path: root/lib
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diff --git a/lib/Coqlib.v b/lib/Coqlib.v
index f58a894d..b936b9b2 100644
--- a/lib/Coqlib.v
+++ b/lib/Coqlib.v
@@ -854,6 +854,54 @@ Proof.
exists (a0 :: l1); exists l2; intuition. simpl; congruence.
+(** Folding a function over a list *)
+Section LIST_FOLD.
+Variables A B: Type.
+Variable f: A -> B -> B.
+(** This is exactly [List.fold_left] from Coq's standard library,
+ with [f] taking arguments in a different order. *)
+Fixpoint list_fold_left (accu: B) (l: list A) : B :=
+ match l with nil => accu | x :: l' => list_fold_left (f x accu) l' end.
+(** This is exactly [List.fold_right] from Coq's standard library,
+ except that it runs in constant stack space. *)
+Definition list_fold_right (l: list A) (base: B) : B :=
+ list_fold_left base (List.rev' l).
+Remark list_fold_left_app:
+ forall l1 l2 accu,
+ list_fold_left accu (l1 ++ l2) = list_fold_left (list_fold_left accu l1) l2.
+ induction l1; simpl; intros.
+ auto.
+ rewrite IHl1. auto.
+Lemma list_fold_right_eq:
+ forall l base,
+ list_fold_right l base =
+ match l with nil => base | x :: l' => f x (list_fold_right l' base) end.
+ unfold list_fold_right; intros.
+ destruct l.
+ auto.
+ unfold rev'. rewrite <- ! rev_alt. simpl.
+ rewrite list_fold_left_app. simpl. auto.
+Lemma list_fold_right_spec:
+ forall l base, list_fold_right l base = List.fold_right f base l.
+ induction l; simpl; intros; rewrite list_fold_right_eq; congruence.
(** Properties of list membership. *)
Lemma in_cns: