgoto lbl ->
add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc s
diff --git a/driver/Clflags.ml b/driver/Clflags.ml
index 8fbda738..995be34d 100644
--- a/driver/Clflags.ml
+++ b/driver/Clflags.ml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ let option_fstruct_passing = ref false
let option_fvararg_calls = ref true
let option_funprototyped = ref true
let option_fpacked_structs = ref false
+let option_funstructured_switch = ref false
let option_ffpu = ref true
let option_ffloatconstprop = ref 2
let option_ftailcalls = ref true
diff --git a/driver/CommonOptions.ml b/driver/CommonOptions.ml
index 2a3bd740..773c5c7d 100644
--- a/driver/CommonOptions.ml
+++ b/driver/CommonOptions.ml
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ let version_options tool_name =
let all_language_support_options = [
option_fstruct_passing; option_fvararg_calls; option_funprototyped;
- option_fpacked_structs; option_finline_asm
+ option_fpacked_structs; option_finline_asm; option_funstructured_switch
let f_opt name ref =
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ let language_support_options =
@ f_opt "struct-passing" option_fstruct_passing
@ f_opt "vararg-calls" option_fvararg_calls
@ f_opt "unprototyped" option_funprototyped
+ @ f_opt "unstructured-switch" option_funstructured_switch
@ f_opt "packed-structs" option_fpacked_structs
@ f_opt "inline-asm" option_finline_asm
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ let language_support_help =
-fstruct-return Like -fstruct-passing (deprecated)
-fvararg-calls Support calls to variable-argument functions [on]
-funprototyped Support calls to old-style functions without prototypes [on]
+ -funstructured-switch Support non-structured 'switch' statements [off]
-fpacked-structs Emulate packed structs [off]
-finline-asm Support inline 'asm' statements [off]
-fall Activate all language support options above
diff --git a/driver/Frontend.ml b/driver/Frontend.ml
index 5132f730..c8131662 100644
--- a/driver/Frontend.ml
+++ b/driver/Frontend.ml
@@ -80,11 +80,13 @@ let parse_c_file sourcename ifile =
(* Parsing and production of a simplified C AST *)
- let ast = Parse.preprocessed_file
- ~unblock: true
- ~struct_passing: !option_fstruct_passing
- ~packed_structs: !option_fpacked_structs
- sourcename ifile in
+ let ast =
+ Parse.preprocessed_file
+ ~unblock: true
+ ~switch_norm: (if !option_funstructured_switch then `Full else `Partial)
+ ~struct_passing: !option_fstruct_passing
+ ~packed_structs: !option_fpacked_structs
+ sourcename ifile in
(* Save C AST if requested *)
Cprint.print_if ast;
(* Conversion to Csyntax *)
diff --git a/test/regression/Makefile b/test/regression/Makefile
index 536b7264..0cc0fa3f 100644
--- a/test/regression/Makefile
+++ b/test/regression/Makefile
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ TESTS=int32 int64 floats floats-basics floats-lit \
TESTS_COMP=attribs1 bitfields1 bitfields2 bitfields3 bitfields4 \
bitfields5 bitfields6 bitfields7 bitfields8 bitfields_uint_t bitfields10 \
builtins-common builtins-$(ARCH) packedstruct1 packedstruct2 alignas \
- varargs1 varargs2 varargs3 sections alias aligned
+ varargs1 varargs2 varargs3 sections alias aligned switch3
# Can run, both in compiled mode and in interpreter mode,
# but produce processor-dependent results, so no reference output in Results
diff --git a/test/regression/Results/switch3 b/test/regression/Results/switch3
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d8b09b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regression/Results/switch3
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+10001 10004 20002 20022 30007 30008
+30008 30007 20022 20002 10004 10001
+30007 30008 20002 20022 10001 10004
+0 1 1 2 L1 L2 3 L2 4 3 L2
+5 55 555
+60Y 61Y 6XY
