path: root/flocq/Core
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'flocq/Core')
14 files changed, 285 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/flocq/Core/Core.v b/flocq/Core/Core.v
index 78a140e1..6ec5728e 100644
--- a/flocq/Core/Core.v
+++ b/flocq/Core/Core.v
@@ -18,5 +18,4 @@ COPYING file for more details.
(** To ease the import *)
-Require Export Raux Defs Float_prop Round_pred Generic_fmt Round_NE.
-Require Export FIX FLX FLT Ulp.
+Require Export Zaux Raux Defs Digits Float_prop Round_pred Generic_fmt Round_NE FIX FLX FLT Ulp.
diff --git a/flocq/Core/Defs.v b/flocq/Core/Defs.v
index 27342df9..4a199e01 100644
--- a/flocq/Core/Defs.v
+++ b/flocq/Core/Defs.v
@@ -18,7 +18,10 @@ COPYING file for more details.
(** * Basic definitions: float and rounding property *)
-Require Import Raux.
+From Coq Require Import ZArith Reals.
+Require Import Raux Zaux.
Section Def.
diff --git a/flocq/Core/Digits.v b/flocq/Core/Digits.v
index a18ff8d6..7fe51cca 100644
--- a/flocq/Core/Digits.v
+++ b/flocq/Core/Digits.v
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ COPYING file for more details.
From Coq Require Import Lia ZArith Zquot.
+From Coq Require SpecFloat.
Require Import Zaux.
-Require Import SpecFloatCompat.
-Notation digits2_pos := digits2_pos (only parsing).
-Notation Zdigits2 := Zdigits2 (only parsing).
+Notation digits2_pos := SpecFloat.digits2_pos (only parsing).
+Notation Zdigits2 := SpecFloat.Zdigits2 (only parsing).
(** Number of bits (radix 2) of a positive integer.
@@ -594,12 +594,12 @@ destruct (Zle_or_lt k2' k) as [Hk''|Hk''].
now apply Zdigit_slice_out.
rewrite Zdigit_slice by now split.
apply Zdigit_slice_out.
-zify ; lia.
-rewrite Zdigit_slice by (zify ; lia).
+rewrite Zdigit_slice by lia.
rewrite (Zdigit_slice n (k1 + k1')) by now split.
rewrite Zdigit_slice.
now rewrite Zplus_assoc.
-zify ; lia.
unfold Zslice.
rewrite Z.min_r.
now rewrite Zle_bool_false.
@@ -821,6 +821,18 @@ Proof.
now intros [|n|n].
+Theorem Zdigits_opp :
+ forall n, Zdigits (Z.opp n) = Zdigits n.
+now intros [|n|n].
+Theorem Zdigits_cond_Zopp :
+ forall s n, Zdigits (cond_Zopp s n) = Zdigits n.
+now intros [|] [|n|n].
Theorem Zdigits_gt_0 :
forall n, n <> Z0 -> (0 < Zdigits n)%Z.
@@ -933,7 +945,7 @@ intros x y Zx Hxy.
assert (Hx := Zdigits_correct x).
assert (Hy := Zdigits_correct y).
apply (Zpower_lt_Zpower beta).
-zify ; lia.
Theorem lt_Zdigits :
@@ -1103,6 +1115,17 @@ exact Hm.
now rewrite <- (Z.abs_eq m) at 1.
+Theorem Zdigits_succ_le :
+ forall x, (0 <= x)%Z ->
+ (Zdigits (x + 1) <= Zdigits x + 1)%Z.
+ destruct x as [| p | p]; [intros _; now simpl | intros _ | lia].
+ transitivity (Zdigits (Z.pos p * beta ^ 1));
+ [apply Zdigits_le; [lia |] | rewrite Zdigits_mult_Zpower; lia].
+ apply Ztac.Zlt_le_add_1. rewrite <-Z.mul_1_r at 1. apply Zmult_lt_compat_l; [lia |].
+ rewrite Z.pow_1_r. apply radix_gt_1.
End Fcore_digits.
(** Specialized version for computing the number of bits of an integer *)
diff --git a/flocq/Core/FIX.v b/flocq/Core/FIX.v
index 779d94cb..1f4a5676 100644
--- a/flocq/Core/FIX.v
+++ b/flocq/Core/FIX.v
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ COPYING file for more details.
(** * Fixed-point format *)
-From Coq Require Import Lia.
-Require Import Raux Defs Round_pred Generic_fmt Ulp Round_NE.
+From Coq Require Import ZArith Reals Lia.
