path: root/cparser
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5 files changed, 237 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/cparser/Cflow.ml b/cparser/Cflow.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49a85332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cparser/Cflow.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* A simple control flow analysis for C statements.
+ Main purpose: emit warnings for _Noreturn functions. *)
+open C
+open Cutil
+(* Statements are abstracted as "flow transformers":
+ functions from possible inputs to possible outcomes.
+ Possible inputs are:
+ - start normally at the beginning of the statement
+ - start at a "case" or "default" label because of an enclosing switch
+ Possible outputs are:
+ - terminate normally and fall through
+ - terminate early on "break"
+ - terminate early on "continue"
+ - terminate early on "return"
+type flow = bool -> (* start normally at beginning of statement *)
+ bool -> (* start at "case"/"default" label *)
+ int
+(* Outputs are encoded as bit masks in an integer *)
+let _None = 0
+let _Fallthrough = 1
+let _Break = 2
+let _Continue = 4
+let _Return = 8
+let can flag out = out land flag <> 0
+let add flag out = out lor flag
+let remove flag out = out land (lnot flag)
+let join out1 out2 = out1 lor out2
+(* Some elementary flows *)
+let normal : flow = fun i is -> if i then _Fallthrough else _None
+let break : flow = fun i is -> if i then _Break else _None
+let continue : flow = fun i is -> if i then _Continue else _None
+let return : flow = fun i is -> if i then _Return else _None
+let noflow : flow = fun i is -> _None
+(* Some flow transformers *)
+(* Sequential composition *)
+let seq (s1: flow) (s2: flow) : flow = fun i is ->
+ let o1 = s1 i is in
+ let o2 = s2 (can _Fallthrough o1) is in
+ join (remove _Fallthrough o1) o2
+(* Nondeterministic choice *)
+let either (s1: flow) (s2: flow) : flow = fun i is ->
+ join (s1 i is) (s2 i is)
+(* If-then-else, with special cases for conditions that are always true
+ or always false. *)
+let resolve_test env e =
+ match Ceval.integer_expr env e with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some n -> Some (n <> 0L)
+let if_ env e (s1: flow) (s2: flow) : flow =
+ match resolve_test env e with
+ | Some true -> s1
+ | Some false -> s2
+ | None -> either s1 s2
+(* Convert "continue" into "fallthrough". Typically applied to a loop body. *)
+let catch_continue (s: flow) : flow = fun i is ->
+ let o = s i is in
+ if can _Continue o then add _Fallthrough (remove _Continue o) else o
+(* Convert "continue" into "fallthrough". Typically applied to a loop. *)
+let catch_break (s: flow) : flow = fun i is ->
+ let o = s i is in
+ if can _Break o then add _Fallthrough (remove _Break o) else o
+(* For goto-labeled statements we assume they can always be entered normally. *)
+let label (s: flow) : flow = fun i is -> s true is
+(* For "case" and "default" labeled statements, we assume they can be entered
+ normally as soon as the nearest enclosing "switch" can be entered normally. *)
+let case (s: flow) : flow = fun i is -> s is is
+let switch (s: flow) : flow = fun i is -> s false i
+(* This is the flow for an infinite loop with body [s].
+ There is no fallthrough exit, but all other exits from [s] are preserved. *)
+let loop (s: flow) : flow = fun i is ->
+ let o = s i is in
+ if (not i) && can _Fallthrough o then
+ (* Corner case: on the first iteration, [s] was not entered normally,
+ but it exits by fallthrough. Then on the next iteration [s] is
+ entered normally. So, we need to recompute the flow of [s]
+ assuming it is entered normally. *)
+ s true is
+ else
+ (* In all other cases, iterating [s] once more does not produce new
+ exits that we did not compute on the first iteration. Just remove
+ the fallthrough exit. *)
+ remove _Fallthrough o
+(* This is the main analysis function. Given a C statement [s] it returns
+ a flow that overapproximates the behavior of [s]. *)
+let rec outcomes env s : flow =
+ match s.sdesc with
+ | Sskip ->
+ normal
+ | Sdo {edesc = ECall(fn, args)} ->
+ if find_custom_attributes ["noreturn"; "__noreturn__"]
+ (attributes_of_type env fn.etyp) = []
+ then normal else noflow
+ | Sdo e ->
+ normal
+ | Sseq(s1, s2) ->
+ seq (outcomes env s1) (outcomes env s2)
+ | Sif(e, s1, s2) ->
+ if_ env e (outcomes env s1) (outcomes env s2)
+ | Swhile(e, s) ->
+ catch_break (
+ loop (
+ if_ env e
+ (catch_continue (outcomes env s)) (* e is true: execute body [s] *)
+ break)) (* e is false: exit loop *)
+ | Sdowhile(s, e) ->
+ catch_break (
+ loop (
+ seq (catch_continue (outcomes env s)) (* do the body *)
+ (if_ env e normal break))) (* then continue or break *)
+ | Sfor(s1, e, s2, s3) ->
+ seq (outcomes env s1) (* initialization, runs once *)
+ (catch_break (
+ loop (
+ if_ env e (* e is true: do body, do next *)
+ (seq (catch_continue (outcomes env s2)) (outcomes env s3))
+ break))) (* e is false: exit loop *)
+ | Sbreak ->
+ break
+ | Scontinue ->
+ continue
+ | Sswitch(e, s) ->
+ catch_break (switch (outcomes env s))
+ | Slabeled(Slabel _, s) ->
+ label (outcomes env s)
+ | Slabeled((Scase _ | Sdefault), s) ->
+ case (outcomes env s)
+ | Sgoto _ ->
+ noflow
+ | Sreturn opte ->
+ return
+ | Sblock sl ->
+ outcomes_block env sl
+ | Sdecl dcl ->
+ normal
+ | Sasm _ ->
+ normal
+and outcomes_block env sl =
+ match sl with
+ | [] ->
+ normal
+ | s1 :: sl ->
+ seq (outcomes env s1) (outcomes_block env sl)
+(* This is the entry point in this module. Given the body of a function,
+ estimate if and how this function can return. *)
+let function_returns env body =
+ let o = outcomes env body true false in
+ (* First boolean is: function can return
+ Second boolean is: function can return by fall-through *)
+ (can _Fallthrough o || can _Return o, can _Fallthrough o)
diff --git a/cparser/Cflow.mli b/cparser/Cflow.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0de245ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cparser/Cflow.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* A simple control flow analysis for C statements.
