path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
6 files changed, 15 insertions, 251 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Json.ml b/lib/Json.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index b8f66c08..00000000
--- a/lib/Json.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Bernhard Schommer, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH *)
-(* *)
-(* AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. This file *)
-(* is distributed under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial *)
-(* License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-open Format
-open Camlcoq
-(* Simple functions for JSON printing *)
-(* Print a string as json string *)
-let pp_jstring oc s =
- fprintf oc "\"%s\"" s
-(* Print a bool as json bool *)
-let pp_jbool oc = fprintf oc "%B"
-(* Print an int as json int *)
-let pp_jint oc = fprintf oc "%d"
-(* Print an int32 as json int *)
-let pp_jint32 oc = fprintf oc "%ld"
-(* Print optional value *)
-let pp_jopt pp_elem oc = function
- | None -> output_string oc "null"
- | Some i -> pp_elem oc i
-(* Print opening and closing curly braces for json dictionaries *)
-let pp_jobject_start pp =
- fprintf pp "@[<v 1>{"
-let pp_jobject_end pp =
- fprintf pp "@;<0 -1>}@]"
-(* Print a member of a json dictionary *)
-let pp_jmember ?(first=false) pp name pp_mem mem =
- let sep = if first then "" else "," in
- fprintf pp "%s@ \"%s\": %a" sep name pp_mem mem
-(* Print singleton object *)
-let pp_jsingle_object pp name pp_mem mem =
- pp_jobject_start pp;
- pp_jmember ~first:true pp name pp_mem mem;
- pp_jobject_end pp
-(* Print a list as json array *)
-let pp_jarray elem pp l =
- match l with
- | [] -> fprintf pp "[]";
- | hd::tail ->
- fprintf pp "@[<v 1>[";
- fprintf pp "%a" elem hd;
- List.iter (fun l -> fprintf pp ",@ %a" elem l) tail;
- fprintf pp "@;<0 -1>]@]"
-(* Helper functions for printing coq integer and floats *)
-let pp_int pp i =
- fprintf pp "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint i)
-let pp_int64 pp i =
- fprintf pp "%Ld" (camlint64_of_coqint i)
-let pp_float32 pp f =
- fprintf pp "%ld" (camlint_of_coqint (Floats.Float32.to_bits f))
-let pp_float64 pp f =
- fprintf pp "%Ld" (camlint64_of_coqint (Floats.Float.to_bits f))
-let pp_z pp z =
- fprintf pp "%s" (Z.to_string z)
-(* Helper functions for printing assembler constructs *)
-let pp_atom pp a =
- pp_jstring pp (extern_atom a)
-let pp_atom_constant pp a =
- pp_jsingle_object pp "Atom" pp_atom a
-let pp_int_constant pp i =
- pp_jsingle_object pp "Integer" pp_int i
-let pp_float64_constant pp f =
- pp_jsingle_object pp "Float" pp_float64 f
-let pp_float32_constant pp f =
- pp_jsingle_object pp "Float" pp_float32 f
-let id = ref 0
-let next_id () =
- let tmp = !id in
- incr id;
- tmp
-let reset_id () =
- id := 0
-let pp_id_const pp () =
- let i = next_id () in
- pp_jsingle_object pp "Integer" (fun pp i -> fprintf pp "%d" i) i
diff --git a/lib/JsonAST.ml b/lib/JsonAST.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 73cac31e..00000000
--- a/lib/JsonAST.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Bernhard Schommer, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH *)
-(* Michael Schmidt, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH *)
-(* *)
-(* AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. This file *)
-(* is distributed under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial *)
-(* License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-open Asm
-open AST
-open C2C
-open Json
-open Format
-open Sections
-let pp_storage pp static =
- pp_jstring pp (if static then "Static" else "Extern")
-let pp_section pp sec =
- let pp_simple name =
- pp_jsingle_object pp "Section Name" pp_jstring name
- and pp_complex name init =
- pp_jobject_start pp;
- pp_jmember ~first:true pp "Section Name" pp_jstring name;
- pp_jmember pp "Init" pp_jbool init;
- pp_jobject_end pp in
- match sec with
- | Section_text -> pp_simple "Text"
- | Section_data init -> pp_complex "Data" init
- | Section_small_data init -> pp_complex "Small Data" init
- | Section_const init -> pp_complex "Const" init
- | Section_small_const init -> pp_complex "Small Const" init
- | Section_string -> pp_simple "String"
- | Section_literal -> pp_simple "Literal"
- | Section_jumptable -> pp_simple "Jumptable"
- | Section_user (s,w,e) ->
- pp_jobject_start pp;
- pp_jmember ~first:true pp "Section Name" pp_jstring s;
- pp_jmember pp "Writable" pp_jbool w;
- pp_jmember pp "Executable" pp_jbool e;
- pp_jobject_end pp
- | Section_debug_info _
- | Section_debug_abbrev
- | Section_debug_line _
- | Section_debug_loc
- | Section_debug_ranges
- | Section_debug_str
- | Section_ais_annotation -> () (* There should be no info in the debug sections *)
-let pp_int_opt pp = function
- | None -> fprintf pp "0"
