path: root/backend/Cminorgen.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'backend/Cminorgen.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 433 deletions
diff --git a/backend/Cminorgen.v b/backend/Cminorgen.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c611b44..00000000
--- a/backend/Cminorgen.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-(** Translation from Csharpminor to Cminor. *)
-Require Import Coqlib.
-Require Import Maps.
-Require Import Sets.
-Require Import AST.
-Require Import Integers.
-Require Mem.
-Require Import Csharpminor.
-Require Import Op.
-Require Import Cminor.
-Require Cmconstr.
-(** The main task in translating Csharpminor to Cminor is to explicitly
- stack-allocate local variables whose address is taken: these local
- variables become sub-blocks of the Cminor stack data block for the
- current function. Taking the address of such a variable becomes
- a [Oaddrstack] operation with the corresponding offset. Accessing
- or assigning such a variable becomes a load or store operation at
- that address. Only scalar local variables whose address is never
- taken in the Csharpminor code can be mapped to Cminor local
- variable, since the latter do not reside in memory.
- Other tasks performed during the translation to Cminor:
-- Transformation of Csharpminor's standard set of operators and
- trivial addressing modes to Cminor's processor-dependent operators
- and addressing modes. This is done using the optimizing Cminor
- constructor functions provided in file [Cmconstr], therefore performing
- instruction selection on the fly.
-- Insertion of truncation, zero- and sign-extension operations when
- assigning to a Csharpminor local variable of ``small'' type
- (e.g. [Mfloat32] or [Mint8signed]). This is necessary to preserve
- the ``normalize at assignment-time'' semantics of Csharpminor.
-(** Translation of operators. *)
-Definition make_op (op: Csharpminor.operation) (el: exprlist): option expr :=
- match el with
- | Enil =>
- match op with
- | Csharpminor.Ointconst n => Some(Eop (Ointconst n) Enil)
- | Csharpminor.Ofloatconst n => Some(Eop (Ofloatconst n) Enil)
- | _ => None
- end
- | Econs e1 Enil =>
- match op with
- | Csharpminor.Ocast8unsigned => Some(Cmconstr.cast8unsigned e1)
- | Csharpminor.Ocast8signed => Some(Cmconstr.cast8signed e1)
- | Csharpminor.Ocast16unsigned => Some(Cmconstr.cast16unsigned e1)
- | Csharpminor.Ocast16signed => Some(Cmconstr.cast16signed e1)
- | Csharpminor.Onotint => Some(Cmconstr.notint e1)
- | Csharpminor.Onegf => Some(Cmconstr.negfloat e1)
- | Csharpminor.Oabsf => Some(Cmconstr.absfloat e1)
- | Csharpminor.Osingleoffloat => Some(Cmconstr.singleoffloat e1)
- | Csharpminor.Ointoffloat => Some(Cmconstr.intoffloat e1)
- | Csharpminor.Ofloatofint => Some(Cmconstr.floatofint e1)
- | Csharpminor.Ofloatofintu => Some(Cmconstr.floatofintu e1)
- | _ => None
- end
- | Econs e1 (Econs e2 Enil) =>
- match op with
- | Csharpminor.Oadd => Some(Cmconstr.add e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Osub => Some(Cmconstr.sub e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Omul => Some(Cmconstr.mul e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Odiv => Some(Cmconstr.divs e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Odivu => Some(Cmconstr.divu e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Omod => Some(Cmconstr.mods e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Omodu => Some(Cmconstr.modu e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Oand => Some(Cmconstr.and e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Oor => Some(Cmconstr.or e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Oxor => Some(Cmconstr.xor e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Oshl => Some(Cmconstr.shl e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Oshr => Some(Cmconstr.shr e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Oshru => Some(Cmconstr.shru e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Oaddf => Some(Cmconstr.addf e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Osubf => Some(Cmconstr.subf e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Omulf => Some(Cmconstr.mulf e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Odivf => Some(Cmconstr.divf e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Ocmp c => Some(Cmconstr.cmp c e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Ocmpu c => Some(Cmconstr.cmpu c e1 e2)
- | Csharpminor.Ocmpf c => Some(Cmconstr.cmpf c e1 e2)
- | _ => None
- end
- | _ => None
- end.
-(** [make_cast chunk e] returns a Cminor expression that normalizes
- the value of Cminor expression [e] as prescribed by the memory chunk
- [chunk]. For instance, 8-bit sign extension is performed if
- [chunk] is [Mint8signed]. *)
-Definition make_cast (chunk: memory_chunk) (e: expr): expr :=
- match chunk with
- | Mint8signed => Cmconstr.cast8signed e
- | Mint8unsigned => Cmconstr.cast8unsigned e
- | Mint16signed => Cmconstr.cast16signed e
- | Mint16unsigned => Cmconstr.cast16unsigned e
- | Mint32 => e
- | Mfloat32 => Cmconstr.singleoffloat e
- | Mfloat64 => e
- end.