+Require Import Zaux Raux Defs Round_pred Generic_fmt Ulp Round_NE.
Section RND_FIX.
@@ -101,3 +102,11 @@ right; split; auto.
+Theorem round_FIX_IZR :
+ forall f x,
+ round radix2 (FIX_exp 0) f x = IZR (f x).
+ intros f x. unfold round, F2R. simpl. rewrite Rmult_1_r. apply f_equal.
+ apply f_equal. unfold scaled_mantissa. simpl. apply Rmult_1_r.
diff --git a/flocq/Core/FLT.v b/flocq/Core/FLT.v
index 7301328d..ee0b5d90 100644
--- a/flocq/Core/FLT.v
+++ b/flocq/Core/FLT.v
@@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ COPYING file for more details.
(** * Floating-point format with gradual underflow *)
-Require Import Raux Defs Round_pred Generic_fmt Float_prop.
-Require Import FLX FIX Ulp Round_NE.
-Require Import Psatz.
+From Coq Require Import ZArith Reals Psatz.
+Require Import Zaux Raux Defs Round_pred Generic_fmt Float_prop FLX FIX Ulp Round_NE.
Section RND_FLT.
@@ -336,7 +337,7 @@ rewrite <- bpow_plus.
right; apply f_equal.
replace (e - 1 + (1 - prec))%Z with (e - prec)%Z by ring.
apply Z.max_l; simpl.
-assert (emin+prec-1 < e)%Z; try lia.
+cut (emin+prec-1 < e)%Z. lia.
apply lt_bpow with beta.
apply Rle_lt_trans with (1:=Hx).
now apply He.
diff --git a/flocq/Core/FLX.v b/flocq/Core/FLX.v
index 78bffba5..c1abf639 100644
--- a/flocq/Core/FLX.v
+++ b/flocq/Core/FLX.v
@@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ COPYING file for more details.
(** * Floating-point format without underflow *)
-Require Import Raux Defs Round_pred Generic_fmt Float_prop.
-Require Import FIX Ulp Round_NE.
-Require Import Psatz.
+From Coq Require Import ZArith Reals Psatz.
+Require Import Zaux Raux Defs Round_pred Generic_fmt Float_prop FIX Ulp Round_NE.
Section RND_FLX.
diff --git a/flocq/Core/FTZ.v b/flocq/Core/FTZ.v
index d6bae6ea..e2c7ebad 100644
--- a/flocq/Core/FTZ.v
+++ b/flocq/Core/FTZ.v
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ COPYING file for more details.
(** * Floating-point format with abrupt underflow *)
-From Coq Require Import Lia.
-Require Import Raux Defs Round_pred Generic_fmt.
-Require Import Float_prop Ulp FLX.
+From Coq Require Import ZArith Reals Lia.
+Require Import Zaux Raux Defs Round_pred Generic_fmt Float_prop Ulp FLX.
Section RND_FTZ.
diff --git a/flocq/Core/Float_prop.v b/flocq/Core/Float_prop.v
index a1f48d04..36a2a315 100644
--- a/flocq/Core/Float_prop.v
+++ b/flocq/Core/Float_prop.v
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ COPYING file for more details.
(** * Basic properties of floating-point formats: lemmas about mantissa, exponent... *)
-From Coq Require Import Lia.
-Require Import Raux Defs Digits.
+From Coq Require Import ZArith Reals Lia.
+Require Import Zaux Raux Defs Digits.
Section Float_prop.
@@ -381,10 +382,9 @@ rewrite <-IZR_Zpower. 2: now apply Zle_left.
now apply IZR_lt.
elim Zlt_not_le with (1 := Hm).
-cut (e' - e < 0)%Z. 2: lia.
-case (e' - e)%Z ; try easy.
-intros p _.
+assert (H: (e' - e < 0)%Z) by lia.
+clear -H.
+destruct (e' - e)%Z ; try easy.
apply Zabs_pos.
diff --git a/flocq/Core/Generic_fmt.v b/flocq/Core/Generic_fmt.v
index af1bf3c1..a74c81b9 100644
--- a/flocq/Core/Generic_fmt.v
+++ b/flocq/Core/Generic_fmt.v
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ COPYING file for more details.
(** * What is a real number belonging to a format, and many properties. *)
-From Coq Require Import Lia.
-Require Import Raux Defs Round_pred Float_prop.
+From Coq Require Import ZArith Reals Lia.
+Require Import Zaux Raux Defs Round_pred Float_prop.