- | Some i -> fprintf pp "%d" i
-let pp_fundef pp_inst pp (name,fn) =
- let alignment = atom_alignof name
- and inline = atom_inline name = Inline
- and static = atom_is_static name
- and c_section,l_section,j_section = match (atom_sections name) with [a;b;c] -> a,b,c | _ -> assert false in
- pp_jobject_start pp;
- pp_jmember ~first:true pp "Fun Name" pp_atom name;
- pp_jmember pp "Fun Storage Class" pp_storage static;
- pp_jmember pp "Fun Alignment" pp_int_opt alignment;
- pp_jmember pp "Fun Section Code" pp_section c_section;
- pp_jmember pp "Fun Section Literals" pp_section l_section;
- pp_jmember pp "Fun Section Jumptable" pp_section j_section;
- pp_jmember pp "Fun Inline" pp_jbool inline;
- pp_jmember pp "Fun Code" pp_inst fn.fn_code;
- pp_jobject_end pp
-let pp_init_data pp = function
- | Init_int8 ic -> pp_jsingle_object pp "Init_int8" pp_int ic
- | Init_int16 ic -> pp_jsingle_object pp "Init_int16" pp_int ic
- | Init_int32 ic -> pp_jsingle_object pp "Init_int32" pp_int ic
- | Init_int64 lc -> pp_jsingle_object pp "Init_int64" pp_int64 lc
- | Init_float32 f -> pp_jsingle_object pp "Init_float32" pp_float32 f
- | Init_float64 f -> pp_jsingle_object pp "Init_float64" pp_float64 f
- | Init_space z -> pp_jsingle_object pp "Init_space" pp_z z
- | Init_addrof (p,i) ->
- let pp_addr_of pp (p,i) =
- pp_jobject_start pp;
- pp_jmember ~first:true pp "Addr" pp_atom p;
- pp_jmember pp "Offset" pp_int i;
- pp_jobject_end pp in
- pp_jsingle_object pp "Init_addrof" pp_addr_of (p,i)
-let pp_vardef pp (name,v) =
- let alignment = atom_alignof name
- and static = atom_is_static name
- and section = match (atom_sections name) with [s] -> s | _ -> assert false in(* Should only have one section *)
- pp_jobject_start pp;
- pp_jmember ~first:true pp "Var Name" pp_atom name;
- pp_jmember pp "Var Readonly" pp_jbool v.gvar_readonly;
- pp_jmember pp "Var Volatile" pp_jbool v.gvar_volatile;
- pp_jmember pp "Var Storage Class" pp_storage static;
- pp_jmember pp "Var Alignment" pp_int_opt alignment;
- pp_jmember pp "Var Section" pp_section section;
- pp_jmember pp "Var Init" (pp_jarray pp_init_data) v.gvar_init;
- pp_jobject_end pp
-let pp_program pp pp_inst prog =
- let prog_vars,prog_funs = List.fold_left (fun (vars,funs) (ident,def) ->
- match def with
- | Gfun (Internal f) ->
- if not (atom_is_iso_inline_definition ident) then
- vars,(ident,f)::funs
- else
- vars,funs
- | Gvar v -> (ident,v)::vars,funs
- | _ -> vars,funs) ([],[]) prog.prog_defs in
- pp_jobject_start pp;
- pp_jmember ~first:true pp "Global Variables" (pp_jarray pp_vardef) prog_vars;
- pp_jmember pp "Functions" (pp_jarray (pp_fundef pp_inst)) prog_funs;
- pp_jobject_end pp
-let pp_mnemonics pp mnemonic_names =
- let mnemonic_names = List.sort (String.compare) mnemonic_names in
- let new_line pp () = pp_print_string pp "\n" in
- pp_print_list ~pp_sep:new_line pp_print_string pp mnemonic_names
diff --git a/lib/JsonAST.mli b/lib/JsonAST.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index c6fd80c9..00000000
--- a/lib/JsonAST.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-(* *********************************************************************)
-(* *)
-(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
-(* *)
-(* Bernhard Schommer, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH *)
-(* *)
-(* AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. This file *)
-(* is distributed under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial *)
-(* License Agreement. *)
-(* *)
-(* *********************************************************************)
-val pp_program : Format.formatter -> (Format.formatter -> Asm.code -> unit) -> (Asm.coq_function AST.fundef, 'a) AST.program -> unit
-val pp_mnemonics : Format.formatter -> string list -> unit
diff --git a/lib/Lattice.v b/lib/Lattice.v
index b7ae837b..85fc03f3 100644
--- a/lib/Lattice.v
+++ b/lib/Lattice.v
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
diff --git a/lib/Ordered.v b/lib/Ordered.v
index c333cc50..bcf24cbd 100644
--- a/lib/Ordered.v
+++ b/lib/Ordered.v
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
(* *)
(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
diff --git a/lib/Readconfig.mll b/lib/Readconfig.mll
index 6cb3409d..e71c8fb7 100644
--- a/lib/Readconfig.mll
+++ b/lib/Readconfig.mll
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+(* *********************************************************************)
+(* *)
+(* The Compcert verified compiler *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *)
+(* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
+(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *)
+(* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *)
+(* *)
+(* *********************************************************************)
(* Recording key=val bindings *)