path: root/flocq/Calc/Plus.v
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diff --git a/flocq/Calc/Plus.v b/flocq/Calc/Plus.v
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+This file is part of the Flocq formalization of floating-point
+arithmetic in Coq: http://flocq.gforge.inria.fr/
+Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Sylvie Boldo
+#<br />#
+Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Guillaume Melquiond
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+COPYING file for more details.
+(** * Helper function and theorem for computing the rounded sum of two floating-point numbers. *)
+From Coq Require Import ZArith Reals Lia.
+Require Import Core Bracket Operations Round.
+Section Plus.
+Variable beta : radix.
+Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e).
+Variable fexp : Z -> Z.
+Context { monotone_exp : Monotone_exp fexp }.
+Definition Fplus_core m1 e1 m2 e2 e :=
+ let k := (e - e2)%Z in
+ let '(m2', _, l) :=
+ if Zlt_bool 0 k then truncate_aux beta (m2, e2, loc_Exact) k
+ else (m2 * Zpower beta (-k), e, loc_Exact)%Z in
+ let m1' := (m1 * Zpower beta (e1 - e))%Z in
+ (m1' + m2', l)%Z.
+Theorem Fplus_core_correct :
+ forall m1 e1 m2 e2 e,
+ (e <= e1)%Z ->
+ let '(m, l) := Fplus_core m1 e1 m2 e2 e in
+ inbetween_float beta m e (F2R (Float beta m1 e1) + F2R (Float beta m2 e2)) l.
+intros m1 e1 m2 e2 e He1.
+unfold Fplus_core.
+case Zlt_bool_spec ; intros He2.
+- unfold truncate_aux.
+ unfold inbetween_float, F2R. simpl.
+ rewrite 3!plus_IZR.
+ rewrite Rplus_assoc.
+ rewrite 2!Rmult_plus_distr_r.
+ replace (IZR (m1 * Zpower beta (e1 - e)) * bpow e)%R with (IZR m1 * bpow e1)%R.
+ 2: {
+ rewrite mult_IZR, IZR_Zpower by lia.
+ rewrite Rmult_assoc, <- bpow_plus.
+ apply (f_equal (fun v => IZR m1 * bpow v)%R).
+ ring.
+ }
+ rewrite <- 3!(Rplus_comm _ (IZR m1 * bpow e1)).
+ apply inbetween_plus_compat.
+ set (k := (e - e2)%Z).
+ rewrite <- (plus_IZR _ 1).
+ replace e with (e2 + k)%Z by (unfold k ; ring).
+ apply inbetween_float_new_location.
+ exact He2.
+ now constructor 1.
+- constructor 1.
+ unfold F2R. simpl.
+ rewrite plus_IZR, Rmult_plus_distr_r.
+ rewrite 2!mult_IZR, 2!IZR_Zpower by lia.
+ rewrite 2!Rmult_assoc, <- 2!bpow_plus.
+ apply (f_equal2 (fun v w => IZR m1 * bpow v + IZR m2 * bpow w)%R) ; ring.
+Definition Fplus (f1 f2 : float beta) :=
+ let (m1, e1) := f1 in
+ let (m2, e2) := f2 in
+ if Zeq_bool m1 0 then
+ (m2, e2, loc_Exact)
+ else if Zeq_bool m2 0 then
+ (m1, e1, loc_Exact)
+ else
+ let p1 := (Zdigits beta m1 + e1)%Z in
+ let p2 := (Zdigits beta m2 + e2)%Z in
+ if Zle_bool 2 (Z.abs (p1 - p2)) then
+ let e := Z.min (Z.max e1 e2) (fexp (Z.max p1 p2 - 1)) in
+ let (m, l) :=
+ if Zlt_bool e1 e then
+ Fplus_core m2 e2 m1 e1 e
+ else
+ Fplus_core m1 e1 m2 e2 e in
+ (m, e, l)
+ else
+ let (m, e) := Fplus f1 f2 in
+ (m, e, loc_Exact).
+Theorem Fplus_correct :
+ forall x y,
+ let '(m, e, l) := Fplus x y in
+ (l = loc_Exact \/ e <= cexp beta fexp (F2R x + F2R y))%Z /\
+ inbetween_float beta m e (F2R x + F2R y) l.
+intros [m1 e1] [m2 e2].
+unfold Fplus.
+case Zeq_bool_spec ; intros Hm1.
+{ rewrite Hm1.
+ split.
+ now left.
+ rewrite F2R_0, Rplus_0_l.
+ now constructor 1. }
+case Zeq_bool_spec ; intros Hm2.
+{ rewrite Hm2.
+ split.
+ now left.
+ rewrite F2R_0, Rplus_0_r.
+ now constructor 1. }
+set (p1 := (Zdigits beta m1 + e1)%Z).
+set (p2 := (Zdigits beta m2 + e2)%Z).
+set (e := Z.min (Z.max e1 e2) (fexp (Z.max p1 p2 - 1))).
+case Zle_bool_spec ; intros Hp ; cycle 1.
+{ rewrite <- F2R_plus.
+ destruct Operations.Fplus as [m' e'].
+ split.
+ now left.
+ now constructor 1. }
+set (z := (F2R _ + F2R _)%R).
+assert (Hz: (e <= cexp beta fexp z)%Z).
+{ apply Z.le_trans with (fexp (Z.max p1 p2 - 1)).
+ apply Z.le_min_r.
+ unfold cexp.
+ apply monotone_exp.
+ unfold z.
+ revert Hp.
+ unfold p1, p2.
+ rewrite <- 2!mag_F2R_Zdigits by easy.
+ clear -Hm1 Hm2.
+ destruct (Zle_or_lt (mag beta (F2R (Float beta m1 e1))) (mag beta (F2R (Float beta m2 e2)))) as [Hp'|Hp'].
+ - rewrite Z.max_r by easy.
+ rewrite Z.abs_neq by (clear -Hp'; lia).
+ rewrite Rplus_comm.
+ intros H.
+ apply mag_plus_ge.
+ now apply F2R_neq_0.
+ clear -H ; lia.
+ - rewrite Z.max_l, Z.abs_eq by (clear -Hp'; lia).
+ intros H.
+ apply mag_plus_ge.
+ now apply F2R_neq_0.
+ clear -H ; lia. }
+case Zlt_bool_spec ; intros He.
+- assert (He': (e <= e2)%Z) by (clear -He ; lia).
+ generalize (Fplus_core_correct m2 e2 m1 e1 e He').
+ rewrite Rplus_comm.
+ fold z.
+ destruct Fplus_core as [m' l].
+ refine (fun H => conj _ H).
+ now right.
+- assert (He': (e <= e1)%Z) by (clear -He ; lia).
+ generalize (Fplus_core_correct m1 e1 m2 e2 e He').
+ fold z.
+ destruct Fplus_core as [m' l].
+ refine (fun H => conj _ H).
+ now right.
+End Plus.