Section Generic.
@@ -427,7 +428,7 @@ rewrite Gx.
replace (Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa x)) with Z0.
apply F2R_0.
cut (Z.abs (Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa x)) < 1)%Z.
-clear ; zify ; lia.
+clear ; lia.
apply lt_IZR.
rewrite abs_IZR.
now rewrite <- scaled_mantissa_generic.
@@ -1579,6 +1580,31 @@ apply Zlt_le_succ.
now apply mag_gt_bpow.
+Lemma lt_cexp_pos :
+ forall x y,
+ (0 < y)%R ->
+ (cexp x < cexp y)%Z ->
+ (x < y)%R.
+intros x y Zy He.
+unfold cexp in He.
+apply (lt_mag beta) with (1 := Zy).
+generalize (monotone_exp (mag beta y) (mag beta x)).
+Theorem lt_cexp :
+ forall x y,
+ (y <> 0)%R ->
+ (cexp x < cexp y)%Z ->
+ (Rabs x < Rabs y)%R.
+intros x y Zy He.
+apply lt_cexp_pos.
+now apply Rabs_pos_lt.
+now rewrite 2!cexp_abs.
Variable rnd : R -> Z.
Context { valid_rnd : Valid_rnd rnd }.
@@ -1804,7 +1830,7 @@ Theorem Znearest_imp :
intros x n Hd.
cut (Z.abs (Znearest x - n) < 1)%Z.
-clear ; zify ; lia.
+clear ; lia.
apply lt_IZR.
rewrite abs_IZR, minus_IZR.
replace (IZR (Znearest x) - IZR n)%R with (- (x - IZR (Znearest x)) + (x - IZR n))%R by ring.
diff --git a/flocq/Core/Raux.v b/flocq/Core/Raux.v
index 221d84d6..4b2ce8d7 100644
--- a/flocq/Core/Raux.v
+++ b/flocq/Core/Raux.v
@@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ COPYING file for more details.
(** * Missing definitions/lemmas *)
-Require Import Psatz.
-Require Export Reals ZArith.
-Require Export Zaux.
+From Coq Require Import Psatz Reals ZArith.
+Require Import Zaux.
Section Rmissing.
@@ -65,15 +66,6 @@ Qed.
Theorem Rabs_eq_R0 x : (Rabs x = 0 -> x = 0)%R.
Proof. split_Rabs; lra. Qed.
-Theorem Rplus_eq_reg_r :
- forall r r1 r2 : R,
- (r1 + r = r2 + r)%R -> (r1 = r2)%R.
-intros r r1 r2 H.
-apply Rplus_eq_reg_l with r.
-now rewrite 2!(Rplus_comm r).
Theorem Rmult_lt_compat :
forall r1 r2 r3 r4,
(0 <= r1)%R -> (0 <= r3)%R -> (r1 < r2)%R -> (r3 < r4)%R ->
@@ -89,15 +81,6 @@ apply Rle_lt_trans with (r1 * r4)%R.
+ exact H12.
-Theorem Rmult_minus_distr_r :
- forall r r1 r2 : R,
- ((r1 - r2) * r = r1 * r - r2 * r)%R.
-intros r r1 r2.
-rewrite <- 3!(Rmult_comm r).
-apply Rmult_minus_distr_l.
Lemma Rmult_neq_reg_r :
forall r1 r2 r3 : R, (r2 * r1 <> r3 * r1)%R -> r2 <> r3.
@@ -114,7 +97,6 @@ intros r1 r2 r3 H H1 H2.
now apply H1, Rmult_eq_reg_r with r1.
Theorem Rmult_min_distr_r :
forall r r1 r2 : R,
(0 <= r)%R ->
@@ -244,18 +226,6 @@ intros x y H.
apply (Rle_trans _ (Rabs x)); [apply Rle_abs|apply (Rsqr_le_abs_0 _ _ H)].
-Theorem Rabs_le :
- forall x y,
- (-y <= x <= y)%R -> (Rabs x <= y)%R.
-intros x y (Hyx,Hxy).
-unfold Rabs.
-case Rcase_abs ; intros Hx.
-apply Ropp_le_cancel.
-now rewrite Ropp_involutive.
-exact Hxy.
Theorem Rabs_le_inv :
forall x y,
(Rabs x <= y)%R -> (-y <= x <= y)%R.
@@ -1269,8 +1239,6 @@ apply Rmult_lt_compat_r with (2 := H1).
now apply IZR_lt.
-Section Zdiv_Rdiv.