-Definition make_load (chunk: memory_chunk) (e: expr): expr :=
- Cmconstr.load chunk e.
-Definition store_arg (chunk: memory_chunk) (e: expr) : expr :=
- match e with
- | Eop op (Econs e1 Enil) =>
- match op with
- | Ocast8signed =>
- match chunk with Mint8signed => e1 | _ => e end
- | Ocast8unsigned =>
- match chunk with Mint8unsigned => e1 | _ => e end
- | Ocast16signed =>
- match chunk with Mint16signed => e1 | _ => e end
- | Ocast16unsigned =>
- match chunk with Mint16unsigned => e1 | _ => e end
- | Osingleoffloat =>
- match chunk with Mfloat32 => e1 | _ => e end
- | _ => e
- end
- | _ => e
- end.
-Definition make_store (chunk: memory_chunk) (e1 e2: expr): stmt :=
- Sexpr(Cmconstr.store chunk e1 (store_arg chunk e2)).
-Definition make_stackaddr (ofs: Z): expr :=
- Eop (Oaddrstack (Int.repr ofs)) Enil.
-Definition make_globaladdr (id: ident): expr :=
- Eop (Oaddrsymbol id Int.zero) Enil.
-(** Compile-time information attached to each Csharpminor
- variable: global variables, local variables, function parameters.
- [Var_local] denotes a scalar local variable whose address is not
- taken; it will be translated to a Cminor local variable of the
- same name. [Var_stack_scalar] and [Var_stack_array] denote
- local variables that are stored as sub-blocks of the Cminor stack
- data block. [Var_global_scalar] and [Var_global_array] denote
- global variables, stored in the global symbols with the same names. *)
-Inductive var_info: Set :=
- | Var_local: memory_chunk -> var_info
- | Var_stack_scalar: memory_chunk -> Z -> var_info
- | Var_stack_array: Z -> var_info
- | Var_global_scalar: memory_chunk -> var_info
- | Var_global_array: var_info.
-Definition compilenv := PMap.t var_info.
-(** Generation of Cminor code corresponding to accesses to Csharpminor
- local variables: reads, assignments, and taking the address of. *)
-Definition var_get (cenv: compilenv) (id: ident): option expr :=
- match PMap.get id cenv with
- | Var_local chunk =>
- Some(Evar id)
- | Var_stack_scalar chunk ofs =>
- Some(make_load chunk (make_stackaddr ofs))
- | Var_global_scalar chunk =>
- Some(make_load chunk (make_globaladdr id))
- | _ =>
- None
- end.
-Definition var_set (cenv: compilenv) (id: ident) (rhs: expr): option stmt :=
- match PMap.get id cenv with
- | Var_local chunk =>
- Some(Sexpr(Eassign id (make_cast chunk rhs)))
- | Var_stack_scalar chunk ofs =>
- Some(make_store chunk (make_stackaddr ofs) rhs)
- | Var_global_scalar chunk =>
- Some(make_store chunk (make_globaladdr id) rhs)
- | _ =>
- None
- end.
-Definition var_addr (cenv: compilenv) (id: ident): option expr :=
- match PMap.get id cenv with
- | Var_local chunk => None
- | Var_stack_scalar chunk ofs => Some (make_stackaddr ofs)
- | Var_stack_array ofs => Some (make_stackaddr ofs)
- | _ => Some (make_globaladdr id)
- end.
-(** The translation from Csharpminor to Cminor can fail, which we
- encode by returning option types ([None] denotes error).
- Propagation of errors is done in monadic style, using the following
- [bind] monadic composition operator, and a [do] notation inspired
- by Haskell's. *)
-Definition bind (A B: Set) (a: option A) (b: A -> option B): option B :=
- match a with
- | None => None
- | Some x => b x
- end.
-Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" := (bind _ _ A (fun X => B))
- (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).
