diff options
6 files changed, 25 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/doom/config.el b/doom/config.el
index 30ce11b..8ad0055 100644
--- a/doom/config.el
+++ b/doom/config.el
@@ -898,6 +898,15 @@ https://yannherklotz.com")
(when-let (project (project-current))
(car (project-roots project))))))
+(use-package! geiser-chicken
+ :config
+ (setq geiser-chicken-binary "chicken-csi"))
+(use-package! geiser
+ :init
+ (map! :map geiser-mode-map "C-." nil)
+ (map! :map geiser-repl-mode-map "C-." nil))
(use-package! emacs
;; Add prompt indicator to `completing-read-multiple'.
diff --git a/doom/init.el b/doom/init.el
index 4715e1a..3b3c530 100644
--- a/doom/init.el
+++ b/doom/init.el
@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@
nix ; I hereby declare "nix geht mehr!"
ocaml ; an objective camel
(org ; organize your plain life in plain text
+ +gnuplot
;;+dragndrop ; drag & drop files/images into org buffers
+hugo ; use Emacs for hugo blogging
;;+jupyter ; ipython/jupyter support for babel
@@ -150,13 +151,13 @@
;;purescript ; javascript, but functional
python ; beautiful is better than ugly
;;qt ; the 'cutest' gui framework ever
- racket ; a DSL for DSLs
+ ;;racket ; a DSL for DSLs
;;rest ; Emacs as a REST client
rst ; ReST in peace
;;(ruby +rails) ; 1.step {|i| p "Ruby is #{i.even? ? 'love' : 'life'}"}
rust ; Fe2O3.unwrap().unwrap().unwrap().unwrap()
;;scala ; java, but good
- (scheme +guile) ; a fully conniving family of lisps
+ (scheme +guile +chicken +racket) ; a fully conniving family of lisps
sh ; she sells {ba,z,fi}sh shells on the C xor
;;solidity ; do you need a blockchain? No.
;;swift ; who asked for emoji variables?
diff --git a/git/.gitconfig b/git/.gitconfig
index c83238e..52597c9 100644
--- a/git/.gitconfig
+++ b/git/.gitconfig
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
from = Yann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>
smtpuser =
- smtpserver = "/usr/local/bin/msmtp"
+ smtpserver = "/usr/bin/msmtp"
smtpencryption = tls
chainreplyto = false
confirm = auto
@@ -22,5 +22,6 @@
helper = store
defaultBranch = main
diff --git a/polybar/config b/polybar/config
index c0913bd..10d3023 100644
--- a/polybar/config
+++ b/polybar/config
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ module-margin-left = 1
module-margin-right = 2
font-0 = Iosevka:style=Regular:pixelsize=10
-font-1 = Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Solid:pixelsize=9
-font-2 = Font Awesome 5 Brands:style=Regular
+font-1 = Font Awesome 6 Free:style=Solid:pixelsize=9
+font-2 = Font Awesome 6 Brands:style=Regular
font-3 = Siji:style=Regular:pixelsize=10
font-4 = Unifont:fontformat=truetype:size=8:antialias=false
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ module-margin-left = 1
module-margin-right = 2
font-0 = Iosevka:style=Regular:pixelsize=10
-font-1 = Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Solid:pixelsize=9
-font-2 = Font Awesome 5 Brands:style=Regular
+font-1 = Font Awesome 6 Free:style=Solid:pixelsize=9
+font-2 = Font Awesome 6 Brands:style=Regular
font-3 = Siji:style=Regular:pixelsize=10
font-4 = Unifont:fontformat=truetype:size=8:antialias=false
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ module-margin-left = 1
module-margin-right = 2
font-0 = Iosevka:style=Regular:pixelsize=10
-font-1 = Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Solid:pixelsize=9
-font-2 = Font Awesome 5 Brands:style=Regular
+font-1 = Font Awesome 6 Free:style=Solid:pixelsize=9
+font-2 = Font Awesome 6 Brands:style=Regular
font-3 = Siji:style=Regular:pixelsize=10
font-4 = Unifont:fontformat=truetype:size=8:antialias=false
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ ramp-signal-foreground = ${colors.foreground}
type = internal/network
-interface = eno1
+interface = eth0
interval = 3.0
format-connected-underline = ${colors.primary}
diff --git a/zsh/.zsh/export.zsh b/zsh/.zsh/export.zsh
index 73e0a01..ac0bb89 100644
--- a/zsh/.zsh/export.zsh
+++ b/zsh/.zsh/export.zsh
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ export EDITOR='emacsclient -nw'
export VISUAL='emacsclient -c'
export TERM='xterm-256color'
export CLICOLOR=1
+export LEDGER_FILE="$HOME/Dropbox/ledger/main.ledger"
#export LFSCSIGS="$HOME/.opam/default/.opam-switch/sources/coq-smtcoq.dev+8.13/src/lfsc/tests/signatures"
diff --git a/zsh/.zshrc b/zsh/.zshrc
index d3555fc..017f031 100644
--- a/zsh/.zshrc
+++ b/zsh/.zshrc
@@ -27,13 +27,14 @@ setopt HIST_FIND_NO_DUPS
#if [ -d ~/.cache/wal ]; then (cat ~/.cache/wal/sequences &) fi
+PS1="%n@%m %1~ %# "
# Sourcing everything
#if [ -e /usr/share/fzf/key-bindings.zsh ]; then source /usr/share/fzf/key-bindings.zsh; fi
#if [ -e /usr/share/fzf/completion.zsh ]; then source /usr/share/fzf/completion.zsh; fi
if [ -e $HOME/.zsh/export.zsh ]; then source $HOME/.zsh/export.zsh; fi
-if [ -e $HOME/.zsh/minimal.zsh ]; then source $HOME/.zsh/minimal.zsh; fi
+#if [ -e $HOME/.zsh/minimal.zsh ]; then source $HOME/.zsh/minimal.zsh; fi
if [ -e $HOME/.zsh/function.zsh ]; then source $HOME/.zsh/function.zsh; fi
if [ -e $HOME/.zsh/startup.zsh ]; then source $HOME/.zsh/startup.zsh; fi
if [ -e $HOME/.zsh/zsh-history-substring-search/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh ]; then source $HOME/.zsh/zsh-history-substring-search/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh; fi