Theorem Zfloor_div :
forall x y,
y <> Z0 ->
@@ -1317,9 +1285,9 @@ rewrite Ropp_inv_permute with (1 := Zy').
rewrite <- 2!opp_IZR.
rewrite <- Zmod_opp_opp.
apply H.
-clear -Hy. lia.
+clear -Hy ; lia.
apply H.
-clear -Zy Hy. lia.
+clear -Zy Hy ; lia.
(* *)
pattern (IZR (x / y)) at 1 ; rewrite <- Rplus_0_r.
@@ -1329,7 +1297,36 @@ apply Rplus_lt_compat_l.
apply H.
-End Zdiv_Rdiv.
+Theorem Ztrunc_div :
+ forall x y, y <> 0%Z ->
+ Ztrunc (IZR x / IZR y) = Z.quot x y.
+ destruct y; [easy | |]; destruct x; intros _.
+ - rewrite Z.quot_0_l; [| easy]. unfold Rdiv. rewrite Rmult_0_l.
+ rewrite Ztrunc_floor; [| apply Rle_refl]. now rewrite Zfloor_IZR.
+ - rewrite Z.quot_div_nonneg; [| easy | easy]. rewrite <-Zfloor_div; [| easy].
+ unfold Ztrunc. rewrite Rlt_bool_false; [reflexivity |].
+ apply Rle_mult_inv_pos; [now apply IZR_le | now apply IZR_lt].
+ - rewrite <-Pos2Z.opp_pos. rewrite Z.quot_opp_l; [| easy].
+ rewrite Z.quot_div_nonneg; [| easy | easy]. rewrite <-Zfloor_div; [| easy].
+ rewrite Ropp_Ropp_IZR. rewrite Ropp_div. unfold Ztrunc. rewrite Rlt_bool_true.
+ + unfold Zceil. now rewrite Ropp_involutive.
+ + apply Ropp_lt_gt_0_contravar. apply Rdiv_lt_0_compat; now apply IZR_lt.
+ - rewrite Z.quot_0_l; [| easy]. unfold Rdiv. rewrite Rmult_0_l.
+ rewrite Ztrunc_floor; [| apply Rle_refl]. now rewrite Zfloor_IZR.
+ - rewrite <-Pos2Z.opp_pos. rewrite Z.quot_opp_r; [| easy].
+ rewrite Z.quot_div_nonneg; [| easy | easy]. rewrite <-Zfloor_div; [| easy].
+ rewrite Ropp_Ropp_IZR. rewrite Ropp_div_den; [| easy]. unfold Ztrunc.
+ rewrite Rlt_bool_true.
+ + unfold Zceil. now rewrite Ropp_involutive.
+ + apply Ropp_lt_gt_0_contravar. apply Rdiv_lt_0_compat; now apply IZR_lt.
+ - rewrite <-2Pos2Z.opp_pos. rewrite Z.quot_opp_l; [| easy]. rewrite Z.quot_opp_r; [| easy].
+ rewrite Z.quot_div_nonneg; [| easy | easy]. rewrite <-Zfloor_div; [| easy].
+ rewrite 2Ropp_Ropp_IZR. rewrite Ropp_div. rewrite Ropp_div_den; [| easy].
+ rewrite Z.opp_involutive. rewrite Ropp_involutive.
+ unfold Ztrunc. rewrite Rlt_bool_false; [reflexivity |].
+ apply Rle_mult_inv_pos; [now apply IZR_le | now apply IZR_lt].
Section pow.
@@ -1912,7 +1909,7 @@ apply bpow_le.
now apply Zlt_le_weak.
apply IZR_le.
clear -Zm.
-zify ; lia.
Lemma mag_mult :
@@ -2040,6 +2037,33 @@ replace (ex - 1 - 1)%Z with (ex - 2)%Z by ring.
now apply Rabs_ge; right.
+Theorem mag_plus_ge :
+ forall x y,
+ (x <> 0)%R ->
+ (mag y <= mag x - 2)%Z ->
+ (mag x - 1 <= mag (x + y))%Z.
+intros x y Zx.
+destruct (Req_dec y 0) as [Zy|Zy].
+{ intros _.
+ rewrite Zy, Rplus_0_r.
+ lia. }
+rewrite <- (mag_abs x), <- (mag_abs y).
+intros Hm.
+assert (H: Rabs x <> Rabs y).
+{ intros H.
+ apply Zlt_not_le with (2 := Hm).
+ rewrite H.