-(** Translation of expressions. All the hard work is done by the
- [make_*] and [var_*] functions defined above. *)
-Fixpoint transl_expr (cenv: compilenv) (e: Csharpminor.expr)
- {struct e}: option expr :=
- match e with
- | Csharpminor.Evar id => var_get cenv id
- | Csharpminor.Eaddrof id => var_addr cenv id
- | Csharpminor.Eop op el =>
- do tel <- transl_exprlist cenv el; make_op op tel
- | Csharpminor.Eload chunk e =>
- do te <- transl_expr cenv e; Some (make_load chunk te)
- | Csharpminor.Ecall sig e el =>
- do te <- transl_expr cenv e;
- do tel <- transl_exprlist cenv el;
- Some (Ecall sig te tel)
- | Csharpminor.Econdition e1 e2 e3 =>
- do te1 <- transl_expr cenv e1;
- do te2 <- transl_expr cenv e2;
- do te3 <- transl_expr cenv e3;
- Some (Cmconstr.conditionalexpr te1 te2 te3)
- | Csharpminor.Elet e1 e2 =>
- do te1 <- transl_expr cenv e1;
- do te2 <- transl_expr cenv e2;
- Some (Elet te1 te2)
- | Csharpminor.Eletvar n =>
- Some (Eletvar n)
- | Csharpminor.Ealloc e =>
- do te <- transl_expr cenv e;
- Some (Ealloc te)
- end
-with transl_exprlist (cenv: compilenv) (el: Csharpminor.exprlist)
- {struct el}: option exprlist :=
- match el with
- | Csharpminor.Enil =>
- Some Enil
- | Csharpminor.Econs e1 e2 =>
- do te1 <- transl_expr cenv e1;
- do te2 <- transl_exprlist cenv e2;
- Some (Econs te1 te2)
- end.
-(** Translation of statements. Entirely straightforward. *)
-Fixpoint transl_stmt (cenv: compilenv) (s: Csharpminor.stmt)
- {struct s}: option stmt :=
- match s with
- | Csharpminor.Sskip =>
- Some Sskip
- | Csharpminor.Sexpr e =>
- do te <- transl_expr cenv e; Some(Sexpr te)
- | Csharpminor.Sassign id e =>
- do te <- transl_expr cenv e; var_set cenv id te
- | Csharpminor.Sstore chunk e1 e2 =>
- do te1 <- transl_expr cenv e1;
- do te2 <- transl_expr cenv e2;
- Some (make_store chunk te1 te2)
- | Csharpminor.Sseq s1 s2 =>
- do ts1 <- transl_stmt cenv s1;
- do ts2 <- transl_stmt cenv s2;
- Some (Sseq ts1 ts2)
- | Csharpminor.Sifthenelse e s1 s2 =>
- do te <- transl_expr cenv e;
- do ts1 <- transl_stmt cenv s1;
- do ts2 <- transl_stmt cenv s2;
- Some (Cmconstr.ifthenelse te ts1 ts2)
- | Csharpminor.Sloop s =>
- do ts <- transl_stmt cenv s;
- Some (Sloop ts)
- | Csharpminor.Sblock s =>
- do ts <- transl_stmt cenv s;
- Some (Sblock ts)
- | Csharpminor.Sexit n =>
- Some (Sexit n)
- | Csharpminor.Sswitch e cases default =>
- do te <- transl_expr cenv e; Some(Sswitch te cases default)
- | Csharpminor.Sreturn None =>
- Some (Sreturn None)
- | Csharpminor.Sreturn (Some e) =>
- do te <- transl_expr cenv e; Some (Sreturn (Some te))
- end.
-(** Computation of the set of variables whose address is taken in
- a piece of Csharpminor code. *)
-Module Identset := MakeSet(PTree).
-Fixpoint addr_taken_expr (e: Csharpminor.expr): Identset.t :=
- match e with
- | Csharpminor.Evar id => Identset.empty
- | Csharpminor.Eaddrof id => Identset.add id Identset.empty
- | Csharpminor.Eop op el => addr_taken_exprlist el
- | Csharpminor.Eload chunk e => addr_taken_expr e
- | Csharpminor.Ecall sig e el =>
- Identset.union (addr_taken_expr e) (addr_taken_exprlist el)
- | Csharpminor.Econdition e1 e2 e3 =>
- Identset.union (addr_taken_expr e1)
- (Identset.union (addr_taken_expr e2) (addr_taken_expr e3))
- | Csharpminor.Elet e1 e2 =>
- Identset.union (addr_taken_expr e1) (addr_taken_expr e2)
- | Csharpminor.Eletvar n => Identset.empty
- | Csharpminor.Ealloc e => addr_taken_expr e
- end
-with addr_taken_exprlist (e: Csharpminor.exprlist): Identset.t :=
- match e with
- | Csharpminor.Enil => Identset.empty
- | Csharpminor.Econs e1 e2 =>
- Identset.union (addr_taken_expr e1) (addr_taken_exprlist e2)
- end.
