path: root/export/ExportBase.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'export/ExportBase.ml')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/export/ExportBase.ml b/export/ExportBase.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b93d8a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/export/ExportBase.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *)
+(* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of *)
+(* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *)
+(* This file is also distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
+open Format
+open Camlcoq
+open AST
+open Values
+(* Options, lists, pairs *)
+let print_option fn p = function
+ | None -> fprintf p "None"
+ | Some x -> fprintf p "(Some %a)" fn x
+let print_pair fn1 fn2 p (x1, x2) =
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 1>(%a,@ %a)@]" fn1 x1 fn2 x2
+let print_list fn p l =
+ match l with
+ | [] ->
+ fprintf p "nil"
+ | hd :: tl ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 1>(";
+ let rec plist = function
+ | [] -> fprintf p "nil"
+ | hd :: tl -> fprintf p "%a ::@ " fn hd; plist tl
+ in plist l;
+ fprintf p ")@]"
+(* Numbers *)
+let coqint p n =
+ let n = camlint_of_coqint n in
+ if n >= 0l
+ then fprintf p "(Int.repr %ld)" n
+ else fprintf p "(Int.repr (%ld))" n
+let coqptrofs p n =
+ let s = Z.to_string n in
+ if Z.ge n Z.zero
+ then fprintf p "(Ptrofs.repr %s)" s
+ else fprintf p "(Ptrofs.repr (%s))" s
+let coqint64 p n =
+ let n = camlint64_of_coqint n in
+ if n >= 0L
+ then fprintf p "(Int64.repr %Ld)" n
+ else fprintf p "(Int64.repr (%Ld))" n
+let coqfloat p n =
+ fprintf p "(Float.of_bits %a)" coqint64 (Floats.Float.to_bits n)
+let coqsingle p n =
+ fprintf p "(Float32.of_bits %a)" coqint (Floats.Float32.to_bits n)
+let positive p n =
+ fprintf p "%s%%positive" (Z.to_string (Z.Zpos n))
+let coqN p n =
+ fprintf p "%s%%N" (Z.to_string (Z.of_N n))
+let coqZ p n =
+ if Z.ge n Z.zero
+ then fprintf p "%s" (Z.to_string n)
+ else fprintf p "(%s)" (Z.to_string n)
+(* Coq strings *)
+let coqstring p s =
+ fprintf p "\"%s\"" (camlstring_of_coqstring s)
+(* Identifiers *)
+exception Not_an_identifier
+let sanitize_char = function
+ | 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '0'..'9' | '_' as c -> c
+ | ' ' | '$' -> '_'
+ | _ -> raise Not_an_identifier
+let sanitize s =
+ if s <> ""
+ then "_" ^ String.map sanitize_char s
+ else "empty_ident"
+let temp_names : (ident, string) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
+let ident p id =
+ try
+ let s = Hashtbl.find string_of_atom id in
+ fprintf p "%s" (sanitize s)
+ with Not_found | Not_an_identifier ->
+ try
+ let s = Hashtbl.find temp_names id in
+ fprintf p "%s" s
+ with Not_found ->
+ positive p id
+let iter_hashtbl_sorted (h: ('a, string) Hashtbl.t) (f: 'a * string -> unit) =
+ List.iter f
+ (List.fast_sort (fun (k1, d1) (k2, d2) -> String.compare d1 d2)
+ (Hashtbl.fold (fun k d accu -> (k, d) :: accu) h []))
+let define_idents p =
+ iter_hashtbl_sorted
+ string_of_atom
+ (fun (id, name) ->
+ try
+ if !use_canonical_atoms && id = pos_of_string name then
+ fprintf p "Definition %s : ident := $\"%s\".@ "
+ (sanitize name) name
+ else
+ fprintf p "Definition %s : ident := %a.@ "
+ (sanitize name) positive id
+ with Not_an_identifier ->
+ ());
+ iter_hashtbl_sorted
+ temp_names
+ (fun (id, name) ->
+ fprintf p "Definition %s : ident := %a.@ "
+ name positive id);
+ fprintf p "@ "
+let name_temporary t =
+ if not (Hashtbl.mem string_of_atom t) && not (Hashtbl.mem temp_names t)
+ then begin
+ let t0 = first_unused_ident () in
+ let d = Z.succ (Z.sub (Z.Zpos t) (Z.Zpos t0)) in
+ Hashtbl.add temp_names t ("_t'" ^ Z.to_string d)
+ end
+let name_opt_temporary = function
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some id -> name_temporary id
+(* External functions *)
+let asttype p t =
+ fprintf p "%s"
+ (match t with
+ | AST.Tint -> "AST.Tint"
+ | AST.Tfloat -> "AST.Tfloat"
+ | AST.Tlong -> "AST.Tlong"
+ | AST.Tsingle -> "AST.Tsingle"
+ | AST.Tany32 -> "AST.Tany32"
+ | AST.Tany64 -> "AST.Tany64")
+let astrettype p = function
+ | AST.Tret t -> asttype p t
+ | AST.Tvoid -> fprintf p "AST.Tvoid"
+ | AST.Tint8signed -> fprintf p "AST.Tint8signed"
+ | AST.Tint8unsigned -> fprintf p "AST.Tint8unsigned"