+ lia. }
+apply mag_minus_lb in Hm ; try now apply Rabs_pos_lt.
+apply Z.le_trans with (1 := Hm).
+apply mag_le_abs.
+now apply Rminus_eq_contra.
+rewrite <- (Ropp_involutive y).
+rewrite Rabs_Ropp.
+apply Rabs_triang_inv2.
Lemma mag_div :
forall x y : R,
x <> 0%R -> y <> 0%R ->
@@ -2183,6 +2207,15 @@ now apply Rabs_left.
now apply Rabs_pos_eq.
+Theorem Rlt_bool_cond_Ropp :
+ forall x sx, (0 < x)%R ->
+ Rlt_bool (cond_Ropp sx x) 0 = sx.
+ intros x sx Hx. destruct sx; simpl.
+ - apply Rlt_bool_true. now apply Ropp_lt_gt_0_contravar.
+ - apply Rlt_bool_false. now left.
Theorem cond_Ropp_involutive :
forall b x,
cond_Ropp b (cond_Ropp b x) = x.
@@ -2335,8 +2368,7 @@ refine (Rle_not_lt _ _ (lub (/ (INR (S N) + 1))%R _) _).
intros Hy.
refine (H _ _ Py).
apply INR_lt in Hy.
- clear -Hy HyN.
- lia.
+ clear -Hy HyN ; lia.
now apply Rlt_le, Rinv_0_lt_compat.
rewrite S_INR, HN.
ring_simplify (IZR (up (/ l)) - 1 + 1)%R.
diff --git a/flocq/Core/Round_NE.v b/flocq/Core/Round_NE.v
index b7387a62..6a6fb0fb 100644
--- a/flocq/Core/Round_NE.v
+++ b/flocq/Core/Round_NE.v
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ COPYING file for more details.
(** * Rounding to nearest, ties to even: existence, unicity... *)
-From Coq Require Import Lia.
-Require Import Raux Defs Round_pred Generic_fmt Float_prop Ulp.
+From Coq Require Import ZArith Reals Lia.
+Require Import Zaux Raux Defs Round_pred Generic_fmt Float_prop Ulp.
Notation ZnearestE := (Znearest (fun x => negb (Z.even x))).
diff --git a/flocq/Core/Round_pred.v b/flocq/Core/Round_pred.v
index b7b6778f..c811aec8 100644
--- a/flocq/Core/Round_pred.v
+++ b/flocq/Core/Round_pred.v
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ COPYING file for more details.
(** * Roundings: properties and/or functions *)
+From Coq Require Import Reals.
Require Import Raux Defs.
Section RND_prop.
diff --git a/flocq/Core/Ulp.v b/flocq/Core/Ulp.v
index c42b3e65..2459e35b 100644
--- a/flocq/Core/Ulp.v
+++ b/flocq/Core/Ulp.v
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ COPYING file for more details.
(** * Unit in the Last Place: our definition using fexp and its properties, successor and predecessor *)
-Require Import Reals Psatz.
-Require Import Raux Defs Round_pred Generic_fmt Float_prop.
+From Coq Require Import ZArith Reals Psatz.
+Require Import Zaux Raux Defs Round_pred Generic_fmt Float_prop.
Section Fcore_ulp.
@@ -1100,7 +1102,7 @@ exfalso ; lra.
intros n Hn H.
assert (fexp (mag beta eps) = fexp n).
apply valid_exp; try assumption.
-assert(mag beta eps-1 < fexp n)%Z;[idtac|lia].
+cut (mag beta eps-1 < fexp n)%Z. lia.
apply lt_bpow with beta.
apply Rle_lt_trans with (2:=proj2 H).
destruct (mag beta eps) as (e,He).
@@ -1165,7 +1167,7 @@ lra.
intros n Hn H.
assert (fexp (mag beta eps) = fexp n).
apply valid_exp; try assumption.
-assert(mag beta eps-1 < fexp n)%Z;[idtac|lia].
+cut (mag beta eps-1 < fexp n)%Z. lia.
apply lt_bpow with beta.
apply Rle_lt_trans with (2:=H).
destruct (mag beta eps) as (e,He).
@@ -1919,7 +1921,7 @@ rewrite ulp_neq_0; trivial.
apply f_equal.
unfold cexp.
apply valid_exp; trivial.
-assert (mag beta x -1 < fexp n)%Z;[idtac|lia].