-Fixpoint addr_taken_stmt (s: Csharpminor.stmt): Identset.t :=
- match s with
- | Csharpminor.Sskip => Identset.empty
- | Csharpminor.Sexpr e => addr_taken_expr e
- | Csharpminor.Sassign id e => addr_taken_expr e
- | Csharpminor.Sstore chunk e1 e2 =>
- Identset.union (addr_taken_expr e1) (addr_taken_expr e2)
- | Csharpminor.Sseq s1 s2 =>
- Identset.union (addr_taken_stmt s1) (addr_taken_stmt s2)
- | Csharpminor.Sifthenelse e s1 s2 =>
- Identset.union (addr_taken_expr e)
- (Identset.union (addr_taken_stmt s1) (addr_taken_stmt s2))
- | Csharpminor.Sloop s => addr_taken_stmt s
- | Csharpminor.Sblock s => addr_taken_stmt s
- | Csharpminor.Sexit n => Identset.empty
- | Csharpminor.Sswitch e cases default => addr_taken_expr e
- | Csharpminor.Sreturn None => Identset.empty
- | Csharpminor.Sreturn (Some e) => addr_taken_expr e
- end.
-(** Layout of the Cminor stack data block and construction of the
- compilation environment. Csharpminor local variables that are
- arrays or whose address is taken are allocated a slot in the Cminor
- stack data. While this is not important for correctness, sufficient
- padding is inserted to ensure adequate alignment of addresses. *)
-Definition assign_variable
- (atk: Identset.t)
- (id_lv: ident * var_kind)
- (cenv_stacksize: compilenv * Z) : compilenv * Z :=
- let (cenv, stacksize) := cenv_stacksize in
- match id_lv with
- | (id, Varray sz) =>
- let ofs := align stacksize 8 in
- (PMap.set id (Var_stack_array ofs) cenv, ofs + Zmax 0 sz)
- | (id, Vscalar chunk) =>
- if Identset.mem id atk then
- let sz := Mem.size_chunk chunk in
- let ofs := align stacksize sz in
- (PMap.set id (Var_stack_scalar chunk ofs) cenv, ofs + sz)
- else
- (PMap.set id (Var_local chunk) cenv, stacksize)
- end.
-Fixpoint assign_variables
- (atk: Identset.t)
- (id_lv_list: list (ident * var_kind))
- (cenv_stacksize: compilenv * Z)
- {struct id_lv_list}: compilenv * Z :=
- match id_lv_list with
- | nil => cenv_stacksize
- | id_lv :: rem =>
- assign_variables atk rem (assign_variable atk id_lv cenv_stacksize)
- end.
-Definition build_compilenv
- (globenv: compilenv) (f: Csharpminor.function) : compilenv * Z :=
- assign_variables
- (addr_taken_stmt f.(Csharpminor.fn_body))
- (fn_variables f)
- (globenv, 0).
-Definition assign_global_variable
- (ce: compilenv) (info: ident * var_kind * list init_data) : compilenv :=
- match info with
- | (id, Vscalar chunk, _) => PMap.set id (Var_global_scalar chunk) ce
- | (id, Varray _, _) => PMap.set id Var_global_array ce
- end.
-Definition build_global_compilenv (p: Csharpminor.program) : compilenv :=
- List.fold_left assign_global_variable
- p.(prog_vars) (PMap.init Var_global_array).
-(** Function parameters whose address is taken must be stored in their
- stack slots at function entry. (Cminor passes these parameters in
- local variables.) *)
-Fixpoint store_parameters
- (cenv: compilenv) (params: list (ident * memory_chunk))
- {struct params} : stmt :=
- match params with
- | nil => Sskip
- | (id, chunk) :: rem =>
- match PMap.get id cenv with
- | Var_local chunk =>
- Sseq (Sexpr (Eassign id (make_cast chunk (Evar id))))
- (store_parameters cenv rem)
- | Var_stack_scalar chunk ofs =>
- Sseq (make_store chunk (make_stackaddr ofs) (Evar id))
- (store_parameters cenv rem)
- | _ =>
- Sskip (* should never happen *)
- end
- end.
-(** Translation of a Csharpminor function. We must check that the
- required Cminor stack block is no bigger than [Int.max_signed],
- otherwise address computations within the stack block could
- overflow machine arithmetic and lead to incorrect code. *)
-Definition transl_function
- (gce: compilenv) (f: Csharpminor.function): option function :=
- let (cenv, stacksize) := build_compilenv gce f in
- if zle stacksize Int.max_signed then
- do tbody <- transl_stmt cenv f.(Csharpminor.fn_body);
- Some (mkfunction
- (Csharpminor.fn_sig f)
- (Csharpminor.fn_params_names f)
- (Csharpminor.fn_vars_names f)
- stacksize
- (Sseq (store_parameters cenv f.(Csharpminor.fn_params)) tbody))
- else None.
-Definition transl_fundef (gce: compilenv) (f: Csharpminor.fundef): option fundef :=
- transf_partial_fundef (transl_function gce) f.
-Definition transl_program (p: Csharpminor.program) : option program :=
- let gce := build_global_compilenv p in
- transform_partial_program (transl_fundef gce) (program_of_program p).