diff --git a/test/regression/switch3.c b/test/regression/switch3.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f411a3fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/regression/switch3.c
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* Unstructured switch statements */
+/* Duff's device */
+void send(char * to, char * from, int count)
+ register int n = (count + 7) / 8;
+ switch (count % 8) {
+ case 0: do { *to++ = *from++;
+ case 7: *to++ = *from++;
+ case 6: *to++ = *from++;
+ case 5: *to++ = *from++;
+ case 4: *to++ = *from++;
+ case 3: *to++ = *from++;
+ case 2: *to++ = *from++;
+ case 1: *to++ = *from++;
+ } while (--n > 0);
+ }
+/* OpenBSD, usr.bin/locale */
+void quotestring(char * value, int double_quoted)
+ char c;
+ while ((c = *value++) != '\0')
+ switch (c) {
+ case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\'':
+ case '(': case ')': case '<': case '>':
+ case '&': case ';': case '|': case '~':
+ if (!double_quoted)
+ case '"': case '\\': case '$': case '`':
+ putchar('\\');
+ default:
+ putchar(c);
+ break;
+ }
+/* Simon Tatham's coroutines */
+int nextchar(void)
+ static unsigned char input[] = {
+ 'a', 'b', 0xFF, 3, 'c', 'd', 0xFF, 2, 'e', '\n', 0
+ };
+ static unsigned char * next = input;
+ if (*next == 0)
+ return EOF;
+ else
+ return *next++;
+#define crBegin static int state=0; switch(state) { case 0:
+#define crReturn(x) do { state=__LINE__; return x; \
+ case __LINE__:; } while (0)
+#define crFinish }
+int decompressor(void) {
+ static int c, len;
+ crBegin;
+ while (1) {
+ c = nextchar();
+ if (c == EOF)
+ break;
+ if (c == 0xFF) {
+ len = nextchar();
+ c = nextchar();
+ while (len--)
+ crReturn(c);
+ } else
+ crReturn(c);
+ }
+ crReturn(EOF);
+ crFinish;
+/* Pigeon's device */
+static enum { REVDFWDT, FORWARD, REVERSE } sorting_mode;
+#define DAYOF(stamp) ((stamp) / 10000)
+#define TIMEOF(stamp) ((stamp) % 10000)
+static inline int intcmp(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
+ if (x < y) return -1;
+ if (x > y) return 1;
+ return 0;
+int lfdcmp(const void *a, const void *b) {
+ unsigned int ta = *((unsigned int *) a);
+ unsigned int tb = *((unsigned int *) b);
+ /* Isn't C a wonderful language? */
+ switch (sorting_mode) {
+ case REVDFWDT: if (DAYOF(ta) == DAYOF(tb)) {
+ case FORWARD : return intcmp(ta, tb);
+ } else {
+ case REVERSE : return intcmp(tb, ta);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+void testpigeon(int mode)
+ unsigned int data[6] = {
+ 10001, 10004, 20022, 20002, 30008, 30007
+ };
+ sorting_mode = mode;
+ qsort(data, 6, sizeof(unsigned int), lfdcmp);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) printf("%5u ", data[i]);
+ printf("\n");
+/* Delicate cases: unstructured switch containing
+ early break
+ loop w/ break
+ regular switch
+void torture(int a, int b)
+ switch(a) {
+ L1: printf("L1 "); /*fallthrough*/
+ L2: printf("L2 "); break;
+ case 0:
+ printf("0 "); /*fallthrough*/
+ case 1:
+ printf("1 "); break;
+ case 2:
+ printf("2 "); goto L1;
+ case 3:
+ L3:
+ printf("3 "); goto L2;
+ case 4:
+ printf("4 "); goto L3;
+ case 5:
+ while (1) { printf("5"); b--; if (b <= 0) { printf(" "); break; }};
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ switch (b) {
+ case 1: printf("60"); break;
+ case 2: printf("61"); break;
+ default: printf("6X");
+ }
+ printf("Y ");
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("? ");
+ }
+int main()
+ char dest[16];
+ send(dest, "0123456789AB", 13);
+ printf("%s\n", dest);
+ quotestring("(ab$cd)", 0); putchar('\n');
+ quotestring("(ab$cd)", 1); putchar('\n');
+ char c;
+ while ((c = decompressor()) != EOF) putchar(c);
+ testpigeon(FORWARD);
+ testpigeon(REVERSE);
+ testpigeon(REVDFWDT);
+ torture(0, 0); torture(1, 0); torture(2, 0); torture(3, 0); torture(4, 0);
+ printf("\n");
+ for (int b = 1; b <= 3; b++) torture(5, b);
+ printf("\n");
+ for (int b = 1; b <= 3; b++) torture(6, b);
+ printf("\n");
+ return 0;