+cut (mag beta x -1 < fexp n)%Z. lia.
apply lt_bpow with beta.
destruct (mag beta x) as (e,He).
diff --git a/flocq/Core/Zaux.v b/flocq/Core/Zaux.v
index 5ca3971f..57e351dd 100644
--- a/flocq/Core/Zaux.v
+++ b/flocq/Core/Zaux.v
@@ -18,11 +18,10 @@ COPYING file for more details.
From Coq Require Import ZArith Lia Zquot.
+From Coq Require SpecFloat.
-Require Import SpecFloatCompat.
-Notation cond_Zopp := cond_Zopp (only parsing).
-Notation iter_pos := iter_pos (only parsing).
+Notation cond_Zopp := SpecFloat.cond_Zopp (only parsing).
+Notation iter_pos := SpecFloat.iter_pos (only parsing).
Section Zmissing.
@@ -535,6 +534,39 @@ now apply He.
now intros _ _.
+Theorem Zeq_bool_diag :
+ forall x, Zeq_bool x x = true.
+intros x.
+now apply Zeq_bool_true.
+Theorem Zeq_bool_opp :
+ forall x y,
+ Zeq_bool (Z.opp x) y = Zeq_bool x (Z.opp y).
+intros x y.
+case Zeq_bool_spec.
+- intros <-.
+ apply eq_sym, Zeq_bool_true.
+ apply eq_sym, Z.opp_involutive.
+- intros H.
+ case Zeq_bool_spec.
+ 2: easy.
+ intros ->.
+ contradict H.
+ apply Z.opp_involutive.
+Theorem Zeq_bool_opp' :
+ forall x y,
+ Zeq_bool (Z.opp x) (Z.opp y) = Zeq_bool x y.
+intros x y.
+rewrite Zeq_bool_opp.
+apply f_equal, Z.opp_involutive.
End Zeq_bool.
Section Zle_bool.
@@ -575,6 +607,32 @@ now apply Z.le_lt_trans with y.
apply refl_equal.
+Theorem Zle_bool_opp_l :
+ forall x y,
+ Zle_bool (Z.opp x) y = Zle_bool (Z.opp y) x.
+intros x y.
+case Zle_bool_spec ; intros Hxy ;
+ case Zle_bool_spec ; intros Hyx ; try easy ; lia.
+Theorem Zle_bool_opp :
+ forall x y,
+ Zle_bool (Z.opp x) (Z.opp y) = Zle_bool y x.
+intros x y.
+now rewrite Zle_bool_opp_l, Z.opp_involutive.
+Theorem Zle_bool_opp_r :
+ forall x y,
+ Zle_bool x (Z.opp y) = Zle_bool y (Z.opp x).
+intros x y.
+rewrite <- (Z.opp_involutive x) at 1.
+apply Zle_bool_opp.
End Zle_bool.
Section Zlt_bool.
@@ -635,6 +693,33 @@ now rewrite Zle_bool_false.
now rewrite Zle_bool_true.
+Theorem Zlt_bool_opp_l :
+ forall x y,
+ Zlt_bool (Z.opp x) y = Zlt_bool (Z.opp y) x.
+intros x y.
+rewrite <- 2! negb_Zle_bool.
+apply f_equal, Zle_bool_opp_r.
+Theorem Zlt_bool_opp_r :
+ forall x y,
+ Zlt_bool x (Z.opp y) = Zlt_bool y (Z.opp x).
+intros x y.
+rewrite <- 2! negb_Zle_bool.
+apply f_equal, Zle_bool_opp_l.
+Theorem Zlt_bool_opp :
+ forall x y,
+ Zlt_bool (Z.opp x) (Z.opp y) = Zlt_bool y x.
+intros x y.
+rewrite <- 2! negb_Zle_bool.
+apply f_equal, Zle_bool_opp.
End Zlt_bool.
Section Zcompare.
@@ -688,6 +773,12 @@ End Zcompare.
Section cond_Zopp.
+Theorem cond_Zopp_0 :
+ forall sx, cond_Zopp sx 0 = 0%Z.
+now intros [|].
Theorem cond_Zopp_negb :
forall x y, cond_Zopp (negb x) y = Z.opp (cond_Zopp x y).
@@ -717,6 +808,15 @@ now apply Zlt_le_weak.
now apply Z.abs_eq.
+Theorem Zeq_bool_cond_Zopp :
+ forall s m n,
+ Zeq_bool (cond_Zopp s m) n = Zeq_bool m (cond_Zopp s n).
+intros [|] m n ; simpl.
+apply Zeq_bool_opp.
End cond_Zopp.
Section fast_pow_pos.