+ | AST.Tint16signed -> fprintf p "AST.Tint16signed"
+ | AST.Tint16unsigned -> fprintf p "AST.Tint16unsigned"
+let name_of_chunk = function
+ | Mint8signed -> "Mint8signed"
+ | Mint8unsigned -> "Mint8unsigned"
+ | Mint16signed -> "Mint16signed"
+ | Mint16unsigned -> "Mint16unsigned"
+ | Mint32 -> "Mint32"
+ | Mint64 -> "Mint64"
+ | Mfloat32 -> "Mfloat32"
+ | Mfloat64 -> "Mfloat64"
+ | Many32 -> "Many32"
+ | Many64 -> "Many64"
+let callconv p cc =
+ if cc = cc_default
+ then fprintf p "cc_default"
+ else fprintf p "{|cc_vararg:=%a; cc_unproto:=%b; cc_structret:=%b|}"
+ (print_option coqZ) cc.cc_vararg cc.cc_unproto cc.cc_structret
+let signatur p sg =
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(mksignature@ %a@ %a@ %a)@]"
+ (print_list asttype) sg.sig_args
+ astrettype sg.sig_res
+ callconv sg.sig_cc
+let external_function p = function
+ | EF_external(name, sg) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(EF_external %a@ %a)@]" coqstring name signatur sg
+ | EF_builtin(name, sg) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(EF_builtin %a@ %a)@]" coqstring name signatur sg
+ | EF_runtime(name, sg) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(EF_runtime %a@ %a)@]" coqstring name signatur sg
+ | EF_vload chunk ->
+ fprintf p "(EF_vload %s)" (name_of_chunk chunk)
+ | EF_vstore chunk ->
+ fprintf p "(EF_vstore %s)" (name_of_chunk chunk)
+ | EF_malloc -> fprintf p "EF_malloc"
+ | EF_free -> fprintf p "EF_free"
+ | EF_memcpy(sz, al) ->
+ fprintf p "(EF_memcpy %ld %ld)" (Z.to_int32 sz) (Z.to_int32 al)
+ | EF_annot(kind, text, targs) ->
+ fprintf p "(EF_annot %a %a %a)"
+ positive kind coqstring text (print_list asttype) targs
+ | EF_annot_val(kind, text, targ) ->
+ fprintf p "(EF_annot_val %a %a %a)"
+ positive kind coqstring text asttype targ
+ | EF_debug(kind, text, targs) ->
+ fprintf p "(EF_debug %a %a %a)"
+ positive kind positive text (print_list asttype) targs
+ | EF_inline_asm(text, sg, clob) ->
+ fprintf p "@[<hov 2>(EF_inline_asm %a@ %a@ %a)@]"
+ coqstring text
+ signatur sg
+ (print_list coqstring) clob
+(* Variables *)
+let init_data p = function
+ | Init_int8 n -> fprintf p "Init_int8 %a" coqint n
+ | Init_int16 n -> fprintf p "Init_int16 %a" coqint n
+ | Init_int32 n -> fprintf p "Init_int32 %a" coqint n
+ | Init_int64 n -> fprintf p "Init_int64 %a" coqint64 n
+ | Init_float32 n -> fprintf p "Init_float32 %a" coqsingle n
+ | Init_float64 n -> fprintf p "Init_float64 %a" coqfloat n
+ | Init_space n -> fprintf p "Init_space %a" coqZ n
+ | Init_addrof(id,ofs) -> fprintf p "Init_addrof %a %a" ident id coqptrofs ofs
+let print_variable print_info p (id, v) =
+ fprintf p "Definition v%s := {|@ " (sanitize (extern_atom id));
+ fprintf p " gvar_info := %a;@ " print_info v.gvar_info;
+ fprintf p " gvar_init := %a;@ " (print_list init_data) v.gvar_init;
+ fprintf p " gvar_readonly := %B;@ " v.gvar_readonly;
+ fprintf p " gvar_volatile := %B@ " v.gvar_volatile;
+ fprintf p "|}.@ @ "
+(* Values *)
+let val_ p = function
+ | Vundef -> fprintf p "Vundef"
+ | Vint i -> fprintf p "(Vint %a)" coqint i
+ | Vlong l -> fprintf p "(Vlong %a)" coqint64 l
+ | Vfloat f -> fprintf p "(Vfloat %a)" coqfloat f
+ | Vsingle s -> fprintf p "(Vsingle %a)" coqsingle s
+ | Vptr(b, o) -> fprintf p "(Vptr %a %a)" positive b coqptrofs o
+(* Information about this run of clightgen or csyntaxgen *)
+let print_gen_info ~sourcefile ?normalized p =
+ fprintf p "@[<v 2>Module Info.";
+ fprintf p "@ Definition version := %S." Version.version;
+ fprintf p "@ Definition build_number := %S." Version.buildnr;
+ fprintf p "@ Definition build_tag := %S." Version.tag;
+ fprintf p "@ Definition build_branch := %S." Version.branch;
+ fprintf p "@ Definition arch := %S." Configuration.arch;
+ fprintf p "@ Definition model := %S." Configuration.model;
+ fprintf p "@ Definition abi := %S." Configuration.abi;
+ fprintf p "@ Definition bitsize := %d." (if Archi.ptr64 then 64 else 32);
+ fprintf p "@ Definition big_endian := %B." Archi.big_endian;
+ fprintf p "@ Definition source_file := %S." sourcefile;
+ begin match normalized with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some b -> fprintf p "@ Definition normalized := %B." b
+ end;
+ fprintf p "@]@ End Info.@ @ "