+ Main purpose: emit warnings for _Noreturn functions. *)
+val function_returns: Env.t -> C.stmt -> bool * bool
+ (** Given a function body, returns two Booleans:
+ - the first says whether the function can return
+ - the second says whether the function can return by falling through
+ the end of its body.
+ Both are over-approximations. *)
diff --git a/cparser/Cutil.ml b/cparser/Cutil.ml
index 8a59c147..735dd99b 100644
--- a/cparser/Cutil.ml
+++ b/cparser/Cutil.ml
@@ -1183,24 +1183,3 @@ let rec subst_stmt phi s =
List.map subst_asm_operand inputs,
-let contains_return s =
- let rec aux s =
- match s.sdesc with
- | Sskip
- | Sbreak
- | Scontinue
- | Sdo _
- | Sdecl _
- | Sasm _
- | Sgoto _ -> false
- | Sif(_, s1, s2)
- | Sseq(s1, s2) -> aux s1 || aux s2
- | Sswitch (_, s)
- | Slabeled (_, s)
- | Swhile (_, s)
- | Sdowhile(s, _ ) -> aux s
- | Sfor(s1, _ , s2, s3) -> aux s1 || aux s2 || aux s3
- | Sreturn _ -> true
- | Sblock sl -> List.fold_left (fun acc s -> acc || aux s) false sl in
- aux s
diff --git a/cparser/Cutil.mli b/cparser/Cutil.mli
index 4eaa9e4a..bd5a2c3e 100644
--- a/cparser/Cutil.mli
+++ b/cparser/Cutil.mli
@@ -285,8 +285,3 @@ val subst_expr: exp IdentMap.t -> exp -> exp
val subst_init: exp IdentMap.t -> init -> init
val subst_decl: exp IdentMap.t -> decl -> decl
val subst_stmt: exp IdentMap.t -> stmt -> stmt
-(* Statement properties *)
-val contains_return: stmt -> bool
- (* Does the stmt contain a return. *)
diff --git a/cparser/Elab.ml b/cparser/Elab.ml
index 69830122..76f0c998 100644
--- a/cparser/Elab.ml
+++ b/cparser/Elab.ml
@@ -2329,18 +2329,30 @@ let elab_fundef env spec name defs body loc =
(Gdecl(Storage_static, func_id, func_ty, Some func_init));
(* Elaborate function body *)
let body1 = !elab_funbody_f ty_ret vararg env3 body in
- (* Special treatment of the "main" function *)
+ (* Analyse it for returns *)
+ let (can_return, can_fallthrough) = Cflow.function_returns env3 body1 in
+ (* Special treatment of the "main" function. *)
let body2 =
if s = "main" then begin
match unroll env ty_ret with
| TInt(IInt, []) ->
- (* Add implicit "return 0;" at end of function body *)
- sseq no_loc body1
- {sdesc = Sreturn(Some(intconst 0L IInt)); sloc = no_loc}
+ (* Add implicit "return 0;" at end of function body, unless
+ this control point is unreachable, e.g. function already
+ returns in all cases. *)
+ if can_fallthrough then
+ sseq no_loc body1
+ {sdesc = Sreturn(Some(intconst 0L IInt)); sloc = no_loc}
+ else body1
| _ ->
warning loc Main_return_type "return type of 'main' should be 'int'";
- end else body1 in
+ end else begin
+ (* For non-"main" functions, warn if the body can fall through
+ and the return type is not "void". *)
+ if can_fallthrough && not (is_void_type env ty_ret) then
+ warning loc Return_type "control reaches end of non-void function";
+ body1
+ end in
(* Add the extra declarations if any *)
let body3 =
if extra_decls = [] then body2 else begin
@@ -2352,7 +2364,7 @@ let elab_fundef env spec name defs body loc =
if noret then
warning loc Celeven_extension "_Noreturn functions are a C11 extension";
if (noret || find_custom_attributes ["noreturn"; "__noreturn__"] attr <> [])
- && contains_return body1 then
+ && can_return then
warning loc Invalid_noreturn "function '%s' declared 'noreturn' should not return" s;
(* Build and emit function definition *)
let fn =